mystris-bug-academy · 10 days
☆ How they apologize ☆
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mystris-bug-academy · 15 days
Another animatic thingy!!
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mystris-bug-academy · 26 days
"Eugh, you actually eat that stuff?"
"Yeah, you get used to it after you throw up in your mouth a couple times"
"Why do I ask..."
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mystris-bug-academy · 28 days
"The Rat Incident" pt.2
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mystris-bug-academy · 1 month
(I just remembered why I hate drawing comics. Anyways, most centipede students have to use the big stalls otherwise shit like this happens)
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mystris-bug-academy · 1 month
"The Rat Incident" – Part 1
(This is going to be a silly little side plot, I'm using an app called MeMi Message for these)
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mystris-bug-academy · 1 month
Animation thingy
(Im not an animator, I made this on alight motion at like 10 at night)
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mystris-bug-academy · 1 month
Relationship nets!!
(Yes, I know I misspelled acquaintance on Mona and Ceni's slides. It was late, and I don't wanna go back... And acquaintance is just a hard word)
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mystris-bug-academy · 1 month
Entomology Club Leader, He/Him, bisexual, Butterfly..?
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(Oh my god I'm so goofy. I didn't know how to do the view more thing)
Facts about Fae
♤~ His "wings" are made of birds wing bones and butterflies
♡~ He doesn't talk much, only muttering one word responses most of the time
◇~ People wonder if he's really a bug at all...
♧~ Most of all the people in Hollow Bark High are either intimidated by him or pity him
☆~ Obsessed with the idea of something, "beautiful"
♤~ He spends most of his time in his club room, most of the people who join his club are either there out of pity or just want to screw around on their phones. (No teacher wants to go to the entomology room)
♡~ Doesn't know how to show that he likes someone (He tried giving Orchid butterfly wings....Orchid tries to avoid him now)
◇~ He has some lung and other respiratory issues, causing him to wear that gas mask (he could wear a regular oxygen mask, but he likes to be edgy)
♧~ He has crazy nightmares and sleep paralysis
☆~ He can't participate in most P.E. activities, most butterflies or flying insects have to participate in some form of P.E. flying, but he can't. Most of the time, he has to sit in some boring health class alone.
♤~ Watches soap cutting and slime making videos during class
♡~ He also has an interest in taxidermy, he keeps the taxidermied bodies of small animals in his club room.
Math - C
English - D
Science - A
Social studies - B
P.E. - N/A
What others think of him
Ceni- "I feel bad for the guy, I don't even know why he's in this school.."
Mona- "He's– Um– Oh jeez! It's just so disturbing seeing all those dead butterflies on him! It's hard being nice to him! Even for me!"
Poly- "What can I say? I feel bad for him. He walks around with those wings. It's cool, but...Mona doesn't seem to like it"
"Lady"- "Don't get me started on that psycho! He walks around campus with dead butterflies on him! That's definitely against the rules! And probably illegal!"
Latro- "Every time I see him, I feel quesy...And I've eaten candy from the ground before!"
Orchid- "Oh god... Not him. I wish he'd just leave me alone.."
Honey- "Eugh...I feel sick every time I go into his club room, the walls are plastered with dead bugs..."
Facts about...Agh, forget it. Facts about taxidermy.
(What? Of course, we know what he is...We just...Uhhhhhh–)
♤~Taxidermy is the art of preserving an animal's body by mounting or stuffing, for the purpose of display or study.
♡~ Early Taxidermy mounts were stuffed with sawdust and rags
◇~ When platypus were discovered, people thought they were crude taxidermy
♧~ King Louis XV had a taxidermized rhino
☆~ The word "taxidermy" is derived from the Greek words "arrangement" and "skin," meaning taxidermy translates to "Arrangement of skin"
♤~ Snakes are the hardest animak to taxidermy because of their complex musculature. When tanning snakeskin it loses its pigment causing taxidermists to pain every scale.
The last siller is done!!! Get ready for the shenanigans!!
