beyondthesins7 · 3 months
s1 is just. i love you grainy unfocused shots of cemeteries and foggy roads no one travels. i love you john’s journal as a bible. i love you sam driving the impala casually with dean sleeping in the passenger seat. i love you dark motels with neon signs and dusty libraries with huge lore books. i love you side character serving as a mirror to the winchesters. i love you cleaning guns and wounds and sharpening of knives and gas stations and flip phones and laptop stickers. i love you small towns where time stands still with something unknowable and hungry lurking in the shadows. i love you angry psychic kid sam and dean trying his best with a leather jacket too big for him. i love you looming presences of john and mary. i love you homemade and flawed equipment. i love you horror and tragedy and blood. i love you dramatic lighting and silhouettes. i love you folklore and local legends. i love you -
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beyondthesins7 · 1 year
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I think vash should get to wear the poncho that his plushie comes with. As a treat
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beyondthesins7 · 1 year
Something caught my attention while watching Vash launching the rock upward in episode 1.
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His arm flashes neon green from shoulder to wrist while he's swinging it up; likely, a power surge to assure the rock would have gone in position quickly.
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But then, when the shot widens and focuses on him pointing the gun, he has only his right arm raised.
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In fact, for a brief moment, you can see him looking down at his left limb, which is kinda flopping dead, like on...cool-down? Sort of?
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It seems he waited (or had to wait) some seconds to hold it up again to stabilise the shot.
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I wonder if the arm overheated. If it did, boy that would have felt not comfortable on both the nerves and the arm-lock.
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beyondthesins7 · 1 year
The fact that this scene is so fluid and seems so flowy should be testament enough of the awesome job Studio Orange is doing.
Animating stuff which is supposed to be floating in water is MAYHEM.
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Also, to everybody keep telling that Tristamp Vash is a twink... I'm so glad we got him into this tank, so the liquid makes the clothes STICK to his skin.
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Naï might be a huge beefcake, but Vash is still a freaking brick wall.
We know Vash is likely self conscious not only of his scars, but also of his height and his size. Very likely. Black is not just for radiation absorption, injury coverage, and hiding (when he doesn't have his brightass coat).
Black slims.
And a loose-ish fit doesn't only allow for comfortable movement, but also helps him to appear less menacing (he should be around 180-188 cm [5'11-6'2], depending on the source).
I mean, have you seen his shoulders? This man has the wingspan of a flippin' Andean condor.
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beyondthesins7 · 1 year
vash noises are off the charts in the english dub oh my god lmfao
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beyondthesins7 · 1 year
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GET YO FUCKING DOG, B*TCH!! “it don’t bite” YES IT DO!!!!!!!!
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beyondthesins7 · 1 year
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Making new Vash wear the old (and beautiful) red coat
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beyondthesins7 · 1 year
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Redraw of that scene with my usual touches~
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
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~Anthony Lockwood & Lucy Carlyle ~
by stayalive.art on Instagram.
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
This is you sign to watch Lockwood and Co on Netflix
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
I don’t understand why tumblr isn’t absolutely drooling over lockwood and co it’s everything that tumblr should love?????? it’s got ghosts and swords??? cozy British vibes?? ANGST THROUGH THE ROOF???? the best slowburn since pride and prejudice?? the “you can kill me just don’t touch her” trope is EVERYWHERE???
PLEASE I am beGGING YOU go binge it!!!
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
Anthony Lockwood 🤝 Kaz Brekker
*being stupid and calling the loves of their lives an “asset/investment” *
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
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Anthony being touch starved and Lucy touching him so tenderly like that affects him so much from the get-go obviously cuz it fulfills that need. It also highlights their quickly burgeoning feelings/connection with each other but in the CRUELEST way cuz the reason she's touching him is not because she wants to but because she's possessed.
