#ze’ev kesley
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lynsstrange · 10 months ago
one of my favorite parts of the lunar chronicles has always been how batshit insane it is. just the the genuine unhingery. the main character kidnaps her love interest from his wedding. said love interest stabs his arranged bride (a murderous dictator) with scissors at the altar. cress and thorne stay at an inn in the middle of the desert, and while he’s fucking around gambling she gets kidnapped into an underground medical experimentation human trafficking ring and bought by her long lost father. there’s evil moon people. scarlet and wolf get it on in a boxcar after like two days of knowing each other. 4/9 of the main cast aren’t human. cinder crashes kai’s wedding (again), murders twenty people, and jumps off a ten story balcony into a lake. kai keeps cinder’s metal foot so he can stare at it and long after her while she’s a wanted fugitive. cress fangirls over and stalks her outlaw crush on the internet for years and then bags him when they meet. not one of them is over twenty or mentally sound btw. no other YA series is doing it like that. applause
EDIT bc I’ve had so many people correct me: yes my math is off on the human ratio!! Ik it’s only two on reflection, I wrote this post very quickly and didn’t fully think it through, thank you for the corrections
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boardthatsinkingship · 1 year ago
have a some quick scribbles of the Rampion Crew as their energy levels:
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these are 100% accurate, thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
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madimay04 · 2 months ago
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Jacin and Winter my beloveds!
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months ago
I need the tlc movies to all hurry up and come out so that I can enjoy the following edits:
• Winter to mad hatter by Melanie Martinez
• boys will be bugs by cavetown wolf edit
• baby one more time Britney Spears thirst edit of scarlet shooting people. Just cause I think it would be really fucking cool
• line without a hook by Ricky Montgomery kaider/jacinter edit because I think it would be really sweet
• michelle by sir chloe winlet edit
• womanizer x pony edit of Thorne. Yeah I hate the bastard but I think it would go extremely hard
•sixteen by ayesha erotica cress edit cause I think it would be really fucking funny
• your best American girl by mitski kaito edit because I think it works really well with the whole “who could ever love a cyborg” thing she had going on
• vigilante shit by Taylor swift edit of cinder because she’d eat that shit up
• oh no! By marina edit of cress specifically “I always feel like I’m the worst so I always act like I’m the best” because that’s literally so cress
• all American bitch by Olivia Rodrigo would would for almost every girl in tlc
• run the world (girls) Beyoncé edit of iko because I KNOW she’d eat that shit up
• I’m just ken edit of all the tlc boys. Because to ME. They are all ken. They exist to be love interests and helplessly obsessed with the girls and I am completely okay with that
• genie in a bottle iko edit because again I think she’d serve cunt
• hot to go winlet edit frankly cause I deserve it
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literarybrainrot · 8 months ago
If you think about it, Scarlet Benoit is actually fantastic bisexual representation in that her taste in women is the most beautiful woman to ever exist and her taste in men is “dirty-ass street fighter I met behind a dumpster” and, honestly, I love her for it.
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enigma-of-self · 10 months ago
Canonically, Thorne is the only Rampion Crew member to have dated anyone outside of the Rampion Crew.
Cinder: a cyborg servant to her evil step-mother who definitely didn’t give her the freedom to meet or date boys
Iko: a literal android
Wolf: forced into an all-boys-wolf-cub-hybrid-training-camp and genetically modified at age 12
Cress: a prisoner her whole life and lived solitarily in a satellite from ages like 9-16
Jacin: devoted to Winter since childhood
Winter: devoted to Jacin since childhood
So… unless Kai and Scarlet had secret lovers we’re unaware of…
…That means they’re all each other’s first loves🥺
…and ig we can give Thorne partial credit because he didn’t “mean it”those 24 other times… lol
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dreamyeyesinc · 1 month ago
listen i’m almost done reading the lunar chronicles. I love it so much and I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN. genuinely they are so goddamn long and things are always happening. Please give me a beach chapter or smth.
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katniss-evermeme · 5 months ago
Dr. Erland referred to Cress’s mother as “a fellow scientist”, which means it’s pretty likely that they met at work. We also know that at some point before Cress was born and he ran away to earth, Dr. Erland worked with the wolf soldiers. Cress’s mother, on the other hand, stayed behind and likely kept her job. Therefore, it’s possible that Cress’s mother was the scientist who did the surgery on Wolf. In this essay I will-
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winterczn · 2 years ago
Some of My TLC Head Canons That Just Make Sense | Part One
1. Thorne complained to Kai about the whole soap situation and Kai actually changed the soap in prison to be less ‘drying’ for the skin. *Cue to Cinder facepalming.*
3. Winter is abnormally calm around wild animals and insects. While Thorne and Kai are freaking out, Winter is just there petting a snake and offering a bear some tea.