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mystris-bug-academy · 1 month
"Lady" (Coccine)
Fashion club leader, she/Her, Ally + Questioning, ladybug
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Facts about Lady
♤~ She has everyone call her "Lady" because one time in 5th grade, someone said her name sounded like cocaine
♡~ Fun fact: my dumbass accidentally drew her colors inverted, just pretend she's an inverted ladybug
◇~ She has a pet cat that's mean as hell
♧~ Spoiled. Her parents just threw money at her to make her shut up (Lore!?!?)
☆~ She has trouble saying sorry
♤~ Amazing at walking in ginormous heels (Orchid taught her)
☆~ Very, VERY blunt
♤~ Bullies kids on roblox Dress To Impress (She has VIP and is incredibly cracked at the game)
♡~ Kins Rarity from MLP
◇~ Almost got hit by a bus while yelling at someone (Regina style)
♧~ Makes fun of kids with Orchid
Math - A
English - A
Science - A
Social studies - A
P.E. - D
(She HATES P.E.)
What others think of her
Fae- "Scary.."
Mona- "You know, I know every one of the other leaders except her...Oh! But Latro totally likes her! And luckily for him in number 1 matchmaker!"
Poly- "I swear, even though I've told her I don't need a "closet makeover" she still decides I need one! I'm fine the way I am.."
Honey- "Aha...I think she's still mad about the whole cookie thing..But she's pleasant to be around!"
Latro- "She sews my clothes for me, every time I look at her I feel with weird felling in my gut...N-Not butterflies! I-Its just...Agh..Cut that part out"
Ceni- "I think she downright hates me, I mean, yeah, I'm annoying but...I don't know, it gets really awkward at club leader meetings.."
Orchid- "Oh my god, she's like my best friend in this whole school! She even made my outfit for me!"
Ladybug facts
♤~ Ladybugs' scientific name is Coccinellidae septempunctata (I have no idea what the scientists were cooking with this)
♡~ Ladybugs bleed from their knees when threatened
◇~ Ladybugs produce both fertile and infertile eggs (they eat the infertile ones😋)
♧~Ladybugs hibernate with eachother, it's called a cluster
☆~ They smell with their feet and antannae
♤~ In multiple countries Ladybugs are considered good luck
♡~ Ladybugs are also known as Lady Beetles and Ladybird Beetles
◇~ Ladybugs are not bug, but Beetles (I have no idea what classifies a bug but I saw this on every site I looked at)
♧~ Ladybugs are named after the Virgin Mary. They were originally named "Beetle of Our Lady"
☆~ Not all Ladybugs are red and black they can also be yellow, orange, brown, pink, or even all black.
Thx 4 reading!!!
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mystris-bug-academy · 1 month
Fencing Club Leader, Genderfluid, any pronouns, Orchid Mantis
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Facts about Orchid!!
♤~ Ladies and gentlemen, I now present the cartoonishly gay character!!
♡~ Gayest mf alive
◇~ The type of person to wiggle their fingers before a meal and say, "don't mind if I do!"
♧~ Has a 87 step skin care routine (They're skin GLOWS)
☆~ Screams like an anime girl
♤~ Sleeps with a nightlight (they're scared of the dark guys dont bully them)
♡~ Believes in "beauty sleeps"
◇~ definition of "gay cousin"
♧~ Has literally everything in they're bag (Lipstick, hair ties, gum, ect.)
☆~ absolutley locked in when in comes to fencing (immaculate parries)
Math - A
English - A
Science - A
Social studies - A
P.E. - A
(He used to go to private school)
What other think of them
Fae- "...Pretty"
Mona- "He- She-....They're so nice! They do my hair, my nails, anything! Huh? Any pronouns..? Oh, I thought they were just gay gender!" (Poly in the background, "Mona, what the hell is "gay gender."")
Poly- "I don't see why he's so scared of me, I mean, if someone dies from a fencing accident, I could always exorcise the spirit if it decides to haunt the place..."
Ceni- "87 step...Skin care routine..? Broo...I only use water and 30 in 1 soap"
Latro- "She helps me with assignments from time to time, our club rooms are across the whole campus so we...Don't really see eachother often, but I'm sure she's nice!"
