#ac syndicate fanfic
Eden (Chapter 1) - Assassin's Creed Syndicate Story
Jacob Frye x Original Female Character
What happens when you fall in love with the man you were only supposed to be stringing along? That's what happened to Eden. She was only supposed to toy around with Jacob Frye, Master Assassin and leader of the Rooks. She only needed the Shroud of Eden, and then she would never see Jacob or the city of London ever again. But she forgot one key thing she couldn't control—her heart. Now Eden must fight against what her heart is telling her and her task since her accident. To love or to live. That was what was at stake.
I woke hours later in a cold sweat from a dream that turned into a nightmare. I washed up, changed into some regular clothes and headed out to the nearest restaurant for food. I tried my best not to draw attention to myself, but it was impossible. The looks I got as a young lady walking around London without a chaperone and eating alone in a pub. Society and its rules were so odd and outdated. I could defend myself better than any man gawking at me right now.
On my way out, a child brushed against me and apologized. I waved him off, then went back into my pocket and saw my pocket watch was gone—little vermin. I turned and took off after him. He was small and fast and could sneak through the crowd, and since I was in a dress and not my gear, I couldn’t climb the buildings and use that to bypass the crowd. I saw the boy turn into an alleyway, and I started to catch up to him. As I was about to catch the little bugger, a figure flew down from the rooftop. The man landed before me, and I stumbled back as he grabbed hold of the boy. 
“What did I say about stealing?” He said as he ripped my pocket watch from the child’s hand. 
“We needed the money, boss.” 
The man shook his head. “Then ask one of us for some, and don’t go and nick things from strangers. Now get!” The boy grumbled, but the man tossed him a bag full of coins, ending his protest. 
“Thanks!” The boy turned to me. “Sorry about that. Bye!” The boy took off before I could snap back at him. The man turned to me, and I was left speechless. 
When they said there were Assassins in London, Master Assassins at that, I didn’t think they would be so young. In front of me was a man who looked to be in his early twenties. He was taller than me. I am five feet four inches, and he towers above me. He pulled his hood back and then pulled a top hat from inside his coat. Now I could see his whole face. He had beautiful brown hair, a scar on his right eye and left cheek, and a little bit of stubble. I was still studying him when I saw him wave his hand in front of me. 
“Sorry, what?” I said, shaking my head, trying to clear my mind. 
He chuckled. “I said, is this watch your Miss?” I looked at his hand, holding my pocket watch. 
“Claudia, my name is Claudia and thank you,” I said, grabbing and putting it back in my pocket. Claudia was the fake name I used. I took it in honour of my aunt. 
“Well, Claudia, my name is Jacob Frye,” He said, taking his hat and bowing. I smiled at the way this played out. I spent the last day looking for information on this man, and he quite literally fell in front of me. “Well, it is very nice to meet you, Jacob, and thank you again for getting my watch back.” I used my hair to cover some of my face and act coy, hoping Jacob would take the bait. I started to walk away when I heard footsteps following behind me. 
“So what is a lady such as yourself doing in a back alley in Whitechapel?” He said as he caught up to me. I smiled; he did take the bait. 
“I didn’t even realize I made it to Whitechapel. I was eating at a restaurant in Central London and on my way back home when I got my pocket watch stolen.” Jacob chuckled again, throwing me off. “What is so funny?” 
“I can’t picture a lady like you chasing a child from Central London to here. Most ladies I know do not want to get mud on their skirts.” 
I scoffed playfully and crossed my arms in defiance. “I will take that as a compliment.” 
“I meant it as a compliment.” My cheeks darkened, and I used my hair again to hide it. Dammit, I couldn’t fall for his charm. It was supposed to be the other way around. “Do you mind if I walk you back home? The streets are not as safe as they seem.” 
Full Chapter on Ao3
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reemonna · 2 years
Getting drunk with Jacob Frye
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He mentions his urgency to make his own 'the rooks' gang every 5 seconds
Right after you're both done with drinking, he will take your hand to climb with him on the buildings' rooftops with your both laughter blaring all over the place
(NSFW/+18) You will end up making love on the rooftop of some building under the pale moonlight
He doesn't really like drinking to the point of getting wasted a lot, to keep his perception in a good level and stay connected with his surroundings. But he will definitely get drunk when he's around you. He would be so taken by you that he won't realise what he should and shouldn't do
His sense of humour increases and he throws more jokes when he gets drunk than he does in usual
You both talk about all the mess he did in the whole country. How he derailed a train, set fire to theatres, messed up factories, took the prime minister's spouse for a walk to one of the most dangerous England streets, and nearly crashing Britain's economy
And of course he must mention how Evie always interrupts his plans, which -in fact- means fixing his dumb doings and saving the day
"When Evie first heard of the squabble that happened yesterday in town, she pointed her fingers of blame at me, accusing me of starting that fight. Yes, I may have started it by accident, but she really must have a little faith in me, right?"
Will obviously start random fights with everyone in the inn
You don't really want to see how brutal he gets if someone tried to harass you one way or another, it's like releasing a monster -that's been tied for years- on the loose
It should be obvious that he grows more confident to flirt, and his feelings towards you loom clearer. He might even propose to you
Shouting in the middle of the inn, telling everyone how gorgeous and smart you are and how lucky he is to have you by his side? That's undoubtedly happening
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How the Assassins (and some Templars) would be on your birthday:
Ezio Auditore
He'd likely wake you up with some morning "exercises", and take you on a stroll/ride through your favorite places
A candlelit dinner atop a building overlooking the sunset to finish the day with some fancy wine
Would give you anything you'd wanted, including but not limited to a portrait of the two of you done by Leonardo (you'd thank the little artist later)
Rose petals leading up to your room
Leonardo Da Vinci
Honestly, he's the type to just let you lead the day. Shopping? He's there with you paying for what he can. A boat ride? Of course!
