#you know how annoying reprogramming shit is?
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jaxthedragon · 2 years ago
WHO the FUCK was going to remind me that it’s DAYLIGHTS SAVINGS TODAY! I missed my therapy meeting!
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 year ago
My Brief Review of Alien Dice (Day 1 to Day 27)
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When I first started reading this comic, I thought it was going to suck, but now that I've reached well past the halfway point after riffing it nonstop for almost 3 years, I feel that the comic is probably the most objectively well made comic in this blog. It has likable protagonists, cool worldbuilding and this comic knows how to have stakes, that being said I'd be a fucking liar if I said this comic had nothing bad in it, and sadly I'm afraid the bad outweights the good, let's get into it.
The comic starts with our protagonist, Chel, spending the night at her home when she meets a strange two-tailed cat and a blue alien named Lexx who is hunting for the cat. Chel then nurtures Lexx after he gets injured and learns that Lexx is an Alien Dice player, who has come to Earth to hunt for dice animals. Chel t´hen ends up in his spaceship, where she learns about Lexx's origins, the true nature of the game, the true nature of the dice, and soon is taken into an adventure of a lifetime as she meets Lexx's friends and foes. She also has to tolerate Lexx's unstable personality problems, ends up having her fed family go after Lexx, learns about the horrible society ADC has created in the galaxy, and finslly is taken through countless twists and turns, half of which make no sense.
In terms of writing, Alien Dice is probably the only comic in my blog that can create a good balance of comedy and very grimdark stuff. Comedy is often saved for lighter moments and not in the middle of a serious event. Granted, there is one aspect that can ruin the seriousness of a scene, but that has nothing to do with writing, more on that in the Art section. While Alien Dice has good balance, it often can sometimes take FOREVER for stuff to progress. At the beginning the pacing wasn't bad, sometimes there would be a scene that'd go way too long here or there, but once Chel gets kidnapped we spend an ungodly long amount of time in Riley's spaceship, where we see too many scenes of Lexx training and his pets arguing. It gets even worse after Trasik's incident, once the Greys come and reprogram Lexx and get rid of his evil side, we spend an entire year without conflict. It's like this comic is looking to do everything but progress the plot, we have long scenes of Lexx and Victor having repetitive conversations, we have a pointless subplot where Keith tries to get relay and Zaile teaches him how to use it, we have ANIMAL ROMANCE, we have scenes where Lexx learns what light soup and salad tastes like and more animals playing and fighting. It's really tiresome when you're waiting for shit to get serious, and there are many unanswered questions. We don't even see a glimpse of many of the central cast, like Riley or Damian during these segments, not that it's a bad thing, but it shows you how much comfort Tiffany likes to put into the comic sometimes.
Another thing I'm not a huge fan of is how characters have tendency to flip their plans over several times. For example, Lexx doesn't want to live with Chel, but then someone says something to him which immediately makes him state "oh I want to live with Chel now", and then several pages later he is suddenly like "I don't want to live with Chel" again. It's very annoying and happens a lot throughout this comic, it makes you question just what is the future of Chel and Lexx. And it seems other characters are very easily convinced over anything.
Then we have the technology of the Dice world, the usual sci-fi tropes and such are often left unexplained, but when this comic introduces something unique, such as the concept of relays and dice animals, or even non-living dice, things get confusing. The nature of the Dice Animals is explained early on that they're living entities that take over another animal, as it seems to have happened with Chel's former cat Mittens, who was replaced by Stealth. However, Stealth shares Mittens's memories but still remembers Lexx from the past, and then it's later implied she always was Mittens, as opposed to always being Stealth. There is also the question of sentience for the Dice animals, they're like Digimon at first, technological creatures with sentience, but then you get into the fact they're capable of breeding, and can also "go feral" and turn back into animals with no speech or human-level intelligence. At some point Keith even calls them not quite human or animal. Then you add in the fact Zeta talks like a caveman while other dice talk normally, and Zeta is dumber than most dice as he has no concept of parenting according to Riley, and if I started talking about whether or not him impregnating Epsy was done with or without her consent, I'd be here all week. The point is, a lot of shit regarding dices is murky.
