#yowamushi pedal stage
ywpd-translations · 2 months
Ride 784: The first day's mountain
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Pag 1
3: We're passing through the riverside road
4: I see it
6: Kaka
7: Ah!!
8: Teh!
9: It's the first day's
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Pag 2
1: “mountain”!!
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Pag 3
2: As we “promised”!!
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Pag 4
3: It's the “first day's mountain stage”!!
4: A year ago
6: Manami-kun said it after the finish line, on the third and last day of the Inter High, when both of us were all worn out and barely still on our bikes
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Pag 5
1: But having our race at the end on the final stage is too much pressure
2: Next year, if we both have the chance to run in the Inter High....
3: …. yeah
4: Let's race for the mountain stage on the first day
5: Like Toudou-san and Makishima-san last year
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Pag 6
1: Manami!!
2: Onoda!!
3: He collapsed!!
Manami!! Take off his helmet
It's okay, I caught him
Do we have a towel?
Danchiku, water!!
4: Next year... the mountain stage on the first day.... yeah
5: Got it....!!
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Pag 7
3: When you run along a river....
4: the water only flows if there's a difference in elevation, either uphill or downhill!!
5: Here it's definitely uphill!!
Even if it looks like a flat at first glance, it's gradually climbing!!
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Pag 8
1: Toward that mountain!!
Reading the map, it says that it's 5km until the base of the mountain!!
2: 5km!!
3: Don't lose sight of it like last year!!
Yes!! Sorry!!
4: Hold on tight!!
5: 'Cause I'll carry you all the way to the foot of the mountain!!
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Pag 9
1: Thank you!!
2: “Positioning”....!!
3: When going from a flat to a climb you need to “position” yourself
Each team accelerates from the flats in order to bring their climbers to a good position
4: It's the so called “mountain's launching pad”!!
5: There will be a difference of several hundred meters in the first stage between a climber who was launched near the front of the group and a climber who was made to run up from the back of the group
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Pag 10
1: Bring Onoda to the best possible position, Naruko!!
Sohoku is moving up!!
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Pag 11
1: -ruaaaagh
Ugh!! Sohoku's Naruko is so fast!!
2: I get what you're tryin to say, Hotshot!!
I'll take him!! Definitely!!
3: That's why I left the first result to Kabu!!
4: On that winter day, with an apologetic face
5: Ah....
6: Ah- uhm, I have something to tell you, but
Onoda-kun, who told us like it was difficult to say....
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Pag 12
1: Ah the stove? You can just turn it off, we're the last ones
Yeah, please. Woah, look outside, it's snowing
Seriously? It must be cold
2: That's not it!!
3: Th-th- this morning... I got a text
4: What was that, an acceptance letter?
The proficiency exam?
5: It's a reply to the text I sent....
6: Three months ago!!
7: Uhm... really, I was worried that back when we made that promise it was right after the race and we were tired, so I thought maybe he had forgotten
Three months?
It was a long wait
So I sent him a text to ask him if he remembers?
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Pag 13
1: And I received it this morning
Must be the proficiency test
Shut up!!
What are you whispering idiot
“Back when”, when was it?
No idea
2:He said only one word, “of course”
4: So, uhm... this time
5: Is it okay if I run for the first day's mountain stage during this summer's Inter High?
7: Is that so? Kakaka
Onoda-kun's eyes, like he couldn't contain his excitement...
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Pag 14
1: I haven't forgotten it!!
2: I can't forget it!!
3: Onoda!!
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Pag 15
1: 2km left until the foot of the mountain!!
2: Do your beeest....!!
Aren't they climbing at an amazing speed!? Each team is getting in line!!
Yeah, you're right!!
3: Every team is trying to “position” themselves for their climbers!!
4: Also, look closely
Right now, the cyclist in the second position in the ranks
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Pag 16
1: is the one who will race in the mountain stage!!
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Pag 18
1: Oi, are you kidding me? Hakogaku is sending Manami?
From the first day!?
Manami is in second place
2: He's the “final boss”....!!
3: My dream of getting the red bib has been destroyed even before reaching the foot of the mountain....!!
4: Oi, look over there, that's not all!!
For Sohoku....
5: Naruko is pulling the “King of the mountain”!!
Wa- we're done for!! Completely!! My mountain prize!!
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Pag 19
3: Manami-kun!!
4: Sakamichi-kun!!
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Pag 20
1: It's time for our promise!!
We're almost at the foot of the mountain!!
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karasunocurry · 7 months
butai Yowamushi Pedal (2012) SUB
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Way way WAY belated! So late that we are actually in the middle of reruns for pedasute. I actually started working on this back in 2018, but then I moved to Japan, and I got into working on other stuff. But hey, better late than never, and imo this is a masterpiece of early 2.5D. It is just so funny while still keeping the drama and excitement in there. Everyone always talks about Tenimyu (deserved) but Pedasute had a pretty impressive cast as well. I'm feeling nice, and this play is pretty old so I'm sharing the video as well as the subs. You can download them here: video / sub
As always, I recommend you use VLC player, cause it lets you open the subitle file separately. If you rename the files to the exact same, it should load automatically. If you like my work and would like to thank me, any donations to my ko-fi are appreciated since I do spend a LOT of money on stage plays and musicals and supporting the business.
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oneesanmarket · 9 months
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Yowamushi Pedal Stage Live Action: Onoda Sakamichi -  Trading Acrylic Key Chain
Size: 9 cm
Price: 6€/11 USD
(Shipping price Not included)
Units Available:1
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested)
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doyoulikeketchup · 2 years
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conceptual nonsense
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arafolet · 2 years
Hace tres semanas esperaba ansiosa el cuarto episodio de UniteUp! pero en su lugar se publicó un especial contando detalles de la producción del projecto, específicamente referente al elenco y la música.
En ese momento me dije: No quiero ver esto...
Hoy, tras notar que esta semana liberaron el cuarto episodio, quedé en la duda... Fue más por impulso, pero finalmente me decidí a ver estos dos capítulos especiales que ignoré ridículamente. Sí, actualmente me siento muy estúpida por haberlos dejado pasar...
