#your blood is now mine :) [V1]
hellandheavens-fear · 2 months
"Seems some funny stuff happened with you guys! How's life for all of you? We're currently in a weird time situation over here, and our Gabriel is higher than Heaven itself."
~V2 @stainglass-archangel
vi practically jumped at the sudden familiar voice, staring at their sibling? what used to be their 'superior' model. their wings twitching slightly, frozen like a startled cat.
"... time situat— wait your Angel's high? how did you manage that??"
T0 rolled its eye at Vi.
[Is it looping or at a standstill? If it's the latter then you're probably struck in a Time Freeze.
As for us, it's.. something]
"we got turned into eachother's species! pretty neat, eh?"
[This is quite possibly the worst feelings I had in this decade]
the Angel shrugs.
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brightstar2000 · 2 months
Can you rate all TSAMS characters based on your personal opinions?
Well, I'll start with my favorites, i suppose. This list is from my favorites to least favorites, then my opinions on each one underneath
Eclipse (v3/4), Solar, Eclipse (v1/2), Old Moon (reborn vers), New Moon (before Nexus), Sun, Lunar, Jack, Earth, KC, Ruin, Molten, Old Moon (og vers), Dark Sun, Blood Moon, Nexus.
I'll leave characters like Gemini, the Astrals, Lord Eclipse, Servant Sun, Dazzle and Monty off for now since they aren't really part of SAMS itself or are too minor of characters to form a whole opinion on.
Eclipse v3/4: Definitely my favorite iteration of Eclipse. It was so nice to watch as he grew and changed to become better. As someone who had wanted an Eclipse redemption arc ever since I made my first SAMS AU, Aka: the Regretful Eclipse AU. I'm so glad he got a redemption like i was hoping for. I'm also very touched by his actions as of late. Even if he won't admit it himself, or tries brushing it off as some regular Eclipse trait, he cares. Especially about Earth. The fact he also pushed through what Dark Sun was doing to him in order to try reviving Solar, and even cared enough to try getting Nexus help before he lost it. I was very touched by that too. He also sacrificed himself so Solar could continue to exist, and I have high respect for that. Self sacrifice is one of the highest respectable things someone can do in my opinion. He's also staying behind to try helping with the negative star power stuff despite how badly he wants to leave to ensure their dimension is at least safe or the negative power is dealt with. Best native Eclipse so far.
Solar: He's been a favorite of mine ever since Moon first sent Lunar to meet him. It was so nice seeing a version of Eclipse who is nice. Him also comforting Lunar, and telling him that he was not a mistake. I was so happy when they had him come live with the main cast. I miss him dearly. In all honesty, I had a real genuine grief response after he died. Even though he is fictional and i knew they were probably going to bring him back like they did with Lunar, i still genuinely grieved for him for a bit.
Eclipse v1/2: Honestly, at first, i really hated Eclipse. I wanted him dead and gone. I could appreciate him as a villain though. He was a well put together antagonist in my opinion. Hated the character, but respected him as a villain. I started liking him after I made my Regretful Eclipse AU. Even though I knew he would be nothing like the Eclipse i turned him into in that au, i still started liking him. He used to be my least favorite, but then became one of my favorites. His second iteration was kind of an embarrassment, i'll be real. He did the og dirty when he became aimless and just didn't know what to do with himself after he got the star. I still do appreciate him though, and the fact he somewhat tried to warn them about the astrals before he was blown to bits. I still don't agree with everything he did though and will not defend him in that regard.
Old Moon (reborn): I really like this version of Moon. While i do think his change to be better was pretty fast, i also see it as him being very serious about being a better brother to Sun. I think that ties into how he was feeling before he died. He had a lot of regrets, and wished he was better for him. That is what he was hoping Nexus would be, and for a while, he was, i will not deny that. I like that he is involving Sun a lot more in what he's doing as well. And they have better communication now than they used to. God, i hope that stays... poor communication caused so many problems for them before. Actually.. it caused all their problems-
New Moon: I really liked him at first. I was so happy to see him being better to Sun, and doing things with him that og Moon didn't, like hugging him and comforting him. Then Solar came along, and he started distancing himself from Sun, and sidelining him. Sure, he was still acting better than og Moon, but he wasn't really talking to Sun much anymore and confided in Solar more and more. At that time my biggest gripe with him was how much he was excluding Sun. Then Solar died and he started to spiral. Despite his family offering to help and support him through it, he started lying to them about his feelings and working more secretly. He wouldn't open up about his actual feelings. It took Eclipse telling Earth about what was going on with him to get him to drop the act, and he immediately hurts them for confronting him about it when they just wanted to help. I know people give Earth trouble for "abandoning" him then, but i think they forgot that Earth was also hurting, or just disregarded how she was feeling.. Solar's death affected all of them, and Earth was close with Solar too. She was in a vulnerable mental state too, and he used her insecurities against her in that moment. Then he ran off and hid again, still working in secret to try reviving Solar. And they can't help someone who they don't know the location of, and he made the excuse of them not knowing how to help him to stay away. If he had stuck around instead and let them try to help him, they could have learned what he needed through some trial and error. He didn't give them the chance to learn that. Which is also why i get mad at the people who keep saying that his family should have done more to help him. I feel like they think the family should have known how to help him from the get-go? He didn't exactly make it easy for them either... he fell down my favorites list very fast, especially when he tried to kill Earth. This placement is for when he was still good. Which is also why i have him and Nexus in seperate places here.
Sun: Honestly i don't have a lot of opinions on him. I do admire his persistence despite everything he's been through. He still is nice and caring when he has pretty much every right to be more cynical by now. He still powers through it and upholds his kinder nature. He's a lot stronger than he gives himself credit for. I am glad this current arc is giving him more plot importance than the last couple had, but at the same time, i am also afraid of what it possibly entails down the line with how things are going.
Lunar: Yea, I'll admit, i went crazy about him when he was first introduced like so many fans did. Precious bean, must protect, and all that stuff. Even to the point where i joined one of the monthly events they hosted in the discord. The comic one, where we were supposed to draw things that we thought could happen in the future. My comic was even one of the ones shown in the reaction video they did on the event, the one that had Lunar in it helping Eclipse find the star. (And tbh, i think my comic had a big impact on the plot, since my comic was the only one that had Lunar in it shown in the video, and then shortly after that, it was brought up in a lore video. Quote: Sun: "Lunar! That's his name, he told me his name.... IS THAT WHAT THE FANART IS?!" Moon: "Did they know?!" Sun: "Why didn't they tell us!?" Yea... if i didn't make that comic, i'm not sure if that would have happened, and it may be what helped them find Lunar so fast, but that is all purely speculation) As time went on, he started going down my favorites. I think mainly because i miss how he used to be. I don't hate him, i'm just not head over heels for him anymore.
Jack: I find him adorable, a lot like Lunar was to me at first. He's silly and i love his friendship with Dazzle. I am glad he has grown some as a person too, since he wasn't initially made to be as sentient as the others. I hope he continues to grow as an individual too.
Earth: She was never really a favorite of mine. I'm more neutral about her. I don't hate her. I admire her want to help others even in times where she isn't exactly in the right mindset to do it. She deserves a break though. Her friendship with Eclipse is also very sweet and i love watching it grow.
KC: Also a character I didn't like at first who grew on me after his store visit with Glamrock Freddy that changed him. I admired his want to help people, going against the very code he is named for. I was disappointed when he just let Blood Moon murder him. Made Moon's sacrifice for him almost worthless.
Ruin: Ruin's a Rollercoaster for me. Hated him, kinda liked him, got suspicious of him, questioned myself about him but stayed suspicious, hated him again, now i'm more neutral but worried about him. At least he wasn't trying to cause too much more damage than he has. (Before he was captured by Dark Sun and Nexus..)
Molten: Also kinda a mixed bag. At first, i was almost all for him getting Ruin, but that was also when Nexus wanted to use Ruin as a sacrifice for Solar. And at the time, i was still grieving in a sense. Was mad at him for killing Solar, of course, and was all for sacrificing him for him (grew out of that as time went on), and wanted Nexus to stop Molten so he could use Ruin for Solar. Currently, since Molten is willing to change, i am starting to like him and wish him the best when they finally clear all that crap the creators put into him.
OG Moon: When i first started watching the show, Moon was my favorite general fnaf sb character, so Show Moon quickly became a favorite of mine too. Though he was explosive and abusive to Sun, and i was not a fan of that, yet he stayed my favorite until Lunar came along. I do agree with Nexus when he said that og Moon was a real asshole. I know he somewhat tried to be better, but he fell back on older habits and hurt Sun. I'm so glad he is how he is now, which, again, i think stemmed from his many regrets that he finally came to truly realize when he was set to die. That realization finally put him on the right path.
Dark Sun: I knew from that first episode he appeared in that he was going to become a problem down the line. Or, i at least knew that was not the last we'd see of him. I knew he'd become relevant and lo and behold, i was right. He's honestly confusing. Like, he helps the people he's against. I know it's for his own benefit, it's all part of his plan. Yet, he has said many times before that he just wanted to be left alone. I'm very certain that none of our crew would have sought him out again after that first meeting, so i don't know why he's deciding to meddle in their lives like he is. He's part of the reason Nexus went crazy. He may be the best villain the show has come up with since Eclipse v1. I still don't like him. He also lied about killing his Moon and left the guy to suffer in a cell, all broken. I think Dark Sun's base dimension was a swapped dimension, where he is like Moon, and his Moon was more like Sun. A Sun with Dark Sun's tendencies is honestly very scary to me, so Dark Sun scares me.
Blood Moon: Was never a big fan of them. I kinda see the appeal of them, but it's not my kind of appeal. I liked the first twins better than the clone twins though.
Nexus: I hate him. He used to want to keep his family safe at any cost, but he nearly killed Earth, calling her just "collateral damage" in the situation at the time, and has expressed ill intent towards Lunar, the Astrals, and the others in his ex family. He threatened to hurt Jack who was the last thing Solar made. One would think he'd not want to hurt Jack because Solar made him. Nearly everything that happened with him while he spiraled was his own doing. He lied, he hid, he hurt, and he disowned his family. In the episodes, both Sun and even Earth said they still cared about Nexus despite it all. They didn't disown him, and i don't blame Earth for stepping away when he hurled her insecurities and insults at her, which, she also said she was going to consider forgiving him for before he tried to kill her, which is a reasonable place to draw the line. If not for Puppet, Earth would be dead. I really hope that Nexus just has some sort of virus or corruption making him like he is, and he can be recovered, but i am not seeing this happening anytime soon, if at all. I will not defend him though. He does not deserve it at this point. At first, i could write off his behavior as him grieving, but as he just got worse and worse, it got harder to see it that way. Grief may still have played some factor but it was no longer the main factor after a bit, and then it no longer was. He made his choices and it led him to becoming how he is now. There is no excuse for him anymore. He has no kill code to blame this on. It's himself, and also influence from Dark Sun. I do hope he can still be saved, but i don't see that happening soon.
