#seriously time is such an amazingly talented artist and kind person
wolsalwastaken · 1 month
Friendly reminder that reblogging my posts with hate for what I’m doing not only gives me free engagement but promotes me. Whatever irks you so much about me hosting a fun community event, I’m not sure, especially since I’m working within canon limitations! If you’re the type of person who feels the need to personally share my content to make fun of it or tell me to stop, thanks for the sentiment, but I’ll pass.
While I’m sorry your stellar sense of humor didn’t appreciate a funny joke, it wasn’t targeting your audience! Anyways, wanna be clear on the fact that I am not upset or angry or hurt or whatever by these replies. They just give me something to laugh at, and free engagement. Keep it up if you want, because I don’t care, but I really think you should take a moment to reflect on yourself on why you feel personally attacked at someone drawing the cat devil in short shorts. Here, accept my YouTube apology video!
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Regardless of whether you despise or love my work, any engagement helps me in the algorithm and spreads my art. So, I give my thanks to all of those supporting my art, intentional or not.
Ok ok, jokes aside, seriously thank you guys for all the support on the FHN event! Really didn’t actually think anyone would participate, but lo and behold, here we are! I’ve genuinely really enjoyed looking at all of your amazing art (you guys are so talented btw wtf???). Wanted to acknowledge all the talented participants, and I hope to see more! Thank you all for your artwork, I’ve gotten lots of giggles, because you guys are as funny as you are talented artists.
Now, wanna clarify, my above statement on haters isn’t vague posting any 1 person, I’ve had a few people do this, but wanted to mention it because it’s honestly hilarious. If you see anyone doing it don’t harass them obviously, but don’t harass or shame others for drawing this stuff either! Kindness goes both ways.
I also wanna say, just in general, wow you guys are so nice. Like genuinely. The amount of amazingly kind people I’ve had reblog + comment on my art who genuinely enjoyed it is like… crazy. I’m not used to getting much positive feedback on my art, and like I wanna sincerely say I really appreciate it. It makes my day, like really. You guys are so accepting and nice to newcomers and it’s just really nice to see! Ending the sappiness here, I hope you continue to enjoy my art!
Leaving on that note, here’s a compilation of the wonderful people who have submitted their art thus far (in order of submission time), be sure to give them some love because they deserve it! (Imo the posts aren’t getting even half the attention they deserve- really there are some incredibly artists)
More to come soon, as this challenge is never ending!
1. @tectonicatomic
2. @eckodrawsgoobers
3. @rataartista
4. @donutfloats
5. @abyssal-enby
6. @ciaosonounapersonalol
7. @/Shadow (certified gay)
8. @a-peachie
9. @multifandommadnessblog
10. @theskeleton117
11. @calamaricollie
12. @adairtrashart
13. @woodlandwildfolk
14. @itsartlee
15. @of-fallen-gods-cotl
16. @rainy-intel
Edit: just realized all the hate is literally slut shaming Narinder omg…
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yurucamp · 2 years
hello! i just played flesh blood and concrete for the second time and i just have to say it’s a beautiful game :) it rly gives me so much comfort, and you’re amazingly talented! i can’t thank you enough for giving us such a wonderful game. it’s honestly one of my favourite games ever :) everything just feels so poignant and bittersweet, and youre able to present so many complicated emotions: longing, homesickness, warmth, etc. you’re an amazing storyteller and artist both, and i was so invested in the stories of both characters. i don’t think any other game has ever made me feel so much all at once.
and also, out of curiosity: what would u consider the message of your game? the story is so intriguing and the dialogue is so well-written and beautiful (i personally rly love everything in that one room where tatlin is mentioned. it has some of my favourite quotes in the game) and i’m really curious what your intention was. and one last thing (so sorry for the long ask but flesh blood & concrete is just rly personal to me and i’m seriously obsessed) i was thinking of making a youtube analysis-ish video of it and was wondering if you’d be alright with that? again sorry for the long ask and sincerely id like to thank you for making such a beautiful game <3 (written on mobile, hope this ask doenst show up weird)
T_T <3
thank you for all of your kindness, i'm really astounded... i read this message so many times, i'm infinitely grateful to be able to create something that you thought about and replayed...
i love the tatlin room too, i'm happy that i could include something totally self-indulgent while being still meaningful..
as for giving a central message, i hesitate to answer because i don't want to discourage interpretations that are different/contradictory to my own BUT the complex can be seen as a representation of "predatory nostalgia", a creature which regurgitates an endless stream of too-perfect memories to lull you into stasis. that is, it's a warning to not drown in your idealized past. nika isn't an antagonistic figure, and i don't think the tendency to get lost in that warm fuzzy abstraction of childhood is a purely harmful one. i think nostalgia can give us a way of appreciating our present. so i guess... it's about finding a balance between those two forces, here's something else i wrote about it
i didn't really think of a message i wanted to convey, though, besides that this is a world full of beauty and one worth living in :3
please make a video, i'd be absolutely honored!! i'm really grateful for your kindness!! i don't know how to say thank you enough
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doomednarrative · 7 years
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Submission from @timethehobo: Heya, so I’m not too certain if the first submission went through but I’m doing it again anyway. I just wanted to say thanks for being a part of my 2017 and I wish you the best for 2018. May it go smoothly and calmly for you and your new home. Happy New Year Eddie. :) ----------- Not even lying when I opened this up I straight up started crying happy tears. I never expected anything like this from you considering we've only talked a handfull of times, but I'm absolutely thankful and I love it none the less and it completely made my day to see it. What a way to start off the new year indeed, with cute art of my boys from one of my favorite artists. Thank you Time, sincerely I appreciate this and all the support you've offered in the past two weeks as well. Means more to me than I can ever propely put into words
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luxshine · 2 years
Moon Knight Primer, Part 8
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Moon Knight (2014) #1-17
Prologue, Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII
Ok, so… I am going to do the whole vol. 7, misnamed the Ellis arc because Warren Ellis only wrote the first six issues, which have art by Declan Shalvey, in one part because, writer issues or not, the art is gorgeous and I want to give you guys as many examples as I can from them.
THIS is the actual run who gave us both Mr. Knight and Dissected Bird Head Khonshu dressed smart and every artist here did their A game when it came to working with both. THAT alone? Makes this run worth it although I can’t recommend buying the first six issues, the ones that Ellis actually wrote, because I don’t want that man getting more money from royalties.
Hell, I kinda hate he created Mr. Knight, because I adore Mr. Knight but Ellis? Ellis is trash.
And I don’t mean this as a writer. In fact, and credit where credit is due? His six issues are amazingly good and have very little problematic stuff.  Unfortunately? The man is a sexual predator, who hurt and coerced and manipulated a lot of women, having sexual relationships with some of them at the same time without the other’s knowledge or consent. He helped ruin the career of one of the strongest woman in comics I know, a woman who has fought for women in comics her whole career, and emotionally abused and gaslighted her (and many others) while pretending to be her friend. More than 100 women have come forward with their accusations, and , as always, most of the industry went “but he’s so talented!”. So yeah. Despite the fact that I do work in the comic book industry professionally, despite the fact that I want to work in the big leagues? I can’t not point out that Warren Ellis is a creep and shouldn’t be working anymore in any capacity with strong properties. Wanna read these six issues of Moon Knight, because Death of the Author and all that? Pirate the shit out of them.  And then donate the equivalent of the cover price to the HERO initiative, or to the women who were hurt by Ellis. THAT is what Mr. Knight would do. (Also, as a parenthesis, while yes, Ellis gave Moon Knight this new identity? The writers who followed gave him a lot more depth so here, yeah, we can do Death of the Author. Hell, Oscar Isaac gave more depth to Mr. Knight by the mere choice of making sure we knew that it’s ALWAYS Steven the one who fronts when the guys are wearing the white dress suit, something that is not clear in the comics)
Ok. Sorry for interrupting the primer with that. But it was kind of important.  Because I seriously don’t want to give the wrong impression about what kind of person Ellis is. I mean, he did some good writing, but he is a horrible person… and he was a bit ableist as a writer too, only not on the “every single person in the room calls Marc crazy” variety.
So the first thing we have to address, and the first thing Ellis addressed, was exactly how much the general public knows about Moon Knight’s mental issues. And his choice was to make every single person in the Marvel Universe aware that Moon Knight, who is an illegal vigilante, also has DiD. Well, “is rumored to have DiD”.
Because the video Echo took in the Bendis run? Well, it went public and everyone saw him yelling at invisible people.
Now, I know that in OUR world seeing someone talk to someone who is not there? Sign that they may have mental health issues and need help…. Unless we notice they have airbuds on, in which case, they’re just having a very heated phone conversation. But in the Marvel Universe? Invisible Woman is a world famous superhero, model and adventurer! And an Avenger! Not only that, it is general knowledge that there are mutants who can turn invisible, who can turn other people invisible, who can make illusions that are not recorded, oh, and that every army in the world has cloaking technology that rivals Sue Richard’s powers.
What I mean to say is… Moon Knight yelling at an Invisible Captain America should not make people jump to “Oh, he hears voices”. But they do.
And that’s how this series start, with everyone and their dog knowing that Moon Knight is the “Crazy” superhero, while there’s a new consultant in town, the elegant Mr. Knight, whom on occasion can be called by Det. Flint to help in cases.
Absolutely NO ONE who sees Mr. Knight is fooled into thinking that is not Moon Knight in a fancy dress, but as Det. Flint points out: He’d be forced to arrest Moon Knight if he saw him, but he’s not seeing Moon Knight, he’s talking with his new friend Mr. Knight, so no one has to get arrested and the crimes can get solved.
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Here we see a very different Mr. Knight from the one we met back in Secret Avengers. He’s a lot more talkative, more methodical, and very strategic. His first scene? He could’ve been Sherlock, from the BBC series, the way he analyzed every clue. Where he got that skill, and who is fronting at the time? We have no idea but he’s hot.  He also doesn’t like to fight. While he faces the issue villain? He makes sure to not throw a single punch in his direction, just avoiding getting hit until his actual plan can work out. Later writers will undo this a bit, but I personally like the idea that Mr. Knight just doesn’t like to get his hands dirty (and this makes him the perfect Super Hero identity for Steven, the one who doesn’t like the violence of their job, even when in the comics? It’s almost always Marc who fronts as Mr. Knight). This changes later, as soon as issue 4 when Mr. Knight does punch the villain, but it seems that he reserves that violence to really horrible people (The guy whom he punched was a man who killed a homeless man accidentally as part of a scientific research… then wrapped him up and buried him in the building where the research was made just to hide the problem. So yeah, I’d have punched them too). At some point he drops at helicopter to a bad guy, but the bad guy survives. Also, he has a very dry sense of humor, which I love.
This run also introduces the Black with Silver Plate Armor suit, the one we see in the Sailor Moon Memes.  And the… uh… Ghost hunting Special Khonshu Armor which… you have to see to believe.  I put it in the “Good” part just because I am 100% sure that it helped inspire the cool details of the TV show suit.
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But then… the bad.
While The guys seem to be more stable than ever? Ellis made the puzzling choice to declare, through a psychologist character who is treating Marc officially, that Marc doesn’t have DiD. No, you see, he is brain damaged.  How Warren Ellis thinks this is a better thing, or that one cancels the other? I dunno. In any case, the doctor declares that Marc was indeed revived by Khonshu, who is NOT a God, but an Other dimensional creature (and again I wonder why Odin, Zeus and co are allowed to be Gods but the Egyptian Pantheon have to be Other Dimensional creatures and the only reason I can come up is not very patient with the writers) , but that in order to keep their connection, Khonshu had to made changes to his brain and now Marc reflects Khonshu’s personality, which happens to have four aspects: The Pathfinder, the Embracer, Defender and Watcher of the Overnight Travelers  AND the “Secret” aspect that is “the one who lives on hearts” which is Ellis’s excuse for the blood thirsty Fake-shu we have been tolerating for years. (By the way, Oxford comma man. The first time I read that? I thought that the four aspects were Pathfinder, Embracer, Defender AND then Watcher of the Overnight travelers, which makes SENSE, but then adding the evil one, which again, damn it Ellis, way to play the stereotype, would make FIVE aspects, not four. Then I checked Wikipedia, and apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought the four aspects were Pathfinder, Embracer, Defender, and Watcher, as that’s how they’re listed and “the one who lives on hearts” is completely ignored. As it should be. But again, then Ellis fails at math because those are five!). On the other hand, we will learn that the doctor is full of shit so, I feel free to ignore “the one who lives on hearts” as soon as we’re done with this run. Khonshu is Egyptian, not Aztec -and I am Mexican, I can make this joke.  The doctor claims that Marc’s brain was “colonized” by an alien entity and that is what created the Alters, which prompts Marc to later hallucinate/see Khonshu calling him “my son” for the first time. It also explains that the cycles we’ve seen between when Marc fronts, when Steven fronts, when Jake fronts and when Moon Knight goes off his rocker in the violence scale is because of the cycles of the Moon and Khonshu’s own personality, not really because of DiD, since the “alters” are the result of the human brain adapting to the changes made to it. Of course, Lemire’s run will destroy this idea, but I find it… kinda offensive in ways I don’t have the words to express. Any Systems reading this may feel different, and are welcome to correct me or add to it in the replies or reblogs.
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Marc also has no support system anymore. No Crawley, no Gena, no Ray, no Marlene, no Frenchie. In fact, al lof his vehicles are now self-driven, including the Spktor-licenced limo, which I am sure makes Jake cry inside because we know Jake likes to drive. His only living contacts are the occasional conversation with Det. Flint, which is pretty much just shop talk, and his doctor. In fact, in the last Ellis’ penned issue we see a cop (who is stupidly trying to become the new Black Spectre because he feels offended that Moon Knight is more respected than him), we do see Marlene, now Fontaine as she went back AGAIN to her ex-husband and refuses to talk about Marc, and Frenchie, whose restaurant is back in track, and is now married to Rob so not having to deal with gay bashings every five issues DID wonders to his life, but Frenchie is back in the “Everyone who goes near Marc gets hurt”. He also posits the idea that Marc can’t actually die, that he was made immortal by Khonshu. And Marc’s self esteem is so,so low? That he thinks that the reason why he’s good as a hero Is because he knows no one can love him. In fact, the lack of support extends to Steven and Jake, as they NEVER talk to Marc during the Ellis penned issues. They just glare at him in judgment.
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There’s also the insinuation that Khonshu KEEPS getting control of the body whenever he feels like it, because Marc realizes he has bought like, a TON of Egyptian relics, including Mummies down at his mansion/apartment/wherever he’s living at the time, and he DOESN’T remember buying any of those. And then Khonshu (Who I think may be finally real Khonshu, as he’s no longer in the blood train) replies with “perhaps you weren’t supposed to remember” which… not good.
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This is it for the six Ellis issues. The rest of the series followed his steps, and had some consultation from him, but it was not written by him, so, in order to keep some semblance of who did what? I will separate now into the next writer, from issues 7 to 12 with Brian Woods. He did some damage to Marc, but nothing that was too bad.  Issues 7 to 12 also have some of the best art, as it’s Greg Smallwood (Whom we later will see in the amazing Lemire run) so yeah, at least it looks very, very, very pretty.
So where Ellis was building off a story through pretty much one shots, Wood goes all out with a single story that is actually seeded in the Ellis run. See, the Psychiatrist that Marc is seeing, Dr. Elisa Warsame, tends to be drawn as an incredibly creepy woman when she talks to Marc. This comes to an end when Marc stops an assassin from killing a former mercenary and general from a country named Akima,  and discovers that the one who paid said assassin was the Doctor, who, in a very weird trip through both Marc and hers mindscape, explains that she was a poor girl in one of the countries the man, General Lor  had destroyed, and she wanted vengeance for her slain parents. She insists that Khonshu would want that, while Marc argues that killing the man 20 years later, AFTER he had done a lot to repent and beg absolution for his sins was not vengeance but pity revenge and murder. And then she reveals that she wasn’t telling him her story to convince Marc, but to convince Khonshu to get a new avatar, namely, HER, and she manifests the, still really ridiculous, Dream Armor, leaving Marc alone in his mind. And when I mean alone in his mind? I mean it. Not only Khonshu is gone, but so are Steven and Jake, proving the doctor’s theory that they were only created due to his link to Khonshu.
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(I will mention that this is stupid, as the doctor doesn’t develop three alters to go with Khonshu’s changing moods, nor she speaks outloud to him, but I digress)
The doctor also manages to blame Marc not just for the attempted murder but also for blowing up her house (which was her attempt to kill him), and apparently, tell Det. Flint about Jake Lockley while Steven tells Det. Flint to call him Mr. Grant whenever he’s in the Mr. Knight suit, which is incredibly odd as they are usually more careful about their secret identity. In fact, this series pretty much blasts that to outer space because after what the doctor did, it seems that every single person in the Marvel Universe knows that Marc is Moon Knight, that he has DiD and that he worships Khonshu.
Marc manages her second attempt to kill her target, by literally stepping in front of the new killer (an hypnotized cop who really doesn’t want to kill anyone), in front of cameras without a mask on. See what I mean about no secret identity anymore? And then gets arrested in the least possible legal way and put in a flying prison without real charges made because if there are no charges, there’s no trial and if there’s no trial, he can’t go free.
