#younghyun fics
lxvemaze · 1 month
彡why can't i hate you?
pairing' young k x reader
genre' angst
warnings' good relationship gone bad, reminiscing about past relationship, reader is still in love with younghyun, flashbacks written in italics, based off of "i loved you" by day6
wc' 1.6k
a/n' i listened to "i loved you" at least forty times back-to-back yesterday, so i decided to write a fic about my bias based on the lyrics 🙏 is anyone gonna read this? ofc not. am i still gonna post it? yes ofc
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You hated him. God, you hated him. If your mother had heard you say that, she would’ve scoffed and told you, “Hate is a strong word.” But you thought it wasn’t strong enough. Scrolling through the Google drive he had sent you on your last anniversary that was filled with all the old pictures and videos he'd taken of the two of you on his stupid vintage film camera, you could only think of all the things about him that you hated. You hated his stupid hair that you used to run your fingers through at night, his pointy nose that you used to kiss in the mornings before you left for work, his calloused hands that used to hold you with such warmth, his pretty lips that once told you that he couldn’t imagine living without you, that he would love you till the day he died. The same lips that told you he didn’t love you anymore.
“I just…can’t do this anymore.”
You stood still in the kitchen of your apartment, your hands frozen as they still held the potato you were peeling as you prepared dinner for yourself and your boyfriend of six years. It was Friday night, which meant that Younghyun had come over for dinner, as he had nearly every Friday for the past six years- barring the times he’s been on tour. When he’d arrived at your apartment, you could tell that something was off. You’d just assumed that he’d had a bad day, or was just tired. You never would have thought that he’d be telling you this. Not after you’d discussed engagement rings just last week.
“What are you trying to say? You’re just breaking up with me? Did I do something? Did I say something?”
He shook his head with his face in his hands as you rambled on, questioning what could’ve possibly made him say these things to you. He looked up at you, both of you looked a wreck, tears in your eyes and noses running.
“It’s not that. You…You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why? What happened? Why now?”He took a deep breath as he took in your disheveled state. The tears from your face had fallen onto your pretty powder blue sweater, and he fought the urge to smile at the thought that even after all the years you’d been together, all the fights you’d had, all the times you’d seen each other at your worst, you still tried to look pretty for him. But as sweet as that thought was, it still couldn’t change how he felt.
“I don’t know. I just…I don’t know how else to say it. But I just…” He took another breath to steady his shaking voice, “I just…Don’t love you anymore.”
You hated how he never gave you a reason. Even after crying and begging, he couldn’t tell you. And maybe you said some things that you shouldn’t have, maybe telling him to leave, that you never wanted to see him again was going too far. And maybe it was a lie.
After he left, you found that he’d blocked your number, your socials, everything. Just like that, he erased you from his life. You resented him for that. After he left, you went numb for a few weeks. It was like your whole world had ended, like everything had lost all its meaning. Your mom came by almost every day to check on you, and of course to tell you that she never really liked Younghyun, that she just wanted you to be happy, and you’d be better off without him anyway. You hated how she talked about him.
After a while, you decided to pick yourself up and go about life as if he never existed. You threw out all the things he’d left at your apartment over the years, including the plant he’d given you as a housewarming gift when you first moved in. You tried to forget him, forget the time you spent with him, the trips you went on, everything. It was hard when your coworkers and friends would ask about him, when your cousin asked if you were bringing him to the upcoming family reunion, when the little old lady that lived in the apartment next to yours knocked on your door to ask if he could carry her new coffee table up to her apartment.
You were doing well at forgetting his existence. It had been almost three months, and your apartment had been scrubbed clean of any trace of him, all his photos had been deleted from your camera roll. But while you were sitting on your computer in your home office, scrolling through your Google drive to try and find an old work project that you needed to reference in a new report, you came across his last anniversary present to you. You couldn’t stop yourself before you clicked on it. Looking through all the old photos and videos of the past six years, you felt nothing but resentment as you saw his smiling face in the thumbnails.
You must have been scrolling for at least half an hour before you stopped at a certain video, the thumbnail bringing up a particularly harsh memory. You hesitantly clicked on the video, and the sound of your own laughter flooded from your speakers.
He’d really outdone himself this time. When he’d asked you a month ago what the number one place to go on your bucket list was, you immediately told him “Vienna”. You’d wanted to go ever since you were a little kid and you’d heard the BIlly Joel song of the same name coming from your dad’s record player. Little did you know that he’d take you there as a surprise for your fourth anniversary.
You giggled in glee as you looked out across the beautiful river that you’d always longed to see. You turned to see Younghyun pointing his camera at you, grinning as he observed your reaction. 
“Are you filming me?”
“How could I not?” He laughed as you playfully swatted at the camera, pulling the neck of your sweater over your face so he couldn’t film it. “You’re just so beautiful, I can’t help it.”
You stilled and smiled as he reached one hand out to grab your own and drag it away from your face, the neck of your sweater falling back into place at your collarbone. He pressed your knuckles to his lips before turning the camera so the both of you were in the frame. You wrapped your arms around each other, his arm that was not holding the camera coming to rest across your shoulders. You reached one hand up to grab his hand that rested on your shoulder, while your other hand went to the back of his neck, your fingers lazily playing with the soft brown hair that you loved so much.
The two of you smiled at the camera for a moment, listening to the river lazily flowing as the sun set behind you and the crisp autumn air blew through your hair. Younghyun turned to look at you, his eyes scanning over your features, smiling lazily as you turned to meet his gaze. 
“Nothin’. I just love you.”
You grinned as you bounced on your tippy toes to leave a quick gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. “Really?”
He shifted his arm that rested across your shoulders downwards so it wrapped around your waist, his hand playing with a loose string at the bottom of your sweater. “Yeah…You know, I can’t imagine living without you.”
You blushed and buried your face into his shoulder, his hand tightening around your waist. “Younghyun, you can’t just say things like that.”
He grinned and pressed his lips to the top of your head, “It’s true, though. I’m gonna love you till the day I die.”
You pulled away briefly to look up at his face, which was smiling warmly down at you, his eyes filled with nothing but fondness as they met your own. You narrowed your eyes at him, looking up at the camera and back to him.
“...You’re not about to propose to me are you?”
He let out a laugh before bringing you in closer, pressing another kiss to the top of your head before burying his face into your hair. “No, not yet. It’s coming, though.”
