#rc sev
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isurrendertoclones · 3 days ago
Sev rapidly going through every single stage of grief after Scorch burns off Vau’s eyebrows. Like the man has fully resigned himself to the fact that he is about to lose a squadmate. He is already mourning Scorch.
And then Vau…just starts laughing???
And Names Scorch???!!!
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mamuzzy · 9 months ago
Teaching gf the differences between blorbo and precious meowmeow. Both are beloved fictional characters, but not the same.
Tup is a blorbo but Dogma is a precious meowmeow.
Tech is a blorbo but Crosshair is a precious meowmeow.
Niner is a blorbo but Darman is a precious meowmeow.
Scorch is a blorbo but Sev is a precious meowmeow.
The Nulls are precious meowmeows.
A blorbo cannot do wrong, a poor meowmeow is a miserable mental mess who commits warcrimes.
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zealfruity · 1 year ago
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So anyone remember when I drew faces for the clones we don’t know the faces of?
Gave Hound the Wolverine Hair and some neat piercings. I have specific reasons for a lot of the design choices here so if you want details, ask :))
Anyway I remade them because I’ve improved a lot and the designs have changed. They’re all so girliepop. Added Corrie!Dogma and my own headcanons relating to that (basically:
He was supposed to be reconditioned since he was a model soldier beforehand but it didnt work perfectly, which is why he has more than just the temple scars. the only thing he can remember about his name is that theres "dog" in it and he has the self hating belief that hes just a dog of the republic not worth much just smth to be pointed at so he can bite so hes like "oh of course thats my name" and he cant remember Umbara super well but he can remember that he betrayed brothers and that he betrayed the republic by killing a jedi and he doesnt know why he did any of it. he doesnt know why hes so lonely even though now he has a bunch of Corrie vode around (hes missing his bff twin bro Tup). "Dog" is part of Hound's team so he gets to work with the dog creatures. Yes this is silly. Yes Hound is absolutely delighted. Yes most of the rest of the k9 arf trooper unit ARE named canine related names and yes they know their unit name is also silly. Dogma in s3 when??
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commander-neyo · 9 months ago
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Sev totally has that nihilist Arby's vibe, so I did a thing. All kudos to Nihilist Arby's ^^
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mereelskirata · 11 months ago
Hehehe. New icon made~
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cuddles-with-dragons · 1 year ago
Delta Squad and Bad Batch team up
Boss: You're ignoring all your problems. Hunter: I know. Boss: You also know it's an unhealthy coping mechanism? Hunter: I'm ignoring that fact as well.
Boss: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!? Crosshair: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
Crosshair: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river. Scorch: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
Boss: I swear to the Force I'm the only one here with a braincell. Crosshair, Scorch, Sev, and Wrecker: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
Crosshair: You have an impressive pain tolerance. Sev: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Hunter: Seriously, Sev, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to? Sev: That’s not important Hunter: I DISAGREE.
Tech: Truth or dare? Fixer: Truth. Tech: How many hours have you slept this week? Fixer: Fixer: Dare. Tech: Go to sleep. Fixer: I don't like this game.
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arcsimper5 · 11 months ago
Star Wars Headcanons
Delta Squad:
*Sev and Scorch constantly get into physical squabbles, but that's all it is, a squabble. They spent enough time being pitched against each other in training by Walon Vau that they have no desire to physically harm each other. Instead, they end up having slap fights, hitting each others hands until one of them gets bored and simply pushes the other over, declaring victory.
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*Fixer has the largest and most diverse porn collection anyone in the galaxy has ever seen. It's categorised to perfection, and hidden behind fifteen layers of encryption. He doesn't even watch it much, he just likes being able to give the exact title of whatever saucy film Scorch is talking about and watch the look of utter disbelief on his brother's face.
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*Boss 100% wears cologne. He'll deny it until he's blue in the face, no-one knows where he got it or what it's called, but every time he takes his helmet off, a warm, spicy, woody scent manifests. Boss pleads ignorance.
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Scorch is ridiculously good at dejarik. No-one knows how, but every time he's at a table, he kicks the shebs of anyone he's pitted against. The Deltas have used this to their advantage to get credits in tight spots before. If asked where he learnt to play, Scorch simply shrugs and says he 'picked it up'.
