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ecargmura · 24 days ago
Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions Episode 26 Review + Final Thoughts - A Banger Of A Finale
I guess this is a BANGER of a finale. I wonder if they’ll announce a Season 3 because there’s definitely no way it just ends there without a solid conclusion to defeating the enemies. I hope they do. I mean, that’s the reason why they didn’t make RonToto kiss—they gotta delay it until the grand finale.
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Anyways, the episode starts off with Toto telling Tiger Dan about his contradiction. If murdering Jim Gore was a success, then they wouldn’t have needed to kill the people involved, meaning that Jim Gore wasn’t murdered and that he was alive all this time. While he was partially correct, Toto still did a great job deducing it. This means that Ron’s father Eliot made a mistake and that was why he died, which was the reason why Ron lost some of his childhood memories; sometimes, memories of a very painful event can be erased from the mind because the brain does that. However, it turned out that Eliot wasn’t a terrible father as he loved Ron dearly. He married his mother who’s a member of the Holmes family and that’s how Ron is a forbidden child of sorts. Despite that Eliot wanted Ron to live his own life where he’s neither Moriarty or Holmes. Eliot does seem like he was a kind father; if Ron’s mother ever makes an appearance, I hope we get to learn more about Eliot.
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It also turns out that the teddy bear belongs to Mylo Moriarty and he’s the leader of the M family. Did you know that the voice that the teddy bear used belongs to Neeko? If you’re not a KHR fan, you might not know this, but the voice that the bear uses belongs to the voice actress of the titular Reborn! First they got Hummingbird voiced by Takahiro Sakurai who voiced Shogo Makishima from Psycho-pass, a work where Amano designed the characters and now they brought in Neeko who was from Amano’s most famous work? What a great way to end the finale and the year. The cutesy voice does make the bear a lot more sinister.
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The explosion scene was crazy but it was cool seeing Toto save all the people and then going back for Ron. Man, these last few episodes have been making Toto look super cool. See how he was in the beginning of the first season and compare him to now. His aura definitely changed. It was really nice seeing him going back for Ron because he cares a lot about him. The Spitz ex Machina scene feels surprising, but at the same time, it shouldn’t because Spitz did plant bugs on Toto, so he’s always there whenever he needs to be.
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It feels like a waste that the stuff with Tiger Dan and Mylo wasn’t resolved, which means that there definitely will be a third season, but it hasn’t been announced yet. Please announce it soon! What’s the point of not resolving everything with the Moriarty family and not have RonToto kiss if you aren’t going to do a third season? I need more!
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Not only that, but this is the first time the group has made direct contact with the M Family, so it only feels right to get a continuation to see where Ron and Toto will head next in their sleuthing misadventures—there’s also a spy who caused Ron’s condition, so we need that resolved too. I just hope it’ll be announced soon! The finale has a good conclusion, but it definitely adds more questions than answers. What do you think?
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Season 2 of Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions takes a more serious turn now that the M Family has made themselves known to our duo. While I do miss the wacky misadventures Ron and Toto had while solving mysteries, I do feel like it’s nice that the story did take a bit of a serious turn now that the main antagonists are introduced.
I do feel like the cases have been divided into separate episodes this time around as the previous season did have one-episode cases while none of the episodes in this season did. I do think it was so that they can have enough run-time to squeeze in content until they reached a big arc. I also liked that some cases get a little trickier and that not all the cases are murder ones as Ron and Toto have to solve a kidnapping case as well. What stands out for this season is that some cases do have obvious murderers but the leads have to shake them down and learn of their motives.
Not only that, the major supporting characters also play a bigger role. Spitz is basically Spitz ex Machina with how he saves the day unexpectedly. Mofu is the biggest helper with how  she creates medicine to suppress Ron’s criminal-convincing condition. Amamiya also plays an important role with how she starts gaining more confidence with letting Toto handle cases and not look down on him as much as she did before. Chikori also plays an important factor with how her job as a reporter helps our dynamic duo. Though, I do wonder why Kawasemi is on the poster when his only appearance was by word of mouth by Amamiya. What was the point of having him on there?
Now that the M Family are formally introduced, you can’t help but wonder what will transpire next for them. Their influence in the underground crime world is so vast so it’s probably hard to detect their next move as they show up sporadically. Winter was interesting in that they don’t like Ron at all. Tiger Dan and Mylo were also interesting with how menacing they are. Mylo was definitely the most sinister with how he hides behind a teddy bear doll and even sets off explosives just to kill people. He’s definitely a sociopath. It’s also intriguing how he’s basically the antithesis of Ron in that he’s basically a color palette swapped version of him.
The animation was a bit lacking this season in that the background characters often don’t move or don’t have faces, but for an anime like this, movement isn’t really that important. The music was nice though. Though, the voice casting was definitely the highlight of the show as this anime has a quirky habit of casting prolific voice actors for one-off characters. Starting with the beach case, you get big names like Nobuyuki Hiyama, Takahiro Sakurai, Ami Koshimizu, Reina Ueda and Takehito Koyasu as characters that either die or are involved in a specific case either as the murderer or an important figure. Like, I’m still not over the fact that they casted Neeko as Mylo’s teddy bear. If they ever renew for a third season, just who will be casted as minor characters? Let’s just hope that Kawasemi actually makes an appearance if a Season 3 is announced.
