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organictalks · 8 months ago
Beyond the fields, beyond the profits, lies a story of transformation. Mr. Harisharan Devgan, is a man who traded luxury for a life dedicated to sustainable agriculture. His journey is a testament to the power of innovation, the importance of community, and the possibilities of a greener future. Join us as we explore his incredible story, discover his groundbreaking methods, his innovative ventures in sustainable textiles and skincare, and the secrets to building a more sustainable world on the Organic Talks Podcast.
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steadyalmondstudentcop · 6 months ago
Big up @fyahmusic always on it "support on itunes C-O-V-I-D-1-9 big up @breeze_east_new_york #kingraspedro @repostpenonome @legalizeweedpma @ceibaband #kingraspedro @riseithiopia @thepatiogrillandbar @therootsrocker @ras_khaleel @cannabistalk101 @m.salinasphotography @sirchasesanborn @danittygritty2021 @fyahmusic @jacobwithjah @medik4 @bothagry @powerofreggae @linderiawatts thejaywayyyy @reggaeville @rastamish @reggaefestivalguide @tj_nile @jackrussellmusicpublishing @holywavytrinity @youngterrell @ras_matusalem.official @repostpenonome @legalizeweedpma @obsidian_vicious #kingraspedro #ceibaband @yheshuahrasper @nattyfyah @fiyahvibez1 @rastaninipanama @luis19diaz @panamaflow_507 @criticapa02 @reggaefesttour
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weedmd-inc · 5 years ago
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All the way 🆙 #thinkgreen
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modestjones · 4 years ago
Super Dope Team over @CannabisTalk101 🌬✨ I will see y’all today on the #CannabisTalk101 bus 🚎 @champstradeshows & Make sure y’all check out my brand new episode @cannabistalk101❣️ @joegrande52 @1christopherwright @wasslaw @wasslawdog @pot_brothers_at_law 💚💚💚💚 @g4livex @budtenderawards @lasvegasnorml @modestjonesorganic (at Cannabis Talk 101) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR9b8MqJ2Qr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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djlewylew · 7 years ago
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#GreatPost via @pot_brothers_at_law - Have A Safe Sunday Sesh and know your rights! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!🙏👍👍😁😁👍 #stayeducatedandmedicated CATCH US ON @CANNABISTALK101 kociradio.com every Wed and Sun at 6pm PST (855) WASSLAW (855) WASSLAW  FOR CONSULTATIONS REMEMBER THE SCRIPT (25 WORDS) ~ The Script ~ "WHY DID YOU PULL ME OVER?" "I'M NOT DISCUSSING MY DAY" "AM I BEING DETAINED OR AM I FREE TO GO?" If detained you say, "I INVOKE THE 5TH!" Then you SHUT THE FUCK UP! ™ #INVOKETHE5TH then #STFU FOLLOW OUR PERSONAL IG PAGES @wasslaw @wasslawdog @dabbinglawyer WE ARE NOW ON SNAPCHAT little brother is POTBROTHERATLAW Big brother is WASSLAWDOG #influencer #lawyer #tipoftheday  #legalizeit #potbrothersatlaw  #highercontent #highercontent  #neverconsent #cannabiscommunity #MarijuanaGuestExpert #ExpertGuest #TalkShowExpert #TalkShowGuest #potbrothersatlaw  #MarijuanaTalkShowExpert #medicalmarijuanaattorneys #shutthefuckup #cannabislegalexpert #amibeingdetainedoramifreetogo #imnotdiscussingmyday #whydidyoupullmeover #cannabistalk101 #sethrogan #joerogan #dopemagazine DISCLAIMER - THIS PAGE OFFERS EDUCATIONAL TIPS & INFORMATION PERTAINING TO CALIFORNIA LAWS AND CONSTITUTIONAL & CIVIL RIGHTS WHEN DEALING WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT!
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vdotvaldez · 7 years ago
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Y'all tune in TOMORROW NIGHT on @therollupshow! 💨💨💨 Ma homegirl @jazihi, @i_am_kiwi_ras & @smoke_deville finna #Takeoff 🚀💨💯 #cannabistalk101 #hiphop #westcoast
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paradiselifestylesblog · 5 years ago
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But only one is illegal 🤔🤔. Let’s get free!! . - - Credit to respective owners . - 👉Follow @heavenlyhealths .............................................................................................. #bluedreamradio #bigpharma #cannabispodcast #cannabiscommunity #cannabisulture #cannasuer #cannapreneur #blackmedia #blackmediamatters #blackpodcasts #blackpodcastsmatter #latinopodcast #latinosinmedia #cannalatino #cannabislatino #realtalk #cannabistalk101 #cannabisequity #socialequity #socialjustice #speaktruthtopower #wegotnow #letschat #nomorelies #420life #420talk #thc #cbd #legalizeit #drugwar https://www.instagram.com/p/B54mqvEnljp/?igshid=1wnl6pi0kkjy2
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whollyhemp · 6 years ago
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According to NBC, the current police field test to detect THC has not kept up with the changing laws of CBD, causing Cannabis confusion and putting innocent people in jail. A new Swiss test aims for officers to be able to distinguish the difference between CBD and THC. Law enforcement in Florida has already ordered over 25,000 of these tests, and in one county the Sheriff has issued a legal bulletin stating "All current THC test kits must be disposed of and replaced with new test kits." 
