#you're doing great jim keep going
my boy jimothy infiltrating the hearts of the enterprise crew one by one until they just give him the ship
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Rise Characterizations Pt. 2!!
In the first part I went over my character writing notes for Raph, so we're doing Leo next!!!
Leo Character Notes
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Language Habits:
First the obvious, makes a lot of puns and one-liners. Think corny super hero movies
Does poke at New Jersey often in said one-liners
Mumbles/talks to himself out loud often
Starts a Lot of his sentences with, "Okay--"
Often will add on, "haha, you're hilarious", when he's trying to tease or antagonize someone
Similarly to Raph he will also verbalize his attacks/actions, "kick and punch"/"punch and kick", "land safely"/"and he sticks the landing"
Also will verbalize when he's trying to make a portal, "come on portal", "it's portal time", "portal power jitsu"
We all know "hachi machi"
Tendency to also make noises when fighting, "yah"/"wah!"/"hah!"
That little ohohoho laugh can signify as his battle cry/excitement, or his nervousness depending on context
Same case as the above with "hoh boy"
Will stutter on words to emphasize them, "l-l-l-l-lame!"
The first to jump onto an "I told you so" or "I was right"
Mixes Spanish into his sentences, most notably "bueno", "vamanos", "hermano(s)"
Messes up science terminology, "reprogramulating"
Says "indubitably" when he's up to something (which Raph recognizes)
Out of all the brothers, he does poke fun the most
Refers to himself as "Leon"
Refers to others (mostly strangers/acquaintances) as "bub"/"bud", or "chief"
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Dramatic, Leo will always play things up 110%. Sometimes this is to cover up his insecurities, to cheer up his brothers, or to annoy said brothers. Also plays into his extreme responses to stressful situations
The fun brother, aka mikey's advocate. He takes his role seriously as the face man, who keeps things fun and cool for his brothers. It's an easy role, and he gets to make his family laugh or roll their eyes. He's. Sillay
Perceptive, this is why he knows exactly what buttons to push, but he's not a great communicator when it comes to the bigger picture. This also plays into his manipulativeness that he uses to put chaos into his family (i.e. lair games), puppet villains (i.e. Big Mama) into his motives, and change the battlefield
A closet nerd, implied to remember more jupiter jim lore than the rest of his brothers and has a ready to go impression of the reptiles of planet reptilica
Competitive to a fault, he tends to get lost in the competition when it comes to his brothers. Part of his dramatism is showing off, and he's weak to being called or associated with the term "champion". Competition is a way he gauges his self worth
Has a strong desire for the inherent admiration and trust of his peers, more than outright praise (both are wanted) unlike Donnie. This damages his communication skills because he just expects his brothers to trust him while he puts on a persona of nonchalance as protection from failure
Defensive, of himself through being snippy or sarcastic, but also defensive of his brothers' own well-being. He may be the one to poke the most fun, but he's also the one to jump to his siblings' defense out of any of the brothers. Sort of an "only I can do so and so to blank" mindset
Martyr complex, prioritizes the safety of his family over his own safety
Gets attached to people he considers family Quickly, those he doesn't consider a part of his family he has little sympathy for but once that connection is there he's already ready to use his body as a shield
Freeze response, tends to freeze up in response to danger or stress. Often shown to curl into a ball or stand silently (as opposed to his constant chatter)
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The third to unlock his mystic powers
Nicknames: "baby blue" by splinter, "nardo" by donnie
Sweats an ungodly amount
Uses spit to annoy his brothers/enemies (licking an item to claim it as his, wet willies)
Can beat box
Always chooses left in mazes or when lost
Next up will be Donnie :>
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dragonmuse · 11 months
Keep It In The Box : An Essay on OFMD Season 2 and the Failure to Heal
(here in is my season two reaction. It contains many many spoilers. It's also about 3k words long so you know what you're getting into.)
“See, I have a system for dealing with all the terrible things I've seen. There's a box in my mind, and I put the things in the box..” -Frenchie, Season 2 of Our Flag Means Death
…..and then he never opens it. Chekov’s locked box has no key in season two.
On first watch, it seemed clear to me that Frenchie’s declaration was a narrative plant. Clearly the whole season would be about that box of pain and trauma being opened, sorted through and at least the beginning of healing. The show had developed a reputation after season one of being kind and focused on queer narratives of healing from childhood. Ed and Stede’s parallels in their childhood traumas were frequently on display through season one and were repeated in flashback throughout season two. Jim’s season one arc about becoming someone who doesn’t think just of revenge and can now forge meaningful connections was profound, beautiful and often funny. Izzy is an antagonist because he doesn’t want Ed to move on or stop acting like the trauma-response version of himself. The antagonist wants to stop healing. The point is to grow, to change, to learn how to love. It’s one of the things that made season one work for me at the time, despite reservations about pacing and tone.
So naturally season two should follow suit. It’s a kind show! About healing and falling in love!
For the first several episodes, the remaining crew on the Revenge go through a gauntlet of trauma, forced to do and receive violence at Ed’s whims as he careens from self-destructive behavior to self-destructive behavior. This is the wounding setup. It was dark, but it seemed like it would have a payoff and at first it did.
Perhaps one of the most beautiful moments of the season comes in one of the small respites in those early episodes as Jim recounts Pinnochio to Fang to soothe him through his grief. That was the show that I expected. The kindness of that moment struck me very deeply. It gave me some understanding of Archie too, who seems to fall for Jim right at that moment.
That scene is the show season one promised. Season two led with packing Frenchie’s box full to bursting. Here is the fight to the death between lovers, there is a first mate who is mutilated and rotting in the very walls (the rot of the Revenge itself), and there is the storm of Ed’s rage and pain that threatens to consume all of them.
So surely these remaining episodes would concentrate on finding the humor in healing from those moments. That is the setup. Frenchie has a box. The box must eventually open.
Except time and again, all the characters who suffered are told that the only way to deal with what they’ve been through is to stick it in the box and never open it again.
Pete tells Lucius that he’s unable to move on and needs to let it go. Izzy has a story about a shark. Ed’s apology to the crew which doesn’t even contain the words ‘I’m sorry’ is just…accepted. I kept waiting and waiting for a meaningful apology to the people Ed had hurt the worst with his actions, but it seems all we get is Fang saying ‘eh, no problem, I got to hit you back so I feel better’.
The playful theme of ‘pirates are just violent sometimes’ from season one becomes a grinding horror machine in season two when every atrocity visited on someone is forgiven because the narrative needs it to be. Ed and Stede spend more time making amends with each other over the bloodless night on the beach than either of them spend trying to repent for their actions towards anyone else.
And let’s talk about Ed. Arguably this season pivots on his narrative, on his path to healing and growth. A path that starts at a very low point. His moment in the gravy basket, deciding he wants to live because there are still things to live for is so great! So one might assume that what would follow would be him pursuing those things, making amends, making connections. He and Stede have a wonderful moment, talking about being whim prone and how they’ll work to avoid that, build a relationship by going slower.
Yet, at no point do either of them stop following whims. They never heal or learn from what’s happened to them. They both keep running from thing to thing, particularly Ed. It’s a whim to sleep with Stede, it’s a whim to run off to fish, and the finale gives us just more of their whims. Ed drops fishing as fast as he picked it up. He finds those leathers in the ocean, murdering the symbolism of leaving them behind. Even the inn is a whim, one of those things Ed decided he’d be good at without evidence. And Stede joins him in that without a single on screen conversation about it ahead of the moment.
Ed needs to heal himself and to do that he needs to confront what he’s done and do the work to heal the wound. Instead, he doesn’t meaningfully apologize to anyone, besides Stede and Fang. Despite Izzy’s dying words (we’ll get to that), not only do we never see the crew caring about Ed, working to make him family in the same way they do with Fang and even Izzy, he also doesn’t choose to stay with them. So what is the point? Where is the healing? Or does even Ed, beloved main character, have to live with it all stuffed in a box?
He ends the season in the leathers he threw away, in a relationship that’s barely stabilized, going to live in a house which we are told by the narrative (in that they are very very clearly paralleling Anne and Mary with Ed and Stede or why do we even get that whole Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? episode) will only end in them setting fire to each other to stay warm.
But Vee, I hear you cry, it’s a ROM-COM. This is all meant to be ha-ha funny and you are taking it so seriously!
Cool beans. Then why the hell isn’t it funny? Healing is often filled with comedy because people deal with pain with humor. You can heal and laugh at the same time. The finale especially is almost entirely devoid of laughs, almost entirely devoid of joy until the last minute for that matter. The episode that should show off with a flourish how far everyone’s come, mostly serves to show that no one has grown.
Okay that’s Ed. I want to talk about Lucius next. Our former audience surrogate (that’s taken away in season two when he doesn’t get enough screen time to perform that role and no one takes his place) really goes through the wringer. He experiences many many terrible things, including sexual assault (which is made into a grimace-laugh line that doesn’t take away from it’s seriousness because oh hey, that can be done as it turns out). He’s nervous, he’s smoking, it’s clear he’s suffering.
There’s a beautiful moment where Pete tells him ‘hey, I was also in pain. I grieved’ and that’s great. It’s good that Pete sets a boundary about Lucius not obsessing over the past to the point of occluding their future.
We even get our comedic moment where Lucius pushes Ed off the boat (still not apology, but I’d lost hope for that by then) and that doesn’t help enough. So Izzy comes in with a shark and the advice that you just have to move on.
Just…you know. Play pretend. Forget.
Shove it in a box. Ed didn’t take my leg, a shark did. Ed didn’t kill you, a shark did. Live with the person that tried to murder you because it’s your fault you dangled your leg over the side of a boat. That is the show’s message. I thought on first watch, that surely this would also come back up and be explained that you can’t live that way, that that is no way to heal. That it would become clear that this was no way through. You cannot make everything into sharks.
Lucius can move forward and still carry pain. He can still want a meaningful apology and still want to talk to his lover about what he’s dealing with while moving forward toward a brighter future.
And what of the flirtatious promise of relationships and connections being the way to heal? Look to Oluwande and Jim, whose heartfelt romance from season one was relegated to the bins of history in favor of a narrative that made him a brother Jim once had sex with. They could have had Archie AND Oluwande, who in turn could also have Zheng, but that never seems to be an option. With a single short conversation, they are broken up with, despite a brief tease at the birthday that they still ‘dance’ together, it never actually manifests. Jim and Archie never talk about what they went through. It’s swept under the rug as fast as knives are lowered.
Lucius also no longer flirts with other people, the solution to his pain is to propose and get married (but not too married, lest we forget that they’re two men, they don’t even get to be husbands or even the more respectful mates, no. They’re mateys.) This season proposes that the only happy endings are monogamous ones, where no one talks about anything painful that went before.
To ensure that message, beyond assuring the success of Oluwande and Zheng’s relationship, Jim and Archie almost entirely disappear from the narrative. Sorry you guys were given layers of trauma and no growth and not even much to do this season, we need to make sure that everyone remembers Oluwande is the break in Zheng’s day so when he says that to her five minutes later we know exactly what he’s referencing. No time for Archie to learn what an apology is or for Jim to get one line in with Oluwande that isn’t affirming their newfound broship. Must do more flashbacks to things we just did two episodes ago!
The show even dangles the conversation of the Revenge being a safe space. Why would any of them ever feel safe when the man who tortured them is allowed to walk among them and they are expected to forgive and forget? What’s safe about that? The ship is never made safe for any of them, but that’s never addressed.
And Zheng! Amazing, hysterically funny Zheng! She loses her ships, her entire way of life, the kingdom she built for herself and then…she doesn’t even get to captain the Revenge. We don’t know what becomes of her fleet, of her plans, her ambitions. Don’t worry about it, she has a romantic partner and isn’t that what every lady wants in the end?
(But Vee, I hear you cry again, there will be a season three! Maybe it will be All About Zheng! To which I say: then why did they present us with the most series finale feeling episode ever? If there’s more, I have no idea where it’s going. BUT VEE: BUTTONS AS SEAGULL ON THE GR- Fine. It’s time.)
Let’s talk about Izzy Hands.
Izzy manages more healing than anyone else this season. He reaches his lowest point, suicidal in the bowels of a ship that’s become a prison (very much in contrast to Ed’s suicidal low). The person he loves most in the world has shredded him physically and emotionally (and if you’re in the camp that thinks Izzy deserves the abuse that Ed gave to him, I would really like you to sit quietly with yourself and ask why you think there is ever anything anyone can do to deserve that treatment). He’s low, he shoots Ed to protect everyone, and then seems to plan to drink himself to death, mourning his losses.
And then another beautiful moment! The crew move past their own pain to help him. They work together for the first time and it’s to give Izzy mobility back. He treasures it. He cries over it. He uses that kindness extended to him to reach a new understanding of Stede and help him succeed, doing the work to make real amends. He sings in drag, he’s vulnerable and beautiful, celebrating the side of himself that he must’ve loathed in the first season. He’s an elder queer man, coming into himself.
He never gets an apology though. (‘Sorry about your leg’ without eye contact is not an apology. There is no responsibility taking, no acknowledgement of the weeks of torture that came with it.) Izzy also never really has an honest conversation with anyone about what it means that the man he loves punished him so severely for the crime of trying to protect the crew (yes, lest we forget, Izzy lost his leg because he was trying to keep Ed from re-traumatizing the crew and himself).
Izzy does all this work, but even he’s not allowed to take it out of the box. It’s a shark, not Ed. Ed is just ‘complicated’ (the language of abuse here is so upsetting and I think not even intentional).
And then he dies. His last act? To apologize to the man who tortured him and shot at him. To have done all this work, to take on all the blame. And then die.
In a rom com.
This show ends in a profoundly unfunny moment of telling the audience: this is the one character that did the work, that made amends, that tried his hardest to accept the parts of himself that he had a hard time embracing and formerly embittered him. He’s fully accepted his queerness and turned it into beautiful music. He’s disabled, and he worked hard to accept that. The man he loves will never love him back, so he worked hard to make Stede able to meet Ed on an even playing field. The Giving Tree gave up its limbs and its trunk, and it’s not even allowed to be a stump to sit on.
Kill the queer elder, who has managed to figure out how to live and in his own way how to heal. Kill him before he manages to teach anyone else how to meaningfully move forward (he almost gets it with Lucius, almost, but it’s meant to be rule of three, you know. Cigarette..shark…and then…and then fuck it, Lucius doesn’t even get to say a word at his funeral).
The message of this season again and again is that there is no healing, just moving forward. Like a shark. Like a bird that never lands.
That is not a kind show.
Season two is not a kind season.
It splinters people up and jams them back together without purpose or reason. It tells everyone who experiences pain that they should shove it in a box and not deal with it. No one who really needs one gets an apology of any sincerity. No one puts in the work to gain forgiveness. (Ed wearing a onesie is not The Work. Ed fixing a door is not The Work. Ed broke people that the show wants us to care about. Ed never does the work of making those amends. He fires off a Notes app apology at best. After all, it’s what he told himself via Hornigold in the gravy basket: you move on or you blow your brains out! Good thing he took his own advice and therefore had to change nothing to get his just rewards.
I would’ve taken just fifteen minutes of Ed trying to actually make amends. It could’ve been hilarious! Imagine awkward Ed trying to dance around what he’s doing with Jim and the two of them having a knife throwing competition about it. Or him and Frenchie attempting to make music together, writing a song about the raids they went on! It’s not just the crew robbed of their healing because of this, it’s Ed himself. He never meaningfully changes or makes amends. How is he any different at the end of the finale then he is standing on the edge of that cliff with Hornigold? He hasn’t moved on, he hasn’t healed. He tried one thing (fishing) that doesn’t fucking work and then he runs right back.
No one leaves this season better than they went into it. They’ve lost an elder queer, they’ve lost their joyous and queer polyamory, they’ve lost a chance for meaningful reconciliation with Ed and Ed lost any chance of looking like he gave shit if they did. Stede grows enough to accept the crew’s beliefs as important and then leaves them behind without a care.
Izzy gets a beautiful speech about piracy being larger than yourself. Ed and Stede, within twenty minutes of that speech, leave piracy. They are incapable of giving themselves to something bigger, apparently. They haven’t learned to be a part of a community. They haven’t healed from their childhood trauma or their fresher wounds. They are still just following their own whims.
Zheng’s life work is in tatters, but it’s fine, she has love. Oluwande and Jim aren’t together, but it's fine because they both have dedicated monogamous partners. Lucius was deeply scarred by what happened, never recovers much of his first season personality, but hey he got-well it’s not married exactly- but you know good enough!
Frenchie, who has a box forever locked in his head, is captain. Because the key to success is to lock it all in a box and never open it. What a message. What a show. Conceal, don’t feel. Smile because it’s a happy ending. Don’t mourn the dead, don’t try to tell people what happened to you (they will literally run away or cry too hard to listen and really you’re just bumming them out), and any meaningful change you make is only rewarded with death.
Frenchie is now a pirate captain with a box in his head full of trauma that’s never been opened, leading a crew with more wounds than scars. Wonder how that could turn out? Wonder how many years before he might want to retire and then happen to run across a gentleman pirate. As if no one learned anything at all.
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gffa · 10 months
It is still absolutely a marvel to me how much BATFAMILY fic I have been reading and enjoying, it's been awhile since I've gone at such a sustained fever pitch so consistently, which is because this fandom keeps putting out fic that makes me fall in love all over again, along with all the comics I've been reading and enjoying. I am so delighted by how I can bounce around various eras or characters (well, let's be fair, I still have a Dick Grayson Problem That I Am Making Your Problem Too) and there's so much to read that I'm having trouble keeping up!
