#you won't remember any of it but I had a blast at your party
crispyliza · 5 months
Me: while playing hide and seek I unlocked forgotten memories from my childhood in which every time I played it with my classmates no one ever came to find me and it just occured to me that I was being bullied.
The parents at my niece's birthday party:
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
Just something very sweet and fluffy also featuring a grumpy Eddie 🤭🥰
Requests are open 💌
Eddie had been in a bad mood from the moment he woke up. Not even the lure of a Hellfire Club session could lift his spirits.
Exactly what had made him so moody was something he couldn't pinpoint. Maybe it was to do with the dickhead who blasted pop music most of the night and interrupted his sleep a few times.
Whatever it was, he was acting like a bear with a sore head and he couldn't even see you today to take away some of his grumpiness, seeing you always brightened up his day.
You wouldn't be at school at all today, something with your aunt came up and you possibly had to go out of town for the next couple of days.
At least he could channel some of his mood into the Hellfire session tonight, maybe unleash the group of orcs on the party, a story that he had been planning for a few days.
He gets up and dressed and heads to school, his van is being a pain in the ass and his head is thumping by the time he gets there.
Things weren't any better by lunchtime and he ate his pretzels and even had a bottle of Yoo Hoo (which kinda helped but just a little bit) but it couldn't help him with the fact that he had Mrs O'Donnell's class after lunch, he's pretty sure that the old dragon has it in for him.
He was pouty and very pissed off.
"Dude, wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" Grant asks which causes Gareth to snicker beside him, one sharp look from Eddie quietens him.
"It's because you know who isn't here today, remember she has some family thing to attend" Jeff shrugs.
"Yeah, thanks, dude. Like I need reminding that I won't see my girl today and I'm fine. Just a long night and a neighbour who's obsessed with playing endlessly shitty pop music" he shudders at the memory and the dude singing. Ugh.
"Aww thought you'd be up and dancing to Madonna" Dustin teases and Eddie flicks a pretzel at him, he's more amused than annoyed though, even if he's offended by the very thought.
Then the little shit is smiling at something over Eddie's shoulder and Eddie's heart skips a beat, delight flooding through him.
"Princess!" he beams and wastes no time rushing over to you and dramatically clutching his chest. Not caring one bit about the sneers from Jason and his idiot squad, he doesn't care about his don't fuck with me facade around you, you're the only person that reduces him to mush.
"I've missed thy maiden far too much and almost succumbed to a painful case of grumpiness" you snort and cuddle into him.
"I missed you too Ed's" you wrap your arms around him and feel the tension in his body ease.
"What happened to that family thing you had?" He asks curious and you shrug.
"Yeah turns out my aunt left her douchebag husband last night so she's staying with a friend instead of us for a little bit. She's okay which is the main thing" You cuddle back into his arms needing this hug as much as he does.
"At least the grumpy asshole might cheer up now" Jeff comments but swiftly shuts up when Eddie flips him the bird. At least with his princess here the day is looking infinitely brighter.
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perfctvelvet · 3 months
I love love loved thé Jenna ortega fic, could we get a p2 plzzzzzzzz?????
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Endless Summer; Jenna/Reader
Summary: Jenna is back for the Summer, but this time Y/n changes her approach.
Content: 2nd POV. Infidelity, reader's softer/nicer side comes out, angst (with a happy-ending), kissing, fingering (reader receiving), teasing.
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It's the hottest day of the year on record. People from the neighborhood were either laid out by the pool, baking in the sun, or inside under the blast of cold air. Summer was never your favorite season. Sure it's branded as the time of year when all the fun can be had but all it did was cause agitation and weird pressure to always be having fun.
The arguments in the family home were frequent during the summer time. Your parents argued as if you and brother were still little kids that they had to find a way to entertain. Usually the two of you would bond of your shared annoyance, but this year was different. Maybe one of your parents passed down the arguing gene because your brother was fighting with his girlfriend nearly everyday.
You were surprised that Jenna was still around. You were even more surprised that she would agree to spend the entire Summer with your family. It doesn't seem possible that that little situation you two had hasn't crossed her mind since. Surely she would expect it to be way too awkward to be around you, but she agreed to come anyway. Neither of you had really spoken to each other, and it's not because you still dislike her. How would anybody be able to talk to her when she was constantly fighting with your brother? Your parents...well at least they were married. Your brother and Jenna's relationship barely cracked the one year mark and they were bickering like an old married couple. Day in and day out someone in this house was furious and it made your head spin. You were always marked as the "moody" one who wasn't happy with any decision, but after this Summer, you deserve an apology!
"Well turns out we won't be going to the state fair because you father agreed to work a Saturday!"
"Okay, it's not a big deal, mom. Plus last time we went everyone got food poisoning from that hot dog stand. Remember?"
"Whatever...I'm going to the mall."
She stormed out with her purse thrown over her shoulder and a box of Marlboro Reds in the other. You don't know when she picked up the habit of smoking, but the grey hairs and extra lines in her face gave it away that she was stressed as hell. Both of the relationships you were surrounded by this Summer gave you zero hope and only affirmed your hook-ups-only behavior. Seeing everyone, especially your parents, crash and burn in these tightly wound relationships made you adverse to them. Maybe you could find someone to work it out with and leave harmoniously, but you aren't going to hold your breath for that moment.
Not even five minutes later after your mother's dramatic exit, your brother cam e bolting down the stairs, a complaint about Jenna on his lips. It was like the universe was giving you sign after sign.
"She can be such a bitch sometimes."
"Hey! Don't call her a bitch!"
"Oh so now you like Jenna?"
"It doesn't matter if I like her or not, don't call another woman a bitch in front of me!"
Sometimes you just wanted grab your brother by the ear and twist it in the same manner you would when you two were both ten years younger. Your parents had problems, albeit ones that could be solved with more communication, that were valid. Paying for a mortgage, other expenses, and your brother's college would cause anyone to crack. That was a lot of pressure for most people. They're getting older, crankier, and their patience has worn thin after raising two kids for more than two decades. You could see why they argued. Your brother and Jenna however were just kids. What would they even fight about? Where they're going to eat tonight? Who's party their attending? They seemed so young and naive compared to the real world problems owned by your parents'.
"She's always on my ass about something. I already have a mom, I don't need another one."
"Okay, well what are you doing wrong?"
"Why do you assume it's my fault?"
"I don't know Isaac, maybe it's because I know you? I've only been here for three weeks and so far I've watched you leave her here to go hang out with your high school friends. Don't you think she feels a little isolated?"
"She can come with me if she just asks."
"Who wants to hang out with Jake and Billy? Do they still make fart jokes and play with that whoopie cushion? They're grown ass men in a twelve-year-old's body, who wants to be around them?"
He sighs in frustration before rubbing his face in his hands. Your little brother needed to face the music; he's not built for a relationship. And you're not just saying that because you have your own thoughts about Jenna.
"Okay well...maybe I don't want to be tied down," he sounds so unsure of himself as he speaks. He looks around to make sure his girlfriend is nowhere in sight before continuing. "I just sort of miss my freedom. I really like Jenna and she's a great girl, but maybe I'm just not ready to commit."
"College boys are never ready to commit," you laugh.
You've seen your fair share of college relationships end because one party wants to continue on partying and that is usually the guy in the relationship. It was kind of sad seeing your little brother going through the same thing.
"If you don't want to be with her, you need to tell her. Don't keep her here all Summer just to dump her when you go back to campus."
"I didn't say I wanted to dump her!"
"Okay well you need to figure out what you're going to do, or else you're going to spend the Summer making each other miserable!"
You could tell Isaac wanted this conversation to end. You were broaching a truth that was too hard for him to face right now.
"Whatever...I'll be back in about two hours."
They say daughters are more like their mothers, and sons their fathers, but that couldn't be more untrue in this household. Your brother was avoidant just like your mother. And while you picked up on some of those traits too, you found that you weren't like either of your parents. Maybe in the past you were, but that changed the day you told them your date to homecoming your sophomore year was another girl.
Now your mother is racking up the credit card bill at the mall, your brother is probably heading to his weird friend's house, and your father is God knows where. That leaves you alone in the house with Jenna. You had a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. Since that encounter with her you softened on Jenna. You were being a little bit of a bitch to her when she first came around and then you fucked her. You know you confused the shit out of her and that wasn't fair. You struggled to get the words 'I'm sorry' to come out of your mouth all of your life and it wasn't going to be easy now. But this was the first time you two were alone since that night. It's been months.
When you go upstairs to your brothers room you find that it's empty. You know she isn't downstairs, so they're is only one place she could be.
A week after that moment between you and Jenna, your mom found bikini bottoms in the jacuzzi. She called you to ask you about and you told her they were yours. They belonged to Jenna, but you didn't mind taking the blame. Surprisingly though she was didn't chew you out, but that resulted in her and you father moving it from the balcony to the backyard. It had been perfect on the balcony because it was so private, but now if you want to lounge in the hot tub you run the risk of one of the neighbors seeing you.
They replaced the jacuzzi with some lounge chairs thinking that their children wouldn't be enticed by some simple chairs. What they didn't understand that their balcony felt like an escape. It caught the breeze in the right way and faced away from the neighbors. It was relaxing and the perfect place to clear your head. And that's where you found Jenna.
She sat with her feet dangling over the concrete edge and she was holding onto the railing. You slid open the screen door and somehow she didn't hear it. You hated to disturb her, but you needed to talk to her.
"You know if you fall you can sue the shit out my parents. Maybe even pay off the rest of your college."
You try to lighten the mood but your joke falls flat when you see her face. She looks as if she's been crying with her eyes slightly puffy. Seconds later she turned away from you. You felt guilty despite not having done anything. You were on your best behavior, but you have this sinking feeling that you played some sort of role in everyone's agitation this Summer. So you join her as a way to keep her company.
"I heard everything."
"What do you mean?"
"I know Isaac wants to break up with me."
You heart drops at her confession. You didn't think about the possibility of her hearing the conversation you had with your brother. Now you feel awful.
"No, no, it's okay. At least you were defending me," she gives you a half-hearted smile. "I should've seen this coming though. He'd rather spend time with his boys than be with me no matter where we're at."
"Let me guess, he does this on campus too?"
Jenna nods her head in confirmation. You hate to bash your brother so you keep your mouth shut, but inside you're berating him for being so careless.
"Jenna, I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. It's not your fault," she lets out a heavy sigh, one that makes your guilt feel deeper. "I called my parents, I'm going to be leaving next weekend. I'll break up with Isaac on Friday."
Everything about tonight has left you in a state of shock. The last thing you expected though was what just came out of her mouth. You felt remorseful that it had to get to this point, but largely you felt that way because you feel like your chance at a proper apology is now gone. To anyone else maybe it wouldn't matter since Jenna was going to be out of the picture anyway, but to you it did.
"Well if I can't be excuse my little brother's shitty behavior, then I can excuse mine. I wish I could change how things were between us last time."
"You mean you barely saying a word to me and then making me eat your pussy in a hot tub?"
You stared at her, mouth open in shock at how bold Jenna had become. She enjoyed seeing your reaction, finally feeling like she had the upperhand around you.
"I'm just messing with you," she continues. "I know I was probably annoying and coming off as a try-hard in the beginning. Now I just feel like there's not point anymore. I get a little sarcastic when I'm jaded."
"Well I would be a liar to say I'm not stunned by all of this, but in all honesty if you were like this from the beginning I've probably would've liked you instantly. I know that sounds shitty, but we're both making confessions today."
"Can I make another confession?"
"Go for it."
"I liked our night together. You were a little bit too mean for my liking, but I don't think I've felt the same amount of pleasure since."
You had called it the moment you two separated that night that Jenna wasn't use to sex like that. You smugly declared in your head that Jenna would be thinking about it over and over. Now that you've got confirmation about that after her telling you she's going to be leaving for good, you don't feel like taking victory laps. Instead you feel a little sad knowing this is going to be your last moment alone together. It was bittersweet.
"Well my confession about that night is that I thought about it my entire drive home. Knowing more about you know I guess I feel a little bit shitty about it and wish I could override it with another moment."
Jenna focused less on the confession of your internal feelings of shame and more on what was between the lines. You wanted another moment alone with her to do something similar but under a different circumstance. She was blinded by her own desire of needing someone to be there for her to stop herself from kissing you. Her night was suppose to end going to the beach tonight with Isaac to look at the stars, but instead it was going to end with her finding comfort in his sister.
Jenna's kiss was much more powerful than you expected. This side of her felt more true and honest than that happy-go-lucky girl she first met. You wish you'd seen right through that act and got through to her in a different way, even if she says she liked it. Her lips dance against yours in a bruising kiss. You feel her tongue poke at your lips and you let her in. You kiss her as if she was something more than just a hook-up because that's what she needs, and you need to feel better about yourself.
You feels her arms wrap around your neck when she fully turns her body to you. Her legs no longer dangle over the dangerous edge of the balcony. She presses her front into you and you hum in delight. She feels so warm and her lips taste so sweet, but it was a different flavor chapstick that she used this time. Everything about her seemed so different that you struggled to be in control. But, apart of you didn't care about who is or is not in control of the situation. You let things happen naturally, and it felt naturally to let Jenna guide you this time.
"I want you to take your shorts off," she says between kisses.
Each second passes and she seems more and more desperate for the affection. She was touched starved to say the least. You give her what she wants and slide off your lounge shorts without breaking her kiss. She presses into you once you're just in your panties and you yield. Your back meets the rug that replaced where the jacuzzi use to be. Her hand comes between your legs and she rubs your clit through your panties. You don't mean to break the kiss but you throw your head back and moan in delight.
"Fuck Jenna!"
She loved hearing your moans more this time because something about them sounded so different this time. She takes this moment to place her face in your neck and suck at your sensitive skin. She could feel you melting beneath her. You embraced every moment instead of shying away or trying to change anything. She keeps rubbing your clit just to feel your hips rise and legs shake. You can't keep yourself still because the pleasure is too good. A wet spot appears on your panties and you can feel just how sticky you are now. Your pussy was beginning for more attention instead of being touched behind a barrier of fabric. And Jenna could feel that.
Jenna slides her hands into your cotton panties and she moans feeling your slick against her hands. It makes her grow wetter in her own panties. She glides straight over your clit and her fingers slide into your pussy with ease. You let out a blissful sigh instead of a full blown moan. You love the feeling of her nimble fingers filling you up.
"You like that? You like that Y/n? You like me being on top and fucking you with my fingers?"
In that moment she wasn't your little brother's girlfriend, she was a girl who shared the same feelings as you. Fucking her in this capacity felt much more natural that you questioned whether she got with the right sibling.
You don't respond to her. You just close your eyes and let her fingers pump into you. She curls them inside of you and massages your sweet spot and you swear you're seeing stars. She pulls away from your neck to sit up and look down at you. She can see how hard your nipples are through your tank top and it makes her desire grow even more. She bends down again and catches the fabric between her teeth. Jenna exposes your tits and quickly takes your nipple into her mouth.
"Yea! Just like that! I really, really like that!"
You were desperate for release and Jenna loved that. It wasn't the control, but the fact that she was apart of something where both parties were excited for each other. So much with Isaac felt one-sided that it warped her perspective on what she wants. You weren't doing anything to her yet she felt like you were giving her so much.
"I want to make you cum," Jenna sounds just as desperate as you now. "I want you to cum for me, Y/n."
You nod your head fervently. It was like you were saying 'I'm sorry' over and over again and she was accepting the apology. She overwhelmed you with her fingers in your pussy, mouth on your tits, and now her thumb pressing against your clit. Your moans were turning into weak whimpers and you release all over her fingers. There was no room for embarrassment, just nothing but pure pleasure. Jenna, of all people, made you feel like you were in heaven. You wanted to show your gratitude for her, so instead of letting the post-orgasm lull hit you, you grabbed her face with both hands and crashed your lips against hers. It's been so long since you've kissed someone intensely or even felt like this. Everything feels so heightened that it makes sense you blurted out, "I want to eat your pussy," in between a heated kiss.