You looked up at him again, the look of love on his face told you that he was telling the truth. “I’ll be waiting.”
You didn’t feel the tears that had been cascading down your cheeks until the video had ended. You hated him. You resented him. You never wanted to see him again. So why were you crying? Was it because you wasted six years of your life? Was it because you felt lied to? Why were you wasting your time crying over a man that didn’t love you? Over a relationship that was never meant to be? Why did it hurt so much?
You hated him. You hated him. You hated him.
But as your tears started falling harder and soft sobs escaped your mouth, you knew the truth. You didn’t hate him. You never hated him. You loved him. You knew deep in your heart, that you really did love him. You loved him so badly, it made you hate him all that much more. No matter how many times you tried to erase him from your memory, or how many times you tried to forget the love that he gave, or the time you spent with him, you knew you never could. Because you loved him. And deep down, you always would.
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dearly-somber · 7 months
I’m Yours | k.yh | day6
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-> pairing. non-idol!younghyun x female reader
-> genre. fluff, s2l (strangers-to-lovers), university!au, pining
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 886
-> warnings. none!
-> a/n. I’m you-o-o-o-ours
-> collection. songfic
-> started. ???
-> fin. Oct. 18th, 2020 @ 20:23
-> edited. Fri., Jul. 14th, 2023 @ 23:45
Light summer breeze. Petals falling down in the most satisfying way, pooling at your feet as you walk to the beat of your heart, holding the handle of your umbrella tight enough to whiten your knuckles.
The crickets were out now that the darkness had fallen, a slight drizzle of rain warming your blood. You were wearing an oversized sweater and some shorts that were hidden underneath the fabric you wore on your upper half, a pair of old sneakers to match.
You had decided to take a late night walk, eyes red and puffy from too much crying. You had been having some boy trouble and had been embarrassed in front of probably your whole university, so crying was the only way to make you feel less shitty, and no one could tell you otherwise. You had been walking for a few minutes and stopped by your favorite café near Han River, going to stand over the bridge running over the river after ordering yourself some coffee. You were sniffing the air with closed eyes when you suddenly opened them to what you had assumed was an angel, before you realized that he didn't have wings.
He was wearing a creamy beige turtle neck sweater and jeans with ankle high boots, his black hair falling very gently into his face and accentuating his jawline as he watched the water as if it was the most interesting thing on earth. He had a see-through umbrella over his shoulder, the fairy lights that were attached to it only making him look that much more angelic, if it were possible.
You continued shamelessly staring at the gorgeous stranger, eventually wandering over and standing next to him.
"Penny for your thoughts, stranger?" you asked in a light voice, a warm smile adorning your face.
The angel turned to look at you slowly, eyes jumping around questioningly, as if to ask "Who? Me?"
You immediately decide that this angel was cute and that you wanted to keep him, your smile getting wider. Just a few hours ago you had embarrassed yourself in front of everyone you knew while talking to a boy that you liked, yet here you were making it seem effortless.
"Do I know you?" He asked in the most honey like voice you had ever heard, the sound strangely addictive. Still smiling, you shook your head with a shrug.
"Not at all." You giggled childishly at the way his brow furrowed in confusion, at his mercy, completely helpless to his charms. "I just noticed the way you were staring at the water and you look like you're thinking very deeply about something," you explained, heart jumping into his hands when he laughed in disbelief, tilting his head at you with a smile.
"Is that so?"
You nodded, your cheeks starting to ache from smiling too much.
"Why don't I tell you over a cup of coffee, since we're at a café?" he asked cheekily, a grin pulling at his lips.
You nodded eagerly, taking his hand and pulling him over to the seating area. You turned to look at him with a grin of your own before saying, "Great idea! I've already ordered."
After sitting down he introduced himself as Kang Younghyun, occasionally called Brian by his close friends, who was majoring in Business at your university with Music as his extra classes. You told him your name, telling him that you’re majoring in Writing, hoping to become an editor (since you weirdly enough enjoy editing), and that you were taking art and music as extra classes.
"So then, Younghyun, you sill haven't answered my first question," you said matter-of-factly, sipping at your latte with a raised brow.
"Oh, that? I thought that was you flirting?" he mused with a smirk, the teasing tone in his voice making you chortle.
"Oh no it was, but I'm genuinely curious," you said, chortling at the way he laughed disbelievingly.
"I was thinking about how I need to man up and ask this girl I like in my music class out." he said, shrugging as he sighed deeply.
"Oh, you like someone?" you asked dejectedly, playing with your coffee cup. Brian nodded, sighing again.
"Well then," you said, slamming your fist against the table and gaining not only Younghyun's attention but a few people around you's attention as well.
"I say, go for it! I doubt you have anything to lose," you encouraged him confidently. He raised a brow with a smirk, looking at you as if to say "excuse me what?"
You rolled your eyes before starting to explain.
"Listen, Brian—can I call you Brian?"
"Go ahead." He smiled.
"Right then, Brian, listen. You seriously have nothing to lose. Maybe a smudge of pride but that's nothing. I mean have you seen yourself? I'm sure every girl would be willing to throw themselves at you, hell, sign me up!" you rambled on, hands all over the place and not realizing the way Younghyun was looking at you.
"You really think so?" he asked softly, making you think of a puppy, your heart melting.
You nodded solemnly, smiling at him.
With the most shit eating grin ever, he cleared his throat. "Okay, then. Y/N, I really like you and would like to take you to dinner."
“Oh, shit.”
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shibuinni3 · 10 months
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Younghyun, sonhei com você essa noite
18/11/23; Capa para uso pessoal.
Kang Younghyun e Kim Wonpil, Day6.
Link; ☁️
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thotforcsy · 2 years
how it all ends
(♡) fandom: day6 (♡) pairing: wonpil/younghyun (♡) rating: not rated (♡) 11763 words (♡) complete (1/1)
When Wonpil is twelve years old, a witch tells him he's going to die. When he's eighteen, he meets Kang Younghyun for the first time. The two events have more to do with each other than one might think.
This is how.
cw: blood and violence, death
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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erreversible · 8 months
mind reading au [youngpil]
WIP day6 fic young k/wonpil
“What did you just say?” Younghyun asks, over the swooping freefall of his insides. The sound of his own voice, the loud chatter in the restaurant, the sizzle of the meat on the grill between them — all suddenly sound very far away. His skin feels prickly, hot, then cold, then hot again. It feels like a nightmare.
