#zamasu needs a hug
windsofredemption · 1 year
( @liliaciae )
Zamasu was at the park in Conton City, perhaps Zamasu wanted to catch some fresh air? Maybe he felt a bit… lonely?
Anato, Eyre, and Khai were seen sitting at a table, drinking tea with delicious looking treats. As they are talking with their attendants on their side, Rubis, Beadle, and Solune.
They all seem to have a good time and a close bond.
Khai was the first one to notice Zamasu… There was a very uncomfortable eye contact. Khai would quickly turn his head away from him, pretending that he didn't notice Zamasu.
His ears lowered slightly as he frowned.... debating on whether he should even try to approach them... Judging by the look Khai gave, he had a feeling it wouldn't be well recieved... but still...
The shinjin found himself walking over unconsciously- that need for companionship... a friend... it overwhelmed the young ex apprentice's common sense.
' They're going to chase you off or leave- they don't want to be near you- you know this! Why are you setting yourself up for rejection?!' His thoughts screamed. 'After the stunt with your future counterpart- they all know how you truly act and feel!!' Despite the thoughts... he still attempted.
' ' Er... hello....it's been a while....' '
He cursed mentally as his voice cracked from anxiety- his ears staying low to show he meant no harm.
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icejinlov3r · 2 days
Do you ever realize just how differently you end up writing your fav characters compared to how they really are…?
Canon Frieza: A malicious, arrogant, and cruel man who’s not afraid to hurt/kill others simply for his pleasure, or at least to remove obstacles from his goals.
How I Write Frieza: A sweet, kind, respectable romantic who’s gentle and would only harm those who threaten his loved ones.
Canon Frost: A mischievous, conniving, and ruthless man not afraid to eliminate others for his own goals.
How I Write Frost: An emotional, shy, and vulnerable boi who needs a hug and someone to make him feel safe/secure.
Canon Cell: An arrogant and cruel man who shamelessly flaunts his power and “perfection” by relentlessly beating others.
How I Write Cell: A shameless flirt, but also respectable of others, 100% honest, and overall rather chill.
Canon Zamasu: Another arrogant man who disguised his thirst for power behind a “sword of justice” and sees himself as better than literally everyone one and everything.
How I Write Zamasu: A stern, yet kind tsundere who’s treats others fairly and is knowledgeable.
….I dunno, just an observation I made about myself. (And by no means am I complaining - it’s super fun writing them like this lol)
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tytarax · 2 months
Also here’s the headcannons I used for my oneshot (and ones I have in general);
TW: forced bonding (all platonic), implied kidnapping, stalking, delusions, forced positions, forced immortality, insanity, mentioned murder
-Zamasu is very much delusional. His ideals of wanting to kill off all mortals interferes with his love and affection to reader, which causes Zamasu to panic. He believes that all mortals are evil, so reader messes up these beliefs, which causes Zamasu to panic. There are many ways that this could end, but my favorite one to write about is Zamasu tricking himself into believing reader isn’t actually a mortal being- or rather a god trapped in a mortal body and life.
-Zamasu stops at nothing to get what he wants. And if reader can’t understand, then he will ‘assist’ with that. He most likely believes reader is the broken and delusional one, their mind shattered by the sins of mortal life they were forced to live with for many years.
-He uses anything to justify his delusions. Reader is introverted or shy? Clearly their mind is trying to reject the ways of humanity and he needs to help them! Reader has a physical disability or gets sick often? Their body is trying to reject its cursed mortality, Zamasu can fix that for them!
-If reader tries to go on a hunger strike, or any similar form of retaliation, Zamasu will shut it down immediately. He isn’t against spoon feeding reader if he needs to. In fact, he’d probably enjoy it because it justifies his delusion that reader needs him.
-If any of reader’s old family happens to be alive still, Zamasu will kill them. He can’t risk those foolish mortals trying to take his child away from him! It is most likely this overprotectiveness that drives him to kill Trunks off rather swiftly before he can time travel.
-He will become more overbearing if reader even shows hints of going against him. Zamasu will lock them in the cabin if he feels like he needs to- which he most likely will- and spend lots of time trying to convince reader that he’s in the right.
