#the readmore is just the same text as above
bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
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Maquis Outfit
Text: I hate this orange-green color combo but this man rocked up to his pon farr holodeck in a green-purple flower grid clashing patterns robe combo so it's in character I usually associate Tuvok with jewel tones and cooler colors so it's interesting that his Maquis outfit doesn't have any of that
Also I know this is probably just them still deciding on Tuvok's look but in 'Caretaker' he has much heavier eye makeup and I'd like to imagine it was part of his disguise. That's his Maquis Look(tm).
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keplercryptids · 3 months
I know this was posted like. a week ago. but as someone thinking of running a forged in the dark game I would love to see your homebrew xp mechanics
hell yeah! so let me start by saying, forged in the dark games (at least, the two i've played, blades in the dark and scum and villainy) are designed to be run either 1. in campaigns with a maximum of 12-20 sessions, OR 2. in campaigns where you're running through characters frequently and telling a story of the crew as a collective, rather than focused on a specific group of characters. so if you do either of those things, i don't think you actually need to tweak the xp.
i am a longwinded bitch lmao and i also prefer running campaigns that don't switch out PCs often. so the rapid xp acquisition of these games is. troublesome. i've actually very recently decided to simply hand out milestone xp (which is what i did when i ran d&d 5e). basically, every few jobs, when something narratively Big happens, i'll give the players [x] amount of xp. but! i did come up with these narrative xp rules, which i like and i'm having fun with, so for now, any xp the players accrue by making desperate rolls will be added to their narrative xp bank to spend in the following ways:
(under a readmore cuz it's long!)
Narrative XP
At the end of each job, the maximum amount of XP that can be used for character advancement is 50% of the XP gained that session, rounding up. This is called Advancement XP. The remaining XP is called Narrative XP.
When Narrative XP is spent to increase or reduce a clock, 1 XP = 1 tick. Personal Narrative XP can be spent on campaign clocks, personal clocks, connection clocks, long-term projects or resolving traumas, as described below. With the exception of campaign clocks, any given clock can only be affected by 1 Narrative XP, per player per session.
At a player’s discretion, Character Advancement XP may be spent as Narrative XP, with the same restrictions as above.
Throughout the campaign, there will be clocks tracking organizations’ goals, external forces outside the scope of the PCs’ sphere of influence, or events looming on the horizon. During downtime, these clocks can be increased or reduced by the use of Narrative XP. This is almost always going to be a meta decision made by the players and GM, rather than anything the PCs are doing within the fiction (though there may be some exceptions - talk it out!). The progress of campaign clocks can also be leveraged as Devil’s Bargains during play. There is no limit to how much XP can be spent on a campaign clock per downtime.
Each PC can accrue personal clocks, tracked on your character sheet, that reflect potential complications, goals, or outcomes affecting your character. During downtime, Narrative XP can be used to increase or reduce ticks on these clocks (maximum 1 XP per clock per downtime). To use Narrative XP this way, describe or roleplay a scene to illustrate what your character is doing to affect the clock in question.
[note: this text is taken basically word-for-word from Beam Saber by austin ramsay - a really cool game i haven't gotten to run yet! check out beam saber if you're interested in sci-fi forged in the dark games!]
The crew sheet contains separate 4-tick Connection Clocks for each other member in your crew, representing your character’s relationship with that crewmate. Make a belief about that crewmate for each tick on that clock (checking in with that player when you do). When the Connection Clock fills, ask the target crewmate for a truth about one of the beliefs tied to them, then reset the clock to 1 tick as you see them in a new light. When a Connection Clock resets, erase all the previous beliefs you had about that crewmate and write a new one related to the truth you just learned—it’ll take time and effort to understand them again.
A belief is a brief statement about how a character feels about another crewmate. Beliefs are simple, quick, and influential in the rapport between the two crewmates. However, the players need to remember that their beliefs are not necessarily true as they are based on incomplete information and gut instinct. A good belief is:
Something a character might say about their crewmate to a confidante.
Easily summarized, so that it can be quickly remembered when relevant.
Potentially true.
Suitable for the game’s setting and tone.
Something the player is interested in exploring.
During downtime or free play, Narrative XP can be used to add a belief and tick a Connection Clock with another crewmate (maximum once per session). To use Narrative XP this way, your character must have a one-on-one scene with a crewmate, which challenges their perception of their crewmate, and/or shows a new side of them, and/or during which the characters bond in a significant way. After this, spend 1 XP to tick the Connection clock with that character, and gain a new belief (see above).
During downtime, you may spend 1 XP to add a tick to a long-term project clock (maximum 1 tick per clock).
[note: there isn't a way in the rules as written to resolve traumas, but being able to do so is important to me, so i included this as a way to use narrative xp.]
When you gain a trauma, start a 6-tick Trauma clock on your character sheet. During downtime or free play, Narrative XP can be used to tick a Trauma clock (maximum once per session). To use Narrative XP this way, describe or roleplay a scene to illustrate what your character is doing to work on resolving their trauma. Once a trauma clock has been filled, you may remove that trauma from your character sheet.
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dca-fanart-gallery · 3 months
This is a masterpost for writing image descriptions! For even more resources, check out #image descriptions in our blog. These links are what I found especially useful, and I've quoted portions of them (linked and cited of course) so you can get the information even more easily. What is an image description? Why should I write them?
Image descriptions describe what's going on in an image. Their primary purpose is for blind/low-vision folks, who aren't able to experience visual content otherwise without a plain text ID or alt text.
Alt text and Image Descriptions are Not the Same.
They both serve the same purpose, but are presented differently. Alt text is an HTML element, and can be read by a screenreader. Image descriptions, on the other hand, are plain text, placed DIRECTLY under an image, and is accessible for people without screenreaders.
Is one better than the other?
Nope, it's more complicated than that. Don't listen to anyone telling you, "Don't use alt text AND image descriptions, it gives screenreader users a huge block--" People who have screenreaders can simply skip the plain text description when they realize its the same as the alt text. Using both alt text and plain text ID is the most broadly accessible. Alt text can be glitchy, and there are blind/low vision people who don't use screenreaders, and instead ZOOM in to read. For them, plain text ID are especially helpful.
(A post going into more detail about why using both is most broadly accessible).
How to Format an ID
For plain text IDs: [ID: Image description. End ID]
This is because plain text IDs aren't an HTML element. The screenreader won't indicate when the description starts or ends by reading the website's code. So you need to signify it yourself using ID and End ID. (The brackets aren't required. It's simply personal preference.)
For alt text: Image description
No ID or End ID for the reason I stated above. Alt text is an HTML element, and the screenreader dictates it for you. Common pitfalls with writing plain text IDs
Place them directly under the Image
Don't put them under readmores, if you have multiple images, put the ID of each image after said image instead of at the end of the post in a huge block, DO not put them in tiny text, stylized/colored font, bold, as it can cause eyestrain
How to write the actual content of the ID
Hoo boy. This can get difficult. But I found this UX design about using Object-Context-Action to structure an ID incredibly useful: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-write-an-image-description-2f30d3bf5546.
Here is this principle in action using the wonderful capybara:
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It's incredibly important that your first sentence of your image description contains this vital information because IDs can get long. Screenreader users should be able to get the gist of the image from your first sentence, and then decide if they want to listen to the rest of the description or skip ahead. Do not make them wait to hear Mario is burying Luigi in a grave.
After Object-Context-Action, you add more information. Here is where I talk about context. There will be an entire section dedicated to it, but context determines the length of your ID and what information to include. Something a sighted person would give one glance to SHOULD not have a huge description block.
Here are some guides to what to include in IDs: How to Create Image Descriptions by Antimonarchy Perkins School for the Blind: This resource has so many other links to describe specific types of images that might make you struggle: venn diagrams, memes, food, photojournalism image, and more. Check it out! Little formula to describe artwork by Mimzy Cooper's Guide to Writing Image IDs: This is a guide by a museum, specifically for art. If you want to level up your image description for your artwork, this guide talks about identifying orientation and relationships of objects in your ID, to create a cohesive long description. Just amazing stuff. Fungal-wasted Guide about describing what they see first
I see so many people get anxious about describing everything in an image, but that can actually be detrimental to your image descriptions. More details aren't necessarily better. There's no way to create a perfect ID, anyway, so think about the PURPOSE of this image and its MOST IMPORTANT INFO. The same photo of a dog will be described differently if it's someone showing off their photography skill or it's a dog on an adoption site.