4. Kai’s go-to drink is tea, and Cinder’s go-to drink is coffee. She drinks so much coffee in a day that Kai gets genuinely concerned for her so he offers her some tea instead but Cinder refuses and proceeds to aggressive sip on her 8th cup of coffee that day.
5. Winter named every single animal at Scarlet’s farm. TELL ME IM WRONG.
6. Wolf also has a weird obsession with bread.
7. Sometimes, Jacin gets stumped with his school work and Cinder does research on it and helps him out. He passed with flying colors because of this.
8. The entire crew would be swifties — emphasis on Kai and Iko — if Taylor Swift existed during their time. (Jacin would feign nonchalance whenever a Taylor song comes on but when he’s alone, he would blast the album Lover in his headphones. Winter caught him dancing to Taylor once and promised she wouldn’t tell anyone.)
9. Winter has like a 50-step hair care routine and she totally dragged Scarlet into the whole curly hair girl routine thing. Scarlets hair has never been healthier and Wolf loves playing with it.
10. Kai is very interested in philosophy and would read tons of books + do a lot of research about it. Cinder would listen to him ranting about it, sometimes stopping to make a joke, usually resulting to them laughing so hard they end up on the floor.
11. Kai’s favorite number is eleven. One because it represents intuition and two because he just likes the way it looks. Everyone was a little confused at first but eventually just went along with it.
12. Iko and Winter (our delulu queens) get bored sometimes and creates very complicated plots and characters in their heads with each other. They have a lot of inside jokes with each other because of this.
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hazellevessque · 7 months ago
So technically I finished Cinder…six months ago (🧍) when I read it for school because everyone was recommending it to me. But then we switched units and I wasn’t allowed to read a sci-fi book anymore, so I had to stop a few chapters into Scarlet. Then school ended and I didn’t have access to the books anymore, and I couldn’t get them from the library, so I had to resort to other methods (begging my parents to by me the books). They finally folded, and here we are!
I did re-read Cinder before this one because I was afraid I forgot what happened lol
That being said I think I liked the last book more than this one, but I still really liked this book so no harm done
I feel like everyone should know that my 12-year-old sister looked over my shoulder at one point, saw the world “alpha” and started singing, “SHE’S THE ALPHA, SHE’S THE LEADER, SHE’S THE ONE TO TRUST” 💀
Émilie is an icon, she needed more page time
Imagine that one day you look up and see a giant spaceship with a naked lady painted on the side of it. I know that that probably isn’t possible with the canon but. Just imagine
Wolf is…kinda just there to me tbh I don’t dislike him I just like the other characters…more?? He’s my least favorite in the gang AS OF RIGHT NOW. I don’t know if there are any Wolf stans in the crowd but please don’t come at me
Idk Scarlet gave me lesbian vibes
I really liked that the books take place in parts of the world other than America. I’m American and most media/all the popular books marketed towards us takes place here and I usually have to go out of my way to find books that don’t take place here
When Kai gave that emergency speech Cinder’s reaction KILLED ME. Oh my god. Wow
“Cinder has a bit of a crush on him” “Don’t we al?” I LOVE IKO
Also speaking of Throne I think he’s so funny. I know he’s the love interest of the next book so I’m excited to see that!
So apparently I have still not recovered from Peony’s death because every time her name got mentioned I was hit with a brick
There were multiple times where I had to get up and do a lap while reading. This book is very intense
Overall I really liked it. Most people I know say that Cress is their favorite book and Rapunzel is my favorite fairytale so I’m hyped for that!
Also I forgot everyone that was on the taglist so I’m gonna be doing this mostly from memory (let me know if you’d like to be added/removed!): @writergracethepanda @winterrhayle @rosaadiazs @caliburn-the-sword @qylinscafvne
@rxsewqter @silverstarssart @typingwithmyhandstied @hijabi-desi-bookworm @livie1507
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gingerale2017 · 9 months ago
News To Share
Fandom: The Lunar Chronicles
Pairing: Cinder x Kai (kaider)
Setting: Sometime after at least Kai and Cinder are married
Words: 2k
Cinder woke up to the soft hum of the timed electrical curtains gliding apart. The eight-in-the-morning sun shot her face mercilessly and, even as her mechanical eyes automatically readjusted, she still had to squeeze them shut against the glare. She let out a soft groan and rubbed her cheek against her pillow.
