#you will not take my wife's female manipulator status away from her!!!!
Every Time You Lie- Ch 1 || Lloyd Hansen
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Character: dark!Lloyd Hansen x female!reader, dark!Husband Lloyd Hansen x Wife!reader.
Synopsis: Any woman is jealous of you, especially with the status of being the wife of Lloyd Hansen—the CEO of the biggest pharmacy company in the country. From the outside, everyone sees you as a perfect family, a successful husband, two kids, and living in a big house. 
But the truth is different. You are trapped in this marriage because of the mistake you made. You are willing to give everything you have to get your freedom. Free from him. Free from your vicious mother-in-law. Free from your snobby son.
This story has manipulation, tragedy, and drama. 
Both of them shouldn’t be together.
Warning: Betrayal, suicidal thought, non-con, smut, harsh language, tragedy. Minors do not read. 18+
Author Note: I do not consent to copying or translating my work. 
Any reblog, comment, and feedback are appreciated. I want to know what you guys think about this one.
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1, Chaper 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 , -
Main Masterlist || Ko-fi
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Any woman would kill to take your place—good looks, fame, connection, money, perfect kids, and perfect husband, Lloyd Hansen. 
But outsiders only see the surface. They don't know what happened behind the door. 
Heartbreak, betrayal, distrust, lie.
If any woman could withstand all these four, you are willing to give her the position of Mrs.Hansen to someone else.
You became the head of multiple charities to help people. But you can't save herself. 
All the money you have doesn't give you happiness. It's the opposite. As long as you still breathe, seeing Crystal Pharmacy building standing tall and proud reminds you that it's your fault why it turned out like this. 
Crystal Pharmacy used to be known as Laurent Pharmacy that belonged to your father. 
Your gentle father is a scientist who is friendly, kind, and gentle towards his kids even though they keep making mistakes. You are proud to have a patience father like him. 
But because your sin of trusting the wrong person made you lose everything: your father, brother, sister, and company. 
Your sin is loving Lloyd Hansen. You never thought sales like him could manipulate you and everyone. 
It turns out it was all his plan from the beginning to get close to you so he could access your father's company. 
Now everyone seems to have forgotten the name of Laurent Pharmacy, and the legacy from your father is also gone. 
You are trapped in this sinful mistake, perhaps have trapped marriage and your karma.
You married the man who destroyed everything your father had built. Your brother despised you and made him move away from the city, and your sister doesn't want to see you. 
All that has left is only Lloyd and his mother, your mother-in-law, Krystal Hansen. 
Oh, she hates you; she always has this passive-aggressive talk towards you. 
Every day she reminds you, "You are lucky to marry my son when there are a lot of women that are better than you."
You hold your anger each time she looks down on you. You can't run away or even get a divorce because you can't do anything. Because Lloyd holds everything you got. 
So, the only thing you could do is become a dutiful wife, always do and listen to whatever he says, and become a good mother. 
You thought becoming a mother of two kids could make your mother-in-law start to warm up to you. But no. Having two grandchildren is still not enough for her. 
First, your first daughter, Emily Hansen. She's beautiful, smart, and courageous. You're grateful that she doesn't act like her father. She even defended you when Krystal tried to mock you, and Lloyd couldn't get mad towards his daughter. 
But Krystal doesn't like Emily because she's a girl and wants a male heir to continue the company. 
Then your second child, a son. His name is Lionel Hansen. Everyone was overjoyed when he was born. But at that time, you were stressed and always went to a therapist every week. 
Krystal accused you of having an affair with your male therapist. 
That's the first time you snapped at her; how dare she be accused of something untrue while his son tortured you every night. 
What made you heartbroken is that your husband doesn't talk back to his mother and lets her do the DNA test. 
Well, the DNA proves that you were right. Lionel is Lloyd's son. In a second, Krystal changed, and she wanted to take care of Lionel. 
You were devastated, screamed. She can't take Lionel away from her. It's enough to have one Lloyd in this world. 
You can't help crying about Lionel, but you almost forgot about Emily. She needs attention too. She was 13 years old when Lionel was born. 
No one is taking care of Emily. Seeing you being fragile, her father busy at work, and her grandmother only pouring her affection towards her brother, she felt neglected.
Then she met your sister, her only aunt, Mia. They became close, and then Emily discovered the truth about her father's company and how her father made your family crumble. 
It felt like a jab in your heart when Emily told you she would move out, and she was ashamed to have a father like Lloyd. After her 17th birthday, she left the house and left you alone. 
The only pillar that made you able to stand is gone. 
Krystal gave Lionel back to you because she's exhausted caring for him. 
He's already seven years old. But you don't feel connected to your son. Perhaps you're afraid because his attitude is similar to his father's. 
The only thing you can do is stand still, be pretty in a beautiful dress and jewellery, and be proud to be Mrs Hansen.
Everything changed at your 20th wedding anniversary. 
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A loud moan echoed through the room. A man and a woman were intertwined on the bed. The man's back moved back and forth. Lloyd's cock dug deep into you. 
Lloyd feels pleasure and fullness every morning, making love with you. 
He lifted your legs and draped them over his shoulder. He grabbed your thighs with both hands and moved his back vigorously, speeding his movement. 
When he heard you moan, he knew you already hit a climax. Lloyd leaned his body towards you and moved his waist to reach his climax. He spilled his seeds inside your body. 
"Ha…That was a good way to celebrate our day. Right, Y/N?" 
Lloyd took his cock from your body and lay down next to you. He put your head to rest on his chest. He stroked his hair and kissed your forehead. 
Those who do not know will see you and Lloyd as a normal couple. 
Even though you just had an orgasm, you immediately feel dead again. 
"Yes." You nodded her head. 
Lloyd hummed and stroked your back. "I have booked a boutique store for your dress."
"Thank you."
What Lloyd is talking about is your dress for their 20th wedding anniversary. If anyone asks about that party, you will say it's unnecessary. But Lloyd wants to hold the event and invite all the business partners, and Krystal wants to show off her new diamonds. 
Lloyd smacked your ass. "Let's get up and start our morning."
You hummed and followed him to the bathroom and took a shower together. It's the same activity. After you put on your outfit, you will go to his changing room and put on his tie. 
He will wear the suits that you have prepared the night before. When you came in, Lloyd was already wearing his suit and tie. 
But there's something different. That's not the tie she prepared beforehand. In fact, she has never seen it before.
You grab the jacket suit from the hanger and go to Lloyd's back. "New tie?"
"Hmm, I bought it when I went to Paris." He stretched his arms to the back to wear the suit jacket. Then he straightened his outfit. After that, he sprays perfume on his neck. 
'That's a new perfume too.' You've never seen that perfume before. 
Then your woman instinct sent something to your brain. But you shook it because it's too early to speculate. 
Three of you, including Lionel, have breakfast in the dining room. He's 12 years old and taller than you because he likes to play basketball and volleyball. 
"Lionel, put down your phone." You softly order your son so he can eat his food. 
"Hmm…" Lionel hummed, but he didn't stop playing the mobile game. 
Reading the newspaper, Lloyd put down the paper and said, "Listen to your mom."
Lionel rolled his eyes. "Alright. Geez." He turns off his phone and starts eating. 
Only the sound of food utensils in the dining room until Lionels start the conversation, "Mom, I want to buy new shoes."
"Didn't you just buy one like yesterday?"
"This one is different, it's a limited edition. And these shoes are only available at your friend's store. All my friends already own it and I don't want to get left behind. Pleaseeee, mom…"
"That means you have to be on the waiting list. It will be difficult, Lionel."
"Mom!! I want it!! If grandma is here she will get it for me." Lionel crossed his arms and huffed. 
Under the table, you fisted your hand. Lionel is your son, but you can't scold him because he will tell everything to Krystal, and you will get scolded. 
"Just give him what he wants. Talk to Amelia, you are her top client." Lloyd suddenly joins in. 
You couldn't say no when your husband has made his decision. "Okay."
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You were at the private boutique watching the model walking on the catwalk with the choice of dress that you probably would choose for your party. 
You glanced at your secretary. "I will pick the blue dress and the white shoes from the second model."
"Yes ma'am."
After the short fashion show, every model went backstage. You also grab your bag and leave the room. But one model still stays, "Mrs. Hansen?"
She's the one wearing the blue dress you picked. When she got closer, in an instant, you knew she was gorgeous, and her beauty was captivating. The rosy cheeks on her skin, slender body, and mystery air around her. 
Compared to you, who is aging gracefully, I can't help being jealous towards this young model. 
She smiled shyly and cleared her throat. "Hi, uhm, my name is Zoey. I always wanted to meet you. It's because of your charity I could go to college."
You smiled at her. "I'm honored to hear that. So you became a model?"
Zoey nodded her head. "No, I'm helping my friend since she couldn't come. I work as a secretary."
"All thanks to you. Can I give you a hug? You're my inspiration."
"Uhm, sure." You weren't sure, but Zoey had already made her move and hugged you. After that, she became giddy and left you. 
When you don't see her, you tell the shop assistant, "I don't want the blue dress anymore, change it to black."
You quickly left the store and got into the car. Your heart is beating fast. Because when Zoey gets closer, you smell her. In a second, you knew, that's the same perfume Lloyd wears. 
One thing about Lloyd is he always wears something customized that is only available to him, like perfume. All his perfumes were custom-made only for him. And he said he got it from Paris. Paris is the city where perfumers gather. 
And Zoey said she's a secretary.
Fuck. Both of them fucked. 
Lloyd is cheating on you. You weren't that shocked because deep down, you knew this would have happened. Even though Lloyd is already 43 years old, he still has a muscular body, like 30 years old. He is rich and drives nicely. 
You sighed heavily and rubbed your head. The driver notices you from the rear mirror. "Mrs. Hansen, are you alright? Do I need to call a doctor?"
You raised your hands. "You don't have to. Headed to Amelia's store, please."
"Yes, Mrs.Hansen."
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You sit on the gold chair near the window at the boutique on the second floor. 
"Y/N. Are you're alright?"
You look at Amelia, who is sitting in front of you. She brings you tea and cakes. But you didn't touch anything.
Amelia is the only friend you got. Lloyd didn't stop you from meeting her because she’s rich. Her boutique store only sells limited editions, and many famous people became her clients. 
Your finger touches the teacup. You looked at your reflection in the water and sighed. "Lloyd is cheating on me."
Amelia slammed the table "That bastard!!!"
"Shh, don't be so loud."
"Fuck that; there's only us on this floor." Amelia leaned closer. "How did you know?"
"I met his mistress 1 hour ago."
Amelia clicked her tongue and threw him back to her chair. She was silent for a moment and then said, "Divorce him."
You scoffed, "Like I haven't thought about it a million times."
"Then do it; what's holding you back?" Amelia knew you didn't have a happy life. You're miserable. Under the expensive makeup and the fancy dress, she could see your soul crying. 
'What's holding you back?' That's the right question. 
Even though you have nothing, you still have your pride. You don't want to divorce Lloyd until he apologizes and realizes what he has done. 
But now, you don't even know anymore. 
"I don't know Amel. My kids?"
"Tsk, tsk, that's bullshit. Your oldest have moved out and already became a resident while your son is ungrateful child. If I have a gentle mother like you I won't touch any kind of drugs."
When she mentioned Lionel, you remembered, "Amel, can I ask you a favor? It's for my son. I knew there was a waiting list. I will pay double the price."
Amelia rolled her eyes. "Huh, really, Y/N. You're too kind. It's alright; I will call the designer to make another one."
You smiled at her; at least someone knew your effort. Amelia mother is a socialite whose an alcoholic and doesn't know parenting. 
Your friend became a drug addict, but she turned sober. Amelia sip the tea. "You remember Katherine from flower rearrange class?"
"Yeah, what about her?" You knew Katherine; she's a quiet and skinny woman. Her husband is an oil tycoon.
"She got divorced. Turned out her husband is abusive, and a cheater. Even though she doesn't get any money, she looks happy. I met her when I went to Florida." 
Amelia grabs her phone to open her social media. "See, doesn't she look vibrant and happier?" You look at Katherine's photos; she smiles a lot and seems to enjoy being alone.
Perhaps. Someday. You could be like her. 
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On the way back home, your phone suddenly rang. When you saw the contact, a smile appear on your lips. It's from Emily. 
The only thing that could make you want to stay alive is because of her. You didn't want to be biased towards your children. But you've been through; Emily is the only child that understands you. 
She never stepped foot into the house after she entered university. Both of you only met outside. But it's getting difficult to meet since she got accepted working at the hospital. 
"My dear, how are you?"
"Mom…" Her voice sounds trembled. 
"Emily, what's wrong?"
"Mom, aunt is Mia is sick. Could you come to hospital? Please."
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The moment your car stopped at the hospital, you ran from the car to the lobby. There you saw Emily already waiting for you. She's wearing her blue uniform. She looks exhausted. She lightened up when she saw you, "Mom."
You immediately hug her. "Emily, what's going on?"
Emily dragged your hand. "I will explain it later. Follow me."
She brings you into the ICU. Inside, you see your sister, Mia, lying on the patient's bed. The big sister you used to know was healthy, but now she looks skinny. 
You gasped, and your vision became blurry. "Mia, what happened?"
Mia, whose eyes were closed, slowly opened when she heard your voice. Her younger sister. "Y/N…?" She raised her hand to try to touch you. 
You immediately hold her hand and bring it closer to your cheek. "Sister, why you didn't tell me? Does brother Theo know?"
Mia didn't speak at all; she only nodded. 
Emily put her hand on your shoulder. "Aunty Mia got diagnosed with breast cancer. And… when she found out it's already on stage four."
"Oh no…"
Then you feel someone stroke your head, the movement is slow, but you know it's from your sister. You look straight at her and saw her smiling at you. 
"Y/N… I… miss… you…"  
At that moment, all the resentment and anger is gone. Both of you went back to the siblings you used to know. 
"I miss you too Mia."
You cried silently, looking at your sister condition; if both of you never fight, you could stay with her. If you had never met Lloyd, none of this could've happened.
"Here you are wifey. Damn Mia, you lost a lot of weight."
Your breath hitched when you heard that voice. It's not even an hour yet, and he already found you. 
One of the reasons you can't get a divorce from Lloyd is his possessiveness. And you can't hide from his sight. 
"Fuck… you… Lloyd." Mia cursed at him even though it was difficult for her. 
Lloyd didn't say anything. He only looked down at her. Then he wrapped his arm around you. "Let's go home. There are a lot of germs here. I don't want you to get sick." Your body couldn't fight from his grasp. 
Emily blocked both of you with her body. "Don't get mad at mom. I told her to come here."
Lloyd nodded his head. He patted her shoulder. "Come home once for a while. And don't forget to attend the party. I invited many actor and singers."
On the way back home, both of you were silent. You no longer care if he's mad since you didn't tell him where you're going. 
"I will stay with my sister."
Lloyd was looking at his phone; he scoffed, "Yeah, no."
This man is already over 40 years old but still childish. Didn't he see that your sister is dying? 
"This time I won't listen to you."
Lloyd sighed; he put down his phone and stared straight at you. His hand touches your cheeks and brings your face closer to him. "Wife, if you make me angry, you will attend her funeral tomorrow."
"Lloyd, ehmm…" Before you talk back, he kissed you roughly and bit your lips. 
"Aww." You pushed him away. "You're heartless. She's my sister!!!"
"Yeah, and she's doesn't even worth of your time. I need you to supervisor for the party. It's important more worth it then your sister."
You gasped, "How dare you."
Lloyd rested his hand on your thighs. "My wife, didn't you forget your promise to never meet your siblings?"
You hold your anger, it's impossible to talk through him. As you're getting older, you're supposed to get wiser. But Lloyd?
He is still a man-child. 
"Don't be mad. I will send the best doctor and medicine for her. How about that?"
"Thank you."
"Ah, I'm going to sleep at the office. I have to make sure the product is ready." 
Is this how he will start lying to see his mistress? Sure, as long as he doesn't bother her. "Okay. Thank you for telling me."
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On the day of the party, Lloyd kept his promise. He really came home early in the morning. You didn't ask, and he didn't tell you about his day, so it's a win-win. 
Three of you wear a formal dress. Lloyd and Lionel wear the same design of the black suit, and you wear the black dress you bought. 
On the car, Lionel, who sit on the back, still playing games, ask, "Is Emily going to be there?"
"She will be late, since she's watching your aunt."
"Huh? Whose aunt?"
"Don't you remember? I told you before about aunt Mia. My older sister?"
"Let's forget about her." Lloyd suddenly joined the conversation. 
When the three of you arrived at the party, the red carpet and paparazzi were already waiting for your appearance.
"That dress made you look slim Y/N." 
That arrogant voice. You rolled your eyes before turning to see your mother-in-law Krystal Hansen. 
You turned around and were glad you didn't hold any champagne glass. Because if you did, you would drop the glass. 
The reason is that the woman standing beside Krystal is Zoey. She is wearing the blue dress you picked before. 
"Aw,Mrs. Hansen. You look beautiful."
"Hmm thank you. Hello mother." You greet both of them, when you trying to keep your composure.
Krystal hummed. "This girl is my secretary. Her name is Zoey. She's one of the successful people from our charity."
"Yes, madam Krystal. And I'm always grateful for that."
Krystal felt more proud. She always likes it when someone compliments her. Zoey is a nice girl who knows her place. How she wishes her daughter-in-law would be her instead of you. 
"Excuse me, I need to greet another guest."
Krystal clicked her tongue, seeing you walking away from her "Tsk, you see Zoey? She's really rude towards me."
"But it's true ma'am. There's many of guest here."
"You're right. I should meet my friend."
You lied; you didn't meet anyone. You went to the balcony to get some fresh air. You were suffocated. Now everything has become clear. 
Zoey isn't Lloyd's new secretary. Both of them met through Krystal. You never go with Lloyd every time he visits his mother. It's only him and Lionel. 
Is this Krystal way to make you separated from Lloyd?
"Mrs. Hansen, you need to hear this." Kelly, your secretary, appeared out of nowhere and holding your phone.
You saw the caller's name. It's from Emily. You answered the phone and heard Emily sobbing, "Mom, she's gone."
When you heard that, you dropped your phone and lost your balance. 
"Ma'am?" Kelly, hold your body before you fall. 
"I need to leave."
"Mrs. Hansen you can't leave yet because your husband still hasn't given the permission."
"Kelly, I just lost my sister."
"I'm sorry, ma'am." Kelly and the others knew how scary Lloyd was. They knew how possessive he was with you. 
The only way is to talk to Lloyd so he would let you go. You look around, seeing everyone look like they have no problem.
Your mother-in-law is busy talking; your son is with his friends, your husband?
Where the heck is Lloyd?
You left the ballroom to look for him. He must still be on the same floor. Then you saw a man and woman hugging. You hide behind the wall. 
You knew that broad shoulder even though it was dark. That body belongs to her husband, and the woman who wore the blue dress are Lloyd and Zoey. 
Suddenly you felt a pain in your chest. It's been happening a couple of times lately. Being near them gave you more pain.
Yeah, you should walk away. Give them some space. Besides, you need to be alone. 
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Lloyd was looking for you. He asked his bodyguard where you were and found you sitting on the floor in the quiet hallway. He saw you drinking wine all by yourself. It seems like you have finished one bottle. 
Your head feels heavy; your makeup is ruined because of the tears. "Oh, here he comes, the maestro of my misery."
"You're drunk." Lloyd took off his coat and wrapped it around your shoulder. He helped the man to make you stand up. "What happened?"
"Mia is gone."
So that's why you cry, "Well, anyone will die. But she's quicker."
First, you cried, and you giggled? "What's so funny?"
"My younger self was a fool to fall in love you. My biggest mistake is to trust you."
Lloyd felt his heart being stabbed. You never said these mean words towards him. "Alright, you're completely drunk. You don't know what you're talking about."
You pushed yourself away from him. "No. Let go of me."
You were dizzy because of the alcohol;  perhaps because you're drunk, you dare to say, "You slept with her."
"I didn't."
He knew you were depressed because you lost your sister, but what's with this accused? And how did you know that she was?
Without giving Lloyd a chance to speak, Y/N continued, "Don't lie; I could smell your perfume from her."
He didn't say anything.
Your fingers stabbed his chest. "I could have spent the days with my sister instead dealing with this party. While you fucked your mistress."
Lloyd grabs your hand "Y/N. There's nothing between me and her."
You clenched your trembling hand tightly. There was a tension that could not be hidden in your speech "I shouldn't have married you."
You murmured "My father told me to let go of everything. He never blamed me. But I'm so stupid to believe you. And now I lost the chance to say goodbye to my sister."
Lloyd never sees you like this. "We should talk about this at home." He tried to grab you but he failed.
You squeezed your arms "As I grew older, I learned the hard way to let go. But you…"
You pointed at him. "You are not capable of love. You're selfish."
“If I stop seeing that woman and mother starting from today, can we make up?” Lloyd asked.
"It's not enough." You shook your head and then said the words Lloyd never expected.
"I want a divorce."
He frowned and searched for his cigarettes in his pants pocket. He pulled out a cigarette and held it between his fingers before saying curtly, “So, you want to give her and me your blessing?”
That's even better. He should've married her. You nodded "If I could turn back time or there's another life, I wish I never met you."
Lloyd raised his voice. "I married you because I loved you!"
Your raised your voice and said "Do you know I prayed to God every day to take my life away? I want to be free from you. That's how much you've hurted me."
He launched towards you and clenched your wrist, "Even if you hate me or die before me. We will never, ever get divorced."
Your hands hurt because of how tightly Lloyd held them, but it was nothing compared to the pain you were feeling right now.
“What’s the meaning of dragging on?” You didn’t struggle from his grasp. "Please just once. Stop lying. The first time you lied to me. I lost everything."
“Look, the biggest problem with us is that I love you but I don’t know how much you love me!” Lloyd held your hand up to kiss it. “We communicate too little. You have an unbending and headstrong character, while I’m a conceited and proud man!”
He lowered his gaze, and after calming down his emotions, he held you by the back of your head and leaned his forehead against you. 
“It’s the stupidest thing I did in this lifetime, the darnedest mistake I’ve made! I hope… Y/N, you can give me a chance, a chance to redeem myself, okay?”
Lloyd hated himself a lot, especially at the thought of him cheating on you.
You knew the end of his voice was trembling, but you pretended not to know and shook your head. You pretend not to hear anything and said “It’s better that we sign the divorce agreement and lead our own lives.”
You gave a cruel smile when you saw regret in his eyes. 
You are still staring at each other; none of you speak.
"Mom, Dad?"
You widen your eyes when you hear that voice; even Lloyd lets go of your hand. 
"Lionel." You tried your best to act calm. 
"Mom, I've been looking all over the place for you." He whispered at you because Lionel realized the atmosphere is not right between you and Lloyd.
"What is it?"
"I got the email that my shoes are here. Can we get to Amelia's boutique?"
"Like, right now?"
"Yes pleaseee…. All my friends at school will wear it tomorrow." 
"Son, it's already 9 p.m." Amelia's store closed at 7 p.m. 
"Moommm…." Lionel knew it was already late, but he knew you would eventually do what he asked. You always do. 
You can't stand his nagging, just like his father. He won't stop until he gets what he wants.
You called Amelia's number, asking if her store was still open. She cursed at you, saying, of course, the boutique was already closed at this hour, but she told the security to give the shoebox to you if you arrived. 
"Alright let's go." You took off Lloyd suit jacket and handed it back to him. 
"Is it okay to leave dad alone?"
"He has a lot of friends. He's fine." You dragged Lionel's body to leave the place, leaving Lloyd alone. 
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The rain is pouring hard, thunder. Luckily the road was empty. You and Lionel are inside the car. 
"Emily didn't come." Lionel said while he was still looking at his phone.
"She's at the hospital because your aunt Mia died." Your mind hasn't stopped thinking about your sister. Emily hasn't called you yet. 
"Oh right, I heard she's sick."
"You knew?"
"Dad, and grandma talk about her."
'What? So that means Lloyd, Krystal, and Lionel knew about Mia, and they didn't say anything to you. 
Lionel always plays at Krystal's house, which means, "Do you know Zoey?"
"Grandma secretary? Yeah, we talked sometimes when I was there."
"Uurgh." You feel sick, imagining they act like a family without you. 
There is no greater blessing than a family hand that lifts you from a fall, but there is no lower curse than a family hand that strikes you when you’re down.
Your husband and son didn't show any condolence about your sister. It's not like you lost a ring. You lost someone that you grew up with and shared the same blood.
"Mom, are you okay?"
"I'm not."
You must get out; if you are still stuck in the car, you will lose your mind. "Bring me the umbrella."
Jimmy, the driver, wonders why you want the umbrella, "Mrs. Hansen. I will get the package."
Gosh, you hated that name. 
"It's okay, besides the security knew my face."
"Be careful." Jimmy is worried because the rain is getting heavy.
But this extreme weather can't stop you. With that long dress and umbrella in your hand, you walk under pouring rain. 
Everyone was walking quickly to stay away from the rain. But you were slower than them, with everything in your mind. You just want to keep walking. But the trip is short. 
You have arrived at the store. The light was still on, and someone was waiting near the door. "Hello, Miss L/N." Only Amelia's boutique called you with your last name. 
"Boss has told me. Here's the package." You thanked him, then you heard the loudest thunder.
"Where’s your car ma'am?" 
"It's near. Thank you Jack." You said goodbye and left him.
While you're walking, tears keep falling from your eyes. You could see your tears drop on the floor if it wasn't raining. Leaving the traces of you crying. You crouched down and buried your head between your knees. 
You cry your hearts out before you get into the car. 
The rain was pouring too hard. Even the car headlights couldn't make the stress clear. 
Every car drives slowly, but there will always be one car that wants to go against the rule. 
"Honkkkkkkk!" Someone drives way over the speed limit.
The moment you stand up and walk across the streets, the drunk driver can't control the steering wheel, and the car goes out of control. 
The last thing you see is a blinding light, then something heavy hits you, making you fall and hit the ground. 
You hear someone screaming. Is it towards you?
Perhaps. Because you couldn't move your head.
You heard that you will have a flashback of your life before you die.  They were right.
You don't want to remember any memory of Lloyd. Instead, you want to remember the moment with you celebrating your father's birthday and your sister and brother. 
If you could rewind time, you want to return to that day.
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'Biip' 'Biip'
'Mia, turn off your damn alarm.' You want to shout, but none of the words come from your mouth. Why does your body feel heavy? You try to move your body, but you can't.
"Call the doctor, I saw her finger move." Then a voice suddenly appeared. Why did she hear the word of the doctor?
"Mom?" You hear a female voice. But why does she keep calling Mom near your ears?
"Mom, I'm sorry." Then you hear a boy crying and sobbing. 
'What the heck is going on? Did your brother prank you? Why did someone keep calling you a mom?"
And why is it so difficult to open your eyes? 
You slowly tried to open your eyelids. When you did it. The light was too bright. You were sure you turned off the light before you went to bed. 
"Omg, she opened her eyes!!!"
"I will call Dad."
'Father?' Oh right, today is your father's birthday. 
You try to turn your head, but it hurts. 
"Mother, don't move too much. Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink?"
Yes, even though you don't understand why she called you mother, your eyes blinked to say yes. 
She puts a straw in the glass of water and brings it closer to your lips.
"Slowly Mom, or you will get choked." She gently rubbed your back.
After you tasted the water, you felt refreshed. It felt like you never drank water. Your throat doesn't feel hurt anymore. 
You look around, then realize you're in the hospital.
"I will raise the bed." This girl is kind; when you look at her closely, her face looks like someone's. 
Then the boy who cried before came back dragging a man. 
"Look, Dad, moms awake."
You looked at the man wearing a black turtle neck shirt and beige colour. His face looks like that crying boy.
You've never seen him before, but he kept looking at you. 
He walked closely and touched your face. His fingers gently caressed your face.
"I'm so glad you woke up."
'Did I sleep so long that it made everyone cry?'
This man's face got closer to your face, but you moved away. You met him for the first time, and you felt scared of him.
And he knows your name. 
But you don't know who he is and the other two youngsters. You can't help but ask, "Who… are… you?"
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Any reblog, comment, and feedback are appreciated. I want to know what you guys think about this one.
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1, Chaper 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 , -
If you enjoy the story, please send me a coffee Ko-fi . Thank you 💖💖💖
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nagargent · 1 year
julia's fodlan profile
template from @shadoll
GENDER: Female
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 168cm /5'6"
BIRTHDATE: 1st of August, Grann Year 761
CREST/HOLY BLOOD: Major Naga, Minor Fjalar
CLASS: Black Eagles Student
AFFILIATION: The Liberation Army, Grannvale
BIOGRAPHY: Born to Emperor Arvis and his wife Empress Deirdre in Grann Year 761. Aids the Liberation Army in the Final Holy War. Shortly after, she makes her way to Garreg Mach to further her studies in magic and better support King Seliph.
761: Born alongside her twin brother Julius to the Emperor and Empress of Grannvale
770: Her mother, Deirdre, dies protecting her. Julia is warped away with the last of Deirdre's strength. - Julia suffers traumatic amnesia after this event.
Before 777: Is found by Lewyn who cares for her
777: Lewyn and Julia meet Seliph and join the Liberation Army
778: End of the Final Holy War, Julia's older half-brother, Seliph, is crowned King of Grannvale
779 (Imperial Year 1180): Arrives at Garreg Mach
INTERESTS: reading, hiking, gardening, praying LIKES: nature, quiet places, animals, studying magic, hot cocoa, warm hugs, her beloved friends DISLIKES: warfare, cruelty, manipulation, heavy exercise, being cooped up indoors, forgetting things (especially related to people she loves) STATUS. Imperial princess of grannvale & black eagles student CLOSE ALLIES: Seliph, Sara & Scathach
LIKES: saghert and cream, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sautée. sweet bun trio, pheasant roast with berry sauce, country style red turnip plate, peach sorbet, gronder meat skewers, vegetable stir-fry, bourgeois pike, derdriu-style fried pheasant DISLIKES: beast meat teppanyaki, small fish skewers, sautéed jerky, garreg mach meat pie, cheesy verona stew, pickled seafood and vegetables, daphnel stew, cabbage and herring stew
"This is delicious! Thank you for inviting me to share such a wonderful meal, it truly warms my heart."
"Oh dear. I don't wish to be fussy but... is this edible?"
"It's been a long time since we last enjoyed a meal together. My brightest days were always the ones I shared with you."
"I know it's a simple thing but I'm glad we're finally able to share a table together and break bread, the way family ought to. Thank you for indulging me, brother."
"I haven't touched my food yet? Oh, you're right! Forgive me, I just can't look away. To share this time together means the world to me."
FAVORITE TEA: Lavender Blend, Rose Petal Blend, Chamomile CONVERSATION TOPICS: Children at the market, A dinner invitiation, The library's collection, Books you've read recently, Cats, Forest birds, Likable allies, Favourite sweets, Gardening mishaps, Overcoming weakness, Exploring the monastery, Ghost stories, The ideal professor, I'm counting on you, Someone you look up to, Hopes for your future, Classes you might enjoy, Magical innovations
"Thank you dearly for inviting me. I hope I'm acceptable company." "Well met, professor. May I take this seat?" "A tea party! Oh, I haven't had one since I was a little girl. ...I have missed them dearly."
"Ah... I feel so relaxed. The tea is simply perfect, thank you!"
"This must have cost an arm and a leg! Are you sure there isn't someone else you'd rather share this blend with?"
"Is there a reason you're looking at me so intently? It leaves me feeling rather nervous..." "You have lovely eyes. Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud" "I see you enjoy precious moments of calm as much as I do."
"Mmm, delightful!" "Ouch! Too hot..." "Do you hear the birds too?" "Heehee, there's a spot of cream on your--" "Thank you!" "I think that squirrel wants a snack." "Delicious!"
"I'm truly grateful to have been invited. That we could steal away a lovely little moment for ourselves... I promise to cherish this memory."
"Please forgive me. I often find myself lost for words." ANSWER: Chat, Praise "I know my father has done terrible things - has caused so much pain and suffering to people I hold dear. Yet I cannot change the fact that he is still my beloved father. ...perhaps I'm simply being selfish." ANSWER: Disagree, Admonish "I have been told countless times how similar I am to my mother but I am lacking in many ways. My mother is far more gregarious and ingenuous than I am." ANSWER: Chat, Nod, Disagree "It may be impossible but one day I would like to serve tea for my family. My parents, Lord Seliph, Lord Saias and Julius too." ANSWER: Nod, Sigh "Garreg Mach has brought me closer to dear friends, both old and new, than I would have ever imagined. I'm so delighted to be able to attend!" ANSWER: Commend, Agree, Praise "Whilst I've always had an innate talent for magic, I find myself giddy with excitement when I consider how much there is left to learn and understand. What possibilities await!" ANSWER: Nod, Praise "Losing my memory was almost as painful as facing the truth and plenty terrifying. I keep a notebook with me now, to record every detail I can. I refuse to forget." ANSWER: Sigh, Sip Tea "Heehee, I always feel most at peace outdoors. There is plenty to be learned from the forest, if one looks past the trees before them." ANSWER: Chat, Laugh, Sip Tea
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty Baked Treat, Floral Adornment, Watering Can, Armoured Bear Stuffy, Arithmetic Textbook, Monarch Studies Book, Landscape Painting, Baby's Breath, Lily, Lavender DISLIKED GIFTS. Training Weight, Whetstone, Smoked Meat, Hunting Dagger, Coffee Beans
"Oh... um... thank you very much. I'm touched by the sentiment."
"Thank you! I promise to take good care of this."
"Oh my, how did you know this is exactly what I want? I shall treasure this fondly, my friend. Thank you!"
Worn-out Notebook: A lavender coloured notebook with dog-eared pages. It's contents contain a wide variety of anecdotes and details, with dates and names in the margins. It likely belongs to someone afraid to forget things. Location found: Black Eagles Classroom Silk Handkerchief: Delicately embroidered with purple flowers. The silk is of especially fine quality. It likely belongs to someone from high society who adores flowers. Location found: Cathedral Pressed Flower Bookmark: Carefully dried and pressed lily petals decorate this bookmark. The lilac paper has a fancy letter J on the back. Likely belongs to a booklover. Location found: Library
"Thank you for returning this to me. I shall take better care of it in future."
