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wizardcumblr Ā· 2 months ago
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bubbless-s Ā· 1 year ago
hi! I just found recently your blog so I wanted to ask if you could write dating hcs for Yuseong from Lookism? Thanks!
ā‹†Ėšąæ”Yuseong x gn!reader dating headcanons šœ—šœšĖšā‹†
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-ŹšÉž genre: fluff
-ŹšÉž warnings: none?
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į”£š­© Most of the time he is very very quiet.
į”£š­© Holds your hand 24/7.
į”£š­© Yuseong definitely follows you like a lost puppy or sum šŸ˜­
į”£š­© Puts his head on your lap for no reason at all. Like you guys could be chilling and he just blops his head into your lap.
į”£š­© The only people he listens to are you and his brother.
į”£š­© Cheek kisses <3
į”£š­© Getting in a relationship with Yuseong would be kinda hard. cuz Eugene wanted to be little bitch.
į”£š­© Dates include going to get ice cream together and watching movies on Netflix.
į”£š­© If he gets too injured in a fight he comes to see you first like no fuck getting healed.
į”£š­© You tie his bangs while doing something so it doesnā€™t get into his eyes. (If you get what I mean)
į”£š­© You adjust his clothes all the time.
į”£š­© You guys build lego sets together.
į”£š­© My guy definitely eats unhealthy junk all the time so youā€™ll have to sneak something healthy in his food once in a while.
į”£š­© In the mornings he doesnā€™t want to get up just stay in your arms. No seriously if you try to remove him from your arms he would get all sad and stuff.
į”£š­© Check his phone daily and please delete the stupid games he has installed.
į”£š­© Would let you style his hair however you want. Yuseong wouldnā€™t really care unless its making him uncomfortable.
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rikosseen Ā· 5 months ago
Triplet Eugene x Reader: Irreparable damage
Platonic | Anon ask | Slight angst
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Ryuhei is agitated at the Chairman's demand. They were so close to catching Gun, yet the priority was securing the health of Eugeneā€™s closest subordinates; you, Mandeok, and Yuseong.
ā€œIā€™ll handle the rest. So please Ryuhei.ā€
The blonde ends the call, sighing with aggravation as he hits the killswitch on his bike. He sits on the wet asphalt before calling for a clean up and medical crew. While bitterness pricks his skin to listen to the Chairman, Ryuhei couldnā€™t help but feel pity towards the 3 unconscious bodies lying beside him. Couldnā€™t help to feel pitiful at the graveness in Eugeneā€™s tone of voice when he desperately asked to bring the three of you back safely.
Manager Kim glances at the Chairman through the rearview mirror of the car. The boyā€™s head hung low, and his fingers were vigorously shaking. At times like this, itā€™s easy to forget that Eugene isnā€™t some evil mastermind, but instead, a vulnerable, young teen who doesnā€™t want to lose those important to him. Manager Kim can see the boy muffling his cries at the back, and tries to mouth words of reassurance to him. However, none of them get through to Eugene. His head swirls with images of broken body parts, open wounds, and perhaps a soon to be dead body. The last thought makes his breath hitch, and the young Chairman tries to direct the energy from his pent up worry to taking down Gun and Charles Choi. The quicker he does so, the sooner he can check up on you three. But is it truly worth it? Just how badly hurt is everyone?
The air is thick, with the scent of rusting iron circling it.
ā€œI told you.ā€
Yuseong quietly fiddles with his cap, crouching beside Eugene to look at your battered body. He leans into your arm, trying to seek physical reassurance. Reassurance you canā€™t give.
ā€œI told you this would happen,ā€ Eugene continues, gripping his hair. His voice laces anger, and it cracks. He wasnā€™t mad at you, of course. How could he ever be? You were just as precious to him as Yuseong and Mandeok were. Rather, he was infuriated with himself for letting things turn out how they did. Mandeok lay on the bed beside you, breathing irregularly. His eyes slowly open, but for the meantime, he doesnā€™t want to make his consciousness known to Eugene so as to not make him worry even more.
They all stare blankly at you, scanning the several twisted limbs and cuts that Gun had induced. Bits of flesh stick out, and thereā€™s puss build up everywhere. Your face is all swollen, unrecognisable. The sight makes their throats constrict. Gun Park.
Mandeok clenches his eyes tight, silently apologising for not protecting you when you were right there, just barely out of reach. Maybe if heā€™d been faster- Maybe if he had tried harder-
ā€œIā€™m sorry,ā€ Mandeok tries to sit up, but winces as pain courses throughout his body. Eugeneā€™s attention turns to him, but the chairman can do nothing except shake his head.
