triptychexe · 4 years
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TITLE: Cheater Cheater Best Friend Stealer
SUMMARY: Asa’s having a guys day with Changkyun at the Triptych boys dorms. Yen invites herself over to flirt with the Monsta X rapper. 
GENRE: Comedy, slight romance, very slight angst PAIRING: Platonic!Asa + Yen, Yen x Changkyun (Monsta X) WORD COUNT: 1.1k WARNINGS: None.
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It was refreshing talking to someone who wasn’t a member of Triptych for once. Asahiko loved his members, but spending all day and all night with the same 9 people really messes with your brain. When Changkyun accepted Asahiko’s invite to come over to the Triptych dorms, the happy chemicals in the Japanese man’s brain fizzled and popped. He was going to make this hang out the most relaxing, most well-deserved hang out ever.He ordered chicken for the two of them, hooked up his Wii, and made sure that the other boys would be busy while he spent some personal with Changkyun. 
 Apparently, Asahiko forgot one more thing to make sure of: that Yen didn’t find out that Changkyun was coming over at all. 
Halfway through their Mario Kart round, the front door of their apartment unlocked. Materializing in the doorway of the living room, with a bag of takeout in her hand and a smile on her face, was Yen.
Asa almost dropped his Wii controller. Changkyun did a double take. Yen smiled at the rapper, tucking a strand of her hair behind her shoulder and narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. Asa frowned. He knew that look. It was Yen’s smolder. A look she reserved for photoshoots and cute boys only. 
“Hey,” She held up the takeout bag. “Brought you guys some food.”  “We have some already.” Asa responded shortly, focusing his attention back on the game. Asa noticed that on the bottom half of the television screen, Changkyun’s cart wasn’t moving. He looked to his friend and realized that he was still googling at Yen. Unbelievable. 
Asa paused the game and heaved himself up off the couch. Changkyun started to get up too, but Asahiko motioned for him to sit down. “I’ll get you a plate, bro. No worries.” Asahiko gave a strained smile before exiting the living room, dragging Yen with him by her shoulders. 
“Hey!” Yen whisper-yelled, wiggling herself free once the pair were concealed by the kitchen wall. “Why are you trying to kick me out?” “Why are you trying to steal my friend?!” Asahiko responded, crossing his arms. “Can’t I just have one thing to myself?” “You’re being selfish, Koko.” Yen frowned. “You know how much I like I.M... Can I please stay for like, ten minutes?” “How did you even know he was here?” Asa interrogated. Yen licked her lower lip hesitantly.  “Eli said something, didn’t he?” “He might have let something slip, yes.” Yen affirmed.  Asahiko felt like screaming. Yen was his best friend, but he just wanted to have a life separate from his group mates. Was that too much to ask for? Clearly. He grabbed a plate from the cupboard and started shoveling takeout noodles onto the plate silently, taking his annoyance out on the lo mien. 
Yen clicked her tongue, puncturing the silence. “So, can I stay or...”  “Fine! Fine, you can stay!” Asahiko threw his head back in exasperation, letting his chopsticks fall against the plate. “But only ten minutes, okay?”  “Promise. You’re the best, Koko.” Yen grinned, hugging her friend tightly.  “Yeah, yeah." Asahiko fought off the blush that threatened to bubble to the surface of his skin as the two exited the kitchen carrying plates of food. 
He should have known that ten minutes in Asa time was completely different than ten minutes Yen time. They were nearing the forty five minute mark and Yen was still sitting on the couch in between the two boys, chatting up Changkyun. 
“Hey, you want a try?” Changkyun asked, holding out the controller for Yen.  “She doesn’t really play-” Asahiko started. “I’d love to!” Yen accepted the remote, giving Asa a deadly glare. “I’m just not very good...”  “No worries, I’ll help you if you need it.” Changkyun offered, a small grin on his face. Yen giggled. Asa gagged. 
Yen was trying to select her character, but her hand was shaky. Asa knew she was doing this on purpose to look cute or whatever. He was tempted to grab the remote out of her hands and select the player for her, but Changkyun beat him to it. His hand came out to cover hers, guiding her hand to the character she wanted.  Asahiko felt his stomach twist painfully, and it wasn’t from the greasy food. He knew this feeling. It’s only applied to Yen once, when she suggested that Cal be her first kiss instead of him. 