Hay muchas personas que solo tienen interés en el producto final, el anime, pero yo no soy una de esas personas (para bien o para mal). Y de verdad ¡disfruté muchísimo de estos especiales! ywy
Primero, porque nos presentan la identidad del proyecto. UniteUp no es solamente un anime de idols para vender música y chicos bonitos, la esencia de este proyecto es el paralelismo de sus personajes y quienes los interpretan. El elenco no está compuesto solamente de seiyuus como en otros títulos, también se involucran actores, compositores y cantautores. Lo que marca una diferencia muy grande. Obviamente no menosprecio el trabajo de los actores de voz, admiro muchísimo su trabajo. Pero cuando te presentan un personaje como Gakuto la cosa toma otro sabor. En estos especiales, el mismo MASA, quien interpreta a Gakuto, comenta que el mismo compuso algunas de las canciones del personaje y las muchas similitudes que tiene con el mismo.
El mundo ficticio pasa a sentirse tan real que simplemente es conmovedor.
(Están con subtítulos en crunchy. No es promoción)
En segundo lugar, me recordó mucho esa emoción que sentía al ver los backstage.
Hubo un tiempo en que estuve muy involucrada con los StagePlay, es decir, adaptaciones teatrales de ciertos títulos de anime, manga o similares.
Mi primer contacto fue con los StagePlay de Yowamushi Pedal, de los que recuerdo tener al menos siete u ocho en mi disco duro, aunque deben ser doce o más estrenados a la fecha.
Los stage son super divertidos, el trabajo que hace el staff junto a los actores para moldear ese mundo ficticio sobre un espacio tan limitado como lo es el escenario de un teatro es simplemente mágico. Te encariñas con los personajes, aunque a veces resulten bastante diferentes a su representación 2D. Pero sobre todo, te apegas a los actores.
Muchas de estas producciones entregan el "Backstage" como material adicional, y es aquí donde descubres realmente a las personas detrás del maquillaje y el guión. Son una experiencia maravillosa, divertida y alucinante, aunque dolorosa al final. No en el mal sentido, pero es la realidad que enfrentan los actores al tomar un papel: en algún momento el telón deberá caer.
Acompañas a los actores a lo largo de los ensayos y sus ocurrencias tras bambalinas, les das ánimos en los momentos difíciles, sientes su cansancio tras largas jornadas de actividad, empatizas con su dolor cuando el ciclo acaba y es inevitable despedirse de su personaje y todas las personalidades que compartieron esta larga travesía.
Ocurre también con las series Tokusatsu. O bien, cualquier producción "live action". Aunque no estoy al tanto de cómo lo llevan las producciones occidentales puesto que no consumo mucho de eso. (Además que estos filtran todo...)
Al menos mi experiencia con los live action, puntualmente el tokusatsu llámese "Super Sentai" y "Kamen Rider", ha sido bastante grata. Los actores usualmente comparten fotos o situaciones graciosas ocurridas en el set de grabación, sin dar detalles de la serie en sí, ya verán el producto final más adelante. Conocemos detalles de estas personalidades, cosas que les gustan, cosas que no.
Es agradable encontrarse con este lado humano de la celebridad, básicamente están diciéndote: ¡Hey! ¡Yo también soy una persona corriente! Y eso es algo que me encanta, porque muchas veces pareciera que los medios buscan "deshumanizar" a quienes optan por un camino relacionado a la fama.
Pero en fin.
Ahora me desplazo a mi rincón para ver qué me depara el episodio 4 de UniteUp! ;9
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thiswasmadeonawhim · 2 years
Stuff I Do Now
Since it’s been a while since I’ve properly done anything on Tumblr, I just wanted to make a fast list of all the things I’ve been up to the past 7? years.
It’s swords. I’m really into swords. I think Tumblr missed a majority of my big seiyuu phase back then as well as I had moved to Twitter for all that, but I am now a full time sword enthusiast. Oh but also I became trapped in Butai hell. Never expected this to happen, but what you gonna do.
Some Things I’ve Done During Covid:
Ichigo Hitofuri Bot - Twitter bot that posts pics of Ichi every day. Pls live...
Touken Ranbu Stat List - Helpful tool that automatically lists your personal game stats.
Touken Ranbu Sword List - Also helpful, lists all your sword info.
Touken Ranbu 2.5D Actor Sorter - Sort these bois to your liking
Touken Ranbu 2.5D Actor Back Sorter - Same thing, just Backs.
Touken Ranbu Musical Heardle - Heardle but for TouMyu! I need to update this eventually with a 2.0 for all the new song updates (paraiso + kousui need to be added)
Touken Ranbu Scanlations - Lead Typesetter for TouRabu Scans. Come read our stuff~~
My Art Account (p l u g) - Haha sorry, I started learning how to draw back in 2021 cause I Really wanted to draw Ichigo. And here we are...
Moving On
Hi! Let’s talk!
Do You Plan to Finish Any of those Wallpapers You Teased Ages Ago?
Sad to report that I Can’t. My computer died back in 2020 and I lost EVERYTHING. If I ever have the inspiration and drive again, tho, I may go back to it. But right now I’m using all my personal free time to draw for myself,,,
Mobile Games I Play:
Touken Ranbu (JP)
Ensemble Stars!! Music (JP)
Helios Rising Heroes
Twisted Wonderland (EN)
Wind Boys
Fate/Grand Order (JP)
Stand My Heroes
Stage Play/Musical Productions I Follow (*Main)
Touken Ranbu Stage*
Touken Ranbu Musical*
Mankai A3!*
Ensemble Stars Stage
Helios Rising Stage
Wind Boys Musical
Star-Myu Stage
Prince of Tennis the Musical
Yowamushi Pedal Stage
Feel free to hit me up! idk how it’s done on tumblr,,, DMs?? I’m on discord.
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doamarierose-honoka · 2 months
TMS Entertainment, a beloved Japanese animation studio currently owned by Sega Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of SegaSammy holdings, has just announced that for their 60th anniversary, they’ll begin uploading special animated features of significant importance to the company to their official YouTube page. Most noteworthy to Sega/Sonic fans, this includes the first six episodes of Sonic X in its original Japanese dub. The entire campaign begins on August 5th, 2024. This is a good chance to get a taste of what Sonic X was originally like, free of both English voices and the cacophony of censorship edits imposed on it in its original English dub by 4Kids Entertainment
Gotta go fast as you rush past the break for the skinny on this special event. GO! GO! GO! GO! LET’S GO!
