#you know when var was actually on our side
balloondior · 11 months
i miss varchester united
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heimdallsram · 2 years
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━━━━ masterlist. soundtrack. archive of our own. taglist.
title: perennial
pairing: heimdall x female! goddess! reader
"You were a goddess of oaths and vows. It was only fitting that Odin would bind you to his service in only the most ironic way that he knew how: marriage."
this fanfiction contains the following: domestic violence, blood, gore, choking, violent sexual content, bad BDSM etiquette, non-consensual somnophilia, blood drinking, unhealthy relationships, and much more content that may be sensitive to some readers. reader discretion is advised.
*for inquiries about the taglist, please dm me and i will add you to it.
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 The cold of Midgard faded to a near comfortable warmth as Sindri and Atreus led you through the circular pathways of Yggdrasil. It was almost as if you had sat at a distance to a hearth that encompassed all sides of a room and you had the thought to unclasp your coat, but the vivid reminder of Heimdall’s earlier visit made you reconsider that decision promptly. It was not insufferable and you could actually tolerate the heat in the dress you wore, but you would be much more comfortable in just the dress, you knew.
 “So this is how you were so quick in your travels,” you marveled quietly. Lyndworms scuttled to and fro amongst the limbs, gnawing at the pale wood or at each other. Occasionally you would hear a loud screech and they would scatter, only later to reemerge and resume their play. “This is quite convenient. Moreso than a flock of ravens, to be sure. It’s nauseating.”
 Atreus was ahead of you by a few strides, quite happy to take the lead while you and Sindri lagged behind. “Isn’t it? We’ve traveled this way for so long that I couldn’t imagine any other way! Father—er—well, we do have to find the gateways first, and make sure they’re out of Odin’s range first.”
 “An inconvenience,” Sindri lamented,”but not impossible. Odin believes himself too smart to consider other alternatives.”
 You clenched your fingers tightly to your stomach. “Indeed. Where do we go from here?”
 “My home, of course! I built it in the tree to keep out of Odin’s way, but also because I can be here and there to help out Atreus or go to different shops. The one in Vanaheim, however, has been compromised, I am sad to say, my lady.”
 “Oh.” Your frown could not be hidden in time. It was a pity, yes; your childhood home was overrun by Einherjar these days. Odin had seen to that and told you as much. You didn’t think you could stomach returning there, however, not any time soon. It would bring back happier memories and you would only return depressed and even more dreadful of your future to come. “I see. I cannot say I am not sad to hear that.”
 “Hey, Lady Var?” Atreus piped up. You zeroed in on his form, closer than it had been before so he could speak to you properly. His eyes were curious and you found yourself happy to see it. It was rare children found anything other than worry or concern to line their minds with these days. “Can I ask you a question?”
 “You already have, but yes, Atreus. Ask anything you like.” Perhaps not anything, you would have to lie to  him at some point in time. “What do you wish to know?”
 Sindri was quick on the uptake. “Maybe nothing about Asgard, huh? Don’t want to bring up any bad feelings… You were crying when you arrived here, my lady.”
 You watched his grimace with a smile. “I was. But it is fine now. I do agree, however, that we should avoid talk of Asgard. I find myself tired of it.”
 “Right…” The boy nodded. “So you can see the oaths of anyone, right?”
 “Yes. I can see any agreement, deal, oath, or promise they have made at any point in their lives as long as they still keep them.” You paused, then inclined your head just so. “I also, at times, may be called to judge them if those vows are broken.”
 At your side, Sindri halted. You turned to look at him questioningly, but you gut swooped at the look on his face. He was looking at you with so much pity, so much sympathy, it made your stomach hurt. “You’re still doing that?”
 “Doing what?”
 You smiled tightly. “To judge those who break their vows, I must first determine whether they are fit to die or live.”
 “She kills them. Anyone who makes a promise that she observes, and later breaks, she is duty bound to decide their fate.” Sindri trudged ahead of both you and Atreus. He wasn’t looking at you, not really, as he passed, and you knew he was feeling guilty on your behalf. Much like Sif had, except hers was that she had not intervened in time; Sindri’s was pure shame that you had to take lives like you were. “It isn’t like you do it out of hatred, my lady. But it doesn’t make it any less wrong.”
 “I know.” You did not jog to keep up with the two, but you did have to quicken your pace. The leaves of Yggdrasil rustled around you gently on a non-present breeze. “It’s nothing I do not tell myself every night.”
 You waited for Atreus to ask more of his questions. They never came. He was silent, eyes darting between yourself and Sindri curiously, and his mouth would open and close as if he was trying to work up something to say and came painfully short. As you were looking at him, trying to discern how he felt about your abilities and job, you noticed a sprig of mistletoe around his neck, shaped into an arrow and looped around a leather cord.
 The words came out of your mouth unbidden. “You killed Baldur.”
 You had been one of the few who had been first to know of his death, but you had not been aware of who had killed him. They kept things like that from you and most others, with only select family members of Odin owning up to the knowledge. While it was obvious that Baldur would not return after some time had passed, none of the small folk within Asgard knew just how he had met his death, or the terms and conditions of the invulnerability he possessed. You did.
 “I didn’t… But yeah. It happened.” His eyes were wide now, looking at you in slight apprehension. “We didn’t want to, but Freya—“
 Raising a hand high, you indicated for him to stop speaking. Then, gently, you patted his shoulder, but it was  stiff movement. You weren’t used to comforting others at all. “I understand, Atreus. The depths of Baldur’s longing to feel are what earned him his death. It is not your fault that he could not see it until he was on his death bed. Queen Freya was mistaken to use such a spell on him, but she was a mother under Odin’s rule. She felt she had no other choice but to protect him.”
 The walk to Sindri’s home was filled with silence, this time more suffocating than the previous. Speaking of such heavy topics had not been the best idea, in hindsight, but the boy had looked so nervous, so pitiful, that you had to reassure him that all was well. He walked with such a burden on his shoulders that you wondered if he would be able to take all that was to come for him in the future; he held a greatness within him, if only he knew how to use it.
 “Here we are!” Sindri’s mood had lifted by the time you stepped through the white, shining door of light. “Welcome to my home, my lady.”
 It was of a craft you had never seen before. Odin’s hall was certainly grand, but it was austere and minimalist in build. This was ornate, beautifully and lovingly designed, with gold and glass windows that allowed a glimpse within. This felt like a home, not a palace, and you smiled at the thought.
  “It is beautiful, Sindri.” You were unsurprised when Atreus sped ahead of you, shoving open the doors excitedly. You could just barely make out the agitated grumble inside, belonging to that of the more grumpy half of the Huldra brothers. “I daresay I could not imagine anything better.”
 “You’ll like it more once you’re inside. Come, my lady, but… please leave your boots at the door.” His eyes were leery as he stared at the mud soaked material covering your feet. “I just cleaned.”
 You had half a mind to remind him that Atreus had waltzed in without concern, but perhaps that was something that had to be trained out of him. You stepped out of your boots as ordered and left them by the door, waiting patiently for Sindri to beckon you inside. It would be rude for you to enter and act as if you were familiar with the abode. You were not Thor, entering where you were not bidden.
  “—and she was crying, but she seemed happy to see Sindri—!”
 Atreus was busily catching Brok up to speed, it seemed, as the other blacksmith deemed you clean enough to enter his home. You stepped through the door cautiously, Sindri at your side, and watched as the boy waved his hands towards you in reference to something he was saying, but Brok had evidently stopped listening the moment his gaze drifted towards you.
  “Well I’ll be damned,” he chortled, slapping the wooden table in front of him so hard that it rattled. He was quick to scoot out from behind it and to you, bypassing Atreus entirely. “If it ain’t the fuckin’ goddess of vows ‘erself! If I wasn’t so glad to see ye I’d give ye an earful for bouncin’ off to Asgard like that!”
 Your laugh was lighter than it had been in years. “I missed you, too, Brok. It has been… a very long time, indeed. Though, the last I heard, you and Sindri had parted ways. Am I to assume the past is the past?”
 “Indeed!” Sindri agreed heartily. “It was all thanks to Atreus, really.”
 Over Brok’s head, you met Atreus’ gaze with a thankful smile. “It seems I have a lot to thank you for, Atreus.”
 “Oh, no!” He waved his hands in a gesture of ‘no’. It was amusing the way he edged away towards a room, keen on giving you space. “It was nothing! Uh, I’ll give you all some space, okay?”
 You waited until the door was firmly shut to laugh at him. “He’s a funny kid, no?”
 “Don’t worry ‘bout Atreus, my lady.” Brok shook his head and headed back to the work table. He propped open a chest and withdrew a box carved from pale wood, something similar to the wood of Yggdrasil but not quite the same. “Had this waitin’ for a few centuries for ye. It ain’t my best but it’ll do its job, eh?”
 Approaching the table, you took the box carefully into your hands. It was smooth and polished and you chuckled at the chicken scratch handwriting on the top that had your name depicted in runes. But you could feel the runic power emnating from inside, and when you opened it, you were surprised to see not a weapon or anything of the like, but a bracelet. You laid the box down and took the bracelet out of its velvet confines, peering at it with raised eyebrows.
  “That there is elven steel,” Sindri provided helpfully. He pointed out the runes etched more delicately into the side, explaining,”We imbued it with protection runes from the realms. It was hard to get the different essences, especially since Brok is banned from Alfheim, but we managed to get them all and put them into this bracelet. If you trigger the failsafe inside it, it will produce enough power to create an explosion and teleport you here. Brok figured if you were going to Asgard, you would need a way out, but… you left before he could give it to you,” he finished sourly.
 You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks and clasped the bracelet around your wrist as a distraction. “I apologize for that. Odin was not… well. Patient, I suppose. I was lucky he did not snatch me up when he was in disguise. But I will put it to good use, I promise. Thank you both.”
 “Speakin’ of, what the hel’re you doin’ in Midgard anyways? I thought the bastard kept you penned up in Asgard like a prized pig these days.”
 At the reminder of why you were there, the smile slowly faded from your lips. Sindri, surprisingly, touched the top of your fur covered shoulder and patted it lightly. Your fingers tightened over the bracelet and popped threateningly.    “That bad, huh?” Brok stared at you with a frown on his face. “Ain’t seen you go ashen like that since you were a kid.”
  You stared at the fire in the forge contemplatively. Twisting the bracelet around your arm, you tried to think of a way to break it to them gently—but you were coming up blank. Taking a deep breath and praying this was the right decision, you unpinned the clasp of your coat and let it flop open unceremoniously. Sindri, from his position at your side, couldn’t see the ring of bruises around your throat, but Brok’s strangled choke indicated enough for him to turn you around himself.
 “Who did this?” was his quiet whisper as you rapidly pulled the clasp back together.
 “Heimdall.” You tightened your arms and curled them around your chest defensively. “I am to be married to him this evening. He… did not take it well when Odin escalated his plans to have us marry. I didn’t think—well, I didn’t think, did I? This wasn’t a possibility, I had reassured myself, but my disrespect was too much for him.”
 “Fuck.” Brok rubbed his face tiredly. “You really put yer foot in it, didn’t ye?”
 You closed your eyes. “More than you know.”
 After a moment, you explained the situation—your lying to Odin about your abilities, the judgements, the incident with Heimdall, Sif’s sympathy, all of it—to the two while you had the nerve and the chance. You couldn’t talk to anyone in Asgard about any of this, but Brok and Sindri listened to you as you spoke. They moved you to the table, offered you food and drink as you struggled through the process of speaking of your trauma, and when you had finally finished talking and eating, they were silent, considering.
  “I’m a fool,” you sighed. “I thought I was smarter than him and look where it got me.”
 Sindri opened his mouth and, brows furrowing, said,”If you’re married, that will be a vow you can’t break. Right?”
 “Yes.” The bottle of wine sitting at the end of the table was suddenly looking all to enticing. “Only death can break it, and even then, the magic lingers. Knowing Odin, he’ll make the vows something permanent. Debilitating. I have no use to him unless I have no choice but to obey.”
 “And Heimdall… Urgh. You won’t be able to escape, either.” Sindri shuddered at the thought. “But with the bracelet—“
 “I cannot leave Asgard unless Odin loosens the restrictions himself.” Another lie, but it was for their best interest. If they knew you could bypass Odin’s wards, you would be in more trouble—they would want your help, your aid, and you could not give it. You were not strong enough to be of any help to their cause, but… you knew others who could be. “I am here on borrowed time. But, I will use the bracelet if I am in danger, this I swear.” The bond shone into existence, bright and gold. “And if I die… then you have to promise to keep the next incarnation safe. She cannot fall into Odin’s hands once more.”
 “Of course,” Brok answered. “Anythin’ for ya, my lady.”
 “Are you in that much danger?” Sindri wordlessly slid the bottle of wine you had been eyeing to you. You poured yourself a generous amount into the mug they had given you. “That you could potentially… die?”
 “It is the way of things, yes.” You took a deep swallow. “As you both know, Var goddesses do not usually marry. Even more rarely do they have children. Odin expects both. I do not know the consequences of having such a vow linked to my soul; I can’t be partial to it. But he will demand it, I know this much. And… my predecessors have all died painfully young.”
