#harringrove event
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harringrovekinktober · 6 months ago
🖤 13 Days of Harringrove Kinktober 🖤
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Hello and welcome to Harringrove Kinktober 2024!! The spookiest (and sexiest) time of the year is upon us in the form of the 13 Days of Harringrove Kinktober!
We will count down to Halloween night by posting from October 18th to October 31st, with you picking at minimum one kink from the list to post at least once a day! Feeling inspired? You can always add more kinks or add a theme or location to your work - or, post multiple times a day for different kinks! Whatever works best for you!
Below you will find a lengthy list of kinks we have complied as a community to fuel your creativity for these thirteen days, along with some spooky themes and familiar locations to mix and match with your kinks to really spark your creativity!
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As you post, make sure you tag @harringrovekinktober and/or tag your post with #hgkinktober2024 so I can reblog your work here!
Keep an eye out for the AO3 collection as it will be linked here closer to the first day of posting!
FAQs and more under the cut:
Q: How long does this event run for? A: From October 18th to October 31st!
Q: What types of works can I make and are accepted? A: Anything except AI! For example: fics, poetry, art (digital, traditional, etc), moodboards, podfics, and playlists are all welcome!
Q: Is this account and event 18+? A: Yes. Any minors found to be interacting or participating will be blocked.
Q: Are SFW interpretations of the prompts allowed? A: Of course!! If you are wanting to only use the themes and locations list, please do!
Q: Since SFW is allowed, can I contribute even if I'm under 18? A: No, as this is still an 18+ account and event.
Q: What if I don't want to use the themes or locations lists? A: You are free to do not use them, in that case! Please do whatever makes you comfortable.
Q: Do I have to post for all thirteen days? A: Only if you want to! There are no expectations for this event other than for you to have fun!
Q: Do I have to use all of the prompts in these lists? A: Nope! But I'll be impressed if you do!
Q: Will this account reblog my work? A: Yes, but only if I can see them! Before your work is posted, please ensure you've either tagged this account @harringrovekinktober and/or use the tag #hgkinktober2024!
Q: Are other ships allowed in my work? A: As long as Harringrove is involved, sure!
Q: Who runs this account? A: bambi aka @bigdumbbambieyes
Q: What if I have other questions? A: Ask me! Or DM me, whichever you prefer!
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harringrove-flip-reverse-it · 9 months ago
Harringrove Flip Reverse it 2024 is over!
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We got SO many AMAZING creations and you can find them all HERE:
The flower whisperer by @ihni
Boys Keep Swinging by @starkstruck27
Mystified Defines it Best by @starkstruck27
I Don't Like Your Girlfriend by @starkstruck27
Touch me on the beach by @ihni
the devil ain't a beast by @magniloquent-raven
I Start to Sing and Cry and then it Makes me Laugh, Man by @starkstruck27
Feels Like The Very First Time by @merthurallure
Say You Will by @merthurallure
Versions by @ihni
True Love? Haven't Met Her by @kallisto-k
Of pets, 1/2 by @ihni
Puppy Love by @starkstruck27
I Could Die For You by @starkstruck27
Who Said Three is a Crowd? by @starkstruck27
Of pets, 2/2 by @ihni
Won't You Help me Cure this Overload by @starkstruck27
This gorgeous fanart by @racketti
A Memory Gilded in Red and Gold by @starkstruck27
You can also read all the fics in this list on AO3 here!
Thank you SO much to everyone who participated - you guys are amazing!
Want to talk to a whole bunch of fabulous Harringrovers about our favourite boys? Come and find us on Discord!
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year ago
I’m creating this post to gauge interest in a Harringrove Valentine’s Day event! If I see there’s interest, I’ll make a follow up post to see how participants would like the event to go (prompts or no prompts, posting throughout the week of Valentine’s Day or just on the day itself, etc.)
Reblogs to help me get the word out would be appreciated!
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discodeviant · 2 years ago
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DAY 1 Stargazing | Fluff Angst | Teen | 1.3k School Project | SFW NSFW | Mature | 2.2k
DAY 4 Long Distance Relationship | SFW NSFW | Mature | 1.9k
DAY 6 Fake Dating | Trope Subversion | Teen | 6.2k
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ihni · 5 months ago
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For @harringrovekinktober, prompt "bondage/shibari"
Poor Steve must have read the instructions wrong. (Don't worry he's gonna go fetch a pair of scissors to get Billy down, all is good)
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strangertales2025 · 2 months ago
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Hello one and all! Welcome to our year-long event called:
Stranger Tales
This event is to celebrate Stranger Things, and our beloved fairy tales from all over the world. Our aim is to take our wonderful Stranger Things characters and smoosh them into our favorite fairy tales. We want to work together to come up with fics, art, edits, cosplay, crafts, whatever our brains can come up with. As long as it lives under the umbrella for Stranger Things and fairytales, it shall be accepted. 
This event is year long! No worries about quick dates, this is mainly to come together to have fun, and celebrate our love for each other and the fandom that brought us all together.
Join us! We will have movie nights, sprints, giveaways, and D&D sessions! 
And at the end of our event, after everything is posted, those who have participated will have their own physical bound copy of our entire volume(s) of our work. Just pay shipping and that’s it! We will be happy to have you! Blessed Be!
Stranger Tales Sign Up Form
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stmarchmm · 2 months ago
Stranger Things March Mating Madness Prompt List!
above the cut, there are two versions of the master prompt list: one desktop calendar and one phone calendar
below the cut, you'll also find "to-do list" style breakdowns of the days
***if you have any questions about the prompts or need clarification, please send an ask!***
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harringrovesummerbingo · 10 days ago
Harringrove Summer Bingo is back!
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- 🏖☀️🍦🛟🌴🍹-
Harringrove Summer Bingo is a super low-pressure, fun fandom challenge with the goal of creating summer-themed fanworks for Harringrove ship.
Bingo takes place on 1 June - 31 August 2025
- 🏖☀️🍦🛟 🌴🍹-
How does it work?