The feeling didn’t go away. Changkyun’s hand remained on Yen’s controller, his fingers just ghosting over her own, helping her control the cart throughout the whole round. 
He hated how they whispered to each other before throwing some sort of projectile at his kart, then laughed together like they were best friends. He hated how they would occasionally say the same thing at the same time and react like it was the funniest thing ever, like they were best friends.  He hated how Yen had no problem shoving Changkyun or physically interacting with him, and how Changkyun would retaliate. Like they were best friends. 
When it was time for Changkyun to head out, Asahiko eagerly lead him to the front door. The sooner he got Changkyun away from Yen, the better.  “You know, I should go too.” Yen stood up from the couch, following the two to the front door. “I’ll walk you out.” She offered to Changkyun. “Oh, thanks. That’s sweet of you.” Changkyun smiled, opening the door for her. He turned to Asahiko and patted his shoulder. “I’ll see you later, man. We gotta hang out more often.” “Yeah, I agree.” Asahiko smiled thinly. He raised a hand in farewell as the two headed down the hallway together towards the elevator. He closed the door as quickly as possible, as if the wooden door could block out the intrusive thoughts he was having. 
He was about to slip down the mental rabbit hole of what might happen if those two get in an elevator together when a bedroom door opened down the hall. Van and Teo poked their heads out of Van’s room curiously.  “How much did you hear?” Asa asked. “We could hear your fake smile through the door.” Teo stated bluntly, but his words seemed empathetic.  “You know how Yen gets, Asa,” Van said reassuringly. “Once Changkyun loses his excitement, Micha will dial it back. She wouldn’t do anything to jepordize your friendship.”  Asa gave a small smile, appreciating his friend’s comforting words. Unfortunately, no one knows Yen as well as he does. Yen wont stop until she gets what she wants, and she’s already halfway there. 
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triptychexe · 4 years
Ura: getting into trouble a bit early today, aren’t we?
Cal: you’re only in trouble if you get caught!
Nia: gotcha.
Cal: i’m in trouble.
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triptychexe · 5 years
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TITLE: Pick Up SUMMARY: Zim forgot her favorite jacket at the Got7 dorm the night she threw up in their toilet. She goes to pick it up and accidentally develops a crush on Jackson Wang.
GENRE: mild comedy / budding romance?  PAIRING: zim x jackson wang WORD COUNT: 0.6k WARNINGS: mentions of being drunk?
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FALL 2015
“Okay, Eunha, calm down.” Zim sighed to herself, walking up to the back steps of the dorm complex, her manager, Jang Hyunjung, in tow. If Hyunjung could hear her talking to herself, she didn’t say anything. Even though Zim knew having her manager with her was necessary for safety reasons, she really didn’t feel like having an eye-witness around when she awkwardly asked for her jacket back. She felt bad making her manager add this into their schedule, but she loved that jacket. She hadn’t seen it since the night she spilled her guts in the bathroom and met Jessi. She was starting to miss seeing the flash of red fabric in her closet.
“Jessi did call, didn’t she?” Hyunjung asked as the two entered the dorm building and headed to the elevator. Eunha nodded. “She told Jackson I’d be on my way. This will be quick.” The rookie promised.
“It’s not like you have a photoshoot to get to or anything…” Her manager responded passive-aggressively, checking her phone for messages. Eunha sighed. “You’re still not going to tell anyone, right?” Eunha asked anxiously, glancing sideways. Hyunjung looked over at Eunha accusingly. “And risk getting fired? No, I won’t. If Hak Bonghwa finds out that I let you go out and get drunk with a bunch of strangers, I’ll be in the unemployment line faster than you can get to a toilet.” The corners of Hyunjung’s lips quirked at the end. Eunha tried to suppress her own grin. 
The elevator opened up on Got7’s floor. The two women rounded the corner, located the dorm room and approached it together.
Eunha’s hand hesitated over the door, ready to knock. At the last second she pulled her hand away and faced Hyunjung. “Wait, do I look ugly?” She asked quickly. Hyunjung gave a fussy sigh before reaching around Eunha and knocking on the door loudly. Eunha covered her mouth in shock. Before she could recover, the door flew open, revealing Jackson Wang.
Eunha blinked a few times, her jaw slowly relaxing. She didn’t have the chance to meet him the night she was here, but in person he was much more handsome than photographs. 