By the way, THIS is the run that gives us “Jake Lockley is the violent personality” idiocy, and it does it in a single LINE by Dr. Warsame: “The Lockley persona, I think. That WAS who I saw breaking limbs on the 88th floor of the World Trade Center, yes?” And that was IT.
So we finally know who is to blame for falling into the “Systems must have an evil Alter” stereotype after almost 70 years of the character existence, Brian Wood. On the other hand… well, it’s a relative early addendum, so better writers who hopefully do their research can undo it (I am not holding my breath, as I know what comes after Lemire for the guys and… is not pretty, sorry to say this.  On the other hand, Maybe TV synergy will make things better. I’ll just say right now that Marc’s last appearance in the comics is not a good one for system representation… or for Moon Knight fans in general)
In fact, the only good thing about all this is that Khonshu goes back to talk to Marc, who states that he is not worried that much about the doctor’s target, as he is worried about Khonshu. Yes, the man is worried for his god, because he fears that the doctor is manipulating the old bird.
Here I make a stop to point out that the whole message of this mini is really damaging as it is “don’t trust psychiatrists”. Which… uhm… terrible message to be giving? In general, I mean, not just for neurodivergent people.
The only “good” thing about this, in case you were wondering why I hadn’t pointed out how problematic it is to make a victim of war for profit become an immoral psychiatrist who wants to murder a man who has repented for his crimes? Is that the doctor is not a victim of war. In the very last issue, as a saving throw, is revealed that she was in fact the daughter of the REAL dictator who had destroyed her native country, that the man she was trying to kill was a revolutionary who helped free her native country, and that the only reason she was trying to kill him indirectly at first was because she knew her assassins would fail and so she would kidnap him to force him to reveal where her father’s money was. Oh, and create enough chaos to re-start the war in her native country and profit from it.
Still problematic and racist, but in a different way.
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By the end of the Wood run, the new sort of status quo is that now every person in the Marvel universe knows about Moon Knight’s secret identity, even if most don’t believe about his connection with the “fake” god (and again, I wonder why Egyptian gods are considered fake when frigging ARES was an avenger by this point, and Earth has an ambassador in Aasgard  as it is recognized as part of the 12 realms! (Said ambassador, in case you’re wondering, is all around badass Jane Foster)
With six issues left on this particular volume, we get Cullen Bunn in writing duties, and art by Ron Ackins.
Here, the status quo goes weird. Marc abandons both Grant mansion and the apartment he was keeping in New York for an abandoned building that is filled with ghosts who are begging for his help. Once again, people know who he is, so the mask becomes more a matter of Marc feeling comfortable with it rather than him needing it, and he is talking to the STATUE of Khonshu, rather than Bird head Khonshu. He also seems to have some powers now because not only he can see ghosts clearly, even if others can’t (A thing that happens in the MU, sometimes Ghosts are just people who happen to be dead and may or may not be intangible, sometimes they are invisible to the normal human beings), but he can also see the trail of their suffering in the form of bloody footprints.  Unfortunately, he can’t talk to them. Khonshu also fluctuates between calling Marc his son, and calling him his Priests.
This series works more on the Pathfinder, Embracer, Watcher and Defender roles, as we see now OTHER gods, such as Anubis, come to ask for help so that Marc will free their followers, and it would be all nice and good, and a return to form of Khonshu working as a god of Justice and Protection rather than vengeance, until of course we get the issue where child killing monsters ALSO pray to Khonshu and Khonshu retires Marc’s protection when fighting against them because Marvel can’t just let Khonshu be a good god, just as they can’t let the System be a non-stereotypical neurodivergent character who doesn’t go horribly violent for no reason.
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And then… the Cult of Khonshu reappears, this time masquerading as one of those religious cults that “help” the homeless but are in fact hiding that they pick some of them up to be sacrificed to Khonshu. The guys find out, go and fight the scantly clad priestess who swears she is Marc’s destined wife, and it would be a lackluster issue if it didn’t end with Khonshu helping Marc walk out of the building that he just set on fire to destroy the cult that was also mind controlling everyone inside.  Classic Khonshu, the one who wore the cape and MAY, I repeat MAY not be a pigeon head god since we only see him from the back so we may hope the old Killing Khonshu days are over. We will be wrong. While the very worst of Khonshu is far behind us, as we will never see cartoon blood thirsty pigeon again, he still will do some very bad things once we get back to pigeon head. But that is for part 8 as we finally, FINALLY, reach the amazing Lemire’s run.
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1jet2unknown · 3 years
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Harringrove Feedback Fest – entry-drug fanfictions & favorite artists
I‘m so happy @gothyringwald is organizing this feedback fest as I think there are so so so many talented creators in the Harringrove Fandom and, with me still being kind of new to the party, I‘m sure I will be able to find so many more creators to connect with & obsess over.
Let me start off with some of the fanfictions that I had stumbled over last year and that actually got me into the fandom. Most of them are rather long, lot of them pretty angsty and all of them are mature/explicit. Warning: They‘re all amazing!
Under the Covers by ToAStranger [M | 59k]
Pining | Enemies to Friends to Lovers | Hurt/Comfort | Angst and Humor | Implied/Referenced Child Abuse | Period-Typical Homophobia | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD | Anxiety Attacks Terrible Depictions of Dungeons and Dragons | Slow Burn
Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.
Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
dried up, half full - by lymricks [E | 60k]
Implied/Referenced Child Abuse | the POV switches now! | Billy fights the monsters too!
Steve’s been coming out here searching for a monster in the woods. He’s finally found one.
“What do you want, Hargrove?”
Don't Tell Me There's No Hope At All/ Together We Stand, Divided We Fall by Straight_Outta_Hobbiton [M | 59k]
Orphans | Parent Death | Domestic Violence | Murder | Adoption | Implied/Referenced Child Abuse |  Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution | Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction | Underage Drinking | Billy tries not to suck as a human being | Billy tries to be a good big brother | Slow Burn
Billy's used to being afraid of his father, and he knows he's not the only one scared. But it's one thing to know your stepmother gets smacked around every once in a while and another thing completely to find her body on the bathroom floor.
He's a mess, Max is even more of a mess, and Joyce Byers is a queen among mothers, she really is.
Damned If I Do You by ThirdActLove [M | 55k]
Character Study | Internalized Homophobia | Violence | Sexual Content | Homophobic Language |  Angst | Child Abuse | Hurt/Comfort | Canon Related | Fix-It
The first time Billy’s dad called him a faggot, Billy didn’t really know what he meant.
Billy Hargrove Needs A Nap – by lilpeas [E | 74.3k]
Mutual Pining | Sleep Deprivation | Cuddling & Snuggling | Friends to Lovers | Apologies | Billy Hargrove Redemption | Touch-Starved | Skin Hunger | Virgin Billy Hargrove | Implied/Referenced  | Child Abuse | Slow Burn | First Time | Domestic Fluff | Family Feels | Forgiveness
It’s one thing to be a light sleeper in this shitty town that won’t shut up at night, but it’s another thing entirely to fall asleep on Steve Harrington’s shoulder during last period English.
Pain, Will You Return It? by Anonymous [E | 32.9k]
a fic in which billy gets the help he needs and becomes a not shitty person eventual | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD | Child Abuse | billy swears a lot | Masturbation | Enemies to Friends to Lovers | Falling In Love | Internalized Homophobia | Period-Typical Homophobia | Homophobic Language | Hand Jobs | First Time | Smut
When Billy gets beaten to a literal pulp by his dad, the police get involved. Billy has to come to terms with what he has done to those around him.
He doesn't want to be like his dad.
Especially when he sees Steve Harrington. When he sees Steve, he wants to be good.
Three is Better (than One) by ToAStranger [E | 4k]
Gangbang | Feminization | Forced Orgasm | Light Bondage | Daddy Kink | Gags | Double Penetration | Double Anal Penetration | Triple Penetration | Barebacking | Come Swallowing |  Come Marking | Come Inflation | Light Dom/sub | Fluff and Smut | Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Rape | Roleplay | Safe Sane and Consensual | Safewords | Established Relationship | Alternate Universe - Modern Setting | Rimming | Humiliation
"This little bitch is tonight's toy," Billy says, walking over, hooking a finger through the loop at the front of Steve's collar and pulling until Steve's stumbling up onto his feet; he smacks a hand onto Steve's ass and laughs as Steve yelps and staggers forward a step. "Her pussy is already nice and ready for you."
meet with monsters by  lymricks [E | 13.4k]
Implied/Referenced Child Abuse | Billy fights the monsters too! | Protective Parent Jim "Chief" Hopper
Harrington stops. Billy watches all the blood drain out of Harrington’s face and there wasn’t much color there to start with. Harrington lifts the bat again, tries to get to his feet, lands back on his ass. “Billy,” he says again, but it’s desperate now, not relieved. “Billy, behind you!”
Four times Hopper doesn't arrest Billy and one time he does.
what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) by brawls (brawlite), ToAStranger [E | 119k]
Slow Burn | Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics | Alpha Steve Harrington | Alpha Billy Hargrove | misogynistic language | Mild Ableist Language | Explicit Sexual Content | Mentions of dubious consent | Rutting | POV Alternating | Bonding | Mating Bonds
Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble.
They never expected it to end up like this.
I also feel the need to point out some of the incredibly talented artists the Harringrove fandom has:
@wrecked-fuse – whose fanart was actually the trigger for my harringrove obsession. The artstyle, the amazing colorations (&incredible lighting) and the broad range of expressions & sceneries just made me instantly fall in love!!
@zayacv – whose AU short comics are so intriguing and hot that I reread a lot of them several times by now! You are looking for some steaming hot NSFW with great angles and the most lickable thighs in the fandom? Then zayac is the artist for you!
@ihni – whose doodles are just so damn funny! I had some really shitty days over the past few months but the creativity and joy of ihni‘s harringrove doodles really kept me sane & positive!
@pastenaga - whose Harringrove comic „Bad News“ broke my heart in the most beautiful way – over and over again! Seriously… if you haven‘t read this comic yet and you enjoy some angst & family feel: This is what you‘re looking for!!
@juu-riin – who is not just creating amazingly funny doodles but also increadibly pretty artwork. It‘s really the full package you get with this amazing artist!
@opaldraws / trashycatarcade – who has such an amazing take on Billy & Steve‘s relationship. There is so many cute artworks that really show new & adorable angles of the boys. Just so much creativity!
@wastingtime-justart – whose sketchy artstyle is just so damn pretty and makes especially Billy looks just so sensual! I‘m just in love with the strong strokes, the amazing anatomy and the way especially Billy‘s mouth and hair always look so pretty!
@gravegroves – who draws one of the most sensual Billy‘s I‘ve ever encountered. He just looks so damn BEAUTIFUL in all the pieces…
@avalonlights - whose clean arstyle & coloration I absolutely love. Whenever I look at their art, I wish it was an actual cartoon that I could watch!
@swankystuckup1 – whose soft artstyle & coloration skills I absolutely adore! And their art is so lively, with a wide range of expressions and moods just perfectly put to paper. Seriously check them out!​
@ichigata – whose paintery artstyle is mesmerizing and especially I love the way she draws Billy!
@darkmystwraith – who draws Billys locks perfectly! You like seeing our kings (& especially Billy) topless looking hot as hell? Then this artist is for you!
There would be so so many more to name… but this post is already long enough as it is. So I‘ll leave you with a big THANK YOU to all you amazing people in this wonderful fandom and am excited to check out everyone‘s else Feedback Fest entries to find even more amazing people.
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lunabonita · 3 years
My Webtoon Recommendations
These are webtoons that are all 10/10 for me. Of course it doesn’t have to be a 10/10 for you, so just a reminder, do not attack me for liking a webtoon that you do not. These are my opinions and we are not going to have the exact same taste. Please be respectful.
Your Throne
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Genre: Fantasy
Chapters: 75
Status: Ongoing
“Tensions are brewing under the seemingly calm surface of the Vasilios Empire, a kingdom ruled by the Imperial Family and the Temple. Lady Medea Solon has lost her place next to Crown Prince Eros, but resolves to win back whats rightfully hers. Will she reclaim her throne?”
You know whats amazing about this webtoon? The summary leads you to think that what shes winning back is the prince. Wrong. Shes trying to win back the throne. I love how this webtoon doesn’t try to make it a girl focusing her goals on a man, but on power. Medea is such a strong and well written character that you can’t help but love her.
The second protagonist Pschye, who of which is the person who took Medeas place as Crown Princess, is the complete opposite of Medea. At the beginning you hate her, but as the webtoon goes on and Medea and her get a better understanding of eachother due to them switching bodies as a wish from God, you begin to root for them as they team up to take over the throne from the Crown Prince.
The art is so beautiful and I constantly found myself at awe from the amount of detail put into it.
The Makeup Remover
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Genre: Romace
Chapters: 78
Status: Ongoing
“After years of being told to focus on studying, Yeseul feels lost when she starts college and is suddenly expected to pay attention to makeup. When a chance encounter with brilliant makeup artist Yuseong leads to her taking part in a televised makeup competition, Yeseul begins to question the role that makeup and appearance play in society.”
This was created by one of my favorite webtoon creators Lee Yone. Their art is just so amazing and their stories always include such good topics.
For instance, The Makeup Remover’s theme is loving yourself for who you are. It shows how people treat you based on your looks and as someone whos struggled with that kind of thing for a while, this webtoon really touched me. The main character Yeseul is such a relatable character, even when trying to reject beauty standards, she still came subject to the pressures of living up to the people around her. She struggles with trying to love her own appearance and I really like that this webtoon didn’t try to be like, ‘fuck the beauty standard im better than that screw pretty people!!!’ it actually showed realistically how people struggle with self-image. I also love the main love interest because oh my god, we need more men like him please. He doesn’t care about Yeseul’s appearance and genuinely loves her for her personality.
Also, art is amazing. The author is so talented and you should support them by reading and liking the chapters.
Surviving Romance
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Genre: Horror
Chapters: 14
Status: Ongoing
“When Chaerin Eun becomes the protagonist of the romance novel she is reading, she expects a fairytale ending with the novel’s love interest, Jeha. But when a bizarre twist makes her realize the story is not playing out as it does in the book, she’ll need the help of an unlikely character from her class to defy the new storyline and find her happy ending - if only she can figure out who this ‘Unknown Extra’ is first!”
Hands down one of my favorite webtoons by a long shot. You ever see a webtoon and think, ‘oh yeah, thats going to be a good webtoon’? Thats how this webtoon was for me. It was so good that I spent hours searching for other chapters that hadn’t been uploaded to webtoon yet on other manhua websites. I discovered it because it was also by the author of ‘The Makeup Remover’.
If there is one thing you need to know about me, its that I am a huge horror fan. So when I saw that my favorite author on webtoon had a horror themed webtoon out? You bet your behind that I binged it. Let me tell you, best choice ever.
Think of it as if ‘Ino’s Law’ and ‘Quarantine’ were combined with amazing art and a badass MC.
The Remarried Empress
I love how it is set up to the point where she cannot ‘quit’ until she completes the novel. Creating scenarios where she must survive while meeting the standards in the book. It is such an amazingly written webtoon and I cannot wait for more chapters to be released.
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Genre: Fantasy
Chapters: 82
Status: Ongoing
“Navier Ellie Trovi was an empress perfect in every way - intelligent, courageous, and socially adept. She was kind to her subjects and devoted to her husband. Navier was perfectly content to live the rest of her days as the wise empress of the Eastern Empire. That is, until her husband brought hone a mistress and demanded a divorce. ‘I accept this divorce… And i request an approval of my remarriage.’ In a shoking twist Navier remaarries another emperor and retains her title and childhood dream as empress. But just how did everything unfold? “
Am I in love with Navier? Yes.
I absolutely adore how this story was set up. The first chapter begins with the big divorce scene, followed by Navier saying that she was going to be remarrying someone else since he wants to divorce her. This sets up a picture that gets completely shattered as you read the chapters. How everything falls into place with the reason behind the divorce and the remarriage is just so well written. The art is so good and and everything is just so insanely well done.
I absolutely love Naviers character, from her regalness and devoted loyalty to her role as empress, all the way to her petty moments and times of sadness. She is truly a character that you want the best for, and I cannot image anyone not liking her. Also the story is just so capable of making you feel emotions. I’ve laughed, cried, and got angry during the course of reading this webtoon. I love how betrayed I felt when the emperor brought home his mistress. It felt like I was in Navier’s shoes!
This is such a well done webtoon and I'm so excited for Navier to get all of the good things she deserves in her new Kingdom and with her new husband.
Witch Creek Road
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Genre: Horror
Chapters: 74
Status: Ongoing
“A survival horror about love, acceptance, death, and revenge. And sexy flesh-eating demons. Yeah, it has those, too.”
This series seriously mind fucked me. The way that this story is set up, you don’t see the full picture until the later chapters. Season two literally blew my mind. It is also very gorey so keep that in mind if you don’t like that kind of stuff, but for me that makes it all the better. It is just so wild and crass that you can feel your heart pumping in anticipation.
