#zero pectoral definition
zot3-flopped · 1 year
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Horror show 🤢🤢
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ottpopfic · 19 hours
Sometimes broken brain intimacy isn't all fun sexy times, sometimes you just get a panic attack because after having your memories and sense of self wiped then rewritten then lost and then gained back it can be hard to tell what is real or just an old terrifying dream
Jason has a panic attack and needs to safeword
(Mind the derealization and panic attack tags were going through it today)
Jason loves wearing Leo’s mark. He's never quite as bitten and bruised as his Leo, he tends to get his mouth in skin first and there is a tad bit more of Jason to cover, but he loves them all the same. It’s claiming in a way that settles him, proof in his skin, that they are together and he is loved.
It also feels really really good.
The flash point of pain, a deep ache underneath, nerve endings lighting up. Teeth against him, sharp and direct, then the strain of suction and the ease of the tongue. And Leo always loves to press into the hickies with his fingers afterward, both during sex and throughout the day, zeroed in on the color standing out against Jason's skin. And that feels good too, reminders of who's he is.
Leo is really into taking his time with him today, it probably has to do with how he's bound Jason to the bed for the first time with their brand-new pair of padded leather handcuffs. It's definitely exciting, to be at Leo’s gentle mercy as he sucks marks into his skin between heated make-outs.
And his hands are everywhere; smoothing up Jason's sides, massaging fistfuls of his pectorals, traveling fingertips over his scars. It's fucking intense, Jason feels surrounded by Leo and there's nothing he can do about it, like he would want to but still. He wasn't the one who drowned but it sure does feel like he is now with how the other man has stolen his breath away. 
Currently, Leo is exploring how much he can bite at Jason’s pecs and nipples until he gets high-pitched whining whimpers out of him. After he will soothe over with lips and tongue, distracting Jason with wandering hands and sweet assurances, only to start again after he's settled
“Leo” he breaths out, it feels like all he can say “ Leo ”
“You like that huh?” Leo chuckles into his skin, tongue running so hard over a bruise that it makes it ache  
Jason instinctively goes to touch his Leo, but the chain just rattles against the bars in the headboard. Leo smirks down at him, a mischievous glint in his eye, shifting his weight so he's fully sitting on Jason’s hips trapping him completely beneath him.
“ Leo ” Jason groans, Leo is back to biting his neck.
“Love how good you look all marked up,” he eventually says after kissing up to Jason’s ear, deep and low in the way that always gets him going “Makes me get why you like me like this”
“Mine” Jason gets out breathy and desperate, full sentences escaping him as the pleasure builds  
“Oh yeah,” Leo agrees, a hand fisting in Jason’s hair so he can abruptly turn his face to his “You are all mine”
Then Leo is kissing him again, the kind of deep filthy kissing that is half-tongue. Jason tries to give back as good as he gets, but it's hard when Leo keeps getting pathetic little whimpers out of him by the pull of his hair and the press of his fingers.
“I'm gonna stretch myself,” Leo says against his lips, slowly drawing back so Jason has to strain to follow him “You wanna waaatch ?”
“Holy shit,” Jason moans at the implied visual “Yes please!”
Leo has to sit up on his knees to ease a finger into himself, bracing his free hand on the headboard to hold himself over Jason, the first time they have stopped touching all night. And he's beautiful , just skin and sweat and sound, radiant poised above him. Leo’s breath catches as he works the second finger in, lips parting eyes closed, focused on his own pleasure and panting out Jason’s name like a prayer. And Jason loves to watch him, loves to hear him, nothing to distract him from the scenery. He's beautiful, he's so so beautiful -
There was a point in time, when it was Leo’s turn to be dead, that Jason stayed at the Way Station as he figured out his next move. It gave Jason the most vivid heart-wrenching dreams, ones where Leo was so real and so close and yet just out of reach. Ones where Leo was his and they were together, in a way that Jason had only recently admitted to himself that he craved . He would wake sweat-drenched and disorientated, not sure if his waking nightmare was real or the one he just vacated.
This is a little too close to that. To have Leo there but out of reach, stunning and above him but still so far away. It's making wires cross, is this the real life that he fought and worked for or just another dream? Usually, if that inclination arises in him Jason can just reach out and touch Leo. Pull him close, smell his hair, sink his teeth into somewhere soft, and it rights the world again. But he can't right now, he's bound to the bed and that building anxiety is cresting
Is it real or not, is he dreaming again, or is it a false memory? Is he going to wake up and Leo is going to be gone and Jason is going to be floundering looking for another plan grasping at straws at how to bring him back? Storm or fire or storm or fire or storm or fire or storm-
“ Red ” he whimpers out, because if it is real Leo will stop. He will stop and touch him and he will know it's real and it will be okay
Leo stops
“Jase, Jase Jason baby are you okay?” Leo asks with worry, taking his face in his warm hands, Jason starts crying with it “ Cielito what's wrong”
“I need - are you-” he sobs out, straining against his bindings “I can't feel you!”
“I got you I got you hold on,” Leo says, taking his hands off him for just a moment to unlock the quick-release on the chain between the cuffs. The second he's free he's pulling Leo to him tight, crying with relief as he crashes solid and warm into Jason. It's not enough with the state Jason has worked himself into, so he rolls until Leo is on the bottom and buries his face in his neck breathing deeply. 
That's something the unreality can never do just right, the smell of him. The oils and lubricants that cling to him from his work, the tang of metals that stain his skin, the underlying hint of smoke, the spice of his deodorant, the herbs in his body wash. And the something mixing with it all that's just Leo . That's the part that dreams and implanted memories can never get right, his natural smell. It grounds Jason into this reality, the one they made together against all odds, the one that he's currently in.
Jason still has to cry himself out to come completely back to earth, it takes a hot second. It's alleviation dumping out of him, that Leo is real, that he's here and he's safe and he's his. Leo holds him through all of it, with both legs and arms, petting through his hair and telling him sweet assurances in English and Spanish.
“You're here right?” Jason chokes out when he can speak again, keeping his face buried in Leo’s shoulder just in case he is wrong “I'm not dreaming”
“I'm here mi cielo ,” Leo says, pulling him impossibly closer and pressing kiss after kiss into his hair as he rubs his back “I'm right here I got you”
“I couldn't feel you” he sobs
“Can you feel me now?” Jason nods yes into Leo’s clavicle “Focus on that baby, it's okay”
When Jason has gathered himself enough to come up for air, to brave looking at Leo just in case it's another vivid life-like dream dangling what he can not have in front of him, when he picks his head up and opens his eyes Leo is there. He's there as he is now, with his undercut and scars and the beginning of laugh lines, not the pearly imagined vistage of a remembered sixteen-year-old he used to be plagued by. Jason presses their foreheads together and lets out a watery sigh
“Hi,” Leo greets softly “You with me?”
“Yeah,” Jason says back, just as soft “I'm here”
“I'm here too,” Leo starts the puppy nuzzle, the gentle slide of their faces together, cupping Jason by the back of the neck to keep him close “Just so you're sure”
“I’m sure” Jason gives the nuzzle back, starting to relax the tension in his body “At least now I am”
“So we learned that making you hands off is a bust” Leo tries to joke, but it doesn't quite reach his face or tone “Not doing that again”
“Yeah sorry”
“Don't be” Leo pulls back just a hair’s breath to check on his face, the hand on the back of Jason’s neck going back to carding through his hair “I'm not out here trying to make you go all unreality, real boner killer to give my man a panic attack”
Jason sighs again disappointed “It was good for a while-”
“I need you with me Jase,” Leo is leaning into the Wolf Speak with his eyes, the way he does when he wants to make sure Jason without a doubt believes him “I don't wanna do anything that's gonna make you float off or freak out”
“Okay, okay yeah” Jason presses their foreheads back together “It's just-”
“We tried it and it wasn't for us,” there is no discontent in Leo’s voice, just concern as he starts the puppy nuzzle again “Like when I flipped out when we tried magical temperature stuff, it’s okay if it doesn't work out”
“Yeah, yeah your right” 
“I'm always right”
Jason cracks an eye open “Debatable”
“Name one time I was wrong”
“I can name several, Georgina’s eyebrows are still growing back from one of them”
Leo starts in on pressing little kisses all over his face “Oh shush that was her own fault”
Leo keeps kissing Jason’s features as the hand in his hair turns from petting into scratchies. It gives Jason time to not only finish piecing himself back together but also gather his thoughts, something he knows Leo is doing on purpose. Jason doesn't know how Leo always knows when he needs a second to collect himself like this, but he's eternally grateful
“You wanna talk about it now,” Leo asks when he decides Jason has been smooched a satisfactory amount “Or you wanna do it later?”
“Hmmm, now”
“You need questions?”
“Yeah,” Jason nods “Yeah that would help”
“Kay,” Leo presses his face back into his forehead “Was it the cuffs themselves or the not touching”
“The not touching”
“But we have done you keeping your hands to yourself before, what was different?”
“I don't think it was that I couldn't touch back, it was great when you were still sitting on me when there was some contact. But when you weren't touching at all, all above me, I couldn't tell if you were really there or I was dreaming or if it was a memory or-”
“Hey hey” Leo interrupts, Jason realizes that he was getting himself worked up again “I'm here now right, right here. Feel me, I'm here”
He puts his head down and just, smells him. Leo squeezes him close putting his own face in Jason’s hair
And he is here. Jason takes his hands and traces them up and down Leo’s side. He can feel the patterns of his lightning scar, the rougher texture of the Lichtenberg Figures forking at the ribcage. The pockmark contractor scars that scatter over his legs and back left over from Leo’s first death, just more proof that he survived that they are both here.
Jason has scars too, he did get stabbed a bunch in the back and sliced in half, but not like Leo. Leo got exploded on two separate occasions, which leaves its mark no matter the magical rejuvenation. Add falling off Festus and getting crushed to death and his Leo is a constellation of scar tissue. 
The lightning scar is different though, it's always been different. It was only his third death, but it was Jupiter that killed him. The Lichtenberg figures show just how he was blown to pieces; the entry point in the left shoulder, the smaller branches down his arm and back, the huge line down his front that splits at his ribcage to go either side of his navel, the exit points at his thigh and pelvis and spine. It's his largest scar, gained from cursing out the king of the heavens to his face. For Jason
But it’s probably has something to do with the lightning that has Jason obsessed over it. Here is Leo, ever so afraid of his gift hurting the people he loves, sporting a permanent reminder of Jason’s power. It feels both like a failure and a claim, that Leo died from his domain but also survived. That he is marked by the sky, both lost and won, all for Jason
Also, it leads a very enticing trail to mouth down to more creative places but that is beside the point
Either way, Jason presses a few kisses into the entry point of the strike and then rests his cheek there so he can gaze up at Leo’s face. Leo just turns his head so he can press his lips into Jason’s forehead 
“I love you,” Leo tells him, in the way he does just because he can
“I love you too” Jason sighs back, he really truly does
“I'm not upset with you”
“I am”
“Well cut it out” Leo scolds with a frown “Be nicer to my man, he didn't do anything wrong”
“Feels like it”
“Well he didn't” Leo gives a snort to reinforce his words “And I get the last say because I'm always right”
Leo pokes him hard in the ribs, making him jerk and Leo snicker. Jason half-heartedly glares at him, like Leo isn’t the ticklish one in this relationship. 
“Either way,” Leo continues, drawing him back in “Do you think it was just not touching, or the control thing”
“I think just the touching,” Jason says, getting comfy on his Leo’s chest “I couldn't confirm”
“That you're real,” he can hear Leo’s heartbeat, its calming pattern making the hard conversation easier “I need you to be real”
“Im real” Lep reinforces
“Yeah” Jason sighs “But sometimes I need to be sure”
“And touching does that”
“That makes sense,” Leo starts in with playing with Jason’s hair “Like the smelling right”
“Kinda, that's more like - checking”
“Touching is more like, uh,” he has to pause to find the right words, Leo contentedly starts braiding a little chunk of Jason’s hair as he waits “Like that panic attack count down thing, count the thing you can touch. But touch for like, false memories”
“That makes sense” Leo lets go of the end of the braid and watches Jason’s hair spring back into shape “like when you need extra cuddles when you wake up alone”
“Exactly that” Jason cuffs “I gotta make sure you're there”
“I’m here” Leo presses a kiss into his forehead and starts the braid again 
And Jason loves him, wonderful understanding Leo. Since they started sharing a space, whispered confessions from across the room at night, desperate to catch up aching to connect, Leo has always worked so hard to understand Jason’s broken side. He wouldn’t like hearing him call it that, but it's true.
