Special Topics Journal 13
Install! Finished construction w/Holli.

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Special Topics Journal 12
Construction on the bag with Holli. Our sewing machines are acting up, so it's taking us a bit longer, but construction is still continuing.
Have been thinking about other implications and intentions with the bag, and how it may be perceived.
Cut pieces from scraps of others deemed unworthy. Us cutting and taking the time to prep them for interaction with others. Cut, iron, stitch. Not pinning them, not puncturing them any more than needed.
What does it mean to move on? To mourn? To stitch yourself together again? How hard is it? Is there power in numbers of people feeling the same way?
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Special Topics Journal 11
Starting construction on the bag, thinking about methods of install, as well as the implication + intent of the quilted bag.
Stitched together out of scraps, being pieced back together from torn fragments. What does it mean to be put back together? Are you ever whole again? Do those breaks stay with you forever? Will you always be a little bit torn?
Excited about the scale, I've not gotten to make a lot of large pieces so I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.
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Special Topics Journal 10
Above is Holli and I's proposal for the Pyramid Hill installation. We are going to be making a quilted smiley face bag, to commemorate loss and growth from the grief.
We have started to cut out the squares to make up the body of the bag, as well as cut out the yellow circle. Lots of cutting needs to happen, as well as assembling by sewing the squares together. It's a very simple design, so there is no issue there.
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Special Topics Journal 9
No production, just finding references and inspirations.
As is a theme this whole first year of grad school, I'm finding Louise Bourgeois to be very relevant. I've found a few projects she's done that I find interesting and useful.
Hours of the day- https://www.moma.org/collection/works/portfolios/129797
Pink Days & Blue Days- https://whitney.org/collection/works/11513
Lullaby- https://www.moma.org/collection/works/series/129796
We've talked a bit about Tracy Emin's 'My Bed' piece, but I just discovered her applique blankets- https://www.mrxstitch.com/tracey-emin/ AND https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/emin-hate-and-power-can-be-a-terrible-thing-t11891
Awesome works of art! Very inspiring :)
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textual paper collage
artist copy of tracy emin’s:
‘i do not expect to be a mother’ 2002

the original piece is a hand sewn quilt
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Special Topics Journal 8
The objects for the installation were completed last week, so I just brainstormed for the second installation at Pyramid Hill and worked on more sewing for other projects.
This morning I installed my art at the Women's Center. I love it!

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Special Topics Journal 7
I have finished all 5 pillows, as well as the quilted wall hanging for the installation in the Women's Center, installing on Monday March 6th at 9am.

I have started to plan out what I'm doing for the second installation at Pyramid Hill, but nothing is set in stone yet.
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Special Topics Journal 6
More production! Putting together pillows, cutting out more text, and creating a backdrop for a banner/wall hanging for the Women's Center, collaborating with them.
I met with their project manager, and they seemed super into my installation idea, so I've talked with them a few times and am going to be installing on 3/6, before Spring Break.
The majority of my time last week was spent working on the larger banner/wall hanging, with it containing 120 cut, ironed, and sewed squares. It's a pretty good size. I'm next going to be working on getting the letters cut out, placed, and glued, which is also going to take a lot of time.

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Special Topics Journal 5
Last week I started piecing together how to create these objects more, with production in mind. Sewing, screenprinting, felting, glueing...
I got some fabric (11 pounds if it!) from the Recycle Center so I got that covered! And I am getting better with my sewing skills, and cutting skills because I am resorting to cutting out the letters out of felt and fleece.

The objects are definitely starting to come together, and it feels good! I had some studio visits with people and I'm working on directing the message with the right attitude.
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Textile Installation
Renee Green- https://www.icaboston.org/art/ren%C3%A9e-green/space-poem-1
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Special Topics Journal 4
I had lots of productivity this past week, which is great because I felt like before I was at a stand-still.
I started thinking more about what I want my installation to look like, and I think that I'm pretty set on putting it in the Women's Center in the Student Life Center, which I talk about in Supplemental Materials 2.
I got the sewing machine from Jenny, and carried it across campus to The Annex in my studio, and started using it! It's a Brother XL-5130. I am still learning how it works, but I can do the basics of stitching 2 pieces of fabric together with a 1/4" seam allowance.
I hand printed a backdrop on a curtain with a lino block I carved, and stitched 2 bases to be screen printed on top of. As well as screen printed a design onto a sheet of mesh.

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Soft Sculpture Inspo
Finding so many soft sculpture installation inspirations! Finally, I'm finding useful things to spark my interest and reference when creating this empowering/affirmation installation
Fort Makers puffy installation
Soft Sculpture show at International Museum of Surgical Science
Artist from above install- Amanda Yamashita
Lilli Muller gloves soft sculptures
Traci Johnson safe space installation
Kirsten Drewes artwork and thesis paper- conflicting resonances: soft forms and materials in contemporary art
Anna Warfield words soft sculptures
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Special Topics Journal 3
This past week I was sick, the whole week, only going to school on Monday, and I spent the rest of the week in bed. I haven't actually made anything yet because I'm waiting on demo's, and last week really set me back.
I tried to do some critical thinking about installation, and what my vision is. So far, I know that I want it to be interactive. I don't just want people to view it, I want them to be in the space. Sit down with the objects, spend time with them. Have it be an inviting environment.
I think the special term for what I am wanting to make is a 'soft sculpture', made out of textile and printmaking. I want to make pillows and some quilts and display them together in an almost-pile, full of comfort.
I am trying to research contemporary quiltmakers that I could pull inspiration from other than Bisa Butler, because I am already familiar with her, as well as Faith Ringgold. I did find Sarah-Joy Ford, who did some lesbian quilt stuff, which is absolutely awesome, and she has a pillow on her website!
I think my vision is pretty clear, now I just need to get into construction and production mode, which involves learning new skills and working with new materials. I've been doing some hand sewing a little, and trying to really dissect all the steps I need to complete in order to make the objects come to life.
I have my studio visit tomorrow with Xia so I'm looking forward to speaking about my plans.
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Better Homes and Gardens Patchwork & Quilting, 1977.
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