It was only fair that you ate her out, and you were more than happy to end up between her legs. She laid down where you once did and you pried her legs open. She wore a skirt and the smallest panties you've ever seen.
"Did you know this was going to happen?"
"It wasn't for you," she admits, "but I'm glad you're the only one who's ever seen me wear something like this."
The fabric was so thin that her pussy almost swallowed it. It left nothing to the imagination and it was interesting to see Jenna wear something like this. With cheap material like that, it was easy for you to rip it off of her body. She squeals in amusement and sits up so she can watch you take the first lick of her needy pussy. Instantly her taste floods your senses. You feel her hand intertwine with yours as you begin to move your tongue across every inch of her swollen pussy. You loved how she felt against your tongue and you cursed yourself for not doing this last time. You lick and suck at her, producing the lewdest sounds imaginable. You hope the sound doesn't care in the soft breeze, but you also don't give a fuck anymore. The only thing you could think about was Jenna. You rub the underside of her thigh with your other hand and keep her legs nice and spread for you. She can't pull her eyes away no matter how fast it makes her heart pump.
"Y-You're so good at this," she whines.
You had put your ego away to show that you were sincere, but it was like she was calling it to come out. Hearing her praise you only made you work her pussy some more. You wrap your mouth around her clit and suck on it. The attention makes her shake and grab onto the back of your head. She pushes your face into your pussy as if you would even dare to move away. You wanted to leave in this moment forever; the moment where you lick and suck her while she moans in pleasure for you. You hum against her wet pussy and that sends her overboard. You feel the flow of cum drench the lower half of your face and you don't pull away until you lick up every drop.
It was all the desire she still felt inside of her that made Jenna crash her lips against yours for one more sloppy kiss. Her cum mixes with both of your saliva in a lewd way. Jenna never gets this nasty during sex but she did not care just like you didn't.
The sun has completely dipped over the horizon before you two finally calm down. You lay with back flat against the rug, staring up at the sky while Jenna grabs the remnants of the panties you ripped off of her.
"I accept your apology, Y/n," she says as when she finally joins you, laying her body next to yours.
"Thank you."
It's the last thing you said to her with just the two of you alone. She didn't wait to Friday to break up with Isaac, in fact she did it the next day. Jenna took the dissolving her relationship easier than Isaac did. Your mother used it as an excuse to do something that wouldn't require everyone to join now that there was some awkwardness to that. She would take you and Jenna shopping to have "girl time" aka time where she could rant about your father and blow off some steam. It seemed weird that her now ex-boyfriend's mother was still being so kind to her even though she wasn't obligated to, but she embraced it. You and her didn't get to talk much over your mother's new stories of life, but that was okay. You don't think this is going to be the last time you see Jenna.
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bambikisss · 1 year
OHMAMI : K.HongJoong
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🛵 : (mentioned)motorcyclist!HongJoong, badboy!HongJoong
📙 : After getting into a harsh argument with your boyfriend, things seem to get worse when the car breaks down, leaving you both stranded in the rain. So, not being to take it anymore, you call HongJoong to pick you and just drop you off at home. However, it seems he has other plans with you, tonight.
⚠ : mentions of vaping, slight cheating (if you don't take talking about breaking up as breaking up), unprotected sex
🎶 : OHMAMI - Chase Atlantic, Rude Boy - Rihanna, Deja Vu - Beyonce, Inception - ATEEZ
💕: Unprotected sex, vaping during sex (HJ does it once), complete bad boy HJ, passionate to rough, oral (m+f receiving), use of handcuffs, multiple orgsam (reader), taking a video/picture, biting, fingering
->Bambi's notes : I actually love this one so much, plus I love oreo HJ a lot lol. This may be one of my favorites.
(B/N = Boyfriend's name, HJ is just a shorter version of HongJoong.)
You always thought relationships should be easy. No, they should be. So why were you yelling at your boyfriend of 2 years in his old ass car on the side of the highway during a goddam rainstorm, when you should be home in bed?
"No, don't put this on me, B/N! All I asked you to do was block her number and you can't even do that! I asked you to do this almost two months ago and you're still texting her?!"
Oh, that's why- your boyfriend refused to cut off his previous fling. When you both started dating, you met her under the lie that she was his sister. You found that weird because, for the year you had known him before you both had begun dating, he had never mentioned any other siblings, nor did his parents. So imagine your surprise when you hear his phone buzzing in the middle of the night to see a text from her saying "I know we agreed to stop sleeping with each other, but I need you, tonight. The toys don't feel as good as you."
Now, when you first read it, you were in shock as Sweet Home Alabama blasted in your head. But, then you became rightfully upset. You thought about it all night until the next day, bringing it up with him during breakfast. And when you saw the color absolutely drain from his face, you knew he had some explaining to do. That's when he told you the truth: she was his friend and ex-fling. He had agreed to break it off when you and him began dating, but she seemed to think otherwise. You could remember how hard you gripped the spatula at his words, not being able to understand why he had not only lied to you, making you believe that she was your sister, but that she still thought it was alright to text you something like that.
After a few weeks of him apologizing, you told him that the only way you would get closure was for him to block her number. You thought that since she didn't respect his wishes to end it, then she wasn't a friend he should keep around. He agreed to do that for you.
No, he promised. 
So when you saw her at the party you and your boyfriend were attending together, and noticed the way she seemed to look at him, you knew something was up. Your feeling then got worse when you noticed how often your boyfriend was on his phone and how much effort he put into keeping it from your view. Your feeling was then confirmed when you got in the car later and the bright message came onto the car's screen: I promise. Y/N won't know about us.
That now led to the argument you and your boyfriend were having on the side of a highway during heavy rain in his car. As your voices continued to rise, you knew that this conversation wouldn't be going anywhere. You needed to go home and just be away from him, and maybe drink some of your favorite wine. "You know what, B/N? Whatever. No, seriously whatever. Take me home." Your voice was almost deadpan and broken due to all the yelling that had just been happening. Your boyfriend sighed, flicking his wrist to turn the car in the ignition as he tried to turn the car on, mumbling his own "whatever." However, the car didn't turn on. He continued to try and turn it on, sighing when he noticed the E flashing on his dashboard.
You felt a spark of annoyance fill you once more as you realized that he didn't fucking put gas in the car like you had suggested he do for days. Sometimes, it felt like taking care of a child and talking to a wall. "Fuck. What are you going to do?" You didn't hide your annoyance in your voice as B/N rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone. Your eyes then instantly zoomed in on the name on the top of his messages. You then cursed when you noticed he was texting her to drop off some gas for the car, and then sending her his location. You felt your body heat up as you met his eyes. Out of all the people he knew, he chose her, the subject of the argument to come drop off gas?
"Really, her? You couldn't pick someone else?" You asked, crossing your arms as your boyfriend pinched his nose, mumbling a small "shut up, Y/N."
That was your last straw.
You took out your own phone, opening your own messages to click on your close friend, HongJoong. You'd be dammed if you saw his "sister", ex-fling, or whatever she actually was to him, and let her help you get home tonight. You'd find another way.
Your eyes zoomed in on the keyboard as you quickly typed out a quick SOS message and your location to HongJoong. Within a few moments, you were not only gifted with a read receipt but with a message saying "On my way." Good ole HongJoong- would drop anything to come help you.
"Who are you texting?" Your eyes narrow at your boyfriend, his question making you hot once more. You don't respond, choosing to scroll through social media till HongJoong got here. You hoped he would get here before the other woman got here.
Well, you seemed to be lucky tonight, because soon parked his black hellcat in front of your boyfriend's car, then texted you "here. come on, princess."
While you were gathering your things, your boyfriend narrowed his eyes at the car, looking at it through the rain before he realized who that car belonged to. You knew how your boyfriend felt about HongJoong, which also drove you to choose him to come pick you up. Your boyfriend and HJ didn't mix well- your boyfriend hated how HJ always seemed to have his arm wrapped around you, a smirk on his lips when he talked to you, or how he constantly used nicknames with you. HJ, on the other hand, thought your boyfriend was shady and annoying. You smirked as you grabbed your bag, only for your wrist to be grabbed by your boyfriend, his voice now tense as he spoke. "Really, him? You really couldn't wait for-"
"You told me to shut up. Take me leaving as me shutting up" you hissed, ripping your wrist from his grip as you made sure you had everything. Before you could open the car door, though, your boyfriend spoke one more time. "If you get in his car, we're breaking up."
Now, what kind of threat was that? You rolled your eyes before you opened the car door, allowing the rain to hit your body as you met your boyfriend's eyes for the last time that night. "Fine. We're done. Fuck you and have fun fucking your sister." And with that, you slammed the car door closed, making your way to HJ's warm car. When you sat down in the passenger seat, you were met with HJ wearing his signature black hoodie and ripped jeans. He had his half-blonde, half-black hair styled, rings over his fingers, and a fruit punch-flavored vape snug in one hand. When you met his eyes, you noticed his new eyebrow piercing that seemed to glint in the streetlights.
"So, do you want to tell me now or later why I'm picking you up on the side of the highway from your boyfriend's car?" He asked, smiling at you softly as picked up his vape, taking a deep breath of the flavored nicotine before rolling down his window, breathing out the smoke before returning his attention to you. You don't know how many times you had told him to stop vaping, but he always seemed to ignore your words, but respectfully- not vaping around you in closed areas, not pushing out the smoke in your direction, not taking you to the vape shop with him, etc. You always appreciated it, for some weird reason.
"No. Just take me home. It's a long story that I do not want to relive right now." HJ noticed the annoyance in your voice, chuckling before turning his car on, the expensive car revving to life before he simply said "whatever you say, princess"
"So, like I had told you a while ago, he was still talking to his "sister?" You rolled your eyes at the playful tone in HongJoong's voice as he drove, shaking his head as he approached a red light. When you had told him about the whole situation, you hoped he would comfort you first, then make fun of it. But, deep down, you knew better. "I thought I had made it pretty obvious that I didn't want him talking to her. Then he had the nerve to say that if I got in your car, then he would break up with me."
"Woah, Y/N. So it's over?" HongJoong turned to look at you, raising an eyebrow hopefully. You shook your head as you rested it against the window, watching as the remaining rain drops from the rain storm moved down his windshield. You knew it wasn't really over. He said that in the heat of the moment and you knew that this needed an actual conversation because you knew B/N. He always said something in an argument to leave you a sting of pain.
Your attention soon returned to the street signs as the car moved, your eyebrows furrowing as you realized that this isn't the way to your house, but to HongJoong's. When you mentioned it to him, he only chuckled before he said "Y/N, princess, come on. You really think I would let you go home where I know that you're going to down a bottle of wine by yourself and cry? Why would I, being the great friend that I am, let you do that? So, you're staying with me at my house. No exceptions." You tried to argue weakly with him, but it was obvious that he wasn't going to change his mind. You relaxed back in the seat, watching the familiar street signs move as he drove.
The car soon stopped in front of his garage, the lights on inside to show you that he instantly left when you sent him that text. That thought made you smile. "Hold on, princess." Before you could leave the car, you felt his hand wrap around your wrist, the same way your boyfriend's had, but only more gentle. You turned to meet his eyes as his fingers gently moved over the skin on your wrist, his eyes glimmering with something bad...almost naughty as he looked at you. "Even though I know you know this about me, just remember that I'm the type of man to take what someone says at face value...and since your little boyfriend, no ex, said that if you got in my car, it's over, and you got in my car..."
HongJoong let his words trail off as he lifted your wrist to his lips, pressing a small kiss to it before gently biting it with teeth, making you gasp softly. He smiled more against your wrist before he dropped your hand from his grasp, shooting you a wink before grabbing his vape and car keys, making his way inside. HongJoong had a thing for you for the longest time, it only growing when he saw you with B/N. He felt protective and almost territorial over you, not hesitating to wrap his arm over your shoulder or call you a variety of nicknames even though he knew you were taken. He knew that he could be a better man for you, no, that he was the better man for you. He just needed to see if you felt the same way.
You sat in shock in his car, noticing how slow he was putting his key into the door, as if he was waiting for you. You scrambled to grab your bag and phone before jogging up to join him at the front door, making him chuckle. "There you are, princess. I thought you were going to try and spend the whole night sleeping in my hellcat."
Your mind was still scrambled due to HongJoong's actions, not responding to his comment as you follow him into the house. You smiled at the familiar scent, along with the various motorcycle items on the kitchen counter, all polished. You smiled as you dragged one of your fingers along the helmet, smiling more at the reflection of you and HJ. "You know, you still haven't taken me on a ride on your prized motorcycle. You promised me for my birthday last year that you would" You laugh softly as he rolls his eyes, approaching you with his own smile as he moves to press his chest against yours, making you back up against the counter and helmet. "I rushed to go pick you up from your goddam boyfriend and this is how you treat me, Y/N? I'm offended" You bite your lip softly as one of his hands moved to your lower back, right above your ass as he whispers "plus, you can ride something else, tonight."
You didn't know where HongJoong suddenly obtained the confidence to say such things and touch you like this, but it made you almost dizzy. You had never felt that way for your boyfriend when he did this stuff to you, but HongJoong seemed to have your mind already fuzzy, all from a flirty joke and his touch alone. "Tell me, Y/N, have you ever thought about me when you're with B/N? Do you ever wish you were in my car or in my house when you were with him?" HongJoong raised an eyebrow as he spoke, his hand moving slowly up the small of your back as his fingers poke the under the your shirt, making you sigh. "Do you ever wish it was me touching you like that? Don't you wish you were in my bed, my lips all over you, making you feel so much better than your fucking ex?" You didn't have a response, but he knew. He had seen how your eyes linger on his lips when they're wrapped around his vape, how you get when he wraps his arm over your shoulder, how you seem to call him first when something happens so he can comfort you. You have female friends who could comfort you, but you always seem to want him first.
Your mind was dizzy, trying to remind you about B/N, but you couldn't. HJ had you in a trance...and he wasn't wrong.
You met him in a hungry kiss, running your hands through his hair as his hands move under your shirt, working on removing your bra. You gasped softly into the kiss as he skillfully removed your bra, pulling it from under your top before he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. The kiss seemed to become hotter as he began to walk you both to his bedroom, his groans coming through the kiss as you ground against him. Your eagerness only made him more horny, kicking open his bedroom door before he pressed you against the first wall he saw, your back now against one of his posters as he continued to kiss you, his tongue pushing into your mouth as his fingers push up your top.
"Fuck, Joong," You gasped as your breasts became exposed to the cold bedroom air, the nipples hardening as HongJoong tossed away the fabric. He smirked softly, glad that you're already saying his name. But, he has things to attend to.
Your eyes close as his lips wrap around one of your nipples, the other one getting pinched and rolled by one of his hands. Your legs seem to tighten around his waist, arching your back as his teeth seem to graze over your nipple before he switches, giving the other one the same treatment as he says "wouldn't want this other one to be jealous." You didn't care, running your hands through his hair as he slowly kissed down your breasts, licking along your stomach as he got onto his knees. You never thought you'd see him on his knees, but it did something for you. He roughly pulled down your pants, tossing them away haphazardly before he gripped your legs, placing them onto his shoulders as he looked up at you with hooded eyes.
"You know, I've always wondered if you have pretty panties. Based on all the bathing suits you've worn, it always made me hard to think that you had pretty little panties that could get ruined by your naughty pussy" You didn't have a chance to respond to his words as he pushed your underwear to the side, licking a long strip up your pussy slowly before going back to dive his tongue into you. Your back once again arched against the wall as he played with your folds, taking his time tasting and licking every crevice of you. You hummed against his face, rolling your hips against his face as he sped up.