He’s so off kilter it takes him a second to realize Wonpil hadn’t actually spoken out loud.
“Mm?” Wonpil doesn’t seem to notice Younghyun had just read his mind. He’s utterly immersed in looking for the next thing to put on his plate, hands clasped before his chest.
Look up, Younghyun thinks at him.
Of course, Wonpil can’t hear him. After surveying the cluttered table, he finally picks up his glass of beer and stares into it. Tipsy already, going by the pink of his ears.
“Wonpil-ah,” Younghyun says.
“Look here for a second.”
“Why?” Wonpil asks, but he does. Their eyes meet.
Warmth. That’s what hits him first, square in the chest. It’s familiar, the same kind of warmth Younghyun feels on quiet nights when it’s just the two of them and they get talk about the things they never talk about during the day. But underneath that warmth, there’s a current of prickly dread, mirroring Younghyun’s. A thundering heartbeat. Fear and anticipation mixing into a dizzying sludge. Then comes the vague shape of a thought:
Say it again.
“Wonpil-ah,” Younghyun says instinctively. Wonpil blinks in surprise, eyes quickly flicking away, but not before Younghyun catches that — a flush of pleasure crawling liquid down Wonpil’s spine. The shadow of it fades fast, leaving Younghyun cold.
His arm moves on its own, finding his cup of somaek and raising it. “Cheers.”
“Ah. Cheers,” Wonpil murmurs, biting his lip.
Fuck. Younghyun tilts his head back and downs the glass.
to be continued…
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redpiperfox · 4 months
was rereading rosette, and your author's note mentions that you chose specific characters for specific roles. i am VERY curious about All Of Them, i cant pick just one, so i'll leave you with the jurisdiction of choosing which ones to talk about? or you could mention all of them... haha jk unless
Just so you know how much I waffled this answer, I've currently been text-character-limit blocked on my response O.o Did not know there was a limit, but uh, I reached it trying to reply >.<
Will give you the answer over a couple of reblogs!:
I saw Rosette and my heart started racing, I clutched my pearls, I needed to sit down, I AM NOT NORMAL ABOUT THAT FIC ToT
I could Actually write endless essays about so many little details of that work... so much went into it, and I have to remind myself that I need to remind myself that the streets aren't aware of how Insane I am, and that is probably for the better XP
Hwang family: other than the obvious of all the characters featured in the extended family home 2hwang grow up in sharing the surname "Hwang," I picked dancers and the sort of connections that reflect canon. Niki looking up to Hyunjin and following in that legacy (yeah, I know he's not a "real" Hwang, but my au so I do what I want XD), SinB [Hwang Eunbi] as the kindest to them as the pioneer in 4th gen dancing gems. Also, the name Eunbi gives me mother-hen visions from my time knee-deep in Iz*one so XD
Hometown village: I had decided I needed to save all of SkzItzy for the new village they move to, which left me with the current village to fill of good friends, but not found family people. Aespa was an obvious choice as Itzy's irl friends, and I decided to dust in Enhypen members since I already had Niki. "Taeyhyung" was a generic enough name that I didn't feel like I was villainizing any particular boy group member XD Picking 2PM's Wooyoung was probably my favorite part of the hometown village-- it's been so sweet watching him be this JYP mentor figure for all of skz publically since Kingdom, and for the group personally since much before from what Chan's told us. This "respectable gentleman" figure who's removed enough from current happenings seemed to fit him really well.
Foster family: [giggles] Okay so SeungBin being siblings? Absolutely completely canon, Seungmin is such an annoying younger brother and Changbin takes the preachy protective older brother so well, and making them the first thoughtful and concerned people 2hwang meet was the perfect way to build them into the new village. I built the rest of the family around them: Chaeryeong is already Changbin's annoying baby sister confirmed XP Sunmi was easy to fit next to them, I think of Chaeryeong as sort of the next generation Sunmi performance wise, and Seungmin is always joked as being the role Sunmi was in teasing the company and JYP himself. Younghyun I knew needed to be central in someway, and as a very involved, very well known and respected idol of his generation who has so much history and present influence in the company, I put him right in the center as an older adult who makes the village feel like home.
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alice3876 · 1 year
Fic recommendations
all fluff and comfort because my heart can't deal with angst
this is really self-indulgent. just a list of fics for when I'm feeling in a particularly soft and vulnerable mood
Last update: Thursday, January 4th, 2024
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ enhypen━━━━
Yang Jungwon
Chasin' Your Pretty Thoughts ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Love Grows (Where Jungwon Goes) ♡ written by @soobnny
Nice to meet you, boyfriend ♡ written by @delcakoo
Wishlist ♡ written by @soobnny
Jay Park
Bejeweled ♡ written by @seattlesolace
Have you seen this wizard? ♡ written by @seattlesolace
Jake Sim
Your Name ♡ written by @soobnny
Park Sunghoon
Little Lucky Charm ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Kim Sunoo
It doesn't really matter to me (I just need you) ♡ written by @jaeminvore
The Damsel In Distress Initiative ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Nishimura Riki
After Hours ♡ written by @soobnny
Always Japan ♡ written by @soobnny
Do you have to? ♡ written by @bearseulgs
Sharing a bed ♡ written by @delcakoo
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ le sserafim ━━━━
Huh Yunjin
Valentine ♡ written by @shuhwaa
Nakamura Kazuha
Love-shaped Lips ♡ written by @shuhwaa
Hong Eunchae
Nap ♡ written by @shuhwaa
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ day6 ━━━━
Kang Younghyun Brian
A fan having an emotional meltdown ♡ written by @yeongfil
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ stray kids ━━━━
Lee Minho
New Year's Day ♡ written by @soobnny
Seo Changbin
The girl with the pretty smile ♡ written by @scoupsworld
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ seventeen ━━━━
Wen Junhui
Charcoal-stained hands ♡ written by @rubyreduji
Jeon Wonwoo
Screw finals, let's cuddle ♡ written by @kwanisms
Hansol Vernon Chwe
Say you love me (I love you) ♡ written by @viastro
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ the wizarding world ━━━━
━━ slytherin boys ━━❁━━━━━
Draco Malfoy
Brooding Baby ♡ written by @dmslvt
A Bubbly Companion ♡ written by @blue-sadie
Love Letters ♡ written by @dreamingonfilm
Sea Salt Candles ♡ written by @dreamingonfilm
You have a beautiful smile ♡ written by @destourtereaux
Mattheo Riddle
Softer Side (pt.1 of 3) ♡ written by @suugarbabe
Tom Riddle
Hufflepuff reader headcannons ♡ written by @ slytherinslut0
━━ main timeline characters ━━❁━━━━━
Fred Weasley
Amortentia ♡ written by @iiwontgiveuponmilkk
Poor Mrs Norris ♡ written by @characters
George Weasley
Very adorable idiots ♡ written by @tacobacoyeet
Cedric Diggory
Let Everyone Know ♡ written by @englishmensbitch16
━━ marauders ━━❁━━━━━
Regulus Arcturus Black
untitled (little comfort fic) ♡ written by @justtwotired
Calling For You ♡ written by @reysdriver
Various Characters
Love Language ♡ written by @urwhorecrux
We about to kiss right now? ♡ written by @ohthewh0rror
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ once upon a broken heart ━━━━
Jacks of The Hollow
The Hollow ♡ written by @lost-in-a-daydream20
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ actors ━━━━
Timothée Chalamet
Books, pillow talks and an attention-craving boy ♡ written by @babyflorencee
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agustd-png · 9 months
(With the intention of hype, not pressure 💖) I keep popping by your blog like "👀 did I miss it? Is it here yet?" About the part 2 of your Young K fic. The excitement is too real! Also gotta add; you're one of my all-time fave fic writers. I hope you have a happy weekend! 💖
Aw I'm so happy to hear you're excited for it! It's nearly ready, I'm hoping to publish in the next few days 🥰 In the meantime, here's a little preview 💕:
"Sorry," he said with a happy sigh, pulling away. Kissing you at work; was it professional? No. But were you happy he did it? Of course. Besides, it's not like you could focus on work distracted by his presence. Letting off a little steam now and then was...a good thing then? Right?
