#zim singing to dance of life
lovelyrockstar · 5 months
i need. to draw. invader zim characywrs listening to vocaloid. RIGHT NOW.
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refriedrambles · 11 months
Skipping forward to notes on Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain to get a better grasp on GIR. (might do some for GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff too, but we'll see how much I got in me)
I know this isn't about the Tallest but I love how this episode opens. Like they're just confused,
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Purple points out the kid behind Zim while he's talking about his improved security and "I'm glad it had a happy ending after all." "Me toooo."
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Perfect, wonderful, I love it. They give no shits about being seen either
Zim's not nearly as frazzled as usual by being seen like he is slightly panicked but it's very muted. Whether that's cause he fumbled so hard in front of the Tallest (again) or the fear of being exposed he gets over it so quickly and just goes into fix it mode.
He love just telling people what he's doing, like he reveals his plans to Dib after they're solidly in progress when he thinks he has the upper hand, (unlike Dib blabbing immediately when he thinks of one) but he'll tell his minions anything and will inform the Tallest while he's in the middle of things or even afterwards with them though he doesn't go nearly as into detail with them. (It's like his only social outlet.) He's gotta at least try to look good to the Tallest
He just has the replacement part in his PAK and apparently has more up stairs? That's suspicious
Zim is so done with GIR in this episode. Like he's sorta but not really trying to work with him here. It's heavily reminding me of how he "fired" Keef in Bestest Friend. I still think he's mimicking someone or more likely multiple people who used to be in a position of authority over him at one point. But he almost always gives into GIR in the end. A good example this this little interaction
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Big sigh, "Pretend it's a taco!" "If there are any changes in the data,"
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big sigh again, "taco beam, just let me know." Turns away disgruntled with his brain
What's this episode about? Hurting Zim's pride. That's it go home lol
BUT GIR we're here to focus on GIR! He gets stuck on the taco commercial until Zim attempts to play into the taco thing. He goes into duty mode, he tries to focus, but it's simply not interesting to him
This show and mooses. I don't think I've ever seen A Room with a Moose tbh. And Mortos der Soulstealer. I'm pretty sure on that one
Notably Zim didn't yell at GIR or shout his name to get his attention in the lead up to GIR becoming the house. He's clearly exasperated by dealing with the bot, but he's not lashing out. Some character development there until things go wrong
This is flash of concern on Zim's face when GIR doesn't respond. He's wobbling between annoyance and concern as he carries him
There's the slightest moment dawning horror as Zim realizes GIR is the house now, but he shoves that down so quickly and just starts ordering him around like normal lol. And he's immediately hit with what he as expecting too getting squeezed like a chew toy
Zim can't let his guard down at all with GIR as the house even before it start to go bad. He's trying to stay in control of the situation and keep his authority over GIR so can't let his guard down at all
"BORING!" staving of the boredom is his life's mission
Zim's having flashbacks to the Doom song
"He's got to wear himself out eventually. I'll just wait. I can outlast him."
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You learned nothing from the Doom song Zim. You danced cause you couldn't handle the singing, but you just let it happen again smh
Definitely agree that Zim struggles with threat assessment. Like he's scared that GIR is the house on some level (especially after the squeezing) but it's still just GIR too so not the biggest deal. (It's a very big deal.)
It is cute that GIR tries to comfort Zim with the things he likes tho
"Must obey the Taco man!" GIR my guy
"SWEET JUMPING CHILI BEAN." between screaming and begging. wtf Zim
Zim's so terrified of everything going on right now. Like the threat of being exposed, the being tossed around like it's nothing, the weight of GIR being the house hitting him like a brick. It's no wonder he looks like he's about to cry
Brilliant joke with the guy and the car
It is absolutely nuts that the base can turn into a giant mech dog
Zim even says please.
"Maybe you're right." Hope! "Maybe I've get a giant burrito too." And it's crushed lol
GIR is so used to used to ordering and outright ignoring Zim
Just places cup and starts to stink down the screen money still stuck to his face. This kid is so done with life.
Zim doesn't care at all about food service works despite his awful experience with it. I'm not even sorta surprised
He has the food and immediately knows how to deal with GIR again
"BUT I need tacos! I need them or I will explode. That happens to me sometimes." He almost sounds like he's gonna cry, but that's a pretty interesting line. Like he self destructs willingly a lot, but that implies it's also out of his control at times ooo
Absolutely destroyed the city
Full circle that's nice
Anyway~ Zim was good on his word and handed the tacos over, before trying to convince GIR to let him fix things. Good move on his part
I don't think this episode really says a lot about GIR that we can't gleam from non GIR centric episodes, but it does show a bit of a shift in how Zim deals with him when he's actively getting in the irken's way
I'm tempted to also watch Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy cause I do feel like it's a bit of a GIR episode and it's literally the next episode, but I'm gonna stick to my plan for now
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
485 of 2022
The Letter Z (True or False)
Created by joybucket
You're wearing something with a zipper on it. You've been to the zoo. 🦒🦚🐘 (30 years ago, didn’t like it) ...but it's been awhile since you last went to the zoo. You have to take Zyrtec every day. 💊 You've taken Zofran. 💊 You've taken a zoology class. You've met someone named Zoey. You've watched the Nickelodeon show Zoey 101. You went to school with a Zachary. You went to school with a Zachariah. You've had a pet named Zoey. 🐶 You like zipper pockets. You've been to a Zumba class. You enjoy Zumba classes. You've choreographed your own Zumba routine. You haven't been to Zumba in years. You like the name Zion for a boy. 👦 You've seen the movie Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. You like zucchini bread. You remember learning about Count von Zinzendorf in school. ...and you love the name "Zinzendorf." You've met someone with the last name Zimmerman. You like zebras. 🦓 You own a zebra print shirt. You own a set of Ziplock bags. You don't feel like your zodiac sign fits your personality at all. You like the name Zayne. You've never been to New Zealand. 🇳🇿 ....or Zimbabwe. 🇿🇼 ....or Zion National Park. 🏞 ....or Zambia. 🇿🇲 .....or Zamboanga, Philippines. 🇵🇭 ....or Zanzibar, Tanzania. 🇹🇿 ....or Zurich, Switzerland. 🇨🇭 ....or Zagazig, Egypt. 🇪🇬 You're wearing something with zigzag lines on it. You've tried Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You like Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You're zealous about life (i.e., passionate, enthusiastic, etc.). You have zits on your face. You've been zapped by lightning. ⚡️ You're received an electrical zap from an outlet. ⚡️🔌 You like the Disney song "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah." You've taken zinc. 💊 There is a Z in your name. You've taken Zantac. 💊 ....before it was pulled from the shelf. You used to watch the TV show Zoom. You've taken a medication that made you feel emotionless, like a zombie. 🧟‍♀️ You've purchased a piece of jewelry from Zales. Your birthstone is blue zircon. You've read the book of Ezekiel. 📖 ....and Zechariah. 📖 ....and Zephaniah. 📖 You've taken Zoloft. 💊 You've eaten at a restaurant called Zarzuela's. You like the word "zombification." You've used concealer to cover up a zit. You've gotten your hair caught in a zipper. You're concerned about the ozone layer. 🌍 You've seen a zebra in the wild. 🦓 You've never been zorbing. You want to go zorbing. You know what zorbing is. You have no desire to go zorbing at all; it doesn't look fun to you. You wish little Z's actually popped up above peoples' heads when they slept. 😴 💤 You used to watch Lizzie McGuire on Disney Channel. 👩 You like the name Suzy. You went to school with a Suzy. You enjoyed reading magazines as a teenager. You've humiliated yourself during Zumba class. You like the Lisa Frank aliens Zorbit and Zoomer. You would travel to Oz if given the chance, and you'd be off to see the wizard! 🧙‍♀️ You like the word "bamboozled." You like pizza. 🍕 You like jazz music. 🎷 You like jazz hands. 🙌 You've taken a jazz dance class. You've met someone named Liz. You've gotten buzzed from drinking booze. 🥃 You used to watch the show Invader Zim. You like the name Zora. You enjoy playing Zelda games. 🎮 Your zodiac sign is Aries. ♈️ Your zodiac sign is Scorpio. ♏️ Your zodiac sign is Aquarius. ♒️ Your zodiac sign is Taurus. ♉️ Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius. ♐️ Your zodiac sign is Gemini. ♊️ Your zodiac sign is Leo. ♌️ Your zodiac sing is Virgo. ♍️ Your zodiac sign is Libra. ♎️ Your zodiac sign is Capricorn. ♑️ Your zodiac sing is Cancer. ♋️ You're familiar with the Azuza Street Revival. You like the name Azteca. You like the name Azalea. You've watched Family Fizz on YouTube. You like Cheez Whiz. You enjoyed this survey.
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 Fun idea I had this morning but I want to share with you guys for fun.
Gist of AU is that someone/something is born with a tiny, magical animal that accompanies them.
Think Golden Compass but everything gets a animal, and the animals also act as magical instruments.
Imma call these creatures "Notels".
Qwasa energy is the lifeblood of these creatures, of which means the world is rampant with energy. Drawback is that the city's blackouts are caused by a lack of artists openly preforming for the energy to freely flow.(Unknown to NSR)
NSR are the major power to Vinyl City due to their rare instance of multiple/being bigger than average Notels.
Buildings have Notels that act as protector to their home (confined to that one space). They stay until the home is demolished, they will continue to exist to supply their home(s) with energy until they are exhausted of all musical resources.
Security bots have their own Notels, but the animals are smaller, chibi versions that focus their energy on keeping their mechanical holders charged at all times. They can hop onto other bots if their initial bot is destroyed in combat and will scurry off to new energy sources if there is no other bots around.
Human(oid) figures have more normal sized Notels that turn into various instruments that match up to their talents. They can also turn into other objects, but Notels are more music focused.