 None had lived past their fifth century, and you were rapidly reaching that milestone.
  “You won’t,” Atreus piped in firmly. He had slid into the chair beside you without you noticing, and you jumped in your seat. Perhaps you should put the wine down. “We won’t let you. There has to be some way to break those vows.”
 A niggling thought made its way into your mind. You had snipped parts of a vow before; would a marriage vow be so much of a stretch? Your buzzed mind was questioning it, and you weren’t sure, but you could attempt it. “There may be a way. I’m not… sober enough to think out the logistics at the moment, though. And, unfortunately, I need to retrieve that scroll and return to Asgard soon.”
 “We won’t see you again after it’s done.” It was not a question.
  “Likely not.” Your smile was thin and contrite. “I can send messages, but they will be few and between. It is all I can do, but I will try my best to stay in contact without Odin knowing.”
 Seeing your visit, and conversation, was at an end, Sindri stood from his chair. “I will escort you out, my lady.”
 Nodding, you got to your feet and bid Brok farewell with a crouched, awkwardly positioned hug, and a pat on Atreus’ shoulder. You stumbled out the door, the booze not faring so well on your system, and you had to get Sindri to support you to the door and into Yggdrasil. However, something was pressing at your immediate thoughts, and disappointment flooded your body.
  “You brought Brok back from the dead.”
 “He has no soul?”
 “I… could not go where it needed to be found.”
 “I see.”
 “You’re disappointed in me.”
 “I understand why you did it,” you replied tiredly. “But Sindri… he should know.”
 “I know. One day. But not today.”
 He parted ways with you at the door to Midgard. He was solemn as you gave him a hug and gave him your well wishes, but your smile was squashed by the idea of going back to Asgard just to see Heimdall’s arrogant face when you returned. The wedding would just be the icing on that metaphorical cake.
 But you could not avoid it, could you?
 “Huginn,” you called, and it was not Huginn who answered your call, but Munin. And with him, standing loosely by the door to the Bifrost, was Odin, looking not at all as if he should not be present. He was dressed warmly, and wore another face, but you could tell it was him. His expressions seemed to always follow him even in disguise. “Odin.”
 When he gripped your arm tightly, you did not make a sound.
  “I will consider this a final kindness to you,” he said softly, oh so dangerously. The hairs on the back of your neck rose in warning. “But no more. Do I make myself clear?”
 Your throat ached, suddenly, as you answered. “Yes, All-Father.”
| next.
taglist: @versiesleeps
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Love in The Air: the end of an era
Quick commentary of the special episode
So, why does the intro of the special episode slaps harder than the actual intro??? 
Okay but I love how touchy Sky got with Pai; like when Pai takes him out of his brother's hands and Sky is trying to ease Pai I find it so endearing how he is also hugging Pai back and playing with Pai jacket. 
Pai angry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Sky teasing Pai >>>>>>>>>
Literally any scene with Rain on it (he looks so cute and beautiful with the hanbok)
Phayu in any time of clothes hits so hard honestly. He is fulling every one of the fantasies ever made (mechanic, architect, doctor, pilot, korean prince)
Likes and the defending of my favorite boy
There’s a lot of things I liked about this episode: Pai switching his tone of voice between angry with his brother and soft and lovely with Sky, Phayu talking with his friend (which, yes, I do love their chemistry, how tf Boss gets to do that?), Rain and Sky jealous and possessive over their boyfriends and also being horny and giving up to them. 
What I liked about it too, something we also see in the series in general, is both part of the relationship focus on pleasure the other: Sky knows how to play physical with Pai and Pai loves to worship the fuck out of Sky when they fucked. Phayu and Rain deal with a lot more of D/s tones, focusing on Phayu giving Rain pleasure and therefore Phayu enjoying the reactions of Rain, I feel like their relationship in this episode got more room to develop and make the watchers understand their relationship more. 
I love how this series emphasizes the importance of giving pleasure to both parts and is not just the “top” giving and doing all the stuff. 
I will stand on this hill and defend the shit out of Rain no matter how much the show tries to make him look like a comedic relief, mainly because I love those types of characters. I will like to briefly talk about the structure of the episode being built on jealousy and insecurity. Things we had seen more in the Pai and Sky relationship. Here’s the thing, Rain is insecure dating someone as cool as Phayu as everyone else might be, like, Phayu is literally a god to everyone's eyes, Rain included. So it makes sense that for once Rain wants to keep him to himself. 
What I find interesting is the reason why Rain got “really” mad with Phayu; one might think it would make more sense for him to get angry at Phayu cosplaying for everyone (because as they said, cosplaying is something Phayu does for Rain, and only him). But, nop, our boy got mad because Phayu was talking with our beautiful girl Natsu. And is more weird when you focus on what Phayu said to Rain when he was confronted: Rain said Phayu was kissing that woman, and Phayu said that’s something he only does with him (aka he only kisses Rain). 
Look, we have the var way to high for dealing with Phayu mocking Rain most of the time so I maybe my biases toward Pai and Rain makes me wanna grab Phayu and making him understand that Rain needs verbal validation AND backup when they are with people and not only when they are by themselves. Like, the boy is crying because he always gets made fun of and Phayu goes and does that. 
But overall, Phayu does know how to approach Rain and make him feel good not only physically but mentally too. He knows how to get on Rain's good side because he understands the reason why he got mad is important to him. Also, I am going to fully believe (I will in fact pretend the scene where Rain confronted Sky and saying stuff along the lines of “you knew they were coming all along?” is not a scene perse and just a fever dream BECAUSE I WANT TO) Rain did all of that - ignoring Phayu and going on a trip with Sky-  because he wanted to have something more spicy in their lives and what more can he give to his boyfriend than a perfect honeymoon and unlimited sex in the beach? Exactly, nothing can beat that. 
I don’t have to brag and talk about how beautiful it is to see our Sky have confidence in himself and brag about his boyfriend but also see him struggle too with his known insecurities. I am obsessed with it. I don’t know if I say it but this show actually goes in depth with how the parts of the relationship worked in individuality and then they go about their relationship in pairs. Love is not about finding a boy who will fix all our problems (we wish) but to give us encouragement and support to actually get to that place where we can be fully ourselves. I like that Sky wasn’t automatically “fixed” after him and Pai became official; the nightmares are still there, the insecurities too, are not all gone just because Pai is there. They got better, yes, but not faded. That’s a work in progress and the part in the beach where Pai says he will wait until Sky is ready and even if he is not, he will still be there OH MY GOD, PEAK CINEMATOGRAPHY AND SCREENWRITING. Nothing, and I say, nothing in the BL universe will ever top that scene, sorry for all the BLs to come but my heart has already sealed that place with that scene. 
Also, I think the idea of Rain and Sky planning the trip beforehand and doing it for their boyfriends makes more sense than thinking they were just living in the moment. Like, for real, we are talking about architecture students. I don’t really think they have a bone of spontaneity in their body when it comes to things like their boyfriends. Why else will we have not only Rain BUT Sky too give his boyfriend the time of their lives? Like, they had some planning to do in their free time away, don't get me wrong; they do enjoy it for a while but they do get really into giving their boyfriends a surprise because they both knew they were coming to get them. 
Last thoughts
Anyway, I will say I love this episode more than the entire series all together because of how much I love already established relationships and their dynamics. However, I also think it is a good way to end both couples' stories and show how they work after all the drama they have been through. I love PaiSky more for the emotional support, the slow-burn and the reverse meeting (fucking then feelings) but I like PhayuRain for comfort and cuteness; more from Rain tho. Overall, the story and the elements work really well most of the time and the weather is such a great element present all over the series and gives it a more strong feeling and is a hint on how much the story took effort to build.
Now, let’s go find another show to hyperfixate and write shit about.  
Plot: 8.5/10 
Directing: 9 (first half) - 7 (last half) /10 
Acting: 8/10 
Satisfaction: 9/10
Overall: 8.5.
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henrys-wee-hen · 1 year
No-one Fucks With The Lobos - Chapter 13
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48070186/chapters/122263360
Or enjoy under the cut! :D
I ended up microdosing Teddy a little bit, keeping just a small packet of the cocaine destined to go back to his mother for the purpose. Teddy didn’t know, but I couldn’t exactly force him to see Bellafrancesca without some help, at least. I put the rest of the cocaine into a bag, which I kept with me while I got a little more dressed up. I made Teddy do the same, even though he looked absolutely miserable.
“Do we have to fucking do this?” he breathed, leaning against the front door. I nodded. “Can we stop and get food, first?”
“I don’t want you throwing up, Teddy.” I held the bag behind me. “Your mom’s not going to be so pleased that we’re doing this.”
“I know… but I can’t focus and I’m hungry.”
“Tell you what,” I purred. “How about we go deal with your mom, and then we go somewhere real nice for dinner, and then… later on…” I ran my hands along the front of his jacket. “We can spend the night doing whatever we want to?” Teddy looked down at me. He still trembled a little, but that was due to the heightened anxiety he likely felt. He tried a small smile.
“Sure, (Y/N),” he murmured. “Alright.” I reached up on my toes and kissed him softly. I don’t quite know why. I know I said I wouldn’t do anything with him until… well, until God only knew when. But the fact that he’d lasted a full week with only a tiny unknown microdose from me… he wasn’t sneaking any behind my back. He was getting clean.
For me.
For me.
Perhaps it was the moment to start introducing a couple of little carrots to the mix…
I picked up the car keys and made to hand them to Teddy, but then realised – he couldn’t drive. Not in this state.
“I guess I’ll have to drive, huh?” I held the keys up, and Teddy held himself.
“I can’t. Not like this. Fuck me, (Y/N), this is rough.”
“I know, sweetheart. But you’re doing so well. And I’m so fucking proud of you.” I pocketed the keys and took his hand. That small phrase, coupled with that small gesture, was apparently enough to make him smile. Had the tables really turned? Was there not a moment in time in this bizarre, fucked-up story of ours that I had been the one with the praise kink? But, as we descended to the garage in the elevator, I realised that it probably wasn’t a kink with Teddy, not right now. I realised it was probably a genuine need for love and support… and we were going right to the person who’d denied him that, just when he was at the most vulnerable he’d been since the night his father died.
And as we approached Teddy’s gleaming orange Dodge, I felt a hatred rise up in me, all of it directed towards Bellafrancesca fucking Lobo.
I slid the bag into passenger seat with Teddy, who looked way too large to be sitting where he was. He looked out of the window miserably as I climbed into the driver’s side and pulled the seat forward. Teddy turned to watch me as I fired the engine to life with a beautiful roar.
“Why is that kind of sexy?” Teddy asked, looking at me. I grinned.
“I always hated this fucking car, but this…” I stroked the steering wheel. “Nah, this is fucking nice, Teddy.”
“Why do you think I bought it?” Manual transmission aside, the var was butter smooth. I pulled it into reverse, grinning widely.
“Because you’re an obnoxious asshole who loves to be seen?” I smirked at him. He chuckled, closing his eyes.
“I might actually fucking die… drive slowly?”
“What?!” I put it in first gear once we were out of the parking bay, and pulled smoothly away towards the gated entrance. I didn’t even know where we were going. “Teddy fucking Lobo, king of burning donuts and drag racing through New Orleans… asking me to drive slowly?!”
“I feel fucking… ugh…” he held the door, curling in on himself. “I don’t think we should fucking go.”
“We have to.” The gate in front of me opened. “Right… Lobo Mansion…” I looked around, understanding exactly where we were: Central Business District. Of course, Teddy wouldn’t live in the sticks, where he could be quiet. I laughed to myself as I imagined that obnoxiously bright car sitting on the immaculate driveway of a beautiful villa house in the Garden District… it wouldn’t fit at all. But then, no-one would breathe a word.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Oh… nothing. I just thought you’d be living somewhere a little richer…” I smiled as I pulled out onto the main road. “Tremé doesn’t scream ‘too much money, not enough sense’, you know? But then, the thought of this car being on a perfect driveway over in Garden District? Or the French Quarter?” Teddy smiled smally. He was curled up a little, holding his head. “It’s alright, Teddy. Just ten minutes and we’ll be there.”
It was strange, seeing how people reacted to Teddy’s car. People on foot stared, especially when we were at a stoplight and they saw me driving, with Teddy practically sleeping in the passenger seat. But cars on the road literally moved out of the way for me, pulling aside to let me through. It was like everyone knew we were going to the Lobo Mansion.
“Teddy? Where do you usually park?” I asked, loitering for a moment outside the Mansion. Teddy jerked awake.
“What? Oh… just… anywhere. Over there.” He gestured to a space. “Tony and the boys won’t care.” I did as he said, cutting the engine. “I don’t wanna fucking do this, (Y/N). Mom’s going to freak out, she’ll hurt you… she���ll fucking kill me…”
“Do what, Teddy? Hand over her drugs and tell her you want to do things clean?” I sighed, grabbing the bag from his feet. “Or tell her you’re quitting the family business?”
“She won’t take either of them.”
