#your interpretation of which ship
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team-chaotix-daily · 17 days ago
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111. realization
i feel like Espio would definitely be the type of person to not realize someone was flirting until much later
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necrotic-nephilim · 7 months ago
Do you have any more ideas about the dead dove vampire!dickxtim au you wrote a while ago? It's lived in my head ever since and I'd love to know more.
first of all thank you so much that's so sweet! second of all, i have SO many ideas you have no idea. that fic ate at my brain for like a month before i found the time to write it so i had plenty of ideas i didn't fully explore. i'm adding a read more just bc. that was one of my more fucked up fics so i don't want to subject anyone to a necro kink jumpscare
so one of the big ideas i've thought about with that fic is Tim dealing with the aftermath of it, right. bc he's of course going to hide it from everyone. the Batfam all just neds to hold onto the hope that they can save Dick somehow, and knowing what Dick did would kill any lingering hope that there's anything left of Dick Grayson in the walking husk that he's become. so Tim has to deal with the worst of it alone, probably not even mentioning he ran into Dick.
the fun part tho is that above everything else, Tim wouldn't be able to let go of Dick's comment about fantasizing about Tim before being a vampire. Tim knows the comment was made just to get in his head, but that doesn't stop it from working. he spends hours pouring over old footage of him and Dick training, hanging out, on patrol, anything he can find. just to like. try to find evidence of Dick's gaze lingering. it eats Tim alive not knowing one way or the other if it was a lie. if it's true, at least it makes it easier for Tim to move on from the memory of Dick. but not knowing is worse. and he never finds anything that satiates the question so like. that'd destroy Tim the most. (the real answer is that Dick genuinely didn't feel attraction to Tim before being a vampire, *but* Dick is convinced he did bc being a vampire fucked him up so badly that he's become his own unreliable narrator. so it's both true and untrue, and in the end, it doesn't matter either way bc Tim is fucked up by the thought of it and even if they "fixed" Dick by curing him, i think Dick's romantic feelings would linger in the horror of what he did.)
i'm really just. in love with Dick's feelings toward Tim in the fic. the most difficult part of the fic was figuring out how to end it, bc sure as a sexual fantasy Dick is obsessed with killing Tim, but he's also deeply in love with Tim, so it's difficult to follow through on. Dick wants to make Tim a vampire more than anything, but he is genuinely worried about how well it'd take for Tim. the fic doesn't really go into who's on Dick's side as a vampire, but i personally believe he's turned most of the Titans. probably some of his own rogues as well, i could see him turning Slade. i can't explain why, those are just the vibes.
it is important to me just how much of Dick's feelings for Tim are based in him not wanting Tim to live under Bruce's thumb. like the whole vampire brain has convinced Dick that Bruce is somehow the villain in this, and it was Bruce's control keeping Dick from being the person he wanted to be. it's a very warped reality and if i continued the fic i'd love for the second part to be from Dick's perspective just to have fun with the unreliable narrator of it.
back to the porn tho. Dick would seek TIm out again. probably in Tim's own apartment, just bc he wants to destroy every safe space Tim has. getting into Tim's head is an important part of breaking TIm down. the fear of Tim fighting back against being a vampire is one that Dick is trying to figure out how to manage and his current plan is to break Tim mentally. it's why he brings up wanting to sleep with TIm before being a vampire. he *knows* it's gonna fuck up Tim. and the more he puts these little cracks in Tim's psyche, the more he's sure he's breaking Tim down enough to be able to turn him. so going to Tim's apartment and proving that at any point, Dick can easily find Tim and fuck him. always holding the threat of killing Tim over his head. and Dick knows Tim didn't tell anyone when days pass after their first meeting and no Bat comes after him so like. Dick really just pushes the limits. i think he would brand Tim just bc he can. i also got a comment on the fic that mentioned Dick stabbing Tim and fucking the wound and i canNOT get that image out of my head either-
and the necro/snuff kink just. Dick playing the long game, so it takes maybe months of stalking Tim, going after him. sometimes he fucks Tim, sometimes he just fights and taunts him. and all the talk about killing Tim fucks with Tim's head a little bit. i think it'd be fun if it killed Tim's ability to have vanilla/normal sex with someone else, like Kon. it's hard for Tim to understand anyone being attracted to him in a way that doesn't involve him being a dead body. i don't think he develops the kink fully, but he does end up convincing himself being a corpse is the only way he's attractive bc of all the things Dick has said to him. it all plays into Dick psychologically breaking Tim.
