#young sinbad x reader
crowpickingss · 1 month
Hi! I was just wondering if I could maybe request something like the siren scene from sinbad where reader is sailing with hook and his crew and they all become like entranced by the sirens and reader saves the day and at the end hook is like super proud of her? Sorry if that made like no sense😭
Sinister Melodies
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hook x gn! reader
summary: you save hook and his crew from being siren bait
warnings: sirens
a/n: thank you for this requests also how have I never heard of this movie before like seriously it looks like a disney movie
You were hooks best friend and his best crew member. After Merlin academy was off for the rest of the year hook and his crew including you would get together to look for treasure. One map had lead you down a particular scary path it was filled with shipwrecks and skulls on points.
You stayed at the top next to hook when you all started hearing a melody. You had recognised it from the first few notes it was none other than a siren melody. You looked around to see all of your crew member captured by the song. They were slowly walking toward the edge of the ship.
You grabbed a rope and ran around them all tying them up forcing them to stay on the ship. You turned back and saw hook falling off the ship. You dashed over catching him by the boot as his hair just lightly touched the water. A siren grabbed onto his hand and you too pulled back and forth until you used your boot to make her let go.
You pulled hook back up just in time to fall off a cliff. You ran over to the wheel completely unaware of how to control but willing to learn if your life depends on it. You steered the ship to the right which caused it to go off a smaller waterfall and land somewhat gracefully in the ocean.
You took a deep breath and untied your crew mates then returned to hook who had just snapped out of his trance “Hook? How ya feeling” He rubbed his head and looked up at you “What happened” You helped him too his feet “Sirens happened but don’t worry I saved you, funny thing you almost fell in the ocean” He smiled and hugged you tight this was one of the only times he showed a lot of vulnerability “Thank you, god I don’t know what I would do without you”
You smiled “You would be at the bottom of the sea” He laughed and grabbed your hand placing a kiss on it “My way of saying thank you” Your cheeks turned from a natural pink to a very noticeable red “So uh I was wondering, if you wanted to go out with me” If hearts could melt yours would be right then “YES! uh I mean sure” He laughed “Great I look forward to you saving me more times darling” You giggled “Darling already god your such a flirt”
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0rah-s · 1 year
Sinbad (Magi) and his divorced wife (modern au please, or if you don't feel comfortable with that, you can do it in the regular world)
Reader divorced him because of how he viewed things and how close he would get with other women, she's kinda gay
And Sinbad is kind of sad because of the fact that the only woman he truly loved wants nothing to do with him.
Even add a gremlin, a kid to the mix if it entertains you!!
Pls 💛
You don't have to if you don't want too!!
Sinbad x ex-wife!reader
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Cw: fem reader, written in second person, english isn't my first language, you have an adopted kid, disloyalty from him, idk.
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A/n: thank you for requesting and im so sorry for taking so long to do your request, writer's block be hitting harder lately. Hope you enjoy it mwah!!
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How many times had he entertained the young women who threw themselves at him in the middle of your dates, right in front of your eyes?
Never could you say anything about it as its not like he was really cheating on you, he was "just playing" as he loved to say. It drove you insane.
In addition to his borderline unfaithfulness, there was also his questionable morals and the things he did to get what he wanted. All of it always rubbed you the wrong way but you fought to love him anyway.
But as we all know, ine can only fight for so long.
All of it kept adding up and and you found yourself bothe sat at the kitchen table. You slide him a paper - a divorce settlement document.
He tried to give you excuses and promised he would change but you were set, there's no way you'd lock yourself in a toxic cycle of wrong-doing, excises, and forgivness forever.
After the divorce,
You went on with your life like nothing happend
Of course it still stung to part from the man you loved oh so much but you had to move on.
Weeks pass and he isn't the same anymore. He went out to different bars and surrounded himself with ladies, reminding himself that he didn't need you.
What a conman.
He desperately needed you. Being a man of his position there wasn't many he could trust, somehow he opened up to you and gave you his heart. He knew how precious your love was to him yet he ruined it - entirely by himself. He'll never experience somehing like this again.
Guilt hollowing him as he grieves the missing part of him and as he thinks of the sadness he caused you. He'd become a waste.
Fast forward, you grew as a person and became successful, no longer the women you used to be.
Things kept getting better and better for you as if taking the weed out of your life made place for a rich and flowery garden to bloom effervescently.
You could finally breath.
Long after, you adopted a gremlin a kid!
You gave them the ever best life they deserved and enjoy life as a successful mother and child. Life simply couldn't get better.
Then he saw you.
Then you saw him.
He couldn't belive it's, the then live of his life standing right in front of him after years of no contact.
"H-hi..." He uttered, trying his best to make himself sound more confident - it failed.
"Hello" you replied coldly.
A long awkward silence took over when you decide to walk away before he starts to question about your life or worst - enter it again.
"I should go" you sai as you walk past him but barely a couple step away and he grips your wrist.
Tho he was strong, his hold on you was gentle, almost pleading.
"Please wait? Can we talk?" He asks trying his best to think of ways to have you remain by him even for a little longer.
"What is there to talk about sinbad? We're over"
You say curtly, not wanting to go weak and give in to him in the way is face begged you to.
He notices the young child beside and questions flooded his mind. 'A child? Was it hers? Ours? Hasd she found someone new? How much of their lives have i missed?' Then guilt came back stronger than ever, not being made easy but the way the kid clutched on your trousers.
"Mom, who's that?" They ask innocently.
"An old friend, dear" you smile at your child lovingly.
An old friend, those words rung in his head like hell bells.
He let go of your wrist and she walked away.
You sufferd through him, why shouldn't he? Regardless of how he feels you have more to care about.
He'll find a way to heal, you wish him that much. But for now the only thoughts in your head is what you're going to do today to make this day unforgettable for your child and yourself.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
New Life
Masrur X Slave! Reader
So the first time I heard Masrur my heart hurt because he sounded so familiar, upon looking it up his voice actor is actually the voice actor of Mikoto Suoh from K... 😭 I'm so stuck cause I'm “happy” cause they are similar characters so it's like "Yay! The Red King lives on!" But then it's like memories of his death and die all over x.x
Tw mentions of slavery and abuse brief description of bodily injury
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It was a beautiful day in Sindria, Sinbad and his generals had decided to take a walk through the kingdom that afternoon and see how the citizens were fairing. They had just made their way to the outskirts, walking along a trail through a small, forested area in the northern part of the kingdom. The sides of the trail were slightly raised and lined with fruit trees and flowery bushes; it was a rather beautiful place given the various colorful array of flowers that bloomed throughout the area. Though soon they came to a stop when the sound of a loud rustling to their right reached them, like something was just hauling ass through the forest.
Masrur could hear the individual footsteps, and easily made out that they were human, given their pace he moved to shift to a fighting stance just in case. But then a young girl came tumbling through the greenery, falling rather hard to the sandy ground bellow. He could hear her whimper as she pulled her battered body upwards to sit on her knees, she was definitely a fenalis, though her hair was a bit of a lighter pink which had likely meant she was kept somewhere dark. It was almost like cotton candy, at least what he could see that wasn't tangled with blood and mud.
Her body had barely been covered by a grey ragged dress with splatters of blood old and fresh easily seen, what could be scene of her body was a sad sight. Her skin was covered in scars, some being faded while others appeared to have only recently healed, though most concerning were the open gashes on her back. The back of her dress was a shredded and bloody mess, showing that she had been whipped rather violently within the last few hours. She was much smaller than someone her age should have been, the girl clearly being underfed. The chains on her wrists and broken shackles on her ankles told them all else they needed to know; she was a slave.
Slavery was something not allowed within Sindria, infact slave owners were punished quite severely when caught passing through. "Miss are you ok?.." Sinbad spoke softly but still she jumped; the small female tried to move away but she merely fell over with a whimper. She was severely injured, her pain rendering her frail body near immobile. She couldn't move and she was obviously terrified, though when Sinbad began to approach, she didn't try to run again. Instead, she closed her eyes and curled up with a sob, it made Masrur's heart clench though he did not show it. The girl was broken, having been mistreated for so long that she was quick to submit and accept the beating she expected as she knew any more resistance could hurt her more.
"Hey now it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." The others slowly approached, Masrur moving the closest as he kneeled down and listened to Sinbad's words. That's when something came to mind, his large hands were gentle when taking her small hand in his own before he pressed it over his heart. He felt something spark in him as he watched her calm down, she watched him as he reached up to wipe her tears. The purple haired leader quirked a brow but when he noticed how she seemed to calm he tried again. "I am Sinbad, the ruler of Sindria. These men are my generals, we simply want to help you. Will you let us?"
The girl glanced away from Masrur for a moment to lock eyes with Sinbad before looking back to the fellow Fenalis, Masrur had given a slight head nod and so she returned to looking at Sinbad before nodding her own head. Masrur, careful as can be, lifted the girl bridal style and tucked her against his chest. He knew she was hurt and didn't want to make it worse; he didn't want to cause her any more pain. Though before the group could leave a creepy voice was heard from just beyond the bushes, it creaked and cracked like a demon of the old world. "My sweet songbird where have you gone? Must I clip your wings for you to stay?" 
The girl had tensed with a quiet whimper, nestling into Masrur as he held her closer. An older man could be seen walking out of woods from the right of the path, he carried a sickle as he creeped closer to the group. His wicked grin and sunken eyes creeping out some of the generals, he certainly didn't seem like one of the good guys. The old man stopped about 15 feet from them when he realized the girl was in the arms of the large fenalis, though Sinbad and Jafar quickly blocked the two from view.
"Masrur, take her back to the castle and make sure she's taken care of. We have things handled here." This had been Hinahoho's voice, the large man standing tall with a look of disgust at the man who had clearly committed many horrible acts. Masrur had silently nodded as he quickly left the area, thanks to the enhanced speed of the fenalis he got back to the palace rather quick. Everything after that had been a rushed blur of maids and healers trying to take care of the poor woman, Masrur had sat in the common area as to not be in the way of the whirlwind.
Soon he was joined by the others who spoke of how the man had his ass kicked before Pisti had returned with some guards to arrest him, now they had to handle the topic of the broken girl. "We can't just send her on her way, she probably can't take care of herself." This was Yamraiha, surprisingly Sharrkan was agreeing with her. Then again most the generals had already weighed in that they wanted to let the young girl stay there, at least until she was stable and okay enough to survive alone.
Sinbad sat nodding his head, leaning back in his seat as he heard the others out. "Then it's settled, she's gonna stay here. She needs our help, and we will give it to her." Masrur only half listened to the group. He was more focused on the rushed footsteps of the medics and servants, though as they slowed, he both relaxed slightly and grew nervous. He was snapped out of this trance by Pisti waving her hand in front of his face, having likely been trying to get his attention. "What is it?..." His voice was a low mumble, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at them.
Sharrkan had been the one to speak now, leaning forward intently. "What was that thing you did that calmed her down, you know with her hand?" Masrur gave a heavy sigh; he almost knew this subject would come up. "It was something I saw a lot as a slave, when I asked an older fenalis he said it was a quiet promise. That the female fenalis were our women, and we needed to protect them." He looked to his friends who held faces of awe and sadness, he understood of course, it seems like a sweet gesture, but the circumstances really make it sadder. "A lot of times when a male would make this vow, he'd take her beatings and punishments, if the owners would try to breed the girl the males would do anything they had to in order to have the right to breed with her. Because he made the promise to protect her, and if it must be done, he wants to be sure she will be ok."
Pisti had exploded into tears, this sweet gesture was buried in a dark and twisted origin. It only made her despise slavery more, the others held grim looks as the topic had always upset them. They hated to hear these horror stories of slavery, though for some it triggered anger. Generals like Hina and Sharrkan wanted to go hunting for slavers after hearing these things, it wasn't surprising really. Even though some wouldn't expect it from Sharrkan, he was a playboy sure, but he never forced anything on anyone, nor did he approve of it. He was a man of morals, even if he was a little goofy at times. Their attention had quickly turned to the line of servants lead by a medic that left the hallways which lead to the girl's room, the elderly gentleman giving them a smile. "She will live, but her injuries are severe, and she must not leave bed unless absolutely necessary. I've prepared some special powders; she'll be in quite a bit of pain once she wakes up. Just a little in her drinks should do the trick."
The tension in the air seemed to disappear at the good news, the generals giving him and the maids a thanks as they walked out. "We should take turns caring for her, she'll be here a while so we need to make sure she gets use to all of us and so she will hopefully see us as friends." This had been Hina's idea, Pisti immediately perked up and stood on the table. "We can do it by week shifts, that way we get to spend a decent amount of time together!" Everyone had agreed to the idea, some actually really excited to welcome the girl to a better environment.
"I'll take first... I did make the vow." Masrur had stood up trying not to be too quick for the sake of his pride, leaving the others to sort out who goes after who as he went to her room. The tall male had taken her to the nearest guest room when he came in, being located next to his own. When he came in the first thing he noticed was that she had been cleaned up, despite her scars she was quite cute. She only had a couple on her face, a thin vertical one went down over her left eye and a small horizontal one went over the bridge of her nose that just barely reached her cheek bones. 
She was bandaged up and under a cover, so not much would be seen of her body type but from what he had seen earlier he could tell she had a rather nice one despite the starvation she seemed to have gone through. Had she not been taken from the dark continent she likely would have already been married with a family, and something about her simply made his heart ache. Perhaps it was seeing such a beautiful gemstone in such poor condition, or maybe his past had been pushing him to her as he was likely the only one to truly have any real idea of her suffering.