-Tricks reader into becoming his student. It ties them to him, plus then he has an excuse to dress them in his style outfits and colors. If reader tries to go against this or reject his offer, he will keep forcing it on them. Hopefully reader will accept Zamasu’s offer before he decides to force them into it anyways.
-Absolutely adores reader and believes that they only fight against him because they were raised by mortals. If he can get reader to understand his ways, then they will stop fighting back surely! He will force reader to bond with him in however he can, whether that be by reading with them or forcing them into hugs.
-stalked reader before he went ahead and kidnapped them. Even if reader was with the resistance, he would find a way to follow them everywhere. He will leave little gifts (namely food and books) for reader to find so they stay alive. He will hasten his plans if he realizes reader is sharing their gifts with others.
-Even unfused Zamasu and Goku Black act very similar to this if they follow this shared delusion, but their personalities differ a bit. Zamasu would spend lots of time trying to ‘get through to reader’ with small tea conversations and parallel bonding, while Black would be way more forceful and would be more likely to lock reader up if they keep fighting back.
-Goku Black would force reader to train with him to make them stronger, but he would never allow them to surpass him or become his equal and would always hold back. Zamasu would try and make reader act more like himself, teaching them the same manners he learned (which only reinforces his delusions).
-All versions of Zamasu fear hurting reader, and this fear and their delusions would drive them to use the dragon to wish for reader’s immortality.
-if Infinite Zamasu from the manga ever came into fruition… then poor reader.
Wow, I mean, like, wow.
These hcs are really good and I love your creativity!
You really put a lot of thought into Zamasu's character and motivations. I love how you've explored his delusions and how he would justify his actions. This sounds intense and captivating!
Keep up the amazing work!
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kaioshin-kai · 11 months
*I offer a Zamasu hug*
"Don't you dare to even try to touch a god like that, mortal!" The kai scolded with a smirk whilst he sticks out his finger, swaying it at you. Those cold, intimidating, but yet beautiful hues would lock on you.
He views you like an inferior being and treats you were a bratty little child, begging for attention. Because that's how he views mortals, after all.
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His sense of superiority gives him so much joy as he chuckles to himself with excitement! Suddenly, he flicks your nose with his finger.
( Flick! )
"Ow!" . . . That was mean.
It amused Zamasu. Watching you rub your nose because it hurted. "Heh heh heh... Of course, you vile barbaric mortals could only wish to embrace a god such as I. Understandable. However, it is a sin to touch a god. You know that, right? Pathetic mortal."
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Gracefully, Zamasu flicks his bangs. He was amused enough.
"However, I'm in a good mood today. Accept my divine blessing!" He said as he hugged you.
. . . That's odd-
Oh. .
Zamasu hands you over a piece of paper.
"You owe me now, mortal. Here are some groceries that need to be done! You should feel honored. Now, chop chop."
Of course. . . 💧 He gotta be like that huh.
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zamasu please i need a hug
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megamattzx · 1 year
Time for a sneak peek of the first chapter of the anthology series for Dragon Ball New Frontier Tales of the Time Patrol.
As this happened, Goku quickly woke up and violently jolted up as he then screamed, “NO!!!!” As he then began to hyperventilate from a minor panic attack, Chi-Chi knew she needed to be the strong one for him. He always was that way for her; she cooed to Goku as she hugged him. Rubbing her hand on his head as she whispered into his ear. Goku could only cry on her shoulder as she made sure he knew he was safe.
“Shhhh. It’s okay, Baby. You’re safe. They can’t hurt you anymore.” She said as she knew who he was talking to in his sleep. She had to reassure him that it was just a trauma-induced nightmare. “I’m here. The boys are fine. Viola's okay. We’re safe. You’re safe. Zamasu, Moro, Frieza, Cooler, Turles. None of them can hurt you or any of us anymore.” She knew they would be up for a while now, but she had to make sure Goku was going to be okay first before they went back to bed. “Let's head to the kitchen. I can brew us some coffee, and you can talk to me about it so I can help you, Okay?” Goku nodded as he couldn’t help but know he couldn't keep trying to fight things he couldn’t fight on his own. When the two got up, Chi-Chi took his hand as she led him to the kitchen as she could tell that he was still spooked. The horrible dream really got to him. Chi-Chi could tell the two had a lot of bumps on the road, but they were the best they had ever been, and they were much happier for it. Sure the time patrol allowed Goku the professional help he might need, but she knew she was the one he opened up to the most. Once she mixed the coffee up for herself, after handing Goku his coffee, she then sat right next to him to grab his hand, holding it in a comforting manner. ”Who was it this time?” She asked him, knowing he needed her to understand and listen to him.
