#yoyo Anon
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fairlyqualityanon · 8 months ago
who're your pred/prey crushes ?
totally not collecting blorbos like trading cards shhh - 🪀
There's a ton... I'll try to organize them. Let's start with ones I've written in some form or another.
Pred - TFA Starscream (so close with that guess lmao), anyway I've got this story I've been poking at since literally 2010 (@/wolvesinstarryskies is so supportive 💖 ) and it's gotten me through some really tough times, and yes there's a vore AU... also he's how I found out about vore to begin with (long story, it's over on my Tumblr RP blog)😳, really he's just a dick to his prey and will let them go after thoroughly messing with their head unless you can come up with some bribe worthy of Future Leader Of The Decepticons
Pred - Obey Me! Mammon, idk he threatens to eat the MC and I went "YES PLEASE", I have more fun flustering him when he's a pred than when he's prey 😼
Pred - Obey Me! Beel, it's literally canon and he's a precious boy and going hungry sucks and I'd be perfectly happy to help him not be starving 🥺 I don't care if he eats regular food at the same time as long as I'm safe
Prey - Obey Me! Lucifer (yes really), because that mans is going to take a break whether he wants to or not and I think Diavolo/Barbatos would see the humor in MC taking things into their own hands (my MC's strongest/most-expressed Sin is Pride plus she ain't afraid of this old man 😤)
Switch - Deltarune Spamton, I think he'd be easier to pay to be prey than pred, and I have a thing for robots meaning SNEO defaults to pred and I will immediately yeet myself into whatever fuel container said robopred uses no questions asked 😅
Newest obsession is Solo Leveling (IncredibleEdibleCalico actually did a piece ages back) and I only remembered after watching S1 of the anime and starting the manhwa. I mistakenly bought the books and comic (Vol 1-8) but regret neither purchase. Soooo good! 😍 Anyway here they are in super rough descending order of crush level.
Sung Jinwoo - Pred, I don't know how to put it into words, he just oozes soft pred vibes where tf did he even get that rune stone??? 🤔 maybe he saves someone from a Dungeon and discovers vore is actually pretty neat, he's comically oblivious at times and cares for his minions as people ugh the glowy eye affect it makes me weak
Woo Jinchul - Switch, professional, dry sense of humor, looked Death in the eye and only flinched when he saw the Apocalypse ahead, incredibly smart and intuitive, he's my Guilty Pleasure on this list 👮‍♂️
Song Chi-Yul - Pred, I lied here's another Guilty Pleasure, I actually literally cried at the end of the manhwa, he's only a C-rank mage but teaches swordsmanship to S-ranks, tried to save Jinwoo and Joohee but was talked out of it and regrets it to this day, he is classy and I just want to spend time with him🫡
Baek Yoonho - Prey (yes really), idk something about him makes me want to aggressively demonstrate affection, don't ever tease him about it because despite being the weakest Korean S-rank Hunter HE IS STILL AN S RANK and will cut a bitch (he was ready to beat the crap out of Hwang Dongsoo for strangling his lower-ranked guildmate edit that guildmate isn't even a Hunter and that is not a Hunter you want on your bad side srsly just Do Not The Thing)😼
Choi Jong-In - Pred, he's canonically a bit of a shit-talker and gives me OM! Diavolo vibes and I love me some playful banter with preds what is it with me and people with a red theme?? 😧
Son Kihoon - Switch, he's a sweetheart and I want to snuggle him three different ways, he cares for his strike squad and was willing to set aside a chance for tremendous personal glory as well as sacrifice his whole team to keep a literal army of High Orcs from destroying a few cities 🫂
Go Gunhee - Pred, he's a total badass who gave his all to keep Hunters from basically forming a Might Makes Right society also I have a Thing for older men I am not ashamed to admit it, Song-san is up there for a reason, the man is a Gigachad who outright rigs Hunters Association assignments to keep the D- and E-ranks as safe as possible 🙇‍♀️
Yoo Jinho - Prey, because he's just a sof' boi and must be protected at all costs, maybe he'd find it interesting and like that he was sought out for him and not just because he's Ahjin Guild's vice/Jinwoo's friend 😋
I started Stardew Valley 7/14 so there's gonna be some of that eventually my askbox is open 📨 if anyone wants to gush over their own vore crushes.