“Zim, right?” Jackson smiled, showing off his perfectly straight teeth.
“Ye.” Was all Zim could make out. Jackson let out a breath of a chuckle before opening the door wider. “Here, I got your jacket… The red one, right?” He arched an eyebrow. Zim nodded, not trusting herself to talk again.
“Yeah, found it behind the couch… I have to say, you went pretty hard that night. I wish we had more time to talk instead of… You know.” Jackson gave Eunha a knowing wink. Hyunjung arched her eyebrows. Jackson’s expression melted into a slightly bashful one, remembering that they had company.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to keep you guys up. Here,” Jackson handed over the jacket. Zim accepted it, a smile on her face.
“Thank you.” She thanked him.
“No problem. I’ll uh, see you around.” Jackson bowed his head to Eunha before bowing politely to Hyunjung, closing the door behind him.
“More time to talk?” Hyunjung asked Eunha as they walked to the elevator. Eunha shook her head. “Honestly, Manager-nim, I don’t know what he’s talking about… I don’t think I was that drunk that I blacked out…” “I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Hyunjung teased. “But I’d check the pockets of that jacket.” “What, why?” Eunha furrowed her eyebrows. “He said he wished you talked, didn’t he?” Hyunjung reminded her. Eunha rolled her eyes and fished in both pockets of her jacket. Her hand brushed up against a slip of paper, causing her eyes to widen. She pulled her hand out, surprised at the slip of paper with a number sprawled across it.
Hyunjung gave her client a satisfied smile. “I’m never wrong.” 
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triptychexe · 4 years
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TITLE: Coping Mechanisms SUMMARY: Nia feels stressed again. Instead of taking it out on her friends, she offers them to come paint with her on the living room floor. 
GENRE: Friendship ??? Wholesomeness.  PAIRING: S.O.T OT3 WORD COUNT: 0.8k WARNINGS: none? if you notice something that may be triggering please please please let me know! 
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Nia pulled the doors of her closet open, her eyes scanning the boxes on the top shelf. She had to put it in there somewhere… 
Her eyes caught the white plastic carrier. She reached up and heaved down the heavy paint set. She grabbed a tarp from the corner of her closet and exited her bedroom, the tools she needed tucked under her arm.
“What’s that?” Micha asked as Yerin passed her in the kitchen, munching on some apple slices. Nia fought the urge to scold Micha for dirtying another dish when she had just put away clean bowls this morning, but she took a deep breath. She wasn’t going to get mad at Micha for feeding herself. That was the old Yerin. This was the new Yerin.
“Stressed. Going to paint.” Yerin said simply, walking past her youngest member. She hesitated before back tracking, reentering the kitchen. “If you want… You can join me.” 
Micha shrugged, taking the bowl of apples with her. The two girls sat cross-legged on the wooden floor of the living room. The maknae munched on the fruit while she watched Nia set up her things.
“Can I just watch? I’m not really much of a painter.” Yen wrinkled her nose. Nia nodded, silently starting to sketch the outline of her painting. 
“So… This stress…” Yen questioned, watching her leader’s pencil dance over the canvas in front of her. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
“Not really.” Nia responded. “To be honest, I think I’m just overthinking again.” Micha nodded in understanding, humming in response. “Well, if you ever want to vent to me, you know I got your back.” Nia looked up from her drawing and gave Micha a small appreciative smile. “Thanks. That’s really nice of you.” 
“That’s what friends are for.” Yen shrugged. 
The two girls sat in silence while Nia started painting. Yerin didn’t mind having Micha there. In fact, she was glad that the girl agreed to watch her paint. She felt like she never really spent time with Micha anymore. 
Zim had returned from Jackson’s house when Nia had just started the first layer of her painting. “Woah, what’s going on here?” Eunha asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the apartment. “Yerin’s stressed, so she’s painting. I’m bored, so I’m watching.” Micha explained briefly. 
“Everything okay?” Zim asked, furrowing her eyebrows in concern. Yerin nodded, dipping her paintbrush into red acrylic paint. She looked up from her work to gesture to her bag full of art supplies. “I have a few spare canvases in there, if you wanted to make something yourself.” Yerin offered. Eunha bent down, picking up a small canvas and a paintbrush before sitting down next to her group mates.