Sign-up by 25 May 2025
Get a personalized 3x3 bingo card with 8+1 prompt squares (sent between 26-30 May to all who signed up)
Create a (new) fanwork (fic, art, video, moodboard, playlist etc) that fills a prompt in your card and post it between 1 June - 31 August 2025
Each time you post a prompt fill, submit it to the organiser to get your bingo card stamped (guidelines tba)
When bingo is closed on 31 Aug 2025 create a masterpost of all your bingo fills (guidelines tba)
Everyone who filled at least 3 squares in line (a bingo) during the posting time will get a virtual badge to brag with about participating /pf (note: our badges have nothing to do with tumblr badge system)
For everything you ever would want to know about the bingo head to our FAQ post >>
- 🏖☀️🍦🛟 🌴🍹-
Sign up opens on 14 April 2025
🍦🛟 Join the mailing list to get notified >>>> 🍦🛟
(Your email is never used for anything else or saved for other purposes)
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For more info head to ->
Full schedule | FAQ | Rules | Guidelines | Ask us anything | Bluesky | AO3 collection (opens on 1 June)
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The amazing art for this event was created by @safk-art 🧡
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Harringrove Summer Bingo is a sibling event of Harringrove Winter Bingo and Metalsandwich Bingo
- Suo / head mod
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racketti · 9 months ago
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July 6th: Taken Prisoner
(Angst -> Fluff)
For @harringrove-flip-reverse-it!
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harringrovewinterbingo · 4 months ago
Sign up for Harringrove Winter Bingo 2025 is open!
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What: Harringrove Winter Bingo is a fun low-pressure, winter-themed bingo event concentrating on creating new fan works for Harringrove ship.
How: You get a bingo card with 8+1 prompts. Fill the prompts as creatively as you want - as long as it includes Harringrove and winter - and get your card stamped for each fill.
When: The bingo takes place 1 January - 31 March 2025.
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Join the fun by filling this form ->->->
Sign up is open until 24 Dec 2024.
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Bingo details -> Rules | Full schedule | FAQ | Ask us anything
PS. The bingo is also still looking for prompts! Read more -> Submit prompts here ->
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Harringrove Winter Bingo is a sibling event to Harringrove Summer Bingo and Metalsandwich Bingo.
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billybigbang2024 · 4 months ago
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Billy Big Bang 2024 Masterpost
Posting has completed for the Billy Big Bang 2024! Thank you to all our wonderful participants for your hard work and excitement over the event! It was a blast!
A Magnet for Trouble by @medusapelagia with artwork by @akichania (Billy Hargrove/Jason Carver, Chrissy Cunningham/Robin Buckley)
A Patch of Blue by @veeforvindicta with embedded artwork by @dirtbagdefender (Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson)
As You Wish by @spaceofentropy with artwork by @cuepickle (Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Chrissy Cunningham & Billy Hargrove, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Eddie Munson)
Bite the Bullet, Billy by @lorifragolina with embedded artwork by @dirtbagdefender (Billy Hargrove & Neil Hargrove, Billy Hargrove's Mother/Neil Hargrove, Billy Hargrove & Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove & Susan Hargrove)
Dead Man's Party by @house-of-chant with artwork by @alduade-art (Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler)
Eyes on Me by @billyharringson with artwork by @lochnessgae (Billy Hargrove/Eddie Munson)
Hand Stuff by @billy-hardgrove with artwork by @raven-cl (Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington)
Life Sentence by @mayalaen with artwork by @alicetallula / nfsw artwork by @alicetallulaafterdark (Billy Hargrove/Jim "Chief" Hopper, Henry Creel | One | Vecna/Billy Hargrove)
Lost and Found and Turned Around by @kittyphoenix12-xx with artwork by @camaro-and-smokes (Martin Brenner & Billy Hargrove, Billy Hargrove & Original Character(s))
Pulling Loose Threads by @romeren with artwork by @waldos-art (Billy Hargrove/Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson)
Sweet Like Ice Cream by @beni-o2 with artwork by @keziahrainalso (Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington)
The Stolen MerPrince by @dragonflylady77 with artwork by @akichania (Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington)
Winded by @lochnessgae with artwork by @disterra (Billy Hargrove/Tommy Hagan)
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Welcome to Harringrove Flip Reverse It 2024!
Are you the sort of person who likes to be nifty with your fan creations? Do you enjoy subverting prompts? Does the thought of a challenge fill you with glee?
This is the event for you!
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Harringrove Flip Reverse It is an event taking place the first week of July (Monday 1st - Sunday 7th). It’s very easy (and fun) to play!
Every day during that week, you’ll be given five prompts: fluff, angst, nsfw, sfw and trope subversion. Sounds simple? Well, it is… but there’s a catch!
For each prompt you decide to fill, you’ll be expected to Flip Reverse It! In other words, you must make your fluff prompts angsty, and your angst prompts fluffy. Your nsfw prompts should be safe for work, and as for your sfw prompts… enough said ;)
The trope subversion prompts will give you a very common, possibly even overused prompt… and it’s your job to subvert it, in any way you want. Interpret the prompt any way you like, except the traditional one.
You can do as many or as few prompts as you like, no sign-up required! Make sure you tag @harringrove-flip-reverse-it in your prompt fill so we can reblog it here too.
Want to find some cool people to talk about your ideas? Come and join us in the Heebie Jeebies discord server to find a ready-made community of likeminded lovely people, now featuring a dedicated channel just for discussion of Harringrove Flip Reverse It!
For more details on the prompt categories, read on…
Fluff:  Take the traditional tooth-rotting fluff… and make it angsty! We’re talking days at the beach that end in disaster, hot chocolate with marshmallows that turn out to be poisoned, sweet little moments that break our goddamn hearts.
Angst:  It looks like it should hurt, but it doesn’t! These prompts may seem dark and whumpy, but they should fill the heart with joy and delight, no angst allowed!
NSFW: These prompts may look filthy, but in fact they could be read by the most innocent of angels with nary a blush!
SFW:  By contrast… somehow these gentle ideas have become sullied by porn, and there’s no turning back!
