sidhelives · 5 months
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Y'all. I made the header in November and still never made the Tumblr post.
I'm telling you. 2023 was ROUGH.
Once again, in October of 2023 the Fen'Harem Discord Server embarked on a group project of Kinky proportions. Kinktober is an annual tradition in this house, and I take it very seriously.
I wrote four kinky prompted fics for the celebration, all Dragon Age. Enjoy.
Public Sex
Delving the Deep Roads
Dragon Age - Anders/Jowan - Explicit - 2,398 words
Considering the expedition has a map, there's not much for two wardens to do, particularly when there's nowhere the two can be alone together.
Not that such things are always as hindering as one would expect.
Finger Sucking
Every Man to his Taste
Dragon Age - Zevran Arainai/Jowan - Mature - 1,206
Orzammar has a new king and the Wardens have his vow that the dwarves will help in the fight against the Blight. The time has come to celebrate the crowning of a new king, with food and drink and, for at least one apostate, the discovery of a new... interest.
Sex Pollen
Magical Mishap
Dragon Age - Jowan/Merrill - Explicit - 2,411
Merrill has been busy working on a complex spell, but Jowan trusts she knows what she's doing. What's the worst that could happen, anyway?
Let Sleeping Hawkes Lie
Dragon Age - f!Hawke/Cullen Rutherford - Explicit - 1,334
Reader beware: this work deals with dubious consent
Hawke was out late drinking with the boys. Cullen was expecting a little midnight delight when she returned home, but she's out cold and he can't seem to wake her.
Surely she wouldn't mind...
To date, Magical Mishap remains the only Jowan/Merrill fic on AO3.
I'm very proud of being the first.
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pulling-a-jowan · 2 months
Origins text posts
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cullenakingirog · 7 months
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This is why Zev is forbidden from solo babysitting duty
Jowan ends up having a subconscious fear of the kitchen lol
Interested in commissioning me? Click the source! 💗
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lgvalenzuela · 9 months
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crackedeluvian · 4 months
various things my friends (not dragon age fans) have said about the characters
loghain: "looks like joe biden if he turned evil." wynne: "she's not winning anything with that look." zevran: "pj bird boy!" justice: "i feel like if i stood next to him, i would get like 50 different diseases." sigrun: "goth girl dwarf goth girl dwarf!" jowan: "he looks like a sad wet puppy." carver: "he looks like a basic bitch." varric: [before i sent the pictures] "where's the boy?!" tallis: "i hate that stupid armor shirt she's wearing." blackwall: "what's wrong with this guy's face??" "he looks like the gigachad meme." iron bull: "you could cut tomatoes with that jaw." cole: "he looks like he'd taste like vanilla." dorian: "he looks like a gay porn star from the 80s." solas: "egg."
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bleeding-star-heart · 5 months
That discussion I had about Anora made me realize something: MOST of Loghain's henchmen are useless
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It's just sad Cheems all around with Loghain's henchmen.
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Well, I would, but they are far and away the most competent out of all Loghain's underlings. And that says a lot. That his most competent people are a suicidal assassin and a lieutenant who follows him out of blind faith. What says even more is that the latter can be persuaded to abandon him, and that the former begs you to let him join Team Warden instead.
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crisdoesart · 16 days
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those loved have become nothing more than memories
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varrics-chesthair · 2 years
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flowersonpebbles · 27 days
 A friend they knew before - Day 2
Dallas stares guiltily at Jowan... he heard what was done to him after Arl Eamon sent him back to the Circle, he just never had the balls to come see him, to just visit. Yes, Tranquil are people, but he knew Jowan wouldn't be the same as he remembered. And it was all his fault... Now Dallas visits his old friend before travelling to his beloved Zevran in the Northern parts of Thedas and he wishes to say his goodbye, for he knows his time for the Calling won't be far... he can feel it in his body.
Jowan stares at Dallas calmly, smiling ever so softly, "Dallas, it is good to see you again." his friend looks so much older than he should though, and sickly, even... "Now you will not have to fear me any longer, for I can no longer perform blood magic. I hope we can spend more time together again now, the Blight is over, after all." he offers softly, gesturing to a seat beside him at the table. Grateful to be home and having his friend here once more. But Dallas blinks back tears at his old friend's words, falling to his knees in front of him and clutching onto his hands gently...
"I never feared you, old friend. Not once. I trust you, I always did... I am sorry that you ever thought I feared you.." Dallas chokes out apologetically and Jowan is slightly taken aback by this response, frowning softly as he grips his hands in return...
