#zee zee answers
zeezeepearl · 11 months
are you happy to be spreading racist lies? is Israel really what you want to be representing Judaism?
I have never in the recent years posted anything in support of israel. If you read "Don't be antisemitic" as "I support Israel" then kindly chuck yourself into the nearest filthy toilet.
Stop sending this shit to Jews.
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goldenpinof · 3 months
they changed the title of “this game gave us a breakdown”…
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literally today, right???
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sweetfushi · 3 months
oh em gee i loved the carbon copy son with bokuto imagine taking the little guy to games to watch his dad oh gosh that would be so adorable! amazing work!!!!
oh yes yes yes!! the best father and son duo, thank you nonnie for enabling my thoughts <3
getting your son an oversized jersey that has bokuto’s number and name on it which he insists that he must wear every game (his insistence is bunching it up in his little fist and draping it over his head).
before every game, bokuto will kiss you so sweetly that you’d have to remind yourself that you can’t drag him back home. his forehead will rest against yours for a moment as the two of you gaze into each other’s eyes and wish for the best <3 baby bo will slap your face if you do this for too long though so don’t forget to let him hug his papa :(
obviously bo gets you vip passes!! you guys are far enough from the fans to stay safe but close enough to the court to see every move. once the teams file out on the court and shake hands, bokuto takes the ten seconds he has before the game’s start to find you up in the secluded bleachers and hold his fist up high as his promise to you that he’ll win.
every time baby bo sees his dad grin during the game, he’ll look back at you and coo, clapping his hands together at the sight of his father’s joy. your heart almost stops at the adorable sight.
and when bo inevitably wins? you’re darting out of your seat and cheering so fast, baby bo giggling and waving his chubby hands at his dad, who’s so quick to meet your gaze and flash you his raised fist again.
bokuto always keeps his promises <3
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
It’s getting late (for me that is) but what about Jason first meeting with the rest of the council (Frostbite, Clockwork, Pandora and etc)?
You mean: Abominable Snowman, Benjamin Button and Mommy-sorry Step On Me? (Jason's crush on Wonder Woman did in fact transfer to Pandora)
Jason generally likes all of the council, and all of the council likes him in turn because he makes Danny happy.
He met Frostbite first. Danny took him to the Far Frozen to get checked out and to be sure the Baby Ghost was healthy and stuff. Jason had been forewarned and honestly, by that point, yetis were just one of those 'yeah that tracks' moments for Jason. Jason asked Frostbite, as a joke, if he could give him a piggyback ride. Frostbite picked him up, plunked him on his shoulder and booked it. 10/10 Jason had the BEST time. Definitely his favorite doctor.
Clockwork he met next, and it basically went:
Clockwork: I see you found your knight young king.
Danny: Yeah, thanks for WARNING ME
Jason: Who the is this fucker?
Danny: imagine a grandpa given unlimited power over time but retaining the 'stay off my lawn' energy but towards the time stream.
Jason: Ah
Clockwork: Wonderful. Off you two go
He then yeeted (yote?) Them through a portal because a member of the Flash Fam had severely fucked the timestream doing speedster shit. Luckily CW had smashed a hat on Jason's head first and he was in human form so the Flash fam member didn't recognize him. They were a bit too occupied with Danny yelling at them for fucking up and ripping them out of the speed force. The Flash fam member bought them lunch. (This was not the first or last time CW sent Danny to deal with the Flashes. They knew of him, and were all more than a little frightened of Danny. They think he's like. A speedforce demon or something. Theyre glad he eats burgers and not their souls) it was fun, even if they were stuck in the 40s for a bit until they cleaned everything up and got the Flash fam member back in the proper timeline. (You can imagine this as any of the Flash fam)
Jason met Pandora when she came to spar with Danny. And he just. Instant puppy crush. He watched this Amazonian woman beat the snot out of Danny and it was the best day of his life. If Fright Knight hadn't already claimed him as a protégé he would've been begging Pandora to train him. She thinks Jason is cute and is always happy to spar with him when she's around.