Here is a great essay on inclusivity by John Lee Clark, a Deaf-Blind person. Read the entire thing when you get the time, but I am specifically pointing out this thing about image description:
I cannot count the times I’ve stopped reading a video transcript because it started with a dense word picture. Even if a description is short and well done, I often wish there were no description at all. Get to the point, already! How ironic that striving after access can actually create a barrier. When I pointed this out during one of my seminars, a participant made us all laugh by doing a parody: “Mary is wearing a green, blue, and red striped shirt; every fourth stripe also has a purple dot the size of a pea in it, and there are forty-seven stripes—” “You’re killing me,” I said. “I can’t take any more of that!” Now serious, she said it was clear to her that none of that stuff about Mary’s clothes mattered, at least if her clothes weren’t the point. What mattered most about the image was that Mary was holding her diploma and smiling. “But,” she wondered, “do I say, Mary has a huge smile on her face as she shows her diploma or Mary has an exuberant smile or showing her teeth in a smile and her eyes are crinkled at the edges?” It’s simple. Mary has a huge smile on her face is the best one. It’s the don’t-second-guess-yourself option
Simple is good. Don't second-guess yourself. Think about the most information, and put it there. It's a skill to develop, to be sure, but if your image descriptions are incredibly long, ask yourself if you're including information that doesn't matter. InternetKatze, who linked the post in her essay, has more to say about that.
More Details isn't Always Better
Common Pitfalls while Writing Image Descriptions
(that I haven't mentioned already)
If you're mentioning the race/skin-color of someone in a photo, describe it for the white people in the photo too. Only describing POC when they appear in an image shows how you subconsciously view white as the default. Also ask yourself if skin-color/race is relevant to the photo too. If it's someone's selfie or it's an image explictly focusing on race (Example: photos of a civil rights march during the 1960s), then yes, you should absolutely mention it. But if you're mentioning someone's POC when it's something like a reaction meme, take note of that. Generally, don't assume race, gender, or pronouns unless you actually know it's correct. This is why I highly advocate artists write IDs for their own work if they're able. I have to do a lot of digging when describing another person's artwork, to see what pronouns the artist uses to describe their artwork.
The Politics in Image Descriptions
Questions I find Daycare Attendant Fans often Asking
Do I need to describe every detail of my DCA OC?
Again, think about context. If it's a reference sheet for your OC? Then yeah, you should describe them in detail! If it's just a doodle where they're fooling around, or their appearance is not the focus of the art? You don't have to describe Mafia Eclipse's outfit and color palette in excruciating detail, describe his toxic smooches with vigilante YN /silly.
What about their clothes?
Is it important to describe their clothes to understand the main purpose the image is trying to communicate? For example, artwork solely to show your character in a pretty dress, then yes, describe it. If it's just their main outfit, and the focus of the image is what they're doing (mayhaps smashing someone's eye in), describe that.
FINALLY: I don't have the spoons/time to write IDs, or it's too overwhelming for me--
You can ask for help! Crowdsource IDs, or keep them incredibly short even if it's a gorgeous artwork you're making. Short ID is better than no ID. Here are links of what you can do to keep writing IDs, or how else you can make your blog accessible:
How to Keep Doing Descriptions (from someone who does a fuckton)
I want to make my posts more accessible, but can't write IDs myself: a guide
Positivity for people who can't do every accessibility practice
Andddd...that's a wrap. It took a couple of hours to write this, because I realized that while there's so many resources out there, the masterposts are a collection of links, while the guides are quite long. I wanted to make a masterpost that gave a broad overview of image descriptions, while linking to bigger posts for more detail. I hope this is helpful. This was, after all, the original reason the Palooza was created.
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2dmax · 1 year
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2dmax's commission info
custom artwork made to order; last updated 10/08/23
I have made the choice to rework my commissions to have a more traditional structure. This post is also currently somewhat of a WIP, and may be updated soon for clarification. Commissions currently in progress not subject to this update. Please see my new pricing below. Info will be repeated in plain text beneath the readmore. Also inside the readmore is what to expect when you order a commission, as well as my terms and conditions for use of my artwork. For something not listed here, please feel free to reach out with a question!
all art is defacto lined and flat colored/minimally shaded. sketch commissions are not available at this time.
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Couples, groups, furries, scalies, ferals, pets, fantasy animals, robots, fantasy humanoids, backgrounds and props all OK. Not sure? Just ask!
Thank you for reblogging, even if you’re not interested in a commission right now! 🎨⭐
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Regular commissions:
chibi, portrait, bust, or icon:
$60 base price
request traditional art +10
request specific pose +10 (artist may choose to waive)
pair/couple interaction = subtotal x 1.2
group lineup or interaction = subtotal x 1.5
extra desired complexity +20 (if artist chooses to add on own accord/without request, no extra charge
half body (above the waist):
$80 base price
request traditional art +15
other options same as above
full body:
$120 base price
request traditional art +20
other options same as above
ref sheet; includes a combination of full body poses, busts/expressions, detail drawings, differing outfits, chibi art, and notes, as per your request; cost is subtotal x2
Experimental commissions:
18"x24" poster
artist's choice of medium only
base cost $200
paper clay figurine
chibi humanoids/animals/ferals/anthros only
base cost $100
delicate art items, not toys; not suitable for children
standalone comics page
2-5 panels, 1-2 characters, 1 location
artist's choice of medium only
base cost $200
wildcard commission
true PWYW - $1+
can only give me basic request; everything else up to artist, including medium, pose, decision to abstract or simplify, physical size, etc.
pay what you want means get what you get. quality not guaranteed.
Here’s what to expect when you order:
Send me a PM with basic info; what you would like me to draw, your budget, and if you have a deadline.
I will ask a few questions to be able to build up the concept. I will also give you my e-mail, where you can send me further info and any references you'd like to share!
Your sketch is typically ready within a week; I’ll always update you on my progress. After we agree on the sketch, payment will be due. After it’s paid, I will give you an estimate for when I will be finished with your piece.
Your finished artwork will be e-mailed to you. I am also happy to mail physical art at cost!
Your commission is for personal use; icons, roleplaying, in your blog theme, as a wallpaper, or to print out and tape to your fridge. Commercial use can be negotiated.
You must credit me on the platform used if reposted. Always OK to post to ToyHouse; my username is 2dmax there. On instagram and all other platforms where I don't have an account, please credit my instagram @/maximumgroove.
You may not use my art to promote anything hateful or illegal. You may not claim it as anyone else’s creation. You may not use it for commercial uses, or to edit, adapt, trace, or directly reference, without getting permission. I may use my art in my own promotional material.
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subwaytostardew · 9 months
Did someone say Skull Cavern death? It really would be interesting to see, cause of how much more serious it is, I think Ingo would cry finding out the player nearly died. Have you guys thought of the dialogue for it, if so, could we see it?
We actually didn't start on writing anything for it until you sent this ask! This is what we settled on for their finished events!
Progress commentary and first draft for Ingo's event under the readmore!
▷ Station Steward Thylak
Along the way, we realized that the Skull Cavern death uses the same generic hospital cutscene as getting killed anywhere else (so... it shares severity with the slimes in the secret woods and bombing yourself too many times on your farm. I was bombing myself to death in my house for testing!).
This resulted in Kade and I having to revise Ingo's event to be less situation-specific quite a few times. Emmet was fine! His focused entirely on his distress at needing to take the player to the hospital in the first place.
Ingo, however... revolved more around the absurdity of the situation and Ingo tutting the player for spelunking in the Skull Cavern.
▲ Skull Cavern Death - First Draft ▲
The scene is at first a black screen – text box (non speaker indication one) 
Are you sure their cab is alright Dr. Harvey? They have not woken up yet! 
The scene then opens to the hospital, The farmer has woken up and sees Ingo nerviously talking to Harvey. Who is trying his best to settle Ingo’s anxieties. 
[Harvey] They’ll be alright, Ingo. @ just needs to rest and recover. Just like you have to yourself. I don’t know where in the valley you retrieved them from. But you're lucky to have found them. 