He didn't want to cry in front of Yuseong. He didnā€™t want his brother to feel as if you wouldnā€™t ever wake up again. No. Youā€™re just resting. Thatā€™s right.
So please. Please, please, please.
Please open your eyes.
I wonā€™t be so foolish as to put you in danger ever again.
Eugene grabs hold of one of your hands, and uses the back of it to cover his face. Theyā€™re so cold. As if no life possessed your body anymore.
He silently mutters into them, hoping, praying that youā€™d miraculously be all better. However, Jinyoung already warned that your recovery would be a long and lengthy one. That even after treatment, the damage Gun Park had done would permanently scar and cause a hindrance to even the most minute of tasks to you.
Please, a miracle. Please, I'll do good from now on. Just please.
Tears stream down your hand, and Eugene suppresses his cries once more, turning around so Yuseong doesnā€™t see him.
ā€œIā€™ll fix you, no matter what it takes. Iā€™ll make sure you recover. We canā€™t live in this dream without you. I canā€™tā€
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solaberrie Ā· 10 months ago
made a mistake of catching up to orv webtoon while in public so now i have to act normal when i read this panel AGHHHHHHHH
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lookismfanfics Ā· 2 years ago
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You know what it isā€¦
Behold, more Lookism Actor AU!
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thetreegeo456 Ā· 2 months ago
When you see your crush again.
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(My sillies)
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yooseongie Ā· 7 months ago
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cannibalistic09 Ā· 8 months ago
LOOKISM 512 IS OUT!? 1/2
Yall run to hivetoon rn cuz IT IS OUT!!! I had to post immediately even though i havenā€™t finished reading yet cuz i was so excited + WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??? GOO IN LOVE WITH GUN IS CANON?????????
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Oh and my poor babiesā€¦ they definitely deserve better, i just know Eugene never wanted them to fight Gun anyway.
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novagon Ā· 24 days ago
I've been wondering how the president of the affiliates would react to Yunho being chairman's third brother (like him being back to them since they probably knew Yoojin was searching for him). Probably more on the main ones like Samuel, Mitsuki (+ Ryuhei), and Gyeoul.
{Without including Vivi}
[ Yunho's Masterlist ]
Not Proofread!!
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Yay my first ask! >< (šŸŽ‰)
It took me a while to answer because I wondered if the affiliates knew that Yuseong is Eugene's twin but then I remembered the Hunt For Gun arc where Ryuhei was told to take Yuseong and Mandeok to the hospital and he doesn't seem all that surprised that Eugene had a twin. So I wondered if they're only recently told about about the twins or if they already knew long ago.
I personally think it made more sense for them to only be told recently or accidentally discovered it at one point (unless PTJ states otherwise but so far, there hasn't been anything said about it... if I didn't miss anything). So following this, I'll do my best to jot down their reactions!
I may have went off-track writing some of these. Some may be out of character because I'm not sure how to write them despite having read Lookism so many times. Hopefully, I didn't butcher them too muchā€” TT
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Eugene searching for his brother and sending out search teams was something he himself decided to keep a secret. I don't have an explanation for this, actually. I just went with the flow since Yuseong's identity was also hidden for the first few arcs of Lookism.
Perhaps it's so that he could use his brother to trick others as he did during The Hunt For Big Deal arc. Perhaps it's also so that he could protect his brotherā€” not in the fighting aspect, since Yuseong could handle himself, but more towards the 'workers weakness' thing and potentially being investigated and blackmailed since Eugene did make a lot of enemies recently, so maybe he had a few even before this that made him feel necessary to hide his brother's identity.
Or maybe it's so that he could take all the hatred others have towards him while Mandeok and Yuseong could walk away scot-free one day without any worries (aww).
Either way, it's all my theory and not canon. I'll make it my headcanon for my AU though, because this is so bittersweet to me. We did see how much he cares for them in canon materials, to the point of tears.
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Mandeok Bang
Mandeok is definitely one of the few people who knew Yunho's identity since the beginning. He is close to Eugene, after all.
When Yunho was first found, he was nothing more than an empty shell, too used to suppressing himself to please the Director and avoid being locked up in that room. Naturally, when he somehow found his way to Eugene, he did everything his brother told him toā€” like a robot who couldn't function without being given the simplest commands.