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zee-rambles · 1 year
With the official confirmation from Paramount that there IS going to be an official TV series based on Mutant Mayhem, Tales of the TMNT, that will bridge the gap between MM and it’s sequel(two seasons long), what’re your thoughts? Do you think this’ll hamper any hope for a potential third season of Rise, or do you feel that people shouldn’t be harsh on it and appreciate it for being it’s own thing(I’m very much the latter lol)?
LONG post is LONG, but I really wanted to drive home the importance of this.
I don’t really have an opinion on the Mutant Mayhem show, TBH. I knew it was coming, because Nickelodeon is banking on MM to be a big hit, and it’s not that weird for them to try and squeeze as much money as they can from a new IP. The fact that this new series is going straight to paramount plus and not on Nickelodeon’s main channel is…confusing (Unless it’s actually going to Nickelodeon, in which case, so what? If Nickelodeon can have THREE different versions of SpongeBob airing on their channel, then I don’t see what excuse they can make for not having two versions of the TMNT out simultaneously. They’ve done it before too. 2012 and the Bay films were happening at the same time).
As for Rise, I don’t think hating on Mutant Mayhem or on its related shows is going to do much good. If anything, it’s going to create a divide between incoming fans of Mutant Mayhem, older Rise fans, and Rise fans that are looking forward to more TMNT content. If the show does air on Nickelodeon, it’s not like the kids watching it are going to know the discourse surrounding Rise. Review bombing, hating, and leaving bad faith reviews on anything Mutant Mayhem related isn’t going to bring Rise back. And it’s going to give Rise fans a bad rep, which will end up hurting Rise more, because no one would want to give a show a chance if its fan base is seen as toxic.
Trust me, no one wants Rise of the TMNT to come back more then I do, but I’m not going to go around discouraging or hating on on anyone that is excited for Mutant Mayhem. It’s one thing if you watch and don’t enjoy it, or choose not to support it, I’m not here to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do, and it’s normal for people not to like something sometimes. If it isn’t for you, it isn’t for you. That happens. But hating it with a passion and posting that everywhere does nothing helpful for Rise.
The best thing would be if new TMNT fans and Rise fans came together to save the show. If more people knew about Rise, the movie, and if enough content keeps the fandom alive, raises interest in the show online, and keeps the show/movie from being fading away into the background, there’s a chance. The bigger the following Rise has, the more people asking for its return, the higher the chances. The more alive it is across social media, the better. What we need more then anything really, is visibility. Not enough people know about Rise. Danny Phantom still has a big following to this day, still has more people giving it a chance because the fans love it enough to keep it going. And people are seeing that. Watch Mojo released a video recently about shows that deserve to come back and Danny was on that list. Spectacular Spider-Man still gets new videos made of it all the time, and the fans STILL, even after all these years, ask for more.
We’re in an interesting position. I don’t think ANY other fandom has ever said, “Heck it! We’ll make our OWN season! Ya JERKS!” So support each other, keep asking for more Rise, keep making art, social media posts, videos, ask Cinema Wins and Cinema Therapy to review the movie, keep sharing and signing the petitions, recommend it to people, anime fans, non TMNT fans (I wasn’t a fan of TMNT until Rise), animation fans and so on. Always ask for the original producers, Ant Ward, Andy Suriano, writers, cast and crew to come back. Word of mouth is a powerful thing. The more people make an effort, the better. And don’t give up. Giving up is the one true for Rise fade away.
TLDR: No, hating on MM will NOT help Rise. BUT! Continuously making efforts to bring back Rise, support each other, raise awareness/visibility, will.
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year
is once upon a time worth watching?
Reason 1: Regina Mills
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Reason 2: Emma Swan
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Reason 3: It's chaotic and fun as hell. Here is some shit (out of context) that occurs. Be aware spoilers:
Snow White has a one night stand with Doctor Frankenstein
Little Bo Peep was a warlord
Snow White and Prince Charming's child gave the Wicked Witch labor inducing onion rings
Reason 4: The fandom is also super fun. I feel like majority of us are cracked which makes for a lot of fun convos/interactions!