[Ingo] A-ah…. You see Dr. Harvey I found them by — 
Ingo at this point noticed the farmer awake. 
His voice raises in volume causing Harvey to flinch and cover his ears.   
Above Ingo’s head. YOU’RE AWAKE! 
[Ingo] ARE YOU ALRIGHT @?! I found you unconscious, collapsed on sand by the Desert! 
Above Harvey’s head – The Desert?! 
[Ingo] The creatures coming from the cave were about to cause irreparable harm to your cab! Myself and Chandelure managed to fend them off – albeit – I-I may have…. made a bit of a blunder or two trying to retrieve you while she focused on driving the creatures back into that cave….. 
Above Harvey’s head as he paces a bit upset at the farmer - of all places! 
[Ingo] You have made me greatly worried…. @. I thought I was too late to assist you. Chandelure was…. concerned as well… if we did not arrive here to this station in a timely manner…. 
I’m afraid of what the future tracks could have look like. 
[Ingo] BUT! YOU ARE ALRIGHT! AND THAT IS A RELIEF! Please! Conduct your safety checks more thoroughly. I would like to see you come back home safely! 
[Harvey] Yes @ please do. Of all places! And don’t think you’re getting away scot free from this either, Ingo! Going into such places…..  The mines outside of town are one thing. But the Desert?!?! That’s miles out of town!! 
[Ingo] Aaah….. my apologies… Dr. Harvey. 
[Harvey] *Sigh* What’s done is done….. No use having an argument over this. Rest. Recover. The both of you….. 
Now I’ll be leaving you two to do that while I go and sort out your medical records. If you need anything. Flag down myself or Maru. 
[Ingo] Thank you…. Dr. Harvey for keeping our cabs well in order and maintained. I do not know what the valley would do without your insights – even if we disagree on some aspects. 
Above Harvey’s head – Just rest.
He exits the room. 
[Farmer] I’m sorry. 
[Ingo] I am just glad that you are alive and well @. Now while we are staying here for a while…. WHAT IN DRAGONS AND ARCEUS’S NAME COMPELLED YOU TO GO TO SUCH A PLACE!?!?! 
The Farmer spends the rest of recovery… talking about their adventure in skull cavern.
*Gasp* What this? A draft?! Yup.. this is how I type out and do my event dialog and draft work. Since Thylak here has to code in the scenes, I make sure to give a visual description of what is going on, how characters are feeling etc.
So I follow a format that is
Scene text
[Character A] Dialog
[Character B] Dialog
Scene text
Any dialog that has to be above the head - As it is coded a certain way - Has to be limited in characters. (Cause too long of a dialog bubble causes issues) I note which character is saying.
When I also write out these dialog scripts I basically think of it like a comic book or an anime scene. My head is just playing movies non-stop!
Kade is great at writing scripts! They're so fun and expressive! Whenever I draft anything, it ends up being a wall of dialogue... Her descriptions remind me to add emotes or move the characters around more.
The draft also kinda showcases how Harvey as a character acts towards the twins, he is a caring individual, does he like Pokémon? He is mostly uneasy about them but that's because he knows how dangerous they can be. (and if you played PLA it ramps up the dangers of Pokémon attacks and moves) So really he tolerates their antics with Pokémon and treats them like he would everyone else in the valley..
For the most part... they agree to disagree. Submas themselves are a little stubborn and get on Harvey's nerves. They try their best to not go to the hospital mostly because they don't want to deal with each other (which is fine... more reason for them to conduct their safety checks!). With the finalized draft, I tried to show how each twin downplays their conditions and make Harvey's job more difficult. They both don't say anything about their problems... Talking is stressful enough for Emmet. Ingo talks a lot, but his concern for the player and adrenaline from the situation distracts him for the most part. They both don't want their own injuries to make Harvey sidetracked from treating the player! But... they'll get nagged in the end anyways.
Being a nag and making sure you're healthy and keeping up to date on things. He's a good Dr! (Totally not bias cause Harvey is my go to vanilla bachelor....)
Unfortunately with how the game is coded and how deaths are — (unless there is a way to code separate death events in) I had to coordinate with Thylak and revise the script, but also change the tone of it too where it is more serious. The twins don't know what happens to you, you could have gotten seriously hurt or pass out who knows. They just saw you and knew to bring you to the hospital. (Because the farmer character is completely insane for going into the mines or secret forest or carrying.. bombs of ALL THINGS!)
As far as I know, there isn't a way to seperate the deaths outside of the one in the mines (you would think that the Skull Cavern would have its own cutscene considering that it's like... the mines but worse). I tried to make the tone more serious for them but... Ingo's just kept ending up silly for some reason (poor Emmet is miserable though). We cut out a lot of lines for Ingo and Harvey nagging the farmer for their recklessness and questioning them, but figured they would catch up with each other while the farmer is unconcious (Ingo has a tendency to ramble after all...).
Also Ingo and Emmet kinda know the valley isn't really all that safe either. They just have their Pokémon with them. Which, if you seen Emmet's 4 heart event... they needed some help with the slimes.
Creatures in the valley are unpredictable cause no one knows if they are or aren't Pokémon or a completely new thing in general it's up to interpretation. (Stardew Valley is such a strange place...)
Either way, Ingo's did have to be revised.... considering Emmet is just too upset to even speak. Ingo is just a run away train with worry.
We also found out that the death scenes don't randomize between the twins... I was wondering if Emmet was just really clingy or not (it's both). There's a reason why the mod I used as reference is called "Spouses React to Player Death", you're locked into a character!
Which twin you pick is the twin you get in a playthrough (of course, you can see the other's events by divorcing one for the other but um... You could also just make a new file instead since that's a little cruel.) Since Ingo's mines death is more serious in tone than Emmet's, I suppose it balances out how the seriousness/sillyness is flipped in the hospital event (Emmet's just complaining about how he doesn't want to go to the hospital if you die in the mines...)
Also with my draft work when I send it off or share it with Thylak, he has to double check some grammer, spelling. There are sometimes even things I couldn't think up on right on the spot he puts in as well, whether it be a train term or even a tonale shift with a line change.
I try my best to make the dialogue fit! Of course... I do miss a lot of grammar and become numb to the dialogue when playtesting. ^^; So events and such do go through corrections even after recording a progress video!
Sometimes I get so caught up in storytelling I forget the game has limits... also.
But hey it's fun. I could talk about this for ages. I'm rambling again. Woops.
Thank you for reading!
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berensteinsmonster · 11 months
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. girls who hold forbidden dark powers. girls who are distressed girl who are cringe.. look up those words n youll see her... Shower Curtain Wizard
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and shes like sooooooooo weird..... i lvoe her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(reblogs help my posts be seen :) (more lore in readmore but its messy lol)
shes like one of the migrating jellyfish in woy but gained sentience somehow and went to magic school to learn magic. but then she learned too much magic and accidently fused her body with WATER MANIPULATION POWERS🌊🌊🌊 that gave her new arms and eyes. The bowl on her head helps her contain it
She's ranking below the Top 50 of the villain leaderboards but that doesn't mean she isn't dangerous. She just doesn't do the conquering planets often
shes actually like. normal
shes so boring and normal and thats why ppl think shes weird
i ehmmmm i wanna write more lore abt her and emperor awesome
her lore is kinda unfinished but the main idea of it is what i said above abt her gaining sentience and absorbing magic into herself ^^
i like to think that before she went to magic school she and emperor awesome used to be.... BEST FRIENDS!!!!
i like to think she and emperor awesome used to be GEEKS they used to be NERDS and emperor awesome wore braces
they were like Those Two Guys in school everyone hated them but they didnt care lol
also shes trans so she used to be a boy. i think she may have transitioned after entering magic school becuz until now Emperor Awesome only remembered her when he was in his brace-face phase and basically never contacted her after that cuz they interests change and they felt like they didnt know eahc other anymore :(
. also shes trans becuz ehmm yipepeee lalallalaa whooooo!!! ^_^
after she left for magic school they basically never met eachother again until now in what id imagine to be season 3
shes basically like omg hi friend its so good to see you again :)))) and hes like OH FUCK MY LAME PAST. and i think that like he finds it weird at first. not because shes a girl now, but because she still acts the same as she did when they were best friends and that also means shes still the weird kind of kid hes grown to be ashamed of now.
so while shes one of the rare amount of girls that emperor awesome actually treats normally he tries to keep it low profile with how he used to be lame like her while shower curtain wizard is just confused about why emperor awesome acts so distant to her... sad :(
character development is probably needed here for them to repair their friendship and become buddies again yay :)))) wander would be of help here
she does not live in the galaxy that woy season 1-2 takes place in. its like. just a galaxy next to it
most of my ocs live in that galaxy and were probabily next on lord dominators to-destroy-list if wander and co didnt stop her
She is however on the Star Force Enforcement Force's To-Stop list because even if she hasnt reached her full potentional, her ability to manipulate ALL kinds of water (Orble juice, orange juice, planet water and so on (but not veins)) make her note-worthy threat to their self-righteous quest to deliver justice
i prommy ill write abt it in a text post another time i think ive gone on long enough
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a-queer-seminarian · 1 year
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Episode 75 of Blessed Are the Binary Breakers, a multifaith podcast of trans stories, is out! Listen wherever you get podcasts, or click here for direct links + the episode transcript.