Non-music Notels are often referred as Nolls.
Bunk Bed Junction!
The two are still a band, but their sewers becomes a underground cavern that has old scriptures that depicts the more open, free flowing energy of Notels. They wish to join NSR in hopes of opening up the freedom of performance to other artists.
Pretty much like the OG B2J, but their focus is changed a bit to help Notels become stronger beings to help Vinyl City climb out of the black outs.
As Vinyl City keeps getting the blackouts and music tastes have all become selective, many Notels have started disappearing due to their respective genres starting to die out in the EDM dominate city.
Mayday's Notel is a rat! A smart creature that came to her in early age, it turns into her guitar. It stays perched in her hair and loves the food from Aunty, as to why B2J are regulars.
Aunty's Noll is a octopus, that turns its tentacles into various cooking utensils. I thought you might like to know.
Zuke's Notel ia Ellie! The little alligator uses their back scales as Zuke's drums and fangs as drumsticks! Ellie is still an integral support character as she and Zukes share the only braincell in the group.
Kill, who pops in after DJSS, has a armadillo Noll that turns into his phone.
First Artist, DJ Subatomic Supernova.
The first NSR artist they face off against is DJ Subatomic Supernova. His Notel is a dog, a nod to Laika, the first animal to ever orbit the Earth.
The Notel is made of pure Qwasa, with rings around its tail that turn into the scratch discs DJSS uses with a custom turntable. These rings will always burn up and become compact Qwasa stars that fizzle out over time. These stars are the main energy source for Club Planetarium.
The dog is massive, about the same size as DJSS. It's breed is best described as a greyhound.
Second Artist, Sayu.
She herself is a Notel!!! Kura Kura Stream Hun was once a interactive hologram theater that fell under, and Sayu was once a little fish Notel that swam around the building. When the place went under, she was alone for years.
It wasn't until the new NSR kids found Sayu and evolved their idea of reviving their old favorite building into a giant aquarium for Sayu to preform. And in debut of her inclusion to the NSR artists, Sayu evolved into the mermaid you see today!
The kiddos do have their own Notels that work as the aquatic buddies to Sayu!
Tila writes Sayu's lyrics and the beta singer of all the mermaid's song. She's the only one in the four creators that has a Notel. That is a vibrant green-red beta fish that turns into a small microphone for Tila to sing into.
Remi is the artist of the group, his Noll is a sunfish that uses its body as a drawing surface. When drawn on with a new design, it will swim around Sayu and act as a "magical transformation" of sorts.
Dodo is the choreographer for Sayu, teaching her the moves for her shows. His Nolls are mossballs. Tiny little things that act as the tail in Dodo's routines to help Sayu understand the whole of her dancing!
Sofa, the editor, has eel nolls that work in the background with him to navigate the theater and control lighting and setting for Sayu's preformance. He's the one with the strongest Nolls as their energy helps fluctuate the surroundings.
Third Artist, Yinu!
Her district is unique as she is a classical prodigy that seems to be the only other genre kept actively alive in Vinyl City.
Her Notel is a gosling, who uses their feathers as piano keys. The keys break apart over time as Yinu and her Notel are not fully grown, so she does most of her preformances with a physical piano until then.
Her mother's Noll is a spider, who uses their webs to create iron bars to trap B2J.
During Yinu's last stand in battle, her piano is broken already, so she and her Notel work together. But her Notel is near exhausted of feathers and has to stop when B2J reach her. They stay to help Yinu calm down and wait for her mother to shrink back down. They leave when the mother and daughter play the broken piano, helping Yinu's Notel regain energy.
Fourth Artist, 1010!
Neon J has a Moose Noll. I’m not sorry. It shrunk a bit since he became a cyborg to help charge his body. Back then it had to rely on tricking Neon J to sleep with soft lullabies to tune out the war going on, but now it can choose to stop feeding him its energy to force him to sleep.
White/Rin has a tiny wolf Notel that turns into a long microphone stand, he uses it for solos. Other than that, its a little wolf puppy that chases Rin around to keep him charged.
Red/Zimelu has a cockatiel Notel that turns into a microphone/drumstick combo. A single long, thin stick that Zim can sing into to generate a flat disc that sharpens into a circular saw, the handle acting as... the handle. 
The cockatiel loves perching on his arm and nibble his ascot.
Yellow/Haym has a rabbit Noll! It has a reaaaalllyy fluffy tail that pop off into pompoms! Haym loves using them to boost the moral of his team! When not in use, it lays in the faux ascot of Haym’s- he really had a hoodie hood for his rabbit to stay in!
Blue/Purl-Hew has a Snake Noll that extends it’s tail into a thread-thin whip. He uses it to grab his teammates out of danger. The snake loops around his neck and has constant yawns since Purl-Hew doesn’t exert a lot of energy outside of work.
Green/Eloni has a Cat Notel! It turns itself into cat ears headphones with a little microphones. When not doing anything else, it lops in the circle on Eloni’s head and cat naps there. He has trouble keeping his head straight sometimes, but he can never remove his precious chunk. 💚
When B2J crash their party, Mayday is terrified of Eloni’s cat and Purl-Hew’s snake cause she thinks they might eat her rat (Who she has gone to call Chebbar. Like Cheddar, but with a B).
When 1010 are nearly destroyed, all the Notels/Nells freak out in hopes of repairing their respective boys, but this only makes things work as they are what cause 1010 to ultimately explode.
When Neon J comes to the scene- atop 1010 limousine. No matter where I fight whether near or far- I bleed in the name of NSR-
When Neon J comes to the scene, he and his MEGA MOOSE NOLL (who turns into a rapier with many disfigured blades that hut out like antlers.
The Mother Machine that keeps spawning 1010′s new bodies has its own Noll that is respectively a doe. All of 1010′s Notels/Nolls rush to their protection. Moose dad and Deer mom are PISSED.
All the Notels and Nolls cling to their beaten owners after the fight, the doe keeps close to Neon J when the Mother Machine is destroyed.
Fourth Artist, Eve.
Eve has two Nolls, peacocks that are pink and white respectively. They turn into her masks or Humor and Tragedy.
When one is used, the other uses its feathers to construct large arms and hands that chase B2J around. When they swap, all hands and arms melt into puddles that can still cause damage if stepped in. They evaporate after a little bit.
The peacocks steal Eve and try to run into the white void when she’s defeated, pecking Zuke when he catches up to them and talks to Eve. They eventually deescalates the tension and pet them while they talk.
They follow B2J outside the studio in order to combine their feathers into a key that unlocks the gate to NSR tower.
Final Artist, Tatiana.
Tatiana has a Noll, a steel gray hummingbird. It looks dead a majority of the time. It may look rejuvenated one second, but the next it will look drained of all life. Tatiana refuses to acknowledge her Noll’s problem.
When B2J encounters Tatiana, they battle with their music which seems to revive the Noll. That catches Mayday’s attention.
Mayday goes in to shame Tatiana for neglecting her Noll’s need for Rock, revealing B2J’s motive for auditioning in the first place. 
To save the Notals, dying form the lack of their genre being played and oppressing artists that don’t fall in line of EDM.
Tatiana is caught off guard by the revelation, but listening to Mayday’s complaint, she turns her Noll into the clock hand blades she battles with. Using the rock music played by B2J to fuel her Noll’s power.
Mayday and Zuke are forced to drop their Rock solo and battle with EDM mixed with their tunes. The combination boosting their power enough to  overcome Tatiana ‘s attack.
As the battle concludes, the clock tower releases Tatiana’s guitar, who reveals to a phoenix Notel that has been supplying the tower with the majority of its power since Tatiana abandoned her old persona, Kul Fyra.
Kliff comes into the scene, and using Tatiana’s weakened Notel and Noll against her, takes control of them to grab the last bit of power from NSR.
All the defeated artists call in to see Tatiana, beaten. It is there that everyone is then told how the lack of genres have been killing off the Notels and causing the blackouts. But Tatiana refuses the idea... then her Noll collapses. 
Mayday and Zuke rush to the Noll’s aid and play their music for the poor thing. Kliff chews Tatiana out for not seeing the obvious. He misses the hypocrisy in his speech, as he only idolizes Rock as the definitive music genre of Vinyl City.
During their fight, Kliff uses his Noll to control the tower’s system and the satellite starts to fall.
The finale continues as normal, the districts are returned to their respective Artists, and Tatiana puts the call out for artists of all genres to come to the Grand Qwasa to preform like never before.
Kliff, seeing a error in his ways a little too late, gives back Tatiana’s Notels and leaves his own Noll behind with her.
Lyrics screamed, horns blasted, drums punctured, string snapped.
The blow of musical energy surges the Grand Qwasa as the whole city glows in a light long missed as every single artist plays their heart out. 
But it works, the tower transforms with the help of its Noll (a metronome) and flings the satellite back into orbit.
Mayday is given Tatiana’s offer to join NSR and refuses, and instead is gifted her Notel.
Tatiana’s Noll is fully revived and reveals to be another phoenix, still steel gray but it’s body burning brighter than ever before.
The announcement is made to restructure NSR, and in so, Vinyl City is opened alive once more to revived and brand new Notels.
ANNNNNNNNDDDD that’s the end! Thanks for reading my rambling of a AU that doesn’t change a lot but was fun to make! 
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krizaland · 4 years
oh, worm? can i possibly request some zim x male! irken reader. Maybe the reader is a bit feral? I love irken reader inserts but there are so few. thank you so much if you decide to write this!! if not that is a-okay!
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You sure can! I love writing about Irkens in love! 
Be warned: There are explosions ahead!
Here’s the song I used btw
Ever since you and Zim were smeets, the two of you were partners in crime!
From pranking your fellow smeets to causing planet wide black outs, you and Zim were double trouble.
