jbrunsolved · 9 hours
The flashlight discrepancy
via reddit: (comment about the flashlight)
No it wasn’t. And that flashlight you see on the kitchen counter is not a Maglite. And it was not the one left by an intruder. That flashlight on the kitchen counter belonged to the Ramseys and was never taken in as evidence. The flashlight that WAS taken in as evidence and found to have no prints on it or on the batteries was found somewhere else in the house, somewhere unknown.
BPD have been lying about these flashlights since day 1. They have been pretending all along that there was only one flashlight but I have researched this in depth and have found evidence that proves there were two
'THE FLASHLIGHT' - Boulder Police want you to believe there was only ONE flashlight found but in fact there were TWO
Feb 25, 2017 · Edited
Newly revealed images taken by CBI of flashlight ‘20JRB’
  In the documentary screened by CBS on September 18, 2016, “The case of JonBenet” Part Two by Jim Clemente and Laura Richards photos of a flashlight not previously ever seen publicly were shown, thus giving the public their first opportunity of viewing that particular flashlight (Photographs 2, 3 and 4). 
The series of photos that were shown on the documentary were those of a flashlight that was all discoloured by fingerprint testing chemicals. It was CBI who did that testing and who would have taken those photos. The CBI ruler beside the flashlight gives an indication of the length of the flashlight Patsy and John had been shown photos from this collection of during their interviews in June 1998 where John said “it’s dirty, mine was hardly used”, while Patsy said it looked “kind of dirty” and also “smudgy or gray” but said John’s was “pretty slick black”, upon which it was explained to her that it looked that way because it had been processed for fingerprint detection. Logic dictates that the flashlight they were being questioned about at that point must have been ‘item 20JRB’ that had been taken in as evidence and been sent to CBI where it had been dusted for fingerprints and photographed beside a CBI ruler.  I have no doubt that Boulder Police gave these photos to the producers of this show because they knew the show was going to be biased towards Burke being the culprit so it served their interest to release the photos of this particular flashlight. However, they made a big mistake for what they revealed was photographic proof of the existence of a second flashlight. For right up until this documentary was shown members of the public photos of that flashlight had never been shown publicly. 
The showing of these photographs on this documentary gave interested members of the public the opportunity to compare the photos of this flashlight with photos of the kitchen counter flashlight that had already been published years earlier in numerous places including  James Kolar's 2012 book on page 49.
Just by eyeballing the photos of the two different flashlights it can be easily observed that the two flashlights are of different proportions from one another and are therefore clearly not the same flashlight. The kitchen counter flashlight has a relatively smaller head and more slender barrel compared with the 20JRB flashlight, which has a much thicker barrel relative to the head.
Also, a closer examination of other items close by to the kitchen counter flashlight (Photograph 1) it can be estimated that this flashlight was approximately 15 inches in length, an estimation that is in agreement with the length of the flashlight given by Jim Fitzgerald, an investigator who worked with police on the case in 1997, who said on one of the 2016 Clemente and Richards documentaries that it was 15 inches long.  From a comparison with the metric ruler alongside the 20JRB flashlight at the CBI lab (Photograph 2) it can be estimated that this flashlight was approximately 12.5 inches in length, which is the size of a 3D Maglite. So the CBI flashlight is considerably shorter than the kitchen counter flashlight. 
Photographs 2 and 3 - these are images of flashlight '20JRB', collected as evidence by James Byfield, December  27 1996, an image that was first seen by the public in a 2016 Clemente and Richards' television documentary. The ruler shows metric measure, from this the flashlight can be seen to be approximately 12 and 1/2 inches long.   
The release of the image of the CBI flashlight on one of the 2016 Clemente and Richards documentaries has provided visual and undeniable proof that there were two flashlights associated with the case as opposed to there being only one, which the Boulder Police had led the general public to believe for almost 20 years. 
Jameson says these photos can’t be trusted as genuine because they came from the Clemente - Richards documentary. But that’s just rubbish. I say it’s obvious that they are  photos taken in some scientific lab and as far as we know the only lab the flashight was CBI so they must have been CBI photos. 
Boulder Police know the flashlight that ended up at CBI did not belong to the Ramseys. The Ramsey one is the other one - the one photographed on the kitchen counter that ended up in a BPD lost property bin.
Boulder Police have always tried to pretend that there was only ever one flashlight and so always kept secret those photos that CBI took of the flashlight that had been sent to them. But by 2016 with the release of that documentary the photos somehow surfaced.