Join me in having the best problem: Too much good fic to read, because I swear that even when I'm crying because fic has punched me in the feelings, I'm still having a great time and it's definitely not a trap to lure you all into crying with me. Well, unless you're into that. And, in that case, READ AND CRY AND/OR MELT INTO GOO WITH ME, BECAUSE FANDOM IS PROVIDING.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I'M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ Step One: Learning to Catch by TheBlueMoo, dick & bruce, 2k     “Okay, now extend your arms.” It was jarring, Bruce reflected, to be taking instructions from his nine-year-old ward. He was trying to think of it as receiving lessons from an expert gymnast instead, but it wasn’t really helping. or Dick freaks out during training one night, and Bruce isn't entirely sure why ✦ the quiet noise by orphan_account, dick & clark & jim (& bruce), 3.4k     When Batman is in surgery after a stab wound to the lung, Commissioner Gordon sits with Robin at the hospital as they wait for someone from the league to arrive. ✦ The art of falling in the rain by Bob_the_bastard, dick & bruce & alfred, 3.4k     Ordinarily it wouldn’t have been an issue, ordinarily Bruce would have taken a few steps back, caught his breath and continued on. But that night wasn’t normal. ✦ Our roots will not whither away by KrazySuperGirl, dick & bruce & alfred & cast, 6.4k     Bruce and Dick return to Gotham. There are plenty of problems and plenty of good days. ✦ Will Protect You From All Around You by zombiesbecrazy, dick & bruce, 3k     Bruce has always expected that one day he'll wake up and feel like a Real Adult, but it hasn't happened yet. Why had he thought that this parenting thing would be easy? ✦ Fly South by SonoSvegliato, dick & bruce & alfred, 1.9k     Birds fly south in winter. Robin leaves in the summer. ✦ Vertigo by tinycrown, dick & bruce & ollie & cast, 1.8k     After being ambushed by Count Vertigo's men, Batman's partner isn't doing so well. Green Arrow observes. ✦ Friends by mx_chrx99, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.3k     The manor loomed large, surrounded by acres of manicured grass and trees bursting with autumnal colors that made Dick feel like he was gazing at a forest on fire. He was distantly aware that the scene in front of him was incredible, something out of a storybook. He should have been amazed and even grateful, but all he could think was, 'Mom would have loved this.' ✦ There For You by Val_Creative, dick & bruce & cast, 2.4k     Snapshots of how Robin came to be Batman's trusted partner and how Dick became Bruce's beloved son. /Standalone. No pairings. ✦ tummy troubles by brandywine421, dick & bruce & alfred, 1.5k     Bruce sat down on the edge of the bed and warily pulled back the covers. Dick blinked at him with wide, sad blue eyes. "What's wrong?" "Don't feel good," he murmured, scowling when Bruce curled his hand against his cheek. "My stomach hurts." ✦ Stay a Child by ijustwanttodestroy, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.2k     “Redo it,” Bruce orders. “Aw, come on!” Dick dares to pout — a thing that he uses often, and would work on anyone but Bruce and Alfred. Sometimes. Bruce gives him a look. “I’m not going to do it for you.” “I’m going to misdo it until you do,” Dick threatens. ✦ Whole, but not hale by Fae_Winter, dick & bruce & alfred & clark, 1.5k     Bruce was never listening to Clark again, damnit ✦ Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes by catboysam, dick & bruce, 1k     Bruce wishes, as he has wished every minute of every day for nearly 20 years, that things were different for himself. But now he also wishes that for Dick. No child should have to experience what they have. But he really is selfish, it seems, because at the same time, how could he possibly want to give up a single second with this little miracle in his arms? ✦ yet to be friends by rxsecret, dick & bruce & clark & cast, 2.3k     It's the annual Wayne Gala, and one of the few reporters allowed at the event just so happened to be from Metropolis. ✦ And I’ll look into your eyes to find out if I’m real by Fleur_de_Violette, bruce & dick, 1.6k     Bruce wants a lot of things. A bath. Seeing his family. Not having been missing for a whole year. He wants Dick to wake up and realize he’s not a hallucination.
BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ medicine by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, ~1k     “We have to get out of here,” Dick says, trying and failing to sit up. “Before, before they get back.” “Dick, listen to me. You’re sick,” Bruce says, running a hand through Dick’s hair. “You’re in an isolation unit at the Watchtower’s medical bay.” Dick shakes his head. That can’t be right. “They’re trying to, to poison me.” ✦ Someday All Of This Will Go Away by WanderIntoFics, dick & bruce, alternate version character death, 2.3k     Bruce never stopped telling Dick he loved him. It takes a heart-wrenching and terrifying experience with an alternate future Bruce for Dick to realize that maybe he stopped being able to hear it. ✦ vacation town by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, 1.6k     Normally, Dick wouldn't enjoy recovering from a stab wound from a poisoned knife, but he has to admit, it's nice to be home. ✦ all i can by emavee, dick & bruce, 1.7k     Whatever they injected Dick with is taking away his senses. Bruce tries to hold on for both of them. ✦ my arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm by emavee, dick & bruce, 5.6k wip     Five times Dick held Bruce's hand, and one time Bruce held his. ✦ Moving on by Fleur_de_Violette, dick & bruce & cast, 2.7k     When he’d been called to Gotham, Dick had expected to do the job and then get moving to the next thing, and then the next, and then the next. An abrupt meeting with the side of a building interrupts his plans.
BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ Chatterbox by Ptelea, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & donna & roy & cast, 24.7k     "Yeah, I'm fine," Dick said. Then he frowned, because he had not just meant to say that. Or: Eight times that spells or serums affected Dick's ability to speak and / or their aftermath. ✦ Misremembered and Misnumbered by miss_aphelion, bruce & dick & jason & clark & diana, 1.9k     Dick may not actually be quite as old as he told everyone he was. In his defense, it wasn't so much lying as that he sort of just forgot. ✦ WE'LL LIVE IN SPACES BETWEEN WALLS. by orpheusaki, bruce & dick & jason, time travel, 4.6k     (Something is different about Dick. Bruce notices.) ✦ Tonight Will Be a Memory Too by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & cass & bruce, 1.2k     They don’t happen often—once a month or so, with varying degrees of spottiness. Sometimes Dick will walk into a room and forget what he’s there for. He’ll forget the locations of things, like where he left his keys or where the refrigerator is. Once he forgot his own name. Even if the episodes don’t occur often, that doesn’t make them any less terrifying. ✦ Can I Sleep With You? by Lady_of_Lorule, dick & bruce & damian & titans & cast, 2k     “Dick? What is it? Are you okay?” he asked. “‘Had a nightmare,” the boy murmured, wiping at his nose quickly, then sending a darting look at Bruce. “Can I...can I sleep with you?” ✦ Broken Silence by Geeves, bruce & dick & cast, 1.3k     Bruce reflects on how quiet the manor used to be. It could be painful at times, but it's not like that anymore. ✦ the care and keeping of your baby talon by quandaries_and_contradictions, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & duke & alfred, reverse robins, talon!dick, 6k     In which everyone is more than a little cautious about the talon Duke brought home. Featuring chandelier swinging, Secret Garden reading, ill-advised sleuthing, and more. ✦ One, Two, Buckle My Shoe by Anonymous, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & alfred & cast, 11.3k wip     Dick was twenty-eight. The boy in the mirror most certainly was not. ✦ Iron Bound by coyote_nebula, bruce & dick & jason, 3.1k     Batman never ran out of solutions. He just ran out of ideal solutions. Nightwing finds himself in a tight spot involving a compact car-sized paper roll. ✦ The Mantle by ValleyOfKings, dick & clark & diana & justice league (& bruce) & cast, 2.9k     Batman ‘dies’ and Dick must takes his place. He doesn't want the job but he knows that it is what he must do. He must accept the mantle and protect Gotham. The Justice League must also accept their new Batman. It might have helped if they knew that Batman didn't work as alone as they had once thought. ✦ Bravery, and everything that looks like it by Fleur_de_Violette, bruce & dick & steph, 3.4k     Bruce had promised Dick a fun and chill weekend. Instead, they find themselves in the middle of a burning chemical facility. When he thinks everyone should have been evacuated, Nightwing finds a scientist trying to secure some sort of container. She’s either very brave, or she has a death wish.
BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I'M GONNA THROW HIM AT DICK BECAUSE IT'S FUNNY (AND MAYBE SOME OF HIS OTHER SIBLINGS TOO): ✦ Superhero: Dick Grayson by batmoniker, dick & jason & cast, 5.3k     In which Dick shows up at the school to pick Jason up after he gets into a fight. ✦ Homecoming by sElkieNight60, dick & jason & bruce, 1.2k     Jason's doped up on pain-meds. Dick's holding his hand while he's bedside monitor. Bruce probably wishes he had a camera. ✦ I do not have wings love (I never will) by dizarys, dick & jason & bruce, 2.5k     Jason Todd was alive. He was also bleeding out on Dick Grayson’s apartment floor. How 'Under the Red Hood' might have ended if Dick was at Bruce and Jason's final warehouse confrontation.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY'RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ cashmere-soft and irresistible by victoria_p (musesfool), cass/steph, ~1k     Cass and Steph and dumplings and lipstick. ✦ Picking Up Pieces by Cephalogod, bruce & steph & dick, 4k     “Bruce!” Steph called as she approached, weaving between people. His head snapped towards her, and the stark relief in his expression almost stopped her in her tracks. That was just...wrong. Bruce wasn’t supposed to be relieved to see her. He was supposed to be annoyed or resignedly amused, not looking at her like a life raft in the ocean. ✦ Make an Ass of U and Me by Huntress79, Sevidri, bruce/clark & dick, 11.2k     Bruce neglects to explain exactly who the attractive young man that seems to know him so well is, and what their relationship entails. Naturally, there are some misunderstandings. ✦ Presque Vu by PechoraFlow, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & alfred & cast, 17.4k wip     Bruce gets amnesia and the Batfamily conspires to keep their vigilante side secret from him. They were just trying to keep him home, safe until he recovered. They expected that Bruce would pick up on clues and put together The Batman secret on his own. They didn't expect him to form a different picture entirely. They didn't expect Bruce Wayne would come to hate the Batman.
BATFAM FIC RECS - I CUT MY TEETH ON DICK & TIM AS CLOSE BROTHERS AND NO ONE WILL NOT TAKE IT FROM ME: ✦ spread your wings by wingedgrace, dick & tim, 2.1k     “Why did you give Robin to Damian?” Dick pinched his nose. He’d started to pick up some of Batman’s habits, whether he realized it or not. “Tim, we’re not talking about this again. We’re talking about how you’re off on this… quest, to prove that Bruce is still alive. And I just want to talk. Come home.” ✦ Time Loop vs Ethiopia by AJElementus, dick & tim (& bruce & jason), 9.1k     In one universe, Jason died while Dick was on a space mission with the Titans. In another? There’s a time loop. In which Jason doesn’t die, Tim joins the family early, and Dick... well... Dick's just trying to figure out what's going on! ✦ so won't you stay, won't you stay (with me?) by dizarys, dick & tim, 1.3k     Tim's having a hard night. So where else does he go but to his big brother's apartment? ✦ under the wing by acrobats, dick & tim & cast, 1.4k     “Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.” – Marc Brown
BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE'S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ buy back the secrets by sundiscus, tim/kon & bruce & clark & jason & cast, 71k wip     He takes a long, slow breath. Ignores the glares from the other students. “Superboy,” he murmurs. “It’s me. If you’re listening, I could use some help.” Or: 5 times Superboy saves Tim Drake, and one time Tim Drake saves Superboy. ✦ Can't Shake the Feeling by Hayleythewriter, tim/kon & tim/bernard & cassie & bart & dick & damian & cast, 17k     Tim introduces his boyfriend to his friends. Almost everyone likes him. ✦ The Electric Pull of Spring by Merelymine, tim/kon, nsfw, 4.3k     "I feel fine," Kon says, breathing deeply. He leans towards Tim and takes an even deeper, longer breath. "I feel really, really good, actually. And you smell—you smell really good." ✦ A No Good Very Bad Day by mademoisellePlume, tim/kon & jason & lois, read the tags, 3.7k     You’d think drugging a half-Kryptonian into sleep would be half as easy as taking a full Kryptonian out of commission. But no, life couldn’t be that simple for Jason, could it? He watched Superboy stumble down the hallway in his pyjama pants, eyes half-lidded and sweating like Two-Face when a flipped coin balanced on its edge. ✦ Pandora's Other Box by FridaysChild, tim/kon & dick & bart & kate & ma kent, 2.5k     Prompt: "Kon and Tim identify as straight. After realising their mutual attraction, they both freak out in different ways."
BATFAM FIC RECS - I SAY THIS IS A BATFAM REC LIST BUT SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOTTA SHOVE THOSE ASSHOLES OUT OF THE WAY AND READ SOME SUPERFIC: ✦ Adoptions by Kannika, clark & conner & cast, 2.7k     Clark prepared for a lot of things, getting closer to Conner. This is not one of them. ✦ Aftershock by sElkieNight60, clark/lois & conner & jon, 13k wip     He knows this is awkward for Clark. It’s awkward for them both. They were gonna start slow. Warm up to each other. Maybe go apple-picking in the summer. A movie, a restaurant, bowling, or something. But a sleepover, really? That wasn’t going slow. ✦ IS IT JUST YOU AND ME IN THE WRECKAGE OF THE WORLD? by orpheusaki, clark & conner & bruce & diana & jason & cast, 2.2k     "You look happy, Kal." She's right, Clark is overjoyed. In between shopping for children's clothes with Lois (after she'd gotten over the shock of it all, which was surprisingly quick. Clark thinks Lois might prefer Conner to him now, not that he blames her for it) and wandering around the Fortress of Solitude with a small palm tucked into his own, Clark hasn't stopped grinning, "Superman is no longer the only Kryptonian alive." (Clark saves Conner from CADMUS as a child AU.)
BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR: ✦ oh but if I could choose, I would choose not to feel by dizarys, bruce & dick & donna & cast, 1.4k     His eyes flicked over the long room, evaluating and searching. When he finally spotted him, Bruce’s heart plummeted. Dick Grayson was slouched at the crumb flecked bar counter, staring blankly into a barely touched pint with a hand twisted in his hair. Misery personified. ✦ batman by hellsreluctantheir, dick & jason & tim & bruce, 57.3k     Dick came back from a trip to space to a dead father figure, a grieving, guilty little brother, and a legacy waiting for him. Suddenly he's moving back to Gotham, playing Bat, trying to keep Jason from spiraling, trying to keep himself from spiraling, with the added bonus of a kid stalking him at the grocery store. It takes two years before things start to feel like they're getting better. Which is right about when the Red Hood comes to town. ✦ Day 3 - Nightmares (2.2) by fanfictiongreenirises, bruce & dick & tim, 3.3k     Bruce is resigned to the nightmares after their most recent kidnapping. But that doesn't mean they don't have an impact on him. ✦ My Brother's Keeper by Chemical_Processes, dick & damian & tim & cast, 6.2k     Tim gets hit with Fear while on a league mission, and it's Damian's job to get him home in one piece. ✦ Pale Reflections by BearlyWriting, bruce & dick & jason & tim & cast, 2.6k     ‘Bruce blinks again. A chill breeze brushes against him, searching for a way through his uniform. Concrete, Bruce tells himself, it’s concrete, not sand. It’s water, not blood. It’s Dick. And yet, he’s as still as Jason was then, as lifeless. Bruce moves without thinking. He isn’t thinking. His mind is utterly blank, a void in his head.’ ✦ love brought weight to this heart by dizarys, bruce & dick & john & mary & damian & duke, 1.9k     Of course Dick came by every time Haly’s was in town. But he loved when his family was able to join him. And now, with lights illuminating the big top, performers streaming into the ring with flashy costumes, and his family enthralled, Dick felt at peace. Both sides of his life were together. It should’ve been perfect. And looking back, he still wasn’t sure what pushed it off course. But it might have been the fire. ✦ what's in a name by envysparkler, bruce & dick & jason, 4.5k     Kidnappers strike at a gala and abduct two of Bruce Wayne’s sons. Or at least that’s what they think. ✦ I’m gambling with the sun (on which one of us dies young) by dizarys, dick & jason & donna & roy & tim & damian & cassandra & cast, 6.9k     The Justice League have been wiped from existence by Pariah, leaving Nightwing to once again navigate the death of Batman. But this time, even with his siblings and friends rallying around him, the cracks start to show ✦ (someone told me) love would all save us by YouAreTheBrightest234 (TransLucas), bruce & dick & tim, 1k     Dick is floating in an abyss of black. It is not peaceful, yet not malicious. It simply is. ✦ Slipping 998° by CKBookish, bruce & dick & tim & cast, 2.5k     When a house fire turns deadly Bruce wonders if he will be too late... again.
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lee-laurent · 6 days
All Wrong - Luke Hughes
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Summary: Jack needs some help from Sadie, but Sadie finds another Hughes brother much more interesting.
content: fluff, angst, fake dating, kissing, making out, teasing, dirty jokes, underage drinking
wc: 11.6k
notes: HERE IT IS! MY LONGEST FIC EVER!!!! enjoy!!
"Sadie, it's not like I'm asking you to marry me. It's just for the summer so she leaves me alone," Jack pleaded from his spot on the girl's couch.
"Just tell her you're not interested or that you have a girlfriend. This seems overboard."
"That won't stop her. Trust me."
"Then why would me being there change that?"
"You're intimidating, Sadie. You'll look at her once and she'll run home like a puppy with its tail tucked between its legs."
"Sadie, please! Didn't you say your parents had been on your ass about having a boyfriend? See this could benefit both of us."
"Sadie!" Jack's tone had shifted from being teasing to almost desperate. "You don't get it! This girl... she doesn't take 'no' for an answer. Trust me... I've tried."
Sadie crossed her arms over her chest, settling further into the couch. "So your brilliant plan involves be pretending to be madly in love with you instead? Egotistical much."
"Shut up. If you're there, she'll see we're serious and she'll back off."
"And you don't think this is going to backfire? Or, I don't know, create a whole mess of awkwardness between us?" Sadie tilted her head, waiting for his response.
"It'll be fine. We're friends, right? We've kissed when we were drunk. We can handle a little fake dating for a few weeks. Plus, the thing with your parents... win-win?"
She sighed, feeling like she was fighting a battle she was gonna lose no matter what. She had mentioned it in passing--how her parents were always asking why she wasn't dating anyone. But this? Fake dating Jack? It sounded like the plot of a rom-com gone wrong.
"I don't know, Jack."
"Look, we'll just keep it simple. I won't make it weird, I promise. We'll hang at the lake house, do the whole 'couple' thing, and by the end of the summer, it's done. You're free. I'm free. And maybe we can get a few laughs out of it."
It sounded insane. Jack was her friend--her close friend--and she could see in his eyes how desperately he wanted her to say yes.
"You really think this will work?"
"Trust me. She'll be running away by the end of the first week."
With a heavy sigh, she finally nodded. "Fine. I'll do it. But you owe me."
"Deal! I owe you big time! But you won't regret this, Sades. It's going to be great!"
She wasn't so sure. It felt so much more complicated than Jack was letting on.
A couple weeks later, Sadie found herself standing on the driveway of the Hughes' lake house. She was standing next to Jack, picking at the chipped nail polish on her fingers. She genuinely felt like she could puke.
"Relax, Sadie," Jack grinned, holding their suitcases. "It's gonna be great."
She narrowed her eyes, but didn't respond. His grin didn't falter, and he motioned with his head for her to walk toward the house. The second her foot hit the first step, the door flew open and Ellen came out with a smile on her face. A smile scarily similar to Jack's.
"You must be Sadie! It's so nice to meet you," she said warmly, wrapping the 21-year-old in a tight hug.
"Oh, uh, yeah. That's me," Sadie stammered, trying to return the hug without looking too awkward. It was one thing to pretend around Jack and whoever this scary neighbour girl was, but in front of his family was a whole other can of worms. It felt so much more real.
"We're so excited to have you here! Jack never stops talking about you."
"Doesn't he?" Sadie smirked, turning around to glance at her 'boyfriend' who was pretending he couldn't hear the conversation.
Before she could ask anymore, Ellen was leading her into the home with a hand on her back. "Come in! I'm just finishing getting dinner ready, and the rest of the family should be here soon. Quinn and Jim were picking Luke up from school, so the three of them will be here around 9."
"Moose's coming?" Jack piped up, dropping their bags on the floor. "I thought he wasn't gonna make it this year."
"Changed his mind last minute. We'll all be together," Ellen grinned, wiping her hands on a dish towel.
"I'm gonna show Sadie around upstairs, we'll be back down for dinner in like ten minutes."
"Sounds good. I left some fresh towels for you on Jack's bed."
"Oh. Thank you."
"No worries. You two go get settled."
Sadie followed Jack up the creaky wooden stairs, her mind still spinning from meeting Ellen. Everything about the situation felt real. Too real. Way, way too real.