“Look, Teddy… there has to be something else you can do that isn’t mob enforcement. She’s never going to let you be the head of this family. Why do you think Mandy’s there? Your mother has other plans. You might as well enjoy your life without trying all the time to impress her.” I reached across and took his hand. “I’m not afraid of her. She spent time in prison and apparently, she hated every second.”
“You’ve never fucking met her.” Teddy sighed. He looked at me, an almost resigned look on his face. “She’ll destroy you. She has no fucking boundaries, baby.”
“Neither do I, anymore.” I smiled at him tightly. “Come on.”
Honestly, I wasn’t afraid of Bellafrancesca Lobo. Teddy had already hurt me way, way deeper than she could. And she was a loose canon at best. Mandy, perhaps, was a little chilling, since she was so young… but Bellafrancesca, by the sounds of things, just wanted a daughter. And she’d been given a son. I never asked Teddy why his mother had only ever had him… and part of me didn’t want to know.
I stepped out of the car with Teddy, locking the car (although I didn’t know if I even had to, since no-one would dare steal Teddy Lobo’s car), and we made our way up the steps and into the quiet mansion. Brice was sat at the top of the beautifully ornate stairs, watching us. I had to look around. The huge, vaulted ceilings, everything gold with accents of colour here and there, mainly ruby reds and emerald greens. In the middle of the room, a glass coffin – Ritchie Lobo. I felt a little bit sick. It was almost Tsarist Russian Empire in its brutality. I swallowed, and Teddy looked at me.
“Teddy,” Brice said, standing. He folded his arms.
“Mom’s expecting us.” Teddy stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I adjusted the holdall on my shoulder.
“Who’s this?”
“(Y/N). My guest.” I smiled. What else did I do? I wasn’t actually a guest here… I was the one who was about to take the son of the most powerful crime family in New Orleans away to a life where he’d be doing boring legal shit… I was the snake in the grass, here. “Where’s my mom?”
“Downstairs.” Teddy swallowed.
“Great. Let her know we’re here.” He led me upstairs, past Brice, who eyed me. I jogged up the stairs with Teddy, but both of us were fairly breathless by the time we reached the top. Me, because since being in the ICU, the most I’d really done was walk around the apartment and sleep, and Teddy because he was sobering up.
It was abundantly clear both of us needed some kind of activity or sport back in our lives. I made a mental note to bring that up when Teddy was through the worst of the come-downs.
The room Teddy led us to was beautiful, at the top of the mansion overlooking the Mississippi. The weather was gorgeous, and the view spectacular. I set the bag down and moved to the window. Teddy moved up behind me, placing his hands onto my waist.
“This could go so fucking wrong, you know.”
“Well, if it does…” I gave a shrug. “At least you’ll die with dignity.”
“She won’t kill me, (Y/N). She’ll kill you.” I turned to face him. He kept his hands where they were. “And I don’t fucking know if I can take that.” 
“Then stand your ground with her, Teddy. She’s your mother. She’s as human as I am.”
“Yeah… you really don’t fucking know her.” He sighed, pulling me to him. He wrapped his arms around me.
“What’s this for?” I asked.
“Just… shut up, okay? I need this…”
I wrapped my arms around Teddy’s chest, and sighed, closing my eyes. I wanted to know what was going through his head. What his actual fears were. What his thoughts were doing. What had Bellafrancesca done to him that was so bad, over the years, that he couldn’t even say it properly aloud? Had she done that much? Teddy stepped back after a moment, smiling down at me.
“Better?” I asked. He nodded. “Good.”
“Want a drink?”
I watched him move to a little mini-bar, where various decanters sat. He picked out two crystal glasses, and tipped a little bit of some spirit into both. He took a seat on the red sofa, patting the space beside him.
“C’mere. Sit.” I did so, and Teddy leaned back after handing me the glass. I sniffed it. Rum. “Good?”
“I guess we’ll both need it, huh?” You’ll need it. Caribbean courage. I took a sip. It went down like caramel. “God, that’s good.” He clinked his glass against mine.
We sat quietly, Teddy mainly in fear, me mainly because I didn’t know what to say to Teddy here. This was his space, his home. He’d grown up here. I could only imagine what his childhood had been like, roaming around this vast complex… I looked at him, and he was staring off into space. He was apprehensive. Of course he was. Vulnerable to his thoughts for the first time since he’d starting sticking shit up his nose, and now he had to face the crankiest bear in Yves Saint Laurent.
The ominous clicking of heels sounded from down the corridor, and the dulcet tones of Bellafrancesca followed. Ordering someone. I sat a little straighter, and Teddy coughed. The ornate doors opened, and the Queen of the Empire herself stepped in, resplendent in a stunning pale green pantsuit, accessorised with gold. She stopped when she saw us.
“Teddy,” she smiled. She looked at me, disdain written all over her face. “And… (Y/N)?”
“Mom,” Teddy whispered.
“Mrs Lobo,” I said, clearing my throat. I stood, and Teddy followed suit. “Thanks for seeing us both on such short notice.”
“Oh, dear! I do not need to make appointments to see my son and his… well, whatever it is you are.” She looked me up and down. I held my ground. I looked fine. Teddy had appraised me enough before we left. “To him.” That little add-on, I knew, was supposed to soften the catty little blow. I smiled.
“Well, I’m sure Teddy will happily define what we are when we have a definition for it.” I moved to her, holding out a hand. “But for now, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She gave me her hand, and I shook it firmly.
“My dear, I was at the hospital with Teddy when you were in the ICU.” She crossed her arms in front of her, leaning on one hip. “You are welcome, by the way. For your medical bills.”
“Oh, we’re quite even, I assure you.” Bellafrancesca looked a little taken aback. “Since Teddy was the one who put me there in the first place. I think paying to make sure I survived it… least you could do, you know?” Teddy looked down beside me. Bellafrancesca pursed her lips.
“Quite the sharp wit you have, (Y/N).” An appraising look, slow and torturous, almost. “What have you come for today, then, if not to see me, with my son?” I bent down and picked the holdall up, unzipping it before I threw it at her feet.
“To return your drugs.” I gave her a smile. “Teddy’s getting clean.” A sly little smirk crossed her lips. I looked back at Teddy, who was looking down. He knew what was about to happen. I didn’t.
“Ah,” Bellafrancesca said softly. “You’re going to bring my son into the line of the law… you are going to be the one who pulls him straight… makes him good…” she gave me a dazzling smile. “What a challenge for you.”
“Teddy wants it as much as I do.”
“Well, I’m sure Teddy can tell me that himself.” She looked at Teddy expectantly. Teddy ran a hand over his hair and turned. “Perhaps neither of you are on the same page, (Y/N). Shall I tell you why Teddy will never join your side?” Bellafrancesca took a few steps toward me, stepping over the bag of cocaine. I stood my ground. Teddy walked away, towards the back of the room. Bellafrancesca was almost toe to toe with me. She was a fraction taller. “Because he is the heir to this family’s empire… and before you came along and made him think he ought to have a better conscience, he was performing his work admirably.” She smiled down at me. Her perfume surrounded me, almost dazzling me. Behind me, Teddy froze up. “And one day, when I am gone, he’ll take over and continue his work… and all you officers at the precinct, you all thought he was a… what was the word? A jackass? Not fit for much more than running around and playing at being a mob enforcer…” Bellafrancesca’s eyes shone with pride, now. “But he played everybody. And the empire that I have built… I would be lying if I said I was not proud of him. My beautiful boy.”
Behind me, Teddy let out a noise that I wasn’t sure of – cough, sob… it could have been either. But I knew whatever it was… he’d fallen straight into the old alligator’s trap.
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eryanlainfa · 10 months
Kiran thinks Aiden is trying to recruit Julian into their plot of having 7 evil exes by asking him things like “So what. are your horns made of?” /j
Aiden lore is so interesting and they will NEVER get to tell Julian because he keeps going “Ermmmm welllll we have a sun kingdom too and ours is. Better” and they do stumble into a witch village that’s pretty much crumbled from high-level workers for kings to a small cult so idk we can fit it into the lore. I ENJOY IT!!!!
Kiran side-eyes Aiden forever they will NEVER convince him otherwise he’s a helicopter husband /j
Asking invasive and weirdly specific questions is peak flirting actually 😤 how do you think Aiden bagged both Var and Hugh /j (well.. halfly because if Aiden could put them in a jar and study them like bugs he would)
I forgot what that was about- but YEAH LMAO BETTER- now I know their sun kingdom freaking KILL HIM fkfkfldld
Oooooh witch village! That kinda fits. The Veneficas made their own witch village (which is kinda why they hold all the power over it) when witch hunting was going strong. It's hidden near the Dark Kingdom and usually isnt accessible to non-magical beings, its like hidden within a huge fog or something- and you need magic to navigate through it, humans tends to get lost and eventually get back out (or not-)
He's an helicopter husband 😭🤣 Aiden and Julian are having tea meanwhile Kiran Hugo and Varian are hovering around them JUST in case. And somehow it just makes things worse actually
0 notes
mynameisjessejk · 10 months
But In Our Selves, Change, Part 3
Hirsent, Fel, and Feyrith were moving a little slower than they had been the day before, since she was nominally riding as Princess to her king.
“They made better time than I imagined,” FEl murmured, as the ground started to shift from yellow-brown-green scrubland into green and trees. “That’s the edges of the swamp.”
Feyrith peered gloomily at the swath of putrid green ahead of them, which they were riding straight for. On the bright side, they could see the muddy brown tracks of the army through the green. Why had he thought this was a good idea?
“Gadith Var,” Hirsent murmured. “This was farmland once,” she observed, waving at a mossy bush that on further examination proved to actually be the top of a windmill, rusted still and strangled by vines. “What happened here?”
“Something went wrong with the tutelary deity,” Feyrith answered. Then he added, in the interest of fairness, “I don’t know what though, because I don’t know why I said that.” There was a pressure on his eardrums, not unlike the pressure of the future behind his eyes, but entirely in the wrong part of his head.
Fel chuckled softly, butting his shoulder affectionately backwards into Feyrith’s.
“I thought all the local gods got destroyed,” Hirsent said.
“You can’t destroy a god,” Feyrith said flatly. He didn’t know where she’d gotten such erroneous information, but he wasn’t interested in letting it slide. “Their temples were destroyed, and most of them went to ground. Most are too weak to do anything anymore, but none of them are dead. And not many of them went wrong like Varynethron, but not none, either.”
“You’re full of information today,” Fel murmured, offering a piece of jerky as he shifted his seat to string his bow.
Feyrith supposed this meant that his bow would soon be needed, and tensed. He took the jerky though; it was too good to turn down, even with the nerves rolling in his stomach.
Hirsent produced the familiar crystal on the chain, which she wound between her fingers so the crystal dangled between her thumb and forefinger. “I have some uses beyond decorative,” she told them when she saw them looking.
“I would never dare suggest otherwise,” Fel returned, and he sounded like he was grinning.
Feyrith grumbled around his mouthful, tucking his cheek against Fel’s shoulder, “No, I get to be purely decorative today.”
Grim huffed a laugh. “You do it well,” he promised. His head tilted to look at Hirsent. “I hope you weren’t planning on stealth,” he told her. “Gadith Var makes stealth impossible.”
Ahead of them, there was an unearthly shriek. Feyrith tried not to flinch. Why had he left his nice, quiet forest?
Hirsent’s face screwed up in distaste. “No,” she said drolly, “I wasn’t planning on stealth.”
“Aren’t Torna and Cael, though?” Feyrith asked. He’d never seen Cael die in a swamp, though, and Torna’s death was still so far; he’d just have to trust that they could take care of themselves, and that Fel and Hirsent wouldn’t change so much that it would put them at new risk.
“Torna and Cael have their Ranger Talismans, though,” Fel assured him, “They should be all right, especially with us making a big noise along the way.”
“Your talismans have magic?” Hirsent asked.
Fel nodded. “Not much, just some stealth and persuasion built it. Why do you think we wave them at folk when we need something?”
Feyrith hummed quietly in interest. He hadn’t noticed the magic of the talisman, even the times Fel or Torna had used them in his presence; he wondered what made them different from the spells he could usually taste in the air or feel between his eyes.
Hirsent looked intrigued.
Fel shrugged.
There was another shriek from afar, and Fel adjusted the placement of his quiver on the cantle. He usually wore it at his hip, but he’d hung it from the front of the saddle as they’d ridden, which seemed to work well enough for him.
Hirsent took his cue and sharpened her attention to their surroundings, and Feyrith shifted closer, and tightened his grip on Fel’s waist.
The first monster that appeared came out from behind a bush with a terrible noise that was a cross between a growl and shriek. Fel put an arrow center mass without hesitation. “Varites,” he said. “That’s what we call them, anyway.”
Hirsent frowned, peering into the brush where it had vanished after collapsing from Fel’s arrow. She blasted the next one with a short projectile that seemed to be made of light, emanating from the crystal in her hand. This one simply disintegrated.
More followed.
Feyrith made a low discontent noise. He clung to Fel’s hips, tried to mold his body to the human’s back as he moved, and kept his face tucked desperately between Fel’s shoulder blades and his eyes screwed shut.