"I... I am grateful to know this now..." Jowan admits tenderly, lowering his head for Dallas as the red headed-although beginning to gray- elf reaches up gently, tenderly caressing the now long healed sunburst scar. Jowan's eyes drooping shut, leaning into the cold hand... "But I sense this will be the last time we meet..." he whispers sadly.
Dallas swallows thickly, "Indeed, Jowan... old friend... I fear I'll not be returning from my trip abroad..." he admits with a rasp.
"I never blamed you... I still do not." Jowan offers gently, opening his eyes. Dallas laughing wetly, resting his cheek now on Jowan's knee, tears falling... Jowan staring at him intently to take all the details in so he won't forget his friend's face... he's gotten so thin.. so pale, his eyes are no longer pure green, rather a eerie blue-green... oh, how they both have changed...
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haniebnie · 7 months
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// And I saw little beams of light Come into the bedroom From underneath the door And they crawled under my sheets And they came out of every single pore // [ flowers grow out of my grave -- dead man's bones ]
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While I’m still thinking about Cata and Origins, if/when I replay her I’m thinking about the repercussions of changing up the main quest order I’ve had her story locked into for like 8 years, and swapping Redcliffe and the Circle, so having Redcliffe first after Lothering, then the Circle, then werewolves Denerim Temple Orzammar.
On one hand, I think Redcliffe first makes a lot of sense. On the other, Cata and Alistair’s relationship arc is “bantering-friendly-allies-of-necessity-and-trauma to silent-strained-allies-of-necessity to ????? to friends to lovers” and Redcliffe is where they have their big blowup fight that shapes most of their arc, so having that come earlier on changes the dynamic some. And Cata doesn’t properly apologize until after the werewolf curse is broken, so there’s longer there that that things are strained between them. On the first hand, that then means that there’s more time later for the ????? stage, which would happen after the Circle tower where being trapped in the Fade forces Cata to realize that she really does care about Alistair, but she’s still too proud and fucked up to properly apologize about it for a while, so after the Fade trip she would be trying to act like things are like they first were between her and Alistair, and Alistair is of course deeply, deeply confused because Cata does not vocalize any of her feelings.
But on the other hand again, the bit with Alistair’s mother’s amulet is kind of important in their arc, too - Cata finds it in Redcliffe and remembers what Alistair told her about it, but they just had that massive fight about Isolde’s death, and Cata doesn’t want Alistair to think she’s trying to bribe her way back into his good graces, so she holds onto it for a while until it gets harder and harder for her to figure out how to admit that she has it so she just sneaks it in with his stuff, and he realizes it must have been her. And I can’t remember if there’s an approval-gate on initially learning about the amulet, or if it just comes up pretty soon once you talk about Eamon/going to Redcliffe.
Well I guess this means I’ll have to replay Origins as Cata again. No other choice. No way around it.
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hexblooddruid · 19 days
When I played DAO on my Xbox, I didn’t have to unlock the specializations in game, they were all already unlocked but I guess that’s not the case with the pc version I got.
I’m gonna interpret that as Sanctuary does approach her but Amaya is wary and this doubles after talking to Jowan and Isolde and hearing about a demon in the castle. She’s going to take a trip to Denerim to do some research.
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Confession: Poly relationship between my Amell, Zevran and Jowan please omg.
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If your HOF/Hawke/Inky couldn't romance their usual partners, who would they choose instead?
Oof, this is a hard one.
Tabris/Alistair, Hawke/Anders, and Lavellan/Cullen are such an integral part of my canon run that I can't imagine them romancing anyone else. Like, it feels wrong to imagine them not ending up with their respective partners.
But, for the sake of discussion, I'll do my best to answer.
Rose is probably the hardest one because she and Alistair, and their romance, are so intertwined with everything that happens in DAO that I feel like she'd remain single if he wasn't an option, y'know? Her other options are Leliana and Zevran, and I can't see her going with either of them.
Leliana's sweet and Rose likes her a lot, but she's a little too into the Chantry. That's something I see Rose having a problem with; she's not exactly shy about telling off the mothers, sisters, and templars, or pointing out how they mistreat elves and mages.
Rose and Zevran are friends but I've never viewed him as an option for her; after everything Rose goes through in her origin, his openly sexual nature is just a major turn off for her. He calls her a sex goddess in their first conversation and that's just not it. They don't even start to become friends until after she tells him to stop looking at her that way and he respects her wishes.