To be honest, I do like this season a tad more than Season 1 now that the characters and story are established and that Toto isn’t a bumbling doofus constantly. He got his cool moments in the bigger arcs like the Shibuya case and the Auberge case. Ron also has cases where he gets vulnerable, showing off that he isn’t perfect all the time. The two feel more balanced this time and I really like that!
I know that I keep rambling for a third season and I still want it! Please announce Season 3 soon! I guess I’m going to have to read the manga now
 What are your thoughts on Season 2 as a whole? Let me know!
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afabstract · 3 months ago
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 15 Review
In Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Season 2, Episode 15, Ron and Tototmaru faces off against the House of M in a race to save a hacker from becoming the next victim.
Follow us on Twitter | Instagram The House of M (Moriarty) is taunting genius detective Ron Kamonohashi by killing people right under his nose. Episode 14 of Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Season 2 ended with the death of a hacker on a busy street in the morning, in full public view, even though it was obscured by smoke. The killers leave a clue indicating a third victim will die at 11

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cable-salamdr · 6 months ago
Bonzle and Cole are kinda like: Bonzle could immediately tell and inconspicuously interrogated Cole whether he would be a good fit for Geo or not. THEY are the ones who have more of a child-parent dynamic (because Cole tends to do that a lot), but Bonzle is still also that younger sister-in-law that is very protective of her “older” something-like-a-brother Geo
Guys important question before I go insane Am I the only one who sees Geo and Bonzle as more sibling-esque than parent and child? Geo as the older brother who has stepped up to take care of everyone and Bonzle as his little punk sister (who is actually older than him) They are just peak siblings to me (esp at the table setting scene in s2p1)
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menlove · 5 months ago
In your opinion, are the Philip Norman biographies worth reading? I feel like I’ve heard very mixed reviews.
I'm gonna be honest I haven't read any of his since I was in middle school 😭 I had john lennon: the life and it was like. alright. I'd read that, john (by cynthia) & the beatles by spitz and out of the three I remember liking it the least... and as for Now I've been in such a weird headspace that sitting down and reading a full book has been like pulling teeth so most of my research has been sections of books that are relevant to whatever I'm researching or articles/interviews/video/etc
I'd say they're worth taking a look at though in the sense that most biographies are. they're not super reliable from what I've gathered from other beatles academics, so you'll want to take them with a grain of salt, but I think that's true of any beatles biographer honestly
I do Want to sit down and actually Read More Biographies instead of just reading parts or speed reading so if I wind up taking a gander at any of his again I'll update you!
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kraftwerk113 · 1 year ago
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2023 – Crisis – what crisis? 
A lifeÂŽs too short for weird music review of 2023
Immer dann, wenn eine Krise die nĂ€chste jagt, zeigt sich die wahre StĂ€rke der Popkultur und deren Output. Denn Popmusik kann neben Identifikation, Abgrenzung, sozialer und politischer Kritik auch Trost und Lebensfreude transportieren. Und von letzteren war der Bedarf in 2023 gefĂŒhlt immens hoch. Und die Popkultur und ihre Maschinerie verstand es in2023 wie selten in diesem Jahrzehnt gegen alle Krisen anzusingen und dafĂŒr Sorge zu tragen, dass zumindest ein zarter Optimismus auch im Hinblick auf die unsichere Zukunft auf welche die Welt hinsteuert erhalten bleibt. 
2023 ist ein Jahr voller popmusikalischer Highlights, wie ich sie in diesem Jahrtausend vielleicht allenfalls in 2005 und im Corona-Krisenjahr 2020 in dieser Dichte erlebt habe. Es gab einige (nicht zu erwartende) Comebacks, allen voran Everything but the girl mit dem „sofisticated“ FUSE- Album, The National, die sich wieder zusammengerauft haben, um gleich zwei Alben innerhalb Jahresfrist zu veröffentlichen, Depeche Mode mit Memento Mori, dem schwierigen ersten Longplayer nach dem Tod von Andrew Fletcher und Slowdive, die auch auf Everything is alive Shoegaze- Sounds vom Feinsten boten. 
Aber auch die DebĂŒtant*innen wussten in 2023 zu ĂŒberzeugen: Romy, die als letzte der drei The XX Musiker*innen solo mit Mid Air debĂŒtierte und Avalon Emerson, die auf dem ersten Soloalbum & the charm ihre bisherigen Techno-Electro geprĂ€gte Sound- Palette in wunderbaren Elektropop transferierte. 
Und in 2023 zeigte sich auch, dass Kollaborationen im Sinne von kurzfristigen oder gar einmaligen Zusammenarbeiten oft zu hervorragenden Ergebnissen fĂŒhrten. Auf die Spitze trieb es dabei David Holmes, der quasi ein ganzes Album (Blind on a galloping horse) zusammen mit seinem Patenkind – der SĂ€ngerin Raven Violet – einspielte. Auch der vielversprechende Anthony Smierek war in einigen hervorzĂŒglichen Colabos zu hören. 
Und so kommt insbesondere bei den Top 50 der Kurzen (Singles/Tracks) leider viel zu hĂ€ufig der RasenmĂ€her zum Einsatz, will sagen: die Streichliste (also die Songs, die außerhalb der Top 50 verblieben) ist enorm, da 2023 auch in der Dichte – nicht nur in der Spitze – ein ausgezeichneter musikalischer Jahrgang ist.
Auch bei den Langen (Alben) zeigt sich eine erfreuliche Dichte. Endlich mal wieder ein Jahrgang, bei welchem ich mich aufgrund des umfangreichen Angebotes schwertue, die Top 20 herzuleiten. 
