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movingblanket · 4 years ago
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Hydroponic Samsung Pro Full spectrum 800w LED Grow Lights and ETL approve . . . . .#cannabisgrower #cannabiscommunity #igrowweed #itsmedicinal #growyourown #medicalmarijuana #cannabispatient  #mygrow #myhappyplace #girlsgrowtoo #growlights #growlikeapro #growlikeagirl #ledgrowlights #ledvshps  #medicalcannabispatient #medicalcannabiscommunity #cannabiscommunity #cannafam #growlights #goodgrowergreatparent #madewithlove #madeinamerica #madeintheusa #indoorfarming #indoorgarden #indoorplants #indoorjungle #mycrop(在 Qingdao Port) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNurhS4MPzG/?igshid=ljr2zfl2i9vq
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weedmd-inc · 5 years ago
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All the way 🆙 #thinkgreen
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marios-supersoil · 2 years ago
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Update on the tent!! Things are growing fast now and look super healthy Shout out to @plantworldgs for the awesome 3 gal fabric pots and amazing light! Thank you @plantworldgs for the 4x4 tent all the growing equipment I need! Thank you @dank_donkey_genetics for the seeds! 🙏🏻 Growing Dr.Pepper auto and Charlotte's web from @dank_donkey_genetics Shout out to @seedsonline_seedbank For the Jamaican dream CBD! #canadianweedgrowers #canadianweedinfluencer #canadianweedsmokers #canna #cannabiscommunity #cannabiscures #cannabisfarmer #cannabispatient #cannabisphotography #cannabissociety https://www.instagram.com/p/CosKxFhu8SD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alapoet · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @oregonleaf National News 🌍 🗞@alapoet As of August 1, police in Louisiana are not allowed to use the odor of marijuana as probable cause to search a person’s home without a warrant. On the other side of the coin, smoking or vaping marijuana in a vehicle will be illegal. Those are just two of the laws passed in this year’s Louisiana Legislative session that went into effect at the beginning of August related to the regulation of marijuana in the state. Lawmakers also included employment protections for state workers who are medical marijuana patients. AS ACT 473 PROHIBITS POLICE FROM USING THE SMELL OF MARIJUANA COMING FROM A PERSON’S HOME AS PROBABLE CAUSE FOR A SEARCH WITHOUT A WARRANT. SMOKING WEED OK AGAIN AT NY STATE FAIR 55% of Texas voters say they favor Marijuana legalization in a new poll. $23.3M was spent in medical marijuana dispensaries in July by Arkansas patients. Read up on the National News column in all of our magazines by Steve Elliott @alapoet ! Get them in print or on our website for FREE! Page Design by @bermanphotos #nationalnews #legalizationnews #cannabislegalization #LegalizePlants #olcc #medicalmarijuana #cannabisismedicine #mmj #cannabispatient #oregonleaf #LeafNation https://www.instagram.com/p/CiQMUp1OQXD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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schwarzer-flamingo · 3 years ago
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Ich war nun für ein paar Monate recht inaktiv, weil sich wieder viel in meinem Leben bewegt hat: Nun möchte ich der #Pflanze Ehre gebühren, die mich in meinem Schaffen unterstützt — ich bin #Cannabis-Patientin und stolz darauf, mich von einem #Stigma freizukämpfen. Möchtest du mehr über Studien zu Cannabis und #Kreativität erfahren? Schau gerne in meinem neuesten Artikel vorbei, in dem ich auch erkläre, wie Cannabis mich von Beschwerden befreit hat und so mehr Raum für #Inspiration schuf! 💚🦩 . Über den Link in der Bio kommst du einfach mit zwei Klicks auf den neuen Beitrag zu "Cannabis und Kreativität". . . #poesieblog #cannabispatient #medicalcannabis #cannabiscreative #creative #illustration #illustrator #tourette #divergent #convergent #thinking #inspirational #therapy #mindful #mediativ #kunst #kunstblog #gedichte #cannabisgedicht #stigma #legalisierung #german https://www.instagram.com/p/CeCQDcXLMTf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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living-with-arthritis · 3 years ago
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I had a nice video made for this review but it’s not posting so here are the pics instead * Mountain High THC Suckers * Probably my favorite thc edible Ive tried from Colorado, these mountain high suckers taste amazing! This one is watermelon and my favorite flavor so far. There are many flavors so look for more in future posts. * These suckers are 10mg per sucker and cost $10 in my area. You cant taste the thc in them, Flavor is on point. They make me super mellow and relaxed. They help really good with pain also. * I love these suckers and i will continue to buy more. Highly recommend!!! * #medicalcannabis #medicalcannabispatient #medicalcannabispatientadvocate #cannabis #cannabispatient #cannabispatientadvicate #thc #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthrtisawareness #rheumatoidarthritiswarrior #rheumatoiddisease #rheumatoiddiseaseareness #rheumatoiddiseasewarrior #arthritis #arthritisawareness #arthritiswarrior #chronicpain #chronicpainawareness #chronicpainwarrior #invisibleillness #invisibledisease #MHSuckers https://www.instagram.com/p/CbbEwQzPXHc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marijuanacards · 5 years ago
