#your $5 a month is divided up among all the people you read
drdemonprince · 1 year
have you considered switching to substack? i know you have quite the archive on medium so it wouldn’t be easy to move. i’m not a writer person, just a reader so idk what the pros n cons are. no pressure just thought it was interesting. you’re the only person i follow and actually make an effort to read on medium. feels like substack is the new place for the Cool Kids haha but idk if there’s any actual difference or what’s up. also absolutely not saying you’re not cool! you def are not that you need a rando anons validation lmao. just making like an observation about the platforms
Substack pays six-figure advances to terfs like jesse singal and the only way to make money from it is to paywall pieces, thereby ensuring far less people can read them.
Medium has decent anti transphobe moderation and i get paid for every single read i get. at the same time, anyone can read anything without paying a fee. its also discoverable to a general audience just randomly browsing the site. substack followings dont grow organically. mediums do. fuck substack.
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val-cansalute · 10 months
ch. 1
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ch. 2
ch. 3
ch. 4
ch. 5
ch. 6
a/n: short first chapter 🫤 also BORING AS FOCK but the next few will be longer and better, just stick with me cw: implied depression/ptsd, dark themes, not too heavy but please don’t read if this might trigger you, angst, no smut in this chapter but there might be some later on, creds to cafekitsune for dividers, MDNI 😡
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Six months ago today, your gaunt figure limped through Jackson for the first time, arms scarred and trembling, and face adorned with a vacant expression. You’ve been here for a while now.
You heard Maria say, with time, you’d come out of your shell - actually speak to the others. But, no, you still stay holed up in your decaying room, recalling what happened that day obsessively, and only ever leaving to go on patrol. Only when you absolutely have to.
God, you don’t even know if you can call this grief anymore. Seems as though you built a nest in the sorrow. Would it still be considered missing him if you desperately want to stop seeing his face whenever you close your eyes.
Fuck, don't say that. Never say that.
Promise I still love you, big brother. Promise I'd do anything to see you again.
Well, nobody really pays you any mind; you just sink into the shadows of the shitty little apartment you've been put in. And it doesn’t matter to you because the thought of getting close to people again makes you sick anyway.
Never wanna feel this pain. Never again. Fuck, just go away, please.
I'm so sorry, Soren.
You’ve waited it out for months but, at this point, you've given up hope. Feels like maybe it’s time to go be on your own. You know it’s dumb, but you haven’t got much to live for now that he’s gone.
Late night, you crawl into the comfort of misery, chaining yourself to each painful memory; you cannot leave a single shard behind. Not one.
You will carry this with you for the rest of your days.
Somewhere along the line, dark fades to light and your mind goes blank for the first time in an eternity as you get up to follow that same routine.
Today, same as yesterday, and yesterday's yesterday, and yesterday's yesterday's yesterday, etc., etc., your partner is Ellie.
Maria seems to think the two of you are acquaintances, especially since the extroverted people around your age hadn't been able to drag much more than a few words out of you, but you don’t really talk, you stay out of each other’s ways.
You struggle to keep the smile up against the pushback of your aching cheeks when you’re talking to other people. Can never let them see.
Not even for a good reason. God, it’s just such an effort to talk about. It’s better for it to just nestle in your mind, where it’s made it’s home, where it’s comfortable.
Maybe part of why you stay out of each other’s ways is because you'd inadvertently come off as a dick during your first encounter, which would've been enough to push the already closed off Ellie to not interact with you at all. You weren't actually being rude though; she's hopefully figured that out at this point. She probably just got used to the interactions between you; silence dusted with passive aggressive remarks.
But, she doesn’t say much when you freak the fuck out if a clicker comes at you in a way that brings back memories. You’re grateful, regardless of her reason for doing so.
Perhaps it's the thought of leaving that is the spur to prick your sudden violence and, now, even you can tell you're getting worse. The feeling - it ensnares you like a bear trap when you see a clicker, so you fire frantically at its head. Blood splatters all over your front and you pull at the hem of your shirt to get a better look, mumbling, "Shit..." when you see the white fabric soaked through with the clicker's blood; cold water to the face.
Among the chaos, you must have turned on your foot weirdly, because your ankle feels like a stake has been stabbed right through it with each movement and you don’t know if you can walk.
Ellie finally manages to trace the sound of the gunshot to you after calling your name in worry for the past couple of minutes, running over to you. She pulls you around and looks over your jittery body for anything to worry about - brushes a thumb over the wet material, jerking it away before you can notice; you’re hyper aware, so you always manage to anyway - and then furrows her brows at you.
“Can you stop fucking around?”
You nod apologetically,
"Sorry. Feeling a bit out of it today..."
She sighs, still clearly angry, and turns away, "Let's go. We’re done here.”
You watch her figure retreat as you mount your horse with shaky footing. The ride back is a silent one. Once you reach the gates, you get off and pat the horse’s side. It has a name; you never cared to learn it. Maybe you knew you couldn’t stick around for long.
“Come on. Why are you just standing there?"
When your eyes meet hers, you feel utterly pathetic, but you don't have much of a choice.
“Can you… find, like, a stick? A big one...”
She stays quiet for a moment, seemingly thrown off by your question, so you're quick to add,
“I would do it but... I don't know, fuck, never mind...”
Ellie raises an eyebrow at you, her line of sight flicking down to your ankle as she takes note of your awkward stance and mutters with a sigh that makes you feel small, "Pain in the ass," before shaking her head.
"Yeah, it looks pretty bad," Ellie says after she crouches down and touches the wound, eliciting a pained wince (and a farewell to your last shred of dignity) from you.
She rises to her feet and brushes herself off as you wait for more of a response.
"Stick, right? You want a stick?"
You nod with a clenched jaw. She keeps looking down at you and the constant anticipation is starting to piss you off.
"No, you gonna ask for what you really need?" she says. "And drop the whole ‘tough guy’ act?"
You chuckle dryly, turning your eyes to the floor.
"You ever considered that maybe I actually am just a tough guy?"
“Ha ha,” she states in monotone, “Think you gave away the fact that you're not when you started crying over a twisted ankle," to which you raise an eyebrow at her.
“Uh, okay, nothing you just said was true, but, sure. Sure.”
“Yeah? Come over here and say that with some heart then, tough guy.”
You manage to take a few steps before falling.
"Yeah, that’s what I thought. Gonna need to be carried back," Ellie says.
“What about the big ass stick?”
“What is i-Fuck. Listen, even if that helps, which it won’t, you’d wreck your ankle even more and everyone’d be on my ass about it. So, quit talking and get over here," she says, reaching over to lift you off the floor.
You grimace jokingly, but Ellie doesn’t pick on the humorous nature of your words, “Oh. No piggyback?”
Ellie sighs, turning and crouching in front of you before you get on.
"I swear to god, you're infuriating," she sneers. "Now put your arms around my neck."
You’re acting slightly outside the confines of your silent, gloomy self again, and pretend to strangle her, “Since you asked so nicely.”
And you laugh at your own joke as you properly wrap your arms around her neck
"I'm glad you're having a good time; at least one of us is enjoying ourselves,” she grits out but you can hear the repressed smile in her voice.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.”
"Good. Now shut up and enjoy the ride." Ellie says before turning her gaze back to the front.
As the two of you make your way through the fairly empty paths of Jackson, Ellie remains silent, her expression unreadable.
You keep your eyes focused on her, the small puff of air that leaves her mouth with each step, and staying quiet as your chin finds itself resting casually upon her shoulder
After a few minutes of walking in silence, Ellie finally speaks up again. Her voice is so close, the warmth of her breath and heat.
“You got them girls off your ass yet?”
“Who? The ones that are trying to... befriend me?”
“Mhm, the ones that you’re kinda friends with.”
“Yeah, they quit trying.”
"Don’t blame you… I mean, I can understand, but don’t make it too obvious.”
“I’d rather not-“
“Right, it’s just- well, if you want to be alone, fine. I… can even… make sure those assholes don’t bother you, or whatever- but, not on patrol! Don’t go wandering around on your own like that ever again. It’s dumb."
“I know, I just got caught up in the moment. Sorry.”
A heavy silence befalls the two of you as she trudges on.
"Why are you so damn heavy?" she eventually mutters.
You lift your head off her shoulder reflexively, aware of your weight pulling her down all of a sudden,
Ellie looks over her shoulder at you, her eyebrows knitted in unexpected concern,
“Hey… I was kidding.”
“Right… I knew that…”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever," she says. "Hm, look at that, we made it," gently patting your thigh before pushing the doors open. "Time to get off."
You slowly slide off her back, making sure to land on your good leg as you watch her search the area curiously in a waiting, one-footed stance.
She returns after a second, picking you up to place you on top of one of the quaint, makeshift hospital beds before she begins rummaging through the supplies. You watch her muscles flex and then, the sight of a woman you'd seen around captures your focus.
"What happened to her?" the woman asks, causing Ellie to lift her head, looking down at you.
"Twisted my ankle."
"Well, obviously," her tone is laced with sarcasm. "My question was how you twisted your ankle."
"Turned weird."
Your response earns you a bemused raise of her blonde eyebrows, "Alright, whatever," she says, pulling up a chair and sitting before you.
After a short, boring while, she lets go of your leg and looks up at you again,
"So, you got a sprain. I'm gonna have to wrap your ankle up, alright?"
A lock of her hair continuously pesters her as she begins carefully tending to your ankle, pulling fresh bandages taut around the injury.
"It's gonna stay sensitive for a few days," the woman states, "And you shouldn't walk on it for at least a week."
She places a hand upon Ellie's shoulder, pulling her out of the deep-end of her thoughts, and turning her away from you. A muffled, but aggressive, hushed conversation ensues between them as you glance around the room restlessly, only making out the irritated tone of Ellie's responses. It ends with her pinching her nose bridge and mumbling a, "Fine," and they're facing you again.
The woman gives the two of you a nod before exiting the room,
"You two be safe out there."
“Alright. I’ll take you home. Now, get on," she turns, arms out, backpack on her front, as she waits for you to get onto her back again.
The route to your place is short and quiet as night blankets the world, or what’s left of it. Before you know it, she's pushing open the door and setting you down on yet another tattered bed - your own.
You hiss at the contact your ankle makes with the bed, but Ellie seems unfazed, patting your thigh in the same way she did before, the way that made your stomach twist,
“You gonna be okay?”
You nod, though her deadpan tone doesn’t leave much room for the honest truth.
“Alright, well… I’ll get going, then.”
There’s a stark contrast in life between her coming and going; the constant rustling of the fabric of her coat and the sound of her heavy winter boots against your creaky floorboards, the sound of her sniffles and low voice, and the flurry of gusts of nippy winds whistling - all shut out with the cold of the outside once she closes the door behind her. Well, most of it.
Now, you’re left with the bite of cold air and the deafening silence that haunts you as you sit still upon your mattress with darkness cast over the room, seeming to melt everything together.
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alice-angel12x · 2 years
Death is always around the Corner
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Vil + Death!Reader
Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil,Idia, Malleus
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Let's set the scene:
"Magic Mirror on the wall. Tell me, who is the fairest of them all," The Beautiful queen asked her magic mirror. " I see the figure of your fair stepdaughter. With her lips as red as a rose, hair as black as ebony, and skin as white as snow," The mirror said. " Snow White…!" The Queen scowled.
Death stood in the shadows as they watched the vain queen glare and curse the young princess.
Reading Vil's book brought back memories of the terrible women. Y/n could only hope that history is not about to repeat itself, but they knew. Just by the patterns of what has been happening around this school, they knew that was most likely.
"Wha—?! Don’t just stop and stare, Yuu! I hit my nose on your leg, yanno?" Grim groaned.
"You’re staring intently at the Great Seven’s statue, Y/n. Something up?" Ace asked.
"It's... It's strange seeing all these people. Being looked up to and aspired as such," Y/n said simply.
"Why is that? Did you know them personally?" Deuce asked.
"Not personally, but I was there to witness their prime and watch their downfall," Y/n explained.
"Really?! So what was the Queen of Hearts like?" Ace asked."
"A hypocritical tyrant. She would enforce the rules on everyone, but herself. She would even make up laws on the fly just to have an excuse to behead people. 60% of the rules in Heartsybuyl were ''on the fly'' made ruled," Y/n explained.
After that Ace and Deuce certainly had a new perspective of the queen of hearts. But school continued as normal, and Y/n could already feel the presence of a growing blot. It Has Begun.
Later that day an announcement was posted in the cafeteria. An audition for the Joint Cultural Festival’s Vocal & Dance Championship.
“Come and join us! Aspiring singers and dancers, this is your chance for stardom! You shall represent our glorious school! In the case that you are chosen to be part of the finalists. The prize money of 5 million Madol will be divided among the participating members."
This certainly caught the boy's attention. As the group walked through the courtyard expressing their excitement. They were interrupted by singing, a lovely voice too.
That voice belongs to none other than Epel Felmier. As those boys began talking, Epel noticed that Y/n seemed to be left out. Sadly before he could reach.
"Goodness, Epel. Are you neglecting your lessons to talk to some pigeons?" asked a smug voice.
"Vil-san!" Epel gasped.
"Wha—?! Is he talking about us?" Grim asked nervesly.
"Who else is there? This is an important lesson for our Epel. There are less than two months before the VDC. He does not have the time to be fraternizing with lowlifes like you," Vil said with a prideful smirk. " Please do not bother him while he is doing his lessons."
"We weren’t bothering him at all—," "Vil-san, don’t shout at them! This’s—This is my fault—," Epel said, cutting Deuce off.
"Epel, how many times must I tell you to stop with that vulgar way of speaking? It is not befitting a person of your standard. Surely you do not want to be referred to as a “Poisonous Red Apple,” do you?" Vil continued.
"But I—I don’t really want to do this—!" Epel stuttered
"Have you forgotten your promise with me already? Come along now," Vil commanded.
"Hey, you. I don’t care whether you’re a Prefect or not, but you just look like you’re bullying him," Ace glared.
" H-hey, you two…! Didn’t the Headmaster tell you both not to pick fights anymore?!" Deuce said nervesly.
"Hmph, pretty bold of you nobodies to challenge me. This will be perfect exercise after a meal. Come now, I’ll turn you into mashed potatoes," Vil smirked.
Sadly Adeuce and Grim were not on the same level as Vil, so Y/n eventually decided to step in. Just as Vil was about to throw a blow at the First Years, Y/n effortlessly caught his fist.
"Abusing your authority as a Prefect is not a good look. I thought you were better than that, but I guess I was wrong," Y/n smirked as they tossed Vil into the air. Only to grab him by his collar and slam hard onto the stone below. Vil had the wind knocked out of him.
"I'd give you a... 5 points out of 100," Y/n smirked at Vil's gasping form.
"Instant kill!" Grim and Ace cheered.
"S-so cool," Epel awed quietly.
After that one-sided fight, Epel asked Y/n if it would be possible to be as strong as them. They answered "That is for you to decide, but don't focus only on the strength. Or is trying to be a muscle head the only thing about you?"
With that Y/n and the Adeuce group left. After some days of dance training with Kalim and Jamil. The group had to sign up by talking to Rook. The school stalker, who was all to happy to lurt random info on the group. Though he didn't have much on Y/n
So Y/n returned in kind.
"Greetings Rook hunt from Class 3-A, seat number 10. Your height is 177cm, whose unique magic is "I see you," Y/n smirked as Rook froze. For the first time being on the receiving end of his action.
But Rook would smile it off and tells them to come to Pomfiore in three days' time. And thankfully Adeuce was accepted into the group. Along with Kalim and Jamil.
But unfortunately, Y/n and Grim were forced to house the new VDC group. for the next 2 months, and While Grim was easily won over with money and tuna. Y/n didn't want to share their temporary home.
So with much back and forth Crowley ignored Y/n and gave the boys the green light. So Y/n was not the happiest when they came. especially when Vil starts making demands and setting down his own rules. And order them around.
Sadly not only did Y/n have to house them, but also help assist them with their training.
"Of course. Manager, please play the song for us," Vil said expectantly.
"Who?" Y/n asked as they leaned against the windowsill.
"Who else is there? Didn’t the Headmaster ask you to support us? If you want to get paid, then work yourself to the bone for us, too," Vil said.
"Well, I don't need your currency," Y/n answered simply.
"What?!" Grim Gasped. "B-But my Tuna!"
"Grim I cook fresh fish for you for Breakfast and Dinner. You have no reason to complain. I even get the certain types of fish you like," Y/n scolded.
But Grim wants that money so he did follow Vil's command. As the Video was about to play an Ad of Neige popped up. And As Y/n watched they could see Vil crumble inside.
"He is very Lovable," Y/n commented, throwing salt into the wound.
"Gentlemen, stop focusing on the wrong things and watch the dance video, for god’s sake! This time for sure… I promise that we will not lose," Vil promised.
"Good. Well, I wish you luck. Don't cause trouble Grim," Y/n said as they left the dance room.
"W-where are you going?" Vil asked, but was ignored.
Practice went well, all the way to sunset, But Vil began to rear his head. As his ugly tendency surfaced.
" I… I don’t want to do it…" Epel stuttered.
"Pardon? “Meandering and girly? Are you sleep-talking, my dear? Well, even then I still will not tolerate such brashness," Vil scoffed as he grabbed and yanked harshly on Epel's ear. "Let me explain. This “meandering” dance trains the inner muscles so that our movements look clean and beautiful. Clothes and dancing should not be categorized into “girly” or “manly.” You are absolutely being close-minded if you think you shouldn’t do “girly” dances just because you’re a boy."
Suddenly Vil yelped in pain as a strong pair of fingers grabbed his ear. He was pulled down to Y/n's level by his ear as Y/n began to talk directly into it.
"And You should know that Boy or Girl, you have no right to place your hands on another individual. Or have you thrown out common human decency?" Y/n asked. "Since we're on the trend of pointing out flaws, I have many of yours to point out."
