#zelo headcanons
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trunswicked · 5 months ago
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Side guys, woooo!
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abyssmalice · 1 month ago
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(my brain won't let me work on drafts or anything else until it completely finishes chewing on this thonk first so i guess thats what im gonna do lmao
aka incoming extremely long depresso ramble about tonitoni's depresso baka life (im not joking))
(so anyway these two tidbits are little used due to simply not being relevant half the time, but they're still influential aspects of tonitoni's childhood (well, if you want to call all That a childhood) experiences - i.e. her time in Dottore's "care".
she only spent two years in his custody, but Tonia would honestly say she had no idea and still wonders sometimes if it was really only two - not because it felt longer per say (though in a sense she does also feel that way), but more because she lost all perception of time's flow while being his test subject.
there were no clocks or windows in the underground laboratories where she was kept, no indications of timekeeping whatsoever, and any mentions of time she ever caught were restricted to researchers mentioning the timeframes of experiments or the rare passing conversation on events happening outside of the labs, such as holidays or weekends or whatever. but in general, there was no way for her to discern time at all.
added to that, she wasn't treated humanely in that time. she was kept with many of Dottore's other specimens or subjects, all of whom were kept in cages - herself included - that would be hung suspended from the ceiling above an endless drop, one that was likely booby-trapped too. it's both a twisted aesthetic and a practical thing; test subjects couldn't easily escape, and if they tried, there were numerous obstacles in their way, starting from the cage to the drop to the laboratories' own defense systems.
in tonitoni's case, her little cage-cell was also very, very little indeed - it was cramped, and she could only ever be comfortable by lying down in a ball. it wasn't tall enough for her to even sit upright, never mind standing. she could still stretch a bit bc her cage had open bars that she could fit her arms and feet through, but that's about it.
additionally, while she was technically kept with a bunch of other specimens, it was in a giant hall with everyone's cages kept far away from each other. everything was blindingly white and ultimately unchanging. and while some test subjects made noises occasionally, eventually, they all grew utterly silent and hardly responsive, Tonia included.
essentially, it was a painfully sterile, painfully silent, painfully frozen, painfully isolating place.
and of course, there's whole "child being experimented on" thing that was tonitoni's deal where it concerned Dottore's interest in her.
though experimentation on her would easily be considered torture for anyone else, bc Dottore wanted to thoroughly test her capabilities, considering she was essentially a never-before-seen lifeform of sorts. there were menial things he wanted to test, like her memory capacity, but there were also dangerous things where it concerns her physical capabilities - like were her bones more durable (cue lots of bone breaking), could she survive without an arm or anesthesia (yeah), the exact duration it took for fatal levels of blood loss to occur (normal duration except slightly extended with resin loss instead which btw he was So fascinated about), etc.
(said experimentation btw also helped Dottore figure out that in the right scenario, tonitoni doesn't actually need to consume food to survive - she just needs elemental energy, though some atrophying of bodily parts and functions will still happen since she's not "exercising" the more human side of her.
this was a great find for him nonetheless because after that they just stopped feeding her. they only had to give routine injections of elemental energy, which is rather cost-effective and time-saving comparatively - meaning more time for experiments and other things yippeee!! /j)
so her life more or less looked as such: she'd be dragged out of her cage at some point, carried or ordered to follow a researcher (depending on how injured she was from a prior experiment - but if the baseline is "can she walk or not" then really they just need to make sure her legs weren't smashed) to a testing room, made to endure whatever test they wanted to do, be thrown back (sometimes literally) into her cage, rinse and repeat the cycle however many times.
understandably, from a mixture of this dogshit treatment, lack of any human enrichment, the suffering of the experiments, the sheer timeless isolation outside of all this - Tonia eventually began to dissociate through her experiences.
sometimes during time-blurring painful experiments, sometimes while waiting endlessly in her cage, then gradually just all the time. it left her mostly unresponsive, with only a shallow, bare minimum of consciousness that was only there to process simple orders for routine things like walking from point A to B or doing action C or D. anything more complex was reserved for the rarer and rarer moments of clear lucidity she might have.
and from an outside perspective, this meant Tonia gradually began looking less and less like a human or even a person. though most of the scientists involved with her didn't think she was a human anyway (some had reservations in the beginning, bc she was still very much a scared child at first, but pushed it down for the sake of scientific discovery) - with the sharp decrease in expressiveness or even responsiveness to most stimuli, she didn't even seem to be "alive" at times; like a well-made doll instead.
it probably didn't help that she was so out of it that she barely blinked anymore, and seemed to be constantly staring into space. a stare that, when seeming to be leveled onto something or someone, looked "lifeless and empty and bottomless", like "a void that was swallowing you whole".
or - oh yeah, no one even addressed her by name at this time either. barring Dottore and a few personnel who bothered to look into her background/history, no one even knew Tonia's name or that she actually had a proper one. she was only ever referred to by her specimen label, which is just a bunch of numericals.
this in turn just perpetuated the inhumane way she was treated, as people eventually lost their moral discomfort or even outright forgot at times that she's supposed to be a living being, much less a human with dignity or rights. no one thought anything of her over time besides being one of Dottore's numerous, nameless and numbered specimens, and definitely didn't perceive her as a person - barring one scientist who ultimately got killed for their sympathy.
it was only two years, but it was the most dehumanized Tonia has ever been, and a part of her absolutely loathes to return to the state was in during that time.
though it's less because it was a miserable time (which it was, she won't deny that) but more from other associations - the painful experiments and the loss of yet another person who cared about Tonia and died for it.
in any case, the fun (/j /j /j) part of actually getting to apply all This is that - if tonitoni ever gets dumped into another tiny cage, she's going to be howling like a madman and go on an exploding rampage for a while. and if she can't achieve that, she's going to try that anyway until she can't or the futility finally sinks in, in which case her brain is going to automatically put her in the most convenient state for dealing with all of this. which is. the lifeless dissociation state that she spent two years of eternity in.)
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(thonking to myself about how i dont use these two little tidbits of tonitoni hc lore as much as i wish i did owo)
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viric-dreams · 7 months ago
You know what, everyone gets subjected to my headcanon that Sequencers have some of the most unnaturally perfect and blinding teeth, and it's the fault of one particularly overzealous dentist in Zelo's Town with access to technology he has no rights owning in 1899.
