#jacob frye x original female character
thefangirlthatwaited · 11 months
Eden (Chapter 2) A Assassin Creed Syndicate story
Jacob Frye x Original Female Character
What happens when you fall in love with the man you were only supposed to be stringing along? That's what happened to Eden. She was only supposed to toy around with Jacob Frye, Master Assassin and leader of the Rooks. She only needed the Shroud of Eden, and then she would never see Jacob or the city of London ever again. But she forgot one key thing she couldn't control—her heart. Now Eden must fight against what her heart is telling her and her task since her accident. To love or to live. That was what was at stake.
My stomach was in knots as I stopped with my hand on the doorknob. I didn’t know why my body was reacting like this. Stringing Jacob around was a means to an end. He had the information I needed, and flirting with him was the best way. I took a deep breath, steadied my racing heart, and opened the door. Jacob stood there with a few of his gang members I’d heard about. The one woman was wearing grey slacks with a yellow sash, a white shirt with a green vest and her blonde hair was cut short and was covered by a black hat with a yellow ribbon. There was also a man with him. He was also wearing grey slacks with a white shirt and a yellow sash but not a vest or hat to cover his red hair. 
“Just keep an eye out for anything odd,” Jacob said to his men. They both shook their heads in agreement before taking off. His shoulders sagged now that his gang members were gone. He looked tired, and I wondered why. Turning around, his smile returned to his face once he saw me. 
“Oh, Good morning, Claudia.” 
“Good morning Mr. Frye. To what do I owe the pleasure.”
Jacob chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. “Please call me Jacob. Mr. Frye was my father, and when I hear that name, I expect to find him standing behind me.” 
I smiled. “Alright then, Jacob, to what do I owe the pleasure?” “Well, I was in this part of town and wanted to know if you would like to spend time with me today?” 
“Spend some time with you? Why?”
“I had some free time today, and I figured I could show you around since you haven’t been to London before.”
“That’s very kind, but...” I hesitated to tell him what I had planned today. “I need to do some shopping today if you do not mind joining me.”
Jacob’s smile grew larger. “That’s perfect. I can join you and make sure no more thieves try to steal from you.”
“You think someone would try again?”
“It is London, after all.” 
“Alright. I would love your company as I run my errands today.”
Jacob stepped to the side, allowing me to start walking. “Lead the way.” 
I forced a smile on my face as we started our walk. I knew I needed to earn Jacob’s trust, but today couldn’t have been a worse day. I needed to grab some items to upgrade my gauntlet, and I didn’t want Jacob to see and give away who I truly was. We walked silently for a bit as I tried to think of a way to get my items without arousing suspicion. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” 
I jumped a bit, caught off guard. “Just wondering what you were talking about to the other two people you were with this morning.” 
He shook his head. “It was nothing. Just my gang making sure they are looking out for anything odd.” 
“You have a gang?” I acted surprised.
“I do. Does that surprise you?”
“A bit. Then again, our first meeting started after you jumped from a rooftop.” Jacob chuckled sheepishly. “Another question that goes with the first. What could be odd in London?” 
“You would be surprised. But that is a story for another day.” Damn. He didn’t have enough trust in me yet. We continued walking, and the market came into view, but I didn’t have a solid plan yet. Seemed that luck was on my side, at least. A voice yelled from behind as we entered the shopping district. 
“JACOB!” Jacob and I stopped, and he turned to see who was calling him. It turned out to be a woman. She was equal in height to Jacob, and they even shared the same colour hair and eyes. I eyed an assassin gauntlet on her arm and guessed she was Evie Frye—Jacob’s twin sister.
“Hello, Dear sister.” He grumbled and turned back to me. “Claudia, this is my sister Evie Frye. Evie, this is Claudia?” Jacob said, pausing since he didn’t know my last name. 
“Hello Evie, my name is Claudia Fiore,” I said, holding my hand to shake. Evie looked at my hand, then back at me and ignored it. 
“Hello.” She said before turning her attention to her brother. “Jacob, can I speak to you for a moment?” Evie paused and looked back at me. “Alone.” 
I smiled at Jacob, quickly taking this as my opportunity to upgrade my gear. “Go with your sister Jacob. I will meet you back here in a bit.” He looked a bit unsure, and I gave him a reassuring smile.
Full Chapter on Ao3
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vostara · 4 years
Impietas - Series Masterlist
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impietas (noun): failure in duty or respect
[VAMPIRE AU] From the moment she was born, Marianne Braxton, née Winchester, has been coerced into giving the Templar Order her unwavering loyalty. After years of witnessing the horrors performed in the name of the Order, she questions the purpose of such an organization. But dismantling the Order is a task that can’t be accomplished alone.
pairing: Jacob Frye x Original Female Character (Marianne)
progress [1/?] - 3.4k+ words, sporadic updates
part i: lead me closer to the light
part ii: in progress - coming mid-September
— et facta est lux
— i turned around and now i’m alone
*This work is cross-posted on Ao3.
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mattness · 3 years
somebody to love [au]
Genres: Romantic, AU, Fluff, Songfic Note: Sorry for stupid little mistakes, it's my clumsy translation:)
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At another noisy party Jacob Frye was actively leaning on beer and looking for some girl to whom he'd buzz all ears about the recently released album of Queen. He had already drunk a decent amount of beer, and now he was looking for a "victim". But the third girl turned up her nose, not wanting to listen, how brilliant the Queen's songs are. It's strange that he didn't manage to talk to anyone with the same success as when he was sober. He looked very well: perfectly styled and combed hair, leather jacket, black t-shirt and jeans. Frye was sure that he wouldn't leave here alone today, but hope of a hot continuation of the night for the third time slipped away.
Jacob walked down the corridor with a sigh, where only couples in love hung around. He looked into the living room, hoping to find one of his friends, Ezio or Edward, but they're not there. Suddenly, the gaze of green eyes stopped on girl sitting alone on sofa in front of TV. She looked quite nice, concluded the drunker mind of Jacob, who had already gone with the fourth attempt to prove the genius of Queen.