They even have their own website that goes further into the lore because it’s just so wild. Also the art style is just so amazing, because it complements the story and horror theme so much. You hate most of the characters because they suck, and it is so satisfying when they are killed. Also it has it’s sad moments but I think it is a nice break from the horror so it isn’t so overwhelmingly scary.
I binged this series and I recommend reading only a few chapters a day so you don’t overload your brain.
Other then that, an amazing webtoon. Seriously, go read it, support the author, so much work goes into the story and art that it’s insane.
Dating With A Tail
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Genre: Romance
Chapters: 36
Status: Ongoing
“On the dawn of her 29th birthday, unlucky-in-love Yunha discovers a shocking family secret: she’s started growing a fox tail, the mark of an ancestral curse. She must find her fated love before her 30th birthday or she is destined to become a fox forever! Even with her new-found enchanting power to attract men using her scent, will one year be enough to break the curse before it’s too late?”
Oh my gosh this is just such a good webtoon. It has amazing art, story telling, and characters. The true love interest was there the whole time, the villain isn’t who you’d expect it to be, and the spirit who cursed her is just! Im not going to spoil it but go read this webtoon!! It is so good and deserves more love.
Also Yunha is just so relatable?? Like she put off finding the woodcutter (her fated love) for 29 years and waited last minute to find him. Homegirl is me trying to do a project for school. Also to get rid of the scent that makes men attracted to her, she just starts eating a ton of garlic and that is just so funny to me.
Also I would go to church for the priest anytime if you know what i mean ;)
Omniscient Reader
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Genre: Action
Chapters: 53
Status: Ongoing
“Dokja was an average office worker whose sole interest was reading his favorite web novel ‘Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse.’ But when the novel suddenly becomes reality, he is the only person who knows how the world will end. Armed with this realization, Dokja uses his understanding to change the course of the story, and the world, as he knows it.”
I cannot get over how high quality this story is. The world building is phenomenal, the art is fantastic, and the characters are very fleshed out. This deserved all the hype it has gotten so far and more.
I love the ‘mc thrown into a different reality’ trope so much. Just like with surviving romance, Dokja’s world became the story he was reading. Also a very cool aspect of the story is the level up and the fact that its like a game. Earth has turned into this show for god like creatures to watch and it follows Dokja trying to survive. I also really like that TWSA has a protagonist, but Omniscient Reader’s protagonist is not the protagonist that was in TWSA. There is just so much lore and I’ll say it again, the world building is just phenomenal.
The Ddokkaebi’s and Dokja’s interactions are also just some of my favorite moments from the story so far. And oh my goodness I would die for Lee Gilyoung. Thats it, thats the tweet. That little boy could probably kill me with his giant praying mantis and I would let him if it would make him happy.
Not So Shoujo Love Story
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Genre: Comedy
Chapters: 45
Status: Ongoing
“Romance super-fan Rei Chan is ready for her first boyfriend and she knows just who it’ll be: the most handsome boy in school, Hansum Ochinchin. But her plans for the perfect story are derailed when the most popular girl in class declares herself a rival… for Rei’s heart?! This is the year her not so shoujo love story begins!”
This is just such a cute webtoon. The style is very appealing and while the humor can be childish and weird sometimes, it still has made me laugh a lot. I know the humors not for everyone but just keep in mind that it does get better as the story progresses and gets more serious.
Also its a gl! I’m really unable to find good gls these days that don’t fetishize wlw relationships. Rei being painted as a mean trouble maker whos just misunderstood and Hana being the ‘perfect girl’ who only wants Rei’s attention is such a cute dynamic. They balance each other out and better each other. Also stan Rei for constantly sticking up for Hana even if she doesn’t necessarily like her in the beginning, she has very good morals and sticks to them.
Also the defying stereotypes in this webtoon? Just god-tier. Really makes you think twice when you judge someone just on first impressions alone.
Odd Girl Out
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Genre: Drama
Chapters: 264
Status: Ongoing
“After a successful winter break makeover, Nari is finally ready for her high school debut. But somehow, she ends up friends with the three prettiest girls in school! Follow Nari as she tries to navigate her brand new high school life surrounded by beauties.”
This story has made me cry multiple times. A lot, even. It is just such a beautiful tale of friendship and finding support in people who are unlike those around theme. It also tells a great story about how anybody can be the ‘odd girl out’. Be it the fat girl, the beautiful girl, the rich girl, or the laid back girl.
It goes so deep into its characters that you even feel bad for the minor antagonists. It really makes you feel for the characters and the reasons behind their actions. Also I know its long, believe me I binged all 260 chapters in the span of three days, but oh my god it is worth it. Also I know the art is kind of off-putting, in fact that’s kind of why I put off reading the story, but I’ve honestly grown to love it and the writing is so good that the art could be literal stick figures and it wouldn’t matter.
The story is amazing and also I just love Nari. She’s just the best.
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Genre: Horror
Chapters: 67
Status: Completed
“Six old school friends are invited to be the first visitors of GremoryLand, a new horror theme park that promises an experience as unique as it is spooky. But once this experience starts there is no turning back, and they find themselves tested beyond what they imagines, facing their most desperate fears in order to survive.”
This is definitely one of those stories were you kind of need to turn of your brain and choose to ignore ‘plot holes’ while reading the early chapters because this story definitely gets crazy if you don’t know the ending. Believe me if you stick with it it will all make sense and the satisfaction you get from finding the ending is just so worth it.
The story is so good, and who Gremory is you would literally never suspect. When it was revealed who Gremory was and how he was able to create Gremoryland is so fucking mind boggling that you would never guess. I had to do a double take. It wasn’t like one of those random characters with a vendetta type of twists, but like one you can pick out from clues throughout the story.
Its so good and twisted and just so worth at least giving it a chance.
These were some of my favorite webtoons on the app! Of course it’s not all of them because unfortunately there is a 10 image limit. I also made this because I’ve run out of new webtoons to read and would love if you guys commented some of your own recs. I can also do a part two with other ones I liked if y’all want more recommendations. You guys can even request specific categories like Drama or Sci-Fi and I can tell you my favorite ones from that genre.
Also a reminder - if you disagree with any of my praise of these webtoons be respectful about it. At the end of the day it’s my opinion and you don’t need to be rude when disagreeing with that opinion.
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staywritten · 4 years
Studio Time│Bang Chan
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Studio Time│Bang Chan
Synopsis: Your boyfriend is producing your groups comeback and you learn the downside of dating a perfectionist. 
Genre: one shot, angst-ish? Happy ending, idol!Chan, idol!reader, fluff with more fluff at the end.
Word Count: 2108
I wrote this fic like 5yrs ago for a different artist lol But I re-read it recently and still really liked it so I re-vamped it for SKZ. Especially after that episode of Weekly Idol when the members said Chan was sweet to them but he was really serious when he was making music, so I figured this was the perfect fit. 
When your label announced that your comeback album will be produced by Chan you weren’t really sure what to think. You prided yourself on keeping your careers separate, but on the other hand he was an amazingly talented producer and it wasn’t often that he produced for idol girl groups. 
At this point of his career he was expanding outside of doing work for just Stray Kids. It was an opportunity at which both parties benefited. He could grow his portfolio in a way that wasn’t possible when just producing for Stray Kids and he was an up and coming name in the industry.
You two didn’t date publicly but your members and management were aware of the relationship, so some of the pressure was lifted. You didn’t have to pretend like you didn’t know each other. 
Walking into the JYP building, you led your members to Chan’s signature studio. Despite coming to his studio pretty regularly, it was a little nerve racking coming to it for work. You felt just as nervous as you did when meeting a new producer. “Are you excited to work with Channie? How lucky are we! What kind of producer is he?” Your youngest member chimed, hooking her arm with you. 
You nodded laughing, giving her hand a little pat. “I guess we are pretty lucky.” Not many producers would be open to input, but since your members had a close relationship with your boyfriend you figured the atmosphere would be lighter. “I’m not sure how he is as a producer honestly. He’s never let me see him work before. Like I’ve seen him make beats, but never recording.”
As you all walked into his studio you smiled seeing him sitting with Han on the couch. “Wally!” you chimed giving the bright green wall a little pat. 
“What about me?” Chan pouted. 
“What about you?” you teased, giving him a wink. 
You did your group greeting and bowed, laughing at how silly it felt. Normally that would be saved for broadcast and fan meetings but it was a force of habit as a leader.
“Awww cute!” Chan chuckled before formally introducing himself just to cover the formalities. It wasn’t often you got to see your boyfriend while working, but you also had to keep in mind that you still had to work.
Chan walked over to you, pulling you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling brightly. “I missed you” he grinned. You did your best to ignore the aweing from your other members and Han. His nose brushed down the bridge of yours. 
“I saw you this morning” you played with the hair at his nape.
“I know, I missed you this afternoon” he laughed, pecking your lips, lingering just a moment too long.
You giggled, melting into his arms. “Aww, you’re being really cute today” you whispered, pulling back to look at him. “Don’t look at me like that” a smile tugged at your lips, as you gently grazed your nails against his scalp. “We have work yo do”
“Mmmm” he sighed into your touch. “I’m just excited to make this song. I worked so hard on it, it’s perfect for you” he smiled. “I made it just for you”
“I can’t wait” you chimed, pulling away from him. He whined letting you step back, a cute pout on his lips.
“Awww you guys are cute, it’s kinda gross” Han pretended to choke back a gag before laughing and grabbing his bag. “I gotta head to an interview, so I’ll catch you guys later.”
After the formalities, he played the demo track for you. Your members loved it. It was fun, playful and it had a bit of an edge to it. You couldn’t wait to record it. That was one of the plus sides about working with your boyfriend. You were actually very vocal at home about the direction you wanted to go in with your group.
This would be your first track of the new year, and all of your members were officially adults now. You wanted something teasing, and mature, yet still youthful and in true Chan fashion, he nailed it. 
All that was left now was to record it.
One by one your members did their lines, recording their parts in manageable segments. Chan was very caring with them, almost holding their hand through the process. “Minah, try singing it like this.” he coached her through it, reiterating her part, and changing the articulation toward the end. 
She was your youngest, and still wasn’t completely confident in her own voice yet so she was a lot to handle. She did her best to follow directions, but sometimes things were just out of her vocal range and when that happened Chan adjust accordingly. He coached her to give her the confidence that was needed to reach the note. Once she adjusted he clapped and gave her a thumbs up. “Very good, that was perfect! One more time, from the top.” In the end he changed up her part to best suit her voice and she had a cleaner take. 
You were proud seeing him so kind. You couldn’t help but watch him with the brightest warmth in your eyes. Your group were like your baby sisters and he was being so good to them. 
Unfortunately Minah wasn’t the most difficult take of the day, but he worked with each one of them carefully. In their defense it was a difficult song to sing. It was a very dynamic with lots of changes, not only was this a genre change from your groups usual music it pushed your vocalist and rappers to step up.  
Soon enough it was your turn to record. 
Although you couldn't really call it recording. 
Chan wasted no time in stopping you every few words. Perhaps you were spoiled with how doting and sweet he was with your members. Because it seemed that he had no intentions of treating you in such a manner.
“Babe, can you do it seriously?”
“No- Again that sounds horrible”
“Do it again”
“Again, from the top.”
“It’d be nice if I had a single sample I could use.”
“If you can’t do it, perhaps we should have someone else do it?”
“This is kind of embarrassing”
Was this even the same person? You understood constructive criticism. Constructive is what he was with your members. This was just being mean. You slipped off your headphones and glared at him when he stopped you again. That time you were in the middle of another take. It would have been nice to get a single line out with his opinion.
You hated that you wanted to cry.
You had to deal with some pretty tough critics. Producers, songwriters, choreographers, your CEO. Making an album was a high stress process with a lot of hands on deck. It was your job, so naturally it wasn’t going to go smoothly. Especially when everyone had different creative views, but this was the worst recording you’ve ever dealt with in the entirety of your music career. 
You just hated being yelled at. 
He knew that better than anyone. All those nights, you would come home from work and he’d have to console you after you’d been scolded. Chan knew that yelling immediately shut you down. You bit back your tears, wanting to hold it together for your members. You could see them struggling from behind the glass. It looked like they wanted to say something, at least tell Chan to ease up, but you shook your head and took a deep breath.
Normally you would avoid confrontation and just sing it the way the producer wanted, but you just couldn’t do it. Because what Chan wanted, wasn’t you.
You finally set the headphones on the rack inside before walking out. “Where are you going?” he frowned watching you take your backpack. “We don’t have anything for your part. We need to start from the beginning”
You shrugged. “Give my part to Jieun, she’ll do it better”
Jieun gasped before reaching out to you, shaking her head profusely. “What? But Unnie-”
“It’s fine” you gave her a small smile, trying to calm her. “I’ll call the company directly and tell them I can’t participate in the recording”
“But it’s our comeback track! You can’t not have a part in it” Minah grabbed your hand. She looked back at Chan “Tell her to stay.” Seeing the hesitation in his eyes she frowned more “Chan tell-”
“That’s enough.” you gave her head a small pat. “I’ll be fine. I just need to get out of here. I’ll check in on you later.” you looked to your second in command “Jieun you’re in charge.”
Chan rolled his eyes before crossing his arms over his chest. “So you’re just leaving? Do you always quit like this? Is that the way you lead?”
You froze, hearing his words. 
Was he trying to hurt you? What could you have possibly done? He was fine earlier. You gripped your fist, your body shaking before leaving the room with your head held high. You knew when someone was trying to get a rise out of you, and you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction.
On your way through the lobby you ran into Han. He smiled initially seeing you, but as you wiped away your tears he frowned. “Hey…”  His gentle voice pulled you out of your thoughts. It was too gentle. Almost sympathetic. You looked up, scrambling to bring a smile on your face. That signature idol smile you gave to the cameras. “You don’t have to do that…” he gave your shoulder a small pat. “Do you wanna get some coffee?”
You sat across from Han at the cafe across the street. He didn't push you to speak. He just gave you a moment to sort out your feelings, let you take your time and figure out what to say.
He sipped on his drink. “Chan-Hyung was being a jerk huh?”
It wasn’t really a question. There was a certain understanding in his voice. You looked up at him, your eyes narrowing. “Is he always like that?”
He chuckled. “Sometimes. Chan is a perfectionist. Always was. Always will be. There are times when our group has come to blows because Chan can just be a little too much when criticizing. Threatening to remove Changbin-Hyung’s part from the song, getting frustrated in vocal ranges…real harsh criticisms...things like that. I don’t even think he’s aware of when he’s doing it.” he sighed. “Like when we record it just seems like the stress finally gets to him.”
Your shoulders slumped. “But he was really nice to my members…Absolutely sweet to them…he was only mean to me. Not that I would want him to yell at my girls-I’d literally kill him. But…” you sighed staring into your coffee. “Why was he being so mean…”
“He was probably being extra careful with your members…”
“What do you mean?”
“When we were recording our collaborative stage with Niziu, Chan was really nice to them. Doting, constructive, an angel. But that day was hell on us. It’s like he had pent up frustrations and just couldn’t hold it in any longer. I swear Minho-Hyung almost quit that day.”
“What type of bullshit excuse is that?”
He shrugged. “No excuse. Just how it is…Like he can only be himself with people that he knows will forgive him. He can be an ass sometimes, but he sure does put out amazing songs.”
“But at what cost?” you sighed, taking a sip of your coffee.
Later that night Chan came home, sheepishly poking his head inside to see you sitting on the couch. His eyes widened as he entered. “You’re still here?” his voice a little more surprised than he’d like to let on. A lingering bit of reliefe to his tone.
You sighed turning the page of your book “I was going to leave your ass. But I figured we should at least talk. Despite what you make think of me. I’m not a quitter” you set your book down before crossing your arms. “So talk.”
“Look, I’m sorry about earlier. It’s just-” he groaned, raking his hand through his curly hair. “The track wasn’t going where I wanted to. It was getting away from me…The only way I’d like the track was for your part to be exactly what I envisioned...for you to bring everything back”
It made sense he did give you the biggest part of the song. The chorus, and bridge were the most memorable of his demo and he gave them to you. He even had you sing the demo for the company to pitch the idea. At the time you thought it was sweet, you had no idea the burden it’d be. 
It was obvious this song was made to be a solo for you.
“Your members did their best, but they just didn’t have the vocal range to do the song the way I envisioned it… So I made adjustments and compromises...” he sighed heavily. “And more adjustments...and more compromises...” he rubbed his temples. “Especially because if they can’t sing it at recording they wouldn’t be able to perform it on stage. So one change became another….” he sighed heavily, slumping into the chair. “I loved the song so much because it’s what I knew you wanted to release… But they just couldn’t...and…”
“I don’t think we can work together Chan…” you frowned. “You’re my boyfriend, and an amazing producer…but you can’t be both. In order for us to be happy with the track, and in order for me to be happy with our relationship we can’t work together.”
“We can still make it work. Let’s try again tomorrow.” he looked so hopeful. “I promise I won’t yell, and I-”
“You don’t understand Chan. You made me hate you.” your voice small, as you looked down. 