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actuallysaiyan · 4 years
Could I have some zamasu vegeta goku sfw alphabet just one at a time when you see this and not all at once
Three in one! We’ll start with Zamasu and continue with the other characters in a separate post ;)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Zamasu is definitely a selfish lover. He has a hard time showing true affection, but maybe if you soften him up a bit, you can get to his softer layer.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, he wouldn’t be the most attentive or want to hang out all the time, but he definitely would like to have calm and peaceful moments with you. The friendship would definitely have to start randomly but through very concise circumstances. Maybe Goku brings you to him?
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s definitely not against them, but he doesn’t want to cuddle all the time. He likes to have his alone time and be by himself. If you catch him in the right mood, he’s going to want to maybe cuddle.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Zamasu would expect you to do some of the domestic chores if you were to settle down together. He may do a few things as well, but you can’t expect him to be your slave.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would just end it. Maybe he’d be a little rude about it, but he wouldn’t beat around the bush for too long. If he’s got to end it, he’s got to end it. Maybe he’ll be a little dramatic too.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Zamasu is definitely going to want to get to know you fully before even thinking about commitment or a relationship. If he likes you, he’s going to want you to commit to him and be true to him.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s pretty gentle, all things considered. If you are in a relationship, he’s going to be sweet and caress your face or rub your back and stuff. Emotionally, he likes to think things out before saying it. He knows he can be a little outspoken at times, so with you he thinks before acting out.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He very much enjoys hugs, but he likes to save them for private moments so they aren’t often. He loves to wrap his arms around you and pull you in close, rubbing your back and taking in your scent.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Definitely not fast at all. He’s going to want to think over your relationship quite a few times over before he even considers he loves you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He considers himself above being jealous, but deep down in his blackest hearts of hearts, he will get jealous if someone else thinks about flirting with you. He’ll probably just wrap his arm around you and whisk you away from said person.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are calculated. They are soft and cushiony and maybe a little tentative. He loves kissing you on the lips and maybe on the forehead or cheeks. He likes to be kissed on the lips and his chest and neck area.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn’t like the idea of children. It would scare him maybe a little to be responsible for someone who is actually a part of him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He would let you rest in bed a little longer as he gets up to start breakfast and tea. He brings it to you in bed while he begins his daily routine. Once you’re done breakfast, you do the dishes while he putters around behind you. You definitely have a calm morning with Zamasu.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Once again, he’s going to want to wind down with you comfortably and calmly. If he were under the influence or feeling frisky, things might heat up a bit and he may want to bring you into the bedroom for some night time fun. Outside of that, he would want to curl up on the couch with you and watch a good movie or read a good book with a steaming cup of tea.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would take some time for him to become completely open with you. He needs to know that you are someone who is trustworthy and aren’t going to hurt him in any way before he actually starts revealing things. He definitely takes it slowly as he starts telling you about him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
His patience is thin. He does get angry easily, but he does his best to suppress it because he does see himself as above emotions like that.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Zamasu would definitely remember lots about you. He enjoys quizzing you about your favorite things and later showing you that he remembered those details about you. He probably would bring you your favorite food without asking him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory from the relationship is when you told him how you felt about him. He had been feeling particularly down that day, and you came to visit him. You were acting shy and withdrawn, but you finally spit it out. A big smile spread on his face and you pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s going to be protective of you fairly enough, but he would like to see you stand up for yourself. He knows you are very worthy, and he knows you can also stand up for yourself and put people in their place if need be. To protect you, he’ll try to outwit the person instead of outright fighting them. He doesn’t really like to be protected, but won’t scold you too hard if you do it out of love.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would love to put lots of effort into your dates, but he would also love it if you spoiled him a little bit too and showed him love and put effort into dates as well.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He can be arrogant at times, and it rubs you the wrong way. You don’t like it when he constantly flatters his own ego and makes himself seem better than others.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not too concerned, but he will put effort into his looks if you are coming to visit or you are going on a date with him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He wouldn’t consider himself incomplete at first, but as the loneliness would set in, he would realize how badly he truly needs you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He definitely gets sad a lot and feels lonely, so he would love it if you spent lots of time with him and just had fun together.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He definitely doesn’t like someone who’s constantly ignorant or puts themselves down all the time.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He rolls over in his sleep, and he grips onto you tightly like you are a teddy bear. He mutters in his sleep sometimes too.