That logic was good enough for you. You didn't let him go far before pulling him back into your arms, lips back on his. Younghyun relaxed against you, smiling against your lips and kissing you back, wrapping his arms as far around you as they would reach.
"We shouldn't...at work..."
He nodded in agreement but neither of you showed any indication of stopping. "I know."
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telomirage · 4 months
hi!!! ☺️ for the writer asks: 20, 22, 23, 26, 32, 39, 56, and 58?
hi hello! ☺️
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Food as a love language for sure. I think there's also a lot of teasing, banter, and casual intimacy. Some of my friends saw a fic during the anonymous posting period of a fest they knew I signed up for, saw the tag "team as family," and sent it to me like, "this you?" And yes. It was me lmao. Found/forged family is also very important to me.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won't do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Hmmm there's nothing that immediately comes to mind. I haven't tried writing social media fic because I'm sure I'd get bogged down by formatting, but that doesn't mean I'll never do it.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
Read. Take breaks. Read some more. Try to write for yourself first. Your interests, your "self indulgence." And remember that a first draft can and probably should be rough.
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
idk what would be considered a wild ride but Tether certainly put me through it, trying to see how many mini universes I could create and then string together with thread.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
oh no 😭 this, like the "link your three favorite fics" one, is so hard.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP.
Presented from (working title, which will probably stick in the end lol) a nice ring to it 💍 without further comment:
Younghyun smiled like he wasn't about to ruin Seungmin’s life or put Jisung in immediate danger and asked, “So, when are you planning to, as the kids say, ‘wife him up?’” Jisung choked and Seungmin shrank back to avoid the spray of Fanta from his mouth. Younghyun was not so lucky. His face dripped while Jisung continued to cough. The table got the worst of it, but Younghyun was unmistakably wet. Seungmin nudged a roll of tissue within Younghyun’s reach. He and Jisung waited for Younghyun to mop his face before speaking again. “I'm not sure what you mean,” Seungmin said carefully. Jisung took a different approach. “Hyung, you’re not even that old. Why did you have to say it like that?” Neither of these encouraged Younghyun to drop it.
56. What's something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
While beta-reading a draft for me, one of my friends said I was really good at writing amusing despair, and I think that's true. I also like when I'm able to nail the evocative imagery in my head to the page/screen. "Wonwoo blinks and the universe blinks back," baby!
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
Brainstorming! And what I like to call the chatfic stage where I inflict my thoughts upon my friends. I love to share. I also love when pieces start to come together.
"get to know your fic writer" ask meme
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diverseinsertknet · 2 years
Navigation by K-pop Group Names A-F
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Look for the reader insert fic you want at DiverseInsertKNet with links organized by Group Names A through F below. This list will regularly add groups and idols as more stories are reblogged to the network. Entries without a link are currently in the queue and waiting to be published. Desktop/web browser users- the original version of this post on DiverseInsertKNet will always be the most up to date.
Our navigation page has links to groups with other names listed alphabetically as well as fanfic labeled by Gender and other kinds of diversity.
K-pop Group Names A-F
AB6IX- Jeon Woong
A.C.E- Kang Yuchan, Kim Byeongkwan, Kim Sehyoon, Lee Donghun, Park Junhee
ASTRO- Cha Eunwoo, Kim Myungjun, Moon Bin, Park Jinwoo, Park Minhyuk, Yoon Sanha
ATEEZ- Choi Jongho, Choi San, Jeong Yunho, Jung Wooyoung, Kang Yeosang, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Song Mingi
Block B- Ahn Jaehyo, Kim Yookwon, Lee Minhyuk, Lee Taeil, Park Kyung, Pyo Jihoon, Woo Jiho
BOYNEXTDOOR- Han Dongmin, Kim Donghyun, Kim Woonhak, Lee Sanghyeok, Myung Jaehyun, Park Sungho
BTOB- Im Hyunsik
BTS- Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung (V), Min Yoongi, Park Jimin
CRAVITY- Ahn Seongmin, Ham Wonjin, Kang Minhee, Kim Taeyoung, Koo Jungmo, Allen Ma, Park Serim, Seo Woobin, Song Hyeongjun
DAY6- Kang Younghyun, Kim Wonpil, Park Sungjin, Yoon Dowoon
DPR Ian Christian Yu
Dreamcatcher- Kim Minji
ENHYPEN- Kim Seonwoo, Lee Heeseung, Nishimura Riki, Park Jongseong, Park Sunghoon, Jake Sim, Yang Jungwon
EXO- Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongdae, Kim Junmyeon, Kim Minseok, Oh Sehun, Park Chanyeol, Zhang Yixing
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shibuinni3 · 11 months
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Love Alarm
02/11/23; Capa para uso pessoal.