As he contemplated these feelings, he was left distracted when she began to stir and wake, she stared off a bit and was clearly dazed. The pain medicine the medic had given her before probably still active in her system, which was good as she wouldn't be in too much pain. He moved to sit in a chair by her bed, her magenta eyes soon began focusing on his form. Her eyes looked so sad and lonely, so without even thinking he took her hand. "Hey there, just take it easy, ok?" He wanted to make sure she stayed calm, so she didn't accidentally hurt herself in case she became overwhelmed, the shy girl simply nodded her (H/c) head as she seemed to take comfort in his physical contact despite it being such a simple gesture. His grip was gentle, his hands rough but warm and caring. "My name Masrur... What's your name?" She watched him for a moment, the medicine making her mind a little hazy as she thought to the thing that no one had ever asked her before.
"My name... Is (Y/n)..."
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Magic x crossover reader fanfic idea!
So what if our dear reader was a Pokémon trainer who just started on her journey but ended up getting teleported into the magi world when Sinbad was a teen (you’ll have a Pokémon with you but it’ll be a baby pokemon when you first enter the magi world and the pokemon will also be your ace of your team in the future), after spending some time with him she started growing feelings for him but she was also feeling homesick so when she found a way back home she took it after leaving a note and gift for Sinbad when he comes back from the dungeon and as well as give his mother a gift before leaving and after returning she spent all of her time on her journey before becoming champions to a few regions while journeying, though one day she gets teleported back into the magi world this time close to when Aladdin starts his journey so she decided to join him and even met some new people that soon became her friends along with meeting Sinbad again while traveling with the young magi.
I hope you like this idea, it’s honestly the more thought out crossover reader idea I have so far for magi so I hope y’all like it 😁.
Also the gender might change in due time when this is in the making and published (which too be honest might be soon since I like the idea more than the others lol) so the reader might be male in the book than the pronouns I use in the idea here as I would love to finally make a male x male!reader book, this doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to be male!reader though as I might keep it female!reader.
I sadly hardly see that many interesting magi stories for x reader that isn’t a oneshot (there is so many of them I could hardly find any x reader fanfic 😭) also I’ve been meaning to make a book for this fandom for so so long but the drafted books in the past for them always ended up getting deleted because I just couldn’t get behind them anymore so hopefully this isn’t like them as I would like to finally make a magi fanfic of my own.
Oh! I might do some if not all characters to turn yandere it honestly depends on the character and if I feel like making some if not all characters yandere.
Also seeing as you traveled through a few regions you’ll have more Pokémon than the normal six plus legendaries as the side of me that wanted the reader to have op and more Pokémon than six won so yea lol sorry I try not to do this but it sometimes fails as I love op readers and I want to see characters be shocked on what powerful creatures the reader have lol 😂.
Anyway, again, hope y’all like this idea and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!! 😁
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iimuchakk · 7 years
Thalassophile (Young!Sinbad x reader) Sinbad No Bouken
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Summary : Moving to Tison village was never a noble girls dream, neither was meeting a young boy with both a passion for adventure and a talent at drawing people in. You thought the beginning of your life had ended long ago, but truth be told it starts here, and it starts now.
Warnings : Disturbing themes of parental and child relationships with one another
“So come all you pretty maids, whoever that you be, who love a jolly sailor bold, that ploughs the raging sea.”
Chapter : One
Volume 1 Chapter 4 : Precious lessons
Covered in the finest of silk’s and the most glittering of golds, you sat proudly in your seat. Hands laced together and propped up in a lady like manner on your lap. Your chin held itself high in the air proudly, and opposite you, your mother sat in a similar position, except her stature held power and authority, two things you were just beginning to grasp at your young age of 14. Your mother, Mrs Bedivere, was a well-known lady throughout Parthevia. People associated her with discipline, elegance and grace, as well as her ability to strike fear into the hearts of mere men just by glancing at them with her bright blue eyes. Currently, her gaze was off towards the direction of the window. Watching curiously as the view slowly changed from bright colors and rich statures into plain flat lands and dull living shacks. Despite being a wealthy women, the difference did not phase her. In fact, she seemed more pleased than not, and happily turned her attention down towards her pink dress.
Currently, your father was out fighting in the war. He was just as well known as your mother - if not more so - and was a respected officer who gave his loyalty over to the crown. He had never once been defeated, and you were keen on it staying that way. From your seat, your eyes shifted towards your mother, and you slowly opened your mouth to speak. “Mother.” You began gently, keeping your tone soft. In the past you had a habit of raising your voice and she was quick to scold you. Before replying to you, your mothers hands smoothed down a few kinks in her gown, careful not to scrape her nicely fuchsia painted nails. She took her time, then looked at you.
“Yes my sweet. What is it.” To anyone who dosent know her. In that moment she comes across as nothing more then polite and kind, as any mother would be when addressing their own flesh and blood. However to you, as somebody who has spent their entire life around her, and has seen every possible facade she owns, you know she is not happy from being brought out of her thoughts. Her eyes give it away, it is always her eyes. Holding back the urge to shift uncomfortable, you smile kindly.
“This village were moving to. What is it like? Will father soon be joining us?” Casually you moved a finger to your hair and began to twirl a strand of it vivaciously between your soft finger tips, that had obviously never seen a days of hard work.
“Tison village?” Your mother murmured quietly to herself, taking a short moment to ponder on what she should say. After a second or so, she glanced back out towards the window. The blurry colors of the quickly passing scenery not escaping her hawk like vision. “It’s not nearly as beautiful as what were use to back at home. Poor people at every turn, fishermen, most likely thieves and ruffians…However, I have been assured we will be given every luxury possible that comes with taking on this task the military has given your father once he returns. I’ve been told by the palace that our house is to be a suitable distance away from the others, and it will be the most well kept there. In addition, we will be given steady income, and wont have to associate ourselves to much with the people. As for your father -” Her gaze finally settles onto you, and for a moment, you swear she is hostile. “He will be joining us shortly. Now if you don’t mind. I would like to enjoy the rest of the carriage ride in silence.”
You note that is her lady like way of telling you to shut up, and so you comply. Soon, silence engulfs the two of you.
The carriage you both ride in is extravagant. The interior looks as though a chunk of the Parthevian castle has been taken, and the exterior not much different. You think back to the task at hand your mother mentioned your father having. When he returns from the war, he is meant to be taking control over Tison village for the emperor. A few years back when you were just a young girl, a Reim spy by the name of Darius had been sheltered by an expatriot, and ever since, the village has been less compliant to the needs of the Parthevian war. The kingdom hopes your father can restore the faith they once had in the military. As do you. The war is not something the rest of Parthevia takes lightly. In order to win, everybody is needed to help out in some way shape or form. Weather that means sending off their fathers and sons, or giving away their boats and money. That, is the Parthevian way.
Upon arrival, you watched from the shelter of your ride as people from the village crowded together to watch the commotion. Two horses rode beside the carriage, with two guards heavily armored controlling the reigns. Those two men were supposed to be yours and your mothers personal guards. Without your father with you, the two of you wouldn’t be able to fend for yourselves after all. You smiled widely when catching the boisterous grin of Knight Strous. Ever since you were a young girl, Sir Strous had been your only real friend. He was four years older than you, and while you were busy learning how to read and write, he was busying himself with the task of swords skills. Unlike his mentor Sir Gregor the third, who was also accompanying you. Strous was a lot kinder, and a lot more clumsy. He did make up for it with his charm though. You’d never seen somebody so easily talk an old women into stop hitting them with her bag. Holding back a laugh, you scanned over the people of Tison village.
The people dressed dully. Most of them wearing dark mucky brown clothing, or fabrics you could tell were of poor quality. You frowned. Unimpressed with the conditions. You expected something more. But what of you did not know. At the front of the crowd young girls and boys stood. Whispering excitedly about the new sights and carelessly pointing and tugging on their parents clothes. It was an odd exchange, you and your parents hardly ever acted towards each other like that.
“He looks strangely familiar.” Your mother quietly whispered to herself. Looking to her, you followed her stare dead ahead, to meet the face of a young boy around your age. He was handsome, that was a given. He had long purple hair tied into a ponytail, and his facial features were well defined. His clothing was simple, but suited him well. For a brief moment, his golden orbs moved ever so slightly to meet your own. As if by reflex your cheeks grew hot, and your eyes nervously shifted to any where other then his own. A higher class should not be caught staring at someone of lower status, and from your mothers disapproving hum, you knew the act did not go unnoticed. 
Your posture faltered, and you sunk back into your seat to escape the gaze’s of the villagers and perhaps spare yourself from doing anything else your mother could criticize you for. Your mother didn’t seem to care about your bodies sudden lack of nobility. Nobody could see you from your position now. The public could not judge what they could not see. After that moment, you couldn’t get that boy out of your head, and you most certainly couldn’t get the fact your mother recognized him out of there either. The carriage continued on for a couple more minuets, until it finally stopped outside your new home.
Stepping out of the carriage, you curiously staggered over to the sight. Then, you paused.
“This could be nicer.” You concluded. Strous laughed, joining you.
“It’s nicer then the other houses. Believe me.” He told you, picking up your luggage. “I’m not even living in this. Count yourself lucky my lady.” Using his free hand to take off his helmet, Strous shook his head allowing his blond curly hair to run free. “Me and Sir Gregor will be living in a nice little shack behind your house. The thought of being cooped up with that grumpy old man really makes my day.”
“I’m glad to know you like Sir Gregor as much as the next person.” Playfully Strous nudged you. It caused him to stumble more then you since he had a bag of your heavy luggage in his other arm. If he was anyone else you’d have them arrested, but this was Strous. He’d do anything to protect you. With one final chuckle, Strous ventured towards your house. It was large and built completely of wood like many of the other buildings in Tison village. This one however, was decorated with flowers and expensive looking ornaments. Still, it hardly even rivaled your old home.
Sighing, you looked back towards where you had just came from before beginning to walk towards your house.
Suddenly a hand clasped gently around your wrist. Turning you directly back into golden orbs you didn’t think you would see again for a while. A tiny squeak surpassed your lips and you watched as the boy from earlier got down onto one knee, placing a gentle kiss to the back of your. Your face flushed yet again, and he winked. “My lady. It’s a pleasure knowing someone as beautiful as yourself will be staying here. My name is Sinbad, Sinbad the sailor. What’s yours?”
A dumbfounded expression replaced his flirtatious grin, leaving him looking like a lost puppy. You on the other hand, were both outraged and deeply confused. No boy had ever made such a brash movement like that towards you before. This boy - Sinbad - had a large red hand print on his cheek, his lower lip stuck out in a futile attempt to make you feel bad for him. You narrowed your eyes at him, watching as he stood to his feet, towering over you by two inches or so. You both stood a whiles length from your house, in the entrance of the small wooded area where the carriage had stopped. In an instant, he snapped back to his earlier self. “You have an arm on you.” 
“How dare you -” He stepped forward abruptly. And so you took a step back. The heel of your shoes catching on some sort of rocky surface, causing you to fall backwards. It was most certainly ungraceful, your arms flailing recklessly above you for some sort of balance. In the end, you got your wish. But it came in the form of a slim arm wrapping around your waist, pressing you close to their body.
“Could have been quite a fall. You’re lucky.” In a space of a minuet, you have been told twice about how lucky you are, but it is quite the opposite of how you feel. By now you sure your face is a bright red, and Sinbad smirks arrogantly. “I have saved you my lady. The least I can get in return is a name?” You glanced away, and slowly heaved yourself from his chest, standing up straight and lifting your head high. It seemed to amuse him.
“If your going to keep pestering me then I’ll have you know you can address me either as Miss Bedivere or Lady Bedivere, Sinbad the sailor.” You spat his name out coated in venom. Causing him to pout. “Now. I must be taking my leave as should you. Otherwise I will most certainly be getting my personal guard over here to escort you out of my families land. Good day to you.”
“Wait!” Nostrils flaring, you were ready to give this boy a good piece of your mind. You wouldn’t have cared about talking to him, but his greeting was rude and his manner even worse. He needed to learn his place and you wouldn’t mind fetching Strous to teach him it. “Now listen here-”
“Will I see you again?”
“Pardon?” Sinbad smiled gently, resting one hand on the hilt of his sword. It didn’t seem to be an act of aggression. But more like a habit of his he’d picked up along his way. Taken a back, your lips pursed as you tried thinking of a way to answer him back. “W-well.” You stuttered, not pleased with yourself in the slightest. “I-I live here now so it’s not as though we wont be seeing each other.” Your reply seemed to please him and he turned his back towards you. Then sauntered away. This Sinbad, he certainly left an impression.
The inside of the house was much more pleasant then the outside’s appearance made it seem. It had a cosy feel to it, and even though it was very different from what you were use to. The change was nice. You were sat in one of the kitchen’s wooden chairs. A plush pillow placed behind your back. Your hand was clasped softly around a quill as you used the roses in the flower pot that was situated in the middle of the table as inspiration to draw. You had always been a good drawer. Your old nanny had said you had an eye for things others could not see. In fact, when you were little you believed her. You always found yourself zoning out and a moment later you’d look down to see something spectacular sketched out to perfection on your paper. This was one of them moments. Like chimes ringing in your ears, white noise had completely left and was replaced with the calm waves of the ocean near by, and the chirping of woodland birds. On the page, an image of a rose covered meadow had been drawn, and in the midst stood a figure shadowed in the rays of the sun.
“Darling.” Pulling you out of your daze, you looked up to your mother who had turned from stirring the stew to study your form. She simply glanced to the picture you had drawn before pursing her lips. “Whats on your mind? Your worrying me. Has something happened?” Lies. Your mind betrayed your heart, which clenched in pain knowing you were right. She didn’t care, she didn’t worry. She just wanted to know, she just wanted control. In your throat, a lump formed. It formed from fear. You smiled crookedly at her, and shook your head.
