#magi sinbad no bouken
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wtfastaroth · 6 months ago
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The king and his advisor
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katsura369 · 2 months ago
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Hello everyone! I just wanted to wish you all well this season as we come to the end of 2024. I'm so grateful to all of you for joining me on this journey & for you support. I hope you'll continue to accompany me through my creative ventures. As I have so much more to offer. I'm looking forward to it.
Hence this special piece I've made in honor of that. Comment how many of Sakura's gifts you can Name (character or show) & Let me know what you think
Don't forget to Vote on your favorite story Over here before the Poll closes on the 30th. This will help me work out my new writing schedule.
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lovedbythemagimissjumpcity · 8 months ago
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misquitz · 8 months ago
Magi Madness Discord Magma art!!
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Artists(I don't remember everyone's Tumblr so I'll add you as I can 😭):
Super fun to do this! I hope we get to do something like this again soon!!
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huntersmoon1 · 6 months ago
The lads men meet their genderbent counterparts who are in a similar situation to Alibaba’s mom only none of them get sick and die.
(Edited: reworked the kids ages.)
(Edited again cuz they made I pic for Xavier and Rafayel too!)
Ok I just saw this great fan art right after watching the episode of Magi:The labyrinth of magic where it explains Alibaba’s past and about how his mother caught the eye of the king and they had an affair,she leaves and becomes a prostitute,gets sick and dies,all that. And that gave me a request idea.
If you wanna write this for me please hit me up. 🙏
I can’t write I just come up with the outline, the blueprint if you will.
This is the fan art the artists twitter is linked click on the picture to go to the page.
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•So what if Sylus,Zayne,Rafayel,and Xavier meet their genderbent counterparts in the world of Magi that are in a similar situation in the way that they are prostatutes in the slums in order to survive like Alibabas mom only none of them get sick and die like Alibabas mom did.
You know the three princesses of the brothel in apothecary dairies? Well think of them in that way in the sense that they are the most beautiful and desired, well known prostitutes but not in a brothel and are instead in the slums of balbad. Even if they can’t dress luxuriously they are still the most beautiful. And instead of three there’s five,Sylys,Zayne,Rafayel,Xavier,and Mc.
Most of them will be disowned by their families for getting pregnant out of wedlock since that was VERY frowned upon way back then.
•They know MCs counterpart but she’s not genderbent and is instead a sister figure to them and an aunt to their children.
She is also a prostitute,they found her in the slums wandering around with amnesia when she was (they guessed) 17 years old and soon found out she was pregnant,
they tried to talk her out of becoming a prostitute but knew it was likely her only shot at surviving given the state Balbad had been in since the former king died and his short pudgy son took the throne,
eventually they gave in and showed her the ropes and how to work this job without getting hurt by customers or getting sick from them, how to spot the good,healthy,and rich customers, and how to send away the ones that are trouble or could get her or her kid sick,they helped her when she first arrived.
Mc has one 4 year old and one on the way.
•They all live together or very close by each other. Sylus’s counterpart knows Luke and Kieran,they are genderbent and they were her handmaids.
•Sylus’s counterpart has a 9 year old daughter who looks like her dead lover,a 2 year old daughter who looks like her, and has one more on the way.
She was a high class noble lady and fell in love with a soldier and got pregnant but he died before they could get married so her family disowned her and his family blamed her for his death and chased her away.
She took what little money her family gave her and left for the slums and became a prostitute since no one wanted to hire a ruined woman for any other job.
Her loyal handmaids who are Luke and Kieran’s female counterparts went with her,whether or not they became prostitutes too is up to you but they are her assistants and big sister figures to her daughters.
Her daughter can’t learn as fast as the other kids and has trouble learning and understanding certain things like for example math,or learning and memorising the rules to a new game, due to developmental delays caused by her mother not being able to get enough nutrition while she was pregnant with her since she lives in the slums as well as being born too soon.
She makes enough money so she and her children don’t starve now since she’s more well known by the noble class and not just the men in the slums.
•Zayne counterpart has twins,a girl and a boy. They are none identical but they both look like their mother.
She was a middle class lady, daughter of two doctors,Her husband was a kind medicine peddler, he died after being attacked by bandits not long after her twins were born since he couldn’t get the required medical treatment in time.
Her twins are 6 years old and were born in a land where there was plenty of food to eat so they came out normal and not early.
Their mother came to Balbad with them after she heard their were many sick people there that needed help and didn’t have anyone to leave them with,
She thought she’d be able to make enough to get by without having to charge the poor people by treating rich nobles,
but she didn’t know just how bad Balbads money troubles were so she ended up poor too and moved to the slums since she could no longer afford their living arrangements in the middle class.
