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You're Losing–You Lost Me
A/N: So uhhh this experiemental. I'm trying to create Della and Luke's past. So obviously for my nonbooker readers...Spoilers. Ummm So we drift from Della to Percy to Luke's POVS and they're not all linear. Think of them as if you're sporadically going through memories.
Della sits by the lake as fireworks and torches flicker across the waves. In the distance, she hears a splash of water. Clarisse and a bunch of other campers toss her brother and her best friend into the lake.
It’s about dam time he told her.
Della smiles but it crumbles when she thinks about what she’s been through the last year and a half. Her memories had recently all been fixed thanks to the Hypnos kid Clovis. She takes a deep breath…and meditates for a moment
Della opened her eyes to a dimly lit room. She tried to yell for help but realized her mouth was gagged.
Where is she? How did–the battle with the manticore, Dr. Thorn came rushing back to her. She and Annabeth tackled the beast as it fell over the cliff. Shit, Percy was going to kill her–if whoever captured her didn’t first.
“Well, well if it isn’t Della Jackson,” a voice called
Della stilled at the voice. She knew that voice. Luke.
Luke creeped out of the shadows into the light. He smiled but it made Della flinch in terror.
He looked pretty beat up. Good.
Luke crouched down in front of Della.
Della tried to scoot back from him but didn’t get very far. The rope around her ankles and wrists was also bound to a pillar.
“Hey,” he whispered, I won’t hurt you. Trust me.”
Della narrowed her eyes at him.
Luke moved forward and reached behind her head. He undid the knot holding her gag and removed it.
Della tried to scream but Luke placed a hand over her mouth.
“Hey, no, come on now, none of that,” he whispered, “Besides no one will be able to hear you.”
Della leaned back and glared at him.
“Where am I?”
“Safe,” Luke said.
“Pfft, not with you I’m not.”
“No, only my friends call me Del.”
“We are friends–”
“We were, past tense.”
Luke grinned at her. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“My offer still stands Del, you can be more–”
“No, no this isn’t you.”
“Still don’t have your own opinion, still emersed in everything Percy believes.”
Luke leaned over maneuvered her ropes and pulled her towards him. He lifted her up and led her towards the darkness he emerged from.
“Come on,” he whispered in her ear, “time to see what we’ve been working on.”
Della felt shivers run down her spine. She hoped Percy would find her soon.
Della and Annabeth were gone. They fell with the manticore–the only thing left of Della was Leda. Mom is going to kill him.
Percy paced around as his thoughts tortured him. It had always been his job to protect her, and he failed.
“Percy,” Grover said. He placed a hand on Percy’s shoulder.
Percy shrugged the hand off.
Thalia was pissed. She white-knuckled Annabeth’s Yankees cap.
“Percy, I’m sorry–”
“No,” he snapped, “Don’t say you’re sorry for my loss. They’re not–She’s not dead.”
“Percy,” Grover said. There were tears in his eyes. “There’s no way they survived that and if they did, Luke–”
“No, they’re alive, I can feel it! They…can’t…she can’t be gone.” A tear escaped from his eye.
No Della was alive. He couldn’t explain it–but he could feel it like a thread connecting them. And if Del was alive so was Annabeth.
“Percy Jackson,” Zoe Nightshade called, “Come with me Lady Artemis wishes to speak with thee.”
Luke leads Della up a dark hill. There was little to no light. It was black but there were whisps of blue light. Black charred ruins are scattered almost as if there had once been a battle here.
Della felt like she was in a demonic episode of Scooby Doo. Doesn’t help that Luke led her on a rope like a dog. Bet Scooby never used a leash.
Luke paused near the crest of the hill. He turned toward her.
“What I am about to show you,” he said, “Is your fate if you don’t cooperate.”
His face twitched and sniffed almost as if he were about to cry but he stopped himself. He turned back toward the hill and pulled her rope hard.
Della glanced around when she felt the air leave her lungs–at the top of the hill was Annabeth holding up what appeared to be an invisible ceiling.
“Annabeth!” Della screamed.
Luke yanked her rope and pulled her against him. He used his free hand to angle her head at the sight.
Della closed her eyes as Annabeth screamed for her.
“See that could be you,” he whispered, “but I think I have better use for you.”
Della choked back a sob refusing to open her eyes.
“Della,” Annabeth groaned, “No let her…go”
“Say bye to Annabeth, Del,” Luke said, “We’ll see her later.”
“NO! ANNABETH!” Della yelled. She struggled against Luke.
“Aww,” Luke cooed, “come on Siren, we have more work to do.”
Della screamed as he picked her up and led her away from Annabeth.
“LUKE! LUKE!” Annabeth shrieked.
Della sobbed as Luke dragged her away from her best friend. She felt spots flood her vision before everything went dark.
` Percy sulked into his cabin and threw himself on his bed. He rolled onto his side to stare at Della’s empty bunk. Nestled in her blankets was a plush blue whale who’d seen better days. Mr. Finn. Della’s favorite stuffed animal.
How could Mr. D refuse to search for her or Annabeth?
Percy sighed slipped out of his bunk and grabbed ahold of the whale. Its big black button eyes stared up at Percy. He pulled it close to his chest and squeezed. After a moment he placed him in his bunk.
He heard water running. He looked around before in the back of the cabin he spotted a new item. A fountain–obviously a gift from Poseidon.
Percy made his way to it and noticed it was heated as it created a mist with tiny little rainbows. He looked at the bottom to see it was full of drachmas. He realized what this was for. It was a reminder to keep in touch with his family.
Percy scooped a coin out and ran his fingers along it.
“Iris, oh Goddess of the Rainbow,” he said, “please accept my offering.”
He knew he should call mom and tell her what happened, but he wasn’t ready for that yet. Until he knew more about where she was he was going to hold off telling Mom.
He could call Dad, he hadn’t talked to him in two years. But could you call a god or would that be an insult? Besides, he had a feeling Poseidon knew about what had occurred only a few hours ago. Hopefully, if she asked for help Dad would be there.
He suddenly knew exactly who to call.
“Show me Tyson,” Percy said, “At the forges of the Cyclops.”
The mist shimmered to show his half-brother Tyson surrounded by fire. Tyson was bent on an anvil, hammering a red-hot sword blade. There was a marble-framed window behind him, and it looked out onto dark blue water–the bottom of the ocean.
“Tyson,” Percy yelled.
He didn’t hear Percy at first due to the hammering and roar of the flames.
“TYSON!” Percy yelled again.
He turned his one enormous eye brightened. His face broke into a crooked yellow grin. “Percy!”
He dropped the sword blade and barrelled at Percy trying to hug him. Percy lurched back. “Hey, Big Guy, this is an Iris message, I’m not really there.”
“Oh, yes I knew that,” Tyson said. He seemed embarrassed for a moment. He then looked around Percy. “Where’s Della?”
Percy’s smile faded. “She’s not here right now buddy.”
“Oh, tell her I say hi! Tell Annabeth I say hi!”
“Okay, Buddy will do,” Percy swallows the lump in his throat. “Hey Tyson, do you hear from Dad?”
Tyson’s smile fell a bit. “Not much. Daddy is busy. He is worried about the war.”
“What do you mean?”
Tyson sighed and placed the sword out the window, where it erupted in a swirl of bubbles. When he brought the blade back in the metal was cool and silver.
“Old Sea Spirits making trouble. Aigaios. Oceanus. Those guys. They’re protecting the bad boat.”
“The Princess Andromeda? Luke’s boat?” Percy asked.
“Yes. They make it hard to find. Protect it from Daddy’s storms. Otherwise, he would smash it.”
“Smashing it would be good,” Percy agree.
Just not with Della or Annabeth on board.
“Yeah. Don’t worry about bad boat. It is going away.”
“What do you mean?”
“Panama Canal. Very far away.”
Why was Luke all the way down there? Last theyd seen he’d been near the East Coast recruiting demigods with grievances against their godly parents.
“Well that’s good I guess. Hey tell Dad I–”
Before he could finish the message dissolved leaving him alone in the cabin again. Percy sighed and shuffled back to his bunk.
He slipped under the covers and held Mr. Finn close.
“Where are you Del?” He whispered before drifting off.
Della opened her eyes to see she was nestled in a makeshift cot. She was wrapped in a thick blanket. She glanced around to see she was in a dimly lit room. Not like the apocalypse she’d been in earlier.
There was the cot she was in. A small chestnut drawer, a desk, and the door. Whoever’s room this was they were a very extreme minimalist.
She sat up and stretched when she realized her hands were untied. She froze–where’s Luke?
The handle of the door jiggled and opened into the room. Revealing the man in question.
Luke closes the door behind him. And tosses a map on the desk before he turns to Della.
“Oh, good,” he said, “You’re awake.” He sat at the end of the bed.
Della examined his face. He looked like he’d aged ten years since the last time they’d seen each other. There were heavy streaks of grey Della could hardly see his black hair.
Luke’s eyes were examining her..
“What happened?” She asked. She glanced down at the floor.
“You blacked out,” he said as if it were obvious.
“Doesn’t explain why I’m in your room.”
“You really don’t get it?”
Della glanced up at him. Her eyes narrowed.
“You’re here,” Luke said, “Because you’re the key to winning this damn thing!”
“What do mean I’m the key?” Della yelled at him. “I thought Percy was your Golden Boy.”
“It has become quite clear your brother will not join me, but you,” Luke said. He reached out to touch her cheek. “You could counter the prophecy. You could be mine.”
Della flinched at the contact.
“A half-blood of the eldest gods
Shall reach sixteen against all odds
And see the world in endless sleep
The hero’s soul, cursed blade shall reap–”
“A single choice shall end his days. Olympus to preserve or raze,” Della finished. “I know but what that’s between you and Percy–”
“It would seem the fates have made it so, but with you by my side, it’d be an equal fight. Come on Del, I’ve seen how Percy treats you on quests.”
“First,” Della said, “Quit calling me Del. Second, I’d never betray my brother. And Third, my brother loves me.”
“Does he Della? I remember the last time I saw you two he treated you worse than the Cyclops.”
Della looked down at her shoes. He had a point even on this last mission Percy had been a dick to her.
Luke tucks a finger under her chin and makes her look at him.
“It’d be you and I against the world.”
Della doesn’t pull away this time. She’d always been attracted to Luke. The two of them against the world didn’t sound too bad.
A loud ruckus stomped above them. Luke pulled back and growled in frustration. He then looks back at Della. “I’ll be back. There’s tea on the desk. He moved towards the door which clicked shut behind him.
Della sat up and on shaky feet grabbed the tea cup. She hobbled back into the cot pulled the blankets up to her chest and sipped her tea.
What if she stayed? Switched teams. Maybe then people wouldn't doubt her ability. They’d always compare her to Percy she’d always known that. She’d finally get to be with Luke–then she thought about Annabeth in the invisible cavern–no she would never stay with him.
The door opened again to reveal Luke. He didn’t look as pissed, but he certainly wasn’t pleased. “Change of plans I have a meeting to attend. But I’ll be back soon.”
“Doesn’t matter, but you’re going to stay here aboard the ship.”
So she’s on the Princess Andromeda….her mind went fuzzy fast. Luke was just a blur when he left.
“I’ll be back I promise Del.”
“I should throw you in the pits of Tartarus for your incompetence,” the General said, “I told you to bring me the boy, not the scrawny Athena girl.”
“But,” Thorn sputtered, “I brought you one of the Big Three’s children! I brought you the Daughter of Poseidon!”
“Hmmm,” the General nodded, “She may be useful…but right now she’s a prize to you Boy.” He looked straight at Luke.
Percy felt his heart thrum in his chest. The girls were alive. What did he mean Della was a prize to Luke?
He’d missed bits of the conversation when–
“Della will serve her purpose in time,” Luke said, “It just needs some pushing.”
What the hell? I mean yeah Della was his twin but the prophecy referred to him–or at least they’d always assumed it was him–what was Luke doing to her?
“Della, hey come on now Del,” a voice sighed.
Della is met with the sight of Luke bending over worry evident on his face.
He smiled a bit at her. “Hey Sleeping Beauty,” he cooed.
Della grinned in response but then realized she didn’t remember falling asleep. “What time is it? I thought you just left–wait I’ve been asleep–what’ve you–”
Luke’s face fell a bit as he tried to calm her. He pulled into him,
“It’s okay, Della–hey it’s okay–”
“No!” she yelled. She pushed against him. “What have you been doing–”
Luke sighed he grabbed a bowl and passed it to her.
“What is this?”
“Is this magic oatmeal?”
“It’s apple-cinnamon.”
Della sniffed it and indeed it was apple-cinnamon oatmeal. She takes the spoon from Luke and eats a couple of spoonfuls.
“There you go,” Luke said. He ran a hand through her hair.
Whatever anger Della felt vanished. She couldn’t even remember why she was mad. She set the bowl down.
“There you go Della,” Luke whispered. He took the bowl placed it on the floor and tugged her close to his chest. “I love you,” he murmured.
“Ah, how touching,” A voice said.
The group turned to see the General standing there in his brown silk suit. At his side was Luke and half a dozen dracaene bearing the sarcophagus of Kronos. Annabeth stood at Luke’s side. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, a gag in her mouth, Luke held the point of his sword to her throat.
Percy met her eyes seeking answers. The only message was clear RUN!
“Luke let her go,” Thalia growled.
“That’s for the General to decide,” Luke smirked, “But it is good to see you again though Thalia.”
Thalia spat at him.
Percy whipped his around and realized someone was missing.
“Where’s Della? Where is my sister?” He yelled.
A tear escaped Annabeth’s eye.
“Where is she?!”
Luke’s smirk disappeared a single tear dripped down his cheek.
The General however laughed. “She’s alive Son of Poseidon, for now.
More tears sprung from Annabeth’s eyes she shook in Luke’s grip.
Anger bubbled in Percy’s veins and he unleashed Riptide.
Luke looked over the railing at the sea. They were just a bit away from the camp’s borders. He stretched and felt his back protest. He sighed, fighting Thalia was not easy to come back from. But the plan had to go. The concoction of poppy seeds and a drip of Lethe to keep Della here worked too well. He knew she liked him but–he didn’t think he’d catch feelings for her. He has to get her out of here before Kronos makes him do something awful–or even worse kill her.
He went below deck and opened the door to his room to see her asleep just as he’d left her. Luke picks her up bridal-style. He carries her up to the deck.
He drops her into the water and watches as she sinks. The Old Sea Gods push her back into Poseidon’s territory.
When Della came to she was no longer in Luke’s room, no instead she was–well–she had no idea where she was.
She was situated in an actual bed, not a cot. The room reminded her of the cabin her mom rented every year. The room was in natural beach tones. She could see a window encrusted with sea glass that looked out into blue water–wait blue water?
Della sat up and slid out of the bed. The floor was freezing but she didn’t care. She was almost positive she was close to her Dad or at the very least Percy. She stumbled for a moment not used to being on her feet.
There were two double doors a few feet away. Della grabbed a handle and bolted from the room.
The hallway was fancier than her room, but the architecture told her all she needed to know–she was at her Dad’s place.
Two mermaids spotted her and gasped.
“Miss Della you should be in bed,” one of them chastised. She had a shimmering pink tail.
“I’ll go inform Poseidon,” the other said. Her tail was multicolored like the rainbow fish book.
Rainbow Fish swished back down the hall they’d come from.
Pink Tail swam towards Della and placed a hand on her forehead.
“Well, you definitely look better,” she said. “You looked like death when the patrol found you.”
“What do you–”
“DELLA!” a familiar voice boomed.
“Tyson?” Della asked.
The Cyclops tackled her in a giant bear hug.
“Wait till Percy hears you’re okay! He’s been worried.”
Della hugs her half-brother back.
Percy’s been worried about her?
“He was so sad when they didn’t find you!”
“Alright Tyson,” Let her breathe there Kiddo.” A masculine voice laughed.
“Dad?” Della breathed.
Tyson let go of her. And moved out of the way.
At the end of the hallways stood her father Poseidon. He looked similar to the last time she’d seen him. Same fisherman’s getup, the same beard, the same everything really–except now he looked incredibly exhausted.
She moved towards him but stopped just a few feet in front of him. She didn’t really know what to say to him.
“Hello, Della,” He smiled. He and Percy shared the same smile. “You’ve been so brave.”
“Not that I’m not happy to see you but why am I here? I don’t remember–”
Poseidon’s smile fell. “There is much to discuss but you need to get home to your mother and brother.”
“I am very proud of you Della,” Poseidon said. He pulled her into a hug. This was the first hug she’d ever had with her dad. He held her similar to Mom–a hand at the back of her head and the other between her shoulder blades.
“Never forget little Siren, you are my daughter, not just Percy’s sister.”
“The sword, Della,” Annabeth muttered, “Your sword…Hero…cursed blade…”
Della and Percy looked at each other. Percy nodded at her.
Della looked at Luke his lip trembled.
“Del…please…I’ll be good I promise…”
Della felt tears stream down her face.
She raised her sword but then she looked back at Percy.
“Together,” she said.
“Together,” he said.
They passed the blade to Luke together.
Luke without hesitation snatched Leda and he undid his chest plate. He aimed Della’s sword under his left arm and he stabbed himself.
Leda, Della’s sword clattered to the ground as Luke fell backward.
Della caught him before his head could hit the hearth. She cradled his head in her lap.
“Hey, no none of that,” Della whispered.
Annabeth, Grover, and Percy surround them. They crouch over the pair.
“I–I’m sorry Beth…”
“Shh, you were a hero at the end, you’ll go to Elysium.”
“Did you love me?” he asked looking at Annabeth.
“At one time but…you were always a brother to me.”
He nodded and coughed red painted his lips. His eyes gazed up at Della.
“Del, no matter how much I hurt you…I want you to know I meant it when I said…I love you.”
Della’s tears cascaded on his brow. She leaned over and kissed his brow.
“It’s okay…” he said, “it doesn’t hurt.”
“Luke I love you.”
He smiled up at her. His eyes went to Percy. Luke brought himself up a smidge and gripped Percy’s sleeve.
“Ethan. Me. The other unclaimed, don’t let it happen again.”
“I won’t I promise,” Percy said.
“Good,” Luke breathed. He fell back into Della’s lap and his hand went slack.
Della choked on a sob. Grover closed Luke’s unseeing eyes. Annabeth clutched onto Percy’s shoulder.
“Percy…Della,” Their dad called, awe in his voice, “what…what is this?”
Percy turned and faced the Olympians.
“We need a shroud,” he announced, his voice cracked. “We need a shroud for the Son of Hermes.”
Della tried not to scream.
#oc character#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#percyjacksonxsister!reader#fanfic#heroes of olympus#percy and annabeth#luke castellan x reader#della jackson
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Three
Saphire waves crash against the shore. Pink orange, and purple blend together like watercolor paints. Seagulls squawk in the background. Della’s hair floats in the gentle sea breeze. In the distance, there is a cabin–no the cabin. The cabin her family rents every year. How did she get here?
Squeals of joy come from a merry-go-round in the distance. A young boy and girl with sandy blonde hair.
“Percy let’s go look for shells,” says the young girl.
“Again? Del, we have a whole pail full,” Percy laughs.
Young Percy and Della make their way to the shore walking straight through current-day Della. This was the summer before they went to camp half-blood. Before everything changed forever.
“Yeah, Del?”
“You think we’ll always be together?”
“Yeah Dummy you’re stuck with me,” laughs Percy. He scoops up some more shells from the sand.
“What if we get separated?” asks young Della
“I’ll always find you Della.” Percy places some shells in the pail.
“You pinky promise?” Della holds her pinky out to him.
“Pinky promise.”
“Oh look sea glass!”
“You need to wake up Adella Jackson,” a female voice calls. Hera.
Della pulls her attention away from the past. She lays her eyes on her least favorite goddess. She appears disheveled–imperfect.
“That was you in the vision. What do you want Hera?”
“I need you to free me,“ Hera says.
“Yeah, you’ve said that to a lot of people, it would seem. What do you need me for? You don’t like me.”
“Unfortunately, I need you. Your brother too.”
“Percy? What do you…you–you took him didn’t you?”
“It’s necessary. You’ll see. He and the son of Jupiter are valuable heroes.”
