#zelda x samus
harsieseboann · 9 months
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I missed drawing them
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*Samus is lying on the ground, staring up at the clouds*
*Link comes up, standing over her*
Link: Hey.
Samus: Hey.
Link: You okay babe?
Samus: No.
Link: Okay.
*After a moment he lays down next to her, both of the sstaring at the sky.*
Samus: ...Do you ever... feel like... when people talk about you... they're talking about someone else?
Link: Honey, I'm a reincarnation of a long line of heroes, each legend surpassing the rest. It's basically guaranteed to come with imposter syndrome.
Samus: Heh. Yeah.
*There's another long moment of silence*
Samus: When people talk about me... about Samus Aran... it doesn't feel like me they're talking about. They always talk about me like- like I'm Doomguy, you know? Fearless, hyper-competent, unstoppable.
Link: And you don't feel like that?
Samus: *snorts* No. I- I'm scared. all the time. I don't know what I'm doing the other half. People die because I wasn't- wasn't good enough to- She shakes her head* I feel like I'm still that little girl, in the middle of a field of death, waiting to die.
Link, slowly taking her hand: I know how you feel.
Samus: Heh. You do. Don't you? ...Does it... ever get better?
Link: Heh. I'll let you know if it does.
Samus: Thanks.
*They lay there silently, staring up at the sky. They don't move, but they have each other. For the moment, that's enough*
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supersmashreaderz · 6 days
Baking a Cake With The 64 Fighters(+ Unlockables)
Smash 64 Fighter x Reader
Chrs: Mario, Yoshi, DK, Link, Samus, Fox, Kirby, Luigi and Captain Falcon
Reader is GN!
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Baking a cake with Mario is an absolute joy ride. His enthusiasm is infectious as he hums Italian tunes and expertly guides you through the recipe. He’s a natural in the kitchen, treating it like an art form(From Princess Peach's Influence), but also leaving room for fun. He’s constantly taste-testing the batter and frosting with a wink, saying it’s "important to get it just-a right!" You both work seamlessly, though sometimes he gets a bit distracted when he starts tossing dough in the air like he’s flipping a pizza. In the end, the cake is flawless, and Mario proudly presents it as if you’ve both created a masterpiece together.
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Yoshi is incredibly eager to help, though a little clumsy in the kitchen. He loves tasting everything as you go along, sometimes sticking his tongue out too far and accidentally eating part of the ingredients. Despite this, his positive energy keeps you both laughing the entire time. You’ll have to keep an eye on him, though—leave the sugar alone for too long, and Yoshi will have eaten half of it. But once the cake is baked, Yoshi is so excited that he does a little happy dance, making the entire experience heartwarming and full of smiles.
Donkey Kong(DK):
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Donkey Kong is surprisingly gentle in the kitchen despite his large frame, rowdyness and strength. He’s determined to help, though you’ll notice he can’t resist tossing bananas into the mix, even if it’s not a banana cake. You work together to mix the ingredients, with DK carefully following your instructions while occasionally sneaking bites of bananas and batter. His favorite part is the decorating—he insists on using extra bananas on top as garnish. In the end, the cake might not be traditional, but it’s definitely delicious and full of DK’s quirky charm.
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Baking with Link is a quiet but calming experience. He’s not too much of a talker, but he follows your instructions with sharp precision, taking everything seriously. He might be a bit unsure about how to bake at first, but once he gets the hang of it, he’s fully focused. You share peaceful moments while mixing the batter and frosting, occasionally exchanging soft smiles. He takes care in every step, as if baking the cake is a mission. When it’s time to decorate, you both enjoy adding personal touches, making the final product as charming as it is delicious.
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Baking with Samus is efficient and organized(plus you get to see her out of her suit for a while...or at least her beautiful blonde hair as she doesn't have her helmet on). She’s precise with every measurement and action, turning the cake-baking process into a well-structured mission. While she’s not particularly emotional about the process, she surprises you with little moments of fun, like using her arm cannon to quickly whisk the batter or heat the oven. The end result is a cake that’s not only delicious but also expertly crafted. Samus might not be super expressive, but the small smile she gives when she sees the finished cake tells you she enjoyed the experience more than she lets on.