Honey- "He totally gets me! He was the first person to realize I liked girls!...Is it really that obvious..?"
"Lady"- "Oh, she's just delightful! She lends me makeup and other stuff. She's one of the only tolerable club leaders!"
Orchid Mantis facts
♤~ The Orchid Mantis's scientific name is Hymenopus Coronatus
♡~ Orchid Mantises attract bees since they look so much like flowers
◇~ THEY CAN FLY!?!? (Bro I didn't know mantises could fly)
♧~ Orchid mantises are one of the top insect predators
☆~ Orchid Mantises are also called Pink Orchid Mantis, or Walking Flower Mantis
♤~ Female mantises sometimes eat male mantises after eating (watch out future Orchid spouses...Jk they won't eat you they are a very distinguished goober...I think)
☆~ Mantises can change color depending on environmental conditions and changes in light or temperature
Thx 4 reading!!!
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mystris-bug-academy · 1 month
Black Widow Spider, he/him, pansexual, photography club leader
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Facts about Latro
☆~ Immature goober
♤~ The kinda guy to open doors for old people though
◇~ Has a collection of cameras in his room
♧~ Needs a nightlight to fall asleep
♡~ Not good with social cues
☆~ knows all of the FNAF lore
♤~ afraid to close their eyes in the shower (Hes afraid of the boogeyman...And Ceni)
♤~ The definition of "homie"
☆~ "Guys, kissing Ceni was a DARE. I don't like him! He's just a homie!"
♡~ He stole a piece of candy at 6 years old and still feels bad to this day
Math - A
English - B+
Science - C-
Social Studies - A
P.E. - B-
What others think of him
Ceni- "He's my #1 homie! Though...Sometimes I wish we could be more– Like homies- Uh- Homies plus! Yeah! Not anything...Weird..."
Fae- "...Who?"
Mona- "Omigosh! He's like so cool!! He comes into my gardening club and takes super cool pictures!"
Poly- "Eh, I don't mind him, he seems to get me...When he's not being a dumbass with Ceni."
"Lady"- "Hes...Tolerable, he takes photos of my outfits and I make him clothes. He seems rather, weird around me though."
Honey- "Gosh, it's like whenever I give him a pastry, he scarfs it down in half a second! It's like he hasn't eaten in years!"
Orchid- "He takes good pictures...I don't know more about him though"
Black Widow Spider Facts!!
♤~ The venom of the black widow is decidedly potent, rated about 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake, but a bite is not usually deadly.
♡- The most well known species of the black widow spider is Latrodectus mactans. The latin name means "murderous biting robber."
◇~ They are the most venomous spiders in North America, but their bite is rarely fatal to humans.
♧~ its webs can be five times stronger than steel. Black widows' web silk is known for its strength
☆~ Black widows play dead when they're scared
♤~ They don't always eat their mates
♡~ The name is derived from the mistaken belief that the female invariably kills the male after mating.
Thx for reading!!1!11!1
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mystris-bug-academy · 2 months
She/Her, Honeybee, lesbian, Cooking club Leader
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Honey facts!!
☆~ Her favorite food to bake are honey cakes
♡~ Absolutely DESPISES the Bee Movie. I mean why can't she get a human girlfriend! I mean she can go up to a woman– **LOUDLY INCORRECT BUZZER**
♧~ had unsupervised internet access as a kid (totally not projecting myself onto my ocs)
♤~ Used to have a crush on Mona (maybe still does)
♡~ Only uses hexagon dishes, plates, pans, etc. (Her club members had to beg her to use circular pans)
◇~Gives food to the other club leaders
♧~Her and Mona could absolutely destroy a candy store (they are banned from multiple stores for this reason.)
☆~ Uses kid soap and shampoo unlike SOMEONE that doesn't WASH every DAY CENI–
♡~ Puts WAAYYYY too much sugar in her pastries sometimes to the point where they are literally inedible.