i am a lover of fucked up/unhappy endings so. for me. the ending would be Dick following through on his plan to kill Tim and turn him. it'd take months for Dick to work up the courage bc TIm was absolutely right when he pointed out that Dick was too scared to actually follow through on his fantasy. Dick tries, multiple times. he convinces himself no less than five times that this is going to be the one. this'll be the time he really does it. but just as Tim starts to die, Dick panics. i think it's especially fun if once Dick even gives Tim CPR bc of his cold feet. so Tim does "die" for a second and has to brutally come back while Dick is buried inside of him.
but when Dick does it, his fears manifest in that Tim does *not* take being a vampire well. he's constantly trying to kill himself (in the time it takes for Dick to break Tim, Tim probably does figure out what poison can kill a vampire) and Dick ends up having to keep Tim locked up so Tim doesn't kill himself. would truly love to try to write Tim as mentally shattered as possible. part of him loves Dick, but he's fighting himself so hard he's not even sure if it's the vampire side that loves Dick or the human side. he's kept like a human pet, bc Dick is convinced he'll get Tim to accept it sooner or later. just a very fun, very fucked up sort of ending. i say this about all the fics i write but this one specifically i do *really* want to continue someday. i know exactly the direction i'd take it, and it could turn into a pretty long fic with a lot of fucked up porn, a lot of unrequited love, and an eventual mind break for Tim.
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nimblermortal · 3 months ago
The Yule boasting post that was going around is still bothering me, because it's not really boasting, as I understand it. So here's my take, as a self-taught student of Old Norse.
I think where it gets off the rails is because there was a ritual of making claims at Yule, and it centered around the braga(r)full, and you look right at that word and you see brag or boast. But it's a cup. What kind of cup? The one belonging to the bragningr. What's a bragningr? A hero or king.
So where does that brag actually come from? Well, that's not a word I know off the top of my head, but I'm willing to bet it's related to either braga, bragi, or bragr. Unlikely to be flickering, I could make an argument for poetry, but in context with bragningr it's pretty clearly bragr, the best or foremost. The bragningr is the best dude. For Yule you go stay with your best dude, and he gives you the best alcohol, and when you're thoroughly soused you announce your new year's resolutions.
It's not a boast, it's a declaration of intent. (The phrase used is strengja heit, to string an oath - strengja is the same verb used to string bows.) In the sagas this is generally used to get people in trouble; most frequently they make an oath at the new year that they're going to marry such-and-such a woman, who has not heard of them before, they go off to do it, someone else wants to marry her instead, and boom, duel's your uncle. (Yes, I'm still reading Hervor's saga, and you should too.)
I do think it's worth mentioning in passing that the Norse sense of being drunk was that it showed you at your most true-to-self - strips away your filters and makes you just be. So in that sense, it's the perfect time to make an oath! And also, "I was drunk" is not a defense because... if you were drunk, then that's who you really are and that's just underscoring whatever offense you committed.
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seaweedstarshine · 1 year ago
*Poll inspired by typical ambiguity in the new audio story Victory of the Doctor, which on an unrelated note is amazing!
Evidence for each argument beneath the cut!
Open marriage
The Doctor's wedding to Marilyn Monroe occurs in A Christmas Carol, when he storms off to a chapel with lipstick marks on his face. “I’ll just go and get married then, shall I? See how you like that. Marilyn? Get your coat!”
While he wasn't yet with River then, he maintains this relationship afterwards, apparently with River involved. In the mini-episode Good Night, the Doctor enters the TARDIS with a euphonium, calling over his shoulder, “River! I’ll see you later! Tell Marilyn she’s too late, she’ll have to use the biplane. Take care!”
Another piece of evidence comes from The Wedding of River Song, when they're passive-aggressively flirting.
