#you vape? pass me my inhaler
daisybarbara · 1 month
honestly my biggest fear is if all my imaginary people i made up as a child, to give me safety, goes against me. i know it's just my mind but. my mind is quite cruel to me.
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Let Me Shotgun You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Smoking Weed
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Y/N takes an interest in one of Rafe's favourite pastimes.
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Rafe has been smoking weed since high school and that didn’t change when he started university. But when he started dating Y/N, it became less of a habit. Most people extremely against the drug would talk his ear off about it and shame him for doing it. Y/N wasn’t like them though. She didn’t love the idea of him finding his high with weed, but she mostly kept her thoughts to herself. Every so often, she’ll suggest he just uses it as an edible if he wants the effects of it, warning him that smoking or vaping of any kind could cause him severe health problems. And she’d leave the conversation at that. When he smoked, she would remove herself from the room so she wouldn’t suffer from second-hand smoke. 
Tonight, she is acting a little different though. When Rafe and his brothers started lighting up, she stayed right by his side. Instead, she cuddles into his side, feeling a little clingy. All she wants is his skin pressed against hers. “Angel, are you sure you want to stay here? What about the smoke?” he worries in a whisper. “I can bring you upstairs to my room if you want.” She shakes her head, pressing her head even harder against his chest. “I’m okay. I just want to be with you,” she promises. Her smile isn’t as bright as it normally is and her eyes droop a little. He can tell she is tired, but won’t argue with that. He likes having her in his arms too much. She sits on his lap, just listening to him talk to his friends about anything and everything. His fingers bring the joint up to his lips. Y/N's eyes flit up to watch his process. The end of his joint is surrounded by his plump lip and she watches as he slowly inhales the smoke. He keeps bringing the smoke into his lungs while breathing in air through his nose until he needs to exhale again. The drugged air swirls in front of him, capturing her attention as it moves around like foam in water. Rafe notices her fascination and moves some of her hair out of her face. “Everything alright?” he questions, watching the joint teeter-totter between his fingers. 
“Can I try?” she whispers. Rafe’s eyebrow arches and he asks her to say that again. “Can I try smoking the joint?” she restates louder. Rafe’s facial expression hasn’t changed, “Angel, you don’t like smoking. You always say that it has a bunch of health effects that you don’t like.” “I know, but trying it once won’t kill me. I wanna know why you like doing it so much,” she whines almost. She can see the amused faces of his friends, who just see her as an innocent lamb and she wants to change that. Rafe lets out a chuckle at his girlfriend’s sudden interest, “Okay if you are sure. But let me shotgun you, Angel. It’ll be easier for you.” Rafe looks over at Kelce and points toward something in the boy’s hand, beckoning with his finger for that thing. “Kelce, pass me the bong. It’ll be easier on her throat.” 
Kelce obeys his president and hands him the glass vase. “Okay, Angel. I’m going to take a hit of the bong and then I’m going to bring your mouth to mine when I’m ready to exhale. Once the smoke starts entering your mouth, you have to inhale for as long as you can even with the smoke still in your mouth. Remember to breathe through your nose too,” he instructs, bringing the opening of the bong to his lips. His hand finds her chin a few seconds later and gently pulls her lips apart. His head turns so his lips can slot perfectly with hers and create a seal that the smoke can’t escape from. Y/N feels the fume wrestle around her mouth. Not having lungs trained for this, she can’t keep inhaling for long and the smoke eventually leaves her mouth in a fit of cough. The burning in her throat screams at her like a crying baby. She doesn’t understand why Rafe and the others enjoy this so much. She can’t stop her coughs and she hears Rafe order one of his brothers to bring her some water. 
He brings her head under his chin, rubbing her back to soothe her. “Are you alright, Angel?” he checks in. She shakes her head, “I am never doing that again.” The room laughs, not surprised by her conclusion.  
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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dhampling · 5 months
the kitchen two 18+, 2.7k
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nobody pining over the potwasher with the pretty face and snide tongue, and it feels like such a damn shame.
this started as a joke and now you're touching astarion up out back of a pizza express/olive garden/insert generic chain restaurant you both work at.
part one here.
cw: fem!reader x astarion, 18+, astarion is a potwasher, sex, reader smokes, astarion vapes, fingering, frottage, workplace copulation, not beta read, porn without plot pretty much, oh no, not gn reader as tags initially stated because im awful and copy pasted them over
FATTEST THANK YOU TO @bhaalism AND @lipstickghoulie for DEALING WITH ME as always <3
“You need to get laid.”
You take the vape from a waiting hand and hold it in your teeth. Feel the ridges where his own have left small indents in the plastic and nestle yours in the shiny crooks. 
“You. You’re practically drooling.” He blinks slowly as you look up to the clouds.
“I’m afraid my harem of devastatingly beautiful lovers are all indisposed. On the yacht, obviously.” You pull a face, huffing a long inhale and releasing the smoke in soft stutters. He snorts. 
“Ah. That’s why you reek of hormones, then?”
You smile.
“Probably. New schedule has done little for any conquests, I’ll be honest.”
Astarion takes a moment as you pass him back his vape, flipping it absentmindedly between deft fingers and scrunching his face.
You playfully slap his arm and he recoils in a brief snarling laughter, ending on some churlish half-smile as he leans back on the wall.
Those fingers. Slender, pale; always moving to some comment or chore with a slight flourish. You note how surprisingly unblemished they seem for his line of work, and the fact you’ve never seen him with hand balm. Even in the low light spilled scarce from the doorway they have a certain sparkle to them. Poise. 
He knows you’re looking, and you’re a little surprised it seems to matter. Coy as he inhales something deep. 
Obviously, it’s a possibility. It happens.
The nature of your work leads to frequent hookups amongst you, as it always has - some incestuous tangle of ex-lovers and yearning hopefuls all weaving the same sticky tables and navigating the age-old sore break-room banter when it inevitably cools between the sheets. Word travels fast, and not one of your workmates has escaped the hated minimum-wage service tradition of copulating with your colleagues in some drunken fumble after a particularly awful shift - but him, though. You can’t say that you’ve put out feelers per se, but his name has never been mentioned - either positively or negatively - on the grapevine, not that you can recall. Nobody pining over the potwasher with the pretty face and snide tongue, and it feels like such a damn shame.
In all fairness, he doesn’t lend himself to open fawning. He doesn’t mingle like the rest do. Never attends the seasonal socials thrown by upper management nor stays after hours drinking with the rest of the kitchen, as if he’d opted out of the greasy workplace ham-slamming ecosystem entirely. 
Above it all. Godlike. You can’t have that. 
You could invite him in, you think, as his head tilts ever-so-slightly toward you in the cool smoke. His nails tap mindless against gaudy green plastic and you picture little but those now-familiar obscene vignettes of him, those very same fingers taking the warm fat of your flesh by the fistful, bending you - pliable in the desperate chase of wanton heat - over the stainless steel of the chef’s station, with a forceful hand to the waist; smushing your face sideways on the counter as he humps you to visceral burning delight over and over, the relentless piston of hungry hips as he pounds into your drooling hole, and;- 
“At least they have each other, I suppose. Aboard that gorgeous yacht.”
Your eyes meet his, a mutual hum. Silence as the rain smatters on gravel.
It’d be easy. Sidle past him through the walk-in door left slightly ajar - vaping, of course; why else would the pot washer be in the cooler? - and feel the looming hope of flesh so close. A crooked smile in silent greeting. Take your time in bending for the lemons, apron ties bowed over your rear as some awful present. He’d never slap your ass so crudely. The lingering want for a tap of flesh, for him to feel the soft jiggle of solid fat on a quick palm; never to move to touch you until you’d made your intentions abundantly clear.
Your intentions.
You could accidentally back up against him whilst still bent and oh-so lost in search for whatever perfect fucking lemon takes this long to find, ass smacking onto his crotch, mouth shaped as an ‘o’ where sudden realisation takes hold, through layers of standard-issue service garb - a barely-there cant of your hips at the surprise friction of his cock. 
He’s been watching. Ogling. Angling himself toward you, as if having pictured how best to bury himself inside you should the opportunity arise. 
Would he grab you by the hips? Take rough handfuls of heated skin and flesh, pull you in to rub over his growing erection with an obscene snarl and heavy lids in a sharp frenzy? Snaking a deft hand down the front of your apron and under the waistband of your trousers, unhurried but firm; searching for the evidence he can practically smell; proof that you’ve been melting, the pool of slick in your panties growing gummy between stolen moments of fantasization on the floor and the molten rumble of low-laughter as he bends you over the mesh shelving, his lower abdomen being thoroughly stickied with a liberal helping of your arousal.
“What are you doing tonight?”
You turn to him with a nonchalant smile and he groans, upper lip curling toward his nose.
“I’ll be here. Same as you, I presume?”
“Not for too much longer, though - how about after?”
Astarion runs a hand through his hair coolly, vape returning to his pocket as he stands off the wall. 
“Not there yet. Who knows?”
The slight of a fox-wink as he twirls back through the door, jacket flaring out behind him before disappearing into the back-of-house once more.
Time passes as if stuck stiff under a violent gutter-sun.
The softest visions of him lit by the dented metal of the big old dishwasher, shifting to adjust himself under linens; and after much thought you decide he’d be so very pretty, touching himself something mad. Even more so than usual. Leaky and hot and gasping in mindless carnality under the blacklight of the back bathroom with penis in hand, wincing at the fevered paw moving dumb to offer any relief in his plight. A delicious sigh whilst rolling the hot skin back, bit-by-bit from the tip, working the gathering glisten ever-so-softly over his aching slit in delicate strokes. 
A stolen glance through the service window, through the bumbling hordes in their whites; a shock of silver hair, short sleeves cuffed, brows furrowed as he scrubs at some porcelain bowl with a strange blase determination. 
It’s effortless. He’s not posing, wholly unaware that you’re watching. Scalding from the heat lamps as your fingertips press into the ledge, waiting for plates for one of your tables and teetering back and forth into the gap. He picks another bowl from the crate with a practised hand, tossing it gently into the other and dunking it in the water with finesse. Scrubs. Holds the curving gloss to the light for a moment and narrows his eyes before repeating the process, then loading it onto the dishwasher crate. 
God. All mindless. You could offer to help him after a busy evening, perhaps; take charge of the pre-wash as he loads the machine, well oiled in your steps as they grow ever closer to one another - surprisingly so, with your lack of practice. Let the hose spray free down your front in a fumble with the pressure lever on the side, and the moment of shock as you gasp; the warm water turning ice cool on your chest, no disguising the quick pebbling of your nipples underneath your sodden underclothes. 