“Where is he?!” Della advances closer to the annoying goddess.
“He is safe, I need him. I need all of you.”
“What do you mean–all of us?”
Hera begins to fade away. “Free me daughter of Poseidon. Wake up…”
Della’s eyes snap open to white curtains. She sits up chest heaving.
“Della? Oh, thank goodness! You had me worried,” exclaims Rachel. The redhead gets up from the other bed that contained Piper.
Piper, what is Piper doing in here?
“What–what happened?”
“Well, Hera hijacked me and you too. Will said he found you hovering above the lake and then you fell out of the sky. He brought you to Chiron and you blacked out.”
That explains why Della feels like she got trampled by a pegasus.
“So, what do we know? About Hera’s disappearance.” Della begins fidgeting with her necklace.
“Not much,” sighs Rachel. She passes a bit of ambrosia to her. “All we know is you, Jason, and Piper all had the same vision.”
They all had the same vision. That means there’s a quest afoot. But how does she tie into all of this? And why did Hera take Percy? Did she also take Jason? Wait if Jason doesn’t have his memories–oh no, no wonder she and Annabeth can’t find Percy–he doesn’t remember who he is. She nearly drops the ambrosia.
“You good?” Rachel asks, “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
“Umm yeah…I think I’m just hungry.”
“You missed dinner.” Rachel gives her a look. She doesn’t believe that’s just it.
Della groans.
Rachel settles herself on the foot of Della’s bed. The silence is awkward, to say the least.
Della starts fidgeting with her necklace.
“Sorry, you were going to say something,” says Della.
“Del, do you remember what you said before you passed out?”
“Not really no.”
“You said you could see Percy.”
Della stops her fidgeting. “What do you mean?”
“You had just slipped out of Beth’s grasp when you said, “Percy, I can see you.” Then you dropped to the floor. We thought you’d died for a moment.”
She’d said she’d seen Percy? Della racks her brain for a moment–when it hits her- Percy with a backpack running by a freeway. He looked so confused.
“I don’t know…I thought I saw him running by a freeway–I don’t know. But I think I know why we can’t contact him.”
“You can’t tell Annabeth,” Della sighs.
Rachel sucks in a huge breath. “Why can’t I tell Annabeth?”
“I think–I think Hera took his memories away…like Jason.” Della sighs.
“Oh shit, no wonder we can’t find him he–”
“He doesn’t know who he is,” Della finishes Rachel’s sentence.
On the other side of the room, Piper lets out a groan.
Rachel gets up from the foot of Della’s bed to check on her.
Della pushes her back a bit. She slips out of the bed ignoring the dull ache everywhere and slides her sneakers back on. She moves over to Pipers bed.
“The drink of the gods,” Della explains, “In small amounts it heals demigods, too much and you’ll burn to a crisp.”
“Oh fun,” says Piper.
“Changing the subject a bit. Do you remember your vision?” Rachel asks.
A look of dread passes over Piper’s face. There’s something else bothering the girl as well.
“Something’s wrong with the goddess. She told me to free her like she’s trapped or something. She mentioned the earth swallowing us and a fiery one, and something about a solstice.”
“Well at least she gave you detail,” mutters Della.
In the corner, Argus makes a rumbling sound from his chest. His eyes al flutter at once.
“Hera created Argus,” explains Rachel, “He’s actually pretty sensitive when it comes to her safety. We’re trying to keep him from crying, because last time that happened it caused quite a flood–”
“Took forever for me and Percy to clear that water out,” Della sighs. She like Argus tries not to cry. Gods, she misses her brother.
Argus grabs a tissue from a nearby Kleenex box and passes one to Della. She smiles at him. “Thank you,” she whispers.
“Wait, you’re the girl from earlier–Della right? You said at least she gave you detail what do you–”
“It appears Hera also wants me to rescue her.”
“Oh,” Piper says. She twiddles her thumbs. “Annabeth said you’re Percy’s twin sister.”
“Yeah, Daughter of Poseidon, a cursed child at your service,” Della jokes. If she doesn’t joke she will break down.
“What do you mean by–” Piper shakes her head. “So…What’s happened to Hera?”
“We’re not sure,” Rachel says, “But Annabeth had an idea–something to bring back his memories.”
“That’s-that’s great,” Piper says. She sniffs a bit.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah it’s just I thought he was my,” she takes a deep breath, “I thought he was my boyfriend.”
“Don’t worry he had a similar vision as the two of you.”
“Lucky Hercules, he didn’t pass out like a swooning maiden,” Della grumbles.
“Whatever’s happening with Hera,” Rachel cheers, “I think you guys are all meant to work together.”
Piper’s eyes fall and a few tears slip out of them.
“Hey,” Della sighs, “It’s okay we’ll figure this out.”
“How can you know what I’m facing?”
“Cause I’ve been you. This is a lot to take in but you’ll do great. I can sense it.” Della moves closer and pats her on the shoulder.
“Besides,” Rachel says, “I get my hunches. You’re going to get claimed at the campfire, I’m almost sure. When you know who your godly parent is things might be clearer.”
Maybe. When Poseidon claimed Della and Percy there were many emotions to work through with that revelation. But Piper would be fine
“I hope it’s Athena,” Piper says.
Della laughs, “Annabeth too.” Though Della wonders if she’s–no there’s no way–but possibly–she could be an Aphrodite kid, she is very beautiful.
“You will see,” Rachel smiles.
“You’re just saying that aren’t you? You’re supposed to sound all mysterious,” says Piper.
“Don’t be giving away my secrets, Piper. And things will work out just maybe not the way you think,” Rachel muses.
“Ah, there’s that Apollo sense of vagueness. No wonder you’re the oracle,” Della laughs.
“Watch it, Jackson,” Rachel mock warns. She giggles and playfully shoves Della a bit.
Piper smiles at their interaction when her stomach gurgles. “Dinner?” she asks.
“You slept through it. Time for the campfire. Come on time to find out who you are.” Rachel says and holds a hand out to her.
#heroes of olympus#oc character#percy and annabeth#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#percyjacksonxsister!reader#jason grace x reader
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Five

Chiron dismisses everyone to their cabins for the night. Piper looks like a hostage as she follows the Aphrodite cabin.
Soon it is just Della and Jason. Della glances up at Jason whose eyes are examining her.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks. “You were pretty out of it earlier.”
Della smiles at him. “Yeah, I’m alright. I see I wasn’t far off with the Hercules bit…”
Jason laughs and runs a hand through her hair. Gods his laugh was a rich melody similar to the sea on a summer’s day. “Yeah, I suppose so…I guess that's what makes you Ariel?”
Della lets loose a cackle. “I’m surprised that made its way through the amnesia.”
Jason scratches the back of his head but his smile gets bigger.
“But I’ll let that nickname slide,” she giggles.
“And I’ll let Hercules slide,” Jason says. He holds a hand out to her.
“Deal,” They say in unison. Holy sea cows his eyes are spectacular.
Someone clears their throat in the distance. Annabeth stands with her arms across her chest and just a hint of a smirk across her features.
“Coming Beth!” she calls. She glances at Jason one more time. “Sorry, girl's night especially now that I’m leaving.”
“I get it,” he says, “have a good night.”
“You too Wonder Boy.” Della smiles and rushes off toward Annabeth.
Annabeth reaches a hand out to Della. The girls make their way towards the cabins. They reach Cabin Three and make their way inside. Della plops down on her bed and buries herself in her blankets. She lets out a content sigh.
Annabeth settles herself in Percy’s bunk across from her. She nestles in Percy’s blankets and takes a deep breath in. “So…how’re you feeling?” Annabeth asks.
“I told you I’m fine.” Della sighs. “I’m more worried about you.”
“I didn’t have a vision and almost die today.”
“No, don’t even. Del, you slipped out of my grasp and smacked your head–and then Will said if he didn’t catch you, you might’ve actually drowned, you were so out of it.”
“I know–”
“And then,” Annabeth sucks in a breath, “and then if that weren’t enough, you said you could see Percy…what’d you mean by that?”
Della stills in her bed. What did she mean by that? “I don’t–I don’t really know. I don’t know if it was real or all in my head.”
“What do you mean?”
“It felt so real Beth, I could see him Riptide in hand and he was running, running by what looked like a freeway. Then–then…”
Annabeth seems to ponder her words for a moment. “Then what?”
“I-I had a “dream” of sorts. It started as a memory. A memory of the summer before Percy and I came to camp. Then Hera showed up–”
“Yeah, she told me to “free her” again.” Della thinks about telling her that Hera revealed she took Percy. No, she won’t take that well. Besides she’s probably already put that together.
“Hmmm…and you’re sure you saw Percy?” Annabeth looks over at her. Concern glimmers in her eyes.
“I don’t know. I think so, but how is that possible?” Della feels tears prick her eyes.
Annabeth slips out of Percy’s bed and dips into Della’s and wraps her arms around her.
This is usually Percy’s job before they go on a quest. But Percy isn’t here to comfort her this time.
And just like that, Della can’t hold it in anymore and just sobs into Annabeth. She sobs for her missing brother. Sobs that she has to do this damned quest. Her first quest without Percy anywhere near her. She sobs because she’s terrified to do it by herself. And to make matters worse these three demigods will depend on her knowledge to survive.
“We’ll find him Del,” Annabeth whispers, “We have to.”
Della sniffles and begins to drift off to a (hopefully) nightmare-free sleep.
Voices and images swish around Della.
“Now, now guys. That’s what we’re here for. Welcome Percy, Della. Percy, you can have that spot on the floor over here, and Della you can take that corner.”
Luke? Gods, Della nearly forgot what he sounded like back then. He was handsome back then in her twelve-year-old mind. She’s whisked away from Luke.
“Not bad Heroes,” called Annabeth. She removed her Yankee’s cap and became visible again.
“Were you here the whole time?” asked Percy. His voice was so squeaky back then. Still sassy but squeaky.
“You were here the whole time and didn’t help us?” Past Della said. Disbelief is laced in her tone.
“Yes,” Beth said like it should be obvious.
Ah, yes the moments before Dad claimed them, moments before their lives changed forever.
Annabeth shoved them both into the lake. Her and Percy’s shouts are inaudible, but the symbol of Poseidon was clear.
Then Della is thrown forward once again.
“Peter and Danny Johson are here!” Mr. D?
Della warps once again.
“You shall be betrayed by one that calls you call friend,” Percy said, “The reason Clarisse is still here is because you never said anything to Chiron about her, did you?”
Della’s eyes widened in shock. It was Luke. Luke had stolen the masterbolt. “Luke….”
A ringing overtakes her senses. It’s a dream, Della, wake up. Della–
“You shall serve as their guide Daughter of Poseidon. Beware Eros’s sting for it might just be your undoing.” Hera…
The ringing fades away and is replaced with squawks. Seagulls. Della moves a hand to feel damp sand. She’s drifting in the ocean.
Where the hell is she? She sits up and glances around she’s–she’s at their cabin again.
“Hey,” says an all too familiar voice, “Hey, are you alright?” A sandy-haired boy emerges from the cabin. He rushes toward her.
“Percy?” she groans.
“Do I–I know you?” He tries to hide his bewilderment.
“Yeah, yeah I’m your–Della. My name is Della. We knew each other.” She tries to hold in the tears that he doesn’t recognize her.
“Della?” He rubs his chin for a moment, “I feel like I should know that name…do you know an Annabeth?”
He remembers–he remembers Annabeth? Now Della really tries not to cry. “Ummm…”
“Never mind,” he says. He clicks his pen revealing Riptide. “We gotta move.” Percy holds a hand out to her she reaches for it but her hand doesn’t actually make contact.
“Okay…that’s weird…are you like a ghost or something?” Percy says.
“Last time I checked, no. If I’m dead that’s news to me,” she quips back.
Della?!? Del, you need to wake up!
“Annabeth…” Della whispers.
“Annabeth, you know–”
Della’s vision spins until darkness takes over, and just like that Percy and the beach house are gone.
“Della! Wake up!”
Della sits up her hands grip at the blankets around her. Someone is screaming. Who’s screaming? Oh…oh it’s her, she’s screaming. Della slaps a hand over her mouth.
Silence spills in the cabin.
Annabeth is right next to her. Her eyes were wide and her chest heaving. “Was it–”
“No, it wasn’t my usual nightmare. What happened?” Della croaks. Her eyes are super dry and gross. She’s been crying…weird.
“You were talking in your sleep,” Annabeth says.
Okay, at least that’s normal. Percy drools in his sleep, and Della talks in hers.
“I woke up and you were thrashing around. Then…”
“You called out for Luke.”
Luke? Oh right, she was being thrown around like a ragdoll in her dream.
“It was a dream or a memory, I don’t know. It was when Percy and I realized that he stole the bolt.”
Annabeth nods, “Then you started crying and called out for Percy.”
Della nods. Should she tell Annabeth that she saw Percy for real? Well, maybe real, like she was in his vicinity and talked to him. Was that real? Regardless, he doesn’t remember Della but he remembers Beth. No, she’ll wait to see if this is a recurring thing or not.
“Are you sure you’re okay to go on this quest?” Annabeth asks. She places a hand on Della’s shoulder.
“I don’t have a choice,” Della sighs. She rubs at her crusty eyes. “The prophecy called for me to be the guide.”
Annabeth doesn’t say anything. She sighs. “You should get ready, it’s early, but you should pack and make sure you have everything.” Annabeth rises out of Della’s bunk. “Beth–”
“I also, need to get moving. Don’t worry I won’t leave until you do,” she calls. She’s at the door now. “See you in a bit.” With that, she exits and closes the door behind her.
Della sighs and rubs a hand down her face. What did Hera mean by “Beware Eros sting, it may just be your undoing?” What does the assistant to Aphrodite have anything to do with this damn quest?
She slips out of her sweat-stained covers. The cold floors meet her bare feet. Luckily, her shark slippers are right by her bunk. She slips her feet into the plush shoes and walks to her little dresser. Her backpack leans against it. She packs three days' worth of clothes, some leftover ambrosia, and an extra pair of sneakers (after Santa Monica she can never be too careful).
She pulls on a pair of light-washed Levi’s and a Little Mermaid crewneck. She swaps her slippers for her navy blue Converse and pulls on her tan Carhartt jacket. Della makes sure to pin her duck pin on her jacket. Backpack in hand she steps towards the door and pauses in the doorframe. She looks around the cabin, gods she hopes she survives this quest. She has to see her brother for real again.
The cool morning air hits Della’s face. She takes a deep breath in. Annabeth makes her way to Cabin Six. Weird she’d left a while ago.
Two Cabins down, a door opens. It’s Jason he looks over and sees her. He gives a little wave and walks towards her.
Della meets him halfway. “Morning Wonder Boy.” She shoots him a half smile.
“Morning Mermaid,” he says. He looks her up and down. “Even got the sweater and everything,” Jason laughs, “You ready?”
“No but it could be worse,” she jokes.
“How–” His words are cut off by a metallic screech.
The mechanical dragon they’d been trying to capture the last few days. It hovers above the cabins. The most startling bit, Leo. Leo sits atop it with a maniac’s smile.
“Leo?” calls Piper. She emerges with the rest of her cabin.
Older campers rush out of their cabins. The Apollo cabin has their arrows nocked pointing straight at the dragon. Some of the Aries Cabin have their swords and spears out.
Della unpins her duck brooch. She taps the beak and unleashes Leda, her double-ended sword, which like Jason’s weapon can be a sword or a spear. Though her weapon is not nearly as grand as Jason’s. It is an artifact of the hero Theseus. She calls it Leda because the duck head on the hilt reminds her of the legend of Leda and Swan.
Surprise paints Jason’s features at how her brooch just turned into a sword. Interesting coming from the guy who flips a coin and it is either a sword or projectile weapon.
“It’s cool don’t shoot,” Leo shouts.
The warriors back away, keeping their swords or spears at the ready. Hesitantly, the Apollo Cabin lowers their bows. Half the camp runs out in a mixture of pajamas and armor. Others hide behind the doors and windows of their cabins. No one is too anxious to get too close.
Della lowers her Water Bird just a tad.
“It’s beautiful,” Piper mutters. Everyone stares at her like she’s nuts. Della does agree with Piper but she’s still weary of it. She’s seen some of the creature's damage around camp.
The dragon rears its head and shoots a column of fire into the sky. Della jumps a bit and once again points Leda at it. She’s not alone. Other campers were on high alert again.
Leo calmly slides off the dragon’s back. He holds his hands up like he was surrendering, except he still had that crazy grin on his face.
“People of Earth, I come in peace!” he shouts.
He looks like he spent the night rolling in the remains of the campfire. His army coat and face are smeared in soot. His hands were grease-stained, and he now wears a toolbelt around his waist. His eyes are bloodshot, his curly hair resembles porcupine quills. And–and he smells strongly of Tobasco sauce.
But he looks absolutely delighted, “Festus is saying hello.”
“Stand down,” Jason says behind her. He shakes his head in amazement. “Leo, what have you done?”
“Found a ride! You said I could come if I found a ride. Well, I found a class-A flying bad boy!” Leo grins even wider.
Nyssa and Annabeth appear out of the crowd. Nyssa stares up at it in awe.
“It–it has wings.” Her jaw looks like it might drop off her face.
“Yeah! I found them and reattached them.”
“But it never had wings. Where did you find them?”
Leo hesitates, “In the woods.”
Della taps Leda’s beak again. She pins him back in place. That was not the whole story. He continues talking before anyone can question it.
“Repaired his circuits, too, mostly, so no more going haywire.”
“Mostly?” Nyssa asks.
The dragon’s head twitches. It lurches to one side, and a stream of black liquid, maybe oil–pours out of his ear, all over Leo.
“Just a few kinks to work out.”
“How did you survive? I mean, the fire breath…”
“I’m quick and lucky. Now am I on this quest or not?”
Jason still in shock, scratches the back of his head. “You named him Festus? You know in Latin that means ‘happy’?”
“Mmm, kind of cute actually,” Della admits.
“You want us to ride on the back of Happy the Dragon?”
The dragon twitches and shudders and flaps its wings.
“That’s a yes bro!” Leo exclaims. “Now I suggest we get going guys. I already picked up some supplies in the–um woods. And the welcoming committee is making Festus nervous.”
Jason frowns. “But we haven’t planned anything yet. We can’t just–”
“Go,” says Annabeth. She doesn’t look nervous. Not a bit. Her smile is sad, wistful. She, like Della, is thinking about old times.
“Yeah,” Della says, “This is certainly a good omen. Besides we’ve only got three days until the solstice. Let’s go.”
Jason smiles at her, Piper, and Leo. “You ready partners?”
“Absolutely,” Della smiles, “We’re burning daylight Wonder Boy.”
Piper’s smile falters at the nickname.
“Della,” Annabeth calls. She wraps her arms around her and whispers, “Good luck, be safe.”
“You too,” Della whispers back. She lets go and heads toward the others.
Jason, Piper, and Leo were all abroad Festus. Jason extends a hand out to her,
“Time to trade those gills for wings Jackson.”
#heroes of olympus#oc character#percy jackon and the olympians#percy and annabeth#percy jackson#percyjacksonxsister!reader#jason grace x jackson!reader#jason grace x reader#fanfic
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Six
Della has to admit flying on a bronze dragon’s back is a surreal feeling. Up high the air is frigid. But thanks to the heat Festus generates they don’t feel it at all. Talk about seat warmers!
Leo uses reins to steer Festus through the clouds like a reindeer. They zip through the clouds with ease the rest of the world below is nothing but a speck.
“Cool right?” Leo says. A pleased smile coats his features.
“What if we get spotted?” asks Piper.
“The mist,” Jason and Della say at the same time. Jason smiles at her.
“It keeps mortals from seeing magic things,” Della explains, “Only seers will notice anything out of the ordinary.”
Her mind goes back to the memory of Luke. His poor mother–
“Seers?” asks Leo.
“Mortals who can see through the mist,” Jason answers.
Della glances back at him and notices he’s holding a photo of a girl, a girl with dark hair. Is that…Thaila?
Jason glances up at her. He sheepishly puts the photo back in his pocket.
“We’re making good time probably get there by tonight.”
“Get where?” Della asks. “I thought you didn’t have a plan.”
Jason laughs, “We’re going to find the god of the North Wind. And chase some storm spirits.”