Die Top Alben hingegen sind unbestritten – das beste Album von Depeche Mode zumindest in den 2000ern (Memento Mori), sowie das unerwartet starke Comeback der von starken persönlichen Problemen leidgeprĂŒften The National mit The first two pages of Frankenstein dem noch besseren von gleich zwei guten Alben, die innerhalb von wenigen Monaten veröffentlicht wurden. Dass es sich lohnt, StĂŒcke, die wĂ€hrend einer Aufnahmesession verworfen wurden, nochmals aufzuarbeiten und dann doch zu veröffentlichen, zeigt nicht nur The Laugh Track von The National, hiermit wussten auch Belle and Sebastien zu ĂŒberzeugen als sie unter dem ziemlich ironischen Titel Late developers Anfang 2023 Songs in die Welt gaben, die es – aus welchen GrĂŒnden auch immer – nicht auf das in 2022 veröffentlichte Album A bit of previous geschafft hatten. Und ganz ehrlich im Vergleich schneidet Late developers nochmals besser ab als sein VorgĂ€nger. ErwĂ€hnenswert ist vielleicht an dieser Stelle, nochmals die Vielzahl an qualitativen Comeback-Alben, sei es von OMD, Madness oder Blur, die sich allesamt als zeitgenössisch, relevant und keineswegs in Nostalgie verhaftet erwiesen haben.
Und hier sind nun die LifeÂŽs too short Playlists fĂŒr 2023, wie immer zunĂ€chst die Top 50 der besten Songs und dann die Top Twenty der besten Alben des Jahres. 