Maybe it’s panic that compels him to dab at your chest with a dry towel as opposed to throwing it to you in a tight-scrunched ball and continuing to load the washer - but maybe it isn’t. 
Maybe it’s something else altogether. Those red eyes darken to a plush carnal smoulder and he tilts his head, begging you to close the gap, to give him permission; to stretch a palm just a little further over to the swell of your breast and cup the soft, heavy flesh through the thin layer of wet cloth.
He’s right, of course. Desperately so.
You do need to get laid.
Black sky overhead, speckled with pinpoint stars and laced with the twinge of cold that makes your nose feel funny - and you suspect he’s one of the last to leave this evening, so you wait a minute or two for management to finish their final walkthrough.
He appears with a flourish. Your lean-back on the wall remains as composed as it can as he barrels through the doors, bag high on his shoulder; and begins to fish in his back pocket for his vape.
He spins and meets your gaze with a fantastic grin, incisors sharp as his vape meets his lips. You can do this. A quick fuck. Everyone here does it, christ. 
“Yes, love?”
“Have you got a minute?”
“For you? Always.”
Purring. He’s purring.
You wave management farewell as they lock the doors - a small smile, yet you can’t let him slide from you. You can’t let the moment falter. The wet patch in your pants becomes horrifically apparent as you shift from side to side in the cool air, and you surmise that this needs resolving before your humility suppresses the want to have him between your legs - so you extend a hand. You reach for the vape between his lips and you bring it to your own, ever so slowly; holding it between your teeth in a coy stand-off.
“I’m feeling bold.”
“Walk with me.”
He offers you an arm in an exuberant display of mock-chivalry, bowing almost; and you take it to pull him closer to your side. 
“You’re in a good mood.” You muse, steering him down the dark alley and toward the main street whilst he sighs a laugh.
“I presume you’re about to buy me a drink, which is always most welcome.”
“I’ve never bought you a drink?”
“The pleasure is more in the receiving of the drink, not whoever’s buying it.’
He turns to look at you while you walk, tugging you closer. 
‘Unless you’d like me to find pleasure in you, my generous benefactor?’
You stop in your tracks, and he grins in place.
‘Because that’s what this is about; isn’t it, little lamb?’
Time stops, signalled by the slow stutter of your heart as his voice drops silken, taking both of your wrists in hand.
‘I can practically smell it, you know.”
“What makes you so sure?”
He pulls a face. Looks at you softly.
“Don’t ask stupid questions.”
“I won’t pretend it’s not been on my mind, though.”
Astarion sidles closer, toes touching; breath cool on your cheeks. Mint. 
“Burying myself inside you. All kinds of-’
His hands gesture lightly around his head, controlled as they close in on your face.
‘Wicked images. The things we could do.”
Your eyes flutter closed as he cups your face, lips grazing the edge of his palm.
“I watch you too, you know - oh, it makes me hard just thinking about it. Humping the sink counter like some wanton… bitch;- whenever can I get a moment, just to get some friction, clothes ruined time and time again over obscene visions of myself buried deep inside-’
Takes your chin between pointer finger and thumb.
‘Your. Desperate. Cunt.’
He breathes a giggle.
‘Just as I assume yours are now, hm? Ruined? Oh, the sheer debauchery.”
Tuts. The breeze fades and he comes impossibly closer, hands ghosting the broad of your shoulders then cutting across to the dip of your waist and you inhale and that smell of him. The scent of by-your-side and beleaguered evenings, laced with something heady. Salt. You whimper when you eke the words out.
“You smell so good.” Practically whining, metaphorical drool linking the two of you as if invisible string. A deep beat of laughter.
“Sweet one. So do you.”
His nose buried in your hair, fingers grasping at the warmth of your hips through layers of sweaty workwear. Your core blazes white hot, legs failing you - he’s here. He wants you. God, you’d never thought it’d feel this good, even in your wildest fantasies; and yet you’re standing out in the bitter cold locked tight in by his hands and it exceeds every conceivable outcome for this conversation, ever, despite his cock not yet prodding you once. 
He takes the vape from where your fingers hang frozen and puts it into his pocket, guiding your fingers to the front of his trousers in your obscured embrace and pressing your palm to the front.
Hard. He’s ridiculously hard. Warm and pulsing with strong hips writhing as your hand gives him something to push against. 
“Nicely, now.”
His hand moves under your coat and to the front of your own trousers as you feel him through his, scrunching your fingers around his length; whilst he slides deft under the fixings just as you’d imagined he would. Ice to a fire. Moves quickly in the search for your slick like a moth mindless toward a flame, when he finds your slit and takes a single finger to press between your folds. 
“Ah. There she is.’
Your breath catches on his words,  
‘My darling girl, you’re soaking. How long have you been like this?”
“Just today, or on the whole? I can’t remember a time where I’ve not wanted you, not since that first day outside.”
He groans quietly, eyes rolling back into his skull as he coaxes more of your spill forth onto the flat of his palm with a skilled finger toying at the hood of your clit. It feels incredible. Like a warm bath or fresh pizza times a thousand. 
“Did you like the idea of my spit in your mouth, love? Forgetting your smokes on purpose, buying me treats just so you could share? So you could… take me, in your mouth, and wallow in having me there in secret? Bad girl.” A sordid whisper. Heady. Love. Bad girl. You’re struggling for air, newly weakened flesh bowled completely over by his brutal advances, and it’s heaven. You could die here in this alley and you’d be wholly satisfied with life knowing he touched you. He was hard for you, his cock desperately seeking solace in the warmth of your core, to christen your cunt with lashings of himself inside you. Yours. You. 
You thought your resolve was stronger than this. That you could match him in whatever game he potentially wanted to play and do it with flair - but as he stands in front of you, hand crudely down your trousers round the back of your shared workplace; you have no desire to play coy any longer. He’s giving himself to you. 
“Kiss me?”
And he does. A heady drawl as his lips stoop to meet yours, a string of yes-yes-yeses whispered flush into your open mouth as he moves with you, fingering with reverent strokes whilst your hand fiddles hungrily with his underclothes and he laughs with a satisfied ease as if a Roman Emperor, hosting a banquet on the eve of some grand resounding victory. 
Right here, by the bins under the watchful eyes of the CCTV cameras dotted along the brick - it doesn’t work. It can’t happen here. Your brain fizzes all shades of yellow and orange as you take his arm, breaking the open-mouthed kiss with urgency and tugging his head down until his ear hangs dazed a hair’s breadth from your lips. 
“Yours or mine?”
“Where’s closer?”
Gravel. Cheeks flushed, hands frisking your waistband once more as you swat him off.
“Yours, probably.”
“You checked the staff files, didn’t you? Naughty thing.”
You huff into a slight hunchback, bemused by his deduction.
“Maybe. Are you mad about it?”
Your hand grabs at his cock through his trousers once more and offers a hard squeeze, a stuttered moan from his mouth.
“Meh. So long as you make it up to me, yes?”
He pauses to press a chaste kiss to your mouth as you both rebutton and fumbles to take your hand in his. 
“God. Yes. I promise.”
“Come along then, temptress. Mine -’
Another to the back of your hand, soft and deep.
‘- it is.”
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goldsbitch · 8 months
I could tell them where you were that night
part 3 to I gave so many signs
summary: They shouldn't. They really shouldn't...But they did.
warning: present + flashbacks, mature content, cheating, self pleasure, alcohol and smoking, typos
song fic (disclaimer: rights belong to the respectable owners)
The Alibi - Dylan delicate - Taylor Swift
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But if there was a crime If there was a body, if there was a knife If you told a real good, real bad lie I'd be standing by your side
Both of them knew this was not going to end well. This screamed "bad idea" on all levels. He should have just turned and run back home. She should have gone straight back to the bar as soon as she saw his unmistakable figure. There was no one to diffuse the tension, all of her friends were back upstairs ordering another drink. Nobody to play pretend to.
"So you're a smoker now," Charles said with a hint of disgust. She'd cursed herself for ever picking up the habit. He had never made her nervous back in the day, maybe she was cashing it in all now retroactively. Stood there like a lamb waiting for someone else to decide her destiny. Totally at his mercy and he had no idea. "Yeah, for a moment I was. Now just these," she pointed to the latest trendy vape in her hand, which Charles mistook for a cigarette. "Ah. Cool." "Not really," she said and inhaled extra large dose of fruity smoke just to breathe it in his face. The regular rules of proximity didn't seem to apply to to them. If he had been standing closer to her, he'd have to be touching her. "So, you're a runner now?" she took the opportunity she looked him up and down, trying not to let her imagination run too wild. "Always was." "No, you were not," she laughed genuinely. "What are you trying to play at here?" She was right. Charles picked up running with his first real girlfriend. "And what a bizarre thing anyway - to go for a run after a night out," she pointed out and he smirked, as both of them knew she got him with that. "I should not be seen with you for long. Doubt that you'd pass as a fan." It felt like an invitation from him, but she was well aware that he was not inviting her to his home. There was a strange spark in his face, as if he dared her to ask him to come over. Like a shameless devil testing her self control. "I'll take a cab and you can run over to my place. Let's see who'll get there first," she dared him back.
If there was a way That someone at the scene had saw your face I could tell 'em where you were that night You were standing by my side
"You should have told me that you parents were home!" he whispered angrily, as they snuck in like they used to back in the day. Funny how it worked like magic and Charles felt as if he just turned nineteen, terrified of running into Y/N's angry mom. "What? It's not like your place is empty, correct?" she shot arrows at him without waiting for an answer. Shot of guilt went thought Charles and he decided chased that by lying to himself, thinking that this was just a casual catch up with an old friend.
We can't make Any promises now, can we, babe? But you can make me a drink
Charles waited on the balcony adjacent to her old high school bedroom, that remained untouched for years, serving as a perfect door for nostalgia, while she made their favorite Moscow mule. He had tasted many of those since they last saw each other. None of those tasted so intoxicating like this one.
"So, big racer boy. Always wondered. Which out of the cities you go to is the most fun?" "Define fun. I'm sure your taste has evolved over the years." Yes, it had. No longer was she blind towards the god like man sitting across from her. "Ok, where did you fuck the most girls?" "Monaco," he smirked at her. He realized he enjoyed teasing her. No longer was he the shy love stuck puppy dancing as she demanded. "You became quite forward, huh? I remember you avoiding these subjects," he followed up, testing the waters. She gave him a long look, before letting a loud sigh out: "Charlie, it's been years. People change. Mature. Gain experience..." "And then come back to where they started, huh?"
Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you're in my head? 'Cause I know that it's delicate
He leaned a little too close for an old time friend. Slowly, he touched her hand and waited for her to stop him. When she didn't, he tangled his fingers with hers. No longer were they soft baby hands, but adult fingers with tender touch. "I missed you," he said quietly. Old habit kicked in and she avoided his eye contact. But this time, he put his hand on her cheek and turned her face towards him, so that she couldn't just dismiss it, like she had so many times back then. "I missed you too." There was an urgency and a vulnerability that he had never heard from her before. It was addicting and intoxicating. He carefully closed the gap between them and their lips brushed so lightly that one could still pass it as friendly touch, if they really really wanted to. But with every second they kept their lips like that, the gap of morally safe evening kept closing inevitably. They stayed like that for just a few seconds, both of them waiting to see if the other one pulls away. Until finally, her lips moved slightly and then there really was no way back. Charles forgot that there ever was anyone else in his life and kissed her slowly. She took his bottom lip in and let her tongue lick it, breaking the soft kiss with urgency only years of daydreaming can bring.
Do the girls back home touch you like I do? Long night with your hands up in my hair Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs Stay here, honey, I don't wanna share
This was bad. Ugly, disrespectful and not something a friend would do. Charles was locked in room again having the luxury to spend few weeks in a sunny Monte Carlo. But sunny days at home also meant that he and Y/N were spending a lot of time together. Charles knew he was head-over-heels for this girl, but kept himself at bay. But these thoughts he was having were a little too much. Inappropriate. Made him feel dirty and shameful. He was just a teenage boy and he just came back from a beach day with his crush. It was impossible to focus on anything, he was suppose be studying for his exam, exploring race strategies, anything! He could have been a good son and helped his mom out. But no, instead he was pacing around his room, desperately trying to block all the images that got burned to his memory under that day's bright sunlight. Why did he even suggest a beach day - and why would she ever agree to that. Stupid idea. Charles was mad at himself for being so stereotypically teenage. For a split second, he stopped with the self-shame and allowed himself to recall this afternoon. Perfect Monaco sunlight hitting Y/N lightly tanned skin, her hair falling out of her messy bun, just begging for him to tuck it behind her ear. This was all still pretty innocent. But then there were the shoulders. The collarbone leading way towards her boobs, covered by a piece of bathing suite fabric, that pushed her cleavage up just a little bit, but it felt like a weapon designer specifically to destroy him. He had to stop himself from looking. When that proved impossible, he opted for looking only when he had his sunglasses on. If only he could take his hand and lightly brush over her nipples, which he couldn't forget about since the Moscow mule night. And then if only he could squeeze her boobs while tracing the line of her waste and over to her ass, also barely covered by a bathing suite. If only he was brave enough to do so, to make his wildest dreams come true and to confess his feelings. To have her come over to his place, look him suggestively in the eye, lick her lips and take him in her pretty little mouth. It didn't matter that she was slightly younger, in his fantasy she was the more experienced one, the one to guide him, instruct him and tell him what she likes. And once he learned, he would make her moan like nobody before, because he would adapt himself to any style she'd want. The visuals of a daydream extension of their today's hang out crept in, and there she was, taking her bra off and inviting him to join her in the water. Free, happy and heavenly hot. By some miracle he managed to avoid having a boner in her company. What he didn't manage was to stop stroking himself while drowning in the thoughts about her and her body, no matter how shameful it was for him. The best orgasm of his life yet had his hands covered with his cum and his head with clouded with growing, never-stoping need for a touch from his crush.
It was a different man kissing Y/N than the boy who had imagined it more times that he would ever admit. Yet still, he was getting to live out his ultimate fantasy, one that he almost forgot he had, until all the desire rushed back in and screamed so loudly he couldn't hear anything else. And the best thing? The best thing was that she was responding enthusiastically, felt as if she was hungry for something only he could have. He was a different man now, experienced, understood the spectrums of what touch could offer. The confidence radiated from him and it was Y/N who was now who danced way over the line of self control. It was her, who drank so much cheap wine in the form of men bad at sex, that she could finally appreciate the Montrachet Chardonnay she overlooked the first time around.
"We should get inside, mon cheri," he whispered into her lips. She understood why and did not want to hear him say it. Because in his silence, she could insert any thought and that was probably better than the hard truth - they were too exposed on her balcony. She nodded and slowly opened her eyes. Even with the dim lights she saw the tender spark in the most captivating shade of blue the world can offer.
Oh damn, never seen that color blue Just think of the fun things we could do
He pressed her to the door frame while devouring her lips. Lines have been crossed and the room was filled with unresolved sexual tension. Charles wanted her - naked and moaning in pleasure. She pulled his hair while they made out and each pull was like gasoline to the fire of his desire. He traced her side with his cheeky finger and then slipped his hand under her t-shirt only to trace the line of her bra and then swiftly cupping her breast. "So you're wearing bras now," he let slip out of his mouth, already fucking her in his thoughts. His comment sparked a distant memory of an evening long gone by now. She was shivering his touch and wanted more and more. "Yeah...but now you're not gonna have to touch yourself alone or secretely," she said, hoping he actually had done that in the past, trying to tease him once more, while grabbing the hem of his belt and pulling him even closer. It worked. He was hard as a rock. He pressed his cock against her and started kissing her neck. She wondered if he understood the cocktail of pleasure and arousal he was preparing for her and felt even a bit shameful to crumble so easily. He felt her cave into his embrace as soon as he touched her neck and made a mental note, so come back to this spot once he was inside her. He thought about her devilish finger making her way to his cock slowly, just painfully slowly. She was teasing him and while he was loving that, he couldn't wait a second longer. He grabbed her hand pushed right onto his erection, which cause her letting out a surprised gasp. "I'm gonna fuck you, Y/N. Say yes if you want me to," he whispered into her neck. Not much second guessing went into her reply. "Yes," she moaned out, causing shivers on his neck. "Really?" he said, unhooking her bra. She smiled. This was no shy unsure Charlie. This was a confident man with intension to make her feel good. "Yes..." With that, he pulled away to help her get her t-shirt off and get rid of the cursed bra. Finally, he could stare as much as he wanted to.
He fucked her like there was no tomorrow. For them there really wasn't a tomorrow, because technically, there wasn't suppose to be a tonight. It was to stay as a blank page, moans written in an invisible ink, for no one but them to read. Morning would bring trouble, reason would wake up and start ordering around. As long as the sun wasn't watching, they were safe, hidden in each other and wrapped by desire.
Sometimes when I look into your eyes I pretend you're mine all the damn time
part 4
--------------------------------------------------------- @linnmee @itsjustkhaos @rhythmstars @blueflorals
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zyonsay · 1 year
Monarch Butterflies
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: You're a rook that Ghost grows fond of
Reader: Male
Warnings: Smoking/Vaping, Scars? (Not sh)
Now playing: Trash Magic by Lana del rey (unreleased song)
AN: Its 1:50 am here and the fic gets shittier the more you read but im more pleased with this one than i was with the old one. Also i renamed this one! I might rewrite this again in the future... Have fun pookies! [:
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The deafening noise of the helicopter blades overrode every other sound at the base. The hair of the young man descending from the Helicopter stairs was swirling in the stirred-up air, making it hard for him to see anything at all. The pilot chuckled at the rookies obviously intimidated posture. “Go on, make yourself at home!”, he yelled. The youngster felt a bit more confident now, even if it was only a tiny bit.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and began walking towards the entrance, since you were told you’d be greeted there. You were meant to be at this place, but your low self esteem made you feel as small as a mouse. But you did graduate at the top of your military training, so you packed quite a punch. Other people would describe you as ambitious but sweet, which some dickheads saw as an invitation to pick on you.
“Soldier, Welcome!”, a man with a quirky fisherman’s hat greeted you. You offered him a warm smile, inhaling deeply before you spoke. “I’m assuming you’re Captain Price?” The air smelled fresh and was slightly cool, running a chill down your spine.  The bearded man grinned at you, “Yes, indeed. And you are L/N F/N?” You saluted hastily, “Yes sir!” His grin widened a tiny bit. “At ease soldier, let me introduce you to my boys.”, stepped to the side, revealing a group of soldiers, all of them looking very unique.
“Hi, I’m Kyle but you can call me Gaz!”, the young man with an incredibly beautiful face smiled at you. You offered him a small nod while you were wondering what the hell his skincare routine was. “Soap MacTavish! Lookin’ fahrward to working with ye!”, his thick Scottish accent very apparent. He held his hand to you, giving you a hearty handshake. You eyed the next man carefully, examining his clothed face, which only revealed his dark brown eyes to you.  “Ghost.”, his words felt like a cold hand crawling up your back, gripping your soul and ripping it right out of you. Your knees felt weak, and your posture shrank ever so slightly.
The rest of the team has introduced itself to you, each and every individual letting their character shine through. But that clamming, cold feeling still hasn’t left you. “So, rook. You can’t just fuck around and find you, so I’ll assign you a mentor. We don’t want to waste your potential, now do we?”, he paused quickly, looking at you intently, smiling. “…And maybe that bastard will learn something too.” He then directed his smile towards Ghost, causing him to roll his eyes at his Captain. “Lieutenant, would you please show our rook around?” Ghost only responded with a sigh and began walking away, not waiting for you to catch up. You quickly scurried after him, not before quickly saying goodbye to the others.
Ghosts’ steps were big, your smaller form was struggling to keep up, but you’d never admit that out loud. “Here are the barracks.”, he curtly nodded towards a big entrance, numbered with some ungodly long cipher. He also showed you the multiple gyms that the base offered, peeking your head in to check out all of the machines available. The washrooms were pretty close by, allowing you to quickly use the toilet, since you didn’t get the chance earlier.
Your mentor has proven himself extremely important to you, even if he was a bit gruff sometimes. “AIM STRAIGHT YOU ASSHOLE” or “GODDAMN IT, ROOK. KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED” could often be heard over the radio during your missions. But the more time passed, the closer you two got.
“You want one?” Simon offered you a cigarette as you two were standing outside of the base, a cool gust of wind passing through. You shook your head, thinking it might just be impossible to even light one with this wind. “Nah, got my vape.”, your voice was barely above a whisper. Your Lieutenant shrugged indifferently, picking his lighter out of the pockets of his jeans. He’d never tell you that, but he cared deeply about you. To him you were like a younger brother and he’s willing to defend you in any situation.
This day came way too fast, ripping you out of the daily routine you’ve been following for over a year now. A heavy, awkward silence fell over the base. The one-four-one knew what would happen, today you’d be joining the Forze speciali italiane (Italian special forces) and would be permanently deployed there, meaning you won’t be part of the 141 anymore. Most of the guys have already said their goodbyes, some of them had a pained expression on their face, others (Soap lol) were bawling their eyes out. But someone has been avoiding you all day. Simon. You urgently wanted to talk to him, knowing it would eat you up from the inside for eternity if you didnt.