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Fox is all about teamwork in the kitchen. He takes charge but lets you take the lead where you want. You’ll notice him frequently checking the time and trying to make sure everything is on schedule, like a mission briefing. He’s fast but careful, and his competitive nature shows when he tries to perfect every step. Fox is also surprisingly playful, teasing you about your frosting skills or sneaking a bit of the cake mix while grinning. The cake turns out perfect, and he’s happy to share it with you, giving you a playful nudge, “We make a great team, huh?”
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Baking with Kirby is pure chaos in the best way possible. He’s more interested in eating than baking, so you’ll have to keep him from gobbling up the ingredients before they even make it into the bowl. Kirby’s enthusiasm is unmatched, though, and he constantly tries to help—even if it’s just him licking the spoon or cleaning up the leftover frosting. Expect him to inhale bits of the cake as soon as it comes out of the oven, but when he finally settles down to share what’s left, "Poyo!" he’s all smiles and excitement, ready to enjoy your creation together.
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Luigi is a little nervous in the kitchen, but he’s incredibly helpful and sweet. He often second-guesses himself, asking, “Is this okay?” or “Are you sure that’s enough?” but he’s so genuine that you can’t help but reassure him. You both share lots of laughter, especially when things go a little off track, like when Luigi accidentally splatters batter everywhere. By the end, the cake might be a little messy, but it’s full of love and care. Luigi is proud of the final product, especially since he got to bake it with you, and he happily shares a piece, blushing a little as he says it turned out great.
Captain Falcon:
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Baking with Captain Falcon is intense and high-energy. He approaches the task like a race, moving quickly and shouting things like “Falcon Mix!” as he stirs the batter at lightning speed(whist making a bit of a mess). His enthusiasm is contagious, and you both end up laughing as he tries to make everything as epic as possible, even when it’s something simple like cracking an egg. The cake is finished in record time, and though it may not be the most neatly made, it’s definitely delicious. Falcon pats you on the back, grinning wide, “We totally smashed it!”
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themaximumtomato · 3 months
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My photos from TMG '24 (Hooray for being able to post them all in one post now). Would of taken more but I was in pain most of Saturday
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madmanwonder · 7 months
Crossover AU
What about Samus dressed like Link? Is he impressed or what?
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Link: *proud boyfriend noises*
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moltengarnet · 10 months
I'm testing to see if Deviant Art links show up okay on Tumblr
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1127: Mishima's Shoebox Collection (SSBU X Tekken)
5:45 p.m. at Mishima Zaibatsu Headquarters.........
Kazuya: (Stands Behind a Closed Door) Gentlemen, ladies, allow me to introduce you all to our latest business brand that could potentially help reach the Zaibatsu's name to greater lengths than it already has
The members of League of Villains' (And Zelda's) eyes begins to widens in pure awe as the door opens, revealing a room filled in the brim with brand new and accesible shoes sitting on each shelves inside. The bright, shiny atmosphere of the room alone was more than enough to peak almost everyone's attention.
Ganondorf: (The Only One Who In't as Impressed as the Other) You're starting up your own shoe brand company
Kazuya: (Crosses his Arms With a Smirk on his Face) That's the idea, yes. I've always have a fondness with everything shoes related growing up. So I figured, how else will I gain more power and success to my multinational cooperation than to jump-start my own shoe brand. A Zaibatsu Shoe Brand, the name's a work in progress.
Ganondorf: (Rolls his Eyes) Of course it is......
Bowser: Hey, you don't mind if we try these shoes of yours, on ourselves, do ya?
Kazuya: (Steps Away From the Opened Door) Be my guess.
The gang cheers in rejoice as most of them (sans for Sephiroth, Hades, and Ganondorf who only walks behind) eagarly their way shoe filled room as they begin to check out and try out each pair that they find.
Bowser: (Smiles Brightly at the Pair of Brown Dress Shoes He's Wearing) Man, I am so glad I got dressed up for today. This looks perfect on me!
Hades: (Takes a Look at a Holes Filled Shoe He's Holding in his Hand) So these are one those crock shoes everyone keep yammering about....
Bowser: Yep. They been a hit for three to four years now. Or was it loner than that......
Hades: Uh-huh. (Tries the Crock On Before Looking at It Once More) And exactly why do they holes in them again?