"Do you know, why the song "Somebody To Love" from new Queen's album is the best?" Frye asked, sitting impressively on the sofa next to the girl, placing his hand behind her.
She looked up from the contemplation of the glass with a drink in her hands, looking with a grin at Jacob, who was ready to smile triumphantly. Well, at least someone paid attention!
"Because it's my favorite song".
"You should have thought of something better for flirting", she snickered, and Jacob raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Is it really that bad?"
"Then, why you haven't left yet?" he snorted resentfully, not taking his eyes off the girl, who didn't stop smiling.
"I was waiting for a music lover like me to come up to talk", she shrugged, and Jacob smiled broadly, immediately suggesting that they go somewhere, where is quieter. She didn't refuse.
They left the house and went outside, where walked slowly towards the campus park. It was a warm summer night. Jacob didn't stop talking all the way, speaking with pleasure about his favorite band, and girl walked next to him, listening attentively, without interrupting. Soon they sat down on a bench, and Frye suddenly came to his senses.
"I'm sorry. Where is my politeness?" he reproached himself, smiling charmingly. "I'm Jacob. What's your name?"
"Gwen", she smiled, and drunk Frye caught himself thinking, that he'd never seen such a beatiful smile before. Perhaps, his hormones and a strong desire to have sex with someone today spoke in him, but girl was really beautiful.
"And... what do you listen?"
"I also like Queen, but I prefer Elton John", Gwen confessed.
"Elton John is a pop singer", Jacob sneered, but it didn't hurt her at all.
"He's a great pop singer. In general, I listen a lot of things."
"Can I rate your vinyl collection?" he arched his eyebrows playfully, directly hinting at his desires at the moment, which made Gwendolyn laugh heartily. "What? Is that even worse than the first one?"
Gwen gave him a curt nod and a friendly pat on his shoulder.
"Unfortunately, you won't have sex tonight, Jacob."
The girl got up from bench and slowly headed towards to the women's dormitory. Jacob, outraged by this turn of events, jumped up from seat and caught up with her. Now he was walking in front of Gwen.
"Tell me, would you sleep with me?"
"Only to Elton John's songs", she joked, and Jacob rolled his eyes.
"Would you? Seriously."
"Good night, Jacob", Gwendolyn said. Frye saw off his last hope for sex tonight and decided to return to the dormitory with a disappointed sigh. The evening was definitely not a good one from the beginning.
In upset feelings, Frye went into the room, to which his neighbor hadn't even returned yet. This only made him more upset than before. He flopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling in silence until he fell into a deep sleep.
The next day, from the morning, Jacob went extremely dissatisfied, and this didn't go unnoticed by his friends. At lunchtime, as usual, they gathered at the same table in the large students dining room, chatting about the latest events and about something else quite insignificant. Jacob didn't really listen, taking to part in the conversation, although he usually always teased them.
"You're so quiet today, Frye", Edward remarked with his mouth full.
"All girls refused him yesterday", Ezio grinned maliciously cathcing his friend's displeased look. "Really, there wasn't a single girl, who would like to listen to your rave reviews about the latest Queen's album?"
"Go to Hell, Ezio", Jacob snapped.
"You should have heard his flirting on a drunken stupor... If I were a not very smart girl, I wouldn't have fuck with him either", Arno laughed, and a loud, friendly guffaw rolled around their table, but Jacob didn't care. Suddenly, he noticed among the crowd of students a girl, who confessed her love for works of Elton John yesterday. Due to the fact that Frye had drunk too much, he didn't really see her, but he remembered, that she was short with dark brown hair. Now, seeing her with friends, Jacob noticed, that she's really attractive. Especially in this light cotton dress with striped tights.
"Hey, what are you staring at?" Edward waved his hand in front of Frye's face, but Jacob didn't react in any way. His friends followed his gaze.
"Oh, what a cute little one", Auditore smiled. "Will you come to her, Jacob?"
Waking up from a slight obsession, Jacob didn't answer anything, jumped up from his seat and quickly closed the distance to table, where Gwendolyn was sitting. He took an empty chair, turned it back forward and sat down with them as if nothing had happened, which caused girls to stop chatting.
"Oh, Queen fan himself", Gwen grinned, her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail today.
Her friends looked at each other with same grin on their faces.
"I want to ask you have a dinner with me", Jacob smiled, ignoring the others. Right now, he was completely engrossed in the big brown eyes. There was a gleam of interest in them. "Agree. You'll like it."
"Only if you turn on Abba's "Dancing Queen" on your player, heavy metal lover", Gwen said with a giggle, looking very pleased, when Jacob was confused, apparently not immediately understanding, what was it.
"But this is —" he tried to be indignant.
"So, this is also shitty music?" girl interrupted, making an impassive face and turning away from him. But Jacob wasn't going to give up just like that. And if he gave up so easily, he wouldn't be himself.
"Okay, okay! We'll listen to all your favorite music, if you agree to have a dinner with me!"
Gwendolyn turned her attention back to him and smiled warmly. Jacob smiled back.
"Fine. Friday evening?"
"No. Tonight."
"But I have —"
"You've already agreed", Frye interrupted with a wink. Girl exchanged glances with her friends, and they nodded approvingly to her. "I meet you after all classes, right? Just tell me number of the audience."
Gwen called the right class and time, and Jacob, smiling at all girls, hurried back to the table to his friends, who'd watched the whole scene from the beggining. Now his mood is just fine.
It was very hard to wait for the evening. It seemed that time was deliberately dragging on too long, delaying the moment of a date with a girl, who seemed to love music as much as he did. At least, she knew who Queen was, and Jacob was ready to marry her. Of course, this is a rather loud statement, but how nice it was for him. That's why he was waiting so long for half past six in the evening to be at the audience number "345".
