ofcaptors · 6 years
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          SOMETHING  ALARIC  WAS  HELLBENT  ON  WAS  MAKING  SURE  HIS  STUDENTS  KNEW  HE  CARED  ,  be  it  about  their  grades  or  they  themselves  .  this  was  something  he  felt  as  though  most  high  schools  lacked  &  knew  they  could  benefit  from  had  their  been  some  sort  of  positive  relationship  between  student  &  teacher  .  a  student  he’d  been  made  aware  of  relatively  early  on  was  elena  gilbert  ––––  someone  whose  parents  had  died  recently  and  younger  brother’s  grades  were  suffering  because  of  it  .  or  so  he  assumed  .  while  his  concern  certainly  did  branch  out  toward  the  youngest  gilbert  ,  he  wondered  about  elena  .  her  grades  were  steady  and  her  social  life  seemed  to  be  fine  :  after  all  he  caught  glimpses  of  the  brunette  with  her  friends  at  the  mikaelson  party  the  weekend  prior  .  now  she  was  the  first  one  in  the  classroom  ,  snapping  him  from  his  lesson  -  filled  daze  .  “  elena  –  hey  ,  how  are  you  this  morning  ?  ”
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ofcaptors · 6 years
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       AFTER  THE  DEATH  OF  SYDNEY  MURE  ,  alaric  figured  the  woods  would  be  as  barren  as  ever  .  no  straggling  campers  or  young  lovebirds  getting  far  -  too  -  friendly  behind  the  bushes  ,  which  meant  he  was  free  to  go  out  and  trained  as  he  pleased  .  with  a  duffle  bag  filled  with  freshly  sharpened  wooden  stakes  and  vervain  loaded  miniature  cross  bow  ,  the  hunter  retraced  the  path  he’d  taken  a  dozen  times  before  to  a  small  clearing  in  the  middle  of  the  woods  .  however  ,  upon  nearing  this  opening  ,  he  heard  what  sounded  like  someone  else  who  had  the  same  idea  .  without  wanting  to  create  any  suspicion  ,  the  blonde  set  his  bag  down  near  the  entrance  of  the  clearing  and  let  out  a  small  cough  ,  letting  them  know  he  was  there  .  “  you  like  doing  cross  fit  out  here  ,  too  ?  ”
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ofcaptors · 6 years
*     —     ❛      CAMILLE.
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          POURING HERSELF SOMETHING STRONGER ,    she pushed her empty bottle of beer aside . mixing wasn’t supposed to be a good idea , but as a bartender , she disagreed . alcohol was made to be mixed , at least when you knew where your limits were . taking a sip of her own drink , she chuckled slightly as his words .      ‘   you’re not wrong . i appreciate that in a person , truly . well it’s nice to meet you then , i’m cami ––––––– your soon to be favourite local bartender .   ’
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         A  SMALL  SCOFF  PUSHED  PAST  HIS  LIPS  ,  he  couldn’t  remember  the  last  time  anyone  appreciated  him  for  anything  .  “  perhaps  i  should  pay  more  attention  to  who’s  pouring  me  drinks  ,  then  .  i  like  your  attitude  .  ”  the  hunter  raised  thick  brows  as  he  took  another  swig  from  his  glass  ,  words  followings  a  light  sigh  .  “  alaric  saltzman  ,  i  just  started  teaching  at  the  high  school  ,  so  you’ll  probably  be  seeing  a  lot  of  me  during  exam  season  .  ”
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ofcaptors · 6 years
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Joel Hammond + Fuck | Season 2. Part 1. 
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ofcaptors · 6 years
*     —     ❛      CAMILLE.
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          LOOKING UP AT THE MAN’S VOICE ,   she frowned with the realization that she wasn’t the only apparent adult in the premises . he looked almost as out of place   &   uncomfortable as she felt ,  &   maybe that meant she could find herself some adult company while going through their expensive booze . not that she’d ever been opposed to drinking alone .      ‘    fortunately , they have everything you could ask for .   ’      she smiled slightly , pouring him a drink and sliding it over .      ‘   have i seen you at the grill before  ?   broody guy , always drinks about half a bottle . but that describes half this town , so i could be wrong .   ’
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          AS  SOMEONE  WHO  TOOK  THEIR  DRINKING  SERIOUSLY  ,  he  couldn’t  help  but  feel  relieved  at  the  reassurance  of  a  plethora  of  alcohol  .  perhaps  his  frequent  use  of  drinking  as  a  way  of  self  -  medication  would  serve  as  an  issue  later  down  the  line  ,  but  as  for  now  ?  he  planned  on  reveling  in  every  sip  .  after  swallowing  down  the  amber  liquid  ,  alaric’s  brows  furrowed  for  a  moment  before  he  replied  ,  “  i’d  like  to  think  i’m  not  nearly  as  broody  as  half  the  poor  chumps  in  this  town  ––––  but  ,  yeah  ,  it  was  probably  me  .  i  like  my  liquor  ,  what  can  i  say  ?  ”
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ofcaptors · 6 years
*     —     ❛      CAMILLE.