“Hallucinogenic lipstick. Works wonders on President Kennedy. And Cleopatra was a real pushover.” “I always thought so.” “She mentioned you.” “What did she say?” “Put down that gun.” “Did you?” “Eventually.” “Oh, they're flirting. Do I have to watch this?” (from Kovarian)
I've never understood the innuendo (please tell me what I'm missing), but Kovarian does, and as we know from The Husbands of River Song, the Doctor and River are both married to Cleopatra, so… it's definitely something.
There's also that diary page in The Eternity Clock game that suggests the Doctor, River, and Jim the Fish got blackout drunk at karaoke night and started “some sort of religion of love” which went on to last for centuries.
Serial cheaters
“How can you be engaged, in a manner of speaking?” The Doctor is jealous in Flesh and Stone before he's even kissed her, which doesn't set him up as a person who'd be interested in an open marriage.
“No, wait. That's your husband? That's who you're married to? Not anybody else?” In The Husbands of River Song, the Doctor is clearly not expecting the other husbands. Culminating in the same episode…
“So, King Hydroflax?” “Oh, how many times? I married the diamond!” “So you say.” “Elizabeth the First!” “Ramone!” “Marilyn Monroe!” “Stephen Fry!” “Cleopatra!” “Same thing!”
It appears he is well aware of her other spouses (and that she's aware of his); so perhaps his surprise was more that didn't expect her to be so flagrant about them. It makes him insecure (“I posed as his nurse. Took me a week.” “To fall in love?” “It's the easiest lie you can tell a man. They'll automatically believe any story they're the hero of.”) enough to start an argument about it.
River also expresses her jealousy as an obvious fact, as seen in The Day of the Doctor Novelization (written by Moffat who (along with Alex!!) knows the character best):
“Ow!” “Madame de Pompadour?” “Jealous?” “Of course I’m jealous. Keep your hands off her.”
In The Name of the Doctor, we learn that the Doctor, who has had a number of... sexually-charged moments with Clara (including, but not limited to, Victorian Clara), has avoided telling her that River is his wife. Vastra is uncomfortable with having to introduce them, having “gone a darker shade of green.”
“The Doctor might have mentioned me?” “Oh, yeah. Oh yeah, of course he has. Professor Song! Sorry, it's just I never realized you were a woman.” (from Clara)
Actually both
This could mean many things (i.e. open marriage with boundaries which are violated), but potentially, all the same evidence from prior arguments! With a shade of “Our lives are back to front.”
In the mini-episodes First Night/Last Night, when River, having burst into the TARDIS and pretended to faint, mistakes her past self for another woman the Doctor's hiding from her, she openly expresses jealousy.
“Doctor. Have you brought someone else here? Does anyone agree to wear that dress? Where is she!” “River, think it through!” “This happened the last time we were here. You brought someone else!” “No I didn’t!” “Yes you did, I heard you talking to her!”
However, when a third and significantly older version of River makes the same mistake, she no longer expresses jealousy, but rather curiosity, which could at least signal a shift in how she sees their marriage.
Maybe there was a conversation that happened. Maybe it slipped the Doctor's mind when he forgot Clara.
Actually neither
This could also mean multiple things, but one of those things is this. The Doctor is a widower from the start. Likewise, River is well aware of Doctor's death on Trenzalore, “of course River would know, she's always known,” having been raised to prevent those events, and having refused to be bound by that destiny.
How can fidelity be defined the same way for time travelers? Everyone's spouses are dead somewhen. River understands the paradox of her husband's existence better than anyone. To quote The Day of the Doctor Novelization yet again…
‘Because you live in a time machine. All of history is still happening outside those doors. On a good night that means everyone you ever met is still alive and you can’t wait to see them again. On a bad night, it means everyone’s dead, and you want to charge around the universe, pretending you can do something about that.’ She looked up at me. ‘I know which version of you I prefer.’ 
And there she was, so alive again. I remembered her, twisted, burnt and dead, in the depths of The Library. ‘What if there are people who died because of me?’ I asked. ‘What if there are people I should have saved?’
‘People die. All people, everywhere. We grieve and we move on. That is how we respect the dead. That is how we forgive ourselves in their presence and their absence.’
