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ecargmura · 2 months ago
Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions Episode 26 Review + Final Thoughts - A Banger Of A Finale
I guess this is a BANGER of a finale. I wonder if they’ll announce a Season 3 because there’s definitely no way it just ends there without a solid conclusion to defeating the enemies. I hope they do. I mean, that’s the reason why they didn’t make RonToto kiss—they gotta delay it until the grand finale.
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Anyways, the episode starts off with Toto telling Tiger Dan about his contradiction. If murdering Jim Gore was a success, then they wouldn’t have needed to kill the people involved, meaning that Jim Gore wasn’t murdered and that he was alive all this time. While he was partially correct, Toto still did a great job deducing it. This means that Ron’s father Eliot made a mistake and that was why he died, which was the reason why Ron lost some of his childhood memories; sometimes, memories of a very painful event can be erased from the mind because the brain does that. However, it turned out that Eliot wasn’t a terrible father as he loved Ron dearly. He married his mother who’s a member of the Holmes family and that’s how Ron is a forbidden child of sorts. Despite that Eliot wanted Ron to live his own life where he’s neither Moriarty or Holmes. Eliot does seem like he was a kind father; if Ron’s mother ever makes an appearance, I hope we get to learn more about Eliot.
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It also turns out that the teddy bear belongs to Mylo Moriarty and he’s the leader of the M family. Did you know that the voice that the teddy bear used belongs to Neeko? If you’re not a KHR fan, you might not know this, but the voice that the bear uses belongs to the voice actress of the titular Reborn! First they got Hummingbird voiced by Takahiro Sakurai who voiced Shogo Makishima from Psycho-pass, a work where Amano designed the characters and now they brought in Neeko who was from Amano’s most famous work? What a great way to end the finale and the year. The cutesy voice does make the bear a lot more sinister.
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The explosion scene was crazy but it was cool seeing Toto save all the people and then going back for Ron. Man, these last few episodes have been making Toto look super cool. See how he was in the beginning of the first season and compare him to now. His aura definitely changed. It was really nice seeing him going back for Ron because he cares a lot about him. The Spitz ex Machina scene feels surprising, but at the same time, it shouldn’t because Spitz did plant bugs on Toto, so he’s always there whenever he needs to be.
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It feels like a waste that the stuff with Tiger Dan and Mylo wasn’t resolved, which means that there definitely will be a third season, but it hasn’t been announced yet. Please announce it soon! What’s the point of not resolving everything with the Moriarty family and not have RonToto kiss if you aren’t going to do a third season? I need more!
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Not only that, but this is the first time the group has made direct contact with the M Family, so it only feels right to get a continuation to see where Ron and Toto will head next in their sleuthing misadventures—there’s also a spy who caused Ron’s condition, so we need that resolved too. I just hope it’ll be announced soon! The finale has a good conclusion, but it definitely adds more questions than answers. What do you think?
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Season 2 of Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions takes a more serious turn now that the M Family has made themselves known to our duo. While I do miss the wacky misadventures Ron and Toto had while solving mysteries, I do feel like it’s nice that the story did take a bit of a serious turn now that the main antagonists are introduced.
I do feel like the cases have been divided into separate episodes this time around as the previous season did have one-episode cases while none of the episodes in this season did. I do think it was so that they can have enough run-time to squeeze in content until they reached a big arc. I also liked that some cases get a little trickier and that not all the cases are murder ones as Ron and Toto have to solve a kidnapping case as well. What stands out for this season is that some cases do have obvious murderers but the leads have to shake them down and learn of their motives.
Not only that, the major supporting characters also play a bigger role. Spitz is basically Spitz ex Machina with how he saves the day unexpectedly. Mofu is the biggest helper with how  she creates medicine to suppress Ron’s criminal-convincing condition. Amamiya also plays an important role with how she starts gaining more confidence with letting Toto handle cases and not look down on him as much as she did before. Chikori also plays an important factor with how her job as a reporter helps our dynamic duo. Though, I do wonder why Kawasemi is on the poster when his only appearance was by word of mouth by Amamiya. What was the point of having him on there?
Now that the M Family are formally introduced, you can’t help but wonder what will transpire next for them. Their influence in the underground crime world is so vast so it’s probably hard to detect their next move as they show up sporadically. Winter was interesting in that they don’t like Ron at all. Tiger Dan and Mylo were also interesting with how menacing they are. Mylo was definitely the most sinister with how he hides behind a teddy bear doll and even sets off explosives just to kill people. He’s definitely a sociopath. It’s also intriguing how he’s basically the antithesis of Ron in that he’s basically a color palette swapped version of him.