The bell rang, and the students, one by one, began to leave the history lesson. Jacob looked for Gwendolyn, who had gone out in the company of her friends. Noticing Frye, she said goodbye to them and approached him with a smile.
"Where are you taking me?"
"To a small but very nice bar on the outskirts of Cambridge", he smiled, offering to take his arm. The girl didn't mind.
"Is it far away?"
"I have a car."
Jacob was the proud owner of a red Mustang, a model of the seventy-fourth year, which made him the envy of almost everyone on campus. And he often drove girls on it. Everyone was in love with this car, including him.
Frye gallantly opened the door for Gwen, and she climbed into the salon.
"Will I turn on Queen?" Jacob asked, already sitting behind the wheel.
"Oh, no", Gwen giggled. She took a cassette of Elton John's new album out of her backpack. "Please. Listen to at least a couple of songs, and then, if you don't like it at all, turn on your own."
"All right, a pop fan", Jacob said with a mockery in his voice, and she just laughed, so sincerely that something jumped in his heart. The cassette was in the tape recorder, and the salon was filled with pleasant notes from the song "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word". Jacob began to listen the words, and Gwen began to sing along softly. The song was touching, a little sad, but he really liked it. It even made him think about how lonely he really was, but all the longing was knocked down by the next "Between Seventeen and Twenty", which seems to be perfect for driving.
A completely different plan for the evening with Gwen was born in Jacob's head, very different from the original one. So they stopped at the nearest store, bought food and a couple of bottles of beer. The Mustang was parked on a high hill with an impressive view of the whole of Cambridge. Jacob liked to come here alone, enjoy music and think about everything in the world. It was a private place, but now he is ready to share it with Gwen.
"Do you like Elton?" the girl was curious when the tape ended, and Jacob turned off the engine.
"Exceeded all my expectations", he said honestly. With the next tape, he turned on Queen. While the first songs were playing, the couple talked about everything, getting to know each other better. Jacob liked Gwendolyn more and more, and he saw in her something like a kindred spirit.
As soon as the food was eaten and the beer was drunk, Jacob got out of the car with Gwen. In the cold of the evening, he offered to dance. Exactly at this moment, his favorite "Somebody To Love" started playing. Jacob began to dance and sing along, not taking his eyes off the girl, who couldn't help but smile. Their hands were constantly intertwined. He pulled her to waist, already singing along to Freddie in a half-whisper.
Frye's voice caressed her ears, and Gwen felt a magical warmth spread in her chest. It was something incredible. She had never experienced anything like this with any guy before. Jacob was special. And suddenly she understood, why he liked this particular song so much.
"Why did you stop smiling? What is it?" he asked, stopping when he noticed her sad look.
"I feel like I'm in this song, too", Gwen said seriously, looking into his green eyes. "It seems that it doesn't sound sad, but... its meaning is very close to me. I understand why you like it so much, Jacob."
Frye raised his eyebrows in surprise, but didn't interrupt her.
"You're the same. Behind the external fun and recklessness, you hide your loneliness, you just want someone to love you as selflessly and endlessly as you are ready to love someone", Gwendolyn smiled sadly, gently stroking his shoulders, realizing from his discouraged face, that she'd hit the nail on the head. Jacob remained in a sincere stupor for several minutes, gradually agreeing with every word she said.
"I'm sorry if I —" Gwen hurried to add, because the silence dragged on, but she didn't have time to finish. Jacob leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.
The girl answered with pleasure, smiling through the kiss.
"Can I call you Gwenny?" Jacob asked when the air in his lungs ran out. Gwen nodded, receiving another kiss. "Please be my... my girlfriend, Gwenny."
"If you turn on Abba's Mama Mia", Gwen joked, and Frye laughed.
"I'm ready to turn on anything, as long as you're be mine."
They laughed together and danced to their favorite songs for the rest of the night. As soon as the notes of "Mamma Mia" rang out, Gwen began to sing along, without taking her eyes off Jacob, who was looking at her with the most satisfied look, falling more and more in love with every second. He felt, that he would never be as happy with anyone as with this girl. On the last chorus, she came close, pressing her whole body against him, put her arms around his neck and kissed him a couple of times on the scar on his cheek, and whispered on his lips:
"My, my, I could never let you go."
Jacob smiled broadly, drowning in blissful oblivion and forgetting about everything around him. His whole world now consisted of cassettes with his favorite songs, a red mustang, a beautiful and happy Gwendolyn in his arms, and an evening that instantly stopped being cold. And only the happiest time was waiting for them ahead.
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ao3feed-trc · 7 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FhpClv
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FhpClv
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ao3feed-timdrake · 7 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 7 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
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ilariyalavorowrites · 9 years
Chapter 4 has been updated :3
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Eden (Chapter 1) - Assassin's Creed Syndicate Story
Jacob Frye x Original Female Character
What happens when you fall in love with the man you were only supposed to be stringing along? That's what happened to Eden. She was only supposed to toy around with Jacob Frye, Master Assassin and leader of the Rooks. She only needed the Shroud of Eden, and then she would never see Jacob or the city of London ever again. But she forgot one key thing she couldn't control—her heart. Now Eden must fight against what her heart is telling her and her task since her accident. To love or to live. That was what was at stake.
I woke hours later in a cold sweat from a dream that turned into a nightmare. I washed up, changed into some regular clothes and headed out to the nearest restaurant for food. I tried my best not to draw attention to myself, but it was impossible. The looks I got as a young lady walking around London without a chaperone and eating alone in a pub. Society and its rules were so odd and outdated. I could defend myself better than any man gawking at me right now.
On my way out, a child brushed against me and apologized. I waved him off, then went back into my pocket and saw my pocket watch was gone—little vermin. I turned and took off after him. He was small and fast and could sneak through the crowd, and since I was in a dress and not my gear, I couldn’t climb the buildings and use that to bypass the crowd. I saw the boy turn into an alleyway, and I started to catch up to him. As I was about to catch the little bugger, a figure flew down from the rooftop. The man landed before me, and I stumbled back as he grabbed hold of the boy. 