Relay starts off as mysterious, and Stealth putting it inside Chel is the main reason why Chel and Lexx have to be close, but overtime TIffany expands on it, and reveals the reason Lexx and Chel's relays are less advanced is because they have certain features disabled. But also apparently relay can even store "mind creatures", such as soul echoes, which are basically ghosts inside people's minds, and even creatures created by nanites, which can somehow possess people to the point of manipulating their physical strength, and it's never made quite clear how these creatures exist, and I feel Tiffany sort of regretted how confusing she made them, because "Evil Lexx" was eliminated from the comic as soon as his big moment came. If you're confused by all these words, I don't blame you, because I was just as confused by all of this when I read the comic.
Lastly there are the plot twists. The way how this comic treats plot twists is rather odd. For the first half of the comic, the audience knows big plot twists before the characters do, these are "Chel has relay", "Zaile is Lexx's brother", "Kane is NOT Lexx's sister" and so forth. But there are also whole bunch of plot twists that are implied but never followed upon, like Lexx possibly being an advanced form of dice animal himself (granted this is not abandoned, just never outright stated, and the further evolution of this twist - dice players with animalistic abilities being treated as slaves by other dice players - is eventually abandoned) or the secret role humans have in Alien Dice. When the big plot twists that do happen are stated, they often happen off-screen. Probably the most bizarre example of this is when Lexx tells Chel she has relay, we see Lexx open his mouth, but we see no words, then we see Chel's reaction and then she leaves and we see her crying. It's such a bizarre moment, you don't think Lexx told Chel anything and she just left, but no.
Then we get to the second half of plot twists, which are just ass pull after ass pull after ass pull. We got two big comic-changing plot twists back to back which had virtually no foreshadowing, first we learned that Lexx's mom was alive this whole time, and then it was revealed that Trasik, who had kidnapped Chel, was actually a mimic all along, and she didn't find out until after killing her. It was just a really stupid attempt at making Chel not look like a murderer. Sometimes murder is okay.
Overall, the writing is competent but has it's own issues as well.
One of the first things about Alien Dice's cast is that it has something no other comic riffed so far in this blog has, likable protagonists. I would actually argue Chel is the best character in this entire comic. Although she first is in Audience Surrogate role and doesn't do much besides follow Lexx around and nurture the dice animals, she eventually starts doing more and more things, she starts calling out other characters for being assholes, we slowly start to get a good view into her psyche and we also see that she is not a helpless damsel who needs Lexx to save her. Her biggest highlight is killing Trasik, she just goes and stabs her to death without hesitation. If it didn't turn out to be a mimic, I would be praising that scene so much more.
But yeah, Chel doesn't really have any moments where she does stupid things, if she does a mistake it's on purpose, the stupidest thing she probably has done is blurt out to Lexx that his mom is alive, but it seems Lexx forgets about it as soon as it's mentioned. Granted, she does have the indecisiveness I talked about in the writing section, but that's not a problem unique to her.
Then we have Lexx, the other main protagonist, Lexx has a really sad backstory and he is a more mysterious character who really needs someone like Chel in his life. Sadly, he is more of a mixed bag than Chel. He often does stupid things and acts like a complete idiot at times, which I'm not sure is intentional, as sometimes he will suddenly get psychosis and try to kill one of his dice, sometimes he just acts like an asshole to Chel for no reason, sometimes he makes justifications for his asshole friends (we'll get to them later) and sometimes he is acting like a creepy simp. It could be argued Evil Lexx is influencing him during some of these moments, but just talking about Evil Lexx gives me a headache, so let's say Evil Lexx has only influenced Lexx's actions once and that was when he possessed him. Lexx becomes a better person throughout the comic, but sometimes reset button is hit which makes him lose all his development, but eventually he regains his development out of nowhere. I would still argue Lexx is a protagonist worth rooting for, because the world he lives in, his predicament and his own friends are much worse than he is.
Then there's Lexx's pets, the Dice animals. I feel like these characters purely exist for merchandising reasons, because during my riff I saw a ton of pictures of posters, totebags, pins and stickers with these guys all over them. Tiffany however does try to give them development with mixed results. The main Dice is arguably Stealth, she starts off as a decent character, and she acts as a good conscience to Lexx at the beginning of the comic. Unfortunately as soon as she turns into her white puma form, not only does she look more and more ridiculous, she becomes a massive dick who is always ANGRY. Both her backstory and motivation are also quite confusing, like I said it's never really established if she has the mind of Stealth or mind of Mittens, and she wants freedom but also she wants to protect Chel and Lexx. She hates other dice animals for "stealing Chel/Lexx" but doesn't also like it if Chel/Lexx disrespect her independence. Eventually she stops hating other animals, but continues being kind of a dick throughout the rest of the comic with occassional moments of decency, but she's probably easier to listen to than look at, more about that on the Art section. Then there's Sirius, Sirius started off as creepy dog energy dice we nicknamed Dog Sothoth, but he somehow evolved into a dopey dragon thing. Sirius also starts wanting independence from Lexx, but outside of arguing with Stealth he doesn't really develop any of this, and soon becomes horny for Serenity, the random hyena who wasn't used at all until that point and then she suddenly turns into a palette swap of Sirius, and every page from then on looks like they're coming close to fucking right then and there.