Would be sweet the whole day, holding your hand with a dopey little grin as he followed you
Flowers, your favorite chocolates, art supplies if you're that way inclined
Connor Kenway
You're very special to him, and he makes you feel it on your birthday
He'd get someone to make you a cake (he tried and nearly burnt the house down in the process)
Flowers by your bedside as he woke you up with sweet kisses
He'd go to town with you if you really wanted to go
Or ride around the homestead all day and show you some beautiful places he's found
Wouldn't let you do any work for the day
He'd end it all by holding you close as he gifted you a little carved animal (your favorite), and a necklace he'd bought one day with your favorite stone set in it
Edward Kenway
Would also wake you up with "exercise"
He'd sail around with you, letting you tell him where to go
He may even let you steer the Jackdaw for a bit
You'll likely not remember much, as you'll be drunk for most of the night
Would give you all kinds of jewelry the he's obtained on his voyages
James Kidd/Mary Read
They're a romantic through and through. And extravagant
Would wake you up sweetly, but it'd turn spicy
Down to do whatever you want, be it a picnic or drinking at a pub, they're happy
Gifts would be thoughtful, plus some jewelry and the like
Shay Patrick Cormac
See morning "exercise"
A romantic, Shay would have the whole day planned out for you
He'd sail you somewhere nice, and have a home-cooked meal awaiting somewhere quiet
Would take you back to the fort for a surprise party with a small band of folk playing music
Liam O'Brien
Assuming he isn't gone off on a mission, he'd likely take you shooting with him
He'd buy you sweets and just be sweet the whole day
Would dance with you in a clearing somewhere
His gifts would probably be practical, like some new gloves or something
Haytham Kenway
Prepare to feel like royalty for a day
He'd spare no expense for your birthday
The best food, the finest imported wine, best clothing he could find, all of it's yours
Don't think about lifting a finger, either
Breakfast in bed, followed by an extravagant ball in your honor
Jacob Frye
CHAOS from the moment your eyes opened
Tried to make you breakfast, set it on fire
Takes you around London
A surprise dinner (the Rooks set it up for him) on top of Big Ben
Would get Evie to help him with some flowers
You'd end up drunk, laughing, and happy
My birthday is the 28th this month (December), so this is my gift to myself. If you want anyone added, let me know. These are all kinda short, sorry. I've got a heck of a migraine at the moment. Probably doing some for the Red Dead boys next. And yes, I used gender neutral pronouns for James/Mary. Sue me
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aiza-luna · 4 months
Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Character Chart.
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Character’s full name: Solange Teresa Vivianne Cotoner-Artois.
Reason or meaning of name: "Solange" means both "Solemn" and "Sun Angel", in reference to her sun coding.
Character’s nickname: Sol, Solecito (by her family), Sunshine, Little Hoopoe (by Jacob).
Reason for nickname: Sun Symbolisms, is her personal thing. As for Hoopoe, is her theme bird. 🐦💛
Birth date: June 21st, 1848.
Physical appearance
Age: 20 years old (Syndicate) / 40 years old (JTR)
How old does he/she appear: She appears to be around her age, between 18-22.
Weight: 55 Kg / 121 lb
Height: 1.63 cm / 5 ft 4.2 inches.
Body build: Slim and athletic/fit, with noticable muscles compared to the average victorian lady.
Shape of face: Diamond Shape.
Eye color: Honey-Brown.
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Warm Olive Complexion.
Distinguishing marks: Her Vitiligo Sploches spread across her face and body that she hides with make-up.
Predominant features: Her nose, lips and face generally resemble Arabian-Moorish people, her features were inhereted by her ancestor that was a Moorish Knight.
Hair color: Dark Copper Brown.
Type of hair: 2B Wavy Hair.
Hairstyle: Traditional Victorian Bun (in the day), A side braid falling over her shoulder (as an Assassin).
Voice: Mezzo soprano, always soft spoken and eloquent.
Usual fashion of dress: ... Victorian Fashion? That's her era's fashion lol.
Favorite outfit: Her "Foreigner Visitor" Outfit! Is the dress she introduced herself with to the British Brotherhood. 🥹
Jewelry or accessories: Always a sun-themed jewelry, be a necklace, earrings or ring! After she got with Jacob, he gave her a jewelry with his hair, that she uses on her necklace.
Good personality traits: Caring, Loyal, Empathetic, Collected, Polite and Well-versed in many topics.
Bad personality traits: Proud, Strong-Tempered, Overly Brutal, Secretive, Gets Defensive Easily.
Mood character is most often in: Calm and keeping her posture.
Sense of humor: She doesn't joke easily, only opening up as she bonds with people. She can be quite cheeky and witty, and she tends to hide her laughs anytime she hears a dirty joke.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Help her country and her people, honor her family.
Character’s greatest fear: Watch the Templars win and control the people/ the masses,disappoint her family.
Character is most at ease when: Surround by nature, walking in the beach back at Tarragona, at the sunset, feeling the cool sand on her feet.
Most ill at ease when: Surrounded by a crowd, feeling their gaze judging her and her skin, her condition.
Enraged when: People don't listen to her concerns or thoughts.
Depressed or sad when: There are more damage/ deaths than there was suppost to be on the mission, when she sees the condition of the lower class in London... All that misery and pain breaks her heart.
Priorities: Eliminate the Templars in the British Court and their influences. Ensure the Piece of Eden's safety.
Life philosophy: "As nobles, is our duty to serve others, and not the other way around. We will fight, for their safety and their choice of free will."
Character’s soft spot: Animals. Literally all animals. (aside the ones that transmit diseases, looking at the rats-)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes! She becamed Desmond's Dogsitter after she met him.😭 (She begged Mrs. Disraeli to let her take care of him once in a while-)
Greatest strength: Her Persistance and Sense of Duty.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Her Self-Image and her Skin Condition.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: The amount of suitor refusals she got. For a noblewoman, that is quite the failure. 🥲
Character’s darkest secret: Her Family Tree is generally composed of Templars, aside her Family Branch.
Does anyone else know? Well, yes. The Cotoners of the Spanish Rite are quite infamous, specially with the other Templar Rites... However, she tries to avoid telling about her Templar-Relatives to the other divisions of the Brotherhood.
Drives and motivations: Fullfil her mission as an Assassin and honor her bloodline, following the Footsteps of her Greatgreatgreatgreat-Grandfather who becamed the Mentor of the Spanish Brotherhood.
Immediate goals: Aid the British Brotherhood in reclaiming London. Assure the Pieces of Eden in Britain stay out of Templar's hands.
Long term goals: Find a husband, work on improving/financing the development of medicine, science and arts, giving more access to those things to the lower classes.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Using the Assistance of her fellow Assassins and her connections in Queen Victoria's Court with her aunt and uncle.
How other characters will be affected: Generally this will have a good impact on both the Brotherhood and the London Society. (Can't really see this going wrong?)
Hometown: Tortosa, in the Province of Tarragona, Catalonia - Spain.
Type of childhood: Shelted. She was kept mostly inside because of her Vitiligo (that was still being studies at the time), was constantly visited by doctors. Tutored at home with the best education money could by, she would only go out in cloudly days or at night... It was a bit lonely, but not different from other upper-class children her age.
First memory: Her and her mother Aimée on her Estate's Garden, she was only two years old, in her mother's arms and she watched a bird singing on top of a tree.
Most important childhood memory: The day she discovered about the existance of the Order and the Brotherhood, and how they shaped history across the centuries, also the trigger of her decision to join the fight as an Assassin.
Childhood hero: Her father, Carlos Rafael Cotoner, her Greatgreatgreatgreat-Grandfather Renato Valentino Cotoner, and, as an Assassin Novice, Ezio Auditore da Firenze.
