#youre just being anti semitic
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eroticcannibal · 8 months ago
You have got to all stop calling Jews zionists just because they are Jews.
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moll-synthlove · 9 months ago
palestinian lives are more important than fighting class struggle right now.
i'm tired of people excusing their silence by saying this would further divide us. these bands have a huge audience of political activists and choose to not educate people when they have such powerful ideological tools in their hands.
we need to keep organising protests and having discourse!
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kratomqueen · 1 year ago
being anti-zionist is NOT anti-semitic. however, believing israel is uniquely evil (compared to other countries who do equally horrible things), and/or controls the world, IS anti-semitic
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lesbiandarvey · 1 year ago
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strangesmallbard · 5 months ago
“why are jews so mad about stuff that happened hundreds of years ago” it’s because the timeline of antisemitism on wikipedia looks like this:
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some centuries have their own separate articles. here’s the decade leading up to the creation of the term “anti-semitism” from the nineteenth century article:
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so like. i think anyone with a brain can understand why jews are pissed off. and if your knee jerk reaction to learning about the history of antisemitism is to ask “what did the jews do?” nothing. the convenient lie is that jews have been persecuted throughout the centuries because of some inherent malignancy or evil disposition. the truth is more simple: people hate jews. and the truth is also more complex: people would rather believe jews are worth hating than confront the shame they themselves feel upon learning about the long history of antisemitic violence around the world. and the longer that shame exists, the more corrosive it becomes.
and what do human beings do when they feel ashamed? they project that feeling onto others. they may even blame the source of that shame, even if that source wasn’t the cause. rinse and repeat. it’s a very, very old cycle. just like how antisemitism is a very, very old cycle. not sure what the exact point of this post is, but i would love to stop seeing goyim dismiss jewish anger and trauma and grief for five minutes.
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wilwheaton · 2 years ago
The GOP wonders why young people (and others) don't want to vote for them. Some wise scribe assembled this list.
1.) Your Reagan-era “trickle-down economics” strategy of tax breaks for billionaires that you continue to employ to this day has widened the gap between rich and poor so much that most of them will never be able to own a home, much less earn a living wage.
2.) You refuse to increase the federal minimum wage, which is still $7.25 an hour (since 2009). Even if it had just kept up with inflation, it would be $27 now. You’re forcing people of all ages but especially young people to work multiple jobs just to afford basic necessities.
3.) You fundamentally oppose and want to kill democracy; have done everything in your power to restrict access to the ballot box, particularly in areas with demographics that tend to vote Democratic (like young people and POC). You staged a fucking coup the last time you lost.
4.) You have abused your disproportionate senate control over the last three decades to pack the courts with religious extremists and idealogues, including SCOTUS—which has rolled back rights for women in ways that do nothing but kill more women and children and expand poverty.
5.) You refuse to enact common sense gun control laws to curb mass shootings like universal background checks and banning assault weapons; subjecting their entire generation to school shootings and drills that are traumatizing in and of themselves. You are owned by the NRA.
6.) You are unequivocally against combatting climate change to the extent that it’s as if you’ve made it your personal mission to ensure they inherit a planet that is beyond the point of no return in terms of remaining habitable for the human race beyond the next few generations.
7.) You oppose all programs that provide assistance to those who need it most. Your governors refused to expand Medicaid even during A PANDEMIC. You are against free school lunches, despite it being the only meal that millions of children can count on to actually receive each day
8.) You are banning books, defunding libraries, barring subject matter, and whitewashing history even more in a fascistic attempt to keep them ignorant of the systemic racism that this nation was literally founded upon and continues to this day in every action your party takes.
9.) You oppose universal healthcare and are still trying to repeal the ACA and rip healthcare from tens of millions of Americans and replace it with nothing. You are against lowering the cost of insulin and prescription drugs that millions need simply to LIVE/FUNCTION in society.
10.) You embrace white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and other groups that are defined by their intractable racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and intolerance. You conspired with these groups on January 6th to try to overthrow the U.S. government via domestic terrorism that KILLED PEOPLE.
11.) You oppose every bill aimed at making life better for our nation’s youth; from education to extracurricular and financial/nutritional assistance programs. You say you want to “protect the children” while you elect/nominate pedophiles and attack trans youth and drag queens.
12.) You pretend to be offended by “anti-semitism” while literally supporting, electing, and speaking at events organized by Nazis. You pretend to hate “cancel culture” despite the fact that you invented it and it’s basically all you do.