"Your mom is... intense," she muttered, walking into the hallway as Jack pushed open the door to the room they'd be sharing for the summer.
"Yeah, well, that's Mom for you. She loves you already," Jack grinned, throwing himself onto the bed. He stretched out, folding his arms behind his head as if he was relaxed as ever. Like they weren't lying to his entire family.
Sadie sat awkwardly on the foot of the bed, scanning the room. It was cozy. A few posters on the walls, hockey-themed of course, and an old wooden dresser in the corner. The window overlooked the lake and Sadie thought she could fall in love with the idea of living here for the summer pretty quickly.
"So, we're sharing this bed, I take it?" she raised an eyebrow.
Jack chuckled, patting the matress next to him. "Come on, Sades. We're dating, remember? Gotta sell it."
She rolled her eyes, scooting up to sit next to Jack. "Just remember this is fake. No funny business, Hughes."
"I know, I know. Jeez. I already told you, I'm not gonna make it weird. Just for the summer. Then we're free."
She shook her head, already regretting everything. She had agreed to the plan, but now that she was there, standing in their home, sharing a bed--it all felt too close for comfort.
"Speaking of Luke. You didn't mention that your brothers were gonna be here."
"They're chill. Don't stress. Moose has been busy with shit at Umich and Quinn in Vancouver. They'll just be happy to relax. Plus, they don't usually care about talking girls and stuff. So they won't grill you. If anything, they'll give me shit for dating someone so out of my league."
"I'll believe it when I see it, Jack."
Jack snickered, standing up and walking over to the side of the bed she was on. He leaned down, his tone teasing. "Come on, Sades. Let's go down and eat dinner like a happy couple."
"You're so fucking annoying."
Dinner went surprisingly smoothly. Ellen had a special way of making everything seem casual and lighthearted. Jack, of course, had been his usual... charming self, playing the role of the perfect doting boyfriend. He was good at it, touching her back lightly, pulling her chair out for her, and even dropping the occasional kiss on the top of her head.
It should've made her cringe, but instead she found it... comforting?
Ellen had asked the usual 'parent' questions--how they met, what Sadie was studying, if she liked hockey (which of course she had to answer yes to, knowing full well the consequences of not liking hockey in the Hughes household). Sadie played along, forcing herself to laugh at Jack's shit jokes and add details to the story they'd created on the drive up.
"Jack, why don't you take Sadie down to the dock and watch the sunset over the lake" Ellen suggested, clearing the table of plates. "It's beautiful tonight."
"Good idea, Mom," Jack agreed, standing up and taking Sadie's hand with a grin.
"Sure, sounds nice," Sadie forced a smile, trying not to feel awkward holding Jack's hand in front of his mother.
They walked out towards the dock, the cool air helping lift the weight of the day away. The lake stretched out before them, the water reflecting the orange and pink hues of the sunset. Sadie loved scenes like that. They brought her so much peace.
"You're doing great, by the way, Sadie."
She snorted, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I feel like I'm in some weird improv exercise. Just waiting for someone to figure out I don't belong here."
"They're not going to figure anything out," he whispered. "You've got this."
Lying to his family felt wrong, even if it was supposed to be for a good cause. Or at least a cause that Jack thought was good.
"This is going to be a very draining summer," she sighed.
"You wanna go to bed?"
"No, I need to stay up and meet your brothers and your dad."
"They'll still be here in the morning, Sades. If you want to go to sleep, nobody is gonna stop you."
"Yeah, come on. Let's get you some sleep."
"Who's shoes are those?" Luke asked, closing the front door behind him.
"Jack's girlfriend's! You just missed her, she went to sleep about half an hour ago," Ellen smiled, pulling her youngest son into a hug.
"His girlfriend?"
"Yes! Sadie is her name. Such a nice girl. Very pretty too."
Luke looked back down at the shoes again, his mind still trying to catch up with what his mom was saying. Jack's girlfriend? The words felt so unfamiliar. Jack didn't talk about dating much, at least not in a serious way, so hearing about Sadie--a girl he apparently cared enough about to bring home--caught him so off guard.
"Yeah. Jack didn't mention much about her."
"He didn't? Oh, well, you'll meet her in the morning," she reached up to ruffle his hair, like he was still a little kid playing chase around the house with his brothers. "She's lovely. A little shy at first, but I'll sure she'll warm up to everyone. Probably just worried about making a good first impression."
Luke nodded, but inside his curiousity was growing. Shy? He hadn't heard Jack describe anyone as shy in, well, ever. Jack's type was the total opposite--bold, confident, the kind of girl that could hang with his rowdy ass friends without missing a beat. This Sadie girl was starting to sound a lot different than that.
"Well, let's get you boys fed before we all call it a night," Jim said, patting Luke's shoulder as he passed. "Your mom saved us some leftovers from dinner."
Luke followed his dad and Quinn into the kitchen, but his thoughts were still on the mysterious girl that had apparently stolen his brother's heart. Jack had never even mentioned a Sadie before and suddenly she was at the lake house. It all felt off.
Sadie woke up feeling as sweaty as ever. The house had AC but Jack was like a personal heater and somehow they'd ended up spooning at some point in the night. There was a thin layer of sweat between her back and Jack's chest and she felt disgusting.
Groaning quietly, she pulled herself out of his grip, using her shirt to wipe her back. Jack was still fast asleep, the duvet kicked around his feet. Typical. Jack could sleep through a fucking earthquake.
She swung her legs out of bed and padded to the bathroom, hoping a splash of cold water would make her feel more like herself. She thought about what Jack had said last night--about how nobody would figure them out. But staring at herself in the mirror, she felt like it was written all over her face.
She didn't belong here.
She threw on the first clothes she could find, a pair of jean shorts and one of Jack's many Devils t-shirts. By the time she made her way downstairs, the kitchen was already bustling. Ellen was preparing breakfast while Jim sat at the table sipping a cup of coffee.
"Morning, Sadie! Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, thanks," she forced a smile.
"Jack still asleep?"
"Out cold."
Ellen chuckled, shaking her head. "Sounds about right."
Sadie smiled, but before she could respond, the sound of footsteps behind her caught her attention. She turned just as Luke appeared in the doorway, fresh from a morning run, judging the sweat on his forehead and the way his grey shirt clung to his torso.
For a moment, neither of them spoke. Luke's eyes landed on her, sharp and curious. There was something about the way he looked at her that made her feel like he was sizing her up--not in a rude way, but in a way that made her stomach flip uncomfortably.
"You must be Sadie," he made his way further into the kitchen. "I'm Luke."
"Yeah," she extended her hand to him. "Nice to meet you."
Luke shook her head, his grip firm but brief. His blue eyes lingered on hers for a second longer than she expected before he pulled away, glancing towards the coffeemaker.
"You're the one who got Jack all domestic?" he teased, grabbing a mug. "Didn't see that coming."
She laughed softly, "I don't know about 'domestic,' but... I guess I'm the one who convinced him to bring me here."
Luke smirked, like he wasn't entirely buying it. "Yeah. I guess."
Sadie got cut off again, but this time by Quinn entering the room. "Ah, so this is the famous Sadie! Nice to finally put a face to the name."
Thank God for Quinn.
Sadie sat on the dock, her feet dangling over the water, her book open on her lap. Jack and Quinn had gone to get the boat from the marina and Sadie had taken the opportunity to relax a bit.
She had laid a towel under her, Jack's t-shirt removed because she was not about to get a farmer's tan. She was basking in the sun, feeling the gentle warmth of the sun on her extremely pale skin. The world around her disappearing as she flipped through the novel. She was really enjoying it until she came to a parapgraph about suspicion. It took her right back to her interaction with Luke that morning. It was like he saw right through her, could sense all the cracks in her story. She had to be careful, maybe Luke was smarter than he seemed.
But footsteps on the dock behind her broke her train of thought. She glanced over her should, expecting to see that either Jack or Quinn had returned with the car from the marina, but it was Luke. He wasn't in the workout clothes he'd been wearing earlier, now dressed in a white t-shirt and board shorts, clearly ready for a swim.
"You mind if I join?" Luke asked, the same playful charm in his voice that Jack carried.
"Sure, it's your family's dock after all."
Luke smirked, dropping a towel beside her before sitting down, his legs also hanging over the water. He didn't say anything for awhile, just stared out over the water. Sadie went back to reading, well now she was pretending to read, her main focus being on how closely he was sitting next to her.
"So," he broke the silence. "How'd you and Jack meet?"
There it was--more lying about her and Jack. Sadie knew Luke was already suspicious of her, so she had to play her cards right. She looked up from her book, trying to keep her body language calm. "Friends. Some of his, uh, his friends go to school with me. So..."
"Friends, huh?" He was testing her, waiting for her to trip up.
"Yeah, like slow burn," she shrugged. "We hung out with a big group of friends first. You know how it goes."
Luke was silent for a moment, staring down at the waves lapping the dock. "Yeah, I guess, I do. Jack's never mentioned you before."
Sadie felt her stomach lurch, but she forced a smile. "Well, we kept things on the down-low for a while. Just us. It's still... kinda new."
"Makes sense," Luke's tone made it clear he wasn't entirely convinced. He shifted, resting his elbows on his knees, staring out at the lake again. "Just seems strange, I guess. Jack never brings girls here. And then... suddenly, you."
"I guess I'm just lucky," she swallowed harshly.
For a moment, she thought he might say something else--might press her further--but instead, he stood up and grabbed his towel.
"I'll leave you to it. Nice talking, Sadie," he walked off, completely disregarding the fact that he had clearly come out to swim. She just watched him retreat. It was clear he didn't trust her, hopefully Jack could fix that. She didn't need him figuring anything out before the trip was over. That was certain.
The sound of the boat engine humming across the water was the perfect background noise on a sunny afternoon. Sadie sat on the edge, occasionally letting her fingers trail through the lake below. Jack was steering them out to the centre of the water, Quinn sat up front basking in the sun, and Luke leaned casually against the small railing on the side.
"You ever driven one of these?" Luke asked, nodding towards the steering wheel.
Sadie looked over to Jack, who was too busy concentrating on his driving to respond. She smirked, "Jack never lets anyone take the wheel. He likes to be in control."
Quinn laughed, "Sounds about right. Captain Jack, over here. Watch out Sadie or he might start asking you to call him that."
"Don't give him any ideas," she groaned, flicking her gaze back to Jack. She really hoped that the banter seemed real and not forced.
"You love it, Sades! You're just mad because you can't even drive a car for shit."
"Hey! You've never given me a chance on a boat," she shot back, standing up and making her way to Jack.
"I think I have a good reason."
Sadie placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning in closer as she laughed. It felt so strange to have to be so physically close to Jack on purpose, but she was learning to fake it well. "Maybe I'll surprise you one day."
Quinn chuckled, "Honestly, Rowdy, give her a shot. What's the worst that could happen?"
"She crashes into the dock?" Jack raised an eyebrow, still smirking, one of his hands casually finding it's way around Sadie's bare waist. She stiffened slightly at first, but relaxed quickly after reminding herself to play the part.
"I'm more worried about you crashing into the dock," Sadie shot back.
Luke, who had been silently observing the whole ordeal, cracked a grin. "She's probably better at steering than you think, Jack. You're just a control freak."
Sadie stole a glance, glad to see Luke was no longer sending any weird looks her way.
"Alright, fine," Jack sighed, turning the wheel just slightly to change course. "Maybe I'll let you drive next time. If you're lucky."
Quinn snorted, "If she's lucky? You mean if she gives you head?"
Sadie's jaw dropped, but all three Hughes brothers started laughing like it was the funniest joke she'd ever heard. God, she'd never understand men.
The boat had been anchored and Sadie sat with Jack near the edge. Luke and Quinn were busy talking about who could pull off a better dive, leaving the 'couple' alone.
Sadie lowered her voice, looking around to see if the other boys were listening. "Jack, I think Luke is catching on."
"Catching on? What're you talking about?"
Sadie sighed. "Earlier today, he was asking me all these questions. It felt like he was suspicious. Like he knows this whole thing is all an act."
Jack chuckled, knocking his shoulder with hers. "Sades, he's just messing with you. Trust me, he's not suspicious of anything. That's just how he is. He's probably giving you a hard time because he knows it'll get under your skin."
She bit her lip, not fully convinced. "I don't know... I don't want him to say something to your parents or--"
"Relax," he softly grabbed her hand. "It's going fine. They all like you, and no one is doubting anything. Promise."
Sadie looked around again, but Quinn and Luke were now splashing each other in the water. "I guess you're right. I'm probably just overthinking shit."
"Exactly. Now, where's the Sadie I know? I'm not a fan of this anxious, worrywart. Where's the flirty, confident, almost scary Sadie that I became friends with?"
She just shook her head, a real smile making its way across her face. Jack leaned back, stretching his arms behind him. "Come on, Sades. Let's make the most of this. Summer is supposed to be funnnn."
"Okay," she giggled. "Let's have some fun."
She quickly stood up and cannon-balled into the lake. Luke and Quinn cheered her on, as Jack shook his head and laughed. "There's my girl!"
Sadie, Jack, Luke, and Quinn sat on deck chairs around the firepit, drinks in hand. It had been a long day spent out on the water, but the fun wasn't over just yet. The laughter was now coming even easier than before with the addition of alcohol.
Sadie leaned heavily into Jack's side, his arm draped over her shoulders, her head resting on him. She finally felt like herself, carefree. Jack's closeness didn't feel awkward anymore; it felt natural, or maybe that was just the alcohol.
"Alright, Sadie," Quinn said, his speech slurred slightly. "I gotta know what it's like dating Jack? He's gotta be a pain in the ass."
"Oh, you have no idea," she teased. "He thinks he's funny. Most of the time, he's just annoying."
Jack gasped dramatically, clutching his chest with his free hand. "Wow. You wound me, Sades. I'm hilarious."
"Debatable," she quipped, running her fingers along the seam of his shirt as she settled against him more comfortably.
"Okay, but for real," Luke piped up, "how'd you two even get together? I don't think Jack has ever brought a girl here."
She glanced at Jack, who winked at her before answering.
"It just happened, I guess. We were hanging out with a group of friends, like I told you guys, and then one day... I just knew she was the one for me."
"Oh, you knew, huh? That's not how I remember it," Sadie giggled.
"What's your version, Sadie?" Luke raised an eyebrow.
"Well... Jack was chasing after me for months, trying to get me to go out with him. I was playing hard to get."
Jack cackled, "That's not how it went."
"It's exactly how it went," she shot back, her voice full of confidence. "He practically begged me to go on a date with him."
Luke and Quinn were in stitches, the banter between her and Jack clearly entertaining them. Sadie felt so much more like herself. The earlier tension she felt from Luke's questions had melted away with the first sip of vodka.
Just as Sadie was about to make another joke at Jack's expense, the sound of footsteps cruncing against gravel caught her attention. She glanced over her shoulder to see a figure making their toward them. Sadie tensed.
It had to be that neighbour girl that Jack had warned her about. The whole reason this shit was happening.
The girl strutted up to the firepit, her eyes locking on Jack like he was the only person there. She didn't even acknowledge Sadie's presence, instead giving Jack a flirtatious smile as she drew closer.
"Well, well," her tone was sugary sweet. "Didn't know you were back in town, Jack."
Sadie felt Jack also tense beside her, but he didn't move his arm from her shoulders. He smiled politely, but there was no mistaking the discomfort in his eyes. "Yes, Natalie, we're here every summer."
The girl, Natalie, flicked her bleach blonde hair over her shoulder. "It's been a while. You should come over sometime. We could... catch up."
Sadie could tell from the girl's body language that she wasn't taking no for an answer. Natalie's obvious attempt to flirt with Jack was so blatant, it was almost laughable. It would've been laughable if it wasn't so goddamn irritating.
Luke and Quinn exchanged amused glances.
Sadie straightened up, pushing her body closer to Jack's. "He's a little busy right now," Sadie's voice was low but firm.
"Oh, I'm sure Jack can make time. Can't you, Jacky?"
Sadie's blood boiled. Natalie wasn't getting the message. She glanced at Jack, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there, then made a quick decision. Without hesitation, Sadie reached up, grabbed Jack's face in both hands, and pulled him into a kiss. Not a soft, delicate one, but a full-on, heated make out session that left no room for misinterpretation. She was making sure that everyone knew who Jack belonged to.
Jack responded immediately, his hands moving to rest on her waist as he kicked her back, clearly caught up in the moment. It was all part of the act, but Sadie could feel the passion in it, the alcohol blurring the line between fake and real.
When she pulled away, breathless and bright red, she didn't even look at Jack. She instead kept her gaze locked on Natalie, who was staring at them in stunned silence.
"Like I said," Sadie's voice was full of cool confidence, "he's busy."
Natalie's face twisted into a scowl, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She shot Jack and Sadie one last frustrated look before scoffing and turning on her heel, storming off into the night like a child throwing a tantrum.
Quinn let out a low whistle. "Damn, Sadie. Remind me not to get on your bad side."
"That was brutal," Luke agreed.
She shrugged, playing it off like it was nothing, even though her heart was pounding in her chest. "She wasn't getting it. Had to make it clear."
Jack, still recovering from the intensity of the kiss, grinned down at her. "You sure did."
The room spun slightly as Sadie fumbled with the zipper on her shorts, still giggling about how the night had unfolded. Jack leaned against the door, watching her with a lazy grin, the alcohol still buzzing in his system.
"That kiss though," Jack teased, his voice slurred as he kicked off his shoes. "You really sold it, Sades. I think you scared Natalie away for life."
"Good," she smirked, peeling off her shorts and tossing them aside, not bothering with modesty. She started tugging her t-shirt over her head. "She wasn't getting the hint. Had to go for the kill."
Jack's eyes flickered to her as she changed, the casualness of it all catching him off guard. He swallowed, his throat suddenly very dry as he tried not to stare. Sadie, half-naked, standing there like it was nothing--it was making his head spin even more than it already was.
He blinked, knowing he shouldn't have been distracted like that, especially when they were just playing pretend. But Sadie didn't seem to notice nor care. She was sat on the bed, running her hands through her hair, her laughter replaced by a serious expression.
"Jack. I was actually really nervous... earlier. With meeting your parents, then Luke asking all those questions, and then fucking Natalie showed up."
Jack shook off his drunken haze. He sat down beside her, trying to focus on her words and the fact that her skin was glowing under the light in the room. "Nervous? You seemed to have it under control out there."
"I was faking. Well, partly. Thought maybe Luke's questions about us were to find holes or that Quinn was part of his plan."
"Sades, I'm not sure how many times I have to tell you. Nobody is suspicious."
"I just didn't want to mess this up for you. The whole fake dating thing--it's for you, and I didn't want to fuck it all up by being... weird."
"You weren't weird. You were amazing. And that kiss? I think you might have convinced me we're really dating."
"So... no one's doubting?"
Jack shook his head, his hand brushing gently against her back. "Nope. That kiss probably wiped away any doubts that Quinn or Luke might've had. You sold it. Hell, I think Luke might've been jealous."
She smirked at the thought, "Yeah? Jealous, huh?"
Jack grinned, leaning his forehead against hers. "Definitely. You've got nothing to worry about now. We've got this."