Please feel free to add anything I missed!
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ascendent · 3 months ago
re: most recent joplittle post+reblog, i feel compelled to say:
GOD I MISS SHIP MANIFESTOS. livejournal ship manifestos were such good sustenance in my early fandom days. ppl were doing deep dives on their ship of choice and writing out ted talk-level essays about them and embedding screenshots and song lyrics and like. phwwwwww. the level of passion these ppl brought to defending+arguing for any given ship made a huge impression on me as a younger person. i unironically and sincerely admire the effort it took to compose one of these things. actually i think i just admire exegesis in general, whatever form it takes, but lj ship manifestos were one of the earliest examples that i can remember and i love and miss them and wish we had their equivalent for the present day
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ceniwen · 1 year ago
did you see the new lny short that they uploaded....... the dragon and lion????? like yes theyre both traditional new years animals for good luck but . jh??!???
YES I'VE BEEN SCREAMING ABT IT ON TWITTER THE WHOLE DAY its so crazy a whole jinghengjing anishort 😭 'the one without the other, half as fair' and 'burning bright' ???
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curiouscrystals · 1 year ago
Accidentally saw part of the drama with someone hating on Crystal and let me say as a Crystal stan I've been seeing shit like this about her for years and it reeks of misogyny for me, this is also why I avoid her tag
Like. I love Lazlo I swear I do, he and Crystal are both my favourite characters, together and apart. In my interpretation they're cool supportive both bi/demisexual friends and colleagues that gradually grow into more. But isn't it a coincidence how a girl with stronger, maybe more "masculine" so to say features and also with some lore that may hint she's imperfect (regardless of how you interpret the Strangerville book thing, although I've seen these shitty takes way before it even came out), is made out to be a Bitch(tm) who doesn't deserve Lazlo, yet I've most often observed that he's shipped with some girls who are "cute and angelic" instead (nothing wrong with these ships but you know what I mean, and a lot of the time these female characters are sort of juxtaposed to Crystal as if Lazlo deserves better than a Bitch like her). It reminds me of the mean ex-girlfriend trope in wattpad fanfics. Why is this still a thing in 2024?
Like I myself gave Crystal some personality but she's mostly just a blank townie. Where do yall get this from and why is she being villainised so much, and not even in a cool villain but in the 2000s misogynistic shitty ex girlfriend way. She's not a bad person for not liking him back in the game too, come on. She can either grow to like him later, or not like him this way and have a different sexuality or preferences which is fine too. I suspect some of those people love Lazlo as more than just a character... 😬 (which I get trust me. Fictional crushes are fun. Lazlo is like chef's kiss. But check your misogyny babes and touch some grass pls why are you competing with a fictional woman for a fictional man)
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wereh0gz · 2 years ago
Hi quick psa please don't reblog one of my posts (art, headcanons, whatever) and bring up ships that weren't initially brought up in the og post
There's a lot of popular ships I'm not comfortable with and don't want my stuff associated with (son//amy, shad//amy, knux//ouge, etc etc) and would prefer if they weren't brought up in reblogs or tags of my posts
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demilypyro · 3 months ago
fucking wild that rebecca sugar wrote "i'm just your problem" about a roommate she couldn't get along with and everyone who watched adventure time interpreted it as a catty breakup song which led to marceline and bubblegum being a popular ship and eventually becoming canon. wow
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theocxcanonweek · 2 months ago
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Day 1. Kiss in the rain/snow Day 2. Intertwined fingers Day 3. Kiss during a sunrise/sunset Day 4. Brushing hair out of the others’ face Day 5. Kiss beneath/amongst the stars Day 6. Hug from behind Day 7. Kiss within foliage/a cityscape Bonus Day: Wiping away tears
Day 1. “Promise me!” Day 2. “So, are we official then?” Day 3. “Oooh. You’re so in love with me!” Day 4.“I never imagined I could feel this way…” Day 5. “Take my hand.” Day 6. “Jealous much?” Day 7. “I’d burn the world for you.” Bonus Day; “It was always you!… Always has been. Always will be.”