13.) Every word you utter is a lie. You are the party of treason, hypocrisy, crime, and authoritarianism. You want to entrench rule by your aging minority because you know that you have nothing to offer young voters and they will never support you for all these reasons and more.
14.) You’re so hostile to even the notion of helping us overcome the mountain of debt that millions of us are forced to take on just to pay for our post K-12 education that you are suing to try to prevent a small fraction of us from getting even $10,000 in loan forgiveness.
15.) You opened the floodgates of money into politics via Citizens United; allowing our entire system of government to become a cesspool of corruption, crime, and greed. You are supposed to represent the American people whose taxes pay your salary but instead cater to rich donors.
16.) You respond to elected representatives standing in solidarity with their constituents to protest the ONGOING SLAUGHTER of children in schools via shootings by EXPELLING THEM FROM OFFICE & respond to your lack of popularity among young people by trying to raise the voting age.
17.) You impeach Democratic presidents over lying about a BJ but refuse to impeach (then vote twice to acquit) a guy whose entire “administration” was an international crime syndicate being run out of the WH who incited an insurrection to have you killed.
18.) You steal Supreme Court seats from democrats to prevent the only black POTUS we’ve ever had from appointing one and invent fake precedents that you later ignore all to take fundamental rights from Americans; and even your “legitimate” appointments consist of people like THIS (sub-thread refuting CJ Roberts criticisms of people attacking SCOTUS' legitimacy).
19.) You support mass incarceration even for innocuous offenses or execution by cop for POC while doing nothing but protect rich white criminals who engage in such things as tax fraud, money laundering, sex trafficking, rape/sexual assault, falsifying business records, etc.
20.) You are the reason we can’t pass:—Universal background checks—An assault weapons ban—The ‘For the People/Freedom to vote’ Act or John Lewis Voting Rights Act—The ERA & Equality Act—The Climate Action Now Act—The (Stopping) Violence Against Women Act—SCOTUS expansion.
21.) You do not seek office to govern, represent, or serve the American people. You seek power solely for its own sake so you can impose your narrow-minded puritanical will on others at the expense of their most fundamental rights and freedoms like voting and bodily autonomy.
22.) Ok, last one. You are trying to eliminate social security and Medicare that tens of millions of our parents rely on and paid into their entire lives. And you did everything to maximize preventable deaths from COVID leaving millions of us in mourning.
Source: https://imgur.com/gallery/e8DBZLH
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avian-misdemeanors · 7 months ago
hey jumblr. I wanna talk about something that's been bothering me.
when people say that Jews are white can we please stop refuting them by saying "nuh uh! mizrahim and sephardim and beta Israel etc!" I've seen this in a ton of posts lately.
you're tacitly implying ashki Jews are white. I can't speak for all ashki Jews but fucking hell that feels shitty. white people have been our oppressors for centuries. the Shoah was perpetrated by white people, against us, because the white Nazis believed we (ALL Jews, not just the dark-skinned ones) were a blight on their perfect inbred whiteness.
I promise you that despite my pale ashki skin I have never once been welcomed by actual white people into white spaces. they do not let me forget that I'm not one of them. white people are the ones leading the KKK and the neo-Nazis and chanting "Jews will not replace us"
to imply ashki Jews are white as a defense against the anti-semites feels like being thrown under the bus when people are hating on Jews by calling us white. it feels like being spat on after the centuries we were forced to live in diaspora in european countries under the constant threat of yet another ridiculous european war or zealously christian dictator.
my pale skin does not mean I'm less subject to Jew-hate. it does not mean my ancestors didn't suffer as much as yours. my pale skin does not make me less of a Jew.
and even if you disagree on all these points, can you at least have the decency to ask an Ashkenazi Jew if they're okay with being labeled as white before doing it?
please don't punch the person standing beside you in the Tribe when trying to defend it
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xclowniex · 19 days ago
The vast majority of Queer people are completely disgusted and appalled by pedophiles, the vast majority of Israelis either support what's happening to Palestinians or act stupid and shift the conversation to anti-semitism because they can't stand the idea of not being the victims, its not comparable at all because you will never see a gay pedophile trying to gaslight you into thinking that they're equally as much of a victim as the kid they molested or that you're homophobic if you feel sympathy for them.
Except this is where you are wrong and engaging in exactly the same type of rhetoric I was speaking about the post.