He sank down into himself. His shoulders slumping, hurt etched on his delicate features. Never in his lifetime would he have thought you’d say that. “You…You hated me?”
“I did…for a little bit…You made me hate myself…You made me feel like an inadequate leader, you made me question myself.” you hugged your knees. “I can’t feel like that ever again. I’m responsible for six other girls who look up to me. It’s so easy to get ransacked in this industry, to be pushed and pulled into concepts. They need to believe in me. I need to believe in me and my ability, but with you… I couldn’t. So for my sake…Let’s drop the project.”
He closed his eyes before nodding. “Alright…” He hated that he made you feel that way. He never intended it on getting that bad. He just panicked when he listened to the track, and you were the last person to record. You were supposed to be the saving grace of it. He wasn’t going to release something he didn’t at least like. Once again his overly perfectionist ways almost cost him something he wasn’t willing to lose. “I am sorry…” he whispered.
Producing was one of his greatest joys in the world, and singing was yours. There was just something so utterly heartbreaking knowing that you could never share your passions together. “I know…I’m sorry too.”
He bundled you in his arms, letting you lay your head on his chest. He pressed a kiss on top of your head. “I have one more compromise”
“You don’t give up do you?” you felt your lips tugging to a smile. “What’s your compromise lover boy?”
“What about I talk to your company into giving you this song for a solo for later this year? And you, me and Jisung write up a new song for your group comeback?”
“There’s no time”
He chuckled. “If anyone can write a song in crunch mode it’s Han Jisung” he smoothed down your hair. “I think with your help we can write something that’s mroe ideal for your girls”
“But a solo-”
“Baby I wrote that song for you.” he closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against yours. “That song was yours...And I need you to have it. You said your company was planning a solo debut anyway... so sing this.” 
“Chan I love you so much...But I can’t record an album with you”
His beautiful brown eyes gazed into you. “I offered you a compromise, offer me one too”
You pouted. “Fine, since you’re in the mood to make a deal. I’ll take your solo song only if I record with Jisung, and Changbin.”
“Deal” You smiled gently scratching his scalp, and placing a kiss at the base of his throat. “Mmmm...” a groan echoed from his throat. “I’m so sorry about today Baby”
“It’s fine” you relaxed into his touch as he traced patterns into your skin absently. You grinned. “It’s nice to know that you’re not perfect”
He chuckled, throwing his head back. “I never claimed to be perfect”
“Oh yeah?” You sat back, crawling onto his lap. A smile on your lips as you gazed into his eyes. “Mr. Perfect hair” you played with the hair on his nape. “Perfect smile” you placed a kiss on his lips. “Perfect dimples” your thumb brushing against his dimple. “Perfect voice” you pressed a kiss on his adam’s apple. “You are perfect in a million different ways.” you giggled “You’re just not meant t be my producer”
“I can live with loving you in a million other ways.” he stood up, lifting you in his arms and carrying you into the bedroom, your laughs echoing and filling the house.
Hey Friends! I hope you enjoyed that. It was nice revisiting an old fic and breathing some new life into it. If you liked it let me know <3 
I’m sorry my Felix scenario is taking so long... I’ve rewritten it like 8 times and I’m getting a bit overwhelmed I’m gonna try and revisit it when my mind is clearer. I’ve been starting at the screen for far too long. 
∘Tags List:
@skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @tonfilm @innivspearb @mini-meanhoe @poutychangbinnie
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bungoubookclub · 4 years
BUNGOU STRAY DOGS & The Art of its Characters
As an artist and casual manga reader I tend to be picky with my choice of reads, though I've bent my standards every now and then, Bungou Stray Dogs is a manga that I find absolutely exceptional-- no surprise considering it's one of my favorite series. An interesting story, beautiful and striking artwork, and an amazing cast of characters.
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Written by Kafka Asagiri and illustrated by the talented Harukawa35, the story follows Nakajima Atsushi, an orphan who has a life-changing encounter with a mysterious man named Dazai Osamu, and through an unforeseen turn of events, ends up becoming an agent at The Armed Detective Agency-- an organization that employs skillful individuals with supernatural abilities. From there Atsushi makes friends and foes alike, and tries to find the purpose of his life.
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It's formulaic premise of "young protagonist becomes affiliated with organization and battles other organizations", reminiscent of most shounen titles, is where most of its similarities with that demographic end. Instead of expanding its world and delving into lore, the series focuses on its characters, their growth, and their relationships with the world, each other, and themselves, befitting of a seinen title. It has a unique gimmick to its characters as well--that being that their namesakes are real-world authors and literary pioneers.
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Kafka's background in literature credits their adaptation of these literary figures into characters, making good use of their analytical and writing skills in interpreting the authors and their works into characters with abilities that pay homage to their namesake's famous works. Their skill as a writer is nothing to be looked over either, having written 8 novels, 2 light novels, and co-wrote one screenplay-- specifically for the series' film, "DEAD APPLE".
Its gimmick lends itself to the characters especially, often making references to the author or their works through their personality or character design, and becomes the foundation for the characters's overall story.
The character Dazai Osamu, for example, is a suicide-maniac determined to die a painless death, preferrably with a lover to accompany him to the other side. This is a direct reference to the real-life Dazai, who had attempted multiple suicides, one attempt being with his wife, however, he had survived while his wife did not. Dazai's character also meditates plenty about morals and ethics and what it truly means to be a human being, depressing over the fact that he will never probably be considered "human" by society's standards; his real-life counterpart's famous novel, No Longer Human, is a meditation on human society and what it truly means to be a human, and how to fit into the mold of what we generally deem as "human"--it also happens to be the name of Dazai's ability, which allows him to completely nullify any other ability through physical contact, rendering the once supernatural ability user into a regular human.
Their abilities work as great metaphors as well, and Francis Scott Fitzgerald, the leader of an enemy organization known as The Guild, is a good example of this. The Great Gatsby is one of the most notable works his real-life counterpart has written, the novel's themes focusing on wealth and criticising achieving "the american dream"; the character's ability, "The Great Fitzgerald", enhances his physical strength and prowess depending on the value of the items he exchanges it for, be it either cash or objects. This quite literal metaphor ties with how the character sees the value of people through their economic and social status, and becomes one of the driving forces behind his later character arc. From this we can determine a cruel and heartless man, but one who values hard work and ambition, stopping at nothing to achieve what he wants.
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Aside from the characters themselves, some of their relationships and interactions are also influenced by their real-life counterpart's relations with contemporaries, as well as the time period during which they were active.
The real-life Akutagawa Ryuunosuke and Nathaniel Hawthorne, for example, have opposing views on religion, specifically Chrisitanity; Hawthorne's novel, The Scarlet Letter, deals with the themes of sin and repentance through Christian faith, while Akutagawa's "O-Gin" is a historical fiction that takes place during the edo period and reflects on the spread of Christianity to the people of Japan and how the paranoia of the government manifests, it's also noted that during his final moments while reading the Bible, he claims that he can believe in the devil, but not in the existence of a God. In the manga, during a confrontation on the port, the characters Akutagawa and Hawthorne exchange lines of dialogue, a notable taunt coming from Akutagawa, "Irmão'', being a direct reference to the ancient ministers who have introduced Christianity to edo period Japan.
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The characters are intensely rich in personality and humanity, showing that not every character is strictly black or white, Dazai and Tanizaki Junichiro--another member of the Detective Agency--are great examples of this; Dazai's character is a mystery, and is, personally, very hard to break down. He is a man who has shown to have very flexible morals and ethics, but is also extremely loyal and attempts to be a goodhearted person. Relatively, Tanizaki is led to be believed that he is a docile and kind person--a running gag in the show being that he is very shy-- but is willing to commit any atrocities for the well-being of his younger sister, including murder. He puts his and his loved one's interests first, and that nearsightedness can put him and others around him in danger.
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Besides the written aspect about the characters, the designs done by Harukawa35 are so beautifully crafted to convey their person through a glance. Their clothes, physical features, shapes, color palettes, even down to their silhouettes are uniquely distinct from one another and feel very personal to that character. Here are some of my favorite examples:
Atsushi's belt, which gives his silhouette a sort of "tail", referring to his ability which allows him to transform into a tiger. His purple/gold irises are striking visual cues that allude to his supernatural ability as well.
Akutagawa's billowing cloak; aside from it's practical use for his ability, it also gives him a distinctive silhouette, along with the ruffles of his shirt and the cuffs of his sleeve that contrast the sharp edges of Rashoumon.
Margaret Mitchell's outfit which, although impractical in a battle, conveys her character of a southern belle very well. Her soft, bright color palette compliments the design of her partner, Hawthorne, who mostly dons darks and greys. Similarly, the soft and round shapes abundant in her design contrasts that of Hawthorne, who is sleek, angular, and sharp by comparison.
Nakahara Chuuya's overall design, which characterizes him perfectly (accurate considering the fact that he was the most difficult character to conceptualize, according to Harukawa). The dark colors of his outfit contrast the bright orange of his hair and blue eyes, giving the idea that despite his position as an executive in the Port Mafia, his personality is as wild and stark as his features. The billowing cloak gives his silhouette a sense of dominance to make up for his small frame, broadening his shoulders and making him appear bigger. And accessories such as his hat, gloves, and choker are all very symbolic to important aspects about his story:
the hat being a gift from Arthur Rimbaud along with the chain accenting it, possibly taken from Paul Verlain;
The gloves covering his palms as he never uses his fists in battle, and only removing them when he becomes possessed by Arahabaki;
And the choker symbolises his loyalty to Mori Ougai and the Port Mafia, for which he is called a "Dog of the Mafia" by Dazai.
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And speaking of designs, the various rivals and partners in the series have not only great complementing visual designs, but chemistry, story, and writing as well. Rivals/Partners such as Soukoku (Dazai and Chuuya), Shin Soukoku (Atsushi and Akutagawa), and Mori Ougai and Fukuzawa Yukichi-- the leaders of the main opposing organizations, the Port Mafia and the Detective Agency, respectively--all have amazingly distinct contrasts in terms of visual cues, my personal favorite being Shin Soukoku's black and white theme, as seen in their contrasting color palettes, outfits, and personalities.
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I could go on about the Rivals' various dynamics and stories, Character analyses, and such and such, but @bsd-bibliophile has made much better analyses and are very detailed and more refined in terms of composition and content (I would not be able to touch upon Atsushi's themes of existentialism without having to delve into the author's works and the character's story, much less with any finesse, my skill level is nowhere near that standard :'))), so go check their blog out for further in-depth reading!
To wrap it up, Bungou Stray Dogs is a great manga with not only fantastic writing in its story, but in its characters as well. To be able to convey rich, layered stories through people has always been the reason I've wanted to work with Characters and more specifically, Storytelling. This series has rekindled my passion for Storytelling and has made me appreciate how important and fantastic Literature is as well (seriously, to be able to paint images in your mind and make people think and feel through words alone is a skill that I can only dream to achieve).
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blackwhitendn-xavia · 4 years
my buddy.
my cousin is a dark-skin black boy with ADHD. that can cause him to have anger issues sometimes, but he would never hurt anyone. he’s never hurt anyone seriously. minor property damage, yes, and the same sibling fights as anyone else, but he would never hurt anyone. i have autism and have been helping him with certain similar aspects of our disorders.
we’re both also the oldest kids in our families, so i get him on that front as well. he is the kindest, sweetest, most loving boy i’ve ever met. the only man i respect. he gives the best hugs i’ve personally ever received and we have a mutual respect i don’t get from almost anyone else in our family. he is like a baby brother to me.
he’s starting fourth grade next week. he’s my boy, my buddy. the day i met him he was seven months old. my aunt started fostering him that september. it’s been nine years since then. he’s 9 and a half now. he was adopted in november 2012.
i say all of this because i know what could happen to him. i’ve had nightmares of seeing his name flash across the TV, the news anchors saying his name over and over until the only connotation it has is pain. he’s tall for his age, too, he’ll probably grow up to be 6’6” or so.
my little boy is not dangerous. he is not going to hurt you.
he’s a kind boy who loves to draw, play minecraft, and give great hugs. he sometimes talks like a grandfather because he spends so much time around old people. he plays minecraft on his switch while i do his hair. he tells me about his house. his favorite things to draw are dinosaurs, dragons, and sonic the hedgehog. he’s an amazingly talented artist. he wants to be a graphic novelist when he grows up. he hates donald trump and loves bernie sanders. whenever he plays cowboys, he tells me that he’s fighting the bad guys so he can give the land back to “uncle [my dad’s name]’s people” (meaning natives).
i call him my buddy. he loves it. he likes snuggles and playing with other people’s long hair. he asked me if he was going to get hurt like george floyd, i told him i don’t know.
he is terrified. so am i.
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louloubabys1992 · 4 years
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Five Favs of 2020
I was tagged by the amazingly talented @mercurial-madhouse​ to do this and I thank you for it as its been a while since I’ve looked at my fics or any of my work really....so here goes :D
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work.
1-Hang there like fruit, my soul/Till the tree die
Fic summary;
''You still want me?'' he asks, voice thick. ''Yes,'' Harry's answer is absolute, almost defiant. ''But my hands are empty,'' Louis shakes his head. ''I've got nothing to offer you.'' ''I don't care about that. Do you see my hands?'' Harry asks before he cups Louis' face. His touch is gentle. He's always gentle when it comes to Louis. ''When I'm not holding you, I feel empty, but like this,'' he presses closer until their faces are inches apart. He caresses the apple of Louis' cheeks and that's when Louis realizes that he's spilled tears and Harry's wiping them. He didn't even notice; too busy looking into Harry's kind, kind, kind alpha eyes. ''I feel like I'm holding the world and I don't feel empty anymore,''
Louis knows he's a defective omega. He knows its also not his fault but it is what it is. He takes the world head on even when the world is unkind to him. Not Harry though; stubborn as he is, he doesn't back down, not when it comes to Louis
Those who read this fic know that this is my first ever abo fic. I wrote this in a time when I thought the world was ending. I had been on lockdown like the rest of us with not much to do and yet all the time in the world to finally do what I’m truly passionate about, which is writing. I don’t know if anyone noticed this but the difference between this fic and my latest one was six months (aside from a 16 chapter fic which I was writing almost simultaneously with ‘’Hang there’’ so for it to get any kudos or comments at all is quite unbelievable to me and I am really proud of the journey it took me on. It was one bumpy but amazing ride.
2-As the snow flies
Fic Summary:
’'I can’t sleep without you anymore. Got used to you.’’ Harry is always like that, so transparent with his feelings, so abundant with his love. He cuddles Niall the most, always stares up at Zayn like he’s something cool and out of this world, always attentively serious with Liam and always helping Leona out in the kitchen. He’s not so different from the shy, timid boy he’d first met, still stands pigeon toed when he’s waiting for Louis and the lads to go home after school, still stands with his shoulders all hunched but then he sees Louis and suddenly he’s taller, brighter, smile and dimples on full display.
He’s so beautiful.
-Or the fic in which Louis and Harry are foster kids who get separated long before they could even understand what loving each other means. They were so young and since then, circumstances had made Louis tough, had forced him to harden up. What happens when he and Harry meet again?
Probably the easiest fic I’ve ever written because the idea had been swirling in my head for years, I just never had the time to sit down and put pen on paper (or letters on a word document hahah). It’s not for the faint of heart, I know, but I’ve always wanted to write it and flush it out of my system and when I did finally start writing it, it wasn’t as hard as writing my other fics. Like, I knew how it would end, I knew what scenes I had to cut out, what fit, what did not fit and I have to say, even though the outcome is not the way I had imagined it at first but it is everything it was meant to be in the end :D
3-The Boy with the Tin Chest and a Glass Heart
Written for the @bottomlouisficfest​
Fic summary:
Alpha Harry Styles, world-renowned author of fairy-tales, is being persuaded by the Beta, Liam Payne to hire a new illustrator. Since Harry’s own illustrations are too graphic for what is supposed to be children’s stories, Liam feels the need is dire. Omega Louis does not agree with Liam since he believes that Harry’s stories are fine just the way they are. Of course this has nothing to do with Louis being totally biased or totally head over heels for Harry. It certainly has nothing to do with being jealous of the mysterious omega illustrator Liam has in mind to team Harry up with. Seriously, it has nothing to do with that at all. Nothing, absolutely nothing, zilch, nada. Yeah...
During my time of self isolation while the world tore itself apart, I busied myself with writing and watching k-drama series to distract from being anxious and swept by it all. It did wonders for me, occupying my time like that as I have always loved writing and this year, I found a new love for korean actors and their dramas and I have to say, their stories have such amazing plot lines. This fic is heavily inspired by one k-drama series called ‘’its okay not to be okay’’ starring Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Yea-ji (I hope I got the names spelled right). Please do watch it if you haven’t already :D
4-The Importance of being Earnest
part of the @1000feelingsfics​
fic summary;
Harry cannot help but pay extra attention to Louis' order, even if it is just a warm cup of tea with a dash of milk and no sugar. He also makes sure that the Danish Louis asks for is warm and fresh from the oven and not the one in the display, even if it means delaying Louis a bit when he fetches said Danish from the kitchen. It's all worth it when Louis smiles his crinkly smile at him before he rushes off to work.