Bowser: (Turns to Hades) To let your feet breathe a little? Either that or maker behind these things, wanted to make it more unique looking than the rest. Whatcha think of them so far?
Hades: (Gets Himself Up From a Chair He Was Sitting While Examining the Front and Back of the Shoe He's Wearing) Hmm.....It's weird looking, but comfy.....I suppose it wouldn't wearing them around every once in a while, so long as I don't have to those feet numbing flip flops again.......
Bowser: (Nodded in Agreement) Amen to that, brother.
Zelda: (Smiles Brightly at a Matching Shoes She and Mewtwo Are Wearing) These limited edition Triforce Shoes looks even more beautiful than the ones in Smash Town!~ Mewwy, we HAVE to get these while they're still on stock!~
Mewtwo: Agrred. I never felt more powerful than I already am right now.
Sephiroth: We couldn't agree more.
Zelda and Mewtwo turns to see the father and son duo showing off the matching Black Air Force Shoes they're wearing with Sephiroth letting out a sinister laugh and Pichu nodding his head while smirking.
Mewtwo: (Stares at Them With Deadpinned Look I his Eyes) We're halfway close to the end of the year ans I still fail to see why that Pichu sees Sephiroth, all of people, as a father figure.......
Zelda: (Smiles Sheepishly) At....least they're cute together. Kind of.
Ridley: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise at What is in Front of Him) No way! You guys are actually selling these glass slippers?
Kazuya: No, they're rubber proof slippers actually. We originally planned on selling them as glass as first before backing out at the last second. (Starts Shaking his Head Before Walking to the Other Side of the Room) I do not have patience to go through another lawsuit right now........
Ridley: (Smiles Brightly) Works for me! (Takes the See-Through Rubber Slipper From Out of the Shelf, Gets Down on One Knee, amd Presents it to his Girlfriend in Front of Him Fpr you, mi'lady~
Dark Samus giggles softly before carefully putting her foot inside the slipper, which managed to fit on her pretty well.
Dark Samus: S-So......How does it look?
Ridley: (Gives Dark Sus a Smirk and a Two Finger Guns) Like a princess walking inside the ball room~
Dark Samus giggles once more while blushing at his boyfriend's cheesy compliment towards her.
Kazuya: (Rolls his Eyes at the Couple in the Mid Distance) ('Ugh') It's not even that clever of the compliment.....
Ganondorf: Well, what do you expect when you're selling a near replica of a shoe from some fairy tale story?
Kazuya: Fair point. (Turns to Ganondorf) Aren't you gonna find anything in here as well?
Ganondorf: (Crosses his Arms While Turning Away) ('Tch') And give you the satisfaction of getting rich off of my well earned cash? No thanks.
Kazuya: Really? (Pulls Up a Pair of Ancient Boots in the Palm of his Hands) Not even for these pair of boots well fit for an evil tyrant such as yourself.
Ganondorf: (Slowly Turns Back to Kazuya) You don't say......
Kazuya: (Simply Nodded) Yep. And since I'm feeling fairly generous today, I'll shorten the price and only charge you $35.00 for them. Sounds like a reasonable deal for you, king?
Ganondorf stares at Kazuya for a few seconds before ultimately taking out fifty dollar buck from his pants pocket and reluctantly gives it to Kazuya.
Ganondorf: This doesn't change anything between.
Kazuya: (Gives Ganondorf his Now Paid Boots Woth a Satisfied Smirk on his Face) Pleasure doing with you. You and everyone else are doing this cooperation at huge service today.
???: A cooperation you wrongfully stole......
Everyone in the room stop at what they were doing and turn their attention to an young man walking out of the elevator with his hairs looking....almost similar to Kazuya's.
???: From me.
Sephiroth: This is an interesting encounter.
Zelda: Wait.....Is that really......
Kazuya: (Crosses his Arms) Jin Kazama, my one and only mistake of an offspring. What brings you here to my lovely establishment?
Jin: (Glare Starts to Harden at his Own Father) I'm here to put an end to you and all the chaos you've brought into this city.
Kazuya: ('Heh') Real bold of you to think you have what takes to put me down so easily. And need I remind you that YOU'RE the one who caused a global warfare over your own petty desires?