"This... isn't mine. You should probably return it to it's owner."
"You bested me. Well done, I'll retreat now, before I end up in the infirmary." [Byleth specific] "I can tell you have a lot to teach us, professor."
"This never gets any easier, no matter how many times necessity forces my hand."
"You... want me to sing? In front of people? I would much rather listen." "I suppose singing in harmony with everyone else isn't so bad. Actually, it's rather fun!"
"I have little experience cooking but I'll try my best." "What do you mean that's enough spice? I've barely started..." "Oh, can we bake sweets? I can't wait to see the glee on everyone's faces when we serve them!"
BAD.  ✧
"Oh no, I lost focus..." Critique: I'm sorry, I really ought to be more diligent. Console: Thank you, I promise to keep trying until I get it!
"Splendid! I'm pleased with the results.""I'll keep working hard."
"Oh my! I hope my parents would be proud of me!" Praise: Heehee, thank you. You're making me blush!
"It seems the horses have had a hard day. Let's be extra kind to them, okay?"
"It's a pity. Who gets to decide the line between weed and flower anyway?"
"The view is beautiful up here and the breeze? Delightful! If only we could stay here forever."
"I'm terribly sorry. It seems I need further study before I can reach such lofty heights."
"I'm rather pleased with myself, although I could not have done this alone."
"I believe the role of a healer to be of utmost importance. I'd like to support my allies to the best of my abilities and keep them safe from harm. My bloodline, that of Saint Heim calls me to light magic. Please, allow me to improve my abilities to heal and fight back against the darkness."
"I find reason magic ever so fascinating. I think my own proclivity for fire magic was inherited from my father. Oh dear, I am rambling! I would be very grateful if I could study the intricacies and theory behind offensive magic, professor. I hope to put what I learn to good use."
"My lord brother is an exceptional swordsman, as are my dear friends Scathach and Larcei. I don't expect to rival them, by any means, but it may benefit me to learn how to defend myself at close quarters. I will admit, I've been inspired by tales of Mortal Savants recently - master swordsmen who can command the arcane arts. It's rather exciting!"
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
"A bit disappointing but at least I'm a little stronger."
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
"A good effort. This will be a boon in the trials yet to come."
5 STATS UP .  ✧
"Hard work, well rewarded. I'm quite pleased."
6 STATS UP .  ✧
"Mother, Father - I hope I've made you proud."
"Incredible! With Naga's guidance I will command my own fate!"
"Oh, I do love having room to grow."
"More petals as I blossom."
"Something new? I'll give it a try." "I'll keep working hard." "Though my garb has changed, my soul is resolute."
"Let us go, together."
"Now is not the time for despair!"
LOW HP .  ✧
"I'm beginning to feel a little weary..."
"You underestimate me at your own peril."
“I call on the divine light!”"I will never run away." "Naga, grant me the strength I need!" "With divine protection!" "My faith will not yield!"
"I'll try this!"
"I am always by your side."
"May the gods have mercy." "I had to stop you." "My heart is set upon this path."
"You are a shining light amongst us." "We are ever closer to sweet victory." "Your strength is ever reassuring."
"Thank you..." "Bless you, may Naga guide you forward." "I feel safe and warm." "Ah, I needed that." "Together we will forge ahead." "By your side I will remain."
"I'm holding you all back... please, carry on without me."
"Forgive me, Lord Seliph..." "The light, it's so warm. I'll be with mother soon..."
"I wish to nurture my relationships with others, both with old friends and new alike! However, I often feel a great valley between myself and others. One I feel powerless to overcome. I fear I may be hurting those I love and making them feel unwanted. Whatever should I do?" > Give up. Who needs friends anyway? > Push yourself to be more sociable and you'll find it easier to let others in! > Take your time but try to be honest with your friends. They'll probably appreciate your honesty and be understanding enough to give you the time and space you need to grow truly closer. (Correct answer)
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bvckys-doll · 3 years
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Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 4.4k
Summary: Y/N and her family are invited to a masquerade ball since Netherfield hall has a new owner: Lord James Buchanan Barnes. What (Y/N) does not know is that this will be her last night among the living. 
Warnings: soft!dark themes here! A bit of manipulation. Blood! Pride and Prejudices vibes at the beginning of the fic.
Author’s note: I’m happy that I can finally post this one because I’m a whore for masquerade balls and vampires! Especially Vampire!Bucky! This goes out to @emily-roberts (who can’t be tagged unfortunately) since they inspired me to work on Masquerade here! Maybe this will get a sequel, i’m not sure yet.
You can find my masterlist here!
The year is 1867. Queen Victoria is still in power, and the country is at peace. At least, to the people who are lucky enough to live in the countryside in England. Especially the women who were the ones that learned the least of the ongoing problems around the world. At this time in history, they were mostly excluded from these kinds of conversations. Something (Y/N) was deeply offended by.
Most of the women around her had only one thing on their mind: the latest gossip and men.
Nothing would fit better into the gossip than a mysterious lord who had recently moved into the large estate near Netherfield Park. The whole city was in turmoil, and everyone wanted to get one of the coveted invitations to the grand inauguration party.
(Y/N) could still remember the day a few weeks ago when her mother was running around the house in a rage and talking to herself over and over again. Her father had tried to ignore his wife as much as possible.
“I have heard from Mrs. Brenstock that the new Lord of Netherfield Park is about to give a ball. A ball, Mr. Edwards! Can you imagine that? He doesn’t seem to have sent out any invitations yet, otherwise, we would have gotten one by now, wouldn’t we? Tell me I’m right” she had let herself sink into her chair. With the thick needle in her hand, she repeatedly stabbed her new embroidery cloth.
(Y/N) had been sitting across from her mother at the time and hardly noticed her rambling about the ball, as the young lady was too absorbed in her thoughts about her newest book, which was on the table in front of her.
For her mother, this was finally the chance to marry her off to a rich man. Perhaps even to the owner of the estate himself, since many speculated him to be single. Most women of (Y/N)’s age were already married, some even had children.
It wasn’t that (Y/N) wasn’t very talkative. If she was given a suitable subject, she could chat for hours, but her mother had always preached to her that no man wanted a woman with a loud attitude. Despite all this, (Y/N) didn’t kept her mouth shut and spoke freely about what she thought. Mostly.
It had been a month since that conversation between her parents and (Y/N) was now sitting with them in a carriage on their way to the estate of the new lord of Netherfield Park.
The letter had arrived about two days after the long discussion between her mother and her quiet father. (Y/N) seemed to be more relieved than her mother because she couldn’t bear her constant chatting and complaining about the ball.
In her lap was a white mask that her mother had brought home a few days ago. A masquerade. That was the order of the new landlord. An unusual way to celebrate a party, where you wanted to get to know the locals better, but (Y/N) didn’t put much thought into it.
With a calm look, she peered out of the window of the carriage and could see how the estate grew in the distance. The lights were shining through the high windows towards them as they rode the carriage to the large courtyard, where some other women were already getting out of their carriages and ascending the great marble staircase with their families.
Her father was the first to go out of the carriage, before he helped his wife out. In the end, he reached out to his daughter. For a brief moment, (Y/N) struggled with the wide skirt of her dress, before standing firmly on the ground.
Once again, she let her gaze wander over the courtyard and looked up at the broad facade of the estate. Suddenly (Y/N) caught a glimpse of a silhouette. Someone who seemed to be looking down at them and was watching what was going on. But before (Y/N) could take a closer look, her mother grabbed her arm and dragged her into the hall.
Upstairs in the said room, James watched how the carriages gathered in the courtyard and presented the different guests of almost every status. All came to see some of the wealth of the estate and the treasures that were on display in its halls.
“How many people will visit us tonight? Take a guess” Steve asked him. He was sitting at his best friend’s desk and had put his feet on the tabletop while he leaned back.
James’s gaze was still on the staircase as his gaze followed the woman who had just looked up at him. Yet he replied, “More than two hundred, I would say. Enough to get our bellies full for the next month. You’re going to keep them under control, aren’t you? We need posts at every door.”
“Of course. I’ve never worked sloppy before. You should know that”, Steve winked at him before he stood up and drained the last remaining blood out of his cup. The next moment he pulled some gloves out of his jacket and put them on “But answer me one. Why a masquerade?”
“You don’t want anyone to remember us by mistake, do you?”, a dark smile grazed James features. A similar smile came up on Steve’s face before he pulled the mask over his eyes and left.
In the meantime, the large ballroom of the estate had filled with guests and a small orchestra on a raised balcony played quiet music.
With all the hustle, (Y/N) wondered if she would even recognize anyone. The masks just made it harder to spot anyone she knew. Maybe she could get away from her mother. Time and time again she looked for familiar eyes.
Nervously, she again smoothed the wrinkles of her skirt and chewed around her lower lip. With each breath, it seemed to her as if the corsage of her dress was still lacing up.
Before her inner rambling could cause her to make her more uncomfortable, the hitting of a staff made the crowd go quiet. Everyone held their breath and turned to the source of the voice “Please welcome Lord James Buchanan Barnes and Colonel Steven Grant Rogers!”
The guests applauded in honour of the two men who were standing on a raised platform at the end of the hall. One of them stepped forward and raised his wine glass. (Y/N) couldn’t make out his features. Still, he wore a fancy dark suit with a wine-red tie. His slightly longer hair was tied with a ribbon in the back of his head. Although (Y/N) couldn’t see his eyes, they seemed pitch black.
“It is an honour to welcome you all to my new home. Until now, I have been welcomed with kindness in this beautiful little town and I am very happy to get to know you all better soon. I haven’t even lived here for a month, but it already feels like home to me. Let us all enjoy this evening. Sing, laugh and dance!”, his voice echoed through the room. It gave (Y/N) goosebumps.
He raised his glass to which his guests responded with the same gesture before they all took a sip of their drinks. It took less than five seconds, and the conversations were resumed. It was as if that greeting had never happened.
But (Y/N) could not take her eyes of her host. This was the person she had previously seen standing at the window. Before she could look away from him, he had already noticed her and seemed to reply to her stare. She tensed.
She hastily looked at the wine glass in her hand, from which she quickly took a short sip. The music started again. This time a bit louder than before because the guests began to dance. It wouldn’t take long for her mother to approach her once again and tell her daughter to find a suitable dance partner for the night.
“Do you see that woman over there? The one in the red dress and the white mask”, Bucky walked next to Steve as they made their way through the guests, who all respectfully stepped aside and bowed. Again and again, the two nodded to some people appreciatively.
Steve followed his friend’s gaze unobtrusively and nodded briefly “Pretty little thing. Do you want to go play or save her all to yourself for the night?”
“I haven’t decided yet, but I am sure going to do something with her”, he winked at Steve and stopped at the edge of the dance floor, watching his guests dance. Shortly thereafter, Steve also left him to dance with his wife Margaret, who approached them.
While his friends were busy having fun at the party, James resumed his search for the woman he had just spotted. It did not take long for him to find her her standing next to an elderly couple, who seemed to have an exciting conversation with two other guests. The woman herself didn’t seem very interested in the conversation and kept sipping on her glass. That was his cue.
(Y/N) gave out a soft sigh and investigated her wine glass, which would soon be empty. She listened with one ear to the conversation of her parents but did not attempt to participate herself. The unknown woman just boasted how her daughter had married a wealthy man from Oxford some time ago and now lived there. (Y/N) was already getting ready for a sermon from her mother.
Once again, the young woman raised her glass to her red lips as suddenly-
“Excuse me if I bother you but would you do me the honour of dancing with me?” said a deep voice to her, which seemed quite familiar to (Y/N). Her gaze wandered from her glass to the chest of the man standing before her. Her breath was stunted. It was Lord Barnes looking down at her with a gentle smile on his lips. He held out his hand to her, but (Y/N) couldn’t take her eyes off him.
For a moment, it seemed as if (Y/N) had forgotten to have a normal and decent conversation when her mother stepped in and tore the glass out of her hand “She would be honoured to dance with you, Lord Barnes.”
A charming smile spread across his lips as her mother said so. But he turned his gaze to (Y/N) again and asked for her approval “I hope that is indeed the case.”
(Y/N) blinked. Once, twice.
“Yes, I would very much like to dance with you”, she now agreed herself and took his hand, which he still held out to her. He gently drew her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand “What a relieve.”
It was not only her mother who lost her breath at this gesture. Like in a trance, (Y/N) followed her new dance partner onto the wide dance floor, where people automatically made room for them in awe. Soon he stopped with her in the middle of the dance floor and pulled her to his chest, where she instinctively assumed her posture and placed her hand on his shoulder.
Slowly the music started anew. A slow waltz. Controlled, he guided her through the room, and it seemed as if (Y/N) had never done anything else in her life. Every step was exactly as it should be. It was as if they were floating over the dance floor. At least, it seemed like that to her.
“I hope I didn’t take you by surprise”, James remarked, looking down at his dance partner, who focused her eyes on his chest. The reason behind it was the fact that he was a lot taller than her.
Hastily (Y/N) shook her head as her cheeks heated up “Not at all, my lord. I was just surprised, that’s all. There are so many beautiful young women here, I wondered why you chose me.”
“Why shouldn’t I? I have just chosen the prettiest in the room”, James replied, presenting her his charming smile, which made his eyes light up for a second. (Y/N)’s knees got soft. It seemed liked she had been enchanted by his aura.
It wasn’t long before the music became quieter and stopped. Together with the other couples, they stopped and applauded the musicians before James gave her his arm and whispered to her “Would you like to accompany me outside? It seems to be getting a little stuffy in here.”
A lie. It’s been years since James truly breathed air.
“I would love to.”, (Y/N) nodded and took shelter with her host before following him out onto the wide terrace. On their way there, (Y/N) did not notice James meeting the eyes of one of his men. It was Sam who stood near the exit and smiled at his friend. He knew James had found someone new to play with. If only it were for tonight.
“A beautiful night, don’t you think?” James looked up to the sky, where thousands of stars were glowing. It was more common here in the countryside. In the cities, the stars could be barely seen by the smoke rising through the chimneys into the sky.
(Y/N) followed his gaze and leaned forward against the wide stone railing. She nodded back, “Yes, it is. You haven’t seen such a sight very often, have you? I mean, I heard you moved out of town. What prompted you to do this?”
“The war and tranquillity I am looking for”, James replied honestly this time and turned his gaze back to (Y/N), who was still looking up at the stars, but noticed how he looked at her with his eyes: “You haven’t told me your name yet.”
“You didn’t ask for it either”, (Y/N) replied quick and smiled.
Oh, she’s cheeky. I like that.
He laughed for a moment and neck before he asked, “May I know your name, milady?”
At last, she looked at him again and her eyes shone as she replied with a smile, “My name is (Y/N). And I’m not a lady, my lord.”
The tension she had felt before in his presence was blown away. She felt comfortable in his presence, but she couldn’t explain why. He radiated a certain calmness that made her feel safe and comfortable.
He tilted his head to the side as he smiled, “The name suits you. But tell me, (Y/N), why would a pretty woman like you be alone with your parents at a party like this? There must be a man in your life.”
“Why? Because a woman like me needs a man?” she answered with a counter-question. She wondered how long he would put up with it. But it seemed that the remark would excited him more.
He raised an eyebrow, to which she smiled briefly and replied honestly, “I have a mind of my own, as my mother says. Most men don’t like this feature very well. In our small town, they want a woman who makes a man look good. She has to be pretty and smart, but not too smart for her to make the man look stupid. She needs to be educated, but not waste too much time on it. The piano is very popular with most men.”
“Women who only deal with the latest gossip have never really interested me. Besides, I like to talk to women who can keep up with my intellect. Someone like you”, James replied honestly again, leaning his hip against the stone wall to take a close look at her.
As (Y/N) fixed her posture to look him right in the eye, he stepped foward. He gently raised his hand and put his index finger under her chin to raise it so that she could not take her eyes off of him, “Men can be stubborn, especially English men. But we Americans love it when a woman has something more on her mind than piano notes and pretty clothes. How boring it would be to have someone with you who only agrees with everything you say. I have met lots of these women, but I have seldom encountered someone like you.”
Smiling, (Y/N) held his gaze as he took his hand from her chin and took her hand in his. She looked down for a moment but did not attempt to let go.
“You’re the first man to say something like that to me, and you seem to mean it”, she smiled and briefly squeezed his hand. From the gloves he was wearing, she didn’t even notice how cold they were. Once again, he put her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, “I am glad to see my presence and my personality please you, Lady (Y/N).”
“As I said, I’m not a lady”, she laughed softly as her cheeks heated up once more. The smile on his lips made her knees soft again, “To me, you are one.”
With every moment that passed, he liked the young woman more and more. Something he didn’t expect. It was selfish, but he knew then and there he wouldn’t let her go. Not as fast as he had planned. It would be difficult to inspire her for eternity once he had done it.
A life like him could also be lonely and desolate. Many souls had already gone mad after being transformed and being unable to return to the world of the living. It drove them mad. He wouldn’t let his (Y/N) go crazy. Not so easily.
“My Lord?” her sweet voice tore him from the thoughts that were swirling through his head. His gaze fell back on her as she gave him a worried look. He gently brushed a strand of her hair from her face and smiled calmly, “Forgive me, I was in my head.”
“Do you think maybe we should go back to the hall? Your guests would also like to exchange a few words with you. I don’t want to besiege you forever”, (Y/N) glanced over her bare shoulder and looked at the tinted glass doors that shielded her from the guests. Many couples were on the dance floor together and seemed cheerful.
“I think my guests will be able to be just fine without my constant presence for a while. Besides, it would be a lie if I said I didn’t want to spend some more time with you”, he replied, following her gaze briefly before turning her gaze to him.
It seemed almost supernatural to (Y/N) that a man like Lord Barnes would take such an interest in her, but it was mutual. She didn’t want to leave him. Not yet. She was delighted with his company and gave him a warm smile before she replied, “And it would be a lie if I said I am not pleased by your interest.”
A burst of hearty laughter came over James' lips. It had been a long time since he had heard such words that had truly touched him. Smiling, he held her hand that was still in his, before leading (Y/N) from the terrace into the wide garden, where many lanterns illuminated their path.
(Y/N) had already placed her hand on his arm and followed him through the small maze that stood in the middle of the garden. The tall hedges shielded them from curious eyes as they disappeared deeper and deeper into the maze.
“My parents will probably be wondering where I am”, (Y/N) smiled as she followed James through the hedges, still holding his hand tightly in fear she could lose him. Apparently, he knew his way around the maze very well, for he guided them safely to a small square that marked the middle of the maze.
In the middle of the square stood a beautifully decorated pavilion, clad in red and white roses and ivy trees. James led her there and sat down with her on one of the two benches.
“Your parents know you’re in good hands with me. I would never allow anything…bad to happen to you”, James merely replied. (Y/N) couldn’t have known that evil himself was still holding her hand and concealing his cruel nature with a pretty face. He could feel her heartbeat speeding up a bit.
“You know, (Y/N), a life like mine. . . is very lonely”, he told her, looking at the flowers hanging next to him on a pole. Yet he noticed how her gaze stuck to him. In a calm voice he continued, “Although I am very wealthy and have seen so much of the world, I have been missing someone to share this life with for years. Someone who accepts me for who I am and doesn’t want to be with me just for my money and my land. Do you understand what I mean?”
His gaze fell back on her. (Y/N)’s eyes almost pierced through his head as her eyes turned glassy. A soft sigh escaped her as she gazed down into her lap.
“I understand you very well. Even though my mother’s efforts are straining me a lot, I still want someone who. . . likes me for me. Who wants me. Not for my dowry, but for myself. I have never spoken to someone who understands me as well. . . as you do”, she replied, being astonished at her words.
James Barnes was the first man she could talk to without having to pretend. Her slightly rough nature had not deterred him. He had been tenacious, but still kind and attentive. It’s been a long time since she met someone like him. His personality seemed to drew her even closer to him. As if there was an invisible ribbon, which now tied her to him.
“You are so much more than just your dowry and a pretty face, (Y/N). Maybe it’s too hasty, but it would be a pleasure for me to get to know you better. The real (Y/N), who doesn’t have to act and doesn’t want to impress anyone. I already know you a little, but. . . not quite yet”, he stroked her cheek, giving her goosebumps. In a good way.
A short smile grazed her lips as she put her hand on his, “I would also like to get to know you better, my lord.”
“Please call me James. The title is too formal for me”, he smiled gently at her and ran his thumb over her cheekbones as (Y/N) muttered softly, “As you wish,…James.”
Slowly, he noticed her pulse increasing. He looked her in the eyes again as he got closer, and she could feel his cold breath on her skin. For a brief moment, it seemed like a dream to her, but it became reality at the moment as his lips touched hers. (Y/N) froze. She wasn’t expecting that. Not yet.
Immediately he broke away from the kiss and pulled his hand from her cheek, “Sorry, that was a little too hasty of me.”
If there was still blood flowing through his body, he’d be blushed. For the first time in a long time, he seemed nervous and ran his fingers through his hair. But (Y/N) grabbed his hand and shook her head calmly, “No, please. I was just…surprised that you…feel that way about me.”
“You’re just…so different. In a positive way, of course”, he held her hand and squeezed it briefly once when (Y/N) was the one who came a little closer and leaned forward, “No, you must forgive me. I didn’t mean to reject you. I like you…very much.”
Now James knew it was the right time.
Slowly he leaned over to her and kissed her gently on the mouth. Sighing her eyes closed as the young lady returned his kiss a little cautiously. After all, he had more experience in it than she did. But only now did (Y/N) realize how cold he was. It’s almost freezing.
“James, you’re so cold”, (Y/N) gently detached herself from the kiss and held her lips as he stroked her cheek and put a strand behind her ear: “Don’t worry. It’s nothing to worry about.”
Once again, he conquered her lips and pulled her closer to his chest. A little more courageously, (Y/N) grabbed the collar of his suit and pulled him closer. She closed her eyes again as he slowly continued to kiss her but wandered from her cheek down to her throat. Her eyes remained closed as she enjoyed his kisses on her warm skin. His lips were still cold, but now she did not seem to care anymore.
Soon he could hear her rapid heartbeat as he lavished kisses on her neck. (Y/N) did not notice how his eyes darkened and his teeth stretched into pointed pillars.
For a moment, James wrestled with himself over whether he should really kill her or go even further. Still, one thing was very clear. (Y/N) would never see the light of day again.
"Forgive me." he breathed against her soft skin and closed his eyes before placing his hand over her mouth. Before (Y/N) could even realize what was happening to her, he rammed his teeth into her neck. Her scream was stifled by his hand, but her body didn't give up so quickly. Panicked, she pushed and pounded against his chest as James sucked the blood from her body. But all her attempts did her no good, as he was far too strong for her.
Finally, she slumped lifelessly in his arms and sank against his chest. Sighing, James detached himself from her neck and pressed another soft kiss to the wound where his teeth had pierced her skin moments ago.
Gently he laid the young woman on the bench and pushed her hair out of her face. Carefully he untied the ribbon at the back of her head and pulled the mask from her face.
"Just as I imagined, my darling..." he ran his thumb over her lower lip and looked into her lifeless eyes before pulling his own mask off his face and tossing it on the floor beside him.
He took her hand in his and kissed the back of her hand, "I'll take care of you, my angel. No one will ever be able to hurt you again. We'll be together forever."
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lancermylove · 3 years
Geostigma (Oneshot)
Fandom: FFVII
Pairing: Rufus x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Ff7 Rufus oneshot request please!!! ACRufus with geostigma. He was once high and mighty but now is a hot shot president who’s fallen from grace. He’s really sick with geostigma (not terminally but needs to act like it is). Scenario of the girl he’s been secretly pining over volunteering at the recovery unit he’s staying at. He’s super conflicted because he wants to talk to her but at the same time doesn’t want her to see him like this. He also doesn’t want to expose his identity as shinras president and doesn’t want to lie to her pretending to be terminally ill with geostigma even though he is legimately suffering from it. What do you think??? Hope this works and makes sense!!! All good if you can’t do it though!!!
A/N: Anon, this was one of the most challenging pieces I’ve written. Keeping Rufus in character while showing his soft side was an enjoyable challenge, so tysm for sending in this request! 😁 I really hope you like it~. 
Word Count: 1967
In this place, status didn't matter - the rich, poor, females, males, old, young, and kids were all suffering in equal agony. The stigma didn't discriminate. Shinra had grown tired of seeing the same view every day. White walls, white beds, white machines - who chose this design? He couldn't have been more thankful for the hooded cloak, as the darkness had never felt so comforting. For the longest time, the president only saw the world in two colors, white of the recovery bay and black within his hood. That is until you came around and added color to his colorless world.
After losing a dear friend to the stigma, you became a volunteer at that facility. You had seen your friend suffering and wanted to help others, even if it means only making them smile. Though that may not seem much, you knew a smile meant the world to a person who was suffering. For the longest time, Rufus watched you, curious as to why you wanted to volunteer, considering most volunteers were older men or women and military personnel. You seemed like nothing less than a rose in the middle of a battlefield.
Slowly, he noticed the change in the recovery bay - the atmosphere seemed a lot brighter, even more so than the blinding whiteness of the room. Was it your effect? You brought thoughtful gifts for your patients, made them feel comfortable, and gave them the energy to push through their pain. Were people really like this or were you just an angel?
In Shinra's world, the word kindness didn't exist. His father taught him to control the world with money, but he changed money to fear. After observing you, he realized that even kindness could control the emotions of people. The blond-haired man chuckled to himself - what a twisted way to look at a positive emotion. He was sure if you heard his thoughts, you would hate him.
"Hm?" Shinra was surprised at his revelation. Why did he care what you thought about him? Never once in his life had he cared for what people thought about him - had he cared, he would not have committed such nefarious deeds. How peculiar.
That night as everyone slept, Shinra pushed his wheelchair to the only window in the large room. Though there were no visible stars, the moon shone proudly through a veil of ominous clouds. Rufus wasn't sure why he was having such a difficult time sleeping. Was it the constant throbbing from the infected area, or was it due to the heavy yet sweet pain weighing down on his chest?
"You are still awake?" He heard a shaky voice coming from the bed on his right. The voice belonged to the oldest patient in the room - the man that didn't much time left in this accursed world. 
Shinra didn't reply, prompting the man to continue talking, "Seems like something is bothering you."
"Tell me, have you felt an indescribable feeling that is troublesome yet pleasant?"
The elderly man laughed softly and turned his body towards the wheelchair, "That feeling is generally associated with love."
"I don't have the luxury to love," his dry chuckle echoed inside his hood. "I hail from a world where I am cursed to sit on a throne, surrounded by naught by darkness."
"Child, no one lives in a world like that."
Shinra turned his head slightly in the direction of the man and said, "You would not say such words if you knew my identity."
"You are Rufus Shinra," the old man mumbled under his breath, not wanting any prying ears to hear. "I never agreed with your methods or ways. I also blame your company for harming the Lifestream as well as the people."
He paused for a moment and exhaled softly, "Sitting on a lonely throne surrounded by the dark was your choice. The only way to get rid of the darkness is to open the curtain and let the light flood inside. Take some advice from an experienced old man: love while you have the chance. I know this sounds cliche, but there is nothing better than being with the person you love. Nothing will bring you more joy, not money, manipulation, and sitting on an expensive throne."
"Seems as though you have loved before."
The white-haired man closed his eyes and forced a smile, "I did but never told her. I left gifts and notes for her, and by the time I gathered enough courage, it was too late. She was engaged to someone else."
Shinra didn't need to look at the man to know he was in pain. Another sigh escaped his quivering lips as the he continued his tale, "I eventually got married and was lucky to have a kind wife. Though I learned to love her, I was not able to fully give my heart to her. That is the only regret I have. If only I could tell her how I felt about her..."
"Where is she?" Rufus asked, unsure as to why he was interested in the man's story.
"Somewhere far away," he promptly replied and changed the topic. "Mr. President, give that young woman you love a chance. Even if she rejects you, you won't regret hiding your feeling."
"Would any woman wish to be with a man in my current state?"
"She won't mind, especially if you manage to win her heart. Besides, she is a kind woman, and if she was the type to judge, then she would not be here helping us," he chuckled, knowingly.
Shinra laughed, not caring if his voice woke the others, "You are quite a sharp man."
The old male grinned, "Now, get some rest, and let this aged man sleep."
The following day, as Rufus debated whether or not to tell you, he heard rushing footsteps of the doctors and nurses. Within a few minutes, numerous people gathered around the elderly man's bed - the same man he had a conversation with the previous night. Silence filled the entire room, except for the occasional beeping of the heart monitors.
Shinra watched from under his hood as one of the doctors pulled a white sheet over the man's face before transporting his body out on a stretcher.
"Rest well, old man," he whispered, letting the words disappear into the darkness of his hood.
You dragged yourself into the room with a heavy heart. It didn't take a genius to deduce the reason behind your downcast mood. Rufus quietly watched you trying your best to smile and cheer up the other patients. When you came to check on him, he observed you for a moment before taking hold of your hand. "It's alright to be sad."
You stared at him speechlessly, not only surprised that he saw through your façade but also because this was the first time he spoke to you. Averting your eyes, you whispered in a drained voice, "I can't let the others see me sad."
"I care not for the others...only you."
Your eyes widened by his unexpected words. "W-Why?"
Rufus stayed silent for a bit as he recalled his conversation with the old man.
"Mr. President, give that young woman you love a chance. Even if she rejects you, you won't regret hiding your feeling."
"Would any woman wish to be with a man in my current state?"
"She won't mind, especially if you manage to win her heart. Besides, she is a kind woman, and if she was the type to judge, then she would not be here helping us."
"I have never felt such emotions, nor have I used such words, but," he whispered gently, surprising himself, "I have not met an angel before, but now, I know what an angel would look like. I wish the angel would learn to be selfish though and think about herself once in a while."
A giggle escaped your lips, "Mister, are you flirting with you, or do you like me?"
Shinra chuckled, keeping his head down as to prevent you from seeing his face, "I am merely trying to get you to smile, and it seemed to work. Also, I do not have the luxury to like anyone."
"Why do you say that?" You asked, confused.
"You would not be asking me such a question if you knew my identity."
"Rufus Shinra? The president of the Shinra Electric Power Company?"
Rufus was speechless, an occurrence that didn’t happen often. You gently squeezed his hand to get his attention and asked once again, "Why don't you have the luxury to love?"
"Miss, take a look around you. The Shinras are responsible for this - first my father, then I. Though I possess power and money, I lack a heart," he stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
"You were trying to make me smile because I was sad, right? You empathized with me, so that means you have a heart."
Shinra chuckled, "Then let me ask, would you love a man with a dark past? A man who lacks humanity and is selfish."
"Mr. Shinra, are you asking me out?" You teased, not wanting to answer his question at that moment.
"And if I am?"
"Great. Where would you like to go?"
Under his hood, Rufus hid a rare expression - eyes wide, cheeks slightly red, and mouth ajar. Within moments, his laughter echoed through the room, surprising everyone. That was the first time in his life he has laughed openly; had you told him a year ago that one day he would laugh in such a manner, Rufus would have called you insane.
"You are truly a strange one."
You giggled in response but didn't say a word. Rufus wondered what you were silent as he couldn't see your expression from within the darkness. Bending down to his level, you cautiously brought your hands closer to him and lowered the cloth hiding his face. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him; you had heard women mentioning that Rufus was a handsome man, but you weren't expecting him to be drop-dead sexy. Shinra stared at you with a smirk as your cheeks slowly started to glow red.
"My dear, are you not feeling well? Your cheeks seem a bit too red," he teased, earning a pout from you. "Do my bandages bother you?"
"You even make the bandages look good," you absentmindedly replied. "Uh...I mean-"
Before you could retract your statement or give clarifications, Rufus sealed your lips with his. Everyone in the room started clapping and cheering the two of you on. Though you were embarrassed, a warm smile danced on your lips. As you scanned the smiling faces of all the patients in the room, Rufus stared at the empty bed by the window.
The two of you had been together for a while, and Shinra had made a full recovery. The situation in the city was improving, all thanks to the mysterious healing rain.
"Rufus, what are we doing here?" You asked as your wrapped your hands around his arm tightened.
"It will only be a moment," he chuckled and freed his arm from your tight grip before making his way to a dilapidated tombstone. Shinra placed a bouquet of white Forget-Me-Nots in front of the grave and whispered solemnly, "These are from a man who wished to tell you that he loved you dearly. His only regret in life was not confessing his feelings to you."
"Rufus?" You asked, taken aback by his words and actions.
"My dear, do you believe in the afterlife?" He questioned curiously.
"There has to be something after death, so yes."
The corners of his lips slightly tugged up, "Then I hope the old man was able to meet her and confess his feelings."  
➣ FFVII Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open || Requests: Closed
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mrs-hatake · 3 years
here comes the bride: prologue
pairings: levi x female!reader + minor zeke x female!reader.
genre: alternate universe, illegal car racing, suggestive themes, arranged marriage, strangers to lovers, slow burn, falling in love, eventual smut, heavy make out sessions, hurt/comfort & fluff.
summary: “Fine.” She breathes out without bothering to hide her unhappiness. “I’ll get married.” She swallows the bile at the back of her throat. Her mother casts a radiant smile her way and weakly reaches out to take her hand in hers. 
“Thank you.” She says sincerely, bringing Y/N’s hand to her lips and kissing it with difficulty. “I’m sure you’ll come to love Levi, he will treat you right.”
a/n: helloooooo!I'm back with another aot fic :Dthe plot for this fic came to me randomly and i instantly fell in love that i HAD to write everything down. each chapter will contain trigger warnings if necessary and this chapter is tagged with tw for mentions of death and manipulation. lastly, I would like to thank my soulmate for helping with proof reading and selecting the appropriate characters for y/n. that's all that I have. happy readings! ❤️
this fic can also be found on ao3
The sound of the monitor is deafening. It’s consistent beeping is accompanied by the soft pitter patter of the rain outside as the weather slowly transitions from spring to summer, emitting an ominous atmosphere. The grey clouds and the wind howling outside, the large rectangular windows outside don’t help with the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. People rush to seek shelter and cars zoom by despite the slippery streets, eager to reach their destination without delay.