“What did I say about stealing?” He said as he ripped my pocket watch from the child’s hand. 
“We needed the money, boss.” 
The man shook his head. “Then ask one of us for some, and don’t go and nick things from strangers. Now get!” The boy grumbled, but the man tossed him a bag full of coins, ending his protest. 
“Thanks!” The boy turned to me. “Sorry about that. Bye!” The boy took off before I could snap back at him. The man turned to me, and I was left speechless. 
When they said there were Assassins in London, Master Assassins at that, I didn’t think they would be so young. In front of me was a man who looked to be in his early twenties. He was taller than me. I am five feet four inches, and he towers above me. He pulled his hood back and then pulled a top hat from inside his coat. Now I could see his whole face. He had beautiful brown hair, a scar on his right eye and left cheek, and a little bit of stubble. I was still studying him when I saw him wave his hand in front of me. 
“Sorry, what?” I said, shaking my head, trying to clear my mind. 
He chuckled. “I said, is this watch your Miss?” I looked at his hand, holding my pocket watch. 
“Claudia, my name is Claudia and thank you,” I said, grabbing and putting it back in my pocket. Claudia was the fake name I used. I took it in honour of my aunt. 
“Well, Claudia, my name is Jacob Frye,” He said, taking his hat and bowing. I smiled at the way this played out. I spent the last day looking for information on this man, and he quite literally fell in front of me. “Well, it is very nice to meet you, Jacob, and thank you again for getting my watch back.” I used my hair to cover some of my face and act coy, hoping Jacob would take the bait. I started to walk away when I heard footsteps following behind me. 
“So what is a lady such as yourself doing in a back alley in Whitechapel?” He said as he caught up to me. I smiled; he did take the bait. 
“I didn’t even realize I made it to Whitechapel. I was eating at a restaurant in Central London and on my way back home when I got my pocket watch stolen.” Jacob chuckled again, throwing me off. “What is so funny?” 
“I can’t picture a lady like you chasing a child from Central London to here. Most ladies I know do not want to get mud on their skirts.” 
I scoffed playfully and crossed my arms in defiance. “I will take that as a compliment.” 
“I meant it as a compliment.” My cheeks darkened, and I used my hair again to hide it. Dammit, I couldn’t fall for his charm. It was supposed to be the other way around. “Do you mind if I walk you back home? The streets are not as safe as they seem.” 
Full Chapter on Ao3
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vostara · 4 years
Impietas - 01
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PART I — lead me closer to the light
pairing: jacob frye x original female character (marianne)
blurb: “One’s given name is hardly a confirmation of character.”
word count: 3.4k+
title inspiration: horizon - snow ghosts
[VAMPIRE AU] From the moment she was born, Marianne Braxton, née Winchester, has been coerced into giving the Templar Order her unwavering loyalty. After years of witnessing the horrors performed in the name of the Order, she questions the purpose of such an organization. But dismantling the Order is a task that can’t be accomplished alone.
This work is cross-posted on Ao3.
01 | … series masterlist
London, 1867
The confession tumbles out of his lips. And though Marianne knows that he stands by his words, she does not miss the waver in his voice. He is unsure, but desperate to reveal this truth. Almost eager to open the pages of a once concealed book; to point at the one sentence that unlocks the key to understanding its meaning.
“I love you,” he says.
A silence follows this revelation.
But it is a truth that Marianne has known for quite some time. For she has already witnessed his lingering gazes, has already felt the way he shudders when her skin makes contact with his own. And yet, she is not ready for this verbal confirmation of her suspicions.
Her hands press against her plum colored dress. And out of reflex, she smoothes down the fabric beneath her fingers. She needs a moment to process, to fully gather her thoughts. The woman wants to string together the right words, a response appropriate for this situation. Something that will cause the least amount of damage to their relationship.
“I’m sorry,” she says, “but I do not return your affections.”
The man gives her a small smile, unsurprised by her rejection. “I know,” he says, with a nod of his head. His amber eyes drift to focus their gaze on the dark wood of his large desk. “I simply wanted to express my feelings for you.”
“Claude,” Marianne sighs and takes a cautious step towards the man. “This does not mean that I will never learn to care for you, as more than a dear friend. This marriage was—”
“An event that I never believed I would experience with you,” he interrupts. “I can understand why you agreed to marry me and I will not fault you for your decision. I have known you long enough to be well aware of the difficulties you have experienced. I do not blame you for wanting to escape from your parents, from their endless demands. I am a Baron, and that was more than enough reason for your parents agreed to our marriage. You have become a Baroness, an upgrade to your status in society.”
Marianne frowns. “I did not marry you for you title.”
“It is okay, Marianne. You do not need to justify your actions.” The man stands up from his armchair and approaches the woman. “I do not ask that of you.”
“Tell me why we are having this conversation,” she raises her gaze to meet his own.
Claude hesitates, before reaching a hand towards the woman. His fingertips brush against the loose curls of her copper hair. And just as he is about to press his palm against the skin of her cheek, he pulls his arm away. “You are much more intelligent than our peers would like to believe. And you have a heart, one that should not be chained by the vows that you have made with the Order. When I am gone—”
“Gone?” Marianne interrupts. “Where are you going?”
The man continues, ignoring her inquiries. “I want you to trust your instincts,” he says. His hands lightly grasp onto the sides of her arms. “Question everything, question the Order. I know that you have doubts about their cause, purpose. You know that something is not adding up. That vampirism is spreading at an exponential pace. It is unnatural, as if the spread is being encouraged, manipulated by an outside force.”
Marianne blinks. She studies the man looming above her. “What do you know?”
“That the worst thing that you have ever seen is nothing, compared to the truth.”
The couple are interrupted by a knock on the door.
Claude retracts his hands and takes a step away from his wife. “You may enter,” he says.
One of their maids, Bethany, enters the room.
“My Lord, my Lady,” she says, “Mr. Crawford Starrick is here. He requests a moment of your time, Lady Braxton, if possible.”