Education: High-Level Education, as it was expected of a noblewoman. She studies languages, arts, sciences, astronomy, physics, politics and militarism.
Religion: Catholicism.
Finances: Loaded, she's a noblewoman of an old family, and her family runs many businesses (From Maritime Trade in Catalonia, to fields of agriculture in Andalusia and a brand of weaponery in Castille).
Current location: London, Capital of England.
Currently living with: Her aunt Desirée Charlotte Madeleine Pleydell-Bouverie (Neé Artois) and her uncle Hon. Thomas Pleydell-Bouverie, in the Stanford Manor in ST Albans, Hertfordshire.
Pets: She has a mini-zoo back in her family's estate in Tortosa! She loves studying and caring for "weird" animals, her three favorites are: A Platypus named "Tortita", a Kiwi Bird named "Coco" and an Echidna named "Cojín"! 🩵
Religion: Catholicism.
Occupation: Master Assassin of the Spanish Brotherhood.
Finances: Still loaded-
Mother: Aimée Isabelle Henriette Artois-Cotoner.
Relationship with her: Pretty good! They clash sometimes but love each other, despite all of Aimée's concerns for the safety of her daughter in the Assassin-Templars war. 🥹
Father: Carlos Rafael Cotoner y Moncada, Conde de Tortosa.
Relationship with him: They adore each other! Carlos see Sol as his little girl, and Sol looks up to her father as an Assassin and as a noble! 🤲🏽
Siblings: Serena Hélène Josefina Cotoner-Artois (Younger Sister)
Relationship with her: Incredibly good, all things considered. They annoy each other, tease each and everything, but they got each other's back at anytime and wouldn't hesitate to kill to protect one another. In the end, they're sisters and love each other deeply. 🤲🏽🩵
Other important family members: Leopoldo di Sanseverino, Signore di Monterforte Irpino (Serena's Fiancé). They also get along well, despite Sol not approving their decision to delay their courtship more than the usual to "keep getting to know each other before marrying". xD
Color: Orange, Yellow, Turquoise and Aquamarine. 🩵
Least favorite color: Gray and monocromatic palettes, and "dirty" shades of color (specially brown and yellow).
Music: Jazz Music and Traditional Spanish Music.
Food: Sea Food (Specially shrimp, octopus and caviar) and sweets. (Specially with cherries).
Literature: She likes books with supernatural elements, but she also likes books of philosophy and SPECIALLY about Dinossaurs/Fossil. She's also a big sucker for romance books.
Form of entertainment: Read books on her underwear while eating a tart in her guest room, horse ride, stroll in the nature, observe the birds, collect fossils and gemstones.
Mode of transportation: Her Andalusian Horse called "Coronilla", she loves riding her across the streets. In London, she also preffers to horse ride than use a carriege.
(tho she drives much better than the twins-)
Most prized possession: The lower jaw of a Spinosaurid Dinosaur she found once in her family's terrain while she digged the garden. It was her first fossil and she found when she was around 8 years old... She keeps it in her collection and would literally kill if someone touch it. xD
Hobbies: Collect Fossils and Gemstones, Dance, Write Poems/ Thoughts in her notebook, Scrapbooking, Horse Ride, Aim Train, Physical/ Combat Training, Read, Embrodery, Study/Note about weird species/phenomena.
Plays a musical instrument? Piano! She's very skilled on the Piano and on Cello.
Plays a sport? Hm... She swims and runs, along with Parkour, guess this counts? 🥲
Drinks: Mostly Wine (Red and Rosy Wines) and Rum. (Specially Porto Rican Rum, that is more refined in taste.)
What does she do too much of? Spend time putting on make-up to hide her Sploches.
What does she do too little of? Dancing. She loves to dance, but gets self-conscious about a partner potentially judging her. 🥲
Extremely skilled at: Analysing Situations and Combat.
Extremely unskilled at: Cleaning. She has no idea how to clean a place. 😭
Nervous tics: Tends to shift her eyes whenever she feels nervous towards the wall by her side, also drums her fingers on her fan while holding it.
Usual body posture: Straight, tall and well-postured, with her hands on her sides or on front of her skirt, held one over the other.
Mannerisms: Tends to sit down with both legs together and her hands on her knees, tilts her head slightly when confused, like a bird. Will whistle while concentrated and hum a song sometimes. Will nuzze against Jacob's neck, brushing her nose against him like a bird. khkhjjkk
Peculiarities: Her nails grow surpriseling fast, so she always has to trim them. Will switch between Spanish and English when too excited, will curse while dressed as an Assasin bc Assassin Sol is very different than noble/common Sol. Lol
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist, although tries to keep a realistic view on things.
Introvert or extrovert? Introverted going to ambivert. (Jacob is slowly getting her to loose a bit)😭
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious, 100%, as many Assassins.
Logical or emotional? A mixture of both, she can be very logical but also very emotional, it depends on the situation... But generally, she tried to be as logical as possible. 🥲
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat, she doesn't STAND a messy place. XD
Prefers working or relaxing? Working first, relaxing later. She's of the philosophy that the job must be well-done so the relaxation can be worth it. 🫶🏽☀️
Confident or unsure of herself? As an Assassin? Confident AF she knows she can deliver. As a noblewoman? Not so much... 🥲
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Mixted feelings, many mixted feelings... Overall, she pushes herself to be the best Assassin she can be, so at least she can feel proud about one of her aspects.
One word the character would use to describe self: "Defective".
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "A sick woman... An Assassin that will fight until my very last breath."
What does the character consider her best personality trait? "My loyalty to the Creed."
What does the character consider her worst personality trait? "My insecurities about my skin."
What does the character consider her best physical characteristic? Her eyes, everyone compliments them and their light yellow hue under the sunlight.
What does the character consider her worst physical characteristic? Her white sploches, they just "look so wrong and ugly..."
How does the character think others perceive him/her: As a sick woman unfit to give healthy heirs to a household without the "thing" on her skin. As an Assassin and as the Greatgreatgreatgreat-Granddaughter of Renato Valentino Cotoner, they expect her to be as expectional as her ancestor.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Definetly get rid of her condition to look "normal", she sometimes wished she could be "frail" and "fair-skinned" like the other noblegirls that were the beauty standarts of the era... Because her more athletic build, darker complexion and skin condition, she feels ugly compared to the beauty standarts. 🥲
A bit of an info dump about my dear Solange asked by my friend @navis18 , thank you so much, girl! 🥹🤲🏽💛
I'm working on a more complete ref sheet for her, but so far, this is the more detail I get can get with my dear Spanish Assassin. ☀️💛
(Also gonna tag @corvus-the-trickster here bc if they ever want to draw Sol, is always good to have info dump of her. You tag me on Amelia stuff, I tag you on Sol's lol 🫶🏽💛)
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
love letters
read on ao3 // ongoing series
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Love of my life,
How you captivate my heart and mind even when you are away. Seeing the lovers prepare for the upcoming does make you miss you, as I must admit.