Leo has never tried to make him feel weird or outcast for the parts of him he can’t help, never even once trying to change him. The Legion, for all that everyone else had to go through the Wolf House, always expected Jason to conform. The instincts he picked up during his extended time with Lupa were only ever valued in battle, never in social situations. It made Jason feel like the whole world knew a secret that they forgot to tell him
He got better as he got older and learned through trial and error. He figured out how to hide away the parts of him that were unwanted, pretend to know what he was doing as naturally as he could, build the personas that would get him through the day
Leo doesn't want that from him. It feels like instead of Jason having to be the one to learn the local language, Leo learned to speak Jason. 
“It's like your each other's special interest,” Piper remarked once. Jason had had to look that up in Will’s books, but he got where she was coming from (and also learned more about himself than he was probably ready for.) There is that obsessive quality with how he needs to know Leo, especially after being apart for three years. And for once in Jason’s life, it goes both ways
“I'm here too,” Jason tells his Leo instead of admitting to all of the mushy shit in his head “Just so you're sure”
Leo’s eyes crinkle with fondness “You better be”
“And I still wanna try the cuffs on you”
“ Oh ?!” Leo sounds delighted
“Yeah” he peers up at him from his place over his heartbeat, Leo is going delightfully pink in the edges “I think you'd be really pretty all tied up”
“If you say so,” Leo says, still bashful with how often Jason loves to compliment him “But speaking of, can I get them the rest of the way off?”
“Give me your wrist” 
Leo chuckles and coerces one of Jason's arms out from around himself, and there the cuff is still on but separated by how Leo pulled the emergency clasp. His Leo takes his time with getting the padded leather off; not just removing the brace but inspecting Jason’s wrist, rubbing the joint to check for circulation and pressing kisses all over it when he's done. Jason doesn't fight it when he switches to the other arm, just watching Leo’s face as he cares for him
“Your hands okay?” Leo asks, tossing the cuffs still unconnected over his side of the bed, those are definitely getting lost underneath “You can feel all your fingers?”
“Yeah” Jason answers, eyes never leaving the other man's face “Im okay”
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bornspellcaster · 1 year
Little Firefly - 2
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(When the time pool closes before she reaches it and Luz finds herself hopelessly stuck in ancient times, an incident forces her to work together with her enemy to ensure their survival. In the midst of it, Luz learns there may be more than meets the eye to the frigid Puritan, and discovers the real secret to saving The Boiling Isles may just lie in reuniting an estranged family…)    
Chapter 2 - Guilty Conscience
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If there was one thing that was apparent immediately as the two wayward companions traveled, it was that they seemed to love, or at least were inclined to turn absolutely everything into an argument. This included who should fish for their dinner, where to fish for their dinner, and the best method to go about fishing for their dinner.
“Really? You’re going to weave nets out of those vines?” Philip drawled. “Those aren’t strong enough, and you aren’t even tying them properly. Any fish, especially ghost flippers, will just pass right through the holes.”
“Ghost flippers?” The usual scowl she wore interacting with the other human was replaced with a look of intrigue and excitement. For what reason Philip had no idea. Ghost flippers were easily some of the most annoying fish he’d ever had the displeasure of coming across.
“Yes, it’s a certain type of white fish that resembles the catfish of our world. Only their defense mechanism is disappearing. They can only do that in the water however. Pull them up in time and you’ve got them. But they can still pass through those holes,” he told her sourly. “They aren’t small enough.”
Luz looked off into the sparkling waters with a serene gaze. “Man, sometimes I forget how amazing The Boiling Isles is…”
Philip scoffed derisively and snatched the net from the teenager, weaving the spaces tighter and redoing some knots. “You have some twisted definition of the word ‘amazing’, child,” he told her, all but slamming the homemade net back into the water and watching it sink below the adjacent surface. 
“You really don’t find any of this stuff…interesting? Amazing? Cool?”  She watched the water curiously. “I mean how can you not, on…some level?”
Surprisingly, her tone seemed to hold less judgment and annoyance and more genuine confusion that anyone could look around this (hell) and not find some beauty.
“I don’t.” Anymore. “It’s a curse is what it is.” Philip stumbled onto one of the rocks lining the small river bank they’d come across, and grimaced as he tried to straighten his bad leg.
Luz jerked the ties of the castaway net when she noted it seemed to jiggle, only to look disheartened at pulling up nothing. She looked so excited at first he almost felt bad for her. So overzealous to try to make something work out, only for it to fall apart before your eyes. What was that like, he wondered…..
“I didn’t catch the ghost flippers. But I did catch these other cool looking red ones.” Luz held up the net where a red fish, spined with bulbous, wide green eyes and jagged pectoral fins, thrashed about.
“Luz, those are fire snappers,” Philip said flatly, almost laughing as the angry creature blew a defiant stream of flames at her and nearly scorched her shirt. “If your aim is to roast yourself for dinner, then by all means.”
“Could you NOT be so condescending for once?” she snapped.
“I could, but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun.” 
Luz furiously turned away from the man and grit her teeth together so tightly she was certain she felt and heard a small snap. Man was so frustrating to deal with he had her injuring herself now, just to try and handle him…
“Whatever. So these fish are inedible then?” Luz tossed down the net of tangled creatures, hating to see them writhe about and attempting to suck in mouthfuls to struggle and breathe. Philip, as expected, seemed to have zero qualms with harming the creature and Luz yelped, jumping in surprise as a straight blade flung down like an arrow from his hand and pinned the creature to the ground. Its flailing stopped almost instantaneously.
“No, they’re edible, but only if you remove the lava pouch. Or else you’re in for a terrible, scorching shock if you don’t,” he told her plainly. He ripped the cartilage from the flesh and discarded it into the fire they were stoking.
“Lava pouch, that is so cool,” Luz grinned. Philip raised an eyebrow at her.
“It is in fact, the literal opposite of ‘cool’, child.” It was his turn to get annoyed when she snickered at him. “Does ‘cool’ mean something else in your time, or what?”
“Just eat your fish, you colonial boomer.”
“What does THAT mean?!”
She’d eaten chivo picante with more heat than that fish, but several times Luz, to her great amusement, had caught Philip panting his way through every new bite of this lava fish. His face was about the color of it as well, twin trails of tears on his cheeks from the snapper. Luz wasn’t even breaking a sweat.
“It’s good, but it could use some hot sauce.” Philip looked at her like she was insane. Mostly she was just messing with him. She didn’t really want hot sauce.
They chewed in silence for a few minutes, but Luz was never that good with awkward, prolonged silences, even if it was with someone she didn’t necessarily like. At all. “Is this the kind of stuff you usually eat?”
“Sometimes. For the most part I scavenge and hunt what I can find,” he told her, tossing the empty fish bones into a nearby bush, and licking the remnants of the fish oil from his fingers. “I find berries, and vegetables. Options are abysmally limited for humans in this dreadful world,” he said bitterly. “…But I will admit to having found some things that don’t taste entirely disgusting,” he said quietly. “…Snapping berries are my favorite fruit.”
Luz lit right up. “Dude, same here! I don’t like that you have to mash them so they’ll stop snapping at you though. I just feel bad doing so.”
“I feel empowered.”
Her smile fell. “You would.”
Silence went on again for a few minutes, but it felt too tense and awkward. “So when is the last time you’ve had anything home cooked? Like a meal or anything?”
The mood shifted instantly. Luz felt an uncomfortable chill crawling up her back and sensed somehow she might have irked a nerve in the man. His posture seemed to go more frigid, as if he was considering answering and how to go about answering.
“…About five years ago,” he finally responded, when she was sure he’d give her the silent treatment the rest of the night. “When I didn’t live alone.”
“What happened to them, did you sacrifice them too?” Luz scoffed a bit. In hindsight, maybe she should have checked herself, but she was still so angry and embittered with the events of today and how he’d treated her.
A blindsiding pang of anguish that flickered in Philip’s eyes made her immediately bite down on her tongue and want to apologize, but he cut her down before her mouth opened.
“It’s late. It’s time for bed.” He carelessly splashed down water onto the fire, with enough powerful force it sprayed her face.
Neither of them spoke the rest of the night.
“Pip, we can’t keep going through this. You can’t throw a fit every time I spend time with Evelyn!”
He’d always had problems with his anger, ever since he was small. It manifested much worse once their parents passed and they were more free to show their emotions without the fear of impending discipline. He would destroy things in their cabin, but more often than not turned harm onto himself.
“I love you more than anything, Evelyn cares about you, Reidun does! Varuka! Eleanor! And you haven’t even given your new palisman a chance…”
He’d always told his brother that he hurt himself so he didn’t harm others, but…Philip hadn’t remembered to do that on that day. The second worst day of his life. Anger got so much harder to control when it was magically charged. He’d felt the engravings on his forearms pulsate and throb.
He’d never wanted to control it, that’s what scared him still to this day. He didn’t want to stop being angry. He didn’t want to listen to them when they told him to calm down, that they could talk this out. He didn’t want to ‘talk things out’ or be talked down to, and babied. He wanted his big brother to suffer the way he had, left alone in a town he fit in less than this world.
“You need to make an effort to get along with Evelyn! You need to stop making cruel remarks about her, and about our child!”
He was his brother’s best friend, his brother, his first kid. Not that little half breed!
“You need to GROW UP!”
It was too late to stop himself by the time he realized what he was doing. What he had done. He heard Evelyn scream as he’d slowly backed up, blue eyes wide with horror as he trembled.
“What have you done?!”
Blood coated his fingers. Sinful. Soiling. Staining. It wouldn’t get off him. He didn’t get a chance to stammer out an apology. A scalding pain sent him to the ground the same time Caleb dropped. Evelyn’s magic.
“Leave!” she cried, already bending over Caleb and trying to stop the bleeding. “Leave and don’t come back!”
This is where the memory always traversed different nightmare scenarios, through alternate endings. Sometimes it would happen as it had in the past, for him to run off somewhere secluded and wail and wail until no tears were left. Sometimes he would run until he’d reached the cliff face, where he’d plunge himself down to the boiling seas below. On rare occurrences, Caleb would catch up to him or find him some time later, a weeping mess. He’d take him back to the Clawthornes, softly rubbing his back the way he always used to.
….He hated that ending the most, actually. There was nothing worse than false hope.
It was the chosen one that night it seemed, because Luz was standing over him when he opened his tired, and horrifyingly moist eyes.
“…You were whimpering out in your sleep,” she said softly. He groaned in pain as he sat up with difficulty. “It isn’t even dawn yet.”
Philip’s heart was thundering in his chest. What was he whimpering? What names had he called out? He waited for the blasted girl to start needling him with questions, but Luz surprisingly didn’t…
“Hey, look at the sky.”
Philip rubbed the crust from his eyes and gazed skyward in curiosity. The sky looked like a dark purple wash of watercolor, with abnormal light purple clouds dotted across it, and stars glittering throughout.
“It’s pretty, huh?”
His lip curled derisively. “The clouds are a repulsive purple. And I see nothing that resembles Earth’s constellations.”
“That’s because there aren’t any,” Luz said, sounding a bit more irritated now. “It’s…The Boiling Isles version of constellations! But aren’t they super mesmerizing? I mean…they’re stars! Stars are stars.”
To his credit he refrained from any further bigoted remarks. Maybe he was too tired for them. He leaned back a bit as he gazed into the night again. “It’s interesting how this place has any stars,” he mused. “I suppose at the very least, it’s under the same universe as home.”
Ah maybe they were making some progress.
“Or it’s just meant to be cloying and trick you, like any ‘nice’ looking parts of this hellscape.”
Or maybe not. Luz rolled her eyes heavily. “Yeah, so what did you dream about?”
He stiffened again and she chose her words more carefully, less she scared him off. “I don’t quite remember,” he told her with a shrug. “You know, it’s just one of those dreams where you wake up and you can’t recall much. Apologies for waking you.” It was the first apology he’d given her. …Too bad it was meant to divert her.
“Yeah it’s fine, but we probably should get back to sleep,” Luz sighed as she started back to a mossy spot she’d found and cushioned with her jacket. “Dawn will be here before you know it and then you have to get me home!”