The animation was a bit lacking this season in that the background characters often don’t move or don’t have faces, but for an anime like this, movement isn’t really that important. The music was nice though. Though, the voice casting was definitely the highlight of the show as this anime has a quirky habit of casting prolific voice actors for one-off characters. Starting with the beach case, you get big names like Nobuyuki Hiyama, Takahiro Sakurai, Ami Koshimizu, Reina Ueda and Takehito Koyasu as characters that either die or are involved in a specific case either as the murderer or an important figure. Like, I’m still not over the fact that they casted Neeko as Mylo’s teddy bear. If they ever renew for a third season, just who will be casted as minor characters? Let’s just hope that Kawasemi actually makes an appearance if a Season 3 is announced.
To be honest, I do like this season a tad more than Season 1 now that the characters and story are established and that Toto isn’t a bumbling doofus constantly. He got his cool moments in the bigger arcs like the Shibuya case and the Auberge case. Ron also has cases where he gets vulnerable, showing off that he isn’t perfect all the time. The two feel more balanced this time and I really like that!
I know that I keep rambling for a third season and I still want it! Please announce Season 3 soon! I guess I’m going to have to read the manga now… What are your thoughts on Season 2 as a whole? Let me know!
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a-forbidden-detective · 3 months ago
We are almost at the tail-end of the second season. Uncovering information about Ron’s past. If you are curious, this episode will tackle the Chapters 39 and 40. Just how many panels they will cover is the question.
At the auberge 'Reunion' located in the lush green plateau, various invited guests had gathered. During dinner, a course meal prepared by Chef Sakai was served, but everyone except Ron, Toto, and the high school student Mia could not hide their dismay at the menu. The next morning, the gardener, Gardner, was found dead in his room..."
Episode 23: The Plateau Auberge Serial Murder Case [Part 1] , anime vs manga
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plant-akki · 8 days ago
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Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri - Episode 22 "The Case of the Psychology Research Lab Murder - Part 2"
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franollie · 10 months ago
take my quiz losers
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elbiotipo · 3 months ago
I tried Parkitect a couple times because I thought it would be fun to make a version of Didney Worl, but then I realized I don't know anything about theme parks because I've never been in a theme park. I've never ever been to a circus or even one of those travelling fairs with games.
and it turns out watching Defunctland videos doesn't give you the experience if you've never got in a roller coaster
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sporkberries · 2 years ago
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Been struggling with doing any full pieces lately so here's some assorted DC doodles. opening up requests for character sketches btw if anyone wants to shoot me an ask
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hxexu · 1 year ago
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dccomicsbracket · 1 year ago
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Mia Dearden (Speedy)
She's so cool and deserves a comic book series that focuses on her more.
Justice League International
Get the team back together! Let them have goofy, heartfelt fun. BeaTora and Boostle can be canon and Max can have his original personality back.
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d-criss-news · 2 years ago
Via Cole Ramstad's Instagram Story (March 20th, 2023)
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gaysessuale · 1 year ago
spero che sai che sei proprio un' eroe per i tuoi sanremo uploads! Gli ho scaricati tutti l'anno scorso e dopo questo festival ho cercato i miei bookmarks per conrollare se hai forse i downloads del sanremo 2024 - e gli hai!!!! Grazie mille, e' apprezzatissimo!
Buonasera!!! Ti ringrazio davvero tantissimo beloved, è una cosa che faccio già in generale, non mi costa nulla metterla a disposizione! Cercherò di continuare a farlo per più tempo possibile, spero possa essere utile anche quest'anno!
E approfitto di questo messaggio per dire: siamo in pari con il materiale principale dell'archivio, amicy miey ce l'abbiamo fatta!
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ecargmura · 2 months ago
Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions Episode 24 Review - The Man With The Crescent Moon Mark
If you drink, play a drinking game every time ‘Seventeen years ago’ is spoken in this episode. You’ll probably be hospitalized by the end. I don’t drink, so I’m being tormented by those three words with or without alcohol. Anyways, after watching this episode, I can see a very clear moral for this case: don’t trust people on the internet; you may one day be involved with a crime syndicate if you do. That’s why they always warn you to be wary of them.
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Now with the reveal of a third murder, I think this case has the highest body count so far; please correct me if I’m wrong. It’s like a increase in difficulty level compared to the observatory case. I do see some similarities with that case with this one in that Ron is suspected of being the killer, but we all know he’s not. With the people in this case being involved with the Jim Gore murder case seventeen years ago, I do think that, if you narrow down the possible suspects, Tiger Dan is the definite culprit. Why I think is because he’s the one that started the cycle of how the murder start meaning that he’s the most unreliable. He says that he met the man with the crescent moon mark on the Internet, met Jim Gore and that’s how it all transpired, but he could easily be lying. Maybe he was working with the man. It’s like a game of telephone. Someone will always mess it up, and it’s usually the second person. If the man with the crescent moon mark is the one who talked to Tiger Dan, then Tiger Dan is the second person in the long line of murder telephone.