He wasn’t entirely sure what the humans saw when they looked at the creatures that kept coming out of the swamp at them, but to Feyrith’s wheeling double-vision, they were macabrely decaying corpses with flames coming out of every orifice, including a few that weren’t openings on living beings.
Fel was neatly putting arrows in their faces when they manifested, or else Princess Hirsent was blasting them with the little jets of light from her crystal. The arrows made them collapse into the swamp; the light made them burst.
“Ooh, these ones are fun,” Fel said in a way that indicated, to Feyrith’s familiar ear, that they were in no way any kind of fun. Feyrith lifted his head to squint one eye at the new creature, and could not stop the little moan of dismay.
The shambling corpse-creature seemed to be made of parts of at least two different humanoid things--Feyrith genuinely could not tell if they had once been human or elven--and several animals, including a dog and at least two birds.
“Gross,” the princess said wryly, face wrinkling with a kind of rueful, horrified humor. Her bolt knocked off the bird skull, leaving the creature headless and still shuffling nearer.
Fel’s arrow knocked it down, and it kept crawling along.
Feyrith buried his face in Fel’s back again, trusting that they would find a way to kill it, and unable to watch any more.
“It’s all right,” Fel murmured after a moment. “They’re obnoxious and horrifying, but they’re not that hard to stop.”
Feyrith swallowed; that verb, ‘stop’ wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but he was trying very hard not to know that the things would get up again, given enough time to regenerate.
That was why some of them had so many holes in them; Rangers had stopped them before.
Feyrith whimpered softly. “Why didn’t I stay in my temple?” he asked plaintively.
“Oh, are monsters your limit?” Hirsent asked, something cold and snide in her voice.
“Yes,” Feyrith snapped. “Yes, okay, yes. Monsters are my limit.”
“Easy,” Fel murmured, stroking his wrist. “They take some like that,” he told them both. “Not everyone can shake off ghouls.”
“What do they look like to you?” Feyrith asked.
Hirsent made a noise of surprise. Feyrith resisted the urge to hiss at her.
“Shadows,” Fel said. “Human-shaped shadows given some depth of form, and if they get close they have void eyes and mouths.”
Feyrith shivered. “Must be nice,” he muttered. Off Fel’s gentle noise of curiosity, he added, “They’re rotting corpses filled with a flame that does not consume them. That last one was cobbled together from multiple corpses.”
Hirsent made a revolted noise.
Fel squeezed his wrist. “We won’t let them near.”
Feyrith leaned his cheek more comfortably against Fel’s shoulder and closed his eyes. “I’m fine,” he muttered. “I just don’t want to see.” He would have nightmares, he thought; regular, run-of-the-mill nightmares about corpses and flames would honestly be an interesting change from TrueDreams.
“We’re not that far behind the army,” Fel said. “Maybe another hour at this pace. They’re moving slow.”
“Probably seeing a lot more of these things than we are,” Hirsent offered.
“Or just having a harder go at getting rid of them,” Fel observed. “The ones you zap aren’t coming back, are you noticing? Blunt trauma only keeps them down for a few minutes, but you’re actually, I mean, killing them, I guess.”
Hirsent’s noise suggested she had not noticed this fact. “Good to know,” she said thoughtfully. “Where do they come from?”
Feyrith didn’t want to know the answer to this, but suddenly he did. “Anything that’s died here since Varynethron went wrong,” he replied through gritted teeth. “Animated by his power.”
“Don’t gods lose power when people stop worshipping them?” Hirsent demanded, with a noise to indicate she’d blasted another ghoul. “What’s powering this thing?”
“Please stop asking me questions I don’t want the answers to,” Feyrith moaned softly. “There’s a binding that went wrong, made him break, and it’s trapping the energy of the dead to power its working.”
“I mean, it’s very useful,” Hirsent said. “Can we stop the working?”
“He doesn’t know,” Feyrith answered, head beginning to throb.
“He who?” Hirsent asked. “Who’s telling you this?”
“I don’t know,” Feyrith muttered, trying to suffocate himself in Fel’s shirt.
“All right,” Fel said. “That’s enough. Fey, are you all right?”
Reflexively, Feyrith checked his nose for blood, then rested his face right back in Fel’s shirt. He was warm and pleasant, and his heartbeat was soothing. “Headache, I’m fine.” He sighed and admitted, “And it is useful; I just hate it.”
Fel’s shoulders flexed and shifted and his bowstring twanged. “No more prophecy till we get to the king,” he ordered.
Feyrith huffed a raw laugh. “I have zero control over that,” he muttered.
“We’ll stop asking you questions, at least,” Hirsent said, sounding repentant.
Feyrith grumbled low in his chest, a gentle noise instead of his usual growl.
Fel squeezed his wrist again, gently, and started to hum softly.
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itmlab · 11 months
How to Convert HTML to PDF with Google Script? - ITMlab
The Google Script is a powerful tool that allows you to automate repetitive tasks in Google. It allows you to create JavaScript-based applications that use Google services. The following code can be used to convert HTML files into PDF:
For more information: How to Convert HTML to PDF with Google Script? - ITMlab
Convert HTML to PDF
Converting HTML to PDF is easy. You can do it yourself, or you can use Google Script to do it for you.
To convert HTML to PDF using Google Script:
Create a new script in Google Drive and name it “ConvertHTML.”
In the “Code” section at the bottom of your script editor window, copy and paste this code:
var docs = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl( ‘https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID_HERE’ ); var sheets = docs.getSheets(); var sheet = sheets[0]; var rows= sheet .getRange( ‘A1’).getValues();
1. Create an HTML file that has a table of contents, headers and footers
Before you can convert HTML to PDF, you’ll need to create an HTML file that has a table of contents, headers and footers. Here’s how:
Open Notepad or another text editor on your computer (if you’re using Google Chrome, then we recommend using the built-in Developer Tools).
Type out some basic text like this:
Create a table of contents by adding tags around each major heading in your document; if there are no major headings in your document yet (you haven’t started writing), then type out some more text until there are multiple levels of headings so that we know where our table should begin! For example:
This is my first Heading, This is my second Heading. Make sure these tags are indented with two spaces from each side so that we can tell them apart from regular paragraphs later when we convert them into actual tables!
2. Save the file as an HTML file with a .html extension
Save the file as an HTML file with a .html extension
Make sure you have the right extension. If you don’t, Google will not be able to open it and convert it into a PDF file. You can also save it as a text file and then open it in a browser to see if it works.
3. Open your Google Drive account in your browser and log in if you haven’t done so already.
You need a Google account. If you don’t already have one, go to https://accounts.google.com/signup and follow the instructions to create one.
You’ll need to be signed in to your Google Drive account. If you haven’t done so yet, sign in using your email address or phone number associated with the account (the same credentials used for Gmail).
Sign out of Google Docs if it’s currently open: Click on “File” at top left corner of screen then select “Account settings” from dropdown menu under My Drive section at right side of page; next click on “Sign out” link at bottom left corner of window that appears when hovering cursor over ‘My Drive’ heading before signing back into new window where we will begin creating our script file below this paragraph!
4. Click on the “Script” option in the left-hand sidebar menu at the top of the screen (or click here)
The next step is to click on the “Script” option in the left-hand sidebar menu at the top of the screen (or click here). This will open up a window with some code that looks something like this:
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(‘myDocumentId’);
doc.setHtmlContent(‘Hello World!’);
For more information: How to Convert HTML to PDF with Google Script? - ITMlab
0 notes
wizkiddx · 3 years
hiii could you do one of tom asking your dad to marry you?? thankuuuuu
okay so I don't believe in boys having to ask the dads, because we are strong independent QUEENS and no man owns me ever, but I hope this is still okay <33
not proof read and written super quick so sorry!
summary: Tom's terrified to ask your dad a very particular question question
“Mr Y/l/n” Tom called your dads attention from the dishwasher he was loading up. The holidays spent at your parents meant a lot of good things- but mainly food. So much so the dishwasher was almost continually on, just so you didn’t run out of crockery.
“Its Y/d/n Tom, we’ve been through this.” He was joking but with your Dad - Tom could never really tell. At heart your dad was an absolute softie, except no one really saw that except your mum and you. Always a daddies girl, Tom knew how much your dad had meant to you. He had guessed before he’d met you parents , that he would be protective.
And that he was, never frontally rude or cruel. It was more subtle - though to Tom it was very damn clear, he had his doubts. As a people pleaser, Tom didn’t like the fact he didn’t like him. Time and time again, he’d tried to prove just how much you meant to him and yet it seemed to fall on deaf ears. So three years down the line, it was safe to say he was bloody terrified. Heart-in-mouth sort of event. Tom did a lot of ‘terrifying things’: talking to massive studio heads; going on stage with thousands of people screaming; jumping out a plane even.
But no, a single conversation with your dad had his adrenaline going like nobodies business. Asking to marry you.
“You going to just stand their gawking? I hope the moviestar doesn’t make my Y/n do all the housework?”
“No sir I-of course I don’t” Stammering his way through with wide eyes, Tom practically leapt across the kitchen to the opposite side of the dishwasher to your dad. Secretly your Dad was chuckling away to himself, taking absolute delight in how terrified the ‘movie star’ was of him, but managed to keep a steely outershell. In silence, the two uunloaded the dishwasher, Tom desperately racking his brains for conversation starters.
This is what he did for a living, learnt the speech he’d spent hours preparing, then retell it. Why then, was Tom having such an issue with the script he’d arguable practiced the most? Deciding he needed a buffer, Tom went to the safe space of small talk.
“So how was the pub? Y/n said you were meeting some old friends?”
“Watched the match, bloody awful game and Wilks was crap, I don’t know why he even started.” Now this football talk was something Tom felt safe in. He had learnt as much as he could about your dads team - just so there was some mutual conversation.
“Yeh tell me about it, I caught the last half. Though the ref made so bad decisions too, that penalty never really was VAR or not.”
“Thats the most respectable thing I’ve ever heard you say.”
The next couple of minutes were spent with both men raving fanatically, letting all their anger out on the pretty subpar game this afternoon. In fact, Tom swore your dad actually laughed along with him at one point. Admittedly he’d caught himself almost immediately- but for two seconds, he had cracked it.
With the last mug placed in the cabinet, Tom was quite frankly shocked at what your dad said next. He had presumed that since it was late and everyone else was in bed, Y/d/n wouldn’t want quality time with his daughters boyfriend.
“You fancy a nightcap son?”
He’d never called Tom that either. Frankly, you dad preferred the nickname ‘moviestar’ because he knew it infuriated Tom. Made the tips of his ears flush bright red, that was Toms tell - one that your dad had noticed too early on.
Jerkily Tom nodded, swallowing down the lump in his throat as he followed the elder man to the sitting room - where he kept the scotch glasses and bottle. No sooner had the drinks been poured, that Tom practically exploded with his thoughts.
“Mr Y/l/n-sorry I mean Y/d/n I-I um I needed to ask you something.” All he got was a long sigh and a nod, encouraging him to continue. “I-uhm….”Tom scoffed, clearing his throat because all of a sudden it felt like he hadnt had a drink in 10 hours, mouth completely dry.
“Well first off-and all respect. I know I don’t have to ask you. Y/n is the most independent and strong woman and we aren’t living in the 1950s. But, well but she loves you alot.” Tom stressed that last point especially, looking up to your dads poker face. It put him off for moment.
It was just how grumpy he looked, it was bloody terrifying. Taking a big gulp of the malty liquid, Tom steeled himself once again. “ And she respects you, your opinion always matters and I’d never come between that. And Y/n, she likes her traditions right? Like the stupid hat game you all play at Christmas dinner which makes no sense to me? Or the puzzle that you don’t start till everyone’s pretty drunk and tired at 3 o’clock in the morning on christmas? So that is… uhm thats why I’m asking you.”
Again all Tom was met with was a stern gaze, once again taking another generous sip of the scotch.
“Look I know you have your doubts about me- “ That got a response, a snort of agreement from your dad as if saying ‘you think’.
“But-but I really love your daughter. She’s my whole world and I can’t imagine being without her. And I know my lifestyle probably doesn’t fit with how you imagined your daughter to have. I mean-I’m not always at home and I’m away for months but- but…. look.” Tom sighed, shifting awkwardly on the sofa to directly face your dads armchair. “When I’m homesick and tired and grouchy from filming and I get back to the hotel I facetime Y/n. Everyday. And just seeing her smile, you-you know, the really soft small one that makes her dimples pop out? One look at that smile and everythings fine. Because all I’m thinking about is seeing that smile for the rest of my life. When she finds out she’s pregnant with our kid, when we’re taking them to college. I mean even when we’re 80 and probably sick of each other- she’ll still have that little smile that puts me into this sort of stupor. I just- I love her. And I’d do anything for her, I always will, I promise you that. So-so” With a shaky breath, Tom delivered his hitline.
“This is me just letting you know that I’m going to ask her to marry me and- I really hope she says yes.”
