#young affectation
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ahb-writes · 9 months ago
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"I'm so glad. I am allowed to fall in love..." (Mika Egashira)
(from Skip & Loafer #7)
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dukeofthomas · 6 months ago
"Are the Robins child soldiers" It depends. If the story is super serious and into exploring complex morality and grounded from reality's standards, then yes. If the story is lighthearted, made for children, fluff, etc., then no. If it's somewhere in the middle, it might depend.
If an author wants to write a story seriously delving into the fucked up-ness of children fighting criminals, they can, and if you don't like it, you can read something else.
If an author wants to write a fun story about villains and heroes featuring Robin in a world where that's not an issue, they can, and if you don't like it, you can read something else.
If an author wants to write a serious story but not apply IRL-logic to Robin, they can, and if you don't like it, you can read something else.
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fangrurin · 7 months ago
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honeyflower-bellybower · 11 months ago
Remus discovered his sexuality by spending a lovely summer with a wonderful openly queer boy who quickly became one of his best friends, his confidant and his life-time support afterwards, not to mention his lover for most of his life.
Meanwhile, in the exact same summer, Sirius got his sexuality brutally torn from the deepest pits of his own mind by his abusive, homophobic mother before he could even realize it fully, then got beaten senseless for it and hurt by his own family to the point of almost bleeding out.
I think about this daily and y’all are not thinking about it enough.
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pearlv1ne · 3 months ago
The thing I like about Project: Eden's Garden is that all of the characters actually FEEL like the people they're suppose to be. They ARE the Ultimates: the best of the best, full of potential, the literal enbodimets of the future. I think the best example of this is Wolfgang. He's the perfect lawyer: elegant, inteligent, polite and with a strong sense of justice. He's absolutley the one of those extremely talented people that elite institutions like Eden's Garden Academy would look for.
I like this a lot because it adds layer of prestige to the whole Ultimate theme that was absent in the og games. It also opens up so many possibilities and I can't wait to see what the team will cook with it
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amyrlinegwene · 3 months ago
Morgase is one of my favorite minor characters in the books. I find her so interesting, both as a subversion of the dead-parent trope, an example of a character finding strength when everything has been taken from them, and also as a case study in how even just a little bit of the one power can greatly affect a person, but also how her relationship with the Tower is complicated as a monarch, a former novice, and mother to a future Aes Sedai who has gone missing. I think she is such an interesting character and emblematic of how Robert Jordan gives so much humanity and depth to minor characters who would be written off or one dimensional in other series.
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myimaginationplain · 4 months ago
jayvik shippers PLEASE be normal about Mel & Sky challenge, part 2, difficulty rating: (impossible)
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maqui-chan · 7 months ago
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i just noticed sirris views yuri differently from my other pcs (and now i dont want to have further interactions with him bc i want to preserve it...)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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M'lady, doth this harlot bother thee?
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andaniellight · 1 month ago
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serpentface · 5 months ago
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Hey bro you want some stew haha (Brakul at the age of 18 being hit on by what would soon become an off and on lover of three years, another herder from the neighboring Silde-Urbinnas tribe named Dirgrani.)
As a young unmarried man, Brakul had the responsibility of bringing his family's cattle up the mountain to their clan's summer pastures for grazing. He had been doing this since he was 14 and wasn't fond of it- Brakul heavily favored the comforts of home, and this was three months of living mostly on milk and dried bread, sleeping out in the cold, and squaring up against the occasional particularly intrepid hyena, all with nothing but cattle for company. He had a marriage engagement secured for when he returned in the fall, which he was fairly excited about as it would get him out of the task of summer herding for good.
He met Digrani up at pasture that year. Brakul had been seeing evidence that someone was trespassing on his clan's land and grazing cattle there, and finally encountered the culprit two weeks in. Dirgrani was friendly and charming, and Brakul was very, very easily persuaded out of chasing him off with a stick, instead agreeing to let him share the pasture.
The two of them struck up a friendly relationship, and would stop to chat and share food whenever they met up. Dirgrani, being a decade older and significantly more experienced, picked up on Brakul's sad wistful gazes and frequent excuses to disappear behind some rocks and jack off. Dirgani quickly went from casual flirtation to openly coming onto him. Brakul had a few prior sexual experiences with women but never someone he was actually attracted to, and he accepted these advances and got his shit absolutely rocked. The two stuck together for the rest of the season, meeting up every night to make camp together. When the time came to part ways, they agreed to join up again the next year and continue as they were. Brakul was thrilled at the prospect and completely and utterly head over heels enamored with the man.