Yoon Dowoon e Kang Younghyun, Day6.
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justkpopjokes · 1 year
SKZ + Day6 Uni Band AU
Ft. Stray Kids + Day6
Word Count: 2k of bullet points
jaesea: “Maybe best friend!Chan (skz) but like he invites u to be part of this new band he's making?”
A/N: Another old request lol. This fic practically wrote itself! So many details fell right into place, so there are a ton of references to the irl history of the groups which I might make a separate post explaining lol
JYP Uni is mostly an arts university, so the students have their own student-run festival to celebrate everyone’s skills!!
A few years ago, there was a band called Day6 that grew in popularity due to performing at this festival on a whim
Sadly, one of these original performers left b/c he wanted to focus on studies
Then another guy quit the band after he graduated to focus on his job
So the remaining 4 members, Sungjin, Brian Younghyun, Wonpil, and Dowoon, decided to finish up their studies then go pro!!
However, due to studying, sometimes a person or 2 wasn’t able to make it to a performance
Either that or the song they wanted to perform wasn’t possible with only the 4 of them
Additionally, Sungjin and “Young K” decided to work full time after they graduated to save up for their Big Band Plans, which meant that they were often down a bass and guitar for on-campus events
To solve this, they decided to add some other people to the band temporarily!!
These new members were more like collaborators rather than official members
Wonpil and Dowoon would teach them the band’s existing songs, so for many of their fans at uni, it was like a special honour to get to perform with them
During his last year at uni, Dowoon was such a sweet but stressed mentor as the last original one left lmao
Imagine him going around trying to find lil underclassmen to fill in for performances
((ok but wow that would definitely lead him to have a lot of fans,,,, yknow,,, like in the Every Day6 MVs,,,))
After Dowoon graduated, the 4 main members of the band were reunited to go pro and focus on making music!! :’) A happy ending!!
Now THOSE are the legends that Bang Chan has idolized ever since he got accepted into JYP Uni!
Bang Chan is a guy. A guy that happens to be really good at writing music (and guitar)
So his skill landed him the opportunity to perform with the legendary Day6!
(Dowoon and Wonpil had heard of Chan’s music during one of the student music festivals, so they called him up to fill in for Sungjin once)
But since all the original members have since graduated, Day6 isn’t a part of JYP Uni anymore
And thus a gap is left for a new band to rise into!!
With his knowledge gifted to him by Dowoon, Chan decides to start another band!!
He takes rhythm guitar and vocals, but he still needs others to, yknow, make it a band 🤔🤔🤔
lmao I would love to be recruited as a second guitarist, keyboardist, or drummer
The people who witnessed Chan’s performance w/Day6 are like “ooh he’s a good singer, maybe we should see what he does”
So his friends show off their skills to him and he eventually starts getting a band together!!
First he recruits 2 of his closest friends, Jisung and Changbin
I didn’t plan this but it makes so much sense that Chan filled in for Sungjin in the past because it meant he got really good at rhythm guitar
Which means Jisung plays lead guitar (and he does actually play guitar omg) with Changbin taking up drums
The trio performs together for the 1st time at the same music festival that Day6 started at!
They name themselves “3RACHA” after Jisung spilled Sriracha sauce on himself when they went out to lunch to plan for the event
Following their performance, they gain attention for their unique original songs!
Sadly, after about a year of 3RACHA uploading their music online, Changbin has to step back due to time conflicts
Although Changbin’s able to help write their songs, only Chan and Jisung would be performing live like they planned
Chan’s a little discouraged; he’s been trying for so long to get a crew together and is close to finishing up his time at uni
He doesn’t want to cancel their 2nd big performance, but it’ll be hard performing their songs as a duo
So he calls his friends, Day6!
Younghyun in particular had sort of adopted Chan after the latter filled in for Sungjin
So he gives Chan a pep talk and tells him to keep pushing through
As a solution, Younghyun suggests Chan do what Day6 did and give some newbies a chance to perform with 3racha like Day6 did with Chan
II: Srir4cha?
Inspired by his mentors, Chan decides to recruit a young man who enrolled into JYP Uni early: Jeongin!
Jeongin is an amazing singer, but Jisung’s a little confused at first since Chan usually does vocals
However, papa Chan encourages the youngin’ to work on his piano/keyboard skills so he can perform with that too
After a successful first practice to see if he’s a good match, they happily accept Jeongin onto the team!
They also just love to baby him lol he’s their golden child
Hyunjin, another student at JYP Uni, knows about the band that Chan is forming
Although he hears that they’re looking for new members, he doesn’t really want to audition, feeling like other people were better than him
Besides, he’s a dancer, not a musician. What’s he going to do?
However, Hyunjin is always practicing his dance routines in a studio on campus
And whenever it’s empty, he’ll sing to himself!
Chan hears Hyunjin singing and is like “hmmm interesting…”
And after witnessing Hyunjin’s stage presence during a dance performance, he’s like “okay that’s it he’s joining!!”
So Chan approaches Hyunjin and asks him to join the band, at least temporarily, for their next performance
Hyunjin: “??? But I don’t play an instrument??”
Bang Chan: “You dance, right? I’ll teach you drums; since you’re good with dancing on beat, it should be easier for you to pick up”
So Hyunjin learns drums with Chan (and occasionally Changbin’s) mentorship
It seems a little odd to Jisung/Changbin that Chan is just picking random kids who have little to no experience with instruments
Jisung especially is like 😒😒 about Hyunjin replacing Changbin, thinking Chan just brought him on the team because he’s handsome and can get them attention
But 3RACHA (currently a team of 4 and needing a new name) have unwavering faith in Chan’s good judgment
With Hyunjin working hard to catch up to the others and carry the beat, Jisung accepts that Hyunjin does belong on the team
Though they really are a ragtag team of stray kids that Chan pulled together
With a fresh lineup, they boys are able to perform at their 2nd major event under their new name: Stray Kids!!!
After the event with Chan, Jisung, Jeongin, and Hyunjin (mirroring Day6 hehe), Changbin’s able to rejoin the band!