Tom was almost out of breath, and the breath he did have was shaky, looking up desperately at the older man across from him. He watched with wide eyes as your Dad placed his glass back on the drinks table with a clink, before leaning forward and standing up from the chair. He groaned slitghtly at the movement (his knees werent what they used to be) and took the two steps forward to be stood right infront of Tom’s seat. In that moment, Tom honestly thought he was getting a punch to the jaw at the very least. Afterall, he had just pretty much demanded that he were to propose to you.
As he braced for impact, tensing all his muscles, instead what he felt was a light pat to his right shoulder. Tom trailed his eyes up your dads figure to see what he thought was a gentle smile on his face too. Though he hadn’t ever seen your Dad smile at him before, so couldn’t say for certainty.
“You’re a good kid Tom, and you make Y/n very happy. Just pull yourself together when you ask her alright son? Didn’t think moviestars got stage fright.” And with that, your dad turned his back, heading toward the doorway that lead to the stairs to the bedrooms. Stunned, it took a moment or two before Tom processed - long enough that he had to leap up and call your dads name to get him to halt in the hallway.
“So is that a yes? You’re giving me permssion?”
“Oh Tom….” Your dad sighed in the lowlight of the hallway, in a more muted voice - now they were closer to the bedrooms where both you and your mum were sleeping peacefully. “ You already said, Y/n is strong and fiercely independent. I don’t control her, heck I don’t think she’s ever listened to me and never will. But…. for the record, I hope she says yes too and… I know she will.”
Scoffing in excitement, Tom combed a hand through his scalp, feeling such a wave of relief it was almost indescribable as your dad turned and trudged up the stairs. Once he heard the door of your parents bedroom close, he couldn’t help himself. He ran back into the kitchen, where he preceded to do an excited jumpy dance thing.
Because it meant a lot. To have your dads approval, to have your dads support. That meant the world. Not only for the sake of proposing but also, everything Tom said was true. He wanted to build a family with you - which meant that man was going to be the grandparents to your kids one day. That man had helped to craft you into the person you were today - his ‘person’. His perfect angelic, sweet woman.
Whenever he felt this excited, this happy, this elated - theres only one person he wants to be with. So, after turning all the lights off and checking the doors were locked (with a very obvious spring in his step) he then hopped up the stairs. Tiptoeing around, he got ready for bed in no time, before getting to the highlight of each evening.
Delicately he crawled into bed, sliding under the covers, so as to not disturb you. Naturally though, feeling the bed dip made you turnover- hooking your legs round his and resting your head on his chest. Tom chuckled quietly at your cuteness, stroking your cheek lightly with his thumb. It was enough to rouse you awake, enough to make you acutely aware of the thundering sound from his chest. With tired eyes, you propped your chin on his breastbone looking up at him with concern.
“You alright T? Hearts really racing.” He only replied with this loopy lovesick grin, his right hand coming to cup your cheek.
“Go back to sleep darling, I’m okay.” He did look okay, but he was almost too smiley and even with a foggy sleepy brain, you were still suspicious.
“Whats going on, you’re being weird?”
“Nothing…. your dad and me just had a chat… He called me son.” That shocked you too - clearly the conversation you’d had with him about being nicer to Tom had rubbed off.
“He did?”
“He did…. you are beautiful you know?” Now he was definitely being weird. You furrowed your eyebrows, as if trying to read his mind because something odd was going on in there.
“Now you’re just being creepy. What’s up?”
Tom just leant forward to kiss your forehead, then pulled you down onto his chest.
“I just love your family and I love you, you know that?”
“Are you trying to get into my pants? Because my parents are literally in the next room.”
“Oh shut up and kiss me.”
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cerberus-writes · 3 years
Hi! I discovered your games from your free twine template, and I’ve been enjoying snakeroot a lot! Your layouts and all the effects you add look amazing. I hope it’s ok to ask, but could you possibly explain how you made the pop up menu in your free template, or make some sort of tutorial for how it was coded? I’ve recently started coding & I’ve been looking into coding a custom UI, but I can’t seem to find any relevant info about doing it in twine.
hey ! firstly, thank you and i'm glad ur enjoying sr, secondly, it's always okay to ask !! also im not gonna lie, im frankly surprised the menu works bc it was a lot of code i just kinda mashed together and hoped it worked fbdjSKBF but i will try my best to explain it !! details under the cut bc it gets kinda long.
just as a heads up, this part is mostly specific to how i coded the pop up menu, mostly through css / html with storyinterface -- i can try to make another tutorial about how i approach the overall ui or break down and explain my existing code if people are interested!
lets start with the bit that goes into the StoryInterface passage!
<div id="header" onclick="toggle(this)"> <span id="header-text"></span> <div class="menutoggle"><span id="zero"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-v" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span id="one" style="bottom:-180px;"> <div class="menu-flex"> </div> </span></div> </div>
i've tried to block out the different parts with colours and text styling, hopefully it's a little useful!
all of this is basically contained in one div, even though the menu itself appears at the bottom of screen. that bit is explained through positioning in the css, which we'll get to in a bit!
the bolded bit ( <div id="header" onclick="toggle(this)"> ) is arguably the most important, since this is how the javascript gets called to toggle the menu. specifically, this bit here — onclick="toggle(this)" — which basically says 'when you click on this div, the javascript called "toggle" is going to run on this div.
the orange bit ( <span id="header-text"></span> ) is where the header goes, which in this case is the bit that goes "game title / chapter" and has the little menu. as a side note, there's no actual content in there because i prefer to use the PassageDone function to put the actual values into the page.
the part in pink ( <span id="zero"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-v" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> ) is for the menu button, it's mostly a style choice so you don't have to worry too much about it.
the purple part ( <span id="one" style="bottom:-180px;"> ) is where i keep the actual menu. specifically, the style ( style="bottom:-180px;" ) works together with the css to basically hide the menu off-screen until the first div ( the bolded stuff ) is clicked.
the green bit ( <div class="menu-flex"></div> )is where the actual menu goes! same concept applies here with the orange header text, i use PassageDone to store the actual menu values and links so that i don't have to keep going back to fiddle with the interface.
alright, now to the javascript! i basically toss this at the bottom of StoryInterface.
<script>function toggle() { var x = document.getElementById("one"); if (!x.style.bottom ||x.style.bottom === '-180px') { x.style.bottom = '0px'; } else { x.style.bottom = '-180px'; } }</script>
i'm not the best with javascript so there's probably better ways to do this, but it seems to work so !
the orange bit ( toggle() ) is the name of the function. you could probably call it whatever you want, just remember to also change its name in the above onclick part!
the pink bit ( var x = document.getElementById("one"); ) is what specifies what div is going to be selected, basically creating a variable that selects the div element called "one", which in this case is where we have our menu.
the blue stuff is the if/else statement that controls the toggle. it basically goes "if clicked and the menu is hidden (i.e. the bottom margin is -180px), then make the menu visible (i.e. change the bottom margin to 0px, thus putting it at the bottom of the page). otherwise, keep the menu hidden."
from here, we can move to styling! again, this part is mostly just stylistic and uses general css / html knowledge instead of anything too twine-specific. all this goes into the story stylesheet !
.menutoggle #one { box-sizing:border-box; display:block; transition:0.8s; overflow:hidden; position:fixed; left:0; bottom:-180px; background-color:var(--bgblack); border-top:1px solid var(--grey); width:100%; padding:5em; height: 200px; } .menu-flex { display:flex; justify-content: space-evenly; align-items: center; margin:0 auto; width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; flex-wrap:wrap; } .menu-flex a { cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none; color:var(--white); transition:0.4s; } .menu-flex a:hover { color:var(--accent); } .menu-item b { display:block; font-size:0.7em; letter-spacing:0.5em; } .menu-item { font-family:var(--monofont); text-transform:uppercase; font-size:0.7em; line-height:200%; } .menutoggle { display:inline-block; font-size:0.8em; } .menutoggle #zero { cursor:crosshair; transition:0.4s; } #header:hover #zero { color:var(--accent); }
i've bolded the most important bits and put them in red! as you can see, it's mostly in the div called "one", and the rest are mostly stylistic choices.
transition:0.8s; is just here to ensure that the transition is smooth and achieves that sliding effect, instead of the menu simply popping up with no transition.
position:fixed; left:0; bottom:-180px; are what make the menu appear at the bottom of the screen despite the header text appearing at the top. you could play around with positioning as you wish, the same principles pretty much apply everywhere else!
height: 200px; is just a personal preference, i found it easier to work with as compared to using relative measurements such as vh (viewport height). that being said, i do recommend using relative measurements when coding the overall ui because it helps to make the whole thing more responsive to different screen sizes. the little 20px difference between this and the bottom margin helps to have that little grey line at the bottom of the screen, but again, it's up to personal preference so fiddle with the specifics as you wish!
that's pretty much it! let me know if you want further clarification on anything or an explanation / breakdown of other code i've done and i'll try my best :)
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unbury-the-gays · 4 years
Chapter 10: Losing my favourite game
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*cover picture by Dai (bookscorpion)    
Chapters: 10/?
Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Kiyan (The Witcher) / Adrien (The Witcher)
Characters: Kiyan (The Witcher), Adrien (The Witcher), Original Male  Character(s), Original Male Character(s) of Color, Joël (The Witcher),  Guxart (The   Witcher), Ireneus var Steingard, Original Female  Character(s),  Sigismund  Gloger (The Witcher), Gottfried Oss (The  Witcher), Marco Gedl  (The  Witcher), Michelle Sabina Ruxer (The  Witcher)
Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Blood and Violence, Blood and Injury, Bisexual Kiyan, Unbury The Gays, saving  Kiyan, Witchers Have Feelings (The Witcher),   Witcher Senses, Racism,  Canon-Typical Violence, Sexual Tension, Murder   Husbands, Cat School  (The Witcher), The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Demonic   Possession, Rare  Pairings, Rare Characters, Just two growly tops,   Possessive Behavior,  Misunderstandings, Hurt/Comfort, Get Together,  Main  Character(s) of  Color, Est Tayiar, Oxenfurt Academy (The Witcher),   Based on Scavenger  Hunt: Cat School Gear quest, game canon mostly,   Swordfighting, The  Witcher Lore, Developing Relationship,  stubborn  idiots to lovers,  Emotional Slow Burn, assholes in love,  Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism  
Chapter 10: “Losing my favourite game” summary:
It was the moment when the witcher seriously considered giving up, leaving right now because it had become clear that this bizarre deal with Adrien was only getting more and more disruptive. He couldn't waste his time and his nerves arguing with him constantly. It had been funny at first, but now it only caused a dull pain in the back of his head and a strange feeling in his chest, as if someone were trying to rip his heart out.
Here we are, the moment has come, we've reached Chapter 10! We're actually very proud of ourselves, chapter 10 is such a milestone. In the upcoming chapters there will be some things going on. It will be more dynamic, there will be fight scenes and a few little cliffhangers. So we're very excited and hope you will like it.
As always, please let us know how you like our project so far. We are always very happy to hear from you! <3 And since it's Chapter 10, please share with us what you've liked most about the story so far: which plotlines, which chapters, which characters, which scene, or which sentence. Or anything else you would like to share with us. :)
Shortly after the expedition and the escort passed the fork in the road and followed the route through fields and groves chosen by Kiyan, they encountered an obstacle. A fallen tree lay across the road. It was a large tree for such a young forest, and at first glance the witcher knew that getting past it would be a problem. Kiyan listened, but none of the forest sounds were out of place, so he signaled Titus to stop the convoy and rode his horse to inspect the obstacle closely. Upon inspecting the base of the tree,  he cursed softly under his breath. 
"Is this what I think it is?" Titus asked, riding over to Kiyan’s side. 
"It’s been cut down," replied Kiyan gloomily. "But this isn’t the place of an ambush. The forest is too sparse, and we have an open field on the other side, so they have nowhere to hide. Someone wants us to change direction; the real ambush is probably on an alternate route." 
"We can’t ride through the farmland?" Titus asked. He might not like Kiyan, but he understood the gravity of the situation. If the bandits wanted them to change paths, they had to try to avoid doing so. 
"It rained last night," Kiyan reminded him. "The ground is drenched. The horses might pass, but the wagons will get stuck. They can't go through the forest either, we risk damaging the wheels on the roots." 
Titus was now judging the size of the tree.
"We only have two axes," the captain said with a grimace. "It will take us until evening to clear this tree." 
"It wouldn't have been a problem if we had left earlier," the witcher pointed out tartly, seeing Adrien and Gloger approaching. 
"What wouldn’t have been a problem?" The prince asked, apparently having heard Kiyan's last remark. 
"Nothing," the witcher replied ironically as he rested his leg against a thick tree limb. "We are just standing here and contemplating these magnificent surroundings."
Adrien shot him a hard look, and the professor snorted indignantly.
Read on AO3
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adenei · 4 years
Hermione bumps into Krum at a Quidditch store while she is trying to get a jersey of the CC for a certain red-head, and Ron walks in the store
Hi anon, thanks for the ask! Here you go!
The snow was falling lightly on the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley. Hermione had apparated there to pick up Ron’s Christmas gift. She’d just returned home for the Christmas holidays from Hogwarts, and needed to get her shopping done with only a few days to spare.