Jayne X Praxis (she/they) is many things — she’s Buddhist and a tantric witch; she’s an ordained minister and a Satanist; she’s a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence and a licensed therapist — but above all, Jayne is forever becoming more and more their authentic self, and they invite you to do the same through curiosity, humor, and embodied self-exploration.
Image descriptions in alt text + under the readmore.
Text on a teal background decorated with constellations reads, “As a trans person, just existing is — for one, I'm doing it for me, because I want to be authentic in my own life — but at the same time it's transforming the world. …I'm hopefully being a beacon… I'm giving representation. Somebody may see me and be like, ‘Oh yes, I can do this too.’ … I'm just being me, but I'm in my glamorous trans glory, and I don't know who down the line is going to benefit from that.”
Next image text reads: “I used to get accused of doing things just to shock people…But then I realized: Shock is important. Shock is when you wake up. Shock is when all of your senses become alert, and you start paying attention to what's in front of you. It isn't just because I'm sophomoric and I want you to piss you off. I'm trying to get people's attention!”
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astarionspocketpussy · 6 months
Been chewing on some ideas today and I have Thoughts(tm) to share.
[Now with a readmore because I hadn't noticed how long this was. Oops!]
There's a lot of discussion around the different endings for main characters, especially in specific areas of the fandom, and especially pertaining to what counts as a 'good' ending for a character. And that argument gets especially heated when it pertains to Gale and Astarion's endings because the camps there are super divided. Note, I'm talking about Tumblr (and to a lesser extent, Tiktok) because that's where I engage with the fandom. I do not know the horrors of Twitter, nor do I want to.
But something came up about this while I was obsessively scrolling through @/karz_2's page on Tiktok. (You should check out her stuff she's really funny.) She had a video talking about the endings and she specifically pointed out how Astarion and Gale's endings get that, like, debate about whether it's a good ending, but Shadowheart and Lae'zel's comparable endings (Dark Justiciar Shads route and Vlaakith's chosen route) generally get acknowledged as being clearly bad. Karz makes a point that all these routes parallel each other by being closely aligned with what these characters wanted at the start of the game (with Shads and Lae'zel's endings being more stated in the text and Gale and Astarion's requiring a little more thought in that regard, but not by too much).
And I was thinking about it after, and I think the main difference in the ways the fandom talks about these endings is that in Shadowheart and Lae'zel's endings, there is a more clear presence of their respective abusers and a more clear connection to the shitty circumstances they were in before the game. Shadowheart remains under Shar's control and authority, the same with Lae'zel and Vlaakith. Even if they're given ostensibly more power, its more visible to the player that they are being manipulated still. The effects of the cycle of abuse are there, but because the abusers are still present, players are more readily able to point out that those endings are fucked up.
With Astarion and Gale, however, their endings place them in a different situation. For one thing, in both endings they appear to have risen above the control of their past abusers. Cazador is very much dead, and as a god, Gale is no longer directly under the control of Mystra. This is already placing them in a position where the player is primed to be happy for them-- they're no longer trapped in the shitty circumstances they were in the start of the game, and the abuser can no longer hurt them. Not only that, but the increase in power gives both characters a sense of control, a sense that they can protect themselves now. For many players, that alone makes it a good ending because they perceive the characters as having escaped their abuse.
The thing is, neither of them really have escaped the cycle yet.
Gale's ending places him in a position of authority and power, yes. But it is also an expression of a self-fulfilling prophecy that his abuse taught him to accept: the idea that he would never be good enough as he is. By claiming godhood, Gale has just trapped himself in that same cycle. He's the God of Ambition, but that ambition is in part fueled by the abuse he suffered. He will always try to aim higher and higher because he was made to feel insignificant before. Removing himself from his humanity does not address the underlying problem, it only serves to allow him to ignore what happened to him, and puts him in a position where he'll never truly be able to heal. Becoming a God changes people in this universe in ways they can never truly come back from. Mystra is the way she is because she is a Goddess- every person who becomes Mystra corrupts in some way, because Gods fundamentally cannot understand human beings. In fulfilling his wishes when he first started out, his desire his own worth, Gale loses himself, and that is a tragedy that only further prolongs the cycle of abuse he is trapped in.
And Astarion, by ascending, gains power, which he believes will finally be enough for him to be safe. But by taking Cazador's place, he only restarts the cycle of abuse. His abuser is dead, but he has assumed his place. Becoming a vampire ascendant necessitates the loss of one's soul and one's humanity. The text in the game itself shows how he begins to devalue the people around him, and the changes to his personality after he ascends are exacttly the same as Cazador- he's manipulative, selfish, and cares only for his own desires. By ascending he does not escape the cycle of abuse, he simply becomes the abuser, and he no longer has a chance to properly heal, nor atone for the genuinely bad things he has done. This ending robs Astarion of a chance to live as an equal among people around him.
Like with Lae'zel and Shadowheart, the power they gain is superficially good, but it only serves to bury the core of the issue and does nothing to help them heal from the abuse they received. But I think it's because their endings are a step removed from the people who began the cycle we see play out in the game that influences how the fandom perceives these endings as opposed to their counterparts. But all this is just my own interpretation of the game.
I think Wyll provides a really interesting foil to this conversation with his endings and how they explore the cycle of abuse, but he deserves his own post because I have a lot more opinions on his endings and how Larian handled him in general. So for now, just take this.
And just as an quick thought to finish this off: You, personally, are allowed to enjoy whatever endings you want, whether they're in game or stuff you make up yourself. These are fictional pixels on the screen and there is nothing wrong with enjoying 'bad' endings. I am not making a statement about your personal morality or intelligence.
Now that I've said that, I really hope no one starts beefing on this post because my notifications cannot handle that. (I would like to hear your thoughts, though!)
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nyandela-catalogue · 7 months
︵︵୨୧ PINNED POST ୨୧︵︵
Gonna make this short and simple:
[edit: We post stuff that’s ~16+ rating max, so do with that what you will.]
Main fronters (lately) are Mark, Cesar, Adam, and Jonah
Bodily an adult (2002)
Alters will tag with their names (if they want to)
If you want to see our cool and pawsome vrchat/3d model-related tiktoks, you can go here: TikTok Page
We try to add subtitles when we can in our videos, and we’ll try to add good or adequate alt text to any photos we post on here.
Further links/info to where you can find other things we do are in one of the pinned posts on that page :)
Our Neocities :) (has links to our twitch, yt, etc)
@kinito-bonito <-KinitoPET blog
pronouns + emojis
VRChat groups
Official Nyandela County Spotify Playlist(tm)
Nyandela County AU/The Nyandela Catalogue
small statement on Alex Kister situation (HAS BEEN EDITED)
important post <-addresses harassment
blogs lore lol
post abt The Singing Reindeer
(more info below readmore since i dont want this to be 13 miles long -Mark📕)
Do not come to us asking for medical/system/relationship/etc advice, that’s not what we’re here for
We will post Mandela Catalogue and AU-related stuff here, as well as source-related posts.
We will not be seeking external sourcemates, as we have everybody we need.