2023 – die Kurzen
1 The National / Tropic Morning news
2 Depeche Mode / Before we drown
3 Roosevelt / Rising
4 David Holmes / Necessary genius (feat Raven Violet)
5 Sleaford Mods / West End Girls
6 Slowdive / Kisses
7 Everything but the girl / Run a red light
8 The Chemical Brothers / Skipping like a stone (feat. Beck)
9 Romy / Enjoy your life
10 Avalon Emerson / Hot evening
11 King Creosote / Blue Marbled Elm Trees
12 Everything but the girl / Cautions in the wind
13 Zoot woman / Live and learn
14 Depeche Mode / Ghosts again
15 Everything Everything / Cold reactor
16 Belle and Sebastian / When youÂŽre not with me
17 Sufjan Stevens / Will anybody ever love me?
18 The National / New Order T- Shirt
19 Weval / Are you real
20 Roosevelt / Yucca Mesa & Paralyzed
21 Thundercat and Tame Impalla / No more lies
22 Orbital / Are you alive (feat Penelope Isles)
23 Avalon Emerson / Sandrail Silhouette
24 Sofia Kourtesis / How music makes you feel better
25 Slowdive / Shanty
26 Roosevelt / Luna
27 Blur / Barbaric
28 Bombay Bicycle Club / I want to be your only pet
29 Future Utopia / We were we still are (feat. Kae Tempest
30 Avalon Emerson / A vision
31 Hot Chip / Fire of mercy (feat. yuné pinku)
32 Haiku Hands / Feels so good
33 NZCA Lines / Push Reset
34 Depeche Mode / People are good
35 Rahill / Fabbles (feat Beck)
36 Sofia Kourtesis / Si te portas bonito
37 Jungle / IÂŽve been in love (feat. Channel Tres)
38 Future Utopia / Something real
39 Wild nothing / Dial Tone
40 The Chemical Brothers / Live again (feat. Halo Maud)
41 Bombay Bicycle Club / Tekken 2 (feat. Chaka Khan)
42 Jake Shears / Voices (ft. Kylie Minogue)
43 Gorillaz / Silent running (feat. Adeleye Omotayo)
44 Phoenix / All eyes on me (feat Benee, Chad Hugo and Pusha T.)
45 Sufjan Stevens / A running start
46 Interplanetary and Porij / DonÂŽt hurt me
47 Romy / Weightless
48 Disclosure / Higher than ever before
49 Lynks / New boyfriend
50 GUM / Would it pain you to see?
2023 – die Langen
1 Depeche Mode / Momento mori
2 The National / The first two pages of Frankenstein Alien
3 Roosevelt / Embrace
4 Slowdive / EverythingÂŽs alive
5 Avalon Emerson / & the charm
6 Belle and Sebastien / Late developers
7 Everything but the girl / Fuse
8 Sufjan Stevens / Javelin
9 Romy / Mid Air
10 Bombay Bicycle Club / My big day
11 The National / The Laugh Track
12 Blur / The Ballad of Daren
13 Orbital / Optical delusion
14 Jungle / Volcano
15 Gorillaz / Cracker Island
16 Sleaford Mods / UK Grim
17 Chemical Brothers / For that beautiful feeling
18 OMD / Bauhaus Staircase
19 Madness / Theatre of the absurd presents: CĂ©st la vie
20 Jake Shears / Last man dancing
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cannadvice-de · 2 years ago
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💚 Premium Strain Review đŸ”„đŸŒż Creamy Kees ist besonders, weil es sich von der Masse durch die eher spezielle und milde Wirkung absetzt 😎 Doch genau diese einzigartige Wirkung ist fĂŒr bestimmte Patienten vermutlich perfekt. Creamy Kees ist auf jeden Fall eindeutig ein klarer Hybrid Strain mit einem sehr ausgeglichenen Sativa-Indica-VerhĂ€ltnis. Wenn Sie eine med. Sorte suchen, die nicht zu sehr euphorisiert & auch nicht zu schwer ist, dann könnte Creamy Kees sehr gut fĂŒr Sie passen! Die Sorte erzeugt viele kleine, aber dafĂŒr kompakte, relativ schwere, spitz zulaufende BlĂŒten mit Fingerbildung an den Seiten & dĂŒnnen StĂ€ngeln. Das besondere an der BlĂŒtenstruktur v. Creamy Kees sind die Bildung der kleinen, zu runden KĂŒgelchen verwachsenen hellgrĂŒnen HochblĂ€tter. Diese HochblĂ€tter umschließen die Samenanlage der weiblichen BlĂŒte, welche zusammen mit den beiden Pistillen oder auch Stigma genannt, quasi den PollenfĂ€ngern der weiblichen BlĂŒte, den BlĂŒtenstempel bilden. Die Stigma haben eine dunkle bernsteinfarbe & strahlen stellenweise in einem grellen Orange. Wunderschöne BlĂŒtenfarben, die umhĂŒllt werden v. einer gezuckerten Schicht aus glitzernden & leicht orange schimmernden Trichomen. Unter starker VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung erkennt man deutlich die leichte Oxidation der Phyto-Chemikalien in einigen Trichomköpfen. Beim Aufbrechen der BlĂŒten erkennt man stellenweise sogar violette Farben auf den HochblĂ€ttern! Leider war diese Charge ziemlich trocken, weshalb der Einsatz von Befeuchterkissen von Boveda oder Integra auf jeden Fall notwendig waren. Rehydrierung dauert mind. 1 Woche! KĂŒnftige Batches sollen besser werden, hat der Hersteller gesagt👍 Mehr Infos zum Strain wie ✅Genetik ✅Med. Anwendung ✅Geschmack gibt's kostenlos auf 👉www.CannAdvice.de 💚 ✅ Follow & Like 😊 💚💋💚 #420 #strainreview #cannabispatient #cannabisfachberater #kostenĂŒbernahme #medizinischescannabis #cannabiscures #highsociety #áŽĄáŽ‡áŽ‡áŽ…áŽ˜áŽÊ€ÉŽ #weedstagram #weedfluencer #maryjane #bubatz #smokeweedeveryday #medicalmarijuana #cannabiscommunity #cannabistherapie #710 #macro #highlife #creamykees #medical #cannabisculture #Legalisierung #avaay #makro #entkriminalisierungsofort #medizinalhanf #cannaseur #review (hier: Deutschland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpA0AE5sRZi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zenruption · 2 years ago
Murder Mystery 2
My wife and I often enjoy settling in with a streaming movie, some snacks and a few drinks. Last night was just such an occasion, and we agreed to watch Murder Mystery 2, having already seen Murder Mystery. We love good movies, but sometimes we enjoy bad movies even more. Live critiquing bad plots, bad acting, bad writing, and jokes that don’t land can be more fun than a gripping tale that is so enthralling we forget to sip our drinks.
We watched Murder Mystery 2 knowing it wasn’t Citizen Kane, but we expected the jokes to be better crafted and the plot to be better developed. We were, in a word, disappointed. Although Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler, et al. are likeable, the best part of the movie was how many opportunities it gave us to eat and drink and scoff as we watched the ninety-minute flop. The movie is lighthearted and fun if you keep your expectations where they belong.
"Murder Mystery 2" is a sequel to the popular 2019 comedy film "Murder Mystery", starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. The sequel follows the same characters, Nick and Audrey Spitz, as they travel to Europe on vacation and become embroiled in another murder investigation.
The movie is directed by Kyle Newacheck and written by James Vanderbilt, who also wrote the screenplay for the first film. The cast includes Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, and a talented ensemble of comedic actors.
Overall, "Murder Mystery 2" has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences including my wife and me. Although my wife agrees generally with my thoughts she appreciated the easy to watch nature of the film and enjoyed the characters. We both agreed it lacked originality and relied too heavily on the formula of the first movie.
If you enjoyed the first "Murder Mystery" and are looking for a lighthearted comedy with a bit of mystery, then "Murder Mystery 2" may be worth checking out. However, this may not be the best choice if you are looking for a more complex and thought-provoking film.
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bucolicbook · 10 days ago
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The Favorites: A Novel by Layne Fargo
Pub date - 1/14/25
Wuthering Heights on ice? Cathy and Heathcliff on skates?! Considering that I loathe Cathy and Heathcliff, no one was more surprised than I that I found The Favorites a wildly fun read; it pulled me right in and I read it over a few days. 
The writing is terrific, the characters fleshed out and realistic, and the end result is both engaging and compelling. The Favorites  is definitely one to read and has my full recommendation. 
****I’ve read a lot of reviews comparing it to Daisy Jones & the Six but having read (and enjoyed) both, I think it only merits that comparison due to the format of the story, which is similar to any oral history book (see ‘Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk’ (which remains one of my all time favorites) by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain; and / or ‘We Got the Neutron Bomb: The Untold Story of LA Punk’ by Marc Spitz and Brendan Mullen; et al).****
Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for the DRC
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beautifulballad · 15 days ago
REVIEW: 'September 5' is a Riveting, Fast Paced Drama
On September 5, 1972, the Games of the XX Olympiad were well underway in Munich, West Germany. Having started on August 26, 1972, this was the first time Germany had hosted the games since 1936. Hoping to shed a positive light on the war-torn city, millions tuned in to watch as swimmer Mark Spitz competed for 7 gold medals and badminton and water skiing were added as demonstration sports.