Trope Subversion:  These tropes may be overused, but it’s your job to interpret them in a non-traditional way. Maybe they share a bed, but not with each other! Maybe their first kiss was with someone else! It can be anything EXCEPT the usual way of interpreting the prompt.
Interested in taking part? Reblog this post, check out all the nitty gritty details and then get working on some prompts!
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year ago
💕Harringrove Valentine’s Day Event Polls Pt. 2💕
Now that I’ve seen that there’s interest in a Valentine’s Day event, I’m going to do a couple polls to see how you guys would like the event to go!
Link to poll #1
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bubblegumflavor · 25 days ago
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My second entry for the @harringrovewinterbingo!
A3 - Forced to be out in the cold...♡
Billy what have you done this time? Also... not cool Steve, not cool. smh.. (He lets him back inside in a few minutes and they cuddle it out ♡)
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dragonflylady77 · 9 months ago
the bit that mattered
a Harringrove Corner Pride fic (all told in Robin's POV) and a present for @whenyouwishuponastar7 and @discodeviant
I was given the prompt 'enemies to soulmates' and then I stumbled upon this post by @imsodishy with tags by @gravegroves and I knew I had a winner. Also, as a matter of interest, I found the doodle by @ihni from the same post...
Oh and this other post by @ihni also inspired a scene in the fic.
Harringrove & Buckleway | 7.2k
Tags: enemies to soulmates, Robin POV, Billy and Robin are secret queer besties, fake dating to throw parents off the scent of queer teenagers, Steve's bisexual awakening
Robin helps Steve realize his soulmate was under his nose this whole time, he just had to give a guy a chance...
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“Can you run that one past me again, dingus?” Robin couldn't believe the sob story Steve was telling her. She’d heard about the fight back in November, of course, because the rumors had made the rounds at school for over a month. But listening to Steve recount his version of what had happened was leaving a bad taste in her mouth.
“Really?” He sat on the metal stool they kept behind the counter for when they were the only ones on shift. Standing around in an empty store was murder on the feet.
“Come on, Steve, humor me,” Robin said as she refilled the container of sprinkles.
They’d been working at Scoops Ahoy together for a few weeks now, and Robin was pretty sure she was Steve’s only friend who was his age. Those kids of his kept coming in for free ice cream, and so he could sneak them into the movies via the back corridor, but Robin knew Steve didn’t consider them his friends. Not really.
Heather Holloway had come in after her shift at Hawkins Community Pool, and Robin had managed to serve her that one scoop of strawberries and cream without blushing too much. Heather was so pretty with her long dark hair and her big brown eyes and bright red lips… Whenever Robin dreamed about meeting her soulmate, it was usually a girl who looked like Heather. She’d never told anyone about it, and kept the soulmark on her right wrist hidden under the band of her watch. 
Heather had asked the guy who was with her if he wanted something but he’d said no. Robin had seen him around before, at school mostly. She’d briefly wondered if maybe he was dating Heather but the way he kept sneaking glances at Steve made her think that it was more likely she was not the only queer teen in Hawkins. She was pretty sure Steve had no idea, about her or about the guy, whose name, Steve had said with the utmost rancor, was Billy Hargrove. 
“I’m waiting,” she said, glancing at Steve before she checked on the glace cherries. He’d already told her all about the Upside Down, and while she hadn’t seen any proof, she knew that weird stuff happened in Hawkins, so Steve’s story about monstrous creatures from another dimension, and a girl who could move things with her brain, made as much sense as anything else she’d heard. 
Steve groaned but he complied. “Fine. Mrs. Byers, Nancy and Jonathan took Will to the chief’s cabin. Chief Hopper and El went to the lab to close the gate and I stayed behind at the Byers house with the kids because someone had to. Then Hargrove showed up. Max freaked out, she said he was gonna kill her, so I went outside to talk him down, and like, make him leave.”
“He came to get his sister, must have had a reason, you didn't think of that?”
“She was terrified, Robin. And she was right. I mean, he shoved me to the ground then went into the house and attacked Lucas.”
“From what you said to me, he asked about his sister and you lied to his face.”
“Well, yeah, but…”
“Do you not see the problem here?”
“No! He attacked Lucas so I punched him then we had a fight and he broke a plate on my head. A plate, Robin! I still have a scar!”
“Uh huh,” Robin deadpanned, because she knew Steve enough to know he had a flair for the dramatic. That said, he had shown her the scar. It was nowhere near as big or noticeable as his antics made it to be, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.
“And then he used me like his own personal punching bag until I passed out from the pain. The kids told me Max stabbed him in the neck with that syringe she found on the dresser and told him to leave us alone. Then we went into the tunnels to help El.”
“And you took his car.”
“Max drove his car, yes, but I had nothing to do with that, I was unconscious in the backseat for most of the ride.”
“I will grant you that one.”
“Oh thank you, o wise one.”
“Don't get fresh with me, Steven. You really don't see how wrong that whole situation looks from the outside?”
“What are you talking about? Hargrove is the one who showed up and attacked us. He gave me a concussion, Robin. The guy is a psycho.”
Robin lets out a sigh. She felt like getting the whiteboard out to help Steve understand how wrong he was, but the You suck/You rule tally was ongoing. She looked around but the store was still thankfully devoid of customers. Mondays after lunch were mostly dead, affording her and Steve much needed bonding time. “Okay, so, let's recap, and please do not interrupt me.” 
“The guy shows up looking for his thirteen-year-old sister at a house he doesn’t know, in the middle of the woods. The only people there with his sister are a bunch of thirteen-year-old boys and Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington. The same Steve Harrington everyone knows is a hit with the ladies and who is rumored to have slept with over half the female population of Hawkins High.”
Steve opened his mouth but Robin glared at him and he closed it again.
“I said do not interrupt me. I know neither of us has siblings, but I have girl cousins and I know that my aunt would not take it well if one of her daughters was alone in a house filled with teenage boys, my uncle even less so. You lied to him about the sister he was looking for, you antagonized him, and then you threw the first punch. Is it any wonder he fought back? And don’t answer that, it was rhetorical. That means it doesn’t need an answer.”