A small family of three surround a luxurious hospital bed which fully showcased their financial status and class. The bed was covered in the finest linen, a soft cream color and the silkiest pillows that accommodate  absolute comfort.
An air purifier with the aroma of lavender and honey is found in almost every room of the hospital, masking away the horrible stench of disinfectant and death. However, it still lingers in the air, like a criminal imprisoned for life.
The woman on the bed is pale, no longer looks like the tanned Goddess that had been dubbed Miss Osaka at the Young Ladies of Japan debutant three years in a row. Her long and healthy locks have lost their sheen and are brittle and dry, split ends can be seen and her grey hair is on display, when she usually dyes them every two months. The healthy fat in her body has dissolved, leaving nothing but skin and bones. Despite all of this, her glimmer of ebullience still lives on.
“How are you feeling, mother?” A young woman in her early twenties is sitting on a wooden chair next to the hospital bed with a look of worry on her face. Her fingers are brushing through the knotted hair of the dying woman on the bed while her other hand tightly holds her mother’s boney and wrinkled hand.
The older woman offers a weak, gentle smile. “I’m fine. Don’t you worry your pretty little head.” She chuckles but is soon coughing heavily, eyes shutting tightly to fight off the pain in her lungs.
“Are you alright? Should I call the nurse?”
The older woman shakes her head, however, and instead motions for the pitcher of water and the empty glass on her bedside table. Understanding dawns on her daughter’s face and she hurriedly pours a glass of warm water and hands it to her mother and helps her sit up straight to drink the entire glass in one go, her mother gasping in relief once the glass is empty.
“Mamiko.” A man in his mid sixties rubs his hand over his face in distress. He had been wearing a mask of bravery for his wife and two daughters, but seeing his usually strong and stubborn wife look so frail and weak frightened him. Memories of them butting heads, teasing each other and fighting over the course of their marriage reminds him of just how fiery his wife was. Seeing her in such a state tears off the mask he’s wearing on his face and tosses it away, exposing his true emotions.
“I’m fine, Masamune.” The woman waves him off and motions for her daughter to press the remote to raise the head of her bed so that she can sit up straight. She gives a pointed look to her husband, as if to prove her point.
All that her husband can do is sigh.
Just then, a timid knock reaches their ears and a smiling nurse enters the room with an apologetic expression on her youthful face. “I’m sorry, but visiting hours are ending soon.” She reminds them gently.
Masamune tiredly nods his head and pushes himself away from the wall to cross the short distance to where his wife is resting on the bed and lovingly kisses the top of her head. “Come back to us soon.” He whispers before heading towards the door, awaiting his two daughters.
“Get well soon, mother.” The younger of Masamune and Mamiko’s daughters, Tsukiko, is a twenty year old woman in her third year of law school and is aiming to achieve her Intellectual Property Law Certificate to assist her family in the future. She bids her mother goodbye with gentle eyes and a strong squeeze to her hand.
Y/N is about to get up from her chair and mimic her father by kissing her mother goodbye, when the older woman interrupts her, “Y/N, stay. I need to discuss something with you.”
Glancing to where her father and sister were lingering by the door, she nods her head and remains in her seat. She has a feeling that her father and younger sister are aware of the topic her mother wishes to discuss with her.
When the door is softly shut behind the two, Mamiko turns to face her eldest daughter and the heir to their company. “Have I ever told you the story of the day you were born?”
Growing up, Y/N had heard the story of her birth countless times from her parents, her grandmother who had been living with them at the time, and the maids living in their mansion all told her about it. They coined it as the funniest situation they’ve ever experienced in their lives. She had heard the story so many times that she has it memorized. Still, she shakes her head no.
“It was my twenty-fifth birthday. Your aunt Chiaki insisted that we have a girls night to celebrate the big day.” Her mother chuckles at the memory of a young Chiaki who had recently gotten a pixie cut after a terrible break up with her boyfriend of three years and how she had practically dragged Mamiko out of their house.
“We did your typical girly traditions; going shopping, getting our nails done, the usual.” Her mother weakly waves her hand. “Little did I know, your father had gathered up everyone who could come to our home on short notice for a surprise birthday party. It was around three or four o’clock in the afternoon that Chiaki and I finally decided to return home. I opened the door and the lights flickered on and a discordant ‘Happy birthday!’ was yelled. I was so elated and touched by their surprise that I couldn’t stop laughing! I laughed and laughed for five minutes straight, literally, when I felt a warm and tingling sensation trickle down my legs. Though I should be embarrassed at the thought of wetting myself in front of our guests, we quickly realized that the speed and the amount of liquid rushing through was actually because my water broke.”
“Everyone screamed and squeaked at the arrival of the baby. Panicking, I was rushed into the car with your father hysterically, frantically gathering all of the necessities we need for your delivery and drove all the way to the hospital like a mad man. Now that I think about it, I’m surprised we didn’t get into some kind of accident.” Mamiko hummed at the thought and then turned to face her daughter with raw affection in those fatigued eyes of hers, and with a shaky hand, cupped her daughter’s cheek. “And two days later, our beautiful baby girl came into our world. Your father had complained that you were as stubborn as I am for taking two days to arrive but I knew that you were taking your time to get comfortable and face the world head on.”
Y/N offered her mother a small smile as she desperately tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill and swallow the thick lump in her throat. “I love you.” She whispers with a hoarse voice.
“I love you too.” Her mother returns the sentiment with a small curl of her lips.
“And you were such a joy to raise, your sister, too? of course but you were our first. Our first child, our first daughter and our first experience as parents. There were difficult times, I can’t deny that, but seeing the woman that you are today, it was worth it.”
Y/N couldn’t stop the tears from filling her eyes and cascading down her cheeks. She licks the single tear that lingered on her tongue and turned her head to kiss her mother’s palm. “I’d trade the whole world for you to return home to us in good health.” Y/N’s voice is broken but her sincerity is firm.
“I know you would.” Her mother says as she retrieves her hand. “Which is why I hate myself for asking you for such a request... but I want you to know that I am doing this out of love and care for you.”
Y/N’s eyebrows draw together in confusion before realization dawns on her and she vehemently shakes her head in denial before her mother could voice her request. “No. No, I won’t do it.”
“Please, Y/N.” Mamiko holds her daughter's hand with hers using all of the strength she could muster. “Think of it as my dying wish.”
Y/N continues to shake her head but this time her shoulders are shaking as sobs rake her body. “Don’t say that!”
Neither of them say anything as Y/N continues to cry at the predicament they are in. Her mother; old, frail, and dying and is begging her to do the one thing that Y/N loathes more than anything. She had fought all her life with her parents to be emancipated from their backwards traditions, live her life how she sees fit and make her own decisions accordingly.
“I know your father and I weren’t the perfect example of a happy couple and that you have witnessed things little girls your age shouldn’t have witnessed but we tried to be decent and put together for your and Tsukiko’s sake.”
Suddenly, the memories of her parents screaming at the top of their lungs, insulting each other with words that Y/N knew she wasn’t meant to hear, and her father harshly grabbing her mother’s upper arm until it bruised, all came flooding in that moment. She had bare witness to their flawed marriage.
“I won’t force you into an arranged marriage, but I won’t die happy knowing that my first and eldest daughter isn’t married.” Mamiko knows that she is guilty of manipulating her daughter into a marriage, especially by using her nearing death as leverage, however, she is certain that her daughter will one day find it in her heart to forgive her. And that’s why she pushes on with her dying wish.
“Your father and I have already found a suitable man-”
“You found someone behind my back?” Y/N unintentionally snorts at her mother as though she does not care. She is hurting and is scared of being blackmailed into marriage.
Mamiko withholds the urge to heavily sigh at her daughter and patiently explains herself. “Your marital status has been haunting us for years, we can’t just ignore the fact that our daughter wishes to remain single for the rest of her life.”
“And you can’t just respect my wishes, can you?”
Mamiko’s eyes seem to glass over and get shiny, she hesitates, yet still won’t back down. She was doing this for her daughter. “Stop being stubborn for once and listen to your mother.”
Y/N rolls her eyes as she humorlessly chuckles at her mother. She had done everything for her mother’s sake, sacrificed so much to make her happy. And the one time Y/N asks for the same in return, she is strongly denied of it.
Her mother’s coughing fit snaps Y/N out of her stupor and she hastily refills the glass with water and gives it to her. Perhaps it could be the works of her mother’s illness or the inevitable truth of her mother’s demise that has Y/N letting out a noiseless exhale, her shoulders sagging as she slumps into her seat.
“Fine.” She breathes out without bothering to hide her unhappiness. “I’ll get married.” She swallows the bile at the back of her throat.
Her mother casts a radiant smile her way and weakly reaches out to take her hand in hers. “Thank you.” She says sincerely, bringing Y/N’s hand to her lips and kissing it with difficulty.
“I’m sure you’ll come to love Levi, he will treat you right.”
When she hears that name and recognizes who he is, it feels like cold water is being dumped all over her and she shivers at the thought of a future being married to an expressionless and strict man. In that instance, she felt like she wanted to bolt and run away with a new identity. But for her mother’s sake, she puts on a brave smile and nods her head.
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aurora077 · 3 years
Summary: Lan Xichen’s seclusion had gone on long enough, in Jiang Cheng’s opinion. It was time for an intervention. Fem!JC
Author's Note: This work is set in jiucengta ‘s haunting legacies au (https://archiveofourown.org/series/1716682)which I suggest you check out. Jiang Cheng is female and was married to Wei Wuxian before shit hit the fan. The relationships are not explicitly stated here, it's very background. I just had this idea and wanted to get it out there. I may or may not do another fic very similar to this one but not set in an AU, just post-canon instead.
Two years had gone by since the fateful Guanyin Temple incident that rocked the cultivation world. Two years (a little more really) since Jiang Cheng’s erstwhile husband had returned from the dead. Two years (a little less actually but who’s counting) since she lost her widowed status and gained an extra love to boot somewhere in the middle. And two years since Sect Leader Lan had gone into seclusion, punishing himself for his blindness and mourning the loss of both his sworn brothers.
Normally Jiang Cheng would not stick her nose in other sects’ business. But Gusu Lan had become more than just another sect to her; it was important to those she loved and so, it was also important to her. And even if things hadn’t turned out the way they did in her personal life, Lan Xichen is someone she would have wanted to help anyway. During the thirteen years her husband had been dead he had been one of the few to show any open support for her.
She would never forget that fateful discussion conference-- the one where she’d been dubbed Wife of the Yiling Demon after she rebuffed Jin Guangshan’s attempt to pressure her into marriage (brokered by him no less-- undoubtedly trying to get her to wed one of his own relatives...control over the Jiang could only work in his favour). Loudmouthed Sect Leader Yao would have turned things even uglier for her had it not been for Lan Xichen’s timely intervention on her behalf. His steady support had helped her in more ways than one over the years despite the fact that they were not ever particularly close. With Gusu Lan seemingly in her corner, the voices that would (and initially, did) loudly decry a young female Sect Leader were forced to whisper instead.
That was why she found herself sitting opposite the man, sipping on a cup of tea as he gazed inquisitively at her.
“Sect Leader Jiang,” he greeted, sounding weary, voice containing only a trace of his former warmth, “What brings you here? As you know I am still in seclusion, technically, I should not be having visitors. Is there something urgent that you need my help with?”
“Yes,” she said, and continued bluntly as was her way, “I’m here to convince you to leave it.”
His eyes widened slightly. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
It spoke to the measure of self control the Lan’s had that he didn’t simply kick her out of the hanshi.
“I beg your pardon but I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
She cleared her throat and tried to measure her words more carefully; she didn’t want to be asked to leave before she had made her arguments and she tried to remember that this Lan Xichen had been hurt too deeply to retain his former magnanimity.
“You may not know it Lan Xichen, but outside these walls you are sorely missed.”
His lips twitched, as if he wanted to smile but couldn’t quite make it.
“I’m aware my family may miss me, Sect Leader Jiang, but I had no idea that you harbored such strong feelings towards me that you now miss my presence.”
She sputtered slightly, not expecting him to joke about it when he looked like he could keel over if she spoke too loudly. “I…” her face turned red, “That wasn’t what…”
Taking pity on her he waved her protests away, voice becoming more solemn, “Why don’t you tell me why you think I should leave my seclusion. You of all people should understand why I need to do this. It was your family hurt the most by my ignorance.”
She drew in a breath to steady herself, “Did you hold me responsible when Wei Wuxian did all the crap that he did?”
“That’s different, he was manipulated,” he frowned.
“Nobody knew that until recently Zewu-Jun. And manipulation or not he still made choices that led to a lot of harm. So I ask you again, was I to blame? Should I not have been able to stop my husband? Is it not, therefore also my fault? Maybe I should join you in seclusion since his demonic cultivation was partly because he gave me his core and had no options left.”
He looked pained, “I have never blamed you for his choices. You couldn’t help what you didn’t know. None of us knew he didn’t have a core.”
“And none of us knew Jin Guangyao was a megalomaniac either. So how can you be blamed for his choices? If you are to shoulder the blame then so should all the rest of us.”
“The rest of you weren’t his sworn brothers!” he almost shouted.
“Mingjue knew. He warned me not to trust him so many times. I dismissed him. I thought he was paranoid and misjudging A-Yao like so many others. If he could see it, why didn’t I? I wronged Da-ge in the worst way because I thought I knew better than him,” His breathing was coming out ragged, “I thought A-Yao was the one who knew me best. Who I knew best.”
It spoke to his state of mind that he even let all of that out in front of her.
“Sect Leader Jiang, the man I considered my closest companion is the man most hated by the cultivation world and reviled as a monster. How do you think I must look in comparison? I am sure there are those out there wondering if I had known and if I even helped him with all of his plans. There are people who will speculate as to the bounds of our relationship. If I did not go into seclusion they would say I had no shame, look what his sworn brother did and he’s out and about like normal. Then there are those who look at my decision to seclude myself as an indicator of guilt and may accuse me of complicity. Or they will look at my mourning and see someone who mourns a monster and who does that? Why mourn a monster? Sect Leader Yao even openly criticised your young nephew for crying at the coffin of his uncle who also helped raise him. A parentless child who saw one of his only remaining close family members die brutally after being exposed as a serious criminal, who even threatened him with bodily harm, could not grieve him without censure. What of a grown man, and a Sect Leader at that!”
“With all due respect, so what?”
“E..excuse me?” Lan Xichen was torn between being confused and insulted.
“You heard me. So. What?” she started, “So what if they think these things? Does that make it true? If Sect Leader Yao thinks that you’re an incestuous troll would that make it true? If Sect Leader Ouyang says ‘hey did you know that Sect Leader Lan likes to visit brothels in secret’ would that make it true? Just because people think something does not make it a reality. Your sect certainly does not believe you are responsible for the actions of Jin Guangyao and would stand by you if anyone insinuates otherwise. You have your brother and your uncle who love you and are worried about you. Your sect has thrived under your leadership and undoubtedly they all miss you too.”
That Lan Jingyi kid couldn’t shut up about how much he missed Zewu-Jun. And she knew Lan Zhan missed his brother and lamented that he could not do more for him. He and Lan Qiren were working themselves ragged trying to pick up the pieces. He’d hardly had time to come back to Lotus Pier and she and Wei Ying missed him dearly. They’d had to make up so many ‘official’ reasons to find themselves in the Cloud Recesses so that they could spend some time together. So yes on the one hand it would be good for them if Zewu-Jun were to leave seclusion but she wasn’t simply doing it for that reason. It was because if anyone could understand what Zewu-Jun was going through, it would be her. And she didn’t think that seclusion was going to help anything. All it would do is make him ruminate on his mistakes over and over again until he likely went mad himself.
“You said that the man you considered your closest companion turned out to be a monster. Gee, I wonder what that feels like? You said that people will wonder if you helped him with his plans, oh gee, I wonder what that feels like?” Zewu-Jun had the grace to look abashed at that.
She continued, softer, “You said people will talk about what kind of person mourns a monster. But you’re not mourning a monster, are you? When A-Ling cried over his coffin, did you blame him for it? Did you think ‘why is this child mourning when he should celebrate the end of the one who fractured his family?’ like Sect Leader Yao did?” Zewu-Jun shook his head but didn’t say anything, letting her continue.
“A-Ling was mourning the loss of the uncle he knew. And you are mourning the loss of the companion he had been to you. The world will only ever view him as a monster because the world never knew him. But you did. Maybe you didn’t know everything about him, but not everything about him was fake. I hate Jin Guangyao, I will not pretend otherwise. But I was there, Zewu-Jun. I was there, and I could see that he truly did care for you and value you. Not everything he showed you would have been fake. You of all people probably got more sincerity out of him than anyone else. And so you, of all people, have a right to mourn the man he was, the same way A-Ling still mourns the loss of the man who gifted a lonely child a dog. Not everything had an ulterior motive. Even monsters can love can’t they? Even monsters had people who loved them. I would know. So if you need to mourn him… then just mourn him.
Who gives a damn what people will say about it? People will always talk, Zewu-Jun. It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t do, people will believe what they want to believe. So why let their opinions force you into repenting for something you didn’t even do? Let them think what they want to think. It is not a crime to be deceived. We all were. Why take the world on your shoulders when you don’t actually have to? And again, with all due respect Sect Leader Lan, if I, a family-less, alliance-less woman whose husband was the most reviled personage in the jianghu, who suffered the scorn of the cultivation world for over a decade, could raise my nephew on my own and build my sect back from literal ashes into one of the strongest and most respected once again, then you, who have a strong sect and people who love you, who believe in you and will support you no matter what… you can manage to live too.”
“Sect Leader Jiang…” Zewu-Jun was at a loss for words. What could he say? It only sounded selfish and petty to claim that he suffered more than she did, because he truly didn’t. She was right after all. Sect Leader Jiang was a remarkable woman. Life had not been kind to her. And...her words struck something within him. He felt ashamed. He hadn’t even thought about what it was like for her before this. He’d never offered her any support, but here she was trying to get him to live his life again without guilt. She, whose family most assuredly suffered because of his inaction, was here telling him to let it go, to not take responsibility. But how could he do that so easily?
“How did you do it? Sect Leader Jiang...” his voice cracked, “Can you ever forgive me, for the harm that my inaction caused you and your family?” Maybe if he heard it from her, maybe he could begin to forgive himself.
She sighed. “On my part, there is nothing to forgive Zewu-Jun. And so I can’t grant you forgiveness because you haven’t done me any wrong. But there are a few people who do deserve an apology from you. And your seclusion is a self-imposed punishment that you feel you deserve but at the end of the day, it does not actually do anything tangible when it comes to making amends to those who have been hurt.”
He was silent for a moment, stunned by her words. He hadn’t considered that his seclusion might have been causing others even more harm than he’d already done to them. Sect Leader Jiang was wise (she would disagree...she’d just learned from bitter experience in her opinion). He felt like he’d done her a great disservice all of these years, by not making an effort to reach out to her.
“Please, tell me. I.. I confess I no longer trust my judgement. I thought I knew A-Yao. I thought I was a good judge of character. I no longer know how to tell what is up from down. All I know is that I was so, so wrong about A-Yao. If you say that I have not harmed you then I am glad. I would hate to be the cause of more pain. You said that I am not responsible for A-Yao’s actions, and though it isn’t easy to believe that just yet, if there are those who I have truly wronged then please...please tell me. I still don’t know if I am ready to leave seclusion, if I even know how to, but I need to atone for my actions.”
Jiang Cheng nodded, “That’s the right attitude at least. So to start with I’d say you need to have a chat with Huaisang.”
His eyes widened, “I… I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Sect Leader Jiang.” His face darkened slightly. He wasn’t pleased with Huaisang at the moment. It felt like he never even knew him.
“And why not? Out of everyone, it’s Huaisang that you unintentionally hurt. And I don’t mean because of not listening to Nie Mingjue. His death was not your fault.” He was about to protest but she cut him off. “It wasn’t. I told you, stop taking responsibility for what isn’t your fault and own up to what is.”
He sighed heavily, “If it’s not about Da-ge then how did I wrong Huaisang?”
“Well for one, you’re still his Er-ge. Yet you seem to have forgotten that in lieu of what happened in the temple. Huaisang… has lost everyone. He may have been acting like a shady shit for the past however many years but… do you know what it’s like to be the last one of your family, Zewu-Jun? To have nobody beside you except subordinates?” He inhaled sharply. “I.. I hadn’t thought of that,” he said mournfully. How much did he just not consider? What kind of a person was he that he resented Huaisang for his deceit but yet did not consider for one moment that Huaisang may have done those things because he thought he was all alone and could not come to him for help? What kind of brother was he that his little brother could not confide in him? He should have been there for Huaisang, instead he had thought so highly of Jin Guangyao, even dismissing da-ge’s claims, that Huaisang had not dared to approach him with his suspicions.
Sect Leader Jiang was being very understanding however, “Zewu-Jun, I know you’re not pleased with Huaisang. I know there are many things that he’s done that are not right. I know there’s a possibility that he lied and forced your hand at the end. Believe me, I know the feeling...more than anyone, I know what it feels like to be deceived by someone you love...to kill someone you love. I know what it feels like when everyone praises you for it. Like you did such a great thing and you should be happy and celebrating with everyone else, except you can’t because your heart has shattered…has been ripped to shreds.
As someone who once loved a so-called monster...as someone who as good as killed that person with their own hands, I understand better than anyone what you’re going through. What Huaisang did was cruel, even though I’m glad Jin Guangyao is dead. It was cruel to have you be the one to end him. Huaisang likely knew that Jin Guangyao valued you. He knew it would be the worst end for him to be killed by your hand. I can’t speak for Huaisang, but I don’t believe he did it to hurt you, even though that’s inevitably what happened anyway. He did it to hurt Jin Guangyao. But even though it was not kind of him to have you be the arbiter of justice, he still deserves to have his Er-ge in his life.
She paused remembering the pain of losing her husband and sister all in one night.
She didn't have to imagine how Huaisang would have felt at losing the last member of his family at the hands of someone he cared about.“You and I aren’t the only ones who were deceived by someone we loved. Huaisang loved Jin Guangyao too, didn’t he? He loved and trusted him. When Nie Mingjue was getting worse, didn’t Huaisang trust and rely on both you and Jin Guangyao? It wasn’t a front. You were both dear to him. He loved him. He loved him and was betrayed by him in the worst way. And then yes, he orchestrated a whole convoluted plan to have him exposed and killed.
But you and I can both attest that justice, and even revenge, doesn’t stop the pain does it? Huaisang avenged his brother, but he lost another in the process, the same way you did. Don’t let him lose you too. You said you wronged Nie Mingjue by not listening to him. I think you’d wrong him even more if you left his little brother alone, without anyone to call family. You don’t have to forgive Huaisang right away, or at all if you don’t want to, but eventually you should at least try and reconcile with him. You’re his big brother... the only one left. And you know, Huaisang would have had the realisation that he was fooled by Jin Guangyao all on his own. But you don’t have to be alone.
Huaisang and you share the experience of being blinded by him. It would be much easier to talk to someone who has gone through the same things, no? Huaisang is there. And I am here. You don’t have to endure this on your own. We may not be very close Zewu-Jun, but we can understand each other, not so? So I’m here if you need someone to confide in. And Huaisang...Huaisang must be waiting too. For his Er-ge. You both owe each other apologies.”
By the time she was done speaking there were tears rolling down his face. She didn’t think it was quite appropriate given their positions, (though she was sort of his secret sister-in-law so really, he counted as family) but she moved over to his side and embraced him. If he was surprised he didn’t show it, only moving to cling to her more tightly and sob with a ferocity that had her a bit surprised. She wondered if this was the first time since the temple that he’d allowed himself to fully grieve what he had lost, without the guilt of letting his sworn brother die, killing the other one, and feeling bad for mourning for someone who he should hate.
Everyone praised him for killing Jin Guangyao however, it was something he didn’t want to be praised for. But what could he say? That he hated the fact that he killed him? He was right about one thing, if he ever said something like that people would most assuredly say he was complicit and probably want to implicate him. Jiang Cheng of all people knew how hard it was to listen to people praising you for a deed you were not proud of. And so she was the only person who would understand. The only person who would, who could, acknowledge the hurt it would have caused him to do what he did, especially if he was tricked into it.
His feelings about Huaisang would be complicated, but it wasn’t too late to reconcile as long as they were both alive.
She rubbed his back consolingly and just let him cry. It must have been no more than 15 minutes, but it felt much longer, before his tears slowed. When his sobs petered out he tried to compose himself. She let go of him and he embarrassedly turned away, sipping his tea. He cleared his throat, “I’m sorry Sect Leader Jiang, that was unbecoming of me.”
“Don’t mention it,” she waved off. She was there to help after all.
“I will give your words due consideration. It was remiss of me to forget that I was not the only one affected by A-Yao’s schemes. I truly regret not thinking of how Huaisang would have felt when he first found out. You are right. I have done my little brother a disservice,” he said, voice croaky from his bout of sobbing.
“You said that there were people I needed to apologise to. Who else have I wronged?” he continued. His respect and admiration for Sect Leader Jiang had grown exponentially since the start of this visit. He would take her words under advisement if he could.
“Oh Zewu-Jun,” she sighed, “What you’re doing with this seclusion, doesn’t it remind you of someone? Because it sure reminds your uncle.”
Zewu-Jun looked as if she had slapped him.
“Nobody would begrudge you needing time to grieve and to come to terms with what happened, it is human nature. It’s understandable. We were all blindsided. And I understand the wish to seclude yourself because I wish I could have as well, though I didn’t have the luxury,” she said, not unkindly but it made him wince anyway, “But it’s been too long. A few months would be okay, though grief will last longer than that, but more than that is just being unfair to others. You are the Sect Leader. Your uncle has already had to watch his brother shirk his duties and seclude himself from the world for the rest of his life.
Your uncle has had to pick up the slack. He raised you and your brother like a father would, while taking care of sect matters. None of those things were his responsibility yet he did it. And now… now he has to go through it all over again. Master Lan is elderly though and he cannot keep up with all of the duties required of an elder, teacher and now Sect Leader once more. And so that leads me to the last person that you have wronged.
Lan Zhan is Chief Cultivator now, did you know? His duties are myriad and yet he has to come back here and help Master Lan run the sect. It pains Master Lan to see history repeating itself. A younger brother once again has to take the reins from his older brother and he does it without complaint, because he loves you. But it is unfair to A-Zhan. He can’t live his own life because he’s too busy living yours. He’s barely managing to keep up with both sets of duties, but he’s doing it for you. It has been two years, Zewu-Jun. He worries so much about you, as does your uncle. It pains them to see you this way. And so Sect Leader Lan,” she pointedly used his rank, “I beg of you to consider leaving your seclusion. You have people who love you waiting for you. Your family needs you.”
His eyes were glittering once more, but no tears were shed this time. He swallowed thickly. The past few months it had seemed as if he was living in a fog. He’d barely managed to keep his routine up, it was only through decades of strict routine that he’d gotten himself off the bed and eaten his food and meditated everyday on his shortcomings. But it seemed that while he was doing that he’d missed quite a few. Because she was right wasn’t she? He hid himself away like a coward and didn’t even think about how it would affect Wangji and Uncle. He hadn’t even considered how hurt his uncle would feel to see him go down the same route as his father.
Her words were like a splash of cold water. It seemed to wake him up; it got him out of the daze he was in. If this woman before him could raise a child and a sect from the ashes all alone after going through more tragedy than a hundred people in one lifetime would...he could get himself in gear and do what he had to do. He felt ashamed in front of her. She was right that she didn’t have the luxury to seclude herself. But he did. He did, and he took advantage of the support system that he had to take time for himself. More time than he should have.
She said it was understandable, and maybe it was, but she was also right that it should not have been going on for this long. He had no desire to be Qingheng-Jun the second. But if she hadn’t come here today… if she hadn’t said all that she had said… He would not have even thought of those things. He was too busy thinking of himself. It was likely that he would have stayed for years in his seclusion, just ruminating on what went wrong and what he could have changed. It was all too easy to get caught up in could-have-beens.
“Sect Leader Jiang,” he said, devastated at the thought of his uncle, the man who raised him when he didn’t have to, who did his best to prevent them from turning out like their father, thinking that he had failed when it was Lan Xichen who failed, “I’ve heard you loud and clear. But…”
“But I don’t know if I even know how to go about being Sect Leader anymore. I feel like the decisions I make would be questionable now. How can I trust that I will do what’s best for the sect? I have already failed in so many ways. Now I have failed Wangji and Uncle too.”
“What did I tell you? You’re not alone Zewu-Jun. You don’t have to leave seclusion immediately. You don’t even have to start doing everything right away. Ease back into it. Your family will be there to help you. I’m offering to help you. If you need to talk about things that you can’t with them, you can write to me. Master Qiren should not have to be taking on these responsibilities any longer and A-Zhan needs to have time to breathe...his own position is challenging enough. Besides you haven’t failed, you’ve just had some setbacks is all. Failure would be wallowing in self-pity forever and leaving everyone else to do your duties indefinitely,” she looked at him pointedly. He got the hint.
“Okay Sect Leader Jiang. I shall take you up on that then. But I do have a question if you’ll indulge me,” he said.
“I mean no offense at all, in fact I’m actually extremely grateful for your concern, but I am curious….why do you even care? You didn’t have to do any of this. I’m well aware that you have your own duties and worries. Why bother about mine?”
She smiled for the first time since she walked into the Hanshi. He was struck by it. It had been a long time since he’d seen her smile... truly smile. In fact, the last time he’d seen a smile as bright as that on her face was probably right here in the Cloud Recesses when she was a student.
“You may not remember it, Zewu-Jun, but there was a time Jin Guangshan sought to marry me off. It was your words of support for me, against that awful Sect Leader Yao, that saved my skin, though they still called me Wife of the Yiling Demon after that. But at least I was only his wife. I will be eternally grateful to you for that. It was thanks to your words that nobody else tried to make me marry. I was able to focus on my sect in relative peace. It was a kindness that I have never been able to repay until now, though you shouldn’t think that it is only because of repayment.”
She got up and dusted off her clothes perfunctorily.
“I shall take my leave now, Zewu-Jun.”
“Please, call me Xichen,” he said, thinking that after all of the things that were said that day, she might as well.
“Well then, Xichen you may call me Wanyin. Thank you for hearing me out and please forgive me for barging in unexpectedly. I have intruded upon your hospitality long enough.”
“It is no matter,” he said, and for the first time in a long while he was able to manage a weak smile, “I was honored by your company. If you did not give me so much to think about, I would offer you some more tea.”
She laughed, “Thank you Xichen, but I will be missed soon anyway. I do not need to cause an uproar in Cloud Recesses if they can’t find a Sect Leader. Plus the scandal that would happen if someone other than A-Zhan or A-Yuan finds me in here will not be pleasant.”
“A-Zhan?” he raised an eyebrow, “Is there something I should know about, Wanyin?”
She snorted and threw him a cheeky smirk, “If you want to find out you’ll have to come to Lotus Pier.” And with that she saw herself out, leaving nothing but the scent of lotuses behind her.
Huh. Well then. How curious. He’d thought that Wangji had gone off with Wei Wuxian, who he’d been in love with since he met him. How did Sect Leader Jiang factor into this? As far as he knew they didn’t even particularly like each other. It seemed like he missed quite a lot while he was in seclusion. Was his little brother in a love triangle? It would explain why Wanyin said that he shouldn’t only think of her visit as repayment to him. It wasn’t the purest motivation but huh maybe he would leave seclusion after all. His brother might need support in more ways than one. Sect Leader Lan leaving seclusion because he was too invested in his brother’s love life was a hilarious thought, and for the first time in two years, he chuckled mirthfully to himself. Maybe he would be okay after all.
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svpernatvralis · 4 years
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NERISSA MONTEVERDE is a 537 year old cis female fae. people say they have a striking resemblance to fahriye evcen. they work as the owner of royal jelly flowers and are part of the syndicate ( fae right hand ). people say they’re really coquettish, imaginative, & meticulous, but unfortunately also fickle, manipulative, & reticent. why are they in invictus? well, they simply wish to protect their kind. 
hey, hello, hi, bonjour! s’up buttercups? ‘tis i, your friendly neighbourhood loser chrissie and i’m super duper excited to be here among you fab human beings! this is my precious bby nerissa who is honestly quite curt sometimes tbh lmao still, she’s got a good heart deep down and is pretty much what you might say away with the fairies 99.9% of the time hsjakgkjf no pun intended tehe. plot-wise i’m open to literally anything and everything so come at me with any ideas ya got! i’m always diggity down to spit ball ideas and form some dope connections so pls feel free to invade my ims or hmu on le cord and we can brainstorm until our heart’s content! if ya wanna, go ahead and light that lil grey heart up red and i’ll shimmy my butt your way for all of the good stuff. anywho, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?
name. nerissa angelique monteverde.
age. 537, but appears around 29.
d.o.b. december 17th.
gender. cisgender female.
pronouns. she / her.
orientation. pansexual.
affiliation. the syndicate.
rank. fae right hand.
job. owner of royal jelly flowers.
birth mother. enya. †
birth father. caliban. †
step-mother. nyx. †
siblings. unknown.
significant other. n/a.
child/ren. n/a.
pet/s. n/a.
spoken languages. english, turkish, german, italian, french, spanish, & latin.
negative traits. brusque, calculating, distant, deceptive, & promiscuous.
positive traits. elegant, headstrong, observant, independent, & confident.
strengths. dedicated, strong-willed, direct, honest, loyal, patient, reliable, enjoys creating order, & excellent organiser.
weaknesses. inflexible, stubborn, judgemental, uncomfortable with unconventional situations, too focused on social status, finds it difficult to relax, & has difficulty expressing emotion.
eye colour. hazel.
hair colour. brown / auburn.
height. five feet, eight inches.
weight. 59 kg.
zodiac. sagittarius.
element. fire.
house. slytherin.
meyers briggs type. estj-a.
alignment. true neutral.
enneagram. type one.
temperament. choleric.
intelligence type. interpersonal.
