#zeus devotee
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stratus-and-the-theoi · 3 days ago
You can’t be anti immigrant and worship Zeus
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assistedbytherats · 11 months ago
Zeus and Hera devotees who feel intimidated by them
Poseidon devotees who live far from the sea
Demeter devotees who live in the city
Hades and Persephone devotees who fear death
Dionysus devotees who are perplexed by madness
Aphrodite devotees who struggle to love themselves
Apollo devotees who struggle with inspiration
Artemis devotees who are saddened by animal death
Ares devotees who are too tired to keep fighting
Athena devotees who are easily manipulated
Hestia devotees with unstable home lives
Hermes devotees who get anxious over new things
Every one of you is so valid and so loved by your gods. They love you, and they want you to know it.
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likethedcwn · 7 months ago
please pray for greece, for another year the wildfires are burning our forests and homes, both animals and humans are suffering and losing their lives. it's getting hotter and harder to breathe every day, our government isn't doing anything. please pray for us, please father zeus bless us w healing rains
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wayfind-er · 2 months ago
Positive Depictions of Zeus
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Peter Paul Ruben, "Jupiter and Mercury at Philemon and Baucis" (1632)
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Titles & Epithets of Zeus
As a Fair and Merciful God
Μειλιχιος [Milichius]: Gracious, Merciful
Ευηνεμος [Evenemus]: Of Fair Winds
As a Bringer of Abundance and Prosperity
Επιδωτης [Epidotes]: Giver of Good
Πλουσιος [Plusius]: Of Wealth
Απημιος [Apemius]: Averter of Ills
As a Leader, Chief, and King
Βασιλευς [Basileus]: King, Chief, Ruler
Ὑπατος [Hypatus]: Supreme, Most High
Monarch of the Sky (by Homer and Virgil)*
Sire of Gods and Men (by Homer and Virgil)*
ἀρχὸς ἁπάντων [Archus Apantôn]: Commander of All Things*
As a Protector of People, Cities, and Homes
Κτησιος [Ctesius]: Of the House, Property
Λαοιτης [Laoites]: Of (all) the People
Φυξιος [Phyxius]: Of Refuge / Puts to Flight
Ξενιος [Xenius]: Of Strangers, Hospitality
ἀγοραῖος [Agoraios]: Protector of Public Places (assemblies)*
If you're interested in other epithets: LINK || LINK*
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Artistic Depictions of Zeus
Francisco Bayeu y Subías, "The Fall of the Giants,"
Charles-Antoine Coypel, "Jupiter and Juno on Mount Ida"
Cornelis van Poeleburgh, “Feast of the Gods”
Maurice Denis, "Jupiter bestows Immortality on Psyche"
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Myths with Zeus
War of the Titans: In this myth, Zeus' father, Cronus, has received the prophecy that one of his children will dethrone him. Out of fear, Cronus swallows all of his children as soon as his wife, Rhea, births them. Rhea manages to sneak out one, Zeus. Eventually, Zeus saves his siblings and starts a revolution against his father, resulting in a 10-year war called the Titanomachy. Zeus and his siblings end up victorious, and Cronus is dethroned and thrown into the pit of Tartarus.
Vows of Chasity: At the request of Hestia and Artemis, Zeus vowed that he would accept the two to remain as virgin Goddesses.
Reconciliation of Zeus and Hera: Hera was mad at Zeus and left Olympus for unknown reasons. Zeus couldn't change her mind, so he went to the cleverest man in the land, Kithaeron. Kithaeron told Zeus to spread the news that he would marry a nymph and craft a wooden statue to play the bride. Zeus did so, and naturally, Hera came back angry. However, instead of a wedding, Zeus surprised Hera with a grand festival (called Daidala), and the two reconciled. 
Hera & the Lust of Ixon: Ixon, a mortal King, fell in love with Hera during a visit to Olympus. He tried to rape Hera, to which Hera immediately reported to Zeus. To see if what she said was true, Zeus created a cloud in the sky which looked like Hera. Ixon, who saw the cloud and thought it was Hera, attacked it. Zeus punished Ixon by binding him to an eternally spinning wheel of fire in Tartarus.
Forgiveness of Cronus and the Titans: After many, many generations of Humans, Zeus forgave his father, Cronus, and freed him (and Cronus' brothers) from their prison in Tartarus. Zeus then made Cronus the King of the Elysian Islands (Home of Dead Heroes and the otherwise Blessed).
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Orphic Hymn 15: To Zeus
"O Zeus, much-honoured, Zeus supremely great, to thee our holy rites we consecrate, our prayers and expiations, king divine, for all things to produce with ease through mind is thine.
Hence mother earth and mountains swelling high proceed from thee, the deep and all within the sky. Kronion (Cronion) king, descending from above, magnanimous, commanding, sceptred Zeus; all-parent, principle and end of all, whose power almighty shakes this earthly ball; even nature trembles at thy mighty nod, loud-sounding, armed with lightning, thundering god.
Source of abundance, purifying king, O various-formed, from whom all natures spring; propitious hear my prayer, give blameless health, with peace divine, and necessary wealth."
Homeric Hymn 23: To the Son of Cronos
“I will sing of Zeus, chiefest among the gods and greatest, all-seeing, the lord of all, the fulfiller who whispers words of wisdom to Themis as she sits leaning towards him.
Be gracious, all-seeing Son of Cronos, most excellent and great!”
