#ze gotinha
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diariodaestrela · 1 year
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Lembram quando o Lula desceu o sarrafo no Bolsonaro por ter deixado o Zé Gotinha de lado? Pois é, o nosso presidente também apoia ele no torneio sexyman
Confira algumas frases do presidente:
"Zé Gotinha é um gostoso como nunca se viu antes na história desse país" (O GLOBO, 25/04/2022)
"Eu queria fazer uma campanha com o Zé Gotão pelado pra vacina do HPV, mas a Dilma não deixou" (FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 30/07/2021)
"Se o Zé Gotinha perder eu explodo esse país e fodase" (TOTHETRASHWHEREIBELONG PONTO TUMBLR PONTO COM, hoje)
Em nome da união da esquerda brasileira, vote Zé Gotinha pra sexyman Brasil!!
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angus-tully · 1 year
eu tomei a bivalente ontem e meu braço está dividido entre doer horrores e esquentar como o fogo do inferno
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akindplace · 1 year
There are some Brazilian things™️ that I don’t know how to explain to anyone who is foreign like… the fact that the government supported the creation of a beloved character to encourage people to vaccinate for polio that had the shape of a drop for a head called ze gotinha (literally translated as little drop jack) and every time there are vaccinations someone dresses up as the character and over the years it became a wholesome meme and the internet has videos of people dressed up as the character dancing and twerking
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i4219s · 2 years
ze gotinha postando storys d paçoca, esse tem bom gosto
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eronferr · 3 years
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contorcionar · 6 years
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faggotcitosis · 4 years
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there is only two genders
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Should kids be vaccinated? Brazil turns to online survey
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[Image description: Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro poses for photos with the mascot of his nation's vaccination campaign, named "Ze Gotinha," or Joseph Droplet, during a ceremony to present the National Vaccination Plan Against COVID-19 at Planalto presidential palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Dec. 16, 2020.]
As world leaders rely on public health specialists to inform their decisions about whether and how to vaccinate children against the coronavirus, Brazil’s government is asking the online public for guidance.
In recent weeks, President Jair Bolsonaro has staked out a position against immunizing kids aged between 5 and 11, and his administration took the unusual step of creating a platform that could validate a stance that is widely opposed by experts. Since his government on Dec. 23 unveiled its online questionnaire on the issue, the president’s supporters have been highly engaged on messaging apps trying to pressure parents to swing the results.
One widely shared post Wednesday on the Telegram group ‘Bolsonaro Army,’ which has about 37,000 members, said the vaccine is experimental and suggested that receiving shots could be more harmful than getting infected, although several studies have shown the opposite is true. It also included a link to the government’s survey, which other people were posting along with instructions to relay to friends and family.
The rally for resistance resembles online behavior observed earlier this month, which catapulted Bolsonaro to the top of the heap in TIME magazine’s readers poll for Person of the Year, David Nemer, an expert on Brazil’s far-right groups on messaging apps, told The Associated Press. Bolsonaro garnered about one-quarter of the more than 9 million votes — nearly triple that of the runner-up, former U.S. President Donald Trump. The magazine’s editors instead chose Elon Musk as 2021 Person of the Year.
This time, however, online efforts are aimed at something far more significant than bestowing an honorific on the president. The survey, which concludes Jan. 2, stands to shape vaccination policy in Latin America’s most populous nation, home to 20 million kids aged 5 to 11. Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga has said they will soon be eligible for vaccination, but survey results will help determine guidelines including whether shots could only be administered with parental consent and a doctor’s prescription.
Health experts, for their part, are aghast. Some Brazilian states’ health secretariats have already pledged to ignore any health ministry guidelines on childhood vaccination if based on the public consultation. Gonzalo Vecina, founder and director of Brazil’s health regulator between 1999 and 2003, says public consultation on vaccines is “unprecedented”. 
In Brazil, Mauro Paulino, general director of prominent pollster Datafolha, said one problem with the Bolsonaro government’s survey is the way questions are framed, repeatedly asking interviewees, “Do you agree that...?” Such failure to present questions neutrally can induce responses.
“Datafolha always gives the two possible alternatives: whether the interviewee agrees or disagrees with the statement,” he said. “Both sides of the question are necessary.”