She makes a little money as a doctor in various classes of the hierarchy but most of her money comes from prostitution since men of all walks come for her services.
•Rafayels counterpart has one 5 year old girl and a newborn son.
She fell in love with a rich man and he got her pregnant, he said he’d come back for her but he never did and she found him courting another woman,he abandoned her.
She was in the middle class, the daughter of an art dealing merchant, but she didn’t have the funds to support herself and a child, and her family cut her off and disowned her for getting pregnant out of wedlock,
so she sold her house and went to the slums so she’d have a decent amount of money for a while but eventually she had to find a way to make ends meet and since jobs aren’t offered to people in the slums very often she turned to prostitution since that’s the only profesión from the slums the nobles and middle class will pay decently not well but decent. She’s pretty well known by the nobles.
•Xavier’s counterpart has one 3 year old son.
She was a middle class noble lady who fell in love with a soldier and as soon as he found out she was pregnant he kicked her to the curb and when her family found out she was pregnant out of wedlock they disowned her so she moved to the slums with enough money she saved to get by for a while and be able to get enough to eat from the middle class so she would have a healthy full term baby.
But after her son was born eventually that money ran out and she turn to prostitution since no one in the middle or upper class would give someone from the slums a job unless it’s a prostitute looking for clients. She’s pretty well known among the nobles.
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Not sure if this is the original creator but here’s a screenshot of a great fan art.
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doyouknowthisanime · 9 months ago
Do You Know This Anime?
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stardewpoesie · 9 months ago
Thinking about the similarities between Sinbad of Magi and Naruto
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And this is where they differ;
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"I must change the world... but for whose sake?"
Sinbad is doing it for his own sake, the self-proclaimed greedy king. Naruto is doing it all for one person's sake, Sasuke's. His strength and the person he envisions next to him.
I am clawing at the walls of my enclosure
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guritchiarts · 8 months ago
Had the chance to do the Lum no Love animation meme I've been seeing recently on Tik Tok :3
TOOK ME A WHOLE WEEK TO DO JUST ON MY PHONE!!! ;;w;; Though am I am slowly going to start uploading Magi content including anything regarding Reika aka MY MAGI OC!!
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myspecialinterest · 1 year ago
shoutout to the person who asked a previous director if we would have a Sinbad no bouken Season 2 just last week… asking the real questions…
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tabbyhoney · 7 months ago
"How can you call this love?"
Authors note:This Magi story has been floating in my head for years now, but because I changed so much so often I am unable to write the entire thing. Trust me I tried writing it. Instead I decided to get this out of my System by simply this short something. Enjoy!
Summary:Corey and Sinbad have been through a lot together and for the very first time in their strange relationship did they hit a downfall. One thing lead to another and now it seems as though everything with it is lost.
“I never quite met one like you.”
Sinbad stopped for a moment. Of course, it didn't matter, at least not in a bad way, but he was never so confused like this before.
He knew his goal and his purpose in life, and this strange woman he found in a forest completely changed his world. The way she acts like she doesn't care, and the next moment, all the paperwork he laid off for later was gone. The way she could crumble the opinions of others with basically no sweat.
Intelligent, caring, hardworking, and simply being herself.
Everything about her just melts him away. He has never truly seen the meaning of his own life or dream. Her eyes were sucking him in like an endless void. How she stopped using that cover-up spell and how he was now able to see all her struggles. The eyebags are from the lack of sleep. The scars have an endless story yet to be told.
The black hair always had this messy yet clean charm. Unimaginable soft to touch and just so perfect for her. 
He would never stop admiring her. It simply seemed impossible to even try getting tired of it.
Yet his anger was stronger in that moment.
“You are insane! The only thing you did was ruin my chances! I will never get another opportunity if you screw this up."
“How so? Are you seriously telling me you will take this offer?” Her voice, for the very first time he ever heard, was close to bursting into anger, anger directed at him.
"Barbarossa, my ass. Are you blind to his sweet nothings? Countries like Parthevia don't just give up part of their land for nothing. They want to cover something up, and we”
“We? When was it a ‘we’ to begin with? Oh! I get it; it was when we went to dinner with the King and him, and you insulted the God of the Country!” Sinbad's voice was close to yelling. 
“He deserved it.” Her voice was filled with venom, and her eyes were glowing with anger. She could not believe he would say that to her after what that bastard of a man said to her.