“I’m aware,” Philip snarked back as he limped to his own nesting place near the still smoldering fire pit. “The library should be able to give us some information on time pools. It’s just the next town over.”
She was just about to lay down when he spoke again, and…in a strange, strangled tone.
"It was the pain, you know."
She turned back to him and immediately Philip directed his gaze back to the abnormal sky. His eyes screamed lies and for once Luz wasn't angry at them. "You…uh, you spoke about me whimpering? It was my leg." He stretched it out with a dry smirk, but…it was fragile.
Philip didn't like the look in her eyes, but if she was planning on calling out the bluff, she never did. "Right. Of course! I figured. Anyway, go sleep it off."
He pulled his brother's jacket close and rolled over into his nesting spot.
Luz tucked herself onto her side. Through her own homesick tears, whimpering that soon drifted from Philip had her wondering again who the heck this Caleb was.
He hadn’t gotten much more sleep, which was common after one of his nightmares of the past. He couldn’t risk seeing that face again. Those once kind hazel eyes that had held love for him and only him, and the feel of those soothing arms that always tucked him close into an embrace. The soft cadence of his voice as he’d pacify his tears with a lullaby.
No, Philip knew if he endured that again before he got a chance to rebuild his proverbial walls, his composure would be in danger. In front of Luz! He was still humiliated about the night and having to lie and say he was crying about his leg.
Better a weak pain threshold…than weakness of the heart.
Mostly, the exhausted man stayed awake until he finally saw the first rays of light cast, and morning dew to wet the red grass.
 Then with his good leg, he kicked Luz awake.
“Wake up.”
“What was that for?!”
“Do you wish to reach the library or not?” Philip drawled. “I’d prefer we get there before noon. I want to check the market and see if I can get some healing wards for this leg. The pain is killing me.”
“Didn’t seem too bad when you were kicking me,” Luz muttered crossly as she rubbed the crust from her eyes and glared at him.
“Eat the rest of the fish and pack up,” he told her. “Pull up your hood when we are out and about, to  cover your ears. Don’t ask.”
Luz picked at the dried morsels of fish and nibbled the remaining pieces from the bones. “So how did you sleep?” she wondered casually. A bit too casually perhaps, because Philip turned back and cast her a harsh glare.
“What’s it to you?” he snapped. The child was taken aback.
“Geez, nothing,” she snapped back. “Sorry for trying to be friendly.” She angrily slipped on her shoes and socks, still dusty from the cave collapse and mounted their stonesleeper.
Why did he have to be such an asshole at every turn? Any attempt to be friendly had been rebuffed, and he didn’t even deserve kindness to begin with—least of all from her! He was the reason she and her aunt were almost eaten. He was the reason she almost died in a cave! He was the reason she was trapped now, so far from home, so far from Eda and King and Amity…everyone she loved. He was the reason for all of it!
She wanted to scream at him, wanted to tear at his stupid and smelly beard, wanted to shove him into a patch of venom snatchers, and yet as she looked back at the quiet, empty and listless man, she found everything dying on her tongue.
What had to happen to a person to make them so miserable like this? To have them out here alone, in a cave? Luz’s mind drifted back to the night before. Did he even remember it, the way he cried out in his sleep? Begged for someone named Caleb? Cried out in distress ‘please no…’ And the whisper that stuck with her the most, ‘I’m so sorry…’
They came to a clearing eventually after following a long road that twisted off the lower part of the pelvis. ‘Baby BonesBorough’, as Luz called it. The markets were bustling with activity already, witches and demons alike laying out their local produce for the day, and various objects to be traded or sold.
“Ugh, it’s already so busy already,” Philip shuddered in horror at the lively activity. He began to limp down the path, but he turned when out of the side of his peripheral, he saw a large stony foot come down. He glared sharply at Luz and…Pancake. “What do you think you’re doing?!” he demanded of the teenager. “You cannot just bring the monster along with us!”
“Why not?!” She pouted back.
“We’re going into a market and a giant beast flattening the locals might draw some unwanted attention!”
“Oh come on, he can be careful!”
“I said no.”
Pancake definitely drew some eyes, but you didn’t look twice at a giant rock dragon carrying two people in The Boiling Isles. They just appeared like any citizen riding their mount around town really. 
Philip still wasn’t looking at Luz. She rolled her eyes.
“You’re still angry at me?”
“Putting my journal in a tree until I gave in was exceedingly childish.”
“Not my fault you’re too injured to climb.”
Before he could retort anything, Luz gasped. She gently jerked Pancake to a stop by clicking the heels of her shoes against his rough ribs, and she hopped off the creature. “Race you there!”
“Is that meant to be some sort of sick joke?”
It was still as grand as it was in present time, if a bit less modernized, specifically the stone steps that led upwards to the front doors. They were fenced with Deadwardian balusters, ones similar to Lilith’s historic diagram—carved and painted in a beautiful ivory.
Luz pushed open the large creaking doors and looked around. Without so many alcoves and smaller subsections, and structured differently, it somehow seemed even larger than it already was! She took in all the subtle, tiny differences. There were more abstract shelves of ornaments and dripping candles. Where the ‘manga’ section once was, a beautiful ornate fireplace replaced it. The shape of the brass was made to look like fangs.
“This is so much cooler than how it looks in my time,” Luz said, awestruck. Philip hardly looked as enthused.
“I disagree,” he deadpanned, limping into the door after a moment. “I will say this much though, the literature here can be intriguing. Frankly I find the literature of our world to be quite….boring,” he scoffed. A momentary, unexpected sparkle came to his blue eyes. Excited. Almost…childish.
“Ah, I did happen to read a bit about the creation of The Boiling Isles! Much as I detest this hell, I must admit I’m fascinated by how it’s come to be. The premystic period….” He trailed off and his face dusted an embarrassed pink when the girl smirked at him, teasing and almost playful in nature.
“Philip Wittebane, are you a secret history nerd?” She laughed as he went scarlet.
“D-don’t be stupid!” he scoffed, turning away from her. “Find your stupid time pool information and let’s get out of here before your stonesleeper starts eating the townspeople.”
Luz giggled as she approached the database near the door. It was a huge book in leather bindings, floating above the pedestal that held it in a mystical glow. “Geez, it would take literal months to go through this.”
“I don’t have the patience to be stuck with you for months,” Philip drawled and stood in front of the book. He cleared his throat, hands folded behind his back in his typical snobby air. “Show me all books with information about time pools.”
Luz watched in wonderment as the pages began to flip, and landed on one slightly yellowed page with a….single scrawl. “There is really only one book?” She tried not to show the deep twisting panic turning in her gut. “Heh…well, that’s good, right? At least it means we won’t be here for hours combing through information!”
“I think I’ve come across that book before. I know where it is.” Philip hobbled over to a shelf nearby, where there was a blue hard covered book labeled ‘Magical Anomalies.’
The teenager leafed through it after sitting in one of the chairs. Philip was contemplating taking a seat as well, but after the chair blinked at him, he firmly decided against it. “So….what’s it say?” He watched a crestfallen expression cross the girl’s face, and it deepened with every second, and every word scanned.
“Coagulated titan’s blood…mixing with the algae of the Boiling Sea…creates holes in time—thi—this is all stuff I already know!” Luz spluttered. “But how can I create one?! I don’t have the device Lilith made, or the blood! That’s what I need to know!”
She got up, so suddenly in fact the momentum of her shove nearly sent the chair on its side. It was glaring now, but Philip ignored it and followed her.
“Excuse me!” Luz approached the librarian. He was a long reptilian creature with the same ribbon-like wings as Malphas, and a flaxen haired beard. He was probably an ancestor. “Where can I find more information on time pools??”
“Time pools?” The creature blinked. “That’s all we have on those. Some folks don’t even believe those be existing!”
“Well they do exist!” Luz cried. “I need more information please. Can you tell me where there’s another library nearby?”
“You won’t find much information on those even at other libraries, young maiden.”
Philip cautiously approached the teenager. She was staring off into the distance with wide and unblinking eyes. He felt the distress coming off her in palpable waves. “Luz, you…have far more information in your time. The capabilities of titan’s blood are still being explored. It’s a powerful substance with the potential for far more than just travel, but…this is all newer information.”
She turned to him. “But I already know all of this!” Her voice cracked.
Philip’s voice softened. “Luz…” He sighed as she ran towards the door.
He quietly made his way outside and tried to ignore that nagging pit of sympathy when he heard soft sniffles arise from the cat hooded figure bundled with her knees to her chest on the stone steps. He should just leave her there. 
He could do so without a guilty conscience, right? It’s not like he hadn’t done all he could to get her home. He told her he’d find a place with information. It was hardly his fault the pathetic institution had almost nothing in its archive on time pools!
He should continue onward, she’d figure it out….but he had made a promise to this child. It didn’t feel right just leaving the girl, in tears, alone on a library’s porch. He wondered at what point he’d started to worry about doing the right thing…
Philip stood there in the shadows for a moment longer, sure the girl had sensed his presence already. It was difficult searching for the right words. Normally he always had plenty enough to say, but he wasn’t used to searching for tact when he spoke. …Kindness.
“…It is unfortunate the library didn’t have more information.” She didn’t look up. She shuffled so she was turned away from him. He sat beside her, undaunted. “I wish I could be more helpful to you.”
“Yeah right,” she sniffled.
“I’m being sincere,” he pressed, trying not to sound irritated. It wasn’t as if he could blame the child for her skepticism. “I thought if any place could help it was the library.”
“…I’m never going to see my family again,” Luz’s chest spasmed, trying not to sob. “I-I don’t know where to go to find titan’s blood, and evidently I don’t know how to make a freaking door! I mean, the last door I made collapsed after taking me to some weird realm that was neither here or our world!”
Philip winced. “Well-“
“And it’s all your fault!” Luz shouted as she stood. She needed to channel her anger somewhere, and the man that held her back from leaving this timeline and tried to get her killed seemed like the morally perfect target. “You’re why I’m STUCK HERE!”
Philip winced harder, his panicked cerulean eyes darting around when he realized people were staring at them, gazes perking up from behind their canopies and vending carts. “Luz, just calm down-“
“NO!” she shouted. “Don’t tell me to calm down! If it weren’t for you, I’d be safe at home! If I hadn’t come here to meet a huge JERK and help him find this stupid ‘collector’-“
Suddenly, Philip’s eyes lit up like a currently uninvented lightbulb. “The Collector, that’s it!” Luz barely had time to react before his arm was over her mouth, letting off a muffled squeak as she was hoisted against him. She found her face pressed into his jacket and she muffled angry curses in Spanish.
Philip looked back at a couple people still looking at him and laughed nervously. “Don’t mind my….daughter! She’s cranky, didn’t sleep last night, I just need to get her home for a nap! Or feed her………toast!” He sprinted off before anyone could question further, back through the path they’d come.
She’d kicked and snarled, but frankly, the witchlet had been so flabbergasted by the sudden move and wording she hadn’t done much to try and get away. “How old do you think I am?! Cranky?! Get me down for a nap?!” Luz snapped as he finally set her down. “Geez, you know nothing about teenagers! You better friggin explain why you just did that before I kick you right where the sun don’t shine!”
He scoffed. “Well you sure seem cranky-”
“EXPLANATION, my dude.”
The excitement on Philip’s face perplexed her as he pulled off his satchel. He laughed. “The Collector! My titan, in all of that chaos with the rockslide I’d completely forgotten!  We still have The Collector!”
Luz’s almond shaped eyes widened and she matched his glee within moments. “We do?!” She stared at the sparkling crescent stone and laughed as well. “We do! Wait, why did you just snatch me up and race out of there like you planned on abducting me?”
“Because you were screaming about a highly valued magical artifact in a marketplace of strangers?”
She shrugged and followed him back through the path where they’d come from. They found a rocky alcove hidden from view. “Do you think the collector can summon me a portal? Or make me a door?“
“Truthfully I’m unsure,” Philip admitted as he looked at the reflective surface. “The only thing I’m aware of is that The Collector holds a great deal of power. Power in fact, on a cosmic scale. There shouldn't be anything it can’t do. I think.”
“You don’t even know?” she deadpanned, already feeling her hope waning on this.