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sebastianfreire · 3 years
Chegaram o💧 PIN do Zé Gotinha! Eu & @cesariojo 😷💉 Defenda o SUS e se orgulhe da existência dele. Este grande ícone brasileiro é nosso símbolo da vacinação e do sistema universal de saúde. Criado na década de 80 para dar luz ao risco de não vacinar seus pequenos contra poliomielite, Zé Gotinha foi um sucesso retumbante no combate à mortalidade infantil. Hoje em dia ele tem uma responsa ainda maior: simbolizar todo o esforço em manter uma população de mais de 200 milhões de pessoas minimamente saudável de forma 100% gratuita. Ele precisa ser protegido mais do que nunca e são momentos como os quais estamos passando hoje que deixam bem claro o por quê. Se proteja e proteja a imagem do SUS 🙏 Compre o pin pelo site: www.icebrg.com.br/ze-gotinha 📱@icebrg.se https://www.instagram.com/p/CNZ2JJVJAaz/?igshid=ob0tgtzk03s4
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multipolar-online · 4 years
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radiotupi · 4 years
Darlan Rosa lamenta o ocorrido e afirma que o personagem 'foi criado para educar'
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indicalink · 4 years
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How Brazil survived its president’s vaccine skepticism
Brazil put its trust in vaccination programs, even as President Bolsonaro tried to undermine confidence in it.
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[Image description: Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro with the country’s vaccination mascot, Ze Gotinha, at the launch of a new national Covid-19 vaccination campaign, in Brasilia, Brazil, in December 2020.]
Franco, a 28-year-old Brazilian, agonized over getting the Covid-19 vaccine up until the moment the shot went into his arm. “I was skeptical in line,” he said. “Like, playing chicken, you know? Am I going to take it or not? It’s my turn.”
He went through with it; once, then twice, for his Pfizer doses. “I have decided to get vaccinated after having a sit-down with my physician, and we did our checks and balances regarding my health issues,” Franco said. (Vox is withholding his last name to protect his privacy.)
Franco also decided to get vaccinated in case of possible mandates for air travel, which have not happened. But one thing did not really factor into his decision: politics.
Franco is a supporter of President Jair Bolsonaro — he’s been with Bolsonaro “all the time.” And Bolsonaro just happens to be the most prominent vaccine skeptic in Brazil.
Bolsonaro’s skepticism might sound familiar, but in Brazil, vaccination has not become an ideological or political issue the way it has in the United States. More than 70 percent of Brazilians have been fully vaccinated, surpassing places like the US, which started its campaign much earlier.
Bolsonaro himself has said he is not vaccinated, and he has challenged Covid-19 measures from the start, even as Brazil dealt with devastating waves. Bolsonaro has dismissed the severity of the virus, touted unproven cures, and battled lockdown measures. He raised doubts about vaccines, claiming they could increase the chance of contracting AIDS (they cannot). His administration tried to undermine the approval of vaccines for kids. Broadly, Bolsonaro has tied vaccination to the idea of freedom. “If a citizen does not want to get the vaccine, it is his right and that’s it,” he said in October.
Brazil’s health regulatory agency (Anvisa), the World Health Organization, and health agencies around the world have concluded that Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing severe disease outcomes, like hospitalization and death.
Franco said he doesn’t see Bolsonaro as attacking vaccines; he thought some of the president’s phrasing was unfortunate, or taken out of context by the media or political opponents. Instead, he thinks Bolsonaro wanted more testing — that the president was just saying, wait a second. “Everybody is looking at what Bolsonaro used to say back in the day, and realizing that he was just raising up the question: Is that a safe thing? Is it going to make everybody well enough to go back to work?”
There are plenty of others who see things differently. They point to Bolsonaro promoting vaccine misinformation and taking steps to undermine inoculation efforts, and doing so from the most powerful seat in government, in a manner that impeded Brazil’s Covid-19 response.
Yet, some places, like the city of São Paulo, say they have fully vaccinated the entire eligible population. About 90 percent of adults say they will get the shot.
Public health experts credit the trust in Brazil’s primary health care system and national immunization programs. The country has conducted mass vaccination campaigns in recent memory, including for diseases like polio, which was eradicated there in 1989.
“Despite this anti-vax approach that Bolsonaro took on, we had some benefits from our culture of vaccination,” said Wasim Aluísio Prates-Syed, of União Pró-Vacina, a pro-vaccination union.
Raphael Augusto Teixeira de Aguiar, a professor in the preventive and social medicine department at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, added that Brazil has “built up the system for so many years. It’s not easy to destroy it.”
That has muted, if not entirely eliminated, the influence of anti-vaccine sentiment and misinformation. But although Brazilians’ trust in the country’s public health and vaccination programs may have survived Covid-19 and the president’s efforts to unravel them, Brazil has not emerged unscathed. “Today we don’t have to worry. Covid will not be a problem. But I’m worried about the future,” said Natalia Pasternak Taschner, a microbiologist and president of the Instituto Questão de Ciência.
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hugochamberblog · 4 years
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ME SALVA ZÉ GOTINHA (ENRABAMOS O COVID) - MÚSICA COMPLETA Créditos: @marcus_eni LETRA: Eu só q... #hugochamber Source: https://hugochamber.org/me-salva-ze-gotinha-enrabamos-o-covid-musica-completa/?feed_id=20563&_unique_id=5f4439e4e0147
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