“I know what it means, thanks. I did graduate from high school.”
“Good for you, now shut up. From what I’ve heard your children say when you illegally let them into the back corridor, Max’s stepfather seems like a total hardass, and she’s sneaking around a lot. Which leads me to believe her big brother, the aforementioned Billy Hargrove, may well have been under orders to bring her back, or he was trying to get her home before their parents came back. Either way, it seems likely that the older sibling would have been left in charge of the younger one.”
“You don’t know that for sure. I mean he—”
“Steven MiddleName Harrington, I swear to the goddess…”
“So, in all likelihood, Hargrove was left in charge of Max, and she left without telling him, and when he came looking for her, it didn’t go well for anyone, then Max shot her brother up full of some unknown drug from a syringe left unattended—not very safe, but whatever—and you, what, just left him unconscious on the floor while you guys stole his car?”
“Um, yeah, I guess… when you lay it out like that, it sounds really bad.”
“Dingus, that is what happened. Bet his dad was super impressed with him when he got home with no car and no Max.”
Steve groaned, leaning on the counter and resting his head on his folded arms. Robin took pity on him. She put her hand on his shoulder and patted it awkwardly a couple of times.
“I remember that both of you looked rather beat up when you came back to school, though you came back a few days before he did.”
“I did?” Steve sat up and stared at her.
“Oh yeah. I told you before, I’m very observant.”
Robin lightly punched Steve on the shoulder, as punishment for his disbelieving tone. She was way more observant than him, that was for sure. “So, what happened after that?”
Steve shrugged. “Nothing.”
“What do you mean nothing? I thought you said he apologized?”
“Oh, well, yeah. He drove up in his car while I was waiting for Dustin at the arcade, and he said he was sorry about the fight. That’s it. Max said he apologized to Lucas as well.”
“And he’s been staying away ever since, like he told Max he would, the night of the fight.”
“After she threatened to pulverize his boy parts with that nail bat you keep in the boot of your car, right?”
“Yeah, well, I don’t really remember that part, cos, yanno, concussion from that plate he smashed on my head, but Dustin told me about it in great detail, many many times.”
“That kid needs to learn to shut up, I swear.”
Steve chuckled. “He grows on you.”
“Yeah, like mold,” Robin deadpanned, making Steve cackle.
Three days later, Robin was deep in the stacks at the library when she bumped into someone, causing them to drop the handful of books they were carrying.
“Shoot, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” she said, crouching to help.
“It’s okay, Buckley. I got it.”
Robin fell on her ass from the surprise. “You know my name?”
“Uh, yeah?” Billy Hargrove said, straightening up and offering her a hand up.
Robin accepted the help, still in shock, then followed the guy to the closest study table where he’d left his messenger bag. She sat across the table from him, her eyes never leaving his face.
“You gonna say something or you just gonna stare at me for the rest of the day? Only I have a shift at the pool in a bit.” He lifted an eyebrow at her, daring her to speak up.
“Oh, um, sorry. It’s just… how do you know my name?” She really, really, needed to know.
“You’ve been in my AP English class since I moved here and you play the French horn with the band every time we play a home game. Course I know your name.”
“And…” Billy leaned forward, gesturing at Robin to do the same.
She complied, and watched, confused, as Billy looked around to see if anyone was near, before he whispered, “I’ve seen the way you look at Hank, and I can help, if you want.”
“Hank? I don’t…” Robin shook her head. The conversation was taking a surreal turn.
“Sorry, Heather. Holloway.”
“Oh.” Robin felt her cheeks heat up and it was her turn to look around, fidgeting with her rings.
“Don’t worry,” Billy whispered, both hands flat on the table. “I’m not gonna out you to anyone. I may be an asshole, but I wouldn’t compromise someone’s safety like that.”
“Ho-how did you…?” Robin stammered, glad she was sitting down. She felt like a breeze would have knocked her down. She hadn’t even told Steve, and he was her best friend. Maybe.
“Let’s just say you’re not the only one who has to hide who they truly are, for fear of repercussions.”
“When you say repercussions…?” She had to know. She had an inkling about Billy’s dad from some things she’d heard Max say but having confirmation she was right would be vindicating, especially the next time Steve brought up The Evil Billy Hargrove...
“Let’s just say I like being alive, Buckley, and leave it at that, ay?”
“Robin. And you must be joking. Please tell me you’re joking.”
“I had to tell the doctor I fell down some stairs and broke my wrist because Max told my dad she’d seen me sitting with a guy in the library at my old school, Robin, so you tell me. I was tutoring the kid in math but Neil didn’t give a fuck. Right after that, he moved us to this podunk town in the middle of fucking nowhere. Wasn’t fun driving with a cast, let me tell you.”
“Is that really why you moved here?” It seemed a bit far-fetched to her, relocating an entire family because of a misunderstanding like that.
“Well, Susan’s sister lives in Indianapolis, but Neil was more than happy to move me across the country to a less… permissive state.”
“Is California really better for, yanno, people like… like us ?” Robin whispered, elated her hunch had been correct and that she suddenly had someone her age to talk to about these things. 
“Oh yeah. Well, I mean, it can still be dangerous, but, fuck, dude, me and some friends drove up to L.A. last year for the Pride parade and it was fucking amazing.”
“Oh my goddess… You have to tell me all about it, please!”
“Another time, friend. Right now, we need to come up with a plan for you, before I go to work.”
Robin’s cheeks were heating up again. “Oh, um, no, no, it’s okay, there’s no need.”
“Buckley, why do you think that Hank drags me to the stupid mall after every shift? It’s not for the ice cream, because her parents are loaded and she’s got a freezer full of nicer ice cream than your strawberry and cream at home…”
“Maybe she’s just your decoy so you can enjoy the view…”
Billy laughed and Robin startled. She didn’t remember ever hearing him laugh. They received glares from the librarian and a forbidding ‘shhhh’ that made them both silently snicker.