Can't forget Horizon Zero Dawn! the events of the Gemini Quest are NOT canon I refuse don't even @ me I WILL die on that hill 🔪
Kotallo - Switch, he's definitely my favorite character and I just love him so dang much, he's a fearsome warrior even without that arm and a brilliant strategist and completely loyal to the good of the Tenakth tribe as a whole, having no other ambition save serving his Chief... but I also want him to sit and relax, maybe having a stomach all to himself will give him a new perspective or insight ⚔️
Milvund - Pred, I did his miniquest back when my computer couldn't run HFW for more than 5-10 minutes but he's so precious and I'm betting would be very hesitant yet also so caring just let me comfort him 😭
Racking my brain for any other major fandoms but I can't come up with any for the life of me so have a bonus Pred TFA Cliffjumper because I have an active thread with him. ... Maybe jjks? I'd have to twist canon in knots to make Sukuna a safe pred, and there's a couple others but I haven't even finished S2 of the anime and a bunch of them are minors soooo...
>>; So much time in TFA focused on That One Smug Bastard and now I'm like "how do with other 'Cons??"
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robobarbie · 7 months ago
Any facts about the cat hacker that could be shared?
Hmmmmmm in my mind I think odxny did swim team for a bit in secondary school
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year ago
🪀 dont imagine reader getting so angry at soap she crawls between ghosts legs and uses them as a barrier between her and soap without thinking and then nuzzles into ghost's thigh affectionately just to make soap angrier because ghost wont let him come close WOAH THATS CRAZY WHO SAID THAT
ughhhh i wrote it like several times for dlmliyh asks on here but i LOVE the idea of reader liking ghost more because he's consistent, even though he's meaner :/ and soap just doesn't get it, because he's so much nicer than ghost!! she should be wanting to spend more time with him!!!! but he's also super unpredictable so obviously she clings more to ghost, because she knows what to expect (mostly) from him
anyways she absolutely goes to ghost when she needs a break from johnny. and he's more than willing to keep the pup away for a bit, especially when she looks up at him with those big begging eyes <3 plus he likes to hear johnny whine and pout from the other side of the room
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pianokantzart · 1 year ago
I love how we as a fandom have collectively agreed that Luigi is a god at poker just because of one DS minigame
We give the little green guy every W we can, honestly.
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Besides, he has the vibe of a guy who has a whole back catalogue of niche talents
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years ago
Could I bother you for some facts about yoyo loach?
I have a pair of them and have since discovered their amusing nature regarding seemingly sleeping laying on their sides????? And their tendency to click surprisingly loudly when they’re happy or excited about something (something they apparently do using literal teeth in their throats)
Sure friend! Here's some facts about them! :)
Daily fish fact #416
Yoyo loach! (+pharyngeal teeth)
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Well-known for their active and friendly personalities, they're kept in the aquarium trade often! They originate from the Ganges basin, where their natural habitat includes slow-moving, rock-bottomed waters with lots of vegetation.
The teeth in their throats that anon brings up are called pharyngeal teeth, also! Many fish, like carps and loaches, have pharyngeal teeth; they help them grind down food!
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thedogeveryonehates · 1 year ago
Who is the lucky winner of your OF subscription?
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androcola · 5 months ago
mike when micky breaks his nose with yoyo: ☺️
mike when micky breaks something around the house with yoyo: 😠
jk but the idea of micky being bruised from smacking himself in the face with a yoyo more than once and mike only intervening when he breaks a vase or something is so funny. let micky be the yoyo master, i believe in him. he could probably do one trick, at least. like walk the dog or cats cradle or somethin
mikes got micky sitting on the edge of the tub and he's doctoring his nose like "are you about ready to give up this yoyo nonsense?" and mickys sitting there with blood all down his lips and chin from smacking himself in the nose real bad like "no way I think I almost got it!!" and mikes just like "the only thing you're gonna Get is a trip to the hospital if you keep this up😡" he doesn't listen, naturally.
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stedesparasol · 1 year ago
today has been a fucking rollercoaster of emotions
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bbina · 6 months ago
yoyo anon u can just say you missed me 😌
I missed you too yoyo anon
i guess this is the part where i become an officiant for the 2nd time on this blog
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multiandmany · 1 year ago
How would the Xiaolin muses react if they encountered a Wuya who's chi was reversed?
Everyone would be greatly confused. What the heck happened to Wuya? They'd ask Master Fung and he go see what he can find out. Cause besides a trick or she's completely lost it, they don't know.