But, its not only just that she is acting in love with him (making the connection between them so hard to ignore) when its not really her that hurts but she's acting as if she loves him while he (his role) is HURTING her. With Anthony's past being so traumatic, you just KNOW he internalizes that shit even though its not really even Lucy talking and its not even him she's talking about. It hurts him to have Lucy act in love with him but also she's acting as if she has to FIGHT to believe he's not hurting her. She's acting as if loving him is causing her physical pain and that's horrifying for him cuz the one thing Anthony absolutely believes is that he hurts the people he loves. So to be slapped in the face with his growing feelings for Lucy but in a way that pulls at all of his trauma strings in the harshest soul twisting way?
Right after that you have Lucy reliving how Annabel choked to death to seal the traumatic incident with a cherry on top, finalizing Lockwood's internal fear that he kills the people he loves and is left alone.
Not to mention as the series goes on we see that Anything absolutely cannot STAND the idea of having hurt Lucy or her being unhappy with him even though he makes stupid decisions. Almost as if this incident triggered in him a crippling desire to never hurt her... So she'd never look at him like that again. Like he's everything... But also as if he destroyed everything in her to the point she fears him.
So in quick summation we have:
Lucy acting in love with Anthony under possession of a ghost while he very much does have growing feelings for her; and the love the ghost in her playing out being an abusive kind, the kind you have to convince yourself isn't harmful, forcing Anthony to relive his trauma and self-depreciate even more about the fact that it's hard to love him because all he can leave behind for his loved ones is hurt. Combine that with the traumatic way she relives Annabel's death and Anthony's genuine worry of Lucy's possession being... well... dangerous as is.
This scene is so beautifully acted. Ruby and Cameron's chemistry is insane. The way they portrayed that much range of emotion in such a short but impactful scene early on.
EDITED TO ADD: I also forgot to talk about the costuming cuz its the softest we've seen Lockwood in the whole series. All three characters are in their pajamas but Lockwood specifically is in a simple gray hoodie. Something that invokes comfort and relaxation. He's tense during the scene because of the situation but he's completely vulnerable as well. There's absolutely nothing for him to hide behind. No witty quips will work when Lucy can't hear him and he's fearing for her life, no physical force can be used to fight her either... And his emotional barriers are all down too. Not only because of the unexpectedness from the multi-targeted assault on his emotions but because he didn't exactly have time to prepare for such a thing occurring either. @locklyleiscanon pointed this out i think but Lockwood uses his suit as an armor. And he's not wearing it. There's no weapons near him. He's completely defenseless when it comes to Lucy in this moment as well as all the warring emotions that are overtaking him.
The first time I watched the scene my first thought was literally how soft and vulnerable Anthony looks. I didn't even have reference for the rest of the show (that he wears suits almost always) but it was a striking detail. Not just the vulnerability on Lockwood's face but in his body language and clothing as well.
Here's an edit I saw that made it all easiest to visualize and word for me:
Props to the person who made the edit cuz the close up scene and the slow motion at Just the right moment makes this so plainly visible to see.
This incident is simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to Lockwood regarding his feelings for Lucy. It shows him early on just how much he needs her, but reminds him of all the reasons why he can't have her.
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
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baaaabyyyy i’m dancing in the dark youyuu between my arms
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
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lucy: *is possessed* lockwood: *is in love* LOCKWOOD & CO. | 1.02
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beyondthesins7 · 2 years
so i haven't read the books but something i so far really love about lockwood & co is the costume design, particularly with Lucy and Lockwood.
Lockwood spends most of the show dressed up in a pretty, pressed suit, sleeves rolled up and tie removed as necessary, but every so often we see him in a plain white t-shirt, a hoodie, but only in his home, only with his team. But even his suit isn't perfectly formal, the fact that he's still kind of a kid peeks through- pink socks and worn-out sneakers and undone top buttons and rolled up sleeves like the layers frustrate him.
Lucy's outfits, once she escapes the ill-fitting, ugly, and ultimately not very protective uniform of her old company, wears clothes that are practical but still very feminine. Thick sweaters and leggings under her skirts and jackets that actually look as warm as they are cute. Her clothes never compromise that she is, at heart, a young girl, without getting in the way with too-tight fabrics or too-loose skirts or any other male-gaze-style costumes.
I dunno, I just love when costume designs reflect things about characters, especially in terms of practicality.
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