"Good girl, baby." HongJoong gently pulls back from your pussy, spitting back into it before he sped up his movements, his mind filled with only thoughts of pleasing you, getting you off on his tongue right against his wall. You can't help but moan louder as he speeds up, one of his hands moving up your body to grip your neck as he moans loudly into your pussy, the vibrations pushing you closer to your orgsam. HongJoong smiles as he notices how much louder you've gotten, his tongue now curling and speeding up as he fucks you with his tongue. His eyes never left yours as he squeezed around your neck, his own moan getting louder as your eyes begin to roll back. "Come on baby. Cum for me." He lowly praised you as you came, his tongue only slowing down when you began to whine.
As you slowly come down from your high, you feel HongJoong move you from the wall to the bed, roughly dropping you onto the bed before he begins to strip himself. You turned your head to see him standing in front of you, completely naked with his hand wrapped around his thick cock, moving along his length slowly as he watched you. You could feel your mouth and body regain all of your energy as you watched him, a small moan leaving your lips as his thumb moved along his tip, gathering his precum before chuckling. You sat up on your knees as he moved to sit on the bed in front of you, his free hand gripping your jaw to make sure you met his eyes.
HongJoong had many fantasizes about you, but seeing you right now on your knees in front of him in his bedroom did something to him. He felt like he could cum right at the sight, but he wanted to wait.
His eyes continued to meet yours as his precum covered thumb moved to your lips, watching as you slowly opened your mouth to wrap around it, your tongue moving to meet it as you licked and sucked it clean. He couldn't help but smirk, his eyes darkening once more as his cock twitched.
"I knew it, Y/N. You're absolutely filthy." He chuckled, humming as he moved his thumb around your mouth before pulling it from your lips, smirking at the string of saliva you left connecting to his thumb. You nodded at his words, willing to agree to whatever he said in that moment. HongJoong chuckled at your nod, laying down on the bed with his head against your knees. You looked at him with confusion across your face as he grabbed his vape, your hands running through his hair as he slowly blows out the flavored air. At the feeling of your hands in his hair along with the rush from the vape, he couldn't help but close his eyes. It felt nice, despite the fact that you both were naked and horny still, this moment was something he had always wanted with you. But, his twitching dick needed to be attended to.
"Sit on my face."
The moment was quickly shattered at his words, your eyes widening as your hands stilled in his hair. He slowly opened his eyes to see your reaction, your wide eyes making him laugh. "Come on, Y/N, don't be so shocked. Who wouldn't want you to sit on their face?" You could feel your cheeks heat up, smacking his shoulder as he laughed more. His blunt words had you stunned, but the idea did make you wet once more.
"I've never done it before, though" You had wanted to with B/N, but the opportunity never came up as well sex with him was...bland. HongJoong hummed as he kissed your knee and thighs, shrugging before he looked up at you once more. "And? Who better to do it with than with me?" You gasped as he gripped your knees, spreading them open before his hands moved up your sides, pulling you closer to his body to almost crawl over him. You let him move you, placing your hands on the bed as they sat on either side of his legs. You couldn't help but notice his thick cock once more leaking precum as his hands move up your thighs and ass, gripping your flesh as he hummed. He spread you open before his hands gripped your hips, pulling you back so you could sit on his open mouth. At first, you tried to not fully sit down as you were scared of crushing him, but that only made him groan loudly in annoyance, his teeth meeting the inside of your thigh before roughly pulled you down onto his mouth.
Your head immediately fell back as his tongue eagerly moved around your pussy, his moans now louder. In this position, his tongue could go deeper into you, but he could also feel and grip your ass.
"Fuck, you taste so good. I knew someone as hot as you would have such a naughty pussy, Y/N." HongJoong gripped your hips more as his lips wrapped around your clit, chuckling when he felt your thighs shake. You felt like you couldn't sit up straight anymore, leaning forward so your hands were once again against the bed, your hips still making sure to press down again his mouth. Your moans got louder the deeper his tongue moved in you, his rings adding to the experience as he gripped your ass, spreading you open just the way he wanted. Your head soon turned to see his cock still leaking, you mouth watering once more as you thought of his taste you had on his thumb.
HJ felt you move, raising an eyebrow. "Y/N, why are you- oh my fucking god, baby"
His head fell back as you took him into your mouth, his mouth open as you licked along his length. He was going to ask you later on if you wanted to suck him off, but having you now in this position was just as good, if not better. He chuckled breathlessly as you shook your ass, reminding him of what he should be doing. He licked his lips before his focus returned, one of his hands coming down to smack your ass, moaning deeply with you as you moan around his cock, one of his fingers moving along your pussy before pushing into you. He tossed his head back again as you moaned louder around him, not hesitating to begin to fuck you with his finger while his other hand slowly moved up your back to your head, pushing you down around his cock before he began to fuck up into your throat, chuckling whenever you choked or gurgled around his cock.
"Don't act like you can't take this cock, Y/N. We both know you're a naughty girl," he tsked, his hand moving from your hair back to your ass as he gripped it, moving it so he could watch his finger enter and disappear in you only to reappear covered in your wet juices. You moaned loudly at his words, pressing your nose down against him as you held him in your throat for a few seconds, making him moan before smacking your ass again, a small "good girl" leaving his lips in praise before he added another finger into you, curling it.
You felt your second orgsam approach as he moved his fingers faster, his hand moving to grip your hair as he tugged you off his cock, wanting to hear you moan his name louder as his fingers plunged into you at a rough pace. With him repeatedly hitting your spot and with how hard he was gripping your hair, you knew your orgsam was going to hit fast and hard, just like how you both wanted.
"Joong, I'm so close, don't stop" you moaned, your own body moving back and forth to meet his fingers' movements, making him not only moan, but move even faster. He placed a small kiss and bite to your thigh as it began to shake, curling his fingers once more as you began to shake around them. He praised you as you came, his hand moving from your hair to smack your ass gently, moving his body so you could lay down against the bed. He licked his fingers as he watched you shake gently against the bed, feeling like you could fall asleep right there. But, the feeling of sleep went away when you felt his hands move up your body to your shoulders, the tip of his cock now pressing against your entrance.
"Don't fall asleep on my now, Y/N. I still haven't came yet, nor have you got to wet my cock." You gripped the sheets as you tried to sit up to try and explain that you couldn't move your legs, but he seemed to beat you to it. You rested your head against the bed as he stood up from the bed, walking out of the room. You rested against the bed as you tried to wonder what he was doing especially after what he had said. You had never came twice from someone, especially that hard and without them even using their cock. A part of you couldn't help but be excited at the idea of him fucking you though, especially with how thick it felt in your throat.
HJ soon returned to your sight, his naked body leaning against the doorway as he looked at you. You couldn't see his hands, but you noticed how his eyes slowly moved over your body, admiring it once more as his cock twitched again. He wanted to see it once more before he ruined you, knowing that when he was done having you cum all over his cock, you both were going to be too exhausted to do anything else.
"Tell me, baby, did B/N ever... experiment with you?" You raised an eyebrow at his words, shaking your head at his words. "No, it was always pretty vanilla, why?"
"Well, that's such a shame, isn't it? He should always be looking for new ways to pleasure you, make you scream his name, to make you cum the hardest, right?" You nodded at his words, making him smile. His smile looked mischievous and evil, his tongue coming out to lick along his bottom lip before he fully pushed open the bedroom door, showing a small grey digital camera in one hand and a pair of handcuffs in the other. He slowly approached the bed, his fingers playing with the handcuffs as his eyes locked in one yours. His eyes were dark- like you were being hunted.
"I wouldn't want you to forget about our night together, Y/N. I want you to hold any other man who you sleep with to my standards, princess." He tossed the items onto the bed before he gripped your jaw, pulling you close to him, his lips hovering right over yours. You couldn't help but lean in close to try and kiss him, but he quickly pulled back, chuckling at your pout before he shook his head. "No, no, baby. Let me set you up first, then we can maybe kiss"
"Well then, hurry up" HJ chuckled at your eagerness, despite just not being able to move a few minutes ago. But, nonetheless, he was here to please you.
He moved you so your hands were against the headboard, spreading your legs before he handcuffed your wrists together, then handcuffed them to the headboard. You looked down at your knees that sat pressed into his pillows before he pulled them back a bit, pressing his hand down against your lower back so you'd arch it. When he was satisfied with your position, he then reached down to grab the camera before leaning in to press his chest against your back, the tip of his cock against your pussy once more. He faced the camera towards you both, his lips moving to your ear as he whispered "a little before picture." He pressed a quick kiss to your ear before he clicked a button, the camera taking a picture of the two of you before he tossed it haphazardly onto the bed, his hands moving to grip your hips before he slowly pushed into you.
Your moans mixed in together as his cock stretched you out, your nails digging into the headboard as he his fingers dug into your hips. He slowly kissed up the back of your neck before biting down on your shoulder as his cock fully stretched you. He hummed at the feeling of your warm and wet walls around his cock, feeling you pulse around him before he slowly pulled back out, leaving just his tip in you before he grunted into your ear lowly "be loud, baby. Don't hold back."
Your nails dug more into the headboard as he roughly pushed back into your, his hips now snapping against your ass as you moaned loudly. Your jaw became slack as he fucked you, his loud moans mixing with yours as he smacked your ass. Your eyes had closed at the feeling, his hips beginning to slow down for a moment as he rolled his hips to meet your ass, moving deeper in you. Then, you heard it.
You bit your lip at the sound of the camera going off, turning your head back to see HJ holding the camera, taking a picture of your ass against his hips, your arched back, and now-
"Keep looking back here at me, baby" he too a picture of your face as he picked back up the pace, snapping a few of your reactions to his cock diving in you before he dropped the camera once more in favor of gripping your hips. You felt your body heat up once more, panting that you were about to cum again. HongJoong only chuckled deeply before he whispered in your ear "I don't fucking care, cum again for me baby. Come on, cream on my cock, I'm still going to fuck you till I fill you up with my cum"
You moaned loudly at his words, clamping down around him before you came, your body shivering at the feeling as he moaned. The cum ring began to form around his cock, making him have to rip his eyes from his cock before he gripped your breasts, pulling your body. You bit your lip as your back was now fully arched, your wrists still against the headboard while your legs were now against the bed, HJ now straddling them before as he panted, his hair now pressed against his sweat covered forehead.
"Now, I can fuck you deeper baby and push my cum nice and deep, just like you deserve" he smirked before he began to move his hips again, biting his lips as he listened to you moaning his name louder as his cock drilled into you, the new position allowing him to go as deep as he wanted. He leaned down to bite your shoulder, licking the area before his hand moved around your stomach, chuckling as he felt his cock through you. "You're so fucking filthy, Y/N. Be honest, you wanted this- you wanted me to come pick you up, take you my house, handcuff you to my bed, and fuck this naughty pussy just like this, didn't you?"
"Yes! Yes, I wanted you to" you moaned loudly, your mind now a mess as he moves even faster, chuckling against your neck before he grunts, roughly pushing all the way in you before he stops, making you whine. He gently shushes you before he leaned back to grab his phone, unlocking it before he pulls up his camera, setting it on the nightstand so it could see you and him both on the recording before he pressed start.
HongJoong was now panting, kissing your shoulder before he whispered in your ear "I'm about to fucking cum" you nodded, spreading your legs a bit more as he began to grind against your ass, his hands moving up your body to grip your breasts before he bit the shell of your ear, grunting deep in your ear "I'm going to fill you up, baby, but I want to hear you ask for it. Be loud enough so the camera can hear you baby. Be loud"
"Please give me your cum, HongJoong, give me all of it. Fill me up so much that it leaks out of my pussy, so then you have to fuck it back into me"
Your words cause HongJoong's brain to short circuit, his cock driving into you a rough yet pleasurable pace as he wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close to him he placed wet kisses against your shoulder, growling lowly that he was super close. That was your only warning before his hips pressed roughly and firmly against your ass, his dick twitching in your before his cum painted your walls, his moan echoing around the room as he panted against your shoulder. His eyes were shut for a bit before one of his hands moved over your handcuffed wrists, his hips once more moving in you, ignoring how the overstimulation felt for him, his other hand moving to play with your clit. You gasped, meeting his hips as you moved back, your ass slightly bouncing against them as you chased after your last orgsam. Your eyes began to flutter closed as you came, your body falling limp around his biceps.
"There we go, baby, I'll hold you together. I knew you could do make a mess all over my dick" You hummed at his words, feeling like you were beyond cloud nine. You both rested against one another for a bit before he slowly uncuffed you from the headboard, carefully laying you down on the bed. You felt like you were going to fall asleep, your eyes fighting to stay open as he slowly pulled out of you before going to grab a rag and clean you up. You breathed in his scent on his pillow, a small smile coming onto your face at the scent before jumping a bit at the feeling of the cloth.
"Don't move, princess. You body must be sore" he hummed, wiping all of his cum from your body before he rubbed your back, pressing a kiss down to the small of your back before he laid down behind you, gently spooning you. You smiled at his warm embrace, your eyes still fighting to stay open.
You were about to doze off when you felt his arms move, his hands grabbing his phone from the nightstand before he stopped the recording. He then saved it, checking the time before he turned off his phone. "What are you going to do with that recording, Joong?"
"Well, it depends on how you answer my question, baby," you looked back over your shoulder at him, his lips pressed against your shoulder as his hand rubbed your side. You couldn't help but admire him- the moonlight that came through his window made his eyebrow piercing glimmer, his eyes were now soft, and his oreo colored hair was now a mix due to your hands running through them. He didn't look like such a bad boy in this moment, just HongJoong.
He admired you too, smiling against your shoulder before he decided to bite the bullet. "So, is this a one off thing, or...are you going to break up with B/N and maybe see where things can go with us?"
You could see the nervousness develop in HJ's eyes- a look you've never seen, but one you that showed you he meant it, and that he was being vulnerable with you. You carefully turned in the bed to cup his cheeks, a small smile on your lips before you spoke. "You're the person who said you'd take what someone says at face value. He said that if I got in your car, than he was breaking up with me. Plus, I had told him to have fun fucking his "sister," too, so-"
"You said what?" HongJoong laughed, making you laugh as he held up his hand, high fiving you before he slowly intertwined your fingers, pressing a kiss to your hand and your wrist, pulling you close so your head was against his chest. You nodded, squeezing your hand with his before you continued. "So, I think things are over between me and B/N. And, I'd love to see where things go between you and me, Joong. But, you have to take me riding on your motorcycle like you promised"
HongJoong laughed at your words, pressing a small kiss to your forehead before he nodded. "Fine, tomorrow I'll take you out on the motorcycle, but that's only after a safety lesson. Then, we'll go out for dinner."
You agreed with his words, squeezing your hand with his once more before your eyes slowly closed, listening to his heartbeat as you both fell asleep in each other's embrace, listening to the rain outside.
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feralforfrank · 7 months
simon riley x fem!reader
random headcanons bc i cant stop thinking about him
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he'll deny he's a pet person, especially when it's cats. that's until you rescue a kitten (joe). you're pretty sure simon loves him more than you.
loves napping. no matter the time and place (well, only if he feels his surroundings are safe enough), he's catching up on sleep, like there's no tomorrow. (ext.1)
simon definitely has a cupboard in the kitchen full of cans and packets of food that can last a long time and a bag under the bathroom sink full of necessities. you poke fun at him, saying that a zombie apocalypse won't happen any time soon. but he disagrees.