Day 1. Pastels / Monochromatic Day 2. Practical / Avant Garde Day 3. Nautical / Wild West Day 4. Plaid / Sequence Day 5. Steampunk / Cyberpunk Day 6. Floral / Animal Print Day 7. Leather / Lace Bonus Day: Jewels / Chains
RULES 1. This is a safe for work (SFW) event. We will only be promoting work that is safe for public viewing.
2. Tag us @theocxcanonweek and/or use the hashtag #oc x canon week!
3. Mention which day and prompt(s) you've used, as well as the canonical character(s) involved!
4. You don't have to use all prompts for each day, but you can interpret the prompts however you choose!
5. Even though it's called "OC x Canon Week," self-inserts and personas are also allowed!
6. Anyone and everyone can participate!
7. You can complete this challenge at any date. There is no need to participate every day, and you can do as many or little prompts you want. However, we will only be promoting for this challenge the week of March 17th, 2025.
8. Last of all, have fun! <3
"Do I have to do a prompt from each of the categories listed?"
You can do as many or as little as you like! So, if you wanna do one of each of the categories go right ahead! If you only want to do one in total, that's fine too! No stress here! 💖
"Are polyamorous ships allowed?"
Yup! As long as an oc/insert/persona is included in the ship with canon character(s) then it is welcomed! 💖
"I see OC x Canon Week is on both Tumblr and Twitter. Do I have to participate on both platforms? Or can I just stick to one?"
You can choose whichever platform you prefer to particpate on. You do not have to particpate on both. (However you are welcome to if you so please!~) 💖
"I like this days prompt with another days prompt. Is it alright to mix and match them?"
Yes!! You absolutely are welcome to mixing and matching prompts! The event is about having fun, so pick and choose as you please~ 💖
"I want to create multiple works for one prompt! Is that okay?"
Absolutely!! If you have the ability and engery to do so, then more power to ya!! ✨ We will take as many pieces as you can churn out! (But there is no pressure of course~💖)
"Can I participate with a familial/platontic oc x canon ship?"
While the event does cater to romantic intent, non-romantic ships are welcome to participate as well! 💖
"I found out about the event late!! Can I still participate and submit my work after the event is over?"
Yes! While the event runs for a “week”, there really are no set rules as to when you can participate. It’s all about having fun and spreading awareness for OC x Canon enjoyers!!
The blog will not be as active after the event is over , but I’ll still check in every once in a while to like and reblog what I can. (: Remember to us the hashtag # oc x canon week and tag the account so your work is seen!
"Have you considered running OC x Canon Week on other platforms, like Bluesky, A03, etc?..."
I have but truthfully it's already a huge workload managing the event on both Tumblr and Twitter by myself. If I were to bring it to other platfroms, I would definitely need some assistance. At this point, it's TBD... 🆕Update!! 🆕 We now have a collection on AO3 thanks to @atwstedstory!! 💕 It'll be open for submissions the week of the event! Thank you atwstedstory!! 💖
Thank you for reading and happy planning!! 💕💕💕
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maipareshaan · 2 years ago
Do not try Dean exposure therapy
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illusioncanthurtme--art · 7 months ago
A very self indulgent Billford playlist!
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Self indulgent, because this music does not appeal to the masses at all; these songs are limited to the stuff I listen to. So I’m being VERY transparent about my embarrassing taste in music right now! Plus, NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS!!! But I hope some of these resonate with you. This is a little collection I’ve formed in my phone notes since I got into this ship a couple weeks ago.
Not a fancy spotify playlist, it’s just links to the music on youtube. 
I’ve got this divided into parts:
-The Billford Songs
-The In This Moment Billford Songs
SO MUCH of their music is enemies/lovers perfection. I’ve thought about so many *killing you but also making out with you* pairings to this shit, because these songs were like, DESIGNED to be recycled for any and all love hate relationships, and still hit insanely hard EVERY TIME. So now that you have these songs under your belt, you have them FOREVER. You’re welcome. I haven’t even listened to all their music, I’m sure there’s more songs for this category that I simply haven’t discovered.
-The…Maybe…Billford Songs
My standards were kinda high for making this list. But every song is about your ship when you’re insane, right??? So these are the maybe’s. One’s I’ve thought about billford to, but maybe the lyrics don’t totally align.