The sun setting on London’s skyline reminds me of you. All of our escapades and sneaking away just to have moments for ourselves.
It’s different without you here, but I always see and feel you in my heart.
Come home.
Your sweetest,
Jacob Frye
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vadlings · 11 months
the memories of the boy i’ve been (801 words) by vadlings
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ethan Frye & Jacob Frye, Evie Frye & Jacob Frye, Ethan Frye & Evie Frye & Jacob Frye Characters: Jacob Frye, Ethan Frye, Evie Frye Additional Tags: Character Study, Emotional Baggage, Bad Parenting, Family, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Jacob Frye Has ADHD
Before Ethan, it had been just him, Evie, and their grandmother. Obviously they’d competed, but nothing like they did later on, when every word of praise to Evie and look of disapproval to Jacob felt like the driving force of the rift growing fast between them.
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thats-by-the-by · 4 months
Posted another fic :D!
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hellshire-harlot · 1 year
ayo I’m bored waiting for my Xbox to get fixed so I can actually get all the dlc, does anyone have any fic recommendations for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate??? I’m accepting almost everything (including and especially self insert/x reader), my only restrictions are no incest/underage shit, and try to keep it within the Syndicate game as that’s the only one I’ve played so far
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20timemachine12 · 5 months
Interactive fics
Hey, this blog has been dead for years but I'm not. :) I've been working on several different things and now I'm learning Choicescript. It's the code used to write stuff like Choice of the Dragon and Zombie Exodus if you've played those. I was writing some fics with it but decided I'm better off focusing on just the code, so I'd like to offer to convert your fics to interactive ones.
I'm doing it for free, I'll just have to limit the number of fics I'm able to do at once, especially while I'm still figuring it out. You can head over to Choice of Games for more about how it can turn out/what you can do with stories like this, and hmu about converting yours. I'm setting up an itch.io account to host them on and should have an example story up on there as soon as I manage to compile the damn thing. When I learn how, I'd love to be able to just send them as downloadable files or put them on Google Drive instead of hosting too. (That way you can put them on your Ao3 etc. for download instead :) )
I'd prefer sticking to AC, but I'll totally do other fandoms for you. And please keep the fics short for now :{
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casualstarowl · 2 years
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My OC Jacqueline “Jackie” Harlow with the twins! ❤️
It’s been a while since I last drew these three together but hoping to show off more sketches and doodles. Also sharing more about Jackie including two more of my beloved OCs, Grayson Harlow and Ephraim Scott.
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mocosa-media · 2 years
my AC1 rant
Okay but Malik had a son duh, Tazim. Yes, but imagine Tazim going to Masyaf as a mid-teen (like 16 or 17 whatever) right? Right, so he’s recruited easily because he’s a scrappy kid who knows how to fight dirty (note: dirty, not as an assassin yet) and the order’s standards have fallen since Altair left. Not much is done. I personally think of a frat house, lot’s of pretty buff looking dudes but only a small handful actually have brains while the rest just want to party. 
Anyway, Tazim who gains friendships and finds out about his father’s death the hard way. Through this all, Tazim keeps his background a secret. No one knows he is Malik’s son. He first came to Masyaf to find answers. He found them. Dead dad. Possibly revenge? No, he has lost any energy to do that because Abbas’ power seems ridiculously big. Tazim mourns for his father alone while still training in secret with his new friends.
Tazim gets cocky years later because he’s a pretty darn good fighter now. He still trains in secret but it’s sorta like an afterschool club. After his job at the stables, he goes to hangout at their hidden training grounds, etc. etc. He betrays his friends, but when he gains them back they give him a major ass kicking he absolutely deserved. 
They get their hidden blades. 
The gang have their own “bureau” which is just an abandoned home on the edged of the city where they hangout; It’s their clubhouse where they plan and drink and gossip. They are like 17-20 year olds come on. 
Abbas searches for another piece of Eden. Tazim and his gang join in on this race. Bad stuff happens. Death. Depression. Reminiscent to AC1 opening scene/mission. In turn, Tazim is sad (maybe hurt in a similar fashion as his father; history repeats itself) and it seems that the only reason he was staying in the brotherhood has died.
Tazim says, “Fuck the loyalists. Fuck Altair and fuck Abbas.” He hates everything and everyone so his ‘traitor’ begins to show. So much so that he’s sent to Abbas and when Abbas is like “Are you a traitor as so and so claims?” Tazim is like, “Fuck you, maybe. I miss my home.” (Home as in the OG old Masyaf of when Altair was there. 
Tazim is stripped of his title and sent back home. No- like he’s sent back to Jerusalem where he grew up. Inspiring things happen and he hears the rumors of Altair returning. He’s like “Not these bullshit rumors again.” 
But guess what? Not a rumor. 
He goes back! 
He is like “Yeah I gotta finish the shit I started and help an old man out.” so he does! When he goes back, his old crew is extremely happy and they give him all updated info. He’s like omg me too I have updated info, my dad is badass Malik and I have Altair behind me now too.
Yes, they all freak (in a good way)
They take over Masyaf again. All is well. Sorta. Okay thanks.
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aspenforest732 · 10 months
Mortem ad Wrens Ch 4: Mad Banquet
tw: underground crime syndicate, drug running, Ed behaviors Akira: friendship? Shinso: NO FRIENDS! ONLY STUDY! Akira: …work connections? Shinso: …fine
‘text’ is JSL Text is thoughts
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
The next couple days were blessedly incident-free, although Bakugo kept trying to fight Midoriya for some reason. Akira was starting to see what caused the small starburst scars along the latter’s arms and back. Kaminari profusely apologized for the battle trial, but Akira just shrugged them off, the cream seemingly worked better on fresh burns and scars than old ones. Dark Shadow still picked up on their discomfort around Kaminari and gave the kid warning glares when he got too close.
The press at the front gates on Wednesday led Akira to just warp inside, shuddering at the cameras that could have caught their image. Media attention was the last thing they needed, and of course it was about All Might. At least Aoyama seemed to enjoy the attention.
‘Blank!’ Akira signed from behind him in the lunch line. ‘Want to eat outside with us?’ they gestured to Tokoyami and Koda ahead of them.
Shinso’s eyes narrowed, searching Akira’s face. ‘Why?’
Akira cocked their head, confused. ‘You know JSL. Animal Whisper and I know JSL. We’re tutoring Raven and Dark Shadow, and you seem like you could use a… connection?’
‘I’m not here to make friends!’