"you don't need to buy more peanuts, simon. the cupboard is full, and there's no way the apocalypse will start tomorrow," you say, pushing the heavy cart as simon scans the grocery store shelves.
he suddenly stops, and the cart screeches suddenly, mere centimetres from hitting the back of simon's knees.
he turns to you, his face serious. "better safe than sorry, love."
you look at him, bewildered, but accept the packet of nuts he hands you.
he has a blast watching horror films with you, especially the bad ones.
a) if you get scared easily, his favourite part is the post-film night routine. he'll tease you about being jumpy as hell, shut the light when you're in the bathroom just to hear you screech and call his name in a panic, and scare you by sneaking very quietly (thanks to his military training) in rooms where you're at and scaring the life out of you.
b) if you don't get scared easily, you'll both laugh at the gooey stuff that's supposed to be blood, the exaggerated and dramatic screams, and criticise every part of the film.
"we should be film critics, yeah?" you say between giggles.
"think we'd do a terrible job, lovie."
i firmly believe simon riley likes biscuits with his tea. even better if you are the one making them. there's a specific recipe you start making when the chill of october becomes too much. he doesn't know what you put in them, but remembers when you said you stole them from taylor swift's tumblr.
"oi, love!" he shouts from the kitchen.
you already know what he wants. and why he can't find them. "what is it, si?"
"where're those singer biscuits you made?" you can hear the cupboards opening and shutting.
"the chai cookies? i hid them."
in no time, you hear his footsteps approach the bathroom. you click on your earring as his frame fills the doorway.
"what d'y'mean you hid them?"
"i wanna take some to my mum today, and if i had them out there in plain sight, you'd eaten them all."
"i'd taken two," he grumbles. he knows that's not true. the biscuits are delicious.
"i'll make you more tomorrow, yeah? a whole bowl for you only."
you kiss and tap his cheek, and his lips twitch in a small, triumphant smile.
"can i, at least, take one. before my tea gets cold."
"fine. just one." a feather-light kiss lands on your shoulder. "okay, two."
simon also likes going shopping with you. he likes spending money on you and for you. so when there's an opportunity (usually a party, or rarely a military ball or some fancy shit), he takes you out and tells you to pick whatever you want, no matter the price.
(i think he just likes sitting in the lounge area of the fancy shops and scaring off wandering eyes.)
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joelslegalwhre · 2 years
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Hey anon! I love the idea, thanks for your request <3
Just us
pairing ⁀➷ henry cavill x fem!reader
word count ⁀➷ 2.2k
summary ⁀➷ up in the ask
warnings ⁀➷ age gap (reader is in early 20’s, henry is 38), pure fluff, drunk Henry (but not in a bad way?), H/F means Henry's Friend, paparazzi
a/n ⁀➷ thanks for the request anon this was a blast to write!
Since an anon pointed this out to me; („paparazzi get called and scheduled“) they can also get their information about the whereabouts of a celeb from bartenders, spotters, etc… Please remember that I write fiction and not everything is like real life 100% of the time 🫶
Here’s my h.c. playlist
🥤my kofi if you’d like to leave a tip🩷
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The night was truly not as you would have imagined it to be.
„Henry... c'mon bear, let's go home." you said, trying to get him off the barstool.
„You look beautiful.“ He slurred in your ear.
Goosebumps immediately spread over your entire body. You quickly kissed the corner of his lips, "Thanks. You look terribly handsome though, even drunk.“ you whispered with a chuckle, „That should be illegal."
His hands wandered to your hips, his fingers tracing shapes all the way up to your bra.
Henry was drunk as hell, and you had to get him home now before he did something in public, that he would regret later.
Luckily, one of his mates had your number and texted you about half an hour ago.
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H/F: Hey Y/N can you please pick Henry up? We might have had a little too much of…. everything...
You: I'm on my way
You instantly hoped that there would be no press around.
You couldn't use paparazzi now, but they kind of always knew where Henry was. At any time of the day… or night.
Henry's friend had sent you the address of the club right after your last message.
Usually Henry wasn't someone who partied much. You spent your weekends together on the couch, walking Kal, or cooking together. But who never went out partying on a weekend?
"Kal?" you peeked through the door into the living room. His head lifted from his big dog bed, and he looked at you, panting.
"I'm going to pick up Daddy, will you watch the house while I'm gone?" Excitedly, he wagged his tail when he trotted to you as if confirming it to you to watch out. Lovingly, you petted him behind his ears. "I won't be gone for long."
"Alright." You muttered to yourself as the car came to a hold. You thanked the cab driver who would wait for you, and got out at the back entrance of the club. You wouldn't have found a parking space in front of the club by car, so the cab was clearly the better option.
Fortunately, it wasn't very busy, and you couldn't see any paparazzi. You took your ID out of your pocket and immediately received a few strange looks from the security guards. Sure, probably very few people came here in jeans, a hoodie and sneakers.
The club was loud and sweaty, and you could feel the bass of the music pulse through your body.
Just then you realized that you didn't know where they were, and the club was quite big, so you texted Henry's friend again.
You: I'm here, where are you?
H/F: At the bar, you have to get to the back of the club
You: Thanks
Making your way through the crowd, you began to sweat in your hoodie but couldn't take it off unless you wanted to walk around in only your bra, which you obviously didn't. You saw them just a moment later, all of them looking rather drunk. A chuckle left your lips when you saw Henry on a bar stool, resting his elbow on the counter. He was clearly drunk as hell. You wondered how they managed not to get the attention of the whole club by now, usually wherever Henry went the people recognized him. Right when you thought that, two girls walked up to them.
Henry didn't even see them, too interested to get the bartender's attention for another drink. His friends did though, just for the two girls to tap Henry's shoulder and flash him a flirty smile. He turned around by the sudden touch and drew his brows together. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you grinned when he pursed his lips, shaking his head with raised brows.
He removed the girl's hand off of his arm, and his friends suppressed a laugh.
Just then, you finally reached them and immediately caught Henry's attention. „Hi, boys.“ you greeted his friends, and immediately got smiles and waving hands back.
„Excuse me, if you'd be so nice…“ You dryly said and squeezed past the girls, „l'm going to get this drunk mountain of a man home.“
„And who are you?" One of them asked with a deprecating look, eyeing you up and down.
„Mine." Henry answered for you. He grabbed the hem of your hoodie and pulled you to his chest. „Hey baby.” He purred as he put his big hands on your cheeks and kissed you.
You could taste the alcohol on his lips but didn't mind one bit. His curls were tousled, and you wanted to run your hands through them, to make them even messier. And as much as you wanted to keep kissing him, you broke away from him.
Henry still had his hands on your cheeks.
Your hands went to his and gently withdrew them from your cheeks. "You need a bed." you laughed lightly.
"Only if you are part of the bed too." He grinned and you shook your head, giggling. "Not today, Cavill."
Henry grimaced, „C'mon baby…..please".
„How old are you anyway?" one of them interrupted the two of you. „Yeah, are you even allowed into a club?" the two girls were still giving you deprecating looks,
„I'm old enough, thanks for your concern." you tried your best to sound as nice as you could.
„Henry... c'mon bear, let's go home." you said, trying to get him off the barstool.
„You look beautiful." He slurred in your ear. Goosebumps immediately spread over your entire body.
You quickly kissed the corner of his lips, "Thanks. You look terribly handsome though, even drunk.“ you whispered with a chuckle, „That should be illegal."
His hands wandered to your hips, his fingers tracing shapes all the way up to your bra. „Stop that." you lightly chuckled. Your hands softly grabbed his and removed them from your sides. „You can do that at home. When you're sober." you whispered into his ear, knowing damn right what it would do to him.
You turned to Henry's friend who had texted you, „Thank you." you chuckled, and he just raised his glass with a smile and nodded.
„Alright, let's go." you chuckled and took Henry's large hand. „Night, boys.
"They all gave an almost harmonic, and drunken, "Ciao, y/n", which made you laugh.
On your way out, you could still feel the gazes of the two girls on your back.
The same security guards that eyed you for your unusual choice of clothes when you entered the club, were now giving you the same looks. Not because of your clothes, though. You and Henry's hands were intertwined as you two exited the club, and he continued whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
You knew that look, it wasn't the „Omg, look that's Henry Cavill!“ , but rather the „She must at least be 15 years younger than him." look.
And even though there were almost 17 years between you and Henry, you looked even younger than you really were. Something the press absolutely loved, of course.
The moment you and Henry walked out of the club, you were greeted by blinding lights, dozens of shouting paparazzi.
Henry's grip on your hand tightened and no matter how drunk he was, he immediately switched to being your protector.
Almost everyone with a camera shouted his name, the few without were shouting various questions;
„How much younger is she?"
„Is this your girlfriend, Henry?"
„Who is she?"
„What's the name of the girl, Henry?"
And so much more that got lost in all the voices and shouting.
Henry let go of your hand to wrap his arm around your shoulder, protecting you from the paparazzi. „Give us some space, goddamn." you could hear how he tried not to sound as drunk as he really was. And you loved him even more for doing his best to keep you safe even when he wasn't feeling his best.
He pressed you against his chest and continued mumbling complaints.
Normally Henry was one of the most polite celebrities you knew, he smiled and gave them answers most of the time, but today they were definitely crossing a line.
He didn't stop walking, nor taking his arm from your shoulder when he grabbed the hood on your hoodie and pulled it down to shelter your face from them. In all the hectic and flashlights, you totally forgot that you could do that. Which once more showed that Henry might have been drunk, but he was still your protector, no matter what.
You helped him by guiding the way to the cab, still waiting for you outside the club. The paparazzi were following you until both of you got in, the car door shutting out their questions and the sounds of clicking cameras. „Fuck, I'm sorry, peaches."
„It’s fine, Hen. Don’t worry about it.“
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Last night when you had made it home, Kal was impatiently waiting for you two. Whenever you didn't come home with Henry, which got rarer with each week, he got quite confused why his new mommy wasn't coming home with his dad.
Who was absolutely wasted right now. When he hit the soft bed, a moan left his mouth. „Wait a second before you fall asleep." you giggled, „l'll be right back." With Kal by your side, you went downstairs into the kitchen, getting Henry a glass of water and ibuprofen.
„Look at him, Kal." the dog looked at his dad and back up to you. A snort escaped your mouth. The mattress sank down next to Henry. „Babe... Hen." you lightly caressed his cheek. „It's better to take them now."
His eyes opened only so much to see you, he groaned but took the glass and the pill out of your hand.
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You heard the door to the living room open and close, your head turning in Henry's direction. He blinked a few times, probably because the sun was still brightly illuminating the room. You looked up at him from were you were sitting on the floor, scratching Kal behind his ears, while Henry approached you. „Morning, bear." you smiled at him.
„Good morning, peaches." The sight of you and Kal together in his home was one of the things Henry loved the most. Thus, why he always wanted you to stay at his, so much so that it wouldn't take him much longer to ask you to move out of your own apartment.
He sat down on the couch behind you and patted his broad tights. He hugged your waist as you snuggled up to him, one leg draped over his thigh. „Thanks for the painkillers." he mumbled into your hair, breathing in the scent.
They smelled like peaches, and more so like home. „lt's an old trick my cousin told me about. The headaches are much less painful if you take them at night first and then again in the morning." you grinned at him. Henry kissed your forehead, keeping his lips there a little longer.
„l love you." he whispered.
„I love you too." your hands rested on his muscular chest. You just laid there for some time, Kal sleeping on his dog pillow, and listening to the birds singing outside.
„I bet the pictures are everywhere by now.”
You raised your head to look at him. A heavy breath escaped your lungs and Henry stroked your hair.
„Let them talk." you said.
„Who are they to tell us what to do and whom to date? Martin Freeman is married to Rachel Mariam, and she is 21 years younger than him." you played with Henry's fingers, „it's not like l'm underage.” Henry chuckled at your comparison.
„But you know what you are?" Henry asked with a soft smile. You propped yourself up on his chest, „What?"
„You are the woman I love. You are the only one I will ever love and the one I want to call the mother of my children. You," he stopped and looked at you with a look of pure love, „You're all I want."
With that, he had taken all the air from your lungs. Your mouth was slightly open and tears began to run down your cheeks.
"Oh baby, don't cry." Henry grinned as he wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"How am I not supposed to cry?" you sniffled. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever been told. And all those things, everything, I want all those things with you and only you."
As if Kal had been waiting for his moment, he put his head on Henry's thigh, looking at both of you. You giggled as you gently stroked his snout. "You too, Kal."
“l'm glad they know." Henry whispered to your hairline.
„Me too."
He wrapped his hands around you and pressed you back against his chest. His warmth wrapped around you like a blanket, and slowly your eyes closed.
Henry took out his phone to take a picture of the three of you, Kal on his pillow, you asleep on his chest. One of your hands rested on his torso while the other was resting under your head. He smiled at the picture. The sun was still shining into the room, painting everything in a golden light.
With the caption „Just us" he posted the picture. Confirming it to the whole world.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day🧡
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jumpywhumpywriter · 1 month
Drugged Hero Whumpee used as Party Favor at Villain's Party part 5
Warnings: torture, blood, restraints, blindfolded, gagged, living weapon, captured
This story of mine had been left at a cliffhanger for some time, but here is a part 5, as requested by @emmarose2009!
"I... am good to my word." Archenemy pressed a single button... and all the lights in the mansion went dark at all once, plunging the party into chaos.
Shadow's head was spinning, but her world sharpened to a blast of pain as rough hands grabbed her and yanked her off the couch. She felt herself being slung over a broad shoulder where she draped limply like the dead weight she was. In any other circumstance she would have fought back, but everything hurt too much, and even though her mind was foggy with pain, she was lucid enough to distinguish help from hurt. So she let it happen.
The terrified screams of party guests rattled in her skull, along with the sound of scraping furniture as panicking people tripped and toppled over each other in the dark. But whoever was carrying Shadow seemed to have no problem navigating through the mayhem, though every step jarred Shadow's injuries.
Shadow gritted her teeth and focused on continuing to breathe with tight lungs, even as her body blazed with agony at all the sudden movements that her rescuer -- and likely enemy -- made.
The sound of a door banging open -- and then city lights, lights that scorched Shadow's retinas and made her wince as cold air hit her stinging injuries. She managed to conclude she was outside of Villain's dreaded mansion, at least. But the feeling of freedom didn't last long before she felt herself being carelessly stuffed like luggage into the backseat of a car.
She inhaled a sharp breath as she landed ungracefully on leather cushions, and a fleeting thought flashed through her mind that bleeding all over her rescuer's expensive car probably wouldn't be the best way to get in their good graces, but then she remembered who her rescuer was, and all sense of security vanished in an instant. Besides, it wasn't like she could help it! Blood was everywhere on her, and if she didn't have rapid regeneration, she would have long since bled out. Any normal human would already be dead by now.
She was flopped on her side, breathing hard when she felt air displace near her as someone else climbed into the backseat with her, slamming the door closed. She groaned in protest, but that was as much strength as she had, blood snaking from the corners of her mouth and flowing freely from her nose.
"Drive," a harsh voice barked, and the sound of tires screeching on asphalt followed as the vehicle lurched into motion. Shadow felt someone grabbing at her hands, and instinctively started to struggle, pulling away with a hiss.
"Come now, none of that," a terrifyingly familiar voice cooed. It made Shadow seize up in fear. Her vision was hazy, but her eyes darted to the source of the sound, making out a dark, blurry outline hovering over her. She moaned in pain as a hard elbow dug into her ribs, a body pressing on top to pin her down while cold metal cuffs snapped onto her wrists like the final nail in the coffin. Her ankles soon followed, shackled together by cruel, unforgiving metal.
Shadow jerked away when something dark and fabric-like was raised to her face, startled, but her head only hit the seat, there was nowhere to go as a cloth blindfold was tied tightly around her head.
"You won't be needing your sight for awhile," Archenemy chuckled into her ear, making her shiver.
"When I get out of these, I swear I will kill--mmff!" Shadow made a weak effort at snarling an insult, which died the instant a piece of sharp metal was forced into her mouth, making her gag and choke as it pressed down hard on her tongue. Leather touched her face, and she realized that it was a muzzle, as if she were a dog that could be controlled -- pathetic.