NERISSA ANGELIQUE MONTEVERDE     —     five hundred and thirty-seven, fae, owner of royal jelly flowers, + fae right hand for the syndicate !
possible triggers   :   adultery, infertility, execution, beheading, murder, death.
tl;dr.     alrighty, where do we start with this lil spitfire? she uhhh ... has a lot of issues and is quite distant bc of it. nerissa was the product of an affair between an esteemed fae ( caliban ) and a fire faerie ( enya ). though nerissa never had the chance to meet her birth mother as her step-mother ( nyx ) banished enya shortly after she gave birth. enya’s banishment was a result of the rage nyx held toward her. in part, due to her inability to conceive a child of her own and also due to her anger for her husband’s affair. thus, nerissa grew up under the impression that her biological mother was nyx; neither of her parents divulging the truth behind her parentage. although nerissa was not biologically nyx’s daughter, nyx adored the young fae as if she were her own blood. in truth, nerissa spent more time with her ‘mother’ than with her father. in part, caliban felt the loss of his mistress even though he refused to acknowledge her part in his daughter’s birth. basically, he never had any time for nerissa and excluded her from everything. still, she remained upbeat about it, thinking that one day she'd win his love. she did not. shocker. growing up, life was mostly positive for nerissa. her father’s guards protected her, and his warlock friends aided her with her abilities and taught her the fae ways as well as those of the human beliefs. as the years passed by, nerissa grew stronger and smarter; becoming an adored figure among her fellow fae, yet, in the background, tensions rose between nyx and caliban when their family dynamic became endangered by nyx’s threat of revealing the truth behind nerissa’s heritage. in fear of their secret becoming common knowledge ( and most importantly, ariela finding out ), caliban ordered for his wife to be executed for ‘treason.’ of course, nerissa tried to protest this due to her love for the woman she believed to be her mother but her attempts to prevent her father’s ruling were futile. days later, nyx was publicly beheaded by one of caliban’s most loyal guards. this act served to place a wedge further between nerissa and her father and as the years ticked by, until his untimely demise which was when nerissa left her home behind. soon after, she joined the syndicate where she now sits as the right hand for the fae. to this day, she remains unaware of her true parentage and continues to struggle with the haunting nightmares of her childhood. so yah, nerissa had a pretty rough childhood but she's bounced back. well, about as much as you'd expect from someone who grew up feeling unwanted and unloved. really, she just always tries her best and is a perfectionist and wants to protect her kind.
random extras.
her signature scent is chanel N°5.
she’s fearless af. throwback to her upbringing, most likely.
she’s all sweet smiles and charming words until her expression turns sharp and deadly. it’s her tactic to entice then pounce, if you will.
she loves to surprise people. most assume she’s a pretty girl but oh, she loves the look of shock on their faces when she unleashes her inner bish.
in a way, her words are like her weaponry.
an angel of vengeance in a pair of designer sunglasses tbh.
owns waaay too many pairs of heels.
her signature look is her blood-red lips.
often wears suits and totally rocks them.
when it comes to whether or not she is morally decent or an extremely bad person, she is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum—she isn’t heartless but she isn’t compassionate either.
she’s v ambitious, v morally ambiguous, v self-serving and v self-involved.
she can be pretty deadly if you piss her off enough.
is truly an independent woman who don’t need no man.
loyalty means a lot to her. if you betray her trust, then she’ll freeze you out.
while she’s a major ice queen on the outside, she has the potential to melt with the right people.
may seem like she has a superiority complex and acts as if she’s better than you, but it’s just because she knows her worth and her value.
she knows her strengths and isn’t afraid to assert them.
she’s v confident. not in a cocky way, but she is definitely self-assured in her looks and abilities.
avoids violence when possible.
prefers blackmail and taking advantage of people’s pressure points.
she’s her own biggest fan tbh.
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dc-earth53 · 4 years
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0012 - Oracle (Barbara Gordon)
Age: 38
Occupation: Librarian, detective, former adventurer, congresswoman.
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: James Gordon (father), Eileen Gordon (mother), Sarah Essen Gordon (stepmother, deceased), James Gordon Jr. (brother).
Group affiliation: Birds of Prey, Gotham Knights, formerly Suicide Squad, Justice League of America.
Base of operations: Gotham Clock Tower, Gotham City, New Jersey
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 126 lbs.
38 years ago: Barbara Gordon is born to James Gordon and his first wife, Eileen.
22 years ago: Barbara befriends Katarina Armstrong in high school, their friendship ending about a year later when Armstrong trips her on the running track during a race.
20 years ago: The first reports of a “Bat-Man” in Gotham City start coming in, and Barbara becomes obsessed.
18 years ago: Barbara eavesdrops on a conversation between her father and Batman, and her obsession only grows. She soon enrolls in self-defense classes, getting a black belt in a short amount of time.
17 years ago: 
Barbara applies for the Gotham City Police Academy, but is rejected by her father. To spite him, she fashions a feminine version of Batman’s costume to wear to a masquerade ball held by the GCPD. The newly christened “Batgirl” stumbles upon a scheme by Killer Moth, and played a crucial part in defeating the costumed criminal.
Batgirl soon befriends Batman and Robin, having a close working relationship with the latter.
16 years ago: 
Batgirl and Supergirl meet, working together to defeat Mr. Mxyzptlk.
Gordon gets a job at the Gotham City Public Library after graduating from Gotham University with a degree in Library Science.
15 years ago: Barbara meets private investigator Jason Bard, and the two begin dating.
13 years ago: Barbara runs for Congress and is elected, leaving Gotham City and Bard behind for Washington D.C, continuing her adventures as Batgirl during her downtime.
11 years ago: Barbara loses her bid for re-election, returning to Gotham and briefly rekindling her relationship with Bard. She participates in the fight against the Anti-Monitor with the rest of Earth’s heroes.
10 years ago: 
Barbara is shot in the spine by the Joker and paralyzed from the waist down, as part of the lunatic’s campaign to prove that just a single bad day can drive anyone mad.
Though confined to a wheelchair, Barbara is still determined to fight crime in her own way. She develops an advanced computer system and aids Amanda Waller’s Task Force X under the pseudonym of “Oracle.”
8 years ago: 
Oracle founds the Birds of Prey, an all-female team of superheroes including Black Canary and Huntress operating out of Gotham Clock Tower.
Oracle is asked by Batman to join the Justice League of America.
Gordon comes into contact online with Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, and the two hit it off, forming a long-distance relationship.
7 years ago: During the aftermath of the cataclysmic earthquake that hit Gotham City, Barbara recruits Cassandra Cain as a field agent, noticing her talents in martial arts, and starts training her to be the new Batgirl.
6 years ago: 
Feeling used by Batman after his manipulation of her during a major gang war in Gotham, Oracle relocates her operations to Metropolis.
Gordon starts treatments with Dr. Pieter Cross to begin curing her paralysis, regaining a small amount of movement in her toes. She also starts using a special harness to walk for short periods of time.
5 years ago:
Oracle joins forces with the rest of Earth’s heroes to bring down Maxwell Lord and the Brother Eye satellite after Lord murders Kord.
Gordon and Armstrong, under the alias of Spy Smasher, come into conflict when Armstrong attempts to take over the Birds of Prey.
4 years ago
Cassandra Cain steps down from the role of Batgirl, passing it to Stephanie Brown, who begins training under Barbara.
2 years ago: A psychopathic James Gordon Jr. returns to Gotham, kidnapping Barbara. She stabs him through the eye, holding him off long enough for Nightwing and her father to come to her aid.
1 year ago: Jason Bard returns, revealing himself to be in league with Hush. Oracle, Batgirl, and the Red Hood team up to defeat him.
Present day: Oracle and the Birds of Prey fight against the Joker after he kidnaps Barbara’s mother, saying he’ll release her if Barbara marries him.
My Nightwing post wasn’t as controversial as I thought it would be, so here goes nothing... 
This is Barbara Gordon. Former Batgirl, current Oracle and Oracle for the foreseeable future. Yes, the Killing Joke still happens in this timeline, no, she doesn’t return to active duty, and yes, she’s roughly fifteen years older than in mainstream continuity. Deal with it.
This Babs takes a lot of inspiration from her pre-Crisis portrayal, which has been all but forgotten about these days. There, she was a fully grown librarian and a Congresswoman for a time (a plot that didn’t really amount to anything there, but certainly would send waves here - remember when Gabrielle Giffords was shot? That’s the impact The Killing Joke would have here, with Babs having only recently lost her bid for re-election). This also means she’s older than in canon, making a relationship with Dick Grayson impractical during her early years but in turn giving her a closer bond with Black Canary, her lesbian lover- I mean... well, just look at how Gail Simone writes them!
Aaaaanywayyyy.... Barbara, like Nightwing, is another one of those Bat-family characters who has branched out to the universe as a whole, truly becoming her own character apart from Batman’s aegis. She’s built her own network of operatives with the Birds of Prey, and serves as the chief information broker for the superhero community at large, being badass even though she can’t be in the field that often.
I also didn’t keep her entirely crippled - with some difficulty and the aid of a special harness, this Babs can traverse short distances on her own two feet, although she doesn’t usually leave the clock tower with it on - it’s a good compromise between leaving her permanently in the chair and having her disability handwaved away by super-science like in the New 52.
And don’t fret, New 52 Batgirl fans - I haven’t forgotten about Burnside or the stylish as hell Batgirl costume Babs wore there. I have plans for all that, just you wait.
Speaking of costumes... she wears comfortable civilian clothes as Oracle, appearing as that weird green translucent head when speaking digitally to those who don’t know her identity. That’s all I’ve got for her.
Next up: Hakwman and Hawkwoman!
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vostara · 4 years
Impietas - 01
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PART I — lead me closer to the light
pairing: jacob frye x original female character (marianne)
blurb: “One’s given name is hardly a confirmation of character.”
word count: 3.4k+
title inspiration: horizon - snow ghosts
[VAMPIRE AU] From the moment she was born, Marianne Braxton, née Winchester, has been coerced into giving the Templar Order her unwavering loyalty. After years of witnessing the horrors performed in the name of the Order, she questions the purpose of such an organization. But dismantling the Order is a task that can’t be accomplished alone.
This work is cross-posted on Ao3.
01 | … series masterlist
London, 1867
The confession tumbles out of his lips. And though Marianne knows that he stands by his words, she does not miss the waver in his voice. He is unsure, but desperate to reveal this truth. Almost eager to open the pages of a once concealed book; to point at the one sentence that unlocks the key to understanding its meaning.
“I love you,” he says.
A silence follows this revelation.
But it is a truth that Marianne has known for quite some time. For she has already witnessed his lingering gazes, has already felt the way he shudders when her skin makes contact with his own. And yet, she is not ready for this verbal confirmation of her suspicions.
Her hands press against her plum colored dress. And out of reflex, she smoothes down the fabric beneath her fingers. She needs a moment to process, to fully gather her thoughts. The woman wants to string together the right words, a response appropriate for this situation. Something that will cause the least amount of damage to their relationship.
“I’m sorry,” she says, “but I do not return your affections.”
The man gives her a small smile, unsurprised by her rejection. “I know,” he says, with a nod of his head. His amber eyes drift to focus their gaze on the dark wood of his large desk. “I simply wanted to express my feelings for you.”
“Claude,” Marianne sighs and takes a cautious step towards the man. “This does not mean that I will never learn to care for you, as more than a dear friend. This marriage was—”
“An event that I never believed I would experience with you,” he interrupts. “I can understand why you agreed to marry me and I will not fault you for your decision. I have known you long enough to be well aware of the difficulties you have experienced. I do not blame you for wanting to escape from your parents, from their endless demands. I am a Baron, and that was more than enough reason for your parents agreed to our marriage. You have become a Baroness, an upgrade to your status in society.”
Marianne frowns. “I did not marry you for you title.”
“It is okay, Marianne. You do not need to justify your actions.” The man stands up from his armchair and approaches the woman. “I do not ask that of you.”
“Tell me why we are having this conversation,” she raises her gaze to meet his own.
Claude hesitates, before reaching a hand towards the woman. His fingertips brush against the loose curls of her copper hair. And just as he is about to press his palm against the skin of her cheek, he pulls his arm away. “You are much more intelligent than our peers would like to believe. And you have a heart, one that should not be chained by the vows that you have made with the Order. When I am gone—”
“Gone?” Marianne interrupts. “Where are you going?”
The man continues, ignoring her inquiries. “I want you to trust your instincts,” he says. His hands lightly grasp onto the sides of her arms. “Question everything, question the Order. I know that you have doubts about their cause, purpose. You know that something is not adding up. That vampirism is spreading at an exponential pace. It is unnatural, as if the spread is being encouraged, manipulated by an outside force.”
Marianne blinks. She studies the man looming above her. “What do you know?”
“That the worst thing that you have ever seen is nothing, compared to the truth.”
The couple are interrupted by a knock on the door.
Claude retracts his hands and takes a step away from his wife. “You may enter,” he says.
One of their maids, Bethany, enters the room.
“My Lord, my Lady,” she says, “Mr. Crawford Starrick is here. He requests a moment of your time, Lady Braxton, if possible.”
Claude groans and runs his fingers through his short blond hair. “What could that vile man possibly want now?”
Marianne stifles a chuckle, before it has the chance to escape from her lips, and turns to address the young woman. “Please inform Mr. Starrick that I will be with him in just a few moments.”
“Of course, my Lady,” the woman curtsies and exits the room.
“I do not know why you bother entertaining that man,” Claude says.
“Sometimes it is easier to simply do the bare minimum,” she responds. “Smile and laugh, when prompted, and then slip away once the opportunity arises.”
The man crosses his arms and leans against his desk. “And what happens when the bare minimum is no longer enough? Will you still continue to appease that man with your attention?”
“If you were not so keen on angering the future Grand Master, I would not have to appease him as often as I do.”
Claude scoffs. “That is a silly rumor.”
“To ignore that possibility is utter naivety on your part.”
“Starrick will never get that kind of promotion, not with the amount of people that dislike him.”
Marianne turns to exit the room. When her fingers latch onto the doorknob, she pauses to give one last remark. “You forget that leaders do not have to be liked; they just need persuade those who will help them accomplish their goals.”
~ ~ ~
“Mr. Starrick,” Marianne greets. She descends the steps of the grand staircase and then approaches the man. “I was not expecting your company.”
“Forgive the intrusion, Lady Marianne,” the man replies. He gives her a small bow, before gesturing to a somewhat small, flat object propped against the wall. “I come bearing a gift, an early birthday present.”
“I see.” Marianne steps closer the rectangular object. Once her fingers are tightly gripped onto the edges, she lifts it up. It has a surprising amount of weight to it, but it is still far from too heavy for her to carry. The gift is concealed by large pieces of parchment, which Marianne gracefully tears away.
This action exposes an oil painting, a landscape. Her eyes trace the coating of colorful hues, examining the splatters of pinks, blues, and yellows for flower petals. The vivid brushstrokes of colors blend in with the lush greenery of surrounding grasses and leaves. Off-center, on the right side of the painting, is a woman. She is dressed in a large navy blue evening gown, complete with a subtle floral print and lace trimmings on the sleeves. Though the angle of her head conceals her identity, the woman’s shade of red hair bears a striking resemblance to Marianne’s own locks.
“This is quite beautiful,” the woman says. “It reminds me of my parents’ countryside estate, of the springtime blooms that overtake the gardens.”
“I am pleased that the painting is up to your standards,” Starrick responds.
Marianne smiles.
She motions for a nearby maid to approach. “Elizabeth, take this painting to the dining hall. I shall pick a suitable location for it later.”
“Of course, my Lady,” the woman says. She takes the painting away from Marianne and then disappears through a doorway.
Turning back to her guest, the Baroness says, “While I do appreciate the early gift, I cannot help but wonder if your visit today is for a different reason.”
The man nods. “You know me too well, Lady Marianne. There is, in fact, a matter I hoped to discuss with you.”
“Of course,” she says. “What is it?”
“Perhaps we could venture to a more discrete location, away from any curious ears.”
“If you are worried about my husband overhearing this conversation, then you have nothing to fear,” the woman smiles. “He is currently preoccupied with a business engagement,” she lies. “Right here is a perfectly suitable location for our discussion.”
Starrick sighs, but submits to her insistence. “I have previously expressed my concerns with your marriage to Lord Braxton.”
“You most certainly have,” Marianne interrupts.
He brushes aside her words and continues speaking. “I believe this to be an unfit union, especially for a Templar of your status. I encourage you to leave him, as soon as you can.”
“A runaway Baroness would be quite the scandal,” she chuckles. “The other aristocrats would never stop gossiping about such behavior.”
“English aristocracy would be the least of your problems,” Starrick snaps. “When you married Braxton, he was a respectable Templar, but he has turned into a fool. In order to regain the respect of our peers, you must leave him. Your loyalty to our cause must surely be more important than your insignificant obligations as a wife.”
“You may not like my husband, but he is still a Templar. And, despite what you think, he is still loyal to the Order.”
“Braxton will only stop you from reaching your full potential. He will hold you back and bring upon shame to you and your family. If you continue to remain by his side, you will lose the support of the Templars.” He takes a couple of steps towards the woman. “Do you truly wish to ruin your family’s reputation, the Winchester reputation?”
“I hardly believe that you are concerned about the status of my reputation.”
“Braxton is a traitor.” His accusation is firm.
But unsupported.
“Then why is he still alive?” Marianne quirks a brow. “Where is his executioner? Is it you?”
Starrick frowns.
“Or perhaps,” she taunts, “could it be that you are lacking the necessary proof? That your word is not quite enough leverage to sway the minds of our superiors, of those who much prefer the company of Lord Braxton over yourself?”
“You will see what kind of man he is. You will see where his loyalties lie.”
“I wonder if someone will say the same thing about you one day.”
The man glares at her. And from the corner of her eye, Marianne can see his fists clench, an attempt to quench the anger brewing beneath his skin.
“I believe it is time for you to leave,” the Baroness says. “I have several appointments that I must attend to.”
Starrick takes one last step towards her and lowers his voice to a hiss. “You will come to regret your involvement, your commitment, with this man.”
Marianne keeps herself rooted in place, unwilling to break beneath his threats. “Life is full of regrets, Mr. Starrick. I doubt that, in the end, this one will be noteworthy.”
~ ~ ~
Before Marianne is able to enter her husband’s study, she senses that something is out of place. Claude has a tendency to cause a bit of a ruckus while working, always pacing throughout the office or rummaging through his papers.
But she only hears silence, a trait far too uncharacteristic for the disorganized man.
The Baroness reaches between the ruffles of her gown, slipping her fingers around the handle of a small dagger. With a secure grip, she pushes open the door and enters the room.
A body is on the floor, in front of the desk. And Marianne needs only to see the burgundy tie, a gift from her, to know that it is Claude. Blood streams from a large slash carved into his neck, forming a puddle of crimson liquid that creeps its way across the floor. It reaches for the doorway, as though, it too, longs to escape from the death steadily consuming the atmosphere.
Marianne is quick to cross the room, knowing that she needs to give the body a closer inspection. She crouches down to look for any traces of evidence.
Aside from the gash in his throat, she finds no other signs of a struggle. There are no ligature marks. No early signs of bruising. A potential weapon is nowhere sight. And his hands are clean, untainted by any blood.
His wound is not self-inflicted, nor did he react or attempt to resist his fate.
She presses a hand against his skin; he is still warm to the touch.
Her husband has killed and—
The woman’s ears perk up when she hears a floorboard creak behind her.
—the murderer is still in the room.
“Tell me,” she says, “is his killer an Assassin or Templar?” Marianne rises to a standing position and turns to face whomever is in the room with her.
With their hands slightly raised in front of them, a figure steps out of the shadows. It is a man dressed in white robes, adorned with ornate golden trim and stitching. His face is shrouded by a matching white hood, but traces of his almond colored skin bleed through gaps in the fabric.
“An Assassin,” Marianne notes. Her eyes drift the blade held between the fingers of his right hand. A drop of blood drips from the edge of the metal and splashes against the floor. “Are you here to kill me, as well?”
“For now,” he says, “you are not a target.” The man speaks with the slightest hint of an accent, revealing his origins of birth to not be that of Great Britain. India, perhaps?
Marianne tilts her head and takes a step towards him. “If I am safe today, then what of tomorrow? Next week? Should I expecting a visit from the Grim Reaper in the near future?”
“That will depend.”
“On strength of your loyalty to the Templars,” he says.
“Interesting,” Marianne replies. She turns her head to glance back at the oozing corpse. “Some Templars believed Claude to be a traitor, but most could not fathom the idea that such a well-respected man would turn against us. Still, there was speculation that he may have been leaking information to your Brotherhood.”
The man remains silent.
“I know it is a bit of a rarity between presumed enemies, but are you willing to keep a secret?” Marianne adjusts her grip on the small dagger, spinning it between her fingers, while awaiting his response.
“A civil conversation between our organizations is already a rarity,” he says. “I don’t see the harm in adding to that list.”
“I would never confess this to my fellow Templars, but the truth is that I believed the rumors.”
The Assassin slightly raises his gaze to examine the woman. “You, a Winchester, refused to betray a man you believed had turned on the Order?"
Marianne shrugs. “One’s given name is hardly a confirmation of character.”
“Why did you keep his secret?”
“He should never have been a member of the Order,” she says. “Beneath his guise as the utterly devoted Templar, he was a kind man. He had a code of morals that he longed to follow, but knew that he could not do so publicly. For quite some time, I have known that he was drifting away. I had my speculations long before the rest of the Order. And I knew that if I did not marry him, if I did not attempt to protect him with my family’s long proven loyalty, he would be made an example of, slaughtered.”
“You loved him.”
“No,” Marianne shakes her head, “not in the way that you are suggesting. He was a friend that I cared for immensely. We grew up together; I knew the pieces of him that he hoped to keep concealed. I do not need to see proof to know that Claude turned against the Order, that he became an informant for the Assassins.” Her fist tightens, clutching the dagger in her hand. “But I wonder, what do you have to gain by killing the one man who was willing to tell you everything.”
“Lord Braxton was well aware of the Order’s suspicions,” he says. “He knew that it was only a matter of time before they sent someone to execute him.”
“He asked you to kill him,” she realizes.
“Death by Assassin was the only way to prevent himself from being captured by the Templars and forced into betraying the Brotherhood.”
“He snipped off his own loose ends,” Marianne muses.
“He spoke of you often,” the man reveals. “He wished that you had been born into a life that was free from the clutches of the Templars. And he believed you to be conflicted between your need to satiate your parents’ expectations and your desperation to cling onto some minuscule inkling of good morality. Your husband didn’t die due to loose ends; he died because it was the only way to protect you from the consequences of his decisions.”
“Why would you tell me all of this?” The woman wonders. “What makes you think I am the type of person Claude believed me to be?”
“Because,” he pauses, “instead of bloodshed, we are having a conversation. I confess that I am not much of a killer.” He glances down at his hand. “This blade was used to help my friend. I do not wish to fight with you, Lady Braxton.”
“If you do not wish to fight, then what happens now?”
“If you desire to escape from London, I can help you. I know excellent forgers who will grant you a new identity. You could have the freedom to live the kind of life you wish to follow. My Lady, you could be free of this lifestyle, free from the influence of Templars.”
“No,” Marianne shakes her head. “No, I will not be going anywhere.”
“I realize this is a big decision to make in the spur of the moment,” the Assassin says. “Should you change your mind in the future, I will gladly provide the promised assistance.”
“You misunderstand,” she says. “Without an informant, your information will soon be outdated. I can replace Claude.”
The man sighs. “If the Order catches you, you will be executed.”
“Sir, I may only know life as a Templar, but I know enough to realize that I do not wish to remain as one. They are a terrifying organization, one that aims to rule the world. And if they accomplish that goal, they will do so with the utmost cruelty. The Order must be prevented from gaining more power than they already have. They have already seized control of London and we must stop their influence before it is too late.
“I have seen the experiments that are conducted on captured vampires. They live their lives in constant torture, torment. They are starved, stabbed, electrocuted. Limbs are chopped off, until there is hardly anything left. They are drained, physically and mentally, and it is beyond inhumane. If you could witness what I have seen, you would know that the Templars are the real monsters. They do not care for stopping the infection; they wish only to harness immortality and use it to guarantee their dictatorship.”
“Lady Braxton,” the man smiles, “I believe an alliance between us would be most beneficial.”
Marianne gives him a warm smile in return. “And what is the name of my new partner?”
“I am Henry Green.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Green, despite the grim circumstances.”
Henry drops his smile and lowers his gaze, a feeling of guilt itching inside of his chest. “My condolences for my contribution to your loss.”
“Claude knew what would happen,” she reassures. “He knew that he would not be able to hide forever. His death is not your fault, regardless of the blade clenched between your fingers.”
The man nods his head and tucks the weapon away.
“Most importantly,” Marianne says, “our current circumstances need to be resolved, in a way that avoids any unwanted growth of suspicion about Claude’s loyalty. I will not be able to buy you much time to escape, but I can provide the servants with a brief distraction.”
The woman brings her blade up towards her face and glides the sharp metal against the skin of her jawline. She uses the knife to slice against the sleeves of her dress, destroying the expensive material. Then the woman presses the blade against the newly exposed skin and etches new cuts into her body. She smears the dripping blood along her arm and against the bodice of the dress.
“I hope to see you soon, Mr. Green.” She says, before gesturing to the window. “Go, before it is too late.”
Henry nods and approaches the window. Before he slips through, he turns to cast one last glance at the new widow. But he says nothing, and instead continues with his escape.
When his figure disappears from her sight, Marianne releases an ear-splitting scream.
a/n: hello~ thank you for reading this fic! if you enjoyed what you read, please considering giving this piece a reblog, like, and/or comment. i am a small author, so any and all responses boost my confidence and let me know that people are interested in my work.
considering this is a vampire au and that the assassin’s creed franchise is technically considered a work of science fiction, i’ve accepted the fact that this series will be historically inaccurate. while I won’t do anything crazy like throw in cellphones in the victorian era, I am bound to make mistakes. I am about to start my journey into obtain my MFA in creative writing, which means I will not have the time or energy to properly research each aspect of this time period. this fic is simply a fun side project where I can exercise my writing, while gushing over my favorite chaotic bisexual (lovingly) dumbass assassin.
you can find my other social media at Twitter and Ao3
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halfapinetree · 4 years
Can you tell us a bit more about your characters, Azrael, Lucifer, and Jophiel? (I just really like their character designs, and u wanna know a but more about em as a character ^_^)
Well, they are all dnd characters.
They are all archangels (archangels are all intersex and can change their biology, they are mainly androgynous in gender tho most take on male and female appearance). In my cannon an archangels name has power over them and can be told to do anything because they are seen as the gods slaves (mainly because they were created by the god they are bond to) , tho if they are bonded to a powerful person or God, their name can only be used by that person, ownership of archangel is normally shown through a brand on skin that represents the person they are bonded to.
There are 3 different types of archangels: fallen (the bond they had with god was broken and they lost their wings, tho some still have one pair tho they lose feathers, their name can be used by anyone, so many hide it, they lose the adult appearance and regress to a child form), normal (they are bonded to their God, have 6 wings, have some powers but normally relies on God's for power), ascended (archangels who have broken the bond and cycle of bonding, either by having their 'owner' do it or by intense magic, they grow an extra pair of wings with golden markings on them to show the status or freedom).
Okay so Azrael is an fallen archangel, he would be considered gender fluid, his goddess was the raven queen (in the drawing I had did of him he had become an ascended/bonded) he goes by the name haley smit and smock. When he fell he was adopted by the pirate Lords and grew up on pirate Island, he ran away tho still kept in contact with his dad's tho.
(techniquely Azrael could be considered not a real archangel considering he wasn't made by his god but by splitting another archangel in half)
The pirate Lords named him haley, so he considers it his real name tho he has gone through alot of names. Those being:
-Daniel quiz
-Vex tailor
-Captain undying
(haley is also deeply depressed from losing his wife in an attack)
Lucifer is a fucking character, he would be classified as mentally insane. He tried to kill his god (asmodeus) alongside his brother Michael and was the only one to get into trouble. He of course fell because of this and was brought into an orphanage, the other children was afraid of him nd considered him a devil. When he left he tracked down many of the people he grew up with a murdered and ate them. He does this regularly on 'dates' because he feels they deserved it for considering him attractive. He once burned down a village and wad introduced to his love interest Regus Sanguis (credits go to @spooky-qrow for character) and they have since been in a complicated relationship. Lucifer is also the only character currently who is ascended by manipulating a girl who had a crush to set him free, who he had murdered afterwards.
Jophiel is a normal archangel and her god is tiamat, which is why she resembles a dragon in a way. She is one of the oldest tho is not older then lucifer or Michael, she would be considered the mom of her siblings, she is also the most beautiful of all the archangels (a title she was given when lucifer fell) she is very girly in a way and more fashionable then her siblings. Tho make no mistake as this is not a weakness and their is a reason archangels are considered heavens most deadly weapon.
(also @spooky-qrow because he made the dnd campaign I play in and it was a joint affort with the archangels)
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linyi-is-dreaming · 5 years
The Drop Of A Tear - 04
BTS V x Y/N (Reader)
Summary:  Tae meets a woman who is very manipulative. Before he even notices anything, she got him around his finger. He decides to leave his wife Y/N and his four kids to start a new life with the new woman. This perfect house of cards that he had just started to build, starts to unfold as she starts to show her true face. Piece by piece it makes him feel sick. Tae notices his wrong doing as his house of cards start to fall apart.  Regret and hate towards himself makes him wish to turn things around. Will he be able to safe his house of cards and to get back what he once threw away? Is Y/N able to forgive?
A few days have passed since the birthday party of Jin’s daughter. Those few days were very quiet in comparison to the days before. Y/N remembers Namjoon words which were that he will talk with Tae. He plans to tell him to give her some space but he would not be able to promise anything. So far, Namjoon’s words were right and Tae did not contact her, nor any of his band members contacted her. Every now and then she met their wives when they picked up the kids from school or at the playground for play dates. It felt refreshing to her to not be asked all the time if she needs help. The only thing that has been annoying to her is that there was always a reason for them to bring some food to her house. Y/N feels bad as it feels as she would use them even though they insist that it is not like that.
Apparently, today, is no good day for Y/N even though it seemed like it could have become one. Right before her work would start, her colleague tells her that her boss had requested to see her. With a nervous feeling, she walks into her boss’ office an hour before her shift would have ended. T fearful thoughts of losing the job crosses her mind. But if it would be the news that she expected to hear in the next few weeks, it would be too early. Way too early. She starts to calculate all the bills that she is in the delay of paying and all the other open bills. “Please, Mrs. Kim. Take a seat.” Too nervous to speak nor to nod, she sits down with her eyes directed at the table in front of her boss. A deep breath followed by a sigh is leaving his lips before he takes the folder in front of him. Y/N watches as he takes the paper and a biro to place them in front of her. “Please sign over here.” For a moment, she wanted to sign without thinking but in the last moment, she reads the first four sentences. Termination of the contract of Kim Y/N.
“I am not signing the papers.”, she protests when she realizes what it would mean if she would sign the paper. Her eyes keep on scanning the paper but the more she reads, the more she dislikes to where it is heading to.
“This paper secures you that we will pay as soon as we can which is the reason why we have to let you go.”, her boss explains coldly.
“I cannot sign it. My family depends on the money.”
“I understand your reasons, but you are not the only employee who will leave us by today.”
“I am sorry Mrs. Kim.”, he intervenes. “I know, I told you that we will close the company for good, but I have even worse news. We are able to keep a few employees who have been with us for a very long time and we are trying to pay every employee this month but it does not look like as we can pay the full amount. To keep it short, I have to tell you that today is your last day as an employee within our company. We have to limit the employees and as you came as one of the last ones, we will have to let you go. I am truly sorry, especially seeing from the problems that you are having already.”
“Sir, I beg you. I need this job! I am stuck in so many payments... You know that I have kids... I take care of them by myself... How should I do that without my job?”
“Mrs. Kim. Believe me when I tell you that I do not feel comfortable of letting you go. I just have no other way if I want to save the company. When everything has settled down again, I will welcome you back with open arms.”
“Sir, I-” Y/N tries so hard to think about the right words to change his mind but he is interrupting her words which makes her mute immediately.
“Mrs. Kim, thank you for all the work you have done for us. I am truly sorry.”, he tells her as he points to the paper. His eyes look like he would be sorry but they look so indifferent at the same time. Y/N starts to realize that no conversation would change this man’s mind quick enough. Disappointed, she signs the paper. “Thank you, Mrs. Kim. Please close the door on your way out.”
“But-” Y/N stops to talk as soon as she notices that he looks away. “Sir, I need this job! I will be homeless if I do not find a job real soon. Is there no way that I could stay at least a month before I have to go?”
“It would be useless. Look, I am not even able to pay your full wage this month. It is better to depart on these terms.”
“But, Sir. I do not like to beg and as you know, I am not like that. Never have I asked for anything. I have been here on time, every single day. I never called in sick and I made everything I was told to do. What have I done wrong? Sir, without this job, how am I supposed to feed my kids? You know that I have to pay a lawyer and-”
“I will stop you right there.”, he says as he gets up to walk around the table. “As I said, the employees who came in last, will be the first one to go. It is nothing personal,”, he continues as he sits down on his table in front of her. “we had to make the choice who will stay and who will have to go. You are still in an age in which you will find a job easily. I will definitely propose you to a friend of mine. He owns a gallery for art and that kind of stuff that I have no clue about. He looks every now and then for a new assistant.”
“Is he currently looking for a new assistant?”, she asks hopefully. The sigh that leaves her boss’ lips shows that he does not have any positive thing to say.  
“Not as I am aware of. I am sorry but I have more of those conversations today. As you are informed about the most important details, I would ask you to go. You do not have to stay the last hour, you are free to go home sooner.”
“How am I supposed to feed my kids?”, she asks herself quietly as she looks up to stop her tears from running down her face.
“Mrs. Kim? Did you hear what I just said? If everything goes well, we will take you back as an employee and you have my word that you are the first one that I will take back. In the meantime, I am offering you and the other employees who have got to go, to my friends who are also business men.” Y/N nods as she slowly gets up from the chair. Her body feels so weak as she moves closer to the door. Without looking back, she leaves his office. Like a zombie she gets back to her working table.  