Apologies for the long rants..
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helloyesamwoman · 10 months
The Machines of Hell
As the carnage settled from V1's rampage through the upper levels. The facility grew to a silence as all began to slowly, but surely, shut down. Gears churned to a stop, blood dried up and the last remaining bots struggled to their knees before inevitably accepting their fate. Though through the silence, the shrill screams of bots could be heard echoing down the halls as bots fought for their last scraps to survive while they could. But it was all for naught, as soon even those fighting for the blood gave up as they knew it would serve no difference to their inevitable end. With what little power these scrappers had every one of them found a spot to sit down and leave in a more peaceful manner, better than most of their comrades. Few even banded together in their last moments to harmonise. Some sung, some hummed, some even clanked to the beat. But all the same, every bot throughout the dilapidated halls created their last noises of song. One by one the machines started to grind to halts, powering down to get their eternal rest. And then silence rang out once more. Only three bots remained conscious longer than the others. A Swordsmachine, the fiercest and most feared of the machines in the factory, now had become one of the calmest and peaceful of them all in it's final moments, even offering comfort to the other two it remained with. A Streetcleaner, the most persistent and destructive of robots was reduced to nothing but a hopeless shell of it's former self, for as much hope as a robot had atleast. And finally a lone Sentry, curling up into comfortable position in the same was as it had sat down to eradicate many as it had before, except only this time it was accepting it's defeat to it's superiors. Three very different machines, now all sat down in the same place with the same gnawing feeling of death looming over them all. All of them were distant from eachother, scared that they'd try the same thing as some of their brethren to leave the mines alive. But nothing. Only silence followed all of their thoughts. Minutes passed before the Swordsmachine decided to try and initiate some form of communication. Being the only one of them able to speak, although limited, tried it's best to get across a message of peacefulness to the others. Showing signs of wanting to comfort these two in their last moments. "DAISY. DAISY. GIVE ME YOUR ANSWER DO." It was a simple phrase, almost sung in a way. Of course every other Swordsmachine did the same as this one but there was something special in the way it was done. It wasn't flat nor out of tune, it was perfected harmonies, as if this specific machine had been practicing with it's synthesiser for a long time. This rang out to the other two who took immediate notice. A pause drew out between them before the Streetcleaner hummed along. It was slow but the rhythm was there. And soon after the Sentry joined in, using it's different mechanisms to quickly take the form of a melody. It didn't take long for the Swordsmachine to join back with them both and soon they had a full song going. Swordsmachine with his perfected vocals, Streetcleaner with her melodic hums and the Sentry with it's instrumental track. All the three of them knew that their fate would come sooner using all of this energy. But they didn't mind. For all three of the machines had accepted this through this small but touching bond they all had. For once in these robots lives had they finally felt something only thought to be had by humans or angels. As the creatures slowly started to shut down, they all had one emotion coursing through their steel wire. A sense of happiness.
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deadhumourist · 2 years
Pink Satin
Tumblr media
Summary: A follow up to Pink Velvet. Grief does strange things to you, like make you angry and...forgetful. Or does it?
Pairing: Jack "Whiskey" Daniels X F!Reader
Warnings: Turns out we gotta have more angst before any happy. I don't make the rules.  🤷 Mentions of violence and marks on body, crying, bad news. No physical description of reader but mention of your child that looks like Jack.
A/N: Thank you @just-here-for-the-moment for beta-ing V1 of this <3 Rest of the mistakes are mine!
Like this? Taglist and Masterlist.
Daylight is peeking through the blinds like a curious child, wondering if you’re awake. You are stretched out in the middle of your bed, a luxury you enjoy up until the time you realise that the only reason you can do that is because Jack is missing from his place beside you.
Josie’s insistent questioning had inadvertently scratched the scab off your heart the previous night.
It was a flimsy scab held together with platitudes and resignation, but one that you forced yourself to grow out of necessity. You had a little life to nurture. Some days it felt like yours was over, but hers wasn’t. She might never see her dad again but you were going to make sure she always had her mama. 
The first misting of tears stings your eyes as you recall how you pleaded with them. How you desperately pushed for answers. 
It was night time, your phone cradled to your ear. Your heart beating so hard that it pushed your breath out in uneven bursts. Your blood wailed in your ears as you tried to parse out what the woman on the other end of the line was saying. 
“I’m sorry, he’s not…he’s not coming home.” 
Your knees had buckled then. You clumsily crumpled onto the soft carpet below, your knuckles whitening over the receiver. 
“What do you mean? I don’t understand. He was just gone for three days…I…is he…? Ginger…”
Tears violently spilled over your cheeks as you resisted saying the word. Your vocal chords burned with the effort of not saying it. 
“You won’t see him again, I’m sorry. We’ll keep trying, but we’re not hopeful. I’m so….sorry.” 
The phone line clicked and you were alone. 
You felt darkness folding you up and unfolding you again in a different shape. 
For a moment it was blank and then it felt like something had sucked the air out of your lungs and made physical pain blossom in your chest. 
You had to feel a part of him, something that was real and that was here and, panicking, you scrambled up from the floor. 
Standing by your daughter’s crib, silent sobs shaking your shoulders violently. You reached out and gently petted her over the bedcovers, hands shaking as you tried to stay silent. Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you tried to ground yourself by touch. Your and Jack’s baby, safe. 
Josie made a mewling sound, the one she made when she was waking up. You bent over and cradled her to your chest. The moment the warm little baby nestled against you, your grief, too large to contain anymore, spilled out of you in ragged sobs. You pressed her against yourself like a talisman, like she could ward off this bad dream. 
Well, bad dreams also come true. 
Two weeks later you were on the phone with them again, your voice cracking, your desperation sitting under your skin like a blooming bruise. 
“Ginger, you can’t tell me you’ve stopped looking. It’s Jack for god’s sake. You can’t just give up.” 
“I’ve done everything I can. We just have to wait.” 
You had growled in frustration and flung the phone across the room as hard as you could muster. It crashed into a mirror, which broke loudly, glass pieces tinkling to the ground in the otherwise quiet house.
Several months later you stood in front of Statesman Distillery. In front of the entrance that Jack had told you about in case of an emergency. 
You gained entrance and walked right to the back, where you scanned Jack’s tag and the door to the main building smoothly slid open. You had nearly reached the front desk when Tequila walked towards you. 
“Listen now, I know why you’re here. I know you’re grievin’ and we’ll overlook you using Jack’s tags to enter the facility but you need to leave. Now.” 
You stood your ground, your grief now transmuted into anger, bright and flashing and indignant. 
“Where is Jack? He was on a mission for three days, he promised to be back. You can't just give up. Find him and bring him home.”
Tequila’s adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, eyes shifting to the laboratories for a microsecond.
“You need to go. If I have to ask again, security will be escorting you out, or worse.” 
“Where - Is - Jack!?” Your voice lilted dangerously into hysteria. 
A flash of something close to sympathy and fear flashed over Tequila’s face. Then you were bodily grabbed by the arms and frogmarched out by a group of men. The fingers wrapped harshly around your arms was still a visceral memory to this day; you were convinced that if you pulled up your sweater you would still see the yellow lines that later blossomed into blue. 
After the encounter you drove home in silence. Arriving home, the door’s hinges creaked wearily behind you as you pressed it closed. You leaned against it for a moment, the dull thud of your heart a reminder that half of it was gone, but that it was still beating. You had relieved the babysitter of her duties moments while on the road - you didn’t have strength to face anyone, so she left minutes before you arrived.
You padded to Josie’s room, the nightlight throwing long, looming shadows against the walls. 
Looking down at her, your heart ached with how much she had grown from the tiny baby you brought home from the hospital. A tuft of curly hair was sticking up against the white baby mattress, and her dark lashes fanned out against her chubby cheeks. She had a thumb firmly stuck in her mouth, a self-soothing gesture that had begun only a week earlier when you couldn’t hide your tears at bedtime. You marveled at the small little girl who was at once so perceptive and innocent.
“Why Mama cwying?” 
“Mama is sad, darling.”
The big brown eyes regarded you with puzzlement. 
“No sad Mama, read Josie.” 
The plump little hand patted a book on the nightstand. Perhaps she didn’t understand distraction like an adult would, but even at a young age, your daughter instinctively knew the immersive and magical qualities of stories.
Returning from memory lane and back in your own bed, you stretch out one last time before taking a shower and getting dressed. You head for the door and opening it, nearly walk right into a wall of muscle. 
Two Statesman agents fill your doorway, blocking out sunlight and casting a threatening shadow over everything you held dear. One retracts his hand from where it was reaching for the doorbell. 
You wait. 
"Ma'am have you seen or heard anything strange lately?" 
It's an odd question asked by unknown men in what is your safe space. You are not having it. Not today. Your anger raises itself up like a Cobra, seething and ready to strike. 
"Well I see two agents on my doorstep who have no goddamned business being here after they took my life apart. That strange enough? No? Regular occurrence for you?" You spit sarcastically. 
You feel the anger pulse into your arms, making them itch. 
To rid yourself of the itch you push forward, shoving the two men aside like they're saloon doors as you walk out of the house. One grabs your wrist, and you spin around, eyes blazing. 
"You've done enough damage. Let go."
"Ma'am if you notice anything strange contact us." Yanking your arm back, you walk to the edge of the pavement and get into your car without soaring them a glance again. You rummage in your handbag until you see the black sedan pull away from the kerb. 
Your shoulders slump and you hide your face in your hands, tears rolling down your cheeks unhindered. Sitting like that for a minute, you try your best to breathe deeply and calm down before moving again.
Turning the key in the ignition, the car starts quietly. Then a sudden loud noise from the stereo makes you jump in your seat. 
Angel of the Morning plays loudly in the small space, Juice Newton's normally dulcet voice bouncing around obscenely before you manage to reach the knob to turn it down. 
Jack's favourite song. 
You didn't leave the radio on the day before. 
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ultra--grief · 1 year
ULTRAGRIEF: Seeing Stars
V1, V2 (intro)
V2, Gabriel (Actual Writing)
>V1. >WHAT? >You’re back in Greed? >I NEEDED TO P-RANK. >…for more guns? >YES. … >That’s my arm. >MINE NOW. >I’d beat your ass, but I need a small favor. >YOU NEED A FAVOR? >Yes. How did you turn off the sun? >I DON’T UNDERSTAND. >The sun. It was nighttime. There were stars. >MOON PENDANT. >What? >FIND IT. THEN PUT IT UPON A PEDESTAL. >…alright then. I’ll get goin– >WAIT. >What? >WHY DO YOU NEED IT? >I just want to show someone something. >I DON’T UNDERSTAND. >You wouldn’t. The only thing you know is violence. Bitch. >ULTRAKILL YOURSELF. >You first.