“Nothings wrong mother. Please don’t worry.” You willed. “Nothing has happened at all. It’s just such a change I’m still adjusting to life here.” You regretted hiding the truth from her immediately after, as a hateful smirk arose on her face. A “Tuting” noise escaped her lips, and she walked over to stand behind you, her hips swaying, much like a lions as they stalked their prey. Leaning down into your ear, she used her nails to grasp the lobe. Making sure you couldn’t tug away, even though she full well knew you wouldn’t. It would leave indents in the skin. She knew that too.
“I want you to stay away from him. Far, far away.”
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yeoldontknow · 2 years
Ataraxia On The Horizon | Masterlist
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There are tales waiting to be told across the sea, above and below it; in the sky, and beyond it. There are stories of great love and great loss, stories of great adventure and great sacrifice. If we told you we have uncovered seven of the greatest tales, would you lend us an ear? Would you, if we told you we have gathered seven adventures through love and pleasure and pain, lend us your heart? Could you do it for the love of a pirate? For the love of a god? But what if there was even more? Would you swoon for the unfathomable man who steals hearts as quickly as souls? Are you in it just for the reputation, for the glory?
Are you greedy enough to give us everything, to have all of it?
Welcome to Ataraxia On The Horizon, a collection of stories that speak of adventure, escape, and love amongst the sea and sky. Here, you will find danger as quickly as you find romance. Here, you will find hope in the same instant you find grief. If you are seeking a journey amongst the tides, a life amongst the clouds, or the splendor of a stranger’s warm hand - read on.
all banners and images produced by @jamaisjoons​
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✶ Title: Love Across Moonlit Tides ✶ Author: @jamaisjoons​ ✶ Pairing: Pirate!Namjoon x Sea Demi-Goddess!Reader ✶ Tropes: Strangers to Lovers, Fantasy, Adventure
✶ Summary: When humans began doubting their faith and the Gods' power began to fade, Mirrhea, Goddess of the Sea, left without the Ocean's Heart, her most beloved treasure. Cetoan children have grown up hearing about the Heart of the Ocean: its absence, Mirrhea, and, most of all, its immense power. Legend says the Verraine Isles hold the secret to the treasure, but no matter how hard any pirate, treasure hunter, or adventure seeker has tried, the Isles themselves remain just as lost as the Heart of the Ocean. 
When Namjoon sets foot upon the Verraine Isles, he expects to find jewels, and gold, and money, but instead he simply finds you. He finds you and is immediately thrust into an even greater adventure.
⟶ Setting Sail Soon
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✶ Title: Damned To The Depths ✶ Author: @kookdiaries​ ✶ Pairing: Pirate!Jin x Native Islander!Reader ✶ Tropes: Sinbad au, Forbidden Romance, Adventure
✶ Summary: After the announcement of your betrothal to a well-known merchant sailor is derailed by his sudden abduction, you’re tasked with trying to save his life, and yours, by finding centuries old lost gold along with a pirate you’ve heard is nothing but trouble. Captain Jin is feared by many. He lays claim to whatever he desires, and does so easily. That is until he meets you. Taken by a long, lost friend, he knows damn well you are spoken for. But that is exactly what has him so intrigued by you.
⟶ Setting Sail Soon
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✶ Title: Serpents Sea ✶ Author: @jeonjcngkook​ ✶ Pairing: Pirate!Yoongi x Commodore’s Fiance!Reader ✶ Tropes: Regency, Strangers to Lovers, Angst
✶ Summary: There is nobody more feared than the myth of the Seven Seas, captain Min Yoongi. No one has seen him with their own eyes but with tales of debauchery and violence, black magic and buried souls — it isn't hard to picture what such creature he may be. 
You didn't have to wait too long to come face to face with the captain as a transaction that goes wrong between the pirates and your fiancé throws you into the arms of a young beautiful blonde with kind eyes as a pay off for protecting the land. And yet maybe the mesmerising captain Yoongi is the reason you wish to stay.
⟶ Setting Sail Soon
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✶ Title: Ala Morn ✶ Author: @yeoldontknow​ ✶ Pairing: Archer & Bard!Hoseok x Space Pirate!Reader ✶ Tropes: Reincarnation, Space, Sci-Fi
✶ Summary: Wisperia Sirens are never meant to fall in love. 2000 years ago, you did, and you paid for it by watching him die miserably in your arms. In grief, you took his name, his ship, and his legacy, honoring him for eternity. Hoseok is the most famous bard of his era, and you are the only subject that has ever carried fascination for him. Determined to meet you, he sneaks onto your ship and plans to write the first honest song about you. But then, why are you so strikingly familiar? Why do you look at him with coldness in your jaw and warmth in your eyes? Why do the words come so easily? Why does he find it so easy to love a pirate?
⟶ Setting Sail Soon
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✶ Title: Melodies Of Your Heart ✶ Author: @jimilter​ ✶ Pairing: Pirate!Jimin x Siren Princess!Reader ✶ Tropes: Strangers to Lovers, Drama, Fantasy
✶ Summary: The kingdom of Carmen Deae which lies calmly beneath the turbulent Cantiuncula sea, is inhabited by mystical females that sing deathly Melodies. Every mermaid, on becoming of age, is sent for a human male that crosses the sea. Once with child, she returns to the kingdom a Siren. However, you – the youngest princess of Carmen Deae – refuse to have intimacy be an act of treachery committed for your species’ survival. You wish for love. 
Cutting through Cantiuncula and drifting ashore to your heart, Captain Park Jimin is beautiful, kind and enigmatic. But allowing yourself to love him – would mean partaking in the very rite you shun. 
What must you do?
⟶ Setting Sail Soon
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✶ Title: No Survivors ✶ Author: @inkedtae​ ✶ Pairing: Capricornus!Taehyung x Pirate!Reader ✶ Tropes: Strangers to Lovers, Horror, Drama
✶ Summary: The storm seemed to come from somewhere other than the sky. One moment, the stars were swallowing the sky and in the next, the sea was swallowing your ship. Every member of your crew abandoned ship and you cursed them under your breath as the gale tore apart your mainsail. You didn't think anyone heard you. But he did. The Capricornus heard, and he would like to invite you to dinner.
⟶ Setting Sail Soon
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✶ Title: Tentative Tides ✶ Author: @amourtae​ ✶ Pairing: Pirate!Jungkook x Princess!Reader ✶ Tropes: Forbidden Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Age Gap
✶ Summary:  Don’t unravel the past. Don’t contemplate the future. And don’t fall in love with a grouchy pirate.
Your family castle, Winter Hill, stands boldly on the sandy beyond, admired by all who sail past, yet never appreciated by you. A castle that stands as though it has emerged from a fairytale, instead reminds you of a lifetime that was solely full of grief. Your only escapes were the books left by your mother in her old library, and the majestic sea that your chambers overlook, the perfume of salty water lingering through your window every morning. Tired of not being able to physically revel in the beautiful blues, you sneak away onto a ship, hoping to see the wonders that lie beyond your caged home. 
Disguising yourself as a cabin boy, you manage to last 3 days until the Captain’s son catches onto your little act. In order to prevent him from revealing your secret to your father, you’re forced to give in to his 3 condition… to hide yourself from the rest of the crew, to stop gawking at him upon every chance you receive, and to tell him about the secrets that lie beyond the castle.
⟶ Setting Sail Soon
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xxxavo · 3 years
Summary: The reader is hired by Al-Thamen to assassinate King Sinbad in Sindria. After disguising herself as a new member of his harem she has Sinbad’s fate set in stone until he offers her an unexpected request;
“There is somebody I’d like you to entertain for me.”
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The door’s shut behind you much quieter than what they had when you had been inside the Fire Pit.
Having entered alone but now leaving with a small, fluffy companion cradled in your hands made you question the intent, but you enjoyed the idea of having something that was yours. Never once had you truly owned anything, the weapons you used in the combat arenas were shared and you were certain the very clothes on your back were always different every time they were washed. Why would they bother making sure you had the same pair every time when hundreds of others had the same perfectly durable wardrobe?
“Cute bird.” The bench you once frequented was now occupied by a yet another face you did not recognize. Allowing your eyes to roam the unknown, you found it was a young man dressed in white, with spikey blond hair and bright green eyes. His face, chubby and cheeky, did not take away from his toned biceps and multiple scars along his neck. Unlike the Master, his white cloth did not consist of blue ribbons to accompany it but instead looked just as ragged as your own clothes. “My eyes are up here, sweetheart.”
Unfortunately for him, he didn’t get to tease you for long. Frankly, you were uninterested and had bigger and better things in mind than playing into his funny little games. Whatever mission he was waiting for, couldn’t have held the same weight as yours.
And so, filled with pride and satisfaction, you turned your head to look down the darkening corridor, walking from him with a smirk and skip in your step.
Al-Thamen had found you and the Master had built you up; Failure was not an option. Any sense of it would simply manifest it. A good assassin always kept their mind focused on the goal. The moment you got back to your shared room; everything was already packed. As suspected, a no from you was not an option. Your room was tiny, only big enough to fit a single bed and a small draw which you could store your clothes, the book’s given to you by the establishment, and any other items that they wanted you to have on your person.
Just Occupy
“I suppose this is it then hm?” Placing the small bird on the brown dresser, you opened up the tan satchel pre-packed on your bed next to a lilac robe that you assumed was meant to be some sort of disguise for when you arrived in Sindria. You’d never really been much of a girly girl, how could you in this environment, so the thought of dressing up excited you. Rummaging through the bag, you noticed there were small little trinkets and oddities, adding to the idea that you were some sort of immigrant, and some pieces of plain paper and a pen. In confusion, your eyebrows furrowed. Was this it? No weapons? No advice? No documents? No nothing? You knew you were going to be on your own for this job, but surely this was some kind of sick joke?
“Tweet!!”You glanced over your shoulder, watching as the amber bird cleaned its fragile wings with its beak. So maybe you weren’t entirely alone but, in all honesty, how helpful was this ‘beast’ really going to be? As if hearing your thoughts, the bird looked to you dead in the eyes and chirped. Was he offended? “Okay killer, I take it back.”
Dressed in thin purple silk with a tiny red bird perched on your shoulder, you left the past behind you in the form of a black pointed tower and headed towards the Heliohapt port in a horse and carriage, prepared for the long voyage ahead of you.
The captain of the ship you had asked to voyage on was very friendly, easy to fall for your story about being a traveler from Reim who was now on their way to Sindria to make a new life for themselves as a migrant. He explained that he was a citizen of Sindria who worked directly for the King’s company shipping products from all the different countries which formed an alliance and now he was heading home.
“Nice to have you, onboard missy!” With an extended hand, the captain hoisted you up onto the deck, gesturing to the men that toiled and tumbled clumsily around the wooden ship, prepping for setting sail. “So, what’s your name?”
“You can keep calling me little missy.” You replied playfully. Your name wasn’t something you felt comfortable giving people, especially on a mission such as this. You never knew who was connected and who might try stabbing you in the back. With a boisterous grin, the captain nodded with a vigour that made you scared his head would fly off his body for a second.
“Alright then little missy. What about that little guy?”
Huh? Turning to meet eyes with the little bird on your shoulder, you rose an eyebrow. You hadn’t even thought about naming your new companion.
Just Occupy
It took roughly two weeks to arrive at the Sindrian docks and honestly if you had to describe the overall experience you wouldn’t hesitate to put it below the whole thrown into a terrorist organization run by cold, uncaring mentors who were constantly forcing you to fight to the brink of death.
The trip helped you to realize two things.
One, you were seasick. Only minutes after departing you had men patting your back and making playful jabs about how your living proof that it’s bad luck to have women on ships. You hoped to learn information about the country you were heading to but you only really got the chance to learn about the men themselves and a few customs in their homeland thanks to your illness.
Secondly, you weren’t built for social interaction whatsoever. You were awkward at best, silent at worse. The men, to their credit, were oh so caring, something you never expected from them. Part of you was grateful for your involvement with the sailors since it helped you come to terms with some of the slang and general atmosphere to expect. Hopefully, it would bridge the gaps and help you come across more natural in your environment.
Just as he had first helped you onto his ship, the captain helped you off, his calloused fingers gripping your waist and hoisting you down onto the concrete. It was unnecessary considering you could have just leaped down by yourself but now you had an image to maintain. “You going to be alright on your own little missy?” The captain asked after you’d dusted yourself down, swinging the satchel over your shoulder in preparation for whatever was going to come and challenge you next. “You can always tag along with me and my men until we leave in a week’s time. Help you find your feet?”
“I’d like to think I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself.” Was your answer.
“And Beast?”
“And Beast.”
“You sure about that?” Sending a glare his way, the captain hollered out a noise of pure humour before slapping a hand down onto your back. “Well then, until we meet again! Good luck, little missy.”
The goodbye was sort and sweet.
Just how you liked them.
It would have been appropriate for you to offer a thank you, but something told you he knew you appreciated everything he had done for you.
Waving one last goodbye to the men, you ventured down the docks of Sindria, grimacing at how busy everywhere was considering it was so late in the evening. You couldn’t walk in a straight line without somebody bumping into you, trying to sell you something.
Fortunately finding your way around Sindria was easy enough. Your goal was right in sight the entire time. The castle was beautiful and no matter where you walked the very top was always poking above high into the clouds, glinting in the rays of the sun. Your new attire and time in Heliohapt helped your resistance to the heat which was key to aiding you to blend into the country’s citizens.
Nobody really paid attention to you though.
What they did pay attention to however was Beast.
Children cooed, women begged their husbands for their own and men simply quirked an eyebrow in astonishment. You assumed that Beast wasn’t a familiar breed of bird around Sindria.
“You can’t sit on my shoulder Beast.” You eventually broke to the bird when turning the corner to face the palace gates. Currently, you were held up in an alleyway, peering around the crook to decide on the best course of action. “You’re drawing unwanted attention.” Unsure what to do with the bird, Beast made his mind up before you. Instantly, the red ball of feathers took flight, abandoning you in a foreign country where all you could do was yell at him.