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concertedlysuper · 2 years ago
hi! i've read some of your writing and i noticed that jojo seems to be a bit different with different people. is that on purpose or accident?
random ask || anon
First of all, thanks for asking a question about Yoyo! It's rare that others pay him much interest, so it's very appreciated that you do.
Now, to the question. I'm going to assume that you don't mean the usual difference any person show depending on who they're with. Like, most people don't act the same with their boss as their friends.
Instead I'm assuming you're meaning personality traits and yes, that is on purpose.
When Yoyo escapes from Cadmus, he's more or less a blank canvas. Not completely, obviously, but he had been treated as a weapon and a science project, not a person. He's never been allowed to explore himself and his likes and dislikes etc. Once free, he gets that opportunity.
Some traits will always be the same, like his tendency to see the best in people and caring about pretty much everyone. He'll always also be a curious person with a generally bright and happy personality. However, there will be some changes depending on who he lives with.
Most kids get traits from their parents and Yoyo is no difference. If he, for example, lives with Dick, he'll be a bit more like Dick than if he was to live with Clark and so on. That's natural. However, some of his epigenetic memories will also be triggered by certain stimuli, like corn fields triggering memories of Clark's upbringing in Smallville or knowledge about farming. This too will, of course, change his personality a bit.
I hope this answers your question.
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salsakiyoomi · 8 months ago
yoyo! req - hq/jjk characers saying 'i know, baby, i know' in a scenario/drabble
please feel no rush/pressure for this and look after yourself :)
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“it’s okay, i’ve got you.”
satoru whispers to you, holding you close as you tremble in his arms.
you got in the way of an ugly fight between satoru and a curse, and now you were badly injured and shaken — it was your fault, really, your boyfriend was more than capable of handling himself, and you shouldn’t have gotten in the way.
but still, you wanted to help, you hated being on the sidelines, and for a moment, the fight looked like it wasn’t in satoru’s favor.
you wanted to help, but you only made things worse.
doesn’t matter though, the fight was over and the curse was eliminated.
but you were injured.
“i’m sorry.” you managed to mumble out.
“no no, fuck. don’t apologize,” satoru says and it looks like he’s about to lose his shit as he holds you closer — there was an ugly gash on your forehead that was bleeding down your face, somewhere else was bleeding too and he doesn’t know what to do, “i called for shoko, okay? she’ll be here any minute, just  hold on for me.”
“i’m sorry,” you say again as tears begin trickling down your face, you’re shivering in his arms as he holds you close to him.
“i said don’t apologize.” he says sternly, before biting at his lip.
“everything hurts.” you utter out, and it’s true, your entire body felt like it was on fire, at this point, it felt like you were hit everywhere.
“i know, baby, i know.” satoru coos gently, pulling you closer, he kisses your temple, trying to sooth you.
you melt under his touch, sinking into his arms as you let yourself bath in the moment of fleeting comfort.
everything is always so right when you are with him, you could almost forget about all of your pain.
“just hold on for a few minutes for me, alright?”
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a/n : ty for the request anon! i hope i delivered 😭
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winchesterwild78 · 8 months ago
Taking Care of Each Other
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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader 
Warnings: Dean and his silly walls (yes that’s a warning), Smut!, unprotected sex (cover it up people), aftercare 
A/N: Last anon request for what aftercare would look like between Dean and the reader. I’m using the character, Dean, but this does not follow the Supernatural story at all. No disrespect to anyone, this is a work of fiction. All work is my own. I do not give permission for it to be taken. This was written and edited fast, please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 18+
Dean Winchester, the green eyed man that rolls through town every few months for his job that he can’t tell you about. All he says is it’s “the family business” and his brother, Sam and him took it over when their father died. 
You hadn’t planned on sleeping with him the first time you met him, but one thing led to another and let’s be honest, how could anyone say no to him. He was built like he was carved by the gods and he was a very skilled lover. He took you places in the bed you’d never been and he always made you feel like you were the only woman in his life.
You were sure that wasn’t the case, but it was nice to think you were. Even if it was only for a few days. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” You heard the familiar voice behind you. You turned around and came face to face with Dean Winchester. “Hey, Dean. Good to see you”, you turned to fill the coffee of another customer. 