She had one more stop to make, her hands full of packages already. She’d owled ahead to Quality Quidditch Supplies for a Chudley Cannons Keeper jersey for Ron. Now that they were together, she wanted to splurge a bit, getting him something she knew he would love. It was something she’d wanted to get for a while, but quidditch team jerseys were on the more expensive side of things, and she never wanted it to come across as too forward.
Hermione entered the shop and made her way to the counter. She told the shopkeeper that she was there to pick up an owl-ahead order for Granger. While she waited, she noticed that the shop was quite busy, with a line towards the back. 
The shopkeeper came back with the jersey and placed it in a bag for her. “That’ll be 31 galleons, 3 sickles and 5 knuts.” Hermione pulled out the appropriate change. She exchanged the money for her package.
“What’s going on in the back of the shop today?” She asked curiously.
“You don’t know? Viktor Krum has been here all morning signing autographs. He’s finishing up now.”
“Viktor’s here? I haven’t heard from him in so long,” Hermione said to herself.
“You know him personally?” The shopkeeper eyed her. She was used to that by now. No one expected someone like her to be friends with a famous quidditch player. “He must be done, he’s making his way over now.”
Hermione turned to look as he nodded his head in that direction. “Herm-in-inny?” she heard Viktor say.
“Viktor! What a surprise!” Hermione made her way over to him, and gave him a friendly hug. “How are you?”
“I am doing vell, and you? I vuz glad to hear you were alright after the outcome of the var.”
“Yes, I’m actually on holiday now. I decided to return to Hogwarts for my last year. I didn’t attend last September.” She said awkwardly.
“So I’ve read. I do keep up on the news. Vut brings you here?”
“Just some Christmas shopping. How long are you in London for?” Hermione asked.
“Only for the day. Do you happen to have other plans? Vould you like to get some lunch with me? I am starved.”
“I can only imagine how exhausting signing autographs must be,” Hermione said as she laughed. Hermione thought catching up over lunch would be nice, but was worried that someone might see and print some ridiculous story about them. The last thing she needed was some tabloid printing fake news and Ron seeing and believing it.
“So? Vut do you say?” he pressed.
“Um, well-” She was about to explain her trepidation when she heard a familiar voice.
“Hermione? What are you doing here?” Ron had entered the store and walked up behind her. She looked down quickly at her bags to make sure he couldn’t see anything, and turned to let him join their conversation.
“Ron! I could ask you the same question! I was just picking up some last minute gifts and ran into Viktor.”
Ron looked up at Viktor and curtly nodded at him. It was definitely more civil than he’d been in years past.
“Who are you shopping for here?” Ron had the tiniest of smirks on his face, clearly trying to get a hint of what his gift could be out of her.
“Ginny,” she lied quickly. 
Viktor cut in then. “I ‘ave invited Hermione to lunch with me. I am only in town today, and vould like to catch up. She has not given an answer yet, but you are more than velcome to join us.”
Ron was surprised at Viktor’s invitation, and contemplated them both for a moment before responding. Hermione held her breath, not knowing how he was going to react. “Sure, if Hermione wants to do that, I’d be happy to join. I didn’t know shopping could work up this much of an appetite,” Ron chuckled.
Hermione exhaled and relaxed. It wasn’t that Ron had anything to worry about, but she worried that his insecurities might creep up and get the best of him. “That would be great, Viktor. Thank you for inviting us,” she looked at him thankfully. 
“I just have to grab a couple things if you don’t mind,” Ron said. They both nodded as Ron went to a different area of the store. 
Hermione and Viktor went to wait outside the shop. “You both seem happy,” Viktor observed.
Hermione smiled. “We are.”
“That’s good. It is about time, though I am disappointed it could not have been me. He is very lucky.” It seemed Viktor had finally accepted what he’d known for a while. Hermione’s heart had always belonged to her red headed best friend.
“I’m lucky, too. Thank you for inviting him along with us,” she said.
“It vos not a problem.”
Ron came out of the store then. “Thanks for waiting!” he said cheerfully and then looked at Krum. “The shopkeeper was wondering if you’d left. Said something about squaring up? I told him I’d send you back in.”
“Oh! I got distracted when I saw Herm-in-inny. Thank you. I vill be right back.” Viktor hurried inside.
Hermione turned to Ron. “I hope you haven’t been following me around all morning.”
“Nope, we both had the same idea about getting some shopping done. I was helping George out at the store, and then needed to pick a few things up for Ginny, too. We’d better compare gifts so she doesn’t get the same thing from each of us.”
“I’m sure we’re fine,” Hermione said. “Did you know Viktor was signing autographs today?”
“Not a clue. Was nice of him to invite me along with you both,” Ron shuffled his feet.
“It was. I hadn’t actually committed before you got there. I didn’t want the Prophet to skew things, you know? I’ve been lucky to go in and out of stores so far today without being noticed.”
“Ah yes, I can see the headline now. ‘Trouble with the Trio? Granger dumps Weasley for old flame Krum.’” 
Hermione laughed, “You have nothing to worry about. You know that, right?” She leaned into his arms.
“Yeah, I trust you. I figure I’ve accused you of enough with Krum for one lifetime.”
“I appreciate that, since you know I’ll expect him to be invited to our wedding,” Hermione smiled as she leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“As long as he’s a guest and I’m standing by your side, I think I can live with that,” he said beaming.
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dacreshoney · 4 years
vikings part 1.3 series 1
series 1 part 1.2 link https://dacreshoney.tumblr.com/post/627446295725015040/vikings-series-1-part-12
1.3 series 1 of master list 
warnings: may be swearing, smut, fluff, violent behaviours mentioned (I do not condone any behaviours) 
gifs and images not my own(can provide any evidence if needs be) or any problems or requests, message me:) 
summary: a week had passed by where freya had arrived in Kattegat to save an old friend of hers, and her and Ivar found themselves to be quite the match in training together. Ragnar was planning another raid on Francia, where Rollo was held captive, although his brother did not know he was now married to a Francia princess and learning new ways to live, now putting aside the old gods. Freya was preparing in Kattegat with Ragnar, his sons and their army, may nights would go by where ivar and freya would look for each other, often finding one another in their dreams. Ivar found something in himself that he thought he would never find, somehow how did start to feel like a real man and not a cripple everyone called him. Freya made him believe he could be so much more. 
It was the night before the raid and everyone was gathered in the great hall for a feast, this was the last night families would be with each other, celebrating a victory or finding remorse in the nights events. Ivar and his brothers sat at the long table, ivar next to his mother, her arm placed on his, whispering in his ear like she normally does. Aslaug often shown favouritism for ivar rather than her other sons, she too saw greatness in him, but for the wrong reasons. You were getting ready in your chamber, when a familiar face walked into your room, it was Lagertha, her faced beamed from ear to ear, the rumours she heard were true, she had longed to see your face again. both of you embraced for a few seconds before letting go, Lagertha taking her hands to help you fasten up your gown for the feast.
“you are still as beautiful as ever my freya” Lagertha smiled as she helped you with your gown, her smile never leaving her face as she brushed her hands down your sides and raised her head to your shoulders to lean on. you turned to fix her strand of blonde hair on her face to tuck it behind her ears
“well being a god has god to have its perks somewhere in the job description” you joked, you wore a beautiful red wine gown, which hugged your curvy toned figure just wonderfully. Embodied with golden gems and armour, the dress flew just right on the arms and the bottom, your hair tied in with your golden reef crown. The most beautiful goddess and women ever to be laid eyes on.
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You made your way through the great hall all eyes turned to you, in which aslaug hated all the attention going to someone else, never mind someone who was walking through the crowds with Ragnar's ex wife. Aslaug noticed ivar jump out of his seat in ore of you, for someone who struggled to walk, with his new crutches and leg pieces she had never seen him move so fast. 
Ivar comes face to face with you, standing tall and proud, to others he was just a cripple, but to you, well you saw something greater in him than any other could see. 
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“so the stories are true” ivar spoke, placing his golden cup to his lips, supping at his wine but his eyes never leaving focus on yours. Your expression unclear to what ivar was talking about, questioning him. 
“and what stories have you heard ivar”
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Ivar edged closer to you, his head curving into the arch of your neck and whispering “you truly are the most eye capturing goddess this world has ever known” before you could answer, your neck twitching at his warm breath on your neck, he followed with “and you will be mine”. Attracted by his confidence, you immediately turned to face him, your lips just inches apart, his eyes torn on whether to make a move, you inched back teasing him, “I belong to nobody ivar” you winked, picking up a wine cup and walking away to sit with Ragnar.  as you walked away, ivar softly spoke under his breath, “we’ll see”
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Ivar watched your every move that night, Aslaug keeping eyes on you also, you'd often make eye contact with ivar and swap hints with your eyes. 
Aslaug sick of the sight of you two, speaks harshly to ivar, “son, what do you think you are doing”. Ivar turned to his mother, losing his grin in curiosity for what his mother was going to say. “I am mearly enjoying myself mother, a cripple has got to find some things worth while in his lifetime” ivar laughed as he sipped his drink. Aslaug furious, grabbed him by the wrist and whispered into his ear, “well let me tell you something dear ivar, she is not worth your while or you hers, do you really think that she could love you, tell me, who here in this room loves you hmm” aslaug questioned, grabbing ivars face and turning it to the crowd of people in the great hall, all laughing and drunk. Ivars face grew red, from embarrassment and his mothers grip. “can you count how many ivar, no I thought so, you only have me, that is all you will ever have, now take your fantasies elsewhere, you are making me sick” aslaug pushed ivar away, you swiftly moved from his chair to leave the great hall. His mother had never spoke to him that way before, ivar was always her precious one, her beloved, could you really make her blood boil that much. You listened in to every word with your senses, as you watched ivar push through the crowd of people, his face red with anger but his heart was saying otherwise, he was broken inside. 
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You followed ivar out of the great hall to his chamber, finding him standing there all alone, staring up at the printings of the norse gods praying and pleading for help. You didn't want to startle him, so you walked gently up to him and said
“why pray to them when you have me here, what can they do that I can not” you placed your hand on his shoulder, ivar shrugged you off, he always refused peoples help when he felt this way, he couldn't let anyone in to his emotions, they made him weak he always said. “I do not need any help, especially from you” ivar spoke harshly, not even looking at you. You walked round to face him, your golden eyes catching his icy blue ones, fixated. You raised your hand to place on his cheek, ivar hesitated it first, moving away, until you slowly placed your palm on his cheek and spoke. 
“is that you or your mothers words speaking, ivar, I heard everything she said” ivar started to turn red in the face again, feeling defeated in his ways, “I don't need you feeing sorry for me freya” ivar jumped away from you, turning to stumble away. 
“I don't feel sorry for you actually ivar, I feel sorry for your mother, pitiful and despiteful in her own sons greatness and she doesn't even know the half of your story” you spoke proudly, edging towards ivar who was facing away from you, paused in his steps. You place your hands in his, slowly stoke his hands, moving up his arms to his chin, tilting his chin up you say
“ you have no idea how great you will turn out to be ivar, no idea, you will be the greatest, loved by many, so you can sit here and pity yourself or you can be a man and face your future how I have seen it”. Ivar grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him, “how can I be that man when I am like this, huh? a cripple being a great man, my mother is many things, she is always right, how can anyone love this” ivar spoke, looking down at himself, his crutches, they were what made him feel useless and less of a man. “I am no man, I can't even pleasure a women have you heard? you are a goddess, what do you want with a cripple” 
You removed your hand from ivars grip, placing both hands on his biceps, gracefully sliding them down towards his legs, where you placed your grip on them, towards his groin area, you were the goddess of fertility and love, but your powers could do so much more. You could make him feel like a man he wants to be, your hands moved to his inner thighs, you could see ivar felt something, his eyes told a different story as he looked at you. 
“maybe you just haven't had the right person to make you feel like a man Ivar’... your fingertips, creating circular motions above his ties, something was bulging, you smiled and said ‘I can make you feel like the man you want to be, but know this, being a cripple does not change the fact that we have something, our paths are meant to cross, you can either face that and please the gods or you can run away from your fate and happiness” 
“how are you doing that, I've never umm, felt that before” Ivar winsed and panted under his breath. Taking a seat on the bench beside him, taking your hand with him. 
“ I told you, I can give you anything you want if you let me” 
Ivar paused, tilting his head back in relief, to then lift his head and face you, he then questioned. “can you heal me, my legs”, you hesitated at first, moving yourself onto ivars lap, you wanted to give your all to him, but first you wanted to make him believe he was a man, even as a cripple, he just needed the right person beside him. You knew that your fates were to cross with one another and if making ivars wishes come true and to heal him was what you were sent to do then so be it. But you would let him enjoy this night with you as just ivar, himself, who he was born to be and you could show him that you could love him as this man. 
“If you wish it ivar, but let me show you how I can love you as you are” before you could move your hands he grabbed you by the hips and demanded,
“please, I want to feel you as a human, as someone who is worth of your touch and can reciprocate that” your face grew sad at his response, but either way you knew you would do anything he asked for, like he had a hold of you, freya the goddess bewitched by a human. You set aside, explaining to ivar what you needed to do for the spell, a blood sacrifice, ivar recently had killed his own brother Sigurd, for the sacrifice we needed his blood and his bones. Ivar gulped at the fact he had to remove his brother from his grave, disturbing his peace with Valhalla, but this was a sacrifice he was willing to make. 