Claude groans and runs his fingers through his short blond hair. “What could that vile man possibly want now?”
Marianne stifles a chuckle, before it has the chance to escape from her lips, and turns to address the young woman. “Please inform Mr. Starrick that I will be with him in just a few moments.”
“Of course, my Lady,” the woman curtsies and exits the room.
“I do not know why you bother entertaining that man,” Claude says.
“Sometimes it is easier to simply do the bare minimum,” she responds. “Smile and laugh, when prompted, and then slip away once the opportunity arises.”
The man crosses his arms and leans against his desk. “And what happens when the bare minimum is no longer enough? Will you still continue to appease that man with your attention?”
“If you were not so keen on angering the future Grand Master, I would not have to appease him as often as I do.”
Claude scoffs. “That is a silly rumor.”
“To ignore that possibility is utter naivety on your part.”
“Starrick will never get that kind of promotion, not with the amount of people that dislike him.”
Marianne turns to exit the room. When her fingers latch onto the doorknob, she pauses to give one last remark. “You forget that leaders do not have to be liked; they just need persuade those who will help them accomplish their goals.”
~ ~ ~
“Mr. Starrick,” Marianne greets. She descends the steps of the grand staircase and then approaches the man. “I was not expecting your company.”
“Forgive the intrusion, Lady Marianne,” the man replies. He gives her a small bow, before gesturing to a somewhat small, flat object propped against the wall. “I come bearing a gift, an early birthday present.”
“I see.” Marianne steps closer the rectangular object. Once her fingers are tightly gripped onto the edges, she lifts it up. It has a surprising amount of weight to it, but it is still far from too heavy for her to carry. The gift is concealed by large pieces of parchment, which Marianne gracefully tears away.
This action exposes an oil painting, a landscape. Her eyes trace the coating of colorful hues, examining the splatters of pinks, blues, and yellows for flower petals. The vivid brushstrokes of colors blend in with the lush greenery of surrounding grasses and leaves. Off-center, on the right side of the painting, is a woman. She is dressed in a large navy blue evening gown, complete with a subtle floral print and lace trimmings on the sleeves. Though the angle of her head conceals her identity, the woman’s shade of red hair bears a striking resemblance to Marianne’s own locks.
“This is quite beautiful,” the woman says. “It reminds me of my parents’ countryside estate, of the springtime blooms that overtake the gardens.”
“I am pleased that the painting is up to your standards,” Starrick responds.
Marianne smiles.
She motions for a nearby maid to approach. “Elizabeth, take this painting to the dining hall. I shall pick a suitable location for it later.”
“Of course, my Lady,” the woman says. She takes the painting away from Marianne and then disappears through a doorway.
Turning back to her guest, the Baroness says, “While I do appreciate the early gift, I cannot help but wonder if your visit today is for a different reason.”
The man nods. “You know me too well, Lady Marianne. There is, in fact, a matter I hoped to discuss with you.”
“Of course,” she says. “What is it?”
“Perhaps we could venture to a more discrete location, away from any curious ears.”
“If you are worried about my husband overhearing this conversation, then you have nothing to fear,” the woman smiles. “He is currently preoccupied with a business engagement,” she lies. “Right here is a perfectly suitable location for our discussion.”
Starrick sighs, but submits to her insistence. “I have previously expressed my concerns with your marriage to Lord Braxton.”
“You most certainly have,” Marianne interrupts.
He brushes aside her words and continues speaking. “I believe this to be an unfit union, especially for a Templar of your status. I encourage you to leave him, as soon as you can.”
“A runaway Baroness would be quite the scandal,” she chuckles. “The other aristocrats would never stop gossiping about such behavior.”
“English aristocracy would be the least of your problems,” Starrick snaps. “When you married Braxton, he was a respectable Templar, but he has turned into a fool. In order to regain the respect of our peers, you must leave him. Your loyalty to our cause must surely be more important than your insignificant obligations as a wife.”
“You may not like my husband, but he is still a Templar. And, despite what you think, he is still loyal to the Order.”
“Braxton will only stop you from reaching your full potential. He will hold you back and bring upon shame to you and your family. If you continue to remain by his side, you will lose the support of the Templars.” He takes a couple of steps towards the woman. “Do you truly wish to ruin your family’s reputation, the Winchester reputation?”
“I hardly believe that you are concerned about the status of my reputation.”
“Braxton is a traitor.” His accusation is firm.
But unsupported.
“Then why is he still alive?” Marianne quirks a brow. “Where is his executioner? Is it you?”
Starrick frowns.
“Or perhaps,” she taunts, “could it be that you are lacking the necessary proof? That your word is not quite enough leverage to sway the minds of our superiors, of those who much prefer the company of Lord Braxton over yourself?”
“You will see what kind of man he is. You will see where his loyalties lie.”
“I wonder if someone will say the same thing about you one day.”
The man glares at her. And from the corner of her eye, Marianne can see his fists clench, an attempt to quench the anger brewing beneath his skin.
“I believe it is time for you to leave,” the Baroness says. “I have several appointments that I must attend to.”
Starrick takes one last step towards her and lowers his voice to a hiss. “You will come to regret your involvement, your commitment, with this man.”
Marianne keeps herself rooted in place, unwilling to break beneath his threats. “Life is full of regrets, Mr. Starrick. I doubt that, in the end, this one will be noteworthy.”
~ ~ ~
Before Marianne is able to enter her husband’s study, she senses that something is out of place. Claude has a tendency to cause a bit of a ruckus while working, always pacing throughout the office or rummaging through his papers.
But she only hears silence, a trait far too uncharacteristic for the disorganized man.
The Baroness reaches between the ruffles of her gown, slipping her fingers around the handle of a small dagger. With a secure grip, she pushes open the door and enters the room.