Playlist under the cut! I wasn’t gonna ramble about each song but WHOOPS I DID 🤷‍♀️
The Billford songs:
Monophobia - Deadmau5 (Extended version, cuz it’s the best.)
THE LYRICS… THE LYRICS!!!! Definitely bill pining in theraprism. 
Propane Nightmares - Pendulum
This one WAS gonna go in the maybe’s, but I convinced myself otherwise after listening to it eighty more times, and now it’s up here on top. And fuck it, this is the *self indulgent* billford playlist, so I do what I want. I go into a fucking trance when I listen to this song, so I can’t really explain 110% why this is a billford song to me, but I’ll try.  Apparently, this song is about the heavens gate cult. So not enemies/lovers angst. But looking at the lyrics, you could interpret it as giving yourself to something greater, and coming to the realization that what you pledged yourself to is actually a very bad thing which will ultimately destroy you. (also, you can’t deny that there was some cult like manipulation happening with Bill and Ford. Sense of purpose and friendship.) Definitely billford-y when you consider Fords commitment to bill. And I’ll admit, when I listen to it, there is some pov switching. Because the “trail of fire”,  “we will be as one”, and “bring it on home” is VERY reminiscent of bill executing weirdmageddon. So overall, my interpretation of this song is Ford feeling torn about bill, feeling regret, feeling scared, and Bill of course, just wanting to bring the dimensions together. “BRING IT ON HOME!!!!”  Or I just like the song. 
Rule 34 - Fish in a Birdcage
Bestie recommended this song to me. It needs no explanation.
Painkiller - The Queenstons
…NEEDS NO EXPLANATION DSKFDSKJHF It’s similar to the above, just more… scary imo. Violent. Definitely bill being a little psycho. I really love this song. It’s very recyclable too. You have it for any toxic ship now. 
9V - The Queenstons
One of my favorite Lapfox/Halley Labs songs… I’m gonna give you the lyrics, it’s a bit hard to understand without them. In my eyes, it’s about betraying Ford. Also these vocals (and other music by this artist) works so well for bill because of the synthesized voice. 
This is a new S3RL song. This song sounds like a tantrum, and I really liked it when I first heard it, but it didn't fit anything I was into at the time. Luckily, bill suffered a horrible breakup, and now this song has it’s meaning. 
When I'm There - S3RL
Bill thinking about joining the third dimension with Ford. 
Click Bait - S3RL
I’ve listened to this one a LOT before this, and I surprised myself with how much it aligns with bill, specifically, him tricking Ford.
Space-Time - S3RL
Speaks for itself.
Sodom & Gomorrah - Dorian Electra
This one’s just funny :)
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The In This Moment Billford Songs
Sick Like Me
Sexual Hallucination
This is one of those recyclable songs, but I was damn surprised at how well the lyrics suited them, because it alludes to being out of body, possession, etc.
Half God half devil
Damn it, I cant deny this one suits them.
Big Bad Wolf
DAMN IT I wasn’t gonna include this one, but I just checked the lyrics and fuck, it works. In this moment, how are you so wonderful
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The…Maybe…Billford Songs
Illuminaughty - Infected Mushroom
I'm kind of grasping at straws with these lyrics, but with a title like that? Come on
The Pretender - Foo Fighters, Infected Mushroom, Turbo Remix
Three versions, for whichever suits your fancy.
Leopold - Infected Mushroom
This one has NO LYRICS, but it has this buildup that sounds really cool, and it has an abrupt decrescendo. Reminds me of their "friendship" and how it all came crashing down.
Idolize - Dorian Electra
Hmmmmm, I just like Dorian. But the idolization thing works for obvious reasons.
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That’s it! Hope you enjoy. Maybe I'll do an expansion pack of sorts if I find enough songs for a part 2.
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onabisworld · 9 months ago
‼️manga spoilers!!
There are plenty of interpretations to glean from, but that succubus chapter pretty much confirmed that Laios' feelings towards Marcille are Not entirely platonic.
Look at their attack patterns!!