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cowcat44 · 7 years
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He needs a hug
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bts-reveries · 4 years
waste it on me | part 26
(photos after text)
“They finally get together and now they have to be separated again,” Miyeon says as she watches you and Jungkook walking hand in hand at the airport. You all just landed and your short trip to Jeju was now over. Unfortunately, this meant that your time with Jungkook was over too. 
“I know,” Jin responded. “You guys have everything already?” He says, facing the other 3 boys who were leaving with Jungkook. 
“Yup, all we have to do now is say goodbye I guess,” Hobi says with a sad smile. Their time in Korea was a little longer than planned, but nonetheless, it was a fun trip with unexpected surprises. They made new lifelong friends. They didn’t think leaving Korea would be so hard.
Jimin pouts, his eyes watering slightly at the thought of being away from his new friends who quickly turned into family.
“Aigoo~” Jin says, pulling Jimin into a big hug. “Even though you can be annoying sometimes, I’m going to miss you,” he laughs. Jimin wraps his arms around his hyung, laughing into his chest.
“You guys better invite us to the wedding,” Hobi says, giving Miyeon a hug.
“Of course I will,” she says, hugging him tightly. 
Namjoon looks over at Yoongi who gives him a small nod. He laughs as Namjoon throws an arm over his shoulder, pulling him in for a side hug. 
“Ah~ Namjoonah. I’m coming back again for that hard drive,” Yoongi said, tapping Namjoon’s side. Namjoon gives him a closed smile.
“I’ll look harder for it, hyung, don’t come back too soon,” he says sheepishly, knowing he flipped the house around trying to look for that hard drive.
“No come back sooner,” Taehyung says, “maybe hyung would find it right away if he knew you were coming back already.”
“Yeah, just go to LA real quick to grab your things and come back,” Miya pouts. 
“Wish it was that easy,” Yoongi laughs. The eight of them exchange their goodbyes and I'll miss yous as you and Jungkook continue to walk farther and farther in silence. 
“I know we’re trying to avoid saying it but let’s turn around so I can say goodbye to the rest of the group,” Jungkook says with a small smile. You sigh, but nod, as you two turn around and begin walking back to where the group was standing around.
“You promise to facetime me though right?” You say sadly as you two are walking, your eyes were stuck to the ground.
“Yah~ don’t be sad, I’ll be back sooner than you think. Okay? Stop pouting,” Jungkook says, squishing your face. He giggles, leaning in to give your lips a small kiss. Making you smile.
“There you go, keep smiling and I’ll come back faster,” Jungkook says, smiling back at you. You giggle leaning into his side. 
The two of you are closer to the group now and they watch the two of you.
“Ahh~ There’s the love birds. Hurry up Jungkook, say goodbye so we can leave,” Hobi says, walking past the two of you and patting Jungkook’s back as he passes. You frown at Hobi and he laughs.
“I’m kidding Yn.” He walks to you to give you a hug, whispering to you how much he’ll miss you. 
Meanwhile, Jungkook walks over to Jin and gives him a hug as well.
“Congrats again hyung, I’ll see you again at the wedding?” Jungkook laughs. 
“Yah, I better see you sooner than that,” Jin says, patting the young one’s back. 
“Yeah, you have to be here when we’re preparing for the wedding too,” Miyeon says as she hugged Jungkook afterwards. Jungkook says goodbye to Namjoon and Miya next, leaving Taehyung for second to last. 
“We’re good now, right?” Jungkook says as he stands in front of Taehyung.
“I guess so. But keep your promise this time. I swear I will come for you if you stop talking to my Yn again,” Taehyung says. 
“Correction, she’s MY Yn now??” Jungkook says, making Taehyung laugh.
“Good. Now give me a hug, I can’t believe you’re leaving us for LA for a second time,” Taehyung says, pulling Jungkook into a hug.