There was a quiet moment between them. The alcohol buzz still hanging in the air, but it was softer now, replaced by something warmer, more intimate. Jack's hand slid up to her shoulder, his touch gentle as he pulled her closer.
"I'm really glad you're here."
She leaned into him, resting her head against his chest. "Me too."
They lay back on the bed, neither bothering to change further. Jack's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his side as she snuggled against him. The steady rise and fall of Jack's chest beneath her cheek, lulling her to sleep.
Jack and Quinn were gone for the day, some sort of offseason training session by some bigshot NHL personal trainer. The guy hadn't invited Luke, so he was stuck at the house with Sadie and his parents.
Sadie was stretched out on a towel in the backyard, basking in the sunshine, her earbuds playing some soft country music. She was enjoying her peaceful solitude.
Or so she thought.
When she turned her head slightly to adjust her sunglasses, she caught a glimpse of Luke standing on the back porch. He was leaning against the railing, looking right at her. His eyes flickered away as soon as she spotted him, but it was too late. Sadie had seen him staring.
A mischievous grin tugged at her lips.
Caught you.
Deciding to have a little fun with it, Sadie flipped onto her front, resting her chin on her folded arms. Then, with a playful smirk, she reached behind her and undid the knot on her bikini top, letting it fall loose against the towel beneath her. Luke couldn't actually see shit, but she thought it was hilarious to tease him.
After a few beats of silence, Sadie couldn't help but sneak a peek in his direction. Luke was still on the porch, but his posture was tense, clearly flustered. His eyes darted between her and the lake, like he wasn't sure where to look.
She bit her lip to hold back a laugh. Oh, this is too good.
Satisfied with the teasing, she casually rolled back onto her back and retyed her top like nothing had happened. Then she stood up, grabbing her book and towel, she sauntered back inside with a smirk tugging at her lips. She didn't need to look back to know there were still a set of blue eyes staring at her.
Luke wandered into the living room, hesitating briefly at the door before walking to Sadie on the couch. His hair was still slightly damp from a dip in the lake, and he seemed almost more relaxed without Jack and Quinn there.
"Hey, mind if I sit here?"
"Go for it," she replied, looking up from her book. She shifted over to make space for him.
Luke sat down and stretched his legs out in front of him as he leaned back in an attempt to look casual. It didn't work and Sadie could still feel the tension in the air. She knew Luke was flustered about the whole backyard situation and she found it fucking hilarious.
"You're always reading," he remarked, nodding towards the book in her hands. "What is it this time?"
She raised an eyebrow and flipped the book around so he could see the cover. "I'm not 'always' reading. You've caught me reading twice. And it's just something to kill time. You know, since your brother is off pretending he's a celebrity."
"Yeah, Jack's like that. Always pretending he's the best," Luke chose to ignore her remark about him only seeing her reading twice.
"Must've been annoying growing up with him," Sadie teased.
"Oh, it was. But he's alright. Could've been worse."
The conversation continued easily from there, their voices filling the silent house with stories about their childhoods, embarrassing moments, and life in general. Luke found himself relaxing more and more as Sadie talked. She was sharp, funny, and this special energy that drew him in. The confident, teasing girl from the backyard was showing her soft side and he could see why Jack was head over heels in love with her,
Sadie yapped about her life in university, the friends she had back home in Jersey, and even some wild stories from a girls' trip to New York. Luke listened, hanging off of every word. She was cool, and not in a superficial way, but genuinely cool. She wasn't just Jack's girlfriend. She was Sadie. And she was amazing.
But with that realization came guilt.
He watched her laugh as she told a funny story, and Luke felt the pull growing inside him. He was really starting to like her. Maybe too much.
This was Jack's girlfriend. He shouldn't feel that way about Jack's girlfriend.
He knew it was wrong, but he made no effort to distance himself from her. Instead, he found himself drawn to her more and more, wanting to sit there with her, to hear her laugh again, to see the smirk that covered her face when she teased him.
"So, how about you?" she asked, snapping him from this thoughts. "What's it like being the baby? Bet Jack gave you hell."
"They both did. But especially Jack. He never, ever let me forget I was the youngest. Always had to one-up me."
"Sounds like Jack," she grinned, and Luke's smile faltered at the lovestruck look on her face at the meer mention of Jack. "Bet you're giving it right back now."
"I try." There was a brief lull in conversation and the silence that followed felt like it was charged with electricity.
Sadie held his gaze a beat longer than she should have before breaking the eye contact with a playful smile. "Well, if you ever need any tips on how to outsmart Jack, I've got plenty."
"I might just have to take you up on that."
The sun lay low in the late afternoon sky making the lake look like it was sparkling. Sadie and Luke stood by the water's edge, still filling in the quiet hours without Jack and Quinn.
Sadie grinned, nudging Luke with her elbow. "Bet you can't beat me in a water fight."
"You're on."
Without warning, Sadie walked off into the water, her laugh echoing as she turned around to splash Luke. He barely had time to react before a wave of water was hitting his lower legs.
"Oh, it's like that?" Luke laughed, taking off after her.
It didn't take long before they were having a full-on war, splashing each other mercilessly. Sadie couldn't stop laughing as Luke chased her through the water. After on particularly good splash, she tried to swim away, but Luke caught up to her, his hands gripping her waist as he tried to dunk her. Sadie squealed in protest, kicking her legs.
"Let go, you cheater!" she giggled, twisting in his grip.
Luke grinned, he really liked how infectous her laugh was. But as they wrestled in the water, something shifted. His hands lingered on her waist longer than they should have. Her skin was riddled in goosebumps from the cold water, but still felt smooth under this touch, and suddenly the playful moment didn't seem quite as innocent.
Sadie, still in the middle of laughing and trying to escape his hold, didn't seem to notice the change in him. She was completely carefree, seeing the moment for what it was--a game. But Luke wasn't feeling it anymore. His throat felt tight and pulse picked up.
His hands were still on her waist.
Luke's breath hitched, and before she could turn around and see the look on his face, he let go, stumbling backward in the water.
"You good? You're not giving up already, are you?"
Luke forced a chuckle, but it came out sounding way more like a cough. "Uh, yeah, I--uh, I think I've had enough."
Without waiting for her response, he quickly waded out of the water and back onto the shore. The evening breeze did nothing to cool his flustered state.
Sadie was still in the water, floating on her back with a smile on her face. "Aw, come on!"
He just mumbled something incoherent, grabbed his towel, and hurried back into the house without even looking her way.
Luke rushed past his parents in the kitchen, heading straight for his room. He slammed the door shut behind him and flopped down onto the bed, shoving his face in a pillow. He wanted to scream, but even the pillow wouldn't muffle the sound enough from anyone downstairs.
I'm attracted to her.
The thought hit him like a freight train, the words echoing over and over again like a prayer. It wasn't just some innocent crush. He was undeniably, painfully attracted to Sadie--his brother's girlfriend.
How had he let it get this far? She was dating Jack. She was Jack's girlfriend. And yet, anytime she laughed or smiled at him, Luke felt like a fucking high schooler.
He couldn't stop it, couldn't ignore it anymore.
He hadn't meant to hold her like that in the water. It was meant to be just a harmless game, but he had taken it too far in his mind. Sadie, however, hadn't even seemed to notice. Maybe she did and she was just ignoring it. Surely that was it.
"You're such a fucking idiot, Luke," he cursed himself, but every time he closed his eyes all he could see was how perfect she had looked in that moment.
The worst part of all? He didn't want to stop feeling that way.
Even as the guilt knawed at him, he couldn't bring himself to want to distance from her. Being around Sadie felt good. It felt natural. And that scared him even more.
Suddenly, he heard laughter from the hallway outside his door. Luke froze, listening as Jack's voice joined in, low and teasing, followed by Sadie's giggles.
Luke squeezed his eyes shut, willing away the guilt. But then there was a pause in the laughter. He could picture what was happening. The way that Jack was looking at Sadie. The that Sadie was looking back up at Jack with a smile on her face, maybe teasing him.
Then... the sound of a kiss broke the silence. It was soft, but it might as well have been the loudest thing that Luke had ever heard. His stomach twisted, and he tried to shove his face further into the pillow, but it was no use the couple was back to laughing.
This is wrong. It's all wrong. But as wrong as he knew it was, he couldn't deny the truth.
He was falling for Sadie. And he was falling for Sadie... hard.
The whole family and Sadie were gathered around the pool table, Jim and Ellen watching from the corner, while the "kids" took their turns at the competetive game that had started.
Sadie was standing next to Jack, leaning against the wall with a gin and tonic, that her "boyfriend" had made her, in her hand. She was watching Quinn line up his shot, her eyes crinkling as she laughed about whatever it was that Jack was whispering to her about. Jack had his arm draped over her shoulders, pulling her closer as she laughed. They looked so comfortable. So perfect.
Luke stood across from them, gripping his pool cue so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. Every laugh that Jack and Sadie shared, every playful nudge, felt like a stab to his gut.
"Alright, Sades, your go," Jack kissed her cheek before handing her a cue.
She leaned over the table, lining up her shot with Jack standing behind her, offering a few "helpful" tips. His hand rested on her lower back, guiding her aim. Quinn looked over at Luke, raising his eyebrows as if to say "look how suggestive he's being."
Luke just shook his head, trying to focus on the game. But all he could think about was how close and touchy they were being. And how it made his stomach churn with something that he could only guess was jealousy.
Fuck, it was so messed up.
"Luke, it's your turn," Quinn called.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, right," he blinked, shaking his head. He stepped up to the table, trying to compose himself as he lined up his shot. He missed it by a mile, the ball ricocheting off the side with a loud thunk.
"Wow, nice one, Rusty," Jack teased.
His jaw was clenched, "Guess I'm just off tonight."
Sadie didn't even notice, giggling as Jack asked for her opinion on their next move. Why were they acting like they were the only ones in the room? Was nobody else finding it annoying? Luke glanced at his mom. She was smiling at the young couple, a lovestruck look on her face. Maybe he was the only one that found it annoying.
Sadie lay sprawled across Jack's bed, her phone held loosely in her hand as she scrolled through texts from her friends back home. Jack was in the shower, insisting he wash the lake water off his body. She had some time to kill and her friends, that weren't her friend group with Jack, were ready to gossip.
The Hottest Girls in Jersey Sadie, Alex, and Carly
Carly: Soooo, how's it going with Mr. NHL?? Alex: yeah, girl. spill. is he, like, actually boyfriend material or are you just having a hot ass summer fling??
Sadie rolled her eyes at their messages, biting her lip as she thought of her reply.
Sadie: it's... complicated Carly: Ugh, isn't it always lol Alex: we need details, sades. what's complicated? the sex? the family? Sadie: family's cool. his mom is like super sweet. and his brothers are... yeah Carly: Oh, brothers, huh? Now you like reallyyyyy need to spill
Sadie hesitated, glancing towards the bathroom door. She could still hear Jack humming to himself while the water ran. No way he was gonna come out and read her messages any time soon.
Sadie: okay, fine. it's not really jack. it's luke Carly: LUKE?! Alex: WAIT. WHAT. HIS BROTHER LUKE?! Sadie: yep. younger brother, but soooooo much more my type Carly: Girllllll, you're bad Alex: hold the fucking phone. is this the guy we're talking about here? what's wrong with jack, then? isn't he like the only reason you're there?
She chuckled to herself, it did kinda sound insane when she typed it all out.
Sadie: jack's great. don't get me wrong. but, luke... he's like more quiet. jack's more playful and sassy, but idk... plus i love a boy with curly hair Carly: You're catching feelings for his brother??? Holy shit, girl Alex: lmao this is legit some CW ass drama
She rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling. Maybe it was a little ridiculous, but it was true. Luke was more her type. He was tall, not that Jack wasn't tall, but Luke was tall. He had the cutest nose and the best curls she'd ever seen. Jack was fun. Jack was easy. But Luke...
Sadie: it's not that deep. but yeah, ig i'm more into luke than jack Carly: Oooo Alex: you're fake dating jack tho, right? like what's the plan here?? Sadie: i don't fucking know!!! nothing's happened with luke, obviously. but like next time we're alone? i might see what happens ;) Carly: You are fucking INSANE, Sadie!!! Alex: if you're that desperate, you've got Jack right there...
She laughed out loud at Alex's message. She was definitely not desperate, but she still glanced to the bathroom door. The water had stopped. Jack would be out any second.
Sadie: trust me, i'm not desperate. luke's gonna be the move
Just as she hit send, Jack emerged from the bathroom, towel hung low on his hips.
"Texting the girls?" he ran a hand through his wet hair.
She slipped her phone under the pillow, a playful smile on her face. "Yeah, they were asking about you."
Jack raised an eyebrow, falling down onto the bed next to her. "All good things, I hope?"
She snorted, "Guess you'll never know."
He rolled his eyes, pressing a soft kiss to her hair. "Whatever. You were probably telling them how much of a stud I am."
Sadie smirked, though her mind was still buzzing with the excitement of what she'd just admitted to her friends. Jack had no idea, and honestly? That just made it even more thrilling.
Jack bounded into the living room, his backpack slung over one of his shoulders. Sadie was sat on the couch, scrolling passively through Instagram, while Luke stood in the kitchen chugging a glass of water.
"I'm headed to the rink for a few hours," Jack announced, slapping his hand on the back of the couch, full of energy. "Got a little off-season workout with Q and some of the guys."
"A workout?" Sadie quirked an eyebrow. "You never stop, do you?
"That's what makes me so irrresistible, babe." He shot her a wink before turning to Luke. "You busy?"
Luke wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, setting down his glass. "Not really."
"Why don't you keep her company? You guys should hang out. Show her around town or something."
Luke flushed, his eyes flickering to Sadie, who was sat with an amused smile on her face. "Uh, yeah, sure."
"Perfect!" Jack leaned down and kissed Sadie's cheek. "Don't miss me too much while I'm gone, okay?"
"I'll try," she giggled, leaning into his touch but keeping her eyes on Luke.
"See you later! Have fun!"
And just like that Jack was gone.
"Well, looks like it's just us again," Sadie said, stretching dramatically.
"Yeah, guess so."
Sadie stood from the couch, tapping her finger against her lips as if she was thinking. "You know what we should do?"
"Go for a swim! It's hot out, and the lake looks amazing."
Luke hesitated. He wasn't sure he could handle that again. But before he could come up with an excuse, Sadie was heading toward the back door.
"Come on! Don't make me swim alone. I might drown."
By the time he made it down to the dock, Sadie was standing at the edge, her back to him as she looked out over the water. She had stripped down to her bikini--a simple black one that fit her like a glove.
Luke shook his head. He had no right to stare. Jack's girlfriend, not his. Get a grip.
"Took you long enough, Luke. Thought you were going to bail on me."
"Just... taking my time." He managed a weak laugh.
"Uh-huh." She dipped her toe in the lake, testing the temperature. "Water feels amazing. Bet I can beat you in."
She dove in without even waiting for an answer. She resurfced a few feet out, shaking the water from her hair and grinning at him. "What're you waiting for?"
Luke hesitated for just a second longer before diving in after her. The shock of the cool water cleared his head. That was until he surfaced and saw Sadie floating nearby, her hair splayed around her like a halo.
"See? Told you it feels amazing."
He swam a bit closer, but decided to keep his distance. "Yeah, guess you were right."
Sadie flipped onto her stomach, treading water as she swam to him. "Relax." She nudged her shoulder with his. "You look so tense."
Her tone was light, but the promixity of them felt almost dangerous. "I am relaxed."
"Bullshit. You look like the tensest motherfucker ever," she splashed him, the water hitting him square in the face. "Come on. Loosen up."
Luke sputtered, wiping the water from his eyes. "Oh, it's gonna be like that, huh?"
"Just sayin'... life's too short to be serious all the time," her hand brushed his arm as she floated by, leaving goosebumps in her wake.
Her touch was light, casual, but it still made it so he couldn't think straight. He wanted to keep his distance, but she wasn't making it easy in the slightest.
"You and I should do this more often," she mused.
"What? Swim?"
She scoffed, "No. Hang out."
Was she messing with him? Or was she being serious? He couldn't tell with her. Her teasing had been light and innocent until now. Now every word that left her mouth felt like it had a second meaning.
"I... I don't know."
What kind of shit response was that? God, he looked like an idiot.
She swam closer to him, stopping when she was right in front of his face. "You don't know? I think you do, Luke."
He could feel her leg brushing against his and his whole body felt like it was one fire despite the cool water. He should've pulled back, but he couldn't. He was frozen.
"Ha! You're cute when you're flustered."
For a moment, he felt himself lean in, as if there was an invisible force pulling him to her. But just as quickly, Sadie pulled away, climbing back onto the dock and swaying her hips as she headed back to the house, leaving the boy completely flabbergasted.
Jim and Ellen had left for a special dinner out and Jack had quickly suggested a game night, complete with alcohol and whatever games they could find in the basement. Luke had agreed, only because he knew he could drink, and that might make being in the same room as Sadie more bearable.
"Alright, team," Jack tossed a can of beer to Luke, who caught it without looking "Game night is on. Hope you're ready to lose, Qball."
"Yeah, yeah. You always say that, but I'm the one who wins."
"You guys don't stand a chance. Right, babe?" Sadie grinned up at Jack.
"You bet. Dream team right here."
Luke looked at them, all snuggled up together. He blinked a few times before chugging the rest of his beer. Jack laughed, "Alright, Lukey." He tossed him another one, getting ready to explain the rules of the game.
By the third round, Jack had pulled Sadie into his lap, his arms wrapped around her waist like a seatbelt. They were laughing, whispering inside jokes, and exchanging kisses, acting like they were the only people in the room.
Luke tried to focus on the game, but he found himself looking up to see Sadie running her fingers through Jack's hair, her other hand squeezing his thigh.
He wanted to believe that she had meant something by the little act she'd put on at the lake. But seeing her all over Jack made him feel like he'd never been so wrong. She was clearly into Jack. She didn't mean anything by it. She's just... being friendly.
So why did it feel like more?
"Can you guys like chill?" Quinn spoke up. "We're trying to play a game, not watch you two make out."
"Oh, come on, Quinn. We're just having fun," Sadie giggled.
"Yeah, don't be a buzzkill," Jack added, pressing kisses to her neck.
"There's having fun, and then there's..." Quinn paused, his voice laced with annoyance. "You're practically having sex in front of us."
"No, Luke and I just don't wanna see that."
"Your turn, Luke."
"Right," he muttered, grabbing the dice and rolling it halfheartedly. The alcohol wasn't helping, dulling his senses and making everything worse. He kept glancing at Sadie, hoping for some sign that she was aware of what she was doing to him, but she didn't even look his way.
The final straw came when Jack, clearly tipsy, pulled Sadie in for a long, slow kiss right in the middle of Quinn's turn. Jack and Sadie were known by their friends for their drunk kisses, but his brothers really didn't want to see it.
"I'm done. You two aren't even playing!" Quinn threw his hands up.
"Fine, fine. We'll stop! Happy now?"
"No. I'm going to bed before I see something even worse."
"Uh, yeah, me too. Night guys," Luke nodded, following his oldest brother.
"Bedtime?" Jack laughed.
"Yeah, bedtime, I guess."
Luke hadn't gone to bed. He couldn't sleep. His brain wouldn't shut up. It had been a couple hours since game night had ended and he felt more sober than he was before he started drinking. Maybe he was insane. Maybe Sadie had driven him to his breaking point. She was so goddamn confusing. And--
"What're you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with Jack?"