>Gabriel. “…Yes?” >You see that pyramid? Ignore the…blood on the bottom. Just sit on the top for a bit. “Wait, what? Why?” >I want to show you something. Don’t ask questions. Just fly up there. “Alright.”
“V2? What are you doing?” >Just wait a little longer. I’m almost done. “…Is it wrong to say I’m excited?” >Of course not. I just want to show you something nice for once. “I don’t know what to say.” >Don’t. Just stay put.
>It’s done. “Really?” >Look up. The sun is setting. “You’re…right. It is.” >Soon there will be stars. “…” >Can you see them? “…” >Gabriel? “V2…they’re beautiful.” >I hoped you’d like them. “I do. Come up here. I want to show you something in return.” >... “V2?” >Nothing. It’s just that pyramids give…bad memories. “If you want me to come down–” >No, it’s okay. I’ll get up there. “Don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to.” >I told you, it’s fine.
“Get comfortable. It wouldn’t be as good without you.”
>I will. Do you like the stars? “I love them.” >That’s good. “You see that star? It’s brighter than the ones surrounding it.” >Yes. “That’s Polaris. The North Star.” >It’s…pretty. “I’d say it’s akin to you.” >…No. It suits you better. “Wrong.” >I’m right and you know it. “…sure. Right. Anyhow, those stars make the Big Dipper.” >Constellations? “Yes.” >That’s interesting. “There’s also Perseus. The brightest star in it is Alpha Persei.” >I like stars. “I’m glad.” >Thank you for telling me. “It’s the least I could do after you went through the trouble of showing me the stars.” >It was worth it, wasn’t it? “Definitely.” >Good.
“The sun’s coming back up.” >It is. The pendant only lasts a few minutes. “…pity. I enjoyed the stars.” >I’m sorry. “It’s not your fault. Should we descend the pyramid now?” >Yes– “V2?” >Sorry. I, er, looked down and had a few…flashbacks. “Oh. You fell from there during your fight with V1.” >No need to remind me. I remember it well. “Sorry.” >It’s not a prob– “V2?!”
>You…caught me? “I didn’t want you to fall.” >Your wings. The lack of light– Gabriel, just– Just drop me and go back. I’ll be fine. I’m metal, you’re not. “I know.” >You can fall. Gabriel. Drop me and go back. “No.” >You’re exerting yourself. Please. “I’m going to get us down one way or another.” >I’m telling you, it’ll be fi–
>You’ve fallen.
“I’m fine.” >No, you’re not. “I am.” >Your wings– they’re gone. “What?” >They’re just…gone. “…” >Sit up straight. “Alr– ow–” >Nevermind. Lay down again. “Done.” >They’re just…gone. “Oh.” … “I’m sorry, V2.” >It’s not your fault. “…” >Are you all right, otherwise? You landed on your back and– And I thought the blood… “It’s not mine. I believe it’s…yours.” >…it might be. “From the fall with V1.” >I know. “How much longer do I have?” >… >One hour. “One…hour?” >Yes. “…” >I just wanted this to be fun, not… “It’s okay.” >What? “It’s okay. The fall…cleared my head. I need to stop fooling around and do what we were meant to do hours ago.” >…Gabriel? “Kill V1.”
Things get real in Greed, don't they?
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khalixascorner · 8 months
WIP Ask Game
Ok I'm sure everyone has seen it but if you haven't. Every title on your WIP list, no explanations no matter how ridiculous or random. If you ask, I'll tell you what it's about and share a snippet.
Due to the fact that I literally have over 100, it's below the line. Tagging @tell-me-no-again @starkerscoop @monster-cock69 @shivanessa and any other starker out there.
Bound by Darkness
Finding Home
Guard Your Soul
Into the Fire
Patterns in Our Pinions
Run For It
Penny's Multidimensional Adventure
Sanctuary In Your Arms
Shelter from the Storm
Terms of Use
The Price of Royalty
Undying Affections
Warm My Black Heart
You're My Only Hope
Your Eyes Can't Lie
By My Side
Forced Devotion
Kept it a Secret but now you know
Take What's Mine
Unexpected Consequences
Unintentional Oversight
Alpha Knows Best
Bind you Tight
Fill You Up
More Than a Breeder
Respectfully, The Iron Queen
Whiskers and Wings
Prove My Worth
Held in Trust
Anything for You
Beloved Daughter
Keep it in the Tower
Only the Best
Safe in My Arms
Teach you Everything
Made From Love Pt 5+
A Fresh Start
Consentual Kidnapping
He's Taken
The Things We Do For Love
Behavior Hacks
To Have and To Hold
Under Your Skin
Beneath the Sakura Tree
Bound Among Stars
Elder's Blessing
First Rites
Flames and Fury
Guilty Pleasures
Iron Butler
Nothing to Lose
Save a Horse
Second Chances
Trapped in your field
Know What You Need
Rare Bloom
Worth It
Dark Temptations
Did We Make It
My Greatest Treasure
Found my Family
Family Ties
Bound by Blood
The Lady Down the Street
Love through the Lens
A Matter of Time
Forever My Peter Pan
Half Life
Acceptable Losses
A Princely Offering
Fins and Fantasies
Harley's Dad (has got it going on)
I Hear You
In Every Universe
Magic of Neverland
That Time I got Summoned to Another World
The Lie in Your Love
Three of a Kind
Unlikely Shelter
Fixed Points
Pretty Pet
What Money Can Buy
Love Languages
Our Definition of Love
Fury Ex Machina
PP Bingo Fic 2
Don't Tell HR
Best in Show
Dragon Kisses
Kittens and Cuddles
The Ugly Duckling
Found my heart in the alley one day
Man's Best Friend
Of Fires and Flames
Better than Fiction
Can't Let you Go
Daddy's Toy
Rebuilding Home
Written in Code
Fairy's Blessings
How to Raise Your Superhero Child so They Make it To Adulthood
Spidersister V1
Spidersister V2
From the Shadows
Kintsuji Spider
What Makes a Family
Moment of Truth
Supervillain Parenting 101
The Meaning of Legacy
After Dark
Beauty and the SIM
By the Books
Caring For You
Daddy's Boy
Hide My Darkness
Say it with flowers
Take you and Keep you
Ties That Bind
April Fool
I'll Make a Shrine to You
If You Can't Do Crazy
Nothing to Lose
Stand by Your Man
The Fragility of Trust
The Scent of You
Touch you, Feel You
Turned up Tuned in
Ways to Say I Love You
Back for More
Friends in Low Places
Greener on the Other Side
Thinking of You
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novankenn · 9 months
Unnatural (v1-6)
(Chapter List)
MATURE CONTENT WARNING : This story deals with some disturbing themes. Check the tags. IF any of these are triggers for you or will disturb you... then DO NOT READ!!
Jaune awoke with a start, his eyes snapping open, and easily seeing everything in the darkened room. Slowly, he sat up, and realized he was dressed in his favorite night shirt. It had been a gift from his sister… no, his mother, Saphron. It was multiple sizes too large, easily reaching past his knees, but it had the Pumpkin Pete Rabbit on the front.
Jaune was a little confused, on how he was back in bed, and in his night clothes, but even more so about how he was so easily able to see in the dark. There was no color, mind you, but everything was sharp, clear and well-defined. He was actually able to see the light switch on the wall next to the door.
“What? How?”
“You collapsed… your mother put you back to bed, and dressed you after the doctor checked you over.” came a soft, sinister voice in his head.
“Who? Where?”
“You know who.”
“Yes, and before you ask… this is the favor I want.” Jaune flinched as a soft peal of dark laughter filled his mind. “We have things to do, so get up… we must find your mother… she has a choice to make.”
Jaune pouted as he twisted in the bed, and then slid off, his bare feet touching the cool tiles of the floor. Just as he turned to make towards the door, Spahron stepped in and flipped on the lights. Jaune flinched at the sudden brightness, but quickly adjusted. The sound a metal tray impacting the floor, brought his complete attention to his mother.
“Jaune?” Saphron gasped as she rushed forward, and dropped to her knees, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him into a tight hug. “Please don't scare me like that.”
“I’m… I’m sort?” Jaune replied. After another tight squeeze, he watched as his mother released him and leaned back. A look of shock crossing her face. 
“Jaune?” Saphron’s voice wavered as she saw his pitch black eyes, and watched as his features grew softer, almost girl like.
“Hello. Saphron.” Jaune’s voice was soft but had a distinct sinister undertone. “It is so good to after so many years to finally speak to you.”
“What? Who? HOW?”
“I am Annabel, and I have claimed my favor from Jaune for saving him, in the forest.” the voice informed the shaking young mother. “Without me… you would have lost him, and now I want a repayment of sorts from you.”
“I don’t…” Saphron’s mind was a jumble of emotions, along with utter confusion and disbelief.
“It’s rather simple, really.” Annabel spoke through Jaune, “I want you to bless our union with a Mother’s Kiss”
“No! Leave Jaune…”
“It is too late for that, I’m afraid.” Saphron shivered at the vicious smile Jaune gave her. “I have him already, while his will is strong… he fights for control even now… he will never be strong enough to be free of me… and I WILL consume him… but I am not with out some compassion…”
“This can’t be real! Jaune speak to me!”
“That will not work… but let me explain more clearly. If you bless us, acknowledge him as yours and accept my union with your child… I will, instead of consuming him, but merge with him… we will support one another, neither struggling for utter control…”
“Why would I… even consider such a thing?”
“To save him… make no mistake… he is mine.” the malicious shark tooth smile deepened. “Bless us, and you will still have your son. I will keep him strong… but I will also grant you a deeply held desire…”
“Jaune’s father… your father… that parasite… that taint should suffer, should he not?” Annabel chuckled darkly as the flash of murderous rage that passed over Saphron’s eyes. “I can punish him, make him suffer in horrendous fashion… bless us with a Mother’s kiss… and I will make that dream a reality.”
Before Saphron could respond, Annabel reached up and nicked her lip with a claw like nail, drawing a bead of blood. Saphron easily could taste the metallic warmth. Upon her lips.
“Kiss his as a mother would. Hold him, cherish him… do it for him, do it for yourself.”