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haejinkm · 7 days ago
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Desde   que   vi  HAEJIN   KIM  nos   arredores   de  GREEN   PRAIRIE ,   soube   que   estava   na   presença   de   uma   abençoada   pelos   espíritos   da   floresta !   Aos   30  ANOS ,   talvez   seja   sua  CALMA  que   a   torna   tão   radiante ,   mas   é   sua  TEIMOSIA  que   a   mantém   única…   Além ,   é   claro ,   de   seu   gosto   peculiar:   fiquei   sabendo   que   ela   ama  CHEIRO   DE   TERRA   MOLHADA ,   RITUAIS   ANCESTRAIS ,   E   CANÇÕES   ANTIGAS  e   odeia  TROVÕES ,   DESPERDICIO   DE   ALIMENTOS ,   E   PROMESSAS   QUEBRADAS ,   não   é   especial ?   Espero   vê-la   mais   por   ai ,   mesmo   que   esteja   ocupada   sendo   uma  excelente CURANDEIRA  em  CASA   DAS   ERVAS .     𓇢𓆸     (  bae   joohyun   ◦   mulher   cis   ◦  ela/dela    )
RESUMO   ,   ela   é   nascida   e   criada   em   apple   cove,   sua   família   se   estabeleceu   na   cidade   há   gerações,   e   a   fazenda   rosemary   lands   pertenceu   as   suas   ancestrais   antes   de   ser   sua.   haejin   teve   uma   criação   conectada   a   natureza   e   aos   antigos   conhecimentos   de   cura   transmitidos   por   seus   ancestrais   coreanos,   uma   linhagem   que   valorizava   o   respeito   aos   espíritos   da   floresta   e   aos   segredos   das   plantas.   após   a   morte   de   sua   mãe,   que   era   conhecida   como   uma   sábia   da   comunidade,   a mulher   assumiu   a   "casa   das   ervas,"   a   pequena   loja   de   tratamentos   naturais   que   sua   família   geria.   este   lugar   tornou-se   um   refúgio   para   aqueles   que   buscavam   alívio   e   paz,   oferecendo   remédios   naturais,   chás   e   poções   de   ervas   preparadas   com   precisão   e   carinho.   nos   últimos   anos,   a kim   tem   lutado   para   manter   o estabelecimento   em   funcionamento,   enfrentando   as   dificuldades   financeiras   de   um   negócio   de   nicho   e   o   preconceito   de   algumas   pessoas   que   veem   suas   práticas   como   supersticiosas   ou   ultrapassadas.   ainda   assim,   ela   é   conhecida   por   sua   bondade   e   paciência,   recebendo   a   todos   com   um   olhar   compassivo   e   sempre   buscando   ajudar   com   o   que   sabe.   apesar   de   ser   introspectiva   e   até   um   pouco   solitária,   a   relação   de   hajein   com   os   moradores   é   forte,   e   seu   jeito   calmo   e   sábio   inspira   respeito.   sua   maior   esperança   é   ver   as   pessoas   de   apple   cove   voltando   a   respeitar   e   valorizar   a   natureza   tanto   quanto   ela   valoriza,   para   preservar   o   delicado   equilíbrio   entre   homem   e   floresta.
abaixo   do read   more ,   vocês   vão   encontrar   HEADCANONS   sobre   haejin   kim   ,   além   de   links   para   as   conexões   e   uma   navegação   !
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🧿 além dos itens oferecidos na loja e a grande variedade de tratamentos naturais, a casa das ervas possui em sua propriedade uma pequena biblioteca familiar de receitas e grimórios com instruções de poções, chás e pomadas que a família kim trouxe da coreia. haejin cuida desses livros com muito zelo e estuda cada receita como se fossem tesouros sagrados !
🧿 desde muito pequena, haejin passava mais tempo na natureza do que em casa. ela se encantava com a diversidade de plantas, pedras e pequenos animais, e sua mãe a ensinava a identificar as plantas comestíveis e medicinais da região. por sempre estar no meio da floresta, geralmente descalça e com as unhas cheias de musgo, na infância seu apelido era "menina do mato" !
🧿 todo verão, haejin e sua mãe faziam um pequeno ritual de agradecimento à natureza no início da estação. elas acendiam uma vela, cantavam uma canção e faziam oferendas de flores e frutas em um canto especial da floresta.
🧿 ser vista como “curandeira” causou a si alguns problemas quando era jovem, principalmente quando estava no colegial e seus colegas começavam a escolher carreiras convencionais. haejin passou um longo tempo num impasse entre continuar com a tradição de sua família ou tentar se encaixar no mundo moderno, mas sempre acabava retornando às raízes em que pertence.
🧿 pensou em deixar apple cove para estudar herbologia em uma cidade maior. contudo, o medo de deixar sua mãe e o amor pela cidade e pela floresta a fizeram desistir, e ela escolheu ficar para expandir seus conhecimentos e raízes ali mesmo.
🧿 ao fundar a casa das ervas, as ancestrais de haejin precisaram enfrentar o ceticismo e até mesmo o preconceito de muitos moradores de apple cove, que não confiavam em métodos naturais. alguns até as ridicularizavam, chamando-as de "bruxas" ou desvalorizando o trabalho delas como mera "superstição". com o tempo, as mulheres assumiram o apelido e passaram a considerar a si mesmas como bruxas naturalistas.
🧿 com a rotina intensa e a pressão de cuidar de seus clientes, haejin muitas vezes negligenciava a própria saúde. em algumas épocas, ela chegou ao esgotamento físico e mental, com noites mal dormidas e crises de enxaqueca, o que a obrigou a reconsiderar seus limites.
🧿 a coreana descobriu lugares escondidos na floresta que considera sagrados. ela guarda esses pontos em segredo, onde coleta ervas especiais e até reza para os espíritos, buscando orientação para os remédios que prepara.
🧿 é uma pessoa profundamente conectada à natureza, tem bem estabelecido para si mesma que a sua missão na terra é CUIDAR da natureza e das pessoas e é dessa forma que vive a sua vida. ela é CALMA e SERENA como uma brisa leve de primavera. é EMPÁTICA e COMPASSIVA, sempre pronta a escutar com atenção e a oferecer palavras de conforto. apesar de não deixar transparecer, haejin sente uma grande INSEGURANÇA, principalmente sobre o real impacto do seu trabalho. sua TEIMOSIA, a impulsiona a prosseguir mesmo em face do ceticismo. RESERVADA, muitos se questionam sobre como a mulher lida com a sua própria SOLIDÃO.  
🧿 navegação !
🧿 conexões !
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baronaliswritingcorner · 3 months ago
Tales of Symphonia Stray Thoughts #11: Meltokio Sewer/Sybak Again/Gaoracchia Forest
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-Zelos: ..."Well, in the end, we're of the same lot, really.
Genis: What do you mean?
Zelos: No one wanted us to be born."
There's so much to be said here. Despite having a hand in every faction, Zelos is clearly apathetic in whoever's the winning side so long as they serve his interests -- enough to even swallow his own prejudices. Cynicism born from four millennia-long theocracies will do that to you.
-Those knights at the gate are real bros.
-“I used these to sneak back home.”
...hmm, but Meltokio's a gated community. Where was he sneaking back from? I know we all use our headcanons to imaigne towns and inns populated across the landscape, but "sex clubs littered across Tethe'alla" is territory I'd rather not traverse.
-Colette stop casting judgement on those snakes. they're snakes. save that tp.
Also listen to those low-quality hissing effects HISSISHSISHSISSHSISHISS
-“…I guess so.” Isn’t a very Presea line.
-“Now I can do this and that without anyone finding out it’s me…”
Sexual harassment! Also another one of those weird vague, low-context lines they don't bother cleaning up for silent dialogue.
-man it sure is convenient how those spider webs keep popping up just in time to help solve the block puzzle huh gang
-sneaking into the mouse holes while you're tiny is a clever gimmick but uh
who's stuffing these weapons into tiny bags and shoving them into mouse holes
-That shot with the group's feet is good. Tales of Symphonia is hardly known for its chorography, but there's some good shots now and then.
-Any digs at Zelloyd aside, Zelos’s queer-coding is pretty, well, evident. You got the pink outfit, Masaya Onosaka's flamboyant performance in the JP version, annnnnd him randomly hugging Lloyd at random intervals (As seen here.)
Combined with all the women hungry for his status and good looks, and you got a classic recipe for repressed homosexuality. Not exactly a wonder that's Symphonia's most popular boy's love pairing.