Man, he's hot, he cannot help but think.
Or Harry is a barista who's been harboring a crush on Louis for months. Little does he know that Louis actually likes him back.
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before but this fic was included in a podcast which has never happened to me before and I am so so so happy and proud that my fic got that type of attention (or any attention at all hahahaha) so like, it is quite special to me and honestly, a lot of the fics written for the @1000feelingsfics​ challenge are really, truly incredible
5-Bed of Nails
fic summary;
Louis has been keeping a secret for a very long time. The boys don’t know because he doesn’t tell them, not because he doesn’t want to but because he doesn’t think they need to know or be bothered by his troubled past. When they find out, they look at Louis differently. But Harry doesn’t. No, he loves Louis and will do anything in his power for his love to find its way through the cracks.
Or the one where Louis has a troubled past that catches up to him and Harry does his best to save him from it.
This is my longest fic ever, not just in chapter count but in time (it took me actual years to finish it, whew, what a journey). A lot of things happened while writing this fic but one event that stands out among the rest; I lost my younger brother back in 2016. He was only 23 years old. I started writing this fic in 2015 and finished it January 2020. Losing George crippled me both mentally and emotionally. I had no power, no inspiration and definitely no will to do anything but try and seem okay for the sake of my grieving parents. I bottled it all up to try and seem strong in front of them and in return, I forgot about anything else, including my passions and my hobbies. It took me a herculean effort to finish this fic and I mostly did it because writing to me, is like an itch. I can stop writing sure but every once in a while, that itch that nags at you like an incessant person knocking, begging you to just open up the door on the swirl of words blasting your brain in the middle of the night, begging you to just do something, doesn’t ever completely go away. So, I didn’t ignore it and decided to finish it, no matter how long it took. The itch to write went away after that and a sense of calm and accomplishment took over instead. I miss George till this day. Nothing will ever turn off that feeling but writing to me, in any form, whether in my journal or fics or whatever, does have the power to push me through the day. 
And there goes; my 2020 fics. I want to tag a lot of people but I think most people I know here already did it but if you see this or read this, take that as your cue to do it too. We all need some self love in this world and self love is what we deserve. 
Happy new year everybody :D
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spitzofseidou · 4 years
ace of diamond (season 1) review
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Hey there! I have recently finished the first season of Ace of Diamond and I’m going to be reviewing on five categories: plot/pacing, characterization/relationships, voice acting, art and OST. Aaaand because of how much I enjoyed it, I’m going to throw in my favorite character, dynamic and OP/ED. At the end I’ll be adding rewatchability/recc score. 
Genre: Shonen / Sports Subgenres: Comedy / Slice of Life / School  Synopsis: Sawamura Eijun is a unique southpaw pitcher from a small town in Nagano with a lot of potential but unpolished skills. After being scouted to play for Seidou High School (a prestigous baseball school in Tokyo) he is encouraged by his friends and family to go and accept the offer and pursue his passion for baseball at a higher level. Confident to the point of arrogant, he declares that he will be the ace pitcher on this new team and be the best -- but has to grapple with the fact he is surrounded now by extremely powerful, talented players who have been honing their skills for years-- some of whom are better than him, like his rival Furuya Satoru, a pitcher with a wicked fastball. Together, this team aims to be the best in Japan and aim for the Summer Koshien, tackling formidable teams who stand in their way--as well as work on their own goals, dreams, fears and insecurities. 
Plot & pacing: The pacing of this show is very well done. In a 75 episode first season, it is rather long, with many of the baseball games drawn out. But its well worth it, as the writing brings a lot of emotional gratification by “feeling what they feel.” Starting with Sawamura being scouted, going through intense spring training and the selection of the summer starting roster, throughout the highs and lows of the summer season and into the post-summer scrimmages and finally rounding out the season with the third-year retirement game before the fall tournament raffle, every bit is given important narrative attention. 
The reveal of information through the eyes of the protagonist; not knowing about Chris Yuu Takagawa’s injury until Sawamura knows it, not knowing how much the current third years sucked as players until the right moment through flashbacks during the tipping point of the finals game, for example -- is such an important choice that we as an audience feel what he feels. The summer games feel very high stakes, the emotional impact is well-earned; every victory feels like it was earned and not given through plot armor or well ~obviously Seidou is the protagonist team, they have to win.~ Seidou as a team was written as strong but not invincible. SPOILER: This is emphasized at the finals game against Inashiro. Despite losing, while emotionally devastating, it feels like it was a logical writing choice and will be important growth for not just Sawamura but the team as a whole. 
The yips arc that follows the loss wraps up in a very wholesome retirement game, with Sawamura not fully recovering, but beginning to do truly do so, and the hopeful note of beginning the fall tournament, leaving the audience ready and excited for more. 
As a side note, Ace of Diamond very beautifully balances comedy to drama, so it takes itself seriously but is also genuinely comedic. I have two running jokes of “fellas, is it gay to x” and “screenshot of out context being x” as well as actually laughing over some of the planned jokes. But it is truly an emotional carthartic journey.
[Did I cry? yes. so much.]
characterization & relationships: All of the characters feel very well-rounded with diverse ethnic and social backgrounds and personality traits. Some may be static but many of them experience growth to become better people and players. Sawamura is a good “bouncing board” of a character, as someone who goes from arrogant to experiencing several setbacks and a devastating loss that makes him examine his own biases, weaknesses and flaws that also reveals to his opponents their own shortcomings. Several other characters are better players than him, and that’s okay. On the flipside, one of the canon examinations as well as audience reaction is that Coach Kataoka has a team who is a family, a well-oiled machine who works amazingly together because they trust and care for one another, that he encourages growth and inspires them to be the best not just as baseball players, but as individuals as well. The opposing teams are also not just blank slates to fight against, but thoughtful people with their own desires, backgrounds and flaws--Mei Narumiya is cocky and unable to handle criticism once put on a pedestal, Sanada Shunpei has low stamina, etc etc. 
Something that’s extremely important to reemphasize is the relationship the Seidou team has to one another in that everyone affects everyone else. Sawamura chooses to go to Seidou specifically because Miyuki Kazuya, a first year at the time, encouraged him to pitch, so he had one upperclassman who already believed in him by the time he enrolled. Sawamura has both batchmates (first years Furuya Satoru and Haruichi Kominato) that encourage him through rivalry (Furuya) or gentle friendship (Haruichi) and several upperclassmen he admires and multiple times states he adores this team as it is, because he looks up to them for guidance and inspiration-- quiet team captain Tetsuya Yuuki, loud outfielder Isashiki Jun (the namesake of this blog, “the spitz of seidou”), speed demons Ryousuke Kominato and Youichi Kuramochi, and more. 
In particular, he has an exchange of growth with Chris Yuu Takagawa, someone he mistook for being uncaring and hopeless about baseball with a dead-eyed appearance. Chris, after being injured, all but had given up on playing again, but Sawamura’s noisy and blunt personality who kept pushing him encouraged him to return to the field, and have hope again. Chris is a teacher that Sawamura then deeply respects and is there for him when he has the yips, returning the favor to help break him out his funk. The symbolism. *weeps*
Important to note also it that is isn’t just about Sawamura and the effect he has on them, but the relationships they have with each other. The Kominato brothers have their own relationship where Haruichi wants to be like his older brother; Isashiki may act wild and aggressive and cocky, but he is truly humbled by their team captain Tetsu; Miyuki and Chris met years before Seidou and that informs their dynamic and the kind of players they are today. This also extends to other teams; some have similarities like Akikawa Academy revering their pitcher Yang Shunchen and how that parallels with Seidou adoring Tanba even when he was out with an injury, and others juxtaposed with them i.e. how some players at Inashiro seem to resent the spotlight Mei receives or Shirakawa callously telling another player to kill himself. 
I also wanted to note the way Coach Kataoka also sees his team; he is in many ways like a stern but loving father figure who wants the best out of his boys in every way, off and on the field. Other coaches seem to care more about money or fame than their wellbeing (Coach Todoroki or the replacement coach for Seidou), and others have different styles as coaches whether from pro experience or just age. It really emphasizes that it’s not just about the talent a team may or may not have, but how those players are nurtured as people.
(Favorite relationships: Chris & Sawamura, the Kominatos, Miyuki & Chris, .)
[Side note: if you care about shipping, this is a buffet, you’re going to have a great time.]
Voice Acting: The voices of this cast are spot on. Everyone’s voice seems to match their face and personalities and all of the voice actors give 110% to the character. The voices really make it for me, as I’m very particular about the sounds. It feels very realistic and the voices really make them seem like actual people and gives the audience a reason to invest. I’ve got nothing but praise for the voice actors and voice direction of this cast. Art: I could go on and on about the art. The motion is very fluid, the backgrounds are amazing. The character designs are stunning and everyone feels unique and given thought. Style-wise it was very refreshing to see as a lot of modern anime I’ve been watching seems to have the stereotypical “2000s” feel, whereas Ace of Diamond feels like a gorgeous late nineties/early 2000s homage--fitting since, despite airing in 2013-2015, the manga originated in 2006 and it followed the art of the manga nicely. The color palettes are very beautiful and vibrant. I remarked more than once while watching it that it was clear that the artists cared for studying human anatomy, movement and realism (in comparison to how some battle shonen care more for looking cool.) The art is what drew me in to begin with and it never disappointed.  OST: I loved the OST so much. Frying-Pan did such an amazing job delivering gorgeous pieces of music. The beauty of it was just off the charts and went above and beyond to make fitting pieces for character themes, scenario specific pieces etc. Also the OPs by Tom H@ck and Glay were appropriately themed and got me pumped every time. I love the various endings also and their little character revealing bits. I like them all so much I never skipped them while watching.
[Favorite OP: Perfect Hero. Favorite ED: Cloud Nine. I listen to Cloud Nine literally every day.] Can I rewatch? Absolutely! Even knowing what’s going to happen, the emotional journey is worth it.  Would I recommend? 10/10. Even if you don’t like sports, this is a great one. It was my first sports anime and it has set the bar so very high. 
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enigmatic-elegance · 5 years
Mas’ Must Follow MASterpost
[In no particular order]
@risrielthron One of the best. You will feel as if you are talking with your lifelong friend. Sweet, friendly, and generous. A true example of who we should all try to be more like.
@theodorebennas Daddy Beans. Chill dude. Knows he can be a bit of a meme and owns it. Actually extremely smart and has a ton of good sense. Crusade!
@tanzrielle Super chill in the most not chill way. Will talk your ear off about their awesome characters and want to hear all about your own too. Great person to know and bounce ideas off of.
@thebattlesheep @a-sheep-does-art Sweet thing. Loves to meet new people. Does not RP much but when they do they kill it.
@possum Loser. (Seriously such a humorous, sweet, and all around amazing person.)
@wiedaashcroft Really great character, and the person who plays them is extremely laid back and chill.
@the-petalpaw-family They don’t RP as much right now, but their stories and characters are next level. No lie, they take things like plot and character lineage to places you rarely see. Amazing places.
@kat-hawke ICly very interesting and intense character. OOCly a more grounded individual. Blunt, but never cruel.
@darthscharactervault Someone who does not give themselves nearly enough credit for how creative they are with their ideas and characters.
@gwenya Often NSFW but she’s a gem of a person. Amazing, chill, down for whatever. She’s the raunchy friend you never knew you wanted.
@the-real-arcanist-val Smart person, fantastic writer, extremely sensible and rational. All around someone you want to know.
@vaard Never personally interacted with him, but he’s an iconic figure among the community. Everyone should follow. (Does not take commissions but is an amazing artist, too.)
@harvee-sarah-zena One of my closest RP partners. Might not post as much as they SHOULD but if you can catch them their RP is some amazing work. And their characters are all so unique.
@thegreatnyehehe Likely not returning to WoW any time soon, but still one of the best characters ever. To this day, worth reading through their posts.
@kinzorscarstorm Chill dude with a cool character. Have not interacted much IC, but respect them OOC for their char and methods.
@open-world-azeroth Not really a ‘person’ but a great resource for some fantastic RP spots.
@mediocre-bladeleaf Very cool aesthetic, and from what I see of their writings they have some awesome characters.
@draenei-tales Shout out to a fellow active and really cool looking Draenei RPer. All I see from them is extremely interesting.
@leora-strauss Don’t know much about the character but their aesthetic is so amazingly cool.
@serelia-evensong Active and interesting RPer. Will fill your dash up with fun to read posts of all kinds.
@susan-gampre Hoe. But she knows it. And she’s good at it. The character and RPer both are sassy and take no shit, and I love them for it.
@storykeeper-wra Spooky character. But not tired and boring spooky. The sort that’s very interesting. Like a good book. Makes sense they are the storykeeper, because their story is very appealing.
@halforc-mercenary Have always wanted to interact with their character but never much got the chance. Still adore their writings on my dash, and they often impress me with their plots and quality.
@rhysgoodwin Cute char, updates often, fantastic writer.
@priestess-nightfury Elf RP/Aesthetic at some of its very best.
@stonestridernerd They will love you and make you feel like the best person ever just be hurling likes at you and complimenting your work. They are just a gem of a person. So, so sweet.
@theshadowborn Shame I’[ve not interacted with their character much, but they are a clearly talented writer.
@durotan-ofthe-frostwolf Lot of OOC silly stuff, but genuinely a cool person and always a pleasure to see on your dash.
@ranekvilmas Just a very talented writer and all around chipper guy. One of those people who always has something interesting on their blog to read.
@penvenomstarkstar A good head on this one’s shoulders. ICly their character is extremely well written with so, so much depth. Endless things to discover here.
@ravenpriest DAMN awesome aesthetic. Really nails the gothica vibe.
@longveil Such a cool aesthetic. I’d follow for that alone, and there is so much more there too.
@kyuusei-shadowleaf Another blog worth the follow for aesthetic alone. So cool to see across your dash.
@k-sunrael Followed for a long time. Their blog can sometimes be a bit NSFW but the content is quality.
@monster-of-master In the vibe of ‘dark’ aesthetic without being overtly in your face. The sort of subtle horror we all secretly crave. Very much enjoy their content.
@summysparklesprocket Such an amazing, kind, and funny person. And the character is next level because they are a Gnome taken seriously. Love them.
@quai-mason @andrew-mason Extremely talented writer and one of the few who posts so, so frequently. You’ll eagerly await their next post, trust me.
@unabashedrebel ICly they are a very cool character with awesome stories. OOCly they are a smart and conscience driven individual with a good moral sense. More than once they’ve shown they are not afraid to stick up for what matters. Lot of respect.
@safrona-shadowsun Killer character aesthetic, great reblogs, and does not ruin their theme with bullshit. Fantastic follow, this one.
@helryder666 All over the place with their posts, but its never unwelcome or uninteresting. They always seem to know what you wanna see, even if you don’t know.
@thewardancer Some of the best troll aesthetic I’ve seen, honestly.
@brandstonethings Just a big bear of a man. I love him, and you will too. He’s so well written he feels alive.
@archmage--khadgar I hesitate with people who RP lore characters. This one managed to be one of my few exceptions. They actually do a really great job with it.
@forhonorandglory Only followed for a short time, but still worth it in my books. Sharp wit, great character.
@covexalexanderkingsley Don’t know if they still RP as much these days but they remain a very fantastic and creative individual.
@eilitheduskbringer Very talented writers. One of the best I’ve seen. And they host to an amazing community I’ve come to respect.
@thepalewolfhowls Great artist too, but I mainly know them for their awesome character and fantastic sense of story and plot.
@the-royal-courier A fantastic source of events and stories. While they don’t host many writings of their own, they still reblog community events. Absolutely advise a follow.
@stormwinduniv Been around about as long as my old arse. Very talented group of writers who put on so many community events and intellectually focused debates.
@the-silver-circle A group of extremely talented writers focused entirely on Kaldorei writing and storylines. Very high levels of respect from me.
@moment-in-time-wra Less a ‘guild’ but still a great service for in game photography. They make your events look fantastic! Run by Risri.
@atc-wra A very talented small group of RPers who know how to make stories pop. You just want to be a part of them, or read what happens next.
@deadsunharbor Very fantastic crew who are open to all manner of amazing RP opportunities. They do criminal/dark correctly and with finesse rarely seen.
@oathswornvanguard Lawful good guild done proper. They have stood the test of time not only with their quality but their kindness and openness to the community.
@wraconnect A great source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@wowrpevents Another fantastic source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@wracentral ANOTHER fantastic source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@whimsicallyart @elaianna Talented, intelligent, observant, and all around a gem of a person. Worth knowing.
@littleliongod One of the best I have worked with. Talented, priced very fair, extremely punctual, very communicative. Can not possibly recommend enough for any commission work.
@artofaokori Worked with them before and would absolutely do so again. Their style is very unique and you’ll recognize it anywhere in a good way.
@vintrove @vinsketchbook Extremely talented. Some next level stuff. Commissioned them twice and both times they blew me away with the end product.