Micha was studying Eunha’s face, chewing on an apple slice thoughtfully. “Something’s wrong with you, isn’t there?” 
Eunha widened her eyes in surprise. Yerin looked up from her work. Now that Micha had pointed it out, something seemed off about Zim. “I mean… I don’t know.” Zim frowned, picking her paintbrush up and starting to apply paint to the canvas. “I don’t know if Jackson and I can continue, you know?” The two other girls nodded in silent understanding. “Anything you wanna talk about?” Yerin offered. 
“Not yet.” Eunha sighed. “But maybe another time.” 
The three girls sat in peaceful quiet, working individually. When Micha finished off her apple slices, she dusted her fingers off and cleared her throat.
“Uh, not to be all, like, sappy and cheesy,” Micha started. “But I’m, like, proud of you two right now.” 
The older girls looked up with questioning looks on their faces. “Like,” Micha wrapped her arms around her legs, pulling them close to her chest. “Usually when you guys are stressed or things aren’t going your way, you resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms. But you guys are doing something good for yourself right now. I think you both are doing really well.” 
Yerin couldn’t help but smile at that. Despite Micha’s usual sarcastic and teasing manner, she knew how to be a good friend. “Group hug?” Eunha asked. “Group hug.” Yerin confirmed. The three girls sat up on their knees and formed a makeshift circle, wrapping their arms around each other. 
The sweet moment was broken when Nia heard a snapping noise. She realized that she had just placed her knee on her palette, crushing the plastic in half and causing paint to leak on the floor.
“Oh shit!” She exclaimed with a laugh, jumping to her feet. 
The girls worked together to try to mop up as much of the red paint as they could, but a faint pink stain remained on the floor. The three girls stood around the stain, looking down at the blob in disappointment. 
“I’ve always wanted a rug in here anyways.” Yerin shrugged. “Shopping trip tomorrow?” Micha posed.
“Retail therapy can be a healthy coping mechanism, right?” Zim asked with a chuckle.
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triptychexe · 5 years
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TITLE: If What SUMMARY: Yen starts revolting against Nia’s tyrant-like rule after Nia scolds her for mingling with male idols.  GENRE: angst, drama. WORD COUNT: 0.8k WARNINGS: slut shaming, swearing.
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JULY 2015
Zim noticed something was wrong when she unlocked the door to the dorm. She heard a throaty groan of aggravation, followed by the image of Yen storming past her. As the maknae passed Zim, she slowed down to make eye contact with the older girl.
“I honestly can’t stand her anymore. I really fucking can’t.” Yen said with a tight voice before disappearing into her bedroom, making the point to slam the door loudly. 
Zim placed her gym bag down on the floor and slipped her sneakers off. She already was feeling exhausted from her workout, she didn’t want to have to deal with Nia and Yen’s ongoing bickering. Unfortunately, if she didn’t step in, she had a feeling that things were going to be even more tense. 
Yerin was in the kitchen, roughly scrubbing a bowl with a sponge, her jaw locked tight. Zim leaned against the doorway, keeping her distance just incase Nia decided to take her anger out on something other than a piece of crockery. 
Before Eunha could even open her mouth, Yerin spoke. “I don’t understand what I need to do in order for her to listen to me.” Yerin said roughly. “She’s going to run her career into the ground if she doesn’t start taking my advice.” 
Eunha wet her bottom lip, unsure of how to respond, given that she didn’t know the context of the situation.
“What happened?” Eunha asked. Yerin let out a short, mirthless chortle before placing the bowl down on the sink with a dull thud. She turned with the sponge still in her hand, pointing the yellow object in the direction of Yen’s bedroom.
“She thinks that hanging around male idols all the time is going to go under the radar with gossip outlets. It’s not! She’s going to get herself into one ugly scandal that she won’t be able to get out of without dragging the two of us down with her.” Yerin explained angrily. 
Eunha pursed her lips together. She didn’t want to piss off Nia any further, but she straight up didn’t agree with what her friend was saying.
“I mean… Yen doesn’t really hang out with men in public, so it’s not like… she’s going to get caught.” Eunha reasoned slowly, piecing her words together in the most soothing way possible. “She can be friends with whoever she wants.” 