-Regal’s theme is gooooooooood. Listen to that sax. Damn!
-Love how nonchalant Sebastian is about everything -- guy just doesn't give a fuq his master's wanted. Almost like that's not the first time. (Hmm...)
I channeled this quality for my Colloyd Week 2024 fic to fun results.
-Speaking of queer-coding, “bud” is good localization for “hunny.”
-"You’re pr-pr-pretty." is peak relatable. Poor Genis!
Well, then again, I guess most of us haven't tried to put the moves on victims of Exsphere parasitism.
-This is where the game does this weird habit of pointless gags/scenes with Colette, although her crickking her neck in her sleep's pretty funny.
-Man-made summon spirits…geez don’t tell me they ended with up eldritch FMA abominations lol. "Shee...na..."
-Geez, the half-elves're stuck down there too. There’s a door in the side of the lobby – at least they have beds there, right? Right? Racist bastards.
-“I thought Kuchinawa had talked to you about it, but I guess he didn’t.”
lol don’t tell me he tried to steal the freakin' EC
-Okay wait did he lock the gate at the bridge too lol that’s like the pettiest plan ever. “Yeah this’ll stop them!”
-“Are those decoration things Exspheres?”
how do these things even work. Are they like containers or something. namco pls
-Raine says the EC was a land vehicle but I dunno how that could be anything but a boat. Sheena and Zelos complain about it too but, I dunno, it looks like
-So do wing packs work like hoipoi capsules in Dragon Ball? At any rate, love the Sylvarant teen trio losing their minds over it. Such child-like innocence.
-I've mentioned before how the HD ports remove ellipses, but Presea's "...Professor?" here has the "professor" removed as opposed to said ellipses. Weird.
-The EC music is so purty. Trying to remember why I’d always get stuck here though since the port’s straight ahead LOL
-So you know those optional cutscenes where Kratos's travelling around Tethe'alla to find ingredients for the Eternal Ring? I know I've seen the Ozette one numerous times before, but while the script/descriptions for the others sound familiar, I'm not sure I ever watched them in-game? Hmm.
Anyway, uh, interesting they just had a broken machine from the Ancient War lying around the academy.
-“It seems monsters existed in the prehistoric era too”
yo then why’d you imply cruxis made them
The guy’s second line here references criminals – I could’ve found out more if I talked to him sooner. I'm dying for some lore here, man!
-“Was the warrant put out for you because you were using strange chemicals?”
-“Don’t misunderstand me. I’m talking about rune bottles.”
-“It’s not a mistake for humans, who are unable to use magic, to pursue magitechnology.”
This guy repeating history aside, they never explicitly mention magic works in the main story, do they? As in, the whole "Kratos and Zelos can only use magic thanks to Aionis" deal. You'd thiiiiiiiiiiiink that'd catch attention sooner.
“If we capture some of the monsters that have reappeared and force them to continuously use magic, we may be able to confirm the effects of pushing the limits of magic-usage”
-Zelos: "Hello, hunny."
Girl: “Hehe, here you go.” GIVES ME EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS.
...y'know, as fun as this gag is, I wonder if it's aged well, lol.
-The Gaoracchia Forest opens with...Colette apologizing for being too cheery. Um, okay.
-“Zelos, you are in the way of the pope.”
“Heh, I’ve known that since I was a kid.”
Hmm, how so? I demand to know the history here.
I could discuss Tales of Symphonia's enemy variety, but I know some of you are curious about this particular baddie following my Colloyd Week fic -- as it happens, I never had any particular affinity for them until recently when @frayed-symphony's illustration of all the Gaoracchia Forest monsters was reposted before Colloyd Week.
Somehow, my eyes fell upon the Boxer Iris with its big weepy eyeball and bulbous boppers and I just went, "...you know, that's a really fun enemy design. I gotta use that critter somehow." How that morphed into "non-verbal mugger", I dunno, but it became one of my favorite details. Now I feel kinda bad slicing it up.
Anyway, she's now living happily with Fred in one of those thorn bushes, I'm sure. They'll be back.
-Ugh I swear shining the light on those bushes drives me crazy. Y'all know what I'm talking about? why you gotta come at them from different direction
-Colette’s one-armed strength…is that how angelic senses work? Housework must be a breeze for her -- imagine her just lifting furniture around. There's a fic here!
-Ya’ll, have I ever mentioned how much I love the Recover/Resurrection sound. So heavenly. Mmm.
...Oh yeah, I didn't discuss any of the Presea and Regal stuff, huh? We'll get to that next time. Lots of ground to cover.
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nectaric · 10 months ago
choose ten moments within your muses' life - moments that have impacted them the most - and explain why. moments can be good, bad, or both. tagging: @ichoric / @aetheryic, @singofus @kallistcs @brokenbow @seekesotsibteadmist @triickst @intothewildsea @madefate @championsofthegate @asoulunbound @heartheaded and you!
10.  first spring without persephone.  this was when it truly sunk in just how much he had messed things up.  it was a period of immense reflection, and guilt, and introspection. hades thought he knew what it was to be lonely before, but this was so much worse.  he realized how bad he fucked up, basically, and it impacted his future treatment of persephone significantly.
9.  being swallowed.  being consumed by your own father and spending your formative years in darkness and bile is pretty shitty, and its left him with some pretty serious issues, fears, and opinions on fatherhood.  however, the reason this is so high up on the list is simply because of the distance between hades and this event.  it was difficult, but compared to a lot of things that have come after, its… child’s play.
8.  early relationships.  some of the first relationships hades ever had (pre-persephone, of course) were pretty significant, and shaped his entire view of love and romance.  though there’s no proof, obviously, i’ve always headcanoned a lot of “non-canon” relationships during the titanomachy.  and one of those is the relationship i’ve imagined hades had with zelos during the war, which started out fairly innocent but turned out to be exploitative and unhealthy. hades was in a very vulnerable space and zelos, intentionally or not, took advantage of him, which really did not help hades’ already fragile sense of self.  then there was demeter, who in my headcanon was a very positive relationship for him, one that helped to heal his perception of love, sex, and himself a little bit.  after the war was leuce, who despite holding hades’ attention and affection, was not meant to be. i don’t think hades was at all ready for a relationship and therefore leuce did not work out.
7.  inheriting the underworld.  i don’t think hades was upset about this assignment, because he had always preferred the dark and quickly realized just how much he disliked the politics of olympus. but he wasn’t particularly thrilled either, and venturing into a massive realm, an unruly realm, and trying to make order of it was exciting, but also difficult and isolating.  and it is what solidified him as this deity to be feared, not loved.
6.  titans 2 (or 3?):  so this existed purely in the world of roleplay w/ @ ichoric but it has been no less significant on my hades.  he watched his family die, felt their souls ripped away from the world of the living.  he was forced into exile, spent weeks tracking down his missing children, running himself ragged.  for the first time since his youth, he was in full blown war again, which dredged up a lot of old horrors.  the only good that came from this was the rekindling of old relationships, wounds being closed -- particularly with his siblings, nieces, and nephews.
5.  getting sober.  i think this is one that takes time for hades to come to grips with and fully recognize its impact.  he knew how his drinking affected him and his family, and it’s part of his motivation for actually getting sober, but it’s not until he’s sober for a while that he realizes how much better they’re all doing and how much more enjoyable his life is, and generally how much healthier he is.  despite the pain he was trying to cover up, he feels happier more often.  food tastes better, he sleeps better, sex is better, everything is just so much better and he never believed it could be, but here it is and he’s so grateful for it.