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Like the observatory case, Ron gets into trouble and Toto has to step up. This time, Ron learns about his possible connection to the man with the crescent moon mark and it turns out to be his father Eliot Moriarty. Excuse me? Did you say Moriarty? Yes! Ron finally learns that half of his blood is from the Moriarty family. This shocks him so hard mentally that he becomes catatonic, so Toto has to lug him around and later stepping up to be the one to solve the case. Ron always believed Eliot died before his birth, but that’s not the case. There’s still a fragment of his memory that’s missing and Eliot revolves around it. All Ron can remember is that Eliot showed him many different methods of crimes. They all seem brutal, despite him using dummies. Did Eliot traumatize Ron in some way? I heard that the brain has a mysterious power to erase a memory that causes him pain, so I assume something revolving around Eliot traumatized him so much that it was wiped from his memories. That’s probably it. Poor Ron, though. Learning he’s half-Moriarty was definitely NOT in his bingo card.
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Though, there is something I’m curious about. Why was Mia invited to the auberge and not her mother? Did her mom die before the story? I think it’s rather cruel to make Mia, a seventeen-year-old girl be a part of the murder case, but that’s how the M family is—they’re cruel and show no mercy even to the young people. Also, given she’s Italian, is she half-English or was her mom on vacation at the time? I feel like the pregnant lady portion of the flashback is a little weird, but that’s just me.
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It’s crazy how we only have two episodes left. Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions/Deranged Detective will be showcased for the upcoming Jump Festa. I wonder if they’ll announce Season 3… What are your thoughts on this episode?
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a-forbidden-detective · 3 months ago
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RonToto with Italian high schooler Mia Costa.
Toto’s face though!
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letterboxd-loggd · 5 months ago
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Piercing (2018) Nicolas Pesce
September 21st 2024
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sporkberries · 2 years ago
butch/femme lesbians of dc: what are your thoughts and opinions?
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my professional and correct opinion
i probably forgot some but oh well
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mirmidones · 2 years ago
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so there's this thing called google
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dustedmagazine · 2 years ago
Arthur King — Changing Landscapes (Zompopa) (AKP)
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Changing Landscapes (Zompopa) by Arthur King
The Zompopa, or leaf-cutter ant, lives in large, complex societies, organized into a caste system, with different types of ants taking on different roles in maintaining the colony. Like humans, they are agriculturalists, fertilizing and cultivating various types of fungus which, in turn, feeds their populations. Peter Walker — not the flamenco-influenced guitarist but the ambient composer from Los Angeles at the center of Arthur King — spent time in the Costa Rican rainforest, recording the sounds of this insect society. With David Ralicke and Mia Doi Todd, he then improvised music over these recordings for a haunting set of tracks.
Through Arthur King and other projects, Walker explores the act of listening as a spiritual practice. In an interview with 15Questions, he describes his affinity with the writings of Carl Jung. “Jung suggests that by aligning and opening our senses away from our usual, intellectual filter, we can experience the vast world of the unknown, the unconscious, and even the numinous,” he said.  Changing Landscapes (Zompopa) is, indeed, a deeply affecting listening experience, melding the twittering, chittering serenity of the tropical wild with angelic vocals (Mia Doi Todd in particularly lovely form), electronics and other instruments.
The disc begins in a lingering drone, the high wordless singing of Doi Todd floating weightlessly over it, a slow gathering of timbres coalescing in serenity and meditative contemplation. This is “La Reina” the cut dedicated to the ant colony’s queen, and it is very subtly laced with a high, scraping, percussive sound that must be some magnified version of the sound that Zompopa ants produce.
Walker is frank about the limits of entering an alien world through sound. We don’t hear what the ants hear because we’re not ants. We don’t have the same equipment for sensing vibration. And yet, there is something very immersive and foreign about these musical piece, even embellished as they are by recognizable human elements—blasts of synthesizer, delicate chimes and bells, even a saxophone wandering through these eerie landscapes. “March Into the Colony” stirs into action on a propulsive, glitch-like beat; you only realize in retrospect that its rhythms are constructed out of insect sounds. The long closer “Funeral de Zompopa” brings these sounds the furthest into the forefront, so that Doi Todd’s melodic musings and dream-like drifts of trumpet drift over a bed of intricate, unfamiliar scratchings.  
As humans, we don’t like ants very much. The idea of hundreds, thousands, even millions of them coordinated in their own purposeful existence, growing food, protecting against enemies, reproducing, might well give you the willies. Changing Landscapes (Zompopa) brings us into alignment with this strange, unexplored world and lets you feel connection with a species you might not have considered otherwise.
Jennifer Kelly
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