Billy sat back in his chair, the mirth now gone from his eyes. “The difference, dear Robin, is that the view I enjoy hates my everliving guts and I have zero chance in hell to ever close that deal, due to said view’s inclinations, while you, my musically inclined friend, don’t even realize how close you are to getting what you want.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
Billy’s watch started beeping, earning him another glare from the librarian, even though he silenced it quickly. “That’s my alarm. Need to get to the pool for my shift. I’ll catch you later. Think about what I said.”
Robin watched Billy leave, marveling at the absolutely unexpected yet terribly exciting turn her afternoon had taken.
Steve looked like he hadn’t slept since their last shift together two days ago and Robin wasted no time telling him as much. He threw a dark look her way but said nothing.
“Aw, come on, dingus, don’t be like that. What’s keeping you from your beauty sleep?”
“This is all your fault, you know,” Steve bit out as he moved to refill the next container of sprinkles. 
Robin didn’t understand why the store only offered sprinkles in the colors of the flag, but that might be because she didn’t really have a patriotic bone in her body. “How is it my fault?” she said, holding the jar of red sprinkles for Steve.
He glared at her as he put down the white sprinkles and picked up the red ones. “You made me feel guilty for something that happened over six months ago.”
“And? I didn’t realize there was an expiry date on figuring out you did something shitty and taking steps to fix it.”
“Oh, now I have to fix it as well?” Steve argued, spinning so fast the Scoops hat fell off his head.
Robin bent down to pick it up and put it down on the counter with a sigh. “Steve…”
“Robin. I draw the line at one concussion a year, thank you.”
“Oh my goddess, Steve, Billy isn’t going to punch you if you apologize for lying to his face.”
“One, you don’t know that, and two, since when are you on a first name basis with the guy? Pretty sure you didn’t even know his name when you made me tell you about the fight over and over the other day,” Steve said, fixing her with a stare that might work on his kids but didn’t work on her.
All the same, Robin was happy to be saved from answering by a slew of customers that kept them so busy they had to take their breaks at different times. Steve finished his shift earlier than her and she was only too happy to wave him off. The look he gave her before he walked out the door told her that he would demand answers the next time they saw each other.
Walking to the bus stop after her shift ended and cursing herself for asking her mom for a ride to the mall earlier that day instead of taking her bike, Robin startled when a vaguely familiar blue Camaro slowed down alongside her.
“Hey, Buckley. Fancy a ride home?”
Robin stopped and looked through the open passenger window with a grin. “Hargrove. Are you stalking me?”
“You should be so lucky. Get in, we need to talk.”
Dropping her bag in the back before settling into the passenger seat, Robin angled her body towards Billy. “Well?”
Billy threw the butt of his cigarette on the road then pulled away from the curb, waiting until they were back on the road into town to open his mouth. “Dropped off Hank at the mall after our shift, her mom is getting her a new outfit for our date on Saturday.”
What? Robin’s fingers dug into the leather seat under her. “A date? You’re going on a date with Heather? But I thought—”
“Relax, Robin, I told you I would help and I’m gonna. Me and Hank had a chat the other day after I saw you at the library and we came up with a plan.”
“Oh?” Robin wasn’t sure what else to say. She didn’t like feeling confused and so far both her interactions with Billy Hargrove had left her on the back foot.
“Yeah. Thing is, we figured if her parents, and my dad, think we’re dating, it will get them off our backs.” 
“Okay…” That made sense to Robin. Being a queer teenager in small town America was scary if your parents weren’t accepting, and Robin knew she was lucky in that respect. Her parents were soulmates and they’d always told her they loved her and would love whoever her soulmate turned out to be. 
“So the idea is that on Saturday night, I'm gonna pick her up, then pick you up, and we're gonna go over to the drive-in in Marion, and then I'll make myself scarce until the movie is over.”
“Oh god. You’re gonna… you’re… and she… oh god.” Robin couldn’t breathe. This was really happening. She was going on a date. With a girl. With Heather . 
She didn’t realize Billy had stopped on the side of the road until he was crouching on the ground next to her, holding her hands and telling her to breathe.
“Deep breaths, Robin. That’s it. You got this.”
“I…I… oh god…”
“Hey. Calm down. It’s gonna be okay, you know why?”
“She likes you. She really likes you.”
“She does…?”
“Yeah. And you know what else?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at her, and I’ve seen how animated she is when it’s just the two of us and she won’t stop talking about you. And I wonder…”
“Your soulmark wouldn’t happen to be a flower by any chance?”
Robin eeped and she took her hands back to clutch at her right wrist. What the fuck was happening right now? She must be dreaming, there was no other explanation.
“No, dude, you’re not dreaming” Billy grinned. “I show you mine, you show me yours?”
Robin nodded because she couldn’t trust herself to keep her thoughts out of her mouth. Her eyes bugged out when Billy removed the watch he kept on his right wrist. His skin wasn’t as tanned under the strap and she immediately spotted the five point crown lightly etched on the inside of Billy’s wrist.
She scrambled to take off her own watch and share her own soulmark. “I’ve never shown it to anyone, not even my parents,” she said, her eyes tracing the familiar lines of the small violet. It had felt too private to share with anyone, not that she had many friends anyway.
“My friend Argyle back in Cali is the only one who knows about mine. Doubt Neil would take too kindly to this confirmation his useless son is a fa—”
“Don’t say that word,” Robin urged him. Then she remembered something Billy had said at the library. “Ooh!” She slapped a hand on her mouth then slowly let it drop. “A crown. I get it now. You think Steve is…”
“I don’t think, I know.” Billy sounded so defeated it broke Robin’s heart.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Basketball practice, Robin. Communal showers don’t hide much, even if you’re doing your best not to look.”
“Exactly. So let’s focus on getting you and Hank together instead, alright?” Billy said, standing up again and putting his watch back on.
Robin did the same and waited until Billy was back in the driver’s seat. “Billy?”
Billy glanced at her then back at the road. “Yeah?”