The silence had begun to drive Della insane. Typically, when she and her friends went on quests they couldn’t shut up. Percy, in particular never shut up on their quests.
“So,” Piper says. Oh, thank the gods. “Della earlier you said you’re a cursed child…what exactly does that mean?”
Leo sat up straight at the head of the dragon. “You’re cursed?!?”
Della laughs dryly. “Sometimes I wonder, but being a cursed child means that you’re an offspring of the Big Three.”
“The Big Three?” Piper asks. “Do you mean, like Zeus, Hades, and–”
“Poseidon, yeah. They made a pack to not have kids. It’s a loose promise. Anyways, all three have broken it in recent years. We’re more forbidden than cursed.”
“So, are you, your brother, and Jason the only ones?” asks Leo.
“No there’s Nico Di Angelo a son of Hades, and Thalia Grace…she’s a daughter of Zeus but has taken up with the Hunters of Artemis.”
“So why did make a pact if they break it?” asks Piper.
“We’re considered ‘too powerful’ which is fair Percy can take on a whole army by himself, and I–we don’t fully know what all I can do yet.” Della looks down at her lap.
She’s always felt second best to Percy, especially after he took on the Curse of Achilles. She doesn’t understand all she can do. The only thing she does know is her fate, her usual nightmare. Meeting a similar end to Thesus. Being betrayed and thrown over a cliff–but instead of into the sea, it’s Asphodel. She’d seen it in person back when she was twelve, on her first quest.
Della shivers at the thought of the horrid place.
“Shut up me,” Leo says out of nowhere.
“What?” Piper asks.
“Nothing,” he says, “Long night. I think I’m hallucinating. It’s cool.”
Jason, Piper, and Della all share looks of concern.
“Just joking.” Leo decides to change the subject. “So what’s the plan bro? You said something about catching wind, breaking wind, or something?”
As they fly over New England, Jason lays out the game plan. First, find Boreas and grill him for information–
“His name is Boreas?” Leo has to ask. “What is he the God of Boring?”
Second, Jason continues, they have to find the spirits that attacked them at the Grand Canyon–
“Venti? Do you mean anemoi thuellai?” asks Della.
“Can we just call them storm spirits?” Leo asks, “Venti makes them sound like evil expresso drinks and the other one sounds harder.”
And third, Jason finishes, they had to find out who the storm spirits work for, so they could find Hera and free her.
“So you want to look for Dylan, the nasty storm dude, on purpose?”
“That’s about it. Well…there might be a wolf involved too. I think she’s friendly…so she probably won’t eat us, unless we show her weakness–”
“I’m sorry…a wolf?” asks Della. She turns around and faces him.
Jason explains his dream of Lupa the murder-wolf and a burned-out house with stone spires growing out of the swimming pool.
“Uh-huh, but you don’t know where this place is?” asks Leo.
“Lovely…” says Piper.
“Sounds about right for a forbidden child’s quest.” Della turns back towards the others.
“There are also giants, the prophecy said “The giants’ revenge” Piper reminds them.
“Hold on,” Leo says, “Giants? As in more than one? Why can’t it be one giant who wants revenge?”
“Too easy,” Della mutters.
“I don’t think so,” Piper muses, “I remember in some of the old Greek stories, there was something about an army of giants.”
“But they haven’t been seen for centuries, but then again neither had Kronos.”
“Great…knowing our luck it will be a whole army,” Leo says. “You learn anything else while doing research for your dad Pipes?”
“Your dad?” Della asks.
“Umm yeah, he’s an actor, Tristan McLean.” Piper mumbles.
“What was he in?” asks Della and Jason.
“I’m surprised Della doesn’t know.”
“Hmmm….oh wait…wait! Yes! He’s the Aphrodite’s cabin top pick this year!”
Piper sighs. “That’s why he’s on the wall in my cabin.”
“Yeah, they pick a new “hottie” every year.”
Piper looks about ready to heave off to the side.
Leo on the other hand cackles. “That’s the only reason you’ve heard of him?”
“I mean I vaguely remember the movie posters. But Percy, Beth, and I don’t go to movies very often.”
“You don’t go to movies?” Leo asks.
“Look I don’t go out very much in the mortal world unless I’m thirdwheeling.”
It was a sad truth, Della didn’t really go out that often. It just wasn’t her style. Of course, she’s been to movies over the past few years but is has always been with Annabeth and Percy. Mostly, because Percy drug her carcass out with them.
“Thirdwheeling?” The others ask.
Della sighs. “Not to change the subject, but I’m gonna….giants, we were discussing the giants.”
“The giants–well there were loads in Greek mythology. But if I’m thinking of the right ones they were bads news.
“Extremely bad news,” Della sighs. “They rose after Krono's first downfall–eons ago. They could throw mountains and things of that nature. Like the Titans, they too tried to destroy Olympus. If these are the same giants–”
“Chiron said it was happening again,” Jason says. “The last chapter–that’s what he meant. No wonder he didn’t want us to know all the details.”
Leo whistles. “So…giants who can throw mountains. A wolf-mother who will eat us if we show weakness. Evil Starbucks drinks. Got it. Maybe not the best time to bring up my psycho babysitter.”
“You’re joking,” Piper says.
Leo tells them about Tîa Callida, who was Hera, and how she’d appeared to him at camp. He fills them in on his past. How his mom died. And finally tells them about a woman in earthen robes who seemed to be asleep.
“That’s disturbing…” says Piper.
“Bout sums it up. The thing is everyone says not to trust Hera. And the prophecy says we’ll unleash death if we cause her rage. So… I gotta ask…why are we doing this?”
“Because the gods–she chose us,” Della sighs, “I will admit you guys have it a bit rougher than my first quest.”
“What do you mean?” Jason asks.
“You,” she points at Jason. “Have no memory. But I’m not that worried about your fighting ability. This is definitely not your first quest.” She looks over at Leo and Piper. “You two have absolutely no training. At least Percy and I had two weeks…then again we were twelve…”
“You were twelve?!?!” Piper and Leo say in disbelief.
“You only had two weeks of training?” asks Jason.
Della shrugs and smiles a bit. “ Zeus accused me and Percy of stealing his master bolt. Even though we didn’t know we were half-bloods.”
“Holy–how’re you alive?”
“Luck?” Della laughs. “Anyways the other reason we have to do this is–this quest will kick off something bigger. This is an antecedent.”
“And helping Hera is the only way to get back my memory. That dark spire in my dream seemed to be feeding off Hera’s energy. If that thing unleashes a king of giants by destroying Hera–”
“Not a good trade-off,” Piper agrees. “At least Hera is on our side.”
“Mostly–she’s the peacekeeper. The only thing that keeps the gods from annihilating each other,” Della chimes in.
Jason nods, “Chiron said worse forces are stirring on the day of the solstice, with it being a good time for dark magic, and all–something that could awaken if Hera were sacrificed that day. And a mistress who’s controlling storm spirits, the one who wants to kill all demigods–”
“Might be that weird sleeping dirt lady.” finishes Leo.
“If she’s asleep that means we have some time,” says Della.
“Yeah, Dirt Woman fully awake,” Leo says, “not something I want to see.”
“But who is she?” Jason asks, “And what does she have to do with the giants?”
Good questions, no answers. The wind blew colder the further north they went.
Della rubs her hands together to keep warm and then rubs at her eyes.
“Hey,” Jason leans forward, “get some sleep, Ariel. We need our guide.”
“I’ll take you up on that Hercules. You do the same,” she whispers.
She closes her eyes and dozes off.
#oc character#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#heroes of olympus#percy and annabeth#percyjacksonxsister!reader#jason grace x jackson!reader#fanfic#jason grace x reader
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Four
A/N: Okay...this is really long lol. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Della, Piper, and Rachel arrive just as the songs end. Della pats Piper on the back and goes to sit next to Annabeth and Jason.
“Are you okay?” whispers Annabeth.
“For now,” Della whispers back.
Jason’s eyes are locked on her. He opens his mouth to say something–
Chiron clears his throat. “Very nice! A special welcome to our new arrivals. I am Chiron, the camp activities director, and I’m happy you have all arrived here alive and with most of your limbs attached. In a moment we’ll get to s’mores but first–”
“What about capture the flag?” asks Danny, one of the Aries kids.
At this point Della kind of zones out. She hears bits of the conversation. The dragon. Damn, Beckendorff for rebuilding that thing. It’s been a huge problem. Della focuses instead on the campfire. The flames dance. Little flickers flutter up creating small pictures. They start to form a face, a familiar face–it almost looks like–
“We will have to be patient,” says Chiron, “In the meantime, we have more pressing matters to discuss.” “Percy?” asks a younger Apollo camper.
The fire dims a bit as anxiety floods around the campfire.
Chiron gestures to Annabeth.
Annabeth rises and steps forward a bit. “I didn’t find Percy.” Beth’s voice catches a bit at Percy’s name. The flames illuminate her brown eyes. “He was not at the Grand Canyon like I thought. But we’re not giving up. We’ve got teams everywhere. Grover, Tyson, Nico, the Hunters of Artemis–everyone’s out there looking. We will find him. Chiron’s talking about something different. A new quest.”
“It’s the Great Prophecy isn’t it?” asks Drew.
Surprise spills over the crowd. Drew never really speaks at these things.
“Drew?” Annabeth says. “What do you mean?”
“Well come on.” She spreads her arms out like it’s obvious. “Olympus is closed. Percy’s missing. Hera sends you a vision and you come back with three new demigods in one day. I mean, something weird is going on. The Great Prophecy has started right?”
All eyes were on Rachel, who pats Piper on the arm.
“Well you’re the oracle,” says Drew, “Has it started or not?”
Rach had that look her determined oracle look. “Yes, the Great Prophecy has begun.”
Chaos erupts like a volcano around the fire.
Jason scoots closer to Della. “You okay?” He whispers.
“Never better. Thanks, Hercules.” Della smirks in the firelight.
Jason tenses at the nickname.
“For those who have not heard the prophecy,” Rachel says, “the Great Prophecy was my first prediction. It arrived in August it goes like this:
Eight half-bloods shall answer the call.
To storm or fire the World must fall–”
Jason startles from his spot next to Della. He may as well have been electrocuted.
Even Rachel is taken off guard, “J-Jason, what is–”
What Jason spat out next was definitely not English, but if Della had to guess was Latin. Judging by Rachel’s face she’s translated what he said..
“You-you finished it,” Rachel stammered. –an oath to keep with a final breath/And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death. How did you–”
“I know those lines,” Jason winced, “I don’t know how, but I know that prophecy.” He winces again and puts a hand on his forehead.
Della stands up and places a hand on his shoulder.
Drew glares at her and is not alone in the sentiment. Piper is also not happy with Della’s gesture.
Jason sits down embarrassment evident on his face.
Della follows suit.
“It’s okay,” she whispers, “should’ve seen me the first day I was here.” Her lips turn up in a soft smile.
Jason doesn’t look convinced but nods.
Rachel is shaken. She glances back at Chiron for guidance.
Chiron looks like a gloomy gargoyle. Silent and distant. Almost as if he’d seen this film before and didn’t like the ending.
Well,” Rachel says, trying to regain composure. “So, yeah that’s the great prophecy. We hoped it might not happen for years, but I fear it’s starting now. I can’t give you proof. It’s just a feeling. And like Drew said, some weird stuff is happening. The eight demigods, whoever they are, have not gathered yet. I get the feeling some are here. Some are not.”
Murmurs of anxiety lace themselves around the fire almost like a noose. Until Clovis slightly eased the tension thinking they were taking roll call.
“Anyway,” Rachel continues, “we don’t know what the Great Prophecy means. We don’t know what challenge the demigods will face, but since the first Great Prophecy predicted the Titan War, we can guess the second Great Prophecy will predict something at least that bad.”
“Or worse,” mutters Chiron.
“What we do know,” Rachel says, “is that the first phase has begun. A major problem has arisen, and we need a quest to solve it. Hera, the queen of the gods has been taken.”
Stunned silence envelops the campfire. Then like a hundred campers all talk at once. Chiron stomps his hoof for order, and Rachel waits to get their attention again.
Rachel then spent the next few minutes catching everyone up on the events prior. From the Grand Canyon–Gleson Hedge’s sacrifice–to Piper and Della’s vision–to Jason’s vision.
“Jason,” Rachel says, “Um…do you remember your last name?”
Jason shakes his head no.
“We’ll just call you Jason then,” Rachel says, “Hera has issued you this quest.”
All eyes are on Jason. Jason looks calm and brave. Much braver than Della did when tasked with her first quest. But this was not his first quest.
“I agree.”
“You must save Hera to prevent a great evil,” Rachel continues, “Some sort of king from rising. For reasons we don’t understand yet, it must happen by winter solstice, four days from now.”
“The council day of the gods,” says Annabeth, “If they don’t already know she’s missing, they will notice her absence by then.”
“That’ll end well,” says Della, “They’ll probably break out fighting. Accusing each other of taking her. Their usual M.O.”
“The Winter Solstice,” Chiron speaks up, “is also a time of great darkness. The gods gather on that day, as mortals always have because there is strength in numbers. The solstice is a day when evil magic is strong. Ancient magic, older than the gods. It is a day when things…stir.”
The tone he uses makes Della shiver. It sounds sinister–like it was a first-degree felony, not something you did to cookie dough.
“Okay,” Annabeth says, glaring at the centaur, “Thank you, Captain Sunshine. Whatever’s going on, I agree with Rachel. Jason has been chosen to lead this quest so–”
“Why hasn’t he been claimed?” someone yells from the Aries group. “If he’s so important–”
“He has been claimed,” Chiron announced, “Long ago. Jason, give them a demonstration.
Jason doesn’t seem to understand right away. He glances at Della one more time before he steps forward. Della has to admit he is pretty handsome in the firelight. She suddenly realizes she’s been staring for too long. Off to the side, Annabeth smirks at her. Della mouths back at her Shut up!
Jason reaches into his pocket pulls out a golden coin and flips it. The coin flashes in the air and once he catches it he’s holding a lance-a rod of gold about seven feet long with a spear tip.
The rest of the camp gasps at the sight of the weapon. Annabeth and Rachel step back a few steps to avoid the tip which looks as sharp as an ice pick.
“Wasn’t that…” Annabeth hesitates, “ I thought you had a sword.”
“Um, it came up tails…I think,” Jason says, “Same coin, long-range weapon form.”
Della snorts at his quip.
“Dude I want one!” calls an Aries boy.
“Better than Clarisse’s electric spear, Lamer!” one of his brothers agreed.
“Electric,” Jason mutters like it was a good idea. “Back away.”
Annabeth and Rachel get the message. Jason raises the javelin and thunder breaks open in the sky. Every hair on Della’s arms stands straight up. Lightening arches through the golden spear point and hits the campfire like a ballistic artillery shell explosion.
The smoke clears with a stunned Camp Half-Blood—half-blind and half-covered in dust. Cinders rain down from where the fire was a few seconds ago. A burning log impales itself a few inches from Clovis who sleeps with a loud snore.
A sheepish Jason lowers the lance, “Um…sorry.”
Chiron brushes some burning coals out of his beard. He grimaces as though all his worst fears were confirmed. “A little overkill, perhaps, but you’ve made your point. And I believe we all know who your father is.”
“Jupiter,” Jason says, “I mean Zeus. Lord of the Sky.”
Pandemonium encapsulates the campfire for the millionth time this evening. People keep asking question after question after question. Annabeth raises her arms out,
“Hold it!” she says, “How can he be a son of Zeus? The Big Three…their pact not to have mortal kids….how could we have not known about him sooner?”
Chiron says nothing. He knows the answer Della can tell but he can’t tell them.
“The important thing,” says Rachel, “is that Jason is here now. He has a quest to fulfill, which means he will need his own prophecy.”
She closes her eyes and swoons backward. A couple of campers catch her before she can hit the ground. Another fetches the stool and they ease Rachel onto it. It is rather dark without the fire, but Della sees the familiar green smoke swirl from Rachel’s feet.
She opens her glowing eyes. Emerald smoke issues from her mouth. The voice that emerges is raspy and ancient. Della feels goosebumps along her arms.
“Child of Lightning, beware the earth,
The giants revenge the eight shall birth,
Daughter of the Sea serves as sight,
The forge and dove shall break the cage,
And death unleash through Hera’s rage.”
Rachel collapses on the last word. But she is caught once again. They lay her to rest in a corner.
“Is that normal?” asks Piper. Everyone's eyes land on her. “I mean does she spew green smoke a lot?”
“Gods you’re dense,” Drew sneers, “She just issued a prophecy–Jason’s prophecy to save Hera! Why don’t you–”
“Drew!” Annabeth and Della snap at the same time. Della nods at Annabeth to continue. “Piper asked a fair question. It’s her first day let alone something about that prophecy definitely isn’t normal. If breaking Hera’s cage unleashes her rage and causes a bunch of death…why would we free her? It might be a trap, or-or Hera will turn on her rescuers. She’s never been kind to heroes.”
Jason rises. “I don’t have much of a choice. Hera took my memories. I need it back. Besides, we can’t just not help the queen of the heavens if she’s in trouble.”
Sure we can, Della thinks to herself.
Nyssa from Cabin Nine stands up. “Maybe. But you should listen to Annabeth. Hera can be vengeful. She threw her son–our dad–down a mountain because he was ugly.”
“Really ugly,” snickers someone in Aphrodite’s cabin.
“Shut up!” yells Nyssa. “Anyways we’ve also got to think–why beware the Earth? And what’s the giant’s revenge? What are we dealing with here that’s powerful enough to kidnap the queen of heaven?”
Annabeth sighs, “It’s Jason’s quest, so it’s his choice. Obviously, he’s the Child of Lightning…and the Daughter of the Sea is of course–”
“Me,” Della says. She rises and makes her way towards Jason. “Guess we’re teammates Hercules.”
“That just leaves the other two. Usually, a prophecy only calls for three but this time it calls for four heroes.”
Like their first quest. The quest that kicked off the Second Titan War. Does that mean–
Travis Stolls yells, “Well, you obviously Annabeth. You have the most experience aside from Della.”
“No, Travis,” Annabeth says, “First off, I’m not helping Hera. Every time I’ve tried, she’s deceived me, or it’s come back to bite me later. Forget it. No way. Secondly, I’m leaving again in the morning to look for Percy.”
Della sags at her words. Her first quest without Percy or Annabeth. She hopes Annabeth finds her brother while she’s gone. A part of her tells her that probably won’t happen.
“It’s connected,” Piper blurts out. “You know that’s true, don’t you? This whole business, your boyfriend’s disappearance–it’s all connected.”
“How?” Demands Drew, “If you’re so smart then how?”
Piper’s mouth hangs open like she’s trying to come up with an answer but she can’t.
Annabeth saves her, “You may be right Piper. If this is connected, I’ll find out from the other end–by searching for Percy. As I said I’m not about to rush off to rescue Hera, even if her disappearance sets off the Olympians fighting again. But there’s another reason I can’t go. The prophecy says otherwise.”
“It says who I pick,” says Jason, “We already have the Daughter of the Sea. The forge is the symbol of Vul–” he glances at Della, “Hephaestus.”
Under the Cabin Nine Banner, Nyssa’s shoulders slump like she’s been given an anvil to carry. “If you have to beware the earth,” she says, “you should probably avoid traveling overland. You’ll need air transport.”
“Too bad the chariots at the bottom of the lake,” another kid from the Hephaestus cabin says.
“Anyways,” Nyssa says, “the pegasi, we’re using them to search for Percy. But maybe the Hephaestus cabin can help figure something else out to help. With Jake incapacitated, I’m senior camper. I can volunteer for the quest.”
She sounds horribly unexcited.
Leo stands up. Has he been here the whole time? He’s been super quiet which doesn’t seem to fit.
Several of his cabinmates try to pull him back down, but Leo resists them.
“No, it’s me. I know it is. I’ve got an idea for this transportation problem. Let me try. I can fix this!”
Jason studies him for a moment. Della can already tell he isn’t going to say no.
“We started together Leo. Seems only right you come along. You find us a ride, you’re in.”
“Yes!” Leo pumps his fist.