“Fine then!! I don’t need you!! Good riddance!!” With a huff, you stomped your foot, crossing your arms angrily over your chest whilst grumbling incoherently to yourself. Seriously, that bird was out to get you.
“Um, Ma’am. Are you alright?” With a few blinks, it took you a moment to realize you had leaped from the safety of your hiding position right in front of the two confused soldiers who glanced back and forth to each other, debating to either laugh at you or feel worried for you.
“Oh, um yes. Thank you.” You needed to think of something and fast. “I’m one of the new maids.” Slowly walking up to them, you smiled charmingly, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear. One of them almost fell for your sweet appearance, taking a step back and lifting his arm, ready to welcome you in but the other cut in immediately, scoffing at his partner before speaking to you.
“Excuse me?”
“We haven’t been notified about any new maid. Do you have any documentation?”
“Well, no.”
“Then I’ll speak to the faculty tomorrow and if they’re expecting a maid then, I’ll let you in.” Eyebrows narrowing, you sucked your teeth in frustration. Honestly, what were you expecting? They wouldn’t be doing their jobs right if you waltzed into palace grounds at the snap of your fingers.
“Alrighty then~” You sang, almost making yourself sick in the process. “I’ll see you boys’ tomorrow!!”
Sulking back to the alleyway you came from, you leaned against the wall with a sigh. It was clear you needed a battle plan. You had no money, no job, no friends, no weapons, no captain, no bird, no nothing.
“Tweet.” Maybe you could live without the bird.
Pointing accusingly over to Beast who perched himself on a nearby barrel you practically hissed. “Traitor. Do you like the idea of my head on a stick hm?” He simply fluffed out his wings and then flew over to another barrel a couple of lengths away, looking over at you as if waiting. For a moment you debated just turning around and being done with him, but the idea of parting was much too painful. You may have grown too attached to Beast for liking.
Deciding to give him another chance you followed Beast, who hopped from barrel to barrel and from place to place until eventually the evening sky began to darken even more and the only sources of light came from the starry skies and the soft illuminations of the lanterns.
Growing tired and weary of this little game between the two of you, when Beast landed on a table in front of what you assumed to be a closed restaurant opposite a rather lively-looking brothel, you were practically seething. “Beast…I’m seriously losing my patience with you.” He just chirped. Rather cockily too.
Before you could hazard a response, the doors of the brothel swung open, and out came tumbling a man who resembled a race you knew all too well. A heliohapt! One who appeared to have had too much to drink. “Fine!” He spluttered, lifting his face out from the mud with a sleazy grin. “I’ll just come back when you’re not around to spoil my fun! No biggie!” Out from behind him strode a race that you did not recognize, but you would have had to be stupid not to know. A fanalis. Big and broad, with tufty pink hair and hypnotizing red eyes.
“I don’t care.”
“Whatever!!” Stumbling to his feet (With the help from the fanalis who practically tugged him up by his collar) the heliohapt yawned, slurring out. “Where’s Spartos? Swear…” He hiccupped and the fanalis grimaced. His breath must have smelt of pure alcohol. “He said he was coming back…?”
“He went back to the palace.” Palace?
“Well, screw that guy!! He always ends up coming back here anyways when he’s not listening to the King’s orders!” King?
“You don’t give him a choice.”
“Not my fault the women here love me. Now come on. Let’s gooooooo…” Whoever this man was, he didn’t make it very far on his own, almost face planting again. Luckily for him, his friend, having enough of his sloppy demeanour for one day you assumed, grabbed him and hoisted him over his shoulder carrying him off into the night, his expression never changing from the moment he stepped out of the brothel, apart from a slight twitch of his nose.
Once their silhouettes were far off in the distance, the sound of Beast’s coo caused you to look towards him, face contorting into a look of confusion as he practically stared into your soul. “What?”
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Guide to Masterlists
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katsumiiii · 4 years
Sinbad, King of Sindria
Sinbad x fem! black reader
fluff imagine
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Sinbad was a name that echoed throughout history itself. The young man was remarkable, creating his own path caused by the sweet stench of adventure. His stories were marveled, people hunched over whispering the tales of King Sinbad of Sindra. His beauty was envied as well as adored, men looked down at him with scowls, while women fawned over him with bright smiles and red cheeks. In his mind he was unforgettable as well as well known across the globe. Not a single soul on this Earth wasn’t aware of the phenomenon that was Sinbad. All except for one.
She was the most beautiful woman he’d even seen, her brown skin glimmered under the beaming rays of the sun. Her curls bounced around her rounded face, giving off the impression of a lions mane, bold yet hypnotizing. Her smile could be compared to the shining of diamonds, bright and breathtaking. She was ethereal, and the only woman whom he believed that was worthy enough to stand by his side as Queen of Sindra. It was only fair that the male indroduce himself to the lady, I mean she was to become the rightful Queen of his country, but in order for that to happen he had to strike a conversation. So, in true Sinbad fashion, meaning cocky and bold, he stalked towards the girl, a mischievous smirk laid upon his face. “Hello fair maiden.”
The girl whipped around to face the male, her eyebrows furrowed and lips slightly quirked up in a polite smile. Her eyes fluttered as she looked the male up and down, surveying his appearance. Deciding that it would be impolite to keep him waiting any longer she replied to the man. “Hello good sir. Is there something you need?”
Her voice was smooth, reminding him of the silk sheets that lay in his room bare on top of his bed. Shivers were sent down his spine at the prospect of him laying her down on said sheets, ravishing her until sunrise. “Yes well, I couldn’t help but notice you from afar. You’re quite remarkable. I am Sinbad, nice to meet you.” He reached out a pale hand, leaning down to intertwine her brown one with his own. He grinned at the feeling of her skin making contact with his, soon bringing the soft appendage to his thin, chapped lips, placing a small kiss upon it. He dropped her hand back to her side, waiting for the surprised gasp at the mention of his name.
“Nice to meet you too Sinbad, you may call me Y/N.” The girl cocked her hip out, placing a basket that was filled to the brim with various types of fruits and vegetables against it. She then averted her brown eyes back to the vegetable stall in front of her, picking up a ripe cucumber to inspect. “Do you think this cucumber would fit well in my shrimp noodle salad?” She pushed the food against the males face, forcing him to look at it as well.
“Hmm, I would imagine so.”
Y/N nodded in thanks, putting the cucumber in her basket, soon reaching in her pocket to grab the source of payment needed. 
“Don’t worry ma’am, I got it.” Sinbad reached forward with a bag of gold coins, throwing it on top of the merchants stand. He winked at the girl, chuckling at her surprised expression. “Keep the change sir.”
“Wow you must be rich Sinbad?” Y/N gawked at the worn out bag that was tossed onto the wooden counter top.
“Yes well, as you know I am a very successful man.” Sinbad pushed out his chest, ready to hear the string of compliments emerge from the beautiful woman’s plump lips.
“Know? How would I know?” Y/N cocked her head in confusion, picking up her feet and beginning to walk amongst the crowd.
Sinbads eyes shot open, his violet iries staring at the young woman before him, causing him to bump into a few commoners as he was distracted by the statement. “Well, I am Sinbad.”
“Yes you’ve told me.”
“You know. The Adventures of Sinbad. King of Sindria. Dungeon capturer.”
“No, doesn’t ring a bell. Why, am I supposed to know you or something?”
Sinbad continued to gawk at the woman, not sure of how to feel at the realization that not everyone seems to know who he is. Though, a lot of people are aware of the great tales of King Sinbad, some are clueless, not knowing a single thing about the male. Such as the beautiful girl before him. Now normally Sinbad would be extremely disappointed, opting to go camp in his bedroom for the rest of the day, complaining to Ja’far of the fact that someone had no idea of his existence. But, with this girl he simply couldn’t walk away, he had to be near her at any given moment or he felt as if his heart would explode out of his chest from greif. Yes, he was aware at the fact that he just met the girl, but he was so enamored by her that he just couldn’t bare her not being his. So instead he chucked in amusement, violet eyes shimmering at the idea of a new adventure, an unknown territory to explore.
“Well, how about you get to know the tales of King Sinbad from the source himself?”
“Hmm, I’d like that.”
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-34)
Word count: 3.4K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: Feels, fluff
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​​. I love you so much, darling <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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The rest of the week was hard.
There were things you wanted to do and then things that you had to do. Unfortunately for you, the Venn diagram of those two things were two circles that did not touch.
Normally, you loved your job, you loved studying and your classes. But sitting through Sam’s class was becoming a new, different type of torture. The pretension was wearing you down. You could see it grating him, too. You rarely spoke up in his class now, trying not to draw attention, neither did he call upon you like he did with other students. 
The library was still your second home, though, thanks to the untimely desertion of the other odd shifts librarian, you were left to run double shifts. Molly was sorry about it, but she didn’t have a solution for you, not until she had a new hire. That meant you were stuck in the library all the time. The guys in the apartment were starting to miss you. Kevin came over one evening to inform you everything sucked when you weren’t around. His face had made you hug him.
As for you? Without the free evenings, you couldn’t go over to see Max. You missed him terribly and it would do no good to whine about that to Sam, since you were still unsure about how he would take your excessive attachment to his son. 
Not that you didn't have the chance to talk to Sam. After Sam put Max to bed, each night he’d call. You would sit in the alcove of the library widow and talk to him for hours- about the day, the classes and everything under the sun. Sam told you about the cases he was working on, the judges he really disliked and the girl Chase was chasing. Sam thought he was named aptly. He was also your faithful informant about Max. Apparently the playground bullies were back at it with the mean words. You blurted out loud how you wanted to punch the kids and Sam piled on top of that. Cheerful conversations about shaking kids followed.
It felt so juvenile to talk with him over the phone, like when he worked in New York and you were stuck in Lawrence, but not quite. Now, it was exciting to imagine him blushing on the other end when you accidentally said something complementary. Or if a student decided to stay in the library late night, you had to giggle in hushed voices so they wouldn’t overhear your conversations. The thrill of it was exciting. Those few hours had become the highlight of your day.
So, when Madison asked you what you were smiling about in the last lecture on Friday, you had to make up a reason. You couldn’t very well tell her that the bruise Sam was sporting on his cheek was because Max outran him on the basketball court and Sam slipped and fell.
“Just thinking of something funny.”
“Wouldn’t have to do with the green eyed hottie from Monday, would it?” Madison wiggled her eyebrows.
“Who, Dean?” You burst out laughing. “Maddie! He’s married to my sister.”
She laughed with you, face apologetic. “Dang! He’s really hot. Is it bad that I’m sorry he is married?”
“Definitely not,” you giggled. The good old Winchester genes had caused many casualties.
On the dais below, Sam collected his things.
“Ooohh, Professor Winchester is heading out. I better catch him before he leaves. You wanna come? Talk about the assignment?”
“No, you go on.” Sam had given you a run down of the assignment last night. You wanted to pout that he was right. You could have done better.
“Still awkward about the whole drowning thing, huh?”
You looked away, not wanting to remember the pool.
Madison wasn’t paying attention. “You were… I don’t know, delirious. You kept calling him by his name and…” Madison looked at you warily. She did not complete the sentence.
“Y/N saw the opportunity and took it,” said Rebecca from the next row. “I would sell my soul to be lifted like that.”
You slung your bag around your shoulders and made a move to get up. For all you cared, Rebecca could get hit by a truck. Not only were you furious at her for planning that prank with Brad, it made you feel murderous when she objectified Sam like that, reducing him to some greasy creep of a professor. It was insulting.
“Wait up now, sweetie!” She came up from behind. “Don’t act so prissy now. We all know you’re not as innocent as you make yourself out to be.”
“Excuse me?”
“You think I’m blind? To not see how you’re playing with all these men to get what you want? First, you have Brad panting after you, so you get the attention? Then you’re dancing with some random blue eyed man at the induction dance. The very next day you’re swaying in the arms of Chase Lincoln of all people. The moment you touch the pool water, somehow Sam Winchester is miraculously saving you… and two days later you’re crying like a damsel in distress in the arms of yet another man!” She was counting off her fingers. “And people call me slutty! I’m going to find out what your secret is, Y/N. Because I know you have one! And when I do...”
“You know what, Rebecca?” You said as calmly as you could. “Why don’t you go screw yourself.”
With that you headed straight for the library. When Madison caught up with you, her face was red. “Can’t believe I was ever friends with that hag! Gave her piece of my mind.”
“Madison, you should catch professor Winchester before he leaves. I’ll be okay.”
She assessed your words against your expression, then nodded and left.
You wanted to be by yourself. 
Thankfully, cataloging was time-consuming and tedious. It took your mind off of Rebecca’s awful words. For the life of you, you couldn’t understand why she was so mean to you. 
“Excuse me, miss, can I borrow this book?” Enquired a sweet voice. 
You dropped the marker in your hand and looked up. Max was standing beyond the desk, a huge grin on his face. You gave a little yelp of your own and hurried from behind the counter to throw your arms around him, kissing him on his cheek. 
“Gosh, I’ve been dying to meet you,” you said, pulling back to look at him. 
He was wearing a plaid shirt over a small faded t-shirt and jeans. Such a mini-Sam. You couldn’t resist the urge to lean over and kiss his other cheek.
Max started blushing, looking down at his shoes.
“What’re you doing here?” You asked, leading him to one of the benches.
“Alex broke her arm last night. She couldn’t come over today. Dad’s got work. He asked me to hang out here.”
“Oh, no, is Alex okay?”
Max snickered. “Yeah. She was trying to sneak out for a party and fell out of the window.”
You pursed your lips trying not to laugh with him. “Poor girl.”
“Aunt Jody’s super-mad!” He added and you couldn’t help the giggle that burst through your lips.
“Max, is that you?” Molly asked, sticking her head from behind the shelves. “Darn kid! It’s been ages. Where did you run off to?”