4.  the titanomachy.  fairly obvious, here, but no less significant.  he emerged from the darkness and was thrown into a ten year long war, with no skills, no safety.  it was long and brutal and took so much adaptation that it left him with a lot of issues.  he was physically injured, abused, manipulated, and left in fear during this time - but he also got to meet his family, make friends, and transition too.  so it was a very significant period of time, in good and bad ways.
3.  the birth of his children.  its kind of hard to rank any one of them higher than the other, so i’m meshing them together.  its also hard to compare these to the one below, so imagine that these two are sort of all meshed together.  but he adored his children.  he never thought he would get to be a father, but then there his children were.  he cherished them.  he loved being a father.  he still does, i should add.  but in that moment, he was content.  every time one of them was born, he felt more complete.  and then disaster struck :)
2.  marrying persephone.  aside from the chaos this also created and the sheer impact it had on the world around them, marrying persephone is also the source of almost all things good in his life.  he adores his wife, grew with his wife, had beautiful children with her.  the only reason i put this above the last one is because he couldn’t have the kids without her, so… i guess this wins out.
1.  the death of zagreus.  this completely threw his entire world into chaos, broke his spirit and tore apart his family, and hades was never the same again after this happened. everything up to this point has been quite impactful, but nothing so much as this. i’ve talked a lot about how zagreus’ death affected him, so i won’t elaborate too much, but there is no denying how much this changed his life and perspective.
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crush3dmary · 3 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Oh, hey, thank you! I'm always down to hand out recs, my own stuff or otherwise! Not sure when I'll get around to passing it on though as I'm very busy at the moment with Luisa's visit and all, but I'll tag anyone who wants to do this!
For Yugioh:
Philosophy of a Knife This one's the obvious one, probably my magnum opus that combines my best prose, introspection, characterization, and storytelling all in one. If you can stomach the heavy violence and some sexual content of a more dubious nature, my "Bakura wins" Ryou corruption arc is for you.
Phantom Pains (ft. @koutone) My collab with Luisa deserves a spot here too, where we analyze Marik's changing mindset pre, during, and post canon. We both went off with this one, some of our best work respectively is in this fic!
For Tales:
Weltschmerz series Technically two fics, but they're within the same universe and play off of one another. A role-reversal Symphonia AU where Tethe'alla is in decline and Zelos must go on the journey of regeneration. In the second part of this series, it turns into a completely new story.
Ice Palace One of my first fics, and still one of my best, IMO. A study of the Wilder family lineage that compiles all my Zelos headcanons into one. To quote my wife, who still insists this is her favourite of mine, "every other line is a nuclear bomb".
chiaroscuro For a Crestoria rec, it was a hard toss up between this one and Darling Lagomorph (which is recommended reading to get a gauge on my Aegis headcanons anyways, but everyone and their dog has read that one by now) this was something I wrote for cresty week 2022 that I still really love. An analysis of Misella and Aegis' parallels, and writing this and getting inside Misella's head made me just fall in love with her!
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ilikerpgs · 1 year ago
A small Tales of Symphonia fanfic about one last talk between the main characters, right before they split paths and pursue new objectives. (with Zelos as 1st person narrator lol)
Mostly based on the game ending, but also inspired by the anime and manga versions, with a bit of sprinkled headcanon.
/// Summary: Sylvarant and Tethe'alla are united once again and a new World Tree is born. Lloyd and Colette rejoins the group bringing the news about the Summon Spirit Martel and the promise they made. Before anything else, though, the exhaustion of the recent events finally catches up to the party and they choose to have a quick rest before saying their goodbyes.
I betrayed them. Pronyma took Colette with her, leaving me behind to fight. Of course, I lost. I knew I would lose. I end up in Lloyd's arms, somehow. Eh, how embarassing. I get to have one last look on everyone, at least. But something surprises me; they don't look disappointed, nor disgusted, not even angry. They're sad. Sheding tears for someone like me? Heh. That's just like them. Slowly, the world fades around me. Then, I wake up. It's late afternoon, the last of sunrays arriving at our camp. Oh, right. We just saved the world or something, huh? I sit up and find that I'm not the only one who fell asleep. Lloyd is snoring without a worry in the world. Colette is next to him, looking like a resting angel. Then, there's Genis, who looks like he cried himself to sleep. And Raine is right beside him, with an arm over him. Sibling love... Over there there's Sheena and Presea, leaning on a tree. Maybe they fell asleep while talking? How cute! And finally there's Regal, sleeping while sitting down, judging me-
"So you are awake, Chosen."
"So are you. Standing guard, I presume?" He nods. "Man, you never take a break, do you?"
"I can't really rest when the end of our journey isn't here just yet. We're about to face new ordeals along with the consequences of the world unification, after all."
"No! Don't remind me of it, please. I lend a hand to you guys only to find more trouble! I just had enough of that reponsability stuff!!"
"Oh, shut up, idiot chosen! I can't sleep with that annoying yapping of yours!" Sheena joins in, as delicate as ever. I can't help but smile back to her.
"You just can't ignore this sweet voice of mine, is that what you're saying?" I evade a surprise seal attack. Regal is unfazed by our exchange.
"I understand being the chosen must have been a burden as much as a benefit. But now that mana flows equally to both lands and the world regenaration cycle was broken, your title may as well change its meaning." Regal says as he brings his hand to his chin. "Perhaps it's your chance to forge your own path."
"Who knows. Despite everything, being 'The Chosen One' has its charm." I quickly change subjects. "When are you going to get rid of those, by the way?" I mimic his handcuffed arms pose. He seems to find it amusing enough to smirk.
"When the time comes."
"But we defeated Cruxis, right?" Ah, Presea must have awakened with all the commotion. "You- we fulfilled our promise to Alicia."
Regal shakes his head. "Not completely. I still have to do my share to free the world of the Exspheres for good. I'm sure my position will be of great value to aid Lloyd's quest of doing so."
"Still, you don't need these anymore, really." Sheena says as she stands up and approaches Regal. She rests her hands on her hips. "I mean, isn't about time for you to turn the page?"
"I agree with Sheena. After everything we passed through, we're all going to start over somehow."
"Listen to the ladies, Regal. They're concerned about you~"
Regal sighs. "So all of you believe I should let go of the past."
Sheena ruffles her hair, probably trying to find the right words. "It's less about forgetting the past and more about looking foward the future, you know?"
"You had enough punishment." Regal lift his eyes to Presea as she speaks. "Free yourself at once so you can start paying for your mistakes properly." Regals looks pensive for a moment.
After a deep breath, he clenches his fists and *clank!* Moving his arm in opposite directions, he breaks the handcuffs like it's nothing. What the heck.
"Woah!" Sheena eyes widen. "I was thinking of asking Lloyd to lockpick it for you, but that works too." She starts laughing.
"That was impressive." Presea soft expression says otherwise, but we know she meant it.
Someone starts clapping. "You're amazing, Regal!" Colette has also awaken, just in time for the show.
"There's nothing amazing about it." Regal blushes with all the attention. A rather funny contrast, a man of his build to act so bashful.