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          SHE WASN’T EXACTLY SURE WHY SHE WAS THERE .   the house was full of underage teenagers drinking the way she had only four or so years ago . truth be told , she would still drink like that now . locating the bar that needed some serious organization , she decided almost immediately to be the self-appointed bartender . opening herself a beer first , she waited for the first kid to come stumbling toward the table . instinctively , she wanted to help . coffee , food , water .. but this was a party . the least she could do was try to find some normalcy .      ‘   so what’ll it be .. juice  ?   soda  ?   ’
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          ALARIC  STUCK  OUT  LIKE  A  SORE  THUMB  .  a  teacher  at  a  party  ?  it  was  safe  to  say  he  was  avoided  like  the  plague  .  perhaps  he  showed  because  he  cared  about  his  students  and  wanted  to  act  as  a  pro  bono  chaperone  to  make  sure  they  were  safe  ––––  or  he  wanted  free  booze  .  kids  would  be  kids  and  drink  regardless  of  whether  or  not  an  adult  was  present  ,  he  figured  he  might  as  well  join  them  .  after  successfully  weaving  through  what  felt  like  a  tsunami  of  minors  ,  the  hunter  finally  arrived  at  the  bar  only  to  be  greeted  with  the  proposition  of  non  -  alcoholic  beverages  .  “  i’m  gonna  need  something  a  little  stronger  than  that  ––––  you  got  any  bourbon  ?  ”
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ofcaptors · 6 years
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alaric | self-critical guardian
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ofcaptors · 6 years
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@ofcaptors @onewithxregrets
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ofcaptors · 6 years
*     —     ❛      ISOBEL.
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The more anger and hate there was the easier it would be for him to move on, get himself out of the danger he was in for if he did anything else. Her features remained unmoved, even if there was a small part of her affected by his clear anguish that she chose to come back here with no plausible reason that he was aware of. “I expected you to move on; the Isobel you knew, you loved is dead…and you should’ve accepted that and moved on. Built the life you always wanted.” She cared enough to want that for him and as soon as she could be sure Elena was safe she’d head elsewhere, far away from him and any other reminder of her humanity. “You’re angry. That’s good.” was all she added.
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          HE  SWALLOWED  DOWN  THE  LUMP  IN  HIS  THROAT  WITH  SPITE  ,  more  so  at  her  words  than  at  isobel  herself  .  alaric  had  come  to  the  conclusion  years  ago  that  no  matter  how  much  easier  it  would  be  ,  he  could  never  fully  allow  himself  to  hate  her  for  what  she’d  become  .  just  because  he  didn’t  hate  her  ,  though  ,  didn’t  mean  that  he  wasn’t  pissed  .  “  the  life  i  always  wanted  ?  isobel  ––  the  life  i  always  wanted  was  with  you  !  i’m  not  sure  about  you  ,  but  those  vows  meant  a  hell  of  a  lot  to  me  .  ”  he  needed  a  minute  to  cool  down  ,  to  breathe  and  rationalize  .  instead  ,  he  continued  on  :  “  good  ?  is  this  all  ENTERTAINING  to  you  ?  i  don’t  know  what  becoming  one  of  them  has  done  to  you  ,  but  this  isn’t  the  isobel  that  i  knew  .  ”
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ofcaptors · 6 years
*     —     ❛      SAMAIRA.
( @ofcaptors )
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FEELING DRAINED WAS ONE THING, but today samaira bordered on just plain exhausted. she supposed that may just have been the cost of toying with spells that she had no prior experience with      working with darker elements that she wasn’t entirely familiar with. head being propped up by her hand, the witch found herself barely able to concentrate, let alone pay attention throughout the lecture and she was having a hard time not making it notably obvious. once class ended, mai sluggishly grabbed her things before groaning when she noticed other students turning in what looked to be an assignment     CRAP, she thought to herself before scrambling to grab and random paper that she didn’t even bother to read what it had on it before attempting to casually drop it on alaric’s desk with the rest of the papers, hoping to go unnoticed.  