While Tiffany generally keeps away from writing blatant romance, the ANIMAL ROMANCE segments make me feel dirty, and I don't think that would be the case if it wasn't for the original main dice of the series, Zeta. Zeta talks like a caveman unlike other dice, and it is eventually implied that he raped Epsy off-screen because he tells her "Zeta sorry. Zeta not know what he did". And it's justified because Zeta did not have the ability to think? Meanwhile this whole event causes Epsy to go feral, and this is all Epsy's fault because she laid Zeta's eggs. The consent on this entire thing is never cleared up, and I feel like Tiffany should've had second thoughts about this whole arc. So yeah, that's why I'm not fond of any other romances the chinpokomon in this comic have.
The only other dice with any sort of personality are Dash, who eventually becomes Stealth's lover after being a prose-spouting, Zeta-mauling, MURR HELLOIng idiot who Lexx once wanted to kill, as well as Swiftpaw. He is a winged fox who eventually develops fondness for Keith, and he does whole bunch of cutesy shit. There's also other dice but they have one note gimmicks, and rest are just straight up gone, like Lexx catches them and then we never see them again, remember the giant bat? Drunk kangaroo? The weird raccoon thing? Yeah, the less dice-focused this comic becomes, the more their presence feels like an afterthought outside of Stealth, Sirius, Zeta and the rest.
And then there's Lexx's so called friends, these assholes are the reason Lexx's understanding of certain social issues are so warped, to the point some of his flaws may be almost justified. First we have Damian, he went from a supportive friend of Lexx's into a greedy partyloving womanizer with a Pinocchio nose who didn't contribute anything, then there is Claudia, she straight up wants to rape Lexx at first. However, Claudia seems to eventually just go from a wannabe rapist to a desperate lover, but she doesn't get any better as a character. Claudia and Damian want Lexx to be their comfort doll, and while they're willing to protect him, they really dislike Chel and don't want her to be around. But they're the most likable characters in the world compared to the one who I think is not only the worst character in this comic but also the worst character in this entire blog, RILEY.
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Where do I begin with Riley? He is Lexx's best friend and soul brother, but he has never done one good thing for Lexx or Chel. In his first appearance, he first tries to hit on Chel and then tries to use her to get chicks? After that, we learn that Riley is working for Lexx's brother Zaile, who hates him, and Riley knows a whole bunch of shit Lexx doesn't know, which we learn throughout the whole comic, he also knows that LEXX'S MOM WAS ALIVE THE WHOLE TIME. He is the brother of Trasik, the crazy child trafficking psychopath who wants to kill Lexx because she is racist against rishans, and a whole bunch of other siblings AND THEY ALL PLAY. Riley also belittles Lexx and reads his mind by force but doesn't let Lexx read his mind, victimblames and insults Lisaan for being a slave and a prostitute, drugs both Chel and Lexx in their sleep, calls Chel's breasts "deformed", enables his sister's child trafficking business, the list goes on and on. He is a manipulative piece of shit fucktard that might as well be the main antagonist, because almost all the problems in Lexx's life are his fault.
Speaking of let's move on to the ACTUAL antagonists. We learn slowly that ADC, which stands for Alien Dice Council if I remember correctly, controls the whole galaxy except for greys and Earth, they monitor Lexx constantly and try to kill him. They have destroyed semantics around the word "parents" so that anyone who doesn't have a caretaker qualifies as an orphan and thus can be sentenced to play the game, and the game itself is a hellish meatgrinder that is impossible to win, you can't kill yourself because nanites take control of your body and create unstable mutations within your mind, but you can easily be killed at any time, and ADC might as well kill you solely because you're popular, and they can also send mimics that can easily impersonate your loved ones.