Della holds back a giggle. Thankfully, Nyssa warns him of the dangers of quests. Leo seems to deflate a bit but brushes it off.
“Well, then it seems you only need to choose the fourth quest member. The dove–”
“Oh absolutely!” Drew scrambles to her feet so fast. She flashes Jason a smile. “The dove is Aphrodite. Everybody knows that. I am totally yours!”
“Ugh, I think I might throw up,” Della pretends to gag.
Piper laughs until she realizes Drew is serious. Her hands clench into fists. “No.”
Drew rolls her eyes. “Oh please, what are you going to do dumpster girl?”
“I had the vision. Not you.”
“Anyone can have a vision. You were just in the right place at the right time.” She turns to Jason, “Look fighting is all fine, and people who have to build things….” I suppose someone has to get their hands dirty. And I suppose Jackson’s guidance is needed. But you need charm on your side. I can be persuasive. I could help a lot.”
Everyone murmurs how right Drew is and Della is trying so hard not to agree.
“Well…” Annabeth says “Given the wording of the prophecy”
“No!” Piper’s voice is different, somewhat richer like a fine wine. “I’m supposed to go.”
Then there were mutters about how Piper has a compelling point. Drew looks ready to throw a dagger.
“Get over it!” Drew snarls, “Besides what can Piper do?”
Piper looks at a loss for words.
“I’m sure she has more modest reasons to go other than just pure vanity Drew,” Della says cooly.
Jason places his hand over his mouth to cover a laugh. There are more mutters in the crowd but no one really seems convinced.
“Well,” Drew says smugly, “I guess that settles it.”
Suddenly, there’s a collective gasp around the fire. Everyone stares at Piper like she’s just exploded.
“What?” Piper asks looking at Della who points at the glowing symbol above Piper’s head.
When Piper glances down she’s in a beautiful sleeveless white gown with a v-neck so low Della would’ve been murdered by Percy. Delicate gold arm bands circle her biceps. An intricate assortment of amber, coral, and gold flowers glitter her chest and hair.
“Oh my god, what’s happened,” Piper says.
Annabeth points at the dagger oiled and gleaming at Piper’s side by a golden chord.
“Holy Shit,” breathes out Della, “I knew it. Piper, you’re gorgeous.”
Drew on the other hand looks ready to die, “No! Not possible!”
“This isn’t me–I don’t understand.”
Chiron folds his front legs and bows to her, and the rest of camp follows his example.
“Hail Piper McLean,” Chiron announces gravelly like he was reading her eulogy, “Daughter of Aphrodite, lady of doves, goddess of love.”
Piper stands there horror-painted her features.
“Hmmm looks like we won’t be needing you after all Drew,” Della says.
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Seven
Waves swooshed back and forth. Seagulls sang in the distance.
Della opens her eyes to see an island. Not just any island, Circe’s Island. She hasn’t been here…since she was thirteen.
Three figures stand off in the distance. Young Della, Percy, and Annabeth.
Della moves closer to them.
“Well, I suppose…” Past Annabeth and Della said.
“Right this way dears!” Hylla said. She leads them away from Percy.
Della follows them.
It skipped forward a bit to young Della in a chair.
Annabeth seated behind her. Her hair combed into an old Greecian hairstyle. She looked like Helen of Troy. Her curly brown hair was wrapped in gold with a few stray curls framing her face.
Young Della wore a light blue lagoon gown and two gold armbands. Two girls combed and braided her wavy blonde hair.
“Ah..there we go,” Hylla said. “A look just as perfect as a goddess. Are you sure you’re a daughter of Poseidon? I think Aphrodite would envy your beauty if she doesn’t already.”
Time sped up again.
This time Young Della and Annabeth stood in a room facing a cage of guinea pigs. They tried to figure out which one was Percy.
“Well,” Circe sighed, “How fast a minute passes. Have you made your decision yet?”
“This!” Annabeth held out her dagger.
Della pointed Leda at her.
Circe stepped back, but the surprise passed quickly.
“Really girls, a knife and a blade against my magic?”
The scene paused.
Circe angles her head towards me. “Ah, look at you, my dear! Just as beautiful as the day you fled my island.”
Della glances uncertainly at Circe. “What do–”
“Oh, I want nothing from you dear. You are Hera’s gamble now.”
“Yes, how I wished you and the Athena girl stayed. Would have made beautiful sorceresses indeed. But your fate is set in stone.” The sorceress places something in Della’s hand.
Della opened her hand to see a very old Greek coin with Poseidon on it. Circe had fashioned it into a necklace.
“We don’t have much time,” Circe mumbles, “Remember Adella Jackson you are a daughter of Poseidon, much different than Perseus. You are not his shadow young one. I have seen your future…you are more powerful than you know. Now Wake up!”
Della wakes up to Jason shaking her. She opens her hand to find Circe’s necklace. She quickly fastens it around her neck.
Below them, a city sat on a clifftop overlooking a river. The plains around it were dusted with snow, but the city itself glowed warmly in the winter sunset. Buildings crowded together inside high walls like medieval town. In the center was an actual castle, with massive red brick walls and a square tower with a peaked green roof.
“Tell me that’s Quebec and not Santa’s workshop,” Leo says.
“Yeah Quebec City,” Piper confirms. “One of the oldest cities in North America. Founded around sixteen hundred or so.”
Leo raises an eyebrow, “Your dad do a movie on that too?”
She makes a sour face at him. “I read sometimes, okay? Just cause Aphrodite claimed me doesn’t mean I’m a complete airhead!”
“Feisty,” Leo laughs. “So if you know so much, what’s that castle?”
“A hotel, I think.”
“No way,” Leo laughs.
The closer they got Della notices doormen, vallets, and porters taking bags. Sleek luxury cars idle in the drive. People in elegant suits and winter cloaks hurry to get out of the cold.
“The North Wind is staying at a hotel?” Leo asks, “That can’t be–”
“Heads up guys we got company!” Jason interrupts.
Down below two winged figures–angry angels, with nasty-looking swords launch themselves from the top of the tower.
Festus does not like the looks of the angel guys. He swoops to a halt in midair, wings beating and talons bared, and he makes a rumbling noise in his throat.
“Steady, boy,” Leo says.
“I don’t like this they look like storm spirits,” says Jason.
“Ummm,” Della says, “They look too solid to be storm spirits.”
They look like regular teenagers, except for their icy white hair and purple wings. Their bronze swords appear like jagged icicles. The two could pass for brothers, they were similar enough, but there was no way they were twins.
One was the size of an ox, with a bright red hockey jersey, baggy sweatpants, and black cleats. This guy is definitely a fighter both his eyes were black as though he’d just been in a fight. It didn’t help when he bared his teeth some of them were missing.
The other one looks like an eighties rock album cover. His white hair styled into a curly mullet. He wore pointy-toed shoes, designer pants, and a gods-awful silk shirt with three buttons open.
The angels pull up and hover in front of the dragon.
“No clearance,” grunts the hockey ox.
“Scuse me?” asks Leo.
“You have no flight plan on file,” explains the groovy love god. His French accent is horrible it has to be fake. “This is restricted airspace.”
Festus begins to hiss steam, ready to defend the demigods. Jason flips his coin to reveal his sword. Della taps Leda’s beak twice to reveal a spear.
“Hold on!” Leo cries. He spreads his arms out. “Let’s have some manners here. Can I at least find out who has the honor of destroying me?”
“I am Cal!” the ox grunts. He has a look of pride like he’d said his lines correctly.
“That’s short for Calais,” the love god sighs, “Sadly, my brother cannot say words more than two syllables–”
“Pizza! Hockey! Destroy!” Cal offers.
“–which includes his own name.”
“I am Cal,” Cal repeats, “And this is Zethes! My Brother!”
“Wow,” Leo says, “That was almost three sentences! Way to go my man!” Cal grunts obviously pleased with himself.
“Stuupid Buffon,” Zethes grumbles, “They make fun of you. But no matter. I am Zethes, which is short for Zethes. And the ladies there–”
He winks but it appears more like a facial seizure.
“They can call me anything they like. Perhaps they would like to have dinner with a famous demigod before we destroy you?”
Piper makes a sound like gagging on a cough drop, “That’s truly…a horrifying offer.”
“I think I’ll pass,” Della coughs.
“It is no problem,” Zethes wiggles his eyebrows, “We are very romantic people, we Boreads.”
“Boreads?” Jason cuts in, “Like the sons of Boreas?”
“Ah! So, you have heard of us!” Zethes smiles. “We are our father’s gatekeepers. So, you understand we cannot have unauthorized people flying in his airspace on creaky dragons, scaring the silly mortal people.”
Della glances down to see mortals pointing up at them. Though they weren’t scared, no, they seemed annoyed, like the dragon was a traffic helicopter flying too low.
“Which is sadly why, unless this is an emergency landing,” Zethes says, brushing his hair out of his acne-covered face, “We will have to destroy you painfully.”
“Destroy!” Cal agrees way too enthused by the idea.
Della clutches Leda a little more.
“Wait!” Piper says, “This is an emergency landing.”
“Awww,” Cal says.
Zethes studies Piper, which he already had been doing. “How does the pretty girl decide this is an emergency then?”
“We have to see Boreas. It’s totally urgent! Please?” She puts a smile on her beautiful face. Her voice sounds smooth and rich like chocolate. Damn, Aphrodite kids. Piper nudges Della to follow her example.
Della lowers Leda just a bit and smiles just a bit.
Zethes picks at his shirt, probably to make sure it is opened wide enough. “Hate to disappoint ladies, but you see, my sister would totally have an avalanche if we allowed you–”
“Our dragon is malfunctioning!” Piper says, “It could crash at any minute!”
Festus shudders trying to help. Then turned to spill gunk out of his ear, splattering on a black Mercedes down below.
“No, destroy?” Cal whimpers.
Zethes ponders this for a moment then glances up at Della and Piper. He winks again. “Well, you are both very pretty. I mean–you’re right. A malfunctioning dragon, this could qualify as an emergency.”
“Destroy them later?” Cal offers.
“It will take some explaining,” Zethes says, “Father has not been kind to visitors lately. But, yes. Come, follow us, faulty dragon people. Follow us.”
Leo turns to the rest of his party, “I love these guys! Follow them?”
Della, Jason, and Piper exchange looks of dread.
“I guess,” Jason decides, “We’re here now. But I wonder why Boreas hasn’t been kind ot visitors.”
Della taps Ledas beak. “You’ll find that’s a recurring theme on quests.”
“Pfft, he just hasn’t met us yet. Festus follow those flashlights,” Leo says.
Leo manuvers Festus to follow the Boreads. After a few close turns, they descend after them into the tower through a hatch wide enough for Festus. The top and bottom were lined with icicles that resembled jagged teeth.
“That can’t be good,” Jason mutters.
The land in what must be the penthouse suite. The penthouse suite frozen in ice. The entry hall’s vaulted ceiling was forty feet high. Huge draped windows and lush orientals lined the room. A staircase at the back of the room leads to another massive hall, and multiple corridors venture left and right. The ice made it feel just a tad frightening.
“Guys,” Leo says, “Fix the thermostat in here, and I would totally move in.”
“Somethings–” Della starts.
“...Wrong,” says Jason, “Something up there.”
Festus shudders and snorts flames. Frost begins forming on his scales.
“No. No. No. We can’t have flames in here!” Zethes says. He marches over to them. “The Dragon must be deactivated. We cannot have heat in here. I truins my hair.”
“Like that’ll make a difference,” Della whispers to Piper.
She stifles a giggle in her hand.
Festus growls and spins his teeth.
“S’okay boy,” Leo says, “The dragon’s a little touchy about being deactivated. But I’ve got a better solution.”
“Destroy?” Cal asks.
“No man. You gotta stop with the destroy talk. Just wait–”
“Leo,” Della says nervously, “What’re you–”
“Relax, Katara,” Leo says, “When I was repairing Festus last night, I found all sorts of buttons. Some, you do not want to know what they do. But other…ah, here we go.”
Leo hooks his fingers behind the dragon’s left foreleg. He pulls a switch, and the dragon shudders from head to toe. Everyone backs away as Festus folds like origami. His bronze plating stacks together. His tail and neck contract into his body. His wings collapse and his trunk compacts until he is the size of a suitcase.
“Ta-da! The world’s heaviest carry-on bag!” Leo says.
“That’s impossible something that big–” Jason says.
“Enough! Zethes says. He and Cal drew their swords and pointed them at Leo.
Della reaches for Leda and taps her beak unleashing the sword.
Leo raises his hand in surrender. “Okay…what’d I do? Stay calm, guys. If it bothers you that much, I don’t have to take the dragon as a carry-on–”
“Who are you?” Zethes points the tip of his blade at Leo’s chest. “A child of the South Wind spying on us?”
“What? No! I’m a son of Hephaestus, a friendly blacksmith, no harm to anyone!”
Cal growls. He puts his face up to Leo’s. “Smell fire. Fire bad.”
“Oh,” Leo says. The poor boy has sweat dripping down his forehead. “Yeah well…my clothes are singed, I’ve been working with oil, and–”
“No!” Zethes pushes Leo back at sword point. “We can smell fire, demigod. We assumed it was from the creaky dragon, but now the dragon is a suitcase. And I smell fire…on you.”
Della glances at Leo who looks ready to melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.
“Look…I don’t know…” He glances at the rest of the group. “Guys, little help?”
Jason already had his gold coin in hand. He glances at Della who holds her sword in hand. Jason moves forward, eyes on Zethes.
“Look there’s been a mistake. Leo isn‘t a fire guy. Tell them, Leo. Tell them you’re not a fire guy.”
“Zehtes?” Piper tries her dazzling smile again. However, she looks too nervous to pull it off. “We’re all friends here. Put down your swords and let’s talk.”
“This girl is pretty,” Zethes admits, “and of course, she cannot help being attracted to my amazingness. Sadly, I cannot romance her at this time.” He pokes his sword into Leo’s chest and frost begins to spread across his shirt.
“Destroy him now?” Cal asks.
“Sadly, I think–”
“No,” Jason insists. He sounds calm, but Della knew this tone. It’s a tone she’s heard Percy, Annabeth, and even herself use. A tone that means ‘one wrong move and I will destroy you.’
“Leo is not a threat. He is a son of Hephaestus. Piper here is a daughter of Aphrodite. Della’s the daughter of Poseidon. And I’m a son of Zeus. We are here on a peaceful–”
“What did you say?” Zethes demands. You’re a son of Zeus?”
Della points Leda at Zethes. “What about it.”
“Ummm…yeah, that’s a good thing, right? My name is Jason.” Jason holds an arm out to keep Della from advancing on the pair of idiots.
Cal appears so startled he almost drops his sword. “Can’t be Jason,” he says. “Doesn’t look the same.”
Zethes steps forward and examines Jason’s face. “No, he is not our Jason. Our Jason was more stylish. Not as much as me–but stylish. Besides, our Jason died a milienna ago.”
“Wait,” Jason says. “Your Jason…you mean the original Jason? The Golden Fleece guy?”
“Of course,” says Zethes. “We were his crewmates abroad the Argo, in the old times when were mortal demigods. The we accepted immortality to serve our father, so I could look goo for all eternity, and my brother could enjoy pizza and hockey.”
“Hockey!” Cal agrees.
“But Jason, our Jason–he died a mortal death,” Zethes says, “You can’t be him.”
“I’m not,” Jason confirms.
“So, destroy?” Cal asks.
Della steps next to Jason her sword at the ready.
Jason gives her a look of not yet.
“No,” Zethes sighs. “If he is a son of Zeus, he could be the one we’ve been watching for.”
“Watching for?” Leo asks. “You mean like in a good way like you’ll shower him with fabulous prizes? Or watching for in a bad way like he’s in trouble?”
“That depends on my father’s will,” says a feminine voice.
Della glances up the stairs to see a girl about her age in a long silk gown. The girl is so pale she resembles snow. Her hair was a lush mane of black, and her eyes were coffee brown. The girl focuses on Leo analyzing him. The air she gave was cold and it wasn’t just because of the apartment’s frigid temperatures.
“Father will want to see the one called Jason,” she says.
“Then it is him?” Zethes says.
Leo grabs the handle of Festus the suitcase. Before he can make it two steps, the girl freezes him in his steps. Not with ice but with the intensity of her gaze.
“Not you Leo Valdez.”
“Why not?” Leo whines like he actually whines.
“You cannot be in the presence of my father. Fire and ice it would not be wise.”
“We’re going together,” Jason says. He places his hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Or not at all.”
Della gives Jason a look. This wasn’t an ideal situation, but it was the best offer they would get. “Don’t test our luck Wonder Boy.”
“Listen to your friend, he will not be harmed Jason Grace, unless you make trouble. Calais, keep Leo Valdez here, Guard him, but do not kill him.”
“Just a little?” Cal pouts.
“No,” the girl says, “And take care of that interesting suitcase until Father passes judgment.”
Jason and Piper look at Leo asking the silent question: How do you want to play this?
“It’s fine guys,” Leo says, “Della’s right, this is the best way not to cause trouble. Go ahead.”
Della taps Leda’s beak returning the sword to pendant form. She pats Leo on the shoulder. “Be careful, don’t let him push you around,” she whispers.
“Leo Valdez will be safe. I wish I could say the same about you, Jason Grace. Now come, King Boreas is waiting.”
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The Daughter of Poseidon Chapter 11

Della, Piper, and Leo manage to get Jason back onto Festus. Della takes up the rear and places her arms around Jason’s waist so he doesn’t topple overboard. She traces patterns in his blonde hair.
Piper situates herself behind Leo. She glances back at Della.
“You got him?”
“Yeah, he’s situated so he shouldn’t fall.”
“Good,” Piper smiles.
“Alright, Chicago,” Leo says, “Let’s go.”
Leo steers Festus up into the clouds.
The clouds swirl amplifying the beauty of the stars. Some of them take shape but not fully–almost as if Zeus is still deciding their form.
She glances down at the son of Zeus and wonders how they never knew about him. Thalia never mentioned having a sibling–the only thing Della knew was she hates her mom way more than Zeus. Maybe Jason was the reason– “Cyclops!” Jason yells. He tries to push himself out of Della’s arms.
Della leans over him a smile on her face.
“Morning, Wonder Boy.”
“Have a good nap?”
Jason’s infamous deer in headlights look paints his features.
“De-Detroit…we crash landed…”
“It’s okay,” Leo calls from the front. “We got away, but you got a nasty concussion…speaking of which, Della how is your concussion?”
“Fine, it’s been a dull ache for a while now.”
“Ah, cool.”
“H–how’d we get away?”
“Leo tore them to pieces!” Piper says. “He was amazing! He can summon fire–”
“It was nothing,” Leo says quickly.
“It was awesome Bro!” Della cheers.
“Shut up Valdez! I’m going to tell him about it. Get over it.”
Piper tells Jason how Leo annilated the cyclops family by himself. How they freed Jason–the monster reforming–and Leo replacing Festus wiring just as the cyclops reformed.
“I’m not alone then,” Jason says, “There are others like me.”
“You were never been alone Hercules,” Della whispers.
“You’ve got us,” Piper supplies.
“Yeah, it’s just something Hera said–”
Jason explains what Della already knew. Hera exchanged Percy for Jason and vice versa. Though Hera did not admit Percy was what she exchanged. She’s going to rip that goddess apart…
“An exchange?” Piper asks. “What does that even mean?”
Jason shakes his head. But he turns slightly to Della. He’s analyzing her. “But Hera’s gamble is me. Just sending me to Camp Half-Blood I think she broke some kind of rule….something that could blow up in a bad way–Dell…you good?”
Della glances up at them. She knows too much that is obvious…but she isn’t the only one keeping secrets…
“I had a dream a few days ago,” She admits, “Circe also said something about me being Hera’s gamble–”
‘Kirké appeared to you?” Jason asks. He looks troubled like he’s playing a losing game of chess.
“Yeah–long story short I met her when I was thirteen but she like Hera keeps telling me…anyways, I don’t think it’s just you, Wonder Boy. I think….the four of us are only just the beginning of something that can blow up if not handled properly…”
“Or it can save us,” Piper says. “The bit about the sleeping enemy that sounds like the lady Leo told us about.”
Leo clears his throat. “About that, she kind of appeared to me in a pool of Port-a-Potty sludge.”