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          ALARIC  HADN’T  BEEN  A  TEACHER  FOR  LONG  ,  but  he  knew  as  soon  as  he  stepped  foot  into  the  high  school  how  he  was  going  to  run  his  classroom  .  while  he  was  primarily  in  town  to  gather  information  on  vampires  and  their  other  supernatural  counterparts  ,  history  had  always  his  passion  .  it  was  understandable  that  a  new  teacher  would  want  to  appear  strict  their  first  year  in  order  to  show  they  weren’t  one  to  be  messed  with  ,  and  though  this  was  going  to  be  something  he  implemented  ,  he  wanted  to  make  learning  one  of  his  all  time  favorite  subjects  as  enjoyable  as  possible  for  his  students  .  however  ,  with  both  these  ideas  set  in  mind  ,  he  didn’t  appreciate  those  who  didn’t  even  try  ––––  which  is  precisely  what  samaira  looked  like  .  blue  eyes  were  trained  on  her  as  she  lazily  rose  from  her  desk  and  handed  in  what  he  knew  wasn’t  the  assignment  ,  a  heavy  sigh escaping  him  .  “  seriously  ?  tell  you  what  ,  stay  back  a  minute  and  i’ll  write  you  a  note  for  your  next  class  .  ” 
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ofcaptors · 6 years
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ofcaptors · 6 years
alaric  needs  some  more  plots  ,  so  like  this  and  i’ll  hit  you  up  !
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ofcaptors · 6 years
*     —     ❛      ISOBEL.:
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The silence spoke a thousand words, she was however surprised by his question giving that she’d been expecting more and perhaps even more anger than what he was currently offering though perhaps that spoke for how lost in vampirism she’d gotten; beneath the pushed back emotions, all she’d truly been able to feel was the bad emotions, the things that came with regret though you’d be unable to tell by looking at her features alone. “I went to high school here. I grew up here and I thought it was due a visit.” Far from the truth but it wasn’t like she could tell him anything, everyone in this town was in enough danger as it was with the infamous Klaus coming to town and the influx of supernatural creatures, no matter how much he knew or didn’t know her plans would only serve to put him in the line of fire…and she had at least enough of a heart to not willingly do that, if he eventually found out on his own..well that was at his own risk.”There’s also a lovely house just on the edge of town that happened to be calling my name.”
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          ALARIC  COULDN’T  HOLD  IN  HIS  SCOFF  ,  hands  shoving  deep  within  his  jacket  pockets  and  head  shaking  in  disbelief  .  he  knew  isobel’s  background  in  connection  with  mystic  falls  ,  but  he  couldn’t  work  out  a  plausible  reason  as  to  why  she  would  return  here  of  all  places  .  “  so  what  did  you  expect  ?  to  live  your  life  completely  normal  ,  re  -  visit  your  hometown  ,  as  if  nothing  had  changed  ?  ––––  because  i  don’t  have  that  luxury  .  EVERYTHING  has  changed  .  ”  he  hadn’t  meant  to  raise  his  voice  ,  though  the  emotions  he  had  kept  bottled  up  for  so  long  were  now  rapidly  rising  to  the  surface  . 
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ofcaptors · 6 years
*     —     ❛      BONNIE.
Bonnie didn’t so much mind the essay they’d been assigned, reading her families history and hearing her Gram’s stories was somewhat interesting to her. Of course leaving out the stories she’d been told about what she was was precisely what the girl had done when handing in her essay. She eyed her teacher in confusion but told Elena she’d meet up with her soon. “Is there something wrong?” She asked, stopping in front of his desk, books still in her hands.
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          HE  WAITED  UNTIL  THE  CLASSROOM  WAS  MAINLY  EMPTY  BEFORE  SHAKING  HIS  HEAD  ,  reaching  for  the  essay  on  his  desk  .  “  you’re  not  in  trouble  ,  i  just  have  a  few  questions  about  your  essay  .  ”  alaric  moved  to  rest  against  the  edge  of  his  desk  and  gestured  her  to  sit  in  one  adjacent  from  him  ,  eyes  quickly  scanning  over  the assignment  .  “  you  did  a  really  great  job  ,  i  just  feel  like  you were  ...  holding  back  ?  i  understand  your  family  has  a  lot  of  history  here  and  i  have  to  say  ,  your  paper  left  me  wanting  to  know  more  .  ”  while  he  wasn’t  sure  if  bonnie  was  fully  aware  of  her  family’s  history  in  mystic  falls  ,  his  research  often  posed  more  questions  than  it  answered  and  part  of  him  hoped  he  could  gain  more  information  through  her  . 
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ofcaptors · 6 years
*     —     ❛      ISOBEL.