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Divider by @/vibeswithrenai
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atheneum-of-you · 4 months ago
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If you're going to slander Zeus you're absolutely NEVER welcome on my blog. Simply don't interact. Worship who you want but I have absolutely no reason to sit and listen to you call Him a terrible father or husband or king.
You have no place here and I immediately block any and all blogs that slander His name, even if we share other devotions.
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thesunnyowl · 1 month ago
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King, Leader, Chief and Father of the Gods and Humans.
God of the Sky, Lightning, Thunder, Rain, Storms, Fate, Law, Order and Moral Conduct.
Protector of People, Cities and Homes.
The All-powerful Overseer of Earthly Events and Human Destiny.
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spirits-child · 4 months ago
Small clarification about my last post! You don't need to embody a deity's domain for them to be your patron. I am a devotee to Hera and I plan to never get married! I am a devotee to Ares and I suck at any physical skills. But I am loyal and fierce, so it makes sense right?
The Gods love you, even if you suck at art for Apollo or don't drink for Dionysus.
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necrolatria · 8 months ago
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king zeus, sun-eyed, goat-horned; leader of the fates, giver of signs, averter of evil
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dandelionwineram · 1 year ago
In my Zeus devotee era
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rue-with-the-tarot · 7 months ago
✨Incorrect Greek Mythology Quotes✨
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myrtles-and-blood · 6 months ago
continuation of this post
does Zeus offer umbrellas to people who lost theirs? does he like to visit public trials from time to time? is he that random old man who just starts talking about how much he loves his wife while waiting for the bus? is he that teenage girl who is obsessed with politics and loves watching the news?
is Hestia that unknown neighbour that bakes extremely good and you can smell everything they cook? is Hestia that old lady that lives alone and tells you how happy she is with her tiny dog and her old TV? is she that single dad that's trying so hard to find the right food combo to get his picky eater daughter to eat out of the 3 meals she chose to eat for the rest of her life? was she the fires that made primitive families cook their meals together?
is Hera that little girl who got those glow in the dark stickers on her wall and completely fell in love with the stars? is she that confused man looking for the perfect ring for (he hopes) his future husband? is she in every discussion a woman has with her husband, trying to calm her down? does she enjoy watching those wedding dress programmes from time to time?
is Stolas in that girl who is OBSESSED with knowledge and museums but she gets weird looks about it? was he there when the first humans discovered obsidian and made knives with it? is he that little boy who cannot stop going to the museum to see the amazing dinosaurs?
is Dionysus going to those fancy wine tastings? is he there with that girl in her first party, trying alcohol for the first time? is he there during the third drunk fight a young man has this month? is he getting stoned with college students?
I take suggestions!! don't be afraid to ask <3
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stratus-and-the-theoi · 3 days ago
🌩️ An e-offering to Lord Zeus 🌩️
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An e-offering for Zeus as it’s raining today! Thank you! 💙💙💙
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oakandpearls · 16 days ago
An experience, and an idea of sorts.
We all know the act of pouring a libation for a deity, surely. But, there is something that feels so personal about sharing a drink with your deity/deities and just...chatting. I had some cream soda I wanted to share with my two patrons. I cleansed myself, my arms and my face especially, grabbed a small glass and a few ice cubes. Then, grabbed the bottle of soda and quickly ran up to my room. I approached their altar, spoke my usual greeting and stated my intentions before pouring all of our drinks (gods first, of course) and then took a seat on the ground. Then I just...talked. I talked my absolute head off. My cold drink in hand, occasionally stopping to take a sip or two, then going right back to it. My faith had dwindled for awhile after I got severely overwhelmed and burnt out, so this was my first time praying within a week. I talked about everything. How I was feeling, what led to the burnout, my latest experiences, my thoughts on everything and even dove down into some childhood memories regarding my patrons and how I felt they were always there for me even when I didn't know what Hellenism was. For the first time in what felt like ages, my mind was just completely empty. Not a single thought, none. All I knew is that I was just talking, pouring my heart and feelings out, and sooner or later emotionally going on about how beautiful all of this was to me, and my love for my patrons. Once I had finished my drink, at the same time I just about ran out of things to say. I set my glass down, stated that I had nothing more to say and took their cups to the bathroom sink. I graciously thanked them both for the time they gave to me as I poured out the drinks, for allowing me to talk so freely, and proceeded to tell them I love them and farewell for now before cleaning the cups. That was undeniably the most positive experience I've ever had while praying, truly. It felt so incredibly good, almost cathartic in a way. All I know is that I am incredibly grateful for my deities and came out of prayer feeling overwhelmed with joy, warmth and euphoria. Now, I'm incredibly relaxed, and dare I say sleepy. Hail Father Zeus, and Hail Lord Poseidon. ♡
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atheneum-of-you · 4 months ago
Zeus Astrapaios, may I always remember to strike true and quickly in your name.
Zeus Koryphaios, may I always remember to lead and not follow.
Zeus Theos Agathos, may I always be in your favor.
Zeus Plousios, may I prosper under your watch and care.
Zeus Eleutherios, may I always be free under your guidance.
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puppy-alythia · 3 months ago
Sometimes being Hellenic is like:
Here is an offering I worked really hard for, I made it/bought it specifically for you because this is something you're associated with. I hope you enjoy it and I pray that you can guide me on the path I need help with
Other times...:
Huh, I really need to give an offering and pray to this deity but I don't know what to give them. *feels compulsive urge to give them an avocado and instinctively knows its the deity* okay, if you want this. This is for you, please help me with what I need. Thank you for all your help
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spirits-child · 5 months ago
Remember, Father Zeus loves you
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