She shrugged, closing the sliding door behind her. "He's passed out. I wanted to come find you."
"Sadie, you really shouldn't--"
"I know what you're going to say. But I think you're wrong."
Sadie moved in, her hand reaching for his, her fingers tracing along his wrist. "You're overthinking things, Luke."
His breath hitched as she leaned in, her face inches from his, her lips so close he could feel her breath. He should've pulled away. He should've told her to stop.
But he didn't. He couldn't.
Instead, Luke closed the gap between them, his lips crashing against hers in a desperate, longing kiss.
She kissed him back, her hands sliding up to his shoulders. Her touch sent sparks through his body. But those sparks made reality set in.
He pulled away, his chest heaving. "No. This is wrong."
"You need to stop," he stood up suddenly, almost making Sadie fall over. His voice was full of anger. "This... this whole thing is fucked up, Sadie. You're Jack's girlfriend."
She stared at him for a second or two before, to Luke's surprise, she started laughing.
"What the hell is so funny?" Luke snapped. "I'm going to tell him. I'm going to tell Jack everything. He needs to know what you've been doing."
"You don't get it, do you?"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Jack and I aren't really together."
"What... what do you mean?"
Sadie sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's fake. The whole thing--it's just an act."
"An act? What the hell are you talking about?"
"Jack needed me to play the part of his girlfriend for the summer," Sadie explained, her tone casual as if everything she was saying was normal. "Natalie, the neighbour girl. She's obsessed with Jack. And she won't take no for answer. So he asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend so she'd leave him alone."
"So... this is all fake?"
"Yep. We've just been playing the part, that's all."
"But... you guys... you were kissing. You're all over each other."
Sadie shrugged, her smile turning sheepish. "That... that's just something that happens when we drink. No big deal."
"No big deal? You guys were making out in front of us, and you're saying it doesn't mean anything?"
"Exactly. Jack and I are close friends. That's all it is. No feelings involved," her tone was so matter-of-fact it made Luke's stomach churn. "All for show. We figured the more real it looks, the less people will question it."
"So... you don't have feelings for him?"
"For Jack? No. We're friends. Nothing more. We've been friends since he joined the Devils. And yeah, we get a bit... affectionate when we drink. But it's never been serious."
"Then why... why were you flirting with me?"
"Because, Luke... you're the definition of my type." She reached out and brushed her hand against his cheek. "Didn't think it was that hard to figure out."
"But Jack..."
"Jack doesn't care," she cut him off. "He's the one that suggested I hang out with you more. He's clueless. He only cares that I keep Natalie away from him."
"So this whole time, you've been..."
"I've been flirting with you. And you've been trying soooo hard to resist. It's kinda cute."
He had been so sure that what he felt was wong--so convinced that he was betraying Jack. Now... now he didn't know what to think.
"This is... this is insane."
"Maybe. But it's also kinda fun. Don't ya think?"
Luke didn't know how the hell he was supposed to respond to that. Everything he thought he understood had just been flipped upside down, and now he was standing there with Sadie--Jack's not-so-girlfriend--who had just admitted she'd been flirting with him for days. Part of him wanted to kiss her again. The other part was screaming at him to stop because even if they weren't dating, it still felt like he was lying to his brother.
"I... I don't know what to do."
"Don't have to do anything. Just think about it, I guess. I'm not going anywhere. Jack's got me stuck here for a while."
She winked, turning toward the door, leaving Luke alone with his thoughts once again.
Jack was up, chatting with his parents over breakfast, Sadie sat next to him looking as carefree as ever. Luke was watching her silently from across the room, his mug of coffee in his grip.
She glanced over at him and smiled like nothing had changed. But everything had changed. And Luke knew he needed to talk to her. He hated pretending things were normal when they weren't. His mind was playing the kiss on repeat and the way she'd admitted her relationship with Jack was just for show.
It all felt like a weird dream.
When Jack got up to grab some more cereal, Luke saw his chance.
"Sadie," he whispered, "can we talk? Alone?"
She raised an eyebrow, glancing at Jack who was now rummaging through the fridge for some milk. "Sure. Lead the way."
Once they were inside Luke's room, Sadie leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. "What's up? I see Mr. Serious is back."
"I just... I need to understand how this is supposed to work. The whole thing with Jack. You and me. All of it."
"What's there to understand? Jack's clueless. He doesn't know anything. Not that he'd care anyway."
"You make it sound so simple."
"Because it is," she shrugged. "You're overcomplicating it."
"I don't know if I can keep this up. It's driving me crazy."
"Is it? Because it didn't seem like you were too hard of a time last night on the porch."
"Fuck it," he muttered.
He grabbed Sadie by the waist, before he could second-guess himself, crashing his lips against hers in a kiss full of pent-up frustration and desire.
Sadie definitely didn't second-guess anything, kissing him back as her hands ran up to his hair. Any boundaries that Luke had tried to build had been torn down, but he didn't care. He couldn't stop.
They stumbled backward, his hands sliding down a bit to her hips. The kiss deepened, becoming more heated with every passing second. The rest of the world melted away, the only sound in the room their ragged breathing as they broke apart just to kiss again.
The bed hit the back of Luke's knees and they collapsed onto it, lips still locked. For one of the first times since Luke had met Sadie, he wasn't busy thinking about right or wrong. He wasn't thinking about Jack or the consequences of his actions. All that mattered was Sadie, the taste of her lips, and how tight her fingers were gripping his hair.
Just as things were about to heat up further, Jack's voice echoed from the bottom of the stairs.
"Sadie? You up there?"
She pulled back instantly, her lips swollen from the kiss. "Shit," she whispered. "I should... I should go."
Luke didn't say anything, his eyes half-lidded. Sadie stood up, adjusting her shirt and hair as she shot him a smile "Sorry, Luke. Duty calls."
She looked back at him one last time as she opened the door. "This isn't over."
What had he gotten himself into?
It had been a couple days since Sadie and Luke had shared their first kiss, and they'd been sneaking around ever since. Little touches when no one was looking, stolen kisses behind closed doors. The more they got away with, the more daring they became.
That afternoon, Jack had been outside messing around with Quinn by the dock, while Sadie had slipped away, telling Jack she needed to grab something from inside. Luke had been alone in the house, trying to clear his head. But the second Sadie entered the living room, everything went out the window.
And suddenly, they were tangled together on the couch, lips locked. Sadie gripped the front of his t-shirt, tugging gently. It was just them in that moment, tension building higher and higher, and Luke couldn't stop himself from enjoying it.
Then the door slammed.
They pulled apart just in time to see Jack standing in the doorway, his eyes wide with shock. The expression on his face was confused, almost dazed as he stared at them.
"Uh... what the fuck?" His tone was sharp, but not angry--more like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Luke's hands fell away from Sadie as he shot up from the couch, his face flushed. "Jack, I--"
Jack cut him off, pacing the room, his eyes shooting between them as he tried to piece everything together. "How long... how long has this been going on?"
Sadie just waited for Luke to speak.
"Luke, how long?" Jack repeated.
"A couple days. It just... happened."
"A couple days? And you just didn't think to say anything?"
Luke opened his mouth to respond, but Jack's attention shifted to Sadie. "Does he know? About us?"
"Yes, Jack. I told him. He knows it's all fake."
"So... you knew? You knew it was fake, so you decided..." Jack gestured wildly between them, pacing again, his hands tugging at his hair. "I don't get it. I don't fucking get it."
"Jack, I didn't mean for any of this to happen--"
"Didn't mean for what to happen? You didn't mean to start sneaking around with my fake girlfriend? Or you didn't mean to fall for her?"
Jack wasn't yelling. He wasn't angry. He just looked... confused. Hurt, maybe? And that just made it all so much worse.
"J, listen. This whole thing--it got out of hand. Luke and I... we didn't plan this. Just happened."
"But you two... were just... you were just making out on the couch! How does that 'just happen?'"
Sadie rolled her eyes, "Just does."
"Clearly! I mean, I thought everything was fine. I thought everyone was just hanging out, and meanwhile, you two are making out on the couch?"
"I'm sorry, Jack. I..."
"I'm not mad. Just... what the hell, guys? I don't understand."
"J, it's not like that. You and I--we're just friends. You know that. This shit with Luke... it's different."
"Different how?"
"Dunno. Just is."
Finally, Jack let out a long sigh, running a hand down his face. "Okay. Okay, fine. You two... you do whatever. I just... I need a minute to process all this."
Sadie opened her mouth to respond, but Jack held up a hand, stopping her. "Seriously, just... gimme a minute. I'll be outside if you need me."
Luke collapsed onto the couch, his head in his hands as Jack retreated outside. Could this get any worse?
The rest of the day had been weird and silent. Sadie had spent it journaling and reading, giving both brothers the space that they needed. But as they got ready for bed, things were the most awkward they'd ever been between Jack and Sadie. Jack moved around the room, grabbing his phone charger and tossing it onto his nightstand, while Sadie stood by the dresser, pulling a t-shirt over her head. Neither of them spoke, both waiting for the other to break the silence.
"So... are we going to talk about this?" Sadie finally gave in.
"Talk about what?"
"You know what," she gave him a look. "About you walking in on me and Luke today."
"What's there to talk about? I mean... I get it. You guys--"
"Are you jealous?" she interrupted, her voice timid. "Like, even a little bit?"
Jack blinked, caught off guard by the question. "Jealous?" He furrowed his brow. "No. I don't think so."
"Not even like... deep down?"
She nodded, urging him to continue.
"No. I don't feel jealous. I mean, maybe if I did... I'd be way more upset about it all. But.. I dunno. I've only ever seen you as a friend. Same way you see me. A close one, sure, but still... just a friend. You know that."
"Yeah, I do. But you were really thrown off earlier, Jack. You seemed so... I dunno.... confused?"
"Yeah. I think it was more just the shock of it, ya know? Didn't expect to walk in and see my brother making out with my fake girlfriend."
She let out a small laugh. "So it's not weird for you? At all?"
"I guess it's weird in the sense that... I knew that you and Luke would get along. I just didn't think you'd get along this well."
"Yeah, I didn't exactly see it coming either."
"But no, I'm not mad or anything. Honestly, I think you and Luke fit each other way better than you and me ever could. I'm just surprised... I guess."
"Surprised how?"
Jack sighed, leaning back against the headboard. "I just never thought that... bringing you here would lead to you two... doing whatever this is."
"We haven't really figured it out," she rubbed at her arm.
Sadie climbed into bed first, pulling the covers over herself. Jack followed suit, but as they lay there side by side, for the first time since Sadie had arrived, he made no move to cuddle. No arm draped over her waist. He just laid there, staring at the ceiling.
"You don't want to cuddle tonight?"
Jack hesitated, then sighed for the millionth time that day. "It's just... it feels weird now, I guess. Knowing you've been doing... stuff with Luke. It's different."
Sadie bit her lip, and for the first time she felt that guilt that Luke had been feeling. "Jack... I'm sorry. I didn't mean for things to get so complicated."
"Nah, don't worry about it. It's not like you did anything wrong... really. Things are just different now... that's all."
Jack rolled over, facing the other side of the bed, leaving a noticeable gap between them. Sadie stared at the back of his head for a moment, feelings like she should reach out and say something. But it was too late, Jack was already asleep.
Sadie and Luke sat at the end of the dock. The whole day had been awkward and Sadie felt even more out of place than she had when she first arrived.
"I don't want to make this weird," Sadie said, her voice soft, but her eyes locked with Luke's. "I really like you, but if it's gonna screw up my friendship with Jack... we should stop. We have to."
"I like you too. More than I thought I would. But yeah, this whole thing with Jack... it's too complicated. I don't wanna hurt my brother. I'd feel so guilty."
"We have to end things. It's not fair to him. Or us."
"I don't want to end things though," Luke admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "This... it's not just about the physical stuff to me. I feel something with you, Sadie. Something real."
"I feel it too. But I can't mess up things with Jack, so maybe it's better if we end things now before they get more complicated."
Jack, who had been on his way back inside, had walked past and heard his friend and brother talking. He leaned against a tree, piecing together everything they were saying. His stomach turned. But it wasn't anger. Or jealousy. He wasn't upset. It was relief. Luke and Sadie really liked each other. It wasn't just some sneaky hookup. It wasn't fair to make them feel guilty for something that wasn't even real to begin with.
Sadie and Luke both jumped, practically leaping out of their skin.
"Jack, I--"
"You don't have to explain anything. I heard what you guys were saying. And look, it's fine. You don't have to end whatever this is."
Sadie blinked in surprise. "You're not upset?"
Jack shook his head, a smile forming on his lips. "No. I'm not. I'm actually happy for you guys."
"Happy for who?" Ellen's voice joined the conversation.
"Jesus, is everyone listening to us?" Luke whispered to Sadie.
Jim and Quinn were close behind Ellen, also curious to what was happening on the dock.
"Luke and Sadie."
"Luke and Sadie?"
"Yeah, they're in love."
"We're not in--"
"Luke's in love with your girlfriend?" Quinn asked.
"About that..." Sadie rubbed her arm awkwardly.
"Sadie and I aren't really dating. We're friends. Close friends. She was just trying to help me get Natalie off my back. And I was helping her get her parents off her back," Jack admitted.
The family stared at him for a beat, then burst into laughter.
"Are you serious? All this was just to keep Natalie away?"
"Pretty much."
Ellen, still smiling, looked at Sadie and Luke, then back to Jack. "You know, Jack... I thought from the start that Sadie was a better fit for Luke anyway."
"Looks like you this turned out well for everyone," Quinn laughed.
Luke turned to Sadie, sliding his fingers between hers. "So... now that the truth's out... what do you think?"
"I think we've got time to figure it out," she giggled, leaning her head on his shoulder. And finally after weeks of being there, Sadie felt like she belonged.
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jji-lee · 5 months
HI!! i’m doing great, sorry for the late reply i am on vacation! kinda inspired by jim and pam’s valentine’s day fight from the office (if you’ve seen it) it’s not so much an argument because i’m bad at dialogue but it’s a little couples spat. hope you enjoy anyways! ☺
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it had been tense since jeno woke up that morning. it was valentines day and you wanted to make it special for him since the last one he had been on tour. you woke up early to make him his favorite breakfast, taking the time to cut out little hearts from all of the fruits. but of course your exhausted boyfriend had slept through breakfast, having had practice till late the night before. he had taken off from practice today to "spend time with you" but he had only been spending time with his bed. you cleaned up breakfast deciding that it wasn’t that big of a deal, you had the rest of the day planned anyways. when jeno had finally woken up you were getting ready to go on a bike ride with him, your go to date activity, but you were met with a groggy smile telling you, “not today baby hm? just a little tired, but i made us dinner plans at 7 today okay?” so you complied taking off your biking gear and heading to the living room to watch some tv. jeno came out lazily and laid on the couch next to you resting his head on your thighs. as 6 rolled around you decided to get ready for dinner looking through your closet for your new dress. you heard rustling in the bathroom assuming jeno was also getting ready. by 6:45 you were finished, stepping out of your room to show jeno your outfit. as you stepped out you were met with a very laid back boyfriend, wearing jogging pants and a hoodie, he looked up at you eyes widening when he saw your appearance, “shit baby is it 7 already? i totally blanked on dinner, i can get ready real quick and tell them we hit some traffic so they don’t charge us for being late.” he stood up quickly going to your shared room to get dressed, you stopped him. “forget it jen, i’m not even hungry, let’s stay home and do nothing like we’ve been doing all day” jeno stared at you, confused by your sudden attitude, “what do you mean ‘do nothing,’ i took the day off to be with you?” you let out a deep breath, “you didn’t take a day off to be with me you took a day off to catch up on your sleep jeno, don’t act like today’s been ALL about me” he tilted his head to the side staring at you bewildered, “is this about the biking? baby we bike every chance we get, we’ll do it next time i have free.” you pushed past him leaning on the couch for support as you took your heels off, “yes jeno, this is about the biking and breakfast and this stupid dinner that you planned and forgot about, i tried to make everything special for us today and you just slept through it all, i look like an idiot running around planning stuff for my boyfriend who doesn’t even care” he walked towards you grabbing your chin, “you think i don’t care? you think getting a last minute spot at your favorite restaurant is easy? you think being away from you everyday is easy?” your eyes began to water as he let go of your chin walking towards the door “i’m sorry for being tired today, it’s my first day off in months, you think i didn’t want today to be special too? i’m sorry okay? i feel like shit cause i ruined your valentine’s day.” you heard jeno's voice crack as he spoke, back turned towards you, “i just, i can’t keep going back and forth, not today, if we’re gonna keep fighting then i’ll just meet the guys at practice, tell them our plans got cancelled,” he slipped some shoes on, grabbing his coat to leave, you stopped him, hand grasping his shirt. “don’t leave please, stay, stay with me and fight, we’ll yell all night if we have to.” he stopped and turned to face you, “you really wanna fight on valentine’s day?” you gave him a soft smile, “yes, stay with me and fight, just, don’t go.” jeno wasn’t gonna leave, not even if you begged him.
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taxidermycanine · 16 days
Hey not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I'm looking for whoever might be able to offer advice. My wife just told me she's therian today (wolf). I'm completely supportive of it of course. As another wolf therian, do you have any suggestions for things I could do to help her feel more comfortable or support her better?
(Anon ask to protect her privacy because she's self conscious about it)
hi! this is absolutely the right place to ask, welcome :o)
this is very sweet of you to do, and i'm sure your wife appreciates you looking more into therianthropy so you can understand her better!
i hope you enjoy this post, and thank you again for this ask! the tips are under the cut
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species affirming 101: wolves and other canids
hello there! struggling to figure out ways to affirm your therianthropy because you don't know where to start? or maybe you're someone who knows a critter personally and want to learn how to make them more comfortable around you? then sit down and get comfortable because this is species affirming 101 (with me, the dog).
before we go into it, please note:
not all of these things are for everyone, and that's okay! do what feels right for you.
i will try my best to provide alternatives for any food recommendations for those of you with dietary needs, but apologize in advance if i fail to do so.
that the most important thing to affirm your species is through taking good care of yourself and spending some time outside to ground yourself. sometimes these things take time, they'll come to you eventually.
with that in mind, let's begin with the first tip!
NUMBER ONE: clothing
whether you have shorter or longer fur, this point can help you either way! the human body doesn't grow nearly enough hair to feel comfortable sometimes, which is why i wear clothes that are fuzzy, warm, and the same color as my fur. this is especially helpful in the colder months.
as for the warmer months, i recommend purchasing things such as tail keychains, trimming your nails into claws, drawing paws on your shoes. even meditating in a wooded area can help somewhat (at least in my own experience).
NUMBER TWO: snacks
usually when people think of species affirming snacks their mind immediately goes to something like jerky, and whilst that can help a few folk, in my opinion it's much too gritty for me to enjoy comfortably. i prefer eating slim jims for the saltiness and fall-apart texture. if you can't eat meat for whatever reason, i recommend experimenting with different types of mushrooms. a popular choice for meat imitation is the lions mane mushroom. when cooked a certain way, it's crunchy, filling and has a tender texture.