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Sev suffers from chronic pain in his leg. It was caused in a training accident where he broke his leg and Vau pulled him out of bacta early to carry on training. It never fully healed, and it plays up in cold weather. The others know, and sometimes Boss will slow down their pace so Sev isn't pushed too hard, though none of them will ever admit it.
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Scorch is the youngest of the group and they are super protective of him, though they'll never admit it. After his accident during training where he got his name, he almost didn't make it and was left with a lot of scarring.
They took turns applying bacta and redressing his wound, with Boss even telling Vau to leave them be while he recovered, which took a lot of guts.
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Dividers by the amazing @stars-n-spice
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kaminocasey · 2 years ago
Sev is so emo daddy it's not even funny.
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isurrendertoclones · 3 months ago
Oh I just had An Idea
What if the handprint on Sev’s helmet is an Echo + Rex situation—what if it’s Vau’s handprint???!
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mamuzzy · 10 months ago
What is considered child mistreatment in Mandalorian culture (legends)?
I was inspired by this post but I didn't want to ruin a mood with my AcKcHuYaLlY vibes so I made a separate post about it.
While I agree with a sentiment of Cuy'val Dar should have rioted seeing children being mistreated, given they are a very heavily family and child centered culture, I've just recently read a few quotes from Republic Commando which made me wonder...
what is considered child mistreatment in their culture?
Because training children to be soldiers are not one. It is a perfectly normal thing to do for them.
What you will read here about: -- Potential reasons why the Cuy'val Dar didn't refuse the job -- Relationship of a Mando parent and their child: How Munin Skirata adopted Kal and with it giving him a predetermined path of life -- Little detour to the topic of how modernday parents don't include children in the household chores -- Pav-Ti and Ahsoka -- Walon Vau and Dred Priest's approach -- Kal Skirata's approach of training -- Little about Mandos and Jedi -- Sorry (not really), people. I still love Kal. -- I won't tag this as anti/pro/critical fandom fuckery. Only a Sith deaIs in absolutes.
Rest is under the cut.
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Why would Cuy'val Dar accept such assignment in the first place?
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So why didn't they say no? 1. Loyalty and Respect for Jango Fett 2. In need of money 3. Needed a place to hide 4. It could be HONOUR: If a mando bounty hunter accepts a job, they won't back down from it. That's why they are the best. A mandalorian either completes the job or they die in the process (see: Hard Contact). 5. Child soldiers are nothing out of place.
But the latter is debatable, depending on which bounty hunter you ask. Kal was horrified when he was presented with the facts. Scene from Triple Zero, where Kal realizes what Jango is expecting of him:
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Jango Fett indeed didn't tell them the whole truth. I'm pretty sure there would have been people who would have accept it anyway. But I'm also sure most of them were conned this way.
We even know Kal's reason of accepting the job.
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He didn't have any outside ties anymore that required his physical presence, so at this point he could just accept a decade long assignment.
And when he met the Nulls, he gave himself a purpose out of this nightmare. Raising these children as Mandalorians.
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But where this is come from? From Kal's own buir.
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Another quote about how Munin adopted Kal.
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Awfully practical people. But also, compassionate. Kal is guided by the same compassion as his buir.
Overprotected children of our modern age
Family centric and child centric views are really distorted today which is about overprotecting kids from literally everything. Even from basic household chores: a parent who is too tired and impatient for their child constantly making mistakes during learning a task, so they simply take it out from the child's hand and doing it instead, because teaching them comes with much more mess to clean up, therefor more work for the parent. Children won't learn that helping out around the house can be a quality time with the parent, because most parents don't consider being together with their children a quality time. This later leads to those awful fights between a teenager who never helps around the house on their own only when asked/ordered. Children are glorified exotic pets, one task from a bucket list or worst, investments. But part of the family? Less likely. Not unconditionally.
If you think about Ahsoka's backstory in the Tales of the Jedi, her mother also brought her on the hunt and made her look when she skinned the animal. Teaching her that death is a part of life and even when they take resources from the nature, they should do it with respect. Pav-Ti was already teaching her to be a part of their small community.