As time went on, you and Zim were constantly reprimanded for your antics but that never stopped your reign of terror.
There wasn’t a thing in the universe that could tear you away from Zim.
Well except a growth spurt of course.
As your chaotic nature grew, so did your body! Soon you towered over Zim!
The Control Brains quickly took notice of your new height and wasted no time ushering you into better training grounds.
You felt like you were stabbed in the chest! You would have to train away from Zim!
With a tearful goodbye, you left off to begin your new life.
However, Zim was determined to keep you by his side no matter what!
Everyday, Zim would sneak into your training grounds to continue the chaos in secret.
When Zim couldn’t hang out with you, he was training extra hard so he could be assigned the same training missions that you were!
Zim’s hard work had paid off as he was assigned for a training mission on planet Dooq!
When Zim learned that you would be in his training squadron, he was beyond overjoyed!
As all of the trainees lined up to receive their briefing from Commander Poki, Zim didn’t hesitate to stand right next to you.
Commander Poki grumbled but she continued the briefing nonetheless.
Commander Poki’s words seemed to fly over your head as you imagined all of the pranks you could pull on the Dooqbase.
“Alright! We need two trainees to set off a distraction! Soon-to-be-Invader Zim, Soon-to-be-Invader Y/N! You two will set off minibooms as a distraction!” Commander Poki barked as she snapped a finger at you and Zim.
“Minibooms? That’s it? Surely we can-” Zim began
“We can do that perfectly, Commander Poki!” You cut Zim off while giving him a wink.
“Good! Now get going!” Commander Poki commanded as she gestured for you and Zim to leave.
“Really? Minibooms?! Pfft! Doesn’t she know we can do soo much more?!” Zim whined as he marched alongside you.
“Oh don’t worry, we absolutely can and will do much more.” You let out a mischievous chuckle as you trotted over to locker full of gigabooms.
“Oooh! Gigabooms! Excellent idea, Y/N! With these we can-”
“Blow up the place!” You and Zim cackled in unison.
And with that, you and Zim gathered as many gigabooms as you could carry and ran off to the Dooqbase.
You and Zim artfully set up each and every gigaboom, taking extra care to make sure they didn’t detonate early.
Once the gigabooms were in place, you and Zim quickly hid behind a massive rock and begun to snicker.
“Hey, Y/N! Wanna sing a song with me?” Zim asked as he slowly stood up.
“Sure! We’ve got plenty of time before the gigabooms go off.” You chirped.
“Cross the borderline of black and white and climb the stairway and up we go! Nothing good to do, just bored to death, Hey can I take your hand and steal you away?” Zim sang as he took your hand and rose you to your feet.
“Step and stumble, do you want to go on? Don’t you worry this spot is our floor!” Zim sang as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Toss and turn and busy up ourselves and keep on dancing, right here, right now!” Zim gently led you into a fun dance.
“Is the coast clear yet?” Commander Poki asked.
“Not yet, Ma’am.” Replied a solider as he continued to look out his binoculars.
A few more minutes passed by and Commander Poki repeated herself.
“Is the coast clear yet?”
“Not yet, Ma’am.” The solider repeated with slight agitation in his voice.
“Don’t talk back to me, solider!” Commander Poki snarled.
“Sorry, Ma’am.”
Meanwhile, you and Zim resumed your song and dance.
“Bury the room with all the shrill calls, voices. Swirl the senses, down and down we go! Nothing good to do, just bored to tears. Hey! Why don’t we make a clean breast of it now?” You sang as you continued to dance with Zim.
“Meaning connected to these simple words. Reason of hating them without seeing them. Finding it…Finding it…no meaning, no reason! Gnash my teeth while smiling shy. Smile eyes shut with everything black. I don’t want to bore myself with all that nonsense!” Zim’s words were a mile a minute.
“Where is that distraction I asked for?! I knew I shouldn’t have sent those two morons! They ruin everything they-”
Commander Poki was cut off by one of the gigabooms going off.
You and Zim let out a giggle as you begun to sing in unison.
“Hopin’ Stepin’. May I have this dance? This is this world’s end shall we do the ‘One Two’? Drink in all of this apocalypatism. How ‘bout a taste of days end?”
You and Zim continued to dance and spin about as some more gigabooms went off.
“Tick and tack, the moment’s moving on. Shoot now say ‘cheese!’ Their time is running out! Round and round and going round and round. Intoxicate, this world is getting-”
The battle field was up in flames but you and Zim were too busy giggling to notice.
“Special just for you bystanders! Jump in the terminal! Let’s start the race! Nothing good to do just bored to death. Hey can I take your hand and steal you away?” You sang as you twirled Zim and spun him into your arms.
“Something seems to be unusual and wrong, Shall we believe in what is called ‘our fate’? Step and stumble do you want to go on? No, no how about making a fool of ourselves?” You giggled as you dipped Zim and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Zim let out a happy chirp as his antennas sprung straight up.
“Meaning of repeating all those foolish moves. Reason to step as the music grooves. Finding it…Finding it…No meaning, no reason! Just want to dance when I’m feeling blue Just want to laugh when I’m shedding tears  I don’t want to hear any more of their egos!”
“Pop’n sense’n may I have this song before this world’s end shall we sing ‘the one two?’ My love it’s yours! Can you hear the beat? No, No, not yet. I won’t forget how!”
Both your and Zim’s voices melted together as you danced over to the top of the rock you were hiding behind.
You and Zim took a moment and noticed majority of the planet engulfed in a sea of dancing flames and shimmering ashes.
“Oh my, look and see what a lovely view! There, there, this world is a flaming highway! Growl and creep not a single piece will move. Not now, they’re dead and nothing’s going to change!”
“Hopin’ Stepin’. May I have this dance? This is this world’s end shall we do the ‘One Two’? Drink in all of this apocalypatism. How ‘bout a taste of days end?”
You and Zim continued to dance and spin about as some more gigabooms went off.
“Tick and tack, the moment’s moving on. Shoot now say ‘cheese!’ Their time is running out! Farewell, so long have a nice day! Goodbye to this world-”
You and Zim’s antennas intertwined as the last gigaboom exploded into a heart shaped cloud of flames.
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triptychexe · 5 years
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TITLE: Part-Time Job
SUMMARY: on Triptych House Season 1, the S.O.T girls try to promote Triptych by working at a popular cafe in Seoul. If they succeed in all their missions, they get banners and advertisements placed inside and outside the cafe. Can they pull it off?  GENRE: comedy PAIRING: platonic!s.o.t ot3 WORD COUNT: 1.0k A/N: this is a repost from before I restarted my blog. If you feel like you’ve read this before, chances are you probably have. I tweaked it just a little bit but it’s essentially the same. not my best, but it brings back memories. enjoy! 
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JULY 2015 
Nia pretended to busy herself while she waited for the other two girls upstairs to make a decision on how they were going to complete their mission. They had to get someone to ask “are you an idol?” for them to pass this round.
 “Okay, Nia, are you listening?” Yen’s voice said in Nia’s ear.
 “Yeah, you have a plan?” Nia asked, pressing the little earpiece inward so she could hear her member more clearly.
 “You’re not gonna like this, but go sing your verse in Wasabi right next to that elderly woman in the corner.” Yen said, her voice cracking with suppressed giggles. Nia inwardly groaned and looked over at the elderly woman sipping her tea. 
 “The song is sexy though.” Nia whispered. On the other end, Zim and Yen started laughing hysterically.  “Old people wanna feel sexy too! Now go!” Zim took the mic.
Nia silently apologized to the woman in her head as she walked over to a nearby table and started wiping it down.
 “Oh baby oh, I can feel you hating on me~” Nia sang, looking up at the elderly woman and winking. The elderly woman gave her an uncomfortable smile back.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!” Yen laughed loudly in her ear. “That was so disturbing, don’t ever do that again.” Zim teased. Nia ignored them.
“You have a nice voice.” The elderly woman complimented her. “Thank you!” Nia blushed and bowed politely.
 “You remind me of one of those idol singers my grandson likes- young and pretty.” The elderly woman smiled kindly. Nia bowed and thanked the woman again, a little too flustered to answer in a correct sentence. “Alright, you’re clear, come back upstairs.” Yen said in Nia’s earpiece.
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 “Yen looks like a part-timer!” Nia exclaimed. Yen grinned and leaned into the camera behind the register, showing off her look to the viewers. “Do I actually?” Yen asked, fixing her ponytail. 
 “Yes, a very vain one.” Zim jokes. “Now, your mission is to dance to Wasabi and try to get other people to dance along with you.” 
 “Easy.” Yen said, instantly walking away from the counter and going out onto the patio where several people were eating.
 “Our maknae is so shameless.” Nia said in awe. Yen got into position outside and without being told twice, started doing the choreography to their debut track. Several of the cafe customers gave her suspicious looks, but Yen didn’t mind. They could stare all they wanted. Their attention on her only fueled her ego.
 “Ah, I don’t think I can watch.” Zim’s voice said, but Yen ignored it. She wanted to finish this mission successfully. 
 After dancing to nearly the whole song, Nia’s voice rang through her earpiece. 
 “Look, look! Over there on the sidewalk!” She said. Yen looked over to see two young girls mimicking her dance moves. When Yen finished dancing, she clapped for the two young girls, bowing in thanks. After the teenagers asked for a picture with Yen, she dashed upstairs, already taking her apron off. 
 “You weren’t even embarrassed!” Nia said in amazement as her groupmate took off the earpiece and handed it to Zim.
 “Of course I wasn’t.” Yen smirked. “Who wouldn’t want to see me dance for free?” 
 “Viewers are going to think you’re a brat.” Nia frowned. For the first time since they started recording, the tension between the girls suddenly stiffened.