“Did you say Port-a-Potty?” Jason asks.
“She was trying to get me to betray you guys, like pffft, I’m not going to listen to a portable crapper.”
“She’s trying to divide us…” Piper says. Something is bothering her.
Della and Jason glance at each other.
“What do you mean?” Jason asks.
“I just…why are they toying with us? Who is this lady and how is she connected to Enceladus?”
“Enceladus?” Della asks. “Like the giant?”
“I mean…” Piper’s voice wavers. “Yeah that’s one of the giants. Just one of the names I remember.”
That definitely wasn’t the actual truth. Whatever Piper is hiding Della hopes she’ll tell her or at least any of them soon.
Leo scratches his head. “Well I don’t know about enchiladas–”
“Enceladus,” Piper corrects him.
“Whateves. But Old Potty Face mentioned another name Porpoise Fear, or something like that.”
“Porphyrion?” Della asks. “The Giant King? Didn’t he…he kidnapped–”
“Let me guess,” Jason says, “He kidnapped Hera in the last Giant War.”
“Yeah….” Della sighs. Shit everything is repeating itself. “History repeats itself.”
“Isn’t that story old and conflicting?” Piper asks. “It was like no one wanted that story to survive. I just remember it was a hard war and the giants were almost impossible to destory.”
“Heroes and gods had to work together,” Jason says, “That’s what Hera told me.”
“Hard to do when they’ve closed most communications,” Della grumbles..
“Lovely,” Leo matches her tone.
Jason leans back against Della.
Della turns red as a tomato and her heart tries to rip itself out of her chest. She glances down at him and smiles. Luke’s words ring through her head, “Take the sign Aprhodite is throwing at you.” She thought after he died…well….she still doesn’t know what to think. She thought the goddess would forever torture her after that.
Now a son of Zeus leans against her looking like a dream. “Beware Eros Sting…” Hera had said. Otherwise it would be her undoing. She sighs her head hurts from thinking too much. Maybe it’s the concussion…
Festus dives through the break in the clouds. Below them lays a city glittering in the winter sun. Skyscrapers lined along a lakeside. Behind them a grid similar to Manhatten with neigborhoods and busy roads buzz with life.
“Chciago,” Jason says. He leans forward a bit taking his warmth with him.
“One problem down,” Leo says, “Now how do we find these storm spirits?”
As if on cue, a flash of movement zips past them. Upon first glance it looks like a plane, but no plane is that small, or dark and fast. It spirals towards the skyscrapers, weaving and changing shape–and just for a second, became the smoky figure of a horse.
“How about we follow that one,” Jason offers. “See where it goes.”
Festus swoops so fast Della leans forward tightening her grip on Jason. It felt lke a rollercoaster but this was ten times worse than any she’d taken at Coney Island. The spirit moves so fast Della worries they’ll lose it.
“Speed up,” Jason says.
“Bro,” Leo says, “I get any closer, it’ll spot us. Bronze dragon isn’t as stealthy as a plane.””
“Slow down,” Piper yelps.
“Please,” Della whispers.
The storm spirit plummets into the grid of the city streets. Festus tries to follow but his wingspan is too wide, and he clips a gargoyle on one of the buildings.
“I hate this…” Della mutters.
“Get above the buildings,” Jason suggests, “We can track him from up there.”
“You want to drive this thing?” Leo grumbles, but does as Jason said anyways.
After a few minutes, Jason spots it again, zipping through the streets with no apparent purpose–blowing over pedestrians, ruffling bags, making cars swerve.
“Oh, great,” Piper gorans, “There’s two of them.”
Sure enough another storm spirit blasts around the corner of the Renaissance Hotel and links up with the first one. They weave together in a chaotic dance, shooting from skyscraper to skyscraper, bending a radio tower, and diving back down into the street.
“Those guys do not need more caffeine,” Leo says.
“Well Chicago is also called the WIndy City,” Della says.
“What better place to hang out,” Piper says, “No one is going to question two extra evil winds.”
“More than two,” Jason says. “Look.”
The dragon circles over a wide avenue next to a lake-side park. Storm spirits were converging–at least a dozen of them, whirling around a big public art installation.
“Which one do you thinkis Dylan?” Leo asks, “I want to throw something at him.”
“Not wise, Hotman,” Della says, “You’d blow our cover.”
Della studies the public art installation below them. It seems like an ordinary fountain but something is of. Two five story monliths rose from either end of a granite reflecting pool. The monliths seem to be built of video screens, flashing the combined image of a giant face that spews over the pool.
“Leo….” Jason says nervously.
“I see her,” Leo says, “I don’t like her, but I see her.”
Then the screens go dark. The venti swirl together into a funnel cloud and skitter across the fountain, kicking up a waterspout almost as high as the monoliths. They go to its center and disappear underground.
“Did they just go down a drain?” Piper asks. “How are we supposed to follow them?”
“Maybe we shouoldn’t,” Leo says, “Aren’t we supposed to beware the Earth?”
“Yeah…but,” Della says. “We’re going to have to touch down.”
“Put us down in the park,” Jason says. “She’s right we’ll have to check it out on foot.”
Leo shrugs and lowers Festus onto an open area between the lake and the skyline. The signs say Grant Park, and Della guesses was probably a hot spot in the summer, but resembled a tundra of snow and ice.
The dragon’s hot feet hiss as the touch the ground. Festus flaps his wings unhappily and shoots fire into the sky, thankfully there’s no one around. Della’s not sure how well the mist covers that up. The wind from the lake is bitter cold. Any sensible person is inside.
Unfortunately, for Della, no one in the group seems to have any.
Once her feet hit the ground, Della stuffs her hands in her coat. Damn, Chicago has New York beat for cold winters.
Festus stomps his feet, and one of his ruby eyes flicker almost as though he is blinking.
“Is that normal?” Jason asks.
Leo pulls a rubber mallet from his tool bag. He whacks the dragon’s bad eye and the light goes back to normal.
“Yeah,” Leo says, “Festus can’t hang around here, though, in the middle of the park. They’ll arrest him for loitering. Maybe if I had a dog whistle…”
He rummages through his belt but doesn’t pull anything out.
“Too specialized?” he guesses. “Okay, give me a safety whistle. They have those in a lot of machine shops.”
This time Leo pulls a big orange whistle.
“Coach Hedge would be jealous!” Leo exclaims. “Okay, Festus, listen.” Leo blow the whistle. The shrill sound probably rolls all the way across the lake. “You hear that, come find me okay? Until then fly wherever you want. Just don’t barbecue any pedestrians. Got it?”
Festus snorts–hopefully in agreement. Then he spreads his wings and launches into the air.
“Ah!” Piper groans.
Della spins around to see she must’ve tried to take a step forward but it backfired.
“Your ankle?” Jason asks.
“The nectar might be wearing off…” Della says.
“It’s fine,” Piper grunts.
“Let’s get out of the wind,” Jason suggests.
“Down a drain?” Piper shudders. “Sounds cozy.”
“Well more like sewers but I guess yeah they’re a drain of sorts,” Della says.
The other three give her a look of “What the actual hell?”
“What?” Della shrugs. “I’ve been through worse.””
“Uh huh…” Leo says, “Remind me to find you a therapist.”
Della rolls her eyes. She steps towards the fountain.
According to a plaque, it’s called Crown Fountain. The water is pretty much gone…weird there was even water in it in the winter. They all step towards the center of the fountain.
No spirits try to stop them. The giant monitor walls stay dark. The drain hole is large enough for one person, and a maintenance ladder leads down into the gloom.
Jason goes first, Della, Leo, and Piper follow him.
Della glances around. It doesn’t smell too bad all things considered. The water around her is dirty but she can control it if need be…good.
Honestly, this place is better than the Labynrith. Della shudders at the thought of that place. That was her first quest after her return from Luke’s ship.
“Are all sewers this nice?” Piper asks.
“This is one of the better ones, trust me,” Leo says.
Jason frowns, “How do you–”
“Hey Man, I ran away six times. I’ve slept in some questionable places, okay? Now which way do we go?”
Jason tilts his head, listens, and points South. “That way.”
“How can you be so sure?” Piper asks.
“There’s a draft blowing South. Maybe they went with the flow.” Jaso shrugs.
It wasn’t much of a lead, but he’s the wind expert.
As soon as they start walking, Piper stumbles. Della barely catches her.
“Stupid ankle,” Piper grunts.
“Maybe we should rest,” Jason says. “We could all use it. We’ve been going non-stop for over a day. Leo, can you pull any food from that belt, besides breath mints?”
“Thought you’d never ask. Chef Leo at your service!”
Della helps Piper sit down and prop her ankle up.
She sits between Jason and Piper. The water washes away any remnants of her concussion. Della takes a deep breath in and releases through her nose. She considers dunking herself entirely but this still a sewer.
Jason turns his gold coin between his fingers staring at nothing.
Della sighs she knows that look–she’s seen it hundreds of times.
“It’s not your fault,” She says.
Jason looks at her blankly, “What?”
“The Cyclops, it wasn’t your fault…if anyone’s it was mine–”
“I walked right into a trap–
“And I should’ve picked up on the signs–”
“How could you have–”
“Hey neither of you are at fault,” Piper says. “Della you had a concussion and Jason you were trying to make sure we didn’t die.”
A few feet away Leo’s cooking fire sizzles as Leo himself hums a little tune.
“I know this has to suck for you,” Jason says, “Not the quest, I mean. The way I appeared on the bus, the Mist messing with your mind, making you think I was….you know….”
Piper’s gaze drops, “Yeah, well. None of us asked for this. It’s not your fault.”
Della fiddles with her camp necklace trying to avoid Piper or Jason’s eye. This is….awkward. Della forgot about Piper’s warped memories…kind makes her think of…Luke.
“Back in the factory, you were going to say something about your dad.”
Piper traces her fingers over the bricks, almost like she was writing out a scream she didn’t want to vocalize.
“Was I?”
“Piper,” Della says, “He’s in some kind of trouble isn’t he?”
Over at the fire, Leo stirs some sizzling bell peppers and meat in a pan.
“Yeah Baby! Almost there!”
Piper looks close to tears. “Guys, I can’t…I can’t talk about it….”
“We’re your friends. Let us help.”
She sucks in shaky breath and pales. “I wish I could–”
“And bingo!” Leo announces.
He comes over with four plates on his arm like a waiter. That belt was coming in handy. This is definitely the best meal Della has ever eaten on a quest.
“Chef Leo’s Taco Garage is fixing you up! I also remembered tofu for you Beauty Queen so don’t freak. Dig in!”
Leo tries his best to entertain while they eat. When it becomes apparent Piper won’t give in and tell them, Della decides to try another tactic.
“You know, when I was twelve my mom brought me and Percy to camp,” Della says. She glances around the fire and continues, “It was crazy. First, to find out my brother’s best friend was half a goat and that he’s actually twenty-four, and second, that monsters were real,” She takes a breath. “We were almost there when the minotaur…it…grabbed my mom and squeezed her to dust…” She peeks at her friends.
Jason and Leo’s eyes are wide it’s almost comical. Piper stares at her plate.
“Anyways after we were claimed Chiron and Mr. D informed us of our quest…to return Zeus’s Masterbolt. We’d been accused of stealing the damn thing…but then Grover let it slip that Hades had our mom. Gods, the emotional rollercoaster we went through…but I remember that entire quest if it came down to the Bolt of my mom…well I’d choose my mom. Luckily things worked out the Bolt was returned to Zeus and we managed to get our mom back.”
Piper shuffles her food around but doesn’t comment.
Jason scoots closer to Della until their shoulders are touching.
Leo gets up to make sure the fire is taken care of.
“We should all get some rest. I’ll keep watch,” Jason says.
Without a word Piper curls up on herself and turns so her back is facing them.
Della tucks her legs up to her chest and leans into Jason’s shoulder. She knows she should get a little shut-eye, but she doesn’t really want a vision or a Percy dream.
Jason looks down at her and smiles a bit.
“Get some sleep Del,” he whispers.
“You should have a second pair of eyes Wonder Boy.”
He chuckles soft and sweet like the honey her mom puts in her coffee.
“Go. To. Sleep. I’ll be alright Mermaid.”
Rolling her eyes she sinks against his arm which wraps around her waist.
The wind blew the trees and long grass eliciting a soft whistle. Mockingbirds whistled their pretty little songs. The sun glimmered in it’s golden hour as her converse crunched in the grass.
Della stopped at the rock edge where Thailia’s tree used to be.
What am I doing here? He left me for dead–no
Della gripped her hair tight in her hands. All of this was too much. She should’ve just told Luke yes. She should’ve stayed. But something stirred inside her telling her no that’s not where she was meant to be.
Poseidon told her she needed to come back here. But why? Percy is just as evil as Luke–
Memories, conflicting memories swirled in her mind. Some seemed real others seemed to have this filmy surface to them.
Della sighed and pushed the mess of uncertainty to the back of her mind. She promised Poseidon, no Dad, she’d try. She hikes through the trees to camp.
The nymphs are the first ones to notice her. They whisper and point at her.
Della’s about to the trailhead for the Big House when she bumps into something, more like someone.
“Ouch you little newbie watch where you’re–holy shit! Della?!?”
Clarisse La Rue in full greek armor looked down at Della like if she’d touch her Della would just vanish.
How long have I been gone?
Hurried footsteps came from the path that led to the clearing. Capture the Flag.
A group of demigods in red and blue capture the flag gear came charging weapons raised.
Clarisse holds up both hands and yells, “Stop! Everyone stop! Where’s Chiron?”
The other campers as directed stopped and like Clarisse looked at Della as though they couldn’t believe she was real.
“Hurry up come on! Get a move on go fetch Chiron! I’ll take her to the Big House.”
Two campers drop their weapons and scurry away.
“And, somebody find Percy or Annabeth!
Clarisse grabbed Della’s hand, “Come on let’s go wait for Chiron.”
“Clarisse?” Della asked as she was drug along.
Clarisse ignored her and kept moving.
“Clarisse? Clarisse, stop!” Della yanked her hand away.
Clarisse stopped and looked at her. She had a sad look in her eyes.
“Clarisse, I was only gone eight days why–”
“Eight months Del. You were gone Eight months.”
Della froze. Eight months? She was with Luke for eight months?
Someone came running up the path and nearly trampled Della over.
“Clarisse is it true? She’s here?” a tall boy with sandy blonde curls asked. Percy.
Clariss smiled and pointed at Della, “See for yourself.”
Percy spun around eyes wide. His breath hitched when he fully takes her in.
“Del…” he whispered. His eyes brimmed with tears.
Whatever thoughts she had of her brother being evil and hating her guts vanished. This was her brother, her pain in the ass brother, but her brother none the less.
Della threw herself into Percy’s arms and cried into his shoulder.
Percy wrapped her in his arms tightly. Scared to let her go. He had an arm secured around her waist while his free hand cupped the back of her head. His tears seep onto her head. Percy croaks out, “We…we burned your shroud, I, I lost hope when we found Annabeth and not you, gods, I’m so sorry Della.”
Della let out a sob into his shirt and clung to him for dear life.
The memory blurs and fades out like a movie. Seagulls squawk and ocean waves crash in inky blackness.
“Daughter of Poseidon, we’re running out of time…guide them….”
When Della wakes up, she is still pressed into Jason’s side. Her cheeks burn pink before she shifts a bit and sits up.
Jason smiles and brushes a few stray strands behind her ear.
“Welcome to the land of the living. Sleep well?”
“Yeah, I just wish we weren’t underground.”
“I mean sewers aren’t ideal no,” Jason jokes.
“No, I mean–the sewer is fine, I’ve sleep in worse places–”
“I can imagine–”
“It’s just,” she cuts him off, “It reminds me of an old quest.”
“Was this quest down in the sewer?” Jason raises an eyebrow at her.
“Try the Labyrinith.”
“Wait the Labyrinth…like Thesus’s Labyrinth?”
“Yep,” she enunciates the “p”.
“How’d you end up–”
“It had been my first quest after being kidnapped.”
Jason’s eyes blink rapidly. The cogs in his brain churning in overdrive. He opens his mouth–closes it–and opens it–before words actually came out.
“You were…kidnapped?”
Della sighs and runs a hand through her hair. Should she tell him? She glances around and sees Piper and Leo appear to still be asleep. Well, here goes nothing….
“During the last war, Percy was helping a satyr, Grover Underwood, extract two demigods. Long story short, Annabeth and I were kidnapped by a manticore after shoving him off a cliff,” Della pauses and glances at Jason.
Jason’s blue eyes were wide it was comical.
“It turned out the manticore worked for Luke Castellan, who was being used by Kronos…anyways, I was kept on his ship for nearly a year, he tried turning me to his side by using a mixture of poppy seeds and lethe–”
“He used Lethe? I thought that stuff wipes your memory?”
Della lets out a dry chuckle, “I don’t know how either, but he basically brainwashed me. Gods, I remember when Dad sent me back to camp…I didn’t know what was real or fake.”
“So, did you ever figure out was real…or not real?” Jason asks.
“It took a few weeks, yeah,” Della sighs, “My mind wasn’t fully restored until about a month ago. There’s still some things I can’t figure out. But before he vanished my brother and I played a game of real or not real to help.”
Jason stares at her for a moment, before he says, “You and your brother seem very close.”
“Yeah,” Della smiles wistfully, “I mean as twins we don’t really have a choice.”
In the distance Leo rolls over letting out the tiniest snore Della’s ever heard.
“We should get moving,” Jason says.
Della nods and moves over to Piper and shakes her gently.
“Piper, we got to get moving.”
Piper sits up just as Leo and Jason step towards them.
After making sure Piper’s ankle is secure, the four of them begin to move down the tunnels. The tunnels twist and turn, much like the Labyrinth–but at least this time the won’t be in here for three weeks.
They reach the end of the tunnels,s tumbling upon a polished steel elevators. Each of the doors engraved with a cursive “M”.
“Hmmm an M, could be an M for Macy’s,” Piper guesses, “There’s one in downtown Chicago.”
“Or Monocole Motors still,” Leo says. He’s looking at something…the directory. “Guys, look at the directory, it’s all messed up.”
Parking, Kennels, Main Entrance Sewer Level
Furnishings, Cafe M 1
Women’s Fashion and Magical Equipment 2
Men’s Wear and Weaponry 3
Cosmetics, Potions, Poisons & Sundries 4
“Yeah, this is not a typical Macy’s, or at least we don’t sell this stuff in New York,” Della quips.
“Kennels for what?” Piper asks. “And what kind of department store has an entrance in the sewer?”
“Or sells poisons,” Leo says. “Man, what does ‘sundries’ even mean? Is that like underwear?”
Della suppresses a chuckle.
“Well you know what they say, when in doubt start at the top,” Jason says.
“Who do you know that says that?” Della asks. Her eyebrow raises at the statement. “Have you ever been shopping?”
Jason rolls his eyes and pushes the button for the elevator.
The group steps in and Piper presses a gold button labeled ‘4’. The elevator plays one of those spa tracks Della’s heard some of the Saytrs play for meditation–interesting, apparently, monsters need to de-stress.
The doors slide open and the scent of perfume wafts into the elevator. Jason steps out first, sword ready.
“Guys, you have to see this,” he says.
Della steps next to Jason starts analyzing the situation.
The room resembles a kaleidoscope. The entire ceiling is crafted of stained glass, creating astrological signs circling a giant sun. Daylight streams through it, casting everything in various colors. In front of her is a railing which curves around an atrium.
“This is not Macy’s,” Piper gasps.
Della reaches in her pocket for her pendent. She taps it unsheathing her own sword. There was a lot going on in this store but it definitely was not a mortal store.
Leo steps up to the railing and looks down. “Check it out.”
In the middle of the atrium, a fountain sprays water twenty feet into the air
Good there’s an accessible water source. Della doesn’t need the fountain, but if she has to use water at least it’s not coming all the way from the sewers.
The jets of water change color from red, to yellow, to blue. It glitters with coins, probably drachmas. On either side of the fountain stands two gilded cages–kind of like oversized canary cages.
In one a miniature hurricane swirls, and lightning flashes. Someone caught the storm spirits–the cage shudders as they try to break out. In the other, frozen like a statue, was a short, buff satyr, holding a tree branch club. Gleeson Hedge.