I think Mando culture is the same: they involve their children in their profession from early age. Probably teaching your children how to kill for money is not exactly ethical by our earthling standards. Regardless, they do it together. Little mando'ade won't go to school, they spend their time with the family and learning skills they will need if they choose the same profession and lifestyle as their parents.
So that's why I think that even if the members of the Cuy'Val Dar had seconds thoughts, training child soldiers are nothing out of ordinary. I can't speak for the remaining non-mando trainers what was in their mind.
But when Dred Priest and Isabeth Beau started their own little figthing rings in the guise of "preserving the old ways", it was really considered fucky even among the other mando trainers Death Watch couple-goals: torture children together <3. Dred Priest despised the clone cadets and they actually died under his care and this is one of the reason why Mij Gilamar killed Priest later in the books.
Walon Vau wasn't introduced to mando values until he ran away from home as an adult, but his abusive upbringing shaped his worldview on how he trained the cadets. Strict codes and harsh punishments. He had his regrets of it later.
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From O66, Walon Vau to Kal Skirata
Love has many shapes. Vau wanted them to survive because he loved them. But loving them and treating them good/bad is not the same.
We know about Kal that he taught by experience. He never gave an assignment to his cadets before he first showed them how to do it.
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And then we have these notorious parts of him regarding the clones which can be interpreted so many ways but often used as the evidence as child abuse:
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And this one also:
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(sometimes I throw my brain outtaaa windoooOOooOooOow what people call abusive these days...)
What is my stance about this particular passage? I think he didn't abuse the clones. He wanted them to survive too. He wanted to make it easier for them which was really hard considering the circumstances. He wanted to be a father to the clones like Munin was to him.
We saw the differences between Omega Squad and Delta Squad. The Delta first left Walon Vau behind because they were ordered to do so. Delta left Sev behind because they were ordered to do so. As far as we know, no one deserted from the Empire from Vau's commandos. They remained loyal to the Republic/Empire. Darman could have been with his son and with Clan Skirata but he choose to remain with Niner in the Empire. He remained loyal not the empire, not even Kal Skirata but his brother. Just like Kal thaught them.
What makes them different from the jedi and at the same time so similiar?
The Jedi seek out force sensitive children to teach them how to control this power within them and make sure, they won't use it for personal gain. And later, when they grow up, they will do the same.
Mandos take pity over war orphans (usually that's the case), take them into their clan of soldiers and they teach them a profession and one day, they can do the same.
Both faction are doing it, guided by the same principle: COMPASSION.
Jedi are practicing compassion toward every living, while Mando compassion is just much more personal on the individual level.
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Dialogue from Imperial Commando between Arligan Zey and Kal Skirata. I think this baby stealing prejudice comes from that force sensitive children are separated from their parents and all this goes against the family centric view of the mandalorians where family is above all and the children are only safe with their families.
In conclusion...
My personal take after this little research that Mando trainers didn't abuse children, not in their own mandalorian standards. I say this because of Dred Priest who was condemned for actually hurting his cadets, forcing them to fight against each other, and lots of them actually died.
After the failed experiences with the Nulls, the kaminoans and trainers didn't expose the clones to live rounds and bombs until so much later, that's why the commandos and Alpha-class ARCs feel much more balanced in their phyche.
I think Walon Vau abused his cadets but he justified it with love.
Kal made them to do horrible exercises and said a lot of shitty things to the clones (though I think it's kind of like when you call your cat a whore out of affection) but overall he tried to make their suffering bearable.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 1 year ago
Adding Delta Squad
Boss - Will and has stabbed someone (Scorch) for annoying him in the morning. Did not get any sleep. Will hiss at you like an angry tooka.
Fixer - Up and running with his travel mug. He's got chaos to control.
Scorch - He's one of those annoyingly positive "morning people".
Sev - Can't function properly without at least three cups of coffee. The most communication you'll get is a "hrrnnghh".
Silly headcanon question: which clones do you think are the cutest first thing in the morning? Which ones are grumpy? Would this change when they wake up with their SO or would SO understand and make caf to help them get less grump?