This naturally worries him. He tries to understand this strange boy better. He's the chairman's brother, after all. But it felt like everything he tries is useless because Yunho never responded to himā€” not until Eugene told him to follow Mandeok's orders, just in case he wasn't around.
Before that, Yunho only followed what Eugene and Yuseong told him to do (the former focused more on business stuff and taking care of him, while the latter was more focused on playing games and toys and watching TV shows like they used to as children every morning before Yunho was sold).
Mandeok had no qualms in watching over the chairman's brother, making sure Yunho tended to his basic human needs and not neglect himself.
Mandeok and Eugene worked together to try and get Yunho out of his shell, to get him do things himself because they both can't always be there to tell him what to do.
Eventually, Mandeok suggested they get him both a psychiatrist and a therapist, since they both weren't exactly professionals in the mental health department. He was sure something happened to him. He just didn't know what exactly.
There are times where he'd be confused and a little stressed outā€” he's human, after allā€” but I think he'd be friendly/parent-ish with Yunho.
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Samuel Seo
Samuel thought this new VVIP was weird as hell though not really the worst he's seen, but he is seriously annoying.
Yuseong never spoke, but at least he reacted and responded in ways he could when spoken to. On the other hand, Yunho wouldn't respond to anything he says or does.
He would just... stare at you (or look your way or something. Samuel couldn't tell. The new guy's eyes were partially hidden underneath those fringe so it's sort of hard to).
Or he'd just ignore you completely as if you weren't there.
Samuel just prefers to keep away from the new VVIP unless it was necessary to do otherwise because there really was no point in trying to interact with him. It's like talking to a brick wall, and all it did was make his blood pressure rise.
Overall, I think he'd just try to limit his interactions with Yunho besides slipping in a few sarcastic comments and subtle insults here and there sometimes to try and get a reaction from Yunho.
Obviously he failed.
Do you guys think it would scratch his ego or nah?
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Ryūhei Kuroda
Yunho was called a robot by yours truly.
I think he'd be the one who constantly attempts to include Yunho in whatever he was doing whenever he's there, but also doesn't really try all that much because he sort of shared the same though with Samuelā€” there's really no point in interacting with him.
Like, Ryuhei would greet the new VVIP, maybe say a thing or two before it gets very awkward so he just shuts up and goes off to mind his business because Yunho has the social intelligence of a pebble which meant that any jokes or conversation starters he tries just fails immediately.
He'd probably try to convince Eugene to get Yunho to follow his orders too as a joke after putting two and two together.
Ryuhei was obviously turned down. Well, it's not like he was being serious, anyways.
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Mitsuki Sōma
She probably couldn't care less about Yunho, interacting only when necessary. She didn't really think he was weird since I assume she probably saw Vivi's Bicheon Gang at one point and didn't think of Yunho any better than them.
Eventually, she did get curious about one thingā€” how far would Yunho go to fulfil Eugene's orders?
Yunho and a member of the Bicheon Gang were two completely different people, so there are bound to be differences. Would he sacrifice himself for Eugene or would he abandon him instead?
Mitsuki asked Eugene about it, but he shut it down almost immediately, giving a vague and somewhat passive-aggressive response. She noticed his usual serene expression faltered just a tiny bit before returning, something that happens only whenever anyone had been less than nice to the first VVIP and the Vice Chairman. Perhaps Eugene was irritated enough for his mask to slip momentarily.
That meant the new VVIP was someone important to the chairman, so she dropped it and went with her day. She had better things to do like tending to Sinu, after all (well not anymore).
Perhaps she would try to ask Yunho or anyone close to him about it but either they genuinely don't know, refused to answer, or she was straight-up ignored. So she never got to satisfy her curiosity.
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Gyeoul Baek
From canon materials, they seem to know each other since they went to the same school, so I assume they're friends.
That didn't mean Eugene would freely tell everyone he's close to what he's been doing and who he's searching for when he was in school, unless the situation deems it necessary. So I assume he most likely didn't say anything about Yunho's identity to Gyeoul, though he could already figure it out just by observing.
I also think he knew who exactly the first VVIP (Yuseong) since they attended the same school, way before the whole Workers thing (again, just a speculation).
Seeing how he hid Yuseong's face, Gyeoul assumed the new VVIP must be a brother or a relative since he wore a black medical mask almost all the time to hide his face.
He was right, of course, but would he ever know that? Maybe one day. Or maybe he already did know at one point, after Gyeoul subtly hinted one day that he had guesses about the new VVIP to Eugene, who picked up on it easily.
His suspicions were confirmed, though they never really talked about it much after that.