“Mechanics camp!” He told her. “I know where an engine goes now. And how to hot-wire a car.”
“They taught you that at the camp?” You asked, skeptic.
“No, uncle Dean did.”
This time you laughed in earnest.
“You know Max?” Molly frowned.
You nodded. “Remember my little friend I told you about?”
“The one you were holding a bake sale for?”
“Yep, he’s the one.”
Molly put her hand to her lips. “Well, no shit! Do you know who his father is?”
You and Max immediately looked at each other, confirming your secret with a tiniest of nods. 
“He’s Sam’s boy, this cute little nugget here.” Molly pulled his cheek. To Max’s credit, he didn’t rub his cheek afterwards.
Which reminded you. “You wait right here, Max. I’ll be back in a minute.” You quickly found the stash of cookies you were saving for tonight's dinner and hurried back to him. Eating at the library wasn’t allowed, but Max was an exception to every rule. “Cookies for you. I know these are your favourite.”
Max’s entire face lit up. True to his nature, he offered you one before digging in. You watched as he took a few bites, sneaking looks to the book he was holding- Adventures of Sinbad. 
“I read one of those when I was kid. It had a monster bird that carried Sinbad away to its nest.”
“Oh, the Roc! That one’s my favorite!” Max clapped his hand and the cookies clattered to the floor.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, trying to pick up the bag.
You stopped him with a gentle nudge. “Let me.” After cleaning the cookie crumbs from the carpet, you unwound the scarf from around your neck and used it to clean the crumbs stuck to Max’s mouth and shirt, fussing over getting it all away.
When you made him stand up to clean the hem of his pants, you noticed Sam standing behind you, arms crossed over his chest. He had a peculiar expression on his face- tender but also guarded.
“You’re not supposed to eat the library, young man!” Sam tried for stern, but ended up sounding amused.
You straightened up. “I make the rules here. Max can do whatever he wants.”
Max gave Sam a smug look, before running to him. In a motion that must have been more of less a reflex, Sam reached out and hefted Max up in his arms. 
“Look, what I found!” Max showed him the book.
Sam made a face. “Sinbad again? That sixth voyage was lame.”
“I wanna find out how it ends. There’s only one adventure left!”
“Alright, but this is the last of Arabian tales for the year. I get second hand sea-sickness just reading about it. I’m starting to miss Charlie and the chocolate factory.”
“You hated Charlie and the chocolate factory!”
Sam smirked. “You’re this close to getting my point.”
Max turned the book over. “We’re out of authors,” he told you.
The words shook you out of your quiet and you smoothened your expression. The scene before you was making your throat close up. You had never seen them together before. Max’s entire body language changed- his shoulders relaxed and he became less polite… just a bit more demanding, the way a child should be. Sam on the other hand radiated contentment. His voice changed, becoming softer, loving when he spoke to Max. You were sure you had been staring at them hungrily as if you couldn’t get enough of the interaction.
“Any suggestions?” Sam asked, tone still mild.
“T-Tolkein,” you stuttered. “You should try The Hobbit.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Elven songs. Wonderful.”
Molly came over to greet Sam and you excused yourself to go back to the desk and take a stock of the emotions coursing through you. At any point it could get too much and you didn't want either of them to see that.  
On their way out, Max waved at you. “Bye, Y/N!”
“Bye, Max.” You blew him a kiss. “You turned my day around, bud!”
There were too many people in the vicinity, so when it came to Sam, you nodded. “Professor.”
He mirrored your gesture. “Ms. Y/L/N.” And with a look full of promise of later, he walked away. You waved at Max till he was out of sight.
“Such a lovely boy,” Molly sighed. “Horrendous business what happened to him.”
“Yeah.” You cut the topic short, still unable to think of Max’s past without feeling faint. Thinking about it was so hard for you, Max had lived through it. 
Molly was in no mood to change the subject.
“Sam’s an amazing guy to give up the lawyer life and settle down here for that kid.”
You narrowed your eyes. “What do you mean?”
Molly threw out her hands, slightly embarrassed. “It’s Sam’s personal choice and all that, but he had a solid career in LA. After that Simmons affair blew up in the media, he could’ve stuck around and bagged A-list celebrities as clients. He moved out to this place for Max’s sake- so there was some normalcy and stability in his life. Then, again, Sam’s had his share of downs.”
Your back felt like ice, knowing what was coming.
“I’m not supposed to talk about it but it’s just you.” Molly leaned in closer. “Did you know his wife left him?”
She must have interpreted whatever your face showed as shock, because Molly continued. “Don’t know much about the whole thing. I heard bits and parts from the grape wine. Some girl he met in Kansas straight out of Yale. Took a plunge in a couple of months and this girl bolted not even a year into the marriage. Can you believe that? I mean, look at him… What the fuck was she looking for that he didn’t have!”
You could taste the blood by biting into your lip too hard.
“Never heard of him dating anyone since. I think he’s still in love with her.” Molly whistled. “At least they have each other- Max and Sam. That kid spends a lot of time here. You’ll keep finding reasons to feed your little friend cookies.” Molly flashed you a grin. You couldn’t quite return it.
It was past twelve when your phone rang. You’d just locked the library behind you and had given up on all hopes of the call.
You hurried to pick it up.
“Hey,” Sam breathed. “Sorry it took me so long.”
“It’s alright,” you sighed in relief at the sound of his voice. The sinking feeling in your stomach since the talk with Molly began to dissipate. 
“It’s your fault really,” Sam said. “Max liked The Hobbit too much and went to bed real late. How am I supposed to wake him in time for his class tomorrow?”
His concerns were so normal, comfortingly mundane. Sam made it sound so easy, when in fact, all this must have been so hard. One time you heard someone say a mean thing about Sam’s wife and it had you rankled. Sam must’ve lived through years of whispers, stories and ugly rumours. He must’ve had to defend his choice of staying committed so many times. Hadn’t the words shred his heart?
“Y/N? Everything okay?”
You cleared your throat. “Uh it’s just… it’s good to hear your voice.”
He was immediately on alert. “What happened?”
“Nothing. Weird day.”
“Where are you?”
You looked about your dark surroundings. “Crossing the playground, almost to my building.”
“Do you want to come over?” He asked, voice hopeful but unsure. “We can sit in the front lawn if you want.”
You made an impulse decision. “Yeah okay.”
Ten minutes later you were sitting on one of Max’s swings. Your tan sweater wasn’t helping much as you shivered in the chill, waiting for Sam to show up. Weird how you made it before him. He lived right there!
Noiselessly the front door opened and closed. Sam walked briskly towards you. He was dressed in dark grey sweatpants and a black full sleeve t-shirt. In his hand he carried an afghan, a thermos and two mugs.
“Here,” he handed you the afghan. It was the same one that was wrapped around you on the night of the pool party. The memory brought blood to your face.
“We don’t have adult juice around here today, but we do have hot chocolate.” Grinning impishly, he tilted the thermos in your direction. He sat on the ground in front of you, carefully filling up the two mugs with the rich, brown liquid while you wrapped yourself in the Afghan. 
Eagerly, you took a sip and moaned indecently.
“Good, isn’t it?” Sam chuckled. 
This was very close to what heaven would feel like. 
“So, what’s the deal, huh?” He asked after a few sips. 
You hesitated, not wanting to admit what the real problem was. It would be the case of a teapot crying to a boiler.
“You know you can tell me things, right?” His voice was soft, beguiling. 
“It’s something Molly said after you left.” You gave in, selfishly spilling it all. 
Sam listened to the whole story, then shook his head at you in exasperation and beckoned you with his hand. You blinked a couple of times, then gave up and went in willingly. 
What the hell, right?
 Sam tucked his arms around your shoulder once you slid on the ground next to him.
“You and I, we know what the truth is,” he said. “How does it matter what anyone else says?”
“Is that what you told yourself all these years?” You asked in a small voice, unable to meet his eyes.
Sam sighed. “Why are you doing this to yourself, Y/N?”
“You didn’t answer me.”
His fingers curled around your shoulder over the afghan. “No, I didn’t have to tell myself anything. I knew I loved you. That was enough.”
“I don’t know if I can be as strong as you.”
“That’s because you’re so much stronger,” he said. “None of those people have lived your life, they don’t know what you’ve been through. I can bet my ass, they wouldn’t have made it out of half of it in one piece. It’s easy to judge.”
“That’s not my problem,” you argued. “I don’t care what they think about me. But I can’t stand how it makes you look!”
Sam surprised you by chuckling lightly. “You’re cute when you’re indignant. Especially on my behalf.”
“Quit making this into a joke, Sam.”
“I seriously don’t know what else to do.” He put a finger under your chin, tilting your face up. “Look at me. I’m the happiest I've been in years! Do you really think I give a rats ass about what anyone’s got to say about me? My personal life has never been anyone’s concern except mine and yours. The only other person who has any say in this is Max. And that kid doesn’t shut up about you.”
Sam’s eyes were scorching, melting against the night sky.
“Molly’s wonderful, and I know she has a soft spot for me. But by the end of the day, it's just gossip. There’s no substance to it. So will you please drop it?”
At long last you nodded. 
“That’s like my Y/N.”
A rustle from the other side of Sam’s fence made you stiffen. The bushes behind the planks began to shake.
“What’s that?”
Sam shrugged. “Probably Alex sneaking out.”
You frowned at him. “Didn’t she break her arm doing exactly that?”
He snorted. “When has that stopped teenagers? It does make life a bit difficult. Jody’s grounded her. She can’t babysit Max for a while and I got work tomorrow.”
You saw Alex creeping on the sidewalk in front of the lawn. She saw the two of you huddled and froze like a deer caught in the headlight. Sam winked and waved a salute at her. After a minute she unfroze, returned the gesture and went off on her way. 
“Why don’t you drop him off at the library in the morning? I’ll keep an eye on him. I’m covering the first shift.” You worked to not sound too excited.
“Yeah, that still doesn’t fix the afternoon. I won’t be back before four.”
“Easy. I’ll wait with him here.”
Sam looked at you, hazel eyes wondrous. “You’d do that?”
“Sure. I owe him a pie anyway.”
“You’re a lifesaver!” He exhaled. “Seriously, I could kiss you right now!”
All you had to do was look up. Sam was right there.
Another crash sounded over the fence, louder than the first, followed by a muted ‘ow.’  You saw lights flare up in what must be the living room. From somewhere inside you heard Jody curse. “Jesus fucking Christ! Claire, what’re you doing on the ground.”
“Why do you always have to catch me!” Claire whined in the darkness. “Alex just left!”
“What. The. Fuck!” Jody yelled. “Get in the fucking car! We’re going to find your sister.”
That did it for you as you buried your face in Sam’s chest, smothering the giggles. His arms wrapped tightly around you. Sam himself was shaking with silent laughter over you.
Yeah, this was pretty close to heaven.
A/N 2: Thank you for all the support over the last week. 
Sam was right when he said-  “You and I, we know what the truth is. How does it matter what anyone else says?”
I’m going to take his advice :)
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lancermylove · 4 years
Thief (HC)
Fandom: Magi
Pairing: Sinbad x Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Hey!! I’m new to your blog so sorry if I don’t request properly. May I request a Sinbad x fem! Insert hc where she breaks into the palace and tries to steal one of the kings metal vessels at night so everyone is asleep, just so she can sell them to the Kou empire- only for Sinbad to have noticed her presence and in no time have her under him.. yeah something like that xd
A/N: I am not really sure how to interpret “have her under him”, but if you want a second part to this, then let me know. If I had continue any further, then this request would’ve turned into a nsfw, especially since we’re talking about Sin. XD 
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You quietly jumped onto the large white balcony and quickly hid, making sure no one saw you.
Sighing in relief, you placed your clammy hand on your racing heart. 'So far, so good. Wow, this is a lot easier than I thought.' 
Excited that you were going to succeed in your mission, your confidence grew beyond limits. "I am going to be filthy rich! Kou Empire, here I come with the most valuable items you'll ever see," you mumbled under your breath.
While you did a little dance, you failed to notice a presence looming behind the grand glass doors. 
"Hasn't anyone ever told you that overconfidence leads to one's downfall?" 
As soon as the deep voice hit your ears, you froze. When you turned your head, your horrified eyes met with a pair of alluring amber eyes. 
Studying the man's features, you had a realization. 'Amber eyes and purple hair? Oh, no...'
"K-Ki-King S-Sin-bad?" 
"Hello, beautiful. What is it that you said?" He raised an eyebrow and gave a dry smile, "You're going to be filthy rich. Kou Empire, here I come."
Though Sinbad was smiling, his eyes silently threatened you to stay still or else. 
"Did you come here to take my metal vessels?" His voice was growing ominous by the minute. 
Your mind screamed at you to run, but your body couldn't move. It was as though the young king had you spellbound. 
You couldn't get your eyes off his handsome, perfect features, and his magnetic aura drew you towards him. You finally understood why women were so crazy about him.
Your mentor's words ran through your mind. King Sinbad can make any woman fall for him, so be careful. DON'T fall for him. 
'Don't fall for him. Don't fall for him.' You began to chant though words in your head, giving you enough strength to pry your eyes from his face. 
Getting back control of your mind, you suddenly dashed towards the balcony ledge. 
Unfortunately for you, the king was too sharp and already knew you were planning to escape. He grabbed your arm and pinned you against the wall. 
"Do you really think that I will let you escape?" 
You stared at him, drinking in his attractive features once again. The moonlight caressed his face, adding a soft glow to him. 
"How should I punish you?" As he said those words, he brought his face closer to yours. 
You once again tried to chant those words don't fall for him, but this time around, your mind refused to cooperate with you. 
All you could do was stare into his eyes and hope for mercy. 