NUMBER THREE: ambiance
something as simple as putting on a video of nature sounds can make you feel more at home. i recommend mixing this with den making (making your bed feel more like a den by adding lots of blankets, going under them to sleep for coverage, maybe a chair or two to keep the entrance visable. i find having some sort of floor mattress works best for this sort of thing)
NUMBER FOUR: comforts
stuffed animals of your theriotype are always a nice way to feel less lonely, especially if you feel like you're meant to have young. acting like they're your pack, your litter, or simply just your belongings can provide heavy comfort during times of feeling isolated.
if you feel like you shouldn't have stuffed animals because you aren't a domestic breed, you shouldn't worry about that. One, you can do whatever you want forerver. Two, there have been many cases of animals finding things like stuffed animals and playing with them, look at this guy!
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NUMBER FIVE: socializing
as canines are social animals, it's important for you to spend time with others, therian or non-therian. if you have human friends, or a human partner, great! if they're comfortable with it, you can have them pet you if you'd like. maybe ask to go on a walk with them for a more discreet option.
i'd also recommend making friends who are also therian so you have others to relate to. it's important to realize that you are not alone in this, and there are so many who feel the way you do right now. if you make some irl, go to the forest together! play in the river! if you're stuck to being online friends for however long, make moodboards! play online games where you can be an animal together! roleplay if that's more your speed! there's plenty to do with loved ones.
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for now, that's all i can think of. for the anon though here's a little more just for you, i wish you and your partner the best.
be there for her, tell her that her being a therian doesn't make you love her any less and that you find her therianthropy beautiful. ask her about what she'd like you to do to help with species dysphoria, if she has any. research about her theriotype with her to show her that you care about it. as another wolf therian myself, the thing that helped me the most is having my own partner be there for me. canines are social animals, be social with her.
my love to you both,
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hunterthecharmer · 25 days
Unexpected - Part 2
Sorry for the delay everyone. Here's part 2! Hope you all like it :)
Summary: You work for an events company and end up being assigned as a talent handler for a 2 week long convention. Your co-worker ends up assigned to Glen Powell, but you catch his eye. Can you remain professional and keep him from knowing you're actually a pretty big fan of his?
This is my inspiration for the outfit he’s wearing :)
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Part 2
It’s the middle of the week, and every day has been spent coordinating with Dylan O’Brien’s team to get every piece of his schedule nailed down. He only had one assistant in the office currently which made your job a bit easier. Savannah, on the other hand was sipping her lattes with her feet kicked up in the corner of your office while you took your meetings each day as Glen’s assistant sent everything over via email or text, to not fill her day up with Zoom meetings.
“This probably means he’s a control freak.” Savannah muses, chewing on the end of her pen as she notates an email from his team. “Look, we both have our work cut out for us. Have you opened your package yet from his team?” You ask, waving your mailer in front of her with a grin. You already knew she was going to want to swap one of the items.
“Wait, what? No! What did they send?” She grins, tearing open the envelope to pull out a large autographed headshot of Glen. Some pens, a lanyard and a handwritten note from his assistant come tumbling out with it. Savannah pouts, immediately shifting her eyes to the one you’re holding. “C’mon, don’t make me beg! Let me see it!” She’s giddy as she shakes your arm, and you giggle as you dramatically remove it from its sleeve. “Trade ya?” You wink at her, before you both search the hall for some empty frames and get Jim from IT to help the two of you hang them up in your offices.
As soon as he’s finished, Savannah comes tapping on your door. “Thanks for trading. Dylan is my man! I hope he’s nice, I don’t know how I’ll feel if he’s rude..” her voice trails off, and you pat her on the shoulder. “He’ll be great. Don’t stress it! You’ll do a great job keeping him on track.” She smiles at your reassurance. “Sooo, are you going to pack your Longhorn hat?”
You gasp at her, crumpling a nearby scrap of paper and throwing it at her. “Listen, that hat is my only one that’s black, it goes with everything, and…yes, it may or may not have only been bought because of Glen. BUT, of course it’s coming. You never know what Tennessee weather will bring!” You smirk at her before flipping off the lights in your office, following Savannah down the hallway to the parking deck.
“Wow, it really is beautiful here.” You mutter to yourself as you climb into the shuttle taking you from the airport to the event location. The sky seemed a richer hue of blue, and the large trees shaded the vehicles the entire trip. You allowed yourself to breathe as you stepped into the large auditorium building. All the months of hard work and planning had finally paid off. Seeing it with your own eyes was a real treat that you rarely got to enjoy with this job. Hundreds of staff members were busily setting up chairs, tables and last minute details together before the talent would arrive that evening. The welcome party was going to be a blast - glow sticks, a DJ, boujee appetizers and twinkling lights. It would be the perfect way to welcome the talent and allow everyone on location to get ready for the weeks ahead.
After doing your makeup and spraying some texture spray in your hair, you take one last look in the mirror of your little cabin and smile. You felt confident in your all black outfit. Black levi jeans, an off the shoulder black long sleeve with some gold jewelry and some hoops. Your hair was curled, and the leather boots were keeping your feet warm from the winter chill outside. You plop down on the edge of your bed and take in your home away from home. Everyone had their own little log cabin, it was basically a studio set up with a queen sized bed in the middle of the room, chandelier above it and of course a bathroom and lounger with a big window. It was charming and cozy, and you couldn’t imagine how much nicer the talent’s must be if this was how lovely yours was.
One last spritz of texture spray to your hair and you were out the door, jumping on your personal golf cart to ride down to the warehouse.
“Over here! Over here!” You hear a high pitched squeal from across the gravel as you put the golf cart in park. You swivel your head to the left to find Savannah fastly approaching, one hand waving you down, the other holding her skirt from dragging across the ground. “Finally, you’re here!” She wraps an arm around you in a tight hug. You giggle as you steady your balance, hugging her back. You knew she had to be so nervous to meet the talent, because you weren’t the type to get starstruck and your own heart was hammering in your chest.
“We’ve got this! We aren’t the only ones meeting them for the first time tonight. Just remember that! I’m sure Glen will be lovely. I promise I will try to nonchalantly get Dylan to meet you tonight too. Deal?” You both pinky promise before heading inside towards the loud music.
You squint your eyes at the glowing white orbs on each high top table, not a single chair in sight other than at the bar. The DJ had many of the guests up and dancing while others socialized amongst themselves. Everyone was dressed casually, probably changing minimally after their plane rides. You and the other workers were definitely dressed up a little more, which instantly put you at ease. Feeling more put together and confident, you lead Savannah to the sign in table. Glancing around as you wait in line, you watch the other girls and guys check over their packets, taking in who their responsibility will be for the next two weeks. Reading what their pick up and drop off schedule will be like, and all the other fast facts about their assigned celebrity; allergies, preferences, etc. As soon as your packet about Dylan is in your hands, you find an empty table and start reading over it. You nonchalantly do a sweep of the room, the different colored lights illuminating everyone’s faces. Some of your favorite actors are in this room, and you couldn’t believe it. After a few moments you spot Dylan at the bar, the lavender backdrop and blue lights behind the stools accentuating his all white outfit. He runs a hand through his shaggy brown hair, mid conversation with another actor you didn’t recognize. You quickly glance down at your paper, making notes with your pen. You get through about three pages before Savannah appears in front of you, slamming her lanyard down on the table. “Did you introduce yourself yet?” She whispers, rummaging around in her bag for her lipgloss. “No, I’m letting him finish his conversation first. How’s Glen?” You ask, smirking at her. “He’s a dream. He literally made a beeline for me through the crowd to introduce himself! I have to bring him his schedule, apparently no one had it in their rooms when they got here so that’s awkward. Strike one on us.” She bites her bottom lip. You feel your eyes widen. “What?! That was supposed to have been done days ago! The girls from scheduling said they had it under control..oh well. I guess it’s a nice ice breaker for us to approach them. Wait, did you say Glen came up to you? How’d he know you were his handler?” Savannah raises a hand to cover her mouth before moving around the table top to grasp your forearm. “Girl! You know how they sent us head shots of the talent? Apparently they received one of us too! Isn’t that wild?” She giggles, taking in your reaction. “So, that means Dylan already knows I’m here probably. Great..” You let your voice trail off before closing your folder and grabbing your lanyard to place around your neck.
“Let me go say hello, then!” You flash Savannah a nervous smile before heading to the bar, Dylan’s eyes immediately drifting from the man he’s talking to over to you. He places a hand on his shoulder and says what you assume to be a quick goodbye before turning on his heel toward you. “You’re the lucky lady who's stuck with me, yeah?” He grins, extending a hand to you. His brown eyes are friendly, twinkling beneath the lights dancing around the room. “I’m Dylan, so nice to meet you!” His handshake is firm, and you take note of how strong his cologne is. “I promise to get you everywhere on time these next few weeks. It’s great to meet you!” You return his smile, moving closer to him as a crowd of people brush past the two of you toward the buffet, the DJ announcing to everyone that dinner has been set out. Dylan leans down to your ear so you can hear him better. “I’m so stoked to be here, did you have a hand in all this?” He shouts above the music, gesturing around him to all the decor in the warehouse, fake pink and magenta flowers are strung up through the rafters, flameless candles were dispersed throughout the room, you were proud of the vibe in here for sure. It was kind of like a club but classier. “It took a village for sure, but I’m really happy with how it turned out! Oh, here’s your schedule by the way-” You continue to babble on to him about the whole event and the planning that went into it, and start going through Dylan’s schedule with him. He listens intently to you, his focus a hundred percent on what you’re showing him. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Savannah pointing you out to Glen, his eyes peering at you from beneath his black Texas Longhorns ballcap before he looks away. You feel heat rush to your cheeks as you tear your gaze away from him. You and Dylan exchange some more info, and decide to meet out front by the golf carts in another hour or so. You meander towards the back of the space, your stomach growling at the sight of all the warm food placed ahead of you. Before you can grab a plate, you hear Savannah call your name, “Hey, wait up!” You spin around, her arm locking with yours to pull you away from the buffet line. “Where are we going?” You whine, turning your head back towards the food. “The food is that way! I’m starving.” Savannah shoots you a sympathetic smile as she continues to drag you through the crowd until she sits you down at a round table in the corner of the room. “Unfortunately, that food’s not for us.” She frowns, before leaving you to disappear behind a door and reappear moments later with two foil covered plates, two large water bottles under her arm. “Savannah…what’s on those plates.” You wearily question, grabbing it from her. You both count to three together before ripping the foil cover off, revealing a hamburger, bag of chips and the tiniest cup of fruit you’d ever seen. “Guess they had to cut corners to save money somehow.” You pout, pushing the plate away from you as you grab the bag of Lays.
“Here we chose the best menus each night for them, thinking we too would get to enjoy them, but no. We have to eat like kids.” Savannah complains as she bites into her burger. “What, lost your appetite?” She frowns at your plate. “I don’t eat burgers. Actually, I can’t eat red meat at all.” You reply, shrugging your shoulders. You slump back into your chair, disappointed that you’re missing out on the all you can eat sushi bar the talent is currently enjoying right now.
Savannah inhales her food as the two of you chat about your schedules for tomorrow, trying to find overlaps. Your conversation is cut short at the sound of a male voice in front of you. “Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but, do you ladies happen to know where the restrooms are?” You both snap your gaze upward to see Glen standing in front of your table, the only celebrity in a 300 foot distance. You take in his outfit- his cap you noticed earlier, his dark black jeans, crisp white t-shirt and grey cardigan that fits him perfectly. He’s extremely handsome in person, even more so than on screen. You open your mouth to speak, but you realize nothing is coming out of your mouth. You quickly wet your lips with your tongue, eyes deferring to Savannah, since he probably came over here to ask her. She is his handler for the weekend, after all. Savannah’s mid chew on the last piece of her burger, looking at you expectantly. “Oh, uh, they’re behind the DJ’s set up, there’s a little hallway back there with the bathrooms.” You meet his gaze again, his green eyes locked onto yours before they drop to the plate in front of you. The sides of his mouth tugs up into a smirk. “Not hungry?” He points to your untouched hamburger, his watch catching the light. You take a mental note of your stomach doing backflips over this accessory, as watches have always been kind of a thing for you. A turn on, if you will. You shake your head and laugh, admitting that you can’t eat it. “I’ll be out of commission if I eat that.” Glen’s playful expression turns to one of confusion, pointing over his shoulder to the extensive spread of food behind you. “You want to trade? I didn’t see that as an option. Where’d you find that?” Savannah giggles, waving her hands in front of her as she finally speaks. “No, no, the burgers are just for us little people. You guys get to enjoy the good stuff.” She winks at him, and you nudge her beneath the table. Not exactly the best way to put it…
Glen’s eyebrows furrow slightly, head tilting to the side. “That doesn’t seem fair. Tell you what, I’ll bring you back a plate of whatever you want if I can devour that burger on your plate.” He flashes you a grin, and you’re enthusiastically nodding before you can think twice about it. “Yes, please! I’ll literally take anything you can gr-” you begin, but Savannah cuts you off. “She loves sushi, Glen.” They exchange a smile as he points to her before wading through the crowd. You turn to your coworker, mouth open in disbelief. “Umm, is Glen Powell bringing me a plate of food right now?!” You let out a tiny squeal, hitting her on the knee. She props a hand on her cheek, “I know right? Isn’t he so nice? Where the heck is Dylan?” She responds, squeezing your shoulder. “It sucks we have to act like we don’t know them. Like, at all.” She huffs, crossing her arms across her chest. “He’s over by the dessert bar, why don’t you take a quick walk by? He won’t even notice! He’s quite the social butterfly tonight.” You wink at her encouragingly, and she actually stands from her chair. “You know what, you’re right. Be right back!” She’s giddy as she weaves through the crowd, and in her wake you see Glen reappear, a plate full of sushi in tow. He sticks out his tongue, clearly proud of his selection. “Here we go, I got a little bit of everything for ya.” He presents the plate to you dramatically, flicking his wrist to emulate a waiter as he drops it on the table. “You’ve outdone yourself.” You grin, placing a hand over your heart to match his energy. “And in return…” You reach for the plate, lifting the burger to his hands. He shakes his head, instantly grabbing the burger out of its sleeve and taking a huge bite out of it. “I’m Glen, by the way.” He mumbles, his mouth full. You swallow thickly, Savannah’s reminder echoing in your head as you introduce yourself, acting as casual as possible. You lift your chopsticks and dig into your food, not having realized that Glen’s attention is on you. The two of you continue to eat in silence, hunger clearly winning here. “Guess we were hungry.” You laugh, pushing your now empty plate away from you. Glen throws his head back with a chuckle, nodding in agreement. “Guess so. It was a long travel day.”
Suddenly, you remember why he approached your table in the first place - the bathroom. “Wait, did you ever find the restrooms?” Your tone has a hint of worry in it; what were you thinking, sending him off to get you a plate of food? You were sup[posed to be serving the talent, not the other way around. You suddenly felt embarrassed, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Glen’s mouth turns into a soft smile, his expression playful again. “Oh, I knew where the bathrooms were.” His words hang in the air as you process his tone, taking in his facial expression. Was he..flirting with you? There was no way. You were delusional. Before you can respond, he stacks his empty plate on top of yours and slides them back toward him, leaning over the table a bit to make sure you can hear him. “Nice doin’ business with you.” He shoots you a quick wink before he tosses the plates into the trash can and disappears into the crowd. You’re aware of the cheesy grin on your face that you can’t wipe off, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you fidget with your bracelets. Savannah soon returns, waving you toward her. “C’mon, let’s get to our carts and wait for the boys! We have an early morning tomorrow.” ANd with that, you grab both of your bags and follow her to the gravel lot outside, the exchange with Glen replaying over and over in your mind.
Dylan strides up to your golf cart right on time, his eyes glazed over. “Man, that was fun! You guys killed that. I’m dead tired though.” He raises his hand for a high five, and you happily oblige before driving him to his personal cabin. Agreeing on a wakeup time, you wait for him to get inside before driving off.
You snuggle into bed that night replaying how amazing the event space looked, relieved that Dylan was kind and, so far, not a diva. You were looking forward to getting to know him a little better and look out for him the next few weeks. And then there was Glen…you had to try and downplay tonight’s interaction. He was just being nice, his parents clearly raised him right. That’s all it was. Did he seriously wink at you? Maybe you dreamed that part. Maybe he isn’t as nice as he seems, and just a charmer. He could have a girlfriend for all you know!
“I need help.” You mutter to yourself.
You shake your head and sigh; you were here to work. You needed to be professional and short with all of the guests here. End of story. You let yourself fall asleep to the sound of the wind blowing outside your cabin window.
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zedif-y · 11 months
"You're looking stellar today," Impulse says, his face paint crinkling a little with his smile. "Do you always look this good?"
Jimmy blinks.
Sorry, what?
Jimmy narrows his eyes, "Right, why are you complimenting me like this?" He crowds a little into Impulse's space, keeping their eyes locked. This close, he gets a whiff of Impulse's cologne— a faint sharpness to it that matches his getup completely. "Earlier, you were trying to get Skizz hearts. It's your task, isn't it?"
Impulse just shrugs, a coy tilt to his head. He hooks a finger under Jimmy's chin, a large, gentle hand guiding his face side to side— "I just never noticed," He purrs. "You're gorgeous, you know that?"
The low timbre of Impulse's voice almost shakes him, heat flaring in Jimmy's cheeks as he forces himself to breathe, slow and steady. Easy, cowboy. Jimmy resists a shiver.
"You didn't answer my question," Jimmy points out. Impulse only hums, a glint in dark eyes. Forget Jimmy, has Impulse always looked so—
Impulse licks his lips, eyes flicking down. "Is that your guess?"
Jimmy's breath hitches in his throat.
He pulls away, his heartbeat booming in his ears, rumbling in his chest— "Yes. No," Jimmy shakes his head, think, Jim, think, "That's—"
Impulse looks smug, the absolute menace-!
"You know, I never realized," He keeps going, of course he keeps going, "But your outfit looks great, suits your body type."
Impulse grins, his smile turning just that little bit sharp.
"Flatters all the right places."
Jimmy flushes a deep pink. A giggle bubbles from his lips, his mind caught on how he wouldn't really mind if Impulse showed him exactly what places he meant— "That's— alright, enough of that, what-?"
Jimmy, distantly, wonders how Scott would react if he were seeing this. Impulse only laughs.
"If you're gonna guess, Jimmy, you should do it now," Gem chimes in, making him jolt. Gods, he forgot she was there. Dry amusement shines in mismatched eyes.
"Right," Jimmy says, voice faint as he looks back at Impulse. There's a teasing glint in Impulse's eyes, the torchlight's soft glow painting his face a— dare he say it— handsome picture, his stubble a bit more prominent than Jimmy ever remembers it being.
He clears his throat.
"Right," He says, firmer this time. "Is your task—"
("D'you think they forgot we were here?" Pearl whispers to Gem. Gem huffs.
"Just Jimmy, I think," She replies, laughing a little when Jimmy guesses wrong, shaking her head at his misery. "He's so easy."
Pearl laughs, "I'll tell him you said that."
"Go ahead," Gem grins. "What's he gonna do about it, anyway?")
