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linkstorevn · 10 months ago
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coolladydot · 4 months ago
Regăsire cu aromă de portocale
Știi acele momente în care simți că ești total epuizat? Acele clipe în care ai ajuns parcă la capătul puterilor, în care corpul, la unison cu psihicul, îți transmite că e prea mult și că ceva trebuie să se schimbe? Asta mi s-a întâmplat de curând, căzând pradă burnout-ului care nu s-a îndurat să mă cruțe. După câteva zile de tânguială, am decis să tratez problema fară a o lasă să ia amploare.…
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polish-art-tournament · 6 months ago
paintings round 2 poll 25
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[no propaganda has been submitted]
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propalitet · 1 month ago
I think my favorite hand cream slightly changed their formula
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wawek · 5 months ago
They should invent a shower gel for nonbinary people
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Analogowy świat by Anna Ziaja, 2012 | 73x100cm
Anna Ziaja (born August 1, 1954 in Wrocław) is a Polish contemporary painter and print maker. Via Wikipedia
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miss-howletts · 4 months ago
Hejka! Dzisiejszy dzień pod niebieskim serduszkiem bo wyszło ok 500kcal.
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Dzień minął fajnie i spokojnie. Przy okazji robienia obiadu dla rodziny (zupa ogórkowa) ja też skorzystałam i zjadłam sobie małą porcję. Miała więcej kalorii bo była na kostce bulionowej. Zwykle to gotuję odzielnie dla rodziny i dla siebie, ale dzisiaj mi się nie chciało. Za to dałam dużo warzyw. Potem odwiedził mnie chłopak i przywiózł mi trochę smaczków. Migdały w białej czekoladzie i matchą. Zjadłam kilka. Zdecydowanie nie wyczułam matchy tylko tą białą czekoladę. I do herbatki plasterki pomarańczy w syropie. Świąteczne targi trwają w najlepsze. Poopowiadał co tam w pracy, pogadaliśmy i trochę poleżeliśmy razem przed tv. Potem uciekł do siebie. A do mnie przyszła paczucha w której oprócz chemii do domu (niemiecka chemia tańsza przez internet) zamówiłam parę komsetyków a w tym - Ziaja i mgiełka o zapachu śliwki w czekoladzie na którą polowałam i żel pod prysznic o tym samym zapachu. I MÓJ BOŻE! To fr pachnie jak śliwka w czekoladzie od Wedla! Jak ten cukierek! Popsikałam sobie bluzę i dalej się niucham 💜💜 Kocham to. W połączeniu z balsamem o zapachu czekolady i wiśni który mam to myślę, że petarda będzie!
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I w zasadzie tyle na dzisiaj. Kusi mnie zrobienie herbatki z tą pomarańczą... Trzymajcie się 🩷
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 8 months ago
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European X-ray laser explores a poorly understood state of matter
The properties of warm dense matter have until recently been little known. Now, thanks to the use of X-ray lasers, physicists are gaining more and more information about this important but still mysterious state of matter. The first comprehensive observations of ionisation processes in warm dense matter, carried out at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (European XFEL), have just been presented in one of the most prestigious physics journals.
State of matter with a temperature of a few thousand degrees and a high density, close to that of a solid, can be found, among others, in the interiors of brown dwarfs or gaseous planets. Although common in the Universe, it is very difficult to be produced and analysed in the laboratory. A new era in experimental research of this so-called warm dense matter (WDM) state began just a dozen years ago, when physicists launched the first free-electron X-ray lasers. At the forefront of this type of device is the nearly 3.5 km-long European XFEL laser. A series of experiments recently carried out there made it possible to observe for the first time how quickly a metal transforms into the exotic state of ionised WDM to become transparent (non-absorbing) to X-rays at the end of the process. The achievement of the international team of scientists – including those from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) in Cracow – is discussed in a paper published in the journal Nature Physics.