"Like how you drag unwilling people into your goals. Aren't you ashamed of forcing your dreams onto Epel? What are you incapable of reaching your goals on your own, and need someone else to succeed for you?"
Y/n called the first day of training to a close. Vil wasn't feeling too chatty after that earful with Y/n.
Y/n sensing that Vil had enough, they left the group alone Till everyone went to bed. Kalim was surprised to See y/n outside. They gave Kalim a small pep talk and sent him back to bed.
Since Y/n death Didn't need sleep, they continued to do work. Like Removing Vil's curse on the baked goods Trey made. Before anyone could get hurt, reaping unfortunate souls, and Catching fish for Grim to eat.
Vil was not happy when he caught Ace and Deuce eating sweets, but was infuriated to learn that Y/n removed his curse. And Y/n would continue to be a thorn in Vil's side.
But sadly Vil's tune didn't change over the few days. And Eventually, it Got to the group. Epel quits, Deuce with a massive loss of confidence, and Ace becomes more of a jerk.
" Well only after a few days, you're out of a team. Seems like you are well on your way to losing after all," Y/n laughed.
"Those potatoes didn't have what it takes," Vil glared.
"Oh, just like you don't have what it takes to beat Neige?" Y/n asked with a knowing and cruel smile.
"Gaining what you want by means of pure effort is a thing of dreams," Vil muttered to himself. "And I do have what it takes, I will be the fairest of them all."
"Will you, or are just repeating words of people telling you are beautiful?" Y/n asked. " find something else to do with your time. Like becoming a better teacher or instructor."
"Do you just enjoy insulting me?" Vil glared.
"I just act how you act when you do when you are around people you think are beneath you. Time 5 of course,' Y/n said. " And yes, I do find it amusing how fail to be an influencer. Like how you fail to influence Epel into seeing the benefits of being pretty. You just Sqwaked and screeched at him the whole time."
"Then what would you do?" Vil scoffed, as he nervesly watched Y/n polish their blades.
Y/n recommended trying to appeal to Epel, like helping his family with their business. This helped ease things over with Epel, and Vil was a bit nicer. And soon 2 months were a breeze.
Things were looking up for the group and Vil, spirits were high, and confidence was through the roof. Til Vil got cold feet after seeing Neige's performance. And the story of the evil queen replayed once again.
"Where am I?" Vil wondered as walked in the darkness.
As he did he found a backstage vanity, the lights were bright and the station was pristine. There was a book on the table, it was about Him. He read through the script-like text, and memories began to surface. And it was strange seeing it from a new perspective.
"Ah, your here Mr.Vil. Are you ready for your makeup session?" Asked a voice.
Vil turned in his seat to see Y/n dressed like a makeup artist. The boy nodded slowly as Y/n began to recline his chair.
"So what do you think of the script. Do you like the Vil Shoenheit character?" Y/n asked as they began to soak Vil's hair with warm water.
"I just wanted to stand on the stage till the very end," Was all he could say.
"Everyone one does, and you just wanted more then what you got," Y/n agreed as they began to shampoo his hair. " You didn't want to be seen as the Villain any more."
"Exactly, but no matter how much I try and Improve... I don't want to be just that, that villain character. I'm sure the Queen of beauty would look upon me with disappointment," Vil sighed.
"The queen of beauty wouldn't give a flying feather about your struggles. If she were in your passion, she would have killed Neige back in high school. And eat his heart, thinking she would gain his beauty," Y/n said as they rinsed Vil's hair.
"Do not mock the Queen of beauty, and how could you possibly know who she was?" Vil spat as Y/n conditioned his hair.
"I know you very well, I wrote the script in your book," Y/n answered.
"Y-you did. How did you know such personal details about me? Who are you Y/n?" Vil asked slowly.
"I am always near, but never quite here, I am feared by most, yet always appear. I take life from the living, with one final breath. Who am I?" Y/n asked as they rinsed and dried his hair.
Vil looked back at the mirror, but instead of seeing a style artist. There stood a black-robed figure with two razor-sharp scythes.
"Y-your Death. So... You were there during The queens time?" Vil asked as Y/n brushed his hair.
Flashes of Y/n's memories of the Evil queen appeared in the vanity mirror. Showing the queen's true color. Vil slumped into his chair as his idol, everything he knew of her... Was a lie.
"If you were to ask me, you outshine the queen far more than snow white," Y/n said as he turned his chair to face them, applying the makeup. "The queen never cared about improving her own beauty. She simply would not allow more beautiful people to live. You on the other hand worked har to improve your beauty."
"You really mean that?" Vil asked as he looked back at his book, only to see a wanted poster on top of it.
"Yes, straight from death's lips. You are everything, you thought the queen embodied. Sadly you would have never known that, because you really on strangers to inform your worth. When only you can truly know what your value is," Y/n said as they finished their work and turned Vil around to face the Vanity.
"Vil? Who is the fairest of them all?" Death asked.
As he looked in the mirror, images of his life achievements flashed in the vanity. Vil smiled as turned to face Death.
"I am the fairest," Vil said.
"Are you sure?" Death asked as they bored into Vil's eyes.
Vil stood from his chair and stood face to face with Death. " Yes, I'm very certain."
"Good," Y/n smiled as they stepped aside. "Well, you better hurry. You're going Live in 30 seconds. Your public awaits."
Vil looked ahead to see the stage doors open, as a blinding light showed through. With confidence, he stepped back into the living.
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The People Confess Their Sins
1 Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month the people of Israel were assembled with fasting and in sackcloth, and with earth upon their heads. 2 And the Israelites separated themselves from all foreigners, and stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers. 3 And they stood up in their place and read from the book of the law of the Lord their God for a fourth of the day; for another fourth of it they made confession and worshiped the Lord their God. 4 Upon the stairs of the Levites stood Jeshua, Bani, Kad′mi-el, Shebani′ah, Bunni, Sherebi′ah, Bani, and Chena′ni; and they cried with a loud voice to the Lord their God. 5 Then the Levites, Jeshua, Kad′miel, Bani, Hashabnei′ah, Sherebi′ah, Hodi′ah, Shebani′ah, and Pethahi′ah, said, “Stand up and bless the Lord your God from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be thy glorious name which is exalted above all blessing and praise.”
6 And Ezra said: “Thou art the Lord, thou alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and thou preservest all of them; and the host of heaven worships thee. 7 Thou art the Lord, the God who didst choose Abram and bring him forth out of Ur of the Chalde′ans and give him the name Abraham; 8 and thou didst find his heart faithful before thee, and didst make with him the covenant to give to his descendants the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Per′izzite, the Jeb′usite, and the Gir′gashite; and thou hast fulfilled thy promise, for thou art righteous.
9 “And thou didst see the affliction of our fathers in Egypt and hear their cry at the Red Sea, 10 and didst perform signs and wonders against Pharaoh and all his servants and all the people of his land, for thou knewest that they acted insolently against our fathers; and thou didst get thee a name, as it is to this day. 11 And thou didst divide the sea before them, so that they went through the midst of the sea on dry land; and thou didst cast their pursuers into the depths, as a stone into mighty waters. 12 By a pillar of cloud thou didst lead them in the day, and by a pillar of fire in the night to light for them the way in which they should go. 13 Thou didst come down upon Mount Sinai, and speak with them from heaven and give them right ordinances and true laws, good statutes and commandments, 14 and thou didst make known to them thy holy sabbath and command them commandments and statutes and a law by Moses thy servant. 15 Thou didst give them bread from heaven for their hunger and bring forth water for them from the rock for their thirst, and thou didst tell them to go in to possess the land which thou hadst sworn to give them.
16 “But they and our fathers acted presumptuously and stiffened their neck and did not obey thy commandments; 17 they refused to obey, and were not mindful of the wonders which thou didst perform among them; but they stiffened their neck and appointed a leader to return to their bondage in Egypt. But thou art a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and didst not forsake them. 18 Even when they had made for themselves a molten calf and said, ‘This is your God who brought you up out of Egypt,’ and had committed great blasphemies, 19 thou in thy great mercies didst not forsake them in the wilderness; the pillar of cloud which led them in the way did not depart from them by day, nor the pillar of fire by night which lighted for them the way by which they should go. 20 Thou gavest thy good Spirit to instruct them, and didst not withhold thy manna from their mouth, and gavest them water for their thirst. 21 Forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, and they lacked nothing; their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell. 22 And thou didst give them kingdoms and peoples, and didst allot to them every corner; so they took possession of the land of Sihon king of Heshbon and the land of Og king of Bashan. 23 Thou didst multiply their descendants as the stars of heaven, and thou didst bring them into the land which thou hadst told their fathers to enter and possess. 24 So the descendants went in and possessed the land, and thou didst subdue before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and didst give them into their hands, with their kings and the peoples of the land, that they might do with them as they would. 25 And they captured fortified cities and a rich land, and took possession of houses full of all good things, cisterns hewn out, vineyards, olive orchards and fruit trees in abundance; so they ate, and were filled and became fat, and delighted themselves in thy great goodness.
26 “Nevertheless they were disobedient and rebelled against thee and cast thy law behind their back and killed thy prophets, who had warned them in order to turn them back to thee, and they committed great blasphemies. 27 Therefore thou didst give them into the hand of their enemies, who made them suffer; and in the time of their suffering they cried to thee and thou didst hear them from heaven; and according to thy great mercies thou didst give them saviors who saved them from the hand of their enemies. 28 But after they had rest they did evil again before thee, and thou didst abandon them to the hand of their enemies, so that they had dominion over them; yet when they turned and cried to thee thou didst hear from heaven, and many times thou didst deliver them according to thy mercies. 29 And thou didst warn them in order to turn them back to thy law. Yet they acted presumptuously and did not obey thy commandments, but sinned against thy ordinances, by the observance of which a man shall live, and turned a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck and would not obey. 30 Many years thou didst bear with them, and didst warn them by thy Spirit through thy prophets; yet they would not give ear. Therefore thou didst give them into the hand of the peoples of the lands. 31 Nevertheless in thy great mercies thou didst not make an end of them or forsake them; for thou art a gracious and merciful God.
32 “Now therefore, our God, the great and mighty and terrible God, who keepest covenant and steadfast love, let not all the hardship seem little to thee that has come upon us, upon our kings, our princes, our priests, our prophets, our fathers, and all thy people, since the time of the kings of Assyria until this day. 33 Yet thou hast been just in all that has come upon us, for thou hast dealt faithfully and we have acted wickedly; 34 our kings, our princes, our priests, and our fathers have not kept thy law or heeded thy commandments and thy warnings which thou didst give them. 35 They did not serve thee in their kingdom, and in thy great goodness which thou gavest them, and in the large and rich land which thou didst set before them; and they did not turn from their wicked works. 36 Behold, we are slaves this day; in the land that thou gavest to our fathers to enjoy its fruit and its good gifts, behold, we are slaves. 37 And its rich yield goes to the kings whom thou hast set over us because of our sins; they have power also over our bodies and over our cattle at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.”
Those Who Signed the Covenant
38 Because of all this we make a firm covenant and write it, and our princes, our Levites, and our priests set their seal to it. — Nehemiah 9 | Revised Standard Version (RSV) Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 11:31; Genesis 15:5-6; Genesis 18:25; Exodus 3:7; Exodus 3:20; Exodus 13:21-22; Exodus 16:23; Exodus 16:35; Exodus 18:8; Exodus 20:8; Exodus 32:4; Exodus 34:6-7; Exodus 40:36; Numbers 13:27; Numbers 21:21; Deuteronomy 1:26; Deuteronomy 4:31; Deuteronomy 28:33; Joshua 11:23; Judges 2:11; Judges 2:14; Judges 3:11; 1 Kings 8:15; 1 Kings 8:47; Nehemiah 8:7; Isaiah 63:7; Isaiah 63:11; Lamentations 5:5; Jeremiah 44:17; Matthew 3:6; Matthew 19:17; Matthew 27:66; John 6:31; Acts 4:24; Acts 13:18; 1 Corinthians 10:1; Revelation 11:3
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Can I Have This Dance? (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Rating: PG - Fluffy 
Word Count: 2,689
Synopsis: 4 times the reader asked Steve to dance with her and one time Steve her.
Info: Written for @cockslut-padalecki​’s Not My Ninth Challenge in celebration of 9k followers! Also Happy Belated birthday, I hope you had a great one. I choose, How Do I Live by LeAnn Rimes and Wedding Ceremony. The dividers are by @firefly-graphics​ 💘 I’m posting this on my barley working laptop, so forgive me. Also all mistakes are mine as this is not beta read.
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1st Time:
Honestly what possessed her to wear her favorite white denim overall shorts to Sam’s barbecue? They were now stained with all all kinds of food and handprints from the children of the Avengers children asking to be held by her. Admittedly seeing everyone so happy and spending the afternoon with her fiancé made it worth it. Also Natasha would probably be able to show her how to get the stains out.
“Want to queue up the next song?” Sam nudged her handing over his phone that was connected to speakers. Giddily Y/N took the phone and went through the approved barbecue playlist as Killer Queen started to play, she continued to scroll as her head bopped to the song. Finding the perfect one she handed the phone over to Sam’s significant other Lou who kissed her on the cheek. 
Bucky and Steve were sharing a phone screen laughing at whatever video it was they were watching, probably one of Alpine that Bucky had taken. Getting up from her chair Y/N stood beside Steve’s and brushed her right hand across his broad shoulders, goosebumps started to rise on his skin as she leaned in to brush her lips beside his ear. 
“Come dance with me, Stevie please?" the blonde's face blushed as his fiance turned away from him making her way back towards the dancing couples. “Punk if you don't I sure as hell will.” Steve turned to give his best friend a glare just as the baritone voice sang out, jumping to his feet.
“I had a thought, dear, however scary, about that night, the bugs and the dirt. Why were you digging? What did you bury? Before those hands pulled me from the earth.” Steve rushed to Y/N’s side, a small smile on her face her fiance placed his face at her time taking in the scent of lavender and mint, while his hands rested at her hips. Y/N’s arms circled his neck interlocking her hands, eyes closing she placed her heads against his chest over his heart. As Hozier sang the couple just swayed from side to side, loving each other.
“I could not ask you where you came from. I could not ask and neither could you. Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips, we could just kiss like real people do.” As the song came to an end Steve and Y/N’s eyes met, she was biting her lip, a look of worry was in her eyes. 
“What?” Looking placed his hands on Y/N’s face doing everything he could to ease the worry in his fiancés face. 
“Just, how would I live without you?” Steve scoffed and pulled Y/N into his arms, hugging her close, “You’ll never have to live without me, I’m going anywhere. I love you.”
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2nd Time:
“Well son her mother would have loved you and I’m so proud to have you joining our family.” Andy clapped his daughters fiancé on the shoulder, before looking out on the dance floor to see all four of his children dancing together to the Macarena having a good time. 
“I’m lucky to have her Andy and I love both her and this family.” Steve assured Y/N’s father how much he loved her as the song came to an end. The DJ for the reception started to walk towards Y/N’s  sister and her husband. 
Y/N stood between her brothers playfully nudging each other like they used to do as kids. Suddenly it was quiet in the reception hall, both her and Steve were looking at Y/N’s sister and her husband who smiled at everyone, but they were staring at Y/N. 
“I need my sister Y/N and her fiancé Steve to come up here for a second.” Y/N’s brothers pushed her forward, suddenly glad she had exchanged her heels for converse 4 or 5 songs back. Steve and she met halfway there, hands grasping at each other as their fingers intertwined. The blonde leaned over and kissed the crown of his fiancé's face making her blush as they reached Legacie and Michael. 
“This weekend was actually supposed to be the weekend that Y/N and Steve got married, but 6 months ago I came to my sister and told her I was pregnant. Y/N knew Michael and I would want to move our wedding up, Y/N and Steve immediately asked if I would like to take their wedding and for that we are so thankful. The thing about my sister is she is just like our mom, always giving and so loving, it makes so much sense why Steve fell in love with my little sister. I got to thinking a way to thank you and that is dedicating a song to you, your favorite song as a kid.” Legacie passed the microphone back to the DJ, before she reached over kissing her little on the cheek. Y/N looked at her sister before her jaw dropped and her cheeks turned pink as the keyboard of the popular ’90s Australian pop singer hit started to play. 
“I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish. I'll be your fantasy, I'll be your hope, I'll be your love. Be everything that you need.” Y/N still holding onto Steve’s hand turned to stand in front of him and looked up at him. 
“Will you dance with my love?” with a smile on his face, Steve didn't even verbalize his answer, he just gave a tug of her hand pulling her body closer to his, as other couples joined them on the dance floor.
“I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me. I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea.I want to live like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me.” As they continued to dance among Legacie and Michale's family and friends, he tried to imagine how he would live without her in his life. He had an answer before the song was even over he knew a life without Y/N was no life at all. 
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3rd Time:
She was trying really hard not to cry but it felt but it was 3:12 in the morning, it was raining, it looked like Bucky had finished off the rest of her Ben and Jerry Star Spangled Berry Swirl, and Friday was playing her I got the blues playlist. Boy did she have the blues, she shouldn’t though, it was November, the holiday season was in full swing, but it was as if her heart wasn’t in it. 
Then the piano kicked in and the tears really started. 
“Look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me.”
Steve down the hall in bed they shared hearing sniffles of his fiancé, got out of bed, grabbing her cardigan from ottoman at the foot of the bed. Y/N stood at the kitchen island sipping a cup of hot tea as Bryan Adams sang. 
“Darling?” Steve came up behind her and placed the over side article of clothing over shoulder, kissing her temple. Setting the steaming cup of lavender and blueberries down, Y/N turned around to look him in the eyes, with tears still coming down. 
“Dance with me Stevie, please?” with a little lift of the right side of his lips. Steve pulled Y/N to him, placing her head over his heartbeat, he encased her his arms and started to sway them. 
“Don't tell me, it’s not worth fightin' for. I can't help it, there’s  nothin' I want more. You know it's true, everything I do, I do it for you.”