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layla4567 · 1 year
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Evan Peters x fem model!reader
summary: you're a well-known model and you're secretly dating Evan. One day you go to work for a photo shoot with a male model and your boyfriend gets jealous.
warnings: smut and then fluff, p in v, unprotected sex, jealousy, fingering, coursing words if you squint.
word count: 2.5k
Evan was working on his laptop in the dining room, you two lived together for months and constantly evaded the paparazzi as they could so they wouldn't discover your relationship. You still didn't want to make it official, you two wanted to keep their lives private and revealing that information would be a scandal. You two already had enough with the people who followed you with cameras in the street.
You got out of bed with your hair tousled and your white silk pajamas, shorts and a lace tank top. You went to the kitchen where Evan was and greeted him with a kiss on his shoulder.
"Morning love"
"Good morning". Evan looked up from his laptop to look at you. "Have I ever told you that you look beautiful just out of bed?"
You laughed delighted. "With this lion's mane? I don't believe you"
They both laughed and Evan looked back at his work and you started making yourself breakfast. You prepared the coffee and you made two toasts, something simple. You sat across from your boyfriend at the table. The sweet smoke from the coffee tickled your nose while your hands felt the warmth of the cup.
"What are you doing babe?". You asked sipping your coffee slowly with your elbows resting on the cold table
"I'm checking my emails, I'll have a zoom interview about the Dahmer series"
Since Evan acted in that series they did not stop interviewing him and doing Q&A meetings with him. Even though you didn't agree with your boyfriend accepting the role, you were happy for him and his achievements and recognition.
"What do you think if after I've done the interview we go somewhere?". Evan asked looking into your eyes waiting for your answer
You were about to answer yes with a smile when your cell phone that was on the table began to vibrate, you had an incoming call from an unknown number. You quickly took the cell phone apologizing to your boyfriend who simply nodded smiling. Your work, like him, also kept you busy and it was very common to receive calls at all hours, so this could be an important call.
"Hello?…yes I'm (Y/N)…..oh, really? in 20 minutes?…but-……ok, ok I'll be there, thank you".
Evan looked at you expectantly. "Well, who was it?"
"Damn". You said with a frown. "It was an underwear company, they want me to be there in 20 minutes for a photo shoot. But it's a very short time so I have to change my clothes quickly before I'm late"
Great, you just woke up and you already had a job. You liked being a model but sometimes it was exhausting. You jumped up and gobbled up what little was left of your toast and ran up the stairs while Evan looked at you funny. You combed your unruly hair and tied it into a high ponytail. You wore simple jeans and a white short-sleeved T-shirt with black converse. You went down in a hurry while you grabbed your bag with your cell phone, keys and other things.
Evan stopped you by grabbing your wrist gently. "Don't worry, you'll do great"
A little more relieved, you gave him a quick kiss on the lips as you said goodbye and jogged out towards the street where your car was.
You parked your car near the building when you came down you saw out of the corner of your eye a paparazzi hiding poorly behind a flower pot. Asshole. You should have brought sunglasses at least.
You entered the luxurious building and a woman with glasses was already waiting for you, kindly inviting you to go into the room where the cameraman was. In the middle of the room there was a giant white poster fixed to the wall and the floor so that the light bounces and there are no shadows, there were also large light bulbs pointing to the center.
"Hey! (Y/N) (L/N) right? I'm Jim the photographer"
You greeted him warmly with a handshake
"You can go to the dressing room, there the hairdresser and the makeup artist are waiting for you"
There you headed. When you opened the dressing room door you saw the hairdresser already ready with a curling iron in one hand and a comb in the other. You sat in front of the large mirror of lights while she did magic with your hair and the makeup artist painted your lips. A nude color, a little brown shadow on the eyes and a pink on the cheeks to give it more life. You had brought your cell phone and you were writing to your boyfriend that you had already arrived. The hairdresser announced that she had finished, you looked up from your cell phone to the mirror and smiled radiantly, your hair was voluminous and curly but without being an Afro. The outfit you should wear was hanging on a rack, the women left your dressing room so you could change in peace.
A nice set of white underwear. The part of the panties was lace and high waisted, covering your navel a bit, it also had white harnesses that held your thighs. The part of the bodice was somewhat transparent but the part of the nipples was covered by a patch in the shape of a flower, also made of lace, and it had straps that joined at the front. You took a walk in front of the mirror admiring how it looked from behind. very sexy You left the dressing room and saw the same woman who received you when you entered, she was in charge of the brand.
"(Y/N) What a joy to have you here, listen, the photo shoot will be with another model too. I present to you Marco"
Red alert, red alert Who was Marco? Why didn't they tell me beforehand that I wasn't going to be alone in the photograph? It wasn't a problem for you to pose with male models, but you were always afraid of what Evan would think and more so now that the photo session was in underwear.
A muscular man wearing a black boxer shorts walked in and greeted you with a warm handshake. He was just a little taller than your boyfriend and had blond hair combed back with a bit of gel. He wasn't really your type but you couldn't say he was ugly either, your heart belonged to Evan anyway, you just hoped he wouldn't mind.
They arranged a kind of throne in the middle of the room for you two to interact with. Marco sat on it and they told you to sit on him. It was a compromising pose but you told yourself it was a professional environment. You sat on Marco's lap with your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his shoulders. He grabbed your thighs. Then for the other photos you were the one who sat cross-legged in the chair and he stood behind you holding your shoulders.
When the session ended you breathed a sigh of relief as you greeted Marco, at the end he had been nice to you asking if you didn't feel uncomfortable with the poses and making sure you didn't feel uncomfortable. The manager of the company gave you the underwear and told you that she would send you the unedited photos so you can see them.
You arrived at the apartment that you shared with Evan, his interview had already finished and now he was drinking a coffee.
"Hello love, how was it?" Your boyfriend kissed you tenderly on the lips
You tried to avoid the question by simply smiling and looking away"It was fine as always"
You sat at the table where the laptop was still on looking for the photos that would be sent to you by email. Evan looked at you confused, he knew something was wrong.
"(Y/N) I know you and I know you're bad at lying, is everything really okay?" Worried, he approached where you were directing your gaze towards the screen. The photos had already arrived
"Oh, I thought the session was only with you"
"I know, I know, I thought the same. Believe me, if I had known before that I was going to model with a man, I would have told you"
The screen showed exactly the photo in which you were on top of Marco's lap with their faces close. You were embarrassed and uncomfortable by what Evan might say. He was not the typical toxic jealous boyfriend, he understood very well that everything you did was only professional and he was always understanding, but still you knew that those photos could make him feel insecure.
The more you scrolled through the photos, the worse they got. The model held you firmly by the waist or approached your mouth without actually kissing you. Out of the corner of your eye you could see how Evan's arms and jaw tensed.
"Well, what do you think?"
Evan looked at you confused as if he had woken up from a trance. "What do I think about what?"
"About the photos" You swallowed "Do you like them?"
"Oh y-yeah, I mean, I didn't expect that but you look beautiful as always".
Evan secretly kissed you to change the subject and went to the kitchen to wash the cup of coffee. You followed him and hugged him from behind, resting your cheek on his broad back.
"What's wrong love?. You muttered
"Nothing, why?". His voice was deep and serious, you already knew what that meant
"Are you jelaous?"
You felt his back tense up a bit as he laughed nervously. "Why would I be?"
You decided not to answer and leave him alone. When he insisted on denying the obvious, there was nothing to do.
The sun was going down and Evan was in his room watching TV. You knocked on his door and when he let you in you rushed to the bed where he was surprising him. You were wearing a black nightgown for some reason and you clung to his arm as you rested your body close to his chest.
"Please, Evan, don't be jealous, I hate seeing you like this for something silly"
"Let me finish! Marco was a kind and cute boy-hearing that Evan became uncomfortable and tensed his jaw-But that's all, he was kind to me and didn't let me feel uncomfortable, but at no time did it cross my mind that he could be better than you or replace you in some way. You are the best I have"
Evan's face had relaxed "Thank you (Y/N) I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry for acting like an idiot, sometimes I think why you chose me or I feel insufficient for-"
You interrupted his words with a passionate kiss, you didn't want him to think it was insufficient. Your hand traveled to his abdomen and where his belt was. Your boyfriend's hand was placed on your cheek and the other began to move the fabric of the robe in the area of ​​your shoulder. He moved a little away from the kiss.
"Why did you wear a robe?"
"Oh, the brand manager let me keep the underwear. it was a surprise"
"Let me see it"
You took off your robe that gently slid down your body until it reached your feet, revealing your divine silhouette. Evan's eyes darted up and down you as he licked his lips. You could tell that he was undressing you with his eyes.
You wasted no time and leaned your knees on the edge of the bed sitting on his lap. You kissed him desperately while he placed his hands on your butt. Your mouth trailed down his neck as he held back his growls. Your hands went under his shirt touching his abs. A chill ran down Evan's back. Your mouth now kissed his ear, your hot breath and your little bites made a boner grow under his pants
"Fuck..(Y/N)..". He moaned
You moved your hips brushing what was in his pants making him whimper in pleasure ."Yes?". You smirked
"I-I..n-need you"
As if on cue, you quickly took off his shirt as you undid his belt and lowered his pants. Now the erection was more noticeable. Evan laid you down on the bed and began to kiss you from your thighs to your chest making you close your eyes with pleasure.
"Oh Evan, you know how and where to touch me". You sighed arching your back
Evan couldn't help teasing you and started rubbing the fabric of your panties near your clitoris.
"So tell me, do you think Marco knows how to do this?"
He began to massage your sweet spot in circles making you squeeze your lips hard until you felt them turn red. Not content with that, Evan scooted aside your panties to find your entrance and hooked his middle finger into it.
"Sorry baby, I didn't hear you"
"No!". You moaned hard, writhing in the sheets
With one finger still inside you Evan began to kiss you softly on your lips. You grabbed his arms tightly moaning into his mouth, and twisting your legs feeling a tingle in your lower abdomen. Between each kiss you whimpered for him to stop.
"Evan -kiss- Please- kiss- This is t-torture"
Evan didn't like teasing you so much so your wishes were his orders. "By the way I hadn't told you but you look beautiful in this lace outfit, it would be a shame to ruin it" So he started to take it off but it had caught on the straps you had on your thighs. Laughing you helped him get rid of them, as well as the top.
Evan lowered his boxer and you couldn't help but look at his member, it always surprised you as if it were the first time.
Without giving you time to react, he entered you and a gasp escaped your mouth. Evan wrapped his strong arms around your back encircling you and you brought your arms up behind his back scratching and holding the nape of his neck. His attacks were strong and merciless, your eyes watered pleasantly.
"You're so fucking gorgeous". He groaned breathlessly
You began to feel how your walls were tightening and enveloping his member, you let out short moans in his ear that made him turn on even more and he increased the speed of his thrusts.
"I'm so close babe". He gasped
Now the moans seemed like howls. You firmed your fingers in Evan's hair pulling it back and making him moan. Almost at the same time you two came. Evan gently brushed strands of sweaty hair from your face as he looked at you smiling. Catching his breath he lay down next to you. Seeing each other face to face, they embraced. Evan kissed you on the head and buried his nose in your hair.
"I love you too more than anything Evan"
And you felt how he smiled, then they fell fast asleep.
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noneorother · 11 months
It couldn't be a masquerade ball because it was an unmasked ball
The S2E5 ball symbolism seemed very prominent to me when I watched Season 2 even for the first time, but I saw @meatballlady ask this wonderful question & Neil's answer and thought : hey why not share my thoughts on the clothing at the ball as well.
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If you're reading this you probably know all about how coat lapels are an important character signifier both seasons of GO. If not, TLDR; jacket lapels align with a character's intentions, and their alignment with a faction is determined by their jacket colour (light goes up or dark goes down).
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So why do I say that this was an "unmasked" ball? Because if you follow the lapel theory, all the important participants who seem neutral in real life gain allegiances in their costumes when they enter the bookshop. Let's break it down.
Crowley & Aziraphale
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If you aren't just making everyone fancy, but actually trying to reveal intentions during this ball, then it would make sense that Aziraphale and Crowley don't change outfits : they've been wearing their hearts on their sleeves since season 1. Maggie
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In everyday life, Maggie purposely wears tops without lapels. Everything is round or crew-neck, and she never wears black. In the ball reveal, Maggie wears black for the first time, and has big pointing down lapels on her navy satin shirt, indicating alignment with Hell in both colour and intention. All of her cutesy bows and hearts and gold jewelry are gone. She wears sparkly silver only, and a prominent wristwatch (like Crowley). However, her pinkie ring is still present. (go read @indigovigilance's post about pinkie rings, it's great).
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Nina is all over the place in real life. Colours clash and she wears black and earth tones often. She also never wears jackets with lapels. When we get to the ball however, she suddenly has a golden brocade jacket with teal & crimson shoulders, and golden hair clasps. She becomes exactly what Maggie is attempting to project in real life, but her lapels are pointing out and up, so alignment with heaven in both colour and intention. No pinkie ring on Nina in the series. Under the jacket she wears green and crimson. A confused pairing as I've ever seen on the show. Who knows what that's about*. Jimbriel
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In normal life, Jim is ultra-neutral with lapels pointing out (neither up nor down) on a brown coat. (Underneath is a whole different ball game for another post.) Jimbriel gets a hilariously Liberace-fied version of the Aziraphale outfit : bowtie, poweder blue and labels pointing down and also to the side, fluffy white and details like Michael and Uriel. He's HELPING AZIRAPHALE WITH THE PLAN, wink wink nudge nudge. You go Jim. Mutt
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Mutt the magic shop owner also has a pinkie ring in real life, as does his spouse, and keeps it for the ball. He gains impressive gold details on his lapel-less tunic, and the colour shifts from base of black to a base of navy, with red and white flowers instead of orange and teal swoops. His sleeves widen, becoming almost an angelic robe-like tunic, making him kind of a mysterious mashup of symbols. Arnold
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Arnold of Arnold's music shop fame is wearing black with rainbow tie and suspenders before the ball, without much jewelry save a pinkie ring. Inside the ball, he keeps the black, but now has crimson and teal accents instead of rainbow, and lapels that are very high up, but that point out to the side, making him more neutral/Mutt the magician aligned, even if he's wearing black. Justine
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Justine wears Hellish green and black in real life on her daisy patterned dress, no lapels here. She has no pinkie ring either, but once inside the ball, all the green melts away and she's allllll black flowered lace. She also has no lapels here, making her also more aligned with Mutt & Arnold than anything, but just as mysterious. Mrs Sandwich
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Mrs Sandwich seems easier to judge. Black and gold no lapels in real life, alllll sparkly black and big downturned lapels for the ball. No pinkie ring on her in either outfit, but a prominent wristwatch. This makes total sense to me. Even if she might not be aligned with hell directly, she runs a brothel and profits off of sex workers so probably a pretty bad lady if we're weighing the odds from a biblical perspective. In other moments she also seems pretty fond of Crowley, and pretty unhappy with Nina (see above). Mr&Mrs Cheng
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Mr & Mrs Cheng are VERY interesting to me. While Cheng wears all black in real life, and we never see her partner, she is transformed in the ball into the only character (besides Nina in solid green) who wears a green pattern. She has become a plant/garden (specifically a Monsterra, like in Corwley's box), and her husband is the pollinating golden butterfly, (with neutral lapels on a black background). Neither of them wear pinkie rings, but Mrs Cheng keeps her distinctive teal earrings, and is now sporting red lipstick, making her and her husband most associated with Nina. Nina also trusts Cheng enough to mind her coffee shop whilst talking to Crowley across the street in the last dregs of E6. As an aside, they also seem to *sort of* have a pre-teen girl child at this ball. We see her briefly in the evacuation but very hidden between other characters, and never in the ball proper. Mr Brown
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Do we need to go through Mr Brown's outfit again? I don't think so. ------------------------------ * I have a feeling it's to do with other things, like Jim's sweater vest, but I'll have to dig into it later.
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ensignsimp · 8 months
Love Languages TOS HCs: Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Prompts: How do the TOS Kirk, Spock, and McCoy show their love and what are some things they love to do with their partner.
James T. Kirk
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Words of Affirmation
He loves to give pep talks, and enjoys receiving them when he needs them.
When you call him "Captain or Sir" in the gentlest tones he practically melts.
If you run your fingers through his hair and call him a "Good Boy or Good Captain.", he feels completely renewed and invigorated.
He'll call you all sorts of cute pet names; "Sunshine, Honey-Bun, Sweetie."
But he needs you when he calls you; "My Sunshine, My Star, My Ensign."
He'll lay in your lap while you stroke his hair and remind him of how great of a leader he is, and how much you love him.
"Ensign, I need you. I need my sunshine."
Physical Touch
He feels so lonely when he can't hold your hand.
While on the bridge he gives you firm pats on the back, ruffles your hair, kisses your hand, or even sneaky hugs from behind.
If you initiate the physical touch that is even better, he can practically feel the love flowing from your fingers.
During your off-hours, he will constantly be looking for cuddles and snuggles.
He even whines and groans if he has to get up or if you have to get up. He's so cute when he's pouty.
He loves to lay in your lap and have you run your fingers through his hair while you read to him.
Jim: "I feel so lost without you, take me in your arms, and promise to never let go."
Ensign (L/N): "Jim, we're working and you're standing five feet away from me."
Jim: "That's too far!"
Quality Time
He wants to spend as much time with you as possible, but he wants to make it meaningful.
The two of you read to each other, as well as play games, dance, and do a variety of other things.
He likes to have "in-quarters" dates because he feels like he can be more of himself around you.
He loves to have movie dates where you take turns picking movies and making snacks.
He will totally do your nails and braid your hair.
You two will most definitely hold the best slumber parties in Star Fleet history.
"I think this shade suits you better don't you think? After this, we can watch that new rom-com that just came out on Vulcan."
S'Chn T'Gai Spock
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Acts of Service
In Vulcan Culture what you do for each other is more than what you say.
While he loves to help you and ensure you're well taken care of, when you do the same for him he knows that you care.
If you notice that he may be overwhelmed and step in to assist him you can practically hear his heart pounding.
He always appreciates it if you help him with the task and work on it together.
If you forgot to finish a report don't worry he'll help you finish.
If he is struggling on the bridge, you're there to take orders and provide additional aid!
Spock: "Thank you for your help, Ensign. I appreciate the assistance."
McCoy: "Get a room!"
Quality Time
He loves it when you spend time together, even if it's some mindless task or chore.
He does try to find more interesting ways of spending time together.
He may teach you things about his culture; how to read, write, and speak Vulcan, how to play the Vulcan Harp, and how to cook Vulcan meals.
He may ask you to show him things you enjoy; your favorite books, your favorite meals, your favorite activities, etc.
He may even propose trying new things together; such as taking a class or workshop.
Anything and everything he can do with you is always greatly appreciated by him.
"If you are interested in further study might I recommend this. I think you may enjoy it."
Physical Touch
He is so touch-starved, and all he wants to do is hold hands.
When you first hold hands it was a bit of a shock to feel your minds link.
Soon the two of you could barely keep your hands off of each other.
He's always reaching out for an ozh'esta (* finger embrace). (Just like his father. *cough**cough*)
When the two of you are alone in your quarters he enjoys sitting across from you, pressing his forehead against yours and holding your hands.
He feels so comforted by your touch. You ease his mind bringing him so much warmth and comfort.
" When I am with you, it is as if I have found another part of myself I did not know I was missing."
Leonard McCoy
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Quality Time
McCoy values time with you above all else.