Now why would that have happened after having been kept secret for 20 years? Well I think that someone in the Boulder Police department willingly gave the Clemente - Richards producers the photos because they knew they were going to be used in a program that pushed the ‘Burke Did It’ theory - something that Boulder Police would have been 100% in favour of. And I think that in their excitement about the prospect of this show that someone in BPD made a big mistake.
It’s like what that guy said in the documentary “Wormwood” - “After many years have passed the people involved in the cover up forget what is meant to be still secret and they slip up” (not the exact words but something closely approximating)
Photograph 5 - This is an image of a 3D Maglite listed on the Maglite website as being 12 and 1/2 inch long, the same dimensions as those of  the flashlight taken in as evidence by James Byfield, listed as 'item 20JRB' and tested by CBI appear to be. 
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jbrunsolved · 9 hours
The victims advocates on Patsy and John that morning
As we all know, the Victim's Advocates on site the day JonBenet's body was found, and Schiller's book has some information about what they saw.
Mary Lou Jedamus and Grace Morlock had been called to the Ramsey home by the police as victim advocates when the kidnapping of JonBenét was first reported. They tried to comfort the parents, and they listened to what the couple said. The detectives thought the advocates might know something that would aid the investigation. On March 21 and 25, Detectives Harmer and Hickman interviewed Jedamus and Morlock at police headquarters.
The Ramseys probably didn’t know that their conversations with the advocates were not confidential or privileged by law.* Jedamus and Morlock were obligated to tell the detectives everything they could remember, since they worked for—and were partly compensated by—the police department....
...Morlock remembered that John Ramsey had cried but had tried to control his emotions even when he was so distraught that he could barely speak. He may have said, “If only the dog had been in the house.” The advocates had also heard Patsy say, “Whoever left the note knew that I always come down those stairs in the morning.” Morlock told the detectives she had seen John and Patsy sitting together in the dining room, holding each other and talking.
Both advocates remembered Patsy’s hysteria as she sobbed and carried on. One of them had heard Patsy say, “If only it were me, I’d trade places with Jonnie B. Oh, please let her be safe, please let her be safe.” Other than that, they had nothing more to contribute.Perfect Murder, Perfect Town (p. 325). HarperCollins e-books. Kindle Edition.
According to the Victim's Advocates, John and Patsy acted exactly in ways most people would expect her to act.
One of the biggest things that jumps out at me is that there is a storyline going around about how John and Patsy stayed away from each other and didn't comfort each other. Yet right here, in Schiller's book, is evidence that was a made-up story. John and Patsy sat together, holding each other and talking.
One has to wonder how these things happen, where the myths become greater than the truth.
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jbrunsolved · 9 hours
the pinapple may have been brought by the victims advocates (some say)
via reddit
By 6: 45 two victim advocates from the police department had arrived, and the population inside the house continued to swell. Five minutes later, as a crime scene tech dusted for fingerprints, one of the advocates followed along, tidying up with a spray cleaner and a cloth. It was a terrible breach of procedure—possible trace evidence was being erased in the name of neatness. (Thomas)
As the morning wore on, the victim advocates, Jedamus and Morlock, decided to go out and get bagels and fruit for everyone. (PMPT)
”The victim advocates left the residence to get bagels, brought them back and served them to individuals in the residence with some fruit,” says one part of the WHYD Investigative Archive. CSIs had wrapped up their processing of the first floor of the home. Victim advocates Grace Morlock and Mary Lou Jedamus had followed them around, cleaning up the mess left by fingerprint powder. Family friends were still in attendance, continuing their attempt to console Patsy Ramsey and had used the kitchen to prepare food and snacks for the group. (Kolar)
Mary Lou Jedamus and Grace Morlock had been called to the Ramsey home by the police as victim advocates when the kidnapping of JonBenét was first reported. They tried to comfort the parents, and they listened to what the couple said. The detectives thought the advocates might know something that would aid the investigation. On March 21 and 25, Detectives Harmer and Hickman interviewed Jedamus and Morlock at police headquarters. The Ramseys probably didn’t know that their conversations with the advocates were not confidential or privileged by law.* Jedamus and Morlock were obligated to tell the detectives everything they could remember, since they worked for—and were partly compensated by—the police department.... ...Morlock remembered that John Ramsey had cried but had tried to control his emotions even when he was so distraught that he could barely speak. He may have said, “If only the dog had been in the house.” The advocates had also heard Patsy say, “Whoever left the note knew that I always come down those stairs in the morning.” Morlock told the detectives she had seen John and Patsy sitting together in the dining room, holding each other and talking. Both advocates remembered Patsy’s hysteria as she sobbed and carried on. One of them had heard Patsy say, “If only it were me, I’d trade places with Jonnie B. Oh, please let her be safe, please let her be safe.” Other than that, they had nothing more to contribute. Perfect Murder, Perfect Town (p. 325). HarperCollins e-books. Kindle Edition.