“Well I certainly know more about it than you!” Philip scoffed. He brushed his hand along the reflective surface and Luz watched ethereal ripples swirl along the now glowing moon.
“Whoa…” Both stepped back as a solar pattern suddenly formed beneath their feet, so large in fact that the symbol of the sun in the very middle was the same size as them, and blinking a discerning smile up at them. A cosmic burst of stars in baby pinks and periwinkles formed along the outer edge of the circle. It was so mystifying that even Philip seemed mesmerized.
However, if they expected some all knowing being, towering like a dragon in a long flowing, sagely robe to emerge from the stone….they were, to say the least, dumbfounded when all that seemed to emerge was a tiny silhouette that was just…a bit smaller than the child.
“….What.”  In the span of three seconds, Philip had gone from being admittedly impressed by the display, to being probably the most underwhelmed he had ever been in his life.
Luz felt far more excitement and perhaps trepidation. She knew well enough to know never to underestimate The Boiling Isles in absolutely anything—large or small, innocent or sinister. ….She couldn’t help it though, as the little thing stood there with a dopey smile. “…Ay que lindo.”
(Whew that got wordy! After a lot of considering I’ve decided the rough length of this fic is going to be around 15-20 chapters. Longer than I intended, but I actually have a clear ending point in mind as well as the main plot points. And a question a reviewer asked actually made me think up a whole new ending for this that I really enjoy. 
Chapter lengths will always really vary. You could get 7 pages or you could get 24! So hope you’re prepared for that. I also thought it would be really fun to include the chapter titles and drop them below as well as a view ‘vague’ and ‘potentially misdirecting’ synopsis like the episodes always did, for a couple of them.
Next chapter has a lot planned as it’s very important, so hope you’re prepared for something likely longer than this! Also this fic now has an official banner made by my dear friend @talk-to-the-glyph​ (which will be included in every chapter and in fact is going to be integral into the story itself!
Chapter 3 - Heartfelt Calligraphy - Philip and Luz need to kill time when it rains
Chapter 4 - The Real Disease - An unexpected development forces Philip to make an ultimatum
Chapter 5 - If I Stay - Luz experiences confusing revelations
Chapter 6 - Mend What’s Been Lost - 
Chapter 7 - A God Fearing Minister - 
Chapter 8 - Attitude Adjustment - 
Chapter 9 - Falling Stars - 
Chapter 10 - Parenting 101 - 
Chapter 11 - The Celestial Wing
Chapter 12 -  Luciérnaga - 
Chapter 13 -  The Magic Of Words - 
Chapter 14 - Shifting Paradox - 
Chapter 15 - Gilded Gold And Silk Robes - )
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stickymem · 4 months
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The things you get for being soft, a scared snot nosed brat begging for protection. No amount of booze was worth this horse shit. At least that's what the ghoul told himself as he was backed into a corner by a mob of sleazy mortals. He was far too drunk and out of stamina to fight them, and he definitely couldn't risk going feral in front of the kid hiding behind him.
Fuck he was tired of doing this sort of crap alone. Putting his fists up even as he was seeing double and stammering to stand up straight. “Sorry kiddo, you picked a bad time to be countin’ on ol Burp…”
The gang zeroed in on them cackling as they armed themselves with broken bottles and some gnarly looking knives. “Should have stayed out of Germany fatso.”
Just as they were about to beat the crud out of them both the alley rattled with a terrible noise, halting the thugs in their tracks. The youngest among them swinging around with a pathetic gasp. “Shit, it's Grabjäger!”
“Halt die Klappe, Junge, er ist nicht-” Just as the leader was about to shut him up a bullet struck him at the heel. “ Fuck!” He barely dodged its ricochet, skipping aside to pull a handgun from its holster to aim at the dark. “Who's stupid enough?”
Two glowing eyes pierced the veil of inky blackness. A deep garbled growl escaping an angry form that crept closer. “You.” A voice seemed to answer, the dumb mortal doing exactly what was expected.
He fired a shot, striking something in motion. His body immediately lifted off the ground in a sweeping motion. No time to react as he was thrown onto the garbage bin with a loud thud. The gang all motioned towards the mass for a moment before it stood up straight to open a long coat to reveal his chest. Gnarled mouths split open from his pectorals to spit out tongues armed with two fully loaded pistols. “Move, you die.”
“Grabjäger!” They scattered, not even chancing a fight with that. Their fearless leader, a slumped up wreck on the pavement with a shattered back no doubt.
Burp backed up with the kid clinging to his blouse. “I was wondering if I'd ever see you in person…” the corners of his mouth tighten into a nervously smile.
“Looking for me?” The tall muscular creature sniffed the air, nose holes free of any nose that should have remained on his boney face. “You…are like me..”
The kid scooched a bit to get a better look, squinting. “Lukas!” Recognizing the gray boney fucker.
“You know Mr. Tall and scary?” Burp gestured.
The kid nodded timidly.
“How many dead guys are you befriending kid?” Burp snorted.
“Too many.” Lukas huffed, pulling the kid aside to check for injuries. “What are you doing out here?”
The kid fussed, throwing a small fit. “Mr. Burp owes my mom money.”
Lukas turned to the short stubby clown with such a stink eye. “You think you're a funny man?”
“Usually I am…today however…” Burp slurred. “I am drunk…”
Growling Lukas gave the boy a wad of hard cash. “If I see you, you're dog meat boy.” pointing like a scolding father.
“Yeh ok…” the brat pushed him aside like he was tough shit.
Once he had left Burp slumped against the wall. “Real role model ain't yah stretch?”
“You're one to run your mouth.” Lukas snarled coming at him like he wanted to smash his face in. “What are you doing here? You're not German…”
“Yeh I know, people around here keep reminding me…” Burp groaned. “Have every right to be sore at me for bumming off the locals…not much left for me to do after hitting a dead end.”
“Lost?” Lukas might have been pissed but he knew a cry for help when he saw one.
“Been trying not to be…lost my damn circus in death and been tracking it down afterwards…starting to wonder if this is some cruel joke.” Burp managed to crack a sad smile.
Lukas huffed. “Remember how you died?”
“Not a damn thing…and it pisses me off too cause I figure it has to do with the cash I stashed in my trailer…not to mention a nice piece of ass named Tonya.” Snorting with a drunken giggle.
“Talk too much…” Lukas pulled the short man up by his suspenders.
Stammering the clown cursed. “Hey hey don't man handle me-”
“I will help…you are not from here.” The big lug pulled Burp along regardless of what he had to say about it. “You stay stupid, you will become mob boss shoes.”
“Well ain't you a bleeding heart?” Burp snorted before being yoinked up by the gut and thrown over Lukas’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Hey what did I just say-”
“Shut your face…” the Grabjäger barked as he took the smaller man home with him to sleep off the booze.
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fitnook · 1 year
9 Push Up Variations for Massive Chest: Maximize Muscle Mass
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Push-ups are a classic bodyweight exercise that target the chest muscles, shoulders, and triceps while also engaging your core for stability. However, to truly maximize your gains, it's essential to diversify your routine.
1. Wide Grip Push-Ups: 
Start with your hands placed wider than shoulder-width apart. This variation places more emphasis on the outer pectoral muscles. The increased width of your hands increases the range of motion and intensifies the stretch on your chest muscles, promoting muscle growth.
2. Diamond Push-Ups: 
Spot your hands near one another, framing a jewel shape with your thumbs and pointers. This zeros in the work on the internal chest and rear arm muscles. Diamond push-ups are particularly effective for building strength in the center of your chest and adding definition to your triceps.
3. Incline Push-Ups: 
Elevate your feet on a stable surface such as a bench or a step, while keeping your hands on the ground. This angle increases the resistance and places more stress on your upper chest muscles, aiding in balanced muscle development.
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agentdammers · 2 years
really appreciating how jeff has fucking zero pectoral muscles tbh.... like no definition whatsoever. like a mouse
0 notes
As per @tinderbox210 request, I came up with this tiny little piece. I hope you like it🤗
It was the gentle, almost purring sound, almost cat like, that disrupted her sleep. For a minute she thought she was dreaming, frowning in concentration and willing the sound to go away. She turned around and away from the sound, burrying her face into her lover's chest that slept peacefully next to her.
Spock breathed in slightly deeper, his chest rising in tandem with the motion and his nose burrying into her hair. La'an became aware of two things, Spock didn't wake up to her shuffling closer to him and number two, she was most definitely not dreaming or imagining the sound. She jumped up, now fully aware even though her eyes remained bleary and her vision fuzzy due to darkness. She pushed herself up, her palm resting on Spock's pectoral muscle, scanning the room and trying to determine which way the sound was coming from.
Spock shifted next to her, slinging his heavy arm around her hip and pulling her slightly more towards him. Even with his chest used as a leverage he remained almost unconscious and La'an was starting to have enough.
She shook his shoulder and called out his name and his breath hitched as he opened his eyes, his reflexes and conciousness returning once again as he became aware of the sound. She watched as his ear twitched before he also jumped in bed, his sharper eyes running over the room trying to zero in on the source.
He looked at her, their eyes locking and a silent conversation passing between them before they both swung their legs out of the bed and moved towards the source. La'an grabbed her PADD from the nightstand, turning on the flashlight so they could avoid bumping into furniture. Spock strutted quietly as a mouse on a thick carpet in front of her, using his sharper senses to guide them towards the sound as she trailed slightly behind him.
His head turned towards the vent in the room and he took longer steps towards It, his fingers gripping the hatch to open it. La'an crouched next to him, the purring echoing in her ears, a clear sign they were close to the source. She shone a light into the vent as the hatch was removed and both Spock and her leaned down to peer into it only to find a furry ball curled on in itself and purring.
A tribble.
Spock looked at her. La'an looked at Spock. Only one thought present in their heads. "How did that tribble get There?"
Spock sighed and reached into the vent, his fingers closing in around the animal gently and pulling it out. It wiggled slightly in his palm but continued purring nonetheless. Spock ordered lights on and La'an shut off the flashlight, tossing the PADD behind her, not carring where it landed. She blinked a few times as her eyes struggled to adjust to sudden brightness.
Spock starred at the animal peacefully resting in his hand, pretty content with it's position. He looked up at La'an who was also busy studying the creature and rose an eyebrow at her when she looked up at him, almost as if asking "Now what?"
Spock cleared his throat. "I suggest we take it to the doctor M'Benga in the morning."
"Well obviously. But what do we do with it until then?" She tilted her head, her hands resting on her hips. "For as all we know, we might be swimming in then by the morning if that thing multiplies."
"In my experience, they only multiply when fed."
La'an snorted. "Just like gremlins."
"I believe the fictional beings gremlins only multiplied when they were doused in water." He rose one perfectly logical eyebrow at her. The tribble was still positioned on his palm but the loud purring was now more of an ultrasonic vibration but it didn't seem to bother him.
"Now you're just taking the fun out of my metaphor." She sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat, it was silly o'clock in the morning anyway. "Alright... we'll take him, her, it to the doctor in the morning."
The way that he was carefully studying the tribble didn't go unnoticed by her.
Spock nodded and moved to place the tribble onto the table. It didn't make a sound, obviously feeling safe in their quarters. La'an watched as Spock ran his finger over the furry exterior, small breathless "fascinating" escaping him. She cleared her throat and Spock straightened up, his hands laced behind his back in a formal stance.
They crawled back into bed, Spock once again commanding the lights off as his arms wrapped around her. La'an sighed as she remembered the look in his eyes when he stroked the tribble. "You know...." She began, shifting slightly against him. "If M'Benga finds a way to stop it from having offsprings... maybe we can keep it."
Spock tensed behind her, leaning over her in a lightning fast movement and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from chuckling. Even in the darkness, she could see his eyes shining. "Truly?"
La'an slipped her hand at the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. He melted into her, his hands squeezing her hips. She broke the kiss with a smile on her lips. "We'll see." She settled down on her pillow, her eyes closing as the tiredness seeped into her bones again. Spock pulled her tighter against his body, his torso almost vibrating at the same frequency as the tribble as he let out a purr of his own. La'an smiled.
Sometimes he really was like an overgrown child.
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lesbobiwan · 3 years
Could I ask for 33 and 100 with Rex or Cody? I might be obsessed with your blog...
of course!! thank u for the request!