“Hopefully the last,” Jungkook whispers. Taehyung gives him a confused look when he pulls away. Jungkook takes a deep breath before facing you and you already had some tears running down your face.
“Aish- I told you to keep smiling didn’t I?” Jungkook says, voice cracking, as he quickly pulls you into a hug. This is what he didn’t want to happen ten years ago when he left for the first time. 
The two of you just hugged for a while. Silent tears running down Jungkook’s face as you quietly sobbed into his chest. The rest of the group had already left to give you two some final alone time. The three LA boys went to get food as they waited, while the two older Kim brothers and Miyeon went back to their car. Miya and Taehyung went to eat as they waited for you to finish. Not wanting you to walk back to the car alone.
“You’re making this so much harder for me,” Jungkook laughs as he wipes his face. You sniffle.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would be this hard,” you say, managing to smile up at him. “I bet I look really ugly right now don’t I?” You grimaced. Jungkook laughs, wiping the smudged mascara underneath your eyes. 
“No, still pretty. Like always,” he smiles. You laugh, slapping his chest, making him smile bigger. 
beep beep
Jungkook looks down and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He tries to not look upset at the text he received so you wouldn’t start crying again. 
“I have to get going so I don’t miss my flight,” he says to you. You smile for him even though you didn’t want to leave him at all. 
“You should get going then,” you say, stepping back. Jungkook lets out a sad laugh, knowing that you were trying to be brave for him.
“I will. I’ll call you, facetime you, text you whenever I can. I won’t randomly stop talking to you so don’t worry about that, okay? If I randomly stop talking, it’s either I’m asleep or dead, so text one of my hyungs to make sure,” he jokes, trying to make you laugh once more. You do, it makes his heart flutter.
Jungkook leans towards you but hesitates and he gets shy all of a sudden. You notice and you make the move instead, leaning up towards him to give him a kiss.
It was a long kiss. Jungkook felt as if time stopped right when your lips landed on his. Meanwhile, you felt as if your kiss would make him miss his flight. You pulled away and hugged him tightly. Pressing your cheek against his head. 
“Get back safely okay?”
“I will.”
“I’ll miss you,” you say.
“I’ll miss you more.” Jungkook pulls away, taking off his jacket quickly.
“What are you--”
“Take this with you,” he says, handing you his jacket. “It won’t be cold in LA as it is here. You need an extra layer.” You smile. It smelled just like him.
“Hold onto it until I get back, okay?”
“Okay, get back quickly so I can give it back to you.”
“I will,” Jungkook says, leaning in for a quick, final kiss.
“Now go, before your hyungs get mad,” you laugh. Jungkook nods, waving at you and walking off. 
You continue to wave at him as he’s walking away. He turns around to wave back at you every now and then, but when he turns a corner you drop your hand to your side.
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waste it on me
☞part 26: baby☜
→ pairings: jeon jungkook x reader
→ a/n: sorry this is kinda cheesy rjfrefhef also if there’s any typos, i’ll fix em later. i read over it already but then again i only had 2 hours of sleep and im SO ready to knock out rn
→ taglist:
@kookiemonstersugatea @lylanie12 @crazyferalvigilantedragonwriter @serious-addiction @zamasus-sugarbaby @cosmicdaylight @strwberry-jam @ratking101 @chiminilove @ask-blogger-miss-prussia @lyssjeon @moonlightrose19 @blueberrykenn @jungmanor @forkpops @nochujjk97 @bldvnbln @hplsmoon @kirbykook @girl-with-luvvv @vantaexx @ephyra1230 @girlwiththeglittereyeliner @akirathao @catspancake @kawaii-desv @strapsforyoonie @dammit-jjk @to-onystark @butterflylion @apollukee @xionysus @ilyluuna @uglyratlmao @iridescentplethora @monosomes @tomowasu @taekookcaneatme @mayumioutloud @rjsmochii @super-btstrash-posts @hellotherehoneybee @betysotelo18 @moon6rop @kxk-soul @honeycutelove @cchristinnaa @io-is-lame @shadowstark @goldenchemistry @incredibleella @sope-and-shine
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amitsuma · 3 years
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developmental questions! // accepting // anonymous said:
atropa do you hate trunks for killing your husband? or zeno/beerus for erasing him?