You hesitantly knocked on Simon’s door, waiting a bit too long for a response. A muffled “Come in” could be made out over the steps of some soldiers down the hall. You entered the room, carefully closing the door. Your friend was sitting at his desk, writing something on a piece of paper. You sat on his bed, like you’ve done many times before. You two were silent for a while, both not sure what to say. Then you slowly began. “So… how are you?” Simon turned around in his chair and looked at you intently. “Shut the fuck up.” Just a few seconds later and you were pulled into a tight hug. This was all that it took to make you cry like a little child, sobbing in your friends’ arms. You were surprised to hear Simon sniffling too, was he crying? As you two parted, you saw that he was indeed crying as his eyes were red and his blond eyelashes stuck together because of the tears.
You looked at your shiny wristwatch, standing up again. “I really gotta go. I’ll miss you Si.” You offered him a warm smile.
And with that you were gone.
The smell of fresh cut trees adorned the air, leaving you content. Your hair was dancing in the wind, looking a lot like the flames of a hungry fire. For the past five years you’ve been part of the Italian special forces, being an important asset. You’ve worked your way up the ladder and could now proudly call yourself a Lieutenant.  In the past years you have collected a lot of experience but not all of it good.
“We’re here L,t.”, the pilot pulled you out of your thoughts. As soon as the helicopter had landed, you jumped out and moved towards the all too familiar entrance.
“Rook! Or rather Lieutenant!”, Price greeted you warmly, patting you on the shoulder in a dad-like manner. You laughed, chit chatting with him as you continued walking. You met Gaz, Soap and Roach, making idle small talk with them, when Simon appeared out of thin air, as usual. He stared at you, not believing his eyes. “Y/N…?”, he whispered hesitantly. You walked up to him, happy to see your friend again. Tears were welling in your eyes, you thought you might never see him again. Simon hugged you with his strong arms, gripping you tightly, scared that you might just be a phantom of his imagination. You looked different, more mature, but also like you’ve seen some shit. You were still his friend from back then, but there was a hint of seriousness in your aura. Maybe it was also the gigantic scar across your whole face, indicating a serious injury, as it barely missed your eye. You guys definitely had a lot to catch up on.
"I missed you, idiot."
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slvthrs · 1 year
hii! i have a request for a vinnie blurb: vaping during sex? like maybe reader takes a hit and shot guns it on vinnie’s mouth, or them having a nic buzz during sex?
yes cause im vapin rn n i want vinnie to fuck me like a slut rn
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It goes straight to your head.
The nicotine buzz is your favorite part, feeling all lightheaded and dizzy and feel like your bodies floating, it's so much fun for you, your boyfriend knows it too.
He's been vaping for longer so the nicotine buzz doesn't hit him as much as it used to but him watching you get that buzz as your brain gets all fuzzy is more than enough for him, you become so squirmy and horny and he loves the way you discreetly try to find reasons to touch him.
Today is no different, he has you straddling his lap whilst the two of you are passing his strawberry flavored vape between you guys, his hands resting on your upper thighs letting you do all the hard work of pressing the vape to his mouth.
But you get an idea, something you saw on tiktok earlier that day; shotgunning. You take a large hit of the vape and tilt Vinnie's head back and before he can question you, your blowing the smoke into his mouth and exhaling the excess, you see his eyes widen- the nicotine isn't getting him buzzed, you are.
And it takes mere seconds before he has his hands shoved up your skirt making his clothed dick grind all over your pretty cunt.
You whine and pull on Vinnie's clothes but he doesn't stop, instead he tells you to, "Keep going," urging you continue shotgunning the nicotine to him.
The next time you do it you inhale the smoke and blow into his mouth but instead you lean in for a kiss trapping the smoke between the two of you and you only pull away when Vinnie jerks his hips up causing you to moan into his mouth.
"Fuck baby, you drive me insane," He tells you shoving your skirt up and pulling your panties to the side so he can dip his fingers into your folds.
His hands drag in and out of you and an excruciatingly slow speed, you watch as he stares at your bare pussy intently whilst using his thumb to circle you clit causing you to writhe and squirm under him whilst his eyebrows knit if focus.
He kisses you again, this time with so much more passion, his spare hand lazily rests at your hips.
He loves the way you taste, the strawberry mixing with the nicotine all in his girls mouth drives him wild.
"Jesus your always so easy with me huh? My sweet, sweet girl."
His words cause you to whine, the combination of the pleasure with the nicotine buzz drives you insane,
"Vinnnn, look at mee" You draw out
His eyes meet yours and you take another hit of the vape and blow them into his mouth and he shuts his eyes and tips his head back for a moment before continuing what he was doing.
"Makin' me feel so so good babe" You praise him knowing how your words are going straight to his dick
"Shit doll you rile me up so much"
His hands finally start to pick up the pace and with the flick of his wrists your coming undone above him.
"Baby that felt so so good," You pant above him
"I know princess, I know" He smiles, hands pulling your panties back up and smoothing out your skirt whilst your head hides in the crook of your neck.
You start kissing up his neck whilst pawing at his shirt again,
You whisper right into his ear barely audible, "I think I needa return the favor pretty boy,"
Quickly placing a chaste kiss to his neck whilst dropping to your knees.
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christinarowie332 · 9 months
life of the party
(sturniolo triplets x oc , fan-series)
chapter 2
the start of a band .
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warnings : drug and nicotine use .
after their awkward meeting nick and mac decided to start fresh , it turns out their dorm rooms were very close to each-other so naturally they decided to forget every single survival instinct and stranger danger conversation and over share the minute they had the chance . nick inviting her to his half decorated dorm room .
“wait hold on you don’t even know that kid” mackenzie says , leaning forward on the mattress they both sat on , her back clicking at the sudden movement after hours of talking. nick scrunches his eyes and laughs with the girl , his shoulders and passing her the vape they’ve both decided to share .
“i’m my defence…. he was hot and was flirting with me …… who am i to say no to a dominic fike look alike”
“i feel like i shouldn’t be sharing this vape with you , am i gonna catch something?” he hits the girls arm softly at her words , his mouth dropping in fake shock . “hold on , you fuck with dominic fike?” the girl continues, e hailing the vapour from her lungs and tilting her head forwards waiting for the boys answer with wide eyes . he furrows his eyebrows and smiles , looking to the side at the posters on his wall .
his room was a triple room , three single beds and a desk . over his bed was photos of him and a girl friend , and many musicians posters . including of course dominic fike. mac smiles at this and meets the boys eyes again before looking back and allowing her self to truly look around the room . one of the beds was unmade and messy , barley decorated except for some posters of musicians and ‘lyrical lemonade’ whatever that is . a pair of drumsticks on his side table and a tin of some sort . the other bed was perfectly made , two electric guitars placed in the corner and a pug stuffed animal on the pillow . along with a picture of nick with brown hair in a feild of some sort , holding something in his hand but from the distance everything is slightly blurry .
“hey who are your roomies ? and who the fuck has a pug stuffed animal on his fucking bed” the girl says laughing before it’s cut short by the door opening .her head snaps towards the noise and it’s there she sees two boys walk in . one on his phone and the other meets her eyes as soon as he steps in the room. they both share the same face as nick , ones hair longer and more unkept as it falls over his brows whilst he holds eye contact with her . the others shorter hair moving as his head flicks towards nick . his eyes flicker towards her then back to nick. placing down his bag on his bed and slipping his black hoodie off his back . his ring clad fingers smoothing the black t-shirt underneath.
“who’s this?” the longer haired boy asks , his smile is allmost identical to nicks . triplets ? she thinks .
“chris this is mackenzie, mac this is chris. and that’s matt.” nick replies proudly , before getting off the bed and walking towards chris . “can i have ur pen?” he continues leaving his hand out to his brother , making the other boy roll his eyes and reach into his pocket . he places a metal object in nicks hand , making him spin on his heels and drop down on the bed next to me . he brings the device to his mouth , inhaling for a second before exhaling a thick yellow cloud . “you guys smoke?” the girl asks , making matt’s head lift from his phone as he leans against the wall , pulling his own pen from his pocket and mirroring nicks actions from before .ghosting the smoke and blowing it in chris’s face making him grimace and smack him in the back of his head .
“yeah do you?” chris asks , moving closer before sitting down on the unmade bed next to nicks . “yeah i do , but not pens , usually just normal joints” she replies with a smile , feeling awfully nervous but oddly comfortable with chris’s eye contact . “do u want a j? i have one in my tin. here” he says picking up the tin from his side table and angling it towards the her . “i’m okay , thank you though” she replies , a small tint growing in her face as he smirks at her .
“later then , late night walk?” and the moment the words leave his mouth the once small tint turns into a full on blush across her cheeks . the only thing making it so no none notices being the concealer left on her face . she smiles and nods her head before a large clang makes everyone’s heads spin towards matt . “my bad” he speaks for the first time , his guitar laying on the floor before he picks it up and exits the room . nick rolls his eyes and passes chris his pen back . mac’s eyes fix onto the pen , then to the boys hands that hold it now , his slender fingers wrapping around the thin metal . veins in his hand travelling up his arm to his toned bicep .
time flies quickly with nick and chris , slowly they all somehow get onto the conversation of music , and their need to become big .
“you see the thing is , i have an okay following ? they enjoy my my music …. but there’s only so far you can go on your own you know ?” mac says , her back leaning against the wall as she sits on nicks bed . her head leaning back onto the cold wall .
“this is what i’m saying bro , like the shit i post on my personal channels get no where near the interactions that we do on the group ones” chris replies from his bed , rolling paper between his fingers as he focuses his eyes on it .
“guys” nick says out of the blue , he’s been kinda quiet as the weed in his system relaxes him . adding to the conversation only with small words . mac and chris looks over to nick , their faces now matching as they look at him with confusion. “you do realise there’s a very easy solution to both of the things you just said .” he continues, confusion turns into intrigue as they wait for nick to continue.
“let’s just start a fuckin’ band?”
was that some jealousy from matt ??
flirty chris and mac ?
also there’s a reason matthew isnt a big part yet …. it’s ememies for a while sooooooo……. lemme cook i swr
tag list :
@mangosrar @soursturniolo @biimpanicking @querenciasturniolo @ermdontmindthisaccount @recklesssturniolo @tackycrown @udonotknowme @urmyslxt @iheart2021chris @its-jennarose @oversturn @paper-crab @strniohoeee @slut4chr1s @daddyslilchickenfingers @freshlovehacker @flowerxbunnie @kenzieiskoolaid @kvtie444 @loveesiren @lustfulslxt @lunarsturniolo @lovingsturniolo @chrisenthusiast @bluesturniolo333 @nickenthusiast @mattslolita @mattsbratt @chrisolivia4l @fredswh0re @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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mortiskiller · 11 months
A companion piece, the feeder perspective to a story by @thefoolandthehermit and I. Make sure to read them both!