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As stated above, Sonic will be the one to kick off TMS Entertainment’s 60th anniversary celebration on August 5th. On that day, at noon EST, 9AM PST, they will upload episode 1: The Supersonic Hero Takes The Stage, in its original Japanese format with English subtitles. On August 6th, episode 2 will follow, then episode 3 on August 7th, and so on, but episode 6 will come on August 12th instead of August 10th. Strangely, their schedule says they will upload episode 5 again on August 13th-16th. Based on this, it’s possible each episode besides episode 5 will only be online for one day, so just in case, make time to catch each episode on the upload date.
Fortunately, TMS has already provided links to episodes 1-5 on YouTube. You can go to each and click the “Notify Me” button to have YouTube send you a notification for when each episode will premiere. Here are the embeds to each episode.
As for the rest of the 60th anniversary event, TMS will also be uploading episode 1 of Big X (The studio’s very first anime from August 3rd 1964, based on the Osamu Tezuka manga), Super Dimension Century Orguss episodes 1-10, and the Takeshi Koike directed Lupin III movie trilogy, consisting of Jigen’s Gravestone, Goemon’s Blood Spray, and Fujiko’s Lie. Go to TMS Entertainment’s 60th anniversary celebration news page for the details and schedule on all anime being presented.
TMS Entertainment has been the animation studio for many beloved anime throughout the decades. They are most associated with long running franchises such as Lupin III, Detective Conan (Known in the west as Case Closed), as well as several anime based on Sega franchises, not just including Sonic X, but also Virtua Fighter, Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls, and Phantasy Star Online II: The Animation. They also animated the FMV cutscenes in Burning Rangers. Besides anime, they also had a hand in animating several western cartoons, including Inspector Gadget, Cybersix, The Real Ghostbusters, Batman: The Animated Series, Tiny Toon Adventures, Animaniacs, and The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. Currently, they are working on popular anime such as Undead Unluck and Dr. Stone.
TMS Entertainment’s official YouTube page currently hosts trailers, clips, and full episodes of many anime they have produced throughout their long history. In same cases, they have the entire series of some of their anime available to view absolute free, including Karate Master (1973), Cat’s Eye (1983), Magic Knight Rayearth (1994) (Along with its Brazilian Portuguese dub), Virtua Fighter (1995) (As well as its Spanish dub), Itazura na Kiss (2008), Lupin III Part 2 (1977), Lupin III Part 4 (2015), and the English dub of Sonic X (Season 1) (Season 2) (Season 3) (Plus, the Brazilian Portuguese dub, surprisingly). They are gradually uploading episodes of The Gutsy Frog (1972), Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road (2013), Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas (2009), and Z/X Ignition (2014). They are also, as of this writing, in the middle of an ongoing Lupin III celebration in which they upload a feature-length Lupin III TV special every month, with this current month’s pick being Tokyo Crisis (1998). They’re a channel worth following if you love watching all kinds of anime, no matter its age.
So will you be catching these uploads of Japanese Sonic X? Are there any TMS animated productions you’re a particular fan of? Give us a holler in the comments section before.
And remember, if you like Sonic X in Japanese, the entire series has been made available on Blu-Ray courtesy of Discotek Media. (Who also blessed us with complete Blu-Ray releases of Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls, Virtua Fighter, and The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
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Week in Review
01/21/2024 – 01/27/2024
Manga Sunday is back in full swing and to start us off, it’s Girl Meets Rock! Nice to know that gay people exist in this story, and the art is still super charming. I like how bad Hatocchi’s band is, but it feels like we’ll soon cross over into “chasing your dreams and being rewarded for it” territory so it won’t be exactly what I was looking for…but I’ll stick around and see how it goes.
Undead Unluck was super good, as usual. I love getting these little hints about what each Master Rule is, and the main guy is particularly interesting.
An interesting dissection of parasociality in the latest Oshi no Ko chapter… Truly, Ai and all celebrities like her are made up of the perceptions of everyone else in the world, which leaves little room for their true selves. Not to mention the purity streak of the Japanese idol industry… I’m glad Ruby is eking out her own way in contrast to her mom, though, and understanding why Kana did what she did. Hopefully everyone will be alright by the end…
Dandadan: Oh, so that’s Zuma’s design… I mean, it’s certainly different from the other boys, but I don’t know if I necessarily like it. It’s mostly his hair that I think is a little stupid lol but his personality’s fun, it’s about time we got a stoic guy in the group. I’m pretty fatigued with all these “oh no we lost the ball again” shenanigans but whatever, I’m just looking forward to when this arc ends and Zuma joins the friend group.
Magilumiere was fine, I wish Shigemoto developed his own feminine style instead of just emulating that clearly fridged woman from his flashback, but oh well.
One Piece was great, this is the most I’ve been invested in the manga in ages. I’m glad Kuma has a chance at survival and this Buster Call feels like an exciting and exhilarating end to the Egghead arc.
SpyFam was…okay. The side characters trying to lean into the Detective Conan-esque murder mystery and the protagonists’ overpowered abilities thwarting that immediately made for some decent comedy, but nothing too special.
I checked out the first episode of High Card… My history with this franchise is somewhat interesting (to me, anyway) – I followed this one Japanese artist on Twitter for their Yowamushi Pedal fanart way back in the day, and over the years they’ve become an actual character designer in the anime industry. High Card is one of their projects, so I’ve been hearing about it for a while… And recently they announced a stage play adaptation starring one of the guys I like from A3! and one of the girls I like from Revue Starlight, so I figured I’d finally get around to watching the anime to see if the rest of the franchise is worth checking out. All that preamble aside, I stopped watching the episode about eight minutes in LMAO My suspicions that they wouldn’t be able to capture the character designer’s style in animation were confirmed, and the story is just a juvenile mess… As a kid I literally wrote stories about fantasy kingdoms based on the different card suits, and here it’s being presented in all seriousness with haphazard style and zero substance. I didn’t look into anything beforehand, so I had the impression it was some sort of crime drama with a dash of heist shenanigans? But the magic element is just too goofy and nonsensical to take seriously. I don’t know, maybe I’ll still check out the stage play because they’ll have singing and acrobatics, but the anime will be a hard pass from me.