It's always really funny when you make a post about a general rhetoric and then someone goes "no you're wrong" whilst being the exact type of person you're talking about.
Because the thing is, most Israelis do not want to settle Gaza.
And when the topic does get "shifted to antisemitism" it's not being shifted by the Israeli or jew, but by the non jew being antisemitic.
There are ways in which you can and should criticize the Israeli government, and then there is antisemitic masked as criticism of Israel. There is very much a line, and pepple do cross it. If a whole bunch of Israelis and jews are telling you that you have crossed that line, then you've crossed the line. You shouldn't be looking at non jews for guidance on what is and isn't antisemitic, you should be listening to jews.
And also, I have seen queer pedophiles try to gaslight people into thinking pedophilia is okay. I forgot her name but there is this queer woman who bought a castle somewhere in Europe who is also a furry who uses that exact argument to justify her pedophilia. But just like the whole point of that post is, it is a very small minority of queer people who think like that, so therefore does not represent queer people.
But of course it is far more convenient for you to instead ignore the point and continue to belive that a minority of Israelis must represent all israelis as doubling down when your opinion is challenged is far easier than stepping back and reexamining your beliefs.
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briteredoctober · 9 months ago
False pro-Israeli arguments that will cause me to literally laugh in your face:
“Well they started it on Oct. 7th”
It started in the 1930s and intensified in 1948 as Israel launched their first Nakba (ethnic cleansing campaign). Israel has continued killing Palestinians and stealing their homes for the past 76 years.
“Hamas could just release the hostages”
Hamas offered to release all civilian hostages on October 9th, 2023, in exchange for Israel halting their invasion. Israel refused, and has continued to refuse the same deal multiple times.
“Being anti-Zionist is anti-Semitic”
Opposing fascism is not anti-Semitic. The current campus protests are literally being lead by Jewish student groups.
“Israelis were there 2,000 years ago, so it’s their land.”
Egypt was there 6,000 years ago, so by that logic it’s their land.
“God promised that land to Israel”
God promised me your savings account. I swear, he hit me up last night about it. Please transfer the money now or you’re going to hell. This argument is equally valid.
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makingqueerhistory · 2 months ago
I'm from the USA and am trying to take hope and inspiration from our queer predecessors who faced dark times in the past. How did they keep going even when it felt like the world was ending?Do you have any recommendations for queer historical essays, poems, books, anything to find comfort and hope for these dark times?
Yes, I have a couple of stories for this.
Claude Cahun
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A queer surrealist photographer from 1920's paris, Claude was Jewish and recognized the rise of antisemitism in their home country and watched it become fascism. Here is a quote from their article:
"In 1937 Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore cut off many connections because of the war and ran to Jersey to avoid anti-Semitic violence. Upon arrival, they went back to using their birth names and laid low until the Germans took Jersey. Moore and Cahun set to work. They used their experience with art and disguising their genders to create works that spread misinformation, seeds of rebellion and implied that there was a large-scale resistance happening when in reality, it was just the two of them. Though some of their work was based on confusing the soldiers, they also translated and transcribed BBC transmissions into German, detailing the war crimes that were being committed. They would have these translations on pieces of paper that they would slip into soldier's pockets, matchboxes, and anywhere a soldier may stumble across it and possibly read it. An investigation was started, and Nazi authorities believed there to be a group of people doing this. When the two were discovered to be behind the actions, Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore were sentenced to death. Fortunately, the sentence was never carried out because the island of Jersey was liberated from German rule only a year later. Claude took a picture upon their release in front of the camps with a Nazi eagle pin between their teeth."
And Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz
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who wrote:
"Poetry readings and concert attendance—and often a chat over vodka—were not only forms
of escapism, but also a search for better, more substantive aspects of human beings, a search
which would end, more often than not, in complete disillusionment. If it could be possible, to
discern, in these notes even if only for a moment a measure of humanity in that time of
inhumanity, the goal of this publication would be fulfilled.”
I think his whole article is worth reading.
Also here are some books to read:
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Your Art Will Save Your Life
Beth Pickens
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Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies
Ben MacIntyre
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Nepantla: An Anthology Dedicated to Queer Poets of Color
Christopher Soto
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The New Queer Conscience
Adam Eli
(Some of the links are affiliate links)
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astrstqr · 6 months ago
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things i script for my modern dr. lmk if you want more
⬭ racism, homophobia, ableism, transphobia, islamophobia, anti semitism, misogyny, global warming, climate change, overconsumption, overpopulation, deforestation, habitat destruction etc., used to exist, however they currently do not and will never suffer from them again.