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Marijuana spans across all types of human beings. 🗺️🌐 #420patient #cannabispatient #mmjcard #mmjcards #marijuanacard #marijuanacards #cannabiscard #pammj #mmj #420card #420cards #mmjpatient #mjpatient #marijuanapatient #pammjpatient #naturesway #natureswaymedicine #ilera #beyondhellodispensary #restorepa #restoredispensary #ilerahealthcare #vowd #kanehkare #pagreenmedical #greeninstitute #crescoyeltrah #moxiepa (at Nature's Way Medicine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BUXn5nDC-/?igshid=kia9wwrbfthd
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marios-supersoil · 2 years ago
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@stoopidtrukergrows growing some amazing plants! Don't forget we have a massive sale going on, everything is 25% off!! 🔥 #canadianweedgrowers #canadianweedinfluencer #canadianweedsmokers #canna #cannabiscommunity #cannabiscures #cannabisfarmer #cannabispatient #cannabisphotography #cannabissociety https://www.instagram.com/p/CjbFoWFODrT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xc-photography · 3 years ago
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I have been really bad at keeping up with #patient11 I have had a few set backs in my recovery, physically and mentally. But while I can I will be setting up a go fund me page, I have realised that for this to work, I can't do it myself, I know my limits, and creating all the content needed to really help, from #travel to #food #latestnews #patientsupport #interviews and so much more, keep an eye out for posts throughout the day with some great links In the meantime, here is a photo of #Amsterdam on my last visit there, I really need to go back, just to have a weekend pain free! Photo by @xcphotography_uk #patienthelp #city #citybreaks #cannatravel #cannabispatient #helpforpain #changethestory #cannabishelps #ineedhelp #buildingsomethingnew #ineedhelp #newproject #ineedfun #tuesdaythoughts #helpingothers #medicalcannabis #cannabistourists #travelphotography #contentcreator #cqnnabisforpain #CannabisHealth #visitamsterdam @visit__amsterdam #ineedabreak https://www.instagram.com/p/CWC87hhMjtI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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liberatewpb420 · 7 years ago
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The verdict is in!! FL Supreme Court Rules That MMJ Smoking Ban is UNCONSTITUTIONL!!! I am sure the state will appeal this verdict but as of right now we have a ruling! https://www.scribd.com/document/380183921/Medical-Marijuana-in-Florida-Order-and-Final-Judgement www.liberatewpb.com #liberatewpb #nosmokeisajoke #johnmorgan #smokingcannabis #cannabis #medicalcannabis #medicalmarijuana #cannabispatient
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marijuanacards · 5 years ago
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Nature's Way Medicine is Pennsylvania's number one medical marijuana clinic. 🥇 #420patient #cannabispatient #mmjcard #mmjcards #marijuanacard #marijuanacards #cannabiscard #pammj #mmj #420card #420cards #mmjpatient #mjpatient #marijuanapatient #pammjpatient #naturesway #natureswaymedicine #ilera #beyondhellodispensary #restorepa #restoredispensary #ilerahealthcare #vowd #kanehkare #pagreenmedical #greeninstitute #crescoyeltrah #moxiepa (at Nature's Way Medicine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B48XxNWHDsd/?igshid=wlgsk089qslo
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liberatejax420-blog · 7 years ago
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The verdict is in!! FL Supreme Court Rules That MMJ Smoking Ban is UNCONSTITUTIONL!!! I am sure the state will appeal this verdict but as of right now we have a ruling! https://www.scribd.com/document/380183921/Medical-Marijuana-in-Florida-Order-and-Final-Judgement www.liberatejax.com #liberatejax #nosmokeisajoke #johnmorgan #smokingcannabis #cannabis #medicalcannabis #medicalmarijuana #cannabispatient
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marios-supersoil · 2 years ago
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Those savings tho. #canadianweedgrowers #canadianweedinfluencer #canadianweedsmokers #canna #cannabiscommunity #cannabiscures #cannabisfarmer #cannabispatient #cannabisphotography #cannabissociety https://www.instagram.com/p/CjYaYUfOzT8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vanillacokeblows-blog · 7 years ago
Love this buzz. Extreme clean and ready to get work done. This strain was suggested for anxiety and depression. I feel great! @cobraextracts was the brand I ordered this time! . . . . #elevateyourself #elevateyourmind #sativa #lemonskunk #girlswhovape #idontsmoke #medicalcannabis #norcal #motivated #feelingood #hustle #hustlehard #co2oil #cannabiscommunity #cannabisqueenz #cannabispatient #cannabisculture #anxietyfreefornow #freetobeme (at Paradise, California)
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