"Ah~ Is anyone else hungry?" Colette stands up and starts walking towards us. "I was thinking of making some snacks-" Presea tries to warn her right away. "Colette, look out!" Too late- she trips on Genis and falls over him and Raine. A sequence of surprised and painful interjections ensues.
"I'm sorry!!" she squeaks. I quickly move to give her a hand.
"Are you okay, Colette-dear? What about you, Raine-hun?"
"I'm great, thanks." Genis answers instead.
"Yes, I'm sure you are." I get a mean-look in return. I shrug and he rolls out his eyes, only for them to meet with Presea's, who was right next to him. He drops back.
"Did I scare you?" She tilts her head.
"N-not at all! Aha- ahaha!" She extends her hand to help him stand, which he hesitates to accept for a second. Oh, c'mon, Genis! She cartoonishly lifts him back to his feet. "T-thanks." He brushes the dirt from his pants and looks around. "Is everyone up?"
"Almost." Raine points at Lloyd, fast asleep, totally unaware of his surroundings.
"Leave it to me!" I say as I raise my hand. I crouch next to him. He's drooling. Can you believe it? He's the guy who can lift anyone's spirit, who endured some crazy journey of trial and error and choose to follow a rocky path with a smile in the face...
"What are going to do?" Colette asks in antecipation.
"Shh!" I reply to her, playfully making a gesture asking for silence.
Anyway, everyone's up, it's about time he join us too. I pinch his nose with my thumb and index finger. One, two, three... He opens his eyes and get up away too fast, our foreheads meet. Ouch!! Okay, I guess I deserved it.
"Uugh! Zelos, what are you doing!?" Everyone bursts in different degrees of laugh.
"Is your head made of iron or what? Ah, my pretty face..." I rub my forehead.
"Hmm? It's already getting dark."
"Hey, bud, how about we go to a town and get some decent rest?"
"You're forgetting a tiny detail. Now that the worlds merged, don't you think the geography may be a tad different?" Sheena has a point. "Who knows how much it changed."
"Hopefully not too much." Wishful thinking, I know.
"We can use the rheairds to scout the area around and see if there's any villages near us."
"Okay, I'll go with you! If we need to, I can use Luna to light our path back!" Raine nods in response. "Stay safe, everyone, we'll be back soon."
"I'll gather firewood before it's get too dark."
"I'll go with you, Presea!"
Genis and Presea also leave us.
"Eeh, I guess we'll end up camping tonight, after all." I let out a sigh. I'm not very thrilled with the idea. To be honest, I wish I could just arrive home and drop on my bed. Maybe sleep for a week or two. Now that's a plan.
"Then I'll start doing the snacks!" Colette on other hand looks very excited. She interrupts my daydreaming. "Can you give me a hand, Zelos?"
"So you recognize my cooking talents, dear Colette?!"
"Hm! I would love if you helped me with the tea. You always make it so tasty!"
"You know, I think it wouldn't hurt to start planning dinner too." Lloyd joins the cooking party.
"Let's organize our stash and see what else we can cook for everyone."
"Oh? Our star chef, duke Bryant, will also help?"
"S-star chef?"
"Zelos is right, your cooking skills are something else! But you still can't beat up Genis' skills." What a loyal friend.
"Alright, let's get started!"
On Colette's command, each one of us started doing what we did best in cuisine. Which means my duty was to brew some tea. It doesn't sounds like much, does it? But, you see, a life of luxury will make one lazy. If I wanted tea, I could just order someone to bring it to me in a silver plate and a fancy cup. I only ever lifted a finger when there was no choice. Anything I considered trivial was out of my mind.
It's kinda of a lame way of life, isn't it?
"Lloyd! Look! Look!!" Colette points out at the opposite side of the sunset, in awe. "It's 'Tethe'alla' and... Sylvarant?"
Look at that, indeed. We have two moons now!
"After the Derris-Kharlan mess, that's a more welcome addition to the sky, isn't it?" You bet, Lloyd. It feels like it was only yesterday. Except the comet was still there earlier today. Menacingly haging over our heads. Yeah. I really need a vacation after all of this.
"It's a beautiful view." Fitting comment, Regal always striked me as a romantic.
We go back to the current task at hand: dinner. As we are entertained with the meal preparation, time slipped by. Presea and Genis are back. I was expecting either Presea bringing back a entire tree trunk or Genis carrying more weight than he should to impress her; but my comical imagination was betrayed by a more grounded scene of them holding just a bunch of twigs and sticks each. I still have to hold my laugh and hope no one notices.
"Welcome back!" Colette cheerfully greets them.
"Raine and Sheena aren't back yet?"
"No, not yet." Lloyd offers them fruit sandwiches in handkerchiefs. "I'm sure they won't mind if we start ahead!"
"Isn't better to wait for them?" Colette doesn't fully approve eating without everything reunited, even though she seems the one who was most antecipating the sweets.
That's just how she is. She cares too much about the others, and that's something I learned as soon as she got her voice back. At first, I attributed her nature to the fact she's the Chosen. But so I am. We held the same fate, yet we were opposites. This certainly made me a little bitter. Was it jealousy? Was I jealous of how dedicated to her role she was, how she never complained? How she was so strong and so selfless? I was wrong, though. She was afraid and struggled with her destiny too. What made her endure all of it was her love. The love for her family, for her friends, for her world... She thought it was worth it. That's what she told me. And because she wasn't alone, she also started to fight for her own sake too.
Instead of jealousy, I came to admire her.
"The tea will get cold." I hand over a cup to Colette, who end up accepting it. "They'll be here soon, I'm sure."
"Oh, are you worried about them, Colette? Raine is cautious and has a good direction sense, they'll be fine! Now, if it was Lloyd and Sheena instead, I would be worried too."
"What was that!?" Lloyd ruffles Genis' hair in response.
"Nooo~! Stop it!" Free again, he starts tyding up his hair back to its original state. "I mean, you two are kinda alike, so..."
"Hey, now that's going too far! Sheena isn't even here to defend herself." I agree with Genis, but standing up for a woman is a gentleman's job. Lloyd doesn't take it too well and sends me a threating stare. Oh, no, not my hair!
Fortunately, I'm saved by the bell- we can hear the rheairds' engine sound getting closer and a light shortening its distance from us. The girls are back!
Sheena give us a quick report.
"We found an area very similar to the outskirsts of Mizuho to the north! But since it's dark already, we decided to come back before exploring any further. We should go that direction first thing tomorrow."
"Oh, you guys made dinner already? If I knew I would have come sooner to help." Says the person who can mess up frying an egg in the most creative ways possible. Which is very intriguing. Raine is a very mature and rational woman, but even her has her quirks.
Well, hanging out with everyone for so long, it was bound to happen that I would start seeing more facets than any person usually shows. I spent a lot of time observing. I did join them as a spy, to begin with. To think I had no intention of getting too involved or anything. And now... We're all friends! The irony.
Or maybe I'm getting too ahead of myself. Not too many hours ago I was this close to ditch everyone. I'm sure they haven't fully forgiven me just yet (as they should).
Then what am I doing sharing a warm meal with everyone?
"Say, now that we have settled with the most urgent business... What are you guys doing next?" Everyone looks at each other, waiting to see who will answer Sheena first.
"I'll go to Meltokyo to meet up with His Majesty." I start, because why not. "We have lots of thing to talk over, after all."
"I have to get ready for my next journey! But before that I'll pay a visit to dad and K-" Lloyd chokes up in the middle of the sentence.