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anewwriter3 · 29 days ago
Book Review: Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman
If you’re looking for a book that feels like a warm hug and makes you laugh, cry, and fall in love, Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman is the perfect read. This story is pure magic, and it has a special place in my heart. Plot Summary Sally Spitz, a quirky and relatable high school senior, is tired of her mom’s constant matchmaking disasters. To escape the chaos, she comes up with a unique plan: fake

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ecargmura · 3 months ago
Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions Episode 17 Review - Beach Date With Mofu
The end of a case means the start of a new one! Why is it that whenever Ron and Toto try to go somewhere, whether it be a date or for work, murder mysteries just have to cockblock or even be a third wheel? I know it’s the premise of the story, but can’t these two have some fun without someone dying? It makes them look like a misfortune magnet.
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It’s also nice to see Dr. Mofu again! Her clumsiness is seriously on par with Ron and Toto’s misfortune magnet. Heck, even her phone is looking worse than it did back in Episode 6. How can that thing still function with all those cracks? Anyways, Mofu’s role in the story to make Ron a medicine where it suppresses his condition. However, because it’s filled with substances that can be dangerous when mixed in together, Mofu has to be there to witness Ron taking it so he won’t endanger himself. Oh and she moved to his apartment complex as a new tenant because her previous place was almost destroyed because of her. Damn, just how much of a klutz can she be? Oh and Mofu is revealed to know Ron’s secret as he told her. It was sweet when she said that she supports them. She’s such a sweetie.
It’s sweet that Toto wanted Ron to have some R&R and suggested the beach as he didn’t want to listen to the rest of Ron’s bucket list. I just find his care for Ron so endearing. It’s nice that he also recommended that Spitz should come along, but he doesn’t seem like he did as the beach trip was only Ron, Toto and Mofu. Maybe he’s somewhere in the shadows like he usually is?
I’m actually surprised to see a beach episode where there isn’t that much fan service. The only real fan service was Mofu wearing a swimsuit and she rocked it alongside the platypus outfit. Toto also had an image of Ron wearing a platypus outfit for fan service too. I guess the biggest fan service was Ron and Toto holding hands as the former dragged the latter to the concerned surfers.
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The murder mystery for this two-parter is about a surfer who drowned. Apparently, he had food poisoning from the food shop and wanted to settle things but never came back. This made his friends worried. Ron noticed that the surfer was wearing a dry suit, which is more suitable for a diver and not a surfer. I am afraid of water, so I absolutely am afraid of drowning, so seeing him drown in the beginning and then seeing the aftermath of it was a bit scary on my part. The culprit is obviously the store manager as he’s definitely responsible. He should be fired or have his store closed down because why the heck is he serving expired eggs to customers? Is he purposely trying to poison people? And it’s obvious that the murder had to do something with ice as all of his shaved ice disappeared when it hasn’t been the afternoon yet and the beach isn’t even that crowded. Definitely fishy.
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Also, I’m always surprised with how this anime casts big named voice actors as very minor characters that are either the culprit or die off. For example, Episode 6 had Kenta Miyake as Torao, Episode 10 had Sayaka Senbongi, Maaya Uchida and Yui Ishikawa as those three girls from the cafe incident, and Katsuyuki Konishi as Spitz’s missing brother. I’m sure anime fans definitely recognize those names. For this episode, the manager is voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama, whom you may know as Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho and Adult Link from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. What’s funny is that he was also in Scarlet Nexus as Karen Travers so this episode is a mini-Scarlet Nexus reunion as Toto is voiced by Junya Enoki who also voiced Yuito. One of the two surfer friends is voiced by Kentaro Kumagai, who has been a rising star lately as he voiced Laios from Delicious In Dungeon.
Anyways, I’m surprised this is a two-parter. It did feel as if it should be one episode, but I guess the production staff wanted to extend it. I guess it’s better to extend cases rather than rush everything and make it be odd. What do you think about this episode?
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afabstract · 1 year ago
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 12 Review
Spitz Feier seeks Ron's services in finding his missing older brother, so the two of them, along with Toto, set out to a mysterious village to pursue the cold case. Read Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 12 Review.