Izutsumi's succubus was borne from her desire for parental love. She stretched her arms out for a warm, motherly hug.
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Marcille's succubus, kisses her hand in a grand, romantic gesture straight out of her fantasies
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Chilchuck's succubus goes straight into giving him a blowie. They attack him sexually
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They're also all, notably, naked.
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His succubus, fully dressed, cups his face and attempt to pulls in for a KISS. A KISS
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And then she licks his face.
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You don't have to ship them to have media literacy. Ryoko Kui is a master at writing layered relationships. You and i both know she wouldn't do a trashy fanservice moment if it wasn't relevant to their characters.
Edit: ppl still saying that Laios doesn't have ANY feelings for Marcille at all.....like yeah the monster was a confusing medley of his deepest darkest desires. Which is 1) being a monster 2) his friends being safe and sound and smiling (particularly marcille) . 3) you don't see Izutsumi's succubus going in for a kiss on the mouth do you? The succubus that reads your minds and can sense desires you weren’t even aware of?
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ulteri0rm0tives · 7 hours ago
Oh brother. Who said I live in a fantasy world? You genuinely think I'm a person who doesn't know how relationships have the potential to function? You don't know me, I'm a stranger on the Internet. Believe me. I'm well aware you can love a person you have fights with. And It just.. seems to me that you're making a lot of assumptions about me here. And honestly? I find it disrespectful. Try to address the content of what someone's saying without making rash and petty statements or conclusions about them.
You can disagree with me and directly respond to my posts without the need to make it personal. I get it. Everyone has their interpretations. Never said people CANT find them to be soulmates, just that I didn't agree with the sentiment personally.
Now.. I'm not doubting Johnny somewhat (?) loved Alt in his own convoluted and severely misguided ways but uh.. to call them soulmates? Did we uh.. did we not play the same game? Watch the same scenes? Because it's crazy y'all r saying that when we literally play as his actual soulmate
#really coming in hot and heavy here echoictwistofdarkness#told yall. was hiding under the false security of tumblr tags. shouldve known 😭#and if i said this came off a bit defensive too what then? jfc idgaf if you think johnny and alt are soulmates honestly#you are youre own person who can do what they want and make their own conclusions#great thing about source material is it IS open to interpretation and i will continue to interpret the text#as Johnny making out gay and sloppy with my male v tyvm 💚#also im not a self shipper which makes this even funnier like oh boy you did not even do yr research at all b4 trying to cast judgements 😭#anyway i learned from this that i live in a fantasy world.#that i dont have a healthy mind because i ship two characters as soulmates that others dont personally agree with.#and i am in fact ridiculous.#shit guys guess i am crazy for not agreeing with the sentiment that certain characters arent soulmates shit guys fuck my own opinion?#fuuuuck what was i thinking? obviously im not allowed to have that shit man#also i went back and read my own initial tags and its just#so interesting we got the conclusion that i dont think people can have fights in a relationship from that 😭😭😭#really putting words in my mouth huh#like where did i say i think people dont know what love is 😭😭😭#i think they know what love is to them#i think they have their own definitions#about what it is to them and how it should function for them#sometimes tho#those definitions arent always the healthiest#thats a fact#also treat people? who tf was i treating that way 😭😭 the imaginary target of this post?? 😭😭😭#think we might've taken this a bit too personally 💀#ult speaking#text#cyberpunk 2077
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mayakern · 5 months ago
I honestly don’t know how to write this; I have spent all week attempting to figure out what to say.
Last Monday I was informed by our factory that our merchandiser and direct point of contact with the factory passed away unexpectedly two weeks ago. She was someone who I have spent a great deal of time speaking to ever since we switched factories two years ago. She helped us realize designs for new products, sent us samples of garments extremely quickly and kept track of all our orders. She went to bat for us if something went wrong with our print shop or if I was unhappy with how a garment pattern was interpreted by their team. As their first American client and a brand that focuses on size inclusion, something that is not typical of their other clients, she handled a lot of crazy requests from us without blinking and she was dedicated to ensuring that both us and our customers were happy. We talked nearly every day, and though it was work related she was one of the kindest people I have had the pleasure interacting with daily.