 “Nah, the viewers love me.” Yen shrugged off the comment, shooting an exaggerated wink to the camera.
 “What’s with all the winking?” Zim asked, shaking her head. “If I’ve learned one thing today, it’s that none of us should wink. Ever.” “Shut up and get out there.” Yen smirked, thankful that her groupmate was trying to break the tension up. “The customers are waiting.” 
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 Zim was handing a hot coffee over to a customer when Nia’s voice crackled to life in her ear. “Alright, your assignment is to get someone to say the word ‘wasabi’.” Nia said.
 “This is so unfair.” Zim groaned quietly, turning her back away from the customers. “There’s no way I’ll be able to do this.”
 “You have to. If you don’t, I’ll kill you for messing this up for us.” Yen threatened. Zim rolled her eyes, but she got out from behind the counter and started thinking. Looking around, she noticed there was an attractive guy sitting alone at a table near the window. Was she really gonna risk it all for a mission?
 “Hello,” She smiled, walking up to him. The man smiled at her awkwardly, but still politely. 
 “What are you doing?” Nia asked, her tone sounded nervous. “Zim, please don’t do what I think you’re gonna do.” 
 “Are you busy?” Zim asked, referring to the open laptop in front of him. The man shook his head and closed the computer half way.
 “Do you mind playing a game with me?” Zim asked, trying not to let her nerves show through. This was one of the most embarrassing things she’s ever done.
 “Jesus christ.” Yen’s voice muttered in Zim’s ear, which didn’t help the girls' nerves.
 “Sure.” The man said, still smiling politely.
 “What’s green, hot, and tastes good?” Zim asked.
 “Oh I thought you were going to try a pick up line or-” Nia’s voice got cut off by the man’s response.
 “I don’t know… You?” He asked. Zim furrowed her brow in confusion, but then she looked down. The apron she had on was bright green.
 “Oh, no, I meant like… A food.” Zim’s face turned pink. The man’s cheeks flushed red as well.
 “Oh, then uh… Wasabi?” He guessed timidly.
 “Yes! Thank you!” Zim clapped her hands together in what looked like a prayer. “I’m so sorry I put you through that. This is a hidden camera show.” She gestured to one of the cameras that was placed in the corner of the room. Even after the explanation, the man didn’t seem any less embarrassed, but he was a good sport about it. Zim thanked him one more time before running upstairs and flopping on the couch beside her group mates. She screamed into a pillow while her members laughed hysterically at her.
 “I thought you were supposed to be the chill one of our group!” Nia said between giggles.
 “Me too.” Zim said bitterly, her voice still muffled by the pillow.
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
So..... the discord was talking about Tulip/Twix marriage and proposal and I said I might write a proposal thing, and Valentine’s Day seemed like a good day for it. I haven’t decided if this is canon or not but it’s fluffy as hell. 
“I can’t believe they killed the monster at the end,” Twix griped. “He was so sweet!”
“Most people don’t see them the same way we do.” Tulip squeezed Twix’s hand, a soft laugh escaping her. “You were crying at the end, weren’t you?”
“Maybe a- he deserved better! Maybe he wouldn’t get the girl, but he should have at least been allowed to go back home! It’s propaganda, propaganda I tell you.” 
“Sure it is.” Tulip let go of Twix to give a spin. “But look around us, the park’s in full bloom! I love spring.”
A smile tugged at Tulip’s lips as she fingered the lapel of her jacket, watching the royal purple of Tulip’s dress as she admired a nearby rosebush. “It really is beautiful.”
“If your grandpa ever fires you, you could get a job arranging the plants around here.”
“They wouldn’t have the resources to keep up with my tastes,” Twix said, adjusting her bow tie before sucking in a deep breath. “Tulip?”
“Oh, the sunset looks so pretty from over the hill, come on!” The freckles on Tulip’s cheeks danced as she grinned back at Twix before starting to jog. “We’re just in time for it if we hurry!”
Twix followed through the arch of trees- most of the city was a polluted mess, but somehow this small area had survived. It was probably just a matter of needing oxygen provided by something, but if you could ignore the litter, it was beautiful with brilliant colors painting the trees and grass. Twix dropped a small container as she caught up. Tulip was sitting on the hill, knees folded to the side. Slowly, as the sky was bathed in scarlet and plum as the sun began to set over the city. 
“Hmm?” She turned, hair bobbing slightly with the motion, and Twix settled down next to her.
On one knee.
Tulip’s mouth fell open as Twix pulled a box from her jacket. “Tulip, I’ve never had a friend like you. You always manage to see the bright side, and you helped me to be a better person. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. Will you-”
“Oh my god,” Tulip’s hands covered her mouth, the words coming out muffled. Her eyes were wide as she tugged up her dress. There was a sound of velcro being torn apart before she pulled out a lilac box, popping it open before Twix could. “I-”
They stared at each other for a moment before starting to laugh. Twix fell to both knees, tugging up her goggles to rub at her eyes. 
“You were going to-”
“I swear I didn’t know-”
“I tried to be so secretive, of course you didn’t-”
“Let me see yours!” Tulip reached for the box, and when Twix popped it open, a spray of sparkles erupted from the box. A few moments later, an identical stream sprung from the container she’d dropped up to the sky, bursting into a pair of fireworks. “You-”
“Zim helped,” Twix admitted. “So did Dad.”
“Mine doesn’t come with pyrotechnics…” Tulip admitted, but Twix pulled her into a kiss, moving Tulip into her lap as if she belonged there. She ran her fingers through the fire-red curls, and Tulip’s palm settled on her hip. The kiss tasted of cherry chapstick and popcorn, and when Tulip pulled away, her freckles were half-smothered with a deep flush. The sun had nearly set, and it rippled in her eyes like freshly-blown glass.
“That’s okay. I loved it.”
“I love you.” The words were so simple, and although Tulip said them half a dozen times a day as if her body couldn’t contain them, the warm sugar oozing through the tone made Twix’s heart sing.
“I love you too.”
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addytheheartbreaker · 5 years
My opinion to all the characters of the Masked Singer (season 1 to 2)
I'll list down my favorite characters at the final bottom with my greatest confession.
Season 1 characters:
•Hippo- he has swagger and reminds me of my oc Ishmael who is into hiphop and loves hiphop aesthetic.
•Pineapple- don't have an opinion of him but he is funny though.
•Deer- his design is so cool. Loved the steampunk and general aesthetic there, he is also one of my inspirations on making Dog (Nicol) since I am a fan of general uniforms.
•Poodle- she is the reason I first got interested on watching the Masked Singer in the first place! I loved this characters because of the pink (my favorite color), the sassy attitude and just ugh so fashionable! I loved it, she even sings "Heartbreaker" that I deeply loving her performance. Great job Margaret Cho, it very funny to trick Ken of not knowing his own sister.
•Unicorn- she is so pretty. I've been seeing unicorns everywhere in my life today and now. She is so pretty and white, I have a soft spot of her singing "Oops I did it again" and "Fight" song because of her sweet voice.
•Raven- she reminds me of my oc Ishiru. Dark, sympathetic, gothic and mourning of someone's death especially her beloved. I feel you girl.
•Alien- Alien is cool, I can see why everyone is complaining/reminded of Zim from Zim invaders (I also remember watching it in my childhood). I can't stop dancing and modelling myself while listening to "Ex's and Ohs". I didn't know Michael Jackson had a sister, I didn't know much to his family since I was so young before his death. Great knowing you La Toya Jackson.
•Lion- I am not a fan of gold though but dang she sings so strong and the tone is just over the top. I loved listening to "A little party never kill nobody" and "California Dreamin". Nice knowing you Rumor Willis.
•Peacock- this man is a living fabulous, prideful, eccentric bird I ever seen. I loved his performance, he is also funny and his voice is like an old famous singer I ever heard of. Loved the characters that Donny did and the signature moves though. Congrats to Donny for beings second place.
•Bee- I am not much of a Bee fan but I am in loved with her performance "Wrecking Ball". I can't stop listening to that song because of the high notes, strong voice and my own heart and soul suddenly clutching for this empress. Oh hail to Gladys Knight!
•Monster- aww Monster my second favorite character! I really loved you and I almost loved all of his performance (the one song I don't like is "I love Rock and Roll"). I am so glad T-Pain won the game to avenge my Rabbit since he is my second favorite. All hail to the Monster, T-Pain. (P.S: I didn't know he are the one who sing the song from my past, I guess I did know you on my childhood T-Pain).
•Rabbit- the last one is the Rabbit. My favorite character and the only favorite celebrity for the first time of my entire life! I loved so much about the Rabbit, I fell in love with madness, his edgy and lovable character, his neck twitch to show of his craziness, his design and straightjacket, his voice and performance, EVERYTHING! I am so glad to watch him performed but it broke my heart when he is eliminated on 4th place, I was devastated so much I would never ever rewatch his elimination ever. The Rabbit leading me to my forgotten childhood favorite boyband NSYNC. Joey Fatone, you are my first ever celebrity in my heart and will forever be the Rabbit I dearly cherish for my life. Stan for the Rabbit!
My top 3 favorite characters is: the Rabbit, the Monster and the Poodle.
Season 2 Characters:
•Panda- I don't have any opinions of her though.
•Skeleton- Skeleton is just so very elegant and funny. Loved his design, it gives me the vibes of Itward from the game Fran Bow. His performance is good yet I did not expect him to get eliminated in episode 4.
•Flamingo- Flamingo is pretty in pink. Welp, the idea of Peacock's sister idea is dead now. But she is fabulous in anyway.
•Ladybug- she is pretty too, she is also emotional and I am touch.
•Eagle- I don't know much of Eagle and when I get to know his he got the swag and stuff. (I ship you and Penguin so much)
•Tree- she looks weird though. A Christmas tree? It so early here on Philippines though (only started preparing Christmas on September before reaching December). When I heard her voice, I know that voice before somewhere and that person is also wearing a Christmas costume I swear!