The purple haired Spitz Feier is back. First introduced in the Benizome Hot Spring Murder case, which was spread over episode 3 & 4 of “Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions,” Spitz is shown to stalk Toto because he wants Ron to find his missing brother. The genius detective agrees to help Spitz on one condition: he must retrieve the file involving the incident that got Ron banned from detective

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maximuswolf · 1 month ago
Experience Unique Melody Lines to Enjoy the Resonance of Words
Experience Unique Melody Lines to Enjoy the Resonance of Words Many of you might mainly listen to English songs, right? As Japanese people living in a linguistically limited environment, we've always had opportunities to explore music not only in Japanese but also in English and other languages.Do we understand the lyrics? Well, often we don’t. Yet, we embrace foreign songs without fully grasping their meaning. In such cases, we focus on enjoying the sound and resonance of the words rather than their meaning.Of course, there are Japanese listeners who value lyrics highly. They analyze the meaning by comparing the lyrics and Japanese translations included in "Japan-only editions" of albums, then sing along at karaoke. Nowadays, with the shift from CDs to streaming, it’s easier than ever to look up lyrics and even translate them quickly.Now, back to the topic. I believe English is one of the most beautiful-sounding languages in the world, with its smooth pronunciation and excellent rhythm. For example, French also has a beautiful sound, but its throaty pronunciation sometimes feels slightly uncomfortable to me. Similarly, Spanish’s strong rolled "R" sounds give me a similar impression. I’m Japanese, so I think my cultural background influences how I perceive these languages.Japanese, like English, features soft pronunciation. Its unique trait is that every syllable includes a vowel, giving it a distinct rhythm. To create rhythm, Japanese often combines specific sibilant sounds.From this perspective, here are my recommended J-POP songs. I’d love to hear your thoughts!Spitz - Robinson[Pops, Rock](1995)J-POP typically follows an ABC structure: A is the Verse, C is the "ă‚”ăƒ“" (Sabi), or Chorus. B acts as a transitional part, slightly subdued to build up to the climax in C. It differs from what’s often called a "Bridge."This song is a common JPOP composition.The A and B parts create rhythm through words, while the C part maximises the beauty of the Japanese language by making each note as long as possible and echoing the vowels. This song is a masterpiece, a gold standard of J-pop, known to all Japanese.Unicorn - Subarashii Hibi (Beautiful Days)[Alternative Rock](1993)The flatness and lack of inflection characteristic of the Japanese language. And the inclusion of vowels in all words is clearly evident in this popular song from the early 90s.At a time when using English lyrics in the chorus (C part) for impact was the trend, this song stood out by using entirely Japanese lyrics, showcasing the potential of Japanese rock.Motohiro Hata - Rain [Pops](2016)This song is a cover created for a movie. The lyrical world is so wonderful that I urge you to look for the English translation of the verses on the internet and experience the lyrical world.The C part [chorus] is a masterpiece that has a rhythmic feel due to the very many melody lines, yet the beauty of the melody is outstanding.Kaho Nakamura - GUM [Alternative Pops]2018 / Alternative Pop Kaho Nakamura is an artist who creates a unique musical world by blending various genres. She expresses the sound of the Japanese language in a unique way, drawing the listener into her one-of-a-kind5 Yui, Ryo Mizobe - Bara no Hana × Native Dancer [Pops](2019)This is a mashup song combining two iconic tracks from Japanese rock bands. The catchy melody line crosses from part to part and gradually and surely builds up. The song is a masterpiece, with both a stretched vowel chorus and rhythmic chorus to enjoy.You can find any song on streaming services.It doesn't matter which song you listen to, we'd love to hear your review on it Submitted December 23, 2024 at 05:04AM by Peco-japan https://ift.tt/VPEyuHc via /r/Music
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nutraexperts · 2 months ago
Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum dein Haar nicht mehr so voll und gesund aussieht wie frĂŒher?
Das kann frustrierend sein, vor allem wenn man sich nach dieser strahlenden MĂ€hne sehnt.
Hier kommt das hersolution gel ins Spiel.
Es könnte die Antwort auf deine Sorgen sein, denn viele berichten von erstaunlichen Ergebnissen.
Lass uns gemeinsam anschauen, was dieses Gel so besonders macht und wie es dir helfen kann, zu deinem Wunschhaar zurĂŒckzufinden!
Hersolution Gel: Die Lösung FĂŒr Frauen
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Was Ist Hersolution Gel?
Ich erinnere mich an die Tage, als ich mir Gedanken ĂŒber meine Haare gemacht habe.
Es ist frustrierend, wenn man merkt, dass das Haar dĂŒnner wird oder sogar ausfĂ€llt.
Das Hersolution Gel wurde speziell fĂŒr Frauen entwickelt, die sich um ihre HaarfĂŒlle sorgen.
Es enthĂ€lt eine Mischung aus natĂŒrlichen Inhaltsstoffen, die darauf abzielen, das Haarwachstum zu fördern und die Haargesundheit zu verbessern.
Wie Funktioniert Hersolution?
Das Geheimnis von Hersolution liegt in seiner einzigartigen Formel.
Hier sind einige der Hauptbestandteile:
Biotin: Ein essentielles Vitamin fĂŒr gesundes Haar.
Koffein: Fördert die Durchblutung der Kopfhaut und regt das Haarwachstum an.
Pflanzliche Extrakte: UnterstĂŒtzen die Gesundheit der Haare auf natĂŒrliche Weise.
Diese Zutaten arbeiten zusammen, um deine Haare von der Wurzel bis zur Spitze zu stÀrken.
Ich habe es selbst ausprobiert und kann sagen, dass ich nach ein paar Wochen eine Verbesserung bemerkt habe.
Hersolution Gel FĂŒr Frauen: Vorteile
Wenn du dich fragst, was dieses Produkt so besonders macht, hier sind einige Vorteile:
Einfache Anwendung: Das Gel lÀsst sich leicht auftragen und zieht schnell ein.
NatĂŒrliche Inhaltsstoffe: Keine schĂ€dlichen Chemikalien – nur das Beste fĂŒr dein Haar.
Sichtbare Ergebnisse: Viele Nutzerinnen berichten von dickerem und gesĂŒnderem Haar nach regelmĂ€ĂŸiger Anwendung.
Eine Freundin von mir, Lisa (32), hat es ebenfalls ausprobiert. Sie sagte:
„Nach nur einem Monat mit dem Hersolution Gel fĂŒhlte sich mein Haar viel voller an. Ich hĂ€tte nie gedacht, dass ein einfaches Gel so viel bewirken könnte!“
Hersolution Gel Review: Was Sagen Die Nutzerinnen?