Full story here:➡️ https://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/New-Police-Drug-Test-Aims-to-Tell-Pot-From-CBD-512891941.html
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mad-marc-iz · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @cannabistalk101 - Cannabis Propaganda in the 1930’s heavily spread by Harry Anslinger the U.S Treasury Departments Federal Bureau of Narcotics. A hate-monger who masterminded America’s War on Drugs that still effect our community today. 👎🏻 #CannabisTalk101 #420repost https://www.instagram.com/p/BwnTXiEB2n5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=denzamkq24ac
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cannabistalk101-blog · 8 years ago
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@cwcbexpo #CannabisTalk101 #potbrothersatlaw #cbdlivingwater #cbd #socalsafe #cwcbexpo #cannabis #cannabisculture #modernmartini #green #dank #follow #ct101 #backwoods #cannabismeansbusiness #deviantdabs #cannabiscommunity #ca #gardengrove #la #losangeles #instagood #instamood @pot_brothers_at_law @socalsafe #gogreen #wcc @cbdlivingwater @modernmartinirx #gardengrove #la 📷📷 @brotherjarrod
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modernmartinirx · 8 years ago
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MMRX Flavor Profiles have 10 different ones to choose from🍸🔥🍸🌲🍐🍎🍉🍇🍋🍑🍒🍾🥂 @modernmartinirx @cannabiscocktails @modernmartinirxarizona @cannabistalk101 @namelessgenetics_ #potbrothers #cannabistalk101 #cannabisdrinks #hempdrinks #cannabiscocktails #marijuanamartinis #weedporn #dopelife #fueledbythc #media #ganja #leafly #grinding #blending
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hushsupply · 5 years ago
@cannabistalk101 📽 Recap of the @weedconproductions event yesterday 🔥🔥 This is a great event that benefits the Safety Harbor Kids. Don’t miss the next one! . . . . #CannabisTalk101 #SafetyHarborKids #KnowYourRights #WyclefJean #RobbyKrieger #TheDoors #JimMorrison #GanjaGirls #Smoke #GirlsWhoSmoke #SafeHarborKids #HushSupply #HushIsTheNewLoud #PotBrothersAtLaw #WeedConProductions #WeedConWonderland @pot_brothers_at_law @cannabistalk101 @joegrande52 @1christopherwright VIDEO CRED: @JennyRachel87. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ufysjBSUp/?igshid=13ns8zrx1dokk
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forstonerzonlyradio · 6 years ago
from @cannabistalk101 - This is what mind control looks like... what do you think? #cannabistalk101 #CCAs19_Media_CannabisTalk101 #CCAs19_Lawyer_PotBrothersAtLaw #WebJointCCAs2019 #CCAs2019 - #regrann (at Forstonerzonlyradio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_LepkH3j_/?igshid=1pdmzawzmcd9n
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victormartinezjr · 6 years ago
GO CHECK @bigspit ON EPISODE 5 right now link in the bio!!! #Cannabis #cannabisisbeautiful #cannabisnerd #cannabisncomics #cannabisnews #cannabishistory #cannabiscremona #cannabissmokersonly #cannabisislife #cannabiscomonuty #cannabischemistrysubdivision #cannabissarmy #CannabisReviews #CannabisConsumer #CannabisCard #cannabisdoctor #cannabisindica #cannabiscanada #cannabiscloset #CannabisTalk101 #cannabisbros #cannabisnormal #cannabiscanadatoday #cannabisapplecrisp #CannabisFacts #cannabiscultivation #cannabisschool #cannabisreview #cannabistest #cannabisseedling (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAAfglHv_a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hfxykjqt32mj
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gendashwhy · 7 years ago
SHUT THE FUCK UP FRIDAY SCRIPT REVIEW WITH @jeffhamilton @rudynegreteuniondadank @saint__stone #stayeducatedandmedicated 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!🙏👍👍😁😁👍 #stayeducatedandmedicated CATCH US ON @CANNABISTALK101 kociradio.com every Wed and Sun at 6pm PST (855) WASSLAW (855) WASSLAW  FOR CONSULTATIONS REMEMBER THE SCRIPT (25 WORDS) ~ The Script ~ "WHY DID YOU PULL ME OVER?" "I'M NOT DISCUSSING MY DAY" "AM I BEING DETAINED OR AM I FREE TO GO?" If detained you say, "I INVOKE THE 5TH!" Then you SHUT THE FUCK UP! ™ #INVOKETHE5TH then #STFU FOLLOW OUR PERSONAL IG PAGES @wasslaw @wasslawdog @dabbinglawyer WE ARE NOW ON SNAPCHAT little brother is POTBROTHERATLAW Big brother is WASSLAWDOG #influencer #lawyer #tipoftheday  #legalizeit #potbrothersatlaw  #highercontent #highercontent  #neverconsent #cannabiscommunity #MarijuanaGuestExpert #ExpertGuest #TalkShowExpert #TalkShowGuest #potbrothersatlaw  #MarijuanaTalkShowExpert #medicalmarijuanaattorneys #shutthefuckup #cannabislegalexpert #amibeingdetainedoramifreetogo #imnotdiscussingmyday #whydidyoupullmeover #cannabistalk101 #sethrogan #joerogan #dopemagazine DISCLAIMER - THIS PAGE OFFERS EDUCATIONAL TIPS & INFORMATION PERTAINING TO CALIFORNIA LAWS AND CONSTITUTIONAL & CIVIL RIGHTS WHEN DEALING WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT! Regrann from @pot_brothers_at_law - #PotHeals #PeaceCore
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