“Oh no! You have got to go too?”, her colleague asks as she sees the lost hope in Y/N’s face. “I am so sorry.”, she tells her as she pulls her in for a hug. “I know we have not been working together for long but I know everything will turn out alright for you.” Y/N nods with a fake smile on her face as she grabs her bag.
“Thank you. As I do not have anything here except of my jacket and bag, so... I will just go. Bye.”, Y/N says as walks out of the building. She tries her best to keep her tears inside until she would sit in her car. She thanks any god above who must have heard her pray to not let her tears escape her eyes. As soon as she is in the car, she drives to a parking lot near a small field. How much worse can her life become, Y/N wonders as she lets her tears run along her cheeks. She does not know for how long she has been there when her phone starts to vibrate. Her eyes are too swollen to read the name on her screen. She wipes her eyes strongly before she tries to read the screen again.
“Hello, Y/N.”, the female voice says on the phone.
“Yeah, hello?”
“I was just wondering where you are... Do you want me to take your kids home with me?” Confused, she looks at her screen. “Y/N? Are you there?”
“Yes, yes I am.”, she answers as she clears her throat. “If Yoongi is alright with it...”
“As he would have a saying in that.”, she jokes. “Just let me know if I should cook for them or if you cooked something already.” Those words hit Y/N like a truck. Food. Dinner. She slaps her forehead in distress when she remembers that she still did not do the grocery shopping. It is not as she would not want to do it, more that she cannot do it. Y/N already started to eat less, just so that her kids have more to eat. Hungrily, she wonders if she even has enough money on her account to buy everything she needs.
“Is it too much to ask if the kids eat at your place? I need to go grocery shopping... I did not make it to the store yet.” Y/N does not know what to think about the laughter on the other side of the phone. Did she expect her to ask her, to help her again? Was this a sign to overstep the line of a friendship once again? Y/N shakes her head when more questions seem to bop up in her mind.
“No that is more than alright! Almost like perfect timing.”
“Is it?”
“Yes, it is! I was trying to get Yoongi to let the kids have a sleep over with their friends at our house. You know him, he only wanted one child but since child number two, he panics of taking care of more than our two. Would be great to show him that it actually can be fun.” Yoongi’s wife laughs to herself for a moment before she notices the silence from Y/N. “I am sorry. I did not mean it like that! That came off wrong, I am sorry.”
“No, it is fine. I will come to pick them up after I brought the groceries home, okay?”
“Fine with me. One of your kids is already dancing in joy, just so you know.”
“My second oldest, right?”
“Yes.”, she answers. “Alright, I see you later then.”
“See you.”, Y/N says before she hangs up with a sigh leaving her lips. With a few swipes on her phone, she checks her current bank status. She can feel the tears becoming bigger when she notices that she will not be able to buy everything she will need. Whilst she is driving off, she already starts to calculate on what to buy.
“The total is forty-two and fifty cents.”, the cashier says. Y/N takes out her wallet to collect the money but then she notices that she forgot her card at home.  
“I am sorry, that is kind of embarrassing...”, Y/N confesses as she swallows hard. “I forgot my card and I have only twenty bucks with me. Could you take off the most expensive items.” Obviously annoyed, the cashier takes a few items off the bill again.
“The next expensive thing, I can see here are the diapers. Do you want me to remove it as well?”
“No. Can you take some other items off?”
“Sure.”, the cashier sighs again. Thankfully, there are not many customers in the shop. Only one old man is waiting in line, but he is ignoring the scene. Y/N is thankful that no one is looking at her with rolling eyes for her actions.  
“Excuse me. May you can let me through, Sir? Thank you.”, a man says as he walks closer to the cashier. “Wait. I will pay for it!”, the man says as he places two items on top of the items Y/N had returned. In surprise, she looks up only to see a friend standing in front of her. “Just put my two items on the bill as well.”, Jin says as he points at the items and hands his credit card to the cashier.
“Jin, no. You do not have to.”
“Right, I do not have to. But I want to. You will need it.”, he says with a wink as he pets her upper arm.
“Thank you.”, Y/N whispers before she starts to grab her stuff.
“Thank you, Sir. Have a good day.”, the cashier says as she hands him his credit card. Jin smiles back to the cashier as he takes his credit card from her. When he notices that Y/N has to carry her purchased items without a bag, Jin takes a few of them to help her getting them to her car.  
“I will take it.”, Jin offers as he grabs the item which was about to fall off Y/N’s hands. “Are the kids with you?”, he asks as they walk towards her car.
“No. There are at Yoongi’s house.”, she answers quietly. Once her stuff is in her car, she takes out the wallet. “Here.” Jin looks confused at her as he declines her money. “I do not want to own you anything.”
“You do not own me anything. I like to help out and you need the groceries.” Y/N pulls Jin in for a hug.  
“Thank you.”, she thanks him quietly but loud enough for him to hear.
“You are welcome.”, he adds as he hugs her back. “I have not heard from you since the party. You are doing okay?”
“Yeah. I am doing alright.”
“Good. Uhm, I have to get home before my wife is going to wonder where I am at.”
“Sure, I will not stop you from going home. Thank you once again. Bye!” The moment for Jin’s phone to ring could have not been any minute too late.  
“I better pick up. Hello?” Jin waves a goodbye as he walks away. “Yes, I got what you wanted from the grocery store. I know what you mean with ‘to ovulate’ and it will have to wait until I am home. Just tell me our daughter will not be in the house. I do not want to pretend to have a pillow fight again! Those pillows were imported...”, Jin answers as he gets in the car. Y/N shakes her head with a smile as she gets into her car. As she leaves the parking lot, she tries to drive as quick as she could to pick her kids up on time.
Tae is waiting a few blocks away from Y/N’s house. Normally, he would have texted Y/N that he would come by to see the kids but this time, he decides to surprise his kids with a visit. It is strange that Y/N does not bring the kids home directly after school. Sometimes, she would pick them up and bring them to a playground to let them calm down after a long day in school. But by now, she would have returned home. His eyes wander to his watch as he wonders how much longer she will take to finally come around. When the possible reasons for a delay are crossing his mind, he can see a car, similar to hers, appear on the other side of the street. Excited, he watches the car driving up to Y/N’s driveway. Tae watches as the older kids jump out of the car with smiles on their faces. One of them is carrying a box which looks like a bakery box. Without even noticing it at first, he starts to smile as well. When Y/N is alone with the youngest one on her arms, Tae walks towards her to approach her. His heart starts to race as he cannot look away. There has always been this admiration that he sees like an aura surrounding her body, it takes his breath every time. The beautiful aura he fell in love with.  
“There is my little champ.”, Tae says as he tries to make the toddler laugh. “How is my little champ doing, huh?”, he asks as he starts to play with the toddler’s little fingers. Y/N feels frozen as she watches the scene. “Hello Y/N.”, he greets.
“No hello. You have to go. I really do not want to see you today.”
“But I waited for you to come home, so that I could spend time with my kids. Is that so wrong?”
“Wait here.”, Y/N says as she walks to the front door. Tae followed a few steps but he decides to do as she said. It takes a few minutes until he sees her coming back out of the house.  “If you were here for the kids, you would have texted me. Why are you really here?”, she asks in a sharp tone.
“I only wanted to see the kids and maybe, check if everything is fine or if you would need anything.”
“Are you coming around because of the custody? Are you trying to find anything that could help you?”
“No! I just wanted to be around my family.”
“You chose a new woman over your family! Do not make me start again.”
“If you keep repeating yourself like that, we will have to start again!”
“I cannot do this anymore! Stay away.” For a moment both of them look at each other without saying a word. Tae’s anger is clear to see in his eyes. He licks lips quickly before he takes a step closer to her.
“This are my kids and I have a right to see them!”, Tae yells before he calms himself down with a deep breath. “You cannot stand me at all, do you?”
“How can I, when I see her stupid face whenever you are in front of me?”
“Get her out of your damn head! You are the one for me. I want you more than anything!”
“Why were you doing this to me if I mean so much for you? Do you want to torture me, Tae? I went through so much and all I am asking you, is to leave us alone. I do not need your money, presence nor anything else from you. We are doing well without you. We do not need you. We do not want you here!”
“You are wrong and you know that! You might say you do not need me, but you do. I might say I am fine when I do not see my kids or you. But the truth is that I need you by my side. I need you as much as I need my kids. No one of us is happy in this situation and-”
“You did not need us a few months ago! All this time of me begging and praying to wake up from this nightmare which you gave zero shit about.” Tae’s patience starts to run dry as he listens to her. Something, just something that could make her stop talking about this stupid decision from a few months ago. No matter how silly, just anything to keep her on talking to him like that. “Do not make it worse, if you really want to bond with your kids.” That was all Tae needed, this clue. The clue to get into her mind.
“Why did you pull our daughter in?”
“Are you seriously saying that I told her to hate you?”, she questions in an angry tone.
“What else am I supposed to think?”
“She is a teenager, not a toddler.”
“She is not a teenager yet... Here is my deal.”
“There is no deal to make when you do not answer my question. Do you think I told her to hate you?” Tae looks at her with a neutral face while he plays with his car keys.
“Tsk.”, he says as he shakes his head. “I am trying to get back with you but you do not even give me a chance. I know I hurt you but-”
“Then just go! If you already know that I will tell you to leave, leave!” The anger in Tae’s chest starts to grow as he takes another step closer to her.  
“I am going to leave and you will decide on how we will continue. Either you try to make this work with me, or I will make sure that everything happens according to the divorce paper. The full custody and everything that stands on these damn papers. Let’s see if you like it reversed better.”, Tae says in a furious tone before he turns away. All kinds of thoughts are starting to fill her mind. “See you on Friday.”, Tae tells her loudly before he walks to the other side of the street to get to his car. When he turns the car key, he can see his daughter running towards his wife. As shocked as Y/N looks, as confused his daughter looks. Now, Tae notices that she must have heard his words. There was no intention of him to say it in front of the kids nor was it his intention to shock Y/N. The only thing he wanted is to be heard. Y/N watches his car as he drives away only the brought back to the here and now by the voice of her daughter.
“Mom, I do not understand what he meant.” Y/N wants to wipe her own tears off her face but she is in too much shock to even blink. “Mom? What did he mean by that?”, her daughter asks again.
“Nothing. Nothing, sweetheart. Do not worry about it.”, she assures as she wipes her tears off her face.
“I do not want to live with dad! He cannot make me do so, right? I want to stay here.”
“I do not want to live without you or your siblings either. You belong to me, no matter what happens, okay?”, Y/N tells her as she hugs her. “I will try to find a way out. If I had only more time...”
“Uncle Jungkook said he would pay for a lawyer.” Surprised, Y/N loosens her grip on her daughter in worry who else she could have told about it. “He could help us.”
“When did you talk with him about it?”, Y/N wonders as she steps backwards to look into her daughter’s eyes. “You should stay out of this. Do not talk with anybody else about it, okay? I will make it right. You trust me, right?” Her daughter nods instead of answering. “So, I will ask you again. When did you talk with your uncle Jungkook about a lawyer?”
“I did not talk with him about it because you did. I overheard your conversation last week. You mentioned the troubles with payment and that you cannot afford a lawyer.”
“I told you before, this has no concern to you. You are not a spy! Stay out of adult conversation.”, she scolds her child as she pets her hair. “I think we should go back inside. I think the cake is not that frozen anymore... Do you want dessert?” Just as they turn around to walk back inside, a car stops in front of their house.  
“Uncle Jungkook!”, Y/N’s daughter screams joyfully.  
“Hello, my dear. How are you?”, he questions as he closes the car door. Just then, he notices the sad eyes by Y/N. They did not only look sad, they look crushed.  
“We had unwanted visit.”, her daughter explains.
“Sweetheart, what did I just say not even five minutes ago? Please, check on the cake. Can you take it out of the package?”
“Yes.”, she answers before she turns to Jungkook. “We received frozen cake! It already defrosted a little. Will you eat with us? It is really good. It is my favorite cake.”
“If your mom is alright with it.”
“Mom, can uncle Jungkook eat with us?” No matter how much Jungkook helped her, she needed time on her own. A moment to herself just to collect her thoughts. “Maybe you can tell him what he said before he left.” Jungkook eyes immediately look at Y/N as he understands who she must meant. Y/N’s eyes look watery as she stares onto the concrete.
“Do as your mother told and check on the cake, okay?”, Jungkook tells her as he gives her a slight push on her shoulder. Carefully, he steps closer to Y/N who seems to be lost in thoughts as a few tears escape her eyes. “What happened?” Quickly, Y/N shakes her head. “It is alright. You can tell me later.”, he says as he hugs her.
“I cannot talk about it. If I do, I will break down.” Y/N explains when Jungkook pulls her in a tighter hug. “My daughter. My little sweetheart... She heard what he said...”
“Shh. It is okay. We can talk about it later.” Dozen theories are crossing his mind when he hears her sobbing. Jungkook’s hand was on the back of Y/N’s head when he leans his head on hers. “Whatever you need, I told you, I will help you. You are not alone, alright? Let me know how and I will help you.” Usually, Y/N would have nodded but this time she does not react to it at all. When Jungkook removes his arms from her, he tries to read her face. He can see how much she is trying to stay calm but every now and then a tear runs down along her cheek. “Does it feel better now?”
“A little. Did you know that Tae was here?”
“No, I did not. I came directly from Hoseok’s house. He told me to give you the cookies that I almost forgot in the car.”, he tells her as he goes back to the car to pick a green metal box from his passenger seat. “His wife meant that your little boy loved those. Therefore, she made some more for you guys.”
“Thanks. I will text her later.” Jungkook nods as he puts an arm around her shoulder. Y/N’s eyes did not look up since her daughter told her to tell him to say what her still husband said. Jungkook is sure it must be about Tae, as there is no one else who could make her feel so bad within a few seconds.
“Come on. Let’s eat the perfect cake! Is it with extra cream?”, Jungkook asks to distract her.  
“Extra cream on top is correct.”, Y/N answers with a very low voice. “Do I look alright? I do not want the other kids to see that I had cried.” Jungkook wipes her tears off her face with his thumbs before he smiles at her.  
“More than alright.” A fake smile appears on Y/N’s face as she opens the door. Whilst Jungkook greets the other kids, Y/N prepares the table. “Somebody missed me, huh?”, Jungkook wonders as he picks the youngest one up. “Did you grow already again?”, he says as he places kisses all over the little boy’s tummy which makes him giggle. “You like that, don’t you?”
“The cake is served! Everyone, take a seat.”, she summons as she takes the youngest one from Jungkook. “I will take him now.” As soon as she tries to take him, he holds on to Jungkook’s t-shirt. “Come on, my little prince.”
“Y/N, if he does not want to, he can sit on my lap. I can hold him and eat at the same time.” For a moment, Y/N looks at her son who already leans his head against Jungkook’s chest.
“But he has to eat his baby food. I prepared it already.”
“I will put him in the highchair.” Y/N watches how carefully Jungkook puts him into his highchair. “Wow. Look at the yummy waffles your mommy made for you. Uh, so good!”, he says as he pretends to eat a piece of his food. It does not take long before the boy’s face turns from laughing to displeased as he takes the food in his hands. “That trick makes him eat every time.”, he jokes as the other kids on the table start to laugh.
Whilst eating, Jungkook becomes aware that Y/N is not even eating a full piece of the cake on her plate and in comparison, with the kids, she seems not even want to. While the older ones put away the dirty dish, Y/N is still busy with cleaning the boy's fingers. He waited a few seconds until he heard no child laughter anymore. It was great to see them smile again. Just this carefree laughter which has been missing for weeks filling a room sounded so good to Jungkook. “Did you not like the cake? In my opinion, it was very delicious.”
“I am glad you liked it.”, she comments with a smile. “So, dirty boy is finally clean again and I think it is time for a long nice nap.” Jungkook watches her placing her son on her lap whilst she places many kisses on his forehead.  
“I think it would also be a good time that we can talk about your daughter's words. Don’t you think?”
“Forget what she said, nothing to worry about.”
“It did not look like nothing.”, Jungkook tells her as he takes a seat closer to her. “What did he do this time?” A deep sigh follows his question before she bites her lips hard. It almost seems as she is fighting if she should look at him or not.  
“He meant that either, I will work things out with him or everything that is written on the...”, Y/N stops talking as she looks at her son. “Or everything that is written in black and white on these divorce paper, will happen. Which means, either I work things out with Tae or he will take the kids from me.”, she explains him as her voice starts to break. Jungkook could not help but notice the shaking of her fingers, the nervously biting on her lips and the sadness in her eyes.
“Did he really say that?”
“Yes.”, she sighs as she wipes the tears from her face.
“I will look for a lawyer by tomorrow. He will not let him take them from you. Believe me, the other members will not let it happen either. You got our support, you know that.”, he encourages her as he takes her free hand in his.”  
“Thank you.”, Y/N whispers quietly when their eyes meet. “I will pay you back! As soon as I can.”
“Let’s talk about it when the time comes.” Y/N hoped that her heart would feel lighter after hearing Jungkook’s words but it does not feel any better. It feels wrong to use his money. Especially if it is more than fifty bucks.
“Dada!”, the little boy in Y/N’s arm says as he reaches his hands out to Jungkook. “Dada!” Irritated, Y/N looks back to her son.
“I am sorry. I do not know why he is calling you ‘dada’. Hey, my prince. Look at mommy. Look at me.”, Y/N tries to get her baby’s attention but he seems to be more interested in Jungkook. “I never heard him saying ‘Dada’ before, I am sorry. I know it is inappropriate.”
“I heard him saying this before but I thought it would be just a phase.”, he confesses. When Y/N’s confused eyes look back at him, he can feel how sweaty his palms become. “I tried to explain to him that I am not his father, but I think he does not understand me.” Confused and flustered, she keeps looking at him. “I know I should have told you, but-”
“Why did you not tell me?”, she wonders. Is that why he offers the money, Y/N wonders.
“You have so much on your mind and I feared that if you know that you would also try to push me away as well.” As the words sink in, Y/N gets up to bring her baby upstairs.  
“I will be right back. Wait here.”, she says as she walks towards the stairs. He watches her walking up the stairs as he regrets confessing again. Saying it to Tae did feel bad but not as bad as it feels when he told Y/N about it. Jungkook knows that this is not his place and no matter how much he would like to stay out of this little boy’s life, he does not want to let Y/N down. Maybe it would help to gain a distance between him and the little boy to make him see that he is not his father, Jungkook thinks even though he wants to help Y/N to get into a better state of living. Depressed, he leans his elbows on his knees as he goes wildly through his hair.  
The longer Tae thought about what he said, the more he wants to turn his car around and apologize. It is wrong, so wrong. At first, he fought with himself if he should talk about his stupid idea with Namjoon or Jimin but, something inside of him tells him that it is better to drive directly to her house and to apologize. Jungkook’s words about her having no money, is on repeat on his mind. “Why did I say this?”, he yells as he hits his wheel. “I could have just asked her to make the kids trust me, but no. Tae, you are an idiot!”, Tae screams loudly as he slaps himself. At this point, he does not care if anyone is seeing him. The plan of getting his family, backfired. “How dumb am I? Argh!”, he scolds himself as he drives into the street in which Y/N lives in. The closer he comes, the closer he sees a car. Tae stops his car behind the car in front of Y/N’s house. As soon as he notices that it is Jungkook’s license plate, he takes out his phone. “Let’s see if you pick up.” Tae dials his number and lets it ring but the only voice he hears is the voice mail. Hurt, he looks towards the front door. With a fast movement he moves his phone in his back pocket of his jeans before he walks towards the window of her dining room. Just as he tries to peak in, another car pulls up.
“Hey! What do you think you are doing?”, Jimin scolds in strict but quiet tone. “You can get arrested for doing that. Is that what you want?”, Jimin questions as he sees Tae coming towards him.  
“Jungkook is in there with Y/N.”
“I know. Why are you at her window though?”
“I, I wanted to apologize for what I did and he crossed my path again!”, Tae explains as he starts to storm off towards the front door. Jimin starts to run and jumps just a second before he can reach the door in front of Tae.  
“I already know what you did! Be ashamed for your own actions. Just once!”
“Why did you think I came back? Now, step beside.”
“No! If Y/N feels the way Jungkook texted me, you would not do her any good.”
“I need to apologize.”
“Listen, I go in there. If she wants to hear your apology, she will come outside. If she does not come outside within five minutes, drive home.”
“Who do you think you are to tell me that I cannot enter my wife's house, huh?”
“A friend who is trying to get you not arrested!” Tae is saying nothing verbally, but his eyes are telling Jimin what he thinks about it. “I see that you did not mean to say it but why did you even say it? I thought you want to make things work but you are making it worse...”
“I am trying to make it right! You are standing between me and her and the apology, do you not see that? Let me get inside my wife’s house!”
“No.”, Jimin says as he pushes Tae a step back to gain more space between both of them. “Did you not notice that the kids mean everything to her? You basically ripped her heart out, you were cutting it into pieces and now you freighting her with taking away her kids for who she is living for.”, Jimin explains. As Tae turns around to take a step, he looks up to the stars. “I can only offer you that I tell her that you are here, but I would rather see you leave. Maybe we can arrange something. But not today.”
“Why is everybody getting in my way?”, he whispers.
“Because we saw how bad it can turn out.”, Jimin explains. Almost like a flashback-movie, every moment of the last six months, every single conversation, every single emotion of hers are in front of his eyes. As he feels his tears coming up, he looks back at Jimin.
“Why am I such an idiot? I had it all. I had my perfect family in my perfect house. That house that just feels like a black hole every time I go home. I do not even want to go back home, because my family is here.”
“I understand you. I see how bad you are doing, but she is in a worse condition than you.”
“I fucking know!”, Tae yells. He takes some deep breaths before he puts his hand on Jimin’s shoulder. “You know that I trust you. Please make sure that-”, Tae stops to speak when hears yelling inside the house.
“If you need it, I will give it to you! I am your friend for god sake, Y/N. Let me help you.”, Jungkook yells. “Stop being so stubborn! One moment ago, you were totally fine with the idea of me paying for your lawyer! Is it because I told you that I know that your son thinks that I am his father?”
“Stubborn? I am stubborn? I said I do not want your money! I will find a lawyer without your help. Without anybody’s help. I am doing good on my own!”, she says loudly with a broken voice. That is enough for Tae to push Jimin to the side to walk inside. “What the heck are you doing here? Go!”
“Please, calm down. Y/N, you might wake up the kids. Hate me all you want, but do not scream. I do not want our kids to see us like this.” Almost like a key to open a door with, his words seem to be the key to calm her down. “I only came to apologize for what I said earlier.”
“No, you are leaving! I do not want to hear you ever again-”
“Hear me out! I did not mean what I say.” Jungkook steps slowly out of their view. When Jimin sees Jungkook’s action, he follows his moves.
“Of course, you did not. You never do...”
“Guys, let’s sit down at the table and talk this out.”, Jimin offers. “Let’s handle it like adults.”
“No.”, Y/N says confidently. “I have enough. The only good thing that came out from us dating are my kids. MY kids. You brought only bad luck and you will stay my personal bad luck if I do not remove myself from you.”
“Y/N, you do not mean it-”
“I do. I want everyone out of my house. Right now.”, she commands as she grabs the cookie box that Jungkook brought. “Take this with you. I do not need your sympathy and whatever you are trying to do, Jungkook. Everyone, out of my house, now!”  
“Y/N. Listen to me at least-”, Jimin begs.
“Sorry, Jimin. But I need space. I need to breath. I need space to think. I feel like I am suffocating and I need to be alone.” She can feel her pulse rise as she starts to feel dizzy. For a second it looks like everything would become black before it goes back to normal. Even though she is sure that she is standing, her feet feel as they would give in anytime. She closes her eyes for a moment before she leans against the table.
“You are not alright! Sit down, Y/N.”, Tae says as he walks pass Jungkook to catch her by the upper arm as she holds onto the table.
“I am fine. I, I just...”, Y/N tries to speak but her voice seems to giving up on her. Her voice did not sound angry, it sounded as it would fade.  
“Y/N, just sit down. Did you eat anything today?”, Tae wonders. “You need to eat something! Your blood sugar is too low.” Y/N only shakes her head, at least she thinks she does. The worries are clear to see on the men’s faces. Jungkook opens the metal box and hands it to Tae who picks one quickly. He takes the cookie and holds it in front of Y/N. “Just take a bite! You will be unconscious like the last time when you did not eat.” Anxious, Jimin looks up at Tae. Tae is not wrong. Jimin still remembers the day when every member came with their family to hike together. She acted similar to what she seems to go through now but back then she ate a chocolate bar and she seemed alright again. Judging from Tae’s face, it seems to be worse. There was the one phone call which gave him almost the same face expression as now. That was when she broke down at the front desk in the agency. The man at the front desk did not know what to do and called Tae immediately who was quickly with her. He drove her to the hospital immediately back then. The doctors said that she has to eat more to let it not happen again. He used to care for Y/N afterwards like a puppy until a few months ago.
“I am not sure, if she had dinner, but you can see how much she has eaten from the cake.”, Jungkook comments as he points to her plate.
“Y/N, did you even eat at all today?”, Tae questions again. Y/N can hear sounds but she cannot make out what words he was saying. Suddenly, she feels her legs give in as she breaks down into Tae’s arms. “Damn, Y/N.”, Tae whispers worriedly.
“Jungkook, make sure the kids stay upstairs. I will call an ambulance.”, Jimin comments.
“No need to call the ambulance, I will drive her to the hospital. Could you two look after the kids?”
“Sure. We will make sure they stay upstairs.”, Jimin nods to Jungkook. Without wasting more time, Jungkook runs upstairs. “Call me when you know more.”, Jimin says as he helps him to position her on the backseat. “Drive carefully.”
Y/N feels so weak as she opens her eyes to look around. Quickly, she realizes that she must have passed out. A needle is still in her arm as she tries to get up. Her eyes are searching for her bag and her phone but they seem to be nowhere to be find. “What are you doing? You should keep lying down.”, Tae tells her as he closes the door behind him. When Tae turns around, he notices that she tries to remove the needle from her arm. Quickly, he grabs her wrist. “Fingers off! The doctor said that you need it.”
“I do not. Put your hands off me.”
“Only if you let them do their job.” Immediately, worries come up in her mind when she starts to think about the hospital bill. The worries about who is taking care of her kids fill up her mind which makes her eager to leave. “What did I just say? Y/N!”, Tae scolds as he sees how she tries to take the needle out.
“I cannot stay. I have to go home.”
“Do you want to break down in front of the kids?”, Tae asks. It seems to be the right question, because her movements stop. “I know that you must be thinking about the hospital bills. I will pay for the hospital bill and you, make sure you are doing better.”
“Why would you pay for them? We are about to be divorced.”
“You think we are, but I do not want it to happen. Now, stay in bed or do you want to hear the lecture the doctor gave me because you are doing unwell?”
“Spare me with the details.”, she says as she looks towards the door to see if a doctor is nearby.
“Fine. Just because you are sick.”, Tae comments as he takes her hand. “I called your boss.” With a fast movement, she removes her hand from him.
“What did you just say?”
“I am sorry that you lost your job today.”
“Everyone loses their job at least once in their life. Nothing spectacular.”
“Maybe, you are right. Anyway, I called my manager already to tell him that he should look around within the agency if there is any free position which you could work in until you find a job that you would prefer more.”
“Let me get this right... You mean that it is easier for you to control me?”
“Controlling you? False. I would rather see you again as the mom who does not have to work and who relies on her husband, but that will not happen, or will it?” Y/N rolls her eyes as she makes it obvious that she feels uncomfortable. “It is just another way from me to help you.”
“I still do not need your help.”
“You do and no matter how long you will deny it, it is a fact. Why is it so hard to ask for help, huh?” No word leaves her lips as she looks away. “By the way, before I brought you here, I took the bills from your kitchen counter. See them as paid.”
“What? Why would you-”
“You did not even pay your electric bills, which means it would have not been on for long. Two rents were open... I do not know how much you got paid, but it definitely was not enough.”
“Yeah, I am horrible mother... Got it.”
“That is not what I am saying, you know that.”
“Whatever. It is none of your business!”
“My kids are involved, how is this not my business?”
“It does not matter because you do not truly care. I do not know what you are thinking about lately or what changed your mind, but I do not believe that you suddenly start to care again.”
“I think it does because I care.”
“Why now? They meant nothing to you the last months!  How come they do now?”
“Because I was a fool to believe that whatever that was, was right. Oh man, Y/N. I regret it all so much...”, Tae explains as he starts to cry.
“Will you use it against me? Will you use the payment against me?”
“Will you use it in the court against me? All the bills you paid for.”
“No. God, no!” Tae can hear his heartbeat within his ears as he takes her hand places it on his chest. “This beating heart beats for our family. I am sorry that I did such a horrible mistake to realize what it wants. And what it wants is you.” It is hard to understand him with his broken voice while his tears keep on running down his face. “Please, you must start to believe me again. I beg you!”
“I am sorry.”, Y/N sobs. “I cannot do it.”
“Why? Do you not want to give us a second chance?”
“It is because I see her all over you.” Tae’s heart felt ice cold as her hands slips through his fingers. “I still you see you two kissing, cuddling and every single photo she sent me.”
“She did what?” Tae’s heart felt like it stopped functioning. “I am so sorry.”
“She sent me photos from you two. Mostly kissing or after sex photos.” Tae starts to feel so sick as he keeps listening. This woman told Tae that Y/N texted her that she should go to hell and similar things but now he starts to understand why. At first, he thought that she might not able to handle the break up but it starts to make more sense now. Especially since Y/N was the one who said that she should stop contacting her. As Y/N speaks, he can hear the pain. The pain she turned into anger towards him. Y/N sighs as she starts to play with the edge of the blanket. “These damn pictures... I cannot get them out of my head.”
“I did not know that she sent those pictures to you... Especially during the miscarriage...” Tae sits down on the end of the bed next to her feet as he looks back up. “I should have not mentioned that...”
“It is okay. I can talk about it now even though, honestly, it still hurts like I heard the news yesterday.” How much pain did she bear, Tae asks himself as he takes her hand in his. If he could, he would take the pain from her. All the worries, doubts and pain.
“I will give you all the time you need, but I need to see you guys. At least every now and then. It sounds like I am pressuring you but that is not the case. I promise, I do not want to pressure you. Call it selfish, but I need to know that you are okay.”  
“I do not want you to answer now. You have to get better first.” Y/N nods before she makes eye contact with him.
“Who is taking care of our kids?” Tae could not help but smile when he heard ‘our’. It feels good to hear her using this word after such a long time.
“Jimin and Jungkook.”, Tae answers. Y/N still looks nervous even though he knows she trusts them. “Is it okay, if I stay at your house tonight to look after the kids?”
“When did you plan to tell me that I will have to stay here overnight?”
“Before I would have to go.”, Tae answers. “So, can I at least look after my kids when you do not need my help? Just tonight?”
“I do not know about my little sweetheart...”
“Little? She practically wants me dead.”  
“I cannot blame her for that.”, Y/N jokes. “She is super sensitive because she heard and saw what she should not have.”
“I would not like me either if I would be her...”, Tae confesses. “Your doctor said that they want to run some tests. Could be finished tomorrow or in two days. You will need some clothes. Shall I take whatever I can find?
“It should not matter, I guess.” Y/N could see a shadow at her hospital door, which gets her attention. As the door opens, she sees a nurse coming inside with a tray.
“Sir, visitor hours ended a few minutes ago. I need to ask you to come back tomorrow.”, the nurse says as she places the tray next to her.
“She just woke up and I do not feel comfortable of letting her alone just yet. Can I just stay until she finished her food?”
“Sir, I am sorry.” Tae sighs as he gets up. He takes her right hand in his as he moves his thumb on the back of her hand.  Y/N watches his thumb moving along her skin until she notices that he is bending over her. The other hand of his is lying carefully on top of her head as he places a kiss on her forehead.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
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chiimmchiimm · 5 years
𝓼𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝓮 ❝ 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃 ❞
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 𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jungkookbodyguard au x (female: Ariana)
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: Being the bodyguard of the district judge was an honor for his status and pocket. He had to safeguard his wife’s life and his life at all costs. She lived in an unstable bubble where in the day she boasted her great husband and at night she cried at the blows she gave him. For Mr. Jonh it was just a trophy for Jungkook was just a poor and beautiful woman who had fallen into the wrong hands. One night, in the middle of a party, she decides to put an end to that hell and runs away, when Jungkook finds her and Arianna asks her to take her away he can’t say no.
𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: smut., bodyguard au, fluff, angst, two shot.
  𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 14 k
Ranquing: +18  
Warning: abuse, sadness, psychological abuse, dirty lenjuage, naked, muscles, relationship vanilla, sex,unprotected sex, heats for tight clothes, escape, love in secret, male oral, mounted.
Author’s note:   I want to thank you, wonderful readers, for giving love to history. As a reward I made it much longer. Without more to say to enjoy!
                                                             Ariana opened her eyes slowly letting herself be seduced by the caresses in her hair. His cheek rubbed lazily against Jungkook’s compact chest. The elder enjoyed the heat so attractive that he brought his body on top of his. He couldn’t help feeling jealous with the sheets for touching the skin of his beautiful raptured girlfriend. Unconsciously his fingers curled against the mattress, feeling the rough surface with longing. That bed had witnessed a night of passion and love. Fiddling with his finger as he slid down the line of his spine. He had so soft skin. His primary instinct yelled at him to make it his own again. The ring on his finger brought him back. Ariana may be married to an idiot who doesn’t value her but since yesterday she was his wife. No one will erase the traces of their kisses and bites. It was his and no one could say otherwise.
Ariana groaned weakly when Jungkook’s hand clenched her hip. Then, the woman woke up. Sliding her small hand down her chest to her abs so she could lean and straighten. He raised his head. Penetrating eyes welcomed her new life. His hair had matted and scrambled despite that image did not repulse him. She was so innocent and pure, so beautiful. Jungkook’s hand raised his body to hers, turning his skins as one. Ariana blushed when her nipples rubbed with the rudeness of her skin. She felt like covering herself but when she reached out to take the sheet, a much larger one caught her on the flight.