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threadofdestiny · 4 years
The opportunities we may take
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Sinbad x Oc
Soulmate AU
Part 15
--- Kingdom of Sindria, Palace of Sindria---
Exuberant laughter echoed through the well-filled hall. The generals, their families and some of the king's guests sat all around him, enjoying the music and the wine that was being served. To the delight of Sharrkan and Sinbad, some female dancers and bards also took part in the small celebration and thus turned it into an illustrious little gathering. Sinbad hadn't given a reason for the occasion, but in the end he was never needing one to pass the time with some of his favorite activities such as drinking and flirting with beautiful woman.
As already during the Maharajan a few weeks ago, some scantily clad ladies had gathered around the king of Sindria, fawning over him, while they vied for his attention, which he seemed happy to give to the willing women. Deep down, Salome felt a painful stab in her chest at the sight of her savior sharing frivolous gestures with his female guests, not understanding how much the bond between them affected her so strongly while apparently he seemed not at all affected by it. The young prophetess looked down in dismay as she dug her fingers into the light fabric of her dress. Sinbad had not exchanged a word with the young woman since he received the scroll from Isaac, a behavior that bothered her more than she was ready to show in public. Why had he ignored her for the rest of the day? What was going on inside his mind?
Instead of pressuring him, Salome had also withdrawn to give him some space, but the more hours passed, the more unbearable this situation became for her. Nonetheless, at the beginning of the festivity, the young woman had sat a little further away from the other attendants. She had placed herself on one of the wide window sills and was now leaning against the golden, ornate frame while she silently listened to Malik's and Isaac's conversation, without really registering what they were speaking about. Other priests who were allowed to linger in the castle also sat around them and talked quietly to one another, but these too were no more than part of the background noise that surrounded her.
Lost in her own miserable thoughts, the young prophetess looked out of the window and began to watch the sunset with a yearning gaze. Its orange glow reflected on the lively waves like golden flames, coloring the water in a sea of liquid gold. The surface reminded her of Sinbad's eyes, when candles illuminating his iris by night.
Surprised, the addressed girl turned around and looked at Isaac, only to find that her childhood friend kept his attention to the King of Sindria with a frown, watching him with his steel colored eyes. "Yes?" She replied, pushing a strand of hair away from her face and secured it behind her ear. "Are you happy?" He asked bluntly without turning towards her, not wanting to lose sight of Sinbad's behavior. Malik fell silent, observing his sister glumly, while Salome followed the archpriest's gaze and watched as Sinbad laughed at something one of the ladies had told him in a coquettish manner, as he pulled her onto his lap and leaned carelessly over her neck with a wolfish grin. Swallowing hardly, the young prophetess witnessed how the scantily clad woman pressed her lips to the king's ear, before biting in its shell without shame. At that very moment, however, Sinbad's eyelids lifted, so that his golden iris looked purposefully past the dancer's neck and focused on his little prophetess. They kept eye contact to each other for a few seemingly endless heartbeats before Sinbad turned away again to empty his goblet filled with spiced wine, turning his attention back to the dancer, who was looking at him questioningly, because he had not reacted to her  directly.
With trembling lips Salome turned to Isaac, who was now appraising her with his typical calculating, almost piercing look. She forced herself to relax her stiff body before she nodded reassuringly. Knowing what he meant, the dark haired woman decided to answer accordingly, with a forced smile on her face: "Do not worry. King Sinbad and I are just friends. Nothing more and nothing less. "Isaac looked at her in silence, while slowly but surely a disapproving expression spread across his features. He didn't need to speak his mind. She could guess where his thoughts were going, thinking about the bond that should bind them to each other. But unlike Sinbad she had been groomed all her life to accept this link that surrounded them for what it was. The king however, was not someone who naturally believed in such things like destined couples. So she was glad that they were able to form a friendship over the past few weeks, taking tiny steps to get to know each other. Smiling more widely, the young prophetess nodded softly, before she looked back to the setting sun, thinking that the conversation was over, when Isaac asked again:
"But... are you truly happy with that?"
Sighing, the young prophetess leaned forward to rest her forearms on the cold stone of the balcony veranda. It was already in the middle of the night, but some lights could still be seen behind the castle walls, illuminating various spots throughout the whole kingdom of Sindria. The mild night air played with the young woman's loose hair as she sighed sadly, looking up at the sky in deep thoughts. Before the celebration was over, Salome had retired to her room. At some point she hadn't been able to take it any more and was no longer capable to watch the frivolous spectacle of the king and his little flirt, while keeping a mild smile on her face. Worse, the question Isaac had asked her had thrown her pretty much off track.
Was she actually happy? Was she happy that she and Sinbad were 'just' friends?
But how could she actually be happy with it when she had adored this man before she had even got the chance to meet him in person? Her feelings for him had been immortalized in the stars. It was her destiny to love the reader of the waves and she did so unconditionally every day a little more, despite his haughty and manipulative personality. She just had no other choice, her soul was drawn to him and longed for him with no ifs or buts in her case.
But ... what could she offer him anyway? A young girl just before her 18th birthday and yet still so much younger than the King of Sindria. In his eyes she was surely still almost half a child. Would he even be able to ascribe himself to a single person, or would that be too much to ask of a king? Was it naive to wish for a partnership based on a dedicated relationship between two people? Was this connection perhaps more like an iron chain for him that pulled him down and tied him to her in an uncomfortable way? He was a free spirit, so was he able to love her at all?
Plagued by self-doubt, Salome squeezed her eyes together as she desperately tried to hold back the agonizing tears that began to build behind her eyelids. Her body was shaking hard, but she just wasn't able to calm down her breathing, which is why she couldn't suppress the tremor at all. Images of Sinbad pressing his lips against the dancer's neck, began to spread in her head and made the young girl finally sob in a bitter way. She imagined how he had been whispering sweet nothings into thee ear of the nameless woman, before he disappeared with her in a secluded area, leaving his other guests behind, without a second thought. Why did she have to feel so strongly for the King of Sindria?
A sudden knock against the door of her chambers tore Salome out of her bitter thoughts. Startled, the prophetess winced before turning quickly towards her balcony door to look into her room, while she wiped her tears hastily away from her cheeks.
From there, the dark-haired woman could watch how her doorknob moved, but she had locked the entrance, which is why it would not open without her unlocking it. Again it knocked quite urgently, which finally caused Salome to decide to answer her late night guest. When she opened the door, she was surprised to find that none other than Sinbad himself was standing in front of her. The strong smell of alcohol was emanating from him and he leaned relatively heavily against the door frame, breathing quite hard, when he lifted his head to settle his piercing gaze on her glazed eyes.
"S-Sinbad? What are you doing here? ", Salome whispered in surprise, while she stroked her cheeks again as a precaution to wipe away the paths of her tears, in hope that he didn't catch that she had been crying a few moments ago. Instead of answering, Sinbad pressed his hand against the polished wood and pushed it and the young woman aside so that he could easily enter her room. As she stumbled, long, slender fingers cupped her upper arm and pulled her back with a hasty jerk.
Without realizing what was happening around her, Salome's back crashed against the re-locked door, while the king placed his hands next to her head and imprisoned her between his muscled arms. His heavy breathing mingled with the young woman's gasp of surprise, before he also leaned his forehead against the cool, polished surface of the wood, right next to her head. The smell of sweet perfume clung to his clothes and mixed with the familiar nuances that the man exuded as usual. The sweet scent made the young prophetess stomach contract uncomfortably, while it made her think about who Sinbad had been with until a few moments ago. With a heavy heart, Salome turned her head to his opposite side but dared not to move otherwise. His upper body was so close to her that she felt the high-quality fabric of his scarf brushing against her upper arms, while his necklaces clinked against her golden amulet. His warm breath brushed her bare shoulders, making her shiver with tension.
What was he doing here? Why wasn't he with the dancer with whom he had left the festivity just a few moments ago? Rooted to the spot, her eyes fluttered bashfully, before they focused on Sinbad's tense arm and watched as his hand clenched into a trembling fist beside her head.
"Fate!" the king spat deeply, while his body began to shake faintly. Flinching at his bitter tone, the prophetess bit her lower lip in a shy manner and squeezed her eyes shut, listening to his outburst, while she was unable to cope with the situation. "I have never let fate guide me. I, manage my damned destiny the way I like it!" "I know.", Salome breathed meekly, catching how Sinbad's knuckles cracking softly in his anger.
"Then tell me why this God, whom you worship so much, has apparently already chosen a path for me? Where is that a self-determined fate, huh?", he snapped, while he banged his fist against the door, before he abruptly turned away from the girl, when he noticed how Salome winced quietly. Overwhelmed by the situation, the young prophetess kneaded her hands desperately as she searched for the right words. "It was your decision to travel to Dalmasca.", She answered quietly, which seemed to take the wind out of his sails. "How could I not have done that when the mere thought that you may be out there somewhere didn't let me sleep, after I regretted years in advance that I didn't took the chance to reach you when I was younger?" He confessed urgently, while the surprise of his own behavior was written all over his face. Exhausted, he fished the scroll out of his tunic, before he sat down on the edge of her bed, in an exhausted manner.
"What is written in this translation is actually nothing new to me. You said it yourself in your recording after all.", he muttered while he glanced at his prophetess. Salome reluctantly moved away from the door and took a few cautious steps towards the king with gentle expression.
"You have already declared that your God wants you to stand by my side and aid me!" Sinbad explained while he watched as she slowly walked towards him, pausing briefly in front of his figure sitting on her bed, before she lowered herself to the ground in front of him. Organizing her nightgown, she sat only a few inches away from his legs, before she looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. The image that played out in front of Sinbad reminded him even more of the scene that she had immortalized of herself in the small crystal ball. The message that she had send to him in hope to be able to reach out to the king of Sindria.
"To aid me .... to keep me in the light ..." the king whispered absently, receding some of the words that were written in the scriptures of Solomon. Salome listened carefully, fighting her upcoming tears as she put her hands on her lap and folded them together in a praying manner. Her eyes were watery, but not a tear flowed down her delicate cheeks. Sinbad swallowed hard before continuing. "You were right. The bond that binds us has unsettled me just as much as the fact that the lines of your waves seemed to blur behind you. But nothing prevented me from still... feeling pain every time I decided against you!", the king confessed bitterly, as he leaned forward and supported himself with one arm on his knee while he stretched the other in her direction to run his  callused fingers over her beautiful cheekbones. He looked at her with searching, golden eyes, pondering whether or not to keep talking, revealing one of his most hidden secrets. Pausing, Sinbad closed his honey colored eyes for a moment while he withdrew his hand and ran it over his face, to hide his features from her view. Salome could see that the man was hesitating in front of her, but in the end he decided to speak his mind, showing her the bitter truth: "But what's even worse is that I can't promise you what you had asked me to do in your message anymore."
An oppressive silence spread between the couple, because Sinbad was unable to find the right words to show her what he meant. Waiting for him to explain his statement, Salome looked at the king with tense shoulders, but there were no more words that tumbled from his lips. Taking a deep breath, Sinbad bent his upper body even further downwards so that his hair now also shielded his face from her, which was already covered by his trembling hands. His tense shoulders dropped when suddenly the bright atmosphere around him changed into something colder, more sinister. The bright light that usually surrounded him dimmed down slowly, while suddenly he radiated a certain coldness that send shivers down the spine of the lady of the rukh. Sobbing, she watched for the first time with widened eyes as black ethereal birds revealed themselves to her and mingled with the white ones who accompanied the king uninterruptedly. They fluttered in a lazy manner around Sinbad, who kept his head bowed in shame. Taking a deep breath, he slumped a little further down while his hands wandered from his face to his hair to bury them tensely in his lavender colored tresses. Tears ran down Salome's cheeks when she realized what he was revealing to her. Sinbad had already lost a part of himself ... She had asked him not to fall, but her request had reached him far too late and there was nothing she could have done to stop this. No more words left the king's lips, but neither was it necessary to understand the agony that seemed to be residing inside of him.
Cautiously, Salome slid forward a little, settling herself between the man's legs. With shaking hands, she grabbed Sinbad's cheeks as tears continued to run down her own. She brushed his purple hair away, to get a better look at him, watching how he pressed his eyes shut as if he were in pain. Overshadowed was her own sorrow, which she had felt a few moments ago, now emphasizing with the man who crouched over her. Determination spread in her chest like a beacon of light, when he opened his honey colored eyes, linking his hurtful gaze with her's. She hadn't been able to be with him in his hardest times, but that was now in the past. From now on. she swore to herself, she would give everything to keep the remaining light that surrounded him with all her might. "I don't care if you are surrounded by white or black rukh! My heart belongs only to you. It was always yours and nobody will ever be able to change this. No matter what comes: I will support and protect you with all I can give!", Salome swore in a firm, passionate voice, while she pressed his forehead against hers, looking deeply into his honey-golden eyes. "Always mine... protecting me... heh. Fate is a cruel thing, gifting me someone like you, after so many years...", the king repeated, almost amused, but his eyes betrayed how moved he really was by her words.
Sinbad took a shaky breath, chuckling lightly, while he also put his callused hands on her wet cheeks, cradling her head as if it could anchor him to the ground. His eyelids fluttered for a brief moment, before he returned her gaze with the same passion that sparkled in her turquoise colored eyes. "I know I said that I decide my fate myself, but I'm willing this one time not to rebel against destiny and accept what it has planned for me, if it means that you are the price I receive!", Sinbad confessed in surrender, as he passionately buried his fingers in her dark silky locks, while he lovingly pressed his nose against hers. His warm breath brushed her trembling lips, which were only a few inches away from his.
Salome's entire body trembled in a pleasant shiver, when she felt his fingers dig deeper into her hair, while he pulled her up, closer to him. His legs caged her delicate frame and gently grazed her on both sides. Her heart skipped a beat, only to pound within her chest twice as fast. This was it! This was what she wanted! Isaac had been right, she couldn't just be friends with Sinbad. Everything in her longed to surrender to the feelings, that slumbered within her core since the beginning of time.