Yunho reminded Gyeoul of Hangyeoul in a way that they are protective of their brothers and would do almost anything they're told toā€” whether in fighting or something else.
Overall, I think Gyeoul wouldn't really have any issues with Yunho. He wouldn't be too irritated or pushy whenever Yunho wouldn't respond or react because he was somewhat used to it via Hangyeoul.
With how both Gyeoul and Eugene seem to always maintain a serene expression almost all the time, I think Yunho would somehow mistake one for the other occasionally. I know I did when I read the flashback scenes about Gyeoul and I thought 'wait is that Eugene?'
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I was so nervous to post this. I seriously hope this isn't too OOC. This is my first time writing for characters that aren't Eugene or Yuseong lolā€”
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seizuki Ā· 9 months ago
Yuseong pose šŸ˜Œ
I look at my coloring skills as sobbed,,,
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kervl-klear Ā· 5 months ago
Asking all of my OCs who are heavily associated with math to explain why you canā€™t divide numbers by zero.
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eutanasya Ā· 7 months ago
Lookism 507
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emotiod Ā· 2 years ago
My chat with Yuseong
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oneirataxia-haechan Ā· 8 months ago
The Kingdom as things my babies do
For context I'm a daycare teacher for 0-2 year olds and got this idea at work one day. Let me know any other groups you want to see for this kind of thing!
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The Kingdom maknae line x reader (established relationship) ultimate masterlist & hyung line
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Pouting to get my attention
This only really happens when he wants something. Almost always when heā€™s to the point of begging, which he doesnā€™t like to do (unless heā€™s doing it to be funny/annoying). You donā€™t get to see his genuine pout very often and itā€™s too cute not to milk when he does it. He's just too adorable.
Follow me out of the room/follow me around
Lost puppy #2. He doesnā€™t follow you around as much as Mujin but he will still do it sporadically. Dongsik will follow you more when heā€™s feeling under the weather, tired, or upset. He just doesnā€™t want to leave your side when he needs you most. Thatā€™s all.
Play with my earrings/hair
For some reason, he thinks he owns your hair. Always asks you to brush/comb it, loves to help you blow dry it, and 85% of the time heā€™s playing with it. Always brags about the smell and softness to anyone who will or won't listen. Gets mad when the other boys play with his your hair though.
Matching my dancing and laughing energy
When heā€™s not judging you he will be sure to join in with whatever you are up to.
Say my name just for fun
Youā€™ve considered changing your name recently. Yesā€¦ That bad. Itā€™s to the point where the only way you can get him to stop is either calling for Seungbo or kissing him. The frequency may be your fault now that you think of it.
Trace/play with my tattoos
He just really likes them and messing with them. He loves it when you ask him for advice on a new tattoo. His favorite ones are the ones that are typically hidden by clothing. This is because few know about them and heā€™s the only one to get to see them.
Bite me
Donā€™t mess with Dongsik. His teeth are always ready for revenge. In all seriousness though, I think heā€™d bite you almost as a way to communicate. Not full-on biting, just little fake love bites. Does it mostly when heā€™s feeling shy but doesnā€™t want to mention it with words. Little light marks on your hands/arms all the time.
Play fighting/bickering
This man knows how to bicker. He didnā€™t know youā€™d be so good at it when he started bickering with you though. Itā€™s become one of his favorite forms of showing love between the two of you. Little petty arguments over things like the color of the sky, who left the bathroom light on, etc. He could always tell when something was bothering you because you wouldn't bicker back to him. He eventually did the same if something was bothering him as well.
Play with my face/hands
Just like your hair, Dongsik thinks he owns your hands or something. Your hands are often intertwined no matter where or when. Heā€™ll speak using his hands, while still holding your hand. Itā€™s pretty cute actually. He enjoys rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb for reassurance. Louis will mess with your face when you are trying to stay mad, or if he's dying for attention and being ignored. He reminds you of when a child pokes, presses, and kisses on their parentā€™s faces. The faces he makes while doing this are the only reason you let him continue doing so.
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Staring at me with love
You could just be sleeping and Ivan would stare at you with love in his eyes. Anything you do youā€™ll find him zoning out, with this same look. He just loves everything you do and how you do it.
Matching my dancing and laughing energy
Copy and paste truly. He just loves to mimic you but in a loving way, not a mean or annoying way. It makes his heart flutter when this makes you laugh and smile.