•Rottweiler- huh another dog for this season like Poodle. I don't have an opinion of him though, I'm not really interested.
•Flower- she looks wow to look at. She is a big gal here. Like her performance and I have a feeling this is Bee's (or Glady's) friend somewhere since the voice is like a goddess. Also, I ship Flower with Nick because they both holding hands. I was like X.X oof I'm dead by love, I ship them so hard.
•Butterfly- Butterfly is just cool and alright to me, I am blown away with her performance of "Bang bang". That's all I could thought of.
•Fox- dude... I have mixed feelings to his gentleman here. The Fox has the sexy cool voice, the swag and the steampunk theme like Deer had but I don't think so. I'm not really interested on him unless he changed my mind by getting to know him every episode so I could concluded my theory. (His dancer and his performance reminds me of me with Nicol on stage. Me as a dancer to Dog's performance, what the fudge O_O)
•Black Widow- dang the twirking and the voice is just give me the face like this O.O . she looks edgy and cool, I don't know whether she will survived through episodes.
•Penguin- aww a cute Penguin~ pretty small though and goofy as well. I also want her and the Eagle together like seriously! OwO who is with me to the ship train of Eagle x Penguin?
•Leopard- oof!!! Right in the dokoro and I went doki doki to this spontaneous leopard ❤! I I can't stop listening to his performance "Somebody to love" and when I first listened, I am in the middle of confusion and shock then went to fell in loved to this character. All hail the queen (or king?), I have a soft spot to who ever he is.
•Thingamajig- Oof! I've been hit! My man is a living angel from heaven. I loved him so much omg. His voice, his character and I sympathies his clue about his darkest moment when he went to rehab. Protect this baby! I couldn't help but thought of Thingamajig is the cousin of Monster. Who ever he is, I'm going to do a headcanon for both Monster and Thingamajig's relationship as cousins from heaven.
•Egg- I never get tired of this flamboyant, sassy and fabulous egg. I loved him so much omg I can't with his sassy and flamboyant attitude. I have a soft spot of guys with flamboyant glamour and stylish taste of fashion. Johnny Weir, you are my god to worship of your egg boi. Too bad he is no longer on the Masked Singer :(
•Ice Cream- he is such a lovable and adorable dude! I loved sweet, I'm a sweet tooth of course. But my man, he is just so sweet and friendly to watch him. Loved the performance "Old town road" you aren't well trainer enough, but I was blown away to reveal Ninja in this. I didn't know youtubers can be also be called celebrities. I just thought youtubers are just people who wanted to expressed themselves for entertainment normally but I wanna thank my friend to explained me that youtubers can be celebrities too. Nice work Ninja!
My top 3... No top 4 favorite characters for season 2 is: the Egg, the Ice Cream, Thingamajig and Leopard.
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clawzetto · 5 years
Any thoughts of all the characters of the Masked Singer so far? The last would be your favorites.
you have unleashed this question and now i will not hold back. (this is going to be long im so sorry fdjkfdsjfk)
ok season 1 + 2 has a total of 28 characters and of course im biased to the first one but i am warming up to the season 2 characters.. ugh theyre all so good... i’ll start in reverse order according to the character sorter i made
flower - im scared of her. BUT she sings so good 😭 my pops thinks she’s tina turner... me and ma say it’s patti labelle. i think she’ll make it far in the competitionbee - i was scared of her too. but honestly the costume grew on me... miss gladys come thru! she was my friends fav 🐝butterfly - THE INSECT COSTUMES SCARE ME i DONT KNOW WHY THEY JUST DO. shes a good singer but i get her & widow confused a lot 😭egg - i was NOT crazy abt him at first but like.. wow. after watching him perform.. swagger leaped out. i like him now he is cooltree - THE COSTUME IS SILLY. i appreciate her holday spirit & festive aura. she really is a tree huh!flamingo - she could be peacock’s girlfriend 😳 no clue who this is.. is guessing a youtuber too obvious...?alien - she looks like an invader zim character. i like it. miss jackson snapped!ladybug - SCARED OF INSECTS BUT her costume is cute when i see how expressive she is 🐞pineapple - bro.. this dude is old as hell props to him FJDFJDK wow his mindblack widow - alas... i am afraid. the costume is dope tho. when she came out struttin on stage.. ok werk miss widow!raven - she makes me sad. i care her 😭 shes vry dark and gothic and i vibe w that. she is cool i care herdeer - i LIKE HIM BECAUSE HE’S CREEPY THATS IT. FJKSLjskeleton - oh hello mr bones.. 💀 hes funny and short i like him ugh.. sans undertale WHO? fdhjkfer  is he danny devito or sumn LFMSDAlion - i LEGIT THOUGHT SHE WOULD WIN SEASON 1... i was literally so shocked when she got eliminated i was like 😲 she made it so far tho i was proud of her. queenpoodle - that shit was literally so funny ken was so shook when she was revealed 😂😂 HER COSTUME BANGS BTWpenguin - love her. she’s so tiny. adore that. also im going to get progressively hornier as this list goes on and i love her boobs. penguin tiddiesrottweiler - hes kinda sexy but im literally shook at his background dancers... he’s really into pup play huh!  😳😳😳 thingamajig - HE’S LIKE.. HE’S LIKE MONSTERS COUSIN. i hope he wins season 2. hes freakin tall as hell. wow. he is a thing that likes to majigunicorn - objectively the prettiest costume. also i saw nsfw art of her once.. it was pretty fleekmonster - baby. i love you. he deserved his win. king of masked singer. KING i LOVE U  😭👑eagle - ... imma keep it real with you.. he can NOT sing but hes sexy and a dilf and i WILL have sex with him if he don’t stop messin around.hippo - he’s cute but also i will fuck him. i love thick men! sit on my facepanda - SHE’S BABY. I LOVE HER. I CARE HER... SOOO SWEET i cried 🐼💕ice cream - actually i like him a lot.. i didnt think i would but hes kinda meme-y and also hes freakin NINJA. his mindfox - FUCK. he hits all the good spots. he’s literally like rabbit v2. they knew what they were doing. his swagger and horniness level could never reach mr rabbit but i love foxes and hes sexy and im going to make him swallow my cum. SEXXXXXXXXX SIR PLEASE LET ME HAVE SEX WITH YOUpeacock - (( shaking and sweating )) The Real Donny Osmond liked my tweets abt peacock on twitter and i was so severely shook.. you know what? i love peacock. runner up king. i appreciate him. flamboyant. knows how to work that thing. i have a lot to say about him but i will go as far to say hes my 2nd favorite out of them all.. with rabbit being #1 of course heheleopard - oh i am going to have the RAWEST sex with this one. i could make a whole separate post abt leopard but all i will say is that : after seeing leopard perform... i have never wanted to suck leopard cock this much in my life. i know it’s huge. i know leopard’s cock is massive. i know it. rabbit - the man of my dreams. king of thickness. wrowww... hes the reason i started watching the show for reals. what can i say! rabbits are my fav animal of all time. he has swag and is a fat motherfucker and i would drill his fat ass into the mattress and fill him with my babies. FUCKKKK i LOVE U RABBIT  HES LITERALLY LIKE. MY DADDY im going to.. ooh i am just going to fucking.. tie him up. i hate this. he is amazing. his ass is huge and he’s thick as hell and he can sing and dance and he literally invented the concept of swag. k i need to stop before i write erotic fanfiction about him but. listen. rabbit and peacock are my ultimate faves and i am smitten, truly. 🐰 joey i love u
According to the Favorite Character Sorter, these are my Top 3 !!!  ( but in all honesty, I think Peacock should be second 🐦💘🌈 ) 
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Here’s the character sorter I made!!! ( it doesnt work on mobile sorry fjfhd )https://maskedsingersorter.tumblr.com/
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swimyghost · 5 years
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I love you @self-insert-nonsense and your OCS!
I have a couple of OCs that aren’t bound to any fandoms (though I occasionally plop them into certain universes when I want). Here are some of them, plus my Invader Zim OCs:
(Also, heads up, I have the drawing ability of an armless baby so no pictures, sadly) (UNEDITED)
Crow Romana:
Crow one of the oldest OCs in my catalog. As a 443-year-old vampire (43 in regular human years), he’s seen his fair share of the horrors the world holds and the suffering it brings.
The most common reason he gives when discussing why he has a semi-nihilistic world view is the fact he had to raise his daughter, Starling, alone due to his wife’s death.
When Crow was a young vampire studying to become a politician in the Vampiric government, The Blood Rose Court, he stumbled across a higher noble above his social ranking. Her name was Raven Corax and she too was to become apart of the Court, just in a very different way.
Raven was to marry Vladislav Montague, a noble in a popular and regal family who already had a high seat in the Court’s inner circle, and with Raven’s Blood Magic (an ability that all vampires have, but some are much better at it than others), the two would make one of the most dominant couples in Vampiric Society
However, Raven had no real attachment to the narcissistic and womanizing Vlad and found comfort in a quiet, yet thoughtful Crow. 
The two’s relationship blossomed into a careful dance to not expose their love affair. When the day of Raven’s wedding and Crow’s interview with the Court arrived, Crow couldn’t take it anymore.
With a heart full of both love and bravado, the young vampire sunk into the Montague estate where the wedding was to be held and discovered his long ebony-haired love trying to jump out a window with a suitcase in hand.
The two ended up eloping that night after sneaking out of the estate with the Montagues none the wiser. The new couple took up residence in Crow’s old family manor that had been abandoned for over two centuries. Instead of succumbing to their misery at their ghoulish new home, they were overjoyed to have a project to work on together... As a family. Soon, after the renovation, Raven became pregnant and, nine months later, gave birth to their daughter, Starling Romana.