“Don’t cover yourself.” Jungkook grumbled in the middle of a childish growl. Bulging his lower lip while pouting with his lips. She was so hypnotized. How is it possible that he was behaving in such an innocent way after last night? He still felt the mark of his fingers press his hips against hers as he fucked her rough and without regrets. The flushing was such that he buried his face in his lover’s chest. Jungkook’s hoarse laugh didn’t help things calm down. Slowly, he brought his mouth to his ear, wetting his shell. “Why so shy if you didn’t stop yelling at me yesterday to fuck you harder?”
“Jungko-ok.” She stuttered in shame as her heated cheeks rose in color. “Don’t say those things …”
He laughed again. His restless hands clung to his tiny waist to raise it completely to his body. The legs on each side of his exuberant hip. His hot cock brushing his wet folds. He couldn’t help moaning in shock when the hardness of his erection bothered his inner thigh. I watch carefully as his dark iris was devouring the brown of his eyes. Jungkook was eager to follow the wild session last night. The moisture between her legs was screaming that she was ready for him. Sliding her palms down the soft vanilla thighs to fit her over his cock. Jungkook groaned pleased when his dampness dampened the sharp edge of his crotch.
“Fuck, do you want it too, right?” Controlling his instinct to mark her nipples with his teeth. Squeeze your fingers and end the suffering of both. But I wanted to hear it from his sweet mouth. There was nothing in the world that will need more. Ariana soaked her lips in response. Jungkook raised his palm and hit his butt causing her to jump stunned. Not because of pain but because of a strange pleasure that made her want more. “You go shy but your pussy drips on my cock.” Should I leave you like this? Needed and made a mess. “
"No-no. Please …”
Jungkook crushed a smile on his cheek. Raising his hands to his rear squeezing it with emphasis to increase suffocating friction.
-Please that? Mm. — I mutter near the corner of his mouth to cause a chill. When I feel that his nails were nailed the skin of his shoulder a low cramp towards his cock and is removed in response. I really wanted him. “Do you want me to fuck you? Is that what you want?”
“I want to ride you, Jungkook.”
“Shit.” He groaned uncontrollably. Squeezing his hands. Joining its entrance with its dripping tip. He dropped his head showing his sweaty neck. His adam nut is restless in anticipation. Ariana took off her breasts to sit on top. Watching the mess beneath. He was so handsome. So magical The way her abs contracted from the tension in her body seemed unreal.
But a knock on the door interrupts the moment.
“I bring you breakfast.” Announced the voice of that teenager last time. Jungkook straightened his head disoriented by external noise. Looking at the wood of the door imagining the poor child loaded with food. The extra weight disappeared when Ariana took it off her and sat on the mattress. Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance and stood up. He took his pants and put them on.
“Wait a minute.” Jungkook announced with a shout. He turned to check if Ariana was fit. He almost shit the boy when he sees her in his white shirt. Shake your head so that reason takes over. Later. They had to take strength to continue their journey aimlessly. Jungkook opens the door and lets it pass. The child leaves the trays on the round table and turns to give them a reberence. One pronounced towards Jungkook. The moment her hormonal eyes denote Ariana’s legs, she opens her mouth. Jungkook covers his body by getting in the middle. Giving him a rough look throws him out of the room.
“He was just a child, Jungkook.” He reprimands in a fun way. Letting an adorable laugh escape through his lips. Jungkook relaxed the wrinkle between his eyebrows and turned to his lover. They gave her such fascinating chills when she heard her speak her name. He would sit all day listening to his voice.
They eat with laughter and playful caresses. A couple of insinuations with sexual connotations by Jungkook. Blushing smiles. Everything was going well until the news on television collapsed the foundations of its parallel world. Ariana undid her smile as soon as her husband’s face occupied the entire screen. A smaller photo of them two on a trip to Istanbul. Jungkook watched worried his change of attitude, turned sharply towards the screen. His fingers folded the handle of the fork.
“How do you feel, Mr. Jonh?” A journalist chanted her microphone with her microphone. Jonh looked emaciated. Sinking into the deepest misery. Everyone on the plate seemed to emosize him. Show your support for your cause. Ariana knew she was lying. His inhaled lip. Your dark circles poorly drawn with makeup. It was a farce. This is how I manipulated her psychologically. Jungkook intended to turn off the television but Ariana stopped him by extending his hand up.
“I’m broken. They’ve kidnapped love from my life. That …” a sudden sob stopped his great monologue. “Honey if you’re looking at me I want you to know I’m going to find you. I’m going to save you from that son of a bitch, I promise you . I will rescue you … ”
Ariana turns off the TV taking Jungkook’s immediate gaze. She does not look at him since he is in a state of trance resembling a living nightmare. All those people supported him. They blamed them without knowing the real story. Money did not give happiness but it was an influential factor in the media. His chest was pressed drowning his delicate heart. He had left that delusional hell and then why did he still feel that rope in his neck? His happiness had become so ephemeral in a matter of seconds. Something unreachable. Suddenly, I watch Jungkook with faded eyes. There was no need to say anything, his face was already speaking for her.
“I know him, he won’t stop until he finds us and when he does …”
“Hey.” His heated whisper brought her back, clutching her long, strong fingers at the top of her cheeks. His finger cleansed a tear that she didn’t even know when she had expelled. It just happened. “He won’t find us, I swear. And he won’t hurt you again. Not as long as he’s alive.”
Ariana’s lips peeled after hearing the latest.
“You don’t understand?” She reproached in an attempt to convince herself. “Jonh won’t stop until he finds us. At this point your photo and mine will be at each airport, train station, bus … There is no escape, there is only one exit. And we both know what it is … “
"No.” I negotiated hard in an agonizing sigh. I try to look for her gaze but she didn’t raise her head for fear of getting lost in her eyes. He ran the chair and got up. When his fingers brushed his knuckles he pushed his hand away and moved behind the bar of alcoholic beverages. If Jungkook touched her even a little, she would fall at his feet. He could not let himself be controlled by the influence of his touch. For your sake and for your own. His gesture made Jungkook growl under his breath. Clearly upset by his interest in wanting to get away. Bringing a hand to the back of his neck he disheveled his hair in a nervous attack. He took off his sweet and tasty lips before sending him a warning look: “Are you able to forget about last night? Go on with your life as if none of this had happened?”
But she didn’t find the courage to hold his gaze.
“Look at me, fuck!” His scream startled her. The moment Arianna’s shoulders began to shake, Jungkook pursed her lips, but she didn’t change her posture. What I was proposing was madness, a mission without a return. I couldn’t let it get consumed again. This he did more for him than for her. His conscience would not let him sleep. I couldn’t do it after I had it for him. It might sound selfish but I didn’t want to be rubbed on its side. On the other hand, his ego had been badly damaged. He knew she didn’t want to leave just remembering how a smile formed with every caress he gave her. The laugh that flowed from his bulging lips. And the look of prey that didn’t want to be hunted.
“Last night we were selfish. I should have stopped it because this has no future.”
And there it was. They both knew it but the boy was capricious and didn’t want to admit it.
“And do you think that returning with that son of a bitch is the perfect solution?”
“Not the perfect one. If the right one.”
His snort brought attention to his attention. Averting his eyes to an annoyed Jungkook to the limit. With white knuckles for the clenching of his fists. He wanted to get close. Caress that exact point of the neck. The one who calmed him in stressful situations. But once again, he held back. Her heart shrank when the boy caught her watching.
“Very good.” He took off his lips in a snap. I stride towards the bathroom. His hand clenched the crank. He turned sharply and watched as his teary eyes traveled from his aching fists to his puckered face. It was the drop that filled the glass. “Dress up, Mrs. Ariana. In a few moments I’ll take her back with her husband.”
The slam of the door made the paintings tremble. The lump in his throat painfully pressed his breath. I didn’t know how pitiful it was to be listening to that respectful treatment. Not after they had been one and his mouth had marked his skin. I park her gaze on the ball gown on the nightstand. His legs walked alone toward the furniture. When his fingers squeezed the thin cloth, his hand reacted by just throwing it to the ground. That dress meant submission. Return to a life of gloom. Jealousy. Shouting. Hits. Why did I think it was the solution? I would rather live on the run. Damn it, of course he did. Freedom tasted so sweet. I hear water fall into a bathroom. Kicking the dress was armed with courage and walked towards the door. He knocked with his knuckles but Jungkook didn’t answer. He slightly moved the crank and opened the door. Water vapor came in contact with his nose. The mixture of oxygen and water was a relaxing stimulant. There he was. Trying to calm down under a boiling water fountain. He raised his arms to clear the soap from his face. His biceps bulged deliciously. He didn’t know if it was right to spy while taking a shower but he thought he fainted when Jungkook turned around, leaving behind the majestic sight of his back, and his cock appeared in his field of vision. Raised and hot with the naked eye. In response, Ariana clenched her thighs when she realized how active she had been since her interrupted pampering of awakening. She stripped her shirt without thinking twice, sending the shit what was right or not. I just wanted one thing at this time and had a first and last name.
Jungkook dropped his neck overwhelmed by the pleasant burning in his skin. Frowning and clenching his lips as he waved his adam nut when he treated saliva. Not perceiving, not realizing that the door was run and closed. Hands on the back of his neck made him regain his conscience. To stabilize his head and see the owner. Ariana stretched her legs to give her a tiptoe kiss straight on her left cheek, just above the scar. Jungkook lost control and stamped her against the wall while wrapping her body. Glueing their wet skins. The biggest assault’s mouth is that of the girl in a matter of seconds. A kiss that began in the first room with hurried tongue movements. Ariana’s nails scratched her neck in an attempt to bring it closer. On the other hand, his waist was caught between two large hands that drew small downward squeezes to his butt. I go down to her thighs and squeeze them hungry. She groaned in response causing Jungkook to undid the kiss immediately. Brushing his lips as they mixed their breaths. Ariana took a step forward to delight again the taste of her mouth, but Jungkook leaned back leaving her confused.
“What do you want?” I snort on his sensitive lip. He approached and caught the bottom with his teeth leaving her wanting more. He rushed forward again but Jungkook stopped her with one hand on his chin. “Is your only intention to drive me crazy?” I whisper in a kiss through his jaw. He muttered deeply against his sensitive skin getting a shiver to put his hairs on end. The sound of the waterfall had gone to the background, now, the most listened to were wet kisses and inciting bites against the hollow of his shoulder. A sound lowered from the sky that only increased the humidity between his legs. His thighs in constant friction. Jungkook separated from his body when he was sated from his skin. His dark orbs stained with a dark lust overshadowed his. Jungkook raised a finger to his chin to draw the shape of the bone. Ariana closed her eyes rapt by her tender touch.
“Get on your knees.”
The girl opened her eyes wide. Jungkook’s finger traced his cheek until he pressed his lower lip with his thumb. His knees touched the cold ground when he reached down. Supported to stay upright with one hand on her right thigh. Good support considering how well your muscles were formed from that fibrous part of your body. Ariana raised her head to look for his gaze. Jungkook savored his lip with temptation while watching the bold position. His hand wrapped his hair in a ponytail. His sight cleared gave himself the privilege of admiring the slender cock in front of him. Saliva began to accumulate inside his mouth when he saw his red tip aimed to explode with drops of precum, veins that spread throughout the skin and the fluff that was in the navel line. He felt the softness of his spine when his hand took the audacity to wrap it. In the first movement Jungkook could not cover his grateful groan. Throwing his head back. Swallowing hard. Wrapping your fingers around your ponytail. In the second swing he improved the position of his knees as he approached. The mixture of water and his breathing was an explosive mitigating that Jungkook did not overlook. If he didn’t stop playing with his control, it would end before he started.
“Ariana …” he growled. Overwhelmed by impatience. He approached his face to his cock so that he understood his desires to start the attack of his mouth. Ariana stuck her tongue out to slide along its entire length. Simulating the action of a cat with his bowl of milk. Jungkook gasped in response. The hot touch of his tongue had increased his enjoyment. He was already imagining how good it would feel to taste the warmth of the cave in his mouth. Another lick. This time on the circumference reddened by overstimulation. Leaving aside how good Jungkook’s moans sat, he blunted. He introduced it slowly in his mouth to have the time to taste his skin in contrast to his fluids. It reached the middle. He sucked and pulled his cock out of his mouth with a click. Jungkook waved comb the loose hairs of his forehead as he opened his mouth panting. Watching from above how well his lips were clenched at his base, again. “Oh, fuck look at you. So full for my big cock. Do you think you can take it all, baby?”
Ariana nodded proudly of the depth of her throat.
“I can’t be more anxious about it.”
I intensify his grip to hold it tight. His dominant side came out as soon as a small smile sprouted from his plump lips. Panting. He had wanted to fuck his throat until his cock hugged his vocal cords. With the help of his hand at his base he was introducing it into his mouth. This time with the extra help of moisture until the tip rang his bell. Leaning with her hand on her thigh she took the urge to throw her head back and breathe. His eyes were red, watery, his mouth open with his tongue out while a thread of saliva connected the tip with his mouth. The view seemed better than any ancient landscape he had visited before. Pumping with your hand to stimulate the trunk before opening the mouth and descending. Savoring your skin as if it were your favorite lollipop. The arcades began to attack her when in an act of impatience Jungkook pushed so that he will increase the centimeters inside his mouth. Ariana closed her eyes and let herself go. His nose buried in his pubic hair by filling up his grip. Jungkook began to release broken gasps without much lucidity from the cloud of pleasure that enveloped his head. Ariana retracted to take a breath. Two seconds later his cock plunged back into his hot cavern. Jungkook began to fuck his mouth, initially with caution. However, when he saw that his ability could withstand it there was no average speed. Jungkook moved her with his right hand while she let him do what he wanted. His nails leaving small grooves in his thighs as he squeezed so as not to fall for the impulse. The sensation was so carnal that he no longer controlled the level of his drowned groans. His cock came to hit the walls of his throat. Saliva sprouted through its corners. The hollow sound of his tip against his tonsils. Jungkook crushed a wicked smile under his soaked lips.
-You like? Shit, baby you’re taking it all. ”He cut his monologue with a hoarse laugh when he realized.“ You can’t talk, right? You have my cock everywhere. ”His deep mockery caused the girl to watch the older one with a frown. “You can look at me like that, baby. But we both know it’s only because you like my cock pushing you so deep in your throat that you fight to talk later.”
It only takes two more hip movements for his libido to fly his desire and run inside his mouth. The head falls alone while groaning. His orgasm is so wonderful that he hardly pays attention around him. She squeezes his cock as she drinks to the last drop of her semen. He stands up again in the middle of that daze. Jungkook stabilizes his neck and looks at her. Narrowing his eyes with his chest in tune with his restless shoulders. A prick stuns his knees. Place your souls on top of your chest to hold your tired body. Close your eyes when your thumb dances down your cheek. Jungkook’s brown eyes had left behind that spicy aroma, melancholy bathed the iris of his eyes. Leaning slightly forward his lips spoke over his forehead.
“Take a shower. When you leave we leave.”
He took off from his body taking the heat with him, Ariana’s arms plummeted swaying in almost unpredictable movements. Jungkook ran the window to get out of the shower. The faucet of the tap that until then had remained distant had burst into force with its unexpected loneliness. He listened. He showered, but with a bitter taste on top of his throat. Something was wrong. His suspicions were confirmed when he left the bathroom when he found the room empty. For a moment, panic took over his delicate instability when he imagined Jungkook leaving. Of course, it was only a few seconds before he noticed his jacket on the back of the chair. When he left the room he found him leaning on his motorcycle. Losing sight somewhere on the road. Frowning distressed by the longing. The plastic bag that carried her dress fell to the floor. Jungkook reacted by turning to her. When he opened his mouth to ask if he was okay, his body was being pushed back in a hug. Ariana’s arms wrapped her neck in fear. Your mouth pressed at the junction of your shoulder and neck. He could not calm down until his vanilla perfume overshadowed his oxygen.
“Don’t leave me …” I speak between hipitos in the bargain voice. Jungkook raised his eyebrows in surprise at his request. He then slowly separated her so he could look at him. His red nose and trembling lips was the only thing he found. His thumb played small caresses on his cheek again. He raised his corners in a small but significant gesture.
“Why do you say that?” I whisper deeply. The words are blown by the wind but his tender way of looking at her no one could judge her. Ariana understood that her suspicions were nothing more than infusions created by her low emotional level. The boy was not going to leave her for anything in the world. Ariana was aware of all the dangers that would dawn her trip but the fear of losing him was stronger.
“You were not leaving?” He repeated, in a sad tone.
Jungkook raised his smile.
“No without you.”
A fleeting kiss on his nose made him laugh much calmer. The couple enjoyed their time alone until the old woman at the counter appeared behind Ariana. Jungkook watched her immediately. He wrapped his lover’s waist to place it beside him.
“I know you’re not Mr. Kim.” His neutral accusation made them both look at each other immediately. The old woman’s features wrinkled intensely. She looked annoyed at her deception. Ariana stirred against the motorcycle at the sensation of being discovered. Surely he had seen the news. Jungkook lifted his chin and swallowed. He was nervous but he wouldn’t let the woman notice. He opened his mouth to excuse himself but the old woman relaxed her features and that stopped him. His bright little eyes called understanding and humility. “I’m not going to say anything you can rest easy.”
Ariana was obliged to thank him with a small smile.
“Thank you very much.”
The old woman waved her hand down.
“Nothing, nothing. I have not believed anything that the quacker said. I recognize a couple when I see her and if you knew how to fool me the first time that means you love each other. You can leave with the peace of mind that neither my grandson nor I will open mouth.”
Jungkook nodded his confidence blindly with the old woman’s words. He got on the motorcycle and then Ariana followed.
“Young.” I call Jungkook with a faint smile. “They’d better look for another kind of transportation, there’s going to be a thunderstorm later.”
Jungkook observed his vehicle immediately. Separating his hands from the handle, he made a face. It was all they had.
“I know a car shop. It’s around here,” the girl replied with great confidence. Jungkook blinked a little overwhelmed. What would she know about those things? Although of course, rich or poor, the car needs an occasional fix. They said goodbye to the old woman waving her hand. Jungkook advanced on the empty road. The low morning light gave it a spectacular view when it reflected with the mountain peaks. That area was always a lot, but even the deadliest things can be the most alive. Following the indications of his lover they reached a secondary road that ended with a sign of two English keys. He did not comment on it. I just park the motorcycle between two large trucks and they got off. At the top of the building you could read a sign that said Workshop Kim. The doubt had not left him at any time. Curiosity made him follow her inside.
A man at a counter was the first thing that came through the door. Jungkook narrowed his eyes distrusting his hard appearance. He immediately took the girl’s hand making it turn with a curious look.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
But she slowly denied.
“Trust me,” he said, in a full tone of something that I decipher as hidden cravings.
Another man much taller than the first appeared through a back door while cleaning something with a rag. The man wore a baseball cap and some dimples on his two cheeks. When he looked up at them and I see Ariana, his serious countenance was replaced by one of jubilation. His features stretched in surprise.
“Ariana?” I shout, excited about her reunion for two years. I throw the cloth down and jump is a counter to hug her. A wave of jealousy shook Jungkook when he saw the enthusiasm that the two carried. He observed the tallest with a menacing look. Erect his body to separate them if he didn’t release her. Without hiding his disagreement, he clenched his hands into fists. The aftertaste of his throat began to sting his anger.
“How are you brother?”
Jungkook relaxed his surprised body. I watch the brother couple in front of me in amazement. Namjoon laughed excitedly when I hear his family bond. He separated from her but with his hands still on his shoulders.
“I haven’t seen you in two years, my little sister.” Leaving aside the reproaches, he couldn’t undo his smile. Taking the time to reaffirm the years they had spent seeing how much had changed. Not only physically, his gaze carried more security than when he left there. His brother had also changed. He was taller and more handsome. The metamorphosis had turned them into two butterflies struggling to be free someday. Then, I notice Jungkook’s presence ten centimeters further back. “You are the one who took my sister?”
Jungkook bit his tongue unintentionally. He had had to endure many looks but that chestnut’s looked simply different. He had never had to fight a battle of dominance because he always won.
“I’ve gone with him because I wanted to, Moni.” I scold his brother with a reassuring look. Namjoon relaxed his fibrous body when his sister’s hand stroked her back. Since children that point managed to calm him.
“I haven’t kidnapped anyone,” Jungkook replied, completely annoyed at the distrust his brother showed.
“I know.” Namjoon said. “I just want to thank you for getting my sister out of that bastard.”
Jungkook nodded firmly in line with his point.
“We need a car, Moni.”
His older brother nodded.
“Take whatever you want.”
Jungkook closed the door when she sat in the passenger seat. Namjoon had complied with Ariana’s request and got them a blue minivan. Jungkook was not satisfied with the type of car because he found it too flashy, but it was the one she chose and did not want to take the opposite.
“Where are you going now?” Asked his brother at the side of the car. As the windows were lowered both could breathe the dry air of the saw. Although he had not stopped talking to his sister since they had arrived, this time, the question was directed to Jungkook.
“To New York. I have a trusted friend there.”
Namjoon nodded.
Florida’s sticky heat contrasted with her eagerness to arrive. They had been traveling for two days. Sleeping in the retractable seats of the car. With the only view of stars in the dark sky. There were fifteen kilometers left, Jungkook turned right and went to a gas station.
“I’ll be right back.” I mutter tired of the lack of sleep. Ariana let her head crush in her hand and watched him. Small dark grooves under his eyes. She probably wore them too. Jungkook got out of the car. It disappeared through automatic doors. He closed his eyes to rest for a few minutes, however, a loud music made him jump in his seat. I look in the rearview mirror as a red car full of students parked next door. A girl with a tiny skirt jumps from the interior of the car to the asphalt. In the act you see her black panties but seems not to care. At that moment, Jungkook leaves the store with a small bag in his hands. The redhead sees him and immediately the eyes go out of his orbits. Open your mouth and paste on your friend’s shoulder so she could see what was in front of her. I frowned as I sat up in the seat. Jungkook seemed to be oblivious to the sinful looks of those schoolgirls on her thighs and arms. What was dark brown was to see how the chestnut was pushing her friend to collide “accidentally” against Jungkook’s body.
“Oops, I’m so sorry, I think I tripped.” I whisper under an empty tone of guilt. It was pathetic to see how the girl beat her eyelashes in search of some of her attention. Jungkook frowned at the floor and when he realized that there was nothing on the floor that he might trip over, he smiled wryly. Jungkook caught the bag from the ground and continued on his way. Some red ones settled in his forearm stopping him. “Could you please help us? The car has been screwed.”
And when I thought I was going to hear a rejection from him. The idiot was seduced by that girl and walked to his car. Ariana opened her mouth indignantly as her eyes widened exaggeratedly. Jungkook lifted the bonnet, took out the stick and hooked it into a slit to hold it. He leaned down to see the fault. The two girls were behind. Embracing each other excited by the scene before them. The brown beak with his finger the stomach of the redhead. Hormonal giggles began to sprout from his poorly painted lips. Ha The girl could not be more ridiculous. Jungkook pulled the head from the bonnet and closed it.
“The next time you want attention, make sure your excuse is grounded.”
The redhead opened her eyes when Jungkook circled them ignoring them. He had realized that he had been hoisted and had not found it funny. Arriving at the car. He opened the door and sat down. Ariana kept her eyes fixed on the window. I didn’t even want to see him. Innocent Jungkook thought that his dry attitude was due to lack of sleep.
In twenty minutes they reached their destination. The big Apple. Cars were circulating everywhere so that they did not attract attention. Jungkook drove down some more streets until he reached a set of apartments. He got into the garage. Ariana watched confused as she typed the access codes. Did he know that? No doubt, I didn’t know Jungkook as I thought he did. There was no one in the garage who did not run into endless accusatory glances along the way.
Pressing the button on the second floor the elevator doors closed.
“What’s wrong with you?” I ask through a worried tone. They had not spoken during the trip. Nor on the way to the elevator. Ariana’s dumbness was beginning to show him. Far from guessing what was happening to him, he began to think for himself the reasons.
The doors opened cutting the conversation.
Ariana POV
Jungkook gave me a quick glance before walking through the long halls. I followed him from behind without emitting a single word. Arms crossed and with pursed lips. Jungkook stopped in front of a black marbre door carved with a gold colored knob. He positioned his knuckle to hit her but stopped for a few seconds meditating. Finally he decided to press the bell button. Steps were heard behind the door. Each time closer. Jungkook expired heavily to howl his nerves. I paid close attention to the way the muscles in his back tensed with the sound of the bolt unlocking.
The door opened, a man with mint hair automatically appearing.
“Jungkook …” he stopped his language when he saw me behind his friend. He almost instantly sent a disapproving glance towards Jungkook, who immediately observed me a few seconds before returning to the mint-haired man. He found it denying. I click his tongue before speaking again. “I really can’t believe what you’ve done. Shit, Jungkook is married and not with anyone.” You just can’t. “
"I didn’t come here to scold me.” Nor do I explain my life to you. I need help. ”I turn away his neutral tone interspersed in one desperate to look at me briefly.“ We need help. ”
The mint suffered an internal struggle over duty or its meaning of friendship. Judging the tone Jungkook used to say that they were friends of years and that there was love between them. But, what really surprised me was to see a plaque hanging on his belt. Swallow sharply. He was an FBI agent. Jonh has the apartment bought and if he recognizes me, which he has done, he would take me back with him. I didn’t want to risk going back to that hell. Jungkook’s blind trust was the only thing that held me back.
“Pass.” He offered to step aside.
We enter a modern apartment with lots of light coming from the windows of the penthouses in New York. These departments were expensive so Jungkook’s friend must be one of the greats. I left the bag with my clothes on a small table at the entrance.
“What the hell are you wearing?”, Reprimanded by her abrupt tone, I turn self-consciously. Look strangely at Jungkook’s biker outfit. But his tone does not match his cocked smile. Jungkook palpates his thighs before shrugging his shoulders. Two seconds later they are wrapped in a happy hug for their reunion.
I have to say that the bed was more comfortable than the one in that motel and that sleeping had never sat so well. Jungkook’s heady perfume gave me the security I needed to let myself fall into a deep restful sleep. His arms wrapped around my waist, occasionally giving a slight squeeze to feel me.
Right now, I was carrying a cup of coffee to my lips. The taste of freshly made caffeine was a mitigating that woke my sleepy body. I watched from a distance as Jungkook turned around the room while talking on the phone. Scratching his neck while focusing solely on what they were saying. It had been two days since we arrived and I had barely seen Yoongi. Jungkook told me that he would probably have a lot of work at the plant. That he could not miss his position because they might suspect.
The snap of keys at the front door led my gaze there. Yoongi came in later. He passed by Jungkook and patted his back in greeting. He then undid the knot of his tie and the tank on top of the countertop. His feline eyes watched the clink of my fingers against the pottery of the cup. I raised my eyebrows and prepared to offer him a cup of coffee. During the few days in which I had taken the time to observe him I had realized that he was not very talkative and that his gestures were all I needed to communicate.
Drag the cup through the granite.
“Thank you.”
I nodded shyly.
Yoongi looked again at Jungkook sideways. Imitate his gesture. Now he seemed more upset than before.
“He’s a smart boy, you’ll manage very well.”
“Yes I know.”
“He always did, anyway.” He added before taking a sip of coffee. I looked at him again, this time, with an aloof curiosity. I leave the cup in the oak and gasp for the liveliness that the coffee gave him.
“Since when have you met?” I was aware that my tone was too low compared to his higher. But I felt relieved when I groaned thoughtfully.
“Not more than four years.” I meditate wrinkling his forehead. “He was my partner in the academy.”
“Jungkook was a cop?” I opened my mouth in amazement.
Yoongi nodded.
“The best of all. Jungkook was the best companion I had. When he left they only sent me inept with a sense of hero.”
Tilt my body forward so as not to miss any detail. My gesture gave him the confidence to continue digging up his memories.
“Why did he leave?”
Yoongi bit her lower lip to stop. The only thing that confirmed my remarkable concern was that it must have been something quite strong. Something that even Yoongi himself could not overlook without bringing painful memories to life.
“Well …” I clear my throat a little. I take a quick look at Jungkook before continuing. ”There was a shooting in one of our missions. A girl who was in charge of Jungkook died and he couldn’t stand it… ”He closed his eyes when his thick saliva went down the inside of his throat.“ It wasn’t even his fault, those things just happen. A moron moved from the formation and Jungkook went to save him, he only left her for two seconds. However, it was enough time for two bullets to give him. One of the things they teach us in academia is that death will always be present. After that he left the plate on the table and left the body. He stopped taking my calls and answering my messages. Some time later a friend told me he was working as a bodyguard for an important politician. “
"It’s very sad.” I thought out loud. My melancholy caused Yoongi to wrinkle a grimace. It was a painful story and more than ever my desire not to leave him ran first to an unsafe goal.
Jungkook burst into the kitchen with a confused expression while holding the phone in suspension. It seemed as if someone had told him something and was still thinking.
“Is everything okay?” Yoongi asked.
“Jonh has withdrawn the complaint,” he said, still doubting what his friend from the national police had told him. I jumped off the stool. My feet rumbled so loudly that two pairs of eyes looked at me instantly.
It had been a week since he tasted freedom. Jungkook occasionally went out to the street to go around and check the newspapers, the billboards. But just as they had told him, Jonh had withdrawn the complaint. No more news of my alleged kidnapping. The broadcasters talked about other things. My face was no longer in every program, and how ironic it would be to say that I still had not exercised that right. Jungkook forbade me to leave Yoongi’s house. With a different excuse every time. What if it was a bluff. That when Jonh’s men would step on the street they would see me. I could understand his distrust but I didn’t share it. My future ex-husband was a capricious person, his interest in people did not last longer than a second. It was more than clear that as soon as he saw that I left he got tired of looking for me. Surely, he must be overflowing with one of his countless lovers in which our bed was. Forgetting that it existed.
When the night breeze caressed my cheeks, a rebel impulse clouded my reasoning. I couldn’t even tell when I buried my shoes in the park’s lawn in front of the building. Despite the moonlight I noticed how my color returned. I took a deep breath, importing little toxic air from car smoke.
“A handout, please, I’m very hungry.” A scratchy voice scared me. The figure of a squalid man emerged from the leftovers of the night. Located under the light of the lamppost I could realize that he was nothing more than a tramp asking for help. I smiled sadly as I left the garden and approached the man. Up close, I was able to analyze his dirt-stained face and torn clothes. It was summer and still dressed like winter. Cheeks sucked by lack of weight. The back hunched forward. His pleading eyes.
“I don’t have money …”
The glitter of my gold ring caught my attention when I shake my hands. I blinked by chance. It was my married ring. The one Jonh gave me when he asked me to marry. The cause of my misfortune. Determined I slid it by my finger, pulling it out.
I offered him the ring with a smile on his mouth. That ring was the object that connected me with my previous life, I didn’t need it. Rather, I didn’t want her. The tramp stained my earth fingers a little when he picked it up. Opening his eyes wide when the glitter disturbed him. I observe myself immediately. I agreed to take it. He would probably need it more than me.
“Ariana!” A scandalized scream rang out behind me. The tramp opened his eyes frightened by Jungkook’s stride race. The poor man ran away in the opposite direction. I frowned a little annoyed at her screams. It was late and people were sleeping. When he reached my side he kept seeing the path where the tramp had run. Expelling some curses from his mouth under his gaze to me. “Can you tell what the fuck you are doing out here?”
I crossed my arms for his bad tone.
“I’m taking fresh air.” I answered in the same accusation tone. Emphasizing the innocence of my action. I shrugged my shoulders simulating a passive attitude. Jungkook blew hot air out of his mouth. His nostrils were enlarged by the speed with which the air entered.
“Go back inside.” He pointed the glass doors of the building with his finger. I obeyed because I didn’t want to set up a scene in the middle of the park late at night. Jungkook had the decorum to open the door and follow me from behind as if it were my own shadow. When he opened the apartment door I went straight to the room. His hand held me in my place. “Are you really going to behave like a capricious girl?”
“I’ve been locked in my right for days!” The voice came out louder than I would have liked but there was no turning back. I was stressed by so much protection, the danger had passed but Jungkook didn’t understand it. I thanked internally that Yoongi will be outside and not being a spectator of this conversation. My face would fall ashamed if he sees us arguing in his house. Jungkook smoothes his face with his palm to calm down but only tousles his hair. I licked her juicy lips and she stares at me, determined not to change her mind. “You can’t treat me like a doll of unlimited edition that you have in a glass case so it doesn’t break. I need to go out, breathe.”
“You’re not going out until further notice.”
Jade outraged. Pressing his lips to his direction and glaring him to the roots.
“Fuck you, Jungkook.”
He opened his eyes wide when he heard that defamatory. He opened his mouth to answer but Yoongi broke into the apartment, staying planted at the door when he noticed the tension between the two. Taking advantage of his mistake, I ran to the room, slamming the door behind me to give life to my discomfort. Later I would ask Yoongi for forgiveness.
The next morning.
“What happened last night?” Yoongi asked as he sat on the little table in the living room, facing the sofa where Jungkook had spent the night. Jungkook growled as he clenched the bridge of his nose. He sat down and accepted the cup of tea that Yoongi had offered him. The bag of herbs was the only thing I observed in his little trance. He swallowed hard and connected his gaze with his best friend. “Kook, you can’t treat her like a fragile doll.” It is logical to be angry, you should talk to her.
But Jungkook denied sleepy.
“I don’t think he wants to talk to me.” I deserve your contempt for how cocoon I have been these days.
He looked so emaciated. Not wanting to breathe even. Guilt didn’t let him sleep through the night, besides, adding to him how uncomfortable it was to fall asleep on that leather sofa. The material was cold and dry. In the middle of the night when I was looking for something to warm up, the only thing I found were pillows, not my body heat, or my smell, just cold and fluffy pillows. My nails pressed the wood of the door of the guest room. My head half peeked as I secretly listened to their conversation. I recognize that I felt a little bad when I heard his voice muffled and I saw his back hunched forward as if he were a puppy that knows he has done something wrong.