“But the thing is, she’s her!” Nia said in a whisper-yell, as if Yen could hear them from her bedroom. The sponge in her hand was being waved around like a sword. “She’s a huge flirt! She was going to go out tonight, but I told her that she’s got to stop being so selfish and think about our reputation as a team. We’re already slut shamed for our music and dancing, imagine what backlash we’ll receive if-” 
“If what?”
The two girls turned to see Yen in the hallway, donning a skimpy rose gold dress that shone in the light of the kitchen. She had her hair slicked back into a high ponytail and her makeup was done. She looked really pretty, except for her darkened expression.
“I said,” Yen repeated herself, rolling back her shoulders. “If what? Finish what you were gonna say.” 
Nia squared her jaw, giving Yen a steely look over. “If you start whoring around with a bunch of male idols.” 
Zim thought Yen was going to take one of her heels off and puncture Nia’s chest with it, given the look that was on her face. Unexpectedly, Yen started to nod, her tongue poking the inside of her cheek. 
“Whoring around...” Yen let the words roll around her mouth. “I mean, I was going to just meet up with some friends to celebrate our comebacks and my debut, but now that I know you’re a paranoid bitch, I think I’m gonna have a bit more fun tonight.” 
Before Yerin could scold her for talking to her so disrespectfully, Yen made her way to the door, yanking it open before slamming it shut behind her. 
The silence in the dorm was so thick, Eunha felt like she couldn’t take complete breaths without clogging up her lungs.
Yerin clenched the sponge in her fist, causing several drops of water to fall to the kitchen floor, the only audible sounds being from the impact the water made on the tiles. Suddenly, she let out an aggravated scream through clenched teeth, hucking the sponge into the sink. She then stormed into her own bedroom, closing the door abruptly behind her. 
Eunha stood frozen in the doorway, still unsure of what was happening around her. Only a few weeks into their debut, and everything was falling apart. 
Leaving the puddle in the middle of the floor, Eunha turned away from the kitchen, knowing that it would probably still be there tomorrow, along with the tension in the air.
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triptychexe · 5 years
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TITLE: Part-Time Job
SUMMARY: on Triptych House Season 1, the S.O.T girls try to promote Triptych by working at a popular cafe in Seoul. If they succeed in all their missions, they get banners and advertisements placed inside and outside the cafe. Can they pull it off?  GENRE: comedy PAIRING: platonic!s.o.t ot3 WORD COUNT: 1.0k A/N: this is a repost from before I restarted my blog. If you feel like you’ve read this before, chances are you probably have. I tweaked it just a little bit but it’s essentially the same. not my best, but it brings back memories. enjoy! 
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JULY 2015 
Nia pretended to busy herself while she waited for the other two girls upstairs to make a decision on how they were going to complete their mission. They had to get someone to ask “are you an idol?” for them to pass this round.
 “Okay, Nia, are you listening?” Yen’s voice said in Nia’s ear.
 “Yeah, you have a plan?” Nia asked, pressing the little earpiece inward so she could hear her member more clearly.
 “You’re not gonna like this, but go sing your verse in Wasabi right next to that elderly woman in the corner.” Yen said, her voice cracking with suppressed giggles. Nia inwardly groaned and looked over at the elderly woman sipping her tea. 
 “The song is sexy though.” Nia whispered. On the other end, Zim and Yen started laughing hysterically.  “Old people wanna feel sexy too! Now go!” Zim took the mic.
Nia silently apologized to the woman in her head as she walked over to a nearby table and started wiping it down.
 “Oh baby oh, I can feel you hating on me~” Nia sang, looking up at the elderly woman and winking. The elderly woman gave her an uncomfortable smile back.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!” Yen laughed loudly in her ear. “That was so disturbing, don’t ever do that again.” Zim teased. Nia ignored them.
“You have a nice voice.” The elderly woman complimented her. “Thank you!” Nia blushed and bowed politely.
 “You remind me of one of those idol singers my grandson likes- young and pretty.” The elderly woman smiled kindly. Nia bowed and thanked the woman again, a little too flustered to answer in a correct sentence. “Alright, you’re clear, come back upstairs.” Yen said in Nia’s earpiece.
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 “Yen looks like a part-timer!” Nia exclaimed. Yen grinned and leaned into the camera behind the register, showing off her look to the viewers. “Do I actually?” Yen asked, fixing her ponytail. 