@catbatart @cat-bat Such a shame I’ve only worked with them one time. One day, I must commission them again because they are the sort of artist who will go that extra mile and bring your piece to life.
@ferachidoesart They are Ferachi. They do art. Really well. Great style, super unique, and their commission prices are way more reasonable than you’d expect for their amazing quality.
@auggusst-art @auggusst Really such a kind and talented soul. One of those hidden gems of tumblr. They deserve more notice, so go give it to them!
@blackdogmelancholyooc @blackdogmelancholy Nerd. But actually a really cool dude with a ton of raw talent. They are great to work with.
@anzka Have not posted here in a while, but you should take a peek. Why? Because no one. Draws. Gnomes. Better.
@planktonheretic You like thick ladies? What about buff ones? Then my friend, have I got a treat for you. That treat is Plank. Check out their Twitter too for even more fantastic work!
@kellydidathing Amazing artist. Very busy person, but worth the investment because the art is top notch.
@izzarra Talk about raw talent refined into a craft. This artist is going places, seriously. Amazing stuff.
@thestringking @jane-fitzgerald @ahn-qiraj Extremely talented young lad who I know will go on to kill it in the art industry. Already one of the best out there, no lie.
Self Plug
My blog should be easy to find, right at the top of this post here, or the bottom. If you want to see all my character blogs, please check out RIGHT HERE (under repairs atm so a few of the characters might not work or link improperly) for a complete list. Each character page here contains a link just under their summary that will take you to their individual blog. Check out the ones that interest you!
Also want to plug my own guild, @coldwall-collective, for still being some of the best writers and content creators I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Go check us out!
Not Here?
Don’t be sad! Many reasons could be the cause. Maybe we’ve just not interacted enough. Or maybe I’ve not seen many of your posts. Maybe I overlooked you because I’m silly. Any of these could be a reason. If you don’t see yourself here, it does not mean I don’t appreciate you. I do. You’re a part of what makes this community great and I have all the respect for you.
114 notes · View notes
malakhai-ozera · 4 years
  Thread || Khai & Emily
Discord text thread featuring: Khai & @warmvlbes
Mentions: brief mentions of Ro & Jay
When: After the Throuple Pride Event.
Description: Khai plays his song for Emily and things get heated.
Trigger Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT!!!
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ A laugh belted from her mouth as she started walking with him, shaking her head just thinking about it. Stardust was great for putting on a show. However, the guest were no joke. Emily had many times where they never failed to remind her of how badly she hit a note, or whether or not a song was right for her and while she appreciated the criticism, for people like Khai, she didn’t want that for him. It could easily discourage someone so fresh to the scene and she wasn’t going to let that happen. “I knew you’d like that better.” She smiled, happy he agreed to come by her place, simply happy she’d get to actually enjoy him without any distractions surrounding them. “I’m just down the road here, actually.” She said as she lead the way and turned to look at him, blushing as he smiled at her. Stopping at a tall red building, she buzzed herself in and began walking up the steps, leading them to her apartment. “Just um…head straight back. My piano is right inside my bedroom.” She said, opening the door and waiting to follow him inside.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Khai was definitely a lot more shy than he’d usually put off. He was good at faking his confidence, but lately he had been a bit of a mess. He followed her down the road to her building with his nerves rattling the closer they got. Laughing once they were inside and she had informed him that the piano was in her bedroom. “Ah, that’s a brilliant place for it” he teased, giving her a wink. He made his way to her room and slowly opened the door to peek in. The piano was beautiful and very well kept and he made his way over to it with enthusiasm. Even with his nerves getting the best of him, he couldn’t wait to play. Lifting the cover he sat down onto the bench and smiled over to the blonde. “So... this song is really personal. So, I’m sorry if I... uh, get emotional” he laughed. His fingers brushed over the keys playing a few notes before turning to her once more. “This is called Fool For You” he said softly. Closing his eyes as he began the melody and started to sing. His voice was soft at first,  but it was easy for him to get lost in the words. Pouring his emotions into the song and forgetting that anyone was listening at all. [Song for reference]
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ "Hey, it's the only place I keep most of my studio equipment from home." She smirked, knowing that it was in a daring spot but her sanctuary was her bedroom. It was where she felt safe and felt like she could get away from the world for a while. Even on her worst days, Emily would immediately come out of work and find herself locked away in her bedroom, a pen to paper, and her guitar or piano right at her fingertips. It was the only place she felt home and she only hoped Khai might feel that same feeling, if not something similar, as soon as he sat at the piano. "Don't worry. We all get emotional at times. Just...sing from the heart." She encouraged before taking a seat next to him on the bench. As he started playing, Emily closed her eyes, listening to the beautiful playing. It was amazing, and quite hypnotizing. She felt as though she was in a daze and the minute he started singing, she could really feel the emotion in the song. She turned her head, watching him play as he gave his all. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched him, nearly wanting to tear up before finally placing a hand on his back, running her hand across it slightly in hopes it offered him some comfort as she waited for him to finish.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Khai could feel her hand press against his back and start to rub as he neared the end of the song. He hated showing his emotional side in front of people, especially people he had just met, and was trying to make a good impression on. When the song finished he smiled over to her and shrugged slightly. “I- uh, that’s it” he nodded. Licking his lips before pulling the bottom one between his teeth. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but his hands were shaking. He felt like he had just been through an intense therapy session.  It it felt good, in a weird and kind of rejuvenating way.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “Khai, that was amazing.” She told him, keeping her hand on his back and smiling before pulling him in for a small and short hug. She was thoroughly impressed. Emily had met many musicians through the years but she hadn’t come across anyone like Khai. Not only that, the way he poured his emotion into the song was incredible. It’s hard for people to be able to break down walls: she was one of them. So the fact he trusted her enough to do so meant a lot to her. “I think one day you should definitely consider performing that.” She told him, looking down at his hands and seeing them shake. She didn’t even hesitate before reaching out and holding his hands in hers. “You okay?” She asked, looking into his eyes.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Emily’s words meant so much to him. He could see it in her eyes that she really meant was she was saying, and that was something he wasn’t really used to. Sure, Roman and Jaycee always told him he was amazingly talented. But, he kind of always thought they were just saying those things to boost his ego. Emily took his hands into her own and he let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah, I’m good” he breathed out, trying to relax himself a little. “It’s just nerves, and the emotion. I don’t usually sing in front of anyone. Not seriously anyway” he chuckled again. “My mom was a musician. Well, sort of. She taught me to play the piano, and gave lessons at the local theater. She did a lot of professional singing there.” He wasn’t sure how he ended up bringing up his mom. Especially since he rarely talked about her. But he felt safe with Emily. There was just something about her eyes that pulled him in and made him feel like she would never hurt him.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “Nerves. Yep. I know all about That.” She said, nervously herself. She listened to how he spoke about his mother and smiled. “That’s kinda something we share in common.” She smiled, still having his hand in hers. “My dad actually taught me how to play drums, guitar and piano.” She smiled, happy that he was willing to talk about this stuff with her. “One thing that wasn’t in the horn was singing but I changed that, as you can see. While it may not have been supported, I’m so happy I continued to chase my dream.” She smirked and then tilted her head to the side as she still made eye contact. “Do you have any dream jobs or is this just something you’ll do on the side?” While he may have talent, some people don’t care to use it which was totally normal but if he was, Emily hoped  she would be able to work with him at least at some point.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ It made Khai smile knowing that they had something from their past in common. But when she said she may not have been supported, he could totally related to that as well. “Who wouldn’t support you?” he asked kinda shocked. She had such amazing talent. He couldn’t imagine anyone not supporting that. “My dad was the same way though” he shrugged. Not really knowing how to answer her following question. A dream job? That was something he never really gave much thought to. “I mean, I’ve dabbled in a lot of different things. Art, music, cooking. My dad is actually a pretty famous chef back in Bradford. He wanted me to take over for him one day. But, that was before he decided I was worthless and not good at anything.”  Here he went rambling at the mouth again. Maybe it was the nerves making him spill his guts, or his new found sobriety. But he kinda wished he’d just shut up. “You’re amazing though. I couldn’t imagine anyone not supporting you. I know you’re gonna far. I can feel it” he smiled. Trying to bring the conversation back to a happy point.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “Eh, my parents just...” she paused as she thought about it. It made her sad to think about how her parents thought her entire life was wasted for music, which isn’t promised, but she was determined to change their mind. “They had other plans in mind for me and me doing my own thing just  wasnt enough but that’s okay.” She said to him with a half smile. “It will be okay because I do have something going for me and I can’t wait to tell them I told you so.” She smirked at him and then took a deep breath, as she listened to him, even more intrigued than she was before. “Wait wait wait. So you can sing, play piano, you’re an artist, and you can cook?” Her eyebrows raised, definitely giving off a flirty vibe. “Man of many talents? Makes me wonder what else you’re talented in...”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ It broke his heart to hear her parents were like that with her. He knew all to well what that felt like. He was never good enough in his fathers eyes, and his step father literally tried to beat the stupid out of him. But his shit didn’t matter now. Right now he just wanted to be there for her. “I’m so sorry, Emily. You deserve every bit of what’s coming to you. And I really hope I can get the change to see the look on your parents faces when they see how far you’ve gone.” It warned him to know she was only inches from her dream. Jaycee was one of his best friends and he knew that she had signed Emily. Which truly made him so happy for her. He let out another soft chuckle as his cheeks heated up and he chewed his bottom lip. “Yeah, I’m your original jack of all trades” he mused. His eyes searching hers as he thought about showing her his other talents. “Yeah? Well, I’ve always been told I’m very talented with my hands... and other things” he flirted back.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “Hey. Please, don’t be sorry. You are not at fault for the reason my parents don’t believe in me and that’s a fact.” She told him, happy to hear how supportive he was of her. She never really had that type of support from anyone. It was different and wow, did it feel good. “I’m sorry your dad made you think you’re good for nothing.” She told him. “I can easily say that’s not true. You are meant to be here and you have enough talent to share with anyone in the world. I’d be happy to be That number one fan for you too. Don’t test me.” She said, squeezing his hand a bit before taking a long look at them. “Your hands? Talented with your hands and other things such as...what?”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “I know it isn’t my fault. But, you still deserved better” he said honestly. Giving a slight shrug at the mention of his dad again. “It’s ok. That’s not your fault either, and I truly appreciate that.” She squeezed his hand and his eyes dropped to her lips. He couldn’t help himself. The thoughts of touching her leg back at the diner, and the way she kept looking at him. Just add the words she was spewing now and It was a recipe for concupiscence. “Mhm” he hummed. Licking his lips slowly as he moved his eyes back up to meet hers. “Such as my lips, and...  tongue. I’ll let you use your imagine for what else” he grinned. He moved on of his hands to push her hair back from her face and licked his lips once again. “You seem like you might be pretty talented in that mouth of yours as well” he said boldly. His voice dropping to a softer more desirable tone.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ “And it may not be my fault but I’d be happy to be that person to have your back even when you feel like no one does.” She smiled, at him before literally falling into a trance. He had a hold on her. She wasn’t sure what but there was no hiding that they did have some type of sexual tension, even if it was only to kiss. She knew that since the first time he touched her leg. As he reached out to push the hair out of her face, Emily’s eyes fluttered shut, humming at the touch. “You can either use your imagination to find out what I can do with this mouth or I’ll let you test it out...”. She was shocked with what she had just said but she couldn’t take it back now.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ “I think that’d make me happy too” he said with a soft smile. She was sweet. She always had been, from the moment they met. It made him wonder if he took this any further if he would just be corrupting her. But that idea almost made it too sexy to resist. Even if he would feel bad for bringing out her dangerous side. He bit the tip of his tongue as he contemplated her words and a mischievous grin took over his features. Their sexual attraction was strong, there was no point in trying to fight it any longer. “Well..” he breathed out. His chest rising and falling with anticipation as he leaned in closer to her. “Maybe I’ll just test it out then” he added. Letting his tongue snake out of his mouth and travel over her lips. Tasting the flavor of them as she let them part for him. “So sweet” he whispered. Finally leaning all the way in and kissing her mouth. His tongue trailing up along the roof of her mouth before tangling with hers in a heated kiss. His hand gripping her curly hair as his other flipped to lace his fingers through hers.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ When she brought Khai up to her room, she wasn’t expecting what would actually happen. But being alone in a room with Khai, it was bound to go somewhere. She watched his body language, her breathing getting a little more frantic as she saw him leaning in. Her eyes were already closed when she felt his tongue on her lips, nearly moaning against his mouth before he closed the gap between the two, kissing him back. She used her free hand to cup his face, her finger staying interlaced with his as she let their tongues dance together, biting at his bottom lip.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ She kissed him back and his heartbeat began to speed up. This wasn’t what he had expected to happen by coming to her place. But he couldn’t say he wasn’t into it or enjoying it. She was so sexy, and he was so raw with emotion. It was bound to happen at some point, and with that bite to his lip. He took it as an invitation to continue. A low pleasurable growl falling upon her lips as he stood up from the piano bench. Keeping their lips connected as he pulled her by their laced hands to follow him. Once they were stood at the foot of her bed. He moved his hands to grab onto her just below her ass. Lifting her up so that her legs could wrap around his waist before laying her back onto the soft mattress. It wasn’t like Khai to waste any time during these moments, and he only hoped he wasn’t moving to fast. His body pressing into hers as he let his weight bear into her.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ Emily wasn’t really one to crack like this. She was usually more open when there was alcohol in the mix. But Khai helped her to feel more comfortable and maybe it was because of the vulnerable moment they both had shared while being at the piano. She didn’t know for sure but all she knew was this his kiss was intoxicating and she wasn’t going to stop kissing him any time soon. When he growled, it made her giggle against his lips as she followed him towards her bed. She felt a little nervous but part of her trusted Khai as she was lifted and put on the mattress. She wasn’t too rough, and was being very gentle with her, which was nice. She cupped his face agin, deepening  the kiss, her legs tangling with his as they lie there.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ There were two very different sides to Khai. The side were he could be sweet and soft, taking his time. And the side where he could be rough and dominating. He definitely got off on pain inflicted upon himself. But, he didn’t like hurting others unless it was encouraged. This wasn’t one of those times though. Right now he was just in the moment. Kissing her slow and soft as their lips massaged together. He wasn’t even using tongue now. Just letting his lips suck hers between his own as he moved his hand to slide up her side beneath her shirt. Feeling the warmth of her skin as he hummed against her mouth. He was definitely aroused and his hips pressed into hers as he held his weight over her on his casted arm. “Are you okay with this? Do you want me to stop?” he asked. His body already starting to tremble with a yearning desire to be inside of her.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ Emily had a kinky side to her but it took a lot for it to come out. It would probably take a few more times spent with Khai but she was enjoying this to the max. And more thankfully, sober. His kisses were sweet and so soft. When he refrained from using tongue, Emily knew it was for the sake of her but she also wanted him to know that it’s okay to use tongue. She loved it. Using hers to trace his lips, she smirked against his lips before pulling away to really look at him, her fingertips running along his jaw. “I’m more than okay with this.” She told him before leaning up and kissing him softly. “I want you to keep going. I’ll let you know if you’re hurting me or anything but I promise you I want this just as bad as you do.” She fully admitted as her hands trailed down his back, grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it up and over his head before connecting their lips again.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ It was so unlike Khai to actually ask for permission. Taking what he wanted and dealing with the consequences later, was something he was well rehearsed in. But there was something different about Emily. Something that made him want to take his time and respect her. She was so... new and different from what he was used to. It was exciting and almost a bit terrifying the way he felt just laying there kissing her. Like he could fall straight into her and never be able to breath on his own ever again. She teased his lips with her tongue and gave her consent and Khai grinned eagerly. Using the short separation of their kisses to remove her shirt as she did his. It seemed like only seconds before their lips had reconnected, and he was becoming a bit more persuasive with his kiss. His hand cupping her breast as he caressed it before sliding it to her back to unhook her bra. There was no doubt now that she could feel his bulge pressing between her legs. As his hips rotated in small circles against her with anticipation. “I want you so bad” he breathed out though soft moans. Letting his kisses fall to her jawline as he scrapped his teeth against her skin. His tongue soon finding her nipple as he tossed her bra to the floor.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ fuck. He was just as intoxicating with his body as he was with his kisses. What was even more important to Emily was that this would be something she’d remember and it wouldn’t be some drunken hook up. Not that it was bad but she would be able to actually give her all to Khai and not have any kind of alcohol do the talking for her. As he unhooked her bra, her breathing hitched, now fully exposed to him. But for some reason, she wasn’t nervous and moaned as she felt his bulge just between her legs. “Fuck...” she hissed under her breath as she heard him. Biting her lip, she tangled her fingers through his hair as he teased her nipple, bringing her knees up on either side of him. “I want you too.” She breathed out, her hips now rising to meet his.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Emily was so damn electrifying, he could practically feel her arousal burning into his skin. Which was a feeling he could definitely get use to and most likely addicted to. She felt so much better than the high he had gotten from the drugs he used to push into his system. The sounds coming from her stimulating him in ways he had never felt sober before. He looked up at her as he gently pulled on her nipple with his teeth and he smiled feverishly. Letting his tongue swirl around her hardened nipple before trailing down her belly and across her hip. His hand now working on getting her pants undone before pulling them off and tossing them to the side. “Fuck... you’re so sexy” he practically moaned. Kneeling over her body and taking in her figure before leaning back down and gently biting at her inner thigh. He kept his eyes on her reactions as he let his fingers trail over the wet center of her panties. Teasing her with his thumb as his fingers hooked through the fabric and pulled them down. Licking his lips he smiled again and let his tongue trail over her slit. Sucking her bud between his lips with a hum only briefly before rolling his tongue around and flicking it against her.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ God, was he skilled in all the right ways? She had never had anyone tease her around her nipples the way he was. It was incredibly sexy and she was so turned on. Her moans were verbal, and very loud as he kissed down her body, completely complying with him as he pulled her pants and panties off of her. Now completely exposed to him, she sat up and watched as he began to eat her out. “Holy fuck.” She groaned as she threw her head back, her toes curling as he ducked on her clit, flicking his tongue across it. She was breathless, not having been touched like this in while. She was loving every second, biting her lip as she raised her hips to him. “Khai...” she moaned out as her back arched off the mattress, feeling his tongue against her. “God that feels so fucking good.”