“I can’t live without you Stevie.” Y/N whispered into the night as she looked out at the rain coming down in the night. 
“And you won't have to," Steve promised. 
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4th Time:
It was finally the New Year, 12:01 on January 1st to be exact and everyone was partying at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, thanks to Pepper and Tony. Peter Quill and his friends had made it, Thor with Jane, Carol Danver, Monica Rambeau with her friends Jimmy Woo and Darcy, Fantastic Four, Peter Parker had brought his best friend Ned and girl friend MJ, all the Avengers were there, even the Wakanda gang was accounted for, the place was packed. It seemed as if the bad guys were in need of a day off. 
Steve stood a few feet away from Y/N who was dancing with Natasha, Clint, Shuri, Peter, MJ, Wanda, Scott, Johnny, Groot, Darcy, Sam, Lou, and Jimmy Woo, they were all dancing to thank u, next, laughing and having a good time. Lou was currently on Sam's shoulders making the Bucky who was beside Steve, hoot’d, as he took a shot from the Asgardian mead. It was great for Steve to see all his friends and family to be letting loose. 
Y/N walked over as the song came to a closure and pulled Steve in for a kiss earning a cheer from the group they had surrounded themselves with. Blushing they pulled apart as the familiar violin started to play across the room, making the room erupt cheers yet again. Tonight’s crowd was easily pleased, who knew all it took was alcohol, food, friends, and good music? 
As the drum kicked in, Y/N’s head started to bop her foot tapping along, grabbing Steve’s hand she started to pull him towards the group, grabbing Bucky’s hand along the way. 
“Steve can I have this dance?” Looking over her shoulder as she got ready to start jumping up and down, Steve looked at her as if he had to think on it, but stopped when Bucky hit him in the bicep. “Not with the metal arm, and yes!”
“Come on Eileen! Oh, I swear, what he means. At this moment you mean everything, you in that dress. My thoughts I confess, verge on dirty. Oh, come on Eileen.” The group's form of dancing was jumping up and dancing, moving their heads side to side, throwing in mixed moves, like the sprinkler or epaule here and there. It was just about letting go. Steve and Y/N danced together with the fingers of their left-right hands interlaced jumping up and down, throwing their heads back and forth like they were at a rock concert. 
As Bucky danced with his best friend and the girl that had become like a sister to him, he couldn't picture their lives without one another. There was no Steve without Y/N in it, no Y/N without Steve. They were so madly, deeply in love, that to lose the other it would be close to losing themselves. He vowed at that moment to do whatever it took to always bring Steve home and to always protect Y/N for him. 
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The 1 Time Steve Asked Y/N to Dance:
“This is the best birthday gift I could ever ask for!” Bucky raised his glass of bourbon to the crowded room, before he leaned down to place a kiss on Y/N’s cheek. He had just given his best man speech congratulating his best friend on finding his soulmate who made him happy, and on his retirement. Lou leaned forward putting their arms around Y/N’s shoulders swaying, making the bride laugh as the best friends hugged. 
Steve took the microphone from Sam and pulled Y/N away from her best friend, confused she looked up at him. The room was silent with all eyes on them, as it had been since the moment she stepped out onto the wooden boardwalk Pepper’s people had built leading to the dock, everyone’s eyes had been on them. 
“Through this whole wedding process my wife has been so incredibly patient with me. Originally I just said whatever you want Y/N it’s your day, but she would scrunch her face up, for her family they know what I’m talking about, the one where she doesn’t like something or doesn’t understand, anyways. Lou, Y/N’s best friend and the perfect person for Sam came to me said,
“Rogers for a superhero, you are pretty dense, the wedding day is both your big day. This is a day you both are going to look back on, tell your children about and share with your family and friends. Don’t make her plan it and make all the choices on her own.” Steve looked down at Y/N and smiled, as his wife laughed and gave her best friends hand a tight squeeze before letting it go. 
“So I did what I could, your napkins I chose, thank you very much, your centerpieces though, you are going to have to take that up with the my beautiful wife’s cousin, Willow, she handmaid these beautiful pieces for us, so we could reuse them in our winery and barn.” Willow blew the couple a kiss making the crowd laugh as Y/N caught it and stumbled back, before throwing one back just as extravagantly. 
“Anyways the reason I’m up here is because I really didn’t do that much, but I made a promise to my wife that I, the man out of time, could pick the song we dance to as a married couple.” Turning his body so now the newlyweds were now facing each other, Sam took the microphone holding it up to Steve's mouth, as Steve held both Y/N’s hands in his.
“Steve we’ve talked about this you’re right where you need to be.” Steve just nodded his head and kissed her on the lips getting a few people in the crowd cheering. Bucky, Sam, Lou, and Y/N’s siblings are motioned for the crowd to quiet down. 
“I admit I waited till last night to e-mail our DJ Ned and tell him our song. But to be fair if it hadn’t been for a talk I had while sleeping at Sam’s and him playing this song we probably would just have some random song. Thank you Sam for saving the day.” Sam pulled the microphone telling the couple it was no problem really. 
“With that all said and done, Mrs. Rogers can I have this dance?” Laughing Y/N nodded as they made their way around the tables holding hands waving to their family and friends. Ned Leeds, was the nights DJ, thanks to coming recommended by his friend Peter Parker, this was his hobby by a means to pay for college and his growing obsession of Star Wars Legos. As soon as the couple had made it to the center of the faux hardwood dance floor, he hit play.
“How do I get through one night without you? If I had to live without you, what kind of life would that be?”
Y/N let a gasp slip past her lips as the familiar country song played. Her arms held onto Steve’s shoulders, while he held onto her hips, they did their usual sway, there was no need for fancy footing or putting on a show. This was just them being them, in love, sharing that love with a room full of their closest family friends. 
“I promised you, you wouldn’t have to know what it was like to live without me, and you won’t either of you.” Y/N looked up at him placing a kiss on his soft lips, letting a few tears of happiness slip. This is what contentment felt like, to feel whole, be loved, and find that perfect person. 
“How do I live without you? How do I live without you, baby? How do I live?”
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22nd August >> Mass Readings (USA)
Our Lady, Mother and Queen
Monday, Twenty First Week in Ordinary Time.
Our Lady, Mother and Queen
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Isaiah 9:1-6
A son is given us.
The people who walked in darkness    have seen a great light; Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom    a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy    and great rejoicing, As they rejoice before you as at the harvest,    as men make merry when dividing spoils. For the yoke that burdened them,    the pole on their shoulder, And the rod of their taskmaster    you have smashed, as on the day of Midian. For every boot that tramped in battle,    every cloak rolled in blood,    will be burned as fuel for flames.
For a child is born to us, a son is given us;    upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero,    Father-Forever, Prince of Peace. His dominion is vast    and forever peaceful, From David’s throne, and over his kingdom,    which he confirms and sustains By judgment and justice,    both now and forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this!
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
R/ Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
Praise, you servants of the LORD,    praise the name of the LORD. Blessed be the name of the LORD    both now and forever.
R/ Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
From the rising to the setting of the sun    is the name of the LORD to be praised. High above all nations is the LORD;    above the heavens is his glory.
R/ Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
Who is like the LORD, our God, who is enthroned on high    and looks upon the heavens and the earth below?
R/ Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
He raises up the lowly from the dust;    from the dunghill he lifts up the poor To seat them with princes,    with the princes of his own people.
R/ Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation
cf. Luke 1:28
Alleluia, alleluia. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women. Alleluia, alleluia.
Luke 1:26-38
You will conceive in your womb and bear a son.
The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And coming to her, he said, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his Kingdom there will be no end.” But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” And the angel said to her in reply, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God.” Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Monday, Twenty First Week in Ordinary Time.
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the feria (Monday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
2 Thessalonians 1:1-5, 11-12
May the name of our Lord Jesus be glorified in you and you in him.
Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the Church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
   We ought to thank God always for you, brothers and sisters, as is fitting, because your faith flourishes ever more, and the love of every one of you for one another grows ever greater. Accordingly, we ourselves boast of you in the churches of God regarding your endurance and faith in all your persecutions and the afflictions you endure.
   This is evidence of the just judgment of God, so that you may be considered worthy of the Kingdom of God for which you are suffering.
   We always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of faith, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, in accord with the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 4-5
R/ Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations.
Sing to the LORD a new song;    sing to the LORD, all you lands. Sing to the LORD; bless his name.
R/ Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations.
Announce his salvation, day after day. Tell his glory among the nations;    among all peoples, his wondrous deeds.
R/ Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations.
For great is the LORD and highly to be praised;    awesome is he, beyond all gods. For all the gods of the nations are things of nought,    but the LORD made the heavens.
R/ Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations.
Gospel Acclamation
John 10:27
Alleluia, alleluia. My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. Alleluia, alleluia.
Matthew 23:13-22
Woe to you, blind guides.
Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You lock the Kingdom of heaven before men. You do not enter yourselves, nor do you allow entrance to those trying to enter.
   “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You traverse sea and land to make one convert, and when that happens you make him a child of Gehenna twice as much as yourselves.
   “Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘If one swears by the temple, it means nothing, but if one swears by the gold of the temple, one is obligated.’ Blind fools, which is greater, the gold, or the temple that made the gold sacred? And you say, ‘If one swears by the altar, it means nothing, but if one swears by the gift on the altar, one is obligated.’ You blind ones, which is greater, the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred? One who swears by the altar swears by it and all that is upon it; one who swears by the temple swears by it and by him who dwells in it; one who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him who is seated on it.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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I don’t play WoW but I used to play Overwatch and Diablo and this touches on just the general issues that are inside of Activision Blizzard right now regarding the major decline of World of Warcraft and how they’re losing to Final Fantasy XIV, how if the latest WoW expansion or Overwatch 2 flop as they’re projected to do then Blizzard’s most definitely going to pivot almost entirely to mobile games, and how the differences in age demographics are actually dividing the company into multiple camps.
It’s important to note two things: 1) this could be fake but also 2) the link came from Grummz, a former team lead on WoW and producer on Diablo II and Starcraft. It still could be fake despite this, but if he’s sharing it then I feel like there’s at least some measure of truth in this.
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Transcription below in case this gets deleted and/or you don’t wanna click the link. Warning, it’s fairly long.
“I’m dropping this here after getting chewed out for three hours over shit the chewee did at work so fuck it. Assume larp and let me vent.”
>Shadowlands is a shitshow. Critical response, Player drop off and just about every engagement metric outside of cash shop have been catastrophic. No higher up expected this because of their “we are too big to fail, if we built it they will come” mentality. They refuse to accept their focus on the world being a begrudged mechanic to funnel players to raiding is not appealing to the player base at large because it appeals to them. They have spent the last 4 months trying to course correct but there is no solid direction and the response to 9.1 has only made things worse.
>Sylvanas is planned to replace the Arbiter despite so many people in the company and god knows how many online saying this would be a total replication of Kerrigans storyline in Starcraft 2 that killed none competitive interest in the brand entirely and you can only go “no, no they WILL like it eventually” for so many real world years before its time to change course. Thus far that has not happened.
>The elephant in the room is FFXIV. To the people in charge they are acting like this came out of nowhere and don’t even seem to understand why its drawing players away in their tens of thousands. We have all tried to highlight things it is doing that are clearly appealing to an mmo audience and not, in my opinion, focussing more on mobile game style retention traps to keep MAU users and habit forming personalities logging in. Its not that they don’t care. They just seem so pig headed and digging their heels in with their fingers in their ears thinking all the problems will go away because WoW is “too big to fail”, there will never be real competition and “they will keep coming back”. But they aren’t coming back anymore. Not in the numbers they used to.
>The people making the spending choices know this. The new model for WoW is market the hell out of a expansion pack for a huge quarter then use 6 month lock ins to pad numbers for the quarters after that. Even if corona had not happened 9.1 still would have been dropping after the initial 6 month subs expired to “keep the chain holding”.
>The mood in the company is tense but also very much “its just a rough transition period”. Activision has been pushing hard for Blizzard to release more regular product and to generate more income per user. As far as i know this is going to be a transition over the next 5 years to a much larger mobile/tablet gaming focus. By all accounts not just WoW but Overwatch was intended to be the moneymaker in the interim but once again someone had the bright idea to kill a game casual players loved on the alter of e-sports hoping for another Brood War. From what i hear the “told you so’s” were loud and a lot of people walked beyond Kaplan.
>The sentiment that was shared quietly in private but being spoken more often is simply that the leadership at Blizzard are not bad people, nor incompetent people but people who had to fill seats left when the old guard jumped ship wether they were suited for it or not. Brack is a genuinely good man out of his depth, Ion is a fantastic raid designer put in charge of designing a virtual world he has no interest or real ideas for and so on. They have been taking form the roles they excel at to be put in positions where they get to do far less of that purely because there is nobody left with the experience to do so and the trickle down is a lack of concrete direction, ambition and focus.
>2021 has seen the playerbase, media and gaming at large “turn” on WoW to a degree i don’t think the leads in their “positivity dojo” bubble considered possible. Its gone from people going “This is how Blizz needs to fix WoW!” to “WoW is no longer salvageable, time for greener pastures” and i think on some level this was never considered as a possibility so there have never been any major plans beyond the usual “try and minimise player drop off by arranging releases around competitors launching updates/products”. The official forums being filled with talk of FFXIV and worse “why do we actually pay a sub?” hasn’t helped.
>There have been some testing the waters lately from certain higher ups if we can remove the line “No King Rules Forever”. Read into that what you will.
>There are still arguments going on about the Kael’thas Voice actor shitshow. I don’t know much about it but i know its heated, wouldn’t be the first time a knee jerk reaction only seemed to generate bad press. We lost a noticeable amount of pvp engagement after the Swifty thing.
>The Preach interview was treated as a disaster and there was talk of more strongly vetting interviewers for “bad actors” and only engaging with a list of questions Blizzard provides. Some pointed out that could just be used to create some form of Fireside Chat akin to the FFXIV “Live letters” but that fell on deaf ears.
>The two sentiments right now among the team are either “we really need a win” or “theres a dedicated cabal of internet trolls out to kill WoW”. Right now we are crunching hard to get 9.2 ready to wrap up the jailors storyline so we can get an expansion out early 2022. If that doesn’t happen there are talks of major shakeups coming down from Activision that have been threatened for a few  years now. Its an all hands on deck feeling thats been around to some degree since the “Is this an out of season April Fools Joke” Blizzcon. A make or break deadline is coming closer and things like Diablo 4 were not planned before then. Blizzard needs a significant win not just in initial profit but consumer goodwill. Nobody likes working at what the public now seems to see as “the bad guy” of the mmo industry.
>This has also made new hires decline. Not significantly but the “you WANT Blizzard on your resume” line doesn’t seem to have the appeal it used to. This has lead to more hiring via friend of a friend, to some rumblings about nepotism, and people severely lacking in experience “because they get great twitter optics”.
>On the topic of Twitter we are not being told to “disengage” from it. Multiple employees like Nervig and Holisky publicly attacking paying customers because they got too heated and couldn’t keep quiet is bad press that could have been avoided. A email reminder has gone around more than once lately stating “if you are not customer relations you should not be representing the company to customers, especially if you cannot remain professional”.
>Lastly the biggest elephant in the room is “yo’ boy” Asmongold. The newer hires cannot stand him. They have used terms like “toxic masculinity” and “dogwhistles to dangerous males” while some of the oldest crowd still remaining have called him “based” or “telling it like it is” which has lead to friction to put it mildly. People are told not to talk about him and the recent FFXIV stuff only made it all worse. The idea that an outside element can have such an effect on the product genuinely upsets people. Like Zach is engaging in some malicious act of cyberwarfare. Many of us have point out the now famous quotes by Naoki Yoshida about understanding that players will drift and we need to make something worth coming back to because they want to but some people for lack of a better word see out customers -or “consumers” as they refer to them nowadays- as some kind of antagonistic relationship where the goal is not being an entertainer putting on a show for a crowd but some kind of game hunter trying to trap a large, profitable kill. I wish i could blame Activision but this is a sentiment from more of the younger crowd than the “tech boomers”. Which personal opinion is probably why so many folks like Metzen and Morheim left.
>Before you ask, yes the topic of “wokeness” has shown up in group talks. Its not all some grand sjw conspiracy, people really do want to feel welcome and represented. However the “we need everything veto’ed by people not working on it to see if its inoffensive and bland enough” rubs some of us the wrong way. Like anything in life you can take something too far and lose sight of the core ideals and with everything gone on since Blitzchung it feels like people are forming little factions to pull people in different directions to decide “What Blizzards identity is now” and how to appeal to new players. There has been some drop offs with “go woke go broke” as the only answer in the survey when unsubbing but honestly we are losing subs in unforseen numbers anyway and still making more money than ever through cash shop “heavy users” so it honestly doesn’t make an impact.
>All in all things are rough right now. Blizzard doesn’t have the love of the customers anymore, is no longer treated as an industry giant and while D4,D2R and Immortal aren’t going to kill Diablo even if they fail the sentiment for World of Warcraft and Overwatch 2 are a lot more tense and stressful. The phrase “it might be good to brush up on your mobile development portfolio if we get another underperformer” has been doing the rounds a lot. If Shadowlands continues its stark decline and Overwatch 2 is looking to underperform like its current projections suggest i think the Blizzard of a few years from now will be imitating King a lot more than trying to learn any lessons from Square Enix’s mmo division.
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cupidyg · 3 years
Everything Grows: Spring Day goes on
On self growth of memories within, and the importance of winter.
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This is my entry for the monthly even celebrating the lyricism of BTS, WordsByBangtan. The account on twitter is @wordsby_bangtan, whereas the hashtag on Twitter to find all the entries is #WordsByBangtan. The theme of this month was growth.
All the translations are taken from doolsetbangtan.wordpress.com.
“Everything Grows.”
Spring Day goes on
On self growth of memories within, and the importance of winter.