"You won't be needing your voice, either," Archenemy added, though this time his tone was flat, mildly annoyed. "I can't have you biting me, either - I know you have a reputation for it."
Shadow would have laughed, if the barbaric muzzle would have allowed it. He must have been referring to the time she bit one of his henchmen's fingers off when they tried to attack her. Served them right, though.
Shadow moved her tongue around the metal bit in her mouth, trying to earn some relief from the pressure and pain, but it was futile. The metal was slicing into her tongue and the corners of her mouth, and the taste of copper soon washed over her taste buds.
A scared whine slipped past her gruff composure when she felt Archenemy's hands slide around her head.
"Take a nap if it suits you, hero -- you sure need it. It's going to be a bit of a drive." That was the last thing she heard before something solid clamped over her ears, making her deaf to the world.
It was a gut-wrenching panic that made her breath catch in her throat, unable to hear, see, or speak, and trapped in enemy territory. She had no way of knowing where she was being taken, what Archenemy planned to do with her.
Her breaths came faster, she couldn't seem to get enough air in, her head buzzing with static silence, an empty void of nothingness cocooning her in total darkness. No sense of direction, all there was was pain, and the feeling of the car occasionally hitting bumps in the road.
Stay calm... Stay calm... Stay calm... She told herself again and again. It did little to ease the terror gripping her racing heart in its vise-like jaws.
She was embarrassed when a small tear leaked out of one eye, quickly absorbed by the blindfold. She was supposed to be Hero, a brave, fearless fighter! But she'd never felt more scared in her entire life than right now. Every second that passed was like a death sentence, bringing her closer and closer to her end. It went on forever, before finally... the car came to an abrupt stop.
Shadow didn't even bother struggling as she was roughly dragged out, bound and gagged, muzzled and blindfolded. She still couldn't hear, which made it all the more terrifying to be moved. A little overkill on the restraints, to be honest.
Either Archenemy was overestimating how dangerous she was by a long shot, or he knew exactly how dangerous she was. Shadow was one of the most notorious heroes, known for her morally-gray qualities and for being cold and calculating and hard to take down. She sometimes ventured suspiciously close to villain territory with how she went about fighting crime. It made her more feared than adored among citizens who were grateful to have criminals taken off the streets, but too scared to speak out about her unusual methods of winning.
Shadow couldn't walk on her own with how tightly she was chained, and she felt her face flush with humiliation as a pair of arms picked her up and started carrying her off. Soon enough she was tossed somewhere cold and damp, and she grunted as she hit solid concrete after an unfriendly shove.
A door slammed shut, and she was left all alone... blind to everything around her. She waited several beats, and when nothing else interacted with her, she quickly got to work twisting her arms and hands to try and get some of the restraints off. She pawed frantically at her head with her bound hands, managing to knock off whatever sound-canceling headphones had been put on. It was a massive relief when the sound of her own shaky breathing hit her ears again, comforting in all its simplistic familiarity. She took a second to relish it, savor the experience before continuing.
It was hard to move, both from the shackles and severe injuries inhibiting her movements... but eventually she got the blindfold halfway off so she could see out of one eye. She worked on the muzzle next for a good fifteen minutes with no progress -- she only succeeded in slicing her mouth up with the metal bit until a bloody froth was drooling out the front of the muzzle, blood mixed with saliva she couldn't swallow thanks to the cruel bit keeping her mouth slightly open.
The mocking click of a tongue from somewhere close by made her freeze and forget all about wriggling free. Archenemy was here. She'd never heard him come in. Or maybe he'd been here the whole time watching her helplessly struggle, but whatever the reason he was here.
"Have you gotten it all out of your system yet?" His voice drawled.
Shadow craned her head to glare with her one free eye, though she knew she must look ridiculous with the blindfold half on still. Archenemy was sitting nonchalantly in a chair in the corner, unconcerned as ever at her disheveled and haggard appearance.
"Wuff oo uunn wanff? (What do you want)" She tried to form words around the bit, but it was too tight and painful in her mouth and on her tongue, and all that came out was incoherent noises.
Archenemy just flashed a charming smile before casually getting up and gracefully striding over to her. Shadow's eyes widened with a flicker of genuine fear, and she quickly scooted back to the furthest wall from him, flattening against the surface as best she could.
"Shhh, there's no need for that. I'm only taking the muzzle off so you can speak. Got it?" Archenemy didn't give her a chance to answer before he was reaching for her face, grabbing her jaw in a tight hand to hold it still.
Shadow squealed in pain and jerked away from his touch, but he didn't yield, swiftly sliding his other hand around behind her head to unbuckle the straps holding the muzzle in place. He pulled the blood-soaked muzzle away in one smooth motion along with his hands so she couldn't bite them.
Shadow licked her cracked lips as she watched Archenemy's gaze lock on to the shredded corners of her mouth, watched him frown.
"Open," Archenemy commanded.
Shadow kept her mouth closed, eyeing him warily.
"Open your mouth now, or I will force you to. The choice is yours."
Shadow knew he wasn't joking, and hastily unlocked her jaws, wincing as the movement tore the corners of her mouth open further, leaking fresh blood.
"You shouldn't have tried to take the muzzle off yourself," Archenemy scolded. "You've practically ripped the inside of your mouth to bloody ribbons."
Shadow closed her mouth with a scowl, saying nothing. A charged silence fell between them, full of tension, before Archenemy spoke again.
"Well, like I said -- I am good to my word. I'm going to have you cleaned up and treated. However... my hospitality comes at a price."
"I would never expect anything less, coming from you," Shadow rasped dryly, her voice thin and scratchy. "What do you want from me?" She spat the words like poison.
"I want your power. To heal from practically any wound... it's an astonishing gift I've never understood. But I plan to. I plan to find the limits of your abilities, find a way to use it." Archenemy leaned close, eyes sharp and power-hungry. "You are mine. And I will find a way to control you."
Shadow shuddered involuntarily at the certainty with which he said it, the blatant confidence. It rattled her to the core. "What makes you so sure?" She intended it to sound defiant, but it came out shaky and weak, and Archenemy's smug smile broadened at that.
"Because I've already managed something similar once, so it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. I already have one living weapon right here in this exact base we're in, so creating a second seems manageable enough."
A living weapon...? Shadow's blood went cold as ice.
Archenemy laughed at her shocked silence. "Who knows, maybe my weapon will finally have some company!"
"That's outrageous!" Shadow sputtered angrily, finally finding her voice. "I'm a person, you can't control me like some pathetic dog!"
"Not yet, but I will," Archenemy said smoothly without hesitation. He stood up, straightening his jacket. "I'll give you time for your gift to heal you before I begin my experiments, and after I get you cleaned up. You are filthy."
Shadow wished she could argue with that, but he was right; she was a disaster. Fading bruises mottled her skin deep shades of blacks and purples, and dozens of vicious injuries were still knitting closed painfully slow, leaving fresh scars in their wake. Her clothes were fully drenched in her own blood that had puddled around her shivering form. She watched miserably as Archenemy turned on his heel and left the room, locking the door to her new prison shut behind him.
Shadow leaned her head back to clunk against the wall with a groan, her tender wounds aching and throbbing with pain as they healed. Even when the physical wounds themselves were gone, the pain would still linger with her for a few days, to her dismay. But for now she tried to rest -- she'd need her strength if she wanted any hope of escaping later.
The pain kept her awake, and she had barely managed to drift off when the lock clicked, and she instantly snapped to alertness as the door swung open. Archenemy strode in... followed by someone else. Shadow's breath hitched when she saw them.
It was Other Hero, the same hero who'd disappeared five years ago after an intense battle with Supervillain, presumed dead. But here she was, standing right before Shadow's eyes, very much alive. Shadow recognized her in an instant.
"Ava!" Shadow gasped in shock. Why wasn't she attacking Archenemy? Why wasn't she fighting back?
Ava just stood there at Archenemy's side, a glassy, distant look in her amber eyes, like she wasn't all there. Staring blankly at the wall above Shadow's heads, expressionless. Something was terribly wrong.
"W-What did you do to her?!" Shadow snapped.
"Oh, nothing much... just rewired her a bit, found what makes her tick, what pleases her, and used it against her." Archenemy shrugged as though it were the simplest and most insignificant thing ever. Then he gestured to Ava. "Kindly help our guest up and bring her to me," he ordered.
And to Shadow's horror, Ava obeyed without a flicker of hesitation, that frighteningly blank look still in her eyes as she came up and grabbed Shadow under the arms, slinging her effortlessly over a shoulder.
Shadow grunted and tried to push or kick her away, but with her ankles and wrists bound, it was nearly impossible to fight.
"Stop that! Let her go!" Shadow snarled at Archenemy.
"No," Archenemy said simply, "I think not. She belongs to me. Like you do now, only you haven't been... trained yet."
Shadow gaped at him in disbelief as Ava shifted her higher on her shoulder before marching over to Archenemy and waiting patiently for further instruction.
Archenemy smirked, and roughly grabbed Shadow's jaw from where she hung limply, forcing her to meet his steely gaze. "Do you see, now? Ava here is a perfect example of success. She represents what I want from you: complete. Full. Control."
"But... I gave you what you wanted at Villain's party..." Shadow protested weakly.
Archenemy let her jaw go with a cruel laugh. "You did... and I did what was promised in return. I got you out of there alive. I never said anything about giving you your freedom once you were out."
Shadow's gut twisted with panic and dread. She'd played right into his hands... she'd been so desperate to escape Villain's mansion and escape the torture that she'd fallen right into the trap. Put the noose around her own neck.
For a heartbeat she thought about bashing Archenemy in the face with her bound hands, but she knew resistance was pointless. She was hardly a threat in her terrible state of health anyway.
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Masterlist #2
@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump @ay5ksal @otterfrost @sausages-things
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syddsatyrn · 8 months
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Chapter 1⛤Chapter 2 ⛤ Chapter 3 ⛤Chapter 4 ⛤ Chapter 5 Masterlist
⛤Pairing: - Eddie Munson x FemReader
⛤Warnings: Swearing, drinking / smoking, drugs, fluff, friends to lovers, kissing, a little angst if you squint.
⛤Words: 2.7k
⛤Song: "Photograph" By Def Leppard
⛤Summary: Moving away from Hawkins was the biggest mistake of your life. You left your best friends and forgot to stay in touch. Years later, you decide to hit up your good friend Steve. Its time to make a plan and make amends. The one thing you didn't expect was feelings to resurface when you saw your old high school crush.
⛤Notes: This series is 18+ Minors scram. I've got a super extra long chapter for you guys today! @hellfiremunsonn is my faithful beta reader and assists me so much. Thank you guys for making my come-back series a fun one. My next chapter will be the end of this series.
⛤Chapter: 4 "Subtle" Chemistry Star court mall is always at least a little crowded. The lively hum of conversations, laughter, and distant music formed a vibrant backdrop. Storefronts beckoned with their displays of trendy fashion, electronics, and enticing sales. Shoppers meandered through the wide walkways, their bags filled with many treasures. Neon signs buzzing, the occasional sounds of a cash register, and the scent of cinnamon drifting through the air. It was just like you remembered it. You had a blast hanging out with Robin. She picked out a brand new pair of ankle length combat boots. You both decided to get ice cream and take a break from walking around. The food court wasn’t super crowded, it was the perfect place to chat. “Can I tell you something? It’s a secret so dont go telling Steve.” “Ohhhh is it secret time?” I won't tell Stevie boy, I promise.” Robin raises her right hand, “Scouts honor.” “Okay. Uhhh…well…I slept in Eddie’s bed last night. He came home from tour in the middle of the night.” Your face turns redder with every word. “Oh shit. Wow Y/N, I didn't think you had it in yah.” She chuckles and puts another spoonful of strawberry ice cream in her mouth. “We didn't do anything!” You affirm your tone a little on the defensive side. “What!? I’m just saying you guys have been madly in love with each other since sophomore year and neither of you have had the audacity to tell each other for some unspoken reason…until now.” She's not wrong, Robin has always been one to spell it out for you loud and clear. She never holds back, it's something you’ve always appreciated about her. Robin has been telling you to come clean for ages now.
“Look, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don't want to screw up my friendship with Eddie. Also, he's like a big rockstar now, I doubt he has any time for stuff like that.” You explain as you sink into your chair. "He probably has some cool metalhead girlfriend I don't know about.” You take a bite of your vanilla ice cream. It's so fitting for this conversation, vanilla ice cream for a vanilla person.
“God it's been years and I still can’t wrap my head around your stupid self doubt.” Robin says, shaking her head. “Eddie doesn't have a girlfriend. When you left he moped around his trailer for weeks. No one could get him to come out, not even Dustin. One time I went over to his place to check on him and he was sloshed out of his mind. He told me, "The songs he sings don't mean a thing if you’re not there to hear it.”
“He didn't say that.” You scoff.
“Oh but he did, and he keeps a photo of you in his wallet.” Robin says teasingly.
“You know about that too?!” It's becoming apparent that everyone knows this except you.
“Of course I do. It's me, I know everything.” Robin says with a cocky tone.