⬭ everyone is treated equal
⬭ no “pro-life”
⬭ people are allowed to have abortions no matter what age they are
⬭ women products are free such as pads/tampons and birth control
⬭ everyone is educated on problems happening around the world
⬭ health care is free
⬭ natives are seen as the founders of America
⬭ south, west, southeast, & central Asians are seen too + people know Asia is not just the east
⬭ having guns are illegal unless your job requires you to have one and there is no other way to get a gun
⬭ periods last a day and are very light
⬭ covid-19 doesn’t exist
⬭ plastic surgery is normalized , isnt look down on but people rarely gets it unless necessary
⬭ children of any age are not sexualized in any form or shape
⬭ in public bathrooms the toilet is always clean, people don't knock on the stall you are in, there is always toilet paper, always soap and a hand dryer
⬭ the Chinese government isn't so harsh & gives the citizens freedom
⬭ people of color’s cultures are RESPECTED, & not appropriated
⬭ foster care takes treats kids nicely
⬭ nobody harms animals and kill shelters are not a thing
⬭ all country leaders are good and honest people
⬭ human trafficking does not exist
⬭ the government never watches you through your phone
⬭ trump never ran for president
⬭ no world hungers
⬭ no one is homeless, and everyone has a home
⬭ world peace
⬭ women and men are equal
⬭ it’s easy for people to make money
⬭ all sickness has a cure
⬭ bullying does not exist
⬭ black history and pride month still exist
⬭ the government isn't greedy and take care of their people
⬭ every country has money, food, isnt poor, etc. etc.
⬭ no toxic parenting
⬭ the Sewol ferry never had an accident
⬭ school shooting doesn’t exist
⬭ minimum wage is $15-$20 an hour
⬭ crimes are punished with justice in mind
⬭ history is recorded correctly
⬭ people can start driving at 15
⬭ Korea is not conservative
⬭ Korea doesn’t have an unrealistic beauty standard
⬭ Korea never divided, it is united and free. But south of korea is like the city part and the north is like rural part
⬭ pollution does not exist
⬭ earth air is clean and easy to breathe no matter where you are
⬭ no acid rain, urban sprawl, ozone layer depletion
⬭ allergies do not exist
⬭ the world is more colorful and not dull looking
⬭ coral reef still has it color
⬭ no water in unwanted places
⬭ grass is always green
⬭ if the population increases the planet gets bigger to produce resources to accommodate the growing population. it doesnt effect the mass of the earth or the gravitational pull
⬭ global warming doesn't exist
⬭ humidity doesn't ruin hair
⬭ the library of alexandria was never destroyed
⬭ apple pencils work on iPhone
⬭ everything is wireless, and nothing needs a cord
⬭ line is always short in stores and restaurants
⬭ buildings and renovating don’t take longer than a wee
⬭ you can book a hotel with being 18 or older
⬭ traffic is always fine
⬭ netflix have more of a large selection of things and dont remove shows/add shows no one wants
⬭ spotify is free
⬭ the switch have a web browser
⬭ tv companies still make tv shows similar to the 2000s and early 2010s , just updated to keep up with the times
⬭ the sims franchise lore is linear throughout the series
the open world features from sims 3 is still present in sims 4
sims 4 is like an updated and better version of sims 3 keeping all the features from the sims 3 (still including everything that is already in sims 4)
non of the games have bugs
every expansion pack etc is just added to the game as an update and no one has to pay for it
⬭ cheap jewelry doesnt tarnish
⬭ washer/dryer cycles are 15 mins
⬭ in the show dancing dolls everyone was treated equally and was never fake to each other.
⬭ people actually do the theme for the met gala and it’s always unique
୨୧⠀˙⠀⠀˖⠀ world aesthetic & vibe
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batboyblog · 3 months ago
I keep seeing the take of "vote blue no matter who is fascism/leads to fascism" literal days before the election and people going on tirades about how we're licking their boots while they kick our teeth in and I'm just so fucking tired. I just. Am so tired. I also saw someone explicitly mention "they could eviscerate a baby on the stage and you'd still vote for them" and that just SEEMS anti-Semitic. I sincerely hate this so much. I see people also claiming that "withholding your vote is the only political power you have" and I want to scream.