Bowser: (Eyes Begins to Widened) Holy shit. Is he serious?
Hades: (Chuckles Evilly) Yeeeup! Once Jinny boy started taking over, the first and only thing he ever did in his run was put his very own universe into chaos. (Starts Smirking Smugly) Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree in this mess of bloodline, now does it?
Ridley: Somehow I.....don't feel surprised by all of this. (Turns to Everyone Else) What about you guys?
Everyone: Nah/Nuh-uh/Nope./Pichu.
Ganondorf: This family is filled with crazy ass nut jobs.
Sephiroth: Like father, like son-
Jin: (Angrily Stomps his Foot on the Ground at Everyone Else in the Room) ENOUGH! I am NOTHING compared to this bastard, Heihachi or anyone else in his family but mines alone! I only did all of this in hopes in finding Azazel, destroy it, and put an end to my devil gene and this cursed bloodline forever.
Zelda: Uh-huh. And did it worked out in the end?
Jin: ..........('Sighs Heavily') No, it didn't. Apparently it wasn't enough to make the gene go away completely.
Bowser: So you basically put your own world on fire for nothing?
Mewtwo: Not one of your proudest moments, is it?
Jin: (Lowers his Head Down) It isn't. And I'm willing to take every bit of punishment and accountability that comes my way. (Looks Up and Glares at Kazuya) But first, I must do everything in my power to put you out of your misery for good this time.
Kazuya:You're more than welcome try and do so as many times as you want. You're only gonna set yourself up for failure. (Smirks Evilly) Or did you forget you already are one yourself on the day your mother left you only in this cold, cruel world.
Bowser/Ridley: Ooooh........
Zelda: He really went there, didn't he?
Mewtwo: (Shrugs) I've heard worst.
Jin: My mother risked her own life just to protect me, unlike yours who wanted you and Heihachi dead from very start.
Everyone (Except for Mewtwo and Sephiroth): ('Gasps')
Zelda: Is that true?
Hades: Yeah, apparently his mother was destined to sacrifice him and her husband for the greater good of the world or whatever type of goodie-goodie bullsh-
Kazuya angrily throws a chair directly towards Jin, in which he dodges it effortlessly, much to everyone's surprise.
Jin: ('Tch') Respect? For the grandmother I barely even know? (Walks Dangerous Close to Kazuya) Or the woman who was willing end her own family's life for a clan that I recently know about from a few outside sources.
Kazuya: (Gritting his Teeth) Likely story. But did it ever occur to that woman you BARELY know, was murdered by the man who dares call himself her loving husband and my father? Has it ever occur to you that maybe, JUST MAYBE that her unexpected demise was one of the many things that scarred me throughout my childhood and continues to do so to tis VERY. FUCKING. DAY!
Jin: And you have my condolences. That still doesn't excuse her actions in the slightest and I believe this world will continue to be better off without her and Heihachi in it.
Kazuya throws an electric surge punch towards Jin's face.....only for the offspring to catch it in time with red colored lightning starting to appear around his grip.
Jin: I should say the same for you as well, asshole.
Jin then uses his other hand to punch his father hard enough to send him flying towards the other side of the room before rushing in and attacking his father, starting the fight instantly.
Bowser: (Watxhes the Father and Son Duke it Out Along with Everyone Else) Well.....That was something to see unpacked in front of us.
Zelda: I know this family has problems, but I didn't think it would be THIS messy!
Mewtwo: I don't think amount of therapy will be enough to heal.this trainwreck.
Pichu: Pi......
Ganondorf: Well, whatever problems those two are having with one another is their business to have. (Takes his New Boots and Leave) I'm leaving.
Hades: Right behind you. (Notices the Crocks He's Still Wearing Before Forming a Small.Smirk on his Face and Following Behind Ganondorf) And I am taking these crocks with me.
Bowser: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Would ve a reeeeal shame to leave here without paying for- (Quickly Rishrs Out the Room With the New Shoes He's Wearing)
Ridley: (Picks his Girlfriend Pick on his Arms) Come on, babe, it's time to go. (Quickly Rushes Out the Room As Well)
Dark Samus: O-Okay.
Sephiroth: (Walks Out of the Room While Carrying Pichu in his Arm) Come, son. Let us show the world the essence of our Black Air Forces.