You and Robin decide to float around the mall a little longer. A small department store was calling your name. The story had low lighting and they were playing some classic rock on the radio. Robin's goal was a pair of shoes, your goal however, was a hot outfit for tonight's party at the hideout. It honestly didn't take you long to find the cutest black skirt with chain embellishments, you picked out some new stockings too. —-------------- After the girls left Eddie felt like he could finally breathe. He finishes his coffee and breakfast, then falls backwards onto his bed. He stares at his ceiling as he finds himself lost in the intricate dance of thoughts that revolve around you. Images of you smiling genuine and heartwarming, flashed like snapshots in his imagination. Casual conversations, stolen glances, and the subtle chemistry that lingered in the air when you were near. The anticipation of his next encounter with you and the sweet nervousness that comes with it. The soft glow of the afternoon sun is casting a warm hue across his room. Steve and Dustin went grocery shopping, the apartment was silent. Eddie pulls himself out of his thoughts and shakes them off. He grabs a pre-rolled joint and lights it, Eddie is nervous and he knows it. All these years and he still can't tell you the truth. His life has changed so drastically for the better ever since he signed that record deal. But there was always something missing, something he was holding out for. Of course many girls are interested in him, but he's not interested in many girls. He promised himself after you left that next time he sees you, he is gonna tell you. If he misses this opportunity, he might lose you entirely. He almost completely gave up on you after a year of no contact. But every time he opened his wallet, he saw a glimpse of your face, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of you or the photo. Eddie puffs on his joint, each inhale making him a little less anxious. He tries to think about something else. It will be nice to hang out at the hideout again. That was where he played his very first gigs when the band was just starting out. They barely had any attendees and the band definitely sounded rough. Then Eddie recalls you being there for every single show. Your smiling face in the crowd, cheering him on after every song.  “Uhgg, get it together, man.” He says under his breath. He finishes his joint and decides to get dressed. —--------------- When you returned with Robin, Steve was putting away the last of the groceries. “We’re back!” Robin announces. Dustin is reading on the couch, when you look down the hall, Eddie’s bedroom door is open. “Welcome back, we will head to the bar when I finish this. I also need to get dressed. Eddie is out, said something about dropping off some equipment with Gareth. He’s gonna meet us there.” Steve says. Honestly, you were a little bummed. You were hoping he’d be around when you got back. But you shrug it off and take your stuff to his room. Robin follows you and shuts the door behind her. You both change into something a bit more stylish. You had a cropped Def Leppard shirt that you paired with the new skirt. This outfit would go well with boots and stockings. Robin didn't change anything really, just her shirt and shoes. You put on a couple of layered chain necklaces, a few rings, and a pair of small silver hoop earrings. “I am astonished really.” Robin says with a smile as she looks you up and down. You tilt your head in response and she laughs. “Eddie is gonna have a full on heart attack when he sees you.” Your face feels a little hot and you laugh nervously. “Do you think so?” “Oh yeah. No doubt.” She smirks. “Someones lookin’ to get lucky.” “Shut up!” You place your hand over her mouth. She does the unthinkable licks the palm of your hand. You give her this horrified face followed by both of you hysterically laughing like a couple of hyenas.  ---------------
The sun was setting and the sky grew darker with every passing minute. There is a chill in the air, which makes you shiver when you open the door. Steve drove to the hideout, it wasn’t far, maybe ten minutes away. When Steve pulled into the parking lot, you looked out the window and saw Eddie’s van. He’s already here, and you start to feel a bit anxious. The Hideout had not changed a bit. The neon signs in the window buzzed as you walked inside. Posters, fliers, and rustic decor filled the walls. You hear the low hum of chatter and the clinking of glasses, the place has a warm glow to it. You used to watch Eddie play here all the time. It felt like your heart was swelling, it's that bittersweet feeling again. You turn the corner and see Eddie and Gareth sitting in a booth. Eddie waves and one by one you all walk over and pile into the same booth. You sit across from Eddie, you can see his face getting a little red. “You uh…look really good, Y/N.” Eddie says with a half smile. He reaches over and adjusts one of your chain necklaces. Robin sees this and covers her mouth, trying not to laugh at how embarrassed you are. But you had to pull all that on hold for now. Nancy and Johnathan walk up and greet the group. You practically climb over Robin and wrap Nancy in a tight hug. “Oh! Y/N? You’re here?! When did you get into town?!” She hugs you back just as hard. “The other day! It's so good to see you, Nance.” Nancy smiles and fights back tears, she didn't expect any kind of reunion. The thing is, You both grew up together. Your mom was friends with Mrs. Wheeler. You spent a lot of your childhood with Nancy and her brother Mike. When you left, Nancy thought she lost you to the city for good.  “Don’t cry! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long.” “They are happy tears, it’s fine. I’m just so happy to see you.” Everyone in the group is touched to see two best friends reunite. Robin looks like she might start crying too. You give Jonathan a hug as well, It's nice to see him doing well. He wasn't always full of smiles and you’ve wondered how he's been over the years. You remember Jonathan used to take photos of the gang, half of the polaroids you have were probably taken by him. A bartender comes by and takes our order. Eddie ordered whiskey and so did you. Vodka soda for Nancy and Robin, Steve and Jonathan order beers. The clinking of glasses, the occasional burst of laughter, and the subtle hum of the other patrons deep in conversation created a soundtrack to this shared experience. You updated your friends on your new life, and once again apologized for being an awful friend. Everyone was so happy to see you that it didn't matter anymore.  “You better not leave and go back to ignoring us.” Robin says. --------------------
The sun was setting and the sky grew darker with every passing minute. There is a chill in the air, which makes you shiver when you open the door. Steve drove to the hideout, it wasn’t far, maybe ten minutes away. When Steve pulled into the parking lot, you looked out the window and saw Eddie’s van. He’s already here, and you start to feel a bit anxious. The Hideout had not changed a bit. The neon signs in the window buzzed as you walked inside. Posters, fliers, and rustic decor filled the walls. You hear the low hum of chatter and the clinking of glasses, the place has a warm glow to it. You used to watch Eddie play here all the time. It felt like your heart was swelling, it's that bittersweet feeling again. You turn the corner and see Eddie and Gareth sitting in a booth. Eddie waves and one by one you all walk over and pile into the same booth. You sit across from Eddie, you can see his face getting a little red. “You uh…look really good, Y/N.” Eddie says with a half smile. He reaches over and adjusts one of your chain necklaces. Robin sees this and covers her mouth, trying not to laugh at how embarrassed you are. But you had to pull all that on hold for now. Nancy and Johnathan walk up and greet the group. You practically climb over Robin and wrap Nancy in a tight hug. “Oh! Y/N? You’re here?! When did you get into town?!” She asks and hugs you back just as hard. “The other day! It's so good to see you, Nance.” Nancy smiles and fights back tears, she didn't expect any kind of reunion. The thing is, You both grew up together. Your mom was friends with Mrs. Wheeler. You spent a lot of your childhood with Nancy and her brother Mike. When you left, Nancy thought she lost you to the city for good.  “Don’t cry! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long.” “They are happy tears, it’s fine. I’m just so happy to see you.” Nancy says between sobs. Everyone in the group is touched to see two best friends reunite. Robin looks like she might start crying too. You give Jonathan a hug as well, It's nice to see him doing well. He wasn't always full of smiles and you’ve wondered how he's been over the years. You remember Jonathan used to take photos of the gang, half of the polaroids you have were probably taken by him. A bartender comes by and takes our order. Eddie ordered whiskey and so did you. Vodka soda for Nancy and Robin, Steve and Jonathan order beers. The clinking of glasses, the occasional burst of laughter, and the subtle hum of the other patrons deep in conversation created a soundtrack to this shared experience. You updated your friends on your new life, and once again apologized for being an awful friend. Everyone was so happy to see you that it didn't matter anymore.  “You better not leave and go back to ignoring us.” Robin says.
“I wouldn’t even dream of it.” You reply.Hours slipped away unnoticed as the night unfolded, a mosaic of laughter, camaraderie, and the shared appreciation of the moment. Eddie could help but sneak glances at you, it was hard not to. He’s been trying to keep his cool all night, he had several shots of whiskey to build up some liquid courage. The world outside the café window dimmed as everyone delved into stories and life updates.
Eddie hands you his pack of cigarettes, silently asking if you’d like to go outside with him. You take one and place it between your lips. You and Eddie excuse yourselves from the group and head outside, the cold air sent a shiver up your spine.
“Brr! I forgot how cold it is when the sun goes down. I should have brought a coat.” You offhandedly say as Eddie lights your cigarette for you. Eddie removes his leather jacket, leaving him with a thick black hoodie. He drapes it around your shoulders and you are immediately much more comfortable. Your face gets a little red, he’s always been such a gentleman. You both lean up against Eddie's van. His thoughts are a symphony of emotions, dancing between hope and uncertainty. The evening was filled with a serene ambiance, and even in the quiet moments, you still felt comfort in his presence. “Y/N…” Eddie finally pipes up. “Yeah?” “I think we should talk. Y’know…about where we stand with each other.” Eddie admits. Your eyes widen, this is finally happening. The anxiety sets in and you try to swallow your nerves. Eddie stands in front of you, looking at his feet. “Do you remember, right before you left, that time we got high in my van next to lovers lake?” “Yeah. I do.” You answer quietly. “Do you remember me telling you that no one could ever replace you in my life?” He asks and you nod. You remember it like it was yesterday. It was a sunny day, the light glistening along the top of the water. You and Eddie passed a joint back and forth. You gave him a small wallet sized photo from picture day. “I still have that photo, I keep it in my wallet. You told me to keep it as a reminder, so I don't forget you. The thing is, meeting you was like finding my favorite song in a world full of noise, and I can't stop hitting replay no matter how many times I hear it.” Eddie takes a deep breath. It's like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. You were stunned, absolutely speechless. In that moment, the unspoken became words, there was no going back now. Eddie moves a few inches closer, pinning you between himself and van. Under the glow from a nearby streetlamp, the air was charged with tension. You met his gaze with a gentle smile. Without another word, Eddie cupped your face in his hands. Time seemed to slow down as Eddie leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You kiss him back, It spoke volumes with no words at all. Eddie presses his body against yours and you wrap your arms around his neck to bring him closer. You can't stop shaking, your nerves combined with the cold air made it impossible to be completely still. Eddie finally breaks away from you and opens the back doors to his van. “Hop in, you’re freezing to death.” Eddie says, you take his hand as he helps you into the van then he climbs in after you and shuts the door. You take a seat on an upside down milk crate while Eddie starts the car and cranks the heat. You still can't believe what just happened, you’ve only ever dreamed of this moment. Eddie grabs his acoustic guitar and sits on top of a large amp. He took a deep breath, fingers gently caressing the strings of the guitar, and he started to strum. “I feel so stupid for leaving you alone out here.” You say while looking down at your hands. “If anyone deserves an apology it’s you. I just assumed you moved on and didn’t need any reminders.” “Don’t worry your pretty little head, I forgive you.” He chuckles. “Besides, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?” You recognize the tune he's playing, you’ve heard it before. “What song is this?” You ask, it's so familiar. “Photograph by Def Leppard.” He answers with a half smile and you smile back at him, your eyes widen as you recall the lyrics. He played this song for you before, but you ant remember how long ago. 
“Y’know, I still haven't figured out how to sit across from you and not be madly in love with everything you do.” You reply, hearing him play was actually really calming, you’ve missed this side of him. The guitar became an extension of his feelings, his voice carrying a sweetness to it, like warm honey. ♫“I see your face every time I dream
On every page, every magazine
So wild and free,
So far from me
You're all I want, my fantasy
Oh, look what you've done to this rock 'n' roll clown
Oh-oh, look what you've done
I don't want your photograph
I don't need your photograph
All I've got is a photograph
But it's not enough”♫ As the last chord resonated. Eddie sets the guitar against the wall of the van. You spring into his arms, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. You bury your face in his shoulder, you didn't expect to get so emotional. You’re so happy but you still feel so guilty, you question why anyone would leave this feeling behind.
Eddie pulls you into his lap. “Are you crying?! Oh shit, no don’t cry…”Eddie squeezes you a little tighter. “Shhh…it's okay, sweetheart.”
You took a deep breath, “I love you, Eddie.” The words spilled out.  “I love you too. I’ve always loved you.” Eddie says, when you look back at him he smiles and brushes a few strands of hair away from your face. “Do you want to go back to mine?” He asks, it's like he read your mind. You nod in response and Eddie chuckles. “Let's get out of here.”
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argetcross · 11 months
(BG3 Act III Astarion Spoilers)
Have an Astarion Stays a Spawn but Leaves your Party AU:
After Astarion breaks the staff and screams "I hope you die screaming" and refuses to set any of the spawn free, he leaves and realizes... he has nowhere to go.
Sure, Cazador's dead, but he's still just a vampire spawn and now he doesn't even any friends or allies in the city. Half his shit is still at camp (he liked those clothes, damn it), he's alone and miserable and... there is something terribly hollow inside him.
He thinks at first because he's not really free. That power would have made him free, he could have been a vampire lord, and instead he remains this wretch... a wretch who ruined the lives of thousands of people, for 200 years and then in one last masterstroke, trapping them in Cazador's dungeon.
Fuck. Maybe they were right. Maybe he really is no better than Cazador.
No, he isn't going to entertain such a thought. It reminds him too much of... of what they might have said. And he can't get away, everywhere he turns in the city, this sun-dappled city, he remembers them. Even the bloody Gazette that he had giggled over editing with them is broadcasting their name nonstop. He has to get out of here, the Absolute be damned.
And yet, the minute he tries to flee Baldur's Gate, the minute he steps too far away from the artifact, he can feel the elder brain starting to bite at his awareness. That sends him into another wave of terror - was he shackled all along in this other way? These people who he thought he could trust, that lover who he had let his guard down around, were they also just another way to bind him?
He needs to kill them. He needs to take the artifact, Emperor be damned or whatever. So long as he's got this tadpole in his brain, he won't really be free. He's just going to become a slave again, just this time to the Absolute. He has to kill his former friends.
So why does that fill him with dread?
Astarion isn't good at planning. He's not good at the details. He just zeroes in on this new goal. He stalks his former friends - it's not hard, they're tearing up half the city and leaving trails of bodies behind them. They're subdued though. Half the time, he can't stand the sight of them, the other half, well... He's picking up on things, things he's angry about knowing- the limp Shadowheart has from their fight at Moonrise, the way Karlach's grown quiet, the strain in their voice.
Sometimes, he thinks they catch sight of him. He can feel their tadpoles, but they aren't pushing to find him, for all the blasted awareness it gives them. But they don't attack, even after he leaves several drained cultists bodies on the roof of the Elfsong or he steals back his things from the camp - no one even tries to stop him. The only thing he can't take is the Artifact. The godsdamn thing burns when he even touches it and that's when Lae'zel catches him, with a knowing look of someone who had tried something similar before.
Her threats are milquetoast. She says he should come back, that the seduction of individual power should have worn off by now, that it is the collective that can stand strong. He tries to bite her and gets thrown out the window for the trouble.
Bad End:
Gortash, Orin, whoever, catches up to him. He's not fast enough, not strong enough, and the Emperor's protection has long since worn thin.
When his former allies (friends, they were his friends, his mind tries to rebel, but the Elder Brain is too strong and he's just a godsdamned spawn) show up on the battlefield, it's almost a relief that they're the ones to stake him in the end. At least he can see them crying one last time.
Neutral End:
He comes back for the final fight. It's his fate, but he speaks to no one, cold and withdrawn. There's tension and hurt feelings, but he fights with the same familiarity and fluidity of months of near death experiences together. If he ever trusted you, it's nearly gone now.
After everything, he disappears into the darkness. You never see him again after that Sometimes you think you catch a sight of some pale hair in the corner of a dark alley. Sometimes missing posters come up of drained bodies, but they're small murderers, and criminals, and you wonder if you managed to do something for him in all that time together....
Or perhaps not and you're just hoping he doesn't paint a target on his back so large that your paths will be forced to cross.
Good End:
Even after the final battle, he comes back. He wants to talk. Well, he wants to rake you over the coals. When he finds out you're trying to save the spawn in the dungeon, to override Cazador's ancient magic, he jeers at you, at your savior complex, at how fruitless and worthless an endeavor it is.
You say, perhaps you're right. Perhaps they'll spit back in your face. Perhaps it'll all backfire on you. But it doesn't matter. You have to do it.
"Why?" he sniffs, dismissive.
"Because I couldn't do anything for you in the end. I'm sorry."
The years pass. Sometimes your paths cross, out in the city. Gale works out the enchantments and the spawn are freed out to the Underdark - rumor is that some pale-haired elf was corralling them at the beginning. You hope he got to see Sebastian once more.
Things stay prickly, but you start to see more of him. Sometimes the Hero of Baldur's Gate needs to be bailed out, just a little. Sometimes he shows up half-dead and he barely will stay put long enough to heal before disappearing again.
Once, you go out and get drunk together for old times sake. He looks a little worse for wear- not enough cultists to eat, these days. He admits he doesn't know what he's doing these days. That, strangely enough, he's come to the realization he really is free, as free as vampire spawn can be these days, in this city you protected together, but he never though of what comes after that.
You offer that tired old olive branch and he bats it aside with familiar callousness.
And yet, the next morning, you wake up lightheaded from bloodloss, a familiar soreness on your neck, still breathing.
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Ikemen Villains - Part 1
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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My dad used to read Snow White to me as a bedtime story when I was a kid, so I asked him this:
Kate: "Why does the Queen want to kill Snow White?"
Dad: "Hm? I think it's about pride, vanity, and wanting to be number one."
I remember that his answer didn't add up.
I had a feeling that the root of her desire was something darker and heavier, something that made her want to take her life no matter the cost.
But I still have no idea what it was all about.
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Alfons: "I apologize for interrupting your lover's time."
Alfons: "Please don't mind me. Go ahead and flirt to your heart's content."
Kate: "I've said it many times, but we're just "pretending" to be lovers!"
That night I learned a secret I shouldn't have known, and Victor, the queen's aide, offered me to become a fairy tale writer for one month.
Victor: "The fairy tale writer's job is to document them. That means you need to understand them better."
Victor: "So, Kate. Here is my first task for you."
Victor: "Choose one of the crown members and spend a day as their lover. Yay!"