Topic table:
1- the memories in our hearts to experience as well seasons;
/ to plant a tree in our heart. /
2- seasons of our hearts in contrast to the outside reality;
3- life goes on, we go on;
4- winter arrives: the part of the cycle;
/ the night before the day, winter before spring. : acceptance. /
5- the importance of the role of winter: we shed to grow again;
6- shedding: part of growth.
everything grows. a simple statement made of a subject and a verb that speaks of continuance, time, to which we can grow upon many interpretations of being. everything grows, the trees, the seasons, time, we grow. we grow, and what within us has rooted. memories, feelings, in an inner cycle of shedding.
in this analysis on growth and cycling, winter and longings, i will walk among the lyrics of the many solacing work of art Spring day, in which a long lesson, narration of growth rests, inside a tale of missing a dear friend. analysing words and concepts, we will learn how winter can mean much and too much reach, in our hearts and in the nature being.
as if we’re picking of a grown flower the petals, let’s begin from the first lines and parts of the song, in which the setting is presented, entering the postcard of the setting. a winter that prevents things to grow as distance is to grow, a photograph of a memory stuck in stillness like the stillness of the season can bring.
the expression “보고 싶다” to miss, contains the verb “보다” to see. missing can then be “i want to see you”, correlated to the next line about “seeing” the picture. the stillness of memories and a picture stuck in the winter of being divided doesn’t know continuance or movement, growth, as there is division.
보고 싶다
I miss you
이렇게 말하니까 더 보고 싶다
Saying this out loud makes me miss you more
너희 사진을 보고 있어도
Though I’m looking at your picture,
“your” here is plural.
보고 싶다
I still miss you
너무 야속한 시간
Time is too cruel
therefore too this distance is 야속한 “야속하다” cruel, cold hearted. the correspondence of the “cold heart” figures how a heart that is in winter and cold doesn’t let love, memories grow. yet before things must grow again, “missing, longing” must shed and fall, to let the flowering of spring come back.
here we could even read too a personification of spring in the person that we wait to come back to in a translation of circumstances, if there is spring there is the person back yet too if the person is back, it’s spring. we connect seasons to feelings.
그리움들이 얼마나 눈처럼 내려야
How much longings must fall like snow
그 봄날이 올까
before that spring day arrives
as “내리다” means to fall, it includes this sense of both time that has to pass but too the previous leaves to be let down and let new growth begin or too continue, letting the period of enclosure go. even if flowers grow in the then, memories haven’t stopped reaching a stall.
the season of the world becomes a synonym of inner cycle, picturing. when winter ends, then spring will grow back. love grows, memoring grows when the time too can grow. yet we deeply request those memories to stay and blossom like flowers do.
추운 겨울 끝을 지나
Past the edge of cold winter,
다시 봄날이 올 때까지
until the spring day comes again,
꽃 피울 때까지
until the flowers bloom,
그곳에 좀 더 머물러줘
please stay there a while longer
life goes on, the inner growth goes on. but people “change”, or is it a discrepancy with the image of the friend that has grown in our memories and on the outside too. of those we love we grow a tree of love that roots down in the past, often a reason why we feel distance in that positively arrived spring.
니가 변한 건지
Would it be that you’ve changed
아니면 내가 변한 건지
or I’ve changed
“not even for a day i forgot”, the past grows within us. we live the present and grow in the present keeping the past to live again in the future what is “long gone”.
넌 떠났지만
Though you left,
단 하루도 너를 잊은 적이 없었지 난
even for a day, I haven’t forgotten you
perceptions meet the cycle of life, cycles intersecating and interfering, colliding in emotions, sparks and pieces emanated.
therefore “growth” is a double sided progressing. as if growth can mean progression and spring the metaphor in the seasons, coming to spring can also mean coming in touch with other’s springs. rotting thoughts and expectations, what before meant for us spring can remain a withering winter forever.
in the progression for winter to shift into spring, we must realize that erasure, “이만 너를 지울게” “i’ll erase you now”, is a needed and positive step for spring to go on. in a connection with Life goes on, letting out a memory can mean to let out what brought winter. “blowing you(who makes my heart ache) out of my heart, like white smoke”, white smoke of winter, the breath we form in cold temperatures.
시린 널 불어내 본다
I try blowing out you who aches my heart
연기처럼 하얀 연기처럼
like smoke, like white smoke
말로는 지운다 해도
Though I say that I’ll erase you,
사실 난 아직 널 보내지 못하는데
I can’t actually let you go yet
in juxtaposition with Life Goes On, “when winter comes, let’s exhale an even warmer breath”, to match how we can be the spring in the winter.
shedding memories away, breathing them out, can bring spring back in our hearts, even if letting a memory go means letting a piece of us go. the part in us that has grown, letting someone go like flowers down to blossom, represents the arrival for us too of spring.
the morning will come again, like spring will come again. because everything goes and everything grows and even if not lasting forever means for warmth, too for the cold that baffles our growth and yet, is a needed step for a progression to happen.
아침은 다시 올 거야
The morning will come again
어떤 어둠도 어떤 계절도
Because no darkness or no season
���원할 순 없으니까
can last forever
벚꽃이 피나봐요
It seems like the cherry blossoms are blooming
the darkness comes before the light, and so winter comes before spring. accepting the presence of winter and darkness means accepting the growth, knowing that luminosity happens if there was shadow. here too in a juxtaposition, “winter to end” means “spring”, said the way around to underline how this winter is needed too.
the negative of something is the positive of another something, therefore too blossoming is the image of moving on again and happening. the flowers that have formed up during winter can blossom in spring, we ourselves can blossom having let go of what was interfering with our growth.
in conclusion, there wouldn’t be spring without winter kept memories. there wouldn’t be a blossoming without stillness being part of the cycle. everything grows and times goes even when everything stands still.
we grow like seasons, seasons grow within us. memories like snowflakes, time goes like petals of flowers. everything grows within us too, yet everything grows around. the pages of the book you’re reading, the time inside the picture you’re watching, the people in your remembering.
you’re allowed to shed what doesn’t let your seasons progress to spring, you’re allowed to still in winter to prepare for your spring from time to bring. if we loved and love, it doesn’t mean that what has been spring can’t turn in winter too.
everything grows, everything lives. everything part of the growth of a cycle that always continues, and truthfully, for nobody ever going to leave. erasure to regenerate, at place again create.
everything grows.
leaning translations taken from:
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taeyohonic · 4 years
Zero Percent
Summary: There is a zero percent chance the Park Jimin likes you, right?
Pairing: Jimin x fem!Reader
Genre: College AU, Golden Boy!Jimin, Actor!Jimin, Group Project Hell
Warnings: swearwords, one scene where the reader gets groped without consent (obviously not by Jimin)
Words: 5k
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Monday – 9:47 am – PoliSci lecture
Everybody likes Park Jimin. Not only is he the star of the drama department – making the Dean cry with his performance as Hamlet during freshmen year. No, he is also the head of the Environmental Club and part of the most elusive fraternities on campus.
Park Jimin is kind, smart and handsome. The guy is constantly surrounded by fellow frat brothers, drooling girls and you even heard a story about a stray kitten following Jimin around, resulting in him adopting the little cat.
So, you aren’t really surprised when he doesn’t remember you – you only share two classes and one lecture with him. It does sting a bit, though.
“And you are?”, the golden star asks, looking at you with friendly distance in his eyes.
“_______”, you answer.
It follows an awkward silence – all four of you staring at each other with unease. There is no greater hell than group projects. You’ve got no friends, or even acquaintances, in this course. It isn’t like you are a recluse. You just have a very small circle of friends. And you don’t have any desire to change that.
“Well”, Jimin begins and unlocks his iPhone, “let’s start with a shared google docs.” Now he hands his device over to the girl with thick rimmed glasses. She looks like murder and you are woman enough to admit you’re a bit afraid of her. She does start your 8 am lecture with an energy drink and cold pizza. every. single. week.
“We could meet up before class next week to divide the parts among us?”, the guy to your right offers and you haven’t ever heard him speak before. He usually just sits in class and doodles in his sketchbooks. The red one he is resting on right now is the third book you’ve seen him use in the last month.
Your eyes widen as his words reach your tired brain. Meeting up before class? Before 8 am?
The girl gives you Jimin’s phone and you add your contacts half-minded. There is not even a single crack on his screen. Is this guy even real?
“How about after class?”, Jimin suggests instead and winks at you. You nearly drop his phone when you see his left eye closing in mischief. Did Jimin really just wink at you?
“Nah, I’m packed till practice”, the guy answers and takes the iPhone out of your hands.
“What about this weekend?”, the girl asks and opens her calendar.
“I could manage Sunday afternoon”, Jimin says and stores his phone back in his jeans. His way too tight jeans. The jeans you’ve been staring at all through lunch today. He was wrestling for … uhm… fun with one of his brothers – Jungkook you think – and his ass was just… very present pressed against the denim.
“Sounds good”, the sketch guy says and the girl nods in agreement. Now all of them look at you; the person that did in fact have plans for Sunday. But you doubt they’d be very understanding of your self-care day off from the week.
“Yeah, sure”, you agree reluctantly and fish out your own smartphone, an old grandfather of Jimin’s model with many cracks littering the screen. Without looking up, you delete the do not disturb block in your calendar and create a new appointment: group project politics.
“We can meet up at the PoliSci library; I’ll get us a study room”, Jimin says and stands up – his tights directly in your eyesight. There is a hint of blush on your cheeks as you pack your things together yourself.
“Great”, the other guy cheers – way too enthusiastic – and departs from your group. His sketchbook is raised as he waves at you. You turn around to the others and they are both gone too. Well, what did you expect from a group assignment worth 15% of your grade with random people? Did you see Jimin’s back as he exited the lecture room? Maybe. And did your eyes lay a bit longer on his butt? It’d be a crime if they didn’t.
Wednesday – 10:03 pm – dorm room
“No way!”, your roommate shouts, her voice a shrill pain in your head. “Not the Park” You just nod, your late-night ramen hot on your tongue.
“How did you manage that?”, she asks and nibs on some seaweed crackers.
“Random assignment”, you mutter as you swallow down your food.
“You lucky, lucky bitch!” She throws one half-eaten cracker in your face.
“It’s a group project, not a blind date, Jisoo.”
There is a zero percent chance that the Park Jimin is even slightly interested in you. But then you remember his wink and you up your chances to three percent.
“Let’s get some beer to celebrate!”, your roommate suggests and totally ignores your unenthusiastic posture. The day was long – after working a shift at the kiosk on campus.
“I’m tired”, you whine, but your body moves as you get dragged to your feet by Jisoo. “My noodles”, you cry. She just rolls her eyes and pushes the warm cup into your hands. “Eat them on the way.”
You grumble the whole walk to the kiosk you worked just a few hours ago. There are so much more options to get two cans of beer at 10 pm on a Wednesday, but you do get a 5% employee discount – plus the 20% for being a student.
“Do you think he’ll invite you to the fancy parties?”, Jisoo wonders and swings your entwined hands between you. Your other hand holds your food – you want to save the rest up for drinking.
“Before or after I bear his heir?” Jimin’s fraternity is legendary for its exclusive parties. In contrast to most frats, theirs is known for the tight circle of invites. These events had a hand-picked guestlist, no cheap alcohol in sight. There were even rumors that Jimin makes all partygoers use reusable cups to reduce plastic trash. You do remember reading about this in one of the columns of your university paper.
“You’ll be fat after birth, so preferably before”, she reasons. You nod – true.
“I ain’t see any fat”, a male voice slurs and then you feel hands on your butt. You turn around, recognizing a squeeze before the hand leaves your body. As you see the guy who touched you, you feel fear setting in your bones. There are three of them and they do look very drunk. The darkened ally is not the most favorable spot to meet jerks. You can see the light from your store coming up ahead, but it’s late and deserted and they touched you.
“HEY”, Jisoo shouts and moves in front of your body. “NO TOUCHING WITHOUT CONCENT!”
His two friends are shocked by her loud outbreak and take a step back, but the toucher is still standing his ground. “Yo, be chill, bitch”, he says. Oh, he did not. Before you can even think about it, your arm moves on its own account. The lukewarm soup and the noodles splash in his face, coating his shirt and dripping on the cement. The guy’s eyes widen in surprise, but then they light up with anger. Shit. “Shit”, Jisoo whispers out loud.
And then Park Jimin is there, pushing in front of you. He creates a human wall between you and the three guys. His body heaves as he breathes in fast intervals. He must have run after he heard Jisoo’s shouting.
“Back off”, the golden boy says with a calm voice. His blond hair is so close, you are sure you can smell his eucalyptus shampoo.
“Hey man, this is between me and these two bitches”, the other guy answers, insulting you again.
“You’ve got a minute till my brothers catch up”, Jimin states. “Go. Now.”
Maybe the guy was too far gone, alcohol clouding his judgment, but he needs his two buddies nearly dragging him away from you. They whisper in his ears, half bowing to Jimin. “So sorry, man”, one of them says, clearly having recognized the star student even in the dark.
Jimin doesn’t react. Instead, he turns around to you and you get to look at his angered face. “Why are you two out here? Alone? In the middle of the night? Where is your rape whistle? Hm?”, he asks. You just watch him with surprised eyes.
“Hmm?”, he questions again, stepping closer to you. Jisoo stares silently at Jimin. She has never spoken to him but has always been a strong advocate for watching his ass during lunch.
“Uhm”, you try to answer and swallow the fear from moments ago down. “We… we-were getting to the part?”
Jimin just scoffs in your face, clearly not impressed with your fumbled words. “What are you even doing out here at this time?”
You are slightly intimidated by his presence, so your finger shakes a bit as you point to the kiosk behind you. “We wanted beer.”
You have no idea how this happened. One second you were assaulted, then saved by Jimin. Now you’re sitting in front of the store, waiting for the guy to come back out. Jisoo is sitting next to you on the steps, her elbows on her knees. Then you hear the bell at the door and turn around to see Jimin juggling three beers under his right arm and a steaming cup of noodles in his left hand. He comes to a still before you and pushes the ramen in your hands. After that he places two bottles in front of your feet and crouches down facing you. Jimin’s face has cleared and he looks friendly enough.
“Thanks”, you whisper into your cup. Jisoo hums in agreement.
“I called one of my brothers. He’ll get the footage from one of the security cameras tomorrow”, he explains and twists his own beer open, taking a big swing.
“Why?”, you ask confused and blow at your noodles. Jimin’s eyebrows furrow.
“What do you mean why? So, we can write these bastards up”, he says, and you gasp in surprise, the noodles falling back into the cup.
“You’d… do that for us? Even though you haven’t even seen him… uhm… grabbing me?”, you question in wonder. Why would he go out on a limb for you?
Jimin just rolls his eyes at you. “Of course, I’d do that.”
He is halfway through his beer when Jisoo decides to participate in this semi silent semi one-sided conversation.
“What … were you – you know – doing out this late?”, she wants to know in the softest tone you’ve ever heard her speak in.
Jimin’s hand combs through his hair, the thick strands parted by his fingertips. “I was on a date”, he answers casually.
“On a Wednesday?” Maybe not your smartest contribution because both let out a chuckle.
“Some people date during the week”, Jisoo snorts.
“Some people do meth, Jisoo. Doesn’t mean these are good life choices. Wait – Jimin… did you leave your date to…”
“To rescue two girls from danger? Yeah.”, he finishes for you and dusts invisible dirt from his shoulders. You roll your eyes at his puffed chest and eat another bite of your food.
“Nah, I’m just messing with you”, he laughs, “I was just on my way back from dropping her off at thes dorms.”
After that, there is an awkward silence. The three of you aren’t friends – there is no connection, common interest or shared anecdotes between you. Well, apart from your group project and his unborn son. Before you can start to ramble about the specifics of the – still empty – google docs he linked you in two days ago, his cell starts vibrating.
“Yeah?”, Jimin answers absently and collects your empty bottles to dispose them into the recycling bin. His conversation is muffled at best and you look at your roommate. Again, you hear the bell ring as your coworker Jaehyung closes the door and locks the store.
He smiles down at you. “Why didn’t you come inside, ______?”, he asks in greetings and gives you a quick hug. You hold your ramen in a vice grip – you’ll not lose your second midnight snack again.
“Jimin insisted he didn’t need the 5% extra discount”, you shrug and Jaehyung looks at you funny.
“Jimin?”, he wonders and steals a bite of your noodles. Is there even a god?
“That’ll be me”, the man in question responds and locks his iPhone as he joins the extended group.
“Ah, man… I loved how you absolutely killed it last week on stage”, Jaehyung praises and pats the lead actor on the back. You couldn’t agree more. You’d been there with all the student employees from the kiosk. Jaehyung made it his mission to justify the outing as a bonding experience and teamwork task to your boss.
“This one even had tears in her eyes”, he whispers in mock secrecy and points in your face. Jimin looks at you with an unspoken question on his lips. The actor stops studying you and moves his eyes to look at your coworker, who stands very closed to your sitting figure.
“Glad you enjoyed it”, Jimin mumbles and spares a small smile. “I… really have to get to the frat soon”, he starts, “so, … I’ll better get you two to your room now.”
Jisoo stands up in a heartbeat, dragging you up as well. He’s going to walk you home?
“Nah, don’t worry, man. I’ve got this!”, Jaehyung answers. Jimin’s face is blank as he musters the scene in front of him.
“I’d really like to know that you got back okay”, he reasons and looks pointedly at your coworker.
“Their dorm is waaay out of your way, man. Just let me handle this… It’s the same direction for me anyway”, Jaehyung tries to reason and you see Jimin’s eyes flash in frustration.
Jisoo is just looking between both men, not really sure how to react. Has Jimin an ulterior motive to walk you back? Does he even want to walk you back? Is it more than just soothing his conscious?
Maybe your chances of the Park Jimin being interested in you just upped from three to fifteen percent.
“Sure”, Jimin reluctantly agrees to Jaehyung’s plan and faces you, his stare zeroing in on you.