Math- B+
English- A
Science- D
Social Studies- A
P.E.- A
What others think of her
Fae: "She...Gives me food"
Ceni: "She says if I don't start taking showers every day, she's gonna stop giving me food. Like, dude!! I shower every other day!...Guys, why are you all walking away? Hey wait!–"
Orchid: "She's such a cutie patootie, love herr <3"
Mona: "She's like my bffaenmwbogcbu! Best friends forever no matter what boy or girl comes between us!"
Poly: "Dude, I think she liked my sister. Eh, whatever, she makes me cookies...Actually, if she does get with my sister, I'll be able to ask her for cookies anytime! Oh my god, guys, wait, cut the cams. I have an idea-"
"Lady"- "Hm, she's quite nice, I can't say I love some of the food she makes though...I'm still thinking about that block of sugar she said was supposed to be "cookies.""
Latro: "Probably the most sane club leade out of all of us... But then again, she's ALSO the reason we have rats in the computer room."
Honeybee facts!!
☆~The scientific name for Honeybees is Apis mellifera Linnaeus.
♡~Can fly at about 20mph
♤~Honeybees dance to communicate!! It's called "The wiggle dance," and they use it to communicate the location of a food source:3
◇~They literally COOK hornets to death (They literally surround a hornet and use their wings to overheat the hornet)
♧~ Bee brains are less than two cubic centimeters
☆~Bees have 5 eyes
♡~Queen bees can lay up to 3000 eggs in a day
Thanks 4 reading!! <3
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mystris-bug-academy · 2 months
Mona and Poly!!
Mona- Pansexual, She/Her, Morpho Butterfly, Gardening Club leader
Poly (pronounced as "Paulie") - She/Her, aroace, Black Swallowtail, occult club leader
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Facts about Mona
♡~ Typical "nice girl but actually a bully" but is actually super, almost unnerving nice to the point of it being scary
◇~ Her favorite flower is tulips!
♤~ Doesnt understand sarcasm
☆~ An absolute FIEND for sugar, do not let her around a bag of sugar at all costs (she will eated it all)
♡~don't ask to look in her spotify (the music does NOT match the personality)
◇~The type of person to kick their feet during ANYTHING
♤~ literal :3
☆~ Wholeheartedly believes in Santa Claus
Facts about Poly
☆~ Typical "goth girl" but is pretty chill when you get to know her
♡~ Cares for her sister a lot (just doesn't show it..)
♧~ "Has multiple ghosts in her closet" or so she says..
◇~ Gamer. That's all I'm gonna say.
♧~ "How many supernatural creatures can you name?" "100." "How many woman do you know personally?" "...Next question."
♡~Doesnt have that much friends, she doesn't like talking to new people that much..
☆~ #1 grudge keeper, much to Mona's dismay
◇~literal :/
(Ps- I'm not doing grades for these two for now bc I don't wanna)
What others think about Mona
Fae- "...Nice to me.."
Ceni- "She's...Nice?? That's the only way I can describe her. She's fun to mess with though >:3"
"Lady"- "Shes tolerable, much more tolerable than her sister...And has a good sense of fashion too"
Honey- "She was in the cooking club before becoming the leader of the gardening club! Sigh...She was so nice to me >///<"
Orchid- "Shes like a sister to me! She even asks me to do her hair sometimes"
Latro- "She let's me take photos of her flowers, saved my butt a few times when I was late for photography projects..."
Poly- "What do you want me to say? She's my sister and I can't stand her sometimes.."
What others think about Poly
Fae- "...cool.."
Ceni- "Totally a hardcore dudette!! She's so cool! She once exorcized the ghosts out of my metalworking room after...An incident..."
"Lady"- "Absolutely dreadful fashion sense..I wish she'd stop rejecting my fashion advice...But on the other hand I don't think she enjoys the color red.."
Honey- "Her and her sister are like total opposites! Poly... Kinda scares me sometimes.."
Orchid- "Her club room is right next to mine! I swear, sometimes I hear weird chanting from her and her– Witchlings or whatever!"
Latro- "She's scary...I'm always scared to take photos in her club room.. I mean, I could take a picture of a ghost!"
Mona- "She's the best worst sister in the world! <3"
Morpho Butterfly facts!!
♡~ Most blue morphos live in the tropical forests of Latin America from Mexico to Colombia.