---------Flashback Ends---------
It was Alfons who reached out to me when I was having trouble deciding who to choose.
(He asked me to pick Elbert.)
I glanced at Elbert, sitting next to me.
Elbert, a man of few words and the most passive member of the crown, seemed far removed from any malice or sin.
I agreed to Alfons' proposal, thinking I'd be safe with Elbert.
Alfons: "Pretending or not, you guys are still lovers. El, make sure you escort her, okay?"
Elbert: "Yeah, I know."
(Alfons said he was like a servant to Elbert.)
(But from an outsider's perspective, they look like close friends.)
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Elbert: "Rest assured, I won't make you feel uncomfortable."
Kate: "I really hope you don't mind. I apologize for intruding on your schedule."
The two were scheduled to attend a party hosted by a certain noble family today and are now on their way to the mansion.
Alfons: "Well, it's not a mission, so let's take it easy."
Alfons: "The only thing I'm worried about is that El's greed might get out of control again."
Kate: "Out of control?"
Alfons: "El has a nasty habit of wanting anything others deem beautiful."
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Alfons: "Since we're going to a party where glamorous aristocrats dressed up in their finery and pride, you'll have to take the reins today, Kate."
(I have a bad feeling about this, but...)
Kate: "I'll do my best to understand Elbert better."
Alfons: "Oh dear, how brave."
Elbert: "............"
Elbert has been looking out the window wistfully the whole time.
(The word “fairest” really fits him.)
(But why does he look so sad?)
His usual melancholy eyes seemed to be even cloudier today.
(Elbert is a man of few words and doesn't seem to express much emotion.)
(I should keep an eye on him to understand what his feelings and thoughts are.)
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Host Nobleman: "Hey, hey. I didn't expect you to bring a woman, Count Greetia!"
Elbert: "..........."
Alfons: "Thank you for the invitation, Graham."
Graham, the host aristocrat, greeted us, looking gobsmacked.
(Judging from Elbert and Alfons' attitude, they aren't close.)
(Maybe they're just acquaintances.)
Graham: "I bet today's party will be a blast."
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Elbert: "I'm not gonna do anything. I'll behave."
Graham: "You don't understand. You sure will stand out by just standing there. You, what's your name?"
Kate: "Nice to meet you. My name is Kate."
Graham: "Hold on, I've seen you in the theater before. You know, last month's Love Potion."
Kate: "Huh? Yes, I saw that play last month."
Graham: "I knew it! You like to go to the theater? Then we have a lot to talk about."
(Whoa there, Mister.)
Graham suddenly leaned closer.
Elbert: "Could you please not get too close to her?"
For some reason, Elbert stepped in front of me protectively.
Graham: "Oh, come on. It's not like she's your lover."
Elbert: "She is."
Elbert: "She's my lover, so please leave her alone."
Kate: "!?"
Interrupting to protect me from Graham, Elbert abruptly declared.
(You don't have to go that far in pretending to be my lover.)
Stunned, I stared at Elbert's profile as he protected me.
Elbert: "..........."
His expression was so serious, even hostile, that my heart skipped a beat.
Alfons: "Well, well."
Graham: "I'm surprised. I didn't expect you to look so uncomfortable."
Elbert's hand gently held my shoulder to shield me from his curious gaze.
(He's so close.)
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Elbert: "Let's go, Kate."
Kate: "O-Okay."
I curtsied to Graham and stepped toward the entrance as he urged me to.
(Maybe he did that because Alfons told him to escort me properly.)
We made our way down the hallway, still a little nervous about being hugged on the shoulder.
When we arrived, Alfons suddenly stopped.
Alfons: "As much as I'd love to see this interesting development, I have to go and see a friend."
Alfons: "We'll split up from here. El, take this with you, just in case.
Elbert: "Yeah."
Alfons handed Elbert something and quickly walked away.
(I wonder what it is. It looks like a key.)
Elbert: "I'm sorry if what I said was offensive."
Kate: "-----!"
A sad murmur brought my attention back to my partner, and Elbert's hand, which had been holding my shoulder, gently pulled away.
Kate: "It's fine. I was a little surprised, but why did you do that?"
Elbert: "Because you're my lover."
(I feel like there's another reason for it.)
(But I should probably pretend to agree with that reason.)
Kate: "You take the word "lover" very seriously."
Elbert: "..........."
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Elbert: "..........."
(Oh, he smiled.)
The faint smile made my heart flutter for a moment.
Elbert: "That's right. So tonight, please don't eat or drink anything except what I hand you."
Kate: "Huh?"
Elbert: "And don't walk away from me. Make sure you're by my side."
Elbert: "You're allowed to go somewhere, but don't go anywhere other than where I tell you."
(Wait, what?)
I couldn't hide my confusion as he threw one restriction after another.
Elbert: "Can my lover please do as I say?"
Kate: “Um… Okay.”
Pressured, I nodded involuntarily.
(He's acting like there's danger, but Alfons said it's not a mission.)
Kate: "Um, what am I supposed to do?"
Elbert: "Our goal is just to attend, so nothing special."
Elbert: "Don't worry about the others. Just be there for me as my lover."
People gazed at us as we proceeded through the doorway and into the hall.
(Elbert's beauty stands out even more when he's surrounded by posh people.)
It was clear from the gathered gazes and whispers that I wasn’t the only one who thought so.
Gorgeous Lady: "His dazzling golden hair and blue eyes! He looks like he came out of a painting."
Jewel-clad lady: "Oh, he's looking at me!"
Gentleman with a cigar: "Even the gorgeous decorations fade away when he's in the room."
(He's really popular.)
I watched Elbert as people approached to greet him.
(Everyone is praising him.)
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Elbert: "............."
The more they praised him, the sadder his expression became.
Noble lady: “Lord Elbert, you look beautiful today.”
Elbert: “Yeah.”
For some reason, some of the people who approached him wanted to touch his body.
They would touch his shoulder, arm, and chest for a split second as if to mark him, making him so vulnerable.
(Why doesn’t he reject it, brush it off, or step away?)
Every time they touched him, his expression darkened.
(He looks hurt, but why don’t the people who touch him notice?)
Elbert: “...........”
(I’m pretending to be his lover, so I guess I’m allowed to do this.)
Kate: “Elbert. I could use some air.”
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Elbert: “What?”
Kate: “Will you accompany me?”
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Part 1╏Part 2╏Premium End╏Epilogue
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soryualeksi · 11 months
Been pondering and pondering my deceased colleague. Realized that while I wouldn't say we were "friends" like, on a personal, private level - but people tell me I am thinking too much about exact definitions of that and what points exactly have to be fulfilled for that, while I think my autistic ass thinks about exact definitions exactly the correct amount lol - I now realized we were in the PROCESS of becoming friends, maybe? We got along and were on the same wavelength a lot and I just LOVED to have him in conversations. We just. Vibed.
And now we will never BECOME friends on a personal, not-work level.
When I think about all the "could have beens". When I think about the last decade of my life and everything I did and experienced during it and that he will NEVER get that entire decade or any other.
When I remember that on New Year this year, a former colleague of "us" from before my time at this work place had unexpectedly died. And how I was offering my condolences, even though I didn't know that person. And the exact colleague who is now dead looked at me and said "I wished him a Happy New Year and then he just died, make a guess how I'm feeling now" with this sad, desperate smile. And in his dry humour.
And we won't see any other New Year together, either.
He was so young. No way he expected to NOT get any new New Year.
I can't wrap my head around it.
I think all of us are in shock and reeling because we saw this bright flame of a future EXTINGUISHED before our eyes. An entire life time, and entire future.
Nothing makes sense when such a young person suddenly dies. I think everyone, along with the general sense of loss and grief, is like "He was 10/20/30/40 years younger than me, this is just WRONG".
Even if that's irrational and young people die all the time.
It feels so WRONG to be surviving someone so much younger than you.
Dude, you should have thrown my retirement party. It would have been a blast. I wanted all of us to celebrate your achievements, your wins, like we always do.
I wanted you to become the most infamous emergency physician in the entire area.
How can all of that just be snuffed out between ONE WEEK AGO you going home "not feeling well" after soldiering through your shift with teeth grit.
How can you just. Never come back to us.
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kalcifers-blog · 7 months
AND I AM BACK AGAIN, YOU ASKED FOR MORE ASKS IN YOUR INBOX, SO I SHALL DELIVER! ... The worst asks, but y'know it's not much but it's honest work THAT SAID, I'VE BEEN PRETTY MUCH DEAD FOR A LONG TIME, BUT NOW I'M BACK AND SOMEWHAT READY TO BE AN ANNOYANCE TO YOUR DAY! /hj Okay okay skimming past all that, I was thinking about ego aus and stuff like that because I am working on a few, so I thought I'd ask you I know you do have aus, but did you ever scrap some ego (or even TMA) au ideas and if so, what were they before they were trashed? If you didn't have any scrapped aus or just wanna include this, what were some ego au (or headcanon) ideas that you never made/got to make? Or if you just want to, you can say smthing about your current aus too! I'm aLL EARS ABT WHAT YOU GOT TO SAY AND MEANWHILE I'LL BE MUNCHING ON YOUR ART WITH HOW ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS AND GORGEOUS IT IS I KNOW THIS IS COMPLETELY UNRELATED BUT I JUST HAD TO MENTION IT HJHHGJHjSK ^^ BUT ANYWAY, WITH THAT, I AM BLASTING OFF AGAIN! 🏃💥 - 🪐 (fun fact: I had to scroll so far back that it made my finger hurt because I forgot what sign off I used, I blame this on my dumbahhsery 😭)
I have had a few AUs before I've had to scrap only because I've not had the time to do them because of Uni. The one that pops in my mind is that I had plans/ideas to make a Fantasy AU for the Egos mostly because I really wanted an excuse to draw Chase as a Teifling and I kinda just threw the rest of the Egos in there but never actually thought about them
Also theres the obligatory TMA x JSE Ego Crossover AU which I personally don't consider scraped? It's more dormant personally, I'll probably continue working on it loosely over time whenever I remember it's a thing I've made. With that one tho it was almost always a way for me to explore horror with the Egos that was heavily inspired by TMA. But also I do like the idea of in the future making a more direct crossover fic or something.
I've currently been shouting ideas for a potential Vampire AU with a mutual (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE /AFF) which I may or may not talk more about in the future, it depends how insane I'll get due to my current workload in uni, and also if it's something that people are actually interested in!!!!!
For now tho I'm probably just going to focus on drawing for Septicart Party and doing uni work so unfortunately I won't be working on AUs for a bit </333
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Hi Sarah! THIS IS LONG I’M SO SORRY! I hope I can vent a little here—I feel like explaining this to anyone irl would take a ton of contextualizing (and honestly I feel…very silly for being upset about it?) I recently joined a Swiftie group (which I won't name, not trying to put anyone on blast) that I was super excited about, since I knew I’d have a lot of overlapping interests with the people there (cont.)
I was looking through some of the posts and found one where a lot of people where pretty upset about the recent lavender haze situation (I won’t go into detail since I know you’re avoiding spoilers, but I remember you indicated previously that you generally know what’s going on). To be clear, I am absolutely not opposed to being critical of Taylor. But it felt really weird seeing people voice criticisms I share right next to criticisms I am fundamentally not on board with. (cont.) It felt like some of my more negative opinions regarding Taylor were reinforced, but then taken WAY further than I’d take them. (e.g. do I sometimes have the thought of “babes, you have multiple mansions and a private jet and you do NOT need any more of our money?” Sure. I could say the same for literally any celebrity at her level. But do I think she’s being intentionally manipulative to her queer fans in a way that’s vaguely sinister? As a queer fan myself, no.) (cont.) I also find conspiracy-level speculation into her personal life very uncomfortable (e.g. you’ve immediately lost me the second you suggest that her current relationship is fake). I didn’t even post on this thread, I just read through it and suddenly felt and extreme sense of burnout and it…kind of ruined my day? And then I was like OH MY GOD am I in way too deep with this fandom that something like that COULD ruin my day? (cont. again I'M SO SORRY) (Last one I promise!!) I’m just upset because I have been so excited for Midnights and was having so much fun with the TSS relistening party, and today I haven’t even been able to listen to Red :( And also very disappointed because I had been looking forward to engaging with this group I joined, and I now have it muted. Anyways, being a fan of anything is supposed to be FUN and not draining, and I hope I can get back in that headspace by the time Midnights comes out! Hi Sarah! I just sent in rather a long vent—and wanted to close by thanking you for making the! Best! Corner! Of this fandom! This page has never once left me feeling drained, and that is all thanks to your efforts in setting boundaries and prioritizing critical kindness. If I’m gonna engage with any group during release week, it’s this one 💚
Here's the thing. I think we all know the age old lesson of "You can't control how other people feel about things, you can only control how you handle your feelings in reaction to other people" etc etc. But as with many many things in life - it's more nuanced and complicated than that, isn't it?
I think the point here is not that your day felt ruined by something and then you felt embarrassed(?) for feeling like something as silly (#lovingly) as the TS fandom could have that much power over your life so as to ruin your day. BUT WHAT WE SHOULD FOCUS ON is not the day ruining.
What we should focus on is you had the presence and awareness of self to actively make choices that would make your day and your life and your overall mental place better. You muted and stepped back from a mood that was killing your vibe. You got the weight out of your body and your mind by ranting to a friend. You're refocusing your energy to think about things that make you feel light and happy and do bring you joy. THAT IS WHAT YOU FOCUS ON!! Not that for one moment you felt drained or sad. But that you made the active choice and had the wherewithal enough to say, "I feel this way. But I know that I don't deserve to feel this way. I am choosing better things for myself."
And that is beautiful, friend. And you should feel really proud of you. 💚
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genesysofthestars · 8 months
Day 21 & 22
TW: gun/gun mention; child abuse
"This is your fault!"
Erina followed their noise, masking her footsteps with silence. A slap resonated in the quiet corridor, followed by a child's cries.
"Mother! I'm sorry-!"
"You aren't supposed to come back! You're supposed to be gone forever! My plans would have been perfect if it wasn't for you... if it wasn't for you, you worthless brat!"
The second Erina heard a knowing sound of a click, she immediately barged into the room and was welcome with such a sight. There, she saw Christian, the child that she had just met by the fountain, frozen in his place. He looked at his mother with such fear in his eyes and how wouldn't he? When his own mother was pointing a gun to him.
Her entrance immediately alerted the mother so she turned around, pointing the gun at the intruder to stop them. However, what she didn't expect was for Erina to rush towards her and grabbed the weapon in her hands.
Christian didn't hesitate. As fast as he could, he ran out of the room. Erina continued to wrestle the weapon away from his mother but Aliya, she remembered her name, was quite persistent. She had a tight hold around the gun and she was not letting go anytime soon.
"Who are you?! Let go!"
Erina didn't bother listening to the crazy woman's screaming. With all her strength, she pushed their hands and the gun up to the ceiling. "After what I just witnessed? No."
"I said let go, you meddling bitch! Or I will shoot you!"
"Go ahead then." Erina said, eyes glinting with manic. "Shoot."
"I dare you. Pull the damn trigger."
But the woman didn't.
Erina smirked. "You don't want to..."
"Because everyone will then know..."
"They will know that the most aspiring woman in this city..."
"Is nothing but a dirty..."
Her voice was soft, almost whispering as she talked. But her words... It was loud enough for Aliya, it seemed.
"Shut up! Shut up!" she screamed again as she continued to pull back the gun desperately. "You're just a worthless rat! Just like her! Like everyone else!"
Erina only looked at her in the eye and answered back with an even voice, "Well then... if you won't shoot..."
A golden essence emblem suddenly appeared by the gun's tip. A gunshot was loud, Erina knew that too well. It was a sound quite hard to suppress. And without any silencer to muffle it, it will undoubtedly resonate throughout the whole party. And a little blessing of sound manipulation...