Except her pillow was warm. And breathing. She froze, not wanting to wake up her husband. Unlike Cinder, the brightest rays of sun failed to wake him up as he breathed evenly and undeterred. She was vaguely aware of his hand hugging her arm as she silently oriented herself to him.
She closed her eyes, wanting to match his state again when she noticed something in the corner of her inner screen. She didn’t receive notifications when she slept so they wouldn’t bother her, but the little inbox where she sent comms kept glowing. It made her open her eyes again in confusion. Who was comming her so much at eight in the morning?
Her curiosity won over her laziness. Cinder willed the comms to open and saw a group-comm chat with message after message. It was made up of all their friends. The must be planning an event or something. The sun seemed to dim against the white chat bubbles, and for once she was glad for her man-made eyes.
Before she could fully absorb the materials of the chat, Kai stirred by moving his hand to her waist.
Cinder smiled and closed the chat, leaning into his lazy hug. Her friends could wait.
“G’morning.” He muttered, voice croaking due to the earliness.
“How did you know I was awake?” She murmured into his chest.
He sighed. “Because you’re too still. Like pretending you’re asleep still. And you hugged me back. I think.” The man was clearly groggy. She chuckled and looked up at his jaw.
“Well, good morning, Kai.” She said, reaching to press a small kiss on his throat. It pricked her lips. “About time for a shave.” She pointed out.
“I know, I know.” He then paused for a beat too long. She worried he fell back asleep. Then he took a sharp intake of breath and spoke. “What’s on the schedule today, darling?”
She hummed, pulling up the electronic list. “Nothing in the morning, which is why we’re sleeping in.” They giggled like little children getting away with something. When you’re royalty, waking up at eight in the morning is considered a luxury. While her chuckles waned, Cinder turned to hug and squeeze his waist. She lovingly dug in her forehead into the softness of his chest. His hand left her waist to pat her head. “We got documents to read over and sign before tomorrow. Oh, and the reps from the Malaysia Provinces scheduled a meeting with us at 15 hours. Though, this is the first time I’m hearing of this.”
Kai groaned and let her have her cuddle moment for second. The he completely shifted their positions by wrapping his arms and legs around like she was a pillow and hid his face in the crook of her neck. “My turn.” He mumbled. She smiled to herself as she noticed how half of one of her arms was underneath his body now, while the her hand remained free. She used that hand to pet his hair, and used her totally free arm to rub circles all over his back. He sighed contently.
Honestly, if she had it her way, this is how she would spend every morning. Instead of waking up in the crack of dawn and leaving each other with quick kisses without a flow of conversation. She’d massage his back for eternity if she could. To Cinder, their love felt so unique and different. It felt like one that only existed every thousands of years or so. Like one from a fairytale, or a romance novel. Obviously, their love story isn’t the only incredible love story out there. There are their friends, each having their own captivating romance. But not like Cinder and Kai’s. No, not like the Commonwealth royalty at all. They understood each other on another level than their friends did, which, again, is likely true for most coupes.
But they were different! She swore they were. She didn’t have anything to prove that they were different, but it sure felt like it. They lived in their own private world that only they can experience. They saw colors, and stories, and artistry, and so much more that they can only see with each other. They’d do things with and for each other they will never do with and for anyone else.
For example, if someone murdered one of her friends, say Thorne, in cold blood, she go after the murderer of course but probably wouldn’t do anything else once justice is served. But if someone were to even give Kai a laceration the size of a tick, she’d go after that person as if they’d murdered him. That’s how far she’d go for him. And, back to understanding the other like no one else, she knew he felt the same way.
Kai moaned, waking her up from her enamored stupor. She blinked and stopped moving. “What’s wrong, darling?” She purred, his pet names rubbing off on her. Probably because she was still high off of her romantic inner spiel, she felt oddly protective of her husband right now. Though, it could also just be of their current cuddle positions.
“Nothing, that just felt so good. Please do it again.” He mumbled, covered by the skin of her neck.
Cinder chuckled to herself and resumed the circling on his head and back. He sighed, absolutely melting into her. She knew for sure he was thinking about how much he loved her. She knew because she was thinking the same thing.
After a small while, she checked her inner ‘port screen’ again and pulled up the messages for the hundredth time. Finally she read the messages and let it sink in. It started forty-five minutes ago and she scrolled to the first message.