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jbrunsolved · 10 hours
John and Patsy's behavior according to Boulder Police Dept Reddits
via reddit
Misconceptions that continue today - part 1
Thought I’d make a series of posts that include some of the half truths and outright lies that continue to be perpetuated by the main stream media. Here’s part 1:
The Ramsey’s behavior was cold and unemotional
“Patsy is loosing [sic] her grip at the scene.” (BPD #5-3851.)
”John Ramsey would break down and start sobbing at the scene.” (BPD #5-3839.)
”Every time the phone rings, Patsy stands up and just like takes a baseball bat to the gut and then gets down on her knees and she’s hiding her head and crying as soon as that phone rings and it’s like a cattle prod.” (BPD #5-3859.)
”Sgt. Reichenbach felt Patsy was a complete emotional mess.” (BPD Report #5-3917.)(formal interview)
”Officer French thinks the Ramseys are acting appropriately at the scene.” (BPD Report #5-3851.) (formal interview)
”Per [Patsy’s friend] … Patsy looked dead herself … was up every 30 minutes throughout the night. John was pacing when I got there … was pacing and crying throughout the night … Patsy would ask … me to check on Burke every 10 minutes.” (BPD Report #1-1881)
”Patsy was literally in shock. Vomiting, hyperventilating.” (BPD #5-433)
”Patsy cries all the time.” (BPD #1-640)
”During the initial ransom demand time Patsy was hysterical, just absolutely hysterical.” (BPD #5-230)
”She is hyperventilating. She is hallucinating. She is screaming. She was hysterical. John was pacing around. [Close family friends] were trying to keep Patsy from fainting. She was vomiting a little.” (BPD #5-404)
”I thought Patsy was going to have a heart attack and die. I thought she was going to kill herself.” (BPD #5-437)
Below are the police reports that were taken from the night of the 26th when the police were with the Ramseys ‘protecting’ and observing them:
”12: 05 a.m. 12-27-96: “Both John and Patsy get Valium.” (BPD Report # 1-112)
”12: 20 a.m. 12-27-96: “John and Patsy Ramsey fall asleep on the living room floor.” (BPD Report #1-112)
”01: 50 a.m. 12-27-96: “Patsy gets up and asks if someone is with her son, Burke. She also asks for more pills and says ‘I just want to stay asleep.’ She also asks if all the doors and windows are locked. She is drowsy and drugged.” (BPD Report #1-112)
”02: 00 a.m. 12-27-96: “Patsy gets up to go to the bathroom. She is drowsy and dazed. Sobs every once in a while. At times needs to be supported.” (BPD Report #1-112)
”02: 35 a.m. 12-27-96: “Patsy Ramsey goes back to bed.” (BPD Report #1-112)
”02: 40 a.m. 12-27-96: “John Ramsey gets up and asks for two pills and walks around crying.” (BPD Report #1-112)
”02: 45 a.m. 12-27-96: “John Ramsey goes back to bed.” (BPD Report #1-113, Source.)
”02: 50 a.m. 12-27-96: “John Ramsey is back up crying and sobbing at times.” (BPD Report #1-113)
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jbrunsolved · 10 hours
Results of Handwriting - experts weigh in.
via reddit (the post is about misconceptions).
The handwriting experts concluded Patsy wrote the note
Below are the 6 original handwriting experts and their conclusions. They are the only ones who examined the original ransom note and handwriting samples- others examined copies only.
Chet Ubowski, Colorado Bureau of Investigation (police expert)
Conclusion: The evidence fell short of what was needed to support a conclusion that Mrs. Ramsey wrote the note. Ubowski also publicly denied (April 10, 2000) the accuracy of the Boulder police department’s statement that he concluded Patsy Ramsey wrote the ransom note. He also denied the claim (repeated by both Thomas and Kolar) that 24 of the alphabet's 26 letters looked as if they had been written by Patsy.