With the Twitter timeline abuzz with the news of more Monogatari, I figured it was as good a time as any to actually watch the whole series and catch up before the new anime starts. I first watched Bakemonogatari as a kid and didn’t really get it, but after I fell in love with Cipher Academy I wanted to get into more of Nisioisin’s work, so I rewatched Bake and had a fun time. Today I finally started chipping away at the movies, and I watched Kizumonogatari: Tekketsu. What I liked the most about Bake, and Monogatari in general, was the unique and heavy sense of mood and atmosphere that I haven’t really seen in any other anime. The surreal and almost liminal locations, the odd and staged way characters move through them, the unique directorial flourishes we now call SHAFT-isms, I really vibe with all of it. The story itself hasn’t gotten far enough for me to get attached to anyone yet, but we’ll see how that goes as I work my way through the series. This first movie was a fun dive back into Monogatari mode and all its eccentricities, even if the story felt like it was moving painfully slow at times. But the walk down into the station and the slow lead-up to Kiss-shot was great.
Shamefully, I must admit that I read Vtuber Confucius. It’s a deeply stupid premise that’s not even executed that well, and once they started shoehorning in other philosophical teachings as Vtubers I truly lost interest. This is something that should’ve been a shitpost Tweet at the most.
Things in Oni to Tengoku got resolved a lot quicker than I’d thought – I was definitely expecting a dramatic rescue by Manabu, but I can also get down with Oni to Tengoku’s usual realist approach. The way that the story uses these conventions to actually explore the main couple’s relationship in depth is what’s really engaging… The high schooler had a nice bit of a characterization too, with all the trappings of insecurity that come with a high school romance. What I love most of all about Oni to Tengoku is how a lot of things go unsaid/communicated non-verbally and are presented through illustrations alone – I feel like most manga tend to have their characters over-explain things, as if the mangaka isn’t confident that their drawings are conveying what they want to convey, but Oni to Tengoku lays it all bare and leaves it up to interpretation. And the drawings are so gorgeous in the first place, too… I love just how this work uses the medium to the fullest. I’m really looking forward to seeing how Manabu responds to Aoki’s proposal.
A Second Goodbye to You: Lol oh nooo the university student got stabbed to save Hiroki huh oh nooo whatever shall he do? Yeah I’m just sticking with it to see how it ends at this point.
Next I tried reading this BL called OΣG!!! = Oh My God =, and while I like the art style, the compositions and character designs are just such a busy mess that I didn’t want to read any further.
I finished reading Akuheki volume 3…and it’s really good… I love how this BL started off seeming like a dark BDSM sex manga, but it’s become a genuine exploration of how trauma can shape your beliefs and affect your relationships as an adult… ALSO, THE EX JUST HAVING A SIDEPLOT BL PREMISE WITH THE COWORKER????? I really respect the mangaka for actually going there because it’s sooooo funny (but also cute! And had thematic relevance!). The detailed look at Kojima’s backstory was so chilling and illuminating – it’s dramatic, but in a way where it still feels believable, and you can really get a sense of why Kojima turned out the way he did. I’m sure that he and Daimon can work their twisted relationship out somehow, but it’ll take some effort.
Last on my BL binge today was this manga called We Won’t Call It Love, and it looks like it’ll be an angsty ride. It’s interesting to start the main couple off with one of them just starting a comphet marriage while the other realizes his feelings, but we’ll see how it goes.
I don’t know what’s going on with Amazon Prime, but I guess sometimes they just lie to you about what’s leaving the platform because Downton Abbey’s back after a short absence from the service. It’s all the typical soap opera shenanigans with a dash of war drama, but it’s fine as background noise. As ever I feel really bad for Edith, and as ever the sense of time is so weird in this show…one scene Ethel’s announced that she’s pregnant and the very next she’s already had the baby. I loved that little scene where Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes talk about his move to be with Lady Mary, I think Hughes is the only person who could call Mary a minx in Carson’s presence and not be reprimanded for it. Their closeness to each other is so sweet and comforting. I’m annoyed that the show tends to cheat on the difficult decisions facing the characters by having the problems resolve themselves, like “Patrick” leaving on his own or Matthew’s legs miraculously healing or Lavinia conveniently dying. I almost wish the Lord Grantham and Jane plotline had gone on for longer – I find master/maid stories to have a more interesting dynamic than lady/servant ones. And given how morally upright Lord Grantham’s been up to this point, it was fun to see him engaging in some actions that torture his conscience.
Chainsaw Man good.
I guess ghosts are now canon in Downton Abbey? It’s a little lame that they drudged up Lavinia’s corpse to bless Mary and Matthew’s marriage with a blank slate of morality but whatever. It’s also a little lame that they’ve written in a new thing for them to argue about all season but also whatever. Thomas and O’Brien’s hater alliance finally collapsing is funny, at least. I’ve noticed that on Downton, they tend to leave a lot of important moments implied/off-screen, like characters telling each other information or even things like Matthew and Mary actually saying “I do” to each other at the altar. It feels like some lost opportunities.
Wow they really can’t stand Edith getting even a moment of happiness, huh? Mary gets all the bells and whistles and the whole town cheering for her as she drives up to the church for her wedding, meanwhile Edith gets left at the altar… Also I’m just now remembering that Carlisle’s threat has yet to come into light…I hope it does, because otherwise that’ll be another bullet that the Crawleys dodge by deus ex machina and make all that tension surrounding Mary’s conundrum a moot point (lol I looked it up. Guess it was all for nothing). God the Swires are just tools to absolve the living of all their guilt, huh? Sure, they’ll get to hem and haw about it for a couple scenes to cause drama, but then the hand of Swire reaches down and clears them of all their hang-ups so that they can do what’s most convenient for them anyway. Meanwhile, Anna and Bates’ romance is so filled with misery after misery that I’m actually getting bored of it. Branson is also majorly getting on my nerves, and I don’t really buy his and Sybil’s relationship.
…I’ve been complaining a lot, so I will say that the Mrs. Hughes cancer scare plotline ended very cutely, with Carson being relieved about her health. Those two are really the highlight of the show for me. And I’ll also say that I’ve been enjoying Thomas’ slow redemption arc from gay villain to mischievous over-achieving failgay (girl why did you think the black market thing would work…or the dog thing…).