“Write me when you get home?”, he demands more than asks and you can only nod dumbfounded.
“Just,… let me give you my number so you’ll be able to text me”, Jimin reasons and stretches his hand out to get your phone. You look at him in confusion – you exchanged numbers two days ago during class. He was the one messaging all of you.  
“I… uhm… have your number”, you tell him. His eyes widen in surprise.
“Since when?”, the campus star asks and musters you in suspicion. Your face colors instantly, a deep red tone on your cheeks, as you realize that Jimin doesn’t remember you’re in his group assignment. He… doesn’t even recognize you. You feel so embarrassed, more so when Jisoo, too, sucks in her breathe.
“Uhm”, this is… very humiliating, “we’re i- in the same.. group for our PoliSci class.”
There is a beat of silence as you see even Jimin’s cheeks dusted with a hint of red.
“Ah, right, sorry”, he says and massages his neck uncomfortably. “I didn’t recognize you without your glasses.” Kill me now.
You just laugh and swallow down the bitter taste in your mouth while moving closer to your friend. Now, he thinks you’re the murderer? There is no mercy for your pride here.
“Let’s get going, ______”, Jisoo says, way too chipper and links your arms as she pulls you away from this disaster. “Thanks again, Jimin-ssi.”
“Yeah”, you agree and bow in front of him to cover the humiliation painted across your face.
Jimin bites on his bottom lip, all too tempted to reply, but settles for a swift nod.
Then the three of you walk away and ss soon as he is out earshot, Jaehyung looks at you.
“I have never seen you wearing glasses, ______”
Well, maybe your predictions were a bit off, maybe your chances with Jimin were no more than two percent.
Sunday – 4:32 pm – PoliSci library
“Should we… just start?”, you ask as Jimin fiddles with his tablet. You’re both seated in one of the small study rooms of your library. There is a half-empty box of chocolates between you. Jimin presented them with a shrug – they were a present he got after his last performance, the sweets a gift from one of his fanclubs… yeah… plural.
Other than that, there is your old laptop in the desk, some of the books from your professor’s reading list spread around the table, and an empty water bottle. What is not here, is the rest of the group.
You don’t have their numbers, Jimin being the organizer out of the four of you. His is the only number that is saved in your phone and was used last Wednesday. There was a small part of you – hell, who are you kidding? – a big part of you, that didn’t want to text Jimin. After the embarrassment died down that night, you were really angry. How could he? He winked at you one day and then forgot he even knows you the next day?
You wanted him to be ashamed; having him franticly messaging the wrong girl in his group would have served him right. And judging by the sheer joy this girl is, he’d have gotten an earful calling her at midnight.
But then you didn’t want to imagine him realizing he had the wrong girl. No, you wanted to be present. So, you texted him briefly and rescheduled the reveal for this Sunday, when he’d see both of you. And now you two are alone. Perfect planning, ______.
“You texted them, right?”, you ask for the tenth time and Jimin nods, picking one more praline from the box.
“Yeah, and I also called while you were peeing”, Jimin answers and pops the dark chocolate in his mouth.
“Don’t say that word”, you say.
“What? Pee?”, he laughs, “Be happy I didn’t say piss.”
“Now you said it too”, you whine.
“What else am I supposed to say, _______?” Oh, the right name; nice.
“Going to the toilette? Stepping out for a second? Leaving the room?”, you list and grab a sweet. The air between you both isn’t exactly uncomfortable. You’ve licked your wounds over the rest of the week and can see your partner for what he is, an overachiever.
He has much on his plate, so many appointments and engagements, it’s no wonder he doesn’t remember one of the hundred of faces on campus. So, you decided to forgive him… to a certain degree. The degree being, that a.) he doesn’t even know there is an issue and b.) your big revenge fell down the drain with your female partner being a non-show.
For the last half hour, the two of you talked, mainly about organisatory stuff like due-dates and presentation formats. But then you pointed to the box of chocolates and you both strayed into more private matters. You complimented him – again – for his performance and Jimin expressed his relief that he received all-around glowing reviews. He even shared that there was a casting coach at one of the stage nights. The golden boy’s eyes lit up, as he talked about the offer to sign a contract with this coach, who was one of the most in-demands in his profession.
“We could just divide the parts evenly among us and pick the ones most to our liking”, your partner offers and shares his tablet with you.
“I doodled with a few topics last night… what do you think, _____?”, he asks, and you look at his notes. Of course, his doodles look like your versions of an exposé.
Why does he have so much resources to prep for this meeting when he can’t even filter your face?
“Yeah, the second theme looks… uhm quite promising”, you say and move to enlarge his mind map. You’re sure the first proposal is just as good, but there were a few words that you don’t even know how to pronounce.
The two of you work productively for the next half hour, separating some key elements of the theory and choosing your own parts. Jimin – being the one coming up with the whole topic – let’s you pick first. You try to decline but he is very adamant.
After you added all your points into the shared document, the both of you pack away your things and Jimin throws away the empty box of chocolates. So much for a healthy afternoon snack.
Jimin is just happily telling you he’ll sleep in tomorrow because your professor canceled your shared lecture. You can’t agree more – having moved your self-care day to tomorrow instead. You’ll skip your tutoring session in the evening, so the whole day is yours. A smile stretches across your face and you hear Jimin stumble on his words as he looks at you.
“There is a party at my frat today, if you wanne come?”, he offers and slings his backpack over his shoulders. Wait… what?
“A Bangtan Party?”, you whisper-shout and look at him – the smile frozen on your lips.
Jimin looks a bit embarrassed as he sees your excitement.
“Yeah… I could set you on the guestlist?”, he say, a bit unsure. Your brain is working overtime. The Park Jimin wants you at his party? The girl he couldn’t even remember a few days ago? A mere group project fail?
“Really?”, you ask as you feel anticipation cursing through your veins.
“Really.” Jimin’s eyes are nearly closed, a bright smile pushing his cheeks up.
Maybe… Maybe your chances of the Park Jimin being interested in you are higher than you thought, now that he knows who you are. You’ll give yourself solid 20 percent. This party is one of the most exclusive affairs on campus, why else invite you if there isn’t some interest at his end?
“Cool”, you say, “can I bring my roommate?”
Jimin nods and holds open the door, closing and locking it behind him.
“I’ll see you tonight then?”, he asks instead of saying goodbye and moves away from you. You see Jungkook… and is that Namjoon?... waiting two aisles behind you, talking to each other in hushed voices. You wave at Jimin in affirmation and turn around.  
“Don’t you think this is way too short?”, you ask – your insecurity slipping right out as you brush over the fabric of your dark red metallic skirt. Jisoo and you have been getting ready for the last few hours, which entailed not only some very hairspray-intense styling but also a tree diagram being constructed on the back of your pre-game nachos. Your roommate collected and rated every clue you gave her regarding the Park Jimin mystery – of course only after she squealed for a good minute.
“No touching my stuff”, Jisoo scolds and knocks away your fidgeting hands. She added ten percent to your prediction because she upvoted him rescuing you – and staring at Jaehyung in frustration – way higher than his misjudgment of forgetting your name and face. Even thought you pointed out that Jimin was on a date clearly indicating he maybe isn’t even emotional available.
“Your stuff is on my body, though”, you argue as both of you walk to the frat house. Their house isn’t that far off campus but it still is a 20 minute walk. You’ve got your pepper spray with you this time even if you left your rape whistle at home. There are few students out this evening, tomorrow being Monday making most of them stay in tonight. Before you can take the last turn do that their house comes into view, there is a person calling your name from behind.
You look and see the sketchbook guy from your group project jogging towards you. Jisoo looks at you questionably, not recognizing him. There is suppressed anger on your face and you try really hard not to be too mean to the person who left you and Jimin waiting today.
“Yeah?”, you ask and look at the slightly out of breath guy now in front of you. He’s got a gym bag over his shoulders, his running shoes still on his feet.
“Good workout today?”, you add with slight sarcasm in your voice. There seems to be a slight issue in translation because he just smiles wider at you as he gives you a small bow.
“Thanks to you, of course”, he answers, and you are this close to hitting a person today.
“What?”, you hiss and try to control your anger. This useless excuse of a PoliSci major will not lower your standards. Now the guy looks at you with a puzzled expression on his face – clearly not expecting you to me so hostile.
“You know? Yo- you and Jimin offering to do the selecting and dividing by yourselves really helped me out today.” Come again?
“What?”, you repeat this time without venom in your voice. His face moves to the side as he musters you carefully.
“Uhm… Jimin called on Thursday… telling us not to bother coming on Sunday”, he explains slowly as if you’re the dumb one. Jimin did what?
“What?”, you ask for a third time and now he and Jisoo look at you with worry.
“He.. he.. I mean Jimin – he mentioned that you two were totally fine with doing it alone… Mina and I offered to finalize and proofread the presentation in return”, he continues and you are just confused. So, so confused.
Why would Jimin lie to them – and to you?
“Ehm.. I’m sorry…”, you look at him sheepishly. He seems to understand and adds “Wobin”.
“Yeah, right… Wobin… this is a huge misunderstanding … let me – uhm talk to Jimin”, you say, the confusion slowing down your word flow.
Wobin looks at Jisoo in question and she just shrugs. “You’re staying with her?”, he asks her and she nods. “We haven’t had that much to drink… I think she just needs a minute. Thanks tough, Wobin”, Jisoo calmly states and your partner leaves with an uncertain wave.
“_______?”, another voice joins – because why not make it a whole convention here on the sidewalk literarily five minutes away from your destination. You turn to the male voice and see non other than Jungkook walking towards you with hurried steps.
“Hmm?”, you answer, still reeling from the confession mere minutes ago.
“What are you doing out here alone by yourselves?”, he questions as he catches up. Jisoo is frozen next to you – even tough Jimin is without question the hottest guy at your university, Jungkook is by far the most dangerous. Combined, they are lethal.
“We were just on our way to your house”, you offer and point in the direction of the frat.
“Yeah, I get that”, he says, “but why are you out here alone?”
“You can see Jisoo, right?”, you ask, not sure of anything tonight and look at your roommate.
Jungkook scoffs and shakes his head – clearly not impressed.
“After last Wednesday you’re still walking around alone at night?”, he wants to know. Last Wednesday? Wait how does he know about that?
“Who told you?”
Now Jungkook looks as worried as Wobin before. “Jiminie told me? Hadn’t I stayed longer at practice I would have been with him when he found you.”
“Practice?”, you ask.
“Yeah,… we’re preparing a inprov show to celebrate the anniversary of the drama department, you know?”, he explains and adds after he sees your expression: “Hasn’t Jimin mentioned anything?”
No, Jimin did in fact not mention he wasn’t actually leaving from a date but a late-night practice that day.
“He has been wreaking havoc since that night”, Jungkook shares. “Every brother had to sign up to cover a shift patrolling common paths during school nights.”
Now, he points at himself. “Today is my night so I’ll escort you to our mansion.”
Jisoo just looks at him like he grew a second head.
“You’re pepping for an improvisation show?”, she asks slowly as the three of you begin to walk.
This is the thing Jisoo has a problem with? Really? You feel your head spin while you try to make sense of the last two encounters.
Jimin didn’t go on a date last Wednesday. Jimin himself uninvited your partners from todays meeting. You shared chocolates with a liar.
“Wait… Jungkook?”, you ask not even looking at him. “Do you guys get a lot of gifts after your performances?” The student just laughs and shakes his head.
“Nah, we’re not allowed to anymore. The presents were getting out of hands. I mean… Seokjin-hyung even got a gold bar once, a fucking gold bar.”
You speed up your steps as you see the frat house in front of you, few people mingling around the entrance. There is a guy standing at the door and you’re trying to get your student ID out of the bag – your thoughts making your hands shake.
Jungkook comes up behind you and just shoves you inside, saluting the other guy with a cheeky grin. You don’t have much time taking in the décor, but you do notice how small the group of students are mingling around the living room. There is soft R&B playing from a stereo and you see the infamous reusable cups full of alcoholic mixtures.
And then you see Jimin, how ridged he is standing in front of the fireplace, bottled water in hand. His eyes zero in on you and the blooming smile quickly freezes when he notices your disheveled state. You step around some guys on the couch, making your way towards him. He places his water on the mantlepiece.
“______”, he greets you and you hear the tension in his voice. He knows, you know – maybe not how much, but Jungkook trailing behind you with a guilty look tells him that you know enough.
“Jimin”, you start, completely unsure which lie you should focus on, your brain jumping around in circles.
“______”, he whispers and takes a step closer to you.
“Jimin”, you try again to form a coherent sentence.
Before his lips meet yours in a shy confession, you think to yourself:
Maybe there is a 99 percent chance of Park Jimin being interested in you.
there is... no logical explanation for this story, other than me having war flashbacks while thinking about group projects at university. did you enjoy this oneshot? Please tell me if you find this Jimin as "perfect" as I did (apart from manipulating the OC). did/do you have similar experiences with group work? I always hated it. with a passion. thanks for reading and feel yourself hugged (if you want to) from, dana
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strangertheory · 4 years
It's pretty much a given that Dr. Brenner will be returning. Do you think he's in the states still trying to track down El? I always suspected that he may have ran away to Russia so he could continue his experiments and research (maybe that's how the Russians knew about the Upside Down). I've been trying to avoid any BTS photos that could provide any major spoilers so there could be news I missed.
From the way that you contextualized your question, I believe you might prefer to avoid spoilers and any Stranger Things 4 leaks or rumors.
I am going to offer you two answers: one which is in the first part of this blogpost, and one which you can choose to read at your own risk which is below the “read more” divider and that takes into account my current thoughts on a few leaked photos and rumors.
I don’t believe that Dr. Brenner or the Lab was necessarily trying to track down El throughout seasons 2 and 3. Even though the Lab assured Nancy and Jonathan that the people who “made mistakes” in the past are gone (presumably they are referring to Dr. Brenner) the Lab and Dr. Owens seem to have a few different mysterious arrangements with Hopper. What these arrangements might entail have been implied but never openly stated. We do see Owens giving Hopper a birth certificate for Jane and telling him to “give it a year.” We see Hopper getting into cars and having shadowy interactions with people that we can only assume are affiliated with the Lab. But now that Hopper is gone and presumed dead (as of the end of season 3) is it possible that the mysterious arrangement that Hopper had with the Lab and/or with Dr. Owens would be nullified and that El would become the target of the Lab’s interest again? It’s quite possible. And perhaps Dr. Brenner, if he is alive and still doing experiments and research, might return and look to find El again.
I’d like to discuss a second hypothetical reason why I expect we could see Dr. Brenner in season 4, too:
In my opinion El’s conversation with Kali in season 2 foreshadows the return of Dr. Brenner, or perhaps it foreshadows the return of someone who might represent Dr. Brenner in some way.
"Now you're faced with the same choice, Jane: go back into hiding, and hope they don't find you. Or fight, and face him again."
"Face who?"
“The man who calls himself our father.”
Dr. Brenner was conspicuously missing from seasons 2 and 3, but we are led to believe that we haven’t seen the last of him yet. (Dead? Not dead? MIA?)
I theorize that Dr. Brenner will make a return appearance in season 4 because I have been waiting for the writers to reveal the secrets behind El and Will’s shared mysterious connection to each other that is implied to involve (among other things) the Lab and Dr. Brenner.
I believe that El now living with Joyce, Will, and Jonathan sets up the opportunity for this intersection of El’s and Will’s storylines to finally be explored and revealed to us.
I have considered a few very hypothetical ideas regarding what we might see in season 4 based on a few alleged Stranger Things 4 rumors and leaks. Keep in mind I treat all leaks as inconclusive information that is highly unreliable, and I try to avoid making many theories based on rumors and leaks. But! I cannot stop my brain from thinking about the information and ideas being passed around the fandom, and I do have a few ideas and hypotheticals that I’m happy to share with you.
Potential spoiler alert! For the rest of this blogpost I will be talking about a few rumors and alleged photo leaks that have been discussed by fans online over the last few months which influence my thoughts and ideas:
There were photographs leaked of alleged Stranger Things 4 filming in front of a movie theater that listed movies from 1982 such as The Dark Crystal. (1982? Yes! 1982.) This would mean that we might get flashbacks or scenes set before the events of 1983 when Will went missing and El escaped from the Lab.
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If we will be seeing events that took place prior to season 1: it is very possible that we could see Dr. Brenner again in flashbacks that are relevant to either El or Will’s history with Dr. Brenner and the Lab.
Could we see Dr. Brenner in the present-day? Maybe, maybe not. El told Kali “Papa is dead.” But perhaps he either A) isn’t actually dead B) will still be a relevant character from El’s past within the story and we will get to see her or other characters interacting with Dr. Brenner in the past.
I believe that season 4 is going to focus heavily in addressing the mysterious connection between El and Will and I also suspect that Dr. Brenner is involved in that in some way.
To refer to the alleged leaked photograph of the movie theater again: the theater name suggests that it is located in “Lincoln Square.” There is a Lincoln Square in New York City and there is also a Lincoln Square in Chicago. We have characters who have connections to both Chicago and New York City in the series, and so it’s hard to determine the precise location of this movie theater. Regardless: we can say with greater confidence that, assuming these leaked photos were of filming for season 4, that this scene they were filming might take place in 1982 and show us events from characters’ pasts. I’ve considered the possibility that since Kali and El pursued a Lab employee (presumably living in or near Chicago in season 2) that it is possible that the Lab might have offices in that city as well as Hawkins. This is one reason I lean towards the possibility of seeing scenes set in Chicago at some point either in season 4 or season 5. (But who knows?)
In season 2 Will expresses his dislike for doctors and tells Joyce “No doctors. You promised!” and Hopper also asks Joyce, while she’s stressing over what to do about Will, whether she wants to “take him back to Chicago.” One can assume from the context of that conversation that Hopper is referring to medical treatment that Will had in the past.
Could Will have been a former patient of Dr. Brenner or another division of the Lab prior to his appointments with Dr. Owens?