Scarlet: Hey guys, sorry if any of you are sleeping right now, but Wolf and I have some news to share :)
Iko: oooooh what is it??
Cress: Carswell and I are awake :))))
Winter: I’m awake as well.
Winter: Jacin can’t find his port but he is also awake.
Winter: He wanted me to tell you.
Wolf: Hey guys, sorry of we’re waking any of you guys up but we have BIG NEWS !!?!
Thorne: ?? i’m a little confused.
Wolf: Sorry, I meant to delete that but I sent it instead. We decided we should send it on Scarlet’s port ./.
Wolf: Sorry, type, I mean just the dot .
Wolf: typo*
Cress: We understand Wolf. What’s the big news?!!
Iko: yessss i’m dying to know
Thorne: same, the suspense is killing me
Scarlet: So I was feeling sick for the last couple of weeks and thought ‘hm that’s strange’ so I was racking my brain as to why I was only feeling sick in the mornings
Thorne: girl are you pregnant?
Wolf: thORNE !??!? can you wait a littlr lonber / please?
Wolf: Sorry, typo. Little* and longer*
Winter: I’m confused, why are we writing Thorne in all capital letters? Is that the news?
Winter: Never mind, Jacin told me.
Scarlet: can i finish my story?
Thorne: we all know how it ends but sure
Thorne: anything for the preggo woman
Cress: I’ll restrain him Scar, don’t worry.
Scarlet: ty cress
Scarlet: Anyways, I went to the pharmacy and it hit me. What if I’m pregnant?! So I grabbed a couple pregnancy tests and boom here I am. Officially three weeks and a half pregnant :)
Scarlet: i know :)))
Cress: This is so exciting!! When is the due date?!?!?
Scarlet: April 27th the doctors said
Thorne: WHO’S NEXT ?!?!?
Winter: Wow this is amazing news! Congratulations! I am so happy for you.
Jacin: Congrats you guys, this is great stuff.
Scarlet: thank you soooo much, this means a lot to us
Thorne: yk, my money’s on kai and cinder for the next baby
Thorne: where are they anyway
Iko: let the poor babies sleep
Wolf: Yeah. We are very excited!
Thorne: hey no typos!
Wolf: ? I thoght I didn’t have amy :(
Wolf: Thought* Any*
Thorne: you didn’t
Wolf: Okay. Good.
Wolf: Why are you rolling?
Winter: ?
Winter: Nevermind. Jacin just explained.
Scarlet: this is way more chaotic than i thought it was going to be lol
Thorne: our sarcasm receptors are not very high rn
Scarlet: unfortunately
The last message was sent two minutes ago and Cinder could see Winter’s profile thinking up a message. It was a cute mini avatar of her in the corner of the screen looking up at at an empty thought bubble. The avatar was tapping her foot and chin at same time is if it were a real person.
However, Cinder was too stunned to focus the avatar. She gasped and froze her motions. Kai groaned in response.
“Why’d you stop.” He moaned, the words vibrating in her neck. It tickled, but she could only blink.
“Oh my stars, Kai!” She laughed aloud. “Check your port!”
He pulled away and furrowed his brow up at her. “Why?”
“Scarlet’s pregnant!”
Winter: I am not very good with sarcasm sometimes, I am sorry for that :/
He jerked, quickly sitting up. He stared at her with wide eyes. “No way.”
Iko: actually you’re a hidden sarcasm gem
Scarlet: IKR?!?! you literally surprise me every time you whip your sarcasm out
He dove across their way-too-big bed for his port. Cinder could only laugh at the way his feet hung up at an odd angle. She sat up and stretched as she waited. He gasped as he read the message and covered his mouth. Then he laughed in shock. “This is incredible!” He exclaimed once he was sitting close to her again.
“I know! I’m so happy for them.” She giggled.
He tilted his head, still looking at his port. “What does Thorne mean he’s got his money on us.”
Cinder cringed. “Just ignore it. I actually think he and Cress are gonna have baby number two.”
Kai looked at her. “You sure about that?”
Her breath caught. What did he mean by that?
He looked away and typed a response that she could barely process because her mind was still reeling from the look he had just given her. And his words.
Kai: I’m sorry I’m just now seeing this but congratulations on your next stage of life! Cinder and I are so happy for you two!
Cinder: Yeah! We couldn’t be more excited. Keep us updated!