And I'm straight up seeing people say "Oh so republicans will be so much worse? Then we die together" and holy fucking shit these people are awful, straight up the most selfish motherfuckers I've ever seen in my life. They really are just hoping for a "revolution" so they can cosplay as the anarchists they've always wanted to for a few brief moments before they get jailed/straight-up killed. They don't care about the millions, billions of people who's lives are about to get so much worse thanks to this.
I'm sorry for doing such a rant but oh my god. Why are people like this.
where's that tweet about firebombing Wal-Mart and then not?
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maybe the greatest tweet of all time.
any ways, I was just out and about in the real world knocking on doors and yeah I was knocking easy turf (every other house was a Democrat pride float of signs and banners) but I can tell you these internet edge lords aren't real, I mean in some cases literally not real being fake people meant to demotivate voters. But even those who are real Americans who really feel that way, they're such a tiny unimportant minority that they're not really real and spoiler most people like that are NEVER voters, they don't vote, ever so like "I'm not gonna vote" you didn't before so you don't really factor in, its like children, how they feel doesn't matter because they can't vote.
The real feeling out there is good, you know, I'm tired, and I'm going out again tomorrow, thats what its really about, they bitch about Democrats and shit but we're out talking to people, organizing, mobilizing, and voting, they want a Revolution, well then here it is you can turn the world if you do the work.
people saying they won't vote for a better world is stupid, and its childish, I think of all the fights we've fought, all the little wins that build up to national victories, we have a chance to keep going forward, to break down more barriers, to right more wrongs to make the American Dream available to more people who never before had a shot, we can be a more perfect union, and we can do great things together. Or we can allow the gift we have been given, guarded by generations in blood and pain in the fields of Gettysburg, Beaches of Normandy, in the dirt of Philadelphia, Mississippi, and in the street in front of the Stonewall Inn to be take away from us, to allow a Government for, by and of the people to vanish from the Earth. Thats the choice, the rest is noise.
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billionbrilliantstars · 4 months ago
I am very concerned about some of the messaging going around that we shouldn’t vote for Kamala because she supposedly doesn’t care about Palestine. This messaging is very dangerous and I ask anyone who comes across this to please think twice before you allow this messaging to stop you from voting. I trust Kamala Harris when she says she believes Palestinians have a right to self determination. I trust her when she says she wants a ceasefire. The Israeli government is a force of evil, but the Israeli people are not. The Israeli people deserve to be safe from Hamas just as the Palestinians deserve to be safe from the Netanyahu. Kamala Harris is not Joe Biden. She is her own person and she is handling the issue in a way that protects both people. Loss of life is much greater for Palestinians, but we can’t fall prey to anti semitism either. The man Kamala loves is a Jewish man.
That being said, even if you are not convinced. Even if you do not trust her, what is the alternative? Boycotting your right to vote or voting third party increases the odds of a Trump presidency. It is not possible for Jill Stein to win. If you do not trust Kamala, that is fine. But realize there is no question about how Trump will handle the war. He has no compassion for anyone, including Palestinians. It may make you feel less guilty to vote third party or to not vote at all, but it won’t help anyone. It will only subject both the Palestinians and the citizens of America to disarray and death.
I respect that not every liberal will relate to Kamala and trust her as I do, but it is very clear that however much you might doubt her, Trump is the only possible alternative. And it’s not a viable alternative. I’m not sure our country or Palestine can survive another Trump presidency.
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mixtape-timeout · 7 months ago
This is the last post I will be making on this topic. Since gimmeurtmi is back and posting again, here is yet another reminder for you that she is a Zionist. She is trying to spin the story and claim that people are witch-hunting her for being Israeli, which is just another excuse to deflect from her disgraceful behavior. Since she wants to say that we are spreading misinformation, please look at the screenshots in the link. These are screenshots of posts SHE made herself. Not my words, just hers. Read her posts without any of my commentary, and come to your own conclusions about her beliefs. Her posts speak for themselves.