He prefers to spend his off hours wrapped up in a large fluffy blanket cuddled with you.
He does like to do fun things like take you dancing or going for moonlit shore walks.
But because he spends most of his time in sickbay he prefers to sit and not move as much as possible.
He feels bad that he can't do what a younger partner might.
But you always reassure him by greeting him in your pajamas and a fuzzy robe.
Ensign L/N: *wearing an old fuzzy bathrobe and slippers* "You want to stay in tonight? I found an old western movie and picked up some ice cream from the commissary."
McCoy: *trying not to cry* "That's the best idea I've heard all day. I love you so much damn it."
Acts of Service
He hates to see you get hurt but always loves it when you visit him.
When you get sick or hurt he stops everything he's doing to help you.
When he gets sick or hurt and you stop everything you're doing to help him, he's a mess.
He kind of likes it when you're bossy with him, making sure he's drinking water and eating.
You always make sure he's well looked after and you always visit him regularly.
A doctor's favorite patient may be one he doesn't see but he'd prefer if you stop by now and again.
"Stop your belly-achin' and relax. I'll check on you again soon. You're lucky I love you so much."
Words of Affirmation
He doesn't show it often but he can get insecure about your relationship.
He doesn't feel like he's up to the task like he used to be when it comes to romance.
You'll sometimes see him looking in the mirror longer or running his hands over his stomach.
But when you compliment him or tell him how much you love him all of his worries disappear.
He gets all grumpy at first until you coax out the truth.
He will let you know what is bothering him and you'll make sure to help him through it one step at a time.
"Some days I don't even know why you'd want to spend time with an old man like me. But I always appreciate that you do."
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ofmdrecaps · 3 months
07/13/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Taika Waititi; Florida Super Con: Vico & Samba; Dominic Burgess; Kristian Nairn; Christopher Corbin; Darby Family Foster Kittens; Articles; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards/AuxilleryWardrobe Zine Reminders; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika Gifs
Hey crew, today's a bit of short one, but I wanted to make sure there was some fun stuff up and about with everything going on.
== Taika Waititi ==
More shots of Taika directing Russell Crowe's show from a couple days back! You can buy tickets to the recorded concert and see at least a bit more Taika on the IndoorGardenParty website! Thank you to our crewmate @jimjim531969 for the screenshot!
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Source: @JimJim531969's Twitter
== Florida Super Con: Vico & Samba ==
Samba and Vico are out at Florida SuperCon-- and as you can probably tell, they're having a great time! They're taking shots with all sorts of fans and other guests, including a certain set of What We Do In The Shadows TV Series friends! <3
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Source: Samba & Vico's Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Dominic is keeping us fed with more cat photos!
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Source: Dominic Burgess Twitter
== Kristian Nairn ==
Kristian also sharing some beloved pets -- and this time, a new addition to his family, Calypso!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Christopher Corbin ==
Hey! We haven't seen our "Magic" man Christopher Corbin in a while! He's out giving a tour to his bro Jim at Universal Studios!
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Source: Christopher Corbin's Instagram
== Darby Family Foster Kittens ==
Today really is a feast for the eyes when it comes to kitties and pups! Rosie shared more foster kittens with us! I can't tell you how tempted I am to drive to CA and adopt some!
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Source: Rosie Carnahan Darby's Instagram
== Articles ==
Thank you to ShowSnob for this article on why OFMD deserved an S3! And thank you to our friends over at NeverLeftPodcast for bringing it to the crew's attention!
Source: Never Left Podcast's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Our sweet @melvisik is keeping up the cast cards for us with another Emmy Submission! Albert Fox joins Mark and John "for Outstanding Music Composition in a Series for Mermen -AdoptOurCrew"
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
= Auxilery Wardobe Zine Reminders =
Reminder! The signups for the Stede Bonnet: Auxiliary Wardrobe Zine close in a week! You can still sign up until July 21! Sign Up Here!
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Source: StedeBonnetZine Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies, today was a day all around the world. I hope you're all doing okay. A lot of stuff happened that could have left you feeling a lot of hard feelings. I know it's concerning, and I know it's scary, especially the unknown of it all. If you can, today, take care of YOU. Take time to breathe, take time to eat well, and shower, and drink enough water. If you can, watch something funny, cry, whatever you need to do to feel okay. When the world is uncontrollable, and feels unreachable, and the future unknown, one of the best things you can do is take care of yourself and your loved ones. This is a good article on how to ground yourself, if you're feeling out of sorts. It says it's related to triggers but it can be anything really that you need to ground yourself from. The most important thing in the world is that you're safe, and you are okay, so please take care of you. If you need support, reach out to your crew, we all care about you and your well being.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
I think today we could use a little boost. So here's Taika laughing his ass off at Rhys' ANYWHO, and Rhys having a bit of a grumble about ZADDY. I love these two so much, it's ridiculous. Gif courtesy of @ dallonismysavior <3
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ohhappyday123 · 3 months
The Office - Communication Breakdown
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The usual hustle and bustle of the office fills the air as employees go about their work. The camera pans across the bullpen, capturing snippets of conversations and the clatter of keyboards.
Y/N is seated at her desk, working on some paperwork. Dwight approaches with a stern look on his face.
Dwight: [seriously] Y/N, I need you to tell Jim something for me.
Y/N: [looking up, amused] Sure, Dwight. What's up?
Dwight: [glancing around to make sure Jim isn't nearby] Tell him that his prank was amateur at best and that he will never best me in a battle of wits.
[Y/N chuckles and nods, turning to find Jim.]
Jim's Desk
[Jim is leaning back in his chair, fiddling with a paperclip. Y/N walks over and delivers Dwight's message.]
Y/N: [smiling] Jim, Dwight wants you to know that your prank was amateur at best and that you'll never best him in a battle of wits.
Jim: [grinning] Oh, really? Well, tell Dwight that his sense of humor is as outdated as his haircut.
[She laughs and walks back to Dwight.]
Dwight's Desk
[Dwight is busy organizing his desk meticulously. Y/N approaches and delivers Jim's message.]
Y/N: [trying not to laugh] Jim says your sense of humor is as outdated as your haircut.
Dwight: [fuming] Tell him that I’m shunning him for the rest of the week, effective immediately.
Y/N: [sighing] Dwight, don't you think this is a bit much?
Dwight: [seriously] No. This is a necessary measure.
[Y/N returns to Jim's desk to relay the latest message.]
Jim: [smiling] Ah, shunning. Classic Dwight.
Interview - Dwight
Dwight: [looking serious] Shunning is an ancient Amish tradition. It's a way to show someone that their behavior is unacceptable. Jim needs to learn that pranks have consequences.
Interview - Jim
Jim: [grinning] Dwight shuns me about twice a month. It's kind of our thing. It's annoying, but also, it makes him easier to mess with.
Interview - Y/N
Y/N: [laughing] Being the middleman between Jim and Dwight is like being a referee in a game where only one person knows they're playing. It's exhausting, but it's also kind of hilarious.
[Y/N, Pam, and Jim are having lunch together. Dwight enters the room, looking determined.]
Pam: [whispering to Y/N] What's going on with Dwight today?
Y/N: [whispering back] He's shunning Jim. Again.
[Dwight clears his throat loudly, getting everyone's attention.]
Dwight: Y/N, tell Jim that he needs to stop leaving his dirty dishes in the sink.
Y/N: [sighing] Dwight, he's right here. You can tell him yourself.
Dwight: [stubbornly] No. I will not acknowledge his existence.
Jim: [smiling] Well, Y/N, tell Dwight that I will stop leaving my dishes in the sink when he stops labeling all his food in the fridge. No one wants his beet salad.
Y/N: [laughing] Okay, okay. How about we all just clean up after ourselves?
Pam: [amused] Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
Dwight: [grudgingly] Fine.
Interview - Pam
Pam: [smiling] Watching Dwight shun Jim is like watching a soap opera. You can't help but get invested in the drama.
Y/N is at her desk when Michael approaches, looking confused.
Michael: Y/N, why is Dwight shunning Jim again?
Y/N: [smiling] Jim pranked him, and now Dwight's using his Amish shunning technique to teach him a lesson.
Michael: [nodding thoughtfully] Ah, classic Dwight. Well, keep up the good work. You're doing great as the office mediator.
Interview - Michael
Michael: [confidently] Y/N is like the glue that holds this office together. Without them, we'd be in chaos. More chaos than usual, I mean.
Everyone is gathered for a meeting. Dwight and Jim are sitting on opposite sides of the table, with the reader between them.
Michael: [excitedly] Okay, team! Today we're going to brainstorm some new ideas for our sales strategy. Y/N, why don't you start us off?
Y/N: [clearing their throat] Sure. I was thinking we could focus on improving our customer service by...
[The camera cuts to Dwight, who leans over to Y/N and whispers something in her ear.]
Dwight: [whispering] Tell Jim that his idea for the new sales strategy is idiotic and will never work.
[Y/N rolls her eyes but obliges, whispering Dwight's message to Jim.]
Jim: [whispering back] Tell Dwight that his idea for the new sales strategy is so outdated that it belongs in a museum.
Y/N: [exasperated] Guys, can we focus on the meeting?
Interview - Dwight
Dwight: [seriously] Communicating through Y/N is actually quite efficient. It ensures that Jim understands the severity of his actions.
Interview - Jim
Jim: [laughing] It’s like we’re in middle school. Dwight thinks he’s making a point, but really, it just gives me more opportunities to mess with him.
As the day continues, the shunning persists. Y/N is caught in the middle of increasingly absurd messages between Jim and Dwight.
Dwight: [smirking] Tell Jim that he should be prepared for a battle of wits tomorrow. I won't go easy on him.
Y/N: [sighing] Dwight, maybe you should just talk to him directly?
Dwight: [firmly] No. This is how it must be.
Jim: [grinning] Tell Dwight that I look forward to it. And that he should bring his A-game.
Y/N shakes her head, amused by the ongoing feud. As she turn back to het work, they catch a glimpse of Stanley watching the whole exchange with a bemused expression.
Interview - Stanley
Stanley: [chuckling] I stay out of their nonsense. But it’s always entertaining to watch. Y/N does a good job keeping the peace.
Y/N is working when Jim walks over, looking slightly sheepish.
Jim: [softly] Hey, sorry for dragging you into all this. I know it’s a lot.
Y/N: [smiling] It's okay. It keeps things interesting.
Jim: [smiling back] How about we get dinner tonight? My treat.
Y/N: [grinning] Sounds like a plan.
[As Jim walks away, Y/N catches Dwight watching them intently.]
Dwight: [seriously] Y/N, remember to relay my message about the battle of wits.
Y/N: [laughing] I will, Dwight. I will.
Interview - Y/N
Y/N: [laughing] It's exhausting, but I wouldn't have it any other way. This place is like a second home, and these people are like family. A very dysfunctional family.
As the day winds down, employees start packing up their things. Jim and Y/N walk out together, exchanging smiles and quiet conversation.
Pam: [smiling as she watches them leave] Those two are perfect for each other.
Michael: [beaming] Y/N and Jim make a great team. They're like the Romeo and Juliet of the office. But, you know, without the tragic ending.
[The camera captures Dwight watching Jim and Y/N with a mix of suspicion and grudging respect.]
Interview - Dwight
Dwight: [seriously] As much as it pains me to admit, Jim and Y/N are a formidable team. But that doesn't mean I won't crush him in our battle of wits.
Interview - Jim
Jim: [smiling] Dwight will never admit it, but he likes having Y/N around as much as the rest of us do. Even if he shows it in the weirdest way possible.
Interview - Y/N
Y/N: [smiling] At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to get through the workday with a little bit of fun. And if that means playing messenger between Jim and Dwight, so be it.
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ghostytoad · 11 months
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits
Headcanons for: Casey Jones
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff; Mild angst || Words: 1.2k
Raph | Donnie | Leo | Mikey
Casey Jones Jr.
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the moment the boy lays eyes on y/n and sees their easy-going nature, he is head over heels. the emotion practically hits him like a truck and it's all so… new?
it's something he can't initially explain and for a little while, he worries that he's dying or sick from the new york air - he will constantly check in with donnie and ask for every test under the sun to determine the cause
all he knows is that when y/n is around, his face gets hot, his knees are weak, his palms start sweating, and his heart beats wildly in his chest. being an apocalypse survivor, this adrenaline-like feeling can only be attributed to danger or shock
and as far he knows, y/n doesn't pose any danger, right? they've been like family to him and he sees so many admirable traits in them that he had once seen in his sensei (who happened to be the greatest ninja ever); he's genuinely confused by the whole thing
he might try to keep his distance until he figures out why this is happening, but he won't say no to joining y/n on little adventures. he enjoys the company and he especially appreciates how helpful they've been in getting him adjusted to life in present-day new york
"hey, why don't i come along? i'm sure you can handle yourself but i'd be happy to be there for you."
he can't help but compare a lot of what y/n does to how his sensei was in his old timeline. he doesn't mean to do it, he just misses his old mentor and y/n's presence is a familiar comfort to him. leo is great and all, but there's something special about y/n.
casey deals with some pretty major insomnia and when he finds it hard to sleep at night, the first thing he does is call up y/n. they thankfully answer every time and their voice easily manages to soothe the poor boy to sleep (he will snore LOUDLY into the phone when he falls asleep during the call)
he's constantly worried about y/n's safety and will check in on them often when they're not in the lair or at home. he's even asked donnie to make y/n their own communicator so he can keep in contact with them if they're ever in danger.
y/n is one of the first people casey jr will open up to about his rough upbringing. some things are just too painful to bring up to the hamato family, but he knows it hurts more to keep it all bottled up. he loves how accepting they are of him and how sympathetic they can be about his… shall we say, emotional fragilities.
not that he's emotionally fragile, but he sure enough has a lot to sort through and y/n gives him the courage to tackle it head-on and accept where he is and who he is now
on his first attempts at flirting with y/n, he managed to straight out admit he had a crush on them without realizing it. boy is so clueless that he doesn't realize what he's done until he sees the shock on their face
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"Hey, Y/N. I, uh, have another joke for you." Casey hadn't looked up from his little joke book as he spoke, squinting as he studied the content as if he'd suddenly understand it better if he just stared at it long enough. Y/N sat lazily on a couch not too far from the boy, head buried in a copy of the latest Jupiter Jim comic book. They paused their reading only to let out a hum of acknowledgement.
"What is it this time? Chicken cross the road again or knock knock?"
"Who's there?" the boy chimed absent-mindedly.
Y/N let out a soft giggle as they set their book down.
"No, genius, you're the one that's supposed to start." They couldn't help but roll their eyes as a smirk tugged at the corner of their lips. Though progress had been slow, they'd hoped a joke book would give Casey a much needed boost considering his previous, pitiable attempts at jokes that more often than not became a moment of oversharing his tragedy. The poor boy was utterly hopeless when it came to comedy.
"Oh, right." Clearing his throat, he straightened himself as if he were getting ready to give a speech, "Okay, knock knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Candice who?"
"Candice be love I'm feeling for you?"
The weight of his words were completely lost on him as Casey beamed with pride, his joke landing with no mistakes or stuttering. It was no secret that Y/N and Casey were close, but in the short period of time they'd come to know each other, Y/N had developed some deep affections for the boy. The constant struggle to keep themselves in check around him had started taking its toll. It had gotten to the point that Y/N needed to keep their yearning eyes on something- ANYTHING ELSE- when he was around to keep from visibly flustering, the ever-present blush threatening to expose their true feelings. Feigning a soft chuckle, Y/N could only hide their face deeper in the comic they were reading and hope that any flutter of emotion went totally unnoticed.
"R-Really, was that your idea of a good joke?" their attempts at a tease came off a tad more hostile than playful.
Casey responded with a chuff of his own, "Ah, yeah I guess it doesn't make sense if I already know it's true."
"Sometimes comedy takes-" the sudden impact of his words hit them all at once, caught like a deer in headlights while they froze mid-sentence. Peering over at the raven-haired boy revealed an equally shocked expression painted across his reddening face. His mouth opened only to shut itself again and again clearly trying and failing to summon the words to explain his little blunder. Y/N had him beat in regaining some semblance of composure, shaking off the bashfulness.
"Did…" their voice caught in their throat before they started again, "What exactly did you mean by… erm, by that?"
Casey's eyes darted in every direction attempting to search for an answer anywhere he could find it.
"Well, I just- It was really-" he let out a sigh and braced himself, "I'm not sure what to call this feeling but I think it's something like love. I might… maybe love you?"
Y/N shot up from their seat, arms over their head in disbelief and their steps beginning to pace.
"Y-You can't maybe love someone! That's a pretty serious feeling!"
They stopped partway through their rapid pacing to search Casey's bewildered expression causing it to soften a bit under their close observation.
"I don't know if what I feel is exactly what you'd call love, but it... feels close enough to that. I mean... Y/N, when I look at you, my heart starts racing, my head starts spinning, everything feels light and airy. And when you're gone, all I want to do is look for you and see your smile, see the way your eyes light up, listen to your laugh."
His unfocused gaze forced itself up to meet theirs, wide with earnest affection.
"Life here's been… heh, it's confusing to say the least. And these feelings are just as confusing. And for a while I thought it was crazy. Thought I was crazy to believe I could love someone this quickly. But… It'd be so much easier for me to understand if I knew you felt the same?"
Even if this new emotion had been confusing for him, this very moment was one that made it all click in his mind. He was in love all along.
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
Recently discovered your account. So cool that you're sharing your experience with us! I discovered Star Trek during the pandemic and have since become utterly obsessed. DS9 was the best by far!
I would love to hear more about the writers! Were you all fans of trek when you were hired, or were some unfamiliar with it? Do you all keep in touch and share opinions about the writing on other trek shows? Is some of the magic lost from having seen behind the scenes, or does it enhance it?
All of us were definitely familiar with STAR TREK (both TOS and TNG) when we joined DS9. In fact, most of us had worked on TNG at some point, even if it was just as a freelancer (like me). I think our degree of fandom varied. I would have characterized myself as a big fan of TOS and a casual fan of TNG when I was invited in to pitch to TNG, mostly because I fell off the bandwagon after the rough first season. But I watched episodes every night in syndication to prep for my pitches, and I definitely became a fan once I saw how much the show had improved after I gave up on it.
I'd say Ron and Rene were probably the biggest fans. They got into TV because they wanted to write STAR TREK, more or less. I'd say Pete Fields was probably the least invested in the franchise, in that by the time he came on, he'd been writing TV since MAN FROM UNCLE, so to him, it was just another show (one he liked a lot) and another gig. The rest of us were somewhere in between.
We all talk from time to time. I picketed with Ira a few weeks ago. I saw Brad and David on the picket lines over the past few weeks as well. We're not all super-close but it's always great to see each other. Sometimes we talk about current shows, but honestly, we usually talk about each other's families and how our lives are going.
As for the magic, it can be a little hard to watch STAR TREK now as a casual fan and not second guess things or wonder how I might've done a particular scene or episode, but I'm usually able to get past that to enjoy the latest LOWER DECKS or SNW. I still love STAR TREK in all its forms and I'll always been proud of the work Ira and the rest of us did DS9. I'm deeply blessed and grateful to call Ira, Ron, Rene, Hans, Brad, David and Jim my brothers. And I miss Michael, Pete, and Evan a lot.
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