The very reason why no one lets her have a gun.
"I will."
She pulled the trigger.
And instead of a bang piercing throughout the ceiling, it had become akin of a cannon blasting through the sky. It had created a soundwave that broke the glass windows around them and with its pressure, Aliya couldn't help but fall and crumpled on the floor like a broken doll.
Seconds passed, and the bliss silence returned back to them.
Pointing the gun to Aliya, Erina watched as the other woman looked at her such fear upon hearing the knowing sound of a click. It was the same fear her own child had in his eyes just moments ago. But... Erina could only stare back at her with cold golden eyes.
"So... mind explaining yourself before our beloved audience arrives?"
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🎃 (1)
Dear Reader,
It's the 2nd of November, and I'm still recovering from the Halloween party with my high school friends. Mind you, compared to last year when we just wore casual party outfits with masks, we were more prepared this time and felt like we belonged.
Where do I begin? Hahaha!
Hmm... I guess boys will always be boys. They only decided on what to wear 3 or 4 days before Halloween night. D and Q slightly panicked, so I suggested they check out the FB Marketplace. Then there's P, D's brother, who just turned 18 and joined us for the party. It was his first time in a bar, and he was so prepared! Hahaha! I think he had already gotten his costume a month prior to the event, which was both funny and exciting.
Anyway, here were our roles that evening:
D: Little Green Man
Q: Charmander
P: Minion
S: Luffy
W: Luigi (female version)
R: Daphne
N: Barbie
Z: Yumeko
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Dinner Before Drinks
Of course, we made sure not to drink on an empty stomach. They say that drinking without eating first can make you more prone to vomiting and getting drunk faster. Here's us before we entered the bar.
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Dance As If It's Your Last
I won't be posting a video, dear Reader. If you follow me on IG, you know where to look. Dancing with them is always a blast. I never cared about the tables around us. Lol! I suspect the boys were more interested in getting attention from other girls. P received a lap dance from some drunk women, and we all cheered since it was his bar debut. He turned so red! I got a lap dance too, but I just smiled at the girl and checked if she was okay. The boys joked, "Ang daya. Bakit kami wala?" Hahaha! They're so funny.
We danced until our feet and knees hurt (being tita and tito). Lol! R and W dozed off on the couch around 1:30AM and then again at 3AM. Q captured the moments. They looked so comical. But I must say, our table was always buzzing with energy. We'd dance every now and then, and even other tables joined in, singing and dancing alongside us.
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Someone Got Drunk
We had whiskey, tequila, beers, and some cocktails that night. I was impressed with myself for managing five shots of tequila, which is rare for me. I usually stop at three because any more makes me feel lightheaded, sleepy, and dizzy. I didn't want the ground to shake. Iykyk! I drank a lot of water to keep myself sane, or at least, that's what someone once told me. Who knows if it's true.🤣
Then there was W, who sat beside me. She mentioned seeing people hugging and then gave me a hug before falling asleep. LMAO!
Lastly, I believe the highlight of the night was when P got drunk. D started giving him commands, like fist-bumping everyone. P was so compliant, almost like a puppy. I held onto both D and P's phones, as well as their IDs, while they partied hard. We were taken aback when P started chugging the whiskey. In my head, I was like, "Easy, boy! That's strong whiskey!" He seemed fine, but I got concerned and urged him to drink water to avoid dehydration. After a while, as he sat, he appeared to be convulsing. I quickly told D to help his brother to the bathroom. Sure enough, P was about to vomit. We were fortunate he didn't pass out like N did last year. P is a big guy, and carrying him would have been challenging. Even with three boys to help, it would have been tough, especially with three of us girls in heels and another being petite.
By 5AM, I had been awake for more than 24 hours so I slept as we waited for our breakfast to be served. Yeah, we had breakfast before going home. It was the only time I could rest. I remember applauding N for being a strong drinker this year. Hahaha! The food took 30 minutes to arrive, allowing me to sneak in a 30-minute nap. It seemed just right. LMAO!
There are so many stories to tell, but this is all I can manage for now. Part 2 will be shared with you, dear Reader, some other time. I'm not sure when, but you'll definitely know. 😆
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talesofesther · 3 years
In a heartbeat
Yelena Belova x Reader
Summary: Yelena saves you from a party, and you might have drunk just enough to be braver with her.
A/N: As promised, here's a little something with Yelena, hope you guys like it. Requests for her are open <;3.
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"How did you even end up there?" You could barely hear Kate's voice through your phone.
The blasting music from inside the house was still painfully loud even though you were on the outside porch. The colorful lights that illuminated your body as you moved slowly from one side to the other were making you slightly dizzy.
You peeked inside through the window, an obnoxiously amount of people were cramped inside the dark house and you could see more of them diving into the pool in the back. You groaned, rubbing your tired eyes with your free hand. You felt nausea building up on your stomach.
"I don't know." You whined, leaning your back on the wall.
"Y/N, you hate these parties. Why did you go?" Kate's accusing yet sympathetic voice made you bite your lip, embarrassment filled your chest.
"Amanda invited me, said I was starting to look like a loner on campus." You took on a quiet tone, feeling your eyes becoming unfocused. You weren't sure if it was because of the many drinks you shouldn't have had, or something else. "She's not wrong."
"You're not a loner, love. You have me." Kate chuckled.
A smile reached your lips. Kate has been your best friend for a few years, you loved her. But you didn't have many classes together.
"Do you have a ride home?" Her voice took a more serious tone. You knew she heard the slur in your speech.
You glanced inside and saw your ride home making out with a random guy on the couch. "Um she's- she's kinda busy."
"I'm out of town, but I'll ask if Yelena can pick you up okay?"
Your posture went instantly rigid at the mention of the other girl's name. You even felt a spur of soberness hit you. Yelena was Kate's friend, you weren't so sure what you could call her though. She was funny, gorgeous, badass and of course, you just happened to have a tiny crush on her.
But every time you felt somewhat connected to her, one of you would back away.
Going from one foot to the other you felt abruptly shy, even if Kate couldn't see you. "No no, I can walk home. It's not far." You hoped you didn't sound as desperate as you felt.
"Definitely not, I can hear you're drunk, I won't let you get back alone." Kate argued back, you could hear her walking around. "Yelena won't mind, plus she'll scare away any unwanted attention."
You rolled your eyes as you practically heard the smirk in Kate's voice.
"Kate.." You protested but you knew it was to no avail.
"Stay there, I'm gonna be pissed if you leave. Wait for her. Love you, bye." Kate rushed her goodbyes, sounding weirdly hyped.
Before you could answer her, the call was ended. You put your phone back in your pocket and covered your face with your hands. Maybe if the ground were to swallow you whole it would be more merciful.
It's not like you didn't want to see Yelena, you just knew that you would mess everything up like you always did with her.
Twenty or so minutes passed since your call with Kate. You were perched on a makeshift bar, with a half-full glass of something you didn't care enough to remember, and with clammy, unwelcomed hands gripping at your sides.
"It's just one dance." His voice was gruff and he smelled of alcohol.
You turned your face to the other side and curled in on yourself, moving your body away to the best of your abilities without being rude. "I'm not really in the mood."
His grip got stronger, hand sliding down to your lower waist. His mouth came closer to your ear and you felt an uncomfortable shiver running up your spine.
"Don't be such a downer."
When his breath tickled your cheek you placed your palm flat on his chest to stop him from coming closer.
The loud music was making your head hurt and you suddenly became aware of how cramped the house was. Your breathing quickened. Your eyes moved towards the main door in search of an escape route and you could feel tears clinging to your eyelashes when you saw her.
Yelena walked inside the house like she owned the place. She stood out in the crowd, her long coat and dark jeans made her look dazzling. She had that serious expression on her face that made everyone stumble away from her path, but for you, it was entrancing.
A mix of emotions clouded her eyes when they met yours. It went from seriousness to recognition, to tenderness and then settled in a stern gaze that you couldn't quite read. You didn't think too much about it.
Yelena walked quicker towards you. When Kate called, saying you were in some random college party and needed someone to pick you up, she was getting dressed before she could even say yes.
The thought of you being amidst drunk and touchy people didn't sit well with her. And when her worry was confirmed, a wave of protectiveness came over her.
Even if you weren't hers to worry about.
You saw the man in front of you opening his mouth again, but before he could say anything else, he was roughly shoved away from you.
Yelena stood between you and him, with a fire on her eyes that reflected her sudden urge to snap his neck.
"What the hell?" He snapped at her and raised his hand. Which she quickly took and bent in a way that shouldn't be bent. He let out a low grunt of pain.
"Fuck off before I break your whole arm." Her voice was cold and stern, not a smidge of hesitation. She was going to break his arm.
He was out of your sight before you could even process what happened.
"Yelena." Your voice was hoarse. Your body naturally gravitated towards her when she turned to you again. Your eyes shamelessly roamed her body, the colorful lights and dark atmosphere complimented her in a different way. You swore your heart was following the sound beats at how loud it was thudding on your chest.
Your feelings for her may have been stronger than you thought.
Yelena chuckled at the sight of you. Cheeks flushed and pupils dilated, she found you adorable. She dug her nails on her palm to ground herself. "What are you doing here?"
Her voice sounded like nothing but a breath to you amidst all the noise. But the feather-light touch of her fingers on your jaw and then up to your temple to put strands of hair behind your ear, felt painfully loud and clear.
Her eyes fixated on you, her lips slightly parted as she took you in. Her hand lingered before she forced it away. She almost believed that the adoring look on your eyes was real.
You placed down your empty glass and shrugged your shoulders, averting your eyes from her piercing ones. Fighting the urge to lean on her touch. "That seems to be the question of the night."
Goosebumps erupted on your body when you felt her gentle hand closing around your own.
"Let's get you home." Yelena nodded towards the exit.
You couldn't be more eager to leave. Her hand never left yours as you squeezed your way through the moving bodies of drunk people.
The air outside felt colder than before, it was relieving. As you moved away from the house, the music became just a low noise far away. The sky was clear. You tried not to focus too much on how Yelena's hair seemed to shine in the moonlight.
You'd follow her anywhere. When she stopped, you bumped right onto her back, making her chuckle lowly.
When a helmet was shoved into your hands, your body froze. Of course, Yelena came with her bike. You felt your cheeks growing hotter by the minute at the thought of being pressed up against her.
Yelena got onto the bike and looked at you with a mix of confusion and expectation. She ran a hand through her hair and put on her own helmet. "You coming?"
The air left your lungs at how enchanting she looked. You gaped like a fish out of water as your eyes moved from the helmet to her. Your hands felt sweaty already. "Right."
Maybe the cold wind blowing harshly against your body as you sped through town was helping, but Yelena felt incredibly warm against you. You found yourself slowly relaxing as you held onto her, so much that you were disappointed when you made it home.
As you fumbled with your keys, you caught Yelena turning off her motorcycle and making her way towards you.
You gulped, pursing your lips and feeling like you had already given her too much trouble. "You don't have to stay." You grimaced at how unsure you sounded.
"I won't hear the end of it if I don't make sure you're safe and sound." There was humor in Yelena's voice as she leaned on your doorway.
But you couldn't hold her gaze when you remembered she was here just because Kate asked her to. You gave her a tight smile as you unlocked the door and motioned for her to walk in.
Even though she's been in your house before, she walked in and looked around as if this was the first time. You closed the door behind you and made a beeline for your kitchen, downing a glass of water to try and chase away the faint bitterness of the alcohol.
One of your hands ran over your waist, feeling the uncomfortable fabric of your outfit. You just wanted to slip out of it and sleep for twelve hours straight to forget about today.
"How are you feeling?" Yelena asked curiously, one of her hands resting unsurely on top of your counter, fingers tapping on marble. You loved her accent.
"Better now that I'm home." You gave her a half-hearted chuckle. You folded your arms around yourself, eyes traveling down to the rings on her hands.
You could feel her gaze on you. You knew she was tilting her head in thought. "You're better than those people."
Finally lifting up your gaze, you met her eyes. She believed her own words. You licked your lips lightly and gulped down the sudden urge to kiss her. Your fingers twitched to touch her. Maybe you loved her too.
"I'm gonna change out of these." You mumbled to fill the silence and waved a lazy hand over your clothes. You half expected her to follow you when you disappeared into your room.
Yelena bit the inside of her cheek as she watched you leave. She heaved a sigh when you closed your door, running a hand through her messy hair. She wanted to go after you and tell you how hollow she felt upon seeing you with someone else. She wanted to be the one gliding her hands through your waist and ghosting her lips over your skin.
She covered her eyes with one hand and paced around your kitchen. She gritted her teeth and cursed herself. It shouldn't be this hard.
You heard your door crack open when you were sliding your loose shirt down your abdomen. Your sweatpants were already on and your previous outfit was discarded on the ground.
Yelena had an easy smile on her face when she entered your room. Cotton and makeup remover on her hands. She never failed to remember the little things. You did love her.
You sat down on your bed and she followed suit, her body touching yours.
This time, you couldn't look away from her even if you tried. "Thank you for this." You kept your voice low, afraid to break the fragile moment.
Yelena's lips twitched, her eyes focused somewhere on your eyebrow. She removed your light makeup with a touch so gentle that was foreign to both you and her.
Her other hand came up to cup your jaw and you felt goosebumps all over again.
"I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Her quiet words were almost totally masked by her accent. She was so close you could count each of her freckles.
She looked down and picked up another cotton pad, moving to your other eye. When her eyes raised again, they were big and vulnerable.
"Because Kate asked?" You found yourself asking before thinking.
A breath left Yelena's nose. She was considering. She shook her head and her gaze took on a melancholic look.
One breath in, one shaky exhale out. She cleaned your other eye.
You waited, you had all the time in the world for her. Your hands were mindlessly touching her knee. You failed to notice how your touch made her concentration waver.
Only when she was done and put aside the used cotton that she gently said; "Because I care about you."
You blamed it on the alcohol still coursing through your system. But your hands came up to either side of her face, fingers tangling on her hair.
Her eyes shot up to yours, you heard the way her breath caught. She couldn't seem to pick one place on your face to focus on.
You brushed your nose with hers first, then your lips. Only a faint touch before you pressed fully on her. You moved slowly until you felt her hands softly pushing on your waist.
"You're drunk, moya lyubov'." Her words were nothing but a breathless exhale against your lips. You opened your eyes to look at her, she had yet to open hers. Her lips were parted and slightly redder, she was fighting against the need to meet yours again. Her cheeks were flushed and her hands were clutching at your shirt.
You were definitely enamored with her.
"Just enough to have the courage to do this." You said at the same time you started kissing her again. This time her hands pulled you closer. She moved her mouth more firmly against yours.
At one point you moved to straddle her lap, the closeness of your bodies was numbing all your senses and all you could feel was her. She was intoxicating in the best possible way.
When she broke the kiss again, you desperately wanted to have a camera with you to capture the sight of her. Looking up at you with doe eyes. Willingly stripped bare of all her defenses, only for you to see. She gulped and ran her hand up your spine.
Her eyes were glistening as you traced her eyebrow with your fingertips.
"I hope you know I meant it."
Yelena smiled lovingly and hid her face on the crook of your neck upon hearing your words, her hands squeezed you tighter. Your heart felt like melting for her.
"How about you sleep, and we go out for a coffee in the morning..." She placed a kiss on your collarbone before continuing.
"And figure all of this out." Her words became a quiet promise.
When you walked to the cozy coffee shop near your home the next morning. Yelena was waiting for you at a table near the window.
You saw her looking out at the street as her hands fumbled with a napkin. Her smile was an expectant one when she saw you.
You ordered a coffee and sat down in front of her. You took her hands in yours, running your fingertips over her rings and knuckles.
The morning sun kissed her skin just right. You realized your heart had been hers since the moment you met her.
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
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