X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers (XFELs) are used to generate high-intensity X-ray pulses lasting single femtoseconds, i.e. millionths of a billionth of a second. These can be used to study the structure of matter at atomic length scales and to track phenomena on extremely short time scales. One of only a dozen such devices in the world is the European XFEL in Hamburg, built in cooperation with the DESY research centre.
“In our experiment at the European XFEL, we illuminated copper samples with X-ray pulses lasting 15 femtoseconds, using different, gradually increasing intensities”, Prof. Beata Ziaja-Motyka (IFJ PAN, DESY) introduces the experiment. The first author of the paper in question, Dr. Laurent Mercadier from the European XFEL, adds some physical details: “When a single X-ray laser pulse reached the material, it caused strong ionisation. The electrons released in the process were characterised by high temperatures. Under these extreme conditions, the copper was transformed into a state of warm dense matter. We meticulously recorded how much radiation passed through the matter and from this inferred the ionisation changes in the observed system.”
Simulations carried out using the BOLTZMANN SOLVER software, developed since 2004 at DESY by Prof. Ziaja-Motyka, were particularly helpful in interpreting the measurement results. This tool was used to simulate changes in the electronic occupancy of individual energy levels in WDM depending on the intensity of the incident laser radiation.
By confronting experimental data with simulations, it was established that when the X-ray intensity becomes sufficiently high, atoms of WDM become strongly ionised. As a result of this phenomenon, new energy levels appear which can be occupied by excited electrons – making WDM opaque for photons resonant with transitions to these new energy levels. These states had already been observed previously with optical lasers, however, the lasers’ energy limitations did not allow them to be studied in more detail. Now, thanks to the European X-ray laser XFEL, it is possible to characterise them accurately also in response to various intensities of X-ray pulses. In accordance with theoretical predictions for X-ray absorption spectra, prepared by Dr. Joshua Kas (University of Washington, USA) and Dr. Andrei Benediktovitch (DESY, Hamburg), it was further observed that with increasing the laser intensity the warm dense matter becomes first opaque and then – at highest intensities – transparent to the laser pulse.
“The appearance of ‘transparency’ – i.e. lack of absorption – in WDM is a consequence of the high ionisation of WDM atoms occurring at sufficiently high X-ray pulse intensities. The energy of the X-ray photons available in the experiment then becomes too small to excite further electrons. As a result, these photons cannot be absorbed by the warm dense matter at all,” explains Prof. Ziaja-Motyka.
Knowledge of the properties of warm dense matter and the processes taking place within it is not only of astrophysical, but also of practical, engineering importance. Matter in this state plays an important role in certain types of controlled nuclear fusion (ICF – Inertial Confinement Fusion), and also appears during the ablation of metallic heat shields of spacecraft returning from orbit to Earth.
The team of physicists at the European X-ray XFEL laser, led by Prof. Nina Rohringer (DESY, Universität Hamburg), intends to continue research into the electron and ionisation processes occurring in WDM and their dynamics. On the Polish side, the work is co-financed by the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
IMAGE: Warm dense matter occurs inside Jupiter-type giant planets (where it surrounds the rocky core as a metallic liquid at a temperature of many thousands of kelvin) and in the interiors of small stars – brown dwarfs. Credit Source: IFJ PAN / NASA
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cordeliaflyte · 2 months ago
oh i have opinions about skincare
first of all, genetics play a huge part, but mostly in what type your skin is, not what you can do with it
second, what you eat and drink, because what else is used to build your skincells? (that also includes smoking, drinking alcohol, but also living in polluted areas because those are all factors)
third, cleansing- it doesnt need to be complicated or aggresive, but just one good foam/ gel/ oil that makes your skin ready to actually absorb any treatment makes a difference. if your pores are cloged and its all dead skincells even the best cream wont do any good. i like steaming my face (or just put a warm towel on), clay masks, using oil to cleanse from time to time, but most of the time just my favourite foam once a day gets the job done
(if you use lots of heavy makeup daily cleansing is worth really looking into)
fourth, as for actuall products. every skin is different, so you need to find what works for you but in my experience- toner, so like a wet sponge your skin absorbs products better, serum to target specific needs, and a good cream for your type (dry, oily, sensitive). bonus is oil, so it creates a barier to seal all the goods in and helps prevent drying. i use oil only at night.