I think it’s quite likely.
I’m not convinced that Dr. Brenner is who we think he is, however. I think there’s more to Dr. Brenner’s role in the story than we officially know (yet.)
To return to El and Kali’s conversation again:
"Now you're faced with the same choice, Jane: go back into hiding, and hope they don't find you. Or fight, and face him again."
"Face who?"
“The man who calls himself our father.”
If, as I suspect, Stranger Things is about a DID System and Will and El are both part of it: I have been wondering for a while whether the reason Dr. Brenner has all the Numbers refer to him as their father is because he is in fact actually their father in a more literal sense than simply being the mad scientist raising them to learn to control their powers.
If El is indeed an alter in a DID System, then perhaps “Papa” is actually an NPC or persecutor alter in the DID System based on whoever “real dad” is. Maybe El’s memories of being isolated and abused at the lab is a trauma memory that she experienced as an alter, and Kali is another alter who had similar traumatic experiences.
Maybe when we meet “Dr. Brenner” again he won’t be who he was before, but embodied by a different character who is chillingly familiar to El.
As I mentioned in this recent answer to another Ask: I am curious how El might react if she ever met Lonnie and whether she would recognize him as someone she knows or not.
I realize that my thoughts about Brenner might be a little bit hard to follow: this is because I don’t have any clear-cut expectations for when and how we will see Dr. Brenner again. What I described above is purely speculative and I wouldn’t even consider it a theory. It’s simply a few ideas. :) I’m a lot more comfortable analyzing what we already know about the series and finding hidden connections within the episodes and content that we already have available. When it comes to speculating about super-specific future plot-points I see it as a less exact science and (for me, at least) it can easily become fanfiction. I might have an opinion on the general trajectory of certain character relationships based on foreshadowing that we have been given, but the specific way that they will manifest themselves in the story is beyond what I can say.
Thank you so much for your Ask! Dr. Brenner is a fascinating character and there’s so much that we still don’t know about him. Discussing hypotheticals about Brenner always interests me even though I don’t feel especially confident in any one possible route the story might take and I relegate most of my thoughts about him to the “maybe?” section. But I do think we’ll see him again.
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sajanbabu1234 · 3 years
Top 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing.
Social media began in 1997 with a site called Six Degrees.
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Quick forward to the mid 2000s and renowned locales including Flickr, MySpace and YouTube arose in 2005 with Facebook, and Twitter the next year, there are currently countless clients on social media destinations. Where individuals are, organizations make certain to follow. Utilizing the stages similarly as normal clients, organizations figured out how to promote their labor and products.
Quick forward to now, and there are a lot more social systems administration stages, many are supported by explicit socioeconomics. For instance, 90% of clients of Snapchat are matured 18 – 24, and 66% are female.
In addition consolidations and acquisitions of social media locales make it much simpler to share content across stages and utilize the equivalent login qualifications, for instance, Facebook possesses Instagram and WhatsApp. Letter set claims Google and YouTube. There are additional up-sides for your business from dividing content and switch among the stages utilizing the equivalent login certifications.
Organizations need to showcase their labor and products on locales like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn to contact their target group, nonetheless, is SMM excessively costly?
A few specialists say SMM (social media advertising) doesn't convey an incentive for cash for example see Neil Patel's video on Facebook Ads. There are so many computerized showcasing methodologies, including email promoting that are simpler to do and less expensive as well yet for how long?
Fresher innovations including artifical insight, AI and other fourth and fifth mechanical transformation programming further developing ROI for advertisers including utilizing social media for business.
Hence in this article, we uncover our advantages and disadvantages for organizations promoting on social media, for example social media promoting (SMM).
The most clear benefit for organizations utilizing Facebook to advance their image is the enormous userbase. There are 2.7 billion month to month clients as indicated by Statista. You'd figure it is difficult to focus on your advert at your target group, however upgrades in tech have been effectively utilized for sponsors.
Client Data Analysis
Destinations like Facebook have outsider suppliers gaining practical experience in programming and administrations for data division and organizations utilizing the data get the award with their SMM adverts been seen by their expected clients. This is a benefit for sponsors however for clients it's been a hindrance as indicated by the adverse result of Cambridge Analytica utilization of Facebook client data in the US 2016 political race.
Expanded brand mindfulness
By 2021 Statista foresee more than 3 billion individuals will utilize social media in some structure. Thusly given that pretty much every individual possesses a cell phone, work area or a PC, and they invest a ton of energy on social media locales, doing any kind of SMM whenever carried out effectively ought to best case scenario increment brand acknowledgment for your business.
The way to being effective with social media showcasing is executing a thoroughly examined plan. Natural sharing of supported posts, for instance, can further develop openness, and this can start inside the business with workers. Their Instagram, Twitter and so forth adherents and companions enjoying and sharing your posts and page.
Creating commitment is fundamental, and it's in the real essence of social systems administration so when individuals collaborate with your item posts more noteworthy mindfulness among different clients happens, and from here references and enquiries increment and afterward real deals.
Better consumer loyalty
Overall, most people look to stand out and affirmation, and the systems administration locales empower it. It's standard practice to take selfies, and that incorporates sharing pictures and recordings of utilizing items and so on
Devotees will like, remark and offer these posts and after a short time forthcoming clients will pose inquiries identifying with your items and administrations, and they anticipate a speedy answer. It's this immediacy of contact that further develops consumer loyalty. Hence when you're mindful, and you react straightforwardly inside your page to questions, your page draws in additional perspectives from your supporters and your clients' organizations.
The insight is your business truly minds and offers fantastic support, and this is a benefit for SMM, for example the immediacy of contact with forthcoming clients.
Social media promoting can be savvy when you realize how to do it effectively. The underlying making of another profile and marking in is free for pretty much every social media stage so getting set up is definitely not a tremendous speculation nor hazard. Notwithstanding, you can consume your advertising financial plan rapidly by endeavoring to do it without anyone's help without help from a SMM master.
Try not to do it without anyone's help. Pick an advertising proficient or office with a background marked by demonstrated SMM achievement. For instance, request to see the office's contextual investigations on Facebook advertisements for business. Request help on a SMM technique and the spending plan. Do it right the initial time, this is the most practical methodology for your business.
Expanded inbound traffic
Internet advertising should increment inbound traffic to your site. With SMM, when the mission is expertly created with a single tick activity from the channel to your site and in a perfect world the item page, guests will come and remain on your site in the event that they like what they see and read. Subsequently ensure your advert has a source of inspiration and on the presentation page try not to populate it with 'commotion,' for example spring up flags and unintuitive provisions.
Offer some incentive with high-esteem content on all pages and especially on your item pages. Thus, the increment in rush hour gridlock to your site from social media channels likes what they see as well as converts into a deal or at least pursues your pamphlet.
Gain market knowledge
For any business to succeed, it should realize its clients all around well. What are their necessities, sentiments and interests? This is called customized data and we composed another article on the best way to get more knowledge into client assumptions and wants from current computerized advertising drives.
With the high commitment among clients on social media, the stages give a vehicle to organizations to acquire market knowledge to work on their contributions and administration.
Social media has been around almost years and years, so we're more alright with it now, and we trust it all the more as well. Notwithstanding, it's not generally been like this. Take Facebook, for instance, utilizing it was a lofty expectation to absorb information, and there were an excessive number of programming refreshes which changed presentations and ease of use. Then, at that point the default client security setting set to 'public' which after client kickback actually took Facebook five years to change to apparent to companions.
Most likely the greatest Facebook fall flat was the Cambridge Analytica catastrophe, and client's confidence in Facebook arrived at an untouched low. Security is significant, and all destinations should have protection explanations on how they oversee client data catch and how they manage it. For instance, Europe has the GDPR for the European Union and organizations offering types of assistance to EU countries. Be that as it may, for business utilizing SMM, the negatives incorporate expense, slow returns, intricacy, and contenders.
Openness to contenders
Social media advertising empowers you to concentrate on your rivals' methodology. In any case, they can in any case concentrate on your business techniques through your social media stage. This puts your business at the danger of being outperformed.
Needs qualified work force
To zero in on center business issues, you should utilize qualified work force to deal with your record. For instance, to take full advantage of a WhatsApp Business various clients account beginning with utilizing the stage's API for business. Endeavoring to do this without anyone else's help wind up setting you back more than contributing the abilities of a social media designer or advertiser.
Slow profits from speculations
Social media promoting is a drawn out speculation for example plan to run crusades consistently.
Stain brand name
On the off chance that a piece of negative data discovers its direction onto a social media stage, the public will get the opportunity to communicate their disappointment. This will discolor your item name and discourage likely clients from building up connections and working with the brand.
Individuals may intentionally disregard your page since they might be keen on different locales. To get them to appreciate and share your posts might set aside time. Thus, assets as far as cash and time should be apportioned to guarantee regular distributing of tasteful posts.
Before you put resources into a social media advertising procedure, draw in a SMM office to assist you with exploring and plan a useful way to deal with accomplish your showcasing and deals objectives.
SMM is certainly not a 'one size fits all' procedure. Thusly it's not difficult to miss the point and end up more terrible off with minimal new business to show for your speculation. Thusly wear' be bashful in drawing in the specialists to slice through the 'commotion' to convey a high pace of change and ROI for your business.
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keiicom · 4 years
Webtoon rants
I recently started reading Webtoons (recently meaning earlier this year), and while I appreciate most of the stories there are some things that don’t quite fit with me, things that bother me, not about the app, but the stories themselves. And maybe the public in general. And maybe the promotion system- 
Disclaimer: This post will be divided in five different rants, or general comments on some of the webtoon originals/canvas works and the limitations that webtoon has with readers. I’ll cover from the most specific topics to a general overview on things I find interesting or important, while trying to be as detailed as I can. This is my sincere opinion, nothing more, nothing less.
R#1: Horror and Thriller genres are underrated. 
People should stop sleeping on those two, seriously. There is a particular beauty to the genres of Thriller and Horror, but unfortunately there are more people in the app that feel uncomfortable with it than not. Since the Webtoon community seems to favor Romance before anything else, as seen in the barely-ever-changing top 5 most popular stories (you will ocassionally see a superhero genre toon sneak in only to disappear once again in a sea of romance). Stories like “Pigpen”, “Sweet Home”, “Tales of the Unusual” and “Ghost Teller” to name a few deserve so much more recognition than what they are currently getting. Since most of them are already completed stories, they have stopped havnig updates, but this doesn’t mean that the stories already written have any less value than the ones who have just begun. I could keep on going with my list of great Horror and Thriller webtoons for ages, and while I truly would like to name all of them, I know that is impossible. If you read this and are up for it, consider giving the Horror and Thriller genres a chance. 
R#2: Bromance is better than romance.
This could give you the impression that I’m not too keen on romance. That’s not it. A good romance is always appreciated, but most of my favorite Webtoon stories have a solid bromance rather than a love interest. Examples; Weak Hero, Omniscient Reader, Parallel City, The Red King, Eleceed, Patent the Sun. Yes, I’m giving you a list in case you feel like looking them up. An unbreakable friendship holds so much value and meaning, it saddens me when stories don’t give friendships the importance or development they deserve. They could make or break a story, if given enough time and care, and it’s a different kind of love and appreciation that would be nice for more main characters to have. While I do think that bromance is better than romance, I recognize the value that romance holds in their respective stories.
R#3: Daily Pass.
Being absolutely honest: I hate it. As someone who struggles to keep interest in something for long, it becomes a nightmare to remember to unlock more chapters every day just so that I can read one (1) story in three months, something I would have taken a few days to read if Daily Pass didn’t exist. Consequently I’ve dropped multiple great series for my lack of desire to keep up with them, in a sensation that feels like the enhanced version of the hiatus wait. Daily Pass is probably one of the features I like the least in Webtoon, but luckily I don’t have many other complaints. Or do I?
R#4: Verose deserves better (Freaking Romance).
Warning: This rant contains spoilers up to date with the series. Proceed at your own risk. For those who don’t know, Freaking Romance is a romance webtoon about a boy and a girl that change worlds. If you are planning on reading it, this warning applies to you too. 
The one (1) and only reason I simply can’t read Freaking Romance is because of how much I dislike Zylith. She is one of the main characters, who is in love with Zelan, and that’s it. She goes around starting relationships and ending them just as easily, showing no particular regard for the other person’s feelings other than the way those affect her directly. The original topic was about Verose, and how she deserved better than to be left behind and having her heart broken, but then this happened again and my dislike for Zylith grew into disbelief. I had to talk about it, I’m sorry. How is it possible for her to leave everything behind every time, everything that isn’t Zelan? It’s not only love, he is literally the one thing she cares about and is willing to drop everything and everyone to be with him. This type of ‘romance’ just doesn’t sit well with me, I guess. No shade to the people that like it, I just can’t see it. She literally dropped Verose and never thought about her again, thinking she would be with Zelan. It wasn’t the case, so she (huge spoiler ahead, I’m so sorry!) got married to his bROTHER instead, and the second she thought she could go back to Zelan (after five whole years) she dropped her husband and left. And he was left heartbroken, and Verose was left heartbroken, and still everything Zylith cares about in the end is being with Zelan, completely disregarding or tossing aside every other relationship she has. 
I’ll stop here with this rant, because otherwise I’ll take too long. Moving on to the last one!
R#5: Annoying things readers do (Not Even Bones).
Warning: This rant contains minor spoilers about the Webtoon series and the book of Not Even Bones. For those who don’t know, Not Even Bones is a Thriller Webtoon with supernatural creatures and morally grey characters. If you are thinking about reading it, this warning applies to you too.
It’s known among the book readers that Not Even Bones’ specialty is morally grey characters. The line between good and evil is meant to be blurry, and neither of the main characters belong to either side, making the story ten times more interesting. Unfortunately, many fans have the habit of siding Nita (MC) with the ‘good’ side and Kovit (recurrent character) with the bad side, missing the point. Because of this, Nita’s bad deeds are often blamed on Kovit’s influence or something, and aren’t attributed to her at all. This annoys me greatly, but I’m honestly just happy that those who think like this and read the second season of the Webtoon will be proven wrong. I’m looking forward to season 2!
I could write a part two in the future, and am open to theme suggestions to talk about. It’s always nice to share and discuss opinions with other Webtoon readers. 
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.
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mrlnsfrt · 3 years
True to Myself?
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me. - Psalm 51:5 NKJV
This post is not meant as an attack on anyone, it merely represents my current place in my personal journey. If you disagree with any of my points I am open to dialogue, I love to learn and grow. Once again, the views expressed in this post are my personal views.
Who am I?
I remember when I was in middle school I bought a paperback book entitled “who am I?” quiz book. I saw it in one of those Scholastic catalogs we would get at school and ordered it. I found the book and took a picture of it so you can see what I am talking about.
The book is divided into six parts.
The Inside Me
The Outside Me
What Are My Talents
How Do I Deal with Family and Friends?
How Do I Act with the Opposite Sex?
How Do I See the World and How Do I See Myself Fitting into It?
The back cover of the book says
“Here’s a book full of quizzes to help you find out all about the most important person in your life — you! Find out about the inside you, the outside you, your talents, and how you get along with your family, friends, and the opposite sex. Score yourself to find out how you measure up!”
Those of you who remember the early days of Facebook and even MySpace probably remember the quizzes people used to share. The quizzes would have titles like “Which Superhero Are You?” or something along those lines. Buzzfeed has quite the collection of useless quizzes to waste your time. But Buzzfeed would not waste time energy and resources in creating something completely useless. So why do they have so many quizzes about everything under the sun? My guess is that Buzzfeed does that for the same reason it does everything else, to get your attention, your time, and of course, your clicks.
So where am I going with this? Apparently, we are fascinated with ourselves and our mysteries. Many turn to their sign (astrology), their DNA, their family tree, online quizzes, personality tests, IQ tests, etc. We want to find out who we are, what we are like, what our strengths and weaknesses are, what we love and what we are good at among many other things. Clearly, I am in no position to point fingers since I spent some of my hard-earned money as an early teen buying a paperback quiz book that promised to help me figure out who I was.
I believe that there is value in taking time to figure ourselves out. I believe we should be familiar with what we enjoy and what we would rather avoid, what we are good at and what we struggle with. I believe that personality tests, etc. have their place. I am often concerned about self-improvement and I greatly value feedback. I understand that too much of this can be unhealthy, so I try to limit it to asking my leadership team to fill out a pastoral ministry evaluation form once a year. I want to know if I am improving, I want to know what I am doing well, I want to know what I could do better.
I guess this approach means I have a growth mindset. I do not believe that I am the best version of myself and that I can become better. I think I also annoy my wife a bit with this since I ask her how I could be a better husband fairly often. It is probably not very endearing to hear your significant other asking you, “So on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate my performance this last month?” “In which areas of the home life do you wish I was more involved?” etc.
I share all this as a way of recognizing my personal journey which shapes my view of life. I share this hoping that you can understand where I am coming from. This view of myself is deeply shaped by my personal theological views.
Fallen Human Nature
I believe that our core humans are not good, kind, and loving. I believe that at our core even our kindness is shaped by some selfish desire and only God can change that in us.
“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9 NKJV
One of the reasons we seek these quizzes is because who we are is not obvious to us. We can lie to ourselves, which also renders these quizzes inaccurate. That’s why the above passage from Jeremiah is so significant to me. The practical way that I apply this verse in my personal life is that I distrust myself. I seek God for guidance, strength, wisdom, and help. This understanding of my natural state, as one that is fallen, causes me to not look within myself for the solution, but rather to God.
Here are the two verses that come before the one quoted above.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit. - Jeremiah 17:7-8 NKJV
According to these verses, when I trust and hope in the Lord, everything will turn out okay. My trust should not be in humans, including myself, my hope does not come from what I see, but is ultimately established in God. When I look inward I find reasons to lose hope. I find the words of David recorded in Psalm 51 very appropriate.
Have mercy upon me, O God, According to Your lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin.