‘Like I said, connection. If you don’t like us, you can leave at any time. No hard feelings.’ After a moment, Akira continued. ‘I know I’m going to be an underground hero, and Raven is considering it as well. Your quirk would be perfect for it, so if nothing else, we’ll know whether we want to work together in the future.’
Shinso stared at them for a long moment, grabbing their tray before nodding sharply. Akira grinned and gave a thumbs up to Koda and Tokoyami. Lunch Rush looked like he was going to apologize for the other day, but Akira rapidly shook their head, glancing at Shinso before taking their servings.
Koda tapped on Shinso’s shoulder as they walked to their tree, smiling apologetically at the boy’s flinch. ‘I usually interpret for Reaper. If you’re more comfortable signing than talking, I can interpret for you, too.’
After a moment, Shinso muttered, “I’m fine.”
‘Oh, I was meaning to ask you,’ Akira signed as they lowered themself with their cane, turning slightly to give Shinso a little privacy. ‘Are you safe? At home, I mean? I’ve seen scars like the ones you’re concealing before.’
Shinso immediately reached up to where the scars were just slightly indented in his skin, the discoloration mostly covered by basic concealer. They frowned for a moment before his expression softened. ‘I wasn’t, but I think I am now. They haven’t done anything like this.’
Seeing the sliver of uncertainty in his expression and the cautious yet hanging in the air, Akira tried to give a reassuring smile. ‘If they pull anything like that, and I mean anything, tell me. I’ve helped kids out of those situations before, and I’ll do it again in a heartbeat.’
Shinso chuffed and nodded, turning back to the other two. “Mori said you’re teaching Tokoyami JSL.”
Koda smiled and started explaining what they’d covered as Akira scarfed down most of their food and packed a quarter of it for dinner. Akira occasionally corrected Tokoyami’s gestures but mostly kept to themself, double-checking their math for what they needed this month.
Akira jumped to their feet and steadied themself on the tree as a loud alarm blared across campus, head swiveling to search for the cause. ‘I’m warping to the top to see if I can spot anything. If a teacher is near, ask them what’s going on.’
The others nodded, and Akira tossed up a tuft of grass as they warped, clone immediately dispelling. From the roof of the cafeteria, they could see the hoard of paparazzi pressing against… Where the hell are the gates? Alarm spiked through Akira as they noticed the protective barrier over the gates was reduced to a small pile of rubble. After a moment, they saw two teachers – Aizawa and Yamada from their attire – fast walking towards the gates.
After seeing no other disturbances from their vantage point, Akira noticed the Big Three walking up to their group, Nejire talking animatedly as they grew uncomfortable. Akira warped right between Nejire and Shinso, a handful of gravel dispelling their clone as they landed. They swayed dangerously for a moment before catching themselves on their proffered cane.
‘What do you know about the situation? And was the alarm for the press and barrier destruction or something else?’ they rapidly signed to the trio, tapping their cane for emphasis. Nejire took a step back, surprise coloring her face as Amajiki and Togata startled into loose stances before dropping them.
“That was the intruder alarm, yes. We haven’t heard exactly what happened, but that would definitely trigger it. We heard from your classmates that you four usually eat outside so came to make sure you were alright,” Togata said and introduced the trio.
“Were you invisible? Ooh! Are you the new warp student? How far can you go? I love your hair. How do you get it so sleek? How do you know JSL?”
Akira took a step back, wobbling slightly as their cane hit a dip as their eyes narrowed at the girl. ‘Kami, you talk more than Broccoli. We need to get back to class since the alarm should stop soon.’
Amajiki stifled a snort and Togata laughed, a little confused. “Broccoli? Ah, is that your green-haired classmate? I hope he’s doing well after the entrance exam. I’ve never seen Aizawa so exasperated over a student that quickly.”
Akira nodded and gestured for the others to start heading to the lunchroom. ‘We really should be going now, thank you for the concern.’ Akira kept themself between their group and Nejire, pointedly ignoring her questions as they walked. After a moment, the questions tapered off as a much softer voice asked her to stop bothering them.
The hallway to classes was starting to decongest as an announcement was made, and Akira was bewildered to see Ida hovering over the doorway looking a little nauseous before he suddenly dropped. Uraraka must’ve sent him up where he could see. This must’ve been a nightmare when the alarm went off.
Heroics was mostly spent going over drills and different codes for the school. Akira met their interpreter for the class, a woman named Jo Anii with a Thinker quirk that let her understand any spoken or signed language. Akira let a small smile settle on their face as they noticed one of Ectoplasm’s clones off to the side whose sole attention was on All Might.
That night, it seemed every runner, dealer, and muscle were at the bar. Mortis wove through the crowd but was stopped at the door to the back by Au, Boss' main guard with a basic strength enhancement quirk.
“Not tonight, kid. Boss wants to talk to everyone tonight before handing out assignments,” she scowled.
Shrugging, Mortis melded back into the crowd. Ayaka and Azumi made a pass at pickpocketing, earning them each a rap on the knuckles and a smirk. ‘Distractions only work if the other one is quiet enough. Remember to slide your feet,’ Mortis signed. The siblings groaned and slunk back into the crowd, barely acknowledging the critique.
After a few more minutes, Boss finally emerged, Au falling in step behind her. “Good to see everyone gathered again. Unfortunately, this time isn’t for celebration but a warning. A new group of villains is recruiting for a large operation on Friday, and I don’t want any of you to get involved. They don’t care about age, and intel wouldn’t put it past them to grab people if they need more bodies. Stick with your partner, and if you don’t have a roommate, we’re opening the back for the next two nights. If you sign up, you’re on your own and outside my protection.” Boss scanned the room, catching Mortis’ eye briefly. “If you haven’t been assigned a partner yet, come see me. The rest of you, stay safe and stay vigilant.”
Mortis waited for the newer, unpaired members to finish with Boss before approaching. ‘I’m not staying if that’s what you’re wondering.’
“Mortis, I understand your situation is complicated, but you’re not going to be kidnapped under my watch,” Boss sighed.
Mortis huffed and tapped their cane for emphasis. ‘I can handle myself! I’ve been eating enough to make an escape if I need to, and my partner is also living on their own. I’m 15, not 10.’
“Your partner is in his thirties and can pay for their own place. You are still physically a child, and even if you’re willing to take the risk, I won’t.”
Mortis glared up at the imposing woman, clenching their fists to stop the shaking. A night at base was always more than just a night, and they couldn’t risk being seen or heard more than necessary.
After a long moment, a cough echoed from behind them. Mortis shied to the side, tensing as they saw Dabi approach. He must’ve been the last one needed before the announcement. “If you need a place to stay, I have a flat nearby. You’d be on the couch, and the kitchen is on its last legs.”
Au interpreted Mortis’s dismissive signs. ‘One run does not constitute trust, Wildfire. Like I told Boss, I’ll be fine.’ They turned to Boss. ‘Now, any runs for tonight or should I go?’