Hyunjin’s a little sad he won’t be performing with Stray Kids anymore
But Chan is ofc like “NO you’re one of us now!!” and offers him a permanent spot on the team
Hyunjin: “But what am I going to play now that Changbin’s back on drums?”
Bang Chan: “uhhhh well ok hold up we have some rearranging to do…”
With 5 people in the band now, they have a full house!
Yet they’re somehow still missing a bass guitar…
For their previous 2 performances, they had used a recording of a synth bass that Chan had thrown together with Jeongin’s help
But they kinda have to tackle this problem now
Jisung’s really good at lead guitar, Changbin’s the best at drums out of the 5 of them, and Jeongin already learned many tricks on keyboard
So either Chan or Hyunjin have to take up bass
Hyunjin isn’t super comfortable with learning a new instrument again (he just learned drums, after all)
So Chan—being the multi-talented man he is—takes up bass himself
(It’s not his forte, but it’ll do for now!)
Instead of playing rhythm guitar in Chan’s place, Hyunjin writes a couple songs of his own and takes up lead vocals for their 3rd performance!!
After that performance, a certain Kim Seungmin notices they’re down a rhythm guitarist…
Even though he’s majoring in vocal music, Seungmin decides to teach himself rhythm guitar in hopes that he can join the band
One day, when Seungmin is jamming out, a certain band leader walks in…
…and immediately tries to recruit him LMAO he’s kind of desperate
Now they’ve got a team of 6!
But Chan isn’t having a great time with bass lol rip
Chan, now working on a Master’s degree in Music, has less time for the band
He’s confident in taking more time off now that Hyunjin has taken up lead vocals (and the other members also sing for certain songs)
But the rest of the team is getting really excited to perform at an annual campus music festival which, frankly, Chan doesn’t have the time to practice for
After talking with the team, the consensus is that they really need a (proper) bassist
((LMAO that was like an unintentional pun like. They need an assist. But it’s a bassist LJKFDHLKJS sorry bad joke moving on))
IV: Full House
One of Hyunjin’s fellow dance classmates, Minho, auditions for fun in hopes he can help out
Minho’s part of a dance team that’s also performing at the festival, so he can't perform with them on stage (doesn’t have time to perfect it, basically)
But he knows a bit of bass guitar and offers to play during practices so they can hear the bass parts
Although he isn’t the greatest at it, he’s a good fill-in while Chan focuses on uni
That’s when their angel Felix comes in!!
Chan recognizes Felix from their high school choir, so he knows the kid has got a knack for performing music in there somewhere
So he asks Felix to learn bass for them as a permanent member
Since Chan and Minho are already not the greatest at bass, Felix struggles a bit to learn from them
He gets the hang of it, though, and quickly becomes an expert!
So let’s do a recap:
Bang Chan: vocals, songwriting, arrangement, mostly mia due to uni
Jisung: lead guitar
Jeongin: keyboard/synth
Changbin: drums
Hyunjin: lead vocals, songwriting
Seungmin: rhythm guitar
Felix: bass guitar
So what’s Minho up to?
Turns out, the guy is a natural at drums!! (For the same reason Hyunjin was)
So the crew, the kids, now at max capacity, take this opportunity to rotate which instrument they play for certain songs
With Minho on drums, Changbin’s able to take center stage and sing/rap some songs he wrote for himself
While Hyunjin occasionally switches over to keyboard so Jeongin can have some time in the spotlight to show off those stellar vocals
And they successfully rock their 4th performance at a concert on campus!
Needless to say, Papa Chan is super proud of them :’)) *wipes single tear*
V: Battle of the Bands
For their 5th and biggest appearance yet, the crew signs up for a city-wide Battle of the Bands
(Ahem, Kingdom: Legendary War)
Unfortunately, shortly after they sign up, Hyunjin has some personal issues to deal with and needs to take time off of the team
Needing a lead vocalist again, Chan returns to the band full-time!
He’s finishing up his master’s degree, but manages to make the time to practice
He has always been dedicated, you gotta give him that
They miss Hyunjin’s vocals, but Hyunjin is cheering for them from the sidelines!
With a win under their belt, the band performs together for the rest of the year with more attention than ever
They’re rocking with the big leagues now!
Before Chan graduates, the crew decides to organize one last performance with all 8 of them for their last uni music festival of the year
Chan does lead vocals with Hyunjin (a duet, if you will… Red Lights rock version *cough*)
Meanwhile Minho rotates between extra percussion or other smaller instruments (triangle, maracas, kazoo, harmonica, otamatone, whatever)
Their last performance goes out with a BANG (Chan) and is a huge success!!!
A certain group of alumni, Day6, come back to their old uni to watch lil Bang Channie all grown up with a band of his own :’)))
Even though Chan graduates soon after, he isn’t leaving the band!
No siree those are his kids hello
So the 8 of them work hard to become the next big boy band sensation all together, no matter how many instrument rotations it takes <3
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erreversible · 5 months
fic soundtrack for "kaleidoscopes" 🫧 // youngpil
There comes the vague shape of a thought: Say it again. “Wonpil-ah,” Younghyun says instinctively. Wonpil blinks in surprise, eyes quickly flicking away, but not before Younghyun catches that — a flush of pleasure crawling liquid down Wonpil’s spine. (Younghyun can read minds, but it doesn’t make anything easier.)
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haveanotherkpopblog · 5 years
The Greatest Prank
Inspired by @noona-clock‘s “Day6 in Hogwarts Houses”
Pairing: Kang Younghyun x You
Genre: AU
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: None
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“الأسد لا يستدير عندما ينبح كلب صغير” An African proverb that translates to, “The lion does not turn around when a small dog barks.” And as pettiness goes, feuds are one of the pettiest things thought up by humans. Whether we look at the Hatfields and McCoys, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, or Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Mary, Queen of Scots. Feuds are ridiculous and a waste of precious time.
Now, it’s no secret that Slytherins and Gryffindors have had a feud for Merlin knows how long, over Merlin knows what. Whatever the issue was, it’s long since been forgotten, but the feud continues on. As it has for the last few centuries, spreading unwanted and unwarranted hate everywhere.
Of course, there are those who don’t let such trivial things dictate their lives. They’re the people who move forward and strive towards what they want in the world. Those who don’t have the time nor the patience to dabble in such nonsense. Dickery is only good, never.