“Coach Hedge! We’ve got to get down there!” Piper exclaims.
“May I help you? a voice, like silk, asks.
All four of the try not to jump straight out of their skin.
Della places a hand over her heart.
A random woman just appeared in front of them. She’s wearing an elegant black dress with glittering diamond jewelery. She reminds Della of a young, version of Cher. Her long black hair runs past her shoulders framing her exquisite almost inhuman face. Della can’t help but notice her red painted nails almost resemble talons.
Della and Piper share a glance at each other then at Jason.
“Um,” Jason says, “is this your store?”
The woman smiles, “I found it abandoned, you know. I understand so many stores are these days. I decided it would make the perfect place. I love collecting tasteful objects, helping people, and offering quality goods at a reasonable price. So this seemed good…how do you say…first acquisition in this country.
Her silky accent was beautiful. Della couldn’t quite place where she was from.
“So you’re new to America?” Jason asks.
“I am…new,” she agrees, “I am the Princess of Colchis. My friends call me Your Highness. Now, what are you looking for?”
Colchis…where does Della know that name?
Piper nudges Jason in the ribs. “Jason….”
“Umm, right. Actually Your Highness…” he points to the gilded cage on the first floor, “That’s our friend down there, Gleeson Hedge. The saytr. Could we…have him back please?”
“Of course!” the princess agrees, “I would love to show you my inventory. First, may I know your names?”
“This is Adella,” Jason says, This is Leo and Piper. And I’m Jason.”
Della and Piper glance at each other uneasily. This is too easy.
The princess fixes her eyes on Jason and for just a moment her face literally glows, blazing with anger. The moment passes, and her Highness looks normal and elegant again. A cordial smile paints her face,
“Jason. What interesting name,” she says, her brown eyes cold as the wind outside, “I think we’ll have to make a special deal for you. Come children. Let’s go shopping.”
#heroes of olympus#oc character#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#percyjacksonxsister!reader#percy and annabeth#jason grace x oc character#jason grace x jackson!reader#the lost hero
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Eight
Della didn’t want to leave Leo, it reminds her too much of her first quest when Percy and Annabeth had to leave her and Grover with Aries. Although Della is sure that like that quest it would be fine.
As they climb the icy staircase, Zethes stays behind them, his blade drawn. The guy may look like a Village People reject, but there was nothing funny about his sword. Della figures one hit from that thing and she’ll have a Narnia: The Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe moment.
Then there’s their tour guide, the ice princess. Here and there she’ll turn her head at Jason and give a smile, but there was no warmth in her expression. She looks him up and down like he is a new exciting specimen.
If these are Boreas’s kids, Della isn’t sure they want to meet Dad. She remembers Annabeth told her Boreas was the easy-going wind god. Which is code for, he won’t try to kill you on the spot.
Warmth engulfs her hand. Della glances down to see Jason’s hand in her own. She gives him a reassuring smile.
“Hey,” she squeezes his hand. “It’ll be fine. Just a talk.”
Jason smiles back at her.
Gods, he’s gorgeous.
Suddenly Jason’s hand felt cold, burning cold. He let go, and their fingers were smoking with frost.
“Warmth is not a good idea,” the Ice Princess says, “Especially when I am your best chance of staying alive.
Piper shoots them a look. She keeps her face neutral, but her eyes give it all away. Hurt.
Della sighs and attempts to rub the frost off her hand. She knows that look all too well.
Zethes pokes Jason in the back, and they follow the Princess down the massive hallway.
Freezing winds blew back and forth. If they weren’t frozen, the tapestries on the wall would’ve followed the rhythm.
Della’s cheeks were starting to burn from how cold they were. Jason looks more nervous than before. Della wants to grab his hand again, but her fingers still haven’t recovered from the first attempt.
“Wonder Boy,” I whisper, “You still with me?”
“Yeah…yeah, sorry.”
At the end of the hallway, the trio finds themselves in front of a set of oaken doors engraved with a map of the world. In each corner was a man’s bearded face blowing wind. All the guys were winter, blowing ice and snow all around the world.
The Ice Princess turns. Her brown eyes glitter with excitement as though she was about to open a Christmas present.
“This is the throne room,” she says, “Be on your best behavior Jason Grace. My father can be…chilly. I will translate for you and try to encourage him to hear you out. I do hope he spares you. We could have so much fun.”
Della narrows her eyes. Something is off. If Boreas needs a translator…how could they trust Elsa here to speak on their behalf? She opens her mouth–
“Um, okay,” Jason says, “We’re just here for a talk. We’ll be leaving right afterward.”
She smiles. “Ah, I love heroes so blissfully ignorant.”
Della reaches for Leda. She sees Piper has her dagger close as well.
“Well, how about you enlighten us,” Piper says, “You say you are going to translate for us. We don’t even know your name.”
The girl sniffs in distaste. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised you don’t recognize me. Even in ancient Greek times, the Greeks did not know me well. Their island homes were too warm, too far from my domain. I am Khione, daughter of Boreas, Goddess of Snow.”
She stirs the air with her finger creating a flurry of snow around her.
“Now come,” says Khione. The doors blow open, and a cool blue light filters out of the room. “Hopefully, you survive your talk.”
If the entry hall had been cold, the throne room was a meat locker. Mist hung in the air. Along the walls purple tapestries depict snowy forests, barren mountains, and glaciers. High above, ribbons of light–the Aurora Borealis pulses along the ceiling.
Della shivers at the violent change in temperature. Her breath pans out like hot steam.
All around them stood life-sized sculptures–all in different eras of armor. Some wore Greek, others Medevil, and the most unsettling were the ones in modern camoflague They all were frozen with their weapons locked and loaded.
Why would they have military sculptures–
Jason tries to move between two Greek spearmen, and they all move with alarming speed, joints cracking and spraying icicles as they cross their javelins to block their path.
Della pulls Jason back by his collar and places a hand to keep Piper in place.
“What the–”
From the far end of the hall, a man’s voice rings out, he sounds…French. Due to the mist, Della doesn’t see him. Whatever he said the ice guards uncrossed their javelins.
“It’s fine,” Khione says, “My father ordered them not to kill you yet.”
Yet, the keyword in that sentence.
“Super,” Jason mutters.
The trio shuffle closer to each other.
“Keep moving Jason Junior,” Zethes says. He prods him in the back with his sword.
“Please don’t call me that.”
“My father is not a patient man,” Zethes warns, “And the beautiful Piper, sadly, is losing her magic hairdo very fast. Perhaps later I can lend her something from my wide assortment of hair products.”
“Thanks,” Piper grumbles.
They move through the mist. Suddenly, the mist parts and reveals a man on a throne made of ice. A sturdy man in a white suit and purple wings smiles at their arrival.
“Bienvenu,” the King says, “Je suis Boread le Roid. Et vous?”
Khione opens her mouth to speak when Piper steps forward.
“Votre Majesté,” Piper says, “he suis Piper McLean. Est c’est Della fille de Poseidon, and et Jason fil de Zeus.”
The King smiles with pleasant surprise. “Vous parlez francias? Trés bien!”
“Piper, you speak French?” Jason and Dell ask at the same time.
“No. Why?” Piper frowns.
“You just did,” Della tells her.
“I did?”
The king says something else in French.
Piper nods, “Oui, Vorte Majesté”
The king laughs and claps his hands, obviously delighted. He says a few more things and then motions to his daughter as if shooing a bird.
Khione looks miffed. “The king says–”
“He says I’m the daughter of Aphrodite,” Piper interjects, “So naturally I can speak French, which is the language of love. I had no idea. His majesty says Khione won’t have to translate now.”
Thank the gods.
Behind them, Zethes snorts. Khione sends him a death glare and takes a step back.
The king sizes up Jason, who decides to bow.
“Your Majesty, I am Jason Grace. Thank you, for umm, not killing us. May I ask why does a Greek God speak French?”
Piper has another exchange with the king.
“He speaks the language of his host country,” Piper says, “He says all gods do this. Most gods speak English, as they now reside in the United States, but Boreas was never welcomed in their realm. These days he likes Quebec, so he likes to speak French.”
Boreas says something else, and Piper turns pale.
“The king says…he says–”
“Allow me,” Khione says, “My father says he has orders to kill you. Did I not mention that earlier?”
Della tenses. She glances at Jason who moves closer to her and Piper just as tense.
The king looks pleased with himself and his proclamation.
“Kill us? Why?” Jason asks.
“Because,” the king says, in heavily accented English, “my lord Aeolus has commanded it.”
Boreas rose from his throne. He furls his wings back and approaches them.
Khione and Zethes bow. Della, Jason, and Piper follow their example.
“I shall deign to speak your language,” Boreas says, as Piper McLean has honored me in mine. Toujours. I have always held a fondness for the children of Aphrodite. And I must say, a daughter of Poseidon is a rare sight indeed. At least, a human one. As for you, Jason Grace, my master would not expect me to kill a son of Zeus…at least without hearing him out first.”
Della does not like the odds of this possible fight. Sure, she could handle most of the guards and Zethes with Jason’s help. Khione would be a problem as well. Goddess of snow also meant the ability of ice…ice is water so it’d be somewhat fair. Even if they got through them they’d still have to fight a god.
“Aeolus is the master of the winds, right?” Jason asks. “Why would he want us dead?”
“You are demigods,” Boreas says as if that explains everything. “Aeolus’ job is to maintain the winds, and demigods have always caused him headaches. They ask him for favors. They unleash the winds and cause chaos,” Boreas pauses. He looks directly at Della. “The final insult was last summer the battle with Typhon last summer.”
Della tenses. She tries to forget about Mount St. Helens as much as she can. That was the first time Della and Percy’s powers forged together properly and they released a Titan.
Boreas waves his hand and a sheet of ice like a flat-screen TV appears in the air. Images of a battle flicker across the screen–a giant wrapped in storm clouds wading across a river toward the Manhatten skyline. Tiny glowing figures–the gods–swarm around him like angry wasps, pounding the monster with lightning and fire. Finally, the river erupts in a massive whirlpool and the smoky form sank beneath the waves.
“The storm giant, Typhon,” Boreas explains. “The gods defeated him, eons ago, he did not die quietly. His death released a host of storm spirits–wild winds that answered to no one. It was Aeolus’s job to track them all down and imprison them in his fortress. The other gods–they did not help. They didn’t even apologize for the inconvenience. It took Aeolus centuries to track them all down, and that naturally irritated him. Then last summer when he was defeated–”
“And his death released another wave of venti,” Jason guesses. “Which made Aeolus even angrier.”
“C’est vrai,” Boreas agrees.
“But Your Majesty,” Piper says, “the gods had no choice but to battle Typhon, or else Olympus would have been destroyed. Why punish–”
“Because it was demigods who released him,” Della interrupts.
Boreas looks at her, “And one of them stands before me.”
Jason and Piper’s heads snap towards Della.
She looks down at her feet. Damn, her past actions were kicking her in the ass right now.
“Aeolus cannot take his anger out on the gods,” Boreas shrugs, “They are his bosses, and very powerful. So he gets even with their heroes from the war. He’d be very pleased to see your demise, Adella Jackson. He gave the orders that any demigods who ask for help are to be,” Boreas waves his hands dramatically, “destroyed.”
“That seems extreme,” Jason says. “I’m sure Della didn’t mean to unleash Typhon. Please don’t destroy us. Once you hear about our quest–”
“Yes Aeolus mentioned mentioned a son of Zeus would seek my aid and if this should happen I should listen before terminating you–as you might–how did he put it? Make our lives more interesting. I am only obligated to listen. After that, I am free to pass judgment how I see fit. But I will listen first. Khione wishes this also. It may be that we will not kill you.”
Della sighs a little in relief. There’s a catch she knows it.
“Great. Thanks,” Jason says.
“Don’t thank me yet,” Boreas says, “There are many ways you could make our lives interesting. Sometimes we keep demigods for our amusement, as you can see.”
He gestures to the frozen guards in the room.
Della sighs, some demigods met a fate worse than death. This was one of those fates.
Piper makes a strangled noise,“You mean–they’re all demigods? Frozen demigods? They’re alive?”
“An interesting question,” Boreas conceded as though he’s never really thought about it. “They do not move unless they're obeying my orders. The rest of the time, they are frozen in place. Unless they were to melt, I suppose, which would be very messy.”
Khione steps up behind Jason and caresses the back of his neck. “My father gives me such lovely presents,” she murmurs in his ear. Della wants to cut her to pieces with her sword. “Join our court. Perhaps I’ll let your friends go.”
“What?” Zethes booms, “If Khione gets to keep the boy, I should get to keep the girls. Khione always gets more presents!”
“Now children,” Boreas says sternly, “Our guests will think you are spoiled! Besides, you moved too fast. We have not even heard the demigod’s story yet. Then we will decide what to do with them. Please, Jason Grace, entertain us.”
Khione purs and strokes the back of Jason’s neck again. Suddenly electricity sparks against his skin. There’s a loud pop, and Khione flies backward, skidding on the floor.
Della smiles amused that she doesn’t need to make Khione fish food.
Zethes laughs, “That is good! I’m glad you did that, even though I have to kill you now.”
Khione looks stunned. When she got her bearings back the air around her began to swirl in a micro-blizzard. “You dare–”
“Stop,” Jason orders. “You’re not going to kill us. And you’re not going to keep us either. We’re on a quest for the Queen of the Gods herself, so unless you want Hera busting down your doors, you are going to let us go.”
He sounds more confident than he probably feels. Something Della is sure he has experience in. Sound braver than you are. The first lesson every demigod learns. And it did the trick. Khione’s blizzard swirls to a stop, and Zethes lowers his sword. They look uncertainly at their father.
“Hmmm,” Boreas says. His eyes twinkle, but Della is not sure if he’s actually amused or pissed off. “A son of Zeus favored by Hera? This is definitely a first. Tell us your story.”
Jason hesitates, he opens his mouth but doesn’t speak. He did not expect to make it this far.
Della jumps in, “Your Majesty.”
All eyes are on her.
Della cursties before the wind god. She tells Boreas the entire story. From her missing brother to the venti in the Grand Canyon, to the prophecy. Jason and Piper gape at her story-telling skills. She is calm and collected for a woman whose life is on the line. This wasn’t her first rodeo.
“All we ask for is guidance,” Della concludes, “The storm spirits that attacked Jason and Piper, are working for an evil mistress. If we find them maybe, just maybe we can find Hera.”
Boreas strokes his beard. Outside the windows night had fallen, and the only light came from the Aurora Borealis above casting the room in shades of red and blue.
“You had no idea what you unleashed that day did you girl? Boreas asks. His eyes bore into Della.
“No,” Della sighs, “My brother and I had no idea what the repercussions of that day would bring.”
“I see,” Boreas says, “I do know of these spirits. I know where they are kept, and the prisoner they took.”
“You mean Coach Hedge?” Jason asks, “He’s alive?”
Boreas waves aside the question, “For now. But the one who controls the storm winds…it is madness to oppose her. You’d be better off staying as statues.”
“Hera’s in trouble,” Jason says, “In three days she’s going to be–I don't know consumed, destroyed, something. And a giant will rise.”
“Yes,” Boreas agrees. He sends an angry look to his daughter. “Many horrible things are awakening. Even my children do not tell me the news they should be. The great stirring of monsters began with Kronos–your father Zeus foolishly believed it would end when the Titans were defeated. But just as it was before, so it is now. The final battle is yet to come, and the one who will wake is more terrible than any Titan. Storm spirits–this is only the beginning. The earth has more horrors to yield up. When monsters no longer stay in Tarturus and souls confined to Hades…Olympus has good reason to fear.”
What does he mean just as it was before? They were repeating history…
Khione off to the side is smiling widely like this was her definition of fun.
“So you’ll help us?” Jason asks.
“I did not say that,” Boreas scowls.
“Please, Your Majesty,” Piper says. Her voice has that..richness again..so… compelling..a true blessing of Aphrodite. “If you tell us where the storm spirits are, we can capture them and bring them to Aeolus. You’d get to look good in front of your boss. Aeolus may pardon us and future demigods. We could even rescue Gleeson Hedge, everyone wins.”
“She’s pretty,” Zethes mumbles, “I mean, she’s right.”
“Father don’t listen to her,” Khione says, “She’s a child of Aphrodite. She dares to charmspeak a god? Freeze her now!”
Charmspeak? Oh…yeah, a rare gift from Aphrodite.
Boreas considers it. Jason reaches into his pocket for his coin. Della hesitates as she reaches for Leda.
The movement caught Boreas’ eye. “What is on your forearm demigod?”
Reluctantly Jason shows the god his arm.
The god’s eyes actually widen. Khione hisses like a snake and slithers away.
Then Boreas does something very unexpected, an icicle cracks from the ceiling right next to his throne. The god’s form begins to flicker. His beard disappeared. He grew taller and thinner, and he’d changed into a Roman toga, lined with purple. He wore a frosty laurel wreath, and a gladius–a Roman sword like Jason’s hung at his side.
“Aquilion,” Jason says.
The god inclines his head. “You recognize better in this form, yes? And yet you say you came from Camp Halfblood?”
Jason shifts his feet. “Umm…yes, Your Majesty.”
“And Hera sent you there…” the god’s eyes glitter with mirth. “I understand now. Oh, she plays a dangerous game. Bold, but dangerous! No wonder Olympus is closed. They must be trembling at the gamble she has taken.”
Gamble…that’s what Circe called Della. She called her Hera’s gamble.
“Jason,” Piper says nervously. She moves closer to Jason and Della. “Why did Boreas change form? The toga…the wreath. What’s going on?”
“It’s his Roman form,” Jason says. “But what’s going on…I have no clue.”
Aquilion laughs. “I’m sure you don’t this should be interesting to watch.”
“Does this mean you’ll let us go?” Piper asks.
“My Dear,” the god says, “There is no need for me to kill you. If Hera’s plan fails, and I do believe it shall, you’ll tear each other apart for me. Aeolus will never have to worry about demigods ever again.”
Suddenly it felt like the room had gone down at least twenty degrees. Something else wrong was happening, something far bigger than Boreas letting them go or not.
“I don’t suppose you could explain?” Della asks. Though she’s starting to piece some of this together.
“Oh, perish the thought! It is not for I to interfere with Hera’s plan. No wonder she took the boy’s memory,” He laughs. He’s having a wondrous time imagining demigods tearing each other to shreds. “You know, I have a reputation as the helpful wind god. Unlike my brethren, I’ve been known to fall in love with mortals. Why my sons Zethes and Calais started as demigods–”
“Which explains why they are idiots,” Khione grumbles.
“Stop it!” Zethes bites. “Just because you were born a full goddess–”
“Both of you freeze,” Boreas says. He’d switched back to his Greek form.
Just like that the two siblings froze.
“Now as I was saying, I have a good reputation. It is rare that Boreas plays an important role in the affairs of the gods. I sit here at my palace, at the edge of civilization, and so rarely have amusements. Why even that fool Notus, the South Wind, gets spring break in Cancún. What do I get? A winter festival with naked Qúebécios in the snow!”
“I like the winter festival,” Zethes mutters.
“My point is,” Boreas snaps, “is I have not had the chance to be the center. Oh, yes, I will let you go on this quest. You will find the storm spirits in the Windy City–Chicago of course–”
“Father!” Khione protests.
Boreas ignores her. “If you capture the storm spirits, you may be able to gain entrance to the court of Aeolus. If by some miracle you succeed, be sure to tell him you captured the winds on my orders.”
“Of course Your Majesty,” Della says, “we’d be honored to comply.”
Boreas smiles at Della.
“So Chicago is where we’ll find the lady who’s controlling the winds? She’s the one who trapped Hera?” Jason asks.
“Ah, those are two different questions, Son of Jupiter,” Boreas says.
Jupiter…hmmm interesting
“The one who controls the winds,” Boreas says, “yes, you will find her in Chicago. But she is only a servant–a servant who is very likely to kill you. If you succeed against her and take the winds, then you may go to Aeolus. Only he has knowledge of all the winds of the Earth. All secrets come to his fortress eventually. If anyone can tell you where Hera is imprisoned it’s Aeolus. As for you’ll meet when you finally find Hera’s cage–trust me you’ll wish I froze you.”