Two runs later, Akira’s legs burned as they leaned more heavily on their retrieved cane. They switched gears to buy the protein drinks and powdered milk from the corner store Eraser Head sometimes grabbed iced coffee from on his way to patrol. Lucking out, they waved at the tired hero as they entered behind him.
An eyebrow quirked as he said, “What are you doing out so late? It’s a school night.”
Akira checked their old watch with a frown, ‘It’s only 2300. I needed to pick up a couple things before finishing the English paper.’
“That’s not due for another week. You should sleep more,” Eraser Head sighed at Akira’s small smirk and checked his phone. “I’ll walk you back.”
Akira shook their head, taking a half step back. ‘No really, that’s fine. You’ll be late for patrol if you do that.’ Akira quickly grabbed their supplies and flashed the sign for distraction to the cashier.
“It’s not a problem, kid,” Eraser Head sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just let me-”
“Um, I’m sorry, sir, but your card was declined,” the cashier interrupted. Grateful, Akira made a mental note to tip em next time. Cho had a minor electrical interference quirk that only worked on small devices and chips, but ey used it to help anyone ey recognized who wasn’t actively harming the community.
Taking a risk on the rooftops, Akira warped twice, dispelling both clones, to put some distance between them and Eraser Head. Eventually, they circled back around to their warehouse, checking the minor inconveniences of traps they’d set with more precision than usual. Most of the time, smaller critters and pests left the traps as they were or didn’t bother resetting them. The plank of wood a few inches to the right of where they’d placed it would normally make Akira question their memory, but that night, they moved on to their backup warehouse. Hopefully, whatever the new group was planning wouldn’t be in the warehouse district.
Dadzawa: why are you up past your bedtime? Akira: What bedtime? Dadzawa: … Akira: … Oh that bedtime! I gotta go, byeee
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troublemakingrebel · 6 months
Fanfic Tag Game
Ayyy, @krankittoeleven, thanks for tagging! Love these little lists!
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
34! (I used to write in two languages, but for this game i count only the English ones)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
295,814... (~1.5 times more words than "Fellowship of the Ring" by JRR Tolkien *sweating*)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Totally obsessed with Assassin's Creed (Valhalla in particular), but also have some WIPs for Cyberpunk 2077.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Right Behind You (Witcher 3), a piece about epic friendship & love between Geralt of Rivia and the absolute husband material Emiel Regis
10 years apart, no more (AC Valhalla), a fix-it for the fLicKEriNg flame nonsense (if you know you know...)
Shall We? (AC Syndicate), another fix-it that makes Maxwell Roth survive the fire as there's no fire at all
The Truth (The Wolf Among Us), about shaky relationship between the Big Bad Wolf and the Woodsman (i'm so surprised it made it to the top-5!!)
In the Belly of the Beast (AC Valhalla), about Ivarr Ragnarsson eating the forbidden Saxon fruit while no one is watching hehe
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course! Can't leave them hanging there in silence!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Usually, I don't do sad endings, but the most bitter-sweet one is Pebble (Dragon Age: Inquisition) about a kossith who cuts his massive horns off to look more like a human so he could follow his lover to the city where kossith race isn't welcome :c Although I don't think his lover would let him go there anyway......
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Haha every other one :D But Sun, Rum and Gunpowder (AC Black Flag) has the happiest and the most carefree vibes whatsoever!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on the fics, but the ships! I just delete those because why is it an author's problem suddenly that some people don't know how filters work??
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, I sure do ;> It's not extremely explicit (no holes in sight, but dicks and balls can be spotted) and is mostly focused on emotions and dialogues.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, but I write AUs sometimes to spice things up! Modern days AUs are the bane of my existence, and still... somehow... I keep making them...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but I noticed my lines and phrases in the stories of fellow writers. I appreciate it!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah!! Out of all possible fics, it was The Remnants of a Ruined Past, a Mad Max (the game!) story translated into Polish. Love it lots!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Never as i am incapable to work in groups haha. I did some challenges though, such as picking a theme and writing something small with a fren to compare the results later. It's very fun and helps to keep your brain gears spinning!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Like, the one and only ship that I could bring along if I was stuck on a desert island? Or the one I don't even write for anymore but carry in my heart daily? The former would be Hawke x Varric (Dragon Age 2) because they're a comfort ship with many possibilities for plots. The latter is Ezio x Leonardo (AC II + Brotherhood + Revelations) and Arthur x Eames (Inception) because they started it all hehe.
15. What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will?
It's a compilation of drabbles written for a very niche CGI Resident Evil movie (Damnation) & very rare pair that i was planning to continue for as long as the planet keeps spinning, but got overwhelmed with the amount of ideas I had in mind :c
16. What are your writing strengths?
Humor and dialogues!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything el– 🥲 Deep character studies, believable politics and fights.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
A big yes from me, it ads depth and character when used correctly. Also, it's very interesting to keep an evening reading about the language you're planning to use, even it's for a few simple words.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It was an attempt to mimic Marie Corelli and write a ficlet for her novel "The Sorrows of Satan". And then Assassin's Creed took my soul and I've never seen it since! Kinda ironic, huh...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm gonna cheat bc I'm quite proud about Beautiful Decline, a series of four fics written for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. It's an enormous project that was never meant to break out from its confinements and produce three more stories lmao.
Tagging @firefly-partyn and @krankittoeleven if you wanna join!
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brasideios · 6 months
Fanfic Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @aeide 🤍 fairly sure I did this a while back, but I have time so why not 😊
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? 19
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 481662
3. What fandoms do you write for? Have written for: AC Syndicate, AC Odyssey, AC Valhalla, Stardew Valley, Hades (game), Pyre, Ancient History RPF, and am tinkering with maybe something Minecraft. Maybe.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Snatched Moments (163) The Warmth of Home (122) Another Turn Around the Wheel (116) Unfinished Business (71) and the Good Spartan (53).
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually - unless someone replies to every chapter in quick succession, (and especially if the comments are only emojis) - then I tend to just reply to those that I have something worth responding with; or with the emojis situation, just the final one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Rising to the Surface. No doubt about it. Or maybe the Good Spartan. That seems to get a lot of ‘this ended me’ type comments so yeah.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have some variation of a happy ending. I think the one I’m writing now (Another Life) will be the most definitively happy though.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really, no. Disappointment that they’re unfinished from time to time, but not hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah, mlm mostly. Very mild, vanilla really.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I’ve never written one. Just not my bag.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of, unless you count AI scraping, in which case, almost certainly, probably all of them, up to and including all my original work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? No. I don’t do collaborative writing. Again, just not my bag.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? I don’t have one. I’m a multishipper to my core, because it’s too fun putting characters together with different partners to see what the relationship brings out of them to go all-in on one pairing.