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❝...❞ Solemn silence, her once-cheerful expression falling flat. A very uncomfortable, undesired topic that brings about much conflict. ❝That... is quite the inquiry. You’re awfully bold for imposing on a god like this.❞ Her arms come to fold into one another, a guarded stance. She truly doesn’t want to talk about it, knowing it would stir controversy, but at this point... 
❝... I think what Beerus did was unnecessary. Outright erasing him was too hasty and too unfair a decision. He may have shown evidence of harm against others, but to completely...❞ She falters a moment, hugging herself a mite tighter. ❝To completely rid most of the timelines of his existence, even the ones where he hadn’t done anything, was...❞ her lip quivers and a sharp but soft breath seethes through clenched teeth. ❝Total and utter misguided self-important bullshit! He didn’t deserve that! No one ever gave him a chance and then they’re surprised when he takes matters into his own hands? Did you think someone with strong intentions and passions like that wouldn’t fight for what he thought was right? You made assumptions and thought the worst of him because he thought differently than the rest of us! Because that’s not the way he was “supposed” to be! No one helped him when he needed it! And to get rid of him entirely because of one timeline is-- isn’t right!❞ With wavering breath, she finally calms, retreating back into herself with an even more sullen demeanor.
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❝Everything about what happened was handled in the worst way it could’ve possibly been handled. I know... Trunks was simply doing what he thought he had to do. He had a vendetta, a grudge. Zamasu...❞ She bites her tongue, refusing to allow that to travel any further. ❝I can’t say I’m happy with Trunks, but that’s a complicated situation. I can’t ignore him but I can’t pretend that I’m not upset by what he did, no matter the reason. Zeno... was just putting an end to a bad situation. But accepting that doesn’t mean I like it, either.❞ She shrugs almost casually, despondently. 
❝I guess I’m just too much of a biased party. I know for a fact everyone would disagree with me.❞
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cursedfortune · 3 years
👔 // grab my muse by the collar & pull them closer .
Aggression/Sexual Tension @reverehimpraisehim
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He takes her by surprise, a sharp inhale burns its way down her throat and into her lungs when he draws her close far too quickly. Instinctively her hands are upon the one that grips her so tightly. His name leaves her lips brokenly, breathless by the jump scare. Then she refocuses, irritation settling into her bones.
At an earlier point in time she may have tried to reason with him, not out of fear but for the sake of a response that wasn’t violence. Maybe even led with the hope this wasn’t about to lead to her head exploding. To greet him with words that inquired if he was in need of something, or try to calm the rage machine before her. It wouldn’t work, his hostility towards her mortality led the charge. She was the last stubborn stain left on his perfectly why linen.
Considering how long it has been of him coming to her, hunting her for his own satisfaction, it’s only natural her mood has soured. That sometimes she finds herself immediately made petty. Especially when she isn’t greeted first with a blow, when he just gets her attention - threatens, intimidates her, or tries to, that is. Like now. He, the GOD Zamasu (praise him) - exerting his power, clearly expressing his desire to do her harm since he couldn’t do worse.
For someone who hates mortals and is so absolutely disgusted by them, he seemed to make enough effort to lay his hands upon her and bring her within eye-gouging distance. She isn’t doubting his hatred in the silence but she surely has a thing to point out to piss him off later with.
Eventually she’ll tire of this further but right now, no. Right now there’s pettiness and fight in her. A genuine disinterest to play his favorite game today. That’s how it started, then she noticed the enchantment on her dress crack just slightly.
He’s the reason she reinforced her dresses after their initial meeting. Cutting her in half. Now her entire wardrobe, tucked within her bag of holding, was enchanted to fuck and back. And even so, she feels it strain under his pull. This is the problem with dealing with overpowered zealots, they could break most enchantments - mostly everything, as well. Honestly, she’d prefer he just stain her dress via crushing her than make her run through salvaging her clothing. Only so much can get done in the way of repairs when he’s always out for blood.