#33: "Pushing back against my fingers already? How pathetic.” and #100: "Call me selfish, but I don't ever want anyone else to touch you." + Cody
warnings: sub!cody inspired by this art by @thiccumz and this fic by @zinzinina, strap ons, f!reader, pegging, the word slut is used a few times, cody wearing lingerie
You know he doesn't mean to encourage behavior like this. You know this woman is drunk and doesn't mean anything by it.
Still, none of these thoughts do much to quell the fire that burns deep in your chest and threatens to spill out your throat as the woman titters at something Cody said and rests a hand on his forearm.
"You're so funny, Commander," she purrs, trailing her fingers up Cody's arm. You hear the scratch of her nails against Cody's skin and the stuttered words of the commander as he tries to back away.
His eyes catch yours multiple times from across the bar, but there isn't much you can do besides pour drinks and try not to lose your head.
You doubt your boss would like it too much if you got into a fight with some drunk woman because she scratched your boyfriend a little.
But it's not just that.
It's the flush of Cody's cheeks as her nails trail up his arm. You make him blush like that. You make his words catch in his throat and his breath hitch. Not some lady looking to add a clone commander to the notches on her bedpost.
The woman stays with him all night. Miraculously, she stays on her feet despite the unholy amount of drinks she's ingesting. Unfortunately, company policy is to not cut off customers if they aren't incapable of walking.
You'll hand it to the woman, she can hold her liquor.
On one hand, you're grateful for Cody. He's a watchful eye on the woman, making sure no one slips something in her drink or tries to coax her to bed.
On the other hand, you're angry at him. It's irrational, but you wish he would just tell her to get lost. He's your boyfriend.
Oh well. His ass will pay the price.
You finally approach his spot at the bar, having just rung out the last tab and been given the all-clear to head home, as is your routine.
"Can I get you anything else, Commander?" You ask, like you do every night he comes to your bar. You can almost forget about the woman when you just focus on him.
Cody immediately perks up, lips curling into his boyish smile that only you get the privilege of seeing. "Maybe some advice?" he replies, like always — like he's done since the very first night you met him just like this — "There's this bartender that's been eyeing me all night. Think I should ask her for her number?"
You pretend to ponder it, even though the first time he had asked you that question all those cycles ago you responded without hesitation, "I don't know. This bartender — she cute?"
Cody whistles appreciatively, "The cutest."
"Then, I think you should give it a shot," you drop your voice, leaning over the bar and just barely pushing your chest out in his direction.
His eyes drop down to the low-riding neckline of your shirt and you smother your victorious grin behind pursed lips.
"C'mmand'r," the woman slurs, finally making herself known, "I thought we were g'nna get out of —"
"You thought wrong," you snap, and it's laced with only a fraction of the venom you feel swirling around your mouth. "Your cab is out front. I suggest you get lost."
(You had taken the liberty of calling her a ride home before you clocked out.)
Your hand closes around Cody and you pull him out of the bar without waiting for her response.
Perks of living right by the bar you work at: a short walk when all you want to do is go home and fuck the life out of your boyfriend.
Faults of living right by the bar at: not enough time to fully plan exactly how you're going to fuck the life out of your boyfriend.
Cody stumbles after you, "I didn't flirt with her," he tells you, even though you know that. Cody would never. He's too good to you.
"I don't care," you seethe, unlocking the door to your apartment and pushing him through the threshold.
You step in after him, and as soon as you have the door closed, you're spinning him around and pinning him against the wood that's definitely seen better days. "Call me selfish," you pant into the space between you, "But I don't ever want anyone else to touch you."
Cody blinks owlishly at you, mouth dropped open in surprise. This close, you can feel his hot breath fanning against your lips and his thudding heartbeat from where your chests are pressed together.
He starts to whisper your name, voice drenched in arousal, but you cut him off.
"Get to the bedroom. Clothes off. I need to grab something from the bathroom." You inform him, and one of your hands trail up to scratch lightly beneath his jaw.
Cody can't stifle his groan at your words. His cock hardens through his pants, pushing against your thigh, and you can't help but grind your thigh against him before pulling back.
His feet smack against the floor as he stumbles away in his enthusiasm to get to the bedroom.
Cody loves it when there's something you need to grab from the bathroom.
You take your time in grabbing the harness and selecting which fake cock you think will best suit tonight's purpose. You linger after grabbing the lube, taking the time to make sure there's nothing in your teeth. You carefully pull off your clothes and step into the harness, making sure you're strapped in tight.
By the time you get to the bedroom, you're sure there's nothing that can throw you off your game. You're about to rock Cody's world. You're infallible, unflappable.
And then you walk into the room and Cody's wearing lingerie.
A beautiful yellow, almost a dark gold that's identical to his armor. Delicate lace is stretched across his pectorals, cupping the muscles deliciously and you can see the way his hard nipples poke out against the fabric.
You zero in on the garters he's wearing. You want to snap them against his thighs. You want to watch the skin redden beneath. You want you want you want.
His cock strains against the lace that can barely conceal it. There's already a little wet spot where the tip of his cock is. Fuck, he's leaking already.
"D'you like it?"
You snap your gaze back up to Cody's.
His face is flushed, and he shifts atop your bed like he's shy, like he doesn't know that you want nothing more than to sit and look for the rest of your life.
"Oh, Cod'ika," you breathe, stepping closer and kneeling on the bed. Your hands trail up his thighs, running along the garter that you're just itching to pull back and let bite into his skin. "You're beautiful."
Cody flushes even more, ducking his head down. His hands flit nervously along the lace that wraps around his waist. "Just wanted to surprise you," he whispers, fingers fiddling with the fabric.
"Fuck, I could just eat you up," you whisper before rising up to press your lips to his.
Immediately, Cody goes boneless against your kiss. His lips go slack and he eagerly welcomes your tongue, offering up no resistance as you dominate the kiss.
Stars, kissing Cody like this gives you such a headrush. This is better than any spice in the galaxy.
"Hands and knees," you whisper against his lips.
Cody whimpers before arranging himself into position. He drops down onto his elbows instead of staying propped up on his hands, sending his back into an enticing arch.
Such a little cockslut, you think to yourself, growing wet beneath the harness.
You don't touch him yet, content to just let him wait.
Instead, you pop open the bottle of lube, noticing how Cody jolts at the sound of the bottle cap cracking open.
There's no back to the lingerie, only strap framing his ass that hold up the lace in the front that holds his cock. Your mouth goes dry at the sight.
"Just look at you," you whisper, inching closer to his trembling form on the bed. "You that much of a slut that you had to wear lingerie underneath your clothes all day?"
Cody's moan is muffled into the sheets. The muscles of his back ripple with how he shifts his upper body in anticipation.
You press just one lubed up finger to the rim of his asshole, and he immediately jerks beneath you.
"Easy," you soothe as you press your finger past the tight rim of muscle. Your second hand comes up to stroke his hip through the lace.
Cody's next moan is ripped from his throat and almost sounds painful. "More!" he begs, tilting his head to the side. His harsh pants fill the room now that he's not muffling himself.
Good. You want to hear him.
"More?" you repeat, teasing a second finger at his rim. "You want another finger so soon?"
You press your second finger in and immediately begin scissoring your two fingers. "You're so tight," you hiss, rubbing at the beneath his balls.
Cody keens. His cock jerks against the scrap of fabric holding him in.
Fuck you want to taste him.
He rolls his hips back against you, sobbing into the sheets as he rides your fingers.
Your grin is downright feral as you push in a third finger, maybe a bit too soon if his guttural sound is anything to go by, but you know Cody loves a hint of pain with his pleasure. "Pushing back against my fingers already?" You tsk in mock disappointment. "Pathetic."
Cody turns to look at you over his shoulder, and you're delighted to see his eyes wet with unshed tears. "Please, fuck me!" he begs, pushing unashamed against your hand in search for his own pleasure.
You've been pointedly avoiding his prostate. The dildo you picked will compensate for that more than enough.
"You think you're ready?" you ask even as you line up the tip of the silicone to his winking hole.
Your grin is all teeth as you sink in until your hips meet his ass cheeks.
You pull Cody's head up by his hair before he can muffle his wails into the mattress.
His sharp cry of pleasure echoes through the room, bouncing off the walls until you're sure your neighbors can hear it.
Good. You want everyone to hear how you can make Marshall Commander Cody a dripping mess with your cock.
You instantly set a brutal pace, pulling out and pounding back in with long thrusts.
Cody can never shut his mouth when he's fucking you, and it only gets ten times worse when you're the one fucking him.
He's a mess. His eyes roll so far back in his head you think they'll actually get stuck, and his hands grab at your sheets so tightly you hear them start to rip.
You actually have to speak up in order to be heard over the way Cody moans.
"You're stretched so tight around me," you pant, finally giving into the urge to snap the garter against his thigh.
The ensuing yelp is delicious.
"You think that woman at the bar knows you went home and got fucked?" you hiss, snapping your hips harder against him, "You think she knows how much you like to get fucked by your girlfriend?"
Cody wails.
"Fuck, you're such a slut, Cod'ika," you grin and wrap your hand around his cock, pulling him free from his lacy confines.
You jerk him in time with your thrusts, and it isn't long before he's a leaking mess over your fingers.
His body can't seem to decide whether it wants to push back into your thrusts or fuck into the tight circle of your fist. Cody's thighs tremble each time you punch into his tight hole.
"You gonna cum for me?" you purr, pulling him up so his back is pressed flush to your front. You add a twist of your wrist on every upstroke of his cock.
That seems do to the trick.
Cody seizes up around you, clenching so hard around the dildo inside of him that he stops your thrusts as he cums in ropes against his stomach, and eventually dribbling down your knuckles.
You ease the strap-on out of him once he rides out the last of his orgasm and lay him down on his back. You lose yourself in the movements of wiping the cum from his torso and the tears from his cheeks.
You slide the harness off of you, ignoring the slick feeling between your thighs in favor of crawling onto the bed next to Cody and draping your body atop his.
Immediately, his arms wrap around your waist and he buries his nose into your hair.
"I didn't think you flirted with her," you whisper as you trace swirls into his skin.
Cody hums, "I know," he assures you, voice slurred with sleep. "If this is how you're gonna act when someone tries to feel me up, by all means be my guest,"
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kingkatsuki · 4 years
Retweet | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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This was a request from @redbeanteax​ for my Bakugou Birthday event, but I had to change it into a fic because we’ve thirsted over this idea for a while now. It’s based off the hashtag #undressacharacter artwork that artists do on Twitter where they ask for retweets and likes in exchange for drawing the characters stripping! 
Part Two.
Warnings: 18+
Word Count: 2600.
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Quarantine was boring, there was only so many cat videos you could watch before you were going completely insane. Not that you were someone who went out often, but the fact that you were now forced to stay in doors only made your desire to go out even bigger. Desperate to reconnect with the world.
Resigned to the fact that it would be yet another day indoors mindlessly scrolling on your phone, you opened Twitter, hoping that the app would do something to quell your boredom if only for an hour or so. Last week, Red Riot had posted a video of him putting his shirt on while doing a handstand and you had shamelessly put that video on repeat, watching it so many times that when you had checked the time on your phone three hours had passed.
Hoping for more delicious media like this again today, you scrolled down your timeline, rolling your eyes as you noticed Deku had posted another video of him training. This must’ve been the third this week?
"Do not like.” You muttered to yourself. 
In an attempt to avoid the picture you went to scroll down further but your eyes noticed a cocky retort from your favourite Pro-Hero.
That all you got, you damn nerd.
His words alone brought a massive grin to your face, burying your face into the neck of your sweater as you clicked onto his profile, reminding yourself of the perfect image he’d chosen as his profile photo. Clad in his hero outfit without the bulky gauntlets, his strong arms crossed over his firm chest, making his pectorals look more defined as you drank him in. You could probably waste at least three hours staring at this image alone, his head turned to the side just enough to notice his undercut and defined jawline.
You clicked off his picture and looked down at the posts, the most recent tweet posted was five minutes ago. He was online. Or at least, his PR team were online for him. Some of the tweets he put out didn’t always seem like they were from him.
This one in particular was definitely written by him, laced with his usual harsh sarcasm and colourful language. 
I’ve been told you fuckers are struggling through this shitshow so give me 5,000 likes for a surprise.