Life couldn’t be more perfect for the Romana trio. But, as they say, all good things come to an end.
Only two weeks after celebrating Starling’s first birthday, Montague and his gang of loyal followers stormed the Romana household with the intent to kill everyone inside. Crow tried to defend his wife, but Raven, realizing that Montague was only here because he was snubbed on their supposed wedding day and wanted revenge.
Using the last amount of her magic, Raven cast a spell that blocked her husband and child from the invaders while she dealt with Montague. Crow was able to escape with a terrified Starling, not before watching Montague brutally stab his wife in the back and demanded his followers to light the house ablaze.
Now, 167 years later, Crow lives with the guilt and shame of not being able to save his family from Montague’s attack and forcing his daughter to live such a loner lifestyle.
Starling Romana:
Unlike her seemingly joyless father, Starling loves life and everyone in it. 
Due to her lack of knowledge on her mother and not really remembering her, Starling grew up a spoiled daddy’s girl who doted on her every need, even if the need was more of a want. 
Like her mother, Starling is a fantastic user of Blood Magic, which comes in handy when she and her father have to hunt the vampire’s mortal enemy: ghouls (vampires who turned into cannibalistic and light fearing creatures who prey on anything that moves). However, her skills are lacking since there isn’t really anyone who can teach her due to her family’s damaged reputation.
But a little bad press never stopped Starling from having fun. Despite the sun being one of the vampires most lethal weaknesses, Starling looks forward to being out on a warm summer day or just being in light in general (in this universe, the sun works like a flame boiling the vampire’s blood from the inside out, which kills them slowly). She also loves to flirt and tease anyone she deems worthy enough to become her friend (leading to many awkward situations revolving her father and new love interest).
Because of her age (168 years old), Starling is considered a teenager both by human and vampire standards, meaning the young girl often tries to foolishly get the adults to respect her by doing wild and crazy stunts.
While Crow, Raven, and Starling aren’t Invader Zim OCs, I sometimes put them in the universe just because I find the idea of Dib not believing Starling is a vampire because “she just... loves the sun. Vampires don’t love the sun!” Plus, Professor Membrane would totally make Crow his new vessel for dumbing all his science info onto.
Obi and Ren
My Invader Zim OCs! (Obi’s name is pronounced Oh-Bee)
Obi is an Irken invader that is really obsessed with the Tallest, claiming to be their “#1 Fan!”.
Because she wanted to prove her loyalty and devotion to the Tallest, Obi decided to steal an Invader ship and a defective SIR unit and travel to Earth to defeat the Tallest’s greatest enemy: Zim.
After a six month period of nothing but singing, napping, and fixing her SIR unit, Obi landed on Earth with the newly functioning SIR unit she swiftly named Ren after seeing the name on a poser with large-eyed humans covering it. Posers similar to the one Obi got Ren’s name from were also the inspiration for her human disguise.
In her Irken form, she has light reddish-pink eyes were curled antennas; in her human form, Obi looks like a young Japanese-American preteen (around Dib and Gaz’s age) with short light brown hair in two small pigtails. She wears a standard Invader-Outfit in her Irken form while in her human form, she wears a sparkly pink skirt with white leggings and burgundy sneakers, plus a white T-shirt with an angry cartoon bunny head on the front with a soft light pink highschool jacket.
Obi, after landing on Earth and claiming to be Zim’s worst enemy, doesn’t really try to take over Earth. She doesn’t see a need and, plus, she really likes Earth!
She loves the almost indefinite amount of pink things she can buy, the way trees change color, zoos, cotton candy, movies, cute animals... Practically everything is new and exciting for her. Plus, she really likes anime (especially the magical girl kind) and video games (though she isn’t good at it) and visual novels.
Unlike Obi, Ren is very interested in ending Zim and conquering Earth; however, since he was a defective SIR unit, he has some trouble accomplishing this goal.
For starters, Ren has a very obvious stutter that gets more pronounced the more he becomes enraged. His head has to be bolted to his neck in order to keep it from falling (Frankenstein’s Monster style) and he is quite shorter than most SIR units. His shortened height actually does help him when he is disguised as a black mitt colored ferret with bright amber eyes. 
Ren is also very neat and tidy dissimilar to Obi, who frequently leaves trash and her games scattered all over the place. Although he attempts to keep their house clean, it always ends up a mess either due to Obi or Ren accidentally setting himself on fire (a more common occurrence then you’d think).
In the end, Ren does care for Obi and thanks her constantly for saving his life, even though he wishes she’d just clean up for once in her life.
I ship Obi with Gaz because I like to think that Gaz would totally try to help her “git gud” at video games after watching her fail at Mario Kart eight times in a row. Obi would try to help Gaz become more tolerable to people and Gaz would help Obi toughen up since the Irken Invader, surprisingly, isn’t good at defending herself. Gaz would try to hide her feelings while Obi would just be completely obvious. The only one who can tell Gaz likes Obi is Ren since Dib would believe Gaz is under some type of Irken mind control and Zim would think that Obi is trying to steal his spot as ruler of Earth.
I can add some more later, but for now, I’m really tired :/
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
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lovelyrockstar · 5 months
zim learns the lyrics to kikuo/maretu songs and stays up all night listening to them and then scream sings hole dwelling because its one of his favs
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tagged by @pelicanwestplus !! ty :~~))
1. A song you like with a color in the title
pale green things- the mountain goats
2. A song you like with a number in the title
1-2 crush on you- the clash
3. A song that reminds you of summertime
peach moon- the unicorns
4. A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget
can't think of any
5. A song that needs to be played LOUD
identity- x ray spex
6. A song that makes you wanna dance
make me feel- janelle monáe
7. A song that makes you happy
hip neck & thigh- big audio dynamite
8. A song that you never get tired of
in my dreams- big audio dynamite
9. A song that you would love played at your wedding
oh! wot a dream- kevin ayers
10. A song that is a cover by another artist
i fought the law- the clash
11. A song that you would sing as a duet at karaoke
me and @vampiredavegahan sing an a capella rendition of the invader zim theme song
12. A song that makes you think about life
this is so broad idek how to answer
13. A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
jeanine- the scary jokes
14. A song that you think everybody should listen to
e=mc2- big audio dynamite is required reading
15. A song by a band you wish were still together
i can't say theres any former bands i really wish were still 2gether
16. A song by an artist no longer living
dominoes- syd barrett
17. A song that makes you want to fall in love
janis- country joe & the fish
18. A song that breaks your heart
cold shoulder- kevin ayers
19. A song that you remember from your childhood
broken doll- anna nalick
20. A song that reminds you of yourself
lost in the supermarket- the clash
i tagg @vampiredavegahan @yumblr @janiejones @crystalplankton @hvginn
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The Letter Z (True or False) by joybucket
You’re wearing something with a zipper on it. You’ve been to the zoo. 🦒🦚🐘 …but it’s been awhile since you last went to the zoo. You have to take Zyrtec every day. 💊 You’ve taken Zofran. 💊 You’ve taken a zoology class. You’ve met someone named Zoey. You’ve watched the Nickelodeon show Zoey 101. You went to school with a Zachary. You went to school with a Zachariah. You’ve had a pet named Zoey. 🐶 You like zipper pockets. You’ve been to a Zumba class. You enjoy Zumba classes. You’ve choreographed your own Zumba routine. You haven’t been to Zumba in years. You like the name Zion for a boy. 👦 You’ve seen the movie Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. You like zucchini bread. You remember learning about Count von Zinzendorf in school. …and you love the name “Zinzendorf.” You’ve met someone with the last name Zimmerman. You like zebras. 🦓 You own a zebra print shirt. You own a set of Ziplock bags. You don’t feel like your zodiac sign fits your personality at all.
You like the name Zayne. You’ve never been to New Zealand. 🇳🇿 ….or Zimbabwe. 🇿🇼 ….or Zion National Park. 🏞 ….or Zambia. 🇿🇲 …..or Zamboanga, Philippines. 🇵🇭 ….or Zanzibar, Tanzania. 🇹🇿 ….or Zurich, Switzerland. 🇨🇭 ….or Zagazig, Egypt. 🇪🇬 You’re wearing something with zigzag lines on it. You’ve tried Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You like Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You’re zealous about life (i.e., passionate, enthusiastic, etc.). You have zits on your face. You’ve been zapped by lightning. ⚡️ You’re received an electrical zap from an outlet. ⚡️🔌 You like the Disney song “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.” You’ve taken zinc. 💊 There is a Z in your name. You’ve taken Zantac. 💊 ….before it was pulled from the shelf. You used to watch the TV show Zoom. You’ve taken a medication that made you feel emotionless, like a zombie. 🧟‍♀️ You’ve purchased a piece of jewelry from Zales. Your birthstone is blue zircon. You’ve read the book of Ezekiel. 📖 ….and Zechariah. 📖 ….and Zephaniah. 📖 You’ve taken Zoloft. 💊 You’ve eaten at a restaurant called Zarzuela’s. You like the word “zombification.” You’ve used concealer to cover up a zit. You’ve gotten your hair caught in a zipper. You’re concerned about the ozone layer. 🌍 You’ve seen a zebra in the wild. 🦓 You’ve never been zorbing. You want to go zorbing. You know what zorbing is. You have no desire to go zorbing at all; it doesn’t look fun to you. You wish little Z’s actually popped up above peoples’ heads when they slept. 😴 💤 You used to watch Lizzie McGuire on Disney Channel. 👩 You like the name Suzy. You went to school with a Suzy. You enjoyed reading magazines as a teenager. You’ve humiliated yourself during Zumba class. You like the Lisa Frank aliens Zorbit and Zoomer. You would travel to Oz if given the chance, and you’d be off to see the wizard! 🧙‍♀️ You like the word “bamboozled.” You like pizza. 🍕 You like jazz music. 🎷 You like jazz hands. 🙌 You’ve taken a jazz dance class. You’ve met someone named Liz. You’ve gotten buzzed from drinking booze. 🥃 You used to watch the show Invader Zim. You like the name Zora. You enjoy playing Zelda games. 🎮 Your zodiac sign is Aries. ♈️ Your zodiac sign is Scorpio. ♏️ Your zodiac sign is Aquarius. ♒️ Your zodiac sign is Taurus. ♉️ Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius. ♐️ Your zodiac sign is Gemini. ♊️ Your zodiac sign is Leo. ♌️ Your zodiac sing is Virgo. ♍️ Your zodiac sign is Libra. ♎️ Your zodiac sign is Capricorn. ♑️ Your zodiac sing is Cancer. ♋️ You’re familiar with the Azuza Street Revival. You like the name Azteca. You like the name Azalea. You’ve watched Family Fizz on YouTube. You like Cheez Whiz. You enjoyed this survey. I hope you have a zany, zestful, zealous day!