"Lloyd, are you okay?!" Colette rubs his back.
"Don't eat and talk at the same time!" Genis seems to be familiar with the scene.
"Ahem! I want to get rid of the Exspheres and I don't know how long that'll take, so the sooner I start, the better!"
"You're always so restless. But I feel the same. I'll go back to Iselia for a while to plan my trip with Genis. The world may look different now, but there still many things that need to be changed."
"Raine..." Genis plays a bit with his food, lost in thought.
"I'll go with Lloyd!" Colette and Lloyd smile to each other. It looks like something they decided beforehand. Look at them, it's like they live in their own little world.
"I want to go too!" Oh? "Let me accompany you, Lloyd!"
"Of course, Genis!"
"I expected you would want to go along with them." Genis opens his mouth to say something, but Raine continues. "There's no rush for us, just do what you think you need to do."
"Right! Thank you, Raine!"
"And since you three will be absent for who knows how long, I'll prepare some material for your studies in the way."
"Say what!? Professor, we still get homework!?"
"Lloyd, you should know by now I won't let you education to go unfinished! It's my duty as your teacher to see you with the basic knowledge fully covered!"
Lloyd just sighs, his two childhood friends patting his back in solidarity.
"...I intend to take up the reins of the Lazareno company once again and set things straight as soon as I can."
"I also have some work to do back in Mizuho. But hey, now we all live in the same world, we can still visit each other anytime!"
"...I wonder what I should do." Presea whispers. Aw, man. That's right. Out of everyone here, she's the only one who really has nothing to return to. Even though I don't have a "home" either, I still have a place to go back. And I have my sister, even if she doesn't want anything to do with me. Or at least that's what I wanted to believe. Well, being a Chosen won't matter soon enough and she'll be free. Might as well give her a tour of the outside world...
"Presea, would you like to come to Altamira with me?"
"Ah! Well, I..."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to impose. I only believe that this is the least I can do for you, even if it's just a temporary alternative."
"To be honest, I don't know what I'm supposed to do."
"Then try thinking from another angle. What do you want to do, Presea?"
She ponders for a few seconds. She can choose now. Maybe this fact still didn't fully come to her.
"I see. There's many things I want to do, actually. The first thing I want to do is to visit Alicia to let her know of everything that we went through and that will continue moving foward. I also wish to rebuild Ozette in the future, this time to be a village that welcomes anyone, humans, elfs and half-elfs alike. And if possible, I want to help with the Exspheres issue too."
"There you go. There's a long way to achieve some of these goals, but you have all the time in the world now."
"Yes, I do. I'll accept your offer, then. Thank you."
"Just do things at your own pace and you'll be fine!"
"That's a very you advice, Lloyd." Genis teases.
"Is that so? Haha!"
"I don't think that was a compliment." Sheena read my thoughts.
"You can count on us, Presea!" Genis cheers her up.
"You're not alone anymore." Collete adds as she grabs both Presea's hands, like an assurance of her presence.
"If you ever get tired of the old Duke Bryant, feel free to drop by my house, okay?"
"Really? You really are hopeless."
"C'mon, don't twist my intentions, Sheeeenaaa!"
"Thank you all, truly." Presea gives us her beautiful smile.
Now, that's a good question. What I want to do. What I want still hasn't changed, I think.
"Okay, whose turn is it to wash the dishes again? Zeeelos?" Ack! Is that the brat's way of punishment for before?
"I'll help too!"
"Colette! ♥"
"Don't spoil him, Colette." You don't spoil the moment, Lloyd!
"It's okay, I'm not tired."
"Fine! It'll be faster if I give hand too, right?"
"You guys are making me look bad..." Genis joins the cleaning in the end.
"Aw, all the kids are volunteering." Raine, you're just one year older the me...!
Before I know it, the service is done, and we're all ready to take a long nap. Or so I thought. I find myself stargazing. I often did it back home too. I would slip out of the bed in the middle of the night and go up on the roof. Being surrounded by the night sky makes me feel small. At times like this, I would just embrace the void, but my mind is too busy to wander.
Out little adventure is over now. Everyone has set to do something, now there's only me left to decide. I could just go back to my life. All my hunnies must miss me so much~ They're probably lonely without me. Yeah, right. Ha ha!
I get it now.
I'll miss them. I'll feel lonely without them.
It can't be helped, though, our little group will soon be disbanded. What should I do now? Maybe I could mirror Regal and Sheena, and put my status to use. Maybe I could do like Raine and Presea, and take my time to plan out my next steps. Maybe I could go right back to action like Lloyd, Colette and Genis. Or maybe I should be more original. Whatever I do, it'll be what I want to do. That sounds good enough.
I close my eyes.
Slowly, the world fades around me.
Lloyd gives his dad, Dirk, one final hug before leaving home. He has already given his farewell to his father and mother beforehand, each one now existing in their own unreachable distances.
Right next to the exit, Colette and Genis are waiting for him under a tree shade, with their rucksacks and bags all ready for the trip.
"'Morning, guys! Are you ready?"
Two figures appear from behind, whispering a gentle "boo" in unison. Lloyd lets a shriek out of surprise. He quickly turns around.
"Hey, bud! We're all ready to hit the road!"
"You really didn't notice us? Well, I'm ninja, but still..."
"Z-Zelos and Sheena?!" Colette and Genis just giggle- they were already aware of their presence. "What are YOU doing here?"
"Well, you see... We're here on behalf of the king, as messengers from Tethe'alla. Rejoice in the presence of the Great Chosen One and the Gorgeous Chief of Mizuho!"
Sheena hits Zelos with her elbow. He bends a little from the pain.
"You'll go around all over the globe and stuff, yeah? That works perfectly for us."
"So we are travelling together again...!"
"For the time being, yep. But don't get too used to it, or else when we do separate our ways, I'll cry."
"You, crying?" Lloyd looks perplexed.
"Of relief, of course." Zelos smirks. Lloyd chases Zelos around.
"Good to see they're so full of energy." Sheena sighs.
"And here I thought we would have a peaceful trip." Genis shakes his head.
Colette thinks back to when she started the Journey of Regeneration. This is different. It won't be easy either, but she's not worried. Her heart feels light and more hopeful then ever.
The friends set out to their new adventure.
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pastel-archived · 1 year ago
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◌・❀➵ So I'm active for the night which means I can make this long and dedicated post but some headcanons regarding to angels within the context of Symphonia
◌・❀➵ First and foremost, let's get the obvious out of the way. Angels are not a higher power or separate entity. In fact they have been called countless things (Fae, Zombie, Fairy, Angel, etc). Angels/Seraphim being the most popular due to Cruxis.
◌・❀➵ I've had this argument in the past, but CRUXIS did not invent the Cruxis Crystal, they named it after their organization, and it like "angels" has been called by many names. Exspheres are naturally occurring, however, personally I believe they do require lifeforce to awaken their potential.
◌・❀➵ Becoming an angel is something that is intentional, you cannot become an angel without consenting to it. (There is a line in the manga referring to this). Why someone chooses to become an angel is by a case by case thing. For Mana it was to be healthy and for Sunny it was a desperate plea for the pain and fear to go away.
◌・❀➵ We know angels aren't fully in control of themselves and most lose all of the things that make them "alive" (hence being called inorganic beings/zombies). Angels with better control of their own mana and with strong wills are able to blend in and seem lively although they still don't require food or sleep. Since they aren't "alive" I headcanon that they lack a proper heartbeat.