It was a short drive to the dispensary, maybe thirty minutes round trip, enough time for the groceries I ordered to be ready for pick up. As I pulled into the driveway, the kitchen light caught my attention. “Silly girl must be hungry after last night.” I thought, grabbing the groceries, every bag bulging with ingredients and treats for my voluptuous growing girl. 
The sound of me opening the door stopped her dead in the hall. Thick round and heavy ass cheeks stretched a pair of pink panties to their limits, a drooping pair of love handles covered the waistband of her oh so small panties. 
“Princess.” I addressed her, she knew to turn around. Thick pillar-like legs that touched to her calves shifted her jiggling bulk around. A light red spread over her plump peach shaped cheeks as she looked at me, hands filled with a half gallon of chocolate milk and two cold slices of pizza. “You know you’re not supposed to be on your feet today, remember?” 
As she chewed on her pizza the sudden realization of our deal came back to her.  Today my lardy princess was not supposed to move a muscle besides to eat or use the bathroom. A whole day of being pampered, being lazy, being indulgent. The light red of her cheeks deepened as she realized her mistake. Placing the bags in the kitchen as she finished her pizza and chugged half the milk, my hands gliding over her wide seat filling hips, squeezing her hips as her legs buckle slightly and a breathy moan escapes from between lips still glistening with milky chocolate. I steer her like a cow grazing in a pasture, she knows she as no choice in the matter, it's not like the 400 plus pound princess can protest anyway. 
She has been talking about this day all week. A day off work and a day for me to remind her that she was my feedee. My growing, thickening, cow. 
I spin her around and sit her down onto the couch, aiming for the dent her sixty five inch hips have catered into it. Her belly and tits jiggle as she falls into the dent, the usual chorus of creaking wood and grating metal greeting her prodigious bulk. 
“The couch could not break anymore.” she said looking at me with a slight hope she was not too big. A slight smile crossed my face as I kissed her forehead, “We’ll see…”. 
In a short time the coffee table in front of her is filled end to end with the bounty of the grocery store. Bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, and her favorite, a heaping mound of chicken and waffles. Her eyes look to be fucking the food as her tongue licks plump lips, her chubby hands and sausage fingers rub a gut that spills across her thighs and on to her knees. I could see she wanted to leap off the couch and kiss me, like she did 200 pounds ago, but instead her loving eyes drew me to sit down as her favorite bong was pressed into her pudgy belly. Her hips flowed into my side, warm plush fat sending a shiver up my spine. 
Over the next hour I took turns bringing the bong to her lips and shoving in forkfuls of food as the weed dulled her sense of time and space. My plan was to get her so high she loses all control and gives in completely to me. Each bite is followed by a deep hit of the bong. No exhaling, just swallowing and chewing. 
As the last bite of waffle passed her sticky lips, her groans and gentle moos filled the living room. In just under an hour my SSBBW cow had finished a breakfast big enough for a family of five and smoked two grams of weed. Eyes closed, leaned back into her ass groove, as her hands rubbed and kneaded her tight belly. She was so lost in the stuffing she did not notice me grab her vape pen. Loaded inside was a new flavor of high potency THC, just what I needed to make her mine for the day. A fuzzy headed cow mooing for more food. 
The cold metal of the pen touched her lips, “Take a hit now.”. Her lips curl around the tip, inhaling deeply as she takes a large hit. I can tell the weed is hitting her hard. Her eyes open wide as the effects take hold. What little hold on reality she had is slipping. Her hands gripped her bulging upper belly as greed took over. In a matter of minutes she is begging for more food. 
Bag of chips and candy, plates of grilled cheese and bowls of soup, half a dozen boosts disappear into her cavernous gut as the weed keeps her fuzzy and greedy. 
Rubbing her belly as she chugs the last boost, I marvel at her size. Her belly is so tight and firm, but the lower belly rolls are soft as butter, spreading over her thighs like an avalanche of creamy stretch mark covered blubber. I take time to massage her taut belly, kneading it to compact all the food down so her weed addled brain thinks she is hungry again. A roaring blech brings her back to some semblance of reality as I continue making room for her to eat. “Daddy, is it lunch time?”. She asks through barely opened eyes blurry and red from the immense amount of THC pulsing around her body. I chuckle slightly thinking that she thinks hours have flown by, instead of the two since her breakfast feeding session. It's barely past ten in the morning. 
As my hands push gas out of her our, both ends of her showing the effects of eating ten thousand calories in three hours, I lean into her yielding form and whisper, “You need more, baby. You're not ready yet. I need you so much fatter. More fuzzy brained, more obedient.”. I bring the pen back to her lips and leave it there till she takes a deep, long, hard hit. My other hand snakes between her thighs, I feel them wiggle and squeeze my hand. “Is my cow getting hungry and horny?” thick warm honied words fill her ear. She takes another deep hit of the pen. "That's it, get nice and dumb piggy. Just how I like you." Taking the pen away her head falls back as she moans and moos, she always does this when her brain is soaked in weed, arousal, and dopamine from being fed. 
I take my time to grope her fattening body, licking and kissing each stretch mark, tasting her mouth and the flavors of her meals. The oven dings to let me know the pan of brownies is done. As I bring the warm, gooey and heavy pan laden with enough butter, sugar, and chocolate to kill a normal person, her mouth is hanging open. I see my opening and start shoving in hunks of brownie by the handful. She doesn't resist, just a dumb smile between bites as she paws at her FUPA and thighs. Just how I like her, stuffed and so horny she is an eating machine. 
The last handful I scrape out of the pan and into her mouth brings a rumble for her stomach. I can feel her belly shake as it begs for more food. The piggy's belly wants more. Such a deeply arousing moment for a feeder brings a grunt from my mouth. "Such a perv." she laughs and I smirk at her. 
"Says the half naked fatty, eating and smoking whatever I give her." a familiar crimson shoots across her cheeks. My hands pull her thighs apart, causing her gut to drop between her legs. A gasp rips out of her mouth followed by a deep throaty moan as the full force of her obesity hits her. She is quiet after that. 
This continued for hours. Between naps to settle her stomach and give me time to prepare meal after meal, she was an absolute blimp by the end of the night. The appetite enhancers, shakes, weed, and mountains of food had rendered her immobile on the couch, at least until she could sleep for 24 hours. When I would use the bathroom or run to the pantry for something, her sweaty wheezing face would show me the futile attempts to move. 
She was too high, too fat, dependent on whatever I wanted to do next. After today, her body would convert this gluttony into new heavy immobilizing fat. Hanging sheets of lard that would make it easier and easier to feed her into a couch locked sow that could only eat, smoke, and groan. She lies there clutching her gravid looking belly, soothing it like a heavily pregnant woman, instead of a morbidly obese whale. As the food settled into her stomach, mixing and churning, every minute I could see her body struggle to hold the thirty thousand calories into her gut. 
The rocking back and forth of her hips told me she was unbearably horny. Under her hanging gut and hefty FUPA I can almost hear her genitals begging to be used. 
As I stood in the kitchen getting her dessert ready, a loud crack followed by her yelling for Daddy. I ran over to her looking over the immensity of her body, she had broken the couch and the splinters were under her ass. The sow was sitting on the floor! 
"I told you you'd break it.." I say standing at the door way chuckling.  "Look at you,  whiney and dumb. Bet you don't even understand that it was your fat ass that's broken the couch". She  shakes her head, then slowly realizes it was her beluga sized ass and gut that broke it.
"Daddy, I'm sorry. Please help me up, please!. I want to go to the bedroom! I want you to touch me!" she pleads as her flabby arms wave and beg for me to lift her up. Leaning over her, rubbing circles around her navel and holding a box of jelly donuts, her eyes see the dozen fried sugar bombs and her gut growls again.
"You're not going anywhere my sweet." I flip the box open and without hesitation shove a jelly filled donut sloppily into her mouth. My hand covers her mouth, making sure she can't even think about not swallowing the whole thing. She was so insatiable,her eating sounded like a fucking orgy. Wet squelching of her fat lips coated in thick layers of jelly and pastry, her moans from a packed mouth of fried dough and sugar, the high pitched screams as she pawed her hidden genitals. 
So focused on eating and taking the next doughnut whole, she failed to notice me spreading her legs, nibbling the soft sensitive flesh of her thighs. 
"More! Please!" she pleads and her words are met, another donut shoved into her mouth as I suck her buried clit. "Fuck!" muffled by pastry and lust comes from her lips. Her clit leaked into my mouth, I could swear it tasted like icing. 
"Cum on my face baby, you can cum as much as you want, you just have to keep eating." I say bringing another doughnut to her lips. Once the two donuts were gone there was little reprieve for her clit and her belly. I could tell the fast pace and force of the feeding was making her stuffed again and this was only donut three of twelve. Her  thighs tensing around my head let me know a second orgasm was ripping through her body.
Parting her legs, I kissed her deeply, "Keep eating princess, I promise if you finish it all Daddy will make you feel so good. I'll make sure I breed you nice and deep." my hand slaps her churning screaming gut and a belch loudly followed by a pained moan with hints of arousal.
I giggle at her "There's my growing girl. Now, have another donut. I'm not done with you and I won't be for a while-"
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hanasnx · 1 year
i hav been obsessed with ur blog and how u write anakin since i found it, i have a prompt and i would love to see what u do with it. all i will say is greasy nic addicted pothead linecook anakin. thank u god bless 🙏🙏
no bcos this is my sweet spot actually. something about linecooks having a sailor’s mouth, barking shit at people in their way, sweaty from labor and from the heat of appliances, flirting with the cute waitresses & giving them meals to go home with…
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☥ he’s the guy that works the most, probably as much as he can, bcos hes like… hobby-less
☥ i’m imagining dane cook’s look from the movie “waiting…” so the black bandana around the hair to keep it out of his face. eyebrow piercing, maybe some lip piercings ….. ooooo
☥ the nic and pot is so real and so special to me. you’d more often than not catch him outside in the back having a smoke. one time he came to work with a bong and he passed it around with the other ppl in the back
☥ horsing around constantly with his coworkers like theyre all siblings that hate each other
☥ but when you walk in,,, he gets so bashful sometimes
“heyy, miss (y/n)…“
his coworkers mocking him, batting their lashes like, “hEyY, mIsS (y/N)—“ and he whips em with a towel a little to get em to shut up
☥ always leaning on things, any excuse to get closer to you. you pick up a plate and he throws a towel over his shoulder and hes chewing on a toothpick and hes like, “when’s your shift up?” bcos he wants to hang out with you after even if its just smoking with you in his car
☥ he’s got that oral fixation, his vape, a cig if hes got it, pre-rolls he has in the pocket in his apron, toothpicks, toying with his snake bite lip rings when he talks to you
☥ you get so nervous around him bcos he looks so big and mean and acts so commanding in the kitchen. you like him in that black shirt he wears all the time even if it’s stained with food and sweat and it tucks so nicely into his apron
☥ listening to his shitty music on his shitty radio and every other song he’s like “ohhh this is a good one, this is a good one—“
“this is your playlist, ani—“
“shut up and listen. this chick is a genius. listen to this.”
he’s such a jackass.
he’d probably grab your hand on the way out and twirl you to the song. “dance, waitress, dance.”