A body is on the floor, in front of the desk. And Marianne needs only to see the burgundy tie, a gift from her, to know that it is Claude. Blood streams from a large slash carved into his neck, forming a puddle of crimson liquid that creeps its way across the floor. It reaches for the doorway, as though, it too, longs to escape from the death steadily consuming the atmosphere.
Marianne is quick to cross the room, knowing that she needs to give the body a closer inspection. She crouches down to look for any traces of evidence.
Aside from the gash in his throat, she finds no other signs of a struggle. There are no ligature marks. No early signs of bruising. A potential weapon is nowhere sight. And his hands are clean, untainted by any blood.
His wound is not self-inflicted, nor did he react or attempt to resist his fate.
She presses a hand against his skin; he is still warm to the touch.
Her husband has killed and—
The woman’s ears perk up when she hears a floorboard creak behind her.
—the murderer is still in the room.
“Tell me,” she says, “is his killer an Assassin or Templar?” Marianne rises to a standing position and turns to face whomever is in the room with her.
With their hands slightly raised in front of them, a figure steps out of the shadows. It is a man dressed in white robes, adorned with ornate golden trim and stitching. His face is shrouded by a matching white hood, but traces of his almond colored skin bleed through gaps in the fabric.
“An Assassin,” Marianne notes. Her eyes drift the blade held between the fingers of his right hand. A drop of blood drips from the edge of the metal and splashes against the floor. “Are you here to kill me, as well?”
“For now,” he says, “you are not a target.” The man speaks with the slightest hint of an accent, revealing his origins of birth to not be that of Great Britain. India, perhaps?
Marianne tilts her head and takes a step towards him. “If I am safe today, then what of tomorrow? Next week? Should I expecting a visit from the Grim Reaper in the near future?”
“That will depend.”
“On strength of your loyalty to the Templars,” he says.
“Interesting,” Marianne replies. She turns her head to glance back at the oozing corpse. “Some Templars believed Claude to be a traitor, but most could not fathom the idea that such a well-respected man would turn against us. Still, there was speculation that he may have been leaking information to your Brotherhood.”
The man remains silent.
“I know it is a bit of a rarity between presumed enemies, but are you willing to keep a secret?” Marianne adjusts her grip on the small dagger, spinning it between her fingers, while awaiting his response.
“A civil conversation between our organizations is already a rarity,” he says. “I don’t see the harm in adding to that list.”
“I would never confess this to my fellow Templars, but the truth is that I believed the rumors.”
The Assassin slightly raises his gaze to examine the woman. “You, a Winchester, refused to betray a man you believed had turned on the Order?"
Marianne shrugs. “One’s given name is hardly a confirmation of character.”
“Why did you keep his secret?”
“He should never have been a member of the Order,” she says. “Beneath his guise as the utterly devoted Templar, he was a kind man. He had a code of morals that he longed to follow, but knew that he could not do so publicly. For quite some time, I have known that he was drifting away. I had my speculations long before the rest of the Order. And I knew that if I did not marry him, if I did not attempt to protect him with my family’s long proven loyalty, he would be made an example of, slaughtered.”
“You loved him.”
“No,” Marianne shakes her head, “not in the way that you are suggesting. He was a friend that I cared for immensely. We grew up together; I knew the pieces of him that he hoped to keep concealed. I do not need to see proof to know that Claude turned against the Order, that he became an informant for the Assassins.” Her fist tightens, clutching the dagger in her hand. “But I wonder, what do you have to gain by killing the one man who was willing to tell you everything.”
“Lord Braxton was well aware of the Order’s suspicions,” he says. “He knew that it was only a matter of time before they sent someone to execute him.”
“He asked you to kill him,” she realizes.
“Death by Assassin was the only way to prevent himself from being captured by the Templars and forced into betraying the Brotherhood.”
“He snipped off his own loose ends,” Marianne muses.
“He spoke of you often,” the man reveals. “He wished that you had been born into a life that was free from the clutches of the Templars. And he believed you to be conflicted between your need to satiate your parents’ expectations and your desperation to cling onto some minuscule inkling of good morality. Your husband didn’t die due to loose ends; he died because it was the only way to protect you from the consequences of his decisions.”
“Why would you tell me all of this?” The woman wonders. “What makes you think I am the type of person Claude believed me to be?”
“Because,” he pauses, “instead of bloodshed, we are having a conversation. I confess that I am not much of a killer.” He glances down at his hand. “This blade was used to help my friend. I do not wish to fight with you, Lady Braxton.”
“If you do not wish to fight, then what happens now?”
“If you desire to escape from London, I can help you. I know excellent forgers who will grant you a new identity. You could have the freedom to live the kind of life you wish to follow. My Lady, you could be free of this lifestyle, free from the influence of Templars.”
“No,” Marianne shakes her head. “No, I will not be going anywhere.”
“I realize this is a big decision to make in the spur of the moment,” the Assassin says. “Should you change your mind in the future, I will gladly provide the promised assistance.”
“You misunderstand,” she says. “Without an informant, your information will soon be outdated. I can replace Claude.”
The man sighs. “If the Order catches you, you will be executed.”
“Sir, I may only know life as a Templar, but I know enough to realize that I do not wish to remain as one. They are a terrifying organization, one that aims to rule the world. And if they accomplish that goal, they will do so with the utmost cruelty. The Order must be prevented from gaining more power than they already have. They have already seized control of London and we must stop their influence before it is too late.
“I have seen the experiments that are conducted on captured vampires. They live their lives in constant torture, torment. They are starved, stabbed, electrocuted. Limbs are chopped off, until there is hardly anything left. They are drained, physically and mentally, and it is beyond inhumane. If you could witness what I have seen, you would know that the Templars are the real monsters. They do not care for stopping the infection; they wish only to harness immortality and use it to guarantee their dictatorship.”
“Lady Braxton,” the man smiles, “I believe an alliance between us would be most beneficial.”
Marianne gives him a warm smile in return. “And what is the name of my new partner?”
“I am Henry Green.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Green, despite the grim circumstances.”