“Father,” Khione protests, “You can’t just let them–”
“I can do what I like,” Boreas booms, “I am still the master here, aren’t I?”
The look he gives her it is clear there is an unspoken argument. Khione’s eyes flash with anger, she clenches her teeth.
“As you wish father.”
“Now go, demigods,” Boreas says, “before I change my mind. Zehtes escort them out safely.”
They all bow as the God of the North Wind dissolves into the mist.
Back in the entry hall, Cal and Leo stand waiting for them. Leo appears cold but unharmed. He’s even cleaned up, his clothes look newly washed as though he’d used the hotel’s valet service. Festus was once again in dragon form.
As Khione leads them down the stairs, Della notices Leo’s eyes follow the goddess. Leo starts combing his hair back with his hands. Della rolls her eyes. Boys.
At the bottom step, Khione turns to glare at Piper and Della who stand side by side. “You may have fooled my father girls, but not me. We are not done. And you, Jason Grace, I will see you as a statue in the throne room soon enough.”
“Boreas is right,” Jason says, “You are a spoiled brat. See you around, ice princess.”
Khione’s eyes flash pure white. She’s about to respond when–
“Enough you two,” Della says, “We need to go. Now.”
Khione forms ice in her hands which turns into water freezing her hands. Khione startles and looks up at Della.
Jason and Piper stare in amazement as Khione storms upstairs.
“Did you just–” Piper laughs.
“Manipulate water? Yeah, Daughter of Poseidon remember?” Della laughs.
“Be careful she never forgets an insult,” Zethes warns.
“Bad sister,” Cal agrees.
Leo looks devastated. “What happened up there? You made her mad? Is she mad at me too? Guys, that was my prom date!”
“We’ll explain later,” Piper says. The Daughter of Aphrodite looks at Jason.
Della had an idea of what happened in the throne room with Boreas shifting forms. If she was right how had they not known about all this sooner? Is this what Chiron swore on the River of Styx for?
The fact that Jason had been sent to camp amused him, and Boreas/Aquilion had not let them leave out of kindness. No, cruel amusement danced through his eyes like he’d placed a bet on a dogfight.
If Hera’s plan fails, and I do believe it shall, you’ll tear each other apart for me. Aeolus will never have to worry about demigods ever again.
Jason looks away from Piper. He’s got that look similar to when Della took him to Chiron. The look of I shouldn’t be here.
“Yeah,” he says, “we’ll explain later.”
“Be careful pretty girls,” Zethes warns, “The winds between here and Chicago are bad-tempered. Many other evil things are stirring. I’m sorry you will not be staying. You would make lovely ice statues, in which I could check my reflection.”
“Thanks,” Piper says, “But I’d sooner play hockey with Cal.”
“Hockey?” Cal’s eyes lit up.
“She’s joking,” Della says, “Those storm spirits aren’t the worst of our problems are they?”
“Oh no,” Zethes says, “Something else. Something worse.”
‘Of course it is.”
“Can you tell me?” Piper tries.
The purple-winged Boreads shook their heads. The hangar opened onto a freezing starry night sky. Festus stomps his feet anxious to fly out of there.
“Thanks anyways,” Della says.
“Aeolus knows what is worse Adella Jackson,” Zethes says darkly, “Good luck.”
If Della didn’t know better she’s say he cared about the fates they may meet. If she had to guess empathy from when he was a demigod.
Cal pats Leo on the shoulder. “Don’t get destroyed.” The longest sentence by far. “Next time hockey. Pizza.”
“Aww, see Leo this wasn’t so bad you made a friend!” Della laughs.
“Shut up Katara!”
“Come on you guys,” Jason says, “Let’s go to Chicago and not get destroyed.”
#oc character#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#heroes of olympus#percy and annabeth#percyjacksonxsister!reader#fanfic#jason grace x jackson!reader#jason grace x reader
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Ten
The sun drooped in swirls of pinks, oranges, and purples. The birds and the frogs sang their transitional duet. A gentle breeze settled across the waves of the lake.
Della sighed and pushed her soft curls behind her ear. She sat at the edge of the dock kicking her feet back and forth in the water. Back and forth. Splish. Splash. Backwards than forwards. Splish. Splash.
She stared blankly at the images the clouds created. A few of them resembled horses and pegasi. Other appeared like silhouettes of people fighting–Della tried to ignore those. One, if she squinted, almost looked like Perry the Platypus–huh interesting choice there Zeus.
Della stiffened at the sound of his voice. She turned her head and there he was in his orange camp shirt.
“Luke?” she breathed out. Her lips curved up into a soft smile.
He grinned back at her and took a seat by her on the dock.
Della turned to him. He looked like he had when they first met.
“You changed your hair,” he said. He reached a hand out and played with one of the many little braids in her hair.
Della laughed and and grabbed Luke’s hand in her hair. She held there for a moment not quite sure what to do next. Her eyes met his brown ones.
They were soft and full of love. Love he never got to show her–not really.
He cupped her cheek in his hand.
They were so close their noses were touching.
“Gods,” she whispered, “I wish you were actually here.”
“I know,” he whispered back. “But you better take the sign Aphrodidite is throwing at you?”
“What do you mean? Della gave him a puzzled look.
“Thalia’s brother.”
Della sighed and closed her eyes a tear slipped out
“Hey none of that,” he said, “I know you like him.”
Luke removed his hand from her cheek and pulled back a bit.
“Del, we’ll meet again for real one day–but for now–be happy.”
“Okay,” she whispered.
“That’s my girl,” Luke grinned, “Now do me a favor…please wake up.”
Della wakes up to the feeling of chains around her body and Piper’s voice. Someone stuffed a cloth in her mouth and by the taste it might as well have been a dirty gym sock.
“Leo, help!”
But Piper’s lips were not moving, no she was close by struggling in her own bonds.
The Cyclops from earlier was imitating Piper’s voice to trap the only remaining person in their little party.
Wait–where’s Jason?
Della glances around to find the blonde konked out to Piper’s left. He has a giant welt on his left eyebrow.
Della tries to shimmy around in her restraints but to no avail. They were too tight. She let out a muffled cry as the restraints seemed to get tighter. How could she have been so stupid? Monocle Motors with a single red-eye symbol? She should’ve thought about it harder–then again she has a concussion.
“Leo?” The Cyclops says again less certain. “See told you it was nothing,” he grumbles in his normal voice.
Della grunts and struggles in her restraints again.
“Leo, help me!” it screamed.
“Help–” “Piper’s” voice cut off turning masculine again, “Bah, there’s no one out there. No demigod could be that quiet.
Della stops struggling and takes a deep breath. She closes her eyes seeing if maybe just maybe there’s some water nearby.
The other cyclops chuckles, “Probably ran away, if he knows what's good for him. Or the girl was lying about a fourth demigod. Let’s get cooking.”
Snap. A bright orange light sizzles to life. The cyclops in a chain mail loincloth waltz over to Piper, who squirmed and tried to head-butt him in the eye.
“Can I take her gag off now? I like it when they scream.”
The question is for the third cyclops, apparently their leader. They grunt in response and loincloth removes Piper’s gag.
To Della’s relief, she doesn’t scream. Piper takes a shaky breath like she’s trying to keep calm.
“Scream Girl! I like funny screaming!”
“Oh, Mr. Cyclops, you don’t want to kill us. It would be much better if you let us go,” Piper says with that rich silk voice.
Loincloth scratches his head in thought. He turns to the other cyclops Fiberglass-Toga. “She’s kind of pretty, Torque. Maybe we should let her go.”
Torque growls, “I saw her first, Sump. I’ll let her go!”
Sump and Torque square up on each other but the third cyclops rises and shouts,
` Shit, she’s female…Tyson once commented that the females were usually smarter than the males. That also meant they could be taller too….
Della’s wide eyes snap over to the she-clops. Intelligence sparkles in her singular red eye. She towers above the other two and her chainmail dress scratches the cement as she moves.
She clops stalks over and pushes Sump aside. Torque backs up in response.
“This one is Venus’ spawn,” she snarls, “She’s charmspeaking you.”
“Please ma’am–”
` “Rarrr!” The lady cyclops said. She grabbed Piper around the waist. Della struggles and yells through her gag. “Don’t try that pretty talk with me girly. I’m Ma Gasket! And I’ve eaten heroes tougher than you for lunch!”
She drops Piper to let her dangle. Ma Gasket turns to Della a wicked smile coats her features.
“Now this girly will be one of my highest achievements! A daughter of Neptune! A very rare cut indeed!”
Della glares at Ma Gasket and struggles a bit more in her bonds. She is not a piece of meat–wait Neptune…oh yeah Dad’s Roman name.
Ma Gaskey laughs and turns around to chew out Sump.
Piper, who is now only lightly swinging back and forth, glances at Della. “You okay?” she mouths.
Della gag in mouth nods but winces at the action.
Damn her for getting a concussion and then making it worse by getting clubbed by a cyclops…speaking of she needs to figure out an escape plan and quick.
“–eat her last, Ma?” Sump asks.
“Idiot!” Ma Gasket booms. These “fine” gentlemen must be her sons. “I should’ve thrown you out on the streets like proper cyclops children! You might’ve actually learned some useful skills! Curse my soft heart I kept you!”
“Soft heart?” Torque mutters.
“What was that you ingrate?”
“Nothing, Ma. I said you got a soft heart. We get to work for you, feed you, file your toenails–”
“And you should be grateful!” Ma Gasket bellows. “Now, stoke the fire, Torque! And Sump, you idiot, my case of salsa is in the other warehouse. Don’t tell me you expect me to eat these demigods without salsa!”
“Yes, Ma,” Sump stutters, “ I mean no, Ma. I mean–”
“Go get it!” Ma Gasket screams. She picks up a nearby truck chassis and slams it over Sump’s head. Sump crumples to his knees. This must be a regular occurrence for Sump because he manages to push the chassis off his head. Then he staggers to his feet and runs off on his quest of salsa.
Della glances around trying to find a way out of this. There were a few ideas but then Della notices a certain curly-haired crouching behind the machines. Thank the gods.
Piper notices him as well and lets out a gasp.
“What’s the matter, girl? So fragile I broke you?” Ma Gaket asks. She turns to Della. “Let's hope you don’t taste like seafood Girly. I don’t think salsa can take care of fish. That last hero we ate–remember him Torque? Son of Mercury wasn’t he?”
“Yeah, Ma,” Torque says, “Tasty. A bit stringy, but good.”
“Said he was on medication but he tasted fine.”
“Tasted like Mutton,” Torque recalls, “Purple shirt. Talked in Latin. Yes, a bit stringy, but good.”
Della freezes and glances at Jason, who is still out like a light. “Purple Shirt?” Della asks.
“Spoke Latin?” Piper asks at the same time.
They glance uneasily at each other.
“Good eating,” Ma Gasket says. “Point is, we’re not dumb as people think. We’re not falling for those tricks and riddles, not us Northern Cyclops!”
Northern Cyclops?
“I never knew you were so big and clever!” Piper exclaims.
“Flattery won’t work either,” Ma Gasket says. Though she sounds quite pleased. “But it’s true you’ll be breakfast for the best cyclops around!”
“But aren’t cyclops good? I thought you made weapons for the gods?”
“Bah! I’m good at eating people. Good at smashing things. And good at building things yes, but not for the gods. Our cousins the Eldere cyclops, they do this yes. Thinking they’re all high and mighty, cause they’re a few thousand years older.”
Della glances at the machines below, hopefully, Leo finished whatever he was doing down there.
“Then there’s the Southern Cyclops, living on islands and tending sheep. Morons! But us Hyperborean Clan, we’re the best! Founded Monocole Motors in this factory–the best weapons, armor, chariots, fuel-efficient SUVs! And yet bah! Forced to shutdown! Laid off most of our tribe. The war was too quick. Titans lost. No good! No need for cyclops weapons!”
“Oh no,” Piper sympathsizes, “I’m sure you made amazing weapons!”
Torque grins. “Squeaky war hammer!” He picks up a large pole with an accordion-looking metal box on one end. He slams it against the floor cracking the cement but there is sound like the world’s largest rubber ducky getting stomped on.
“Terrrifying,” Della says.
“Can I see it?” Piper asks. “I’f you could just free our hands–”
Torque steps forward excitedly but Ma Gasket stops him.
“Stupid! She’s tricking you again! Enough talk! Slay the boy first before he dies on his own. I like my meat fresh.”
“Hey, wait,” Piper says, “Hey can I just–”
Della notices a wire spark where Leo was.
Unfortunately, so did the cyclops as they hurled a car at him.
Leo, somehow, rolls out of the way. He gets to his feet and Ma Gasket spots him.
“Torque, You pathetic excuse of a cyclops get him!” she yells.
Torque barrels towards him while Leo frantically guns the toggle on a makeshift remote.
Torque was fifty feet away. Then forty. Twenty.
Then a robotic arm whirs to life. A three-ton metal claw slams into Torque so hard he lands on his face. He tries to scurry up but the robotic hand grabs him by one leg and hurls him up in the air.
“AHHHHHHH!” Torque screams as he rockets through the air. THUD! The ceiling was too high up and too dark to be exactly sure what was happening.
Della guesses that he hit a support beam judging by the noise.
Yellow dust rains down instead of a body. Good one down two more to go.
Ma Gasket stares at Leo in shock. “My son…you…you….”
As if on cue Sump staggers back into the room a jar of salsa in his hand.
“Ma I got the extra spicy–”
Leo spun the remote toggle and a second robotic arm whacks Sump in the chest. The salsa explodes like a piñata onto the concrete floor. Sump falls back into a third machine. This arm slams into him he explodes into a cloud of yellow dust.
One more to go.
Della and Piper cheer Leo on. Ma Gasket, on the other hand, roars and grabs the nearest crane arm and rips it off the pedestal.
“You busted my boys! Only I get to bust my boys!”
Leo punches a button and two more arms spawn into action.
Ma Gasket catches the first one and tears it in half. The second arm smacks her in the head, but it only seems to make her even more mad. She grabs it by the clamps, rips it free, and swings it like a baseball bat. It misses Della, Piper, and Jason by a mere inch. Ma gasket lets it go spinning towards Leo.
Leo yelps and rolls to one side as it demolishes the machine next to him.
Ma Gasket stands twenty feet away from him now, next to the cooking fire. She clenches her fists and bares her teeth. She looks ridiculous in her getup the pigtails and the chainmail dress bu the look of revenge was not a look to laugh at.
Della knew that look all too well.
“Any more tricks demigod?” she snarls.
“Heck yeah I got tricks!” Leo shouts, “Come any closer and I’ll destroy you with fire!”
Della moves her hands in the bonds trying to connect with water just in case–just in case she is right and he has no control.
“Would you? Cyclops are immune to fire you moron. But you wish to play with flames let me help.”
She scoops red-hot coals from the fire into her hands and flings them at Leo. They all land around his feet.
“You missed,” he says incredicously.
Ma Gasket grins and pciks up a barrel next to the rucks and hurls it at Leo.
Coals spark and Leo closes his eyes.
Piper screams, “No!”
Della watches and waits–
A firestorm erupts around Leo, swirling twenty feet into the air. Ma Gasket screams in delight, but Leo doesn’t offer the fire any good fuel. The Kerosine burns up dying down to a small patch on the floor.
“Leo?” Piper asks.
Della smiles so she's right.
Ma Gasket gasps. “You live?” She takes an extra step forward. “What are you?”
“The Son of Hephestus,” Leo says, “And I warned you I’d destroy you with fire.”
He points a finger with a look of determination and shoots a bolt of white-hot flames at the chain suspending the engine block above Ma Gasket;s head.
The flames die. Nothing happens. Ma Gasket cackles. “An impressive try Son of Hephestus. It’s been centuries since I’ve seen a fire user. You’ll make a spicy appetizer!”
The chain snaps–the single link heated beyond it’s tolerance point–and the engine block fell, deadly and silent.
“I don’t think so,” Leo says.
Ma Gasket didn’t even have a chance to look up.
Smash! No more cyclops–just a pile of yellow dust under a five-ton engine block.
“Not immune to engines, huh?” Leo says, “Boo-yah!”
The curly haired boy crumples to his knees.
“Leo!” Piper yells, “Are you alright?”
Leo stumbles back to his feet. He’s never used that much of his power before, Della can tell, he’s pale and sweaty.
It takes him a long time to get Piper and Della out of their chains. Della scampers over to Jason, who was still unconcious.
Piper passes Della nectar.
Della manages to trickle a bit into his mouth, and he groans. Thank the gods. The welt on his head shrinks and he gets a bit more color back in his face.
“He’s goit a thick skull, he’ll be fine,” Leo says.
“Good,” Piper says. Then she looks at Leo with something that resemebles fear. “How–did you–the fire–have you always…”
Leo looks at his shoes, “Always,” he says, “I’m a freaking menace. I’m sorry I should’ve told you guys sooner–”
“Sorry?” Della and Piper laugh.
“That was amazing, Valdez! You saved our lives. What are you sorry about?” Piper asks. She smiles at him with pride in her eyes.
“You did awsome Dude,” Della smiles, “I had a feeling about this.” she gestures to the fire thing.
“I bet you did, Katara,” Leo teases. His smile fades when he notices something by Piper’s foot.
Della sees it too.
Yellow dust–the pulvarized cyclops remains, shifts across the floor like an invisible wind was pushing it back together.
What in Hades–
“They’re forming again,” Leo says, “Look.”
“Impossible…” Della mutters. She’s seen monsters die they never do this.
“I thought you said they go back to Tarturus?” Piper asks.
“They’re supposed to,” Della says.
“Well, no one told the dust that,” Leo says.
“Oh gods,” Piper says, “Boreas said something about this. When–”
“Death holding up horrors, When monsters no longer stay in Tarturus and death is no longer confined to Hades,” Della finishes for her. “Let’s get out of here. Now.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” Leo says.
#oc character#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#heroes of olympus#percyjacksonxsister!reader#fanfic#percy and annabeth#jason grace x jackson!reader#jason grace x reader#luke castella
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Nine
A/N:We finally get real fluff between Jason and Della! Have fun!
Della sighs in relief as Quebec City fades behind them. She shifts and soaks in the warmth of being back on Festus. She could almost curl up like a cat on the dragon’s back.
Leo passes them sandwiches from his pack. He’s been pretty quiet since they told him what had happened in the throne room.
“I still can’t believe Khione,” he says, “she seemed so nice.”
“Trust me, man,” Jason says, “Snow may be pretty, but up close it’s cold and nasty. We’ll find you a better prom date.”
Della smiles at him and Piper hums in agreement. Leo looks anything but pleased.
“Della,” Piper says, “How did freeze Khiones hands together?”
“I found out a few months ago that I can manipulate ice. It takes a lot of focus, but I am much more skilled at it than Percy. He struggles with it stunningly. He can do it but it’s not his favorite.”
‘Well,” Jason says, “It was pretty impressive. Your storytelling skills were pretty good too.”
“Lots of practice,” Della laughs.
“Any other secret powers we should know about?” Jason teases.
At the front of the dragon Leo tenses.
Um, I have the gift of siren song…”
“Siren song?” Leo asks. “Like Ariel from the Little Mermaid?”
“Yeah…it kind of works like hypnosis. I’ve only used it once. During the war last summer.”
“So…it’s kind of like charm speak?” Piper asks.
“Yeah, except I have to sing a song.”
“Fun, that might come in handy,” Leo grumbles.
Silence fell over the four demigods. Something seems to be upsetting Leo. Whatever it was his mood seems to be affecting Festus as well.
No one says anything. Della imagines that like her they know whatever they’re about to face in Chicago is not good. The way Boreas was entertained by their quest–he knows something they don’t. He seemed to believe this quest was a suicide mission. Hmm, not any different than Della’s past quests.
Della glances up at the night sky. Stars flicker bright against the inky midnight. She spots the constellation Cancer first. She looks over just a tad and spots her constellation Leo. Della sighs, and she wonders how Annabeth and the other’s search for Percy is going.
Her eyes begin to droop, and before she knows it the stars blur together and the inky midnight sky swallows her whole.
Della opened her eyes to the gush of the ocean waves. She glanced around her vision blurry. She could make out she was on a ship. There was an open door to her right. She exited the room to find a set of stairs. This place seemed familiar.