☆~Blue Morpho caterpillars eat compounds that are poisonous to humans. This is advantageous to the species because predators are less likely to feed on them (dw guys it's only dangerous to humans if you eat them..Not sure why you would tho)
◇~Morpho butterflies often feed and decaying fruit unlike other butterflies that feed on nectar
♤~Morpho butterflies are diunral (active in daytime..I had to look up the meaning of that)
Black Swallowtail facts!!
♧~ Black Swallowtails scientific name is Papilo Polyxenes (The genus name "Papilio" is the Latin word for butterfly. The specific epithet "polyxenes" is from Polyxena, the daughter of Priamos, King of Troy)
♡~Another name for the Black Swallowtail is Parsnip Swallowtail, as well as American Swallowtail, Parsley Worm, Celery Worm, Carrots Worm, and Easter Black Swallowtail
☆~Black Swallowtail are usually found in open areas like fields, parks, marshes, deserts, and they prefer tropical or temperate habitats
◇~Black Swallowtails fly faster than other swallowtails
♤~When a male spots a potential mate, he engages in a behavior known as “fluttering,” where he flies in rapid motions around the female to gain her attention.
Hope you like these two goobers!!
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mystris-bug-academy · 2 months
First character! – Ceni
He/they, Demi, Centipede, Metalworking club leader
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Ceni facts!!
- Hes the metalworking club leader, he had to BEG the principal to let him have metal and fire (he has a record of...Some stuff..)
-If he says he's going "goblin mode" RUN.
-Little bastard child, will steal things from you without cause.
-Despite the fact that they shouldn't be able to be around fire, they're pretty good at metalworking
-How many legs does he have? Ask him, he'll count them! (For hours)
-Doesnt wash his face (yucky boyo)
-Maybe a little slightly teensy tiny bit autistic (im imprinting myself on my characters)
-Can't fit in chairs
Math: D
Science: A-
Social Studies: B
Others opinions on him
Latro- "He's my best friend!...To the dismay of thers..But they're a pretty good guy!"
Fae- "...Long"
Orchid- "I don't personally understand him..He likes getting his hands dirty..Pretty weird if you ask me, but he isn't that bad"
"Lady" - "Ugh, I cannot STAND him! It's like he's trying to be annoying!...Which I think he is doing on purpose.."
Mona- "He's funny! He's made me a watering can before!...It fell apart, but it was pretty!"
Poly- "Pretty metal if you ask me...CENI SHUT UP THE PUN WAS NOT INTENDED–"
Centipede facts!!!
☆~Centipedes can have from 15 to 177 legs
♡~Some species of centipede don't have eyes such as geophilomorpha (soil centipedes)
♤~The name centipede come from New Latin centi-, "hundred", and Latin pes, pedis, "foot"
◇~Centipedes lack the waxy water-resistant cuticle of other arthropods, they are more susceptible to water loss. This causes most centipedes to live in high humidity environments.
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mystris-bug-academy · 2 months
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Introduction Post!!
☆~ Hi! I'm Mystri / Myst, and this is my first real Tumblr page. I'm sorry if I leave some stuff out of this intro..
What is this Tumblr about?
♧~ This Tumblr is about a slice of life series following different club leaders in a high school called "Hollow-Bark High." All my characters are based on different types of bugs, insects, critters, whatever you like to call them <3
About me!!
☆~ She/Her but I'm also okay with they/them as well
♧~ Fandoms: A Hat in Time, Epithet Erased, SMG4, Electric Dreams, Dungeon Meshi, and more <3
♤~ I'm really sorry if I don't respond / respond dryly to messages! I don't like talking to others that much besides close friends and just felt nervous talking in general. I'll try my best to reply but I'm sorry if I sound dry or sarcastic in my replies!!
‼️~ All of my characters are in high school and teenagers! Please don't sexualize any of my characters.. I'm ok with shipping and romantic stuff but not explicit/suggestive stuff of my characters.
◇~ I probably won't post too often, my motivation has been all over the place recently so I'm sorry if posts are a long time apart!
That's all I hope you enjoy my sillers!! ~ <3
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