#young adult scriddler au
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Edward: “Well it certainly has been awhile since you all have heard from me. I apologize for that.”
E: “An extended hiatus was necessary for...well, let’s just leave it at it was necessary for now, and save the explanations for later.”
E: “The important thing is, both Jon and I have returned, and we intend to dust off this blog and resume normal activity. It’s been long enough since we’ve interacted with all of you.”
E: “Currently Jon is out at the university teaching classes, but I’ll be around to answer any questions you all may have for me.”
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doomedscribbles · 6 years
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I miss my boys
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doomednarrative · 6 years
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To go with AU Ed's update, here's AU Jon updated!!
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(Update from the Mod)
(Hello there everyone, Mod here. I just wanted to give you all a quick update to things.
Just so everyone knows, this blog is Not dead. Not by a long shot. I completely intend to keep going on with it, I have plans for the boys and for the other Rogues in this au as well.
The reason for the long hiatus is because I was having some personal issues. A job with a hectic schedule, harassment from coworkers and worsening mental health left me no room to focus on my art or writing much at all, especially this blog. However, I don't want it to be dead any longer.
I've started a new job recently, and once I get on a regular schedule for that and finish all my training, I hope to get back on a regular schedule for this blog, answering questions and trying to finish up a fanfic that I started months ago for it. And that should start within the next two weeks if all goes well.
So until then, if youd like to send in some questions for Ed or Jon or both, feel free to do so! It'd be helpful so I can get this thing back up and running smoothly once I have the time for it.)
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doomednarrative · 6 years
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Oh look more AU Ed finally He's a giant pansexual mess
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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Working on more designs for the Young Adult au, this is Joker's design!
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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Submission from @timethehobo: Heya, so I’m not too certain if the first submission went through but I’m doing it again anyway. I just wanted to say thanks for being a part of my 2017 and I wish you the best for 2018. May it go smoothly and calmly for you and your new home. Happy New Year Eddie. :) ----------- Not even lying when I opened this up I straight up started crying happy tears. I never expected anything like this from you considering we've only talked a handfull of times, but I'm absolutely thankful and I love it none the less and it completely made my day to see it. What a way to start off the new year indeed, with cute art of my boys from one of my favorite artists. Thank you Time, sincerely I appreciate this and all the support you've offered in the past two weeks as well. Means more to me than I can ever propely put into words
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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Not so cute now is he?
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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Finally got my version of Jervis down on paper for the Young Adult AU!
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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To anyone else, including myself, who needs this reminder. Stretchings important when you're binding. Helps relieve pain and stress on your chest.
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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Everyone has a breaking point...
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doomednarrative · 7 years
♒ for Jon
Since you didn’t say which Jon, I do one for all three of my Jon’s!
Au Jon:
Au Jon is not the easiest person to get to eat. Food is one of the least important things on his radar. However, if Ed happens to get food and set it within Jon’s space in his lab, or if he eats in Jon’s presence, it’s easier to get him to drop his work for five minutes and at least eat something.
Dr. Jon: 
Don’t be fooled by his looks, Dr. is softer than he appears. Unlike Au Jon, Dr. has done less to move away from his Southern roots. While it’s not his favorite thing about himself, he hasn’t fully shed his heritage, and this includes his (not so well known) love for cooking, and his favorite thing to cook? Southern comfort food. It used to be a punishment of sorts from Grandma Keeny to have her great grandson cook for her and himself because she thought he’d hate it, but jokes on her, he actually liked it. (She never knew that though.) Both him and Ed can cook, but Ed actually prefers when Dr. cooks, because he knows the best food to make when Ed’s having a bad night. And Dr. enjoys cooking for someone who actually appreciates what he makes. 
Lego Jon: 
Lego Jon is the pumpkin boy. He’s the one who loves all things pumpkin and pumpkin flavored. His favorite food though? Pumpkin chicken cheddar soup. 
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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Ed told him it was way too cold to leave without a scarf on, even though he's an eternally cold person.
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doomednarrative · 7 years
Something I was thinking about for my Ed:
I think, as time goes on, both his Riddler costume and his everyday clothes start to mesh together and become the same.
They start out as two different things, his everyday clothes being more casual and his Riddler gear is more proper. But, as time passes, Ed and the Riddler aren’t as much two separate things. The Riddler is not just a persona anymore, he and Ed become more like one in the same. At first he only really used riddles when he was in “Riddler Mode”, like when he and Jon were out on heists or doing other crimes. But slowly, Jon starts hearing Ed use riddles more in their home life. He hears Ed muttering them to himself while he’s working, starts seeing them written down everywhere.
One morning Ed comes out in full Riddler gear (which by this point has changed drastically from the first costume. The fingerless gloves have been replaced, a vest has been added, no longer tight pants and boots) and he starts making his morning hot chocolate like nothings different.
And Jon’s taken aback. This is the first time he’s done this, it’s not normal. So he says something about it.
“Yes Jon?”
“Might I ask why you’re in your costume?”
“...What do you mean? I’m wearing what I normally wear.”
And it’s at that that Jon realizes there is no separation to Ed anymore. He’s the Riddler, and the Riddler is him.
There’s no persona anymore. It’s just...Edward.
And he’s not sure what that means, but he knows that it can’t possibly be an all good thing.
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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It was only after a complete mental breakdown that they decided to move Ed into Jon's cell. Jon won't forgive Arkham for what they put Ed through. And Ed's not going to recover from it easily.
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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Jon would absolutely give Ed his scarf if he was cold while they walk downtown to the coffee shop.
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