Mortem’s glare forms as she watches the rotting flesh seep from every exposed area, landing upon her in various places. Unflinching, as always never disgusted by the decay of his shape. The only thing that bothered her about him was that entitled attitude. How dare her drag her around like so! Her hands, far smaller than his own, try to pry open his grip and release her. Naturally she cannot and a frustrated but muffled scream is trapped within her throat, “You are beyond frustrating, Zamasu!” Mortem wriggled, kicking at the ground - clearly wanting to just be let go.
“You’re a blight to all clothing. Why don’t you do something productive, plant some trees, hug them even - I have work to do! I don’t need you threatening nor hovering over me. We aren’t dancing today!” Gradually her accent thickened, voice growing heavy with every word that came forth with more irritation. One touch was all it took to set her on fire - to become riled up, like a victim biting back at their bully. One hand left his to push against his chest instead. How she wished she could make him budge. His strength in comparison to her own seemed nearly infinite. A mouse caught by a cat; though she supposed it was better she be within his grasp than dangling from between his teeth. A huff of hot air left her, it was absolutely impossible to find physical leverage against him once he had a hold of her. So instead she fixed him with a stare that had enough power to make a deer actually cross the road (he would get it if he actually paid attention to mortals, it’s a big deal).
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“Take your popinjay arse and obsession with killing me to a different corner of the galaxy and promptly  p l o u g h  yourself to your own monologuing.” A few ragged breaths left her as she tried to collect herself. Tried to... not entirely doubt him. Scavenging for any scraps of logic left in him that may be here to not harm her. Set aside her frustration (impossible) and attempt to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Unless... you have a valid reason to get my attention?” The witch practically growled out the question through clenched teeth - like a child forced to apologize, except there was zero apology to her inquiry. As if he’d ever get an apology from her - what special circumstances those would have to be.
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windsofredemption · 1 year
' ' .... ' ' Zamasu sighed as he laid in the grass, keeping his eyes closed. It was one of those days. ' ' I just... The meeting is coming soon.... And it won't drag on..I hope it doesn't.' ' The wait is killing him- he wished they would get it over with so he knew if he was being erased again or not...
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zamaxsu · 4 years
things i need for zamasu : 
a psychiatric intervention in which he gets proper assessment, treatment, and therapy
a hug from his not-dad
friends (becoming actual friends with goku after extensive recovery?) 
all of these things but also having to live as a mortal until he learns to appreciate them. 
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fairiekooo · 5 years
Happily Ever After
Trust Issues Epilogue
Word count: 919
Paring: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: So much fluff you can get a sugar rush and crack?
It's been over three years since you’ve graduated and lived in your beautiful house. You and Taehyung have been together for 6 years now. It's funny how much time passes by. It feels like it was yesterday when you met the charming boy in a diner while out with your brother and his friends. It's funny sometimes to think that there once was a point where the thought of you and Taehyung ever being together seemed visionary but, you’re extremely grateful it worked about in the end.
Every day, you felt like you were falling in love with this cheeky boy all over again. His boyish grin, his beautiful eyes, and kissable lips. His hair color may always change but you swear your love for him will never change. Many anniversaries but you have to say this one is by far your favorite for a very obvious reason.
“Tae, you didn’t have to do this. It’s expensive here.” You tell him as you raise your wine glass up to your lips. He gives you a smile and grabs your hand once you are finished taking a sip of the red beverage. “I don’t have to do it. I want to do it. I want to spoil you and I need for you to not worry about it. I can afford it Y/n.” He says as he caresses your knuckles in a gentle manner. This. This is the reason why you are in love. Not because of how you get spoiled but for how he still manages to make you feel special in any given moment. Trust me, you hate how much he spends on you but, his stubbornness always throws every chance to get him to stop, out of the window.
About 3 hours into the night. You were out on a beach. Sitting on a bench while watching the waves splash and seeing the stars twinkle. “I hate to be that gross couple but, I love you so much Tae.” He maneuvers your head and gently places a kiss on your lips. “I love you too Y/n.” He then stood up to get a better view of the waves. Well, at least that’s what you thought. He turned to you and gave you a box with white wrapping paper and a small red metallic bow on top. “What’s this?” You asked him as you carefully grab the present. “It’s a surprise. I wanted to give you it on your birthday but after being in the scenery, I’ve realized there wouldn’t be a more perfect place to be.”