The picture that was paired with the tweet already had you gushing, and he was fully clothed. His hand held his cellphone in front of him, taking a strategically placed mirror selfie. The device blocked most of his face but you could still make out his vermilion red eyes glaring into the surface, probably hiding a smug grin. A stringy black vest top hung off his shoulders, exposing his defined collarbones and leading down to show the curve of his pecs. If he shifted his pose one of his nipples would probably be exposed, the thought making you clench your legs together as you imagined what he’d look like. His hand carded through his messy hair, exposing his perfect forehead, the smooth surface almost glowing in the low light of his bedroom. Your eyes continue lower to see the sweatpants that hung low on his hips, the material tight enough for you to see his prominent bulge, straining against the flattering material. 
This man was pure sin.
You watched as the likes and retweets surged in, the number steadily increasing while you continued to take in the picture, immediately moving your fingers up to save it, just in case he had a change of heart. This was something you were going to keep in a special folder forever, something to cherish during the shitty quarantine.
What you got to show us, Ground Zero?
You added your own like and retweet to the image, adding a flirty response underneath it as you eagerly awaited his next tweet. You knew it wouldn’t take long, he’d asked for a ridiculously low amount of interaction, you were certain he’d get more than five thousand comments alone on the picture. Slowly zoning out as you watched the numbers increase, moving back to assess the image again, this time trying to see as much of his bedroom as possible. He was obviously at home bored under quarantine too. You could just about make out a set of weights in the background and his amazing looking bed, the sheets looked dark and expensive, wondering what it would feel like to have him pin you against them.
He must have reached the next milestone pretty quickly because as soon as you scrolled back up your timeline you already noticed another picture. This one far more cocky than the last. It was another mirror photograph, the same position, but this time the phone was angled just enough to show his bare feet, socks bunched in one of his thick fists as he smirked towards the camera. 
Fuckin’ perverts. What were you expecting? Next tier 15,000 likes, 5,000 reblogs.
Staring at the same photograph you tried to make out the thick bulge between his legs, you were certain it looked far more prominent than in the last picture, his chin angled at just the right place that you could see the darkness of his five o’clock shadow framing his jawline, immediately imagining what it would feel like to have that pressed against your skin as he dipped between your inner thighs. Your body quivering at the thought as you even zoomed in on his feet. You didn’t even like feet but here you were assessing every inch of this perfect man's body. 
Coming out of the picture you were caught completely off guard by another photograph, your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes drunk in the exposed skin on full view. Defined muscles leading down to a prominent v-line, his sweatpants hung low on his hips and a messy trail of hair ran down his middle disappearing under the hem as it lead towards the impressive bulge between his legs. He’d moved the phone lower this time, giving you a better view of his defined jawline, his lips curved in a smug smile as he flipped off the camera.
Knew that would get your attention, fuckin’ pervs. Want more? 30,000 likes, 15,000 reblogs.
Your fingers danced across your screen as you moved to like and retweet the image again, saving it to the same album you had reserved for Ground Zero immediately after. If this was what Quarantine was going to be like, you never wanted it to end. You watched the numbers creep up even faster than the last one, this time opting to scroll through the comments people were leaving on the photograph. Most of them complete filth, telling him what they wanted to do to him and asking him if they send him money will he just take it all off. You had to laugh at one person trying to give him the link to OnlyFans in an attempt to get him to create an account. 
You loved when Ground Zero was actually posting on his account and not someone from his PR team because his tweets were always so funny and genuine. Random quips and insults to people, not caring if they were fans or not. Watching as his team tried to do damage control after his outbursts. You had to assume they knew what he was doing right now, you could imagine them having an absolute field day if they weren’t aware. Trying to fix the situation as quickly as possible to avoid a dip in hero ratings. Although, you assumed with the attractive pictures that he had posted paired with the desire for likes and retweets that there was something behind this ploy.
Your heart almost stopped when you saw the banner flash at the top of your phone.
GroundZero has liked your tweet.
What. The. Fuck. You held your phone to your chest and let out a high pitched squeal, kicking your legs as you tried desperately to calm yourself down. It was probably his PR Team, going through and trying to like as many of the incoming tweets as possible, to keep people interested, on the hook of whatever this was. You quickly screenshot the message on Twitter, showing his profile with a like beside your tweet. There had been a few other people who liked the message you’d sent too but his profile sat at the top, his profile picture smiling back at you.
You were preparing to make a tweet about this, a silent brag to the world that the GroundZero liked one of your tweets, your newest claim to fame, even if it was probably his PR team it still counted, but another tweet from GroundZero caught your eyes.
This time all that was captioned was an explosion emoji followed by a picture of Ground Zero again, this time the front facing camera angled towards his body, vermilion eyes gazing at the camera from under messy blond spikes as he held the camera up to get his chest in full view, the closer angle making it easier to zoom in to see everything, even each cut and scar that marred his perfect body. Only adding to his beauty as you immediately moved to like and retweet the image with a final caption.
Can I just sit on your face already?
A second tweet coming in that had information on an Official GroundZero webstore, a pictures of various articles of clothing flashing up on your screen followed with a generic caption and a link.
LIVE NOW. GroundZero Official merchandise. Use code: TWITTER20 for 20% off your first order. Thanks for playing along.
You would definitely have to check that out, your fingers pressing against the screen to save the sinful picture of Ground Zero as another banner flashed up against your screen, staring at it you were almost floored, there was no fucking way-
The generic blue dot popped up at the bottom of the screen to indicate one new message. Your fingers shook as you tapped the notification, opening your messages tab. The name GroundZero sat at the top of your pile, this had to be a joke. Were you dreaming?
You actually gonna fucking talk to me or are you just going to objectify me?
Would his PR team actually send a message like that? It was so crude and to the point, complete with the swearing. You could imagine his Human Resources department having a field day if they found out he’d sent you a message like that, worried about his overall approval ratings lowering.
Is this really you?
You cringed at how strange you probably sounded, it was clear it was his Twitter account, but you just weren’t sure if it was him.
You’ve been sending me slutty tweets for over an hour and you really want to ask if it's me now?
I just wanted to make sure it was you.
Okay, so if it really was Ground Zero you probably did sound crazy to him, you were talking to him on his official Twitter account, but when there was probably at least five other people with access to it you were skeptical. You’d seen this sort of shit on Catfish, and you weren’t about to fall for it.
Who the fuck do you think I am, Princess.
Princess. The word made you stop and grin at your phone, any doubts in your mind started to dissipate as you wanted so bad for it to be him, typing out another response.
I dunno, it must be your PR team or something. 
Your doubts disappeared with the next image. Ground Zero lounging across the bed you’d pictured yourself on earlier, his head against the plush pillows as he angled the camera towards his face. His hands positioned to flip you off as you saw the curve of his pecs, the rest blocked off by the angle of the camera. There was no fucking way you were talking to GroundZero right now, it was impossible.
He sent on its own, the word snapping you out of your fantasies as you moved to save the picture he had just sent. You weren’t taking any chances, this dream could end at any second.
I said not to objectify me, Princess. Send me a fucking picture.
You suddenly felt self-conscious. You looked great in your profile picture, it was one that you’d taken after applying your make-up for a night out, making sure you looked perfect before running it through a third-party app to airbrush your features. It wasn’t that it didn’t look like you, it was just you looked great in that picture and here you were, sat in your pyjamas with a make-up free face. Immediately jumping up from your bed to look into your vanity mirror, smoothing down your hair as you tried to make your shirt look sexier than it was, the oversized cotton hanging from your frame.
You could at least say please. You typed back brazenly, trying to stall for time as you continued pruning yourself. How the hell were you messaging Ground Zero right now?
How do I really know it's you? He mocked back, making you grin. 
You tried to angle the phone as best you could to capture your features well, smiling softly for the picture as you looked it over. Shaking your head and moving the camera back to take another, this time taking six in quick succession and picking the one you hated the least. Attaching it to the tweet and hitting send.
Well, shit. You really are hot.
You released the breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. Did- Ground Zero just call you hot? You couldn’t believe your eyes as you re-read the words, trying to process what was happening in your mind.
Awful quiet for someone that wanted to sit on my face five minutes ago.
You felt flush as you read his words, it was different throwing your thirst out in public when you knew you had no chance with the Pro-Hero. Now he was sitting in your direct messages it was a completely different story-
Well, my feelings haven’t changed in five minutes.
Shit. When this bullshit is over maybe I’ll have to take you up on that.
Your eyes widened, did he just proposition you? Did he ask you to sit on his face? Thoughts flooding your mind as you imagined what it would be like to see his red eyes glaring up at you as you straddled his face, the thought making a heat rush between your parted thighs.
Well, considering we’re both in fucking quarantine, do I get more pictures?
You almost laughed at the comment, it was almost childish as your fingers moved along to type your response.
I’m not that easy, Mr Zero.
You teased back, grinning as you saw his typing begin immediately after you sent your message, picturing him eager on the other end of the phone.
Fine. How many retweets would it take for me to see more? 
The question making you laugh, your Twitter had less than 300 followers, even the thought of getting a thousand likes was ridiculous. You’d have to go viral for that to happen.
A thousand. 
Your eyes widened as you saw the banner flash at the top of your phone screen.
GroundZero has retweeted your tweet: Can I just sit on your face already?
Moving back to your direct messages you read the final comment Ground Zero had left you.
Five minutes, Princess.
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writingwitharlo · 3 years
Waking Up Beside You
A/N: Did I write this is one sitting? Yes. Is this the first tickle fic I've written in the last 2 years or so because I am absolutely Teddy Lupin trash? Also yes.
1677 words
Teddy/Victoire (Tedoire)
Summary: Victoire knows the most effective way to get Teddy out of bed.
Waking up beside Victoire in the same bed, was still something Teddy hadn't gotten quite used to. It was their spring break and unlike the rest of the Potter-Weasley clan, Teddy had decided he would be returning home for the two weeks they got off.
Mainly because he had promised Lily he would spend all his time with her, now that she was all alone at home with her brothers at Hogwarts. And Harry and Ginny had already made sure he could stay with them for a while. This would be his very last spring break before he left Hogwarts in the summer, so he had to make the most of it.
But for now he was at Shell Cottage. Quiet, peaceful Shell Cottage. It had always been one of his favourite places to come. Not only because usually it mean the would be able to spend time with Victoire but also because he gave him a sort of peaceful feeling, he couldn't quite place. Teddy guessed that this is what a home should feel like.
Of course he had spent many nights at Shell Cottage, always welcome for sleepovers and movie nights. But not waking up on the pull-out couch was a nice change.
Victoire's room was cool, and clean and homely. As part of an extension Bill and Fleur had built onto the tiny cottage as Victoire and Dominique got older, one side of the room opened up straight onto the beach. The large glass doors stood open now, the light curtains swaying slightly in the gentle breeze. With the days starting to get warmer, Victoire liked to leave the doors open at night.
The bed was pushed up against the wall, like it had always been, with the pull-out couch sitting just opposite. Neither of them minded this change though. Victoire because she had an excuse to climb over her boyfriend whenever she needed to get up for something. Teddy because he got to smush Victoire into the wall until he heard her huffs of disapproval.
Teddy wasn't sure what time it was. It was probably later than it felt but he wasn't quite ready to open his eyes just yet, focusing instead on the sound of the waves crashing in the distance and the occasional seagull announcing its presence.
He could feel the cool air move against his bare back, laying on his stomach with the side of his face mushed into his pillow. It was no surprise really. Victoire usually ended up hogging the covers. And Teddy didn't mind, being the one to run a little hot sometimes.
With a deep sigh, he shifted his pelvis to the side, allowing his leg to stretch out fully so his foot dangled just off the bottom end of the mattress. With the calming white noise from the waves and the cool air lulling him in again, Teddy was as good as asleep again when he felt it.
Fingers grazing against his lower back, following the waistband of his boxers. They were harmless, nothing to be worried about. If anything, they could have helped him drift off again, had they only stayed on the same course.
Travelling upwards along his spine, Teddy had to suppress a shudder. But the goosebumps along his arms were inevitable. It wouldn't be long now.
"I know you're awake," came the gentle whisper from beside him, bright and with the sound of a smile evident in the tone.
"Uh-uh," replied Teddy with a sleepy rasp.
"No? Huh," thought Victoire out loud. "Must have been imagining it then." Soft lips brushed against his shoulder lightly before the covers moved and all of her warmth pressed against his back.