Wenn du dir unsicher bist, ob du es ausprobieren sollst, lass mich dir einige Erfahrungen anderer Nutzerinnen vorstellen:
Anna (29):
„Ich war skeptisch, aber nach zwei Monaten konnte ich einen echten Unterschied sehen! Mein Haar fĂŒhlt sich stĂ€rker an.“
Julia (35):
„Das Beste am Hersolution Gel ist die einfache Anwendung. Ich benutze es jeden Morgen und sehe tolle Ergebnisse.“
Sophie (27):
„Ich liebe den Duft! Und meine Haare sehen jetzt viel gesĂŒnder aus.“
Die positiven RĂŒckmeldungen zeigen deutlich, dass viele Frauen von den Vorteilen des Hersolution Gels fĂŒr Frauen ĂŒberzeugt sind.
Warum Du Dich FĂŒr Hersolution Entscheiden Solltest
In einer Welt voller Produkte kann es schwierig sein zu entscheiden, welches wirklich funktioniert.
Aber das Hersolution Gel sticht heraus.
Hier sind einige GrĂŒnde:
Es kombiniert Wissenschaft mit Natur.
Die meisten Produkte konzentrieren sich nur auf kurzfristige Lösungen; dieses Produkt zielt auf langfristige Haargesundheit ab.
Viele Frauen haben bereits positive VerĂ€nderungen erlebt – warum nicht auch du?
Die Entscheidung ist einfach.
Wenn du bereit bist fĂŒr volleres und gesĂŒnderes Haar, dann probiere das Hersolution Gel aus!
Du wirst ĂŒberrascht sein von den Ergebnissen!
Lass uns ehrlich sein – niemand möchte mit dĂŒnnem oder schwachem Haar leben mĂŒssen.
Das Hersolution Gel bietet eine echte Lösung fĂŒr alle Frauen da draußen.
Mit seinen natĂŒrlichen Inhaltsstoffen und zahlreichen positiven Bewertungen hat es sich als zuverlĂ€ssige Wahl etabliert.
Warte nicht lÀnger! Hol dir dein eigenes Hersolution Gel und erlebe den Unterschied selbst!
Was ist HerSolution Gel?
HerSolution Gel ist ein Produkt, das speziell fĂŒr Frauen entwickelt wurde, um die sexuelle Gesundheit zu unterstĂŒtzen. Es soll helfen, die Empfindung wĂ€hrend des Geschlechtsverkehrs zu verbessern und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu steigern.
Wie funktioniert HerSolution Gel?
Das Gel wirkt durch eine Kombination von Inhaltsstoffen, die die Durchblutung fördern. Dadurch soll das Empfinden bei sexuellen AktivitÀten erhöht werden.
Ist HerSolution Gel sicher in der Anwendung?
Ja, HerSolution Gel wird aus hochwertigen Inhaltsstoffen hergestellt und gilt als sicher fĂŒr den Gebrauch. Dennoch empfehle ich, die Liste der Inhaltsstoffe zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, falls du Allergien hast.
Gibt es Nebenwirkungen von HerSolution Gel?
Die meisten Nutzer berichten von positiven Erfahrungen ohne nennenswerte Nebenwirkungen. In seltenen FĂ€llen kann es jedoch zu leichten Reizungen kommen. Wenn du Bedenken hast, sprich am besten mit einem Arzt.
Wie lange dauert es, bis ich Ergebnisse sehe?
Die Ergebnisse können je nach Person variieren. Viele Anwender bemerken bereits nach einigen Anwendungen Verbesserungen in ihrem Empfinden.
Wo kann ich HerSolution Gel kaufen?
Du kannst HerSolution Gel direkt ĂŒber die offizielle Website oder in ausgewĂ€hlten Online-Shops erwerben. Achte darauf, nur bei vertrauenswĂŒrdigen HĂ€ndlern einzukaufen.
Ist eine regelmĂ€ĂŸige Anwendung notwendig?
Ja, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen, ist eine regelmĂ€ĂŸige Anwendung empfohlen. Das hilft deinem Körper, sich an die Wirkstoffe zu gewöhnen und deren Vorteile voll auszuschöpfen.
Kann ich HerSolution Gel mit anderen Produkten kombinieren?
In der Regel kannst du HerSolution Gel zusammen mit anderen Produkten verwenden. Achte jedoch darauf, dass keine Inhaltsstoffe enthalten sind, die miteinander reagieren könnten.
Wie sollte ich das Gel anwenden?
Trage eine kleine Menge des Gels auf den gewĂŒnschten Bereich auf und massiere es sanft ein. Warte einige Minuten, bevor du aktiv wirst.
Gibt es Geld-zurĂŒck-Garantien fĂŒr HerSolution Gel?
Ja, viele Anbieter bieten Geld-zurĂŒck-Garantien an. Das gibt dir Sicherheit beim Kauf und zeigt das Vertrauen des Herstellers in sein Produkt.
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andrepitz · 3 months ago
GOLDHAMMER zersetzt unsere Beziehung zu Bildern und vermeintlich authentischen Menschen von innen auf Ă€ußerst produktive Art und Weise. https://letterboxd.com/andrepitz/film/goldhammer/
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jbrunsolved · 3 months ago
Ramseys v CBS Complaint - Section about the pineapple theory.
M. Defendants Set the Stage for Their Preposterous Theory that Burke Killed JonBenét for Taking His Pineapple
Defendants absurdly claim that Burke knew that the pineapple is the smoking gun for this crime, and that he then successfully deceived law enforcement as to his knowledge.