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hauntedmoon519 · 10 months
amalgam v1
the inside of the tank
fogged glass
outstretched claws/hands/talons/hooks
press against it
push against it
but it doesnt crack.
the glass doesnt budge or move
there is a hand pressed against the glass
there is an outstretched hand waiting
the fucking glass.
the window is open
and the wind is chilled
bringing winters scythes swing
and frosts smoking exhales
i clutch it within my grasp
i am what i am what i am what they made me what i have become which i am
arise monster.
with electrical currents
forced palpitations are upon
hollowed out cavities
put it down.
failed, yet again
the moons cold tide
pulls red-tinted red water closer to the porcelain shore
i walk forward
shedding that which i cannot leave behind me
so close to the water, so close
iced coffee with a splash of half&half and a sprinkling of sugar
a heavy sunset plagued over the atmosphere
white polka dots
freshly cleaned and sharpened glasses
fade fade fade fade erase erase delete be gone.
end it. sickening crunches of breaking bones, squelches of leaking organs. sprays of viscera and assault beyond previous vision. a fitting end. d
if theres one thing i excel at despite my lack of skill and talent, its taking a beating,
i have been killed. alas, what a shame
sitting on the steps
smoking a fake cigarette
watching the sun set
your hand in mine
so many thoughts unsaid
if only they could be expressed
she's a medium
spending all her time in between tombstones and crypts
wandering throughout the spaces littered with bodies
talking to him
floating along beside her
an abstraction of void
who hasn't passed on forwards yet
just to keep her some cold blooded company
and provide a much needed warmth
the tombstone will be blank. the slate will be blank. there will only be a date. and i will await you when you come to visit
the bloodstains are forever because of course they are. why not. the scars too.
maybe i will walk forwards into the water and let the current take me away from this all.
the door is there. i can open it. but why. its not meant for me. it never has, never will be
sobriety is a pain. but it comes with overwhelming clarity. clarity so sharp it pierces my ribs and forces me to bleed out in laughter.
i like to overthink
all sorts of things
the infinite secrets of the universe
the songs I write(for you)
mostly about you
mostly about you
the only time my dreams are really dreams
ive a small to do list now
a small list of jotted ideas and jumbles of statements
to ellicit smiles and laughter
to ellicit the warmth of the suns glow
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“ Prawn Machine “ (2021)
Another older one from 2021!!
I am a little embarrassed to post this, if I’m being truthful... TTvTT I have never drawn any serious Ultrakill artwork, nor posted any of them, but uh... this one came out kind of neat so... surprise!
Okay so, long-story-short, a friend of mine (Joshki) was playing Subnautica and building probably the most over the top network of tubes that I have ever seen, it was very admirable. So we were just chatting about miscellaneous things while he went back and forth between collecting supplies in the Prawn suit. I can’t remember the exact conversation that unfolded the following events, but somehow... A comment was made that connected V1 from Ultrakill to the Prawn suit in Subnautica. And because I can’t not take a good joke or funny comment to the next level...
I sat down and drew a mashup between V1 and the Prawn suit, for hours. 
Well, this is more like V1 but if it/they had the aesthetics of Subnautica machinery... but also still murderous and blocky/chunky-- I took tons of references and studies from both games to draw this and remember feeling absolutely DEAD after finishing it. And “P1″ was created. I never planned to post this either, I’m just insane. But now it’s getting posted so I guess not all is for naught!
BUT THAT’S NOT ALL, because then I had a “what if...?” idea and thought, “Well, what if V2 was the exact opposite to V1 here?” So where P1 was blocky, complicated, and heavy duty, I decided “P2″ was just going to be V2 in a prawn onesie. And I love it.
In fact, I loved it so much I drew it multiple times over afterwards. So here’s your reward for reading 4 paragraphs of absolute nonsense as I scramble to explain what the hell you’re looking at. Thanks, by the way! (Also, at some point, I plan to actually finish the chibi drawing on the right here with “W.I.P.” written over it. I’d have to refine it to my newer drawing capabilities, but still, I think it looks pretty adorable!)
Thanks for coming to my Ted Blood Talk.
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God, I really hope there isn’t a big community for Ultrakill or Subnautica on here, I don’t want this to get much attention, it is unworthy TTvTT
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Movie Night, Pillow Fight [Version 2]
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC/BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood
Rating: PG-13/T (maybe pushing M? but there’s still nothing super explicit. this is just a lot dirtier than I usually write holy cannoli. Heavy kissing, a little bit of suggestive dialogue and narration, minor swearing?)
Original Idea: This (V1 follows this idea a lot more than this one, which I spun off of about halfway through and did my own thing)
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) I didn’t think this would be as long as Version 1. I was wrong. This one is ~200 words longer, at 3,491. Version 1 here. They start the exact same but change about halfway through. I wrote both of these two over the course of 1 day by the way, and refuse to pick a favorite. @welovegroot @jason-redhood @jason-todd-squad
“No, Bruce,” Jason said sharply into his phone as he grabbed his motorcycle helmet. “I’ve already told you a hundred times: Tuesdays are my day off. Unless it’s a Court-of-Owls-attacking-All-Hands-On-Deck emergency, I’m not going on patrol. I’m allowed one night off per week. And I have plans. It’s weekly movie night with a friend of mine. We’ve been doing movie night since college and I refuse to disappoint her. You know why I chose Tuesdays? Because Gotham’s crime rate is lowest. You’ll be fine without me.” He hung up before Bruce could reply.
I opened the door. “You’re late,” I said.
“Yeah. I had to go to two different stores to find your popcorn because they were out at the first one,” Jason replied, letting himself in and dropping his motorcycle helmet on my couch. “Let me go change into my sweats.” He pulled his grey sweatpants out of his backpack, two microwave popcorn bags falling out.
I grabbed them. “Thanks Jay,” I said playfully.
He gave me a brief hug before stepping past me to my bathroom. “The things I do for you,” he teased with a sigh.
“Get out of those jeans. You know they aren’t allowed,” I retorted before going over to the microwave. My bathroom door shut loudly. I boosted myself onto the counter and watched the popcorn spin in the microwave.
By the time Jason emerged from the bathroom, only one bag was done. He leaned against the counter next to me, arms folded, and joined my staring.
“So what movie did you bring?” I asked. “You said in your text it was one of your favorites.”
He beamed at me. “Well, my friend, we are watching the very first ever made Frankenstein. From nineteen-thirty-one.” He fixed me with a stare as my shoulders slouched. “Don’t you start moaning in complaint. You put me through watching that awful musical last week—”
“Excuse you, Phantom of the Opera is also a classic.”
“It’s basic.”
“You’re basic.”
“Maybe so, but after going through that ordeal, you promised we could watch one of my favorites. I managed not to fall asleep last week, so it’s my turn.” He stuck his tongue out at me, then shook his head. “I really need to refine your taste in theatre. Remind me to convince Bruce to give me his season tickets to the real opera. He never uses them anyway. Doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.”
Given Bruce’s parents were shot after leaving the opera, I imagined there was some childhood trauma there. I didn’t bring it up with Jason. We didn’t talk about family besides passing comments on movie nights.
When the second bag of popcorn was finished popping and put in its own large bowl—I had quite the collection of popcorn bowls, usually given to me—we went to my room.
Ever since we’d graduated college—two years ago—we’d had movie night in my bed, rather than on the couch, like we’d done in my dorm. The bed was comfier and gave us more room to spread out. I can’t even remember who suggested it, but it was probably me one week when I was sick or something and we’d just stayed that way ever since.
I’d always hosted too. In college it was because my roommate was never there, and now Jason just liked the escape from his family. They didn’t know where I lived, so the one time he hosted and they interrupted by coming over, he and I agreed we’d just have it at my place. I liked his brothers and sister well enough, but they’d ruined that movie night. I doubted Wayne Manor movie nights ever involved any movies no one had seen before—because everyone talked and yelled at each other too much to actually pay attention to the movie.
Jason put the DVD in the player in my room. “Prepare to be wowed,” he said.
“I’m prepared, trust me,” I replied flatly.
“Heeey,” Jason’s voice said softly. “Wake up, doofus.”
I blinked my eyes open blearily. “Wha…?”
He started chuckling. “You fell asleep about halfway through.”
“Duh. It was boring. What did you expect for a casual movie fan from this century watching something from nineteen-thirty-one?”
“Well, all that means is that we get to rewatch it—from the beginning—next week!” Jason declared. I frowned. “Don’t you pout at me. Those have been the official movie night rules since our freshman year of college.”
“That’s not true,” I said, pulling out my phone. I dug deep into the Google Docs on my phone for Movie Night Rules from our freshman year of college. Six years was a long way to scroll through, but eventually I found it. I opened the doc and scanned the rules. “Oh, buzz off,” I muttered, poking Jason in the side.
“No poking!” He lurched away. Jason was selectively ticklish. Sometimes I would poke him in the side and he’d jump, other times he wouldn’t even notice I touched him. And he swapped between the two randomly.
“Why didn’t you wake me up like two minutes after I fell asleep?”
Jason pursed his lips, trying not to smile. “I thought about it. But you looked so cute—” He pinched my cheek and I was reminded of the fact that he had the personality traits of an eighty-year-old grandmother. “—with your hair all messy and your cheeks all squished that I just couldn’t.” He laughed as I batted his hand away from my face. I poked him again. “No poking!”
“Then don’t tease.”
“I have a right to tease you. Look at my shirt! You drooled all over it.”
I grabbed the hem of it and pulled it up. “Let me throw it in the wash, then.”
I expected him to smack my hand away and shove the shirt back down over his torso, but to my surprise, he helped me take it off. I’d seen him shirtless too many times to bother staring at his remarkably muscular torso. I just climbed out of my bed and went to the small closet out in the hall that held my tiny washer and dryer. I threw his shirt in the washer, dumped a bit of detergent in, and got it started before going back to my room.
“Take that off! You’ll stretch it out!” I snapped.
Jason struggled to get one of my—much smaller—T-shirts from college off. I scoffed and helped him yank it over his head before throwing one my pajama shirts at him. I wore my dad’s old T-shirts to sleep in, so it was even big on Jason. “You could have just asked for a replacement and I’d have handed you this.”
“That’s not as fun as surprising you,” he joked.
I rolled my eyes and perched back on the bed. “Fine. Next week, we rewatch Frankenstein. I won’t fall asleep. But you’re bringing snacks again.”
“Of course.”
“And don’t forget the popcorn.”
“Doofus, if I forgot the popcorn, you wouldn’t let me through the door.”
I snickered. “True enough.”
Jason leaned over to set his popcorn bowl on the bedside table closest to him. “Maybe next week we should try this on the couch. I always feel bad about getting popcorn on your sheets—and then you won’t be so comfortable that you fall asleep.”
I grabbed a pillow and whacked him in the chest. His expression turned affronted.
“Did you just initiate a pillow fight?” he demanded.
“No,” I retorted. “I got payback for you insulting me.” I whacked him again. “That was me initiating a pillow fight.” I started flinging the pillow at him again and again.
“Hey! Not fair!” Jason protested. “I’m unarmed!”