and the most important part- buy good products (good doesnt mean expensive, for a lot of people just ziaja works great), dont get sucked into skincare overconsumption hole (lies and advertising) and be consistent. the biggest change i noticed was when i was religious with my day and nigh routine, because my skin had time to heal and get used to the treatment
expensive doesnt mean good, but dear god my skin was never as smooth as when i used a whole line from khiel's daily, like a fanatic
thank you!! i should definitely eat a wider variety of fruit and vegetables and sadly the number one worst thing for my skin seems to be kefir and i love kefir so much.... i also live in a really polluted area but these days everywhere is a polluted area 🚬 luckily i never wear makeup because if i did i just know i would be sleeping in it. thank you so much this is a really helpful and detailed response!!
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leatherdyketerror · 2 years ago
do any of my followers know skincare maybe?? ever since i got started on minoxidil my face got pretty dry (bc it's alcohol based) and so far i'm using a plain regular aftershave moisturizer from ziaja along with aloe vera gel from SOQU (the only one that doesnt leave my face sticky as fuck) but i'm worried it won't be enough in the long run so i'm looking for more long-term solutions, bonus points if the skincare product in question is readily available in poland and affordable. any advice apprieciated <333
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fixaidea · 1 year ago
Updated my shop!
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daygem · 1 year ago
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#4~ Productos recomendados de skincare.
Hoy os traigo una serie de productos de skincare que a mi personalmente me han funcionado genial.
Que a mi me hayan ido bien no quiere decir que a todo el mundo le vaya igual de bien, siempre hay que tener en cuenta nuestro tipo y estado de la piel. Lo mejor sería que un especialista os recomendara una rutina específica.
En mi caso tengo la piel mixta y sensible. Si vuestra piel es el mismo caso a la mia podéis probar estos productos que no a todos probablemente os gustarán, pero seguro que hay personas que le sirve mucho este listado de productos.
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Hay mucha gente que tiene la piel mixta y lo que hacen es aplicar diferentes productos para cada zona específica (un producto para la zona grasa que sea para controlar los brillos y otro producto más hidratante para las zonas más secas de nuestro rostro).
Pero en mi caso tengo varios productos diferentes y los voy combinando dependiendo de como tenga la piel ese día, usaría uno u otro.
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𐙚Effaclar gel moussant de La Roche Posay: es mi favorito está indicado para pieles grasas, sensibles y con acné. Es acuoso pero cuando lo aplicas se vuelve espuma. Lo que más me gusta de este limpiador es que apesar de ser para pieles grasas no te deja la piel reseca. Y controla bastante bien los granitos y puntos negros.
𐙚Manuka tree purifying de Ziaja: está indicado para pieles mixtas y grasas, es astringente y reduce los poros dilatados.
Está bastante bien para el precio tan bajo que tiene.
𐙚Foaming facial cleaner de Cerave: está indicado para pieles mixtas y grasas. Es espumoso. Lleva ácido hialuronico, niacinamida y ceramidas.
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𐙚Manuka tree purifying de Ziaja: es mi tónico favorito y súper económico. Al igual que el limpiador de la misma gama está indicado para pieles mixtas y grasas, controla bastante bien la grasita y los puntos negros.
𐙚Agua de rosas de La Jaboteca: está indicado para piel sensible. Sirve para descongestionar y relajar la piel y afina los poros. Favorece la regeneración de la piel y es calmante. Sólo lleva ingredientes naturales.
𐙚Antioxidation acai berry de Ziaja: está indicado para pieles sensibles, apagadas y cansadas. Lleva ácido hialuronico, es antienvejecimiento, controla el acné y mejora la apariencia de las cicatrices.
Al igual que todo lo de esta marca súper recomendable para el precio que tienen sus productos.
