theravadin · 21 hours
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theravadin · 2 days
should really get back to learning pali. i never got very far last time
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theravadin · 2 days
"The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real" -Lucian Freud
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theravadin · 5 days
Maturity is realizing that happiness is a choice. You really have to be very mindful and shift your perspective regularly, because life will always present a reason to be unhappy. Waiting for perfect circumstances to allow yourself to be happy is robbing yourself of present joy.
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theravadin · 16 days
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"Just as a doctor doesn't fight with a (patient)
Seized by demons and rage;
Likewise, a sage sees the disturbing emotions as the enemy,
Not the person who's possessed with these emotions."
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theravadin · 17 days
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theravadin · 29 days
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theravadin · 30 days
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theravadin · 1 month
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theravadin · 2 months
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theravadin · 2 months
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theravadin · 2 months
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theravadin · 3 months
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theravadin · 3 months
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theravadin · 3 months
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theravadin · 3 months
i’ve been thinking about it and i kinda really want to create a kind of wiki/zettelkasten/hypertext for buddhist concepts. people who have spent any amount of time reading the suttas will know the buddha put little effort into organizing the individual pieces of the dhamma into a cohesive whole; he focused on teaching what was relevant to the situation or the people he was teaching in a way most likely to wake them up. but that’s not to say the dhamma DOESN’T form a cohesive whole – commentators and scholars have spent literal millennia trying to find the best way to fit things together.
obviously i’m not as well-read as most of them. but i think even a basic organization of related concepts could be useful, if not for others then at least for myself. i’ll have to give it some more thought i think
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theravadin · 3 months
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