One arm slipped around him and gently rolled him onto his side somewhat, allowing Victoire to engulf him as the big spoon. He didn't fight her, letting himself roll back against her front comfortably. With both of her arms wrapped around his chest, holding him securely in place and her chin propped against his shoulder, he could have stayed like this for hours, just enjoying each others company.
Of course Victoire had something else in mind.
"You sleep well?" she whispered as she placed warm kisses against his neck.
Teddy nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at his lips as he melted into her. It didn't take long for Victoire's hands to begin wandering again.
Her flat palm rubbed against his chest for a little while, eliciting a quiet hum of contentment from the other.
"You wanna come take a shower with me?" Victoire's hand paused once it had traveled down against his stomach.
Teddy was presented with a dilemma. Of course he wanted to take a shower with her, but that also meant leaving the comforts of the bed and especially her warm grip.
"I see," Victoire replied with a hint of mischief in her voice as she practically read his mind without him ever uttering a word. "I suppose we need to wake you up some more then."
Teasingly her fingertips began sweeping against his stomach, causing him to inhale sharply and suck in his belly some. Round and round they went, circling the center casually.
It took Teddy's sluggish brain a moment to realise what kind of information his nerve endings were receiving. But as soon as they did a whiny "Nooo," could be heard giggled out and one hand moved down to grab hold of her wrist.
Victoire paused her attack as soon as Teddy grabbed her but the moment she noticed he wasn't actually doing anything to stop her, the teasing fingers were back, zeroing in on his belly button.
Victoire didn't have unusually long nails but in moments like this Teddy could swear they were like claws. With every sweep and scrape they managed to produce a different sound. Pretty quickly Teddy was a giggly mess, and this was only from one hand.
A short minute later the other hand began scribbling just below his pectoral muscle. Throwing his head back against her shoulder with a laugh, he tried in vain to protect his chest with his only other free arm.
For a moment Teddy could only lay there and take it, his brain unable to come up with a way to help. But as Victoire's fingers abandoned their job of teasing the rim of his belly button to dipping into the shallow divot, his body acted on his own accord.
With a yelp he used his weight to break free from her grip to roll face down, onto his stomach, elbows clamped tightly against this sides but his hands trapped beneath his chest. Victoire laughed softly, propping herself up to observe him catching his breath through residual giggles.
"You're mean," he huffed, turning his head to the side to face her. His eyes had finally fluttered open and moved up to meet her gaze. The look she gave him had Teddy breathless for a moment longer.
Victoire grinned as she reached over to run her fingers through his hair. "But you make it so easy when you're all sleepy. Can't really blame me for that."
Teddy shook his head with a quick chuckle and let his eyes fall shut again, focusing on the fingers scraping against his scalp. "Guess you'll have to enjoy your shower solo then," he mumbled defiantly.
Victoire sat up fully and straddled his lower back within seconds. "Oh, no, I don't think so," she whispered against his ear as she leaned down to him. Teddy's arms clamped tighter against his sides in anticipation but he should have known it would be no use.
Lightly but without hesitation, Victoire's fingers swept up and down the back of his rib cage where his arms couldn't quite protect him. Travelling the full length of his back, from his shoulder blades to where she was straddling him, the touch sent tingly sparks through his body and brought back the goosebumps.
The giggles burst out a lot faster this time, only muffled by Teddy pressing his face into the mattress. If it wasn't for the unbearably light touch, this could have actually been relaxing.
He wiggled his torso, as if that was going to dislodge her somehow but Victoire could tell this wasn't going to give her the result she was looking for any time soon. So instead she scooted down until she was straddling the back of his thighs.
Teddy was half expecting her to ambush the backs of his knees or maybe even his feet, so the sound of surprise that he made when two hands snaked between him and the mattress was something else. "That's not allowed!" he cried out through a laugh, lifting his head in order to press his pelvis further against the mattress.
But Victoire had already found her target. Three fingers on each side curled around the extruding hip bones which were only made easier to latch onto by Teddy's attempt to hide them.
"Vihihic!" he howled, freeing his hands from beneath his chest and bringing them down to grapple at her arms.
"Yes, hun?" Victoire replied casually, as if she wasn't just wrecking her boyfriend to pieces. "Something on your mind?"
"You-Ah! Dohon't- Come ohohon!" Words were really not coming easy to Teddy. With his last good thought he lifted his pelvis, now able to reach beneath him for Victoire's hands and tug them aside.
"I'm awake," he panted, hips plopping back down. "I'm awake." Victoire had a move to retract her hands but Teddy wasn't releasing them just yet.
"Good," she chuckled, watching him affectionately. "You can get your revenge once we had some breakfast."
Teddy smirked a little and turned his head to look at her over his shoulder. "Oh, you know me so well," he joked, finally releasing her and sitting up once she climbed off of him.
They shared a sweet kiss, sitting there in the messy tangle of covers before pulling away and just looking at each other with a laugh.
Yeah, waking up beside Victoire was definitely something Teddy could get used to.
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tunglo · 3 years
You still taking Dinluke prompts? May I request some smut with Luke losing control of the force while having sex? It doesn't even have to be something explicit, I just want to see Luke appalled and embarrassed lmao
Yes, definitely! I always write faster to a prompt. :D
I read this then saw a gifset of Luke in ANH where you could see his tunic pinned at the front. Because no nephew of Uncle Owen's is going to be wandering around flashing his pectorals. So, yeah, that made me think up a scenario where Luke was raised very strict on Tatooine and has zero practical experience of what his control of the Force is like at, er, crucial moments.
Then I wrote some unrepentant filth.
Thank you for prompting! x
[2600 words | rated E]
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quirkfics · 5 years
Maybe first touch + tamaki? ❤️
You’ve been searching for the wrong person.
The mark on your arm, the first touch of your soulmate, has always pointed to someone with a physical mutation quirk. Mistakenly, you’d always assumed it would be a permanent one. You’ll forever regret not realizing how close you’ve been to your soulmate all this time.
The suction marks of a tentacle are covered perfectly by Tamaki’s quirk shifted arm and your hands- Well, this most definitely explains why Tamaki has always been nervous about people seeing him shirtless. Your handprints are probably clear as day on his pectorals. 
“We’re going to talk about this later,” you tell him, trying not to smile at his blushing face. Tamaki still looks frozen, eyes zeroed in on your hands, jaw opening and closing. “But first I think you need to finish up your work, yeah?”
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Hitoshi Shinsou X GF!Reader
Rated: T+
Warning: Mildly suggestive (no lemon), grumpy!Aizawa
Bulk Up
It had started subtly, almost unnoticeable.
Sometimes, he would carry her books if she borrowed too many from the library, the stack reaching his from his hips to his head, with no visible strain.
He would carry equipment, heavy-looking equipment, trailing after Aizawa.
It was the unfamiliar feeling of pressing down on firm muscle when she'd squeezed his forearm in silent support.
When she had tripped once, his one hand was enough to break her fall.
The more definite answer, she got only days later.
Hitoshi had finished showering and opened the door to let the steam out, she had already been in bed, waiting for him to finish so they could sleep.
It was something she didn't notice immediately, only when her gaze strayed the third time onto her boyfriend.
His bare back was turned to her, a towel thrown over his head to squeeze the excess water out of it. As his arms and shoulders moved with the circular motions over his head, she couldn't help but zero in to the prominently moving muscles of his back and the sharper-looking curve of his spine.
Once on a different day, they'd woken up too early, or she did, Hitoshi liked sleeping in. When she'd attempted to get up and get coffee ready, she found a force holding her back.
A very strong force.
Glancing down at her tummy, she spied a more toned than normal hand belonging to her boyfriend gripping onto her flesh protectively, his face nuzzled into her hair, her back pressed against a firm chest.
Her face had never been that red before.
It was when she saw her boyfriend shirtless in the shower that she'd finally come to fully view the....results of his training.
She'd known he was training with Aizawa, but she'd no idea how much.
The man himself always looked haggard in appearance and slouching constantly, nobody, sometimes not even his fellow pro-hero's, truly believed his physical strength. That is, until they had his bindings wrapped around their neck and their face shoved into the dirt.
What was once a flat surface were now firm-lookig planes riddled with dips and curves, from his pectorals down to the still forming muscles lining his abdomen and the more prominent 'v' line disappearing beneath his boxers. The biceps that rolled and contracted with every move of his arms, the more obvious abs peeking forth whenever he stretched or tightened them.
"Hm? Something wrong?" Shinsou rose an eyebrow at his girlfriend, whose eyes seemed stuck on his chest.
She jumped, as if startled by his voice, before she vehemently shook her head. "Oh! No, no! Just uh- just thinking I'd need to shower too, you know, fighting villains and all. Um, later." her eyes tried to desperately avoid looking at him, but they still glanced at his naked torso.
A brief silence ensued between them, until a slow grin stretched her boyfriend's lips, a silent hunch forming in the back of his mind about his girlfriend's curious reaction.
His form towered over her slightly when he moved closer and he didn't miss the obvious hitch in her voice at his close proximity and the way her eyes strayed when his biceps bulged with the movement of his hands coming to rest above the waistband of his boxers. "Wanna get in with me, Y/N?"
She swallowed and knew.
She was dead.
The next day, Aizawa had been rudely woken up from his sleeping break by none other than the girl he'd often see with his newly appointed pupil, the girlfriend his student gushed about in between breaks from training. Saying how sweet and attentive and caring she was.
What had slammed the door to his office open that morning was anything but sweet and caring.
"M-Mr. Eraser! I-I order you to stop training Hitoshi! Immediately!" the bright red complexion of her face made him briefly think she was having an allergic reaction, but the wobble in her voice and her suspiciously disheveled appearance suggested otherwise.
The man pulled his sleeping bag back over his head, his voice sounding in a lazy drawl from the floor. "Come again when you have valid complaints about his performance on the field, not praises about his performance elsewhere." His tone dripped with finality and weariness, exasperated with youth in love.
And for that he had been woken up?
He heard the young woman yelp in obvious embarrassment and Aizawa swore she would've thrown something at him were he not a teacher.
The shutting of his door was accompanied by his sigh of relief and he turned back around in his sleeping bag, soft snores filling his office.
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smut-goblin · 5 years
Frog pt2
It had to be the strangest morning after Mia has ever experienced, especially since it did not involve any sex. She woke up still in the dark, October sun was late to rise but her inner clock was infallible. 6 AM whether she wanted it or not.
Tank was still asleep, snoring contently with his large frame taking up almost entire bed. Last night Mia had vanished herself to the farthest corner, curled up in a ball but the morning has found her stretched on the brown orc's chest, using him as a mattress. 
She was afraid for a moment that he’d wake up as soon as she moved but she managed to slink off him without Tank so much as breaking his snoring pattern.
It was a bizarre experience. Being so close to him, seeing him relaxed in his sleep. 
Mia took a moment to study his face. It was always so high above her she was more accustomed looking at his jaw than actual features.
But yes, he had a strong, square jaw of his kind, the actual line hidden behind the long beard he usually plated but must have had it undone to get rid of the mud from it. 
It was long and slightly wavy, threaded with far more silver than his long mane, but definitely less than the wiry hair peppering his chest and abdomen, trailing to a blacker patch around his shaft.
Elves and orcs weren't shy about the nudity, lacking the inborn shame it brings humans, but even so, Mia felt strange watching the naked orc before her. 
Maybe because he was asleep, she has never seen him so still and relaxed. The Tank she knew was always vigilant, ready to protect or attack if the need arises or break up any fights the younger orcs might start.
She ran fingertips down his face, leather-like skin covered in far more lines than she'd noticed before. There were crow feet at the corners of his eyes and what she assumed before to be black paint under his eyes, covering entire lower lid and eye socket, were in fact tattoos. Lines and lines or orcish runes, almost as tiny as ants’ footprints.
Mia winced, touching the jagged chains curling in half circle on her cheeks and temples. Tank’s tattoos must have hurt like hell.
Her curious fingertips travelled to the orc's chapped lips and sleep tangled beard. His facial hair was surprisingly soft, just like wolf's fur. Mia was used to beards and moustaches being as coarse as pubic hair from her dealing with the dead. This posed an intriguing question - how did his chest hair felt like? And the dark thatch between his legs?
She felt giddy like a little girl, sneaking treats she shouldn't be. 