Bonus: Scaly Lizard Man
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deimosbreakfrost · 5 months
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essa foto do nofx é muito Silly
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tawaifeddiediaz · 6 months
hello! im a newby gimaker and i want to follow your tutorial on sharpening but i dont know how you got to the photoshop page you started from where it looks like a video timeline. can you tell me how you got there? <3
Welcome to the wonderful world of gifmaking <3 yes i can lead you through to that point. I have a mac so this might look different for you, but all the steps stay the same - I just shifted from windows to mac so i know this xD
I'm going to show you how to do this on this gif:
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I prefer to use screenshots for my gifs (I also don't know how else to make them), so I use Mplayer for that. I used to use MPV player but that stopped working with my new computer system.
First, you want to make sure that you're using a high-quality file. If 1080p is available to you, use 1080p at the very least. This will make sure your gifs are crisp and sharp.
Open your file with Mplayer. Then find the bit that you want to gif. I sometimes search forward by frame by using the ">" key. Once you're at the start point of your desired gif, pause the video. Then, Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S to start screenshotting. The video will start to play slowly as the screenshots are captured. (They go to the desktop automatically but you can change that in interface settings).
The rest of the tutorial is under a cut:
Once you get your screenshots, you're going to go Photoshop. File > Scripts > Load Files Into Stack.
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You're going to get a dialogue box. Click Browse and load the screenshots that you want. This is what that looks like when you finish:
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Next, you're going to crop your gif, using the crop tool. You can press C on your keyboard for this or use the tool with this icon in the sidebar.
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For this, I'm using an aspect ratio of 540 x 400:
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Click that checkmark to crop. Once you do, we're going to resize the image. Use the Cmd/Ctrl + I function to bring up this box. For tumblr gifs, you want to change the width. The height doesn't really matter but if the width doesn't match up, Tumblr is going to fix it for you and it'll look funky. Per row:
1 gif , we use 540px
2 gifs, 268px each
3 gifs, 177, 178, 177 px
We're just doing one, so I'm using 540px.
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Now, you want to make sure you can add the timeline. In the top bar, go to Window > Timeline
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This will bring up the timeline.
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From there, click "Create Frame Animation" (you might have to press the arrow in the timeline bar first.)
It's going to look like this:
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We're going to use those three lines in the corner of the picture above. The first option we'll select is "Make Frames From Layers"
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That looks like this:
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Now, when these load in, you may notice that they're all in reverse. To make them go back in order, we're going to go back to that menu and click "Reverse Frames."
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Then, in that same menu, click "Select all Frames." We're going to change the animation speed. You want to make sure you have the first frame selected. We're going to click the arrow next to the "0 sec"
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When you click that, it will give you a menu. Click, "other..." You should get a dialogue box that says "Set Frame Delay", just like the one below.
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You want to use anywhere between 0.05-0.1 seconds. I find that anymore more is just too slow, so I prefer 0.06. This is fully changeable at the end of my sharpening tutorial, and you can use what you want, but that's what I prefer.
When you do that, it'll change the frame speed of all the gifs.
Now, go back into that little menu, and click, "Convert to Video Timeline."
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This is what it'll look like:
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Now we're going to select all the layers in the right-hand pane. Once we do that, right-click and select, "Convert to Smart Object."
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And you're there! Now you can use the sharpening tutorial to your liking.
Pro tip: Make an action with all these steps so you don't have to do them by hand with every single gif you make.
Hope this helps and it wasn't super long winded. Let me know if you have any questions <3 Happy giffing!