She staggered up the stairs to find herself on the deck of a ship. Wait, she knew this ship, The Queen Anne’s Revenge. Mist encapsulated the deck of the ship.
Della moved towards the foremast of the ship. Tied to the mast were thirteen-year-olds Della and Annabeth. Percy stood off to the side candle wax stuffed in his ears.
Oh, the island of the Sirens.
Annabeth struggled against the rope Percy had tied them in. While Young Della heard the singing but unlike Annabeth she didn't react.
“Percy! Percy, untie me! Please…” Annabeth bellows.
Percy looked away from the two of them.
“Della…” a voice called. A familiar voice. “Del…”
Della is thrust from The Queen Anne’s Revenge
When her vision cleared, Della wished to be whisked from this memory.
Blue light drifted towards an all too familiar coffin. The coffin shimmered like a cloud of pure energy. Then it descended into the sarcophagus which turned a violent shade of gold.
Luke sat upright in the coffin, but he was no longer Luke. His eyes once a warm brown now glowed gold, just like the sarcophagus. Kronos. He looked straight at Percy a twisted smile on his face.
“This body has been well prepared,” His voice sounded like a razor blade sharp and unforgiving. It was Luke, but it wasn’t Luke. It was an ancient, cold sound like metal scraping against a rock. “Don’t you think so Percy Jackson?” “
Percy said nothing his mouth hung open in horror.
“He feared you. His jealousy and hatred for you kept him obedient. For that, I must thank you.” Kronos said.
His eyes moved from Percy to Della. His smile grew even wider.
“As for you Della Jackson,” He chuckled, “You became a bigger distraction than the Athena girl. I should obliterate you.”
Percy scooted closer to Della. He tried to shield her from the Titan.
Della felt the air in her lungs leave her at once. She was a bigger distraction than Annabeth? What–
“Pity, you didn’t take his offer when he took you,” Kronos said, “You were so close…”
Percy looked at Della devastation evident on his face. “Del, please tell me you didn’t–”
Kronos laughed. “She should've, it would've saved her from her fate!”
Della is whisked away.
“Hey, it’s you again. Della right?”
“Percy?” Della groaned. She opened her eyes to see her twin leaning over her.
She can’t tell where they are it seems like somewhere and nowhere at the same time. They seem to be in a city but everything is blurred.
“Yeah, good to see you again.”
“Where are we?”
“I have no idea. But I don’t think I’m conscious wherever I am.”
Della sits upright so fast she almost collides heads with Percy.
“What do you mean you’re not actually conscious?”
“I mean, these interactions with you actually feel real. Everything else…I’m pretty sure they’re just dreams.”
Damnit, what in Tartarus had Hera done to him?
“The last time we met…you said you knew me.”
“Yeah, I did.”
“How do we know each other? And why can we do this?” He gestures to this communication telepathy thing.
“I don’t think I can tell you…I’m sorry.”
“Why can’t–”
“Della! Come on Ariel wake up!”
“Who is–”
“Wonder Boy…”
“Wonder Boy? Della who’s–”
Darkness rips Della away from Percy.
When Della opens her eyes her vision is blurry. It starts to clear out and she’s met with worried blue eyes. Her head rests on someone’s lap and their fingers run through her hair. She tries to sit up but hands push her back down. Della can see their lips moving–there’s a strong ringing in her ears–finally sound hits her.
“Della? Hey,” their voice is soft like silk, “Easy Mermaid. You took a pretty bad fall.”
“Wonder Boy?” Della whispers.
“Yeah, I’m here. We’re all here,” Jason says. He leans back a bit.
She glances around to see she’s lying in Piper’s lap. Leo is crouched behind Jason. His eyes are ablaze with worry.
Jason and Piper help her sit up. As soon as they get her in a sitting position she topples over straight into Jason’s chest. His arms wrap around her. He maneuvers her so she’s facing the others.
Piper’s digging through her bag for something.
Della tries to gauge where they are. They’re definitely not on Festus anymore. They seem to be in a warehouse of some sort.
Jason notices her dazed look. He steadies the arm holding her to him and runs his free hand across her head checking for bumps and cuts. His hand hovers over one spot.
“Shit,” he mutters.
Piper and Leo’s attention snaps to the two of them.
“What is it–oh,” Leo says. He’s leaning over Jason’s shoulder. “Pipes–”
“Found it!”
Piper holds out a Ziploc bag containing ambrosia. She opens it and breaks off a medium chunk. Thank the gods.
Piper passes the piece to Jason, who holds his free hand out.
He places it carefully in Della’s mouth.
Della chews it quickly. Unfortunately, it’s not completely doing the trick. She sags against Jason a bit more.
“Della, hey, come on, stay with us,” He says. His grip tightens just a bit.
“Still hurts,” she whispers.
“We got a first aid kit?” Piper asks.
“Yeah,” Leo says. He leans back from Jason and pulls out some gauze, a damp washcloth, and an ice pack.
“How did you just pull those out of an empty belt?” Piper asks.
“Magic,” Della whispers. “But we don’t need that…just get me to water.”
“Water? Oh yeah, Poseidon’s kid.” She’s not even sure who’s talking.
“I saw a creek outside!”
Arms scoop her up and dash away with her. The air around her swooshes–she’s flying.
“Del, keep your eyes open,” a voice commands. Jason.
Before she knows it she’s placed in icy cold water. She sighs in relief. She fully opens her eyes to see Jason leaning over her in the water. He looks even more scared than in the throne room.
Della sits up in the water.
Jason keeps a hand on her shoulder. He uses the other one to check the back of her head. Jason sighs in relief and pulls her into a hug. He uses one hand to cup the back of her head and the other to pull her closer.
“You scared me, Ariel.”
“Sorry Hercules,” she mumbles against his shoulder.
Jason stands up, not letting go of her, and flies them back to Leo and Piper.
When they land back in the warehouse they see Leo examining Piper’s foot.
Looks like Della wasn’t the only one injured.
“What happened?” Jason asks. He lets go of Della and they squat down next to Piper and Leo.
“She tried to stand up and toppled over in pain,” Leo explains, “It’s her ankle.”
“Shit,” Della and Jason say in sync.
Della reaches for her bag and unzips the middle compartment. She pulls a wad of fabric out. She unrolls the wad to reveal a ziploc bag of ambrosia. Della snaps a very small piece and hands it to Piper.
Piper eats it quickly and then groans in pain, “More.”
“Not a good idea, too much will kill you,” Della sighs.
“That’s smaller than what she gave you,” Leo comments.
Jason sighs. “That’s why you struggled to heal. It was too much.” His face resembles a kicked puppy.
“Hey,” Della says, “Fix Piper, mope later.”
Wow, that sounds too much like Beth.
“I think we need to try to set her foot,” Jason says.
“Have you ever done that before?” Piper asks. Her voice goes up an octave.
“I think so…”
“You think or know?” Della asks.
Leo pulls out some gauze and duct tape from his belt. Somewhere he finds an old piece of wood and splits it in half to make a splint.
“Alright Leo, hold her leg down,” Jason says, “Della, be ready to wrap.”
Leo salutes him. He gets into position. Della takes the stuff from Leo.
When Jason sets the foot, Piper flinches so hard she punches Leo in the shoulder.
He yells almost as much as Piper. But it worked, her foot was now facing the right direction.
“Ow,” she breathes.
Della begins to wrap Piper’s foot making sure it’s secure.
“Jeez Beauty Queen!” Leo rubs his arm. “Glad my face wasn’t there.”
“Sorry,” Piper says, “And don’t call me ‘Beauty Queen’ or I will punch you again.”
“You all did great,” Jason breathes. He reaches a hand out to Della and strokes the back of her head where her cut had been.
Della sinks into the touch for a moment then focuses on the situation again.
Piper has that sad look on her face again.
Leo examines the back of Della's head.
“Woah! It’s gone! Like just barely a hint of a scar!” Leo exclaims.
“Yeah water usually does a pretty good job with wounds,” Della says.
“But still! That was a deep cut! Like we could see–”
“Okay, Leo,” Jason sighs, “It’s gone she’s alright now.”
They could see her skull? What in Hades happened?
“So…” Della says. She sits down by Piper. “Anyone going to tell me what just happened?”
Jason sighs and sits across from the girls. Leo follows suit and sits down by him.
Della crosses her arms. “Where’s Festus? And more importantly, where are we?”
Leo’s expression turns sullen. “I don’t know with Festus. He just jerked sideways like he hit an invisible wall and started to fall.”
“As for where we are…” Leo points to a logo on the wall.
Della squints and just barely makes out a large red eye with stenciled words: Monocle Motors, Assembly Plant 1. Something about the red eye gave Della the chills.
“Closed car plant,” Leo says, “I’m guessing we crash-landed in Detroit.”
“How far is that from Chicago?” Piper asks.
Jason hands her a canteen. “Maybe three-fourths of the way from Quebec? The thing is, without the dragon, we’re stuck traveling overland.”
“No way,” Leo says, “That is our least safe option.”
“He’s right,” Piper says, “Besides I don’t know if I can walk.”
Della sighs, seems to be a trend this evening. “And Jason, you can’t fly four people across the country.”
“No way,” Jason agrees, “Leo, are you sure Festus didn’t malfunction? I mean he is old, and–”
“And I might not have repaired him right?”
“I didn’t say that,” Jason protests, “It’s just–maybe you could fix it.”
“I don’t know,” Leo sounds crestfallen. He pulls a few screws out of his pockets and starts fiddling with them. “I’d have to find where he landed if he’s even in one piece.””
“It’s my fault,” Piper says suddenly.
Della, Jason, and Leo all look at her confusion bubbles between the three of them.
“How you were asleep? You and Della both were,” Jason says.
“Yeah, Babe I love you but I doubt that highly.”
“You’re just shaken up,” Leo says, “You’re in pain just rest.”
Piper looks about ready to break down and cry. There’s something else going on with her. Something more than just this damned quest.
Leo stands up. “Look, um Jason, why don’t you stay here with them bro? I’ll scout for Festus. He’s got to be around the warehouse somewhere. If I find him maybe I can figure out how to fix him.”
“Hey, no, you can’t go alone–” Della stands up too quick. Her vision blurs a bit and she nearly topples over.
Jason catches her before she can hit the floor. “I thought you healed?”
“Hmm, I did,” Della mumbles, “This is normal though my body’s trying to process not having a concussion anymore.”
“Great reason for Jason to stay here with you two,” Leo says, “Look I’ll be quick. Just don’t run off without me.”
“Couldn’t even if we tried,” Piper mutters.
Leo reaches into his tool belt and pulls out a flashlight. He flicks it on and disappears down some stairs.
Jason sighs and situates himself across from Piper and next to Della. Thanks to the whole they created in the ceiling there’s a bit of moonlight that illuminates their faces.
“You guys look better,” Jason says softly. He crosses his arms over his legs and glances down at the floor.
Della scoots a bit closer to him. She nudges him just a bit.
She’d almost died, again. Gods, Percy would have lost his mind if he knew–correction–if he remembered her, he would. Also, their connection is…real. It’s repetitive–so why is happening now? They could’ve used this ability six months ago–no they could’ve used it ages ago during the last war.
Jason smiles at her but it doesn’t meet her eyes.
“You did a good job,” Piper says, “Where’d you learn first aid?”
He shrugs. “Same answer as always, I don’t know.”
“But you’re getting some memories back, right?” Della sighs.
“Yeah,” Piper chips in, “Like that prophecy in Latin back at camp or the dream about the wolf?”
“It’s still fuzzy,” Jason sighs, “like de’ja vú. You ever forgot a word or name and it’s at the tip of your tongue, but it isn’t? It’s like that–only with my whole life.”
This, this is what Percy is going to have to go through when he wakes up? \What if he doesn’t get lucky like Jason and find other demigods? What if his amnesia is so bad he forgets how to use Riptide or how to fight in general?
Della shudders at the thought.
“That photo in your pocket,” Piper says. “Is that someone from your past?”
Jason jumps a bit, he looks like a deer in headlights.
“I’m sorry,” she says, “it’s none of my business.”
“No, it’s okay,” he relaxes a bit, "I’m trying to figure some things out.”
Della looks at him. She places a hand on his shoulder.
“That’s Thalia in that photo,” she says, “Gods, I should’ve put it together sooner.”
“What do you mean?” He looks at her.
“Boreas he called you Jason Grace. That’s Thailia’s last name, not to mention the Zeus thing, but I thought maybe just half-siblings–”
“You sure you’re not a daughter of Athena?” Jason chuckles.
“My dad would be so pissed to hear you ask that,” Della laughs. Her hand slips from his shoulder.
Piper laughs with them but it’s half-hearted. Their laughter dies down, and Jason clears his throat.
“Anyways, I have this feeling I’m supposed to find her. Hera left me that memory for a reason. It’s got something to do with this quest. But…I have a feeling it could be dangerous. I’m not sure I want to find out the truth. Is that crazy?”
“No,” Piper says.
“Not in the slightest,” Della says, “The truth is never easy.” She twiddles with her thumbs.
“Jason, Della” Piper says, “Speaking of the truth, I need to tell you something–something about my dad–”
She doesn’t get the chance. Somewhere down below, metal clangs against metal, like a door slamming shut. The sound reverberates throughout the warehouse.
Jason stands up in a flash. He slips his coin out of his pocket and flips unsheathing his sword. He peers over the railing.
“Leo?” he calls.
No answer.
“I don’t like this,” he says. He crouches down next to the girls.
“Me neither,” Piper says, “You need to go check that out.”
“No, I’m not leaving you two here alone–”
“It’s fine Hercules,” Della sighs. She grabs one of the railings behind her and stands up.
Jason rushes towards her to make sure she doesn’t fall.
Della simply waves him off and lets go of the bar and moves a few steps forward. She searches her pockets for her pin. The smooth cool beak touches her fingers. Della pulls it out and taps the beak releasing her sword.
“We’ll be fine,” she promises. “Just be quick, I have a bad feeling about this.”
Jason hesitates. “If I’m not back in five minutes–”
“Panic?” Piper suggests.
“Glad to see you’re back to normal. The dress and the makeup were a lot more intimidating than the dagger.”
“Get moving Wonder Boy,” Della says, “I don’t believe in the force, but right now–”
“The force?” Jason smiles.
“Star Wars,” Piper laughs, “I thought you didn’t watch movies–”
“Percy and I loved them as kids, but that’s not the point! Go!”
“Sure thing Ariel,” Jason smirks. His eyes sparkle with mischief.
Gods, he’s hot–hotter than Luke ever was.
He turns and makes his way to the stairs and runs off into the abyss.
Della turns back to Piper and moves closer to her. She paces a bit, and fidgets with Leda’s handle.
This place is bad news–she should know she’s been in enough shitholes like this warehouse. Times keeps ticking by, and the longer the boys are gone the more that bad feeling deepens.
A loud bang! Echoes through the warehouse.
“Shit,” Della mutters.
“So,” Piper says, “How’s your head?”
Della pauses her pacing and looks down at her.
“Better, still aches a bit, but I’ve dealt with worse.”
Piper hums and rubs her hands together.
“How’s the foot?”
“Still attached,” Piper smiles.
Metallic footsteps slam against the stairs. They don’t sound like Jason or Leo.
“Jason?” Della calls.
Something isn’t right and she knows it. That feeling is in overdrive.
“Yeah,” he calls from the darkness, “On my way up.”
It’s definitely Jason’s voice, but something is so off right now. Della raises Leda and steps in front of Piper.
Piper pulls her dagger close to her.
The steps come closer.
“It’s okay,” Jason’s voice promises.
At the top of the stairs, appears a face, a scary, almost familiar face. It wears a black grin, a smashed nose, and a bloodshot eye in the middle of its forehead. A cyclops and unfortunately it’s not her brother Tyson.
“It’s fine,” he says with Jason’s stolen voice, “You’re just in time for dinner.”
Della charges at him and swings Leda at his chest.
He groans at the cut, but it completely heals as soon as the slash appeared. His teeth stretch into a terrifying smile and he slams the back of Della’s recently healed head and everything turns black.
#jason grace x jackson!reader#jason grace x reader#percyjacksonxsister!reader#heroes of olympus#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#oc character#fanfic#percy and annabeth
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Hey Y'all!
Hey guys! Just a bit of an update for you! Thanks for all the love for the last eight chapters! Just a heads up this is also on Wattpad! It's under MischievousMarauder on that platform. Chapter Nine will be up soon!
I thought I'd also attach the concept art for Della! (AI-Generated) The First two would be PJO timeline and the last two would be Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Appolo appearance.




#oc character#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#heroes of olympus#percyjacksonxsister!reader#fanfic#percy and annabeth#jason grace x jackson!reader#jason grace x reader
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Heyyyyy! first of, i loooooooove ur wrting. it´s literally amazing. second, how many chapters will daughter of poseidon have? i just really loved it
Hey! This a great question! The short answer is I'm not sure, haha. This series starts with the Lost Hero and might end with Blood of Olympus. I'm still debating on ending with the Trials of Apollo series. So, we'll just see where this goes! I will keep you guys updated!
#oc character#heroes of olympus#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#percyjacksonxsister!reader#fanfic#jason grace x jackson!reader#jason grace x reader
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The 1
A/N: Or the one where Della thinks she sees Luke after the events of the lightning thief
Della sat on the balcony of their apartment. The slight droplets tickled her skin. The cacophony of car horns and emergency vehicles overtook her senses. She glanced down towards the street in front of the complex.
People rushed past each other trying to get to where they needed to be. A city bus dropped off a few passengers. First, an elderly woman with a cane. The woman glanced up where Della was and smiled. Next, a middle-aged hippie grabbed the older woman’s hand and followed her eyes to Della. He tried to pull her along when she blew a kiss up to Della.
Della looked away. That…was….weird. When she glanced back the duo were gone. Della sighed and waited to see who else was being dumped there.
A few people exited, and that’s when she saw him. Clad in a pair of dark jeans and a tattered familiar orange shirt. Luke. He smiled up towards her and waved.
Della backed away from the window. She stumbled over the ledge and clattered back into the apartment.
“Della, Honey, are you alright?” asked her newly resurrected mom, Sally Jackson. Who stood in the hallway. Her eyebrows knitted together in concern.
Percy appeared next to her. He extended a hand to her.
Della took it. Once she was on her feet she leaned back out the window. Luke was gone. Had he even been there?
I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn’t though.
“Del?” Percy asked. He placed a hand on her shoulder.
Della jumped at the sudden contact. “Ummm sorry, I thought…nevermind let’s go.”
But it would’ve been fun if you could’ve been the one.
#oc character#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#luke castellan#percyjacksonxsister!reader
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A/N: just a little blurb inspired by Percy and Luke's training session in the TV Show :) Enjoy!
“You’ve got to find your center,” Annabeth said. She kicks Della’s legs out from underneath her. Leda slides out of her grasp.
“What does that mean?” Della asked. She gets up and grabs her sword.
Annabeth charges at her and skillfully tosses her knife.
` Della ducks down, and she taps on Leda’s beak twice turning her sword into a spear. The knife clatters against the spear and lands by her feet.
“Clever, but that goes against the rules of single combat. Think of warfare like chess.”
“Chess?” Della pants.
Annabeth hands her a water bottle. “Yes, think of the gods as the King Piece. They have fewer moves and cannot move themselves into the check, or in other words, be captured. Not intentionally.”
“So does that–does that make us Pawns?”
“Not entirely, we can start as Pawns but over time we morph into Bishops, Rooks, and–”
“Queens.” Della finished her sentence. She placed the water bottle down. “How do you do that?”
Annabeth advanced and pinned her against the tree. “You learn the rules. That way you can use them against your opponent.”
“Okay, so what happens then? You become a Rook, a Bishop, a Queen, or whatever…” Della asked. She unfurled herself out of Beth’s pin.
Annabeth chased after her. “You serve Poseidon. You make your father proud–”
Della spun around and deflected her attack with Leda. She watched Annabeth stumble a bit, and she took that opportunity to pin her.
“Looks like you found your balance Hero,” Annabeth smiled.
#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#annabeth chase#percyjacksonxsister!reader#percy jackson drabbles#fanfic#oc character
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