 “Yes, a very vain one.” Zim jokes. “Now, your mission is to dance to Wasabi and try to get other people to dance along with you.” 
 “Easy.” Yen said, instantly walking away from the counter and going out onto the patio where several people were eating.
 “Our maknae is so shameless.” Nia said in awe. Yen got into position outside and without being told twice, started doing the choreography to their debut track. Several of the cafe customers gave her suspicious looks, but Yen didn’t mind. They could stare all they wanted. Their attention on her only fueled her ego.
 “Ah, I don’t think I can watch.” Zim’s voice said, but Yen ignored it. She wanted to finish this mission successfully. 
 After dancing to nearly the whole song, Nia’s voice rang through her earpiece. 
 “Look, look! Over there on the sidewalk!” She said. Yen looked over to see two young girls mimicking her dance moves. When Yen finished dancing, she clapped for the two young girls, bowing in thanks. After the teenagers asked for a picture with Yen, she dashed upstairs, already taking her apron off. 
 “You weren’t even embarrassed!” Nia said in amazement as her groupmate took off the earpiece and handed it to Zim.
 “Of course I wasn’t.” Yen smirked. “Who wouldn’t want to see me dance for free?” 
 “Viewers are going to think you’re a brat.” Nia frowned. For the first time since they started recording, the tension between the girls suddenly stiffened.
 “Nah, the viewers love me.” Yen shrugged off the comment, shooting an exaggerated wink to the camera.
 “What’s with all the winking?” Zim asked, shaking her head. “If I’ve learned one thing today, it’s that none of us should wink. Ever.” “Shut up and get out there.” Yen smirked, thankful that her groupmate was trying to break the tension up. “The customers are waiting.” 
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 Zim was handing a hot coffee over to a customer when Nia’s voice crackled to life in her ear. “Alright, your assignment is to get someone to say the word ‘wasabi’.” Nia said.
 “This is so unfair.” Zim groaned quietly, turning her back away from the customers. “There’s no way I’ll be able to do this.”
 “You have to. If you don’t, I’ll kill you for messing this up for us.” Yen threatened. Zim rolled her eyes, but she got out from behind the counter and started thinking. Looking around, she noticed there was an attractive guy sitting alone at a table near the window. Was she really gonna risk it all for a mission?
 “Hello,” She smiled, walking up to him. The man smiled at her awkwardly, but still politely. 
 “What are you doing?” Nia asked, her tone sounded nervous. “Zim, please don’t do what I think you’re gonna do.” 
 “Are you busy?” Zim asked, referring to the open laptop in front of him. The man shook his head and closed the computer half way.
 “Do you mind playing a game with me?” Zim asked, trying not to let her nerves show through. This was one of the most embarrassing things she’s ever done.
 “Jesus christ.” Yen’s voice muttered in Zim’s ear, which didn’t help the girls' nerves.
 “Sure.” The man said, still smiling politely.
 “What’s green, hot, and tastes good?” Zim asked.
 “Oh I thought you were going to try a pick up line or-” Nia’s voice got cut off by the man’s response.
 “I don’t know… You?” He asked. Zim furrowed her brow in confusion, but then she looked down. The apron she had on was bright green.
 “Oh, no, I meant like… A food.” Zim’s face turned pink. The man’s cheeks flushed red as well.
 “Oh, then uh… Wasabi?” He guessed timidly.
 “Yes! Thank you!” Zim clapped her hands together in what looked like a prayer. “I’m so sorry I put you through that. This is a hidden camera show.” She gestured to one of the cameras that was placed in the corner of the room. Even after the explanation, the man didn’t seem any less embarrassed, but he was a good sport about it. Zim thanked him one more time before running upstairs and flopping on the couch beside her group mates. She screamed into a pillow while her members laughed hysterically at her.
 “I thought you were supposed to be the chill one of our group!” Nia said between giggles.
 “Me too.” Zim said bitterly, her voice still muffled by the pillow.
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triptychexe · 4 years
Yen: The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.
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triptychexe · 4 years
Zim, to Asa: Hey dude, those pants look great! I bet they'd look even better on Yen's bedroom floor.
Yen: Are you hitting on Asa for me?
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triptychexe · 5 years
Nia: Where the hell were you last night, Zim?
Zim: I was at a party smoking weed.
Yen, with a mouthful of chips: Don't lie, you were at the library you fuckin nerd.
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