Richard Dusak, U.S. Secret Service Document Examiner (police expert)
Conclusion: found a lack of indications and noted that a study and comparison of the questioned and specimened writings submitted has resulted in the conclusion that there is no evidence to indicate that Patsy Ramsey executed any of the questioned material appearing on the ransom note.
Lloyd Cunningham, a Forensic Document Examiner (hired by defendants)
Conclusion: “There were no significant individual characteristics, but much significant difference in Patsy’s writing and the ransom note.”
Howard Rile, Forensic Document Examiner certified by the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (hired by the defense)
Conclusion: His opinion was between ‘probably not’ and ‘elimination’ of Patsy Ramsey as author of the ransom note, further stating that he believes that the writer could be identified if historical writing was found.
Leonard Speckin, Forensic Document Examiner (police expert)
Conclusion: “I can find no evidence that Patsy Ramsey disguised her handprinting exemplars. When I compare the handprinting habits of Patsy Ramsey with those presented in the questioned ransom note, there exists agreement to the extent that some of her individual letter formations and letter combinations do appear in the ransom note. When this agreement is weighed against the number, type and consistency of the differences present, I am unable to identify Patsy Ramsey as the author of the questioned ransom note with any degree of certainty. I am however, unable to eliminate her as the author.”
Edwin Alford, Jr.. Private Document Examiner. (police expert)
Conclusion: Examination of the questioned handwriting and comparison with the handwriting specimens submitted “has failed to provide a basis for identifying Patricia Ramsey as the writer of the letter.”
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jbrunsolved · 17 hours
the pineapple - more info
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additional reddit comment (excerpt). The initials WHYD mean "We have your Daughter" Book by Paul Woodward. Link "misconceptions that continue"
According to the coroner’s observation written into his autopsy report, JonBenét’s stomach contained “fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple.” Actual laboratory testing had not been completed at the time the coroner’s report was written. The exact material in JonBenét’s stomach and intestines was first discussed with experts at the University of Colorado on October 15, 1997 (BPD Report # 1-1156), more than ten months after JonBenét was killed. Their reports about the contents of her stomach/ proximal area were given to the Boulder Police Department more than a year later in January of 1998, (BPD Report #1-1349) one year after JonBenét’s death. And that’s when the mystery deepened and the misconception about what JonBenét actually ate was discovered. According to previously unreleased BPD reports, laboratory testing revealed that JonBenét also ate cherries and grapes as well as pineapple. Remnants of cherries were found in the stomach/ proximal area of her small intestine. “Another item besides pineapple was cherries.” (BPD Report #1-1348.) In that same report: “Another item besides pineapple was grapes.” (BPD Report #1-1348.) Another report expands on the grapes, saying “grapes including skin and pulp.” (BPD Report #1-349.) The food described resembles what is included in most cans of fruit cocktail. (WHYD)
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jbrunsolved · 18 hours
The pineapple
The following was mostly obtained from two websites. One from the link at top and the 2nd from:
my comments are in *bold*
jameson Charter Member 6366 posts Nov-04-02, 09:59 AM (EST)
3. "on the pineapple" In response to message #2 "On one of my trips to Boulder, I visited with both Dr. Krugman and Dr. Dobersen. They BOTH told me that no one can tell when JonBenét ate the pineapple because no one knows what else she ate that day. They do know it was not eaten minutes before her death. The pineapple was not in her stomach but in her intestines. Think about kids throwing up - - it can happen hours after a meal - - and they are emptying their stomach, not their intestines. No one kept track of what JonBenét ate that day. Some foods speed up digestion and others retard it. JonBenét was offered all kinds of food that day - - no one paid any attention to what she ate. Both doctors told me that she could have eaten that pineapple BEFORE the family left to go to the Whites'. That is what I think happened. I think Burke had gotten out some pineapple, his prints were on the bowl. Why do I think him and not Patsy whose prints were also on the bowl? Well, Patsy's printswould have gotten there when she emptied the dishwasher. But the bowl and oversized spoon was, according to Patsy, not anything she did, not the way she would have served a pineapple snack to the kids. So I think Burke got it out - - and no one has told me that could not be true. ......... I think JBR was walking through the room and saw it and snatched a piece or two. There was no reason for her to touch the bowl to snatch a bit of a treat. And she didn't have much - - seems to me it could be as simple as what I just said.