You felt his eyes on you the whole time you helped customers. You came back to his table to take his order. “Do you want your usual, Dean? Cheeseburger, fries, drink and a slice of cherry pie?” He touched your arm “You know me so well, sweetheart.” You pulled away. “I’ll put your order in, Dean. Sammy not joining you to eat?” 
“No, Sam didn’t come with me on this trip. Is everything okay, you don’t normally pull away from me.” “Yes, I’m just busy, Dean. We all can’t be our own boss.” You didn’t mean to sound snippy, but you were tired of the yoyo relationship with him. 
He sat back and watched you working. He loved watching you work and interact with people. That’s what drew him to you, your sweet personality and your kindness. He often thought about you on his hunts. Dean wanted to tell you about his life and what he did, but he needed to keep you safe.
Dean’s order was ready so you grabbed it from the window and walked it over to him. “Here’s your order, Dean. Let me know if you need anything else.” Dean looked at you “Thank you, Y/N. Um, what time do you get off?” “I get off in about an hour, why?” “Well, I was hoping we could talk.” “Talk?!? Ha! I didn’t know the great Dean Winchester knew how to talk with his clothes on.” 
“Wow, okay. Sorry I asked. I’ll eat and be out of your hair.” Dean looked defeated. You walked away and your heart broke. Why did you talk to him like that? He didn’t deserve it. You walked around the diner helping other customers, but your eyes kept looking over at Dean. He’d barely touched his food. You felt a pang of guilt in your chest.
Once your tables were cleared you walked over to Dean and sat across from him. “Dean, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you. It’s unfair and just mean. If I’m being honest I’m just hurt. I feel like our relationship is just a convenience for you when you’re in town. I don’t know anything about your job, and you keep all these walls up. I care about you. If I’m being completely honest, I’m in love with you.”
Dean’s green eyes looked up at you and he took your hand. “Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry. My life is hard and I just wanted to protect you from it. I care about you too. You’re not just a convenience for me.” 
“Dean, then please trust me enough to tell me about your life. I want to know all about you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I’d give up everything to be with you. I know you have walls up, but dammit, Dean I’m going to break them down if it’s the last thing I do.” Dean smirked. “I know you will, darlin’. How about after you get off we go back to your place and talk. If you want to.” “Dean, I’d love to.”
About 2 hours later you were pulling into your driveway with Dean behind you in the Impala. Dean climbed out of the car looking sexy as ever. You bit your lip. You shook your head, No! Stop it. You can’t end up in bed with him. You’re here to talk.  
Dean walked up and looked around. “The house looks great, sweetheart.” “Thanks, Dean. I’ve tried to keep it up. I just finished remodeling the inside. Shall we go in?” Dean shook his head yes. 
Once inside your dog, Tilly came bounding up to Dean. She always loved him and was excited to see him. Dean sat on the couch and Tilly jumped up and licked him while wagging her tail. He laughed as she covered him with licks. You loved his laugh. 
“Dean, I’m going to go change. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”  “Okay, Tilly and I will be here waiting.” “You can grab a beer if you want.” Dean nodded and you turned to head towards your room.
Dean stood up and walked around looking around at how things had changed since he was last there. “Looks good, Tilly. She’s been busy.” Tilly wagged her tail at Dean. He opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. As he sat down on the couch, you came back into the living room with an oversized shirt and shorts on. Dean smirked, he realized the shirt you were wearing was one of his. 
“What’s so funny, Winchester?” “Oh nothing, just that shirt was mine.” You looked down and blushed. “Well, I like it. It’s comfortable.” You and Dean stared at each other for a few minutes. You felt yourself leaning in. Tilly jumped up and you cleared your throat. 
“So, Dean, what did you want to talk about?” You asked softly. Dean shifted on the couch and turned towards you. “Sweetheart, I wanted to talk about us. You know my job takes me all over the country. It’s dangerous and has cost me people I love. I’ve tried to keep you out of it to protect you. I wouldn’t survive if something happened to you too. He took a deep breath and let it out. Sammy and I hunt things, monsters and other bad things. All of it is real, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, you name it. We cross the country protecting people and helping families that are in danger.” Dean placed his hand on your face, running his thumb over your cheek. “You mean too much to me. I meant it when I told you that you were the only one I’ve been with since we met. I think about you when I’m gone and can’t wait to see you again.”
“Sammy didn’t come with me this time because I asked him to stay at the bunker. I wanted to come and talk to you. I’m not here on a job.” You sat on the couch staring at Dean trying to take in everything he told you. “So, monsters are real, and you go around the country killing them? You’ve been doing this since you were little? Oh my god Dean. That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to grow up like that.” 