◌・❀➵ Your innate mana signature determines your wing color! Wing color doesn't pose any significant ability or things of that nature. However, their wings can say something about them. Mana (even Colette and Mithos in a regard) means one who has unconditional love for someone/something. Yellow/orange spirtually meaning luck but ending up with people who view their lives as unlucky only to have that turned on its head fits both Sun and Zelos. And while I have no blue winged angels, blue spiritually means tons of things, it can mean wisdom, peace/tranquility, to confidence. I can and will assign ur muse angel wing colors if you message me js.
◌・❀➵ Although, it may seem lovely to be angel with heightened senses and strength. With the lack of an internal clock "lifespan" angels are often the loneliest people you'll come across. This rings true for even the fledgling chosen ones, they know they will be a sacrifice so finding any meaningful relationships may come as a waste. It's terrifying to stay the same age while the people you love and adore die before you. Which is often while they are okay with giving up all their senses and becoming the lifeless beings Mithos desired. Not all the angels of Cruxis were devote Martel worshippers, they could have easily come from different backgrounds and we'd have no such way of knowing.
◌・❀➵ As this has been a long one tune in next time for Cruxis Crystal Sentiences, a field guide!
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mannatea · 1 year ago
The World Could Be Beautiful, a Tales of Symphonia ‘fic (Chapter 5)
Word Count: 25,224 Summary: After a chance encounter in Izoold, Raine and Regal both get a lot more than they bargained for. (A one-night stand 'fic with consequences.) Chapter Summary: Regal announces his marriage! And it's their wedding night. Pairing/Characters: Regal/Raine, Genis, George, and assorted OCs as the story requires. Lloyd, Colette, and Zelos all show up later. Warnings: Blanket warnings for the entire fic: pregnancy (and all that comes with it), discussion/mention of abortion, power imbalance, fantasy racism. Rating: Explicit. (No sex in this chapter.) Genre: Romance/angst/bumbling through an awkward and frankly frightening situation.
The title is the link to Ao3 for Chapter 5!
Notes under a cut. (Read after the chapter.)
What can I say? I stand by the fact that if George was not thrilled with Alicia, who was poor and human, he would be very unhappy about Raine. That said, you can't really blame the man for being suspicious.
There was a period of time where wealthy people went on post-wedding "tours" and sometimes these were called "holidays." Historically "honeymoons" were pretty long affairs. I like the idea of the tradition existing in both worlds but managing to feel different. In Tethe'alla, it's something only wealthy people do because it involves not needing to work for weeks if not months. Since a lot of these marriages are arranged or for convenience, this time frame lets the couple get to know one another in a more private sense (vs. in front of all the staff of their home).
In Sylvarant, it's more about having time to get to know your spouse/spend time together/kickstart reproduction lol. The better off people do usually use this time to go somewhere fun, but that's considered a luxury. Raine actually uses the term "honeymoon" in-game (Lloyd + Raine, Altamira's hotel scene: she says the room seems like a honeymoon suite). What's truly interesting is that the hotel doesn't...advertise it that way. (Hence my dumb headcanon.)
Dreaming of your wedding day... Yeah, not everyone does this, but I think a lot of people do at least idly wonder about it or have an idea of what they expect/want for it.
I didn't drag this conversation out because Regal's too smart and I don't think he'd pry about this, but Raine never let herself think about what her eventual wedding day would be like because she didn't think she'd have one anytime soon (not as long as she was pretending to be an elf, anyway).
I like the idea that Raine is a gifted writer. I feel like in-game that information alone makes her fan-club make a lot more sense. Just imagine she's published a few papers on research in the last five years.
She's also on occasion a bit more expressive in writing. It feels safer and is therefore easier for her. In this case, she'd prefer to be more honest with Genis but she's paranoid that her letter could be read and she can't afford rumors right now..so it's time to lie (and hope he Sees Through It).
Also the bit about how she feels like she could lie straight-faced to Zelos or Sheena. This just fills me with the desire to write a fake dating scenario where they do have to lie to one or both of them, because it would be hilarious. Zelos in particular would be hard to convince HAHAHAHA.
Rings in Tethe'alla being traditional is something I've used before. I just imagine with Sylvarant being so poor they have other traditions that make more logical/financial sense in different areas of the world (wearing a certain color, wearing their hair up, whatever).
WEDDING NIGHT. Poor Raine can't focus on her book with this on her mind. I didn't want to give off the impression that she was anxious about it, or even nervous, because she's had sex with him before. If he expected it now she would agree to it because it's their wedding night. She's mostly just feeling uncertain/shy about it. They both said they didn't think about it too often, but this is a special circumstance and they didn't discuss it.
As to Regal's real reasoning for why he's not insisting on sex on his wedding night (other than the fact that he's just straight-up not a jackass): it's a combination of things. He doesn't want to push her, he doesn't care that much, he really just wants to have what he feels he missed out on when they hooked up in Izoold, and frankly if there was a bigger expectation of it placed on him for something this personal/intimate I think he'd struggle with it.
Also, Raine thinks she's not a romantic but sometimes she does say weirdly romantic things. Telling a man who suffered crushing guilt for almost a decade over how his hands were tools of violence that you're "in good hands" GIRL PLEASE. Also saying his birthday matters to her because it's the day her husband was born??? RAINE.
Regal "There Can Only Be One Romantic" Bryant eats this shit up. He's so stupid I love him.
Also, that boyfriend? Don't forget him. (:
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iirvings · 1 year ago
basic headcanons for the main symphonia party in the genshin universe; these will be what I go by but I will defer to rp partners if their hcs differ.
Lloyd: Mondstadtian, with direct lineage to Khaenri'ah on his father's side; Raised in Springfield with Colette and Genis; Pyro DPS; Sword
Colette: Mondstadtian/Fontainer, working with the Church of Barbatos; Dendro Support/Battery; Catalyst
Zelos: Fontainer, working with the fatui, perhaps, as an informant; Electro DPS; Sword; Possible Delusion holder?
Genis: Fontainer, living in Springfield; Studying to apply for the Academia; Cryo Support; Catalyst
Raine: Fontainer, living in Springfield; Hydro Shielder/Healer; Polearm
Kratos: Immortal Khaenri'ahn, working as a mercenary; possible ties to the fatui, though how old these ties are is anyone's guess; curse marks on his back in the vague shape of wings; Unknown if vision holder :)))))); Sword
Regal: Sumerite, though he runs his business in Fontaine; Hydro Sub-DPS/Shielder; Catalyst
Presea: Snezhnayan, one of the fatui's test subjects until she managed to escape; Geo Sub-DPS; Claymore
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glimmerofheaven · 1 year ago
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You can call me B! I'm an adult (late-ish 20's) Selfshipper Consider this my personal / writing blog. This blog will contain reblogs too. My main fandom is the Tales of Series, but I have other fandoms too. Other fandoms I'd like to write for: CSM, LOZ, Persona, many Nintendo franchises... I'll add more later on I'm sure. Kinda shy, but I'd like to meet new friends especially other self shippers. As for writing I'll mostly be writing headcanons, but maybe eventually will get to writing ficlets too. Basic DNI: DNI racists, exclusionists, hateful or -phobic people. I don't like getting involved in any 'shipping' wars or discourse. No pro-ship or antis here either. Don't involve me in any drama.