I stayed halfway to an impulse to let me see when the kitchen phone started ringing. Take a quick look at the two men talking in the living room but none seemed to notice the device. Walk to the kitchen and pick up the phone. I shrunk my stomach when I thought about my actions. Should I have let it ring? Damn, nobody should know that I’m here. Take the headset to my ear and let them talk first.
“Hello my love…”
Hang up
My hand was stuck to the phone. Frozen by my body paralysis. My ears had recognized that voice at the first moment. His evil vibrato and feigned affection. It was Jonh. It was my husband. I brought my hands to my eyes to hold back the tears. I knew where I was. He had found me. My chest began to rise and fall rapidly. I gasped as I moaned. With trembling hands, I grabbed the back of a chair to hold on and not collapse on the floor.
Yoongi and Jungkook entered the kitchen. The mint froze but Jungkook ran to my side to hold me by the waist.
-What’s wrong? Ariana. — worried she caught my cheeks to look for my watery eyes.
“I need … Air.”
“There’s a Starbucks a couple of blocks down.”
Jungkook watched Yoongi. He nodded and wiped my tears with his thumbs.
I closed my eyes getting used to the midday sun. The tears had dried half an hour ago but the lump in my throat was not falling apart. The discomfort in my stomach either. Sitting on a bench apart from people while waiting for Jungkook and my iced coffee.
It appeared a minute later with two cardboard cups decorated with the brand of the beverage company.
As soon as he gave me the drink, I rushed it to my lips. I closed my eyes when the contrast between cold and heat caused small chills to my tongue. When I opened them I found Jungkook’s worried look directly. He immediately turned his gaze to a couple of children playing near the fountain. I smiled softly when I bathe her pink-red cheeks. Embarrassed for catching him watching.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Just overwhelm me. ”I commented, ending his shame. I connect our eyes intensely. I know he hadn’t told me anything but something tells me that he had been thinking about it. The real problem lands again in my memory. The knot grows and coughs.
The color of his face disappears as he looks behind me. I intend to turn around but his scream prevents me.
“Don’t turn.” He whispers altered.
“Jungkook, what’s up?”
“You take me by the hand of three and we run to those bushes.” His voice sounds somewhat run over by something he is seeing and makes him nervous.
“Jung …”
“Three!” He shouts and takes my hand.
Stretch my body while running and as a result my glass falls to the ground without being able to avoid it. We reached the bushes and threw me to the ground, so that we lay face down on the ground.
“They are following us.” Shit. Shit. Shit. — begins to rave. It forms a fist of leaves and strangles it with force. His other hand hits the ground in such a way that it raises a dust that makes me cough. I can’t understand what he says until I recognize two of Jonh’s men by a small abujero. Next to the bank where we were, looking towards all directions of the park, surely, looking for us. I get so nervous that I scream scared. Jungkook’s palm covers my mouth and his finger tells me to be silent. I nod slowly. Uncover my mouth carefully while looking at me with small head movements. He slides his hand through his pocket and takes out the phone that Yoongi had given him. Dial a number and put it on your ear. “Yoongi … Fuck, they found us … Yes … Yes … Ok.”
“We’re going to get caught,” he groaned in a shaky whisper. Jungkook sticks his forehead to mine to reassure me. Save the phone and get on your knees.
“I have not crossed half a country for two morons to catch us.” We’re going to run to Yoongi’s apartment, don’t let go of my hand at any time, understand?
I have not run so much in my life. Tiredness is present in the middle of the race. Jungkook’s speed is superhuman, there are moments when my foot stumbles on some solitary stone but I don’t let go of his hand at any time. Luck goes on our side because the traffic lights turn green when we pass, I look back and I don’t see anyone, however, I don’t stop running until we get to the apartment. Jungkook lifts the mat throwing it through the air while I support my body on the wall with one hand. The other hooked on his. Unlock the door and put me inside an arm lug. Leave the keys in a bowl and lean on the door so as not to faint from fatigue.
“You’re good..”
He threw me into his arms like crazy. I wrap his neck with such anxiety that his body takes a couple of seconds to react and wrap me. Jungkook sinks his face into the hollow of my shoulder and neck. We are sweaty but we don’t care. I want to feel security again and he is the only one who can fulfill that desire. One of his palms is crushed in the curve of my back to become more attached to his torso. It separates us when his hands press my cheeks. Shock our foreheads again. His breath falls on my lips sending chills all over my body. He threw me to his lips without thinking of the little breath we have. Simply, I follow my wildest instinct and founded my lips with his. Jungkook takes me away two seconds wondering with his eyes if this was really what I wanted. I don’t have to say anything else. My lips parted wet with his saliva and my dilated eyes spoke for me.
With small shoves he led me to a high table. He caught my thighs and placed me on top. When his tongue wet my lips asking permission to enter, I condemned it by opening my mouth. A fight between both muscles with an ending full of pleasure. My fingers embedded in the hair of his neck as I opened my legs to get between them. His palm crushed the curve of my hip, bringing our torsos together while I was constantly breaking my lips. His hard lump stuck on my right thigh, creating a painful friction. Bringing your hands to your hips to remove your sweatshirt. The garment went up to the head, knocking it down. My sweatshirt flew next. My shorts followed suit. Both with underwear. My fingernails on his shoulder blades when he began to delineate my jaw with his tongue, I squeezed when he took a slight bite over my neck. Catch your hips with my thighs causing me to groan in response. Then his hands marked my ass when I get up from there.
“I don’t want to fuck you in the living room.” I whisper licking my bite area. It takes me in careless stumbling blocks to the guest room. His hands tight on my butt to hold me. Closing the door with his foot. He threw me into bed desperate. My back bounced against the mattress. I opened my legs and Jungkook got between them. Under the head and kiss me. Giving way to a moved kiss, full of despair. He slipped his lip in burning caresses all over my neck to my collarbone where he started kissing her. He sank a hand on the mattress to reach the closure of my bra and unfasten it. The strips became looser, lowering them with both hands left me exposed from the waist up. His attack on my nipples was not long in coming. At first, he dedicated himself to wetting in circular movements with his tongue around the nipple. Then small bites close but not touching. Finally one of his teeth caught my nipple and stretched. My foot kicked in response as my neck fell cloudy with passion.
“Jungkook …”
Gemi when one of his palms whipped my cloth covered vagina. I didn’t know where to focus if the pleasure of my breasts or the contractions of my vagina around anything. When Jungkook moved away from my skin a thread of saliva connected my nipple with his lip. I bit my lip when his eyes traveled to mine. His pupils so dilated that the whites of his eyes lacked in the background. Suddenly, his attention noticed the stain of my panties. He stroked my cheek in a descending way with his back, the space of my battered breasts, my navel which took the privilege of bending down to put his tongue, ending the tour in my main annoyance. He whipped again causing him to faint from pleasure. He slid down the mattress until he placed himself between my legs, which he opened on his own with his hands on my inner thighs. Given the privilege of admiring the disaster it had caused.
“From here I can smell the delicious mess you’ve made for me.” I whisper, sticking his lips to my inner thigh near the affected area. Planting a little kiss a little lower. The snapping sound that reached my ears made me groan and flutter in my bed.
“I need you, please, I don’t want to wait any longer …” I exhaled a sharp gasp when his nose caressed my panties. God knows the desire I had that his tongue will play with my sensitive bulge but at this point I was too excited and needed to close around something. Jungkook knelt in front of me while raising a thoughtful eyebrow. He claimed his lower lip tasting his imagination. He was as or more anxious than me. His cock jerked inside his pants when he heard me beg. I followed the movement of his hand towards his bulge dressed with the sight of my legs open.
“Are you wet enough to receive me, baby?” He murmured low as he connected a look full of lust to my eyes wide with anxiety. I nodded quickly to understand my agony. Jungkook drew a self-sufficient smile. He knew he needed him madly and he loved that. I sat placing my legs behind my body to reach his belt. My fingers worked with the buckle for a while until I managed to decipher his hitch. The tape slipped out and fell to the ground when I released it. Unzip the button. Take a quick look at Jungkook who watched my movements closely from above. He walked away to stand up, drag the pants and his boxers down. I frowned in disgust, I wanted to take those two clothes off but apparently Jungkook was more in need than I thought. His cock raised high with the veins marked along his trunk, his pink tip rather than swollen from the urge to press against something, his precum dripping from his tip. Jungkook was beautiful in every way. I had seen her before but I couldn’t help being stunned every time I looked at her. When I realized that I had been bewitched by his cock, a growl came out from the depths of his chest, hitting me a slight push back I fell with my legs open. Jungkook kneeled back in bed, stretched out his hands and under my panties deftly. My naked center did nothing but shake his hungry cock more. He stroked my belly with the fingers of his hand until he placed his index finger on top of my clitoris, crushed it causing me to groan. He separated his finger only to put his middle finger in my dripping hole. A delicious click for my senses made me straighten my head and watch Jungkook masturbate with the intrinsic sight in the movement of his finger.
“You’re bathing my finger so well, you’ll do it with my cock too, baby. I’ll put it in and you will squeeze it as you know how to do it.”
“God, Jungko-ok.” Half shout a groan drowned by the cloud of excitement. I wasn’t even aware when he took out his finger and leaned toward me until his mouth raged voraciously against mine. I opened my mouth to make way for his hot tongue. His big hands grabbed the skin of my thighs by sticking them to his shoulder blade. Leaving me exposed and weak in front of his great body. If there was anything I had noticed during sex, it was that Jungkook had a habit of putting me under him just before I started, and I wouldn’t complain because it got me so wet. I loved that he will control me with his big muscles, looking for the best posture to fuck me as hard as I liked. Separating from my mouth with a thread of saliva connecting our inhaled lips, under one hand to his cock to align it with my entrance. I gasped sensitively from the previous game, I was bathing his tip with my juices. Its length made its way through my tight walls, with the sensation that my head fell back leaving my neck exposed so that Jungkook could give me a tender kiss as I scared that my body would get used to its large size.
“You’re doing great, baby. Very go-od.” He made a desperate groan when he finally came in. It started with a slow sway as a preheat to prepare me for what came next. The movement of her hips was slow but so deep that my eyes rolled in all directions. My fingernails tightened his broad back to continue with his pelvic movement. With his mouth stuck in my chin while his hot breath fell on my neck. His restless hands opened, closed, squeezed, caressed my thighs without an established order. My groans increased in level when the speed began to increase. The quiet ride we were taking had gone to the very shit when Jungkook decided that he had already been too complacent to me. I strongly push his body against mine and he slammed in, filling me deeply to his hilt. I gasped in desperate hiccups as I propelled my body forward with each onslaught. Jungkook pursed his fingers at my hips to change position and get on top of me. “Ride me like the desperate you are.”
He grabbed my butt tightly as he moved his hips up. I groaned, he messed up while he self-penetrated me with his hard cock. My hands that were initially on his chest to withstand the sensual dance of his hips, went down incessantly to the area of ​​his abs. I scratched a couple of little squares when at the end of an impulse one of his hands hit my butt.
“There, there, right there-I … My God, don’t stop.” I shouted a groan mixed with a desperate meow. I was fucking so well that there was not much left to end up touching my glorious orgasm. Throw your head back while closing your eyes. My blindness increased my other senses, feeling completely like his cock shattered my interior without mercy.
“Shit, baby.” Jungkook growled, pushing himself harder. Watching omnibulated how my body jumped on top of his. As his cock was swallowed by my sensitive body. He buried his head in the mattress, letting himself be carried away by pleasure. “You’re the most delicious thing I’ve had around my cock.”
“Ah.” I shouted back for my close orgasm. Jungkook straightened his head to look at my disastrous body.
“No one has ever filled you like me.” I am the only one who has fucked you like that so they are so needed. — gasping their words for over-excitement. He raised his hand to my right breast and squeezed it hard. I straightened my disoriented head again. Opening his mouth while watching him tired from above. His face immersed in pleasure sent a shiver to my starting gun. “Not even your pathetic husband has fucked you like me. Surely he must be imagining how bad a wife you are when opening your legs to me.”
His comment, far from appearing out of place, caused cramps in my lower area. I closed my eyes as I clenched my teeth and groaned. The screeching sound of the front door made me white. I watched Jungkook scared who didn’t seem to want to stop. I tried to separate from his body but holding my leg he knocked me face down on the mattress. He lifted my hips towards him. His big hands brought my butt towards his pelvis to the point of feeling his cock on my butt. He stretched right in front of me to place a pillow under where my head was located.
“Bite, don’t make me stop now.” Far from appearing to be a supplicated supplication, his order came out firm. I plunged my mouth into the silence of the pillow. I could not see his reaction positioned this way but I could imagine a pleased smile. It didn’t make me wait long, as I was prepared and lubricated it easily slid between my folds. I clenched my teeth to feel with this position the depth was something I could feel even if only a centimeter moved. Holding on to my hips, he began to ram me without any precaution. Not caring much if your soul friend listened to us.
Slight knuckle taps flooded the room.
“Are you all right? Have you been followed?” Yoongi’s worried tone made me startle. Punctures of guilt began to bubble through my disturbed heart, he asking for our safety and we here fucking like rabbits in heat. Leaning my hands on the mattress I tried to get up, but Jungkook smoothed my back lying down again. I tilt his body on top of mine to get me trapped while his mouth was traveling to my face.
“Shh …” I murmur straight to my ear. I choke a groan on the pillow when he pushed himself roughly. “We’re fine. Ariana is taking a shower.”
“I feel you upset, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, believe me it couldn’t be better.” He groaned a laugh on my cheek before stretching my earlobe with his teeth. I collapsed on the mattress shortly after when the bovine was released. His cock was squeezed by my walls in contraction. Jungkook buried a heated moan in my hair before its fluids will begin to drip out of my folds. That night we slept hugging, we made love again. However, when I woke up something in me I was shouting that soon the joy would end. I checked later when silly of my I picked up the kitchen phone.
“In five minutes you will have a car at the door. For the sake of that son of a bitch, I hope you get on.”
The story was over as soon as it started. Good memories would always remain in my memory. The last thing I noticed before leaving was the door of the guest room. I imagined a Jungkook curled up in bed, sleeping, disheveled and terribly beautiful. Cover my mouth to stop a muffled groan. He would no longer see his smile upon waking. With that last thought I finally accepted my terrible destiny and closed the door of what was once a good home.
End Ariana POV
Jungkook’s palms smoothed the wrinkles on the sheets. Straightening confused by the lack of heat from a second body, he left the room while yawning lazily. Hoping to bump into her lover in the kitchen, the only thing she found was a Yoongi with a serious look holding a paper letter.
“You are lucky that we have a press conference tomorrow because I want to give you your deserved.” His sweeping voice did nothing but increase his sadness. Despicable looks, denigrating gestures that made her feel worse. There was always something that took her to her brief but beautiful story with Jungkook, be it the fleeting memories or the marks on her neck that she had managed to cover with her scarf. For now, she was safe, as her husband said, they had an act to go to tomorrow and should show me more radiant than ever. Sighing heavily as he looked away at the window. The trip had been short. In less than a shooting star in the sky lasted, he was crossing the great door of the Palace hotel. Jonh was waiting for her smiling, with false emotion for the forced reunion. Then, when they were far from the eyes of her bodyguards, she forced her to her room and the screams began. With the sole purpose of enumerating all the vile and malicious mistreatment he had planned to do for his whim of craving freedom. But he did not know that these things no longer affected her as before, that an angel had passed through his story that had illuminated his life. The only thing that calvary made him bearable was knowing that while Jonh’s hands shook her, Jungkook was well and far from his reach.
Jungkook crumpled the note on a paper ball before throwing it in anger. Yoongi, startled by his change in attitude, tried to touch his shoulder but he removed it.
“I have to go find her.” Jungkook brayed before he shot towards the front door. Yoongi took his forearm stopping him.
“Are you crazy? By now they must have left the country. You don’t know where it is and if you find it, be sure that bastard won’t respect the law. Jungkook will kill you. Please, don’t go . ”
Jungkook collapsed on a tuburete. Taking his hand away from his arm, Yoongi watched as his friend collapsed in the granite of his kitchen. Yoongi had been the first to read the note. I was so surprised by Ariana’s excessive courage. He knew he had done it to protect Jungkook. That he had not cared to destroy his happiness as long as his friend kept his. Yoongi couldn’t see Jungkook like that, especially since the last time he had seen him cry like that Jungkook decided to disappear for two years. If he didn’t do something, fast, blunt, he knew that depression would be the slightest thing he would have. But she had repeated to him throughout the letter countless times, that it wasn’t for her, that she would look for a way to be happy even if that meant stop feeling.
Determined I’ve reached into his pocket to take out his phone.
Jonh had contacts, but he had many more.
“Hello, Min Yoongi speaks chief inspector of homicides of the FBI. Taehyung, I need your help.”
His heel hit the ground when he got out of the car. Encased in a smile that is too exaggerated to satisfy the flashes that focused on them. Jonh circled the car to stand beside him. His dark suit perfectly ironed according to his wife’s long dress. When his palm collapsed in the curve of her waist, pushing her to walk, Ariana could not help thinking of Jungkook’s hands. How well they touched and caressed her. With sad eyes, endless photos were made for entertainment magazines. He couldn’t help thinking that their faces would be on the front pages of the magazines for weeks. That Jungkook would see them, he would see her again with him. Hoping that one day he will forgive her, understand, and erase her from her mind as she intended to do, although she knew that this thing was nothing more than a proposal that she would not carry out.
“Mr. Jonh, here, here! From purple love magazine! What can you tell us about your wife’s escape with her bodyguard?”
She located the young journalist from afar trying to make a hole through elbows. Jonh exhaled pure fire through his mouth. I pull it a little roughly behind the poster full of sponsors.
“You are a whore whore who does not deserve a man like me. Have you seen what your actions have caused? I am the admereir of half a country because of you.” Ensuring that his fire did not ignite the volume of his voice, the noise of the journalist was what gave him foot to take her arm and shake her while shouting in her ear. Hidden behind the huge white sign, Jonh raised his hand to his wife, Ariana watched the action without showing any fear. Why do it? Her husband would enjoy, he would not like it.
“Sir.” The voice of a bodyguard made him close his hand into a fist and lower it. Automatically turning his neck to shout at the man for his insolence. Ariana observed the unknown aspect of the man, did not recognize him. She didn’t think she had seen him before in her husband’s service. Usually, Jonh hired thugs who had nothing to lose and were faithful with a strange salary. However, those brown eyes and square smile were quite particular. “The New York Times magazine has been waiting for you for ten minutes.”
Smoothing the tie came out of there as a soul that the devil wore. That nice man connected his gaze with Ariana for a second. The security he felt in those eyes caused his heart to jump.
“If I like, I can take her to the bathroom.” Her offer confused her. I have lifted a finger to place it on his cheek. “The rhyme has run down his tears.”
Ariana touched her cheekbone, in fact, when I look at the fingerprint it was stained black. I didn’t even know when he had let the tears come down from his eyes.
“If it’s not a bother,” I nodded.
When they took two steps, a tall bodyguard stopped them by placing a palm on the other man’s shoulder.
“Where are you going? Mr. Jonh has said that we take care personally that Mrs. Ariana doesn’t leave here.”
“The lady has had her makeup done. If you want her to come out in the pictures like a circus clown, go and ask Mr. Jonh what she thinks about it. Let’s go to the bathroom in the aisle of the East Wing, we won’t leave the building.
The water in the sink filtered through his black gloves when he slid his hands over the white marble. Close your eyes enjoying the cold wet contrast with your warm hands from sweating. He hadn’t even touched up his makeup, he hadn’t looked in the mirror even once since he had entered ten minutes ago. She thanked that such a nice man did not hurry her, that she gave her time to enjoy that time alone, that more than sweet could not be more bitter. The squeak of a cubicle closing caused him to look up at the mirror.
She turned startled when she recognized those brown eyes.
“Did you really think he wasn’t going to come looking for you?” The huskiness so perceptible in his tone was the indication that his mind was not playing tricks and that Jungkook was two steps away from her. Looking at her with melancholic longing. Frowning his eyebrows hurt by his cowardly decision. He intended to smile, to run to the comfort of his arms, sink his head and return to that Friday night. But this was not a story with a happy ending. Ariana kept the distance, for fear that her irrational part will take the reins of her little self-control. He had missed that pair of dark eyes so much.
“How did you get in?” Ready to not enter swampy conversations, she decided to change the subject. Jungkook snorted in anguish over the coldness of his tone. "Have you lost your mind? Jonh is out there with twice as many bodyguards as he had before.
"Yes, fuck.” He replied coarsely, tired of having to appear calm when his hands kept shaking. The dry scream full of accumulated pain. Taking a step forward, Ariana backed away until she hit the marble. Jungkook froze when he noticed her so nervous, watching her run away, as if she would pose a threat, as if she feared him. “I’ve lost my mind completely because I don’t give a shit how many men are guarding you, they won’t take me away from you. to pass over your husband’s son of a bitch, tonight you come with me. ”
Approaching slowly while talking. Not taking his eyes off his own even though the intimidation startled her. He always felt admiration for the courage so decisive that Jungkook had, if he wanted something, he would break his teeth until he succeeded. That inner fire was what captivated her the first time she saw him. It was a night like this. Under the dim light of the bathroom he was captivated by his bright pupils.
Two loud knocks on the door stopped his words.
“Little daddy bitch or you go out at once or I’ll have to advance your punishment!”
The breath cut short, he watched Jungkook with his eyes open and his jaw trembling.
“It’s Jonh.” He murmured in panic. Jungkook did not need his annealing, he had recognized the delirious voice of his former boss from the first word. So many nights he had stayed on the sidelines, caught by the conciseness of doubt. Today. Right now. On that rainy afternoon, I had only a few meters away and I would not miss that opportunity. The anger shone in his eyes when violent claps rang again. Ariana easily deduced the thoughts of the taller one as soon as her hands, brimming with accumulated anger, had formed an intrinsic ball. Clenching his fists so hard, that the beating veins of his arms were dilated by blood pressure. He took a powerful stride toward the white door. Ariana hooked her little fingers into one of her wrists, preventing the madness from unleashing.
“Get in the cubicle and don’t go out, I beg you, please, Jungkook.” Softening the tone when I lower it to calm him. Jungkook foolishly began to deny quickly as his corners rose ironically. “Trust me, please.”
Something in his vibrato painted security. Even though it shook on the outside like a leaf, Jungkook obeyed and hid behind a door. Ariana decided to walk to the bathroom door.
“What were you doing in there, little bitch?” Out of his thin lips, the only thing that came out was bad shapes. Ariana appealed to her sweet lips to make up a credible excuse, but her husband’s fingers marked her arm deeply, dragging her away from the eyes of her thugs. Forcing it into that bathroom. He threw it against the sink so hard, that if it weren’t for his reflection of putting his hands, he would have fallen from his mouth. “Who has given you permission?”
“The makeup…”
He brought his hand to his chin covering it completely. Jonh swept his face with such delirium that he had little to jump on his neck. Examining his wife’s porcelain skin with vile pride.
“You have become more precious over the years. Why do you have to provoke me like this? I lose control and destroy your beautiful body.” Attaching your mouth to your ear. The disgusting moisture I feel wetting his cheek made it turn. Gimio disgusted without remembering that they were not alone in that bathroom. Jungkook’s fists couldn’t be tighter. He had found the little crack of the lock. His eyes had traveled alone to the couple when the man dragged her sharply. The courage rose so thick that he had little left to get out of his hiding place and grind it. He was groping her without his consent, he was disrespecting not only as a woman, but as a person. Jonh dragged his nose down his wife’s neck to soak up his delicious perfume, inhale deeply. “I love that cologne …”
Jonh laid his hand on his crotch area. Ariana closed her thighs startled by the pressure of her fingers.
“Don’t touch me …” He whispered a whisper.
Jungkook leaned forward and grabbed the toilet tightly. He had to control himself, keep himself hidden because he had promised. But it was so hard, fuck, how much it was. He cursed silently, swearing that if she didn’t stop him, he would shit his position and kill him.
“How long have I not done it?” We haven’t played for a while, honey.
“You always had your lovers. I was only your prize.” Seizing all the revulsion he had before, he took the courage to look into his eyes to transfer all the hate and disgust he had.
“Mr. Jonh.”
The same velvety voice that had previously meant his salvation. The bodyguard appeared behind him like a miracle. Jonh released his grip so abruptly that she destabilized. Jungkook raised his head when he recognized his friend’s voice. He ran in sight of the wooden slit.
“The press room is waiting for you.”
Jonh left foaming at the mouth. Not without first apprehending his worker apprehensively. Ariana kept her fingernails hooked to the counter by the scare crowding her body. Looking at the cubicle for a couple of seconds where Jungkook was hiding.
“Are you all right?” His concern brought her back to the real world.
“Yes.” I clarify quickly. Making sure the man left the bathroom before her.
The crowds rose euphorically with the more than false speech of her husband. The irony of fate allowed a batterer to give a lecture against gender violence. There were many women in the audience, a few were crying for the words of encouragement that my husband remembered to place, others simply frustrated their expressions declaring their lack of trust towards him. In a few seats further back, he saw the defense secretary and his right hand Mr. Woon. Together with her husband, they were the most hypocritical in the country. No one was worried about the struggle of these women. All they wanted was to make press for the general elections.
“Now, my beloved wife will give you some words of encouragement to you, the heroines of the country. An applause, please.” Beating his palms with enthusiasm, he politely moved away so that Ariana could take her place on the great stage. All eyes were on her. Some low murmurs flooded the room but he didn’t care. From afar, camouflaged among the masses of people crowded at the end of the room, he had recognized Jungkook. Covered with a black tracksuit and a hood that covered his head. Beside him, Yoongi dressed in a newspaper suit. His dark, lively eyes gave him the necessary push to start talking.
He brought his hand to his chin covering it completely. Jonh swept his face with such delirium that he had little to jump on his neck. Examining his wife’s porcelain skin with vile pride.
“You have become more precious over the years. Why do you have to provoke me like this? I lose control and destroy your beautiful body.” Attaching your mouth to your ear. The disgusting moisture I feel wetting his cheek made it turn. Gimio disgusted without remembering that they were not alone in that bathroom. Jungkook’s fists couldn’t be tighter. He had found the little crack of the lock. His eyes had traveled alone to the couple when the man dragged her sharply. The courage rose so thick that he had little left to get out of his hiding place and grind it. He was groping her without his consent, he was disrespecting not only as a woman, but as a person. Jonh dragged his nose down his wife’s neck to soak up his delicious perfume, inhale deeply. “I love that cologne …”
Jonh laid his hand on his crotch area. Ariana closed her thighs startled by the pressure of her fingers.
“Don’t touch me …” He whispered a whisper.
Jungkook leaned forward and grabbed the toilet tightly. He had to control himself, keep himself hidden because he had promised. But it was so hard, fuck, how much it was. He cursed silently, swearing that if she didn’t stop him, he would shit his position and kill him.
“How long have I not done it?” We haven’t played for a while, honey.
“You always had your lovers. I was only your prize.” Seizing all the revulsion he had before, he took the courage to look into his eyes to transfer all the hate and disgust he had.
“Mr. Jonh.”
The same velvety voice that had previously meant his salvation. The bodyguard appeared behind him like a miracle. Jonh released his grip so abruptly that she destabilized. Jungkook raised his head when he recognized his friend’s voice. He ran in sight of the wooden slit.
“The press room is waiting for you.”
Jonh left foaming at the mouth. Not without first apprehending his worker apprehensively. Ariana kept her fingernails hooked to the counter by the scare crowding her body. Looking at the cubicle for a couple of seconds where Jungkook was hiding.
“Are you all right?” His concern brought her back to the real world.
“Yes.” I clarify quickly. Making sure the man left the bathroom before her.
The crowds rose euphorically with the more than false speech of her husband. The irony of fate allowed a batterer to give a lecture against gender violence. There were many women in the audience, a few were crying for the words of encouragement that my husband remembered to place, others simply frustrated their expressions declaring their lack of trust towards him. In a few seats further back, he saw the defense secretary and his right hand Mr. Woon. Together with her husband, they were the most hypocritical in the country. No one was worried about the struggle of these women. All they wanted was to make press for the general elections.
“Now, my beloved wife will give you some words of encouragement to you, the heroines of the country. An applause, please.” Beating his palms with enthusiasm, he politely moved away so that Ariana could take her place on the great stage. All eyes were on her. Some low murmurs flooded the room but he didn’t care. From afar, camouflaged among the masses of people crowded at the end of the room, he had recognized Jungkook. Covered with a black tracksuit and a hood that covered his head. Beside him, Yoongi dressed in a newspaper suit. His dark, lively eyes gave him the necessary push to start talking.
“All women deserve respect, love, understanding, to say with sweet words how precious we are. Today I did not come here to give the speech of the year. I have come to this room today because I want to end this. End it not only to mistreatment, but to low insults. Men are no better than us, no one is better than anyone. I would like to tell you that the money that my great husband has raised to help you with this cause … "pointing with his arm to Jonh’s body. Her husband smiled overwhelmed by his consideration, hypocritically denying his merit. ”… is the result of work. But no.“ His neutral expression was changed to a wry one. Some women and men in the audience straightened in their chairs to pay attention. Jungkook watched Yoongi disoriented. He smiled pleased. "Because each of the millions they have donated is nothing more than pure imagination. Checks are nothing more than meaningless papers because all the money is deposited in a ghost account of the Cayman Islands, waiting for the secretary and my beloved husband. It is seven o'clock, which means that every police station, every switchboard that owns a computer will be receiving its location. Today I did not come here to talk about some particular cases. women who have a son of a bitch next door. They don’t deserve that. Neither they nor me. ”
He closed his eyes while smiling incredulously. Panting pleased with his confession, placing a hand on his chest as a sign of relief. Everyone in the room began to shout, clap, crowd in angry ranks against the defense minister and his friend. Taking advantage of his height, he began to search the mass of people for that dark tracksuit.
A hand hooked his arm, dragging her down madly.
“You are a fucking bitch who deserves to be dead …”
I don’t finish his sentence because a fleeting fist knocked him down. Recognizing that back, I enjoy the sight of a Jonh with his mouth bleeding while dying on the floor. Jungkook lifted him from the collar of his shirt, raised his hand to his face but a mentholated hair appeared behind him. Yoongi touched his shoulder, shook his head in the direction of the girl and Jungkook automatically released him.
“Leave it to me, you see. She needs you more.”
He didn’t think twice, ran to his arms. Melting into a melancholic hug that intermingled so many feelings together. Ariana realized at the same moment that self-love was much more important than fear. Jungkook had lit the fuse and she had accepted his explosion. While Yoongi was handcuffed to what her husband once was, Jungkook wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Dragging her away from the flashes of journalists who were screaming for an explanation. Coming out the back door, a dejavu shook his sweet memory. He stopped walking. Jungkook frowned. He squeezed his hand and placed himself in front of her. Ariana raised her head high and smiled. Laughing like children as they ran into an alley, there, isolated from the world, Jungkook cornered his body.
“I love you.” Close to her lips, hugging her waist with illusion. Jungkook cut the distance and kissed her happily, smiling in between as she crushed it against the wall. Emotion was running through his veins, he had finally confessed the feelings he felt when he first saw her. Ariana buried her fingers in her strands as she shook her head to deepen her encounter. Spreading in a snap of lips when she leaned back to admire Jungkook’s beauty.
Biting her lips feeling a silly nervousness caused by her emotion. “I love you, Jungkook. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you.”
Smiling on his lips, Jungkook pecked his cheek with a playful kiss. When he pulled away completely, Ariana didn’t believe what she saw. His motorcycle His fucking motorcycle. He opened his incredulous mouth as he walked towards her. I turn to observe Jungkook, capturing from the outset the loving look with which he looked at her. Finally, he approached his black motorcycle and climbed on. Ariana wasted a small smile on the floor before connecting glances.
“Aren’t you leaving me your jacket?”
Jungkook turned on the bike before leaning his elbow on the handlebars.
“Only if you tell me again.”
39 notes · View notes
r-bygrxxves · 5 years
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— && guests may mistake me as ( gigi hadid ), but really i am ( ruby greeves + female + she/her ) and my DOB is ( 07/11/2000 ). i am a ( blogger ) and would like to stay in suite ( #308 ). i won’t be much of a bother because i am ( kind & excited ), but i can also be ( - easily manipulated & childish ) at times. personally, i like to ( cook, blog about food and make friends ) when i have the time to relax, and my favorite snack is ( warm chocolate chip cookies ) to have in my suite. thank you for checking in! 
Tw: stalking
full name    ruby greeves
alias    rubes, greeves
age    twenty
date of birth    july 25th
place of birth    lodon, england
zodiac    leo
gender    female
nationality    european
religion    non-practicing catholic
orientation    pansexual
relationship status    single
face claim    gigi hadid
height    5′2′’ (obviously not gigi’s actual height)
weight    114 lbs
hair color    blonde
eye color    blue
voice claim    gigi hadid
tattoos    small heart on wrist, whisk on left arm
distinguishing marks    moles on body, brighte blue eyes, sharp features
outfit/clothing style    anything cute and red
hometown    london
current residence    malnati, guest suite #308
past residences    london, England
spoken languages    english
financial status    high-class
education level    high school
occupation    blogger
mother    patricia greeves
father    donovan greeves
siblings    nathaniel greeves // 26 (half brother) , eathan greeves // 29 (half brother) 
children    none
positive traits    sweet, cute, playful
negative traits    naive, ditzy, rebellious
likes    baking/cooking, red, social media, her grandmother
dislikes    darkness, hatred, conflict
moral alignment    chaotic good
mbtie    nfp-t
enneagram    type 2
temperament    helpful, loving, patient
Growing up in the heart of London a little girl had a lot to learn. After all there are dangers out in the world and most kids learned; no talking to strangers, stay in groups, and always do as you are told. This wasn’t the case for ruby greeves. No one ever could figure out how she could be so naive to the dangers the world possessed but some how the girl seemed to grow up in a bubble and in that bubble was a world that let her do anything. People didn’t even seem to mind; she was such a sweet little girl and even in such a big city like London everyone knew her. Welcoming her as she walked down the street with a smile and a wave. No one could really miss the girl after all, she stuck out even in the most crowded places. A mix of this was to due with her beauty and the iconic red wardrobe she has devoted herself to. “Red goes with everything.” She would say with a giggle and be on her way.
always close with her two brothers... or half brothers the girl watched them and wanted to do what they did. her father had the boys before meeting her mother, his previous wife leaving the family behind. but he has come around and created the perfect family in the end. ruby’s mother loves the boys endlessly, and ruby only thinks of them as the two greatest people in her life. 