((More below))
She can say she's Pro-Palestine all she wants, but her actions do not reflect that. I can't prove if she is attending peace rallies like she says she is, but what we do know is that the things she says and does are in direct contradiction of this. Please look at the tags of the original callout post and see the sheer number of bloggers (including other authors) she had blocked for being Pro-Palestine. She claims she blocked people for being Anti-Semitic, but what she perceives as "Anti-Semitic" is anything Anti-Zionist. The testimonies from people who used to follow her and used to be very close friends with her all say she is a very manipulative person who always makes herself the victim. She has repeatedly made Zionist posts, deleted them, pretended to change her views, post "Pro-Palestine" things, then go back and show her true colors once the accusations blow over. She had reblogged fundraisers for Rafah weeks ago on her blog @stuckonspidey after being called out that are now nowhere to be found. She is a liar and a manipulator who has repeatedly said things that contradict her actions just to save face.
If she's Pro-Palestine, why does she make posts sympathizing with the IDF? Why does she support the occupational force that kills Palestinians for fun, undresses hostages to humiliate them (including CHILDREN), beats hostages to death with hammers in their captivity, disguises themselves as HUMANITARIAN AID to kill hundreds of refugees, takes pictures with hostages/dead bodies and posts them on social media, steals Palestinian women's underwear and takes pictures with it after killing them/ransacking their houses, targets journalists and humanitarian aid workers, straps injured Palestinians to their trucks and uses them as human shields? This is the army that fired 355 bullets at the car that 6 year old Hind Raghab was in while she was surrounded by her dead family members, KNOWING she was in there. They are a depraved, violent occupational force that kills and tortures civilians, and one of the most basic pillars of being Pro-Palestine is opposing the IDF. You cannot be Pro-Palestine and have sympathy for the army that is killing and oppressing them. You cannot say you stand for Palestinian liberation and peace, yet mourn for their oppressors when the resistance fights back. There is proof all over the internet of the IDF's war crimes because they post it themselves. Here are a few links if you don't believe me. LINK LINK LINK LINK. Please research it yourself, too. You'll find no shortage of it.
If she is Pro-Palestine, why does she refuse to acknowledge it as a genocide? Why does she call it a "war"? Why does she call the International Court of Justice's decision to take Israel to court for its war crimes "questionable"? If she believes what Israel is doing is wrong, why would she criticize it being held accountable for its crimes against humanity? If she is Pro-Palestine, why would she call an Israeli propaganda movie that paints Arabs as barbaric savages her all time favorite and complain that it's getting RIGHTFULLY negative reviews for its blatant racism, glorification of war criminal Golda Mier, and historical misinformation? Her excuse was that "she posted about a movie because she likes movies." That is an absolutely pitiful reason and being deliberately obtuse to distract from the actual issue. When you say it like that, of course it sounds harmless, but the CONTENT of the movie matters. For example: Would you call "The Birth of A Nation", a disgustingly racist white supremacy propaganda movie your favorite? Absolutely NOT. And if you did, people would rightfully question you for that. If she's Pro-Palestine, why didn't she boycott LMB when there are two Zionists on it? One of which (Johnny Goldstein) is a former IDF soldier and attends Pro-Israel events? If she's Pro-Palestine, why would she use the well-known Zionist talking points, conflating Judaism with Zionism, and saying that when people say "Zionist" they really mean "Jew"? If She's Pro-Palestine, why would she have such an issue with Stays trying to inform Felix about the Coca-Cola boycott and say they are bullies? Do you notice a pattern here? Her labeling ANY attempts at calling out Zionism to be "bullying" or "Anti-Semitic"? This is the exact rhetoric Zionists use. Once again, she can say she's Pro-Palestine, she might even actually believe that she is, but her behavior does not reflect this. Saying "My posts aren't Anti-Palestinian because I'm not Anti-Palestinian" proves absolutely nothing. Someone who can't even call the genocide a genocide is not an ally to Palestine.
She continues to hide behind "Anti-Semitism" despite me and many of my friends who called her out being Jews or of Jewish ancestry ourselves. If you look through my blog, you will see a majority of my posts are dedicated to dismantling the idea that Jews = Zionists. I have worked so hard in my community to do this in real life, and it's incredibly frustrating to see her perpetuating this harmful stereotype when us Anti-Zionist Jews are doing everything we can to separate Judaism from Zionism. She is also saying we are racist against Israelis, which is an absolutely ludicrous claim. Israeli is not a race, just like American isn't a race. Israeli is a Nationality. 75% of Jewish people are Ashkenazim, meaning European/White, and about 50% of Israelis are White. Nationality =/= Race. Her claims of racism are, again, her using terms of discrimination to distract from her blatantly Zionist posts.