Brakul broke off his engagement upon his return (very rudely at that, which caused problems for his clan) and put off any further attempts at getting hitched in favor of continuing his summer herding and seeing Dirgani again. This went on for two more years, with the two joining up in the pastures and seeing nothing of each other for the rest of the year. As time wore on, Brakul became fixated on the notion of working out some kind of arrangement where he could stay a bachelor and live with Dirgrani year-round. Marriage was a firm expectation of life and avoiding it as such would be highly frowned upon, but not unheard of. The Bict and Silde Urbinnas tribes had fairly good relations, and even if Brakul didn't contribute to his clan's wellbeing with the security of marriage, he figured could still provide through close connection to an ally.
His romantic outlook on the situation came to an end when Dirgrai firmly rejected this concept. It finally got through Brakul's head that Dirgrani had no such interest and was mostly just fucking him because he was there, decent company, willing and eager, and it helped pass the long days of boredom and loneliness up at pasture. Brakul handled this badly and blew up at him, and initiated a physical fight. He lost, badly, and Dirgrani stole all but one of his cattle in retribution and ditched. This was the last time they ever saw each other.
Brakul returned home heartbroken and humiliated and having to explain in detail to his extremely aggravated mother where the fuck their cows went. Feeling depressed and tremendously guilty, he finally conceded to courting Sirudan, a cattle-wealthy and dear childhood friend of his, and would marry her the following year.
This affair would continue to haunt his life for the next couple years. Brakul having strained some of his clan's key relations by playing fast and loose with his marriage proposals and then 'losing' all but one of his mother's cattle was already embarrassing, which was compounded by word that a Silde-Urbinnas man was bragging about having repeatedly fucked a younger Bict-Urbinnas herder (who was very enthusiastic about taking it 'like a woman'!) and effortlessly stolen his cattle. Most people in Brakul's life managed to put two and two together, which utterly humiliated him and felt impossible to live down.
Sirudan was a good friend to him and (though Very put off by all this) didn't hold his failures over his head, and encouraged him to just put it all behind him. But Brakul was scared to death by his wife's impending childbirth and haunted by memories of a time where he felt happy, in love, and with hopes of a fulfilling future. When he would later find himself in a friendship and burgeoning romance with a man who was genuinely enamored with him, he was fully primed to skip out on his wife and child, put absolutely Everything behind him, and chase after that possibility of a new life. And so it goes.
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redrobin-detective · 1 year ago
I find it completely hilarious to think after Simon was freed from the crown and got to be himself in Ooo that he and Finn have a close relationship that neither of them understand.
Finn views Simon as a fellow human, someone he saw at their lowest point and now is on the upswing and now they can be buddies and go on adventures together. He also wants to do sleepovers all the time, what a bro. Simon sure is fussy with him, like Jake sometimes is, must be because they're such good friends.
Simon meanwhile is going around to people in Ooo like 'why did you let a child/teenager live alone in a treehouse with a dog and access to weaponry while making him fight monsters?' and when no one stepped up, Simon unofficially claimed Finn as his own. He checks in regularly, goes over a brings groceries, cleans up the treehouse, educates Finn as best he can on human anatomy, culture, history as well as other stuff.
Its so obvious to everyone - especially Marcy who is laughing her ass off in the background - that the former Ice King is trying to parent Finn who doesn't get it and proceeds to friendzone the hell out of his father figure.
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foul-milk · 1 year ago
the mental image of Alex acting all shocked when Jost told him that George is moving to Mercedes like the two of them haven't obviously been gossiping about that for probably as long as George has known is sending me 😭😭😂😂
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formerprincewille · 9 months ago
Something that really sets Wille and Simon apart from other queer ships is that when we say their love language is physical touch, IT REALLY IS PHYSICAL TOUCH. And I’m not speaking of just sex. Over the course of the show, the amount of touching between them is astronomical. And that’s really something rarely seen in queer media. There may be moments here or there, but often times there’s a lack of physical contact unless it’s for “the plot”. Wille and Simon feel like a real couple in the way they’re always physically reaching out for each other.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 17 days ago
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a little slice of life from mentors!au
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dykedvonte · 9 months ago
MacCready being one of the few companions to not lose affinity if you eat people makes sense when you remember the fungus in Little Lamp Light grew from decomposing bodies. Like the kids weren’t eating people directly but they were eating people adjacent things.
Not to mention how the Lone Wanderer can trick the kids at LLL into buying “strange meat” to eat which is just human so it’s more likely than not they have just straight up ate people so he’s either very desensitized, knows what food desperation can do to people or feels he really has not ground to stand on since he was in the same boat whether he wanted to be or not.
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