“I, um, I was talking with Steve the other day at work, about that fight you guys had last November, at the Byers’ house, and I may have impressed upon him how wrong it looked for your thirteen-year-old sister to be alone in a strange house with a bunch of teenage boys, and, um, there is a slight chance that he might decide to apologize for lying to you and throwing the first punch, and yanno, taking your car while you lay full of unlabeled drugs on a dirty floor. Or something.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You heard me. So if he does, could you… not punch him? Maybe?”
“If, and that’s a big if, Steve comes to me to apologize, I promise to hear him out.”
“Hey, dingus?”
It was Friday night, and Robin was lying on Steve’s couch eating popcorn from a giant bowl on the floor. He was sitting next to it on a cushion. Robin wasn’t really paying attention to the movie Steve had put on, too keyed up about the motherflippin’ date she was going on the next evening. 
Billy was being the perfect wingman so she wanted to return the favor, and that started by testing the waters.
“Yeah?” Steve took a sip of his cola and turned his head to look at her.
“You ever think about what your soulmate might be like?”
“I used to. I had all these grand ideas about all that stuff, and for a bit, I even believed Nancy might be my soulmate.”
“Yeah, but our soulmarks didn’t match, not even a little bit. And after that, I just… stopped.”
“Stopped what?”
“Looking. Hoping. If there’s a person made for me out there, I doubt they’re stuck in Hawkins, yanno? And since I’m never getting out of here…”
“Aw, Stevie, don’t be like that…” Robin patted Steve on the shoulder. “We’ll get out of this place, and you’ll find them, whoever they are.”
Steve let out a disbelieving snort. “Sure… As the person who started the You Rule/You Suck board, you know very well that my chances of that are about as high as my chances of getting into college.”
“What do you think they look like?” Robin asked, shushing him when he groaned his displeasure at her pushing it. “Come on, indulge me.”
“What don’t you tell me about your soulmate instead?” Steve pushed back.
“Ha! Not so keen to share now, are you?” Steve turned around to face her, his back to the TV, movie completely forgotten.
Robin sat up. This would make or break their friendship. She took a deep breath and threw herself into the deep end. “I’ve had the same image of who my soulmate is since I started middle school. I’ve always imagined her with long dark hair, brown eyes and—”
“Shiny red lips that match her work uniform and a first name that starts with H?”
Robin felt the tip of her ears heat up. Steve was watching her with his usual smile, and he wasn’t ordering her out of his house.
“I know I’m not the most observant person, but even I noticed how often Heather comes in for one scoop of the least interesting flavor we sell. And she’s hated my guts since kindergarten so…”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I wasn’t sure how you’d react, learning I’m into… you know… girls,” Robin whispered the last word, even though Steve admittedly already knew and they were alone in his house. It still felt like something she should hide; less so when she was hanging out with Billy, which seemed to happen more since that day at the library. They’d started spending their free periods together at the same study table of the seniors home room most days.
“You’re my friend, Robin.” Steve said. “Pretty much my only friend. And I’m not gonna risk losing that because we both like boobies.”
The serious way Steve said it launched Robin into a laughing fit and Steve joined her. When it ended, they were both sitting on the floor, her legs on his lap, the TV screen a flurry of static.
“Can I see your soulmark?” 
Steve shrugged. “Sure.”
To Robin’s surprise, Steve whipped off his shirt, dropping it on top of her legs, before lifting his left arm. He angled his head.
“It’s right there, on my ribs, by my armpit.”
Robin peered at the area Steve had indicated and, sure enough, there it was. A crown with five points, matching Billy’s perfectly. She couldn’t quite silence the ‘eep’ that escaped her and Steve frowned at her as he put his shirt back on.
“Nothing. A crown for King Steve. Fitting.” She moved her legs off Steve and got back up onto the couch, her mind going a mile a minute. She needed to find a way to plant a seed in Steve’s mind, to help him open his horizon to a different possibility. She knew you couldn’t make a person queer, of course, but the universe had decided these two boys were soulmates, so she had to do something to help. 
She tuned back into what Steve was saying.
“...left that king bullshit behind in high school when I realized I wanted to be a better person.”
“So it wasn’t just because you wanted in Nancy Wheeler’s pants?” Robin couldn’t help the snide remark, grinning as she said it.
“Oh my god, Robin!” Steve shoved her shoulder. “What about you? What’s yours?”
“A flower, on the inside of my wrist,” she told him, thinking how odd it was that two boys linked by fate had asked her the same question within a few days of each other.
“Dainty,” Steve said with a snort and it was Robin’s turn to shove him.
Still laughing, Steve stood to go put another movie on then took his spot in front of the couch again. “Hey, you wanna go for a milkshake tomorrow after work? My treat. You can help me figure out how I’m gonna apologize to Billy Hargrove without getting punched.”
“For fuck’s sake, Steve, stop making him out to be such a monster.”
“Sorry, I forgot you’re president of his fan club now. My bad.” Steve’s posture went all rigid and he kept his eyes on the screen in front of them.
Robin took a deep breath before she replied with something she would for sure regret. She forced a smile and slid onto the floor next to Steve, resting her head on his shoulder. “Dingus, you’re my best friend, you know that. But I think we’d both benefit from having more friends our age, and unless you really want to hang out with your ex and the guy she dumped you for, our options are limited.”
“But Billy, Robin?”
“Yes, Billy. He’s funny, he’s one of the top students at school, he drives a cool car, and he’s objectively, and by any standards, extremely good looking.”
“I thought you only liked girls.”
“I’m a lesbian, Steven, not blind.”
“I don’t know…”
“Well, I do, and I’m sorry, but I can’t go for a milkshake tomorrow.” Robin paused then whispered, “I, um, I have, um, a date.”
Steve spun so fast Robin fell over onto the carpet.
“A date! Oh my god, Robin! Is it with Heather? How? Wow! What the fuck!”
She sat up, rubbing her elbow that had taken the brunt of her fall. “Ow.”
“I’m sorry! You can’t just spring this on me like that! Spill, lady! I want details!”
“Yes, it’s with Heather. And, uh, it was set up by, um, a mutual friend. We’re going to the drive-in over in Marion. I’ve been kinda freaking out about it, to be honest.”
“A mutu—Oh. I see.”