Thorne: damn y’all sleep in or something
Kai and Cinder turned to each other and burst out laughing.
Cinder: shut up
Iko: good morningggggg, i’m otw to breakfast
Thorne: BREAKFAST?!? aces, I was joking, y’all really did sleep in
Cress: We’re in your time zone, btw :3
Thorne: oh we are?
Cress: Sorry that was a private chat meant for Thorne.
Thorne: you’ll never find me :3
Scarlet: aww you guys should meet up!
Scarlet: actually wolf and i were thinking about visiting the east again soon
Winter: Me and Jacin too!
Kai: That’s great news, actually. We can take this as an opportunity to catch up and celebrate your pregnancy Scar!
Cinder: Especially since all of us will be within the same time zone soon enough.
Thorne: okay mr and mrs fancypants
Scarlet: That sounds awesome!!’
Cinder: shut up
Thorne: isn’t there a way to say that a little more nicer
Thorne: yk since you’re royalty or wtv
Thorne: crap, cress found meBIVJAEYL
Jacin: Thanks Cress.
Cress: Anytime :3
Kai frowned. “What do you think she did to Thorne?”
“Hopefully put him down.” She scoffed. He chuckled, then threw his port across the bed.
He blowed a piece of his hair out of his face and smiled at Cinder. “What are you thinking about?”
“Me?” She blinked.
“Who else? Let me ask my other wife.” He teased.
“Stop it.” She glared. Then she looked away, knowing that she’d be blushing right now
He noticed her hidden rosy cheeks. “What is it, darling?” He murmured, using his hand to coax her cheek.
Whether he knew or not, this was a form of manipulation to Cinder as it always made her answer whatever Kai asked or did. Especially when he would rub his thumb back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. She was especially hypnotized whenever he used his eyes. She was like fish and his face was like bait. Once she looked into his eyes, she was hooked.
“I was thinking about what you said earlier.”
“What did I say?”
“When I made that comment about Cress and Thorne having children, you said something.” She mumbled. “I just wanted to know what you meant.” She feared she already knew the answer.
His lips twitched. Repeating her thoughts, he responded. “I think you know.”
“I do.” She whispered.
Then his eyes turned almost into pleading. “It was an offhand phrase, but I’m pretty serious, Cinder.” His other hand rubbed her knuckles. “Actually, I’ve been thinking about this for a while.” He added, with a small chuckle.
She bit her lip. “Really?”
“Yeah, really.” Then he took a moment to look away and sigh. Once he recovered himself, he turned back to her again. “I think it’s time to have children.”
She stared at him for a long moment, leaving him in suspense. She could tell he was dying to know her answer and he’d agree if it were positive of negative. He’s always been supportive.
Then, she slowly smiled at him. “You know, there’s never a right time for these sorts of things.”
“I know.”
“I don’t know if I agree.” She murmured, turning away. Kai squeezed her hand. Stars. Kids! In fact, she knew exactly how she felt about having kids. “But, if we were to have one without planning for it, I wouldn’t mind it.”
He exhaled in relief and cupped her cheek as she smiled. She could hear I love you’s twinkle of his eyes. She coaxed the hand on her face with love and leaned in to kiss him.
Good stars. Kids! It’s true when they say there’s never a ‘perfect moment’ to starts. Hopefully, they’d have his eyes.
A/N: i wrote this at 1 am so it’s a little funky. hope u liked it anyway :)
Tag List: @just2bubbly @cinderswrench @cindersassasin @the-wee-woo-royal @deprivedmusicaljunkie @crescentchat @notjacinclay @wheresmymom-imlost @salt-warrior @rapunzelfromthemoon @briggycat @impossiblesuitcase @kaider-is-my-otp @definitelynotisabel @wassupnye (these are for my kaider ONLY fics so please ask if you want to be tagged or removed <3)
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thorneswife · 3 months ago
Wolfletcore as images I stole from Pinterest
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madimay04 · 2 months ago
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I love this trend almost as much as I love Kai and Cinder!!
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year ago
Cress has an entire pastel computer setup btw including wolf ears bluetooth headset which she insists are for matching Wolf, who tears up every time he thinks about it btw
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literarybrainrot · 8 months ago
At some point in the Lunar Chronicles Wolf tells the Rampion Crew he knows Scarlet is his Alpha because she’s the only person he’s ever been sexually attracted to and they make him read the space-wikipedia page on asexuality.
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honeyxwildfire · 6 months ago
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// Wolf & Scarlet WIP //
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