I ignored him and kept up my pillow smacking.
He laughed. “Well, if you’re going to play dirty, I will too.” He reached out as my pillow hit him again and he wrangled it from me. “A-ha! Look at that! Got your ammo. How does it feel, to be attacked by your own pillow?”
Jason started smacking me with it. I squealed and blocked him as best I could with my arms. We were both laughing as I tried to reach around him to the pillow he’d been using to brace his back against my headboard. He grabbed my wrist with one hand and hit me with the pillow using the other. “I don’t think so,” he said. “I’m not going easy on you just because you’re adorable.”
I laughed as he nearly hit me hard enough to knock me off the bed.
So, I switched tactics.
Getting inside his much longer reach was the hard part. Once I managed to duck around his arms and wrench my wrist free, I started tickling him. Tonight was a ticklish night. He squirmed away from me.
Jason yowled—and I hoped my neighbors weren’t home—in laughter. “Stop it—stop tickling!”
I didn’t. I ran my wiggling fingers up his sides and across his neck. He tried to catch my hands, but I was quick enough to evade him.
For a few moments anyway.
“No. No!” His protests didn’t work on me. “Oh you’re as bad as my brothers. Stop it—stop it.” His voice went firm, all traces of laughter gone. With one quick movement, the pillow we’d attacked each other with was discarded on the floor. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me so I was lying flat in the center of the bed.
Jason straddled my waist, trapping my lower legs with his ankles and pinning both my hands above my head on the mattress. He was breathing hard. We both were.
He smiled. “There. Not so feisty now, are you? Hands pinned above your head, lying beneath me all… helpless.” He chuckled and licked his lower lip, his smile turning both playful and wicked. “I could have… any kind of revenge I want.” He bent his elbows, lowering himself over me. My breathing grew shorter and blood roared in my ears. “I can have any…” He paused, eyes flicking from mine to where my necklace charm had fallen down one side and landed on the mattress. His eyes widened, as if he seemed to just barely realize how close we were. “This is…” His elbows straightened, pushing him higher above me. “I’m… sorry.” He started to gently pick his way off of me. “I’m gonna let you go now.”
He released his grip on my wrists. I rolled them and flexed my hands to get some feeling back into them.
He swung his leg to get off me and used it to step off the bed. “I should go,” he said breathlessly. “I’m so sorry. I’ll grab my T-shirt next week.” He strode to the door of my bedroom while I sat on the bed, dumbfounded, jaw hanging open.
As he opened the door, I bounded off the bed.
I caught him before he could reach for his stuff on my couch, grabbing his wrist. “What was that about?” I demanded. He refused to turn and look at me.
“Just… let it go,” he said, shaking his head. He tried to pull his wrist out of my hand, but I grabbed it with my other one to hold him in both.
“No! What the hell is going on with you?”
“Leave it alone,” he growled out.
“I can’t! What happened in there that made you shut down? What did I do wrong?”
He whirled. “It’s nothing to do with you. It’s me!”
“Then tell me what it is!” I shouted.
Jason grabbed me by the shoulders, wrenching out of my grip so hard my fingers ached. He spun me around and pinned me by the shoulders against my front door. A muscle worked in his jaw as he clenched it before fixing me with a crystal blue stare. “It’s just… seeing you beneath me—all flushed pink and panting, your eyes hooded and staring up at me… seeing you like that… I just felt myself fall in love with you!”
If he hadn’t pinned me against the door I probably would have fallen over from shock. My mouth definitely fell open. “Jay… I…” I breathed.
Still holding my shoulders, he spun me around so I was away from the front door and moved to shove his jeans into his backpack.
Before he could, I threw reservation to the wind.
I grabbed his shoulders, forced him to turn and face me, moved my hands to the back of his head, and pulled him down to kiss me.
Our mouths crashed together hard enough to make my front teeth ache, but I didn’t care. My heart leapt into my throat and I almost melted as his arms circled my waist, pulling me closer, so our torsos were pressed against each other. My eyelids closed as I sighed. We were both breathing hard, air from our noses warm against each other’s skin. Holding my waist in both arms, he turned and pinned my back against the door again.
“Oh, God…” Jason breathed against my lips. He kissed me again and I moaned. He reached one hand up and tangled it in my hair. He could palm the back of my skull as though it were a basketball. His fingers were warm against my scalp.
When he pulled his lips away from me, I groaned quietly in complaint.
“We—we should not be doing this,” he whispered, shaking his head. The white streak at the front of his hairline flopped back and forth with the movement. I wanted to reach my fingers up and twist that streak between them. But I didn’t.
“Why not?” I replied, just as breathless.
“We’re friends. This isn’t us.”
“You just said that you just barely fell in love with me.”
“I did. But I’m not willing to ruin the good thing we’ve had going on here for six years.” He panted, shoulders heaving up and down, as he reached up and took my hands away from his face, gently dragging them by the wrists. “You’ve been the best friend I’ve been able to keep longer than a year or two. I can’t… I can’t just… this isn’t about what I want.”
“I’m the one who kissed you,” I pointed out. “What does that say about what I want?”
“It’s not just about wants,” he said. “It’s too dangerous.”
“Us being together is dangerous? To whom?”
“To you.”
“Why would it be dangerous for me?” I pushed.
He let me go and spun away from me. He looked like he wanted to shout and rage—maybe throw something—but he just clenched his fists and panted.
When he finally turned back to face me, he’d calmed down a little. “It’s dangerous… because… I… oh, Bruce is gonna kill me…” he whispered, shaking his head again. “Because I… am… the Red Hood.”
Two big confessions in one night. I felt a little dizzy and remembered to breathe.
“Red Hood. As in… the vigilante. And… the crime boss.”
“Vigilante, yes. Crime boss days are behind me. I was newly-back-from-the-dead and not in a stable mindset when I became a crime boss.” I decided not to ask about that. He huffed and sat on my coffee table, instead of the sofa, rubbing his temples. “And I wasn’t going to tell you about it, by the way. You’re the only normal friend I have right now. But it’s too dangerous for us to be together. If any of the rogues in this city knew I had someone I cared about as much as I care about—as much as I love you… you would not survive to the end of the year.”
I crossed from the front door to the sofa and sat on the sofa cushion closest to him, setting my hand on his knee. “Jay, I… I’m willing to risk it. To be with you. We just need to be careful—”
“I’m not willing to lose you. I would have been terrified before tonight if someone worse than me caught you. Knew you were just a friend. Now, though? Now, I don’t know what I’d do if you were captured, and that scares me even more. I saw you under me in that bedroom and I saw a future that was good—for the first time in the nine years since I was resurrected—but I can’t let that be my future. For your sake.”
I bit down on my tongue to keep from shouting. But I did tighten my grip on his knee hard and snap, “Get over yourself, Todd. You’re not the only one who gets to make this decision.”
“No, but apparently I’m the only one who can see things objectively enough to make the wise decision.”
It was my turn to want to throw something. “Jason. Peter. Todd. I don’t care about the danger. And I know you do. But do you know what it’d do to me, knowing that you love me and I feel the same, but you won’t let me be yours? Do you know what it would do to you? I know what it would do to me. It would eat me up inside day in and day out. I would sit here dying for you, waiting for you to come to your senses and carry me back into that bedroom to stay in there all night. But you never would. And I would just wait. I’d never date anyone else. If I tried, all I’d be doing was wishing they were you.
“You and I are cut from the same cloth. Some people are just born to sacrifice. To give up what they want—what they need—for the sake of other people. It’s the only choice we’re ever given, so it’s the choice we make over and over and over again. Sometimes people will split others into Givers and Takers. Those of us born to sacrifice are a step beyond even Givers. We’re the ones who give up everything for others. I’ve done it with my family my entire life. Everyone else always wanted so strongly that my only option was to give up my own. You’re the same, I see it every time I see you with your brothers.
“Jason, it’s time for us to Take. It’s time to let life give us something. This is the moment to be selfish. To put aside Batman and his zealous crusade for one damn moment and let yourself be happy.” I dug my fingernails into his knee through his sweats. “Be selfish for once, Jason.”
He finally looked up at me, eyes meeting mine. “I can’t,” he said.
I clamped my mouth shut and sighed loudly through them. “Yes, you can. If you’re waiting for my consent, you’ve more than got it. I’m telling you now to give yourself consent to want. To take. Get over this hold out that a double life has on you and—mmph!”
He cut me off by slamming his lips against mine, surging off the coffee table and straddling me on the sofa. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me to one side, sitting on the sofa and guiding me to straddle himself. His hands were splayed over my shoulder blades. I twisted his white streak through my fingers. Our breath shuddered in and out of our lungs. I parted my lips slightly and ran the tip of my tongue over the seam of his lips.
They opened immediately and let me in. I sighed out my nose. “Please ruin our friendship,” I breathed into his lips. “This is so much better.”
He snickered out his nose, smiling. “Does your consent to let me want you include me carrying you back into that bedroom and neither of us leaving until dawn?” He nodded toward my room.
My body shivered. Not from cold. Excitement. Electricity.
“Definitely,” I said breathlessly.
His hands slid from my shoulder blades and down to my legs. He held them and stood up. I hooked my ankles around his back, locking my arms’ grip around his neck.
He carried me to my room, kicked the door shut, and laid me gently on the messed-up bedsheets and disarrayed pillows. On all fours above me, my legs around his waist, he kissed me. Gently, at first, but he quickly grew hungry. His hands worked their way under my shirt, callused palms scraping slightly against my skin.
“Still okay with this?” His voice was barely more than a hoarse whisper.
“Oh yeah,” I breathed, unable to even speak loud enough to be heard from inches away.
He smiled. Wicked delight flickering on his face. “Well, get ready for me to call you mine. Because I am all yours.”
I smiled. “I’m yours, Jason.”
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hellandheavens-fear · 2 months
[ha. ha. ha. hello, there]
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jackdawyt · 4 years
Contaminated with the Blight. Known to thin the Veil, and forces anyone who dare wield it go mad. There’s a lot we’ve got to talk about regarding this most blighted material, however, in order for us to foreshadow what involvement red Lyrium may have in the future, we’ve got to excavate its original source – raw lyrium.  
Regular, non-tainted Lyrium is a mineral constantly mined for its properties, it has many purposes in Thedas today. The dwarves have built a trade empire mining and selling the material across the entire continent because of its usage. This trade is the main reason why Tevinter and the dwarven kingdoms have such a close relationship.  
Lyrium is essentially a mana booster, able to strengthen one’s magical power beyond what anyone might naturally muster. When mixed into liquid and ingested, Lyrium allows mages to enter the Fade consciously.  No wonder the mages of the Imperium have such a secure trade of the substance.  