God it’s so ghoulish and stomach-churning to watch the doctors argue while Sybil’s pregnant when you know what’s about to happen… Oh I just thought of another thing that annoys me about this show lol but by and large it feels like people catch feelings each other for literally no reason other than the writers want them to. Whenever a new character enters the scene they always have a knowing glance at their prospective paramour so that we in the audience know that they’re going to have relations, but there’s seemingly no rhyme or reason to why the characters are attracted to each other in the first place other than physical attraction, I guess, but that’s such a shallow basis to a relationship. It really feels like the writers know they want certain characters to date but have no idea how to actually naturally lead them there, so it just jumps to them declaring their love for each other when we’ve barely seen them hold a conversation or have any sort of dynamic or romantic chemistry.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been slowly working my way through the A3! Blooming Live 2022 livestreams and having a grand old time hearing the seiyuu’s actual voices, and I’ve finally finished them today. As suspected, Tasuku Hatanaka and Shunsuke Takeuchi are the steadiest of the bunch, and their duet was so amazing… Kentarou Kumagai and Toshiyuki Toyonaga were other stand outs, and I have to commend Chiharu Sawashiro for hitting those Bb4’s in chest voice (!!!??) and Daisuke Hirose for doing all that actual dance choreo on top of singing. Junta Terashima also made me emotional with Hisoka’s solo, Shake the Shape and Road to Manjuu Master were incredibly hype, and Tooi makes me cry everytime. My only gripe was with Shintarou Asanuma…he didn’t sing half of his lines…they just played the recording while he passionately lip synced…it was especially painfully obvious in his duet with Chiharu, which just ended up sounding like a solo song… It’s just so jarring when Chiharu is literally singing his heart out while Shintarou is miming… I wonder if he had some throat issues…? But they would’ve had to prepared all this audio in advance so like?? I don’t know, maybe he had other circumstances, but this was a really disappointing showing for me. The live as a whole was fun, though, and it’s was funny to catch all the errors they made that got covered up in the Blu-ray version.
Finally, after months of stalling, I’m bringing back Movie Roulette……….but for my ever growing list of live shows instead. Today’s selection was Liyuu’s koii concert tour, and I watched the Shanghai leg because of course I did. It’s really funny to hear her talk to the audience in Chinese, as it’s a lot different from the kind of semi-prepared MC you’d get in a Japanese idol concert. She’s truly going off the cuff here, and the venue is small enough that the audience is yelling stuff at her and she can respond right back. Liyuu’s a lot more brusque in Chinese – it’s like a special side of her that only we Chinese fans get. The concert itself was cute, it introduced me to two Chinese songs of hers I hadn’t heard anything about?? And they were both bangers too… I was also impressed by her pitch control – her tone isn’t always my favourite, but at least she can usually hit the notes.
As I’m finishing Downton season 3 this morning, I wanted to gather my thoughts before watching more. Overall, a fairly dark season, huh? I know it was the actors’ decision to leave the show, but having Sybil and Matthew die right after each other was a huge shock when I watched it for the first time, and it’s dreadful watching it happen all over again now. And then we had Bates in jail for most of the season, Anna miserable, Edith left at the altar only for them to write in yet another older gentleman who loves her but can’t be with her “for her own good”, Thomas failing every scheme he concocts and being subject to homophobia, Downton nearly going bankrupt…it seems like no one on this show can ever catch a break.
Despite all my griping about the writing on this show, I do care for a lot of the characters… Thomas and Mary have become so soft and sympathetic despite their slyness, and Edith has really endeared herself to me in how she tries to strive forward on her own path. (Strangely, I remember liking Anna and Bates on my first watch, but now their relationship bores me).
I will say though, season 4 hasn’t been impressing me thus far, as I don’t really care about any of the storylines… I don’t care about Mary tussling with her dad over how to run Downton, I don’t care about the love square between the footmen and the kitchen maids, I hate what they’ve done with Anna, Edna is annoying as hell and just another carbon copy “evil woman character” and I had to look her up on the wiki to make sure that she’ll be gone soon, I don’t care about Mary or Tom finding new romance, I Really don’t care about Rose, and I don’t really care about Edith’s romance either (the editor guy has as much personality as a paper bag)… It’d be faster to say what I am interested in, and that’s Carson/Hughes and Thomas, I guess. Hmmm okay I think I do also care about Mary and Tom’s awkward little friendship/in-law relationship, since they have some stuff in common now. And Tom’s definitely lost his edge after everything that’s happened, so he’s become more likeable in my eyes. I also like the elderly trio, as Violet and Isobel’s rivalry/begrudging friendship is always fun, and Dr. Clarkson provides some valuable wisdom to the ladies when they need to be knocked down a peg or two. Plus, after Dr. Clarkson’s weird little failed proposal to Isobel, I can’t help but read him as still interested in her, which adds some nice flavour to their interactions.
Took a break from Downton to travel to DunMesh. God it’s so good to eat food while watching this show. The episode was perfectly serviceable, but it’s a testament to Kui’s writing and considered world building that it’s still fun and engaging throughout.
Okay back to complaining about Downton. Rose is so annoying…with all the tragedies and serious problems going on in this house, her teenage fancies are so grating… I like Jack Ross, but I don’t care about their relationship, and also the actor’s American accent is so stilted that I can’t take him seriously. Great singing, though! It’s so funny that Thomas is still being vaguely threatening even though he’s just asking Baxter to keep an eye out for information. It’s not like he can do anything with most of it anyway. (God if Thomas, Violet, and Mary ever interacted…category 9 motherquake on the cunter scale).
New episode of Undead Unluck! Despite it being a pretty major turning point, the episode itself was just sort of perfunctory, with some odd janky animation here and there. I can only hope that the production team took it easy on these episodes in preparation for the big fight coming up (if I’m remembering correctly…?)
Also watched episode 15 of Kusuriya, and the first half was just fine and unnoteworthy, but once Lakan entered the scene I liked how they tried to vary up the visual style and compositions. This stretch of mysteries is just a little boring to me, though, so I’m not really looking forward to it.
Drag Race was also pretty uneventful – I never care for the improv challenges, but Plasma, Nymphia, and Sapphira’s skit was fun (actual singing and three-part harmony on Drag Race…wow). I don’t think Mirage should’ve lip synced…a really heartbreaking elimination.