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Mimzy Mochama (NSR Edition!)
Name: Mimzy "Mariposa" Mochama-Supernova They/She | Poly/Demi Glitter Ball Object head Age 21-23 (varies for AUs) Themes: Flora/Fauna (from Father) and Galaxy (from Mother) Colors: Green and Gray/Black Music: Dance Pop (Ex. Circle ft GUMI, Again and ECHO by Crusher-P)
Mimzy was born to Oliver Mochama and Isabelle "Intergalactic" Supernova.
She was left behind in Vinyl City for unknown reasons and was instead raised by her uncle, Thomas "Subatomic" Supernova.
Thomas raised his niece while phasing from his professor job to a professional artist in NSR.
Mimzy was kept away from the other NSR artists at a young age due to her love of dancing. And Thomas did NOT want Tatiana to make Mimzy a child artist like what happens to Yinu years later.
When Mimzy was a bit older, she was introduced to Eve. The two were okay but Eve's insistence on "interpreting" and "defining" Mimzy's dance routines lead to the two quickly fighting.
She also met Tatiana, after Thomas/Nova allowed, and to confirm his fear- she did in fact question Mimzy if she wanted to lead her own district after displaying her dancing.
She turns down the offer at first.
Until she met NeonJ and 1010.
Neon J and her got along quite fine, she's very patient with his army persona and knows he has some issues.
Now 1010-
She and Rin were immediate enemies. Come to find that 1010's personalities from "gentleman" can easily phase into "jock". Rin wasn't the best at conversations early on, so his unwelcome advances and flirting towards Mimzy pissed her off to no end.
Purl-hew and her got along at first. But come to find that Purl-hew was a friend of Eve's, and after Eve got to push her perception of Mimzy to Purl... yeah. Their friendship fell apart, worse off when Purl-hew defended Rin.
ZImelu and Mimzy were okay at first, they don't like Purl and Rin and want to spend anytime AWAY from any NSR events to only spend time together. Zimelu developed a crush on Mimzy after the two began sneaking off to underground karaoke bars and got to hear her sing for the first time.
Haym and her are... well- Mimzy didn't like him at first. When the fight between her and Rin happened, Haym tried to de-escalate. Which convinced Mimzy that he was on Rin's side. Haym lost his cool with his brothers sometime after, the two ran into each other and spent time tucked away in Cast Tech to help him out with his conflicted feelings. He started to crush on her when she became ride-or-die with him and Zimelu.
Eloni was an odd case as he tried to ignore her, kinda complacent with his weak popularity within 1010's group. Mimzy was too preoccupied with fighting Rin and Purl-hew at the time to talk.
Mimzy decided to take Tatiana's offer after the 1010 fiasco, but Thomas/Nova urged her to have Mimzy get a portion of Cast Tech instead to help avoid the energy consumption of constructing a new District.
So after 2 years, Mimzy obtained a quarter of Cast Tech to turn into a night-themed park called Lunar Trail with a central dance studio and open stage. The place is a favorite when it's nighttime, fairy lights are used to brighten the place but not too bright to blot out the night sky.
As she begins the process of opening her stage to smaller acts and new dancers, she finally gets to meet Eloni. Zimelu and Haym snuck him out to see a late show, and the two hit it off quite well despite Mimzy's hesitance. But after they close up the stage and go off to get food, they find to have a lot of shared interests with memes and internet culture, along with sharing their own interests like Mimzy's love for old cartoons and Eloni's passion for ice cream making. (Yes I am making a headcanon that Eloni is the one behind all the ice cream shops in Metro Division. fite me)
When the two start secret dating, Zim and Haym are supportive! (and a little pissed that their bro got to be with Mimzy even though they had a crush on her before he did.) Yeah, these four are idiots in love (after Zim and Haym confess too) and don't dare tell anyone.
During the DK West riot, Lunar Trail is one of many places caught in the fires and destroyed. The loss of the mini district hit NSR hard and DK West is ran out of Vinyl City, Cast Tech had to close off a portion of its district to rebuild.
Mimzy, feeling without purpose, was advised to use her skills to work with 1010 or Eve. She chose Eve. She didn't want to deal with Rin or Purl-hew.
Though Eve did turn down her partnership, the two did talk about their problems and left a bit better than before.
She was pushed to work with 1010 afterwards, and Rin ignored her for the most part. Purl-hew got word about her and Eve (kind of) making up and tried to talk to Mimzy, but they too ignored each other.
Zimelu, Haym, and Eloni got to spend more time with her. They were happy with it, then they got worried that Rin might catch them.
Mimzy returned to her almost complete district as NSR went to judge for their monthly Lights Up auditions to check everything before it went back online.
Then B2J came to audition...
Mimzy held off opening the district to avoid B2J coming there to get her Platinum Disc and had her uncle stay in her rebuilt flat until the Rock Revolution hit its peak.
After the game...
Mimzy reopened Lunar Trail to new artists and performers like she planned to. As she got to meet B2J as a friend instead of corporate foe, she came to find out that Zuke was DK West's brother. Yeah, she didn't like him so much after telling him what damage his brother did to destroy Lunar Trail the first time.
Mayday, she kind of enjoys her company but doesn't consider a friend due to Mayday's company. She enjoys her more plain and skin-deep approach to analyzing things.
With the other NSR artists gaining more free time thanks to new artists, Eloni started to open up his schedule to babysit Yinu.
The tiny child wanted to see the "Natura rip-off" that was in Cast Tech. Well, she sees Lunar Trail and then has the time of her life playing in the playground and seeing the night sky and now she wants her own playground in Natura. (To help visualize the difference between Natura vs Lunar Trail- Natura to me is this posh plaza with golden colors, small statues, and a more garden/apartment flat setting. Lunar Trail is a lax park setting with blue/green lighting, circling trees to close it off to the rest of Cast Tech, and few buildings to be found.)
Rin and Mimzy get to work with a small collab, and Rin apologizes for his dumbass behavior. Mimzy accepts and the two become casual work buddies.
Purl-hew and Eve get to talk to Mimzy after Eve got her own beef with Zuke resolved, and the three come to terms with their grudges. Purl decides to pause his and Eve's friendship, as he wants time to discern his thoughts and feelings that've been influence by her.
Vinyl City improves, NSR gets reformed to allow leeway to new power and improvements.
Mimzy gets to close the stage late at night to go back to her flat. Zim, Haym, and Loni are there to see her after a long day.
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krizaland · 4 years
(I was inspired by the song “no matter what” and this is kinda of the vibe I’m getting off of it) Zim finds the reader sad and been in a bad place lately so he wants to help them so he cheers them up?
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I just listened to the song and Oh my god my heart!!! It’s so sweet!
Zim is one of my main comfort stuffies so this really struck a chord with me!
You let out a loud screech as you threw your phone to the ground.
You didn’t even bother to check on it as you threw yourself onto your bed.
Tears spilled from your eyes as loud sobs echoed from your blankets.
Four years. Four whole years.
You had known your best friend for four years.
From memes to your sorrows, you sent everything you could to your dear friend.
They meant everything to you! You let them vent to you and gave them advice whenever they asked for it.
They were the only human you felt like you could truly trust with anything!
When they decided to dump you, it felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest!
You couldn’t believe they’d just leave you all alone!
Your mind was running wild with questions
Who would you talk to at 2am?
Who would comfort you after a panic attack?
Who would laugh at your memes?
Who could ever care about you like they did?
As if on cue, the answer to your questions decided to give you a call.
You let out a yelp as your wrist communicator went off.
“Oh it’s just Zim.” You sighed as you clutched your chest.
You weren’t really in the mood to talk to Zim but you knew you couldn’t simply ignore a call from him.
You could never forget the time you put your communicator on silent and slept in to long.
Zim nearly blew a hole through your wall just to make sure you were alive!
A sigh escaped your throat as you answered the call.
“Hey Zim,” You sniffled.
“Ah! Greetings Y/N! How was your- WAIT! Why is your face all….leaky? Tell me!” Zim’s voice quivered a bit as he spoke.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” You lied as you dried a few stray tears that escaped your eyes.
“Don’t you lie to Zim! You are NOT fine! I command you to tell me what’s wrong!” Zim demanded as he snapped a finger against the screen.
“Ok, ok! It’s my best friend they-” You felt the words get caught in your throat.
“They what?! TELL ME! TELL ME NOW!”
“They…THEY DUMPED ME!!!” You burst into another violent sob.
“WHAT?! HOW COULD THAT BE?! I thought you were supposed to be friends forever and stuff!” Zim shrieked as he jumped a bit.
“I thought so too!” You kept sobbing as your tears sealed your eyes shut.
“Y/N! I…..” Zim trailed off as his mind searched for words to say.