“are you sure ivar” you hesitated 
“I have never been more sure” ivar spoke, placing his hands on your cheeks, for he was to be then man he always wanted to be and now he could finally be with a woman who could see his potential, but not only that, she could of loved him as he is, or he was. 
was freya willing to change his future for the sake of something of his imagination or was she willing to make him believe his full potential just the way he was? 
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Evak Fics - Christmas 2018
Christmas fics posted in 2018  (Includes non-English fics) 
Snön ligger vit på taken by MinilocIsland, Treehouse (In Svenska, 62k words) - Det här extrajobbet måste vara den bästa idén Isak någonsin har haft. Långa, ensamma nätter med massor av tid att plugga. Helt chill. Ingenting som stör. Tills den där långa, snygga regissören flyttar in i taksviten. 
Hele Norge Baker by MermaidsandMermen (61k words) - Are you brave enough to stay? Or strong enough to walk away? Isak Valtersen is neither, still reeling with guilt over leaving his little family, walking away from a life that was slowly suffocating him. He’s neither strong or brave, he’s a coward. Stupid, weak and easily led, with no idea how to make things right. He’s made himself a promise though, he is going to stay single and finally take control of his own life. He’s going to be happy. Work hard. Be the best father he can be, and he is never going to let himself get dragged into a relationship again. He’s been there, done that, and it’s not for him. He is going to have a quiet winter, a quiet Christmas and he is going to chill. Lick his wounds and for once just be himself. That’s the plan. 
The First Noel by colazitron (2k words) - Even's parents have a cabin in Hemsedal where the family traditionally spends Christmas. This year, Isak's coming with. 
Fucking Bieber by Kollakolan (6k words) - “So,” Elias starts. “You’ve decided to join us on Christmas Eve?” Isak just nods, as he is just about to take a sip. “Great. It’s not really that complicated. The baskets are already made; you’ll just pick them up and deliver them according to a list of addresses. Oh, and also, you need to be wearing at least a Santa’s hat.” “Since it’s Christmas specials and all,” Mikael adds. 
boys and boys and girls and girls by colazitron (2k words) - Noora meets a handsome boy at the Christmas market one day, but all is not she may have originally thought. 
The first star you see may not be a star by Laika_the_husband (53k words) - In this story of dark and woe Isak is a sex worker who specializes in services of not traditionally sexual nature. Want to watch someone sharpen a pencil really slowly, making a long twirly unbroken strip, for your kicks? Isak's your guy. He is good at his job and he likes it, and it pays the bills while he's studying civil engineering at the Met.It's also convenient that Isak doesn't have to actually touch any of his clients. Because he can't touch anybody, and nobody can touch him, or he'll freak out completely. One day, Isak goes to meet a client, and sees EvenStarr, the video artist whose stuff he loves. And his request is not the most bizarre, but the most disturbing one Isak has ever received. 
Christmas prompts by nofeartina (4k words) - Collection of prompts Tina wrote for on tumblr. 
The wish I wish tonight by imminentinertia (1k words) - A visit to Marianne, and a present, of sorts 
Jumpstart by colazitron (2k words) - Isak and Even spend their first Christmas just the two of them in Trondheim. 
What is the light by unsungyellowraincoat (1k words) - That year Mom can’t put up the Christmas tree. 
Santa Baby by Laika_the_husband (21k words) - Part 3. The story where the author suddenly found out Isak is polyamorous. And genderqueer. The POV changes every now and then. I'm making this to examine the poly Evak from various angles. 
Expiration Date by Treehouse (5k words) - In the midst if the December stress, Isak has to make use of the gift card Eskild gave him for Christmas last year. A gift card for a freaking massage. 
The Næsheims by Kollakolan (2k words) - “Well, you know the Næsheims?  ”Yes, Isak knows the Næsheims. Or rather, he knows of them, and he knows that Sana knows them. They have a restaurant down town where Sana’s brother works. They’ve gone by a couple of times when Sana needed to hand him keys or something. Isak also knows that the son in the Næsheim family is maybe the hottest guy in all of Oslo. Not that he has told anyone that he think’s so, but I mean come on, it’s not like Isak must spell it out. They have eyes. 
By Your Side by MinilocIsland (1k words) - Some Christmas traditions may not be what they seem, but it doesn't really matter. 
In una sera così serena by imminentinertia (2.6k words) - Isak has had quite enough of Christmas and it's only December 13. 
December 2018 by imminentinertia (Series, 6 Fics) 
bits and pieces of their love by cammm (Series) - One shots. All may not be Chrismassy. 
Ho Ho Ho!!! by MermaidsandMermen (5.5k words) - A big fundraising School Christmas Market, to raise the last bit needed for that big Revue. It will be great. Lots of local families coming to drink glogg and buy hotdogs and do stupid money pinching games. Yes and the kids can meet Santa. Sit on his lap and get a present. Such christmassy fun. 
one thing I really do need by colazitron (3.5k words) - Isak comes home from meeting the boys for some gløgg feeling festive and cheerful. 
Den lengste natta by hjertetssunnegalskap (Crazyheart) (In Norsk, 22k words) - Det er fredag den 21. desember 2018 og vintersolverv. Fruktbarhetsguden Frøy, i Evens skikkelse, må for første gang gjøre seg fortjent til den gaven han ønsker seg aller mest; kjærlighet. 18 år gamle Isak syns kjærligheten virker uoppnåelig, helt til han kommer hjem til Oslo på juleferie og besøker Jonas og Eva på kafeen Eldrimni. 
Gay Jesus by unsungyellowraincoat (1k words) - Eskild has an encounter. 
A New Tradition by bri_ness (1k words) - Lea has Isak and Even over for Christmas Eve. 
A different celebration by Kollakolan (3k words) - “We realized a few years ago that we were a few friends who never celebrated Christmas with our families. At first it was just me, Elias, Noora and one of Elias friends. But now usually some exchange students come along as well as other people that we find on the way.” “Like me?” Sana just smiles at him. 
Times like now by nofeartina (3k words) - Isak watches him, looks into Even’s eyes with what light’s left, watches his mouth go slack as Isak slowly puts his hand inside the fly and pulls out Even’s dick. He’s so hard. Isak wants to worship him, wants to show him how perfect he is. 
Warmth by bri_ness (557 words) - Isak doesn't know how to accept a Christmas present from his mom. 
From Spark to Flame by MinilocIsland (1.5k words) - He'd thought he'd be alone in the castle for Christmas as usual. This year, however, there's a slight disruption to Isak's Christmas plans. 
i wish for by hippopotamus (2k words) - Isak just wishes that one person would want to get to know him before they knew that he could do magic. 
i think i recognise your face but i've never seen you before by monsterandmana (1k words) - Even works in a coffee shop. Isak is on the coffee run. It's Christmas. 
Fotokalendern by Kollakolan (In Svenska, 12k words) - Tags says Christmas but not really so I’m not sure. 
The Magician by folerdetdufoler (3.6k words) - the "christmas magic" prompt 
Two truths and one tale by evak1isak (7.6k words) - Isak ends up in Eva's cabin for a Kosegruppa's New Year's Eve Party. And begins the new year with a new boyfriend. 
I'll be home for Christmas by teatrolley (9k words) - They’ve been in Trondheim for half a year now. But for Christmas, they’re coming home. Or: Sometimes the things you were running from become the things you want to run towards 
Merry Kiss My Ass (under the mistletoe) by TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (10k words) - Working in retail during the holiday season is a nightmare. Especially when Isak has to work right alongside his just friend and not at all crush, Even. Among freaky customers, secret santa presents and constant reminders of his one night of passion with Even, Isak doesnt know if he'll make it to the new year. If only he could figure out who was behind all the random mistletoes he keeps finding... 
The Magic of Christmas by wyoheartsmusic (4k words) - Isak hates his job - especially during Christmas; to be honest, he pretty much hates anything involved with Christmas. But then Even comes around and maybe he doesn't hate anything all that much 
o night divine by thekardemomme (4k words) - This is the first Christmas in nearly five years that he’s spending without Isak, and while he still decorated his apartment and bought eggnog and spent an excruciating amount of time wrapping all of his gifts perfectly, the hole in his heart hasn’t gone unnoticed. It creeps in every time he goes to ask Isak for a bow for his gifts, every time he comes home and has to turn on the Christmas lights himself because Isak wasn’t there to do it for him, every time he plays Christmas music much too loud because Isak isn’t studying in the other room and teasingly pleading for him to turn it down a few notches. It also creeps in when he sees Isak’s present sitting under the tree, neatly wrapped. It’s been wrapped for two months, actually. 
I'm Stuck on You by Twinklylightseverywhere (6k words) - Jonas lets out another nervous laugh. Isak wishes his best friend would shut up. “You two will take the spare room. Uh… with one bed.” “ONE BED?” Isak and Even both shout at the exact same time. “Merry Christmas!” 
Mine egne meninger by hjertetssunnegalskap (Crazyheart) (In Norsk, 17k words) - Eva kunne allerede kjenne hjertet banke raskere. Hun visste det var tullete, men med ett bare visste hun at hun kom til å slite med å dele rom med Vilde. Hun kom til å bli gående rundt en feberhet tåke og tenke på Vilde hele helga. Til ingen nytte. Fy faen. Dette kom jo til å bli en helt strålende romjulsferie.  I think this is an Evilde fic. 
Shall I Find No Other by ultimatelawrence (5k words) - Everyone is born with a compass on their body, inked into their skin and commonly on their inner left arm. Instead of pointing to north, the needle on the compass points in the direction of your true soulmate. Even wants to find his as soon as possible. 
hope you're wearing your best clothes by colazitron (2.6k words) - Even's original plan was to get Isak Harry Styles merch. One of those “treat people with kindness” sweatshirts because Isak likes being cosy and he likes Harry Styles and it's a nice slogan. 
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newsies-of-corona · 4 years
Would ya look at that! Another Alchemy Brothers oneshot! (Yes, the title is inspired by that JerJor song 😅)
Here For You
Warnings: Nightmares, Lots of emotional angst, Villain Varian (he definitely needs a warning)
The chilling voice sounded familiar. Too familiar. The blond alchemist shook his head and adjusted to his surroundings. He seemed to be in his and Varian’s lab, but the atmosphere was...different. The dingy space was covered floor to ceiling with increasingly noticeable dust. Not one surface or piece of equipment was spared from the filth, and the sight made Hugo’s skin crawl.
There was that voice again. The echoey nature of it made it hard to pin-point who’s it was, but Hugo was almost positive he knew; and that realization only deepened the pit forming in his stomach.
“Var-Varian?” He asked, timidly into the darkness.
The sardonic laughter that rang out into the emptiness couldn’t have been anyone else’s. Hugo staggered backward, but suddenly, a silhouette of the boy flashed in front of him. Hugo blinked once, and there Varian was standing directly in in his view, a twisted and sadistic smile resting on his face.
“You know, I’m not sure what’s more pathetic,” Varian echoed. “You...or the ridiculous idea that you think that someone could actually care about you.”
Hugo’s breath got caught in his throat. He couldn’t speak; couldn’t move; he was simply frozen.
Varian walked around the lab slowly, tipping over various flasks and beakers as he went.
“Face it, Hugo. You’ll never truly fit in here. Me, dad...we’re a family.”
He walked back over to Hugo, staring him down.
“And you were brought in solely out of pity.”
The solutions spilled onto the floor and fused together, morphing into a solid, rusty orange hue. The amber grew and spiked out all around Hugo, until it reached its peak, dividing the room and separating himself from Varian.
The deadly substance tore through a sleeve of Hugo’s clothes, making him reel back in surprise and pain. The cut was deeper than he expected, and it made his entire left arm sore. The pain traveled to his head as he collapsed on the ground He was still too shocked to cry, but his eyes burned almost as much as his head.
The image of Varian slowly faded into the darkness, but the amber continued to grow.
“He’s not coming back, Hugo.”
This time it was a different voice he heard; even more familiar than Varian’s. His head shot up, and suddenly he was face to face with...himself. Hugo scooted back to the wall as another shard of amber shot out and cut his other sleeve. He winced and grabbed his right arm, the room seeming to close in on him.
The phantom version of himself loomed over him, straight faced without a hint of emotion.
“You might as well give up while you still have the chance.”
The boy’s head started spinning as the pain became more severe, the words lingering in his mind...
Hugo’s eyes shot open, and he sat up in his bed, taking slow, shallow breaths. The tears came, as they always did, and they wet the sheets around him. He checked his arms for the cuts, but they were completely unharmed. It was just a dream.
“A nightmare,” Hugo corrected between his sobs. He hugged himself, slowly rocking back and forth, causing the bed to creak.
The sound traveled over to Varian’s side of the room, causing the boy to stir. His eyes fluttered slightly and he rolled over on his side. He saw a very distraught looking Hugo, curled into a ball on his bed and obviously crying. Varian immediately stood up and walked over to him, his feet making the floorboards creak.