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It was meant to be easier, for her to be gone and him along with her family mourn the loss of the Isobel they cared about, in way she was lost all but living through regrets that had come when she’d made the choice to be what she now was and what if’s weren’t an option. Though she’d originally had no intentions of crossing paths with him or Mystic Falls again until she and John had made a deal regarding protecting Elena, Katherine being in town was just an added bonus and one that wouldn’t go to waste. She could hear his heart from the other side of the room, it made her wonder if he felt any fear at all of course by the time he reached her, she put on a smile one that was warmer than what was really the case when it came to just about everything in her immortal life. She was glad to see him though, she’d even gone as far as finding out that he was now a high school history teacher…it fitted him more than he knew. 
“It’s good to see you…” her words weren’t filled with too much emotion, it was better that way. “I hear you’re a high school history teacher, that makes sense for you.” She nodded once, god did she wish he’d not come here and perhaps that was the part of her that cared enough about his safety to want better for him; he was meant to mourn her and move on. 
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          IT  WAS  AS  IF  THE  WORLD  HAD  STOPPED  SPINNING  and  all  time  had  froze  ,  leaving  the  two  alone  in  this  moment  .  tunnel  -  vision  centered  on  the  vampire  before  him  as  his  mind  nearly  went  completely  blank  ,  the  sheer  shock  of  it  all  knocked  him  down  a  few  pegs  .  while  there  were  a  million  questions  alaric  wanted  to  ask  her  ––––  starting  with  where  she’d  been  &  what  she’d  been  doing  all  this  time  ––––  his  lips  couldn’t  form  the  words  nor  could  he  find  his  voice  for  what  felt  like  an  eternity  .  it  wasn’t  until  a  few  passing  moments  later  did  he  speak  ,  choosing  to  ignore  the  pleasantries  to  get  to  the  truth  .  “  what  are  you  doing  here  ,  isobel  ?  ”
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ofcaptors · 6 years
@lovesicknd / damon
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          ALARIC  WOULD  REMEMBER  THAT  NIGHT  FOR  THE  REST  OF  HIS  LIFE  ,   the  night  his  entire  world  turned  upside  down  at  the  hands  a  vampire  .  he  would  never  forget  how  isobel  looked  as  the  blood  was  being  drained  from  her  body  ,  or  how  the  monster  looked  as  he  fed  upon  her  .  that  face  was  one  that  haunted  him  every  night  since  and  it  led  him  here  ,  to  mystic  falls  ,  for  answers  that  he  could  never  find  within  himself  .  what  he  did  find  ,  however  ,  was  face  of  that  same  monster  perched  at  the  bar  in  the  mystic  grill  .  alaric’s  chest  heaved  with  a  heavy  sigh  as  he  entered  the  restaurant  ,  equal  parts  fear  and  adrenaline  coursing  through  his  veins  at  the  idea  of  interaction  .  the  hunter  wanted  to  make  him  suffer  :  drive  a  stake  through  his  heart  and  watch  the  life  drain  from  his  eyes  the  same  way  he  had  with  his  wife  .  no  ,  he  would  offer  a different  approach  .  after  all  ,  alaric  worked  hard  to  get  to  this  position  ,  he  wouldn’t  allow  himself  to  blow  it  because  his  emotions  got  the  best  of  him  .  it  wasn’t  long  before  alaric  moved  toward  the  barstool  next  to  the  one  where   the  raven  -  haired  man  sat  ,  sliding  off  his  coat  in  an  overly  exaggerated  manner  before  taking  a  seat  .  “  you  know  what  they  say  about  drinking  alone  ...  ”
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ofcaptors · 6 years
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          A  SURE  FIRE  WAY  TO  MAKE  STUDENTS  HATE  YOU  is  to  assign  a  paper  their  first  week  back  ,  which  is  precisely  what  alaric  did  .  this  wasn’t  an  ordinary  paper  that  asked  about  summer  vacation  ––––  no  ,  the  history  teacher  had  his  own  agenda  to  meet  .  the  prompt  ?  explain  your  history with  mystic  falls  .  did  you  move  here  five  years  ago  with  your  mom’s  job  ,  or  do  your  roots  run  back  to  the  town’s  founding  ?  he  clearly  cared  more  about  the  latter  .  one  paper  that  caught  his  attention  was  that  of  bonnie  bennett  ,  whose  surname  surfaced  many  times  in  alaric’s  deep  dives  of  mystic  falls’  past  .  with  her  essay  set  atop  his  desk  and  the  ring  of  dismissal  bell  ,  he  locked  eyes  on  the  girl  before  finding  his  voice  .  “  miss  bennett  ,  do  you  mind  hanging  back  for  a  sec  ?  ”
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