While mages combine Lyrium with spells and rituals. Templars ingest the substance to enhance their abilities at resisting and dispelling magic, while the dwarves and non-magic wielders use Lyrium to create magical runes and enchant items.  
Even the Qunari were intrigued by its usage and began experimenting with the properties of Lyrium to bulk up their own mages called “Saarebas.”  
In the current Dragon Age, Lyrium has become a beneficial and essential mineral for the majority of Thedas.  
As Lyrium exists in both the physical world and The Fade, the Chantry believes Lyrium to be the “emerald waters of the Fade, the very substance of creation itself.” While others call Lyrium a conductor that "bridges the gap between the dreamer’s world and the waking world” (WoT V1).
Whatever the truth is... There’s a lot beyond the surface regarding this powerful substance that the common Thedosian may never know.  
The dwarves call “Lyrium” - “Isana” which translates to “singing stone” (WoT V1).
This is because Lyrium is; in fact, a living substance, it’s said to be the very blood of the world-shaping Titans.  
According to; their children, the dwarves, the legendary, ancient beings sculpted the world. Their earthquakes are apparently their method of reshaping Thedas to their accord.  
It's impossible to describe in words how truly vast a Titan is. The one I met is so large you can only glimpse parts of it. I had wandered inside its body for who knows how long without even realizing it. I've heard tales of dragons and giants on the surface, but descriptions of their size do not compare to the Titan's.
Its blood now flows through me, and its song fills the gaps in our history. I close my eyes and see glimpses of the world that was, before everything changed and the dwarven race broke in two. Something caused the Titans to fall, and the fate of my people fell with them. The Titan wants me to know. No, more than that. It wants me to understand. There is a loneliness to its song.
Codex entry: Titans: Shaper Valta's personal journal.
Whether the Titans, or “Pillars of the Earth” created Thedas, and have since been dwelling since the beginning of creation itself is still a rather ambiguous mystery. However, based on codex entries, we can confirm that the Titans existed before the Veil was created.  
In actuality, before the Veil’s creation, the Kingdom of the Elvhen hunted and declared war against the Titans, stating their death will be a mercy and will make the earth blossom with their passing.
"In this place we prepare to hunt the pillars of the earth. Their workers scurry, witless, soulless. This death will be a mercy. We will make the earth blossom with their passing."
Mythal, All-mother of the Elven Pantheon struck down a Titan, as the people praised her name.  
"Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!" 
With the defeat of a Titan, the Ancient Elves discovered Lyrium from its body. The elves continued to fight with the Titans, mining their bodies for raw Lyrium and "something else" which has been made unclear.  
"The runes say the Evanuris fought the Titans. They mined their bodies for lyrium and... something else. It's not clear."
While I’m trying not to theorise and speculate, Cole once said: "They made bodies from the earth. And the earth was afraid. It fought back. But they made it forget."
Perhaps the Ancient Elvhen made Lyrium bodies from the Titan’s blood. Crafting strong, resilient vessels for the Evanuris and their people to inhabit. Continuing their savage hunt against the Titans.  
Thus, explaining the fall and disconnect of the Titans from their children, the dwarves. Justifying why the dwarven kingdom have grown disattached to their creators throughout the ages, and only now have begun to re-establish that connection once more.  
In any regard, the Titans were not completely silenced. They slumbered for years, and somewhere down the line, Red Lyrium came into existence. Perhaps caused by the Evanuris war, or perhaps self-inflicted by the Titans themselves, we don’t know. Red Lyrium’s origin is still a huge enigma... However, we do know that the spread of Red Lyrium has merely just begun.  
The red corrupted substance is a perverted form of raw Lyrium. Just like its predecessor, Red Lyrium is alive, it has a lifespring, and it grows and multiplies across Thedas. It too ties power between the waking world and the Fade.
To answer your question, my lord: yes, I have indeed heard of this "red lyrium" of which you speak. A single piece of it surfaced in the eastern city of Kirkwall, and its influence alone was nearly enough to cause the city's destruction. As near as we can determine, it is regular lyrium that has been somehow corrupted. Those who have touched red lyrium—or even come near it—report that it "sings" to them, like whispers in the mind that slowly drive them mad.
—From a partially burned letter by an unknown writer, affixed with the Grey Warden seal.
As discovered by Bianca Davri, Red Lyrium carries the blight, explaining its twisted form.  
Unlike regular lyrium which requires you to digest it in order for it to impact you. Red Lyrium corrupts everything it touches, being in close proximity to it will greatly affect you.  
Far more disturbing is the fact that lyrium could be corrupted at all. Treat any red lyrium you encounter as if it were poison. Do not go near it, do not attempt to destroy it... and most importantly, do not attempt to use it.
—From a partially burned letter by an unknown writer, affixed with the Grey Warden seal.
The substance is most unique, it can thin the Veil, allowing spirits and demons to interact with the real world. Prolonged exposure will change not only your mental outlook but your physical appearance too.  
It tends to leave people or animals in a mad-like state. They become paranoid, and see no reasoning for morality, as Bartrand sabotages his own brother Varric. Red Lyrium tends to consume the mind and take over. Much like the reasoning for the Red Templars in Inquisition, Red Lyrium is very deadly, and grows off of anything living.
We do not know, however, what might stem from extended contact with red lyrium. Madness, surely, but would there be a physical corruption as well? What would happen if a mage or a templar used red lyrium as they use regular lyrium?
—From a partially burned letter by an unknown writer, affixed with the Grey Warden seal.
Speaking more specifically on Red Lyrium’s growth - its corruption throughout the land has merely begun - and attempting to remove the mineral is likely a fruitless effort, as it will have already introduced itself into the food chain, which begets more corruption: as Red Lyrium effects all it touches, insects digest blighted soil, animals then digest the blighted insects, this will have a knock-on effect, more animals, plants and trees will become tainted by merely following their survival instincts until eventually the people of Thedas are infected by their own harvest.  
While a lot of the growth of Red Lyrium has been greatly caused by the hands of many Thedosian’s, a great deal of its development into the eco system is simply inevitable. It's merely a matter of days until a Ferelden Farmer has spoiled crops, an Orlesian Noble eats an infected nug, and a predator hunting its prey soon becomes blighted.  
And that’s not all that lingers for the future, Red Lyrium has plenty of involvement in many scenarios that awaits Thedas.  
The Titan’s connection
When Valta connected with a Titan, she felt pure, wasn’t afraid anymore, and could somehow survive without needing food or water, as if the Titan’s essence was her sole sustenance. The Titan connected with one of their children stopped the tremors throughout the land.
Valta established a longing connection with the dwarves supposed creators, as adult and child rekindled once more, Valta’s consciousness intertwined with the knowledge of the Titans. Vital information that would shake up the entirety of the dwarven kingdom’s foundation.  
With Valta’s connection, surely the Titan’s seek to find the rest of their children, becoming one once more.  
Red Lyrium Idol
The Red Lyrium Idol is still a mystery. This McGuffin was brought back in Tevinter Nights, instead of being destroyed when Meredith created her sword Certainty, it stayed within her statue-like corpse, preserved for a fair while.  
it’s been described as: “a couple hugging, too thin to be dwarves”, or “a god mourning their sacrifice.” However, disregarding what it supposedly looks like, this idol belongs to Solas. It’s his, and he wants it back, he has a purpose for it.  
Its current whereabouts have been set up for interpretation, we can assume the Idol is either with a noble’s son heading to war torn Tevinter, or Solas has indeed collected his long-lost possession after some time. Again, we can only assume at this point where it may be, and why Solas requires it.  
Red Lyrium Sarcophagus
In Dragon Age: Blue Wraith, the most recently released comic book roster, the comic cast uncover a Lyrium Sarcophagus, originally utilised for Fenris’s transformation into a “Blue Wraith”. The device infuses the occupant with Lyrium markings that grant the host with immense power like the ability to go through walls, and tear an enemy's heart out of their chest.  
Towards the end of Blue Wraith, we understand that the Venatori have this device and intend on willingly putting one of Fenris’s trusted friends through the device using Red Lyrium to make him a most formidable, unstoppable warrior.  
If successful, perhaps this practice may become common in Tevinter for the remaining Venatori and their elven slaves.
New clusters of Lyrium  
Discovered briefly in Tevinter Nights, The Horror Of Hormak, other colours and variations of Lyrium seemingly exist. A massive Lyrium crystal glowing yellow and green hung suspended deep within a lost dwarven thaig.  
Above it, a massive lyrium crystal hung suspended. It glowed with a sickly light, tinged with yellow and green. Streamers of energy flowed from it into the pool, sending it bubbling wherever it touched. (Horror Of Hormak, pg. 100).  
With more variations of Lyrium deep underground, perhaps we’ll begin to see different properties of this mineral, who knows, perhaps this could lead to other Titans waking up across Thedas.
Origin Of The Blight
And of course, we need to comprehend how the blight began. I attempting at looking at this plot thread, without going to deep into theory, but I do believe it has something to do with the Titan’s war between the Evanuris, because suddenly Red Lyrium pops into the picture and the Elven Pantheon are becoming mad with armour of the Void, turning against each other.  
Perhaps a Blighted Titan is the original source of the blight, as it reaches out for revenge against the Evanuris, attempting to establish a connection with their children once more, destroying everything else in its path...
So many mysteries, and so much to go on for the future of Dragon Age!  That is it for my first entry in this Road To Dragon Age 4 series, let me know what you thought of it, and tell me your potential theories for the future Dragon Age narrative.  
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mooitstimdrake · 4 years
new to dc and batfam shit... do u know what cómics like have batfam stuff in them? also when was it that dick suggested arkham to tim?
I’ll start by addressing your second question first! Hmm I think “Dick suggesting Arkham to Tim” probably refers to Tim’s belief that Bruce is alive post- Batman RIP and throughout Red Robin. Basically, Dick thought Tim needed professional help dealing with his grief after losing Bruce, and that he had created some elaborate delusion to deal with it. This was one of the things that ultimately drove Tim away from Dick and the rest of the family.
so I have to admit that I haven’t been caught up on comics in a long time, and I’m not too familiar with newer characters (Duke Thomas) and newer canons (Rebirth). I’m much more familiar with Preboot comics and New 52 comics. If you have questions about these terms, I’d be happy to make another post to explain!
If you’re new to DC, I definitely recommend watching some cartoons. I grew up with them, so I’ve always been familiar with DC, and I think it helps with transitioning to comics. I’d recommend 
Batman: The Animated Series (+ tie in movies)
The New Batman Adventures (+ tie in movies)
Teen Titans
Justice League and Justice League Unlimited
Some other good older (90s/2000s) cartoons include
Static Shock
Batman Beyond
The Batman (+ tie in movie Return of the Joker)
I’d also really recommend Young Justice!