Hugo heard him coming and tensed, having to remind himself again that it was just a nightmare. He scooted over to make room for Varian who promptly sat down next to him.
“Another nightmare?” Varian asked in a hushed tone.
Hugo could only nod miserably before laying his head on his knees.
Varian’s face fell; he hated seeing Hugo like this. Mostly because there was nothing he could really do to fix it.
...But he could still try.
Varian gingerly placed a hand on Hugo’s shoulder.
“Do you...want to talk about it?”
Hugo perked up slightly to look at Varian. This was his brother. His brother who did care about him. He could never act like...that.
Hugo closed his eyes and took a deep, slow breath, trying to shake the images in his mind. But they just kept coming back. Maybe talking about it would do him some good.
“I...I was in our lab,” Hugo started in a voice barely above a whisper. “And I saw...you.”
Varian quickly retracted his hand as his stomach dropped. Hugo had a nightmare about...him?
Hugo noticed Varian’s tenseness and quickly backtracked.
“But it wasn’t you, of course. I know you’d never hurt me like that.”
Varian’s eyes widened and he backed up further.
“I hurt you?”
“No, no, it was just...what you said,” Hugo recovered. “In my dream, I mean.”
Varian moved closer to him again and lowered his voice. “What-what was that?”
Hugo’s face darkened as he stared at the floor.
“That...you didn’t actually care. And that dad only adopted me out of-“
Hugo’s eyes filled with tears again as he tried to get the words out.
“Out-out of...pity.” He laid his head on his knees again, continuing to rock back and forth.
Varian drew in a sharp breath and tried to find the words to comfort Hugo. His brother’s nightmares were always so...real.
“Hugo...you know that’s not true,” Varian began, urging his brother to look up at him.
“I’m your brother. And it’s not because of pity; it’s because I care about you. I care about you more than I’ve cared about anyone, and-and dad does too.”
Hugo managed to look up at Varian, his eyes still bloodshot with tears.
“I mean it, Hugo,” Varian went on in a serious tone. “I-I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here, heh.”
A genuine smile played at the corners of Hugo’s mouth. “You’d probably drive yourself crazy with your nerd facts instead of me,” Hugo joked under his breath, chuckling a little.
“Hey, I heard that!” Varian laughed along. The lightheartedness only lasted for a measly moment, however, before the mood shifted downward again.
“Whatever you saw in that dream...it wasn’t true,” Varian continued. “And it can never be true because whatever happens-“
He moved his hand to Hugo’s shoulder again in a comforting manner.
“I’ll always be here for you.”
Hugo’s tears started to come back, but this time they were happier. That was really all he needed to hear right now. Just that his brother was truly there. He stopped hugging himself to let Varian in. He knew he could always go to him for comfort. Hugo scooted closer to his brother and wrapped him in a hug.
“Thanks, Hairstripe,” he whispered.
Varian was startled at first; up until this point he had usually been the one to initiate affection when it came to Hugo, but this was a very welcome change. He was relieved that he was able to help, and he gratefully hugged his brother back.
“Heh, anytime.”
The memories hit Hugo like a brick.
How could everything suddenly be so different in the span of one year? That was back when he still had a family, and when his brother still cared. Now, the terrifying nightmare seems closer to reality than the heartwarming moment that came after it.
Hugo sits in the same curled up position, rocking back and forth. But this time...he’s alone. No one is there to comfort him even though the person who used to be there is in clear view. Hugo doesn’t look up, but he can sense that Varian is practically glaring at him. In the span of a single year they had gone from brothers...to enemies.
The blond shivers and backs up further onto his bed, hitting the wall of his cell. It all happened so fast; the amber, Varian’s turn, and now prison where he’s been for three months. The only things keeping him going are the memories. The memories of how things used to be. The joy that they both felt before everything started spiraling, and especially the care that they had for each other. It was all real, and he knew for a fact that those feelings couldn’t just go away overnight. Varian’s heart is hardened for the time being, but Hugo keeps the hope that deep down, his brother is still in there.
Hugo props his head up and regrettably looks in the direction of Varian’s cell, quoting to himself what his brother had said to him a year ago.
“I’ll always be here for you.”
The young convict is also leaning against the wall of his cell, unable to sleep. Along with Hugo, Varian’s mind is being plagued with memories which he tries to push away, but for the first time something is actually stronger than his anger. He holds his head and groans. He doesn’t want to remember the meaningful moments he shared with Hugo. Mostly because he knows that he does still care about him. Even after everything, he’d still be devastated if something happened to his brother...
But he doesn’t want to care either. It just gets in the way of what he wants most: revenge. He tries to think of new plots to break out of jail, schemes to attack Corona, anything but those dreaded memories, but they refuse to leave.
Varian shifts his position as his mood grows somber. He doesn’t really want revenge. He just wants his dad back; he wants Hugo back. As much as he tries to deny it, he misses his brother. But he’s gone too far to turn back now.
The sadness passes and his eyebrows furrow again. He needs to stick to his goal: break out of jail with Andrew, enact his vengeance plot on Corona...and somehow ignore Hugo the entire time.
Varian turns around to face Andrew’s cell, forgetting that it’s also Hugo’s. For a brief second he locks eyes with his brother, but he quickly turns away. Whatever happened a year ago is completely over. Hugo basically betrayed his trust just like everyone else, and that is something he wouldn’t forgive. There’s no way that their bond could ever go back to what it was.
Hugo sighs sadly after seeing Varian turn away so abruptly and turns around himself. The glimmer of hope he still has is starting to fade. It was a disheartening feeling; knowing that Varian wanted nothing to do with him anymore.
Hugo subconsciously rolls up his sleeves and looks at his arms. They were still unharmed, but this time the pain is real.
A new quote comes to Hugo’s mind as he pushes his sleeves back down. It was something distantly familiar, almost as if he had heard it in a dream. He grits his teeth and hangs his head, whispering to himself, “Maybe I should just give up while I still have the chance.”
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jillianallen14 · 5 years
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I have to tell you all about this story because I am in Shock.
It's called "The Mind-Sifter" by Shirley S. Maiewski, and it was first published in the Star Trek Zine "Star Trek: The New Voyages I". There are some exceptionally amazing and Spriky stories in here (such as "Ni Var" and "The Winged Dreamers"), but this one takes the cake. I was shocked when I read this story - shocked that this was published in 1976 and even more shocked that it was basically endorsed by Leonard Nimoy, Gene Roddenberry and Bill Shatner, given that they gave introductions for some of the stories in this zine. Let me tell you all about it:
So the basic premise is this: Kirk gets taken by a Klingon commander while he is on shore leave, and he vanishes from the Enterprise. The crew does not know if he's alive or dead; they're searching frantically for him, but they can't find him. Little do they know, the Mind-Sifter is being used on him, destroying his mind, and he ends up going back in time (through the Guardian of Forever) into a mental hospital in the 1950's. This story gave me major "The Tholian Web" vibes, and it was just as devastating, believe me. Here are some stunning things that happen.
-While being tortured, Jim begs for Spock to find him, to help him, to save him.
-Spock hears Jim calling for him (across great distance) in his mind and wakes up horrified and shaking.
-Spock knows Jim is alive, but he can't convince his commanding officers of this, so they force him to take command of the Enterprise and to continue on the 5-year mission. Spock literally begs his commander to let him stay, to let him find Jim, and when that fails, threatens resignation and threatens to commandeer the ship anyways to look for Jim.
-Spock agrees to take command only if he'll be allowed to keep the Enterprise as close as possible to Klingon territory and as long as he'll be able to get to the Guardian of Forever in order to ask questions about Jim's whereabouts.
-Spock bears the hatred of the entire crew, who think that he's betrayed Jim and was only out to take command of the Enterprise. He researches on the computers and reads, trying to figure out where Jim is, literally the entire time he's off duty, even when he's eating. He barely sleeps.
-Spock doesn't give up for 2 fucking years. He searches for Jim relentlessly and bears all of this for 2 fucking years, while literally every other crew member gives up hope.
-Jim attacks Spock at first when he first sees him, but Spock just holds his hands softly, and tells him to stop. He then gently nerve pinches Jim and picks him up and cradles his body in his arms.
-Spock then, painfully, speaks with the woman that fell in love with Jim and says that he understands and gently tries to explain to her why her and Jim can't be together. (God, think of the pain he must have felt). McCoy can't understand why Spock's speaking and looking like that.
-Spock continues to carry Jim around for weeks because he can't walk on his own, and he never leaves his side.
-Spock then willingly accepts being demoted after Jim comes back, saying that he only accepted command in the first place on the condition that it would only be until Jim was back. Jim and Bones are flabbergasted.
-Spock and Jim then have a conversation (alone) and Jim thanks Spock, and I swore to God though this whole thing I thought they were going to admit to being in love with each other at any second. It was so tender. Here is a highlight:
"It is because we... we need each other that our minds are drawn together." -Spock. His pause, his stutter. I can't get over it. It's so clear he was about to say "It's because we love each other...."
-Spock and Jim actually have a conversation about how Spock could see inside his mind from long distances (basically that they were inadvertantly bonded) and why this happened. And Jim isn't really disturbed by this.
How can people say this isn't love of the highest degree? This is love like I've never even seen before. Spock was so in love it was painful to read; I could feel his heart breaking in every moment. He felt like a ghost without Jim, like a man who'd lost the only thing he was living for and would die if he didn't get him back. Like holy SHIT. Read this, y'all, read it. I know I just gave you a bunch of spoilers, but read it anyways. It's so worth it.
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itmlab · 11 months
How to Convert HTML to PDF with Google Script? - ITMlab
The Google Script is a powerful tool that allows you to automate repetitive tasks in Google. It allows you to create JavaScript-based applications that use Google services. The following code can be used to convert HTML files into PDF:
For more information: How to Convert HTML to PDF with Google Script? - ITMlab
Convert HTML to PDF
Converting HTML to PDF is easy. You can do it yourself, or you can use Google Script to do it for you.
To convert HTML to PDF using Google Script:
Create a new script in Google Drive and name it “ConvertHTML.”
In the “Code” section at the bottom of your script editor window, copy and paste this code:
var docs = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl( ‘https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID_HERE’ ); var sheets = docs.getSheets(); var sheet = sheets[0]; var rows= sheet .getRange( ‘A1’).getValues();
1. Create an HTML file that has a table of contents, headers and footers
Before you can convert HTML to PDF, you’ll need to create an HTML file that has a table of contents, headers and footers. Here’s how:
Open Notepad or another text editor on your computer (if you’re using Google Chrome, then we recommend using the built-in Developer Tools).
Type out some basic text like this:
Create a table of contents by adding tags around each major heading in your document; if there are no major headings in your document yet (you haven’t started writing), then type out some more text until there are multiple levels of headings so that we know where our table should begin! For example:
This is my first Heading, This is my second Heading. Make sure these tags are indented with two spaces from each side so that we can tell them apart from regular paragraphs later when we convert them into actual tables!
2. Save the file as an HTML file with a .html extension
Save the file as an HTML file with a .html extension
Make sure you have the right extension. If you don’t, Google will not be able to open it and convert it into a PDF file. You can also save it as a text file and then open it in a browser to see if it works.
3. Open your Google Drive account in your browser and log in if you haven’t done so already.
You need a Google account. If you don’t already have one, go to https://accounts.google.com/signup and follow the instructions to create one.
You’ll need to be signed in to your Google Drive account. If you haven’t done so yet, sign in using your email address or phone number associated with the account (the same credentials used for Gmail).
Sign out of Google Docs if it’s currently open: Click on “File” at top left corner of screen then select “Account settings” from dropdown menu under My Drive section at right side of page; next click on “Sign out” link at bottom left corner of window that appears when hovering cursor over ‘My Drive’ heading before signing back into new window where we will begin creating our script file below this paragraph!
4. Click on the “Script” option in the left-hand sidebar menu at the top of the screen (or click here)
The next step is to click on the “Script” option in the left-hand sidebar menu at the top of the screen (or click here). This will open up a window with some code that looks something like this:
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(‘myDocumentId’);
doc.setHtmlContent(‘Hello World!’);
5. Click on “Create from URL” and select ‘Create a copy…’. Then paste in this script code into the “Script Editor” box that appears below htpps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L0N37Nrka0lQ2c3qpx3YB–e_pIg1__jZQbzswrItxM/edit#gid=269221153
Click on “Create from URL” and select ‘Create a copy…’. Then paste in this script code into the “Script Editor” box that appears below htpps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L0N37Nrka0lQ2c3qpx3YB–e_pIg1__jZQbzswrItxM/edit#gid=269221153
You can also use the Google Spreadsheet API to convert HTML to PDF, but it requires some technical knowledge about coding languages such as Javascript or Python.
This is a great script if you want to convert your HTML files into PDFs. It’s easy to use and it has all the features that you need in a script like this one. If you want to convert your HTML files into PDFs, then this is a great script for you. It’s easy to use and it has all the features that you need in a script like this one.
For more information: How to Convert HTML to PDF with Google Script? - ITMlab
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