According to Steve Thomas:
"That would indicate that she ate it between the time she returned home about 10 P.M. and the time she died. But if that were the case, then she wasn't carried straight to bed, asleep, as her parents claimed. She ate the pineapple, it was digested, and then she was killed. This was the only way the evidence made sense." - ST
LovelyPigeon (May. 08, 2000 10:02 AM) SteveThomas
In the book, you frequently refer to pineapple found in the "stomach" yet the autopsy report indicates the stomach was empty and the food material was found only in the proximal small intestines. Why do you use the phrase "pineapple in the stomach"? Also, how, when and by whom was the "fruit or vegetable" material identified positively as pineapple? (I have purchased and read your book but did not find the answers to these 2 questions inside it)
SteveThomas (May. 10, 2000 02:04 AM) ACandyRose (read)
Dear ACandyRose, Unfortunately, hindsight is everything. At the autopsy, the disocvery of the pineapple in the upper digestive tract sparked a recolelction by a detective back to the crime scene -- a bowl of pineapple on the brekafast tbale (which was colelcted and refrigerated as evidence). Much much later we were able to have the scientists make the determination that the pineapple in the bowl was fresh pineapple (as opposed to canned), and was compared to the pineapple in the victim — consistent right down to the rind in both cases as fresh pineapple. (Not to mention Patsy's fingerprint . . .but that is another story) But by the time all these "discoveries" were realized, the thought to determine from where the fresh pinepaple had its genesis was gone -- that is, one cop thought there might have been some fresh cut pineapple in the Ramsey fridge, but it had never been collected. There was no way of knowing then how important this would become later! We do know, though, that the White's never served pineapple at their home that night. Would love to discuss it more wiht you at some later point. Hope this answered your question on the pineapple. Re: the Stine's -- why werent they called by Patsy that morning? In my opinion, the Stine's didnt really become close friends until after this tragedy. I found nothing indicating they were in the Ramsey's close circle before Christmas, although they were acquainted and on freindly terms. But the White's and Fernie's were obviouly much closer." "
jameson Charter Member 6366 posts Apr-26-02, 10:19 PM (EST)
"Pineapple" From the autopsy - "The proximal portion of the small intestine contains fragmented pieces of yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple." There is a great debate about when JBR ate that pineapple. It seems it came from a bowl of pineapple found on the table in the Ramsey breakfast room. Patsy and Burke had left their prints on the bowl. Burke's prints were on the glass. JBR's ptints were not found there. I think she grabbed a few chunks with her fingers as they were getting ready to leave for the Whites'. Others say the killer fed it to her and then waited for it to pass through her stomach to kill her. Dr. Dobersen told me personally that theere is no way to determine when she ate that pineapple - - too many unknown factors involved, but she could have eaten it before leaving home that day. Even Steve Thomas, in his book, admits that is a possibility - though he says it is at the out limits of the possible time."
"There is an absurd theory around, promoted by James Kolar in his book Foreign Faction that Burke and JonBenet had a fight over the pineapple and that was what precipitated her murder (by her brother over pineapple)"
We also have this:
"Coroner Meyer had noted in his autopsy examination that the food found in JonBenet's intestine would have been consumed approximately two hours prior death
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jbrunsolved · 3 days
JonBenet Investigator Talks Exclusively to Fox 31 News
Holly Smith - head of Boulder County Sexual Abuse Team.
Created: Monday, 13 Nov 2006, 9:29 PM MST JonBenet Ramsey
The tenth anniversary of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey is rapidly approaching. The whirlwind surrounding the arrest and release of John Mark Karr shows it's a mystery that continues to capture the nation's attention.
Fox 31 News and Investigative Reporter Julie Hayden have received new information as one of the investigators talks for the first time about her experiences with the case.
Holly Smith recently wrote a book about her 20 years with the Boulder County Sexual Abuse team. She left out the chapter about the Ramsey case, but is now revealing her part of the investigation exclusively to us.
A Memory Forever Engrained
Holly Smith remembers walking up the steps to the Ramsey home: the big candy canes more jarring than festive considering the circumstances. The house was lavishly decorated.
Smith recalls, "It was big and it was meandering and it was schmanzy fancy."
It was the third day of the investigation into the murder of JonBenet Ramsey. Smith was head of the Boulder County Sexual Abuse team and has been called into the investigation, as she says, "to consult about some of the dynamics and some of the things people suspected might be going on with this case."
She started, as always, with a visit to the child's bedroom.
"That's a really important piece of getting a real feel for a family," Smith explains.