The chest was much more salt and pepper, both soft and wiry at the same time. Mia's finger drew swirly patterns on pectorals going onto ellipses on Tank's belly, hesitating just before the massive shaft as it started twitching and coming to life. 
Mia's hand hovered just above it, lower lip caught worrying between her teeth. Her fingertips were only hairsbreadth away…
-”Go on, it doesn't bite…” - the rumbling voice made her jump and slide down off the bed with a squeak.
The only thing that hurt was her pride as booming laugh drifted from the bed before strong arms lifted her and sat her up the bed.
-”You bastard!” - she punched Tank in the arm, making him laugh even harder. -”I thought you were asleep!”.
-”I was, but I'm a light sleeper. That's why I got to grow old.” - he stretched, joints popping and his hard now cock bobbing with interest. -”You gonna help an old man out?” - he moved his hips, making the shaft wave happily in greeting.
-”Wasn't your hip killing you?” - Mia raised a sceptical eyebrow. -”Don't want you to overexert yourself… old man”. - she moved closer nonetheless, nails dragging down his sides to the abdomen. This was like one of her wet dreams come true. Surely, she could indulge just this once… just to know how it, he, feels like and not live a life of what ifs…
She licked her lips, eyeing the shaft. 
Mia ducked her head, licking her way up from the balls to the wide head, following a throbbing vein. He smelled and tasted good. It's a pity she wouldn't be able to take him whole in her mouth. But she could certainly try!
She got on hands and knees over him, due to their size difference her bum happily wriggling above his chest as she spread her plump folds, showing him how wet she was as she grinned at him over her shoulder.
-”Now this is worth waking up to every day!” - Tank muttered appreciatively, rough fingers kneading her asscheeks.
Mia hummed and went back to work. She'll have to get that dick nice and wet before trying anything with it.
There were girls who loved loads of foreplay. Some didn’t like giving head. Mia found out quite fast that she goes from zero to max in a few seconds and then just wants to be fucked, which posed some problems because she wasn’t too keen on being touched. However, she had no problem being bold and direct and taking what she wanted.
-”You know my ass is there too?” - she asked when Tank’s fingers started playing with her cunt.
-”Didn’t know her ladyship was into that” - he sounded both surprised and happy.
-”Her ladyship is VERY into that so get to it!” - Mia replied, giving his cock a hard suck to get her point across.
Apparently old dogs knew a few tricks, as Tank let his saliva slicked thumb play with her pucker before pushing it in. It might have been just a finger but with the size difference and Tank’s own bigger than normal orc size it felt the same as having a fellow elf dick inside her ass.
Mia moaned, letting her hips dance on the thumb and massive fingers stretching her aching cunt. Mother’s milk, she could see herself getting addicted to this, fuck, this was so good,
She let Tank know all that he made her feel but sucking, licking and teasing his cock, making his body pump into her eager hands, dodgy hips or not. Fuck it, she wanted him in, she wanted to be claimed, fucked within an inch of her life, split in two if needs be, but she would go down in an amazing blaze of glory!
The happy Addams Family theme slapped her back to reality. Her mobile was buzzing and flashing.
-”No, Mia, no, please” - Tank groaned as she let go of his engorged cock and made her way to answer the phone. He got her waist in a bear hug, making it hard to grab the mobile.
-”I have to!” - she whined. -”That’s work. And I do mean work, that’s marshal’s ringtone”
-”Just pretend to be sick. It was cold, it was rainy… you have the bad flu! Very contagious!” - he wrestled her under him.
-*Shaw! Pick up damn you. I know it’s early but we need you. I’m on my way to you, Collins told me your car is in the garage. We got a call about some corpses out in the boons and… fuck… it ain’t pretty, you might wanna hold off on your breakfast. See you in ten.*
The voice message ended and Tank flopped back on his back, groaning.
-”Hey, you can work it out in the shower, big guy!” - Mia patted his shoulder, already sliding off the bed and picking up her clothes.
Sure, she’d prefer to stay in and fuck in every way possible but it took a lot to make Jamison queasy and suddenly all desire to full around was gone, replaced by a lead ball in the pit of her stomach.
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The Only 5 Ab Exercises You`ll Ever Need
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There are essentially loads of stomach exercises around, yet the majority of are derivative of regarding 5 to 7 standard exercises within two distinct categories: Upper ab workouts as well as lower ab exercises.
People often confuse variants with brand-new groups of ab exercises, and waste time trying to zero in on a details location. Seclusion is definitely crucial as well as if you have time, it's wonderful to focus on a details location if it is in demand of fine-tuning and sharpening. Maintaining points basic and basic frequently nets the best outcomes - especially when the fundamentals are as reliable as they are.
Recently, the American Council on Workout (ACE) came out with a list of the most effective workouts in a selection of categories. For the abdominal muscles, it boiled down to 10 workouts - though lots of, again, were variations of essentials.
These have actually been trimmed that down even more to represent those workouts that use the most sound growth in time.
The Crunch
There are a few ways you could do the crisis - on your back on the flooring, raiding an exercise ball for stability and isolation, or making use of a high-cable pulley to draw weight down right into a crisis in the stooping position
1. Lie on your back with the knees bent as well as the hands delicately supporting the head.
2. Bend your feet and also keep them bent as your agreement the abdominals, lifting the shoulder blades off the floor.
3. Try not to draw on the neck with your hands, yet gently support your head.
4. On top of the crisis, press your heels into the flooring while pressing your back against the mat as well as somewhat elevating the glutes off the floor.
5. Reduced and repeat for 3 to 4 collections of 12 to 15 reps.
The Plank
The plank is not only a tease our checklist of Top 5 Abdominal muscle workouts, it's likewise placed number 10 in a current ACE study and also is a great means to develop endurance in both the abs and back, as well as the stabilizer muscles. This move is also fantastic for developing strength for push-ups, a workout that calls for quite a little bit of core strength.
1. Lie face down on floor covering relaxing on the forearms, hands flat on the floor.
2. Press off the flooring, as in a push-up, raising up onto toes, after that remainder on the arm joints/ forearms
3. Keeping your back as flat as possible, draw an imaginary straight line from head to heels. Hold without dipping in upper or lower body.
4. Tilt hips a little ahead, as well as agreement abdominals to avoid your butt from holding up in the air or drooping in the middle.
5. Hold for in between 20 to One Minute. Lower as well as repeat for 3 to 5 reps, within 3 to 4 sets, to create core strength.
The Bicycle
This exercise involves both lower and also upper abdominals - the best sort of exercise to take full advantage of both time and growth - and also keeps tension on the abdominals throughout. It additionally functions the serratus, intercostals as well as other ancillary muscle mass that lace in between the ribcage just below the sternum and pectorals.
1. Lie flat on your back on the flooring with your low back pressed into the ground (engaging core muscle mass)
2. Bring fingertips with each other behind head (don't tie them) and shoulders level on the floor.
3. Bring the knees up to a 45-degree angle as well as begin to slowly bike in mid-air.
4. As you do this, bring your right arm joint to left knee, then left elbow to ideal knee and also proceed rotating for reps.
5. Aim to keep breathing even and kicked back.
Roman Chair Knee-Ups
Every health club worth its salt has a Roman Chair - a high chair with footholds, a cushioned back and cushioned lower arm rests. The advantage of this exercise and also exactly what makes it so efficient, is its capability to support the upper body and location total resistance (gravity) on the reduced abs.
1. Stand on foot relaxes of chair and grip hand holds that depend on front of cushioned arm rests, keeping small bend in the elbows.
2. Gently press low back right into back pad.
3. The beginning setting begins with you taking feet off the relaxes and holding your body still and in place.
4. Slowly lift and bring knees right into chest in a regulated fashion without throwing upper hands in the air.
5. Delicately reduced legs as well as keep a liquid movement of backwards and forwards throughout the set.
Vertical Leg/ Reverse Crunch
Like the problem, a reverse crisis can be done 3 methods: On a floor mat on your back, resting upright on the end of a bench, drawing knees into upper body, or in a hanging leg raising style. We like these due to the fact that it isn't really contingent upon supporting the back and maintaining it there, while dealing with gravity. This allows more seclusion, and also maintains activities a lot more controlled and accurate.
1. Lie level on your back on the flooring with your reduced back pushed into the ground (interesting core muscles)
2. Prolong arms to rest together with your hips, with palms on the floor
3. Cross feet at the ankles, and lift feet off the ground to produce a 90-degree angle (like an "L")
4. Press reduced back to the floor and also strained core muscles as feet as well as legs press toward the ceiling within a small, regulated location.
5. Exhale as you contract, after that breathe in.
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ohmsservice · 6 years
Double Act 4/4
“—ing me in the womb when he had the chance!”
Bond chuckled.  “I can’t wait to meet him.”
Danny stole a quick glance at the watch on the bedside table. Sooner than you think, if I know my brother, he thought to himself.
Danny shuffled his body without losing contact of the stretch of bulk and muscle sprawled on the bed beneath him to straddle him. He lowered his backside onto his stomach and splayed warm hands across his chest. “Richard…?” he said, sliding them forward, glancing over his pectorals, down his biceps to grasp his wrists and bring them up to pin lightly either side of his head.
He released his wrists and leaned back to take hold of something else as interested as the gaze with which Bond was currently gracing him. “How about I absorb something of you to remember you by…?”
“Richard Sterling’s room please,” Eve said curtly and with authority to the desk clerk while Alex fidgeted distractedly with his iPad next to her.
The clerk glanced up before resuming whatever he was pretending to do. “This is a five-star establishment, Madame. We’re not in the habit of giving out those details to people who just wander off the streets demanding…” His diatribe was cut short by the ID card Moneypenny slid across the marble topped surface separating them.
“I suggest you make an exception in this case.”
Bond was dozing between wake and sleep, his normal state of existence, ever aware of his surroundings, his company - his company currently in the midst of dressing himself.
“Going so soon?” he enquired. “Normally I’m the one who loves and leaves. You’re ruining my track record, Alex.”
Alex sat up from tying his shoelaces to lean over and give him a gloriously heated kiss. Bond recognised the move having performed it enough times himself through the course of his career. It was somewhat disarming though he found not at all unpleasant. For once, he felt relieved from the responsibility.
“Plane to catch,” Alex whispered against his lips, pulling back and grabbing the parka from the floor. He strode with confident steps towards the door and turned to flash him a smile. “It was a pleasure making your acquaintance, Mr Sterling.”
Bond allowed his own satisfied grin to speak for itself. The door closed and Bond closed his eyes to enjoy the afterglow. He had 30 minutes to shower before making his way to Six to meet the new Quartermaster. He thought back to how tense he’d been at the National Gallery, waiting.
Thank you, young Mr Holt.
His peaceful reverie was quickly chased away by the sharp knocking on this door. Bond glanced around the room and spotted the phone, sitting propped against a table lamp on the far side of the room opposite the bed. He hopped out and grabbed it, all the while, the knocking getting louder and more urgent.
“Alright, alright. Keep your panties on,” he mumbled, pulling on his briefs quickly. “Though as I recall you weren’t wearing—“
He swung open the door expecting his recently departed bedfellow who stood before him. 
It wasn’t. 
The conflicting images flowing through Bond’s head were having difficulty reconciling.
“Alex?” Different clothes, different hair, slightly different glasses and a scowl that definitely wasn’t there when he left.
Alex rolled his eyes towards Eve, who in his confusion, Bond had just noticed. “The arsehole gave him my name as well. I swear to God…” he huffed, pushing passed Bond. “Where is he?”
Bond shook his brain internally. “Wait, wait, wait… Back up a minute…!”
Alex swung round to face the agent and caught sight of the phone which he snatched from the loosely hanging limb.
“Eve?! What the hell is going on?” Bond groused.
Alex was looking at his phone, and the still frame footage Danny had obviously recorded during their tryst. Bastard, he thought, when I track him down there will be nothing but a few zeros and ones left to salvage. He pocketed the phone.
Moneypenny was enjoying the moment too much. She shrugged. “I’ll leave it to Q to explain, 007. Good luck out there in the field.”
And much as she wanted to stay and enjoy the display, the sight of Bond standing in his briefs and a fuming Head of Q Branch poised to tear him a new one as she closed the door would have to suffice for now.
Bond’s incredulous, “Q?!! You must be joking!” was just the icing on the cake…
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