Pichu: (Smiles Brightly) Pichu!~
Zelda: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) What the heck! Are you guys seriously gonna steal those shoes without paying first!?
Mewtwo: Not really something to be surprised about. They're villains, remember?
Zelda: (Starts Looking For Money on her Purse) I know that! It's still wrong and we're not gonna follow their footsteps. (Chuckles a Bit) Get it? Foot- steps?
Mewtwo: ('Sigh') Yes, I get it. Clever.
Zelda: Thank you~ (Puts out a Cash of Money From her Purse) Okay, this is half our allowance, but I think a hundred is enough, right?
Mewtwo: (Shrugs) I suppose. Assuming he'll care enough to even notice it was here.
Zelda: I mean, I guess, but-
Hades: Princess! Mewwy! You two are coming or what!?
Mewtwo: (Growls and Glares at Hades in the Distance) I told you not to call me-
Zelda: (Grabs Mewtwo by the Hand Quickly Rushes the Him and Herself Out if the Room) Ignore him, Mewwy, let's go!
The gang make their way to a nearby elevator going down, leaving Kazuya and Jin to mercilessly fight one another inside the shoebox room.
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skytsunrose · 2 years
Happy Valentines day everyones 😊♥️♥️♥️
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2a0z72 · 2 years
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Tumblr i offer,, zelmus
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
Hey all! Just wanted to give some of the fandoms I’m looking for right now. A little about me, I’m 18-22, partners need to be 18+ and ALL CHARACTERS must be at least 18 as well, if they’re not they’ll be aged up. I write about 4-8 paragraphs but that is dependent on the scene and what I’m given. I write in the third person and can post at least once a day! The two things I ask from my partners is to put in effort and be open to talk out of roleplay, share head canons and the like!
Doubling is something that I don’t tend to do due to bad experiences in the past. For certain fandoms, I will be open to doubling. Most of my characters will be male for what I’m looking for but I can play any gender for you. I don’t mind if it’s CC x CC, CC x OC, or OC x OC.
Stranger Things- I am looking for someone to write Eleven with an OC I have specifically designed for her or a STRICTLY PLATONIC roleplay with your Eleven and my Hopper! I really want to do this one! I will be open to hearing out a doubling scenario if we do the Eleven x OC but the two plots must exist in the same universe.
Naruto- I am looking for someone to write Sakura with an OC that is an example of the impact certain events have on a regular ninja. You may select the faceclaim for the OC.
Dragonball Z/Super- I am looking for someone to write either Android 21 or Android 18 with an OC known as Android 22. You may select the faceclaim for the OC.
Legend of Zelda- I am looking for someone to write a Zelda with my Link! This will be a variation of Zelda and Link where we have more freedom of their characters.
Metroid- I am looking for someone to write Samus with an OC that is a rookie Bounty Hunter. You may select the faceclaim for the OC.
Pokémon- I am looking for someone to write Cynthia with an OC that was Cynthia’s rival leading up to Cynthia becoming Champion. I am also looking for someone to write Serena with a protagonist of your choice!
Yu-Gi-Oh- I am looking for someone to write Akiza with an OC that had been injured by Akiza’s powers. I am also looking for someone to write Alexis with an OC that went to the academy or a Jaden Yuki. I am willing to hear out doubling scenarios.
DC- I am looking for someone to write a Starfire with my Nightwing. I am also looking for someone to write Wonder Woman with my Batman.
I’ll also be interested in OC plots but they’d mainly have to be Slice of Life. I’d consider fantasy for Medieval plots though!
Here they all are! Interact with this post if you think you’d be interested and I’ll send you a dm! I hope you all have a fantastic day! 🌟
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harsieseboann · 2 years
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Valentines chat!!!
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Link, dead asleep at 3AM: ZZZZ....
Link, suddenly bolting upright: Samwise Gamgee made a promise to Gandalf which qualifies as an oath to a Divine Being, thus making him a Paladin.