Ok, I think I went a little overboard... let's break this down into a couple different categories:
Cute, early risers:
Rex - man's got lots of things to do and chaos to try and manage. He usually hits the ground running, and is the one making other people their caf
Cody - again, another one of those 'places to go, things to do', always busy types. He pretty much taught Rex everything he knows
Cute, but disoriented:
Fives - The amount of times this man has tripped over himself trying to get up and out of his bunk... There's a couple minutes of slight bewilderment and trying to remember who and where he is, but then he usually up and ready for whatever he's getting himself into today.
Wrecker - big boi is a solid sleeper that can and will fall asleep anywhere and sleep through anything. He doesn't wake up easy, but he does wake up in a good mood at least.
Adorably and endearingly grumpy:
Tech - did he just wake up, or is he coming off of his third all-nighter in a row? There's really no way too tell because whether it's been a 20 minute power nap, or a 20 hour black out, either way Tech wakes up like he's not sure what year it is, and absolutely prepared to claw someone's eyes out to get to a caf machine
Echo - granted, he's usually low-key grumpy on a regular basis because unfortunately he keeps getting attached to idiots with no sense of self preservation or common sense, but it always seems like no matter how much sleep he does manage to get, it's never enough. He just wants to be able to drink one cup of caf while it's still warm before he starts getting pulled in twelve deferent directions (#momproblems)
Hunter - in a pretty similar boat to Echo with the added bonus of waking up already over stimulated. Don't get him wrong, man loves his brothers (and his daughter) but it is 0600, and his eye is already twitching. It is too early for any of y'all to be this dang loud.
Grumpy and annoyed until fully awake:
Crosshair - usually there is an underlying hint of playfulness to his hostility - kind of like a grumpy old cat... Not right now. He's liable to actually stab someone until he's had some time and at minimum one cup of caf.
Wolffe - again, man is usually kind of grumpy by default. Now we just have the added bonus of 'not a functional human being... yet'. He will come around, he's just going hit anyone who tries to speak to him before that with a glare that's going to make them shrivel up and die a little inside. Don't hold it against him though, man doesn't even have the energy to roll his eyes yet.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 1 year ago
Sniper shenanigans and other things
Tech: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment...at all? Sev: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.
Hunter: You know, there’s something weird going on with your face? Sev: What? Hunter: You’re smiling! I didn’t know you could do that?
Tech: Crosshair, I am questioning your sanity... Fixer: I never questioned it, I knew his sanity was missing from the start.
Crosshair: *tapping fingers on table* Sev: *taps fingers back furiously* Scorch: …What’s going on? Fixer: Morse code. They’re talking. Crosshair: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Sev: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Fixer: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier. Fixer: Violently practices. Scorch: Violently studies. Tech: Violently sleeps. Crosshair: Violently shoots pictures. Wrecker: Violently boxes. Sev: Violently murders people. Tech: Violently worries about the previous statement.
*the Squad cleaning up* Hunter: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away. Boss, to Crosshair: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in—
Sev: Hey, wanna help me commit arson? Crosshair: What the hell!? Sev: Oh, sorry, my bad. Sev, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson? Crosshair, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
*Sev is talking to Hunter over comms* Sev: Yeah, I'm with Crosshair. Crosshair: I'm fucking dying- Sev: Yep, he's okay. Crosshair: I have a knife in my chest! Sev: No, he can't talk right now. He's busy, sorry. Crosshair: I'M BLEEDING OUT-
Sev: Hand me the people opener. Crosshair: ... Crosshair: Pardon? Sev, annoyed: The people opener! Just hand it to me! Crosshair, stressed: WHAT THE FUCK IS A PEOPLE OPENER? Sev: How do you not know what a people opener is? It's pointy- you know? With a handle? Crosshair: Knife. It's called a knife.
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melymigo · 8 months ago
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azure-cygni · 27 days ago
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⁠✷ Eyyy (anon is my sis ❤️💕) fierce hunter guyyy please find him again aaaaa
(⁠✷Clone Art Requests Open -RULES-)
💛 Any Clones will do + followers only ⁠✷
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wings-and-beskargam · 3 months ago
These two di’kute. What were they up to this time? 💙
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pedroam-bang · 21 days ago
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Tom Stockman - An Elite Unit (2024)
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