15. What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will? Still Crawling Kingsnake. I love it but there’s just no ending. Not even a shadow of one.
16. What are your writing strengths? Fighting the urge to be self-deprecating here - I like to think I do a good job with dialogue and building a character. I feel less doubtful about that than the rest, anyway.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? If I knew one, I’d do it. I read lots of things with this feature so why not. I would be certain to provide a translation for readers though (side-eyeing academic papers).
19. First fandom you wrote for? AC Odyssey.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? The Good Spartan or Shadow-Twin. I think they’re both decent, just in different ways. I also like Another Life so far, tentatively hopeful that it’ll be worth reading when it’s done.
Probably everyone has already been tagged, so sorry if I’m doubling up or you’ve done this recently and I missed it. Just a few with no pressure @findusinaweek @ainulindaelynn @krankittoeleven @softest-punk
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aiza-luna · 5 months
Assassin's Creed - Syndicate Drabble: Nightly Chat
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"You know? Maybe my stay in London won't be so bad after all..."
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Hello, Hello, everyone! This is Aiza here, once again, this time, bringing something a bit different... A little draft I did of my AC: Syndicate AU and showing a bit more of my OC for the game! I hope you guys enjoy it since is my first time posting a small writting of mine, here! 🥹🩵
Without further ado, let's go!
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The darkness of the London's sky was comforting... At least at that moment. The cool breeze hitted her face, moving her braid softly against the wind.
Her dark copper hair glowed under the faint moonlight that timidly shined through the dark clouds. The weather was always so dark, so cloudly... Was it because of the constant smokes coming from the factories? Or simply the natural disposition of London's climate? She couldn't tell...
She kept cleaning her blade. The red hankchief she carried helping to hide the blood trail. The silver-colored weapon returning to it's shimering with every stroke she performed in it.
"... Y así pasan los días
Y yo desesperando
Y tu, tu contestando
Quizás, quizás, quizás...
... Estas perdiendo el tiempo
Pensando, pensando
Por lo que mas tu quieras
Hasta cuándo, hasta cuándo..."
The woman started to hum idly as she completed her task, her voice was of a Mezzosoprano tone, singing in a melodic but quiet pace.
So immersed on her work, she didn't noticed the light steps approaching her by her back in the cold rooftop. And she would have imediatly draw her blade on the stranger's throat, if it wasn't for the voice she quickly recognized.
- What are you doing here, little Hoopoe? - Spoke a male voice with an english accent, to which made her lower her guard and turn to face him. She looked a bit startled, and annoyed, but relieved it was a familiar face.
- I just needed a moment for myself, Mr. Frye... - The Spanish woman started, raising an eyebrow at him. - ... What are you doing here? Do not tell me you were indulging on those pubs again. -
The woman asked, knowing the Assassin's habit of drinking with his gang members until the late hours. And considering their expantion over London has been quite succeful those days, she was pretty sure he had been out drinking.
Her only reply was a humorous laugh, as he standed besides her, looking down at her as she was sitted in the edge of the rooftop.
- Is that how you see me? As a drunk scoundrel that only 'indulges himself on those pubs'? I feel hurt. - Jacob asked with a sarcastic and playful tone, smirking as he watched the Spaniard's cheeks heat up and gain a faint shade of red, barely visible with her olive complexion and the dim light of the street lights.
- ... You know that is not what I meant... - Solange argued in a murmur, visibly embarassed to have possibly offended him and not following the proper politeness she was taught.
Jacob sitted besides her, taking a look in the view and then at her, before speaking again.
- And you still haven't awnser my question, little Hoopoe. - He pointed out, seeing how vague her reply was, and how strange it was to find her at that hour. It was usual for him and Evie to roam the streets at the late night, but Solange? She usually would spend her evenings indulging herself in those pompous (and awfully demanding) social events of the high-class.
- Wouldn't you preffer to spend your "time for yourself" in your aunt's estate? I believe a warm long bath and the bed of the guest's room would be much more enjoyable than feel the cold night wind while sitting in a dirty rooftop. - The British Assassin commented in a light manner, in his typical charming manner.
Always a charmer, always charismatic...
...Was he always like this? It was both irritating and heart-lighting... Solange envied how well would he take things. How he always had this smooth-talker way of dealing with everything. This captivating energy that neither She nor the Evie had.
- ... Believe me, Mr. Frye... Is nothing. - The Spanish Assassin commented in a serious tone, before sighing heavily. - Starrick's influence in the British court is more than we expected... -
She started with a more firm tone, making the British man frown besides her. - What did you found? -
Solange mimicked his face expression, looking at her blade.
- James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil, the Marquess of Salisbury, is another noble that is joining the Templars. - The Spanish Lady informed, her expression more worried. - We also suspect Lord Wensleydale may be connected to Starrick. Not as a member, but as an ally... Two nobles and a Judge. -
The Assassin concluded worried, clearly impressed that would be more Templars inside the court than just the Earl of Cardigan.
- Starrick is securing his strings in the Parlament too. - Jacob concluded with a more serious and somber voice, the brunette only nodded.
- I believe Starrick also have plans for my uncle, Tía Desirée is trying to use that in her advantage to approach and discover their true intentions. - The Spanish Assassin explained her family's course of action, placing her red hankchief on her lap.
- But in all honesty? I just did not wish to take part in tonight's gathering...- She commented quietly, looking down at the streets. The other Assassin looked at her surprised.
- What? Why? I thought you enjoyed "spending the night dancing your fears always and hoping to find a gentleman to wed."- Jacob commented with a smile, remembering what he heard his partner-in-Creed commenting with her aunt while he and his sister visited their estate. Solange chuckled and held her hands together.
- You're correct. However, is not that I do not like the events, is just that... - The Spaniard started, but her voice died down, as did her gaze. Jacob looked at her, eager for her to continue her phrase. - ... My aunt was trying to find me another suitor. Edward Marjoribanks, the son of the Baron Tweedmouth. -
She revealed, sounding a bit more nervous. Jacob looked at her confused.
- Well, aren't those good news? - He asked, his voice still laced with puzzlement. - You wished for a suitor, doesn't that overjoy you? - The British asked, going straight to the point.
Sometimes, his directness was a bit disconcerting.
- Yes, it was... - Solange confirmed in a tensed tone, before she let out a deep sigh. -... I know I should not oppose to this, and heavens knows how lucky I am a man even try to show interest in me while being... Una defectuosa enferma. - She murmured the last part with bitterness, although despite being in her mother-tongue, by the frown on his face, it was clear Jacob had heard it as well, despite not understanding the words exactly, he could recognize the tone. - But I... I simply do not know. - The brunette concluded in agony.
Jacob frown, still not really understanding.