Furthermore the claim that we are attacking her simply for being Israeli is not only wrong, it makes no sense. I was not aware that she was Israeli before suspecting her of being a Zionist. A huge chunk of Zionists are actually Western Christians who support Israel for Anti-Semitic reasons, and I would NEVER sabotage a fellow Jew for their identity. I went out of my way to emphasize this in the first post. Gimmeurtmi was called out for Zionism that me and several other people in the community recognized, point blank period. We are not "painting her in a specific light", we are bringing attention to harmful, dangerous things SHE said. If I presented her posts to you without commentary, even in context, you could come to the same conclusion. The original callout post was edited many times with many additions as new screenshots/information came forward, and it was through the comments from other people talking about their experience with her that we found out that she was Israeli and had made those Anti-Palestinian posts on October 7th (which she deleted). It was her thinly-veiled Zionism that originally raised our suspicions, the knowledge that she's Israeli came after.
I know gimmeurtmi will continue to see herself as a victim no matter what. I know she will keep pretending she's being attacked for her identity just as all Zionists do. This post is just to disprove her accusations that we called her out on the basis of "racism", when the callout for her was a result of HER racism herself. I never had any problem with gimmeurtmi before she blocked me, I enjoyed her fics and looked up to her, as many others in the community did. She gave me no reason to dislike her before this. The only reason my friends and I put that post together was because we felt it was imperative that someone like her, who uses her SKZ blog to normalize Zionist ideology amidst a genocide, gets de-platformed. I cannot tell you what to believe, but I urge you to be careful and understand what a manipulative person she is. I urge you to read the screenshots of her posts for yourself and come to your own conclusion.
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italian-lit-tournament · 2 months ago
Italian literature tournament - Second round.
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Propaganda in support of the authors is accepted, you can write it both in the tag if reblog the poll (explaining maybe that is propaganda and you want to see posted) or in the comments. Every few days it will be recollected and posted here under the cut.
Propaganda in favour of Primo Levi by @itsmalombra
What to say about Primo Levi? Jew, a leftist until his death, Holocaust survivor (thanks to beng a chemist, he was considered useful by the SS and wasn't killed as soon he arrived to Auschwitz), he condemned with decades of advance the first cases of violence from the just started Israel occupation aganst the Palestinians, having still care for the difficulties that many jews like him were experiencing in Europe. He is one of the author you have to read if you want to understand the contrast and the difference between anti-semitism and anti-sionism. The horrors he endured were the cause of hid death in 1987, possibly by suicide.
About his relationship with other italian jews who moved in Occupied Palestine/Israel but at the same time his distrust to Menachem Begin policies and latent antisionism: Levi was clearly inspired by them, but not enough to follow their example and join his fate in the postwar period to the Zionist project in Israel. He had a complicated relationship to the country. […] Like other Jews, Levi kept up with news from the region, especially during times of crisis. His responses to two of these crises reveal a strong attachment to Israel on a personal level but also some sharp differences with the country’s policies. His criticisms were political and generally lined up with the views of the Italian Left. They came to a head in 1982, during Israel’s incursion into Lebanon in Operation ‘Peace for Galilee’. […] Much of public opinion in Western countries, including Italy, turned against Israel, especially following the Christian Phalange militia’s massacre of Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila in September, 1982. Levi joined his voice to the protests, signing letters urging Israel’s withdrawal and calling for Begin’s retirement from office. In turn, he himself came under criticism from prominent leaders of the Italian Jewish community, who called for communal solidarity at such a time. Fearing an intensification of hostility against Jews in Italy as a result of vehement anti-Israel and antisemitic demonstrations breaking out across Europe, they also thought it unwise for Jews to join their voices in protest against Israel, as Levi and others were doing. Levi’s Italian Jewish friends living in Israel, some of whom lost family members in the country’s War of Independence and subsequent fighting, also spoke out against him. ‘I retain a close sentimental tie with Israel,’ he confessed at the time, ‘but not with this Israel’. [source]
Another article about this important part of him is here, unfortunately is in italian.