You were one of those people. Stature wasn’t something you dwelled on: rich, poor, muggleborn, pureblood, Gryffindor, Slytherin; none of that mattered to you. What mattered was how useful they could be to you. If they wanted to help you achieve your goals, great; if they didn’t, they’d best stay out of your way. All you could afford to focus on in this world was yourself. That was the sad, cold, hard truth.
And right now, you were in need of a certain Gryffindor’s help. Which Gryffindor to be exact? That would be one of Gryffindor’s legendary pranksters, Kang Younghyun. There wasn’t anyone he wouldn’t prank, it didn’t matter what they’d done. He was, as he liked to say, always down for a good prank. Who did you want pranked?
A certain Ravenclaw, Mark Tuan to be exact, had decided to hex your homework, making it throw insults left and right at Professor Sprout. She didn’t appreciate it and decided detention was the best course of action. You’d never done anything to Mark, so now you were on a mission to exact revenge. You could have asked one of your fellow Slytherins for help, but they could take things to an unnecessary extreme. And your house didn’t need anymore bad rep.
That was how you ended up waiting outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts room, waiting for the class to let out. You watched closely as the students filed out, all of them idly chatting away. Once you caught sight of Younghyun, you grabbed his robes and swung him away from the mass of students. He let out a yelp, slightly dazed. He stood in front of you, blinking rapidly.
When he saw you, or more like he saw your robes, he frowned. “What do you want?” he asked, crossing his arms. You rolled your eyes, you did not have time for this stupid “all Slytherins are bad” crap. You had a goal, and a limited time frame.
“One, if you ever refer to me like that again, I’ll rip your throat out and use your blood as low-cost hair dye. Two, I need your help,” you told him. You heard a chortle off from the side. Jaehyung and Dowoon were watching from the other side of the hallway. Bloody tossers. Younghyun quirked a brow, unamused. “I need your expertise in the field of pranking.” He chuckled.
“And why should I help you?” he inquired. You bit back a smirk. Playing hard to get, a classic, but there was a good reason you were in Slytherin. You knew how to get your way. You sighed.
“You’re right, you probably couldn’t help me,” you said shaking your head. “Jae is the better prankster.” You glanced over at Jae, shooting him a wink. “Well, thanks anyway. Ta-ta.” You waggled your fingers and turned on your heel.
You hadn’t taken two steps when he gripped your wrist and pulled you back to him. Your body was flush against his as he glared down at you. You stared up at him through your lashes, an unamused expression on your face. You swallowed thickly at his unwavering glare. You raised your eyebrows.
“I’ll help you.” You smirked.
“I had a feeling you’d see things my way,” you said. You glanced over at Jae and Dowoon, both of whom were staring at you with interest. “Meet me in the library. I don’t need your boyfriends bugging us, and if they do, I’ll hex them.” He let your wrist go, half smirking.
“Lead the way princess.”
“So, out of curiosity, who are we pranking?” he asked as you looked over the scroll of pranks he’d given you.
“Mark Tuan,” you replied.
“Mark Tuan? He’s a cool dude, what’d he do to get on your bad side? Did he look in your general direction?” he snickered. You ignored him, rolling your eyes. “I’m only teasing. But really, what’d he do? Did he stand up to you, or did he do better than you in charms?”
“Are you always such a condescending arse, or am I just special?” you spat. Merlin if he wasn’t so bloody cute, you’d slap him silly.
“Don’t all Slytherins think they’re special?” he shot back. You rolled your eyes, ignoring him again. “So, like what you see? Those are some of our best.” You threw the scroll back at him, unimpressed by the listed pranks.
“Pathetic.” He scoffed, leaning back in his chair.
“Excuse me, Princess. You asked for my help, and now you’re calling me pathetic.”
“Not you, you’re ‘pranks’,” you corrected.
“My mistake. The point is, you asked for my help. I gave it. What exactly do you want?” he inquired.
“How much do you know about muggle schools, Younghyun?”
“Young K.”
“My name is Young K.” You rolled your eyes. Why, in Merlin’s name, did all the hot guys have to be such snobbish, self-depicting plonkers?
“Alright, Young K, how much do you know about muggle schools?” you repeated. He shrugged. “Well, muggle schools have a weird tradition you’d like. Thirteenth years, or seniors as they’re called in America, have an end of the year prank. It’s different every year and not all of them are good, but there have been some bloody brilliant ones.”
“Oh really? Do share these ‘bloody brilliant’ pranks you know so much about,” he said sarcastically. While his words held venom, you could see the interest in his eyes. He was leaning forward slightly, eyes trained on you.
“Well, there’s one in particular I’ll share, since you asked so nicely,” you bit. “The American seniors of one school, had decided to grease up three pigs and let them loose in the school. But, before they did, they painted three numbers on them: one, two, and four.” Young K was staring at you with a huge grin. You had to bite back a grin as he stared at you in awe. He glanced down at your robes, and his smile dropped. He cleared his throat, looking away. You scratched the back of your neck, looking down at your lap.
“Yeah, well--um, what’s your point?” he asked, trying to make his voice sound indifferent.
“The point is, I need something great like that,” you replied. You eyes turned cold as you stared at Young K. “I want him to be humiliated.”
“Not gonna lie, that was kinda hot,” he told you truthfully. You blinked. “That’s one. Two, isn’t that a bit extreme? What could he have done to deserve your wrath?”
“That, Young K, isn’t your concern. I was told you had no problem pranking anyone about anything. Why is it suddenly a problem? Why am I any different from any of your other customers?”
“Because you Slytherins have a tendency of going overboard.” You scoffed.
“Are you serious? ‘You Slytherins’? Merlin, you’re a twat.”
“Did you seriously just call me a twat?”
“Doesn’t matter. The point is you’re supposed to be helping me. No questions asked. Mark’s getting what’s coming towards him,” you said. You pulled out a roll of parchment, scribbling away ideas and calculations. “I’ve reached a conclusion.”
“And what would that be princess? What has your almighty, Slytherin highness, concluded?”
“You are such an arse. Quit judging me on my house. Do you know what it takes to be a Slytherin?” you asked fuming.
“Hm, is it hating and discriminating against anyone who isn’t pureblood? Is it to be evil and bent on world domination? Or perhaps it’s to bully everyone you see because they’re worthless peasants compared to you?” His insults hurt. Everyone liked to think Gryffindors were these righteous heroes, but they could be the biggest jerks there were. You turned your head, refusing to let him see the tears in your eyes. You blinked them back angrily.