☥ he rly would be so greasy. so disgusting. i love the word to describe him. greasy. smelly from working istg you’d love his musk. like the stench mixed with his deodorant and cologne. you’d joke with him how he smells so good and that you wanna stick his nose in his pit and he laughs it off like “knew you were a freak.” even tho that’s not technically what you meant but now you’re thinking about him shoving your face in his taint
☥ imagine the two of you finally smoke together as an excuse to hangout and suddenly youre straddling him in his backed up seat and making out like you’re trying to inhale each other. all that sexual tension finally having a space to be worked out as youre grinding down on his halfie and he’s got a joint still pinched in between his fingers
maybe he does you inside his car and the next day you can’t stop flirting with each other hardcore during work. he starts grabbing your ass discretely whenever he can, and your fingers draw down his chest while hes eyeing you hungrily. trying to lure you outside during his smoke break for a quick make out and grope session because he just can’t stay away from you
☥ bet a bunch of your coworkers think hes so hot and youre listening to em knowing youre the one doing him after the shift
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do-deca-dangit · 8 months
I'm going insane over the oso remix because its OSO and ai love oso and oso can i ask about inhaler mayhaps bats eyes (and also vape i love him too)
Oh my goodness seeing you blow up my notifs has been a joy, let me see if theres anything about inhaler and vape that i forgot about ...
OH YES! Inhaler was a substitute biology teacher, mainly working in elementary/middle schools. He was strict and nerdy to the kids but he was passionate about whatever he talked about, so he made classes pretty insightful!
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I'd like to imagine inhaler and penny have been to the same college before, not actually met but just passed each other in the hallway or something. He also develops a strange yet fulfilling friendship with Glowing Heart, while she is a dragon she hasn't spent much time learning about her own biology.
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As for vape, there isnt much about him yet... he is insanely divorced though; he and paintball are exes which gives a little more spice to their constant ongoing one-sided rivalry, paintball is insanely spiteful towards vape while vape is just so tired all the time. very divorced despite never being married
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gambitxrogue11 · 8 months
🔞⛔CaliGator smut🔞⛔
(MDI, includes explicit language, name calling, oral, Gator Tillman, Billy Hargrove, One Shot)
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"Hey faggot ye want this?" Gator yelling at Billy from across the street, pointing at his crotch...
Billy did not response and just continue to smoke his cigs.. he thinks to himself "another day at stark county" .. it's been a few months since they move here and his life is a living hell due to Neil outing him to the Tillman's in hopes that Roy can purge the "homo" out of him... whatever that means ..
In different situation if somebody calls Billy, a fag he would beat the shit out them without question.. but he can't do that here, this town is own by Sheriff Roy Tillman. He's basically a god here.
Neil had specifically told him to respect these fucking cops so he can get on the good side of Roy, and that includes this dirty fucking lizard of a man standing across the street, Roy's son Gator.
Although if he was being honest to himself, wanting Gator's dick wouldn't be half bad specially in this shitty town .. in fact this asshole is a struggle for him.. his mind thinks that Gator is nothing but trouble .. but every time he sees him walking around town with his dump truck inhaling his vape and hearing his sexy accent, Billy's body is betraying him..
Billy's thought train were soon interrupted after seeing Gator is walking towards him "fuck" Billy whispered under his breath..
"What is it do you want, Tillman?" Billy shouted back at the coming Gator ..
"Nothin' just curious what ye doin' around these parts of town" smuggly Gator says as he stands in front of Billy ..
"None of your business, dick!" as Billy throws his cigarette down and spits near Gator's feet ..
"Chill out bruh, I ain't gon'du nothin' te ye, unless ya fuckin' want me ta." Gator cocky-ly told Billy as he takes a hit of his vape
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Billy wanted to shove Gator's vape right down his throat but also wanted to taste that mouth he thought it'll probably taste sweet because of all the different fruit flavored vape he's smoking ..
After scratching the thought of wanting to hungrily kiss Gator, Billy decided he just walk away from this conversation ."If you will excuse me officer, since you got nothing to tell me I will be leaving.. my 20mins smoking break is up.. i have to get back to work" Billy pointing at the auto shop nearby.
Gator grab Billy's hand as he walks out "So that's why yer here, huh.. ta work in that dump" Gator voice suddenly deepen "do me a favor Hargrove, work on my cock instead" smirking as he bit his lower lip while looking down at his crotch..
"Wtf? Can you stop messing with me?" Billy protest as he thought Gator is making fun of the fact that he's gay
Gator walks more closer to Billy and whisper in his ears "Oh i'll make a mess alright, just tell me if ya want it in yer face or in yer ass" Billy felt Gator's warm breath that sends chills through his body and made his cock hard..
"Fuck off, Gator" as Billy tries to fight, the unholy thought forming in his mind..
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When suddenly Gator licks the lobe of Billy's ear, this time Billy was struggling and breathing heavily, he gasps as Gator's wet tongue tickles him and made him hard as rock at the same time.
"Just as I thought, a horny faggot, wipe that precum, slut." Gator smirk.
Billy didn't notice his pants had wet spot already due to precum from all the teasing Gator did..
"See ya later, Hargrove" as Gator walks away from Billy..
The afternoon shift he had at work was a blur to Billy, as much as he wants to focus on his job his mind keeps getting back to earlier Gator, teasingly sliding his hands to his crotch, then licking his earlobe, thinking about it still makes Billy moan under his breath and his cock hard.
Billy finished his shift pass dinner time, he went home, had dinner, and went to bed..
Billy, looking up at ceiling of his room still can't get the thought out of his mind Gator is complete asshole but he'd be lying to himself if he didn't admit that fucking lizard is sexy, trying to satisfy his hunger for that dick, Billy took off his pants and begin stroking himself, it didn't take long for Billy to become hard as a rock again..
"Ye want this faggot"
"Just as I thought, a horny faggot"
"Ugh" Billy moans as he keeps hearing Gator's voice in his mind while he continue stroking himself under his blanket, Billy went faster and faster in his strokes "Uggghhh" Billy groans as pleasure keeps building up, he shuts his eyes and imagines, Gator fucking him while telling him, his just a hole for him... "Oh! Ugh!" Billy is near when suddenly he heard his windows open..
"Fuck" Billy removes his blanket just below his head to take a look but it is too dark to see anyone .. "who's there?" Billy asks when a flash of light suddenly hits his eyes.. blinded him for a moment "Jesus, Hargrove, ye really are fuckin' horny"
"Fuck you, Gator did you just really broke in to my room?" Billy already recognize the voice of the person who's in his room..
Gator pulled Billy's blanket completely off, exposing him naked..
"Why the fuck are you here?" Billy continue as he sits up in his bed, cock still hard.
"Ahm here ta make yer dreams come true, Hargrove" Gator answered
"What are you... what the fuck are you talking about?" As Billy stuttered a bit
Gator walks closer to the edge of the bed, sits on it and grab Billy's chin to look at him in the eyes.
"Tell me, Billy who are ya imaginin' while ye jack yerself off?"
Billy notices Gator's eyes darkened and looking hungry
"I-" Billy tries to think of something but Gator pulls him in for a kiss .. Billy answered the kiss with hunger, and lust their tongue's are like two swords fighting, suddenly Gator bit the other boy's lower lip, Billy lets out a moan, "Ughh" he then grab Gator's face to pull him in more into the kiss, but then Gator grabs Billy's hands and pull it off from him as he does the kiss..
Billy let's out another moan eyes filled with lust, needy-ness
"Fuck, Gator! Come on!" There's a wanting on Billy's voice.. wanting to eat and need for Gator mouth
"Ye didn't answer my question fag"
"Tell me who r' ye imaginin' while ya jack yerself off?" Gator said
"Fuck off" Billy defiantly answers
"Answer ta question, Hargrove"
Billy sigh and "I'm thinking about YOU!, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!"
With a smirk on his face Gator kisses Billy again, this time more aggressive, more hungry, as he breaks again from the kiss and palms Billy's cheeks, Billy's mouth open like '😮'
"Ucckktoo" Gator spits in Billy's mouth as Billy lets out a groan "Ugh"
"What' r ye goin' ta say?" Gator ask
"Thank you, sir" Billy answered
"Good boy" - Gator went back to kissing Billy as he pulls off his shirt, Billy helps him out without breaking their intense smooch.
After Gator pull off his jacket and kevlar vest, Billy, immediately took off Gator's black sweatshirt, then suck on his left nipple while grabbing the hair on his chest, caressing it like petting a cat, Gator moans as Billy rolls his tongue on his nipple, biting it a bit then went back to licking it .. Gator eyes are rolling back at the sensation of Billy's wet tongue tickling his nips, Billy kisses and licks Gator's body going down to his tummy all the way to his navel and then to his crotch .. Gator took off his belt while Billy pulls down his pants, Billy put his face on Gator boxers feeling his harden cock and sniffing it underneath..
"That's all yers, Hargrove" Gator moaned
Billy finally pull off the boxers, as he gasp at the sight of Gator's monster cock, Gator grab his cock and tap it to Billy's face, "Open yer mouth" Gator ask.. Billy did and Gator rest the tip of his cock onto Billy's tongue .. Billy licks the slit teasing it.. but then Gator palms his hair and shove his manhood straight to Billy throat "UCCKK" Billy gagged but then continues to swallow it until he was drooling everywhere making a mess on his face and mouth
"Yer so beautiful like that, Hargrove!" As Gator pull off Billy from his cock he lifts him up and cleans the drool on his face using his tongue..
Gator then push Billy's back on to the bed and spread out his legs .. "ye ready for me baby?"
"Yes, Gator! Fuck me" Billy groan..
Gator spat on his hand and put it on Billy aching hole .. "ughh" Billy moans as Gator puts one finger in his hole, "Ugh, Gator!" As Gator puts two and then three fingers on his hole..