Zim never had friends before but he did know what it felt like to be dumped.
However, no matter what he wanted to say, Zim didn’t feel like words alone were enough to console you.
“Hold on, Y/N. I’ll be right over! Zim out!”
“Huh?! Zim wait-”
The call was cut before you could finish your sentence.
You let out another groan as you plopped your face back into your blankets.
The sound of Zim’s Voot Cruiser hovering outside your window jolted you out of bed.
Wasting no time, you quickly opened your window before Zim could blow a hole through it again.
“Fear not, Y/N! Zim has arrived!” Zim announced triumphantly as he jumped into your bedroom.
“What?! Zim, look I appreciate what you’re trying to do but-”
“I know you do. I know you do. Anyhow, it’s obvious that INFERIOR so-called friend of yours is nothing more than a PATHETIC FOOL who can’t see how amazing you are!” Zim announced dramatically.
“Zim I-”
“I can see that that HORRIBLE friend of yours has decided to abandon you! Therefore Zim has come to tell you that I will always be here for you!” Zim explained as he patted your shoulder.
“Wow…That’s really sweet but-”
“But? There is no but! I have come to reassure you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me! GIR! Get in here!” Zim commanded as he snapped his fingers.
“WEEHOOO!! HI! UNICORN!” GIR squealed as he crashed through your wall.
“GIR! What have I told you about crashing through Y/N’s house?!” Zim snarled as he shot GIR a glare.
“I’m sorry, Master…” GIR pouted as his antenna drooped.
“You should be. Anyway, play the song!” Zim commanded as he pointed to the ceiling.
GIR pressed a button on his chest and the music started up.
“In the light of the day, in the dark of the night. When you’re raring to go! When you’re tired from the fight…” Zim sang as he hopped over to you.
“When you’re losing your mind, let me give you a thought-” Zim clicked his feet “I gonna be right by your side no matter what!”
You couldn’t help but giggle at Zim’s little dance.
Zim patted your shoulder as he kept dancing.
“In the dark of the night!”
You decided to humor Zim and began to sing along.
“In dark of the night…”
Zim’s eyes lit up a bit as he kept singing.
“In the light of the day!” Zim clicked his feet.
“In the light of the day!” You clicked your feet right back.
“When you’re rising to shine!”
Zim stretched out his arms as wide as he could
“When you’re rising to shine!”
“When you’re hitting the hay!”
Zim pantomimed falling asleep.
“When you’re hitting the hay.”
“I’ll be hanging around!”
Zim gently took your hands in his.
“I’ll be hanging around.”
“If you like it or not!”
Zim let out a chuckle as he twirled you into his arms.
“If you like it or not!”
You savored Zim’s embrace as your voice melted with his for a moment.
“I’ll be right by your side no matter what!”
Zim released you from his grip and trotted back over to the window.
“Hey! Where are you going?” You asked playfully as you followed him.
“Oh no! I’m not going anywhere! You’re coming with me-” Zim jumped into the Voot and patted a spot next to him “What are you waiting for?! Hop in!”
You couldn’t help but smile as you climbed in next to him.
“Prepare yourself, Y/N! PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE GREATEST DATE OF YOUR LIFE!” Zim cackled as GIR hopped into the Voot before speeding off.
Another giggle escaped your throat as Zim began to sing once more.
“No matter what!”
“No matter what!”
The clouds zoomed past the Voot as it begun to exit Urth’s atmosphere.
“No matter what!”
“No matter what!”
Zim’s voice melted with yours as you continued to sing with him.
The Voot was whacked by a large space whale! However, that didn’t stop you and Zim from singing.
“No matter whaaaaat!”
Zim regained control over the Voot rather quickly and got back on track in seconds.
“Oh I’m gonna be!”
You put on your space helmet.
“I’m gonna be!”
Zim planted a small kiss on your cheek.
“Right by your siiide!”
“Right by your siiiide!”
“I’m gonna be right by your side no matter what!”
The Voot arrived on a beautiful planet with a bright pink sky and heart shaped clouds.
“Here we are, Y/N! Planet Eros! The most romantic planet in the Galaxy!” Zim announced as he landed the Voot on a large hill.
“Wow! It’s so beautiful here!” You gasped as you stared up at the bright pink sky.
“Isn’t it though. Now prepare yourself, my love pig! Your magical love adventure begins NOW!” Zim announced as he hopped out of the Voot and held out his hand.
Another giggle escaped your throat as you took Zim’s hand and carefully exited the Voot.
The moment you left the Voot, Zim immediately started to take you to the most romantic spots he could find.
From a fancy restaurant to a bright pink park, you were absolutely enthralled!
You couldn’t remember the last time you had this much fun!
Not even GIR’s constant antics could ruin your date!
“In the dark of the night. In the light of the day….When you’re rising to shine…When you’re hitting the hay..” You sang as you followed Zim through a beautiful pink beach.
“Just remember this song!” Zim reminded as he pointed to the sky.
“How’s it go? I forgot” GIR asked as he tilted his head.
“I’ll be right by your side no matter what!” You and Zim laughed.
It wasn’t long before you and Zim’s legs grew weary.
Thus, you both decided to sit down in the soft pink sand and watch the sunset.
“Through whoever you’ve been….”
“Through whoever you’ve been…”
“Through whoever you’ll be…”
“Through whoever you’ll be…”
“Through whatever you lose, you will always have me,” Zim threw his arm around your shoulder.
“You will always have me.” You sang as you rested your head on his chest.
“At the end of your rope…”
“At the end of your rope…”
“I’ll be holding you tight…” Zim kissed your forehead.
“I’ll be holding you tight…” You giggled.
“I’m gonna be right by your side no matter what.”
The sunset turned the sky into pink lemonade as the dark pink waves gently splashed the sand.
“Be right by your side. Be right by your side…..”
“I’ll be right by your side no matter what…”
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
The Letter Z (True or False) by joybucket 
You're wearing something with a zipper on it. You've been to the zoo. 🦒🦚🐘 ...but it's been awhile since you last went to the zoo. You have to take Zyrtec every day. 💊 You've taken Zofran. 💊 You've taken a zoology class. You've met someone named Zoey. You've watched the Nickelodeon show Zoey 101. You went to school with a Zachary. You went to school with a Zachariah. You've had a pet named Zoey. 🐶 You like zipper pockets. You've been to a Zumba class. You enjoy Zumba classes. You've choreographed your own Zumba routine. You haven't been to Zumba in years. You like the name Zion for a boy. 👦 You've seen the movie Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. You like zucchini bread. You remember learning about Count von Zinzendorf in school. ...and you love the name "Zinzendorf." You've met someone with the last name Zimmerman. You like zebras. 🦓 You own a zebra print shirt. You own a set of Ziplock bags. You don't feel like your zodiac sign fits your personality at all.
You like the name Zayne. You've never been to New Zealand. 🇳🇿 ....or Zimbabwe. 🇿🇼 ....or Zion National Park. 🏞 ....or Zambia. 🇿🇲 .....or Zamboanga, Philippines. 🇵🇭 ....or Zanzibar, Tanzania. 🇹🇿 ....or Zurich, Switzerland. 🇨🇭 ....or Zagazig, Egypt. 🇪🇬 You're wearing something with zigzag lines on it. You've tried Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You like Raspberry Zinger tea. ☕️ You're zealous about life (i.e., passionate, enthusiastic, etc.). You have zits on your face. You've been zapped by lightning. ⚡️ You're received an electrical zap from an outlet. ⚡️🔌 You like the Disney song "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah." You've taken zinc. 💊 There is a Z in your name. You've taken Zantac. 💊 ....before it was pulled from the shelf. You used to watch the TV show Zoom. You've taken a medication that made you feel emotionless, like a zombie. 🧟‍♀️ You've purchased a piece of jewelry from Zales. Your birthstone is blue zircon. You've read the book of Ezekiel. 📖 ....and Zechariah. 📖 ....and Zephaniah. 📖 You've taken Zoloft. 💊 You've eaten at a restaurant called Zarzuela's. You like the word "zombification." You've used concealer to cover up a zit. You've gotten your hair caught in a zipper. You're concerned about the ozone layer. 🌍 You've seen a zebra in the wild. 🦓 You've never been zorbing. You want to go zorbing. You know what zorbing is. You have no desire to go zorbing at all; it doesn't look fun to you. You wish little Z's actually popped up above peoples' heads when they slept. 😴 💤 You used to watch Lizzie McGuire on Disney Channel. 👩 You like the name Suzy. You went to school with a Suzy. You enjoyed reading magazines as a teenager. You've humiliated yourself during Zumba class. You like the Lisa Frank aliens Zorbit and Zoomer. You would travel to Oz if given the chance, and you'd be off to see the wizard! 🧙‍♀️ You like the word "bamboozled." You like pizza. 🍕 You like jazz music. 🎷 You like jazz hands. 🙌 You've taken a jazz dance class. You've met someone named Liz. You've gotten buzzed from drinking booze. 🥃 You used to watch the show Invader Zim. You like the name Zora. You enjoy playing Zelda games. 🎮 Your zodiac sign is Aries. ♈️ Your zodiac sign is Scorpio. ♏️ Your zodiac sign is Aquarius. ♒️ Your zodiac sign is Taurus. ♉️ Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius. ♐️ Your zodiac sign is Gemini. ♊️ Your zodiac sign is Leo. ♌️ Your zodiac sing is Virgo. ♍️ Your zodiac sign is Libra. ♎️ Your zodiac sign is Capricorn. ♑️ Your zodiac sing is Cancer. ♋️ You're familiar with the Azuza Street Revival. You like the name Azteca. You like the name Azalea. You've watched Family Fizz on YouTube. You like Cheez Whiz. You enjoyed this survey. I hope you have a zany, zestful, zealous day!
0 notes