Link: ... *immediately falls back asleep*
Samus, sleeping next to him who got rudely woken up:
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rocio-aj · 2 years
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frickingnerd · 5 months
poly relationship with ann & ryuji
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pairing: ann takamaki / panther x gn!reader x ryuji sakamoto / skull
tags: wholesome fluff, polyamorous relationship, childhood friends to lovers, mentions of food, gaming dates, protective!ryuji
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ann and ryuji know each other for quite a while, so it's only natural that the two of them are really close! though they both put in quite an effort to make you feel like you're their equal!
both of them are very affectionate with you and each other! they are quite clingy and always have their hands on you or each other, needing to be close to each other!
ryuji wouldn't be as open about his feelings and need for intimacy if it wasn't for ann! given how close they were as friends before dating, he's able to open up and show a softer side, except for this cool troublemaker side most get to see!
there are only two types of dates that the three of you go on!
if ann gets to choose, she'll take you out to eat somewhere! whether it's cakes or beef, she'll make you try all the food the world has to offer!
meanwhile ryuji is a fan of gaming and ordering food! he even manages to get ann into videogames! the three of you often play super smash bros together, with ryuji maining pikachu, while ann often switches between peach, zelda or samus!
ann and ryuji bicker a lot, especially when gaming together! but it's clear that despite all that bickering, they truly care about each other!
ryuji likes to protect you and ann in the metaverse! he wants to show off a bit and loves the praise and kisses he gets afterwards from the two of you!
he also gets quite protective and jealous when someone hits on you or ann! he doesn't like seeing his two partners being flirted with and he'll always get grouchy when someone flirts with you!
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f-cat · 5 months
I just wanted to remind you all who are following up on requests that I genuinely can’t get to them all, only maybe a few at a time. I see them and am not responding because they get removed if I do.
I can’t do them all. :)
I’m not a full-time artist and have a regular career, so please excuse me if I can’t get to yours. Just to prove I’ve seen your requests, here is everything from my inbox so far in no particular order:
Ms. Marvel
Warcraft Elf Feet
Lara Croft
Ahsoka X
Rio Morales (Game)
Rio Morales (Movie)
Rogue X
She-Hulk X
Supergirl X
Powergirl X
Powergirl being tickled
Shanna the She-Devil
Jill Valentine X
Claire Redfield X
Atom Eve
Sif (God of War)
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
Honey Lemon
Gogo Tomago
Aunt Cass X
Padme Amidala
Princess Leia
Myself / FCat X
Gwen Stacy (Comics)
Gwen Stacy (Movie)
Spider-Gwen (Movie)
Mary Jane (Game)
Mary Jane (Comics) X
Captain Marvel
Black Widow
Andi X
Ulf (OC) X
Shadowheart (again)
Karlach (again)
Panam Palmer
Judy Alvarez
Hera Syndulla X
Jinx X
Vi X
Rinoa (Final Fantasy)
Quistis (Final Fantasy)
D.Va (a lot of requests)
Kiriko (also a lot)
Mercy (3 of her)
Brigitte (A lot)
April O’Neill (Fortnite)
A bunch of other models from Fortnite (3)
Ellie (The Last of Us Part II)
Yotsuyu (FFXIV)
Random woman
Elsa X
Anna X
Nani (from Lilo and Stitch)
More Wonder Woman
5 different anime characters (I can’t do these)
Superhero OC (1)
OCs from friends (2)
Ysh’tola Rhul
Bayonetta or Samus Aran
Princess Zelda (Twilight Princess)
Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
Princess Zelda (Skyward Sword)
Princess Zelda (Tears of the Kingdom)
Princess Zelda (My choice, apparently)
Darth Talon
Scarlet Witch being tickled by Agatha Harkness
Tifa Lockhart being tickled
Smothering Room Shenanigans
Old Tickling Renders
Do you RP - No
Do you RP - No
You’ll likely recognize yours. Thank you for being patient with me.
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scubaby · 8 months
I tried, at one point, to actually if there was some Samus x Dark Samus content.
Now, it's 2023 and this comic you did just put everything I saw earlier to complete shame, like damn.
(oh, and your other drawings of ladies satisfied the big gay inside me so I followed)
supplying content for niche ships is what I was put on this earth to do. because when you finally find some good shit ??? if I can supply at least 1 sip of water to those who search the desolate deserts i have done my duty
shout out to that 1 goated samus x zelda roommate fic (i used to play smash bros. I'm better now). I still think about you sometimes
also thank you pighead <3!!
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