“Hey, Y/N, I’m fine. It just made me tougher.” You took your hand and placed it gently on Dean’s face. “It’s still not right. I’m sure your dad did the best he could, but you deserve so much more.” You leaned close, stopping halfway hoping he would move the rest of the way. Dean looked in your eyes and moved towards you. 
He placed a soft kiss on your lips and you kissed him back. Dean’s tongue swiped your lips asking for entrance. You opened your mouth slightly and Dean deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth and more when you felt his hands trailing up your body.
Dean loved to touch you and be close to you. After what he told you about his childhood and life, you realized he craved touch because he was so touch starved. It made your heart hurt for him.  
His hands played with the hem of your shirt and you pulled out of the kiss long enough to remove your shirt. Dean bit his lip when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra. “Damn baby, just as beautiful as ever.” 
He pulled you onto his lap and his hands trailed up your body from your hips to your breasts. His calloused hands slowly cupped your breasts and you moaned. Dean took his left thumb and index finger and squeezed your left nipple, while he took your right one in his mouth. He started sucking. Pulling a loud moan from your lips as your head leaned back.
He smirked around your nipple. Dean knew all the spots that drove you wild. You knew how to drive him wild too. 
Feeling the slick pool between your thighs you knew you wanted Dean. Through the thin material of the shorts you had on, you could feel Dean’s hardness through his jeans. You moved your body down into his erection. Causing a growl to come from his lips. “You’re playing a dangerous game, sweetheart.” You looked in his eyes, now dark green with lust. You bit your lip and pulled him in for a deep kiss.Your walls clenched. Between pants you pulled back “Dean, take me to the bedroom, please.” “Are you sure, sweetheart?” “Yes, Dean. I want you.”
Dean picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. He laid you on the bed gently before closing the door with his foot. Dean removed his shoes and shirt, and slid his jeans down looking directly in your eyes. 
He drove you wild when he did that. He knew it too. You groaned and leaned your head back, Dean chuckled. He made his way to the bed and hovered over you, kissing your lips. His lips trailed down your neck, biting your pulse point making you moan. Dean continued kissing down your body until he got to the waistband of your shorts. He looked up at you through his eyelashes.
He was asking for permission to remove them. You nodded yes and he hooked his fingers and pulled them down with your panties. You lifted your hips to help him. Dean threw your clothes to the side and kissed his way up your thigh. He used his hands to gently part your legs. Exposing your dripping wet core to him. 
You could see his hardness through his boxers. You both looked at each other with lust and love in your eyes. Dean slid off his boxers and his hardness sprang free. You huffed out a shaky breath. Dean was the biggest you’d ever had. He filled you and made you feel things you hadn’t before. 
As he climbed between your legs his hand slid up your thigh. He used his right hand to part your folds, feeling your wetness and need. You bucked your hips into his hand and moaned. “Please, Dean.” “Patience sweetheart.” He purred in your ear. 
You felt his fingers dip into your wet pussy and his thumb rub circles on your swollen clit. Dean moved his fingers and thumb faster, helping you chase your much needed release. You moved your hips into his hand. You were close. Faster than you thought you’d get there. “Dean…I’m….close.” Your breath hitched
“I know baby, cum for me. Come on, let it all go.” Dean whispered. With a deep moan you came hard, squeezing his fingers and releasing your juices. Dean pulled out his fingers and leaned up, capturing your lips. “You ready, baby?” Dean asked as he lined himself up to you. You nodded yes. 
Dean pumped himself a few times and placed the tip at your entrance. As he pushed in you both gasped and moaned. It had been far too long since you two had been together. He pushed the rest of the way in bottoming out. Dean stilled himself for a minute, trying to compose himself. 
He didn’t want to cum too fast, but you felt amazing wrapped around him. Dean’s movements were slow and meticulous. He was savoring every second he had you in his arms. His lips found yours as he slowly moved in and out of you. Your hands slid up his back and into his hair. The sound of moans and pants of pleasure filled the room. 
You’d slept with Dean many times before, but this time felt different. Something had shifted between you two once he told you about his life. 
With every touch and kiss you felt Dean’s walls coming down. His eyes filled with so much love and relief. Dean’s head rested in the crook of your neck as he slowly moved in you. His hot breath on your body sent chills down your spine. Your hands traced up and down his back, feeling how his muscles moved. 