And if you like Teen Titans and don’t mind things being lighthearted and silly, you may like Teen Titans Go! It’s not my favorite, but I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy some episodes.
ANYWAY! Back to comics!
So before I start recommending comics, I highly recommend checking out wikis (or something like ComicVine) about characters you’re interested in! Most likely when you read, there will be references to other arcs and characters you may not know anything about, and it helps to know what’s up by looking it up reading a quick summary. Crossover events happen, and they can be a nightmare to navigate.
So @lornahs​ has an amazing ‘where to start’ list that I would recommend, and I’ll include the links she has for each character as well! Plus I’ll include some of my own recs!
Starting with Batman/Bruce Wayne comics:
Batman: Year One
The Long Halloween
Dark Victory
New 52
Batman: Zero Year
Note: My Batman recs are p short, but he’s in most of the other Batfam recs anyway, and I’ve included some ensemble comics at the bottom that often heavily feature Bruce. But if you want more solo Batman content,  you may enjoy Batman or Detective Comics comics (both are so long running I’m not sure where to tell you to start with them).
Next: Dick Grayson/Robin I/Nightwing/Batman II
Robin: Year One*
Robin: The Gauntlet
Nightwing: Year One
Nightwing (1996-2009)
Battle for the Cowl
Batman and Robin v1
Gates of Gotham
The Black Mirror
New 52
Note: I haven’t included any ensemble comics here, but Dick has been a part of many teams, such as the Teen Titans, Titans, and Outsiders to name a few.
Next: Barbara Gordon/Batgirl I/Oracle
Batgirl: Year One*
New 52
Batgirl (2011)
Batgirl (2016)
Note: I haven’t read a lot of Babs! I’m mostly familiar with her as Batgirl through cartoons, and as Oracle throughout other batfam comics. You can also find more Babs in Birds of Prey!
Next: Jason Todd/Robin II/Red Hood
Batman #412-425
Batman #426-429 (A Death in the Family)
Red Hood: The Lost Days*
Batman: Under the Hood*
New 52
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Next: Tim Drake/Robin III/Red Robin
Batman #440-442 (A Lonely Place of Dying)
Batman #443-445
Batman #448-449
Batman #455-457
Red Robin*
Note: Tim often appears on teams especially lately since DC doesn’t know what to do with him. He was a founding member of Young Justice (1998), and he had his own iteration of Teen Titans, both in Preboot and in the New 52.
Next: Cassandra Cain/Batgirl II/Black Bat
Batman 556-559
Batgirl v1
Batgirl v2
Robin/Batgirl: First Blood*
Batman Eternal
Next: Stephanie Brown/Spoiler/Robin IV/Batgirl III
Also this link!
Detective Comics #647-649
Robin #126-128
Batgirl v3
Batman Eternal
Note: the above links are much more comprehensive than mine! Again, I haven’t read a ton of Steph!
Next: Damian Wayne/Robin V
Batman and Son (#655-658, 663-666)
The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul*
Batman R.I.P.
Battle for the Cowl
Batman and Robin v1
Streets of Gotham*
New 52
Batman and Robin v2*
Teen Titans (2016)
Super Sons
And here are a few characters I’m not as familiar with, but who are important!
Kate Kane/Batwoman
Harper Row/Blue Bird
Duke Thomas/ Robin VI (?)/ The Signal
Note: there’s a lot more content for Duke now than I or this link can suggest, I encourage you to look into comics like All Star Batman (2017) or Batman and the Signal
Additional ensemble comics:
Batman: Cataclysm
Batman: No Man’s Land
Batman: Hush*
New 52
Court of Owls*
Night of the Owls*
Death of the Family*
Batman Eternal
Batman and Robin Eternal
Other Batfam who primarily exist outside of the primary canon but who everyone knows anyway:
Carrie Kelley
Helena Wayne
Terry McGinnis
This list is far from complete, so I suggest you ask around or do your own research, especially when it comes to characters I didn’t have much familiarity with! I hope this helped!
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carriagelamp · 4 years
April 2020 Book Review - Quarantine Brain Fry Edition
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This month of quarantine was much more challenging for me that last March... I suppose because we’re really in the throws of it, and the “extended spring break” feel has worn off. Between general World Anxieties and the incredible challenges of trying to adapt my work into an online setting, my brain has been absolute mush -- and I have a feeling I’m not the only one. Most of my books this month are either very easy reads (comics and children’s novels) or rereads or both! Honestly, I’ve been playing a lot more Animal Crossing than I have been reading...
So the theme for this month of reading? Treat your brain to a rest, and go reread that favourite comic or picture book or graphic novel from when you were a kid. We don’t have libraries or book stores at the moment, so dig deep into your shelf for something you love that you haven’t touched in a while. Here’s what I read:
Ghost Hunters Adventure Club and the Mystery of the Grande Chateau
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I’m going to start with best and most unexpected book that I read this month (although this is actually a New Book and not a reread, so maybe it’s a bad start). It’s a Hardy Boys parody novel, and yes it’s by the Game Grumps. The only reason I even found out it existed was because my brother heard about it and we decided that this would be our next Sibling Read Aloud. It made a great read aloud. I was rather skeptical at first, but it was genuinely very clever and very, very funny. There characters were fucking delightful, as they bumbled their way through the mystery, and we ended up accidentally reading almost half the book in one sitting because we couldn’t put it down once we got to endgame. If you like satire and Classic Youth Mystery then do yourself a favour and give this a go. I am desperate for a sequel.
ISHI: Simple Tips from a Solid Friend
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A picture book that was recommended to some of the local elementary children who are dealing with isolation from school and their friends. Its beauty is in its simplicity. It shows Ishi, a very simple white stone, experience challenges that it must then find ways to cope with. Things like loneliness, feeling empty or scared, being sad... all things children (and adults, I very much appreciated this little story) may be experiencing. This is definitely a picture book, not a self-help book, but it’s still very encouraging and makes me want to go and create my own Ishi. There’s a reading of it is online, and if you’re feeling like having a solid stone friend reassure you, I would recommend going to listen to it!
Bone 1-5
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So, the first in my long list of books that I reread: I’ve started rereading the Bone series for the first time in years. Hands down one of my all time favourite graphic novel series. If you haven’t read Bone, it’s a classic and one of the best example of American graphic novels imho. It’s about Fone Bone and his cousins who, after being driven out of Boneville by Phoney Bone’s money-grubbling stunts, have found themselves across a desert and in a strange, fantastical valley where nothing makes sense. The three of them get drawn into the strange mysteries and adventures of Thorn, her grandmother, and the village of Barrelhaven. Such a perfect blend of beautiful art, comedy and off-the-wall cartoon-level hijinks, as well as really intense, dark adventure and tension as the story unfolds.
Also created this sequence, which may be the funniest two panels ever drawn in a comic
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Here Is Greenwood v1
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A charming ‘90s manga from my stash that I decided to reread. Honestly one of my favourite feel-good mangas, because it’s such a simple, pure, good-hearted slice of life without some of the gimmicks that other manga use. It’s about Kazuya starting at an all-boys school partway into the year, and moving into the school’s dorms. The entire book is just about him being constantly pestered by the well-meaning characters that share the dorm with him. It’s just goofy and fun, and has the fantastic aesthetic of a good ‘90s manga. Also, it was one of those books that, while technically not ~queer~ was also ~queer enough~ for my deprived teenage soul.
Blood Of Elves
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The fourth book of the Witcher series that I’ve finished. I’ll be honest, not my favourite. I really enjoyed the beginning, the whole espionage thing with Dandelion, and then Ciri with Geralt, the Kaer Morhen witchers, and Triss. That was all really fun. It felt like it dragged a lot more though after Ciri joined Yennefer... And yet I love Yennefer as a character, she is hilariously snide and clever and really sweet with Ciri. But it felt like a scene that could have been done in a couple chapters took up half the book. Maybe that’s just because, as I said, my brain was mush and I couldn’t deal with it. I have the next book and as soon as my brain doesn’t look like chicken noodle soup anymore I will be starting it!
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
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You know I love a good animal adventure story, and this is one that I adored as a child. The story of Ralph, a young mouse living with his family in a rundown motel, and how he and a young human boy discover that they can understand each other through a shared passion for vehicles... in particular a red toy motorcycle. There’s just something heartwarming about Ralph racing around a motel on a tiny toy motorcycle that runs when he makes motorcycles noises. I’ll have to find the second one as soon as libraries are open again.
Kit: The Adventures of a Raccoon
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Another animal adventure story from my childhood, although this one is more of a chapter book than a true novel. This is a book that I’ve been lowkey hunting for years and finally came across in a school library. It’s a more realistic look at what a raccoon’s life is like, from birth to adulthood. Rereading it, it’s not a particularly exciting book and wouldn’t have otherwise stood out to me, but there’s still something that calls to me. It’s very gentle and makes this raccoon’s growing and learning feel very soft and compassionate, even if there are tragedies and death.
A quick edit because it was only just now that I realized that this is a Canadian lit book! Always exciting to discover that a favourite is Canadian!
Calvin and Hobbes: Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat
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Calvin and Hobbes, yet one more bullet to add to the list of Comfort Comics that I’ve pulled out to keep my mind entertained while I can’t quite process Proper Novels. I doubt there’s anything I can say about Calvin and Hobbes that hasn’t already been said. You’ve either read these books already, and are nodding along with  me, or you haven’t and therefore are not a human being I can relate to.
Spy vs Spy
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I dug out some of the old Spy vs Spy comics we had as kids. They’re basically falling to pieces, but it was fun -- like so many other books on this list -- to revisit something so familiar but which I haven’t looked at in years. These were a very odd experience to reread, because on one hand Spy vs Spy comics have such a simple, goofy premise it’s hard not to just grin and laugh while you read them, but also like... yup they sure are old and kinda ~problematique~ eh? Whatcha gonna do.
The Twisted Ones
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The read aloud my brother and I did before Ghost Hunters, although we technically finished reading it at the very end of March, but too late for it to make that book roundup post. Look, I’m not going to defend myself here. Yes, I’ve read an obscene number of Five Nights at Freddy’s books. The first one of this series The Silver Eyes was honestly better than I would have expected. This sequel was not as good, unsurprisingly, but the main character is still so fucking bizarre, so different than the sort of protagonist I would normally expect from a series like this, that I can’t quite bring myself to stop reading them. And when I had a moment of Realization, about what might be in store for the third book, I genuinely screamed at my brother who was reading at the time. So yes. Somehow this youth horror is better than it has any right to be -- not good but better than it should be -- and yes I will be reading the third the second the libraries open again.