With portfolio pictures galore and closets full of JonBenet's elaborate pageant outfits, Smith says she had a hard time getting a fell for who the little girl really was, even in her bedroom.
She recalls, "I just had a sense the type of decor in her bedroom was not really a child's decor."
One poignant find that she does recall was a red satin box with what looked like JonBenet's secret stash of candy.
She found something else in the room, however, which raised an immediate red flag. Smith says most of the panties in JonBenet's dresser drawers had been soiled with fecal material.
"There is this dynamic of children that have been sexually abused sometimes soiling themselves or urinating in their beds to keep someone who is hurting them at bay," explains Smith.
JonBenet also had a history of bedwetting. While Smith points out there could be innocent explanations, this was the kind of information that raised questions.
"It's very different for every child, but when you have a child that's had this problem and it's pretty chronic for that child, and in addition you know some sort of physical evidence or trauma or an allegation, you put all those little pieces together and it just goes in your head," she says.
Smith adds, "There was an indication of trauma in the vaginal area."
The coroner's autopsy discovered evidence investigators say indicates JonBenet suffered vaginal trauma the night she was murdered. However the autopsy report also describes evidence of possible prior vaginal trauma. Experts disagree about the significance of that.
It could indicate previous injury or infection, a sign of abuse, or nothing at all.
Arapahoe County Coroner Dr. Michael Doberson says you would need more information before you could come to any conclusion. That was part of Smith's job. But then she was abruptly pulled off the investigation and told police were handling everything. "There was a lot of territoriality around the case," she says.
Smith says she also saw things in the Ramsey investigation that she's seen in other cases, like the factor that money played in it.
"No one is exempt but people with money are able to keep themselves more cushioned," she says.
She says she also saw a reluctance to even consider the issue of child sex abuse.
Says Smith, "It's just not a place where you know it's so abhorrent to people that they can't even do it, they can't even wrap their heads around it but it's more common than we think. The sexual violation of children has been around for a long time."
Smith believes all of them involved with the case lost their way.
She concludes, "In all the hyper-personalization around this case, everybody wanting a piece of it, everybody wanting to be the hero understandably and wanting to find out what happened to this little girl, our purpose really got lost. We lost sight of this child."
In her writing, Smith describes seeing a picture of a smiling JonBenet, taken Christmas morning and tells how distressing it was to realize the child would die what she called a hideous death that very day.
A lawyer for the Ramsey family did not return our phone calls. But the Ramseys have always denied that JonBenet suffered any kind of prior abuse and point out her pediatrician never saw anything indicating abuse, either.​
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jbrunsolved · 3 days
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jbrunsolved · 3 days
Case still haunts Boulder
"But three years after a young girl's killing became a media sensation, one thing hasn't changed: No one has been arrested for killing JonBene�t Ramsey.
One thing is clear, however: Burke didn't do it.
In May, The Star tabloid ran a story saying sources in the D.A.'s office believed the boy, then 10, had killed his sister in a fit of jealousy.
Days later, Boulder D.A. Alex Hunter's office made a rare comment about the investigation, declaring in a public statement that the boy, now 12, is not a suspect.
Kane said prosecutors were outraged by the story.
"This was a little kid. We just thought it was terrible,'' Kane said.
As the story began to be picked up by more mainstream media, "When the New York Post picked it up, when MSNBC started to run with it, we just thought, "Shouldn't we put this to rest,' '' Kane said.
Kane, the father of two, said, "I considered it to be child abuse, to profit that way'' at the expense of a young boy.
And, he said, there was "no basis for the story.''
In his review of evidence, Kane said, "I just didn't see anything to support that'' theory.
Asked recently if Burke had ever been a suspect, Police Chief Mark Beckner said, "Everybody was a suspect in the beginning.''
But, Beckner said, none of the evidence they collected pointed to the boy.
If the case goes to trial, the Ramseys' Atlanta lawyer, L. Lin Wood, said he is confident "I'll have a number of witnesses who will clearly testify there is no evidence against Burke.''
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jbrunsolved · 5 days
Autopsy evidence regarding JBR SA leaves experts in disagreement
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jbrunsolved · 6 days
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jbrunsolved · 6 days
transcript of 911 call
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jbrunsolved · 6 days
grand jury
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jbrunsolved · 6 days
patsy handwriting samples
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jbrunsolved · 6 days
various newspaper articles
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jbrunsolved · 6 days
Ransom note
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