Your resolve was wearing down. You didn’t want to fall deeper in love with him, because you didn’t want to be hurt, but you couldn’t help it. In a breathy voice you whispered “I love you, Dean. So much.” Dean stilled and looked in your eyes. He softly kissed your lips and said “I love you too, sweetheart.”
This was the first time he’d ever said it to you. Usually he said he cared about you or you meant a lot to him, but he never said ‘love’. As Dean got closer to his release, he sped up a little. With one final thrust he spilled his hot seed deep inside you. Coating your walls with white ropes of cum. 
He slowly pulled out as he felt himself softening and got up to go to the bathroom. When he returned he brought a warm washcloth to clean you up. Dean cleaned you gently, leaned up and kissed your lips before leaving the room. 
When he returned he had brought you water. Handing you the water, he grabbed the sheet and covered you both up as he crawled in next to you. When you placed the cup down, he held out his arm for you to lay on. 
Dean pulled you close to him and you laid your head on his chest, delicately tracing his tattoo with your finger tips. He kissed the top of your head “I do love you Y/N, so much. I’ve been a fool. I should have told you a long time ago.” You looked up at him “Shh, it’s okay baby, you told me and that’s all that matters.” 
Dean smiled and kissed your lips. “Hey, move in with me. Move in with me and Sammy.” You sat up “What?! You want me to move in with you?” “Yes! That way I don’t have to be away from you. You can have your own room if you want or we can share my room. What do you say?” You looked at Dean’s face so full of love and eagerness, “Yes. Yes, Dean I’ll move in with you.” 
He smiled and captured your lips with his. You laid your head back down on his chest and he pulled you tighter. Being with Dean was always amazing, but afterwards was your favorite part. It’s when Dean’s softer side really showed. He always made sure you were taken care of and felt safe. He loved holding you and would trace patterns on your back. At first you thought it was random movements, then you realized he was actually writing his name with his finger tips. It was the sweetest thing you’d ever experienced. 
Moving in together was a huge step for you too, but you knew you would always take care of each other. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @1-read-the-hobbit-in-1937
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magexii · 6 days ago
lbcc au stuff
okay so I've been working on the svsss miraculous au with some moots and I have obviously been having a lot of thoughts about it.
anyways. here's a post with me talking at length about it more. ill try not to be too redundant so make sure to check out the other posts too! :>
Lady Beetle, aka Shen Yuan
holder of the ladybug/beetle miraculous
his kwamii is Xi Tong, aka The System, who I have a design for here
he's chronically ill and spent a lot of time in hospitals growing up
he has a veryyy transactional relationship w xi tong. in order for his kwamii to help his health and boosts his abilities it expects him to do certain tasks.
he has the power of creation. I'm not sure on his weapon yet but I don't think its the yoyo lol.
I think the transactional nature of his dynamic w xi tong would also extend to his use of lucky charms
obsessed w the adaptation of PIDW and luo binghe
friends(?) w sqh as airplane and cucumber online after harassing him online over writing PIDW
based a lot of his self as lady beetle after his older brother
there's only one earring for the lb miraculous btw
Crimson Cat, aka Luo Binghe
holder of the black cat miraculous
his kwamii is meng mo lol, tell me it doesn't fit
sentimonster created by sqh
hes an actor! his first role was PIDW
he became an actor to help pay for his sick adopted mothers medical bills
his power is destruction!
I think he should be able to tear a hole in the very fabric of reality, as a treat.
using his powers takes a toll on his mental state
his weapon is a bow staff
mobei jun takes the role of the gorilla here. they are friends but mbj Cannot be Normal and is like. very protective of binghe
Lacewing, aka Shen Jiu
holder of the butterfly miraculous
his kwamii is xiu ya
sentimonster created by sqh
adopted by the shen household, takes his role as sy's older brother very seriously.
also an actor, has worked w lbh before. they do not have a good relationship.
his weapon/magical object is his fan. sorry I know in canon the peacock has the fan. but sj needs it.
he's fashionable asf
he wants the miraculouses to help with sy's health :(
Ocellus, aka Shang Qinghua
holder of the peacock miraculous
kwamii is uhhhh uhhhhh
I spent so long trying to come up with a name that combined airplanes and peacocks. this man was almost named cockpit.