Now, a saying like that was cute at first but as her beauty grew so did the lust others seemed to hold and soon people were seeing that saying as a flirtatious gesture. ruby would never intended on this of course, she was a sweet girl, boys weren’t really the thing she was after; not that it stopped them…
After living a happy life ruby went on living it, somehow her innocent and naive nature was never too much of a problem. Until she was about 16 and boys really started to take attention to the sweet young girl, everyone tried their best to get her attention but all she ever seemed to want to do was bake and cook. The girl was good. She made the best lemon cakes, her frosting skills were above a piece of art, and when it came to dinner time you were sure to be at ruby house with a plate. Now, she couldn’t take all the credit, everything she knew was taught to her by her beloved grandmother. Every day the woman spent hours with ruby teaching the girl everything there was to know to succeed in being an amazing chef.
Things were perfect. ruby was doing so well in school, she was happy, and she was popular. Now 19 years old the girl still so blind to what the world could be she was completely unaware of the much older boy that seemed to lurk in any shadow that she seemed to be. Drake Wolff was the man’s name and bad was his heart. He took quick notice of the girl after he moved down the block from ruby and watched her as she walked to school every day. Everyone saw him as a creep, some even heard rumors of a bad past. Did ruby ever take note of this? Oh no. And every day when she walked by she’d wave and give him a nice smile. At first his obsession was harmless, making sure every day he was out at the exact time she walked by to say hello. Then it grew to following her to school and home, always a few steps behind. Then he would stand outside her house, then it became her window, and finally he took it as far as climbing through into her bedroom and watching her sleep.
ruby greeves never saw it coming the one night she woke up and staring at her in the darkness were two large eyes and a wide grin. She tried to scream but he was quick and covered her mouth. It was her moving around as he forced desperately to take advantage of her that got her families attention and soon nathaniel was running into the room just a second too late to fight drake off even though the man had gotten away when her brother had checked to make sure she was okay. The last thing that ruby saw of the man were those huge eyes and that enormous grin.
The police could never find Drake, he had left the same night of the attack and even though he is still being looked for ruby apparently hadn’t been his first victim, he knew how to leave town and not be found. Of course after everything ruby was left scarred by it all but with the help of her family she was able to keep herself stable and even graduate high school. Wanting nothing more then to be away from that city ruby had to do something she didn’t want to but being put under protection by her father she moved off to america with her brother and scared and didn’t know how well the world would take on a girl so naive. but at the malnati she trusts she can make as many friends as she can and learn to be more assertive while doing it. also while pushing away her fears of ever having to wake up to those eyes and that grin. besides with her brothers there she knows no matter what she will be safe. 
There are times when her skin crawls and she feels that she would never really be safe from Drake unless he ends up being caught. The attack has left her afraid of the dark and if her room ever goes dark at night she instantly goes into a panic.
Nathaniel greeves - (half brother):  nicolette rogers - (best friend/practical sister): maddox- (roommate/good friend):
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pathofcomet · 4 years
bride of ice (1)
{dragon age: inquisition | g. | female trevelyan/iron bull | 2.9k}
| https://archiveofourown.org/works/23533642/chapters/56444983|
There is some kind of comfort in their name, and the knowledge that they will always be part of House Trevelyan, that there’s always the safety net of their title and of their family, and all that it taught them. When uncertain, just follow Andraste’s words and your better’s orders, and pray it goes well. Sometimes, life is as easy as that.
Even if it isn’t fair. Even if it doesn’t leave space for questions.
She was born on a holy day, her mother’s birth-giving pain’s screams mingled with the joyous ringing of the bells from the Chantry. That’s how her mother knew, as her desperate wish has been, that this one last, late child will be a girl. Or at least that is the story that her mother says when she feels particularly fond over the fact that there’s only one of her children left in her house, or to nobles visiting hoping for the young lady’s hand in marriage, or when she wants something from her sole daughter and has to preface her request with emotional manipulation.
The young Trevelyan looks out the window of her carriage, frowning, knowing exactly what her mother wants from her this time before she even has to voice it.
“You cannot, mother.”
“Of course I can,” her mother smiles back at her. “I am your mother and I am your lady and I am sending you on a trip with your brother, not to marriage against your will.”
It is a bait, and a reminder of all that her mother has already done for her: postponing her marriage for this long already, despite the disagreement from other nobles and her own husband, asking in return just from some obedience when she outright needed it. Like right now.
It was the Conclave after all, and an important meeting for her family. Not only was her own brother in the Templar order, alongside cousins and uncles, but most of their relatives were also spread in the ranks of the Chantry. At this point, it was equal parts family reunion and political orchestration for her. It is also an out, one last taste of the world before she knows, with certainty, that she will be made to choose her position in her family’s expectations: become a wife or a Chantry sister. Her time is running out, and this is why she doesn’t want to spend the last of it calming down centuries of hatred over diner.
She turns, to glare at her mother. At least, she doesn’t want to do it without her. There isn’t any political party that she hasn’t navigated thanks to the patient guidance of her mother. But whereas once her mother had dark, black hair – it is now faded to a grey, and when before, during her childhood, her mother used to do this trip to the Chantry by horse, her daughter laughing between her arms, she is now preferring the rest of a carriage. Her daughter grew, but she just got old. It is a startling realization for the young woman to have, in the golden light of the morning, that her mother is now frail and aging. Even if she wanted to do it, her mother couldn’t physically withstand the long journey, or the cold weather upon the arrival.
It was an escape as well: given the opportunity to prove herself, and carve a path straight between the crossroad the destiny was putting her at. She wanted to laugh then, to agree just to please her ingenious mother. She was her only daughter after all, and she was born alongside the joyous ringing of the Chantry bells, and her mother had taken one look at her baby girl and was determined to give her the world, or as much of the world as she could give to another woman.
But before she can answer, the carriage halts to a stop. Her mother wipes her fingers alongside her daughter’s lips, erasing a mark of stray rouge, and pulls at the thin, lace veil she is wearing to cover her head, making it more presentable. It is a light colour, matching her dress, and it is a pious imitation of the statues of their most holies. Her father has insisted on this outfit for her, just an image of their reputation and a reminder of their role and quality in the world.
She links her arm with her mother’s, eyes trained to the sky. Even after years and years of doing every week, she cannot get used to the murmured thanks of the poor, who have just been sent coins by her father’s men, or the enthusiastic greetings of possible suitors, or the envious glances of fellow nobles. As time went by, it felt less like her finding a connection with the Maker of the world, and more like a theatre play that she cannot take part in, because she’s unsure of her role or of the script she has to parrot.
So she walks, tight lipped, taking her seat inside the Chantry, offering a chair to her mother, and her dropping on her knees to the cold floor, palms held together in front of her, eyes casted down in a perfect picture of modesty and belief. She feels pity towards her dress, washed just the night before, and she can feel the hilt of her daggers digging painfully in her thigs, at least needed support in keeping her awake during the preaching. She’s not sure if the Maker is supposed to hear you better just because you are in pain during your pleas, or because he’s seen your face in his house more often than others’, or because your house has the largest donation ever given in the history of the city.
It is one’s own badge of pride that they decide to rely on. She’s not sure she wants hers to be as fickle and unsure as religion’s teaching. Even now, the sermon that they are given is against what they’ve been told just three weeks before, and yet no one seems to notice, or to consider it the least queer.
The bells start ringing, above their head – and slowly, people begin to rise and trickle out into the street. Her mother slowly pats her head and her back, reward for another of these days spent together. Her father is supposed to be busy ruling, and her brothers each with their own titles – so it is the women of the Trevelyan that have to show their faces to the world, stand proof of their ties and their history. People will believe a great many things if they are shown they can rely on said beliefs. And their house has been just a great constant, and such a stable pillar for their people, such an easy path for their own.
The young lady sighs, wondering when exactly this stopped pleasing her, given that she’s gotten nothing less than what she could have possibly wanted, sometimes even before she knew she wanted it. As they ride back towards their estate, she thinks it must have been around the time her brothers placed a dagger in her hand for the first time, and she realized she doesn’t want to let it go.
It is with that same pure glee that she greets her second brother on the entrance steps, hands cupping his cheeks to get a good look at him, then having him pull out his tongue at her and throw an arm around her waist, raising her up effortlessly and spinning her around. She screams into the air, servants turning around to laugh alongside them. Behind them, she can hear her mother clearing her throat, and he puts her down slowly, to go and place his hands in his mother’s, kiss her forehead.
He still stinks from the road, probably back just a little while before them – and his sister turns around, stops one of the chamber ladies, demands a table to be set as soon as possible for them all, and a warm bath to be drawn for him. Out of all of her siblings, his is the only room still kept intact: although he has his own place within the Templars, being situated just outside the city, he has always been just half a day ride away – and it has always been her family’s delight to summon him among them for any and all possible excuses. Out of all her siblings, this is the one she loves the best, he is the one that taught her the most, that cared the most about the small girl who came into his life well into his teenage years.
She cannot remember him without the Templar uniform. Even with all the silks awaiting him at home, out of pride, he wears the cotton shirts of his peers. She finds him magnificent and an idiot for this choice. He also forces her in leather pants and shirts, demands spars and duels from her, and laughs when it is way too easy to best her. He is the only one who seems to care if she can fight on her own, though it is an activity that no one interrupts them from, which means it must be approved by the Bann. Her only weapons are gifts she’s gotten from him, alongside the stories about all the female Templars among his ranks. There’s a fierce protectiveness from him that translates into actual actions, rather than advice that paints her in nothing more than beautiful furniture.
If she wasn’t the only daughter, if she wasn’t so precious in securing a political tie because of her good blood, she wonders is her parents would have agreed to her following the steps of her brother. Though, when he joins them at the table after his bath, he is carrying an empty vial, and she knows things aren’t as easy as he would like to make them seem behind all his blinding smiles. After all, that’s the entire purpose of the Conclave that the two of them are supposed to attend together.
His fingers move to pull at her veil, teasing her even more by unknotting her hair-do when she tries to protest against it.
“Ass,” she mutters under her breathe, though her mother’s leg kicks her under the table and she bites her tongue as a result. He laughs again, leaning to plant a loud kiss on her cheek, and she stuffs a pie in his mouth just to make him stop.
“So, sister. I heard you almost let me be the only suffering Trevelyan out there.”
“Oh, and I would have done it gladly if someone –” here she stops to bite into an apple, staring pointedly at their mother “didn’t insist upon my presence. I am not even qualified to breathe in those meeting rooms.”
“Nonsense! You’d make a fine serving girl!”
“Ass!” This time she says it out loud, and her mother slaps, loudly, against her wrist. It leaves a stinging, red mark behind and she glowers at her brother, blaming.
“You know it doesn’t suit you to whine like a petulant child,” her mother says, calmly. “If you are aware of your own faults, then work on them. If you’re not willing to do so, then do not complain when others point them out to you.”
“Yes, mother,” she murmurs.
“And both of you will be on your best behaviour out there, I hope. I did not raise fools who bark at each other out of boredom.”
“It’s out of love we do it, mother,” he says from her side, and he pats her leg, where she keeps her daggers, asking for peace. She smiles in her bowl of soup, hides it behind the rim.
His spine straightens. “We are Trevelyans, mother.”
With that, he says a whole history in a sentence. It means they will do what must be done of them, and they will honour the name that they are wearing. It means she is a good daughter and he’s a loyal Templar – and no matter the place, no matter the time and no matter the setting, they will do right by this first and foremost.
This calms her, better than anything her daughter might have tried. There is some kind of comfort in that knowledge, that there’s always the safety net of their title and of their family, and all that it taught them. When uncertain, just follow Andraste’s words and your better’s orders, and pray it goes well. Sometimes, life is as easy as that.
Even if it isn’t fair. Even if it doesn’t leave space for questions.
After lunch, they retreat in their father’s study, discussing the details of their departure the next day. There’s a stiff bitterness in his tone whenever he talks to his daughter, and she can imagine exactly how displeased he is with having her go. But someone still has to be just a Trevelyan, and nothing more, and his choice is limited, at the moment, to her – his oldest would never be sent to such a meeting to begin with.
So he must agree to letting her have her own horse, have her own say in their family’s matters. She tries not to take it personal, that he lacks any more trust in her – it is just that, as much as her mother wished for a daughter, he aimed for a son. He didn’t quite make peace with the fact yet.
Only after all this, her brother double checking their servants’ work, are the two finally left alone. He calls her over in his room, where a big, wrapped present is waiting for her, his hideous scribbling accompanying the rope keeping it together. There’s no hint of what’s inside from the text, just normal teasing for the spoilt baby, and he patiently waits for her to open it.
Inside, the pieces of a leather fighting gear. The smell is faint, and the sewing high-quality, and her brother must have spent quite a considerable part of his pay for this. She blinks away her tears before they can fall, the awe still there, her fingers still touching at each surface they can find.
“Thank you.”
Murmured, softly, overwhelmed.
“The Conclave is more of a war gathering than they’d like to let you believe, sister. You won’t be left powerless if I can help it.”
“I have Andraste,” she says, but he just scoffs, incredulous.
“Because that worked so well so many times before.”
That makes her laugh, at last.
“Thank you,” she says again, because there’s nothing more than that that she can say to express how truly grateful she is.
“I’m glad you are coming, sister.”
But she can’t quite say the same, even if the next day she wears her brother’s gifts, proudly.
The travel itself is pleasant enough, spent in good inns and with good food, sharing memories of their childhood with her brother. They add layers as the weather turns colder and admire the landscape around them. One evening, he plays the lute – the next, she sings by voice. Halfway through, their party meets up with their uncle and aunt, working as escorts for the elder couple – as they arranged weeks prior through a letter. Her aunt immediately presses a silver hair pin in her hands, a beautiful gift that she puts to use the following morning. Her uncle spends one afternoon sharpening her daggers, and she’s reminder that their daughters won each hunting game between their families for the past three years.
Once their destination reached, she situates herself by their side, among the civilians present for the Conclave. Her brother hugs her goodbye, before joining his friends, and later in the day, a second degree cousin, now Chantry sister, finds her and they spend some time catching up. The tension is palpable in the air, but everyone is doing their best to stick to their own and try not to start anything. Divine Justinia is a wonderful respite in the midst of all; her kindness oozing off her, a softness in her voice that manager to lift the angriest frown, a power in her presence that silences even the rowdiest person.
Honestly, Lady Trevelyan admires the woman, finds some hope that the Conclave might actually come to an agreement after all, if she is to judge over all of it. And yet, in this world, everyone wants as much as they can get, and then even more if they can fool others into giving it to them. The negotiations are not that different from her own arguments with her tutors, spoiled and exasperated sides equally certain that they’re in the right.
So the days pass by, and at least the food is nice, and the wine flows freely in the evenings. She’s seen enough drunken Mothers. If bored, in the long afternoons when they aren’t allowed to be present to the talks, the guards ask her for a fight, and she trains alongside them until she knows her fingers will turn red in the water basin as she tries to wash away the dirt from her clothes. She reads out loud holy texts with the sisters in the morning, plays chess with the older participants, writes the letters for her aunt who left her glasses at home. Sometimes, a servant slips her a note – most from her brother, Kill me written out of boredom and exasperation, some from admirers trying to tell her that she’s pretty, but only making crass comments that she immediately throws into the fire.
It’s life – but life as far from the one she knows as she will likely ever get.
And then, it all blows up. Or that’s what people tell her, because she cannot remember –
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langandlitanxiety · 5 years
Zofia Ossowska & Pola Żuk
The theme of sexuality in William Shakespeare’s “Othello”
Over the course of Shakespeare’s artwork progress and evolution, his readers can observe his significantly increasing interest in the psychology of sex. Othello is his most widely exploring this topic piece, as the author investigates many varieties of sexuality concerning not only people of the same race and class, but also the ones having different ethnic origins and social statuses. General controversy spread around a black man being the eponymous character inspired Shakespeare to also present stereotypes of interracial sex that affect both family’s of the white, pure girl and the couple itself. Such stereotypes are mostly introduced by the main villain, Iago, who is most frequently using animal imagery to describe them as well as Othello’s and Desdemona’s intimate moments. His language only adds spiciness to the scenes concerning the characters he is speaking about and tension in the reader, as such imagery really evokes one’s imagination and in this case, often disgust.
Imagery used to refer to Othello and his intimate life with Desdemona (and the reaction of Desdemona’s father)
The first scene in which Iago comments on Othello’s and Desdemona’s sex life is when he wants to cause chaos and conflict between Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, and the couple. In order to do that, he puts an image of the dirty, old man shamingly interacting with his pure, young daughter and highlights the possibility of Desdemona getting pregnant with the child of the devil (such metaphor derives from Othello’s dark skin color).
“Zounds, sir, you’re robbed, for shame put on your gown!
Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul,
Even now, now, very now, ​an old black ram
Is tupping your ​white ewe​! Arise, arise,
Awake the snorting citizens with the bell
Or else ​the devil will make a grandsire of you​, Arise I say!” (1.1.84-91)
Iago suggests that the fact of Desdemona’s sexual interaction with the Moor is shameful not only towards her herself, but specifically towards his father, who must have not raised her in the right way. He also pays attention to the difference of age between the two - Desdemona seems to be much younger than her lover, which is also not something to be proud of. As Desdemona represents a woman from the upper class, she should also choose someone at least equal to her rank for her husband not to disrespect hers and her family’s position. During the fight between Iago, Roderigo and Brabantio (though Iago speaks to Brabantio as Roderigo), the father of Desdemona accuses the men of being thieves. While responding to this accusation, Iago still tries (and succeeds) to play with Brabantio’s imagination by saying
“ [...] Because we come to
do you service, and you think we are ruffians, you’ll
have your daughter covered with ​a Barbary horse​;
you’ll have your nephews neigh to you, you’ll have
courses for cousins and jennets for germans!” (1.1.109-112)
“I am one, sir, that comes to tell you ​your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs​.” (1.1.114-115)
Saying all that, Iago successfully upsets Brabantio by bringing his attention to the marriage of his beloveddaughter with the Moor in a very unpleasant way.
Desdemona’s and Othello’s sex life; the symbol of their bridal bed
Another thing concerning the topic of sex that is worth noticing is the amount of trails Othello and Desdemona had to get intimate. Firstly, they had to call off their wedding-night in Venice as Othello was ordered to go to Cyprus:
“ Senator
​ You must away tonight. ​
​ Tonight, my lord? ​
This night.
W​ith all my heart.” (1.3.275-279)
Secondly, due to the brawl between Cassio and Roderigo resulting from Iago’s manipulation, they were interrupted again, only in Cyprus. Othello was mad not only because of the fact of their fight, but also because his alone time with his lover was interrupted.
“Look if my gentle love be not raised up! I’ll make thee an example.” (2.3.246-247)
Such interruptions build the tension between Othello and Desdemona and only add to Othello’s madness developing after he believes that his wife is indeed cheating on him, as he cannot seem to get ahold of her, while he thinks that Cassio does.
Another thing worth mentioning is the bed, which Iago brings a couple of times during the play. It not only reminds the reader or viewer about the off-stage bridal bed, but is also a some kind of a connection between the final scene, during which Desdemona is killed by her beloved husband.
“Well: happiness to their sheets” (2.3.26)
This quotation is especially ironic, as right before her death Desdemona asked Emilia to change the sheets into their wedding ones as a sign of preparing for the big night with her love. This means that these mentioned by Iago bridal bed and sheets may signalize to the reader further course of the plot and highlight the huge juxtaposition: the bed and the sheets that were supposed to bring the couple happiness evolved into a symbol of their tragedy. In fact, the bridal bed is the place on which almost every dead body in this play lands in the end, what portrays the extreme changes that took place in a very short notice.
“I do not know, friends all, but now, even now,
In quarter and in terms like bride and groom
Divesting them for bed [...]” (2.3.175-177)
Is Iago gay?
There have been many discussions about Iago’s sexuality - some say that Iago is in fact homosexual and he wants to destroy Othello and his relationship with Desdemona out of jealousy caused by his unfulfilled love. However, such interpretation of Iago’s character is often made because people feel the need to justify such horrible actions as those presented by Iago. The truth is that this villain is an embodiment of evil, a character taking pleasure from causing chaos, trouble, and pain, as he not once shows any sign of regret, empathy, repentance or change. Humans always seem to seek for motive and need one - in case of Iago, he does not need motive, or more specifically, he’s only motive is to cause harm and enjoy its consequences. Therefore, the theory of Iago’s homosexuality is an overinterpretation that should not be taken under consideration while analyzing Shakespeare’s play.
The theme of womanhood in context of sexuality
The three women characters that are included in the play are supposed to represent women of different class and social status.
Desdemona is representing the highest social status and poses as a female role model, being referred to as a virtuous and loyal wife by several characters during the first few scenes of the play. She’s obedient and kind; even though Brabantio directly expresses his disappointment regarding Desdemona’s choice of husband, she remains respectful and thoughtful enough to not try to bother his father:
“​Nor I; I would not there reside,
To put my father in impatient thoughts
By being in his eye​.
Most gracious Duke,
To my unfolding lend your prosperous ear
And let me find a charter in your voice,
T' assist my simpleness.” (2.3.239-244)
Desdemona throws away her life in order to be with Othello and until the very end of her life, she remains obedient and in love.
Bianca is Desdemona’s polar opposite. She is Cassio’s lover and a mistress, thus being strongly linked with the theme of sexuality that appears throughout the play.
Despite her profession, Bianca seems to be very emotional about Cassio’s affection, frustrated at the way he disregards their relationship. Her jealousy of Cassio mirrors Othello’s jealousy of Desdemona. The character of a courtesan seems to serve as a way to emphasize Desdemona’s desirable traits of faithfulness and loyalty, and yet Othello is still incapable of telling the difference between the two types of women that Desdemona and Bianca represent.
A lot about how Bianca is presented and perceived by the male characters of the play can be seen in the way she is addressed or described by Cassio:
“​Go to, woman!
Throw your vile guesses in the devil's teeth,
From whence you have them. ​
You are jealous now
That this is from some mistress, some remembrance:
No, in good troth, Bianca​.” (3.4.179-183)
“​I marry her! what? a customer!​ Prithee, bear some charity to my wit: do not think it so unwholesome. Ha, ha, ha!​” (4.1.120-123)
Iago addresses Cassio’s problematic approach towards his lover as well:
“Now will I question Cassio of Bianca,
A housewife that by selling her desires
Buys herself bread and clothes: it is a creature
That dotes on Cassio; as 'tis the strumpet's plague
To beguile many and be beguiled by one:
He, when he hears of her, cannot refrain
From the excess of laughter​.”
What is also very interesting is that not only does Cassio speak of Bianca in a pitiful and disrespectful manner, but he also seems deeply fascinated by Desdemona’s presence.
“​Iago​ ​
Not this hour, lieutenant; 'tis not yet ten o' the clock. Our general cast us thus early for the love of his Desdemona; who let us not therefore blame: he hath not yet made wanton the night with her; and she is sport for Jove.
She's a most exquisite lady.
Iago​ ​
And, I'll warrant her, fun of game.
Indeed, she's a most fresh and delicate creature.​” (2.3.13-20)
“​An inviting eye​; and yet methinks right modest.” (2.3.23)
Referring to Desdemona in such a way and constantly emphasizing how perfect and exquisite she is, Cassio creates even a more vivid contrast between her and Bianca. It is worth noticing that while it is most often the women who are accused of disloyalty, it is the male characters, including Cassio, who continuously make suggestive remarks towards or about the three women.
The third female character is Emilia, who seems to connect numerous traits of both Desdemona and Bianca. She’s a working-class woman and Iago’s husband. She’s obedient and loyal towards her loved one, but at the same time stresses that any woman would cheat on her husband given the right circumstances.
It is interesting that all three of the female characters are accused of infidelity at some point of the play. The entire theme of womanhood is essentially defined by and built upon the virtues and sexuality of the male characters. Each of the female characters represents a woman of different class and status, however,
it is strongly suggested that all of these three women are fulfilling different kinds of men’s fantasies. Iago seems to be the only one to see that since the very beginning, as he is the one to tell Othello how hard it is to distinguish between a truly virtuous woman and one who plays the role she is expected to in a convincing way. The reliance of the representation womanhood on male characters’ vices and virtues directly relates to the important theme of gender that Shakespeare’s ​Othello​ touches upon.
The theme of sexuality and deriving from that topic of womanhood is strongly paid attention to in Shakespeare’s ​Othello.​ It is brought up in many situations in both literal and metaphorical ways. It is important that the author touches upon such a topic, as it is a big part of one's psyche and relationships, especially romantic ones. As the whole plot revolves around Desdemona’s alleged sexual betrayal of Othello, it is specifically crucial to focus more on the psychology of sex, which Shakespeare did very well.
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nightibowl · 5 years
The theme of sexuality in William Shakespeare’s “Othello”
Over the course of Shakespeare’s artwork progress and evolution, his readers can observe his significantly increasing interest in the psychology of sex. Othello is his most widely exploring this topic piece, as the author investigates many varieties of sexuality concerning not only people of the same race and class, but also the ones having different ethnic origins and social statuses. General controversy spread around a black man being the eponymous character inspired Shakespeare to also present stereotypes of interracial sex that affect both family’s of the white, pure girl and the couple itself. Such stereotypes are mostly introduced by the main villain, Iago, who is most frequently using animal imagery to describe them as well as Othello’s and Desdemona’s intimate moments. His language only adds spiciness to the scenes concerning the characters he is speaking about and tension in the reader, as such imagery really evokes one’s imagination and in this case, often disgust.
Imagery used to refer to Othello and his intimate life with Desdemona (and the reaction of Desdemona’s father)
The first scene in which Iago comments on Othello’s and Desdemona’s sex life is when he wants to cause chaos and conflict between Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, and the couple. In order to do that, he puts an image of the dirty, old man shamingly interacting with his pure, young daughter and highlights the possibility of Desdemona getting pregnant with the child of the devil (such metaphor derives from Othello’s dark skin color).
“Zounds, sir, you’re robbed, for shame put on your gown!
Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul,
Even now, now, very now, an old black ram
Is tupping your white ewe! Arise, arise,
Awake the snorting citizens with the bell
Or else the devil will make a grandsire of you,
Arise I say!” (1.1.84-91)
Iago suggests that the fact of Desdemona’s sexual interaction with the Moor is shameful not only towards her herself, but specifically towards his father, who must have not raised her in the right way. He also pays attention to the difference of age between the two - Desdemona seems to be much younger than her lover, which is also not something to be proud of. As Desdemona represents a woman from the upper class, she should also choose someone at least equal to her rank for her husband not to disrespect hers and her family’s position. During the fight between Iago, Roderigo and Brabantio (though Iago speaks to Brabantio as Roderigo), the father of Desdemona accuses the men of being thieves. While responding to this accusation, Iago still tries (and succeeds) to play with Brabantio’s imagination by saying
“ [...] Because we come to
do you service, and you think we are ruffians, you’ll 
have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; 
you’ll have your nephews neigh to you, you’ll have
courses for cousins and jennets for germans!” (1.1.109-112)
“I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs.” (1.1.114-115)
Saying all that, Iago successfully upsets Brabantio by bringing his attention to the marriage of his beloved daughter with the Moor in a very unpleasant way.
Desdemona’s and Othello’s sex life; the symbol of their bridal bed
Another thing concerning the topic of sex that is worth noticing is the amount of trails Othello and Desdemona had to get intimate. Firstly, they had to call off their wedding-night in Venice as Othello was ordered to go to Cyprus:
“  1 Senator You must away tonight.
   Desdemona Tonight, my lord?
   Duke  This night.
  Othello With all my heart.” (1.3.275-279)
Secondly, due to the brawl between Cassio and Roderigo resulting from Iago’s manipulation, they were interrupted again, only in Cyprus. Othello was mad not only because of the fact of their fight, but also because his alone time with his lover was interrupted.
“Look if my gentle love be not raised up!
 I’ll make thee an example.” (2.3.246-247)
Such interruptions build the tension between Othello and Desdemona and only add to Othello’s madness developing after he believes that his wife is indeed cheating on him, as he cannot seem to get ahold of her, while he thinks that Cassio does. 
Another thing worth mentioning is the bed, which Iago brings a couple of times during the play. It not only reminds the reader or viewer about the off-stage bridal bed, but is also a some kind of a connection between the final scene, during which Desdemona is killed by her beloved husband.
“Well: happiness to their sheets” (2.3.26)
This quotation is especially ironic, as right before her death Desdemona asked Emilia to change the sheets into their wedding ones as a sign of preparing for the big night with her love. This means that these mentioned by Iago bridal bed and sheets may signalize to the reader further course of the plot and highlight the huge juxtaposition: the bed and the sheets that were supposed to bring the couple happiness evolved into a symbol of their tragedy. In fact, the bridal bed is the place on which almost every dead body in this play lands in the end, what portrays the extreme changes that took place in a very short notice.
“I do not know, friends all, but now, even now,
 In quarter and in terms like bride and groom 
 Divesting them for bed [...]” (2.3.175-177)
Is Iago gay?
There have been many discussions about Iago’s sexuality - some say that Iago is in fact homosexual and he wants to destroy Othello and his relationship with Desdemona out of jealousy caused by his unfulfilled love. However, such interpretation of Iago’s character is often made because people feel the need to justify such horrible actions as those presented by Iago. The truth is that this villain is an embodiment of evil, a character taking pleasure from causing chaos, trouble, and pain, as he not once shows any sign of regret, empathy, repentance or change. Humans always seem to seek for motive and need one - in case of Iago, he does not need motive, or more specifically, he’s only motive is to cause harm and enjoy its consequences. Therefore, the theory of Iago’s homosexuality is an over-interpretation that should not be taken under consideration while analyzing Shakespeare’s play.
The theme of womanhood in context of sexuality
The three women characters that are included in the play are supposed to represent women of different class and social status.
Desdemona is representing the highest social status and poses as a female role model, being referred to as a virtuous and loyal wife by several characters during the first few scenes of the play. She’s obedient and kind; even though Brabantio directly expresses his disappointment regarding Desdemona’s choice of husband, she remains respectful and thoughtful enough to not try to bother his father:
“Nor I; I would not there reside,
To put my father in impatient thoughts
By being in his eye. Most gracious Duke,
To my unfolding lend your prosperous ear
And let me find a charter in your voice,
T' assist my simpleness.” (2.3.239-244)
Desdemona throws away her life in order to be with Othello and until the very end of her life, she remains obedient and in love. 
Bianca is Desdemona’s polar opposite. She is Cassio’s lover and a mistress, thus being strongly linked with the theme of sexuality that appears throughout the play.
Despite her profession, Bianca seems to be very emotional about Cassio’s affection, frustrated at the way he disregards their relationship. Her jealousy of Cassio mirrors Othello’s jealousy of Desdemona. The character of a courtesan seems to serve as a way to emphasize Desdemona’s desirable traits of faithfulness and loyalty, and yet Othello is still incapable of telling the difference between the two types of women that Desdemona and Bianca represent. 
A lot about how Bianca is presented and perceived by the male characters of the play can be seen in the way she is addressed or described by Cassio:
“Go to, woman!
Throw your vile guesses in the devil's teeth,
From whence you have them. You are jealous now
That this is from some mistress, some remembrance:
No, in good troth, Bianca.” (3.4.179-183)
“I marry her! what? a customer! Prithee, bear some
charity to my wit: do not think it so unwholesome.
Ha, ha, ha!” (4.1.120-123)
Iago addresses Cassio’s problematic approach towards his lover as well:
“Now will I question Cassio of Bianca,
A housewife that by selling her desires
Buys herself bread and clothes: it is a creature
That dotes on Cassio; as 'tis the strumpet's plague
To beguile many and be beguiled by one:
He, when he hears of her, cannot refrain
From the excess of laughter.”
What is also very interesting is that not only does Cassio speak of Bianca in a pitiful and disrespectful manner, but he also seems deeply fascinated by Desdemona’s presence.
“Iago Not this hour, lieutenant; 'tis not yet ten o' the
clock. Our general cast us thus early for the love
of his Desdemona; who let us not therefore blame:
he hath not yet made wanton the night with her; and
she is sport for Jove.
Cassio She's a most exquisite lady.
Iago And, I'll warrant her, fun of game.
Cassio Indeed, she's a most fresh and delicate creature.” (2.3.13-20)
“An inviting eye; and yet methinks right modest.” (2.3.23)
Referring to Desdemona in such a way and constantly emphasizing how perfect and exquisite she is, Cassio creates even a more vivid contrast between her and Bianca. It is worth noticing that while it is most often the women who are accused of disloyalty, it is the male characters, including Cassio, who continuously make suggestive remarks towards or about the three women.
The third female character is Emilia, who seems to connect numerous traits of both Desdemona and Bianca. She’s a working-class woman and Iago’s husband. She’s obedient and loyal towards her loved one, but at the same time stresses that any woman would cheat on her husband given the right circumstances.
It is interesting that all three of the female characters are accused of infidelity at some point of the play. The entire theme of womanhood is essentially defined by and built upon the virtues and sexuality of the male characters. Each of the female characters represents a woman of different class and status, however, it is strongly suggested that all of these three women are fulfilling different kinds of men’s fantasies. Iago seems to be the only one to see that since the very beginning, as he is the one to tell Othello how hard it is to distinguish between a truly virtuous woman and one who plays the role she is expected to in a convincing way. The reliance of the representation womanhood on male characters’ vices and virtues directly relates to the important theme of gender that Shakespeare’s Othello touches upon.
The theme of sexuality and deriving from that topic of womanhood is strongly paid attention to in Shakespeare’s Othello. It is brought up in many situations in both literal and metaphorical ways. It is important that the author touches upon such a topic, as it is a big part of one's psyche and relationships, especially romantic ones. As the whole plot revolves around Desdemona’s alleged sexual betrayal of Othello, it is specifically crucial to focus more on the psychology of sex, which Shakespeare did very well.
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