- You do not know if you wish to wed him? - He asked, and the girl nodded.
- Do not get me wrong, he seems like a good gentleman, but... I simply do not wish to marry him. - She stated in a sad tone. - I... I know a marriege with him would be of great help for the Assassins, and would help strenght our influence inside the Parlament, but I... - She started to explain her thoughts, until she was stopped.
By the Assassin besides her, that had a clear frown and a face of disapproval in his face.
- Oi! Listen to me - Jacob started, sounding weirdly serious. A jarring contrast of his usual carefree tone. - You do not have to marry some Boujee to help the Brotherhood! We can overthrow Starrick without locking you on a Marital Prison! - He stated. Despite his tone becoming a tid more playful in the end, she could still feel the seriousness of his words.
He mean it. He really meant every word he spoke... She didn't knew wether to feel touched by his concern for her opinion, or she pitied him for not knowing the prices of the high-class. Solange sighed once more.
- Mr. Frye, I appreacite your words, truly... - She started, her voice calm and collected as ever, despite her hint of sadness. -... But I know my responsabilities, as my status demand...-
- Solange. - He started, calling her by her name, knowing this would get her full attention. - Before being a Noble, before being an Assassin, you're a bloody person. - Jacob affirmed seriously, even if his tone was not harsh. But it was evident that he hated that.
He hated to see how much Solange would put herself down, beat herself for not fitting what was expected of her... And mostly importantly, he hated how she was ready to sacrifice herself to fullfil those expectations. He couldn't stand it. He couldn't.
- Please, listen to yourself. To what you are saying! Do you believe trapping youself to an unhappy relationship is worth it? We can fight Starrick, and we will free London. - Jacob said with confidence, as to inspire her. - You do not have to go to such limits for the sake of a "good alternative". -
She looked at him. For the first time, the honey-colored eyes met his hazel ones... And she smiled. A simple, timid but sincere smile. Despite the layers of make-up that covered her disease, her face seemed to glow in gratitude.
-... I can not run from courtship forever, Mr. Frye... - The Spanish Assassin argued, her tone sounding more soft, even relaxed, as she spoke now. Jacob smiled slightly, looking at the scenary.
- Why do you insist so much on this, Lady Cotoner? - The British Assassin asked, with curiosity in his voice. He knew noblewomen usually married off early, but the way she took it so desperatly, definetly felt a bit... Strange, to not say obssessive, to him. - Wouldn't you rather wait until our mission is over to look for a man to betrothed you? -
Solange's eyes quickly shifted towards the street, as she bit her bottom lip light, in a discreet nervous gesture.
- Yo... - She started, her tone hesitant and heavy. -... I'm not like the other ladies, Mr. Frye... - The brunette stated, her voice disappointed and quiet. -... I fear no men will desire to wed a woman like me, for something I carry. - She concluded in a short and simple manner, clearly not wanting to elaborate the topic further.
Jacob looked at her for a few moments in silence. He wanted to ask her more about this "thing" she "carried with her", but he could also feel how that bothered her... And he did not wished to make her uncomfortable. Specially at that hour.
- Lady Cotoner... - He started, his voice sounding understanding and sympathetic. - We may have only known each other for a few days, but, if I may say: I found you an incredibly capable and beautiful woman. - Jacob said, his tone full of sincerity and animosity. - I cannot imagine a man on his right mind, specially a noble one, rejecting your hand to be claimed. -
Despite their differences and personalities, Jacob admired Solange. The Spanish Lady was a kind, sweet soul as much as she was a deadly Assassin. Her devotion, her understanding nature, her curiosity... Jacob admired them. And he did considered the Spaniard a friend, despite not knowing if the feeling was mutual.
At his words, Solange looked at him surprised, her mouth slightly agape and her eyes bright in desbelief and flattering... Did he really mean it? She hoped, deep down, he did. That those weren't just words of consolation, but of sincere admirament.
Once again, she smiled a soft smile, a hint of blush in olive her cheeks by the flattering his words caused on her... Her expression softned.
- Thank you for your words, Mr. Frye... - She started, her elegant voice filled with gratitude for such caring words directed at her. Then, she stood up slowly, looking at the sky. -... We should better go, is getting late and we will continue our moviments early morning. - She stated casually, feeling the wind move her royal-blue coat and hood against it.
Jacob smiled, as he stood up, but he did not walked towards her.
- Will you meet us in the train? - He asked, already knowing the awnser. This was becoming a routine since they had defeated Keylock and as she introduced herself as another Assassin from the Spanish Brotherhood.
- Yes, as always. - Solange confirmed in a more content tone, standing in the edge of the rooftop, before turning slightly back towards him. - Oh, and Mr. Frye... - She started, catching the British's attention, as he raised an eyebrow, waiting for her next words. - ... I also find you a capable Assassin... And a great leader. - The Spaniard stated in a warm tone, smiling to him, as she said "Good Night" and jumped off to another rooftop, running and moving in the night swiftly as a shadow.
Jacob smiled to himself, feeling the familiar cool breeze of London, and the smell of heavy smoke from the chimneys as he watched her disappear in the darkness of the night . - Good Night, little Hoope. -
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Writting Inspirations: @nemo-of-house-hamartia @thatcrazycrowgirl
Images: From Pinterest.
• Master Assassin Solange Cotoner (OC by Yours Truly 🩵)
• Master Assassin Jacob Frye (By Ubisoft)
Universe: Assassin's Creed Syndicate (By Ubisoft)
Themes: Nightly talk, friendly-chat, historical references, just two (future lovers) having a light talk, self-esteem issues hinted, begining of the Syndicate story.
Thank you so much for reading! 🩵
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
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For the Codexmontly prompt, “shadows”
A/N: also Henry just needs more love because he’s sweet 🥺💕
You stood on the edge of the roof. Taking in the cool breeze of the night, eyes were closed in a brief luxurious moment of respite.
Though it was not your time to take patrol, you still kept an eye out on the city’s activity below. Each second felt tedious to you as the waiting dragged on.
Confound it! They said he would be here before midnight….
The faint steps of your contact pattered behind you. You heard a slight hitch in his breath before he spoke as he steadied himself to catch breath.
“Are you the one who the Brotherhood said I needed to meet? Thought the ‘work in the shadows’ routine was a bit much…”
You turned around to face the voice’s owner.
He must have automatically noticed your gaze because you noticed a change in his demeanor.
Was that a faint blush on his face, or was the fogged haze of the streetlights playing tricks on your eyes?
Stepping forward with a slight saunter of your hips, you could only afford a half-smile.
“I am, but enough of the pleasantries Mr. Green. Something tells me we’ll get to know each other soon enough, especially with this task at hand.”
Aside from your focused words, you hoped to be seeing more of this young man. And soon if fate willed it.
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