“Do not start this again, I need my best friend right now, not King Steve’s high school vendetta.”
“Okay, okay, sorry.”
“Tell me something, why does he get under your skin this much?”
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Oh please, the mere mention of his name gets your hackles raised like no one else does. From what you’ve told me, it predates the fight you guys had at the Byers’ house. Did you seriously never wonder what it is about Billy Hargrove that makes you react so strongly?”
Steve’s eyes widened but he didn’t say anything. Robin patted Steve’s knee before standing up.
“I’ll get us another drink if you rewind the movie. I missed everything that happened in it so far.”
Steve nodded and moved to the VCR as Robin left the living room for the kitchen. She figured she’d done enough pushing for one evening. 
“Earth to Robin, need you out here, dude.”
Steve’s voice pulled Robin out of her daydreams. She checked her watch to see her break had ended a few minutes ago. She hurried back into the main part of the store and went to work, scooping ice cream like it was her calling while Steve rang the orders on the temperamental till.
Once the after school rush had died down, she picked up the mop and did a quick pass on the blue and white checkered lino while Steve cleared rubbish and wiped melted ice cream off the tables.
“You’ve been spacey all day, Rob. Are you okay? I hope it means you had a good time on Saturday night.”
Robin smiled as she finished cleaning then took the mop back into the back room. She waited for Steve to join her, keeping an eye on the main doors through the small window behind the counter.
“So? How did it go? What movie did you see?”
“I have no idea what the movie was, we were too busy making out in the backseat of the Camaro,” Robin said with a happy sigh. “Best night of my life so far.”
“Camaro? Hargrove’s Camaro?”
“Yes, Stevie. I told you Billy set it up. He picked Heather up first, to make it seem like they’re dating, and get Billy’s dad off his back, then they picked me up. When we got there, he parked the car and went to read his book at the diner on Main Street.”
“That was very thoughtful of him.”
“I don’t know why you’re so surprised. He’s a good guy once you get to know him. Sure, yes, he’s got some anger issues, but anyone would, with a dad like his.”
“Like what?”
“Are you seriously telling me you’ve never heard Max talk about how much of a controlling hardass Mr Hargrove is? I only see your kids when you sneak them in and I’ve heard it enough times.”
“Um, no, I tend to just tune all their chatter out. So he’s bad news?”
“He’s the kind of guy who’s only got bad sides.”
“Oh, okay. Yikes.”
“I probably shouldn’t have told you, because it’s not my story to tell, but I needed you to understand.”
“Thanks. I mean it. I’ve, um, I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said, and I’m gonna apologize to him for my part in that stupid fight.”
“I’m glad to hear it, because he and Heather are coming over after their shift at the pool. We talked about going for burgers and I think you should come with us. It will help sell it a bit more if it looks like a double date.”
Robin chuckled at Steve’s impression of a deer in headlights. “Don’t worry, dingus, we don’t have to hold hands or anything.”
Thankfully, Steve had recovered by the time they closed the store for the day and met Billy and Heather in the food court. Steve took Billy aside briefly and got through his apology without getting punched, like Robin had predicted. The look Billy threw at her when they rejoined her and Heather was filled with new-found gratitude and Robin felt a bit like a miracle worker on a mission from the universe.
They headed out in pairs, Robin giddy with excitement, as Heather’s fingers kept brushing against hers as they walked out of the mall and into the carpark. Neither boys were keen to leave their cars there so they traveled separately to the diner.
They piled up in a booth, Steve and Robin on one side, Billy and Heather on the other, and ordered. They made small talk about the highs and lows of their day at work as they waited for their food. Robin was vibrating with excitement. Heather kept smiling at her as they ate, their ankles locked together under the table. 
When Steve excused himself to go to the bathroom after they’d ordered dessert, Billy leaned forward across the table and smiled at Robin.
“I don’t know what you said to him, but thank you.”
“You deserve better, Billy,” Heather said in a clipped tone, red lips around her straw as she finished her strawberry milkshake commanding Robin’s attention.
“Hank, this is more than I thought I’d get, as little as it is. At least he’s not glaring daggers at me anymore.”
“I’d say you’re welcome,” Robin told Billy with an encouraging smile, “but I’m not done trying.”
Things got better slowly over the next few weeks.
Billy told Robin about Steve showing up at the quarry and how they shared a couple of beers as they smoked some weed and talked.
During another double date at the diner, Steve and Billy got into a very animated conversation about Dune, Billy arguing the book is better, while Steve defended the movie, despite the fact that he had absolutely not read the book. Robin and Heather escaped to make out in the bathroom.
As summer turned to fall, they left Scoops Ahoy to go work at Family Video, and Steve lived through another one of his father’s lectures about his future. He moped around for days afterwards and Robin wasn’t sure how to help then one night, Billy showed up. Robin left them to it and heard later about how they’d raided Mr Harrington’s liquor cabinet and got so extremely drunk they’d passed out on the floor in the den, and woken up cuddling. 
Billy told her he’d pretended to be asleep until Steve went to the bathroom, then he’d gone to the kitchen to make coffee and pretended it hadn’t happened.
Steve hadn’t mentioned it at all. Robin said nothing but took mental note of the daydreaming look on Steve’s face that appeared more often the day after he spent time hanging out with Billy.
Then one day, she arrived for her after school shift at Family Video and headed for the break room to dump her backpack and her jacket, and Steve followed her. He seemed flustered, unusually so.
“You okay, dingus? Did something happen? Mrs. Wheeler get too close again?” Robin asked, a shudder of distaste at the memory of seeing Nancy’s mom seductively running a finger along Steve’s hand as she’d picked up her change a few weeks ago. Steve had washed his hands for like an hour afterwards.
“You!” Steve started, pointing his finger at Robin and pacing the small room. “This is all your fault!”
“What did I do now?”
“You told me to give Billy a chance. You told me I needed to have more friends my age. And I listened to you, and we’ve been hanging out, and talking. About all sorts of stuff. And let me tell you, lady, you now have serious competition for your best friend spot, just saying.”