However, if you wanna talk to us, go ahead- just make sure you clarify who you’re talking to.
We don’t do the “doubles dni” thing bc A) gatekeeping alters/sources isn’t something we believe in, and B) we don’t judge who you are. Just be nice lol
We block fairly freely. Don’t take it personal. Or, if you do take it personal, keep it to yourself honestly. We don’t need more bullying or harassment over misunderstandings.
Anyway, we’ll tag things as necessary and will always put warnings for flashing lights, fast movements, and/or other possible necessary warnings.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop them in the askbox :)
1 - Playful “flirting” is okay(as long as you’re of-age), but don’t try to date us. We don’t date outside of our system anymore bc of repeated trauma 🙃
edit: above boundary made more clear
2 - We will talk about trauma and possibly-triggering and/or dark topics. If that isn’t your cup of tea, the back button/door is right there.
3 - Don’t tell us what we can and can’t do. We likely don’t know you, so your opinion isn’t going to be held to the same value as someone we do know.
I think that’s everything for now… Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy our blog~
-(Alt) Cesar🥀
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atieflingtime · 2 years
GAME: A Fool’s Errand by Mike Free
DESCRIPTION: “You are the jester in King Lyrics’ court. Through mere observation you discovered a conspiracy threatening their rule. You now have the fruitless task of warning their majesty.”
ITEMS NEEDED: A deck of playing cards (jokers included)
THOUGHTS: I read the rules wrong! I used both the number and suit of the same card to determine the petitioner, rather than drawing one card for the kind of petitioner and a second one for their relation to the conspiracy.
My mistake didn’t wind up taking enjoyment out of the game at all (which is a plus in my books!) since it also means it didn’t rely on everything being followed exactly. The only thing is I had to adjust to not getting repeat petitioners, but that’s because of my mistake rather than anything in the actual game haha and it still worked out well imo
It was pretty interesting to play through a situation where your goal is futile — like no matter how much your jester character desperately wants to warn the king about the conspiracy, they are destined to ultimately fail.
Perhaps having some reference to what sort of timeframe in-game we’re playing under? I think that’s really the only thing that could be a tweak, but tbh ain’t ABSOLUTELY needed since players can decide how long time is between petitioners. I kinda threw myself off since I didn’t make myself any time indicators in my own text-playthru but I intended it to be seen as taking place over several years!
I think I played for about 3 hours? Definitely could have gone on for longer but my shuffling put my two joker cards only one card apart lol
Also I’ll be entirely honest I don’t know anything about jesters or courts but I had a lot of fun :P
unedited playthru is under the readmore (:
The King: (8 of diamonds) A prophesied demi-god Goal of the conspiracy: (Queen of hearts) eradicate loyalty to the king
The King is prophesied to be a demi-god, half-seeded from the god of the sun. There’s a conspiracy brewing to eradicate loyalty to the king — people whispering he’s no sun god’s son.
The Jester is a rather rude man. The sharp smile combined with a foxed face makes even the kind words he says, however infrequent, sound rude and disingenuous.
FIRST PETITIONER: 3 of Clubs A merchant asking for a permit to sell wine; unaware of the conspiracy
I could hear the merchant approach before he rounded the corner to walk through the archways of the hearing hall. He was already fat and jingled with the coins in his coin purses. His strides were clipped and unconfident, and the etching of uncertainty showed in the flush of his face. This wasn’t anything I hadn’t watched happen before. People are funny when in the presence of others they think are above them.
Watching his flushed face as he spoke to the court of the god-king — I didn’t realise anyone could costume themselves to look like they had berries smeared across their nose and cheeks so thoroughly without ever touching the fruit — it seemed just pedestrian petitioning for a permit. The maroon of his clothes stitched in greens and yellows didn’t look familiar, and there was no other families in the area with royal ambitions that had that particular stitching colouring that I could recall. And I would be able to, if there were.
After the rambling, disorganised, and frankly extraneous request was ended with the merchant’s voice petering out, my god-king looked to me and gave me a nod. The beginning bell of my performance.
In a fluid motion, I got to my feet and removed the heavy winter weight cloak I’d left sat beside me. Fashioning it around me in a crude approximation of the size of the merchant, I bound to the court’s floor making deliberate movements to the bells on my wrists with my footfalls. Jingle your coin at me, and I will jingle back. It means nothing to me.
A wide arc of my arms out hold them as far apart as I was able, punctuating the movement with a flick of my wrists to make the bells tink. “Oh dear, glorious, illustrious, golden god-king of whichever other descriptors my father of name Orszak before me told me to call you to flatter you.”
Small stifled chuckles rippled through a few of the court attendants.
“I wish to request permission to drink my wine-wares inside of the city walls for coin!” An over exaggerated sway as I stood, “pardon me, I want to sell the wine I am unable to drink myself to the fair peoples of your inner city.” I jingled my wrist-bells again, tugged at the lapels of my overcoat. “We produce it ourselves; Orszak family name is proud. My father was the businessman, I’m merely inheriting his routes.”
Glancing over to the Merchant, his large grey eyes were fixed to the floor.
I postured my hands out, palms up but not supplicating like a beggar, my back kept farm-straight. “My father and elder brother, Tomasz Orszak, were only recently unfound through their route. An injured and scared ass only what we’ve found so far.” My nod was slow, and could easily be mistaken for a theatrical over-exaggerated motion, but my unwavering eye contact with the god-king let him know my personal answer. “I am the second-son and thought always my future was in the fields.”
The second eldest Orszak merchant rubbed a wrist, one of his meaty hands covering over the pulse point and lightly wiping the crooked and dirt-marred thumb of his rubbing his skin. Nerves from a fish out of water. Or a farmer without a field, I guess.
The god-king raised one of his slender, gilded hands. I straightened and stood as motionless as I was able. The courtiers sounded like they were holding their breath.
“You are approved for you and your foodwares to be sold inside the inner city,” the god-king’s voice was smooth and tinny, “I ask for your family to write a formal request with your situation, in addition to sending one of your ilk to acquire the permit.”
The merchant visibly sagged in relief — all the tension pulling his spine tight leaving in an instant. He thanked the god-king in a thick and clumsy country term, and left quickly.
I knew the look in the god-king’s eyes was saying to me that I was took harsh in my initial portrayal. That’s fine. He’s allowed to be wrong about things as interpretive as art. Though that certainly wouldn’t be an opinion I’d ever let taste oxygen.
SECOND PETITIONER: 9 of Diamonds A doctor needs subjects for research ; a neutral party in the conspiracy
Doctors always had a particular stench that seemed to follow them. Maybe death, but more likely just a miasma of sickness. This one was different from the rest. They stood rod-straight, but their shoulders rounded forward to create an odd gathering of fabric draping over their chest cavity. When told to remove any of their garb, they refused. A curiously higher-than-expected voice carried muffled from the beak-mask of the doctor. I decided not to include that peculiarity in my performance.
Not being able to see the doctor’s face made my job more challenging, but when the god-king gave his nod, I had no choice but to perform.
They were aware of the conspiracy for treason — I could tell that much — but it seemed they weren’t swayed to either way. Doctors were hard to convince into the kingdom, and seldom lasted very long. I wasn’t about to dissuade this one from continuing.
I stood as tall as I was able, jutting my chest out instead of caving it in like the doctor was. There must be a reason they’re keeping that posture, and I was not going to draw attention to it with my performance. “”Regardless of any situations that arrive,” I tried my best approximation of their accent, eating my Rs and pushing the sides of my tongue to my teeth, “matters of the body still need to be investigated.”
Arching my arms to hold my palms up to the gilded ceiling, a position of higher pleading. “These subjects of research will help future generations of the sun-god’s kingdom.”
Eye contact. Slow nod.
THIRD PETITIONER: 3 of Diamonds A merchant asking for a permit ; neutral party to the conspiracy.
Immediately, I didn’t like how this merchant walked into the court. He looked too at-ease and comfortable.
His ashy straw-coloured hair laid in a thick plait twisted around itself and pinned against the back of his neck. Impossibly intricate embroidery made the previously soft felt-fabric stiff and likely itchy. Stabbing storm-silver in jagged patterns through the cobalt sky of his coats. A brilliant red waist-apron secured with a thick blue cord weighted at the ends with metalcrafts spilled down his lap like a bloody waterfall.