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Romantic F/Os: Raven (ToV) Jade (TotA) Hassel (Pokemon S/V)
Platonic F/Os: So many... so, so many. Pretty much most tales characters are my friends.
Crushes: Eizen (ToB) Zelos (ToZ) Duke (ToV) Flynn (ToV) Jacq (Pokemon S/V)
Kins: Judith (ToV) Kobeni (CSM) Magilou (ToB)
Sharing F/O's is fine with me!
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ciryze · 2 years ago
It's me, hurrying to send you Tales of Symphonia! 🤍
Aren't you the sweetest?! Thank you so much!
the first character i ever fell in love with: Raine, absolutely. I liked several characters before but Raine's just my first and all time love <3
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Probably Kratos. While I still don't hate him, I just don't care about him anymore.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I was a HUGE Kraine (Kratos/Raine) shipper when I first started, but I've grown to dislike it to a point.
my ultimate favorite character™: Raine my QUEEN ❤❤❤❤❤
prettiest character: I think Pronyma has to take this one. I HATE her bodysuit but the rest of her design is just AMAZING and I LOVE it.
my most hated character character I'm most meh about: I don't hate on characters, but I seriously don't care about Regal much. His story/character never really grabbed me.
my OTP: Zelaine (Zelos/Raine). I will go down with this nutshell of a ship. I've ranted to everyone who would listen about why I love it so much (their similar backstories resulting in totally different characters, their overall dynamic and my headcanon that Raine would be the only one who would be able to tame him long-term, the potential for so many dynamics), but I spare you the manifest lol. I've shipped this for 15 years and I'll continue to do so.
my NOTP: As long as the story is convincing, I'm okay with pretty much every ship. I'm mostly bored with the 'official' ships (Colloyd, Sheelos, Regal/Raine, Genis/Presea), so you won't see me make content for them aside from probably using them to get to a rarepair.
favorite episode skit: I think it's either "Nicknames" or "Better to be Deceived" <3 I like them both very much.
saddest death: While satisfying, I think Magnius is a very sad death. He was religiously following orders and backstabbed by someone he trusted.
favorite season scene: I LOVE the scene at Altamira where Zelos goes "Uh sorry? Can we talk about RAINE STILL FUCKING MISSING??" because it does show his character development very well (from being a racist PoS to actually caring about people. Also the fact he's the only one bringing her up)
least favorite season scene: Not actually a scene, but I absolutely hate we don't get a genuine interaction with Mithos/Raine. I've ranted a lot about how it's a HUGE missed opportunity since Raine is quite similar to Martel.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate am kinda meh about: Kratos. I get his appeal to people, but I'm very meh about it.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Forcystus xD I love this trashbag.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Prooooobably Kate. She's not really responsible for her situation and I love her very much.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: *cough* Raine/Pronyma *cough* What can I say? Raine gives me huge bisexual energy.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Genis/Mithos, given that Genis is a little older.
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lalaluuz · 4 months ago
what do they like to have for breakfast?
do they have specific shampoos, conditioners and body wash, or do they go with a 3-in-1?
how often do they go to restaurants?
do they make their bed in the morning, or leave it undone until it's time to sleep?
mundane headcanons (no longer accepting)
what do they like to have for breakfast?
Luz sometimes struggles to have an appetite in the morning, so her breakfasts are light most days: a granola bar, or some fruit (grapes or an apple), or yogurt. When she's able to plan for it the night before, she can handle big breakfasts, but she can't do that on a daily basis. She likes pancakes, and she especially likes her mom's breakfast dishes.
do they have specific shampoos, conditioners and body wash, or do they go with a 3-in-1?
I'm so sorry everyone but Luz absolutely has a 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/bodywash. Her mom's told her it's not good for her hair, but Luz just doesn't have the attention span to care about what she's using to get clean. Showers are difficult enough to remember as it is.
how often do they go to restaurants?
Not often! She's 14, she doesn't have a LOT of disposable income. Sure, she works with Zelos and Lloyd helping out at their forge, and Zelos probably overpays her for that, but she doesn't go out to eat a lot with that money.
do they make their bed in the morning, or leave it undone until it's time to sleep?
Who the hell has time to make their bed? She leaves it as it is when she wakes up. Nobody's gonna see it between when she wakes up and goes back to sleep.
If someone is coming over, she at least straightens the sheets/blankets out, but it's not a huge effort. Everyone who knows her knows she's messy.
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crush3dmary · 5 months ago
Number 1 for the ask game!
Ahhh thanks Jei! The question is what fic of mine is my favourite and why. So without further ado...
Philosophy is the obvious answer, because it combines my best prose and narration with my best storytelling, but that one's TOO obvious, so I'll branch out.
It's probably a tie between Absurdities and Ice Palace, honestly. Absurdities was a big departure for me from what I'm used to because it takes place in the canon Symphonia universe but both post-canon and in my own declining Tethe'alla AU, so the entire fic was basically free real estate to build off some of the things that I established in Weltschmerz and tell a new story within this divergent universe that I've created. It's actually not really one of my more popular fics because it's a sequel to an AU, so you kind of have to read Weltschmerz first to "get it" but I reread it recently and am still very proud of it.
Ice Palace was also my first foray into formatting quirks and marked me finally starting to find my own unique writing style though means of fucking around and seeing what stuck. It still contains all my (canon universe compliant) Zelos/Wilder family headcanons and I've written multiple fics based off it that expand on certain areas, so it was a hugely formative work for me.
And of course I have to shoutout Darling Lagomorph here too for making a lot of people care about Aegis and go "oh, I get it now".
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atws-navigation · 11 months ago
Tagging Guide
f:[fandom name]
umbrella: [umbrella pair name] - for character with multiple iterations across completely different sources (e.g., Thor and Loki appear in Norse Mythology, MCU/Marvel, and Ragnarok)
OTP number: [pairing name]
Duo – relationship with two people
Trio – relationship with three people
Quartet –  relationship with four people
[Ship names masterlist link]
Relations type – type of family relationship (e.g., brothers, father/daughter, uncle/niece, etc.)
Dynamics class – type of love
eros - passionate, romantic, and/or sexual love
philia - soul connection, platonic love
storge - familial love, devotion, safety oriented
agape - unconditional love, sacrificial, selfless love, adoration
mania - obsessive love, codependency
ludus - playful love, flirting
pragma - dedication, solidarity, based in duty
zelos - rivalry, jealousy
abuse - abusive relationships/dynamics
[Quick link for relations type: dynamics class]
Media Types - art, comic, commentary, edits, fic, fic recs, headcanons, incorrect quotes, prompts, tropes, lyrics/poetry
Other Frequently Used Tags:
Sibling Dynamics – any discussion or exploration of canon dynamics between siblings in a piece of fiction
Family Dynamics – discussion or exploration of canon dynamics between relatives in a piece of fiction
peripheral/ – ships that do not fit the explicit theme of the blog (ships that are not between siblings or family members)
off topic – posts not related to fandom
Steamy – the ~ nsft ~ tag
Inter parallels – parallels across different relationships
Intra parallels – parallels between the individuals in one relationship
Basic Formula:
#f:Fandom Name, #duo/trio/quartet: [ship name], #character1 first name, #character2 first name, #family surname, #relations: dynamic, #media tags
#f:MCU/Marvel, #duo: he’s fast and she’s weird, #pietro, #wanda, #maximoff, #frasor: storge, #art
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