vg-music-i-like · 12 days
Fighter Selection // Super Smash Bros
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Dah boiz getting flung through space
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supersmashreaderz · 6 days
Baking a Cake With The 64 Fighters(+ Unlockables)
Smash 64 Fighter x Reader
Chrs: Mario, Yoshi, DK, Link, Samus, Fox, Kirby, Luigi and Captain Falcon
Reader is GN!
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Baking a cake with Mario is an absolute joy ride. His enthusiasm is infectious as he hums Italian tunes and expertly guides you through the recipe. He’s a natural in the kitchen, treating it like an art form(From Princess Peach's Influence), but also leaving room for fun. He’s constantly taste-testing the batter and frosting with a wink, saying it’s "important to get it just-a right!" You both work seamlessly, though sometimes he gets a bit distracted when he starts tossing dough in the air like he’s flipping a pizza. In the end, the cake is flawless, and Mario proudly presents it as if you’ve both created a masterpiece together.
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Yoshi is incredibly eager to help, though a little clumsy in the kitchen. He loves tasting everything as you go along, sometimes sticking his tongue out too far and accidentally eating part of the ingredients. Despite this, his positive energy keeps you both laughing the entire time. You’ll have to keep an eye on him, though—leave the sugar alone for too long, and Yoshi will have eaten half of it. But once the cake is baked, Yoshi is so excited that he does a little happy dance, making the entire experience heartwarming and full of smiles.
Donkey Kong(DK):
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Donkey Kong is surprisingly gentle in the kitchen despite his large frame, rowdyness and strength. He’s determined to help, though you’ll notice he can’t resist tossing bananas into the mix, even if it’s not a banana cake. You work together to mix the ingredients, with DK carefully following your instructions while occasionally sneaking bites of bananas and batter. His favorite part is the decorating—he insists on using extra bananas on top as garnish. In the end, the cake might not be traditional, but it’s definitely delicious and full of DK’s quirky charm.
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Baking with Link is a quiet but calming experience. He’s not too much of a talker, but he follows your instructions with sharp precision, taking everything seriously. He might be a bit unsure about how to bake at first, but once he gets the hang of it, he’s fully focused. You share peaceful moments while mixing the batter and frosting, occasionally exchanging soft smiles. He takes care in every step, as if baking the cake is a mission. When it’s time to decorate, you both enjoy adding personal touches, making the final product as charming as it is delicious.
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Baking with Samus is efficient and organized(plus you get to see her out of her suit for a while...or at least her beautiful blonde hair as she doesn't have her helmet on). She’s precise with every measurement and action, turning the cake-baking process into a well-structured mission. While she’s not particularly emotional about the process, she surprises you with little moments of fun, like using her arm cannon to quickly whisk the batter or heat the oven. The end result is a cake that’s not only delicious but also expertly crafted. Samus might not be super expressive, but the small smile she gives when she sees the finished cake tells you she enjoyed the experience more than she lets on.
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Fox is all about teamwork in the kitchen. He takes charge but lets you take the lead where you want. You’ll notice him frequently checking the time and trying to make sure everything is on schedule, like a mission briefing. He’s fast but careful, and his competitive nature shows when he tries to perfect every step. Fox is also surprisingly playful, teasing you about your frosting skills or sneaking a bit of the cake mix while grinning. The cake turns out perfect, and he’s happy to share it with you, giving you a playful nudge, “We make a great team, huh?”
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Baking with Kirby is pure chaos in the best way possible. He’s more interested in eating than baking, so you’ll have to keep him from gobbling up the ingredients before they even make it into the bowl. Kirby’s enthusiasm is unmatched, though, and he constantly tries to help—even if it’s just him licking the spoon or cleaning up the leftover frosting. Expect him to inhale bits of the cake as soon as it comes out of the oven, but when he finally settles down to share what’s left, "Poyo!" he’s all smiles and excitement, ready to enjoy your creation together.
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Luigi is a little nervous in the kitchen, but he’s incredibly helpful and sweet. He often second-guesses himself, asking, “Is this okay?” or “Are you sure that’s enough?” but he’s so genuine that you can’t help but reassure him. You both share lots of laughter, especially when things go a little off track, like when Luigi accidentally splatters batter everywhere. By the end, the cake might be a little messy, but it’s full of love and care. Luigi is proud of the final product, especially since he got to bake it with you, and he happily shares a piece, blushing a little as he says it turned out great.