The nod.
“God-King,” I tried to force my voice to have the same tenor as the petitioner, “even as I stand here asking for permits to continue growing my hoard of silver, I speak to you as one powerful man to another.” I glanced to the merchant, his dark eyes glowering at me from where he stood. “Do you not deign to meet me on the same level? Truly it isn’t so far down?”
A murmur of light shock and gossip rustled through the rest of the court.
“These goods are merely the work of others, but I know I’m among compatriots when it comes to building things off others.” The merchants face was flushing in anger. I locked eyes with the god-king, and lolled my head side to side in a ‘no’ while speaking, “There’s few differences, yes?”
Denial of the petition. The merchant spat at me when he left. I’d fear I’ve made more enemies than allies in my time here but I don’t particularly care either way. When the god-king dies, I’ll still be alive.
FIFTH PETITIONER: 4 of Hearts A famous musician hoping to be commissioned ; loyal to the king.
If the clang of brass and the hollow noises sounding when she rounded a corner too closely weren’t enough of a tip-off, then her poufed hat with feathers and filigree certainly took out the guesswork.
She hoped to be commissioned for at least one ballad extolling the virtues and benefits of the god-king and his kingdom. From the rolling of her silver ring, however, I believe she was hoping to be taken on as a resident artist. Those kinds of silver rings were made by hand only for those who you loved.
Nod. Expectations or my performance.
I took a supplicants posture. “Would you not want someone so deeply in love to write and sing about the beauty inside the fair kingdom of the god-king?” A jingle of my wrist-bells and I dramatically gripped my abdomen. “For one to give you and your subjects the love I have felt inside my heart and soon to grow in my belly?”
Wide-faced fear and surprise jolted through on the musician’s face, her lips sticking out just a bit as she ground her teeth to try and keep the expression from pulling any noises from her throat.
Eye contact to the god-king. “Merely exchange my talents to the god-king in return to consistent work and stable housestays for me and mine.” I nod to him.
The musician glossy eyes nearly overflowed when the god-king said she will be held for contract, and her own may also live in one of the sites in the inner city.
My words were quick and plain. “There’s a conspiracy whispered through the inner city and the fields outside it.” I stood straight, shoulders far more relaxed than I felt. There was far more than whispers snaking their way through the ears of the god-king’s spheres of influence. Even the more loyal subjects of his were wavering in their faiths.
I’m not wholly surprised.
The god-king has been taking less and less interest in the common subject — preferring to dote on emissaries from surrounding kingdoms, boldly to the detriment of the people that keep him safe.
“If there’s more than a whisper, then that’s when we will simply order them buried,” the god-king’s voice disgusts me for the first time. It sounds greased from the pheasant poached in butter he’d eaten with the jewel-dripping emissaries from the southwestern country lining the border.
I nodded. I couldn’t look him in the eyes.
“Leave if there’s nothing interesting to come out of you, then.”
I did as I was told.
SIXTH PETITIONER: 10 of Spades A diplomat attempting to establish a new trade agreement ; part of the conspiracy
The diplomats were certainly a sight to behold.
The main speaker out of the pair of them was tall and glinting with the sheer amount of filigree inlaid to the layers of cloth draped so delicatly in dizzying amounts. I couldn’t make sense of when a swath of fabric ended and another started, or if they were just metres-long sheets of finery folded in meticulous ways. Her hair hung heavy over her back near-below her shoulderblades, with the ends of it somehow tied and pinned under so the shown length was only half the true amount. It was covered with constellations of filigree pins inlaid with precious stones.
Her companion was a man in similar stature to her. His foxed face reminded me of my own, though his eyes were rimmed with a purposeful soot, and his mouth was less scarred from teeth. The same dizzying swaths of fabric made up his clothing, though his seemed less imbued with threaded metal since it didn’t glimmer the same way as the speaker’s did. There was a heavy overcoat of fabric placed over his shoulders, splitting somewhere under his long hair from the single pane down his back, to two tails down either side of his neck. The leather belt holding it tight to his waist almost looked out of place, but it clinked and glittered with chatelaines full of golden curiosities.
“A new trade agreement needs to be worked out,” the Speaker’s voice was clear and decisive. “Your kingdom is left wanting.”
The god-king sat with glazed over eyes — bored before any conversation had ever started. This was exactly why the conspiracy has been able to grow like wildfire. Apathy was oxygen to its fire.
I watched the man, beautiful and glinting, move his rough hands over to an empty spot on his belt. Probably habit from having a sword or other weapon hung there for longer than it rested elsewhere. “I implore you to listen to the Speaker,” is voice held less presence than the Speaker’s, but it was oaky and I wanted to hear more.
A moment of pause before the god-king waved his hand dismissively and turned to me. “Perform. Now.” His eyes slid off me as soon as the word was spat out.
I ground my teeth. I didn’t expect to be treated as even partly an equal, but I never would have though the king I served to the detriment of my life milestones to not even look at me as he spat commands.
Rising from my seat — downgraded severely from my previous spot near the court’s seats, to a threadbare pillow on the chilled floor with the petitioners — I exhaled and dropped my shoulders. Trying to relax my jaw and prevent soreness from grinding my teeth. I stood straight and unwavering, feet squared and arms bent lightly out at the elbows with my palms down. I can feel the metal in my over-cloak bite me in the ribs.
“I implore you to listen to the Speaker,” I repeated the man’s lovely oaky words in my own thistled voice. A deep, measured breath shook its way out of my throat. I repeated the Speaker’s words with as much clarity as I could lend my own voice. “Your kingdom is left wanting.”
SECOND JOKER The conspiracy is successful ; game finish.
I threw knife.
Gods don’t bleed, and neither do their offspring. The former king proved to be neither.
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
Tag Master List
I use a few tags often around here, so I decided to make a list of tags. Trigger tags included in the readmore.
General Tags
I Have An Opinion: Usually an older post. Generally an opinionated rant.
Rant/Vent: Same as I Have an Opinion
Do You Love the Color of the Sky Length: Long post
Long-Ass Post: Same as above but for older posts
NSFW Text: Text is sexually explicit or suggestive. I will not post sexually explicit images or smutfic.
Actually Autistic: Tag from the autistic community. Used to identify that I am, in fact, autistic.
Writing: Anything writing related
OCs: Related to original characters. I also tag my OCs individually.
My Art: Something I drew.
Tumblr Raw Lines: Banger lines on the hellsite. I saved this for writing ideas, but it could be good for a laugh.
Character Idea: Hold on OP you made a cool Little Dude and I want one too! Other writers- browse this tag for ideas.
Taiposting: Tai-related posting. Mostly shitposts grateful for his existence. Sometimes a little more in-depth.
Bot Alert: Contains bot usernames so they can be identified. Report as spam and block 'em!
Pain Tag: I have separate ones for Gladion, Arven, and Kieran. But if you wanna watch me suffer over Pokemon characters, this is the tag to use. I tried putting the character's name before "pain tag" and it just brought them all up because Tumblr is dumb.
Kathleen: My Star Trek tag. Named after Lieutenant Riley's song in The Naked Time. "I'll take you home AGAIN Kathleen!"
Compassion Fatigue: Posts that can trigger compassion fatigue. This is a problem I have, so I feel the need to tag it and help others. This does not apply to all posts, especially those before 2024.
Anti Horizons: Pokemon Horizons bashing. Please block this tag if you like Pokemon Horizons.
Legacy Tags
Tags for finding older stuff of interest. I don't really use these anymore.
Saga of the Egg: Digimon fans- remember nade nade? This will lead you to all my contributions to the egg-cracking madness.
Poop Floop: As above, but specifically for when Sukamon blocked the egg.
Last Evolution Tag: Related to Ash Ketchum leaving the anime. May still be rarely used.
Bae: Will probably lead to cringy Tai fangirling- if you care.
Trigger Tags
This blog may occasionally post things that will need trigger tags. I will try and tag appropriately. I will not go back to old posts and tag them, but will incorporate them going forward. If you think I need more tags, let me know. Trigger warning tags usually begin with tw.