Weeks later, I’ve finally read another chapter of Strange Beasts of China by Yan Ge and…it looks like my quest for an adult fiction book I enjoy is still unfruitful. The beasts themselves are decently interesting and I love cryptozoology, but I don’t like or care about the narrator and the romantic stuff they have going on, and their investigations are pretty shallow and boring. There just aren’t any real stakes for me to get invested in, and the writing feels so lethargic. I long for a book where things actually happen. (Meanwhile, every BookTuber I come across is recommending their 500th character-driven introspective study on the human condition and I’m sick of it!!! Where are the books with plots!!!!)
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teragames · 1 year
Lanzarán el próximo año una secuela de las obras de teatro de "Yowamushi Pedal"
Las obras de teatro basados en "Yowamushi Pedal" (@y_pedalstage) tendrán una secuela en marzo del 2024.
Stage: Yowamushi Pedal The Day 1, el más reciente espectáculo de la serie de obras de teatro inspiradas en el manga con temática de carreras de ciclismo de ruta escrito por Wataru Watanabe, tendrá una secuela en Tokio en marzo de 2024. La noticia se anunció en la función del último día del espectáculo, celebrada en The Galaxy Theatre en Tokyo el 13 de abril. THE DAY 1 se produjo como una secuela…
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 763: The third year's start!!
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Pag 2
1: Ten seconds until the start
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Pag 3 /4
1: Let's run with everything we have!!
The last Inter High of the third year Sakamichi, start!!
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Pag 5
1: Yeah!!
2: Let's go!!
3: Let's pour our whole guts into it!!
4: Yes!!
5: Let's go!!
6: Teh!!
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Pag 6
1: The first day of the boy's Inter High competition in Fukuoka, starts now!!
It's here!!
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Pag 7
1: All the cyclists are beginning to run, with the big bridge connecting Kyushu and Honshu through the Kanmon Straits in the back!!
Waa, splendid!!
Do your best!!
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Pag 8
1: The entrance of Kyushu, here from Moji city in Kitakyushu, going south, they'll fight for three days
It's Sohoku!
2: Waaaaa
The wind is so strong!
The cyclists are so close!
So fast!
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Pag 9
1: Kumadai you can do it!
Their fight will unfold on the stage of Kyushu's nature!!
2: There are so many cyclists
Which team will win?
3: The one you need to pay attention to in the first place, is the one in the front with yellow jerseys
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Pag 10
1: Chiba's representative, the two times in a row champion, Sohoku
The third year they call “Mountain King” took the top goal two years in a row!!
Huh... then it's decided already!!
2: Another one is the one with the blue jersey, Kanagawa's Hakone Academy
They were the team that kept winning before, and they're so strong they say that in that team “everyone is an ace”
Huuh... that's amazing too
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Pag 11
1: Then there's Kyoto representative, with the purple jerseys, Kyoto Fushimi, who make the race unpredictable every time!!You can already feel their peculiar tenacity!!
They look scary
2: So those three!?
Well, yeah, but rumor has it that this year the mountain bike champion is participating, too
4: MTB!? The off-road one!?
That's right!!
5: And I guess the local Kyushu team won't keep quiet, and Hiroshima is strong too
There's a strong element of uncertainty in road racing
There are a lot of people, and the distance to cover and the time are long too
6: It's not the stronger one who always win
It's always been said that....
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Pag 12
1: Until the finish line is crossed and the race is over, you never know what can happen during a road race!!
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Pag 13
1: Hyoo... there's so many people, teh
2: They're all waving their hands, teh!!
Ahhh.... so many people, the scale is so different from the prefectural qualification, teh
3: What's wrong, newbie!! Hahaha
4: It started
5: Finally, the Inter High!!
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Pag 14
1: I'll show everyone here what I can do!! Take a look, newbie!!
2: This is the genius Kaburagi Issa's!! Super Special Strong-
3: Start Dash!!
Listen up, Rokudai
Yessir, teh
The red on the referee car means we can't surpass it
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Pag 15
1: As long as that racket-like thing is red, this is a parade run
2: Until it gets turned round and becomes green, the race is in a neutral situation
It means we have to run slowly and safely
3: There's no point in jumping ahead here
And if someone did that, he's just an idiot
Are you watching me, Aoyagi-san!! Haha
Teh... Aoyagi... san..
I'll surpass the care ahead of us!!
4: Once it becomes green, the speed will increase
Don't fall behind
5: Ye... yessir, teh!!
6: Hahaha I guess I left them behind of quite a lot
Waaa!? They're still right behind me!? Imaizumi-san, you're so fast!!
Choose a senpai to refer to
Ah.. huh... yessir, teh...
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Pag 16
3: We've pretty much passed the residential area, teh
The parade will go on for a few more kilometers
4: Once we get on a wider road and can confirm it's safe, then there's the real start
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Pag 17
1: My first Inter High....
What on earth is it... the Inter High....
2: Ahh... my heart is pounding, teh...
Yeah, enjoy the scenery and the heart pounding while you still can
3: Teh!?
4: Once the race starts you won't have time to look at the scenery or take a breath
6: You- you have enough time to take a breath
Ro- Rokudai-kun
Don't bully the first year, Hotshot
7: Onoda-san!!
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Pag 18
1: Only a little
3: Almost... none... the Inter High!!
I see... teh
Onoda-kun... you were even worst than Hotshot now..
The Inter H...igh sounds harsh
4: No, uhm
Uhm, it is
5: It's incredibly hard
It's so hard you could collapse
6: Your whole body falls apart and you can't even take a breath!!
Fall apart...!!
He's really putting the boot in...
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Pag 19
1: But we run with all our strength
2: with everyone supporting each other
3: If we connect
4: and we run until the end with all our might
7: When everything is over and we look back at it
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Pag 20
1: We'll feel like it a really irreplaceable time
2: That difficult moment
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Pag 21
1: When we were angry, frustrated, or when we smiled
We'll remember everything
2: Then, we'll think that we're happy we didn't give up
3: “Think”....
4: That's....
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Pag 22
1: That's the Inter High!!
3: If there are people who have “power” in their words
4: For me, it's this person
I've been thinking it since I've met him
5: Are you... in trouble?