Captain Falcon:
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Baking with Captain Falcon is intense and high-energy. He approaches the task like a race, moving quickly and shouting things like “Falcon Mix!” as he stirs the batter at lightning speed(whist making a bit of a mess). His enthusiasm is contagious, and you both end up laughing as he tries to make everything as epic as possible, even when it’s something simple like cracking an egg. The cake is finished in record time, and though it may not be the most neatly made, it’s definitely delicious. Falcon pats you on the back, grinning wide, “We totally smashed it!”
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video-game-jams · 1 year
Super Smash Bros. - Sector Z
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papimoore · 9 months
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One of my childhood games growing up on the Nintendo 64... and I still play it tills this day. I remember playing it when I saw one of my icon characters, Pikachu I was surprised and being to love the game.
The series is now 25 years old today. And in order to celebrate it's 25th birthday I did this artwork.
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dailysmashbros · 2 years
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0013 - Fighting Polygon Team
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pokerninja2 · 9 months
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Drawing Every Mario Character In Smash Pt. 1: Smash 64!
Happy (belated) anniversary to the Smash Bros. series! Both it and Mario were extremely foundational for me growing up, so to celebrate I'm drawing every Mario-verse character that's been in Smash - starting with 64!
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I also made individual pics for each of them! Honestly this is some of my best work, both in posing and in texturing. Really wanted to capture that overdetailed Brawl aesthetic!
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pownicmania5000 · 8 months
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Two submissions of both Mario and Metal mario I made for my friend(Icezer07)'s Smash 64 anniversary collab!
Link to the full collab is here: https://twitter.com/Iczer07/status/1749502407707386271
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dontaskchaosandco · 9 months
So Tumblr lets you add up to 12 options in a poll. My, my, what an interesting specific number.
Drawing poll: Super Smash Bros. 64 anniversary edition
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afkdjaljsdfasdfasdf · 3 months
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SSB64 Link target stage version difference (discovered by km9103)
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mattysmasqerades · 1 year
So, we start off, as usual with Mario. I will be going in order from introduction, starting with the assets from the N64 version. I'll start Melee soon with Peach, but then I'll loop back after Sora in Ultimate to do the N64 fighters with Melee assets. Each wallpaper will have two versions, one with the logo over the text for artistic purposes, then one with the logo under the text for accessibility purposes.
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everyone-is-queer · 2 years
Pride Flags Picked from Smash Bros. Characters- The Blog
Requests: Open!
Submissions: Open!
- THIS IS A SMASH BROS BLOG and any request unrelated to Smash Bros will be deleted UNLESS it is late March/early April, where I will do a round of April Fool’s posts where you are free to submit literally anything (I still have the right to decline requests I don’t like)
- Playable characters, assist trophies, and bosses, are eligible for requesting (so no Trophies or Spirits- maybe later down the line of this blog)
- Characters from any official Smash Bros. game can be requested, but no fan games or mods
- If a game isn’t specified, I’ll do the character’s render from Ultimate
- I can make any flag, but some colors will be harder to find and work with than others, so they won’t all look incredible
- I can do flags with ships, but I won’t do any incest/pedophilia
- I can do flags with 3 characters on it maximum, they don’t have to be a ship
- I’ll decline any request that makes me uncomfortable
- I won’t make anything relating to Sheik being explicitly female (I’ll do lesbian or genderfluid flags if requested, but I won’t do any orientation or identity for women or feminine identities only) it’s a personal thing sorry
- If you request a gay flag, I’ll default to the 6-stripe rainbow flag. If you request a lesbian flag, I’ll default to the 5-stripe flag. If you request aromantic, I’ll use the one with a white stripe. If you request queer, I’ll do the flag with black at the top and bottom and other colors in the middle. Basically, if there’s an orientation or identity you want me to do that has multiple common flags, please specify which one you’d like me to do bc I’ll just go with the most well known one if unspecified
This blog is both for pride headcanons and for characters that fit the color schemes of the flags
Feel free to submit your own creations!
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tattoosfade · 2 years
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a belated happy halloween from slightly more new york than usual 🎃✨
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salad-juice-enjoyer · 2 years
I need more people to know that there was an actual wrestling event with macot suits made to promote Smash 64
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dailysmashbros · 2 years
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0007 - Fox McCloud
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drewwise · 2 years
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