For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight— That You may be found just when You speak, And blameless when You judge.
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me. - Psalm 51:1-5NKJV
I strongly recommend reading the entire chapter. David wrote this when he was confronted regarding his sin of adultery and murder. David could have made excuses, he could have simply had the prophet who accused him killed, instead, he repented and recognized that he was sinful, he was guilty, and in desperate need of forgiveness.
One of the principles that jump out at me from Psalm 51 is that David did not blame God for his sin, or for the temptation that led to his sin. He could have argued that he was born that way, that he was attracted to the woman, and that he was simply following his heart, that he was simply being true to himself. Yet David recognizes that he should have controlled his urges, that he should control his attraction and not the other way around.
Look at what Paul had to say when he wrote to the Ephesians
And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. - Ephesians 2:1-3 NKJV
What I take away from what Paul is saying here is that a life dedicated or guided by the lusts and desires of the flesh goes against God’s plans. What is this flesh? Paul seems to label our internal desire that goes against God’s will as being from the flesh or carnal, as opposed to being from God or the spirit.
True to Myself?
I will try to illustrate this by looking at a challenging passage from the Bible.
For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. - Romans 7:14-25 NKJV (bold mine)
What I take away from Paul’s writing is that he is struggling. He wants to do things that he knows to be right, things that are in accordance with the law of God. Yet it feels like a battle because his body seems to want to do things he does not approve of, things that go against the law of God. I wonder if anyone reading this can relate to Paul’s struggle. You are aware of your duty, of what is right, but you don’t always feel like doing it. Sometimes you feel like being dishonest, choosing violence, not forgiving, getting revenge, cheating, stealing, lying. So what do you do in these circumstances?
If I want to be true to myself, which self do I choose? The self that recognizes God’s will or the self that rebels against God’s will for my life? If I insist that when I break God’s laws I am doing so in the name of being true to myself, does that make it okay?
Just to be clear, you are free to make your own choices. I am simply trying to convey that both choices or paths are not equal. Everyone is free to choose their own path. Any path is bound to have its share of struggles and difficulties. There is no easy path. But there is one path that God calls us to.
Here is how Jesus puts it:
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. - Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV
Some seem to believe that the life of the believer should be one of ease where all problems and difficulties simply evaporate. But I have yet to see one Bible hero who had an easy life.
Jesus also said,
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? - Matthew 16:24-26 NKJV
Jesus poses some important questions. Essentially, you are free to do whatever you want with this life, however, just doing whatever you want, the selfish and easier road will not lead to the best possible outcome. Eternal life is a gift from God and He gives it freely to those who choose Him above all. That means choosing God even above our personal desires. Following Jesus means doing His will even when it is difficult, or especially when it is difficult. You can choose to live for yourself, you can chase all that you want and become very rich, but what good will all the wealth in the world if it costs your eternal life? As Jesus put it “ For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?“
People around you may be all about being true to themselves, but I would argue that we should be more concerned about being true to God. Jesus calls me to deny myself, but this does not mean I cancel myself out. This means that whenever I have to decide between doing what I want and what God wants I should always choose what God wants. What God did for us, what He does, and what He is willing to do cannot be compared to anything this world has to offer.
Here is how Paul sees it,
But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:7-14 NKJV
My Truest Self
I would like to propose to you that we find our truest selves in Jesus. It may feel like our desires to rebel against God represent our true selves, because it feels easier, it feels more natural, and following God feels unnatural, feels difficult. But I would argue that the temptations feel natural because we live in a fallen world that is in a state of rebellion against God. However, God will one day make all things new, perfect just like they were before sin (See Genesis 1-3 and Revelation 21-22). So even though it feels like going against the current to be faithful to God, I choose to be faithful to God, by the strength He provides me through His Holy Spirit, because I know that God’s plans for me are much better than even the plans I have for myself.
For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11 NASB
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paullicino · 4 years
A Year like No Other
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(Taken from, and funded by, my Patreon.)
A lot of people are now calling 2020 the lost year and it’s not difficult to see why. Most of us have never had a year remotely like this last one. For some of us, the calendar began to blur, weeks and even months merging into one another in a sickly, uneasy timelessness that had us double-checking what day it was. For others, there was stress after stress, as we worried about our health, our jobs, our governments, even our countries. And the two experiences certainly weren’t mutually exclusive.
This month, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on that, acknowledging both the struggles and the successes. It’s sometimes been a difficult twelve months for me, but it certainly hasn’t been without its inspirations and its wonderful moments. I wanted to share some of those, to talk about a few ideas and to spotlight the things that helped me through 2020. I hope it helps. I figure it’s as good a time as any for us to be sharing our blessings.
And I think that first involves celebrating you. I think that’s very important. This past month, a year on from the first COVID cases being widely-reported (and also the first reports of cases where I live), I’ve read a lot by people asking questions like “What difference does it all make?” or “What is the point?” when they look back. They ask these questions when they think about things like their life changes, their mask wearing, their activism or their voting. They see an ongoing pandemic, social unrest or political inaction and wonder why they should make an effort while others are lax or apathetic. It’s natural to wonder that. I think anyone can understand the fatigue, the cynicism and the disillusionment.
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But I also, get this, have a Hot Take on this that says that the choices you made were vital. When you chose to wear a mask, to socially distance, to restrict when and where you went, you actively helped fight a deadly virus. You may well have saved lives, saved someone’s health, protected livelihoods by acting as you have. When you voted, shared a cause on social media, attended a protest or talked to even one person about helping others or making the world better, you contributed to improving your society.
In fact, I have capital-O Opinions about these things so strap in and hold on, 'cause here they come.
I’ve been very fortunate to share much of my work on the internet over the years, which is a very particular medium, and sometimes that work reaches a lot of people. My experience of this is that you never know who it truly reaches, or when, or even how, and most of the time you never find out. There’s certainly an immediacy to things where you can see, pretty quickly, what the instant reaction to something is, but that’s fleeting. It doesn’t last and, within moments, there’s already something newer demanding more responses.
In time, the true consequences of things shake out. People get back to you with their more considered opinions. Sometimes months, even years after you do something, you find out from someone what they thought about it, how it affected them or even how they were changed. It can take time for a person to realise how they were changed, too, and we rarely have perspective in the moment. Sometimes it takes us years to appreciate the choices and the actions of our friends, our family members, our teachers, our communities. People have contacted me about work I’ve done long, long after I first shared it, and many of those people have come from places that I never expected, have found my work in ways that I never expected. I think, now, that consequence never travels in straight lines. That cause and effect are strangers rather than siblings.
And so I hope it’s clear that the ramble you have so kindly indulged is meant to say that we don’t always notice the good things that we have done. We ask “What difference does it all make?” or “What is the point?” because we don’t get those answers immediately, or for a long time, or sometimes ever. But not knowing when we saved someone’s health, when we changed someone’s mind, even when we inspired someone’s actions doesn’t mean that we aren’t making a difference. There is a point to our life changes, our mask wearing, our activism and our voting.
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I hope you can celebrate yourself and give yourself credit for the choices you made this last year. They have mattered.
I also want to thank you so, so much for supporting my Patreon. I know many of you have been with me since day one, for more than two years now, and I’m so grateful for both your capital-P Patronage and your presence, whether that’s in our Discord community or through your comments and your correspondence. That’s made a big difference to me this past year, helping me pay rent and put food on the table during a time when so much has been uncertain. 2020 was to be my first full year back in Canada after a complicated, circuitous absence and I had half-finished projects, freelance ideas and half a dozen tabs open in my browser with writing residencies to apply for, everywhere from nearby Richmond to the Yukon Territory. I hoped this would be a year that I’d both finally see more of Canada and be able to write about it, too. A lot of things didn’t quite work out, freelance budgets were slashed, work timelines lengthened and I became ill, but as I look back now I’m thankful for a great deal.
I still managed to fulfill some ambitions. At the start of 2020 I’d been finishing up some work on Zafir, which had been an absolute delight, and I was not far off starting spring work on Magical Kitties Save the Day. The close of the year saw me resuming work on a Feng Shui expansion and each of these projects has been really good for me. All of them gave me a chance to work with skillful, progressive people and to become a better designer.
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As spring continued, I decided to make a one-off video about board gaming and mental health during a pandemic, partly to offer a practical and helpful introduction to playing board games online and looking after yourself, but also because I wanted people to feel that their actions during a pandemic mattered. Among the things I referenced and linked to, I’ve continued dipping into Headspace from time to time, and this helpful list of brief work-from-home tips has been further updated. I’ve also since further investigated the terrific work of Dr. Ali Mattu, a psychologist and therapist who has produced a lot of material over the last year focusing on how to handle the pandemic.
With the summer came widespread protests across the United States, which highlighted the oppressive and fatal consequences of systemic racism and the urgent need for police reform, both issues not exclusive to the that country (for me, the events echoed the protests that began on my Tottenham street in  2011 and the violent response to 2010’s student protests). I shared a list of resources that I thought were important at the time, but there also followed a wide call for white people to make more effort to both seek out, engage with and promote motion pictures made by Black Americans, or which reflected the Black experience. It wasn’t a big ask and, as well as watching films that had been recommended many times over (such as Us, Da 5 Bloods, The Last Black Man in San Francisco and the excellent BlacKkKlansman, which was the best film I saw last year), I also tried to diversify my social media feeds more. Instagram was host to a growing discussion about how the platform seems to (deliberately or accidentally) divide people by race, something which I think may still be the case, and several nature photographers I follow promoted Tsalani Lassiter and Rae Wynn-Grant. To my delight, among many of the things they speak about and share, both are experts on bears.
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I thought it was important to look more closely at Canada, too, so I made more of an effort to follow Indigenous issues and have begun reading Indigenous news sources, including First Nations Drum, Windspeaker and the Nunatsiaq News. CBC runs its own Indigenous news section, much of which is written by Indigenous reporters.A lot of freelance and writing opportunities dried up as the pandemic contracted the world’s economies, but in 2020 I was able to start writing for VICE, working with my old colleague and friend Rob Zacny, and interview the world’s most famous board game designer. VICE has written a lot of relevant, helpful and informative material about current events over the last year and I was heartened by the words of a fellow VICE writer, Gita Jackson, who concluded her essay about living in The Cool Zone of historical possibility by reminding us how “In The Cool Zone, we can also rediscover hope.”
This year I was also inspired by Faith Fundal’s widely-shared CBC podcast They and Us, which was an excellent (and still rare) example of a mainstream media exploration of gender identity and trans rights, and really pleased for my friend Brendan, who launched his podcast project Hey, Lesson! in the autumn. Of course, I can’t mention podcasts without again reminding you of my love for the spooky, supernatural Death by Monsters, which I got to host last winter. It was my dear friend Paula, one of its presenters, who recommended that I start streaming regularly, something I now do here. She was absolutely right when she talked about how positive and social an experience it can be. It’s been a real joy, as well as added some important structure and schedule to my week.
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And, of course, the arrival of my first full year as a Canadian resident meant that I got to celebrate my first anniversary as a Canadian resident. I paid my taxes! Let me tell you, it was a slightly confusing and esoteric experience, but it was also one of those mundane, humdrum things that confirms and validates you. Though I didn’t get to throw a party for that anniversary, I did get to enjoy my birthday celebrations before the pandemic really hit. My partner surprised me with a trip to the not-quite-remote-but-definitely-secluded Gibsons, on the quiet British Columbia coastline, which was the best birthday gift anyone’s ever given me and a chance to see more of the rocky, forested, mountainous fringes of a place I’ve fallen so in love with. Before Vancouver closed down, I was also able to collect more than a dozen people (representing five different nationalities!) together in a brewery and then a restaurant, something that now feels like an extremely alien concept. For some of us in our friend group, it’s the last memory we have of coming together and being in the same space. That gives it a pronounced poignancy, a bittersweet quality.
Finally, I’d like to share two more things with you. The first is particularly peculiar and personal: I found my wizard. After drafting this piece last summer, then sharing it in the autumn, a few suggestions led me not straight to my goal, but ultimately down the right path. The game that I was thinking of is called The Tomb of Drewan and I very much doubt that anyone, anywhere is likely to have heard of it. It’s thirty-nine years old this year and it was distributed by a publisher in Berkshire, not so far from where I grew up. It only took me three and a half decades to see what it looks like in colour.
Tracking down this game was a softly satisfying experience. It’s exactly as I remember. Everything makes sense. Reading through the manual reminds me of how difficult it was to try and understand this thing through a monochrome monitor, though I also think it was likely way too complex for the child I was. I don’t think I ever got anywhere. I don’t think I ever could have. But I at least know that my memory has served me well. That wizard was as real as could be.
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The second thing is something about my own missing year, something that has also resurfaced in my memory as we’ve plodded through 2020. In the long, dark winter months, in the unstructured days and the collapsing weeks, I’ve been transported back to the early 2000s and to a time that now feels very familiar. Here's what that was like.
I’d been writing professionally for a few years, comfortably and competently, while still living in suburban Hampshire. As publishing moved from magazines to the internet, my work began to dry up, my options narrowed and, honestly, I didn’t respond to this shift by producing my best material. I also didn’t know what to do about all this change, becoming directionless and unsure. I didn’t yet have the confidence to take some of the larger steps that I eventually did and, instead, somewhere in all that I began to move backward. I struggled to find work. I slept the strangest hours. I was frustrated, but it also didn’t matter nearly enough to me because also, I was no longer motivated.
I have memories of waking up at all kinds of times of day and night. Of not knowing where to go. Of running out of things to take photographs of, after looking at the same local sights over and over. It was like living at the bottom of a well, with a tiny, distant view of the world and no handholds for climbing out. I wasted time because I had time to waste, something I deeply regret now, and I became crabby, unhealthy and inward-looking. I was far from my best.
The last time I was in England I found myself going through old things from the early 2000s. I found many of the books I read, a great deal of writing I’d done and, in particular, a lot of my old RPG notes. A lot of old RPG notes, an absolute wealth of work that far exceeded anything I’d done outside of any work except that on Paranoia. I’ve written before about my roleplaying past and how I have fond memories of it, but I had completely forgotten exactly how much material I had collected together. I had so many biographies that I’d indexed them. I was starting to form an encyclopedia of everything I’d done, just so that I could find and reference the things I needed.
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I had also read so much, which both prepared me for my degree and began to make me a better writer. I’d mostly stopped reading in my mid-teens and this was a new spurt of interest that led me toward many of the tastes and preferences I have today. I began to develop my fiction and non-fiction writing styles and I developed an interest in non-fiction that had paid me back a thousandfold.
I was building a new me.
I see now that I didn’t lose a year. I was certainly caught in a swamp of sorts, struggling to make progress, but the experiences I had during that time still mattered. They didn’t matter right away and they didn’t matter in any way that seemed at all obvious to me at the time, but they helped to shape me and to guide me, to show me both what I wanted and, certainly, what I didn’t want. If I had the chance to repeat it, I’d for sure live that missing year differently. I’d live it so much better, so much wiser and so much more fruitfully, but I can at least see it now as not the waste I long thought that it was.
And so I hope it’s clear that the ramble you have so kindly indulged is meant to say that, some time in the future, you may look back on 2020 and find your successes, your satisfaction, even your strength. I don’t mean to disregard anyone’s suffering or sadness, your feelings are valid and the pain, loss and difficulties you’ve encountered are very real. I don’t much like people who dismiss the feelings of others and I apologise if I’ve been too glib. I think a past version of myself needed to read something like this, a long time ago, and I only want to give them, you or anyone who might see this, hope for the future, a few reasons to be optimistic and, very importantly, a reminder to celebrate yourself.
Happy 2021. You made a difference. You always have.
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rwmhunt · 4 years
Leviticus, Chapter 23
1. Substitute day, and a return unto A sender of something, as to another place, That hasn't the wherewithal to get there either; I will open it again and learn That which is already known to be such As isn't so much.
2. And it's not mine, but a, And is the right way round. For as I set the seasons, I reprise, reply, replay; It's substitution day.
3. And Sabbath is the seventh, Whence the lord, in all thy dwellings, Is up for doing nothing; Or Sabbath is the sixth; I don't care.
4. And welcome to my channel, It's great to have each of you still with me- A man who speaks of people By their purpose, Himself as his own singer, With- such are the seasons, Even, holy convocations, For want to be sure of a constant, It's Senhal, An obscure term For an old friend.
5. Love, love, lo, this is not Of a cloven love, Leviticus, I will speak of it Unto sundry strangers and neighbours, As just one more month's dusk Then it'll be passover, Not once. Not twice, Not once. Love. So we can still imagine a time When all of this will go again;
6. But a day will approach When, if there is something That can look back, Could think that 'here' and 'then' Are really very close;- And I wonder if they saw The strings of direct attachment, Lining their behaviours; Just flour and water, But I don't think so; Still, anytime was closer to history than this one, So what do I know?
7. If I were to put the onus On to the impossible, Then what was light-hearted and playful, Would be wont to become ridden and surly; Lord, being an influencer is a serious endeavour, For how many unsuccessful oblations are there That are out there? Lo, state your appreciation; Don’t just wing it. Plan it out in kalends, Of which are reckon'd to be backwards; so, To start, do nothing.
8. After a week, Let's go- Gift your influencers' grift, For, when you so do this, It strokes the ego of the flames, Who then add unto the savour of sacrifice, Thus, get me it up; Make it smolder, Then, use its fatal nature To activate the future.
9. And simple: These are nacks, To muster control Over gods; Are junk and have been; That we all have interest vested- Let ignorance of it control Hereafter, same, so anon and amen.
10. Crowdsplain- First fruit the priest Hard and long, Find the tunnels, Writing what's impossible For the brain to conceive, That it may then be read back of, To supplant and supersede; So become possible.
11. And thither, the Wheatchief Will wave the sheaf Tomorrow- See how it goes? Ol' Cathode Ray, and Non-mathmatical aesthetic identities, The spirit of the radio take her.