Henry drops his smile and lowers his gaze, a feeling of guilt itching inside of his chest. “My condolences for my contribution to your loss.”
“Claude knew what would happen,” she reassures. “He knew that he would not be able to hide forever. His death is not your fault, regardless of the blade clenched between your fingers.”
The man nods his head and tucks the weapon away.
“Most importantly,” Marianne says, “our current circumstances need to be resolved, in a way that avoids any unwanted growth of suspicion about Claude’s loyalty. I will not be able to buy you much time to escape, but I can provide the servants with a brief distraction.”
The woman brings her blade up towards her face and glides the sharp metal against the skin of her jawline. She uses the knife to slice against the sleeves of her dress, destroying the expensive material. Then the woman presses the blade against the newly exposed skin and etches new cuts into her body. She smears the dripping blood along her arm and against the bodice of the dress.
“I hope to see you soon, Mr. Green.” She says, before gesturing to the window. “Go, before it is too late.”
Henry nods and approaches the window. Before he slips through, he turns to cast one last glance at the new widow. But he says nothing, and instead continues with his escape.
When his figure disappears from her sight, Marianne releases an ear-splitting scream.
a/n: hello~ thank you for reading this fic! if you enjoyed what you read, please considering giving this piece a reblog, like, and/or comment. i am a small author, so any and all responses boost my confidence and let me know that people are interested in my work.
considering this is a vampire au and that the assassin’s creed franchise is technically considered a work of science fiction, i’ve accepted the fact that this series will be historically inaccurate. while I won’t do anything crazy like throw in cellphones in the victorian era, I am bound to make mistakes. I am about to start my journey into obtain my MFA in creative writing, which means I will not have the time or energy to properly research each aspect of this time period. this fic is simply a fun side project where I can exercise my writing, while gushing over my favorite chaotic bisexual (lovingly) dumbass assassin.
you can find my other social media at Twitter and Ao3
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vostara · 4 years
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— bang bang, my baby shot me down (listen on spotify)
a playlist for an incredibly self-indulgent cross-over fic absolutely no one asked for (except me). what started off as a joke among a couple of my friends has turned into me drafting up an outline for a multi-chapter angst-filled adventure. quite on brand of me, if i do say so myself.
booker dewitt x original female character (anastasia) x jacob frye
updated: august 14, 2020 | all playlists
unforgettable (duet with nat king cole) - natalie cole // a sunday kind of love - etta james // cheek to cheek - ella fitzgerald, louis armstrong // can’t take my eyes off you - frankie valli // beyond the sea - bobby darin // volare (nel blu di pinto di blu) - dean martin // everybody loves somebody - dean martin // dream a little dream of me - doris day, paul weston & his orchestra // bang bang (my baby shot me down) - frank sinatra // can’t help falling in love - elvis presley // unchained melody - the righteous brothers // i will always love you - dolly parton // (i left my heart) in san francisco - tony bennett // annie’s song - john denver // nights in white satin - sing version / mono mix - the moody blues // moon river - andy williams // hallelujah - k.d. lang // my way - frank sinatra // at last - etta james
note: this fic won’t be released for quite some time, due to my already extensive list of works in progress. i won’t start working on it until at least afterimages is completed. 
though i’m pretty positive that me and my friend will be the only people invested in it lmaoo
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vostara · 4 years
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— unforgettable, in every way (listen on spotify)
another playlist for a (yet to be published) crossover fic nobody asked for.
booker dewitt x original female character (anastasia) x jacob frye.
updated: september 5, 2020 | all playlists
heroes - scala & kolacny brothers // in the beginning - fahrenhaidt, alice merton // dear god - lawless, sydney wayser // kingdom fall - claire wyndham // burn - cody crump // wicked game - ursine vulpine, annaca // love and war - fleurie // the wolves - cyrus reynolds, keeley bumford // become the beast - karliene // where is my mind - safari riot, grayson sanders // silent running (epic trailer version) - hidden citizens // take on me (epic trailer version) - hidden citizens // too far gone - hidden citizens, svrcina // scars - iamx // lapse - black math // we have it all - pim stones // day is coming - katie kim // unforgettable - safari riot, cara salimando
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vostara · 4 years
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— i turned around and now i'm alone (listen on spotify)
a playlist for an upcoming vampire au series Impietas. 
jacob frye x marianne (original female character)
updated: january 18, 2021 | all playlists
unity - chris tilton // welcome to the brotherhood - chris tilton // blood red roses - c21fx // hurts like hell - fleurie // start a war - klergy, valerie broussard // runaway - aurora // until we go down - ruelle // there’s a storm coming - dance with the dead // horizon - snow ghosts // unsteady - x ambassadors // a dagger of the mind - daemonia nymphe // tuleloits - kerli // assassin’s creed origins main theme - sarah schachner // table for two - abel korzeniowski // so far - ólafur arnalds, arnór dan // remembrance - michael salvatori, c paul johnson, skye lewin // death is now a welcome guest - austin wintory // sex, death and landscapes - tom rosenthal // save yourself - claire de lune // til my heart stops - too far moon // bloodlines - austin wintory // heal - tom odell // wild tigers i have known - emily jane white // crystal - two door cinema club // family - austin wintory // omyt - the retuses // you are a memory - message to bears // dear god - lawless, sydney wayser // deep end - ruelle
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vostara · 4 years
*last updated april 23, 2022
fluff 🌷 | comfort 🌻 | angst 🌧️ | implied spice 💥 | in progress 🌱 | complete 🌿 | one-shot ⭐ | multi-chapter 🌙 | masterlist link ⚡
note: I do not write lemons, all spicy content is implied and not explicit.
