#maqui art
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maqui-chan · 18 days ago
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h-happy valentine's day...? (cakeverse au)
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fishfingersandscarves · 28 days ago
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woe star trek au be upon ye
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fiztsxx · 1 month ago
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I like them so much. Father and Son. Laffy Taffy and George!! AMERICAN REVO FANS WHERE ARE YAA!!
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muiromem · 10 months ago
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Kathryn Janeway - "The Fates"
The Moirai of Greek myth. The youngest, Clotho - the spinner who controlled life, choosing when a person was born and weaving their thread of existence. The middle one, Lachesis - the allotter who measured out the length of this thread and decided a person's destiny. And the eldest, Atropos - she who was inevitable that ended a mortal's life, cutting the thread and choosing the manner of their death.
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maxwellscorner · 1 year ago
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My Russian Decapod oc which I drew at work
He's tired and went through a lot, poor thing
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hiidkwhatimdoing7525 · 8 months ago
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I drew laffy!
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usstrekart · 1 year ago
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"Extreme Risk" (S05E03, Stardate UNKNOWN) is a decent character exploration for B'Elanna as she deals with the loss of one family. But it does a disservice to her character growth and pretends she has not already adopted Voyager as her new family along the way. Her pain is real, but there are issues.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year ago
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Maquis Outfit
Text: I hate this orange-green color combo but this man rocked up to his pon farr holodeck in a green-purple flower grid clashing patterns robe combo so it's in character I usually associate Tuvok with jewel tones and cooler colors so it's interesting that his Maquis outfit doesn't have any of that
Also I know this is probably just them still deciding on Tuvok's look but in 'Caretaker' he has much heavier eye makeup and I'd like to imagine it was part of his disguise. That's his Maquis Look(tm).
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pundus · 1 year ago
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In the wake of the Dominion War, with the Federation spearheading the rebuilding of Cardassia, a resurgence of former Maquis and ex-Starfleet officers seek to destabilize the Union for their sins of the past across their weakened frontiers.
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 years ago
Yesterday's posts made me think of this song that I love. It's also a song inspired by the maquis (guerrilla fighters against Franco's dictatorship), or so I have always interpreted.
I si demà no tornara ("If I don't come back tomorrow") by the Valencian band Obrint Pas.
Here's the lyrics in Valencian-Catalan and the translation to English:
La por em desvetla a les nits sense dormir i sent el vell revòlver que descansa sobre el pit en aquest bosc humit els silenci és l’enemic a trenc d’alba partim seguint les llums del matí
Fear keeps me up on sleepless nights and I feel the old revolver that rests on my chest. In this humid forest silence is the enemy. At the break of dawn we leave following the morning lights.
Travessem l’aurora entre els cingles del massís en aquestes muntanyes sobreviure és resistir hem canviat mil cops de nom però tots sabem qui som guerrillers supervivents combatents de l’últim front
We cross the sunrise among the mountain range's cliffs. In these mountains, to survive is to resist. We have changed our names a thousand times but we all know who we are: surviving guerrilla fighters, combatants of the last front.
Unes flames roges cremem el nostre horitzó la casa on dormirem és un esquelet de foc han matat el masover ens solia refugiar anit em va somriure quan ens vam acomiadar
Red flames burn in our horizon: the house where we slept is a skeleton of fire. They have killed the sharecropper, he used to take us in, last night he smiled at me when we said goodbye.
La lluna ens recorda que som com estels errants ombres d’una guerra perduda en sendes de fang i quan la foscor em venç acaricie en soledat un record en blanc i negre el motiu del meu combat
The moon reminds me that we're like shooting stars, shadows of a war lost in muddy paths and when darkness beats me I caress in solitude a memory in black and white, the reason for my fight.
I si demà no tornara al lloc on et vaig deixar vull que recordes que un dia joves com nosaltres vam marxar a lluitar armats d’amor i coratge i un clavell roig amagat combatrem fins l’últim dia sota bandera de la llibertat
And if tomorrow I don't come back to the place where I left you I want you to remember that one day young people like us left to go fight armed with love and courage and a hidden red carnation we'll fight until the last day under the flag of freedom.
(Repeat lyrics)
The voices towards the end of the song, before the last chorus, are reading the names and ages of some of the antifascist fighters who were executed by Franco's dictatorship. Some of the voices overlap so I'm not 100% sure of all, but this is what I hear:
Àgueda Campos Barrachina, 29 years old. Isabel Sáenz González, 24 years old Agustí Jofre Capelinos, 50 years old Emilio (?), 16 years old (?), 29 years old (?) (?), 34 years old Emilio Caballero, 29 years old (?) Cabrera, 57 years old Vicenta Pont(?) Ferrer, 30 years old.
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asleepies · 1 year ago
The babes are back! This week we have Lt. B’Elanna Torres because I’m watching Voyager again. I somehow managed to go a whole watch through without noticing the Maquis crew keeps their Maquis rank pins, so I almost gave her Starfleet pips, but I caught it right before posting so crisis averted.
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maqui-chan · 1 month ago
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i thought i had an easier way to draw whitney but alas i was wrong
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marigabyart · 1 year ago
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My OC Maqui. They are a güiña/kodkod cat-shaped spirit of nature that takes care of the Vicente Pérez Rosales national park area. They have plant powers and can shapeshift into other forms.
They are from Nature's Cry, but I also use them as a RP character :3
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flashquatsch · 1 year ago
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I made a meme lol. Early access for Patrons ^^ Full release in a week :)
Buy me a Ko-fi ^^ https://ko-fi.com/flashquatsch Support me on Patreon https://patreon.com/FlashQuatsch My Linktree https://linktr.ee/flashquatsch
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maxwellscorner · 9 months ago
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Has anyone done this?
Them Diesels had to deal with a very cross manager the day after, but they'd do that again
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do you think they’re opps or not
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maxwellscorner · 1 year ago
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🚂 Locomotive in a High Fantasy Setting 🧝‍♂️
Had an idea of how a locomotive would play in a fantasy rpg or something, so I created a little thingy who works hard in mines and has this raw, strong looking technology brought by magic and steam power combined in old fashion elements
His funnel didn't fit the A5 paper but he has a funnel similar to Rocket's, very tall with a metal crown on top
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