The false and defamatory gist of this section is that Burke killed JonBenĂ©t after becoming enraged when she took a piece of his pineapple without asking, lied to investigators, and was complicit in the cover-up of JonBenĂ©t’s death.
Defendants attempt to support this preconceived gist by reviewing pre-selected excerpts from Burke’s interview with Boulder PD Detective Schuler eighteen months after JonBenĂ©t’s death (the “Schuler Interview”).
Defendants use the Schuler Interview to set the stage for their knowingly false, defamatory, and purely speculative accusation that Burke killed JonBenét over a piece of pineapple and then stabbed her with his toy train track. These theories are taken straight from Foreign Faction. See, e.g., pp. 65, 343, 384-385.
Defendants go so far as to make the inherently improbable assertion that during the Schuler Interview, Burke is “aware that that piece of pineapple in JonBenĂ©t’s stomach actually creates a major problem in terms of the timeline of when and how she was killed.”
Defendants knowingly fail to disclose that they have no basis whatsoever to assert that Burke, at eleven-years-old, is playing a high-stakes game of cat and mouse with Detective Schuler.
In this segment, Defendants continue to cast a shadow over Burke’s alleged improper behavior during interviews.
For instance, Clemente claims that Burke is “acting like a smart aleck here, like I’m smart and I’m proud of myself.” Clemente’s knowingly false and defamatory implication is that Burke is proud of himself for outsmarting law enforcement by hiding that he killed JonBenĂ©t.
Clemente also falsely accuses Burke of deception because he “oversell[s]” when he states “I always sleep really deeply and I can never hear anything.”
Defendants then use two topics raised by Detective Schuler as a springboard for two key aspects of their version of events: the purported pineapple in JonBenĂ©t’s lower intestine and Burke’s toy train track.
For instance, Defendants show an excerpt of Burke responding yes to Detective Schuler’s question about JonBenĂ©t liking pineapple, and then Defendants pounce. Defendants make the false and defamatory accusation that Burke lost his temper and bludgeoned JonBenĂ©t with a flashlight because she at a piece of his pineapple.
Defendants then preface their wildly false and speculative conclusion by stating that the pineapple issue “might look quite innocuous and inconsequential but it also tells us a lot about what probably went on” that night.
Defendants knowingly and falsely claim that the pineapple “gives us a possible timeline,” because “the pineapple was ingested subsequently” to the Ramseys returning homefrom dinner at the Whites.
Defendants conjecture is particularly far reaching in this segment. Spitz extrapolates from his “three children” in order to accuse Burke of killing JonBenĂ©t: Clemente: But it’s certainly reasonable to believe that JonBenĂ©t may have snatched one piece. Spitz: Right, directly with her fingers. For estimating time of death, this is important. Clemente: Isn’t it possible that JonBenĂ©t came down and saw that Burke was eating this, and took one piece? She didn’t touch the bowl, she didn’t touch the spoon— Spitz: You know, I have three grandchildren myself. Kids will do that. They’ll go by and pick out a piece with their fingers.
To convince their audience that their rampant speculation is accurate, Defendants splice in a clip of a blonde girl stealing a piece of pineapple from a young boy, who, in turn, violently grabs the girl by the wrist.
Upon information and belief, Defendants had actual knowledge and failed to disclose that a Boulder PD analysis after the autopsy determined that JonBenĂ©t’s small intestine had the remnants cherries, grapes, and pineapple—common fruit cocktail ingredients. Yet, because the presence of cherries and grapes completely undermines Defendants’ series of events, Defendants consciously fail to share their knowledge with the viewer. Instead, Spitz merely asks “Did the pathology report indicate what the pineapple looked like, or the gastric contents?”
Further, Spitz is aware that the presence of the fruit cocktail in JonBenĂ©t’s stomach does not establish a concrete timeline from which investigators may glean her time of death, and that the minimum amount of time it would require for the fruit to get to JonBenĂ©t’s lower intestine undermines the theory that it “started the cascade of the rest of events that happened on the day she died.”
Defendants also knowingly failed to disclose that the amount of time it would have taken the pineapple to travel to JonBenĂ©t’s small intestine is fundamentally inconsistent with the Burke-did-it accusation.
Defendants then note that while Burke and Patsy’s fingertips are on the bowl of pineapple, JonBenĂ©t’s are not. This is explainable, Defendants speculate, because she must have only taken “one piece” but “didn’t touch the bowl” or “touch the spoon.”
Defendants have no factual basis for speculating that JonBenĂ©t took a piece of Burke’s pineapple, much less that her fingerprints are not present on Defendants’ purported smoking gun because she only “snatched one piece.”
The fact JonBenĂ©t’s fingerprints are not on the bowl of pineapple or the spoon is actually strong evidence that she did not eat the pineapple from the bowl.
Upon information and belief, Defendants knowingly failed to disclose that there was more than one piece of fruit in JonBenĂ©t’s digestive tract.
Upon information and belief, Defendants knowingly failed to disclose that there was more than one type of fruit in JonBenĂ©t’s digestive tract.
Defendants next use a clip of Burke affirming that he had an electric train set to Schuler as an opportunity to replace the stun gun with Burke’s toy train. “It was an incredible discovery, to find a toy in the house that could have been responsible for these injuries. . . . An adult would have been calling 9-1-1 for an ambulance.”
Pseudo-Expert Kolar then repeats his entirely speculative accusation, discussed above, that Burke used one of his train toys to inflict the supposed stun gun injuries on JonBenét. See Foreign Faction, pp. 384-385
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