HIATUS. sadly, i have no clue when i’ll be able to update again. :(
most recent update(s): i am lost chap. 1 (may 2021) next planned update(s): tbd
misc. info: playlist masterlist | twitter | ao3
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impietas - jacob frye x original female character [vampire au]
complete series 🌧️🌱🌙⚡
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i am lost - cayde-6 x female guardian x uldren sov, eventual crow x female guardian
complete series 🌧️🌱🌙⚡
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currently untitled (coming soon) - jacob seed x original female character x joseph seed
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she drowns in liquid gold - ares x original female character 
prequel series: hypnophobia [discontinued] 🌧️🌱🌙⚡
extra: you’re the hallelujah on my throne 🌷🌻💥🌿⭐
hanahaki disease au: hold me while you wait 🌧️💥🌿⭐
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bring me home - ashe x original female character x mccree
complete series 🌷🌧️🌱🌙⚡
one by one my leaves fall - angela ziegler x gender-neutral reader 🌻🌿⭐
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intoxicate me with lavender dreams - arthur morgan x female reader [afterlife au] 🌧️🌿⭐
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love me like you hurt me - rafe adler x original female character x samuel drake
complete series 🌷🌧️🌿🌙⚡
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vostara · 4 years
Playlists - Masterlist
I tend to make playlists to reduce stress, help combat writer’s block, and (in general) induce inspiration for work. Since not all playlists I’ve posted are related to a series that has been published, I decided to make a masterlist to compile these playlists separately. 
*last updated: january 11, 2021
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— assassin’s creed highlights; a compilation of music from the franchise
— et facta est lux; jacob frye x original character
— i turned around and now i’m alone; jacob frye x original character
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— i'm paralyzed, where is the real me; the crow x female guardian
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— just let it die, go to the light; jacob seed x original female character x joseph seed
— there’s an emptiness in my core; jacob seed x original female character x joseph seed
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— forgive my thoughts when i’m asleep; santino d’antonio x reader, with a splash of john wick x reader
— hypnophobia: the writing playlist; ares x original character
— must be someone here, it’s my worst fear; ares x original character
— out in the darkness, i saw an angel; ares x original character
— reich mir die hand, unsere welt wird brennen; ares x original character
— she drowns in liquid gold; ares x original character
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— don’t think i’ll be coming home; ashe x original character x mccree
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— i don’t need anything fancy; samuel drake x original character
— in these stolen moments the world is mine; rafe adler x original character
— there’s glory ahead but our love will be forgotten; rafe adler x original character x samuel drake
— think of the hate you’ve been holding inside; rafe adler x original character
— when i’m fucked up, that’s the real me; rafe adler x original character x samuel drake
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— bang bang, my baby shot me down; booker dewitt x original character x jacob frye [assassin’s creed + bioshock: infinite crossover]
the golden girl; not fandom related. this is a playlist for my thesis project.
— unforgettable, in every way; booker dewitt x original character x jacob frye [assassin’s creed + bioshock: infinite crossover]
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vostara · 4 years
updates 06.13.2020
hello~ just wanted to give a brief update on current and upcoming projects! 
i also wanted to give a quick shoutout to the new followers i’ve gained in the past week! it truly does warm my heart to see people interested in my work and i get so happy and flustered whenever i see a new reblog/like/comment
i hope you continue to enjoy my work in the future!
[santino d’antonio x reader] the first chapter was published just a few days ago! this project is a sci-fi au! i impulsively started writing it one night, restarted it the next day, and had it published later that evening. it will be a short series, only 4-6 chapters. i plan on hopefully finishing it by the end of august. but delays are possible.
[ares x original female character] chapter 4 is finally arriving next saturday, june 20th. i’m so terribly sorry about all of the delays! i have a poor immune system and i’ve been sick for a majority of the past several weeks. i was hoping to drop a surprise update today, but yesterday i developed a cough and i was just in and out of consciousness for most of the day lol rip
projects in the works:
resonance -- [ares x original female character x santino d’antonio] ahh yes the pianist!oc fic i meant to have published this month ;; it will be arriving as soon as afterimages is finished!
untitled dragon age project -- [cullen rutherford x original female character x solas] mythology-inspired au! just to clarify this is absolutely inspired by and not based on mythology, specifically that of ancient egypt. this will probably be a slow project, but it’s been on my mind quite a lot and i’m hoping to get it up this august!
i have many more things currently being outlined, but the above two projects are my main focus, in terms of what is coming next! things that are in the works, but are not guaranteed to be published:
ashe x oc x mccree (overwatch)
jacob frye x oc (assassin’s creed syndicate)
ares x oc d’antonio sibling
arthur morgan x reader/oc? (red dead redemption 2)
vicar max x reader (the outer worlds)
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vostara · 4 years
quick reminder!
hey y’all
i’m about to attempt going to sleep but before i go i just wanted to remind everyone that i’ll be on a mini-hiatus for unknown amount of time! i am about to move across the country for graduate school and don’t know when my new apartment will be set-up with wifi. 
i do plan on working (and finishing) at least the full rough draft of afterimages during this flight + time offline. if i get wifi quickly, i will continue working on that series as a priority until it is complete.
the mini series has approximately four chapters to go (we’ll see what happens when the writing starts), so i want to wrap it up before i move onto different projects.
i promise i will circle back to hypnophobia! i’ve got the next chapter planned out in my head, but delayed work due to this hectic schedule. i expect it to be a long(ish) chapter and didn’t want to start writing it until i knew i would be able to finish it uninterrupted.
+ new projects are in the works! currently everything is still in the outlining process, but i will list them in order of (planned) priority as the next project following the conclusion of afterimages:
arthur morgan x reader -- afterlife au (one-shot)
jacob frye x female original character -- vampire au (series)
cullen rutherford x female original character x solas -- mythology-inspired au (series)
higgs monaghan x reader -- hanahaki au (one-shot)
if you typically read my updates posts, you might have noticed that the other ares and santino fics i’ve mentioned in the past are not currently on the new projects list! this is simply because i’ve decided to delay those while i take some time to add a couple new fandoms to my blog. i am still very excited for those ideas and fully anticipate pursuing them in the future.
but right now there are two different john wick fics being written and i want to spend some time in other fandoms (to help prevent burnout and scratch my creative itch for other ideas)
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