Forgotten were all the plans of taking it slowly. She didn't just want to be his friend, no, she wanted everything this man was willing to give her. Probably in the future she would come to a point where she would question her heart. Yes, maybe at some point she would regret giving herself to him so willingly, but here and now she just couldn't help it. All she was left with were the overwhelming feelings that spread in her chest, as she instinctively arched her back and bridged the rest of the space between them, to press her lips passionately against his own. A comforting shiver ran down her spine, while her entire body tingled with pleasure. A sigh escaped her lips as Sinbad reacted just as fiercely, returning the kiss as if his life was depending on it. His mouth moved against hers without hesitation, animating her to follow his rhythm, while he easily took the lead.
Her trembling hands wandered from his cheekbones down over his neck to the beginning of his collar, where she finally dug her fingers into the fine fabric. She could feel his own beating heart pounding under her fingertips, how it drummed wildly against his chest. A huge amount of golden rukh circled the pair in contend silence. They were accompanied by a few black ones that continued to surround Sinbad, since he still hadn't pushed them away to hide them from the sight of those who can see them. What they both didn't notice, however, was how a handful of the black rukh began to slowly lighten up, losing their dark color during their passionate kiss, which they shared in bliss. The blackness slowly dissolved, revealing its natural golden shape, before a few of them began to take on a rose colored shade.
All the two of them could concentrate on at that moment were the feelings they shared through their deep kiss they shared with each other.
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How to Survive Dimensional Traveling and What Not to Do 101
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3g39Uwl
by PerpetuallyHaunted
Ever wonder about dimensional travel? [Y/n] [L/n] didn't until she ended up in another world. Of course, no one ever thought that other dimensions were based on our tv shows, books, comic books, and movies. (Reader x Various)
Words: 909, Chapters: 1/103, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of DT101
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Supernatural, Naruto, Death Note (Anime & Manga), The Walking Dead (TV), Doctor Who, Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Young Justice (Cartoon), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, The Inheritance Cycle - Christopher Paolini, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Fairy Tail, Sherlock (TV), Tokyo Ghoul, The Vampire Diaries (TV), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Diabolik Lovers, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Magi: Adventure of Sinbad (Anime), Assassination Classroom, Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Original Animal Character(s), Hermes (Percy Jackson), Zeus (Percy Jackson), Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Hatake Kakashi, Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Reader, Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Natsu Dragneel, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Batfamily Members, Yagami Light, L (Death Note), Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Caitlin Snow, Happy (Fairy Tail), Link (Legend of Zelda), Sinbad (Magi), Bart Allen, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), Okumura Rin, Okumura Yukio, Mephisto Pheles, Nakamura Rio, Mukami Brothers, The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Relationships: Jason Todd/Reader, Hatake Kakashi/Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3g39Uwl
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 4 years
How to Survive Dimensional Traveling and What Not to Do 101
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3g39Uwl
by PerpetuallyHaunted
Ever wonder about dimensional travel? [Y/n] [L/n] didn't until she ended up in another world. Of course, no one ever thought that other dimensions were based on our tv shows, books, comic books, and movies. (Reader x Various)
Words: 909, Chapters: 1/103, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of DT101
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Supernatural, Naruto, Death Note (Anime & Manga), The Walking Dead (TV), Doctor Who, Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Young Justice (Cartoon), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, The Inheritance Cycle - Christopher Paolini, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Fairy Tail, Sherlock (TV), Tokyo Ghoul, The Vampire Diaries (TV), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Diabolik Lovers, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Magi: Adventure of Sinbad (Anime), Assassination Classroom, Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Original Animal Character(s), Hermes (Percy Jackson), Zeus (Percy Jackson), Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Hatake Kakashi, Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Reader, Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Natsu Dragneel, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Batfamily Members, Yagami Light, L (Death Note), Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Caitlin Snow, Happy (Fairy Tail), Link (Legend of Zelda), Sinbad (Magi), Bart Allen, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), Okumura Rin, Okumura Yukio, Mephisto Pheles, Nakamura Rio, Mukami Brothers, The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Relationships: Jason Todd/Reader, Hatake Kakashi/Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3g39Uwl
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Things I write for!
Alright! So here is the list of things I write for. Keep in mind that I will write smut and sexual themes, but If I don’t think it fits or if there is something that makes me uncomfortable, I won’t write it. I will write AU’s, romantic and platonic. I do not write characterxcharacter or any OC’s. I will write for female, male and nb readers, just let me know in your request.
I have also added a list of AU’s and tropes I like to write but if you have one in mind that isn’t on here, don’t be afraid to include it! The characters in bold are ones that I especially love to write for. 
Assassination Classroom- I’ll write for Asuno, Okano, Maehara, Itona, Kaede, Karma, Hazama, Mimura, Takebayashi, Justice, Kataoka, Nagisa, Hayami, Nakamura, Terasuka. Sugaya, Okajima, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Sugino, Kanzaki, Isogai, Fuwa, Kurro-Sensei, Irina, and Karasuma. Romantic, platonic, student/teacher/assassin reader is fine.
Attack on Titan- I’ll write for Armin, Eren, Hanji, Jean, Levi, Marco, and Mikasa. I don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes.
Fairy Tail- I’ll write for Cana, Elfman, Erza, Gajeel, Gray, Jellal, Juvia, Laxus, Loke/Leo, Levy, Lucy, Mirajane, Mystogan, Natsu, and Wendy(PLATONIC ONLY). I’ve read the entire manga so anything goes.
Free!- Just the main peeps; Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Haru, Rin, and Souske. I haven’t watched any of it in a long time and I really don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Haikyuu!!- Everyone in Karasuno; everyone in Nekoma; Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyotani from Aoba johsai; Bokuto, Akaashi from Fukurodani; Ushijima, Tendo from Shiratorizawa. I have not seen season three and four so no spoilers please! 
Hetalia- I’m not super into this anime anymore, but I’ll still write for it. I’ll write for anyone and I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
K-Project/K- I’ll write for anyone. I’ve also seen the whole thing so anything goes.
Kuroko no Basket- I will only write for the generation of Miracles. I haven’t seen anything past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Log Horizon- I will write for anyone. I have only seen season one so no spoilers please!
Magi- I will write for Alibaba, Morgiana, and Sinbad. I don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes.
My Hero Academia- I will write for Bakugou, Hagukure, Iida, Jiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Mina, Momo, Ojiro, Sato, Sero, Shoji, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Uraraka; Kendo, Monoma, Tetsutetsu; Shinso; Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki; All Might/Small Might, Eraserhead, Fat Gum, Hawks, Kamui Woods, Present Mic; Dabi, Shiguraki, Toga. I haven’t read anything past Hawks being introduced, so no spoilers past that point in the manga. Other than that, anything goes.
Naruto- I’ll write for Asuma, Choji, Deidara, Gaara, Hidan, Hinata, Itachi, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Kakuzu, Kankuro, Kiba, Kisame, Kurenai, Lee, Minato, Naruto, Neji, Obito/Tobi, Sakura, Sasori, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Shino, Temari, Tenten, Tsunade, Zabuza. . I haven’t seen/read all of it but don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Sailor Moon- I’ll write for Sailor’s Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Tuxedo Mask and their normal counterparts.. I’ve seen all of it, but a long time ago. I don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Seven Deadly Sins- I’ll write for Ban, Diane, Escanor, King/Harlequin, Meliodas, Merlin; Arthur, Elizabeth, Gilthunder, Howzer. . I’ve seen what they have of the anime on Netflix and the movie. No spoilers from the manga, but everything goes other than that.
Harry Potter- I will write for Cedric, Dean, Draco, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ron, Seamus; James, Lily, Remus, Sirius; Newt, Queenie.  I’ve read and seen everything so anything goes.
Lord of the Rings- I’ll write for Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir, Frodo, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Sam. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
Narnia- I’ll write for Caspian, Edmund, Eustace, Lucy, Peter, Susan. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
Percy Jackson- I’ll write for Annabeth, Bianca, Clarisse, Leo, Luke, Nico, Percy, Piper, Thalia; Frank, Hazel, Jason, Reyna. I’ve read all the books up to Magnus Chase. I don’t mind spoilers and will write for anyone so anything goes. 
The Hobbit- I’ll write for Bard, Bilbo, Bofur, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Legolas, Tauriel, Thorin. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
BTS- Hoseok/J-Hope, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon/RM, Seokjin/Jin, Taehyung/V, Yoongi/Suga
KARD- Jiwoo, Taehyung/J-Seph, Matt/BM, Somin
MonstaX- Changkyun/I.M, Hyungwon, Jooheon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Shownu, Wonho
GOT7- Bambam, Jackson, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Mark, Youngjae, Yugyeom
TWICE- Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Mina, Momo, Nayeon, Sana, Tzuyu
BlackPink- Chaeyoung/Rose, Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa
Mamamoo- Hwasa, Moonbyul, Solar, Wheein
Big Hero 6- I will write for Fred, Go-Go, Hiro, Honey Lemon, Tadashi, Wasabi
How to Train Your Dragon- I will write for Hiccup, Astrid, and Eret.
Hunger Games- I will write for Katniss, Gale, Peeta, Joanna, and Finnick.
Jumanji- I have seen both 1&2. I am doing a rewrite of the first movie (and the second later on) but will write for any of the characters.
The Meg- I will write for Jax, Jack Morris, DJ, and Jonas Taylor. I’ve seen the movie so anything goes.
Pirates of the Caribbean- I will write for Jack, Elizabeth, James, and Will. I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
The Purge- I’ve seen all of the movies, but not the TV show. I’ll most likely use this as an AU but I do have a rewrite of Election Year and Anarchy in my WIP’s
Star Wars- I will write for Anakin, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Finn, Han Solo, Hux, Leia, Luke, Obi-Wan, Padme, Poe, Rey
Flash- I haven’t seen past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers so I’ll write for all the characters and anything goes.
Justice League- I’ll write for all of the heroes. I haven’t seen a lot of the cartoon shows, but I’ve seen the live action movies and Young Justice (Season 1&2 ONLY). Anything goes.
Suicide Squad- I will write for Boomer, Deadshot, Diablo, Harley Quinn, Katana
Young Justice- I will write for Aqualad/Kaldur, Artemis/Tigress, Beast Boy/Garfield, Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes, Impulse/Bart Allen, Kid Flash/Wally, Miss Martian/Megan, Nightwing-Robin/Dick, Robin/Tim, Red Arrow/Roy Harper, Superboy/Connor, Wonder Girl/Cassie, Zatanna Zatara. I haven’t seen season three, so please no spoilers!! 
AntMan- I will write for Hope, Luis, Scott 
Avengers- I will write for Bruce, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, Peter, Sam, Steve, Thor, Tony, Wanda
Black Panther- I will write for Erik, Everett Ross, M’Baku, Nakia, Okoye, Shuri, T’Challa
Dr. Strange- I will write for Steven Strange
Guardians- I will write for Gamora, Nebula, Peter, Yondu
X-Men- I will write for Bobby/Iceman, Hank(old and young), Jean(old and young), Kitty Pryde, Logan/Old Man Logan, Marie/Rogue, Ororo Munroe(old and young), Remy LeBeau, Scott(old and young), Victor Creed; Alex Summers, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Jubilee, Kurt, Peter Maximoff, Raven(young only)
Avatar the Last Airbender- I’ll write for Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko, Azula, Mei, and Ty Lee. I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
Dr. Who- I have seen everything up to the 12th Doctor. No spoilers for 12&13 please! Other than that, anything goes.
Game of Thrones- I will write for the Starks(Arya, Brandon, Jon, Robb, Sansa), Tormund, Sandor, the Lannisters(Jaime, Tyrion), Daenerys, Brienne, Gendry, Podrick, Bronn, Oberyn, Sam, Theon, and Yara. I have seen the entire series and anything goes.
Legend of Korra- I’ll write for Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami. I haven’t seen anything past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers. Anything goes.
The Mandalorian- I’ll write for Cara, Mando, and Paz. I’ve seen everything so anything goes. 
Sherlock- I will write for Sherlock, John, and Greg. I haven’t seen past season three episode two so no spoilers please! Other than that, anything goes.
Supernatural- I will write for Sam, Dean, Cas, and John. I haven’t seen past season 6 but don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes!
The Walking Dead- I’ll write for anybody. I’m only at the beginning of season nine, so anything past that please don’t spoil it!
Video Games:
Assassins Creed- I’ll write for Altair, Ezio, and Connor. I’ve played some of the games and don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild- I have beaten the game and will write for Link and Zelda. 
Coffee Shop
Pet Shop
Soulmate- Colorblind, tattoo(name of soulmate/first words spoken, etc.), watch countdown, whatever you write on yourself ends up on them.
Tattoo Artist
Human from our world dropped into their world and vice versa
Only one bed
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iimuchakk · 6 years
Thalassophile (Young!Sinbad x reader) Sinbad No Bouken
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Summary : Moving to Tison village was never a noble girls dream, neither was meeting a young boy with both a passion for adventure and a talent at drawing people in. You thought the beginning of your life had ended long ago, but truth be told it starts here, and it starts now.
Warnings :
“So come all you pretty maids, whoever that you be, who love a jolly sailor bold, that ploughs the raging sea.”
Chapter : Two
Volume 1 Chapter 4 : Precious lessons
“I want you to stay away from him. Far, far away.” It was a never ending mantra inside your head. One that kept you tossing and turning for the entire time you slept in Tison village. This Sinbad. He must have been special somehow. Not only did your mother recognize him, but she wanted you to stay far from him. It seemed almost impossible for the two to know one another. Then again, you weren’t sure if Sinbad even knew who your mother was. Thoughts such as these didn’t stop running through your head as you slowly sat upwards on your single bed, white nightgown tickling your ankles. After the uncomfortable encounter with your mother downstairs, you had almost immediately bid her a good night and stated that ‘the journey had been tiring’ and you needed as much sleep as possible to start tomorrow morning.