When I use the tags related to hatred, bigotry, and criminal acts, I'm reblogging content discussing with them. I obviously don't condone that shit. If you do, then nope out of here.
These tags are used for discussions of the topics, certain images (most of which are cartoons), or for writing snippets I may vomit up here.
tw racism
tw homophobia
tw transphobia
tw antisemitism
tw nazi or tw nazis
tw slavery
tw albiesm
tw rape
tw pedophilia
tw incest
tw suicide
tw gore
tw blood
tw body horror
tw abuse
tw child abuse
tw animal abuse
tw animal death
tw pokemon death (this will be paired with the animal death tw to be safe)
tw insects
tw harry potter
tw jk rowling
flashing lights or just flashing
flashing gif (not as often as the above)
I may use other tags but these are the most common
Asshole Tags
If you don't want to hear anything about these specific assholes, block these tags.
Trump Dump: Post contains content related to Donald Trump
Elon Poopyhead: Post contains content related to Elon Musk
tw jk rowling and/or tw harry potter: Post contains content related to JK Rowling
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airlock · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 1,780 times in 2022
That's 479 more posts than 2021!
47 posts created (3%)
1,733 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
dingdongyouarewrong (hopefully thus mentionn't, but if otherwise, hi saz-)
I tagged 1,771 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 1,472 posts
#'reblog' - 240 posts
#fire emblem - 161 posts
#fucking incredible - 118 posts
#. - 84 posts
#beautiful - 66 posts
#fódlan fe - 61 posts
#pokémon - 42 posts
#ace attorney - 40 posts
#perfect - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#it's about protecting the rights of the accused. it's about having a voice in the procedings that says the state can't just do as it pleases
My Top Posts in 2022:
a few days ago, I finished the Azure Gleam route on FE Warriors: Three Hopes! so here’s me, back at it with all the opinions and takes and criticism and whatnot
(jesus they really just put the post up in here in integra. I put a readmore on that thing for a reason! just, here, let me link you there instead)
23 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
airlock grades the villain archetypes: Three Houses edition
(so, this post is going to be, in fact, long as fuck -- which is a good opportunity to once again plug my dreamwidth, where you can read this post with more tidily organzed sections, as well as individual spoiler warnings on each one!)
you know, it's an interesting coincidence, it really is. when I originally started making those villain grading posts, we were just a few months away from a long-anticipated new Fire Emblem release, and that moment gave me the idea to take on that little exercise for a number of reasons. and then, here we are, about three months shy of three years later. for a number of different reasons, I started to think about finally making a follow-up post, seeing how I'd compare the antagonists from Three Houses to their predecessors. freshly boosted on new meds, I whip out a very long draft for a post in just a few days. and then, the day after I was done, a long-anticipated new Fire Emblem release is announced. and so, just on a whim of fate, I'm technically returning to this text post series under the same conditions as I started it! isn't it poetic? (funny thing is that they eventually decided to put a cutoff on this one, but only after enduring the entire preface AND all of the section on Thales. anyway, still best I cut it off myself right here, and you can see the full version right here -- or on dreamwidth, via the link above!)
28 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
okay, yeah, so, I think I’ve officially seen this one spelling error happen one too many times in fanfic. and like, I don’t like to be pedantic, but I guarantee that if you trip over this one you will punt readers off the narrative and into the stratosphere
so let’s understand the difference here:
a segue is a fluid movement from one state into another, or a rhetorically opportune change of subject. for example: “Since she brought up the lawn, I managed to segue into complaining about what happened to my flower garden.”
a Segway (R) is a two-wheeled battery-powered micromobility vehicle, typically associated with mall cops, dorks, and dorky mall cops. for example: “I’m still upset that her idiot cousin drove his Segway all over my flowers.”
as you can imagine, if you tell me about the segway that your character just pulled, that will immediately shatter the illusion that they’re a smooth talker.
36 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
so there was that whole fiasco with a map of Europe going around claiming to be about in which countries it is or isn’t typical to feed one’s houseguests, and this is now being regarded as an open fiasco because it’s come to light that the map is false and does not correspond to any real information about the countries highlighted, even though a lot of people were quick to throw stones at the ones where it supposedly was not common to feed one’s houseguests
I suppose it’s as good a time as any for me to point out that, as far as I’m concerned, this was a fiasco well before then, and wouldn’t have been one bit less of a fiasco if the map had been 100% true.
because here’s the thing... it may be the case that, when presented with the idea that it may not be common in some cultures to feed one’s houseguests, your instant, kneejerk reaction is to think, huh, that sounds inconsiderate and antisocial. if that’s what you thought, though, and if you chased that thought all the way down to the end and to its logical conclusions, then what I’d really like to ask is... who the fuck died and made you the arbitrer of other people’s cultures???
I’m not saying that a cultural difference justifies any and everything, but man alive, how jingoistically arrogant do you have to be in order to make and sincerely believe in snap-judgements like these? how do you decide, based just on a colorful little map, void of any other context, void of any other information on what the people of a certain country are like, that they’re just rude as hell because in your mind that one thing you heard sounds rude as hell? what head-spinning idiot attitude is this where you think you can pass judgement on an entire people, based on so little?
so if nothing else, what I’d really like for this mess to pass on in people’s minds is not just that they should maybe check sources and not believe everything that’s presented to them in a colorful little map -- but really most importantly, that when you’re hearing and thinking about a whole other culture, you should, no, must, approach it with the attitude of a listener and a learner, not the attitude of someone who knows better.
74 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
so I found out about ryunumber a while back and what can I say, this is the exact kind of shlock that I can spend entire days thinking about
I thought about asking about some Fire Emblem character or another, but then I realized -- oh, right, I could actually easily discern the Ryu Number of every single Fire Emblem character myself in just a few broad strokes. so... this is me, taking on that challenge!
(yeah, this one had a readmore too; check the post out here -- or better yet, check out the follow-up from the legends themselves, which is the reason why this is my post with the most notes this year. just ahead of the lengthy sociological tirade!)
77 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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queenharumiura · 2 years
SEND ☘ FOR A COMPLIMENT FROM MY MUSE ||Accepting|| @parallelroutes Basing this off all the interactions we’ve had with them thus far to draw inspiration off of
Readmore bc- ye. 
Haru was steadily getting used to getting more ‘missions’ to do from a certain someone. Odd, considering they were rather slow and virtually nonexistent before. 
Alas, who is Haru if not an agreeable person who can play along with the whims of others. Staring at her mission prompt, she starts thinking about it. “Mmn... could text it over... but that’s not the same. Call to meet just for that?” A noncommittal hum. Ah, she was just leave it to chance and be prepared for their next encounter. Yes yes, that works. 
Now the most important bit, what compliment to give? Folding her arms over her chest, she thought about it, her head tilting to one side and then the other every so often. What were some things to compliment a person over? 
She started tapping her fingers on her crossed forearms as a way to count with them. Common things to compliment someone on would be something like: 
Hey, I like your outfit! - Possible, but not so personable.
Your sense of style is nice- Same as above. 
Any compliment regarding their physical appearance - It felt wrong to just default to something so-- basic. It also felt shallow. She squints at the thought. 
You’ve good taste in desserts- a bit more personable. It makes sense. Sweets are an important part of any Haru’s life, so that’s truly a compliment. Anyways, pass. 
You have a nice smile - Mn. Maybe that one would sound sarcastic. It is admittedly a bit intimidating. Hm. 
Could compliment on a skill? - I only know that he likes to make things but I haven’t tried any creations yet. I don’t know of any other hobbies. Hm.
This is hard. Thinking on their interactions thus far and how she felt throughout, a different idea came to mind. 
Ah. Maybe-- that would work? 
“Hahi! Byakuran-san!” Haru waves and flags him down. “Haru found you first-desu! Third time’s the charm as they say.” Was she keeping track of how many times either one found the other first? 
No... absolutely not. (spoiler: yes she is)
Why? It’s funny, of course. Consider it a challenge of ‘where’s Byakuran-san’. She definitely was playing on easy mode compared to him- whoops!
Ah, right, she had something to say! She was getting distracted with her own thoughts again. 
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“You know, i’ve been thinking on it recently. Haru finds that you have a comfortable ‘vibe’ to you. She finds your company enjoyable and it’s nice when we talk about different things. It can be silly, it can be deep, or whatever else. Basically, Haru finds you pleasant company.” 
