#you know the one with the appointment???
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vanikey · 1 month ago
im sooooo sick of it!!!!!!!!
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cloudabserk · 2 months ago
had to make an appointment with the social security office and after waiting an hour to speak to them the woman told me she had “never heard” of new york city
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collophora · 11 months ago
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haha I'll never finish this
but hewwo new followers <3
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wlw-cryptid · 2 years ago
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isurrendertoclones · 4 months ago
Yesterday I was refreshing my memory about Sev’s self-assigned side mission to protect Vau from Atin and being just the biggest possible shebs to Atin lmao and it occurred to me how hilarious it would be if Vau found out about this
And he’s like Oh-Seven. Sev. Sev’ika. (Sev: 😳)
Do you really think I need protecting? đŸ€š
And Sev just bluescreens
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kangals · 9 months ago
thinking a lot about that one post that’s like “the most unrealistic part of House MD/medical dramas is doctors that actually give a shit about finding diagnosis for mystery ailments.”
it’s so disheartening to be able to say “hey dr I have this chronic problem that most recently caused me acute and intense pain, what should I do” and being told “idk your tests are all normal so you just have to live with it.”
cool thanks. I’ll just continue having spontaneous, debilitating joint effusion that requires me to drop everything and go to an emergency specialist. but, you know, my Lyme test came back negative, so there’s nothing else that can possibly be done.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
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bklily · 5 months ago
Hey. Miraculous Fandom. Important question.
Is Adrien. Like. Vaccinated.
YOU'D THINK SO, RIGHT?? I mean, never have I ever had to question the vaccination status of a cartoon child, yeah??
But also. He's from the same family that never got him like. A flipping allergy medication despite him often being in the proximity of feathers.
Plus, since he didn't go to public school, records of his vaccines wouldn't be needed until very recently.
So I once again ask you:
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caitlynmeow · 5 months ago
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The thing with Cassandra is that Alcina is living her motherhood through her (hence why she gets a lot of attention and gets spoiled the most)
With Bela, she’s the eldest and was eager to show her mother that she’s all big and capable. So Alcina using the phrase ‘my baby’ got old soon and Bela was there to show her mama that she isn’t a baby anymore.
Cassandra is the complete opposite. She absolutely LOVED her mama’s attention and she took it hard when Daniela was born because what do you mean there is a literal baby in our house? I thought I was the baby!
So Cassandra just continued acting like that baby because surely her mama isn’t going to forget about her, right?
Daniela is similar to Bela; being the youngest, she was so eager to show her mother that she’s just like her big sisters. Definitely not a baby by any means!
So between Bela and Daniela focused on being all grown up and not needing their mama all the time, there was Cassandra who LIVED for this kind of pampering from her mama. She doesn’t care how old she is, she will always be her mama’s baby and she doesn’t make any attempt at telling or showing her mother otherwise. With Cassandra, she revels on being Alcina’s baby and lives for this kind of attention.
So, in a way, Alcina is living her motherhood through Cassandra because she’s allowing her to be a MAMA BEAR and not acting like she doesn’t need her anymore just because she’s older.
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wonder-worker · 7 months ago
"[Elizabeth Woodville] was the only member of [Crown Prince Edward of Westminster's] original 1471 council not already on the king’s council and her name headed the list of those appointed as administrators in Wales during Edward’s minority. [She remained on the council after it was expanded in 1473 and granted additional governing and judicial powers]."
"In 1478 Prince Richard married the Mowbray heiress. Like his elder brother he had a chancellor, seal, household and council to manage his estates. His council, like that of Prince Edward, comprised the queen [Elizabeth Woodville] and a group of magnates and bishops, few of whom were Woodville supporters. [...] It was Elizabeth who mattered, for Richard resided with her and Rivers treated his affairs as their own."
— J.L. Laynesmith, The Last Medieval Queens: English Queenship 1445-1503 / Michael Hicks, Richard III and his Rivals: Magnates and their Motives in the Wars of the Roses
#goodđŸ‘đŸ» for đŸ‘đŸ» her#historicwomendaily#elizabeth woodville#15th century#english history#princes in the tower#my post#Reminder that these sort of additional official positions in governance were very unusual (unprecedented) for late medieval English queens#Elizabeth's formal appointment in royal councils (+ authority over her sons) should not be ignored or downplayed in the slightest bit#It should instead be considered one of the most defining aspects of her queenship that spanned over a decade and lasted right till the end#& should also be highlighted as one of the most vital topics of discussion when it comes to broader queenly power in late medieval England#I think it also says a lot about Elizabeth's relationship to Edward IV and the regard he seems to have had for her capabilities#'The only member of the original 1471 council not already on the king’s council' that speaks VOLUMES. Once again: good for her.#It's also really frustrating how some historians (Katherine J. Lewis; AJ Pollard; Laynesmith etc) have incredibly lopsided perspectives on#Elizabeth that fundamentally *do not work* when you remember these actual facts and what they reveal about her power and influence#I'm also still baffled at Lynda Pidgeon's claim that 'Elizabeth's influence with Edward IV was less than with family members who were#part of the king's council or that of her son Edward prince of Wales'. Like???????#First of all - we *already know* that Elizabeth had the most personal influence with Edward and was the one he trusted the most#The case in 1480 & his own will in 1475 (where he referred to her as the one 'in whom we most singularly place our trust') make both clear#Second of all - ELIZABETH WAS LITERALLY ON HER SONS' COUNCILS HERSELF. HER NAME HEADED THE GODDAMN LIST. How have you missed this????????#It's actually bizarre because it completely ignores the fact that 1) Late medieval queens *weren't* generally given positions like this?#If we accept Pidgeon's (false) interpretation we have to claim that NONE of them were influential at all#Which I'm pretty sure nobody agrees with? So why have I seen people agreeing with Pidgeon's FALSE take on Elizabeth based on that lmfao?#2) Elizabeth WAS in fact given such positions. She genuinely was given unusual authority and was an Exceptionℱ rather than the rule#Forget emphasizing her atypical role - Pidgeon has outright erased it in an effort to diminish her#She does the same thing when talking about Elizabeth's role after Edward IV's death and it's equally ridiculous and incorrect#There's stupidity and then there's willful misreading & rewriting of history according to your own imagination. This fits the latter
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fellwar-finch · 6 months ago
How do you think Runningnose felt, looking down from starclan, watching his clan fall apart again. Rowanclaw dead, Tigerheart dead, the leader and deputy dead, the clan in shambles, ready to fall apart and join skyclan or be picked up by the next wannabe dictator that came by.