Follow me
6: He usually seems unreliable when he talks, and there are times when he's awkward, but
… yes
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Pag 23
1: His words always strike my core!!
Yessir!! Teh!!
That's right, Onoda-kun
You're right, Onoda
You can bet on it..!!
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Pag 24
1: Thank you so much, teh
For bringing me, who didn't know anything, in such a brilliant and heart shaking world!!
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Pag 25
1: Huh!? Everyone else too!! You were listening!?
Ah... uhm.. I was talking to Rokudai-kun...
2: Hahaha, we heard
3: And thanks to it, I'm all fired up!!
Don't get fired up more than this or you'll turn into ashes quickly
4: I-I'll run with everything I have, teh!!
5: So that you can fulfill
6: your dearest wish you told us about when we were coming here on the ship!!
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Pag 26
1: “Dearest wish”
5: Yokosuka-Kokura ferry, off the coast of Kochi Prefecture
7: Well, the schedule after we arrive is roughly like this
Remember it yourself
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Pag 27
1: Now if you get too excited you'll only get tired, and now it's okay to relax
Get a good night's sleep today, when you wake up tomorrow we'll go ashore
2: Onoda, you want to say anything?
5: Let's... let's do our best
6: Yessir!!
7: Good night
Good night!!
8: Can I ask one last thing?
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Pag 28
1: Earlier, Naruko-san said that our objective for this Inter High is to get our “third consecutive victory”
To be on par with Hakogaku, who is the only team to ever win three times in a row in the history of the Inter High
4: I agree, I also think we have to do it
But I there's one thing I'm curious about, and I don't think it's been asked yet
5: Onoda-san, what's your objective this year?
What are you running in the Inter High for?
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karasunocurry · 5 months
hii sorry to bother you, do you still have link for yowamushi pedal second order stage play? I can't find any link on your post TwT, thank you in advance ^^
Hi! That link got taken down in a copyright claim so for now I don't have it.
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newtypezaku · 1 year
P-P-P-Power Rankings!!
Bungo Stray Dogs (Last: 3): The plan to sic the Hunting Dogs on the real Decay of Angels hit a snag when civvies turned into foot soldiers.
Ippon Again! (Last: 4): Michi's gambit failed but the team drained Odagiri's stamina and showed Hiura how to counter her opening moves.
Blue Lock (Last: 2): After stealing a goal and being crushed by the World 5, Isagi was reunited with the survivors of Stage 2.
Trigun Stampede (Last: 7): Knives attempted to remake the world and had to settle for being evaporated before the tesseract blew up Jurai.
Bofuri (Last: 8): Maple Tree picked up some medals on the first day of the event and built a fortress to survive the monster horde.
Yowamushi Pedal (Last: NR): Flashbacks aplenty as Onoda and Manami went all out for the final kilometer in pursuit of Inter-High glory.
The Tale of Outcasts (Last: NR): Blind child Wisteria already balls so hard, so teenage dream-world Wisteria is gonna wreck your shit.
Buddy Daddies (Last: NR): The plan to evacuate Miri to her mom changed abruptly when dad decided to tie up Rei's loose ends.
Aiming for eight each week cuz eighters gonna eight. [Full Watch List]
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nyxravessnow · 5 years
2.5D Stage Ranking (Personal Opinion) pt.2
This is the part two, the ranking of enjoyment
Top 10 in Enjoyment
This will simply be how much I enjoyed the stage. Mostly I prefer comedy so for me quite a lot of these will have a lot of funny moments but not all of them do. 
This will be extremely opinionated but I will try to be positive. Weirdly even though these are the ten shows I most enjoyed, I don’t think three of them would be in my top ten favourite. Some explanations will be more emotional than others.
I will also not explain about the plot to the shows and will try to spoil as little as possible.
1. Prince of Tennis
This should come as no surprise and I won’t go into this two much but Prince of Tennis is the show that really kickstarted 2.5D in my opinion and is the show that made me absolutely fall in love with the industry. I can sing over 100 of the songs and know most of the actors names and is my absolute addiction. I just think Prince of Tennis is so fun, diverse and it’s so exciting to see all these actors who start in Prince of Tennis grow so much and appear in so many other things
2. Mankai A3
I was so surprised by A3. I didn’t really enjoy the game at first and was so confused as to why it suddenly became so popular. I must admit its popularity was one of the things that held me up watching it until I found I cheap version of Spring and Summer then gave in. I thing watched it every day for a week.This show completely pulled me in with fun songs, a compelling cast of characters and a surprising amount of emotion. (For me who did not play the game, if you did play the game, this would not have been surprising)
The company of actors is split into four groups and I was surprised how individual each group was. My favourite, summer, are the youngest of the company and I absolutely loved their play. 
For anyone trying to get into 2.5d plays, this is probably where I would point them first. It is such a fun play with a perfect blend of comedy, emotion, drama and action
3. Yowamushi pedal
Disclaimer: I have only seen up until the end of Ogoe Yuuki’s run as Onoda.
While I didn’t put Yowamushi Pedal on my top 10 for quality, I don’t think it was ever trying to be a high quality show. The showrunners knew there was no way they could show people cycling on stage in a wholly serious manor if they couldn’t use actual bikes. So, they decided to change the tone of the show, which I think wouldn’t have worked in the anime but works perfectly on stage.
If I ever need cheering up Yowamushi Pedal stage is definitely something I would turn to. Every single show has me crying with laughter and it is amazing to see actors having so much fun on stage.
There are so many hilarious moments but the top two for me is when Izumida’s peck Frank, yes his pecks are anthropomorphised on stage, starts touching the other members of Hakogaku and when they are at Toudou’s inn and their cleaner is Harry Potter and he cocks his broom as fires it like a gun at two actors who are pretending to be ducks. Both make absolutely no sense but are amazing to watch and I don’t think I will ever not laugh while even thinking of them.  
4. Touken Ranbu Musical
It is strange that I cry in every single musical and yet I still have an image of the musicals not being sad. I think they get the perfect blend of emotion and comedy for what they are trying to achieve. The actors, on the whole, portray their characters so well and the live segments may just be pandering to the fangirls, but I am a fangirl/fanboy and I love it. The songs fit so perfectly and I don’t think I’ve ever loved reasonably minor characters as much as I do the humans in Touken Ranbu. I think all their actors are excellent and I am slightly in love with Minamoto no Yoshitsune’s eye makeup.