She was beyond dedicated to her work and to working with us. Turkey has an 11-hour time difference from me in California, which means when she was emailing me at 2pm in the afternoon it was 1am there. You can sure bet that I extended her the same courtesy and tried my best to answer her emails at night too, even when I would rather just be sleeping.
It was also clear just how much she loved her job, and now much she loved you guys. She had been silently watching our social media since we first started working with them. She got just as excited as we did on launch days and would often email me unprompted about how she was glad people were leaving such positive comments and reviews. She read your feedback when no one ever asked her to do that or even expected it of her. She did it because she really, really cared.
Even though she was miles away and we never met in person, she was like a coworker to me and the loss of her is like losing someone on our team.
The Maya Kern team, as a whole, has been dealing with a lot lately. I personally just moved (which took far longer than we expected) and Maya and Devin are gearing up to move back to Minneapolis pretty soon. With the loss of our merchandizer, it has taken the wind out of my sails a little bit. I was trying to push through, even though I am exhausted, and carry out the photo shoot for our new products this weekend, but it has become clear that my body just can’t handle it. My arthritis has finally told me to stop moving, so unfortunately, we are going to have to reschedule the shoot for later on.
We are doing everything we can to make sure our next product drop on the 21st still happens. But as of right now, due to this sudden loss, the garments haven’t even shipped from the factory yet and I am not optimistic that they will clear customs and get checked into the fulfillment center in time for the launch. This means the drop is likely going to be pushed back to December 5th and instead of a full photo shoot, we will probably have to settle for taking quick photos of everyone at home, and likely with our phones. 
We work really hard to deliver not just garments we believe in, but also pictures of said garments on bodies that our customers can relate to, and unfortunately I just do not think that is possible this time. As always, we really appreciate your patience and understanding during what has been a very difficult time for us.
Chief Operations Officer
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raining-anonymously · 2 months ago
sorry but i NEED to talk about how heavily curly is implied to have poor mental health.
in our first scene as him, he’s spacing out, staring off to the side, despite actively being in conversation with anya. this could very well be dissociation.
anya then says that she wishes he would open up more. this is in the context of a psych evaluation, so the implication is that she believes curly is holding back mental/emotional struggles.
the whole blood lake scene. i personally didn’t interpret that as a diegetic hallucination, but it still certainly speaks to curly’s mental health! yes, it’s supposed to be a red herring over the cause of the crash and has all sorts of symbolism to do with the wider story, but i believe it’s meant to represent an anxiety attack, which is repressed when curly reaches the cockpit in the white void. the sudden build-up of noise and anxiety-inducing visuals feels a lot like my own anxiety.
“standing on the edge of a bridge with your feet in cement.” this an interesting line that i’ve seen a lot of interpretations of, but in my mind it implies suicidal ideation. yes, “feet in cement” brings up cement shoes, which are traditionally a murder method, but “standing on the edge of a bridge” has heavy implications of jumping off. curly does not deny jimmy’s assessment of him whatsoever. it’s interesting that this is coming from jimmy, who is shown in multiple scenes pre-crash to be attuned to curly’s emotional state enough to recognize when he’s distressed before anyone else. (edit: jimmy calls back to this statement when he’s planning on crashing the ship, saying he “gets it now” and furthering the implication that he believes curly is suicidal.)
“i’m just working on my life being a place i don’t have to fucking escape!” generally, people who are emotionally and mentally healthy do not feel the need “to fucking escape” their lives. this is also the ONLY time in the game that curly raises his voice at jimmy (edit: forgot about “what the fuck did you do?”).
curly has another weird anxiety musical sting while cutting the cake.
while heading to jimmy in the final sequence before the crash, curly has his least subtle anxiety attack, with his heart audibly pounding in the soundtrack. after jimmy leaves, curly can be heard breathing heavily to calm himself down.
curly’s “take responsibility,” “kills 99% percent,” “take care of it,” “system failure,” and “safety” flashes come across as bursts of anxiety.
he shuts down during intense conversations, which— apart from being a sign of trauma/abuse— can be a sign of anxiety or dissociation.
he has serious trouble sleeping, which can often be wrought by anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
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