Plus, Leliana and Zevran lack the shared experiences of being a warden, Ostagar, having to deal with the blight from the very beginning. That's something only Rose and Alistair have and that's what separates him from the others as a love interest... so yeah, Rose would be single, me thinks.
As for my Hawke, Ed's gay so if he can't be with Anders, his only other option is Fenris. I've romanced him before and enjoyed it, so I think he and Ed could work out... though again, it's a similar problem I have where Ed's relationship with Anders is so crucial because Anders saved Carver's life in the deep roads... y'know, Ed's brother who he cherishes above all else. Kind of a big deal. A huge factor in bringing them together.
Ed and Fenris always worked better as friends but out of everyone, Ed's the one I could actually imagine with someone else.
Finally, there's my Lavellan... once again, Ash ending up with Cullen is a huge deal for the narrative of DAI. I've talked about this before, but how I play DAI is my Lavellan is actually Surana from DAO. She and Cullen knew each other and maaaaaybe had a thing... but because Duncan didn't show up, she escaped the circle with Jowan. After he died, Ash joined the dalish, changed her name, and ended up at the conclave... where she and Cullen reunited and proceeded to have hardcore ex vibes the entire time they're at Haven.
If they decided that they're never getting back together, I think Ash might've ended up with either Josephine or Solas. She views Sera as more of a little sister and a friend. She likes Blackwall but he's not her type. The Iron Bull romance progression doesn't suit her even though she admires his intelligence and strength, she's just not up for a friends with benefits turned romantic relationship.
Ash always craved knowledge, and when she was in the circle, she knew the game that she needed to play in order to survive and come out on top... her pride and inability to see when she's wrong led to her downfall with Jowan. She needs someone who she can challenge and who challenges her, both without backing down, on a variety of topics; she needs an academic, I guess?? But she also needs someone who isn't afraid to humble her. Cullen, Josephine, and Solas all fit this in different ways.
I'm more inclined to push her toward Josephine though... I don't think she would've handled the Solas break up well at all.
#asks#dragon age#dao#da2#dai#rosalie tabris#edgar hawke#ashalle lavellan#alistair theirin#da2 anders#cullen rutherford#dao leliana#dao zevran#da2 fenris#josephine montilyet#dai solas#i really should do an alternate canon run at some point so i can experience other romances with new characters#but i'm so attached to rose ed and ash that i've only managed to do alternate runs for da2 and dai#and that's because i wanted to learn more about bethany in da2 and i have a trevelyan character that's part of ash and cullen's story#so i wanted to get to know him better so i could incorporate him into the story#tbh i don't talk about ash enough i feel like i always talk about rose and ed on here but i don't talk about dai a lot#i adore ash and her bullshit sksksk she used to be ashlaen surana and a dedicated mage to the circle who believed herself better#and more intelligent than everyone else. she was irving's favorite. she targeted cullen because she thought him weak willed#someone she could manipulate in her favor given he took notice of her and she wanted a templar in her corner just in case#which spiraled when she actually got to know him and he kicked her ass at chess and he had sympathetic views on mages#and she began to actually like him... but then she tried to help jowan escape the circle since he's her best friend and there's no way#he couldn't be a blood mage... jowan would never... and if he did then ash definitely would've known and she'd turn him in herself#because ashlaen surana knows better than everyone around her right?#anyway i'll stop rambling in the tags
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Randomly thought about what type of drivers some of the DA crew would be. Here’s what I came up with while sitting in my own car for like 7 hours:
Loghain: calm & steady, but no time for bullshit
Nydhena: will drive like she never got her license but she did
Jowan: don’t let him drive a car
Zevran: a rollercoaster would be a better idea to ride with than him
Varric: rode rage
Dorian: fast & furious (but also don’t get a scratch in his nice car)
Leliana: fast but controlled
Josie: sticks to the rules unless she got the German autobahn unlimited sign and then she‘s off with a speed that scares everyone
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deedeemactir · 2 years
Sometimes I get sad, & then I remember that in my headcanon, Loghain doesn’t feel comfortable staying at the royal palace in Denerim in the first few months after the blight/before he gets shipped off to the Orlesian branch of the Wardens (like Alistair would ever let him stay there anyway), so Lexi says Hey, you can stay with me in the Arl of Amaranthine’s Denerim estate.
Just imagine Loghain Mac Tir and his sad little suitcase on his first day in a fraternity house, where his roommates are that little girl he just spent a year trying to kill, the assassin he sent after her, and her blood mage brother he hired to (unsuccessfully) poison an arl.
Somehow, I accidentally became a father figure to the three worst people I could ever imagine. I hope Anora loves her new siblings.
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