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justfriendsbestthings · 9 months
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Bet he’s looking at Simon
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zeezeepearl · 6 months
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OH BEAUTIFUL KITTY what is this kitys name :3
Also thanks for liking my cross stitch, I had fun going through your entire brba/bcs tag
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biboomerangboi · 7 months
You got some anon hate?? Who do I need to beat up👊
Hi Nonnie thank you for the support it’s very dumb anon hate that I’m just blocking but basically it’s because the headcannons that I write don’t portray hualian as this:
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sweetfushi · 2 months
heya. but what if we like/heart the posts instead of rebloging. Because that’s what I prefer to do and prefer to keep the liked/heartrd posts private 🤷🏽‍♀️
that doesn’t help boost the post in any way. if there are certain posts you want to keep private for whatever reason, that’s fine, but things like writing, art and articles should be reblogged because that’s the only way you can increase the attention they get.
plus, consistently liking someone’s posts will just shadowban them and make the system register them as a bot, which would not make their works appear in tags. that’s obviously not very helpful.
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xysidhequeen · 11 months
Take your time of answering this. No rush 😊
I’m curious after Jason been knighted as a Red Knight and first dealing with the Flash Fam screwing up the flow of time… Again…
A Flash: messes up the timestream
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Now, keep in mind Jason had been fucking with the Flash Fam prior to being formally knighted. Being knighted as Fright Knight(or Red Knight in this case) just gives him a bit of a power up and also gives him a good deal of authority in the 'Realms.
Now what was really scary was the first time Jason went after a Flash fucking with the timestream while in his Red Knight armor.
Just. This hulking suit of armor and ghostly flames running at them like the Terminator and. They're the FLASH fam. They're supposed to be the fastest people around. Yet they can't outrun this full on armored tank of a being.
When he catches up to whichever Flash is responsible he just scruffs them like misbehaving kittens and shakes them.
"Stop. Fucking. With. Time. You. Little. Shit." And a few more shakes for good measure. And whichever Flash it is just nods meekly. Because what else are you gonna do when this man who is more built than Superman, faster than you, who is coated in black and red armor literally radiating flames picks you up like you weigh nothing more than a wet paper bag and scolds you like a puppy who piddled on the carpet?
You agree and then offer to buy him chilidogs. (All of the Flash Fams know the big tank dude likes chilidogs, the skinny eldritch nightmare likes burgers)
Danny and Jason are the Flash Fam's version of those scary sea stories sailors tell each other. They're what goes bump in the night.
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zee-rambles · 1 month
Leo is healing but what about the other guys, Donnie's shell and Raph having nightmares and Mikey who puts his aside and focusing on his brothers
Taking care of someone that is suffering from mental health concerns IS hard. It takes a lot of empathy, patience, and understanding, and that’s can be challenging for most people that don’t know how to do it right. It can take a toll on anyone, really, especially if they’re not taking care of themselves.
Raph has more or less recovered, since he was the first to seek help and make an effort to address his trauma. Mikey and Splinter helped him through it, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t occasionally have flair ups and bad days. It’s normal. The strain of taking care of Leo does get to him sometimes, hence the nightmare a few pages back.
As for Donnie and Mikey, well…you’ll just have to wait and see. 😈
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froggydoodles · 1 year
Do you think Chelsea is homeless?
Like, where's she living? All other mermaids somewhere far off in the sea, she's all alone, with nobody to crash with. Was she just living under the bridge or something?
Considering after the war all mermaids separated and gone hiding and even one of the directors of the film already confirmed Chelsea wasn't lying about being alone for years yeah i think it's safe to say that she was indeed homeless. Since she is more of a sea creature i assume she would sleep in an underwater cave or something. I really feel bad for her when i think about that. Imagine acting all cool during the day like everything in your life is perfect while searching for a safe place to sleep all by yourself at nights. It's not that hard to read the emotions on her face when she is with Ruby, in all that acting she was still genuinely enjoying not being alone and having fun with someone who understands her. I'll never forgive writers for wasting all her development at the very end for a stupid twist 😢
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deimosbreakfrost · 7 months
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zipper, chipper, ripamien ‼️‼️
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