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ The way her body responded to him was enough to set his entire body on fire. He loved the way she was letting herself fall prey to him, letting him devour her in the most intimate way. As he kept his eyes on her he continued to flick his tongue against her. Sucking her clit back between his lips as he roughly pressed his tongue along her folds. Making sure not to break the suction as he pulled gently at her bud with his lips. “Mmm” he hummed, loving the way she tasted. The vibrations adding an extra bit of pleasure as he brought his fingers into the mix. Pressing them slowly into her opening and rolling them deep into her core. He wanted to make this about her, and giving her every ounce of pleasure he could. He got off on it.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ Her knees were about to lock him in place, he was driving her so crazy. The way his tongue felt against her wet walls, she was in pure ecstasy. She began moving her hips, practically riding his tongue before reaching down and pushing his face further in. Yep. Her naughty side was starting to peek out. The more he worked with her, the more kinkier she felt. At the touch of his fingers, she pushed herself up on her elbows, moaning loudly, her mouth falling open as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. “God I need you inside me.” She groaned out, starting now to ride his fingers as she watched him.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Holy shit! He was not expecting her to push his face even further into her. But he loved it. His eyes practice smiling up at her as he gladly gave in to what she craved. He continued to fuck her with his fingers, rolling his wrist to get more depth and precision. Making sure to let his fingers tease at her g-spot as she lifted herself up to her elbows forcing him deeper. Finally she said the five little words he had been craving to hear. “i want you inside me.” That was all he needed to be able pull himself away. Lifting back to his knees he hooked his hands behind her knees and pushed her legs forward. Letting one of her legs drape freely over his shoulder as he aligned his cock with her entrance. Pushing deep into her with a slow roll of his hips, he let out a pleasurable moan. His hands gripping tightly to both of her legs as he brought them together and began thrusting into her.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ was she expecting to have sex today? Not really and normally, she wouldn’t even have sex this easily but the amount of tension between her and khai was starting to become slightly unbearable. The way her body was reacting was a tall tell sign too. She needed this. Him. All of it. As he teased her g-spot, she found herself nearly trying to muffle her own moans but it wasnt working all that well. Especially when he positioned her with her legs completely on his shoulders, and thrusting into her. “Fuck, baby...you feel so good.” She moaned out, reaching down at his thighs as he pounded into her. Her nails began to dig into his skin,  almost as if to ask that he fuck her that much harder and that much deeper.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ The sounds coming from Emily were so fucking sexy. He loved hearing just how good he was making her feel, and it turned him on immensely. She was so beautiful. Laying beneath him with a mess of curls, her eyes fluttering with pleasure, and her lips parting with need. He wanted to give her whatever she needed to feel good, and when her words clarified that he was, he smiled with satisfaction. “You feel so good too, baby” he moaned through hard breaths. Thrusting into her deeper and harder with every rotation as her nails dug into his skin. Fuck, that felt so good. The pain mixed with pleasure as her nails pierced his skin was intoxicating. “Shiiit, Emily” he hissed. His body already trembling with pleasure as he pushed her knees to her shoulders. Letting his body weight press into her as he got even deeper into her core.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ Emily hadn't felt pleasure like this in a really long time. Time with Loren was exceptionally fun but Khai was very different. He really was taking the time to know how to please her and would do it without fail. The bed was their island, and Emily was making a mess of it, grabbing at all of the sheets around her, nearly tearing the bed apart as he pounded into her. As her screams started to get louder, Emily was starting to care less and less who heard her. Khai needed to know how good she felt. She was cumming over and over, on his dick, soaking nearly both of them before really moaning in pleasure as he pushed her knees back to her chest. "Oh, fuckfuckfuck." She groaned out as he pushed deeper, biting her lip as her eyes filled with ecstasy. She moved up to up his face, kissing him before breaking away. "fuck, you're gonna make me cum again, baby." She moaned out, feeling her orgasm building up.
ღ 𝕂нαι ღ Khai could feel Emily’s walls quake around him with pleasure as her warmth spilled out all around him. It caused his movements to become a bit more sloppy with each fervent thrust he continued to push into her. She cupped his face and kissed him hard before breaking away to let herself be consumed once more. The sounds spilling from her along with her second orgasm causing him to completely loose control. “I’m gonna cum” he moaned out as his lips parted and he held his breath. Letting his hot cum explode deep into her core as he let his hips jerk uncontrollably with pleasure. “Fuck baby” he growled through gritted teeth. His entire body tightening and trembling with ecstasy as they rode their orgasms out together. As they began to come down his body practically collapsed on top of hers and he reconnected their lips, kissing her passionately. Only breaking the kiss to catch his breath as he buried his face into the crook of her neck. “You’re... wow.” he breathed out. His breath hot against her neck as he fought to steady his breathing. “That was amazing” he smiled. Kissing her shoulder softly as he tried to fully regain his composure.
~𝓔𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂~ As he unloaded into her, Emily let out her final moan, Turning her head into her pillow as he finished inside her, wincing as he pulled out, collapsing right beside her body. Turning her head to face him, she kissed him back, matching the exact same passion he gave her before running her fingers through his hair. “I’m wow? No. that was all you.” A giggle passed her lips as they both laid still, trying to catch their breaths and she went to pulll the sheet up and over them. “I hope that’s not the last time we ever do that. It was just too good.”
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rk800isalive · 5 years
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Well holy bananas batman here we are!!
Seriously everyone here has been s kind and wonderful!! Ah!!
    So in honor of a 100+ followers I’m going to do a little give away! This is for
again. So, here is the game. I’m going to pick a person who like/reblogs this post at random. If you win then you get a choice. You can either get icons, a banner gif, or a doodle!!
You must be following me and I must be following you back. 
After a week the winner will be picked and I’ll dm ya.
Alright here is the part where I thank a bunch of peeps. If you have gotten tagged again mobile broke the post so I had to edit it again:
@creatorofclay I love reading your threads and writing with you. Even just chatting with you. I actually couldn’t stand Kamski in the game then I started to thread with you and I was like Oh no… he’s likable…. xD I get to explore so much with my Connor with your muse and writing with you is so much fun. Also it’s just fun to harass Kamski with anons.
@connor-the-deviant-hunter  You… You adorable, wonderful, amazingly talent, friendo. Thank you for helping me get out of my shy shell and helping me meet so many peeps. Your an incredible talents writer and I’m so happy to call you friend. 
@an-unlikely-duo Did you know my writing sky rocketed just because of our threads? I fricking adore you. I will throw you the geckos of friendship and shower you in affection. I love your muses and how you write them and I love how they screw up my muse every time. MESS ME UP FAM!!
@idontkillorphans YOU!! YYOOOUUUUUUU!!! I don’t get to chat with you nearly as much as I should but holy bananas I love your oc. Just drown me in Connor and Sleip’s friendship. They are literally slowly like a vine of “two bros being bros!” I love your muse??? He’s so well thought out also HOW DARE HE BE THAT ATTRACTIVE??? WTF?? just gonna …. pet from a distance.
@fearlessandchaotic You are a sweetie and I had originally loved just seeing you on my dash because I’m a weenie. But Hana is wonderfully thought out and so much fun to rp with.
@ruthlessnessisyourdesire   60 love me. Love your brother. Jk but seriously your writing is out of this world and I love seeing you on my dash. I also love to harass your 60 with geckos and danger noodles because I can. You’re super sweet and always fun to talk with.
@ninesis I adore you and your writing and your nines is a cutie and I will drown myself with brotherly love. When ever I see you on my dash I smile. I love sending you fun anons.
@jericholeader and incredible mun and muse. I need to write with you more and I just love messing with your Markus on anon. So worth to see what his response will be. You’re sweet and you’re incredibly talented.
@connorlikesdogsposts  You are a sweetheart and I love seeing you in my inbox, dash, threads, everything. You’re incredibly talented and i love all your muses.
@vanities-redemption   Why you gotta make vanitas so fucking lovable? No plz never stop I love it so much. I love reading your threads and thank you for being one of the first people to rp with me. Your writing is wonderful and your so much fun!!!
@chisaiikey   hey hey hey hey ily? I love you so much!! For those who don’t know this is my irl bestie who I love to harass on a daily bases. She’s incredible talents and her muse is so damn adorable. I’m so happy to have you in my life and thank you for helping me get followers so fast and just I adore you.
@antiquexbeast  My irl boyfriend and one of the loves of my life. I love everything you do and your writing is beautiful and you yourself are incredible talented. I’m so lucky to call you mine. I love you so much baby. Seriously if you haven’t rped with any of my bf’s muses plz do so. He’s incredible. 
@motherfucking-username  Your writing is out of this world and you’re super down to earth. I love seeing you on my dash. I’m also very happy I got out of y shy bubble to chat with you. Your not only an amazing writing but your an incredibly talented artist and creator. Thank you for just for being you!! 
@uxis-multimuse  hey I adorable you and your muse is adorable and I love them. You’re super fun and I love reading your threads and seeing you in my inbox. 
@vexeddetective I ALMOST FORGOT YOU BUT DON’T WORRY I DIDN’T!! HEY I ADORE SEEING YOU ON MY DASH AND I LOVE YOUR GAVIN!! I need to send my Connor your way more! Hehe I love reading your threads and sending you anons.
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jasntodds · 6 years
2018 Fic Recs by you
Before the new year started, I had y’all send in your favorite fics of 2018 with the option to leave some comments for the authors! Now, I finally have the time to sit down and make this post. The comment section was optional so some may more comments than others but it’s nothing personal, some people are just shy!
The questions were:
What's your favorite part of this fic? 
Why is this your favorite fic of the year?
Is there anything you want to say to the author? 
Recs under the cut!
I Only Feel You (Mob!Tom Holland x Reader) by @stuckonspidey
Comments from readers:
honestly, all of it! it's so beautifully written and an amazing read 
this is my fave fic because it's such a thrill to read and every time a chapter posts, i'm always up and anticipating the next! 
yes!! lilly u are SO talented and i admire ur series sososo much! 
Comments from another reader:
Look I have a weakness for Mob!Tom and soulmate au and I just love how Lilly combined those two and y'know because it was Mob!Tom I expected him to be more cold and distant but instead he's such a puppy (and a sub) around reader like wow she has him wrap up in her fingers and Reader is so stubborn I love that! And I just love everything about THIS! 
The Art Of Pretending (Student!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @h-osterfield
You’re Your Father’s Daughter (Peter Parker x Stark!Reader) by @celestialparker
Comments from readers:
towards the end where y/n finally talks to tony and it just pulls on the heart strings 
it's just really good and has a great topic and it's well thought out 
you're amazing ily 
Phantom (Peter Parker x Reader) by @silverishparker
Comments from readers:
The entire thing. 
It’s writing is really poetic and makes me cry every time. 
Only You (Tom Holland x Reader) by @tommyparkerr
Comments from readers:
The scene on the balcony 
It was so real but romantic 
Never stop writing because you’re amazing 
Milkshakes (Tom Holland x Reader) by @thothollandd
Comments from readers:
It's hard to determine a favorite part- The entire thing is amazing. 
It is so incredibly soft and very very well written. I love everything about it. 
gwshbdusejkh The amount of talent and skill you have with writing is incredible. It was hard to pick just one fic from your masterlist, cuz I am so in love with everything you write! <3 
Guys Like You (Tom Holland x Reader) by @spxderbarnes
Comments from readers:
it’s cute and angsty 
I have so many man 
all of your fics are brilliant 
Untitled (CEO!Tom Holland x Reader) by @underoosbws
Comments from readers:
all around amazing
very original and well written 
I love all of your fics! 
Jealous (Tom Holland x Reader) by @sunsetspidey
Comments from readers:
it’s well written 
all of your fics are great! 
Real Love (Tom Holland x Reader) by @twilightparker
Comments from readers: 
imma sucker for angsty fluff 
I just love it 
I’m literally a hoe for all of your writings 
Say You Love Me (Tom Holland x Reader) by @foreverbeingthunderbuddy
Comments from readers:
it’s the perfect amount of angst with fluff 
I’m absolutely in love with your writings 
More Than That (Tom Holland x Reader) by @snowflakespideys
(the link on your masterlist isn’t working, I’m sorry!!)
Comments from readers:
I love friends to lovers fics 
this writer is just talented and this piece is great 
True Reflections (Tom Holland x Reader) by @uglypastels
Comments from readers:
it’s just so beautifully written 
it takes on insecurities and there’s no sugarcoating. I can tell that the author really took their time on this and wanted it to be serious. 
thank you for not making this another half-assed, cheesy insecurity fic where the writer isn’t taking it seriously 
Too Close (BestFriend!Tom Holland x Reader) by @stuckonspidey
Comments from readers:
it’s just so incredibly written, with the right amount of angst and fluff and it’s not even finished yet! 
it’s honestly one of my favorite fics I’ve read on tumblr. It’s so original and I love the friendship the reader and Tom have. I love everything about it. 
you’re an absolute sweetheart and our dm chats make me laugh
Comments from another reader: 
Bestfriend!Tom!! unrequited love?? pining!!?! I am here for this. This fic breaks my heart! I am still unsure if Tom now likes reader romantically or if it'a just really platonic BUT I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY HOPES HIGH AGAIN JUST SO OP CAN DROP IT AGAIN 
The Rooftop Party (Tom Holland x Reader) by @twilightparker
Comments from readers:
perfectly angsty with a huge amount of wonderfully written fluff at the wnd 
everything by @twilightparker is just beautiful 
I love your writings and you’re a sweetheart 
Still Here (Tom Holland x Reader) by @sparky-holland
Comments from readers:
it’s just so original with an interesting twist 
it’s different and well written 
Invisible (Peter Parker x Reader) by @celestialparker
Comments from readers:
it’s original and beautifully written. 
I love celestialparker’s writings so much wowowow 
Cheerleaders & Milkshakes (Peter Parker x Cheerleader!Fem!Reader) by @spxderbarnes
Comments from readers:
I love the whole popular!reader x peter parker! 
it’s so original and fluffy and soft. The reader isn’t your typical popular girl and she reminds me a lot of liz. She’s kind and generous along with warm hearted and I love it! 
thank you for this! 
We’re Only Kidding Ourselves (Tom Holland x Reader) by @wazzupmrstark 
Comments from readers:
The inevitable tension between reader and Tom is insane. So much anticipation I love it. 
the fact that I plan to be a PA one day and die every time i read it because this is my dream 
You deserve ALL the reads!! Even through only 5 chapters so far this story gets me so excited every update. :) 
Dare You To Move (FWB!Roommate!Tom Holland x Reader) by @starksparker
Comments from readers:
Because it's amazingly well written! 
I haven't read many fics this year (I'm relatively new to the whole writing on Tumblr thing) and this one really stood out to me amongst the ones I have read. 
kaylee i love u and keep up the amazing work!! ur my role model!!!!! 
Prove Myself (Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader) by @foreverbeingthunderbuddy
Comments from readers:
EVERYTHING!! the entire fic is gold and so so good. 
her writing just absolutely astounds me and i love it so goddamn much. this was the first i read of hers and i literally cannot get enough of her writing 
you are awesome! you are amazing & i hope you keep writing 
Comments from another reader:
The cute, slow burn relationship with Peter, the reader‘s powers and the connection to Thor. Also how tony went into dad mode 
Because the plot idea is so original and the reader character was so relatable and i loved the humor and every chapter had me at the edge of my seat. Always come back to reread 
Please never stop and I hope you‘ll get more recognition for your writing, sweetie, I really do 
Get To Know You Better (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
Umm all of it? But especially the part where they make a family and it's really cute and I love it. The series is really cute. 
Cus it was one of the first fics I read written by Jill and it led to us being mutuals and I love her so much. The series just is so cute but it has heavier bits and it's realistic in the issues it deals with. All of her stuff is. I love it all so much. 
I love your stuff and I think you're really great. 
Tearing Down Sandcastles (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
The part they meet up again in New York after the holiday. 