Say my name just for fun
ā€œY/n~ you know you are the prettiest right?ā€
ā€œY/n~ do you like snow or rain better?ā€
ā€œY/n~ d-ā€œ
ā€œYes Yuseong?ā€ Heā€™d giggle at your response and just move on.
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Staring at me with love
Watching you interact with his members and be comfortable with them makes him extra happy. He adores watching you laugh, smile, and be yourself. Hwon also enjoys taking walks with you and watching how you react to the world. Itā€™s his favorite.
Running at me into a hug
Anytime. Any day. No matter what. Every hug. Itā€™s your and Hwon's thing now.
Fall asleep to me singing
Of all the things he loves about you, he loves your voice. No matter how many times you say you arenā€™t good at singing or are shy about it, Hwon will be sure to reassure you. Your voice helps him fall asleep easily, talking is one thing but when you sing him to sleep he will melt into you.
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Come up and put head on chest and sigh in relief
After a long hard day, all he wants is you. Heā€™ll come in the door and see you on the couch, immediately making his way to join you. Before you could realize what was happening it was like there was a magnet in your chest, his head being its magnetic match, making you giggle every time. He began asking about you about your day, loving the feeling of you talking and the comfort of your voice.
Staring at me with love
Does it when no one else notices, especially not you. Heā€™s just so in love with all that you do, he can't help but stare.
Play with my earrings/hair
Hear me out. I feel like this would be the type of thing heā€™d do while cuddling. His fingers are almost always playing with your hair or fondling your jewelry. It comforts him and youā€™ve grown to expect it.
Fall asleep to me singing
We all know that Jahan can sing. That means nothing when itā€™s time for bed and he canā€™t seem to fall asleep. Sometimes the singer just wants to be sung to, thatā€™s him. He had an early morning the next day and after going to bed an hour earlier, he had come sleepily walking to find you. Once he located you heā€™d sweetly and shyly ask if you could try singing him to sleep. It was a cute moment that led to you both singing each other to sleep.
hyung line's here
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koiiiji Ā· 10 months ago
afternoon naps interrupter
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tw ; no, just reader referred to have long hair, and generally fluff and soft, can be both romantically or platonic!
authorā€™s note ; inspired by ā€œi wanna be yoursā€ by arctic monkeys, not edited as usualšŸ˜”šŸ¤ŒšŸ»
being on Eugene side as his top 5 fighters and informer was hard to say less, so you appreciate each moments of calm and silence. and aside from that, who in the hell gonna say no to afternoon nap after another exhausting meeting with someone who could bring you interesting and important information? exactly, definitely not you, so with a calm mind and soul you came to Workers affiliate, just to meet with Eugene and tell him everything you got for today. but you still had another hour until he came - brat was terribly meticulous and punctual - so nobody wonā€™t be mad if you gonna spread yourself on one of his expensive sofas in his office right? you also thought so! just as you though that unite your hair wonā€™t be problem for anyone, after all you just wanted to let your scalp rest and maybe add just a little more drama to your cinematic nap. but it was just your thoughts, someone else have different opinion on this ideas of yours~
ā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆ Ė—Ė‹ ą­Øą­§ ĖŠĖ— ā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆ
you never liked when any other soul on this planet touched your hair, or pulled you by it. so waking up to sensation that somebodyā€™s fingers were picking through strands of your hair was worst scenario how you sweet afternoon dream was interrupted.
with a exhausting sigh, you slowly turned around on the leather sofa, and turned your head, preparing to burn the owner of the raking hands that dared to touch your hair, with your gaze. you have already mentally buried the poor guy when you met the eyes of two brown orbs, more like the eyes of an abandoned puppy. Yuseong was squatting in front of the sofa as if nothing had happened and awkwardly fingered your strands, trying to tie something like a braid. but so far it has turned out very badly. somehow it was really hard to be angry on Yuseong with this puppy eyes of his.
humming softly and murmuring some threatenings to Eugene (because how can you ever threaten Yuseong, this lost puppy?!) if he wonā€™t be able to untie your hair back you gonna do something really stupid, you turned back to your position and closed your eyes, enjoying soft touches of his hands.
ā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆ Ė—Ė‹ ą­Øą­§ ĖŠĖ— ā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆā”ˆ
it was super random, but i just had this image, exactly with Yuseong, when i heard this song!!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ hope u liked it
xo - xo
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thetreegeo456 Ā· 21 days ago
Felt like drawing @novagon 's oc Yunho watching Yuseong playing a game on the phone.
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(This was actually drawn 3 days ago, and my own interpretation of how I thought Yunho would be in a more realistic style)
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