You stare at him with more of a confused way. “Whatever you say Tae.” You shoot a smile on him. The way he is moving, you can tell he is obviously nervous. The way he shifts on one foot to another and bites his lips. You open the box to see a note inside. You look up and start to laugh. “Really Taehyung?” You look up and see his serious face. “It’s not- just please read it.” He says. You feel little bad because you didn’t mean make him all flustered up like that. You pick up the note and start to read-a-loud. “Y/n. Everything will soon change once you look at the eye of the- beholder?” You look up and drop the note. You see Taehyung on one knee with a black velvet box in his hand. “Y/n, we’ve been together for 6 years and those 6 six years have been my favorite so far. You make me so happy. I can’t even explain it.” He then opens the box. “Will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?” The whole time you sat in shocked. You had a feeling you will be walking down the aisle with him one day but, you never expected it to be this soon.
You cover your mouth as tears fall out your eyes. “Yes, yes! A million times yes.” You spill out. You rush yourself to meet with him and finally give you the hug you needed. He slips the ring on you and kisses your temple. Tonight was definitely a night to remember.
That was four years ago. Your transition from being a fiancée to a wife was beautiful, but the thing that was more beautiful was the birth of your first child, Minho.
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As of Taehyung’s requests, you blocked his face out because he looked “off”. The only thing you think when you heard him was “Ridiculous.” This year was great too. You and Tae, raising a cute lil baby together. You couldn’t have been happier. Well, at least you thought.
Now it’s the present (two years later) and you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Mina. You wouldn’t trade anything you have right now for the world. You love being a mom. You love being a wife. You love being funny. It’s just how life goes.
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You’re still very close with Soomin, Ji-a, Hani, Hoseok, and Jungkook. Hoseok opened up his own dance studio which was amazing. Your brother recently got married to a lovely wife and Yoongi and Ji-a finally hit it off but refuse to have children because they are “demons” but yet they seem so obsessed with your little ones. Jin has started his own restaurant which is really successful as of now. Your work can now be seen in some museums in Seoul at the moment and Taehyung’s photography has become extremely popular. And to think you wouldn’t have had a happily ever after because of having trust issues.
Part 40 | End
A/n: Trust Issues will be missed. I’m sorry for my terrible writing! I’m better at smau but I’m trying too improve my writing!
Tag-list: @notyourmochi @hopetookmysoul @dixonsbugaboo @cvbachacbitch @gittydakitty @chogiyeol-utopia @btstxtstanninprogress @stigma-dream @insanewif @taesalienx @unnoticeableparadox @zamasus-sugarbaby @slytherinholland
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disobligingly · 5 years
👐 – hugging them - gowasu at zamaxsu, because i don't know who needs a hug more at this point.
touch prompt. - accepting
Embraces, either given or received, have been very few and far between over his years.
As a result, he often doesn't know what to do when others attempt it, and even though he knows Gowasu does not intend to hurt him (quite the contrary; he figures that they'd got at least a vague bond at this point, even though the catalyst for it was a vile, unspeakable mad god's rampage), he still flinches as the older god's arms wrap around him.
He'd never easily admit to it, but for a moment, he wants to flee, fearful that Gowasu would melt away to reveal Zamasu, he'd hear that same cold, cruel laughter, and Shin shuts his eyes tightly as he instinctively prepares for the familiar searing heat of the murderous creature's favourite blade.
But there is no pain, no attacking -- nothing except warm, surprisingly strong arms wrapped around him.
Why is it still terrifying?
Why does his heart hurt?
Why do his hands shake as he slowly raises them, beginning of tears stinging his eyes, as he first clutches at Gowasu's sleeves like the other might disappear if he doesn't, then returns the embrace properly?
Instead of asking anything out loud, he opts for tightening his hold just the slightest bit, unsure of how to say that - he doesn’t understand it, but to a point, the hug makes him feel.,. safe.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers into the fabric of Gowasu’s clothing.  And there’s a pause that follows before he speaks again.
“Thank you.” 
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limamaqel · 5 years
Lima: *picks up Gowasu's old time ring*
Zamasu: Foolish mortal, now I am in possession of your mind and I will cont- oh my god
Lima: Yep
Zamasu: Theres so much anxiety
Lima: Pretty much constant
Zamasu: God Im so sorry do you need a hug?
Lima: You get used to it
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