The thing that sold me the most on this musical however, was none of that. I am studying Japanese and it amazes me how much actual history and Japanese culture I have learnt from these musicals. To the extent of me being able to have a conversation in Japanese about the Minamoto clan with an actual Japanese History Teacher whose favourite period of Japanese history is that period and him complimenting me on my knowledge. 
Touken Ranbu also celebrates Japanese culture so much. The taiko drumming in the live, the actual drinking song included in the show and the time where they put on a festival during a live. I feel like this show is a must see for anyone who likes Japanese culture and Japan would seem to agree with me as it far outranks any other show in the industry for popularity. 
While it doesn’t appeal to me in ways that the three above do I love this musical so much I can’t wait until I can see the next one. 
5. Bakumatsu Rock
I keep on forgetting I’ve seen this show live as I saw it in 2015 which was a while ago and was only the third show I ever saw and I was also sick before it so I was a little delirious. But I still remember the feeling of utter joy I had leaving the theatre with Crash My Head stuck in my...head. The acting is so good, the songs are amazing and the actors look like they’re having such a good time. 
I won’t go into the recast as I already mentioned that in the previous ranking but they didn’t stop me from still enjoying the final two stages. I think it was very sad that the show was so short but I don’t really want to see them bring it back.
I think what we have of the show is perfect and I love it with all m heart.
6. Aoharu Tetsudou
This is a musical I think very few people will have watched. A lot of people like it for the fact it combines a lot of Prince of Tennis actors who haven’t acted with each other in a while but while that is what originally got me into the show it is not at all why I stayed. 
This somewhat factual history of different Japanese train lines is utterly insane with the strangest characters, songs and moments. And has led to some of the strangest conversations with Japanese people who know the train lines well
‘So the Rinkai line is a bit ecchi and stalks the Saikyo line’
‘Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense’
‘??? How can a train line be ecchi?’
Also, this show is unabashedly gay. There is a character who continually asks another character to marry him, three different love songs between three different couples and actual other characters saying that they are gay. While it works in a similar way to Hetalia, if countries get married they are uniting, if trains get married they become one train it is still very gay. There are also multiple instances of characters stripping and cosplaying as women. 
I love this show to bits but if you are not used to Japanese acting or you want to show a musical to someone who is not used to Japanese acting, absolutely do not watch/show this musical. I love the overacting and find it hilarious but this is the most overacting I think I have ever seen in a show ever and while I think it really works for this show it will be pretty jarring if you are not used to it.
7. Hiragana Danshi
This show in my opinion is the most underrated musical in the 2.5d industry, along with Aoharu Tetsudou but even more so. The show is about letters of the Hiragana alphabet but they are more the sounds than the actual hiragana so they represent the katakana and kanji as well. Everything they like has to start with their hiragana and there are so many puns. The cast is hugely popular and talented and each one portrays their character so well. The show is so funny and you absolutely will leave with a favourite character. 
The songs are very clever and, almost, all the actors have very good voices and the songs compliment them well. It’s sad that the show seemed to be such a passion project and was truly beloved by the staff and actors but there were not enough fans to ensure that there could be a second stage. 
8. Bungou Stray Dogs
I don’t have very much to add from my previous comments on this show. It is exceptional as I loved the original anime I was so happy to see such a well done adaptation, that slightly made me realise that I am very attracted to Chuuya. I think this show would also be a very good introduction to 2.5d as it shows off the best aspects of the industry. 
9. Mob Psycho 100
I didn’t originally enjoy the Mob Psycho anime but after I loved the stage I went back and watched the anime again and I loved it. I thought the stage was so funny and I could not think of someone more perfect than Baba Ryoma to play Reigen and I’m so happy that recently Baba Ryoma has been given more chances to play comedic characters which I really think suits him. 
I don’t have very much to say about this play except I loved it and fully recommend it
10. Cells at Work
I have seen both stages as I actually managed to go see the second live last week.
While I do think I preferred the first one overall I did love the second one and I personally think that Kitamura Ryo fits with the image of White blood cell from the anime better. 
The shows manage to be so funny but evoke so much emotion with Yamada James Takeshi’s performance of the cancer cell. I think it is the best acting he has ever done and really wish they had a 2.5d version of the tony’s so he could get an award for his role. 
There is something about them that feels distinctly different from most other 2.5d productions in my opinion and I love it.
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celiaman · 6 years
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Wha-- the new pedal stage is coming in May 2019!  Yowamushi Pedal Stage ~the New Arc of Interhigh: LIMIT BREAKER! 
It’s been soooo long since I watched it, even the casts are different now (well, they always change the casts in every stage tho’). But I do still remember Takuya-san as Izumida hahaha. 
Nevertheless, I believe pedal stage will never disappoint us. :))
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neuf-vies · 7 years
I was at Japan Expo in Paris last week and I happened to see the Yowamushi Pedal musical actors ! I couldn't attend the actual performance on sunday because I was at a wedding and I thought I wouldn't be able to see them at all, but they actually showed up at a small stage to talk about their musical. They were so nice and cute and enthusiastic ! Momose Saku was yelling a lot and I was like "No wonder he's Naruko" haha Kawaharada Takuya was the cutest ! I'm in love now. Anyway I could film them showing how they use the handle to mimic the road racing so here you go ! I will make another post with photos.
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animexovergames · 4 years
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Here’s my collage-graphic to celebrate ✌️😤
Do I have graphics skills? Maybe a little?? Please be kind Do I regret making this? Hell naw, I’m havin’ fun! Do I need a graphic designer? Definitely....
But recruitment isn’t gonna happen until I know you all want this zine to happen! So please spread the word - follow, reblog, retweet, like, tag your favorite sports anime, etc. - bring up the hype! I really want this to be a chance for all of us sports anime fans to come together to celebrate with our beloved characters! We only have one chance for this to align with the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics! 💙🖤❤️️💛💚
With love and excitement,
The S.O.A.P Zine Committee President
🏆[⚽ Carrd ⚾ Twitter 🏀 Mod Apps (TBA!) 🏐 Newsletter (TBA!) 🥎]🏆
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