I chose the name ocellus! that's another word for eyespots which are markings on animals that mimic the look of an eye. they are found on peacocks feathers, butterflies, and cats ;)
symbolism is symbolisming
he created luo binghe and shen jiu as sentimonsters through is writing.
his weapon/magical object is a pen
villain??? lb and cc do not know
mbj is trying to date him so hard
he had the ladybug and black cat miraculous (for completely normal reasons im sure) and is the one who chose their current holders :)
big thanks to @batdog102 @jam13333 and @carlosateaworm for talking abt the au so much with me! they came up with all the good stuff here. and thanks to the anon who came up with the idea in the first place!
also the au tag I'm going w now is "lbcc au" so you can search that on my blog for all the content about it!
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isackwhy · 10 months ago
im the anon who asked for the tgc x chubby!reader
and i think maybe willy and isaac?
tyty!! 🥰
took a brain break but i am maybe back so doing this request :)
isaacwhy x chubby! reader hc’s
body worships 100%
like not like a FREAK
but always praising you bc he knows how it feels to feel insecure
tries to encourage u to step out of ur comfort zone regarding clothes
but won’t push u to just a little love and nudge
kisses the parts u don’t like
if he sees u staring at urself in the mirror he just sighs and w a smile walks up behind u and is like
“so pretty. the prettiest,” and kisses u lightly on the neck before like groping ur thighs
will try and bench press u and u yelp
always trying to lift u up despite ur protests
ur dating a gym rat he can lift u bruh
softwilly x chubby! reader hc’s
u walk into a room and he’s like “GODDAMN! LOOK AT YOU!”
u just sigh and blush most of the time
also tries and like pull wrestling moves on u all the time
you’ll be wearing short shorts and i swear he’s listening as u talk but ur thighs bruh
love handle holder. like just in general in public or like behind u he’s holding them
lovesss helping u shop even when u get frustrated or insecure and he’s like no no baby you’ll look great pls 😞😞😞
tries to learn certain triggers and steers u away from them as best as he can
buys u ur comfort snacks when he notices ur brain actin’ up
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sageispunk · 1 year ago
wip wednesday (3/6)
this is just a few of the fics i've been writing (in no particular order)... if any of these interest u pls let me know so i can know if anyone actually wants to read these😭 i don't have a taglist (yet) but feel free to follow my sideblog @sageispunklibrary for updates!!!
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★ college! silas x black fem fwb! reader (breeding kink!!!)
“Damn girl…” Silas moaned below you, gripping your hips as you moved up and down his length. The two of you locked eyes with mouths wide open, nothing coming out as you listened to the nasty, gushing sounds emanating from where your bodies met. You were on your feet, using the strength in your legs to keep you sliding on his length at a good pace. 
★ businessman! cliff (mef au) x black fem! reader (age gap series--this one has the most written, like a few pages)
Your eyes were beautiful, he couldn’t get enough of the way you looked up at him, but at the same time felt as though he would combust if you continued. There was something in those eyes, he couldn’t place it yet but he knew he wanted to find out. 
Clifford tilted your head back slightly, spreading your jaws apart just a tiny bit more to get you to stick your pretty pink tongue out for him. He was already rock hard at this point, but the way your tongue fell out almost automatically for him had his dick twitching painfully in his pants. Positioning himself slightly above your face, he gathered the warm saliva gathered in his mouth before pushing it out between his lips. The both of you watched as the string of spit slowly fell down to your waiting tongue.
He closed your mouth for you, watching with hooded eyes as you eagerly swallowed down his spit, looking at him as if you wanted him to do it again. “So fuckin’ pretty..”
★ toxic ex fwb! fontaine x gullible fem! reader (angsty smut!!!)
“M’sorry..” Fontaine’s voice was quiet, softer than usual, and the slight quivering in it made your heart nearly break.  Your eyes closed this time, in an attempt to stop any tears from falling, but you could still feel them pooling in the corners. “I mean it.” He landed a soft, barely noticeable kiss on your thigh, nuzzling it before kissing you again. The more firm his kisses became, the more it was beginning to affect you. That stirring deep in your belly grew louder and louder, almost overcoming those sad, angry thoughts storming around in your head. 
additional thoughts that haven’t been drafted yet:
fontaine nsfw alphabet (anon request)
husband! fontaine x reader x stranger! yoyo (on vacation)
pervy! silas x bestfriend! reader series
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