Because it's really cute and realistic and I love it a lot. I just really love her serieses. (what's the plural of series?)
You got this, buddy.     
Happier (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
when they start to be friendly to each other again. Conflict really plays with my emotions 
It's very different from what she usually writes and it's kinda new, I guess. It's very dramatic and intense. 
It's different, but it's really good. You should definitely keep this one til the end. you're just great at everything you do, I guess. Both cute relationships and toxic ones. 
Comments from another reader:
the part when they make it up to each other. Conflict really plays with my emotions ;-; 
it's something new. It's full of toxicity and drama and I love it 
I don't know how you can be good at everything but you are. 
Check My Heartrate I Think I’m Falling For You (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
the first part of the series. 
It's really light and humorous and I love that. 
I've read this one so many times I love it. Its snazzy. 
Write Me A Lullaby (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
the part where they meet face to face for the first time it's great 
cus it was the very first thing I ever read that belonged to Jill and it's also what really introduced me to the Marvel fandom. It's the first Marvel thing I read. It's what ultimately led to me becoming mutuals with Jill and then everyone else I met afterwards. 
I love you! 
They’ll Make A Movie About Us (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
the part where he gets the call. It's cute how concerned he is about her. 
It's just a really small, hurt/comfort thing and I love that 
Like Dark Chocolate (Tom Holland x Reader) by @madmadmilk  
Comments from readers:
The drama but honestly everything 
Because it’s so well written and the slowburn and suspense are  killing me and giving me life at the same time 
I love you and your writing. You are such a talented writer and artist and just an amazing person overall 
Comments from another reader:
I just- This fic is wow! and please beware everything I'm saying is going to be full of spoilers so STOP READING THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ LDC YET AND READ THIS FIC NOW!!! ok so like Reader loves Tom who is still in a relationship with Mal who emotionally manipulates him and ughh I hate Mal but I love how Jacky handled her character! like?!?!? Mal obviously has deep problems it doesn't excuse her behavior but I hope she gets help?!?! like?!? and I think Tom genuinely likes reader and wants to leave Mal but he's scared because he knows what's up with her and is afraid that something happens when he leaves her but!!!! I still think he shouldn't have had sex with reader and go back to Mal because wow reading that shit really hurt me AND reader. I must admit sometimes I rooted for Haz but then reader did the same thing like Tom and u f f this is a mess AND UGHH I HOPE READER AND TOM TALK IT OUT (and usvakakba it's been a while since I read it soabjasnj) 
Jasminum Sambac (Sebastian Stan x OC) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
When he finally admits his feelings for her 
It's a flowershop thing and I love those 
Keep My Heart (Chris Evans x Fem!OC) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
when they get a baby! ahhh 
It's been going on for a long time and I think it's still ongoing so it's just something nice to come back to. It provides plenty of hurt/comfort and I love that. 
This is definitely one of my favourite things you've written, I love it. 
25 Days Of Sebmas (Sebastian Stan x Reader) by @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes
Comments from readers:
I like the last two prompts 
Cus they were all really nice stories that didn't have really complex storylines liek the rest of her stuff. Just some quick and cute reads 
Well done on completing the challenge! 
Blame It On The Whiskey (Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader) by @lostinbuckyseyes
Comments from readers:
the ending when he tells her it's okay and he tells her he likes her. 
Cus it's really good and cute but it's not hard to understand. It's really well written. 
I know you're going through some hard times but it'll be okay. It'll all work out. And hey, now you match Bucky! 
The Sun Could Never Hate You (Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan) by @what-the-buckybarnes
Comments from readers:
The real emotion portrayed so well 
It’s not over the top, it’s very simple but is so raw and life like that it just blows other fics out of the water 
You are my fave mutual and your writing is A+ 
Partners In Crime (Mob!Tom Holland x Mob!Fem!Reader) by @spiderrrling
Comments from readers:
I love that she writers a badass female character in a Mob! series 
Light (Dad!Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader) by @letthembehappymcu
Comments from readers:
father and daughter relationship 
Good Together (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @irndad
Comments from readers:
Her characterization of Bucky is just spot on, and the way she writes the relationship really draws the reader in. 
I'm always searching for really good Bucky reader insert fics and they're hard to find because the mcu didn't give Bucky much of a characterization, but she really made him feel whole, alive, and real.
Thank you so much for writing this and I hope you know how talented you are.   
Kiss Me At Midnight (BestFriend!Tom Holland x Reader) by @petuniatom
Comments from readers:
Ground Rules (Tom Holland x Reader) by @madmadmilk
Comments from readers:
Uh basically how she threw her rules out the window for Tom cause it’s kinda relatable like we all have someone that we threw our rules out the window for 
Helped me through a really tough time tbh 
Thank you for being such an amazing writer and gifting us with such beautiful fics 
Comments from another reader:
THIS IS THE SHIT! TO KEEP IT SHORT THIS IS AMAZING AND A FUCKING ROLLERCOASTER SO FUCKING PREPARE YOURSELVES HOES!!!! AND SPOILERWARNING!!!! Honestly reading how Reader loves Haz was so heartbreaking because those two were so close and I'm just akshakakaah and his Gf Em YES I love her and I love how Jacky didn't pit Em and Reader against each other instead they show love and support for each other AND I AM HERE FOR THIS GIRL SUPPORT the same with Z too😤😤😤 and I love how Tom and reader's relationship was developed and u f f THAT part (y'all know which I'm talking about) still shook me 'till this day like wow! BUT!!! I am so happy how it ended. Like?!?! Z and Reader are in a good term (not like they've ever been bad to each other), Tom opening himself to reader up!!! Haz and Em are amazing!!! THIS FIC IST JUST GREAT OK!!! 
Domino (Tom Holland x Reader) by @madmadmilk
Comments from readers:
Ok first of all I LOVE Tom and Reader's relationship like?!?!?! It's definitely not perfect and they both still have some things to work out with BUT THAT WHAT I LOVE ABOUT IT!!! AND the friendship between Tom, Reader, Z and Haz is AMAZING (and I love when Jacob and Laura makes an appearance👀) I- THIS FIC MADE ME CRY AND LAUGH AND JUST! GAVE! ME! SO! MANY! FEELINGS! 
It was my first Tom fic so👀👀 
Jacky YOU ARE AMAZING! I LOVE  EVERYTHING YOU WROTE! I hope you had an amazing break! I missed you and ajsvakamjsak ACCEPT MY LOVE ANR SUPPORT💗💞💓💟💕💗💟💞💗💟💗💞 
Common Courtesy (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @madmadmilk
Comments from readers:
Silence (Vigilante!Tom Holland x Reader) by @astronomyparkers
Comments from readers:
This fic AMAZING!!! It's so exciting and that TWIST IN THE LAST PART WAS WOW!!!! JUST READ IT GUYS!!! 
The First Punch (Boxer!Tom Holland x Boxer!Reader0 by @starksparker
Comments from readers:
Currently it would be the tension between Tom, y/n, and Arthur. All I can picture is obadiah from Iron Man. 
The writing is fantastic, the story is compelling and it feels like you've been dropped into a Shameless (US) AU with Marvel and Tom related themes. The twists and turns don't stop. It's a beautiful, agonizing, intense, and overall amazing piece of work. 
Other than my review above, just keep writing and reach out to publishers. Everything you write I immediately get hooked on and I can't wait to see where this next year takes you and your creative writing. If there is any way to add me to you permanent tags list, please do because I love seeing what you create. @angrybitch679 
Protected (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @hholyholland
Comments from readers:
I just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship about 2 months ago, and man that stuff tears you up. Reading this was like a little fluffy reminder that I'll be ok. 
Thank you for writing this. Seriously, when stuff my ex said to me gets caught up in my head, I go back and read this. I mean I cry like every time, but worth it. 
For King Or Country (Tom Holland x Reader) by @avengers-sweethearts
Comments from readers:
Every scene kept me on edge! The whole series is beautiful. 
All of Madison's series are amazing but there is something about the time period that makes this fic dramatic and adventurous.This series is so full of twists and turns, you have no idea where it will go next. The stakes are constantly high, so the moments of fluff are relishable.  
Madison really knows how to keep her readers wanting more & she is so gosh darn sweet that it's impossible not to like all of her series!     
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buriednurbckyrd · 6 years
Necessary Paradox (4)
***I am so sorry this took so long, I really intended to have this done and posted last week but...bad depression funk.  I have a lot of personal stuff going on and even though I have the best intentions to write much faster, I just don’t have the energy to do much some days.  Thank you to everyone that’s been reading/reblogging/commenting.  I love you all***
As it turned out, Y/N didn't need to do anything to find Steve.  A few days after Jeremiah confronted her, Bucky came back into the shop, his best friend with him once again.  When they walked in, Steve was disappointed that Y/N was no where to be seen.  Ever since meeting her he couldn't get the woman out of his head, so despite her turning down his suggestion of a date he jumped on the chance to see her again.  
He assumed the tall, heavily tattooed Alpha was Will, the other artist.  The other man was slightly shorter, and dressed fairly conservatively in dark jeans and a short sleeved button up.  The Alpha had his arms around the other man, and looked up to greet them when they walked in.  
“Oh hey, Bucky, right?”  
“Yeah, hey Will.” Bucky shrugged his shoulder in Steve's direction.  “This is Steve.”  The shorter man's eyes zoomed in on him, and he suddenly felt like he was being heavily scrutinized.  
“Nice to meet ya, this is Jeremiah.”  Will pressed a kiss to his Omega's temple. Bucky and Steve nodded.  
“I uh, came in so Y/N could get a picture of my tattoo.  It's pretty much healed.”  
“Nice, fast healer, huh?”  Will came around the counter.  “Can I see it? I've been dying to see the finished product since she drew it up.” Bucky hesitated briefly before shrugging out of his jacket and rolling up his sleeve.  Neither man said anything about his metal arm.  Will let out a low whistle as he looked the tattoo over.  “Damn she does great work,” he said.  “Those eyes are sick. Jer, look at this.”  The Omega came over to see, but he was still studying Steve.  
“Our Y/N is very talented,” he said quietly.  “I think she might be better than you.”  Will grumbled at the friendly jab.
“Love you too, babe.”  He laughed.
“Speaking of Y/N,” Steve blurted out.  “Where is she?”  
“Real smooth, punk.” Bucky muttered under his breath.  
“It was her turn to pick up lunch,” Jeremiah answered with a wide grin. “Good thing too, she's been mooning around here like Hollywood ingenue all day.”  Will shot him a confused look.  “Come on, you haven't noticed?”  Jeremiah met Steve's eyes.  “I think she met someone.”  
“I think she would have told me if she had,” Will said dismissively.  “I am Y/N's best friend.”
“Who's my best friend?”  The sound of her voice startled all four of them.  She was pushing into the shop backwards, her arms full of bags of food and her purse.  “Most of this food is yours, Will, come help me.”  He rushed over to assist her.  “Next time you want Chinese, you can go yourself, I don't care if it's my turn.” She laughed, turning around.  When her eyes fell on the pair of visitors she froze.  “Steve.”  
Time for him seemed to stop.  For nearly two weeks all he had done was think about her, unable to shake her face from his mind.  The shutting door sent a gentle gust of air towards him, her scent hitting his nose and sending him reeling all over again.  Everything about her seemed to be designed to pull him in, to entice him.  When she finally snapped out of her trance, she blinked and turned her face towards his friend and he felt it like a slap.  
“Bucky,” she said with a bright smile.  “I'm dying to see your tattoo all healed.”  Steve clenched his fists, his blunt finger nails digging into his palms.  Bucky swallowed and tugged his sleeve up to show her, eying Steve warily.  
“It's still a masterpiece, Y/N.  It's hard to believe it's gonna be there forever.”  She examined his skin, running her finger tip gently over the inked lines.  
“You healed amazingly well, was it hard to keep yourself from picking at it?”  Bucky chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with his vibranium hand.  
“Hell yes, it itched like crazy for a few days.”  
“You're a model client.  I don't think I need to touch anything up.”  She rolled his sleeve down and patted his arm.  “If you ever think you want another one, I hope you'll come back to see me.”
“Definitely.”  He grinned and nodded.  
Will was still standing with his hands full of take out, watching the interaction between Y/N and the two men.  Bucky was passive; his body language friendly, but obviously slightly uncomfortable.  When he glanced over at Steve he immediately knew why.  The blond man was rigid with tension, staring at her like she was his salvation.  It put him on edge, throwing his protective instincts into high gear. He could smell arousal and the bitter sting of distressed Alpha. Before he could say or do anything Jeremiah was tugging on his arm.  
“Move it, babe, I'm starving.  Let's go eat.”  Will shot his Omega a withering look, but it was ignored.  “Come on.  I want some noodles.”  Y/N squeezed his other arm.  
“Go on, I'll come eat with you in a few minutes.”  Between the two Omegas he had no choice and let himself be pulled away.  Once out of ear shot he dropped the bags of food and rounded on his Omega.  
“She shouldn't be left alone with them!”  He hissed.  Jeremiah rolled his eyes and pulled out a to go container full of lo mein.  
“She was left alone with them for several hours when she did Bucky's tattoo.”  He dug into the noodles with a pair of chop sticks.  “You need to take several chill pills.  Y/N can handle the situation with a love sick Alpha.”  He took a healthy bite and grinned after he swallowed.  “I mean, she's half love sick herself, she just hasn't figured it out quite yet.”
“What?  No she's not!”  Will sputtered.  “You don't know anything!”  He started to pace.  “She isn't ready to deal with something like this, it's only been-”
“Four years.  It's been four years, Will.”  Jeremiah let his food down and leaned forward, his face serious.  “And over the last year she's come really far with her recovery.  She's nearly the old Y/N again.”
“If he hurts one hair on her head-”
“He won't.”
“Stop interrupting me!”  Will shouted.  Jeremiah stood up and poked him in the chest.
“Don't you raise your voice at me, just because you know you're wrong.”  His eyes flashed with anger.  “Listen, just because you've known her since you were pups, it doesn't mean that I don't know her.  I was there too.  I sat with her for hours in that hospital room.  I cried with her, I supported her, I worried, and raged, and suffered just as hard as you did.  You two are siblings for all intents and purposes, but I'm part of her family too.”  The fight went out of Will and he slumped against the wall.  
“I'm sorry,” he croaked.  “I know.  I just can't...” Jeremiah wrapped his arms around his waist.  
“She deserves this chance, Will.  I talked to her the other day and I know in my heart that this is a chance at something real. Like you and me, real.  As difficult as it is, we need to stand back and let whatever happens, happen.  If she gets hurt, she will handle it.  If she needs us, we'll be there, but it's time to stop trying to protect her from the entire world.  It's time for her to start living, really living again.”  
Y/N took several pictures of Bucky's tattoo, chatting with him while she snapped from a few different angles.  
“Okay, I've got plenty for my book, thank you so much.”  
“No, thank you, seriously.  This tattoo means a lot to me.”  He laid his hand on her shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze.  “Well, we should get going so you can eat your lunch.”  
“Actually,” she paused and bit her lip.  “Steve?  Could you stay behind for a few minutes?”  Steve's eyes widened in surprise.
“Uh, yeah, sh-sure.”  He cleared his throat.  “I'll catch up with you, Buck.”
“Alright, see ya later, Y/N.”  Bucky waved at her and left the shop.  Steve felt his heartbeat pick up as soon as his friend left him alone with Y/N.  
“I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable last time I was here.”  He blurted out.  “Asking you out like that.”  She shook her head.  
“No, you didn't.  I...”  She trailed off.  “It's been a while since I was 'asked out', and I kind of panicked.”  Steve felt some of his nerves ease.  
“I thought maybe I had come off too strong,” he hung his head. “You just…  And I couldn't control my reaction, it was inappropriate.”  He startled when she slipped her hand over his, running her thumb over his knuckles.  
“Honestly, I was having a pretty similar reaction.”  
“Really? I couldn't, um, tell.”  She sighed.
“It's a long story.”  She moved closer to him and her scent seemed to wrap around him like a cloak.  “Believe me, I wasn't unaffected.  But there are some things you need to know, things I need to tell you before you think you want to…” She stopped again, closing her eyes.  “Pursue anything with me.”  
“Okay,” Steve agreed without hesitation, and then cringed. “Sorry, that sounded way too eager.”  She smiled at him, a real smile for the first time.  
“Don't apologize, I like your enthusiasm.  Are you free on Sunday? It's one of my days off, and you could come here for breakfast or something and we can talk.  It's not really a conversation I want to have in the middle of a restaurant or public place.”  
“I don't think I have any pressing engagements.”  She smiled again.  
“Great.  Here, I'll put my number in your phone so you can text me.”  She paused.  “Um, you do know how to text right?”  He laughed.
“Yes, I know how to text.  Too many people refuse to communicate any other way so I had no choice but to learn.”  He handed her his phone and she typed in her information.  
“Will and Jeremiah usually leave around 10:30 to go grocery shopping so we can have some privacy.  I hope that's not too late in the morning for you.”  
“It's perfect.”  He said it so sincerely it made her breath hitch.  
“I guess I'll see you then.”
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