12. That once the sheaf And all the while Be specific unto thy niche- Nativize unto thy platform, For, the experience shall follow The rhyzome's swerve and function, So that the user-expectation be wrought From whence the contents be placed- In this case, Add in a lamb shank ponzi scheme to my platform; Smells wonderful.
13. So unto the titular character, Exerting such low level leverage as Begetteth me of an ephah cake, And a quarter hin of wine; I don't need the free stuff, I am a successful influencer, But shouldst you want me to advertise for suckers On my platform that I have built myself for free; Well, we're all getting along so good.
14. Then it's me first, And simple: see- That our boldest endeavours, And most exciting adventures- They have not yet even begun; That, in spite of all the detritus, In the teeth of all that we've done, my boys, I tell you: The best Is yet To come.
15. Then, 49 days later, Seek whence Thought might come in sequence, And I'm really so blessed and thankful to you all for being here; So, as thought comes  in sequence And thus, it wasn't known where We are going here as we begun. O tensions, retensions- I use to used to run.
16.  Know, influencers, I am the hype; So on-brand that I can give unto you, And through you, the trick- Pyramid that still stands For the thousands- Round it up; So nice.
17. And, super relevant- Optimize continuously, also, Compensate me handsomely; while Sacrifice may seem like a quick-success marketing strategy, It isn’t so. Such are the things that keep not happening; More food please.
18. Lots more, This is why the burden of proof for rhetorical claim Shall falleth shortly As among the Open Wounde who should maketh of such a claim; It is not upon the world to provide him a fallacy, But he, who's to prove the world its truth; which, Across all channels, He, rerewise, hath been completely unable to do.
19. So suffer him his own precarity; And then some; Think back to when, Twirrup twipip,-pwiwip, Suwee, psu, swoo swsoo, So sweepeth they in song, As we, quiet, Through our blossom comedown, That hideth our tiny singers, And the bulgence behind the wiltage, In the verges, Be of burgeoning seed.
20. And everyone wave; All this- so good as is it to be; And though under a hail Of black tormentors, Our torment, And through its over-drone, With no one remembering it happening, But, who'll remember the photograph?
21. Sit back; You've lost everything, So lo, olah, you remember how mother died- Bringing cow parsley into the tent of meaning; For she went by the umbels as we'd walked on the plain, And they had reminded her of those lace cushions That her ladies-in-waiting had carried, And so gave them the name.
22. Embassadors, Leave thy corners to disillusion; A true influencer ideally keeps doing What they genuinely gain of a passion for. They know their value and their need is not to shew it, So spend a lot of time reading news and sharing opinions with others online. By buying-up dozens of potential plots, They help to plot the exodus to less, And stake an astronaut over the shape of a woman. But politics isn’t about the weird worship of one dude, So his words became their actions.
23.  Is it worth your time To try and ignore that, if, What you are listening to Is  the most effective form of advertising- A babbling of a technique That hath impostulated language, Then, should things go well, We may even be able to rend a cross-paracleation With phantom trust-collaborators, Interested in guest-posting for backlinks and exposure, Thus, marrying into micro-influencers, And so tap into our y.
24. But be consistent: For my favourite casts come out the same- Here, crowdplain how a seventh month is a Sound the trumpet month; See how it goes? Lo, but half of me struggles with the whimsy Of the other side that's yet so entranced; No, I'm not sure why, it's just the way I feel.
25. Down tools, more please. Gnaw your own head off. All things positivity- and It is always negotiation; Not: You bring it to the tabernacle, I sing- There is no shortness of spirit In opinion To be cut down. Equal positives, so unto Those things that keep not happening.
26. There are voices you hear of, As quoted as begetters of insightful opinion, Who art themselves never made extant, Being only reported hereto as sources, And lo, that they are the influencers. And I'm super curious as to know what you guys think; Please be sure to leave your comments amid the margins.
27. Thence, afflict thy souls, For, tis atonement day- We're ten into the seventh, And the snap's back when I was An offensive lineman, And the pass sent over- The big lie, long, long to the long deceiver, Ah, burnt offerings- How original, Best look unto the analytics, And if they give you not access there unto , Verily, you are going to have to fight, Fight as peaceful as Sheol, Down, deep down and dirty- I'm not going to call it off.
28. Down tools; Atone to the dial tone, No one calls; Let Ladder Capital Createth of the sponsored post- Like many on the medium, To use an ode- I used to play the role; To laugh and laugh; Laugh til I despised all there was to laugh at, And then I stopped, And in the silence, saw what I had done.
29. But laughing is not so bad.
We've been a good wee band. Yes we have. No one is coming after us. And if you're alright, mack, You'll get cut off.
30. So workers got destroyed That day, And Aaron was frustrated, And livid. Reach round; Feel thy spine. The way people stop you From being helpful When you are helpful, So that you cannot be helpful, So that they can cut you From your people.
31. Tardiness in perpetuity, Aye, today, it is Yplangenday- Well, I'll have to put myself Through some more adamantine Paces than god allows, else I'll never get enough done.
32. And be bold, For, you'll need to deracinate; Chancers are toxic vocations Within the tent of meaning; It's content; it's all content- Divide and game, so- Focus and grow. I mean to make sure That you are a consistent- Start of the ninth evening , End of the next.
33. God doesn't eat though, That I can see- For all that we give him, God doesn't eat.
34. Crowd, 15/7, and tabernacle feast week; Still his words became their actions, Shrill, until the doctrine of laches, When the searched-after Faithless elector went libertarian, Like many on the medium, Clade unto such bolled and novel obstacles What stretched where chance was slim, And slim was still in quarantine.
35. To start again, down tools, For, lo, if you want to be in a prison camp, You needst allow yourself the luxury Of being stupid enough to get captured.
36. Sacrifice? Spluttereth the LORD: But I'm fed up with so much burnt rubbish, I wish for forced fresh rhubarb, So shunt and jive; I've Optimized, and optimize continuously.
37. Drinks break; take life indicting, Gratify all at a local craven hire scheme, Go abroad singing, so merrylike, To slough off the whole As one enormous rhyzome. Deus Hic! God is drunk! I heard that, Brian Leg-Coverall.
38. O well done Jehus, And good to be with you, Yes you, Who are good in a crisis; A reminder- I'm working with mischief.
39. Wait, rest again, To live is to live through An embarrassment of times, Damarkated as meaningful riches, That will not be well remembered. Really, I am so blessed.
40. But try to ask of a question; So that thy congregation Might make communion in answer, See how it goes? Say, But why, isn't it A bit like palm sunday? The stream changeth its name As it passeth through each neighbourhood. I knew it as; Well it doesn't matter- You're not reposting, nor liking my banal repartee, So, unfollow.
41. And it goes; for I have giv'n unto them a scapegoat, But they cast it not out; So shall there be a reaving that will follow, and Themselves, they shall be cut off from.
42. Then all ye home-born booth dwellers In dwelling booths, Shall dwell in booths seven days and know That you are living in the rhyzome..
43. And everyone will know that I made you do this- The old booth dwellers, needing my rescue out of Egypt, So weakened,  the Open Wounde stayeth open; And remember to tell us what you think, Way down, deep down, down in the margins.
44. And Mose went about with the crowdsplaining Old loud-haler; A simple fellow out of storybook glen, From the tent of meaning, From the twilight men, He ran and told- And the thing is, They were too clever To not know what they were doing- So the target becomes bios; Is the common psychle, The answer- How would you like it? Is - 'I didn't'. And that therein has a hold and salience, As before tends to be the best time to regret- It is a kind of nonsense. I'm so merry
I'm so merry and sad.
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oiloceansurfclub · 5 years
Here is some information on hamster care and behavior, for anyone who doesn’t already know, and for anyone who may be looking to get a hamster as a pet. I’m not a breeder, but I’ve done a lot of research on the topic (and own a couple hams of my own). I’ve probably forgotten a few key points, so I’ll add to this as needed. Also feel free to share your hamster experience, or ask any questions. I’ll answer to the best of my abilities! ❤️
1. Hamsters are not naturally aggressive animals. -This is the MOST common misconception I see with people who are debating getting a small animal for a pet. What turns a hamster aggressive, is the owner’s lack of understanding of how to care for the animal. Proper handling, treatment, diet, and general care will make for a happy hamster AND a happy owner! Read onward to learn more about hamster care.
2. Hamsters are crepuscular creatures. -Naturally, a hamster will want to sleep through daylight, or remain hidden if there is bright light in the room. Crepuscular animals are mostly active during dawn/dusk, though your hamster may also exhibit nocturnal behavior. If you try to awaken your hamster in the middle of the day, unless the hamster is used to you, you will likely frighten and/or irritate the hamster into acting aggressive and/or frightened. It’s best to let your hamster sleep through the day, and play with the hamster while it’s active in the evening.
3. There are different breeds of hamster, with varying needs. -Syrian Hamsters (or Golden/Teddy Bear/Fancy Bear) are the largest hamster breed, and are very commonly sold in pet stores. Males have noticeable scent glands on their hips, and large testicles under their tail. Females have noticeable nipples. -Dwarf Hamsters come in a few different breeds. In general, Males have one scent gland on their belly- their testicles may or may-not be so noticeable. It can be easy to misgender young dwarf hamsters, so make sure you are getting your hams from a reputable source.
4. Hamsters can not be housed together.* -Another VERY common problem I see with new hamster owners is keeping two or more hamsters together in one enclosure. Hamsters, especially Syrian, are very territorial. They are prone to fighting each other when in close proximity, and will even fight to the death. NEVER, EVER house your Syrian hamsters together. The hams you see living together in stores are still very young, once they are a few months old, they will begin to act territorial and need their own space.
*Some dwarf hamsters MAY be allowed to live together, so long as they are from the same litter, are of the same gender, and grew-up together. Should they exhibit any aggressive behavior toward each other, they should be separated immediately.
5. Hamsters will breed with their own family members. Believe it or not, many people still think that animals won’t breed with their own kin just because they’re related. This is absolutely not the case. If you choose to keep a small family of dwarf hamsters together, keep ONLY SAME GENDER HAMSTERS in one enclosure. Hamsters have a VERY fast gestation period and will breed more quickly than rabbits.
6. Hamsters do not usually eat their young. -A mother hamster will do what she can to care for her litter, and if you encounter a hamster with babies, do NOT touch them (unless you are a professional breeder who knows how to handle your hams). Mother hamsters may eat their young for a few reasons, mostly due to stress, or lack of food/nutrients. Leaving the mother be will reduce stress and let her raise her pups in a relaxed environment.
7. Hamsters can be trained. -Yes, that’s right. Hamsters are much more intelligent than most will give them credit for. Not only can your hamster learn your voice and its name, but it can even learn simple tricks with enough practice and patience! (and rewards... hamsters just love treats) If you spend enough time with your hamster (as you should daily), you’ll notice your hamster settling into a routine and including you as a part of its daily life.
8. Hamsters require a lot of space to live in. -Hamsters, especially the larger Syrian variety, thrive with ample space and bedding to burrow in. In nature, they spend hours every evening running around, gathering food, and digging their burrows. Syrian hamsters require a MINIMUM of 1′ x 2′ of space with at LEAST 2″ of bedding, but PLEASE aim for something larger. The more room your hamster has to run, the happier and healthier it will be, and the less stressed it will be!
9. Not all hamsters have the same personality. -Like people, hamsters will have varying wants and do-not-wants. Some hamsters may be more naturally passive, making them better for handling- while others are more skittish, requiring more personal space. It’s VERY important to be aware of your hamster’s personal preferences, and to not force your ham into doing something it doesn’t want to do. Taming your hamster can take weeks to months, be patient and reward your ham when it makes progress. Hamsters will associate behavior with treats, just like training a dog.
10. Hamsters are omnivores. -Similar to humans, hamsters can eat just about anything- and in the wild, they get plenty of animal protein, not just seeds and veggies. Be sure to keep a variety in your ham’s diet! Some hamsters enjoy meal worms and other insects, but cooked unseasoned chicken or cooked egg can also be a good source of protein for your ham. Hamsters can also eat dairy, though it’s not the healthiest food, a small piece of mild cheese or dried yogurt can be a fantastic treat and motivator while training. -Food bowls are good, but you should also sprinkle seeds around your hamster’s enclosure to give them something to forage for. This allows your ham to fulfill one of its natural needs, and give it something entertaining to do.
11. Give your hamster a controlled environment. -One key note on keeping your hamster’s stress levels low, is to make sure it’s in a comfortable room. This means keeping light down low, keeping noise to a minimum, and making sure your ham’s room is a comfortable temperature. For Syrian hamsters, 65 - 75 degrees F is the golden zone. Any colder or warmer and you’ll need to make adjustments. A cold rock placed inside the habitat can give your ham something to lean against when they need to cool down.
12. Get the right wheel. -I cannot stress this ENOUGH. There are so many wheels available, and most of the ones you find in pet stores are UNHEALTHY and DANGEROUS. Getting a wheel that’s too small will give your hamster back problems, reducing life span and increasing stress levels. -DO NOT BUY MESH WHEELS. Hamsters’ toes can become stuck in mesh wheels. Only buy a solid wheel, free of any bumps or divots, with a solid back so your hamster is not exposed to the wheel mechanisms while running. Most smooth plastic or solid metal wheels will do fine.
13. Give your hamster something to chew on. -Hamsters teeth grow constantly, so they always need chew toys. Specific types of wood, stone, seeds, and other hard materials can be put in your hams’ enclosure. Make sure the toys your provide are safe, as some things can be toxic and/or lodge in your hams’ digestive tract.
14. Hamsters can be potty trained. -Yep. Potty trained. While hamsters cannot control their bowel movements, they can control their bladders and will often choose a spot to go in. Observe your ham, they will usually choose a spot on their own and keep going in the same area. When cleaning this area, be sure to leave a tiny bit of soiled material behind so the hamster remembers where to go.
15. Never bathe your hamster in water. -Getting soaked can be fatal to a hamster. Never, ever get your hamster wet. A sand bath can (and should) be provided as a way for your ham to help cleanse itself. Do NOT get chinchilla dust, as the fine silt can clog a hamster’s airways. Instead, look into all natural reptile sand.
16. Hamster Balls -This is a very divided topic for most hamster owners. Some say a ball can be a fun way for your hamster to entertain itself, others say to stay clear of using a ball altogether as it can be dangerous. Here are a few pros and cons to keep in mind: -Pros: Gives your hamster a way to run around a room without the potential for getting lost and/or stepped on. Can fulfill the need to explore a wider space, and provide entertainment to you and your hamster. -Cons: Some hamsters dislike the ball and become stressed and scared when placed inside. Unsupervised hams can get lost and/or become injured while inside the ball. Some may even be able to break free and escape. Use your better judgement. If your hamster doesn’t seem to be enjoying the ball, stop use of the ball altogether.
17. Cages -This is another debated topic among owners, and it’s best to use your own judgement while observing your hamster. However, there are some general rules to keep in mind: -If your cage has bars, be sure the bars are small enough that your ham can NOT fit its head between them. If a hamster can fit its head into a space, the hamster can fit its entire body through the space, and escape.  -Hamsters will almost always chew on bars. While this isn’t always a bad thing, it can sometimes be a sign of stress. Also, bar chewing is -very- noisy. -Hamsters will climb on bars. Again, not always a bad thing as climbing is a natural activity for a hamster, but it can lead to injury if there is not ample bedding beneath in case they fall down- or if the cage itself it too tall. -Large bins can be used as enclosures. A large storage bin, cleaned and free of any residues, can make a great space to keep a hamster. Be sure the bin has plenty of airflow- cover it with a metal mesh top instead of a lid. Also keep an eye on your ham, as they can and will chew through plastic if they are able.
-Aquariums and terrariums can make great homes. Just like other small animals, hamsters can live in a glass enclosure. Keep in mind that airflow isn’t as great in these setups, so the smells your ham generates will become more potent. You will need to clean these enclosures more often than others with greater airflow.
18. Cleaning -Hamsters make a lot of mess and stink for such small animals. Males may even mark territory, increasing the potency of their odors. It’s important to note that your hamster cannot control its bowel movements, and will go wherever it happens to be at the moment. -Spot clean daily. If you see any poop or pee, scoop it up and toss it out, replace with clean bedding as necessary. -Full cage cleanings depend on the size of the enclosure. Smaller cages require more frequent cleanings. Larger cages can go up to a month before full cleans, as long as you spot clean frequently. -Do not throw out ALL of your hamster’s bedding with a full clean. Your hamster becomes familiar with its own scent, and knows its home based on odor. When cleaning, be sure to leave a little bit of its old bedding in the cage, so it doesn’t get confused/frightened when placed into a clean habitat. -Hamsters are very clean themselves. Like cats, hamsters groom all the time. They like to keep themselves spotless, though it’s still important to wash your hands before and after handling, for your safety and for your hams’.
19. If you are able to do so, adopt from a shelter or a breeder. -Most rodents at pet stores come from rodent mills, which are facilities where rodents are mass-bred to be shipped out to pet stores. These animals are generally treated badly until they reach their final destination. While pet store hamsters can be good pets, they can also be more difficult to warm-up to their owners, and will be harder to train. On top of that, purchasing small animals from pet stores encourages rodent mills to keep mass producing (and harming) these critters. Independent breeders and shelters care for their animals, and will provide you with the best possible pet candidates, as well as supporting humane ways to treat small animals.
20. Do Your Research -This is just a bare-bones write up on general hamster behavior and care. If you’re looking to get a hamster as a pet, PLEASE research the type of hamster you’d like, and ALL the specifics that go into caring for your new friend. Just because hamsters are generally cheap at a pet store, does NOT mean they are always cheap to care for. They can require vet visits and special diets, just like any other animal.
Hamsters are small animals, but they are still living, loving creatures who deserve proper treatment and care. And with proper treatment and care, your hamster can be an incredible companion who will enjoy your company as much as you enjoy theirs. ❤️
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