Gator then spat again and this time put it on his cock .. he pointed his cock to Billy's hole while putting Billy's leg up on his shoulder then thrust his cock in! "UUGGGHH FUCCK" Billy let's out a loud moan as Gator continues to go in and out of his hole, each thrust hits Billy on his spot, and each of thrust feels like his hole is getting torn apart! "OHHH SHIT UGHH" Billy cries out as Gator mercilessly fucks Billy, Gator then grab Billy's cock and stroke it as he continues to fuck him.
"UGH! GATOR! FUCK! YES!" tears forming on Billy's eyes as they both reach their climax
"Ya like that? Ye Fag?!" - Gator
"UGHHH" they both moan and cursed on each other Gator can feel his orgasm is reaching high.. andd
"THAT'S IT! UGGHH" he empties his cock on Billy hole while Billy cums on his belly,
"OHHH FUUCCKK,! GATOR!" Billy moans as loud as he could..
While Gator groans, he falls on to Billy's body.. both pants as they both try to catch their breath..
"I love ya, Hargrove" Gator whispered on Billy's ear
"What do you think our fathers would say if they would know this?" Billy ask
"Who gives a shit, Billy? Bet ya they're fuckin' each other too" Gator chuckles
"You really are a fucking asshole, Gator" - Billy
"Yeah?" - Gator
"Yeah!" - Billy
They both kiss and cuddle until they fall asleep.
A/N: yay! So this is my first full length smut .. the caligator brainrot got me hard.. didn't proof read it too .. let me know what you guys think and should I do more?
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EP1 -  Addiction = Transcript
Italian Blend No. 4
It’s not the first pot, but the second 
that coils you up into upright positions 
that turns the key in your conscious prison. You’re here now,
in the instant. No drifting for you. No dreaming,
instead moments where you simply… stop existing.
Like the plug was pulled, for a few seconds and you comeback
systems stuttering reeling from
being turned off and on again hands constricting
muscles contracting eyes wide open
with synapses firing.
So here you are 
under duress. Sleepless
and dreamless
Because if you submit yourself to such My, you must
have some damn good reasons.
To subject yourself to such a lesion. Why the insistent forgoing of rest? Rest. dearheart. 
“Do you smoke?”
“Well do you?”
Do I smoke?
Do I smoke?
Yes bitch
I fuckin’ smoke.
Smoke what?
Where do I begin?
There’s been marlins and Harlems and Cowboys.
There’s been Henson and Bedges and Mayfairs.
There’s been astral cheese,
Purple haze,
And so much Stardawg that I still taste diesel. 
In my lungs and on my lobes.
What else you got? I’ll smoke it all.
Heroin? Not until I’m 60
Crack? Not until I’m 65. 
Cocaine? At some point, when I’m richer.
I’m down for the best tastes in the world. 
But I’d rather be on the brink of life.
What else?
I’ll smoke that peace pipe.
I’ll inhale the gun smoke
On a smoking gun.
In the detective’s hand
While he’s trying 
To investigate it.
I smoked with Minnie,
Poor Min, 
And her bloke named Smokey.
As it pours down with rain 
(Huddle Up)
We look to the sky!
(Cuddle up)
Round a fire pit
Where we launch off fireworks.
Watch as the smoke drifted west through the skies.
Poor min, 
I still see her now and then
Picking up fag ends in Dunstable High Street.
That’s a long ass street to be picking up on.
There’s two sets of lights two miles apart and
You best hope you chose the right one.
His hokey ass joints 
Taste of fumes and smog,
Taste of kippers and paprika
Prevented only by me
Says smokey to me
His form turned into
A giant bear.
It’s a trick
An illusion.
Do I inhale the smoke from the stack?
Do I encounter the mirror that made the trick work?
As flames as far as Hemel Hempstead go up
In my business all I’m remembers the smoke
“You smoke?”
Yes I smoke, 
For the burn,
That primal energy
That steals the oxygen from my lungs
Gives me heat and tar
And the slightest
Ever so slight
'Cigarette Packets'
She was never any good for me in fact she was toxic with her Laughing and her coughing reminding me with each kiss that only she could make me happy slowly poisoning me I left some packets empty Stewm around the flat like discarded garments to gather in a box to give back and every time i pick one up i remember her smell Her taste and think "Damn, she was a good kisser. "
Darts instead of Change
Toasty Tobacco And tasty tar
Slug through my lungs at glacial speeds.
But now, dear friend We have to part
On advice of doctors friends and family.
No more, while waiting for a bus will a roll and a spark
summon metal beasts to their stop.
No longer when passing homeless men, can I offer darts instead of change,
Warming the cheeks on winters days.
You were a friend through thick and thin 
A shared revolver withmy peers
Kept the bullet chamber spinning
kept me moving for years and years—
  Rather than fester 
  Bedridden Sleeping 
  My loves and fears…
And now you’re gone So, what is left?
What has taken your sacred place?
An Extra Thirty Quid a week and a stupid flavoured vape.
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trinidaddy888 · 2 years
You Wanna Smoke? (Chapter 6)
Chase runs out of weed and must go to the human world to get more. How will they manage? And who will they be smoking weed with? Find out in this self-indulgent fic about my Obey Me blunt rotation.
Characters: MC, Mammon, Lucifer, Thirteen, Diavolo, Asmodeus, Simeon, Beelzebub, Solomon
Genre: Slice of Life
Tags: Marijuana, Recreational Drug use, No romance just bros being bros, No Spoilers
A/n: I had a blunt rotation list for Obey Me characters that I’d like to smoke weed with and I decided to make it into a story. The full story is already posted to AO3 but I wanted to keep a writing tumblr for all my stories. The previous chapter had art but I got lazy from this point on and stopped drawing lol.
Story Index
Heaven. I came from Hell straight into Heaven. They had everything .
Wall to wall was stocked with cannabis paraphernalia. From bongs to pipes to rolling papers. From herb to carts. From inhalables to edibles. Everything was beyond what I could think of. It was as if I was a toddler in a candy store.
“Damn Chase,” said Mammon looking at me with amusement, “I’ve never seen ya grin this much.”
I nudged him. “If you were a stoner, you’d understand.”
I glanced at Thirteen and Diavolo. Their eyes shone with excitement.
She leaned over and whispered, “Usually I think human world weed is mid but this collection is impressive. What are you getting first, Chase?”
The first thing I noticed was the bongs behind the counters. There was one shaped like a skull and bones that warmed my little goth heart.
I pointed at it, “That.”
We spent about an hour looking at what Emanate Herbals had in stock. I bought indica and hybrid flower, carts, and that beautiful bong that had my name on it. I also got some skull patterned rolling papers for me and Thirteen.
Thirteen bought as much flower as the dispensary would allow and enough patterned rolling papers to match. She even managed to find a pipe shaped like a Grim Reaper holding a scythe.
Diavolo bought distillate and hash to make edibles and a new vape battery with carts.
Mammon didn’t buy anything, mostly because he was not a stoner and because I promised to use my stock to smoke him out. I wondered what type of person he would be while high.
“Alright, friends,” said Diavolo, “What next?”
“Pizza,” I said, “The perfect stoner party meal.”
We got back to Devildom by noon. With Diavolo’s help, we managed to smuggle our contraband into our respective rooms, save for some flower, rolling papers and my bong. That was for Mammon’s room. We also successfully snuck a cheese pizza into Mammon’s room without attention from Beel. He must have still been at Hell’s Kitchen.
“Okay,” said Mammon shutting the door behind him and taking a seat, “What’re we doing first?”
I placed the pizza pie on the coffee table next to my bong. “That’s up to you, Mammon. It’s your first time. What do you want to try?”
He pointed at my bong. “That looks interesting. I think that?”
I grinned at him and looked at Diavolo and Thirteen. They nodded.
I poured some water into the bong and packed the bowl with weed I ground on the car ride back to the portal.
“Observe,” I said to Mammon.
He watched as I placed the opening of the bong to my mouth. I held the flame of my lighter to the bowl and sucked until there was a cherry to the herb. I placed my hand over the mouthpiece and waited for smoke to fill the chamber. Mammon was mesmerized by the tendrils of smoke that danced into the chasm as it went from whisps to a milky fluid smog.
“All you gotta do,” I said carefully holding it out to him, “s make sure your mouth is inside the rim of the opening creating a seal and inhale. Don’t let the smoke out. When you’re done, cover the opening and pass it to a friend”
He glanced wearily at the bong, “Do I have to inhale all of that?”
“Yes,” said Thirteen, Diavolo, and I simultaneously.
He sighed and with a shrug, he took it and inhaled. Obediently, he took in all the milky smoke. He covered the mouthpiece with a hand as he held it in and exhaled coughing as if he was about to hack up a lung.
“Easy, there,” Diavolo said, “Don’t hold it in that much next time.”
“How the heck was I supposed to know?” Mammon said through coughs.
I patted him on the shoulder, smiling. “I’m so proud of you.”
Mammon blushed and smiled. As he passed the bong to Diavolo, my D.D.D. vibrated. I got a text from Lucifer.
“I heard you went to the Human world,” he wrote, “I offered you the chance to go with me but now I see that you didn’t want to go because it was with me. If that was the case, you could have been honest. I guess I was mistaken in thinking that we were becoming close.”
Fuck. I hurt Lucifer. And I couldn’t tell him why I hurt him.
“Sorry,” I responded, “I promise you, that was not the reason why I said no. Give me a chance to explain.”
I saw the tiny “Read at 13:45 ” text under my message and sighed. How was I going to save my friendship with him?
“Hello?” Thirteen called out to me, while exhaling a cloud of smoke, “I’m passing it to you.”
“Sorry,” I said, taking the bong. I placed the rim to my lips.
Well, I thought, That is Future Chase’s problem .
And I took the biggest hit I could.
As the hour went by, we passed the bong amongst ourselves until the cherry ran into ash. I let Mammon only do two bong rips, for his own good. Thirteen, however, opted to roll a J for herself when we were finished with the bong.
We put on The Tale of the Seven Lords movie and everything about the movie was more hilarious than I remembered. Levi would be enraged at our laughter if he were there. He might have even called. it sacrilegious.
Mammon, Thirteen and I managed to get one slice of pizza while Diavolo devoured the rest. It was as if stoned Diavolo shared Beel’s bottomless stomach. I was amused.
Thirteen finished her joint by adding a filter, then said, “There’s human weed in this, if you guys want some more.”
“I’m waiting for this high to settle a bit,” I said after sipping some water. “Give me like thirty minutes.”
She smirked. “Who said this J will still be here in thirty minutes?”
She inhaled as she lit it, sparking a cherry. The whites of her eyes remained white. Not a speck of red in sight. I was impressed. She was a marijuana demon. Er, Reaper. Whatever.