In the morning, fortunatly your mind began focusing on other things. The room you found yourself staying in was average at best. Strous still had to decorate it with the furniture from your old home, so it was still rather bland and had nothing much to comment on apart from it’s sheer size. The only part of the room which you found yourself enjoying more then you should have was the small bookshelf which was in the house before you arrived; It must have belonged to the previous owners. It stood out among everything else the house had to offer. It was not intricately carved or decorated with beautiful jewels or patterns, but rather looked as though the ocean had been sick all over it. Seashells practically scattered. It was unique. Especially now the sun beams danced across its surface.
Many books sat in it’s shelves, but the one that caught your eye the most was a small blue note book that laid covered in dust on the tops of the other larger books. A gold chain tightly suffocated its pages, and you were tempted to ask Strous to open it up for you. However, part of you felt as though this should be your little secret. At least until you discover its contents. In order to occupy yourself for the meantime, you fished out a random book about marine life, and decided that a trip to the docks would do you some good right about now.
Mother decided to let you go pretty quickly, as long as Strous was accompanying you of course, and so the two of you walked through Tison village without another thought. You both received a few odd glances and you strolled down the village, after all both your attire and Strouses was very different to the other people who inhabited the area. Luckily for the both of you the small ocean side wasn’t very far away, and the villagers seemed more preoccupied with work then they did a rich girl and her little knight.
“I still don’t see why you wanted to come here.” Complained Strous as he watched you kneel beside the water and open the marine book you had brought with you. Ever since you were younger, he had remembered you obsessing over certain books in different stages of your life. Strous really hoped this wasn't going to be another stage. “Why couldn’t you have chosen a book about flowers or cooking? Don’t leaves catch your interest?” At this point you could sense him becoming more and more provocative in his teasing, so you opted to change the subject. At that moment you flipped the page to see an image of a large grey shark with pointy teeth and a round nose. It was the most terrifying thing you had ever seen. And it was only on paper.
“Do you think it would be possible to see a shark Strous?” Craning your neck you saw Strous stood a few feet behind you with his eyebrows scrunched up in pure hatred for this question. He had to wonder wheather you had decided to turn the tables and mock him now.
“I’m a knight.” Was his simple answer. One which caused you to laugh happily, though you wished Strous could give you a real answer. The book was practically useless apart from giving a few facts about the creatures it documented and what they looked like. Just as you were about to turn your undivided attention back to the book at hand, a familiar voice decided to answer your question.
“You’d have to go a while out on the ocean to see a shark Miss Bedivere.” Instead, now your undivided attention was on the purple headed boy you had only just met yesterday. One you could not get out of your head the entire night. He sat crouched on the rocks beside the dock, only an arms length away from you. How he got there so quietly you’d never know. Strous seemed to notice how your gaze lingered on the male for perhaps a little to long, and how the boy was in no hurry to move, but rather stare right back at you with a pleased grin.
“Please address her as Lady Bedivere and do not get any closer to her without permission.” Sir Strous ordered the apparent sailor, stepping closer to you so your back was pressed to his legs. You could practically sense the testosterone emitting between the two. Sinbad’s golden eyes flickered between both you and Strous, and he simply pouted, springing up so he landed in front of you, completely disregarding the knights orders.
“I’ll call her Lady Bedivere if you want.” Was Sinbad’s reply to Strous, his tone rather sassy. “But yesterday she told me either of the two was fine. All I want is to respect her wishes.”
“Yesterday!” Your blond companion hissed, glancing down at you in a judgmental manner. Sensing this you stood rather abruptly, your book held tightly to your chest, mentally figuring out a way to try and defuse the situation. 
“It’s not how it sounds. Sinbad came to greet me the other day.” Deciding to miss out the part where he held you in his arms, you continued. “It was a casual encounter and nothing more Sir Strous. If you’d prefer we can leave now if you like-”
“He’s staring at your chest!”
“No I’m staring at the book! It’s a nice book~!”
“Leave.” The blood inside your body ran cold, as the atmosphere changed all too suddenly. By now you noticed how both boys held a hand on the hilt of their swords, body language tense. It was not like yesterday when Sinbad held it in your presence, with his back slouched and smile present. In this instance he stood up straight, his smile more of a Cheshire grin then anything else. Strous looked more serious, something you already knew he was at times like this. He took his duty of protecting the Bedivere family very seriously. Wheather it is was more for his care of you or his honour you would never know.
“Strous, Stop.”
“No. He can’t just waltz in here and dis-obey his higher ups without a care in the world. We’re here to make sure people like him understand obeying parthevian is important. So we can win the war and become a super power of this world. People like this Sinbad are what poison this countries good name and I’m having none of it. Which is why, Sinbad-” Lifting up his sword, Strous pointed it in the direction Sinbad once stood - once stood. And then looked to where you had stood a moment ago - a moment ago. He looked like a confused little puppy before he turned around to see Sinbad waving at him far off the distance, a certain girl holding a certain marine book in her hands flung over his shoulder.
“Put me down Sinbad! This is no way to treat a lady!” You howled. Sinbad only laughed, some of his neighboring villagers smiling at the young boys antics. Did he do this often? As you lay slung over Sinbads shoulder you soon realized he would not be putting you down anytime soon. Part of you was worried that he might hold you for ransom or perhaps worse then that. But you felt safe. Safer then you had in a long time. Maybe it was because of the small children who called his name and cheered for him as he oh so quickly scuttered past. Or maybe it was the way he held you close, the way he held you so tightly by the waist. That being said, you might have felt safer if your face wasn't so close to the ground.
After what felt like hours the two of you arrived at a plain grass land where he stopped and took a deep breath. “It’s nice here don’t you think?” It was indeed nice. Flowers sprang from every crevice and a small lake peeked from the marshland, that seemed to shimmer at every angle. Gently placing you back down onto your feet. His hands lingered on your waist for perhaps a little to long, and only moved when you softly pried them away.
“Sinbad.” You sharply spoke, wanting to keep as much dignity as you could muster. “What is the meaning of this?”
Message me if you’d like to be tagged in the next part
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missneko-otaku · 5 years
A Little Misunderstanding (Okko Aladdin x Reader)
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(Writer Notes:  Aladdin is an npc (non-playable character) from OKKO Sweet Romance: Arabian Nights Love Story (visual novel game). He is found in Sinbad route. I really do have a soft spot for my npc characters. They all deserve more love! *notes: English is not my native tongue so please forgive some grammatical errors in this fic if you have found some~ ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ)
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tagging: @ikigaiosamu @widzziciclesatmidnight​ @kimi00twin @destinedatmidnight
Summary: A short fluff for our dear Aladdin because he deserves some more attention and love! (✿人ㆁᴗㆁ)
In a small clearing somewhere located in the woods--not too far away from the capital--there you are, resting on a field of soft grass as you look up into the endless blue sky above. The place is quiet, only the hum and murmurs of the insects and birds everywhere can be heard. The trees and grasses seem to dance around you--swaying along with the gentle rhythm of the breeze.
It has been almost a month since you arrived in Bhagda. Sinbad found you unconscious on some road, looking lifeless. Thanks to him you have a place to stay and a job at the tavern for you to get by. Life has been good and kind to you so far yet you can’t help but feel empty and lonely. Your memories haven’t come back fully yet. You sigh again, too many times already, feeling somehow discouraged by this.
“Oh~! There you are! y/n-chan~” says by a gleeful voice you so know and familiar with, you turn around to see a young man you know, the same age as you--but looking a bit younger compared to his age-- approaching your direction. “Finally, I found ya! Sinbad is looking for you, don’t you know?”
It is Aladdin.
Amazingly, for some reason, Aladdin would always know where to find you.
You have come to know him since becoming friends with Sinbad. He is one of Sinbad’s old and very close friends, and now you are one of his friends too. He is friendly and energetic all the time--making him stand out a bit out of the rest.
“You should have told at least to me if you are going somewhere. We were a bit worried about you, you know,” he says to you with such concern and kindness as he sits beside you. Sometimes you wonder why he is too kind and caring when it comes to you. Are these just all normal for him? The way he talks and smiles at you tenderly, like right now. Sometimes, too, it feels like he is being protective of you. Maybe he cares for you? You have wondered countless times about it, yet you still can’t figure out why he does these...things that make your heart flutter.
“I’m sorry. I just came here to get some fresh air…” You say as you move from your lying position, sitting lazily on the grass.
“Why?? Do you feel sick?” worries start to cloud his face.
A faint laugh comes out from your lips, “No. Haha, you worry too much, Aladdin. Too much..”, your voice starts to trail off, then, “...too much that it confuses me.” You absentmindedly whisper.
He heard it despite your low voice, “Confuse you?” he asks, bemused, as he leans forward to take a view of your face. A curious look on his eyes.
You are taken aback by the sudden closeness of you two, just a breath away.
“Did I do something wrong? Did I make you feel bad? Sad? What do you mean?” Panicking as he waits for an answer.
A bit dumbstruck by the sudden bombardment of questions he has thrown at you, you stammer at your words, “I-- I, I just...I don’t like it when you are being too kind to me…” You pause, “It’s just that, I--I don’t want to confuse your kindness with something else…” You say, voice trailing off.
He leans back a bit from you and for a second there, neither of you two speaks. Then he smiles. A lonely smile.
Still puzzled, you timidly look at his eyes too, waiting for him to speak first. He stares back at you, eyes so gentle and tender yet sad. “I’m sorry… I---” he trails off.
Of course, you never hated it. You have always liked it how he would always worry for you. How he always makes you feel like you are special or something. Before you know it, you are falling for him.
“No. You don’t have to be sorry, I just-- umm... just forget what I said. I’m just being unreasonable…” You say, trying to ease the somehow serious atmosphere spreading around the two of you.
As You are about to stand up, Aladdin suddenly grabs hold of your right arm, his eyes still staring at yours, he speaks, “Listen to me…” his voice quivering, “I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in some way. I should have been more thoughtful of your feelings...I know you like Sinbad...probably he likes you too.” You can hear and see the sadness in him as he says those things to you.
“I’m sorry, sometimes I just can’t control myself. I--I get excited whenever I see you, I can’t help but care too...you might find me bothersome but I--”
You are surprised. Stunned, even. It takes you a few moments for all of it to finally sink in properly into your mind.
“You what…?” you blurt out, heat rising in your cheeks. To your surprise, you find Aladdin’s cheeks flushed as well. A deep red coloring his face just like yours.
“I-- I am sorry. I--” he stammers when he saw you looking shocked.
You can’t believe it for a second. But then, when you learned his true feelings you can’t help but feel really glad. You don’t want to see him flustering like this anymore nor drag this stupid misunderstanding so when he is about to say more, you cut him off quickly.
“I like you...I like you a lot.”
“Wha--what?? Ehh..!? I--I thought...you like Sinbad??” Aladdin looks stupefied, he can’t believe what he just heard.
Feeling shy, you take a deep breath, “I don’t know exactly when but I have liked you, too, for a while. Perhaps because you are always there, always near...looking after me. And before I know it, I…” you shyly look at him in the eyes.
Before you would pretend and deny these feelings but not now, now that you have the courage to be true to yourself and him. “I have fallen for you. Will you...accept me?” you say.
Brief silence.
He isn’t saying anything. For a moment, you feel scared. What if he rejects you? What if the feelings you confessed to him is different from the feelings he has for you? What if he ‘likes’ you not as a woman but just as a sister? For a moment there, you feel like your heart is about to drop.
The hand that is still holding your arm suddenly pulls you into him, and in a heartbeat, you have found yourself already in his arms. You are on top of him as he is cradling you, and squeezing you so tightly you thought you are going to run out of air. You feel him trembling beneath you, then follows by a sudden mixture of giggles and laughter. You look up into his face and see him so happy.
“You should have said that sooner. I thought for a second there that you got mad at me, that you hated me. I got scared that maybe you’ll bluntly say to me you don’t like me being around you and that you like Sinbad more...hahaha turns out it is the opposite!”
You two are sprawled out on the grass, he is still cuddling you, holding you so sweetly. This time, you let your hands wander at his lean back. You hold him tight too, hug him even tighter as if you don’t want to part from him ever. You smell the faint of his scent along with the crisp scent of the grasses that are being crushed underneath your heavy bodies. You two stay in that position for a little bit longer.
You look up, straining your neck a bit to see his face, “Of course, I don’t hate you. Why would I?” you whisper to him as you bite your lips because you feel so warm and shy at how you two are now so close together. You remember imagining such scenarios like this before, but now it has become a reality.
With cheery eyes and a sneaky smirk, he suddenly pecks you in the forehead. Then you thought that that will be the end of his playfulness but he pecks you again, though, this time on your lips. Your face flush, you press your lips harder, feeling more bashful because of the sudden bold skinship he showed and did.
“What??” he says playfully. A teasing smile curves upon his lips, “Can’t I do that? Do you hate it?? Mm~?”
You bite your lips harder, again. It’s unfair how this man can fill you too much happiness and excitement so instantly just like that.
With a deep, affectionate sigh, you say to him, “Of course no..! dummy.” A faint blush creeping again on your cheeks.
You two roll in the grasses, snuggling close to each other like innocent kids as if you two don’t want to let go of each other’s embrace yet. Your whispers of love to one another, warm skinship, kisses, hugs, both of your sweet murmurs and giggles resound lightly--like a children’s laughter--filling every nook and corner of these woods with love and warmth.
Somehow the loneliness and emptiness you felt this morning have disappeared completely as if it never existed in the first place...only to be replaced at once with this pure and perfect bliss.
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