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𐙚Ácido hialuronico The Ordinary: Este es mi serum favorito, lo uso tanto de día como de noche. Hidrata mucho la piel pero sin dejarla grasa, no lleva aceites y es reparador. Sirve para todo tipo de pieles.
𐙚Ácido Láctico The Ordinary: Es un exfoliante suave, sirve para piel con irregularidades, manchitas y suaviza las pequeñas líneas de expresión. Al ser un exfoliante yo solo lo uso de noche, de vez en cuando y con alta protección solar al día siguiente.
𐙚Vitamina C + Ácido hialuronico: Sirve para todo tipo de pieles, aporta mucha hidratación y es antiedad. Este serum también lo podéis usar día y noche sin problema.
❥Contorno de ojos❥
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𐙚Contorno en crema Leche de Cabra de Ziaja: Este contorno es uno de mis favoritos especialmente si lo que buscas es hidratación. Para las personas que tengan la zona de la ojera un poco mas seca. Súper económico y muy buen producto.
𐙚Contorno en crema ProBio de Revuelve: Este contorno está ahora mismo en el n°1 de mi lista de favoritos. Es el que uso a diario tanto de día como de noche. Es muy hidratante y noto que me desinflama un poco las bolsas. También muy económico.
𐙚Contorno en crema de XHEKPON: (sirve también para los labios) Este contorno de farmacia lleva tratamiento antiedad, lleva ácido hialuronico y sirve para todo tipo de pieles.
𐙚Contorno en gel Sage de Ziaja: Este contorno en gel sirve para las bolsas y ojeras, hidrata y reafirma la piel. También súper económico como todo lo de la marca.
❥Crema hidratante❥
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𐙚Effaclar dúo(+)spf 30 de La Roche-Posay: Es mi crema de día favorita, si tienes la piel mixta grasa con imperfecciones te va a encantar. Desde que la uso noto muchos menos granitos y puntos negros. Es hidratante pero ligera.
𐙚Aqualia Thermal Gel-crema de Vichi: Esta crema es súper hidratante y deja súper bonita y suave la piel. Yo la uso de noche, aun que la puedes usar día y noche. Es específica para pieles mixtas y grasas.
𐙚Sensitive crema de día spf 20 de Ziaja: Esta crema la uso los días que necesito más hidratación, es específica para piel sensible y muy hidratante. Y súper económica.
❥Crema solar❥
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𐙚Fotoprotector FusionFluid spf 50 de Isdin: Está indicado para pieles mixtas y sensibles, es no comedogénico, libre de aceites. Y lleva ácido hialuronico. Es una muy buena elección si tenéis este tipologia de piel.
𐙚Protector solar anti-manchas spf 50 de Bella Aurora: Este protector me gusta mucho, es muy hidratante aún que es específico para pieles mixtas grasas con manchitas.
𐙚Protector solar spf 50 de Revox: Deja la piel aterciopelada, nada pesada. Lleva ácido hialuronico y es súper económica.
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Todos los productos que aparecen podéis encontrarlos algunos en parafarmacias, y los demás están casi todos en perfumerías.
Mis marcas favoritas por si queréis investigar cuál os iría mejor para vuestro tipo de piel o diferentes rutinas:
Ziaja, La Roche-Posay, Revuelve, Revox, Vichi, Avène, The Ordinary, Beauty Drops, Cerave.
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🌸 Daygem 🌸
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polish-art-tournament · 9 months ago
paintings* round 1 poll 49
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[no propaganda has been submitted]
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acid-gramma · 1 year ago
Ziaja marka keçi sütlü vücut lostonu da çok güzel hem nemlendiriyor hem de bacakları böyle parlatıyo falan
oh tmm
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bunnightwing · 2 years ago
12 & 29 💌
12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
I suck at all of those... So I definitely hold no authority on this matter. But I really like the skincare products from Ziaja
29. preferred pasta noodle?
Fusilli, I like the way the spirals hold sauce
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zigfra · 7 days ago
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