“Can I ask, why you do weed?” I asked Diavolo.
“Well,” said Diavolo, sitting up, “There is a lot of pressure on me as the Prince of Devildom. I’m supposed to lead a good example to all my citizens and students. I’m never supposed to falter or mess up as a prince. Weed helps me relax from that stress.”
“Damn,” I said, relating to what he said, a little bit. “What about you, Thirteen?”
She shrugged. “It’s just fun. That’s it.”
We nodded, agreeing with her. I looked over to Mammon. He was silently staring at The Tale of the Seven Lords movie as if he was peering into a portal to another world.
“You good, fam?” I asked.
He grinned from ear to ear, chuckling. He was reclined on the couch next to me, his eye blood red and half open. He leaned on me.
“I’m good, good. Good. Good ,” he said, drawing out the last word. He saluted me and giggled.
God, he was so cute when he was stoned. I put my arm around his shoulder. He put his arm around my waist, pulled me closer and leaned on my shoulder.
“Glad, that you’re having fun,” I said, grinning.
I felt so chill in that moment. The guilt of hurting Lucifer’s feelings melted away. It would be back when I sobered up. But at the time, I was enjoying myself. I even learned what type of person my friends were when high. Diavolo was more jovial than he usually was with the ability to eat nearly as much as Beel. Thirteen was the silent type, with one the highest tolerances for weed I’d ever seen. And Mammon was the giggly, spacing-out and cuddly type.
“Damn,” said Diavolo inspecting the empty pizza box, “No more munchies? I guess I should get more. Does anyone need anything from the vending machine?”
“I’m good,” I said
“Same,” said Mammon and Thirteen.
He got up and went out the door. I got up and put in the DVD for the 2nd movie in the TSL lineup. As the opening credits rolled, I decided to dump the dirty bong water into Mammon’s sink and rinse it so I wouldn’t have to spend time doing that later.
I heard a knock at the door. Must have been Diavolo. I noticed his phone laying on the coffee table. Maybe he realized that he left his phone?
I picked up his phone and opened the door. Suddenly, my chill washed away and anxiety filled its place.
“Chase” said Lucifer, squinting and wrinkling his nose, “What is that smell?”
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blazing-michael · 1 year
for the ask game... 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 34, 38, 39 and 44. (i sure do have a lot of shit to ask❗)
you sure do have a lot of things to ask...... ok let's go
3. do you smoke?
kind of? yes? no? i can smoke or vape if i feel dramatic but i never inhale. this is bad for your voice and i'm a singer. anyways it doesn't happen too often.
4. do you drink?
yes i do but then again not very often and nothing strong. i love cheap sparkling wine and cocktails. my favourites are piña colada & sex on the beach.
7. have any tattoos?
yes. a raspberry/blackberry vine through the length of my forearm in color. can show you if you dm about it.
8. want any tattoos?
if i have a shit ton of money. akchually it's quite painful for a thing that costs that much and has no practical use. but if someone said they would pay for it, i would do sylvia plath on my shoulder. or something with strawberries or violets or bees.
9. got any piercings?
i have my ears pierced. a hole in the left ear, three holes in the right. lately haven't worn earrings though.
10. want any piercings?
a septum piercing. but i don't want to deal with the wound so i just wear a fake nose ring sometimes.
13. biggest turn ons
hands in tight gloves oh my god. kissing. music. i admit maybe i have a thing for angels..... i know they don't exist but still....
14. biggest turn offs
telephone calls.
15. favourite movie
sister, act. a) the main character is a black woman starring whoopi goldberg; b) the plot is not revolving around a man. in fact it's about a singer hiding in a women monastery from a criminal and finding a way to enjoy being there; c) no sexualisation since they all are nuns; d) i ship two female characters 🥰; e) it's a kind funny movie made by gay men. i love it. sequel too. also i love midsommar.
17. someone you miss
i will forever miss my exes. not romantically of course but as friends. they are beautiful people. i wrote many songs about them so i can't avoid missing them every once in a while. hope it doesn't sound weird.
19. a fact about your personality
i can't cry at funerals or when i'm sad but if some little thing upsets me i can and i will sob.
21. what i love most about myself (+tagging @sweetslemon cause you also asked that)
idk. im pretty chill. it's a nice quality for a person.
25. my idea of a perfect date
kissing in the rain. napping together in a hammock. watching the stars. anything is fine as long as my woman is with me.
34. what i find attractive in women
kindness. being powerful yet gentle. laughter.
38. childhood career choice
i wanted to be a computer scientist or a space scientist, florist and musician. it took me some time to understand what it takes to be a space scientist... currently working at a flowershop and wondering if i can really become a good musician.
39. my favourite ice cream flavour
chocolate. to specify шоколадный магнат с кусочками брауни.
44. a random fact about anything
one day i climbed a spotlight at a stadium to watch a concert for free. the police couldn't make me get down on my own so they called a firetruck with a ladder. later they took pity on me and let me pass without any conditions.
wow that iz a lot. have fun reading all that 🚬 and thank you for asking now i feel like a superstar after an interview😎😎
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 2 months
FOOLS Fall - Chapter 4 - Part 1
BOOK TWO: The 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Noah Wright
I ended up going to Dinah's dorm.
Jude and her were there with three other people.
Jude had texted me it was a 'BYOB' hangout, I brought a six pack of beer 'which I had to buy with my fake ID Jason got me the previous month'.
Dinah let me in.
"Noah," she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me causing me to take a step back from her force.
I awkwardly put one arm around her to hug her back.
"Hey," I greeted and she luckily didn't hug me for long.
I didn't like people I hardly knew to touch me.
It was weird and maybe I had some issues with who laid their hands on me from past trauma.
'Sam thought I should go to therapy' but I told him 'fuck no'.
"Noah, hey," Jude lifted his own beer bottle as he addressed me.
I gave him a nod.
The dorm was as small as you'd expect and as decorative as you'd expect from a girl like Dinah.
I didn't however, except her love for pink.
Pink fuzzy rug, a tapestry with shades of pink with big black, words the read 'Eat Ass and Smoke Grass' and there's a green pot leaf at the end.
Her bed, that was against the wall with the tapestry had pink bedding.
I assumed the pink side was Dinah's because Jude was sitting on her bed.
The other bed was Alice in Wonderland themed and that side was significantly darker.
Fairy lights strung up around the entire room which was the only form of light besides the lava lamp on the nightstand of the Alice in Wonderland side.
Dinah shut her door and introduced me to everyone.
"Guys, this is Noah, he's in my art class. Noah, meet Kyle," she gestured to a lanky blonde male, who was probably at least 6'4".
He was rolling a joint when he looked up at me and nodded.
Dinah continued the introductions.
"This is Alice, my roommate," she pointed to the curvier girl with bright green hair, who said 'hey' to me 'I knew the Alice in Wonderland side wasn't Dinah's' and lastly...
"Ciera," Dinah introduced me to a girl with short black hair that looked like she chopped it herself.
She had nice tan skin and she was damn good looking and I knew she knew it too.
She wore a low-cut white crop top, showing off just enough cleavage to give everyone a preview.
She wore black leather shorts with fishnet tights.
Ciera took a hit from her vape and blew out smoke in the form of O's.
It was definitely a diverse group, yet they all had one think in common, getting high.
I walked further into the room and was about to sit down on the ground when Alice offered, almost shyly.
"Um, you can sit on my bed. I don't mind."
"Cool, thanks."
I set my six pack down after taking one and sat down next to Alice.
"Do you smoke?" Kyle asked before sealing the job papers up with his tongue.
"Fuck yeah," I said, watching him light it and take his two hits.
Thank God they had weed, I didn't know if I could socially interact with new people without indulging in something.
Kyle passed me the joint.
"Are you a freshman?" he asked.
I already felt lighter with the two hits I inhaled.
It had been a while since I had smoked weed.
Lack of a plug was the main reason but Sam also hated the smell, so I didn't smoke much around him.
I wasn't dependent on it, so I didn't mind but weed did help improve my mood and my shit social skills.
"Yeah, you?"
"Sophomore. They're all freshies too," Kyle told me.
"What's your major?"
I shrugged.
"Just general. I don't really know what I want to do," I offered the joint to Alice and she took it.
"I was thinking art but after I fucking saw Dinah's art, no fuckin' way I could major in that."
"My girl's so talented," Jude said approvingly as he grinned at Dinah before pulling her into a sloppy kiss.
"Gross," Kyle groaned.
"Can you two not fuck in front of everyone?" Ciera grimaced at that and Alice laughed, then she explained to me that...
"Kyle and Jude are roommates."
"Yeah and they're not fucking quiet," Kyle exclaimed and I wondered if the RA ever knocked on their door, telling them to be quiet.
"Okay, okay," Jude laughed.
"Sorry, my girlfriend's hot and good in bed."
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thorninspaceandtime · 4 months
Beloved mutual if sleep is what you desire and weed is how you wish to get there I recommend indica strains. With sativa I can be sorta functional but indica makes me feel like I’ve fused with the couch (in a good way) until I pass out. And my sleep is delightful and restful but in the morning I can be kinda groggy.
In general I prefer sativa because I usually do weed as a social thing or a mood relaxer and still want to be able to do things but indica does wonders for sleep.
Also, the more THC in a thing the harder it will hit (i.e, the less you’ll have to take to feel the way you want to). How you feel about smoking changes how it’ll hit; edibles can take a while so don’t take more than like 5mg for your first time. If you feel nothing try 10mg your next time. You should feel something with 10mg on your first time. Someone told me to suck on gummies for a while for a better high and it’s never failed me.
Vaping it can mean it’ll hit pretty much instantly, for that I’d recommend getting something that’s about 80% THC to start with. Smoking a joint means the high will hit within 5-10 minutes. For smoking or vaping start by inhaling for 1-2 seconds, hold it for a bit and then exhale. You can inhale longer your second time but start with 1-2 seconds per hit for your first time.
Another thing to consider is CBD concentration. CBD helps with pain, and can give you an easier time if you suffer from chronic pain and that harms your sleep. Weed can come in a range of all THC, more THC than CBD, equal split, more CBD than THC or mostly to all CBD. I don’t do much CBD but it doesn’t do any harm, it can just affect my high a bit.
Everyone’s experiences are different. This is all based on my personal experience, because I assume you’ve read a lot of the General Information already. For reference I’m about 5’7” and 160 lb so depending on your body type you may have a slightly different experience in terms of concentration (which is why I recommended starting with low doses). Good luck and I hope your experience goes well💚💚
Aaaa thank you so much!! I prefer edibles and this is the info I absolutely needed, thank you thank you!
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