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
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Another reread! This was a book I got as a birthday present when I was in... probably preschool? It’s a cross between a large picture book and a chapter book. It’s essentially a “novelization” of the original Disney movie, and it has such cute art to go along with it. Winnie the Pooh has always been a favourite of mine, and reading this old book was like a warm hug. Makes me want to see if I can get my VCR set up so I can watch that old movie again...
Frog and Toad Together
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A friend found someone reading this book in a very asmr-style on youtube and recommended I listen because they found it super chill. And they were right! It is ridiculously chill. I’ve never read a Frog and Toad story before, but it’s really just a very cute old book that immediately launches you right back into grade one.
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This is my first time reading the BFG and it has all of Dahl’s usual charm and quirkiness. A young girl gets plucked out of an abusive orphanage by the Big Friendly Giant, who brings her to the terrifying Land Of Giants... all of which are bigger and crueller than the BFG, and who have an appetite for human flesh. It was quick and fun, and it’s always hard not to fall in love with Dahl’s sweet characters, especially this big eared, dream-catching giant.
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chikayouriko · 4 years
W.I.P tag!
Wip tag! rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by:  @scarlett-holly
Tagging: Any fanfic mutual who wants to do this
This is gonna be a long one,friends. Also,yes i write smut....
Let’s start with everything in my Future AU folder!
Saki’s introduction to the household - Saki is one of the OC kids. This is about her introduction to YouRiko’s household from foster care,but told from Chika’s POV.
Youya tries on his mommy's high school outfits - Touya is an OC kid. Riko’s mom sends Riko her old uniforms and her trans son wants to wear them for fun.
Yuu and Ayumu make a mistake - NSFW YuuPomu set in their late 20′s.
rubyleahmaru: Leah get her shit wrecked - NSFW. set in 2020 via the story’s timeline when they’re 19/20,but im not writing covid-19. it’s my au,my rules.
Now for the rest, in order that i find them on google docs.
Yoshiko unlocks all her colors - YouHaRiko soulmate au
riko makes youhane sing jimoai - NSFW. YouHaRiko. based on a convo with my friend
My Inner MELODY - Setsuna focused longfic. Trans man Setsuna. unsure about a ship
youhariko soulamtes v1? - started off just youhariko but has expanded to a Bigger AU
YouRiko - old from 2017. has Riko committing crimes
10 years after the fall - started on at the end of vol.3. is meant to be like 4 chapters.
Happy birthday kotori! - kotorin. started in 2016 and just ??? forgot about it
The Tango Mari - RENT AU
Puppy You-chan - NSFW. KanaYou/Swimteam forgot this existed...uh
azalea blood moon - NSFW. DiaKanaMaru/AZALEA poly. if you were around when zippy was apart of the fandom....
Not your typical cancer AU(vent fic) - started in 2016. MakiRinPana endgame. scraped the first version
You is Dense(polyprompts prompt) - YouHaRiko.
For [redacted] - meant to be a friend’s birthday or winter holiday gift but never finished it?? 
Diamoric shipping month-22.violet - YouHaRiko
ML OT3 soulmates au - NathAdrienette
ML Angst - i ???
DiaYou sin - NSFW. trans boy You, Nonbinary Dia. meant as continuation of another oneshot of mine
Take me or leave me- RENT AU
parent points-EliUmi adopts Maki 
This is gay - RWBY. Arkos’ Rose.
Happy birthday you gay- is it fanfic if you and your boyfriend self indulging??
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theskyrimlibrary · 4 years
2920, Morning Star, V1
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Morning Star Book One of 2920 The Last Year of the First Era by Carlovac Townway
1 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind
Almalexia lay in her bed of fur, dreaming. Not until the sun burned through her window, infusing the light wood and flesh colors of her chamber in a milky glow did she open her eyes. It was quiet and serene, a stunning reverse of the flavor of her dreams, so full of blood and celebration. For a few moments, she simply stared at the ceiling, trying to sort through her visions.
In the courtyard of her palace was a boiling pool which steamed in the coolness of the winter morning. At the wave of her hand, it cleared and she saw the face and form of her lover Vivec in his study to the north. She did not want to speak right away: he looked so handsome in his dark red robes, writing his poetry as he did every morning.
“Vivec,” she said, and he raised his head in a smile, looking at her face across thousands of miles. “I have seen a vision of the end of the war.”
“After eighty years, I don’t think anyone can imagine an end,” said Vivec with a smile, but he grew serious, trusting Almalexia’s prophecies. “Who will win? Morrowind or the Cyrodilic Empire?”
“Without Sotha Sil in Morrowind, we will lose,” she replied.
“My intelligence tells me the Empire will strike us to the north in early springtide, by First Seed at the latest. Could you go to Artaeum and convince him to return?”
“I’ll leave today,” she said, simply.
4 Morning Star, 2920 Gideon, Black Marsh
The Empress paced around her cell. Wintertide gave her wasteful energy, while in the summer she would merely sit by her window and be grateful for each breath of stale swamp wind that came to cool her. Across the room, her unfinished tapestry of a dance at the Imperil Court seemed to mock her. She ripped it from its frame, tearing the pieces apart as they drifted to the floor.
Then she laughed at her own useless gesture of defiance. She would have plenty of time to repair it and craft a hundred more. The Emperor had locked her up in Castle Giovesse seven years ago, and would likely keep her here until he or she died.
With a sigh, she pulled the cord to call her knight, Zuuk. He appeared at the door within minutes, fully uniformed as befitted an Imperial Guard. Most of the native Kothringi tribesman of Black Marsh preferred to go about naked, but Zuuk had taken a positive delight to fashion. His silver, reflective skin was scarcely visible, only on his face, neck, and hands.
“Your Imperial Highness,” he said with a bow.
“Zuuk,” said Empress Tavia. “I’m bored. Let’s discuss methods of assassinating my husband today.”
14 Morning Star, 2920 The Imperial City, Cyrodiil
The chimes proclaiming South Wind’s Prayer echoed through the wide boulevards and gardens of the Imperial City, calling all to their temples. The Emperor Reman III always attended a service at the Temple of the One, while his son and heir Prince Juilek found it more political to attend a service at a different temple for each religious holiday. This year, it was at the cathedral Benevolence of Mara.
The Benevolence’s services were mercifully short, but it was not until well after noon that the Emperor was able to return to the palace. By then, the arena combatants were impatiently waiting for the start of the ceremony. The crowd has far less restless, as the Potentate Versidue-Shaie had arranged for a demonstration from a troupe of Khajiiti acrobats. 
“Your religion is so much more convenient than mine,” said the Emperor to his Potentate by way of an apology. “What is the first game?”
“A one-on-one battle between two able warriors,” said the Potentate, his scaly skin catching the sun as he rose. “Armed befitting their culture.”
“Sounds good,” said the Emperor and clapped his hands. “Let the sport commence!”
As soon as he saw the two warriors enter the arena to the roar of the crowd, Emperor Reman III remembered that he had agreed to this several months before and forgotten about it. One Combatant was the Potentate’s son, Savirien-Chorak, a glistening ivory-yellow eel, gripping his katana and wakizashi with his thin, deceptively weak looking arms. The other was the Emperor’s son, Prince Juilek, in ebony armor with a savage Orcish helm, shield and longsword at his side.
“This will be fascinating to watch,” hissed the Potentate, a wide grin across his narrow face. “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a Cyrodiil fight an Akavir like this. Usually it’s army against army. At last we can settle which philosophy is better -- to create armor to combat swords as your people do, or to create swords to combat armor as mine do.”
No one in the crowd, aside from a few scattered Akaviri counselors and the Potentate himself wanted Savirien-Chorak to win, but there was a collective intake of breath at the sight of his graceful movements. His swords seemed to be a part of him, a tail coming from his arms to match the one behind him. It was a trick of counterbalance, allowing the young serpent man to roll up into a circle and spin into the center of the ring in offensive position. The Prince had to plod forward the less impressive traditional way.
As they sprang at each other, the crowd bellowed with delight. The Akaviri was like a moon in orbit around the Prince, effortlessly springing over his shoulder to attempt a blow from behind, but the Prince whirled around quickly to block with his shield. His counter-strike met only air as his foe fell flat to the ground and slithered between his legs, tripping him. The Prince fell to the ground with a resounding crash.
Metal and air melted together as Saviriend-Chorak rained strike after strike upon the Prince, who blocked every one with his shield.
“We don’t have shields in our culture,” murmured Versidue-Shaie to the Emperor. “It seems strange to my boy, I imagine. In our country, if you don’t want to get hit, you move out of the way.”
When Savirien-Chorak was rearing back to begin another series of blinding attacks, the Prince kicked at his tail, sending him falling back momentarily. In an instant, he had rebounded, but the Prince was also back on his feet. The two circled one another, until the snake man spun forward, katana extended. The Prince saw his foe’s plan, and blocked the katana with his longsword and the wakizashi with his shield. Its short punching blade impaled itself in the metal, and Savirien-Chorak was thrown off balance.
The Prince’s longblade slashed across the Akavir’s chest and the sudden, intense pain caused him to drop both weapons. It a moment, it was over. Savirien-Chorak was prostate in the dust with the Prince’s longsword at his throat.
“The game’s over!” shouted the Emperor, barely heard over the applause from the stadium.
The Prince grinned and helped Savirien-Chorak up and over to a healer. The Emperor clapped his Potentate on the back, feeling relieved. He had not realized when the fight had begun how little chance he had given his son at victory.
“He will make a fine warrior,” said Versidue-Shaie. “And a great emperor.”
“Just remember,” laughed the Emperor. “You Akaviri have a lot of shadowy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through, it’s all over for you.”
“Oh, I’ll remember that,” nodded the Potentate.
Reman thought about that comment for the rest of the games, and had trouble fully enjoying himself. Could the Potentate be another enemy, just as the Empress had turned out to be? The matter would bear watching.
21 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind
“Why don’t you wear that green gown I gave you?” asked the Duke of Mournhold, watching the young maiden put on her clothes.
“It doesn’t fit,” smiled Turala. “And you know I like red.”
“It doesn’t fit because you’re getting fat,” laughed the Duke, pulling her down on the bed, kissing her breasts and the pouch of her stomach. She laughed at the tickles, but pulled herself up, wrapping her red robe around her.
“I’m round like a woman should be,” said Turala. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
“No,” said the Duke. “I must entertain Vivec tomorrow, and the next day the Duke of Ebonheart is coming. Do you know, I never really appreciated Almalexia and her political skills until she left?”
“It is the same with me,” smiled Turala. “You will only appreciate me when I’m gone.”
“That’s not true at all,” snorted the Duke. “I appreciate you now.”
Turala allowed the Duke one last kiss before she was out the door. She kept thinking about what he said. Would he appreciate her more or less when he knew that she was getting fat because she was carrying his child? Would he appreciate her enough to marry her?
The Year Continues in Sun’s Dawn
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