“Whether he deserved it or not is irrelevant if I can't build my own country. You were the one who always said, I can make it if I have trust and faith; now I do, and it is wrong.”
Corey stayed silent. Her lips pressed together into a thin line. She really couldn't grasp what was wrong with him for believing others, especially people who had hurt him before, over her. What madness possessed him to not listen to anyone around him?
So she did what she always did in pointless conversations with an insulted man: she stayed silent. Not moving one face muscle as he exploded on her. Only because she cared enough to not believe people they just met.
Paranoia keeps you alive.
“If you are done, I will go now.”.
Only now, as he sees her leaving, he realizes he overstepped his boundaries. The very foundation they built back when they first met. This was the first thought of marrying someone he ever had.
When the sun starts to rise to its highest point, all the work is finished, and there will be enough time to relax and wait for the sun to rise again. Just to do it all over again.
Curled up on the ground in the clearing, the woman fell fast asleep. Nyx curled up on her chest, deep in slumber.
The birds chirped a happy tune, and some foxes strolled by, nudging the sleeping figure before running away, laughing as they played catch.
A sudden shadow covering the warm blanket of the sun made her stir in her sleep. She curled up tighter before reluctantly opening her eyes to see who had disturbed her nap.
The young boy was not even standing close to her, but he was standing just at the perfect angle to stop the light from falling down. Breaking off the warming light.
He stopped in his tracks like a deer in headlights. His mouth slightly opened as he stared down. His golden eyes meet the void with no reflection of light.
They both didn't know how long it took before they stopped their mutual staring, just that it did not matter because the time stopped at that moment, at the very least for them.
"Hello,” he said, stepping closer. “My name is Sinbad; my deepest apologies to interrupt, but me and my friends need help.”
She stared at him for another moment before pushing herself up onto her shaking legs. “It's my friends and me,” she corrected.
“I am Corey; how can I help?”
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wtfastaroth · 2 months ago
Sinbad and his a little too stressed Ja'far
I will never do something like this again but my god it was fun
Details after read more (Especially cute Ja'far)
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katsura369 · 11 months ago
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JUST SOME AWESOME FANART For my story. I'm always so happy going back to these.
Fate was cruel yes, but Sakura hadn't realized how much until the universe decided to teach her by kicking her out of her world and into another. One with magical vessel possessing beings known as djinns; dangerous treasure filled buildings called dungeons and an infuriating yet interesting boy named Sinbad.
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lovedbythemagimissjumpcity · 8 months ago
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megumismyhusband · 13 days ago
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the maharagan festival was always a grand event in sindria—music, dancing, feasts stretching as far as the eye could see. you had expected sinbad to indulge, of course. he was the king of sindria, the very heart of the celebration. what you hadn’t expected was to find him draped over a table, an empty wine glass dangling from his fingers, cheeks flushed a deep crimson.
“hey, you,” he slurred, blinking slowly as he lifted his head. a lazy grin tugged at his lips, eyes hazy but focused entirely on you. “you’re so pretty.”
you blinked. “sinbad, how much have you had to drink?”
he hummed, swaying slightly as he sat up. “doesn’t matter,” he murmured. “what matters is that you—you are the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen. like, ridiculously beautiful. unfairly beautiful.” he waved his hands dramatically before letting them flop back onto the table. “how do you do that? seriously? i see you every day and every time i think, ‘wow, this person is just… stunning.’”
heat crept up your neck. “sinbad—”
“no, no, let me finish,” he interrupted, pointing at you, though his finger wobbled in the air. “you’re kind, and smart, and—ugh, it’s so frustrating. you make my heart do weird things. it’s annoying, but also, i kind of like it? actually, i like you. a lot.” he paused, furrowing his brows. “wait, that was supposed to be a secret.”
you sighed, resisting the urge to laugh. “sinbad, you’re ridiculously drunk.”
he grinned, leaning forward until his forehead nearly bumped against yours. “drunk in love, maybe.”
you rolled your eyes, but the warmth in your chest was impossible to ignore. “come on, let’s get you somewhere to sleep this off.”
“only if you stay,” he mumbled, eyes fluttering shut as he slumped against you.
you sighed, but as you brushed a few strands of hair from his face, you couldn’t help but smile. you knew he wouldn’t remember this tomorrow, but for now, you might as well make the most of it.
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shandy-k · 2 months ago
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Catbarossa and very friendly children)
(new year's gift for my girlfriend)
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99hamsterz · 15 days ago
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i fr cannot color im so sorry take this 💔💔💔💔
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