How do you think he felt watching Puddleshine suggest the most WILD idea, watching a patrol of cats carry his body to the moonpool. Was he proud of this medicine cat who was thrust into the position? Was he angry at himself for not thinking of the idea when Nightstar died. Did he wish he had the strength, faith, or foresight to carry his dying leader to the moonstone like this?
I can only imagine the bittersweet relief Runningnose felt at watching Tigerstar come back, at watching shadowclan’s resurrection, knowing it avoided breaking down again by just a whisker.
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its-a-beautful-day · 9 months ago
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Updating my donation post as it's been a few months. I'm still struggling with being homeless and I recently lost my health insurance (yayy turning 26!)
I've applied for section 8 at a local large city but that can take time. I'm also in the months long process of applying for SNAP/medicaid. I've also applied for financial assistance through my work to help me as well but I'm unsure of the turn around time or how much they can assist me.
Currently with the cost of rent in my local area the best option might be for me to renovate a free mobile home. However I need to move it to a lot/mobile home park with hookups and that can cost alot of money. The current estimate I got is around $8,000.
This doesn't include the lot rent per month or the cost of fixing the mobile home. But I do get to own the trailer after and can sell it once I have my feet under me again and ready to move.
I've been looking into so many different options but I'm struggling with finding something in my budget. Current income restricted housing is at a 1 to 2 year wait list. Others require a $48 per person application before you get to even see the apartment (for a one bedroom no less)
I've already made so many sacrifices during this year including not perusing fighting to get my cat back. Unfortunately with the way I can't find housing there wasn't a hope I could find housing and have it allow pets.
I've anyone has suggestions for finding roomates (that's not Facebook) or housing please feel free to message me
I'm also doing donation doodles for any donation over $10, give me a suggestion or prompt when you donate otherwise you get a bug art lol
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iero · 11 months ago
It's so stupid to be happy about this, but I finally made the call to make a doctor's appointment to finally talk to them about getting put on a new anxiety medication.
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orangedogsquad · 25 days ago
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Mr gummybear had his final post dental checkup today. At long last, the one gum site that refused to heal has fully healed!
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ilkkawhat · 28 days ago
don't get me wrong, i do truly love re-reading my old fics but at the same time it just...saddens me when i remember just how like. easy it used to be for me to write. to write sometimes thousands of words a day. to have posted so many individual fics (even if some of them were less then 1000 words) and to still have all these ideas for chapter fics, sequels, new fics, etc and just....not being able to keep up with my past self just reminds me of what i've lost to deteriorating mental and physical health...and now i'm lucky to write even 100 words in one day
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month ago
thank yoy for drawing erik so big . He is a big man. HUGE EVEN. thank you.
Big man

.. i love me big man
#snap chats#i LOVE drawing big mfers and i hate that i have a core memory of when this all started for me#i had no chance it all started when i was a wee lad i knew id be doomed to lovin drawin big men djznKNs#its all the shapes
 and the occasional squish yk
#also just. Big. i like big. bigger the better etc etc#i have a problem i am SICK#soeaking of problems Dilema what do i eat#my fam did just make adobo
 my moms friends adobo so thats how you know its ESPECIALLY delicious#ong wait i was so caught up in the euphoria of meat i forgot the My Month Cant Get Worse news skOWNSSJ#SO I HAD A DOCS APPOINTMENT FOR MY MEDICINE AND LITERALLY LIKE. BEFORE I HEAD TO THE STATION#MY DADS LIKE ‘son our insurance isnt eligible anymore’ WHAT DO YOU /MEAN/#on a lighter note we were talkin bout when we’d go to the doc#and my dad was like ‘no gothic looks today’ abd i was like ‘lol fair’ and i made a joke about Being Normal Now#TELL ME WHY THIS MAN IMMEDIATRLY CALLS AFTER AND IS LIKE ‘my son im sorry you know i love your fashion :( youre always normal to me-#i didnt mean to offend’ LIKE DAD I WAS JOKING /ENOUGH/. ACTUALLY too fuckin silly and it says a lot#my dad always says Dont Say Sorry Unless You Have Something To Apologize For so the fact he /called/ a sec later#instead of leaving a quick apology or something. i do not apologize for dedicating half these tags to my dad#he is far too funny djOWDJSJEK BUT ANYWAY im gonna go eat ig idk#i have an online assignment due tonight but its a grouo assignment but no ones reached out despite me attempting to get ahold of them all đŸ« #fingers crossed things turnaround idk
 i hate online classes.. ok byebfiODJSJ
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