I don’t think there is another author as representative of the Holocaust horror (and war horror in general) in Italy like Primo Levi, considering also is eminence in contemporary literature, his interviews with Philip Roth or Judith Butler, him being the namesake of various international associations against discriminations and violence like the Primo Levi Center, the raw and vivid power of his writing and poetry:
You who live safe In your warm house; You who find, come evening, Hot food and the faces of friends: Consider if this is a man Who struggles in the mud Who knows no peace Who fights for crumbs Who dies because of a No or Yes Consider if this is a woman, Nameless and hairless Without strength to remember Vacant eyes and a womb Cold like a frog in the winter: Consider the fact that this has happened: These words I suggest: Etch them on your heart When staying home and going out, Closing your eyes and rising back; Repeat them to your children: Or may your house crumble, Illness bind you And they turn their faces away from you.
If This Is a Man, Primo Levi, 1947.
To describe his importance not only in the italian, but also european and world-wide canon, it takes months and pages of space, a thing that sadly now I don't have, but if you, readed, have never heard of him, you have in front of you so much of books, essays, poetry and writing by Levi that will let you amazed by his depth of though and sensivity, but most importantly, vote now for him👆.
Propaganda in favor of Guido Cavalcanti by @eresia-catara
May I add further propaganda for Guido: He's a noble, he disdains aristocrats, he was Florence's number one Server of Cunt, he was the city's faggot, he was heretical, he went on a random pilgrimage but interrupted it and managed to be buried in a church anyway, he had an archenemy who sent some men to murder him on said pilgrimage, he came back and tried to murder him back in plain daylight, he gave zero fucks about politics, he got exiled because he was considered a menace for the city. He SAW DANTE's poetical talent, encouraged it, shaped it, and through him the whole of italian literature. Think about it. Also they became besties until they evolved to a tormented psychosexual haunting dynamic (see break-up poem) where Dante himself actually exiled him. In the 13th century his poetry anticipates so many of the literary themes of the XXth century, going from fragmentation of the self (his is basically vivisection and dispersion of his parts), to dissociation from one's own mind and body, lack of identity, irony, desecration, his poetry is full of schizophrenic-like hallucinations, reading them is truly a trip, and yet his language is profoundly meoldic and sweet. And there's also gender-fuckery. and theater, of course, because his poems develop like a scene from a theater (adding layers to the dissociation). So really he has it all guys.
Guido Cavalcanti propaganda by @girldante
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in conclusione
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perfectlyvalid49 · 1 year ago
Today is January 27th, which is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and I'd like to get some stuff off my chest.
First, I'd like to take a minute to point out that it is not Yom HaShoah, which is the day Israel (and by extension large portions of the Jewish diaspora population) uses as Holocaust Remembrance day. Yom HaShoah is on the 27th of Nisan, a date that was selected to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, centering Jewish resistance in our own story. That date was selected nearly five decades before the UN picked January 27th, which was selected to center our white saviors who came to liberate Auschwitz. This is utter bullshit. And no excuses for not being able to handle a moving date on the Gregorian calendar - April 19th would be the Gregorian equivalent, and it was not selected.
Having said that, given how many infographics I've seen over the last four months about how people are increasingly denying or doubting the Holocaust, I figure any day that acknowledges it is a good thing, so yeah, let's take two days to remember. I think it's worth it.
So given that this is the Holocaust Remembrance Day that centers our goyishe friends, let's talk about how our goyishe friends should observe the day.
1. It is likely that you never learned a lot of details about the Holocaust. Holocaust education usually boils down to, "and the Nazis put Jews in camps in order to kill them, and a lot of Jews were killed in gas chambers, and about 6 million died in all." Go learn some details. Read or watch an account from a survivor.  Learn about the medical experiments, or the death marches. Learn some details about what the gas chambers were actually like. Try to understand the horror. Learn about the SS St. Louis or the Evian conference in 1938 where almost every country on Earth decided it was better to let the Jews die in Germany than to allow them into their own countries.
2. On that note, take the time to understand that anti-semitism neither began nor ended with the Nazis, and that even the "good guys" were incredibly antisemitic.Try to recognize that the antisemitism that was present where you live right now in the 1930s didn't just disappear, it just went into hiding. Think about where it might be hiding now.
Basically, because this is the Holocaust Remembrance Day for the goyim, I want to focus our remembrance of what happened on the goyim. What did they do? What could they have done to help? Why didn't they? We can come back in May for more Jewish focused learning, but the Holocaust could not have happened without A LOT of willing goyim, and I think we should spend the day remembering them and their actions.
And as a side note: if you happen to read this and you've chosen to spend the day engaging in Holocaust denial or Holocaust inversion, then know that my hope for you is that something happens in your life to teach you empathy and basic human decency. And I hope it isn't pleasant for you.
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