“Okay…” Robin still didn’t see what about that would warrant the state Steve was in. “I fail to see how any of this is a bad thing, dingus.”
Steve collapsed onto the rickety chair that sat by the equally rickety card table Keith had installed in one corner. Robin cringed at the loud creaking noise it made when Steve’s knee started bouncing in time with Steve running his fingers through his hair.
She knelt on the floor next to Steve, and reached up to get his hands free from the now tangled mess on top of his head, really concerned now. “Sweetie, what happened?” she asked softly, cutting through his mutterings.
“Dreams, Robin.”
“What kinds of dreams, Steve?”
The look he gave her was enough of a clue. “Oh, okay… It’s normal to have, um, graphic dreams, you know that, we learned about it in Sex Ed class.”
“Sex Ed classes didn’t exactly cover having graphic and detailed sex dreams about your male best friend, Robin,” Steve told her in a rushed whisper.
“Well… no, they did not. But there’s nothing wrong with having dreams.”
“But what does it mean?” He sounded haunted by it and it broke Robin’s heart.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a rare hug before sitting back down. “It doesn’t have to mean anything. Or it could mean that you like both, girls and boys, I mean. Or…”
“Or what?”
“Remember when you asked me about my soulmate and I pretty much described Heather?”
“Well, as it turns out, her soulmark is the exact same flower, only in a different spot.”
“I’m happy for you, I really am, it’s great, but that doesn’t help me much right now. I need the dreams to stop. I am going crazy. I can’t sleep, because every time I close my eyes, I…”
“Steve, sweetie, maybe the universe is trying to tell you to stop fighting it.”
“Fighting what?”
“You know that crown on your ribs?”
Steve closed his eyes and shook his head. “Don’t say it.” His knee was bouncing again, faster than before.
“Don’t say it, Robin.” Steve opened his eyes again and he looked about to cry.
“I’ve seen its match.”
“You’re telling the truth, aren’t you?”
“I would never lie to you, dingus,” Robin told him earnestly. The ding of the counter bell interrupted her train of thought. “Fuck. You stay here, take the time you need, and I’ll go deal with the customers.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s gonna be okay, Stevie. You’ll see.” 
She left him there, closing the door behind her as she stepped into the area behind the counter. Her eyes narrowed when she took in the gaggle of Steve’s children gathered on the other side. She let out an exaggerated sigh so they’d know she didn’t have the patience to deal with them.
“What do you lot want?”
The annoying kid who never shut up glared at Robin. “We need to talk to Steve.” 
“Well, you can’t. He’s not here.”
“His car is outside.”
Robin shrugged. “Dunno what to tell you. I’m not his keeper. He’s not here and if you’re not going to rent videos, you can leave. Shoo.”
She stared them down until they left, grumbling as they filed through the door.
“Jesus!” Robin startled, not expecting Billy to appear in front of her. “Oh my god, wear a bell or something. I nearly had a heart attack.”
Billy chuckled and leaned onto the counter. “Sorry, Rob. Didn’t mean to scare ya. Is he really not here or were you just trying to get rid of the weird kids brigade?”
“Oh he’s here. He’s having a major freak-out in the break room.”
“Fuck. Is he gonna be alright?”
Robin and Billy had become pretty close over the past few months, as they bonded over shared interests and her secret relationship with Heather had progressed. She knew he’d made his peace with being nothing more than best friends with Steve, despite their matching soulmarks or his own feelings for Steve. She loved how much he cared for her favorite dingus, and she wasn’t about to start lying to him about Steve.
“I’m not sure. He was pretty shaken up.”
Billy groaned and rested his head between his arms on the counter. “It’s probably my fault.”
“What do you mean? What happened?”
He lifted his head and stared at a spot on the wall. “Last weekend, at the quarry, I stupidly mentioned soulmates. No, not like that , I just… asked him if he ever dreamed about his. Then he asked about mine. I stayed vague, for obvious reasons, but he kept asking and I may have snapped then driven off.”
“What the hell, Billy?”
“I know, I know, but I felt cornered, okay?” He ran a hand over his face then finally looked Robin in the eye. “I don’t know how much longer I can go on pretending he’s not everything I’ve ever wanted.”
Robin heard a click behind her and noticed Billy turning deathly white and frozen on the spot.
At the sound of Steve’s voice, Robin turned around to find him standing in the doorway.
“Hey, dingus,” Robin called out with extra cheer in her voice. “Feeling better?” 
Steve ignored her, his attention on Billy whose eyes hadn’t left his.
“Do you think we could talk?”
“Of course, pretty boy.” Billy cut himself off, and Robin spotted his cheeks getting pink under his tan. “I mean, sure, here, or…?”
“Here is fine.” Steve half turned, looking at Robin, a question in his eyes.
“I’ll cover for you, no worries.”
She motioned for Billy to follow Steve, and she’d never seen him look so scared. She closed the door behind Billy and turned the music up a couple of notches, just in case…
When they came out of the break room forty minutes later, they both looked disheveled and Steve was sporting a rather damning hickey on his collarbone.
He came to stand next to her at the counter and they both watched Billy walk towards the exit, though Steve’s eyes strayed decidedly lower than Robin’s. Billy pushed the door and turned to give them a little wave before he stepped onto the sidewalk.
“Not a word, Robin. Not a word.”
Robin mimed zipping her lips together but that didn’t stop her smile. She bumped her shoulder into Steve’s and he bumped hers back.
A large group of customers entered the shop and the two of them got to work, dealing with returns that needed rewinding, and issuing new movies. The job wasn’t exactly rewarding, they didn’t get paid much, but all that didn’t matter, because working together had led them both to find their soulmates.
And that was the bit that really mattered.
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st-loveconfessions · 2 months ago
Firstly, this is such a cute little idea, so shoutout to the mods here! And secondly, a shoutout to some of my favorite Stranger Things blogs. <3 Highly recommend these blogs, the mods are so nice from what I've seen and they have some of the funniest/best takes.
@shieldofiron @corrodedcorpses @hellfire--cult @harringroveera @lovebillyhargrove @camaro-and-smokes
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