“No,” you replied simply, turning your head back towards him. “Being a Slytherin means you know what you want, and you fight for it. I want justice for one of the many wrongs I’ve endured. I want to learn, so I study. I want to succeed, so I do my work. I want to be accepted, so I ignore ignorant, toxic, house stereotypes. You think I’m harsh? What do your statements say about you?”
He opened his mouth to argue, but the look on your face made him stop. He thought about what you said. He went quiet, staring at the table. The only movement you saw was the occasional flicker of his eyes. You were slightly worried you’d broke him when he spoke up again.
“You’re right.”
“You’re right,” he repeated. He sighed, glancing at you sideways. “You haven’t given me any reason to be cruel to you, but, because of your house, I was rude and disrespectful. You just wanted my help, and I was completely out of line. I’m sorry.” You stared at him, completely amazed. You nodded your head, mouth slightly hanging open. You guessed chivalry wasn’t dead. “What did Mark do?” You glanced down at your hands.
“He enchanted my homework to spew insults, thus I have detention for a month,” you replied, clicking your tongue. “And before you ask why, I don’t know. I guess it’s just my house. I tried being better than my stereotype, but look at me. I’ve turned into the monster I fought so hard to avoid becoming.” You shook your head, leaning back into the chair.
“I’m so sorry about what Mark did, but I’m kind of glad he did it,” Young K told you. You quirked a brow. “Only because I got to know you.” You laughed. He joined you.
“Now that that chick flick moment has passed, let’s discuss business,” you said smiling. Young K nodded.
“Instead of humiliating him, let’s make him regret messing with you.” You tilted your head, intrigued. He held up a scroll of parchment.
“A prank?”
“Not just any prank, the greatest prank in the history of pranks,” he told you. You chuckled, shaking your head. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” He shot you a wink, pulling out a quill.
You both hunched over the table and began planning probably one of the greatest pranks ever. It was nice having someone on your side for once, and when his hand brushed across yours, butterflies erupted in your stomach. You ignored them though. That was a situation for another day.
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59writes · 3 years
requested by the lovely @pilliepollie ❤️ !!!
hiii!!! thank you so so much for being my (kat) first request!! i'm very excited for this and i hope you like it!!!
note from 59: I love this reaction so much please give kat so much love they r fuckign great writer and I love them sm
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• he was angry
• of course, not at you
• you were a trainee for an upcoming group that was set to debut any month now
• unfortunately, your company had been extra harsh on you and your members
•as you were practicing the choreography for one of your songs, you ended up spraining your foot
• you tried to ignore the pain until one of your members had noticed you began limping
• your company had decided to get mad at you for not practicing hard enough instead of worrying about your health
• so your members decided to resort to plan b: alerting your boyfriend
• the minute he heard the words “y/n got injured” he was gone
• your company got an earful of complaints from him oh my god
• you did not !!! leave !!! his !!! sight !!!
• he made sure you were not putting pressure on your sprain
• did any tasks that required you to unnecessarily walk
• you healed up in no time!
• all thanks to the unconditional love sungjin showed you!! ♡
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• he was literally more scared than you were
• you had called him suddenly while he was getting ready for a date the two of you had planned
• "hey baby! we might have to reschedule the date, uh, i'm at the urgent care right now" "you're WHAT??"
• "yeah! uh, i accidentally spilled boiling water on my arm."
• he had many questions
• how???? when??? what????
• he was at the urgent care no later than 5 minutes
• did he possibly break a few traffic laws?? that's not important!
• you didn't seem that bothered
• you obviously complained about the pain, but he saw no tears from you
• how did you do it????
• nonetheless, jae was very helpful
• he renewed your bandages whenever it was needed
• (and temporarily banned you from boiling water)
• you even went to work with him sometimes when he didn't feel comfortable with you staying alone at his apartment
• you didn't mind, more time with him!
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• he would definitely be the most calm out of the boys
• of course, he was worried about you
• but he wouldn't let you know
• the last thing he wanted was to freak you out if you didn't think it was a big deal, neither did he
• in this specific case, you weren't really sure what happened
• you were super stressed, typing up a bunch of papers your boss needed from you
• the weather was warming up, and the thought of food and water had just slipped your mind you had gotten up a little too fast from your seat
• and everything was a blur after that
• younghyun had heard a small thud as he got up from his spot on your shared bed
• "y/n?"
• when he got no response, he investigated. when he finally found you, you were laid limp on the floor
• he's like "oh my god did they die??"
• but you didn't!!!
• when you woke up, he made sure you had a great meal, and a cold glass of water!! (and pain meds if you simply requested)
• he wasn't attached to you by the hip, but he definitely monitored and made sure you were eating and drinking properly!!
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• oh my god this man is so over dramatic
• you had fractured your fingers when you slammed them on your car door
• you tried to avoid shedding tears knowing it would scare wonpil
• but what can ya do? you were only human
• so you started crying
• he's by your side in literally 0.5 seconds
• when you went to the hospital, you got a confirmation that your fingers were in fact fractured
• this man literally wanted to put you in an arm cast
• he was planning what he was going to write on your favorite colored cast
• of course, an arm cast was unneeded
• he was a little sad,, but as long as you were okay!!!
• you took really good care of your injury!!
• your wrist was wrapped up but it wasn't anything too bad
• wonpil helped you ice it he would not let you do any task, like at all
• you wanted to grab a snack? he grabbed it before you did
• you needed to write your name down? he's got it!!!
• you love him for who he is it's okay
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● maybe it was your poor hand-to-eye coordination
• but you had accidentally cut your finger while you were chopping vegetables for dinner
• honestly you were more upset about having to toss out the vegetables that were exposed to your injury
• but i mean, taking care of that wound is very important
• "honey! can you get me the first aid?"
• why does his baby need the first aid??? huh??? he had 911 on speed dial!!!
• he retrieved the first aid and immediately went by your side
• when he saw your cut, the panic settled in
• you had to physically stop him from calling emergency services
• the cut wasn't a large one, and you could definitely take care of it by yourself which you did
• after you calmed him down for about an hour, and your wound was bandaged up with no issues
• chef dowoon in the building!!!
• he decided to finish cooking dinner for the two of you
• and cook he did!!!
• (he would whine if you even offered to help)
• okay so he ended up undercooking the meal..
• so takeout it is!
• that still didn't stop you from appreciating how lucky you got with dowoon (((:
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