Huhu, that surely counts as a compliment? Right?
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hidef-quatrevingt · 3 years
mecha’s image description & visual accessibility reference post:
disclaimer: This is mostly a reference for myself for the image descriptions I write in the future, including common things I see that I want to avoid. Some are with screenreader users in mind, some are with non-screenreader users in mind. I’m not claiming this is where describing images should begin or end, and i’m not the only low vision person out there. if you want to have better reference guides, i find here to be helpful.
Image description in alt text: Not all people who need image descriptions can or do use screenreaders. Alt text is hard to access without a screenreader on most browsers and versions of the app. Just put it in the post. If you don’t, it’s just showing that you don’t actually care about accessibility.
Image description under a read more, in a reblog, in small print, etc: This is a big one, and I’ve seen a ton of posts about it, but it can’t hurt to restate. This is inaccessible, and shows that your “accessibility” is performative. If the image description is under a readmore, if anything happens to your blog, then it will no longer be accessible. If a description is long, that’s ok. Just tag the post as long instead of using a read more. If you post art (or anything) with an image description in the reblog, people will have to go searching through the replies for it. It also makes it easy to separate the ID from the rest of the post. If the description is in small print, or otherwise formatted not in plain text, it’s inaccessible. Not all people who need image descriptions use screenreaders.
Put the most important info first: This is so someone can skip the screenreader to the next paragraph once they get the idea of the post.
“Image ID”: ID stands for “image description.” It is a common misconception that ID in this context means “identification” instead.
Capitalization (id vs ID): Maybe you’re going for aesthetics, or maybe you don’t capitalize letters very often. Keep in mind that screenreaders tend to read “id” (lowercase) as a word, like Freudian psychoanalysis, while “ID” (uppercase) is read as the individual letters. Hopefully you’re aiming for the individual letters, since that’s what Image Description is short for in this context.
Bold, Italicized, and Strikethrough text: I don’t know about others, but the screenreader I use doesn’t tell you which text is bold, italics, or strikethrough. If that is in any way relevant to understanding text in the image you’re describing, please specify what sections are bold. Example of how to do that: The text says: “My favorite color is green.” The word green is bolded.
Colored text: Similar to the above, colored text on Tumblr is not registered as different than plain text with a screenreader. It would be helpful if you made a note of colored text. You can use the same format I specified above.
Colored text, the sequel: Provide plain text when you‘re making posts that use colored text. Some people don’t use screenreaders, and they don’t need to justify that for you to make your posts accessible to them. Colored text on its own is inaccessible because it simply cannot be seen well by some people.
Video descriptions: Don’t separate video and audio descriptions. I don’t understand why this would make sense to anybody to do, but I’ve seen people do it regardless. In most videos, the audio and video are relevant to each other, and separating them makes it really confusing. I know it seems obvious, but think: is the content of the video actually understandable given the description you’ve provided?
Note when the image description is done, in a way that can be understood with or without a screenreader: The commonly used square bracket ] is not sufficient, because screenreaders do not read them aloud. Doing this well is most commonly achieved by putting “End ID” at the end of the description.
Sorry if this is too long, but if you do use this I hope it’s helpful. Have a good day!💗
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a-queer-seminarian · 2 years
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[ID: a black background with bright rainbow borders and four-point stars at each corner features text reading, “The Good Kind of Weird, A conversation with Ynza Morgan Star. Ep 64 of Blessed Are the Binary Breakers.” / end id]
After growing up Southern Baptist and pressured to conform to gender norms, it took time for Ynza (she/her & zey/zeir) to live fully into her genderqueer, agnostic, pagan, game designer self. In this episode, Ynza shares how neurodivergence and the power of story have shaped her journey; how zey crafted zeir own name; how zey joined zeir local Unitarian Universalist fellowship; and so much more!​
Find the transcript + links here — or listen wherever you get podcasts.
More images + quotes are under the readmore!
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[ID: black background features a photo of Ynza, a person with pale skin, shoulder-length light brown hair, and glasses wearin a hat with a rainbow heart pin as well as rainbow cat ears. She wears a face mask with a colorful symbol on it. Behind her is an art display featuring geometric patterns, gender symbols and flags, and more. Above her is a list reading “Ynza Morgan Star: Genderqueer, UU Pagan, Artist, Game Designer, So much more!” / end ID]
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[ID: a black background with bright rainbow borders and four-point stars at each corner features text reading, "My experience with Christianity left me unable to engage with Christianity as a viable religion for queer people.  ...[Then after] I joined the UU, I started meeting  people who considered themselves goddess worshipers and Christians. ...That was healing. Just like, realizing that it was possible to take the same stew I'd been steeped in, and do something healthy with it — that was very healthy." / end id]
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[ID: a black background with four-point stars at each corner features text reading, "There's this band, New Song, that had a song way back in the day [where] the idea is that everybody has a cross-shaped hole in their heart, and Jesus is the only thing that can fit. ...I was like, 'Oh, so does that mean I have a star-shaped hole in my heart, and that's why Paganism fits me, but Christianity doesn't?' ...My soul is of a different flavor than everybody else's who's really happy in Christianity." A drawing shows a person trying to press a star shape into a square hole. / end id]
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[ID: a black background with four-point stars at each corner features the Sagittarius constellation and red rabbit from the Chinese zodiac, with text in the center reading, "My agnostic lay paganism years have weighed heavily enough on me that I find it hard to believe the party line about astrology. ...But there's just some interesting patterns and parallels there that...I don't think humanity has enough knowledge about the universe to understand. And I don't think it's any kind of hard and fast thing...but it lets you flavor and color and add an extra little layer of neatness onto reality, to a certain extent." / end id]
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papier-ciseaux · 4 years
I have a question about being aroace, if that's alright! If you were ever to be in a romantic relationship or tried to, would you get things like panic attacks from it?
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I was going to keep it short, but then I saw an opportunity to mention QPR so it got longer. As I’ve said in the last panel, I won’t answer any questions about them. 
I also tried to add image descriptions (under the readmore) to make these more accessibles :v
[Image ID: Five digitally drawn pictures.
Image 1: a simple cartoon character with short brown hair, white skin, and green blush on their cheek. They are wearing a striped green shirt and grey pants, like the aromantic flag. They’re saying “No.” with a smile and blank expression. A text above their head reads: “short answer:”
Image 2: The words “longer answer:” are at the top of the image. On the left, a dark green negative symbol with written below “Some people are: Romance Repulsed”. On the right, a dark red positive symbol with written below “Some are: Romance Favorable”. The same cartoon character as above is shrugging in the middle with the words “I’m not either” above them. On the left, there is written “They find romance or romantic activities uncomfortable or even revolting. They can be fine with romance as long as it doesn't involve them or dislike it completely” and on the right “They enjoy romance, romantic activities, or just the concept of romance. Cupioromantics are very often romance favorable”
Image 3: The words “If I were into a romantic relationship, it wouldn't be fair to me or my partner.” are at the top of the image. On the left, there is written “At best, it's a very close friendship with extra cuddles and social experimentation (but not a "real" romance)”. Below the text, the cartoon character is hugging a giant teddy bear and is saying “I’m a cuddler & I’m curious”. On the right, there is written “At worst, I'll be exhausted from performing attraction for them and feel guilty”. Below, the character is confused with question marks above their head. They’re holding a red heart card with their right hand and white roses with their left. Their hair is pointing downward instead of up and their cheeks aren’t flushed.
Image 4: The words “an alternative to romance/friendship exists:” are at the top of the image. In capital letters and in the color of queerplatonic flag (yellow - pink - white - grey - black) is written “A QUEERPLATONIC RELATIONSHIP (QPR)”. Under it is written “They are an unique commitment determined by the people in it. It's not exclusive to arospec people, you can be allo and in a qpr”. The cartoon character’s face is peeking out of the bottom of the image with a surprised expression.
Image 5: The text “I don't feel qualified to answer any questions about QPR so: check the notes, research on your own, ask someone else” occupies most of the space. The character is on the right and look tired but happy. They’re saying “thanks”
The background of all those images is a continuous gradient from white to dark grey
/End ID]
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