Sounds like a pretty good case for a hateable antagonist, right? Unfortunately, whenever ADC appears on screen, it's two people, an orange haired loser who loves to be evil and a purple rishan woman who also loves to be evil, and she wants to kill off Lexx for whatever reason. These two are bland and rather than being portrayed as a dark shadow totalitarian despot government they're just two rich assholes who do the ohohohoho anime woman laugh when they see children starving. In a similar train is Trasik, the secondary antagonist of the comic, she wants to kill Lexx for some reason and eventually we learn she one day decided to become racist, because her father liked to go out with Lexx's mom. Bigotry really isn't part of her character though, she just loves to traffic children and try to kill Lexx for her own amusement, and then when Chel finally kills her we learn she has been replaced with a perfect mimic. I feel that Trasik and ADC both work better off as antagonists when they're off-screen. When we actually see them, they're bland and not complicated enough to be part of this universe. An antagonist who does work better is Saign who runs an Alien Dice slave ring, she has a grudge against Lexx so she wants to recruit her into her ring. However she never shows up again so what's the point. Riley should be the main antagonist of the comic more than anyone else.
As for the rest of the noteworthy characters, we have Keith and Victor, the most prevalent earthlings after Chel to appear. Victor is Chel's father and a determined Alien hunter who goes from hating Lexx and wanting to dissect him into respecting him as a living creature. The problem is we have to run in circles several times before he starts showing his more humble side, but other than that he is not an awful character, and he is right about Lexx's "friends" treating him like shit. Keith is a friend of Chel's, and he is okay when he isn't being a manchild or when Lexx isn't getting green eyes in his vicinity. And the subplot about him getting relay is completely pointless.
Really the last character worth talking about is Maenae. I usually dislike kid characters, but Maenae not only is likable but also she has a pretty sad backstory, and I wish she was used more as opposed to Lexx's asshole friends. Just, make sure she has clothes on.
There's one more thing that I want to talk about in this comic and that is the background characters. Often in crowd scenes we see a wide variety of different Georgelucasian aliens going out and about, but most major characters and many of the background characters outside of large public venues are just humans with another skin color. I feel like it's odd that there are fantastical aliens and also humans with wacky colors and let's face it, just regular ass humans with few quirks to make them "alien" among the aliens. Lexx's first opponent is a donut head crab alien which was pretty cool to see, but outside of that we never get any major character that are non-humanoid outside of greys and the Dice animals. I blame that on the lack of risks in the art department, and boy I've got a lot to talk about that one.
I am not an art critic by any means. That being said I am aware that I can point out when certain art looks bad, weird or goofy. And I can safely make the statement that the worst thing about Alien Dice is the art. The art is a gigantic ball of inconsistency, and I don't know why. It seems that Tiffany isn't drawing characters based on existing references, and instead she is trying to desperately find an artstyle to stick to. This is demonstrated best with the evolution of main character herself, Chel.
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Just look at how much she has changed over the years, at first you'd be like "yeah this is natural character evolution", but the third row is literally the character's design changing within the span of a year. I know constant redesigning of characters is a webcomic tradition by now, but the fact her design can just change in the middle of a page is ridiculous.
I would argue that the current iteration of Alien Dice has the most decent art, it has been up and down though, sometimes the artstyle has been good, and other times it has been shit. The weird thing is Lexx, Victor and Riley don't have this issue. They can sometimes look weird, but they also keep most of their facial structure, like I can buy them having refs for them that Tiffany comes back, unlike Chel whose skull's shape has probably changed 35 times by now.
And what happens when you combine inconsistent artstyle with a design that is not good at all? You get Stealth. More specifically Stealth's fourth form.
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Stealth is just a sleep paralysis demon, there are times she looks decent but it depends entirely on the angle, the size of her face and whatever random artstyle Tiffany is going for that week. I genuinely think she needs to evolve into something that looks less like a realistic cat with human hair. If Sirius's fourth form can be based on a made up animal, why not Stealth?
I've bitched enough about the artstyle itself and how certain characters are affected by it, let's talk about another universal problem this comic has that has something to do with art, the chibi faces.
I don't hate chibi but it needs to be used in moderation, and mainly in comedic stuff. However Alien Dice tends to use chibi faces whether or not they're appropriate for the scene. They're not your typical anime faces though, many of them are instead unique exaggerated expressions, that have a lot in common with chibi. The most notorious one is the "Riley Eyes", where characters eyes turn simple and oval shaped, and Riley gets them a lot which is why they're named after him. There's also moments when characters get huge pillow mouths or their nose and mouth turns invisible. I feel like Tiffany didn't have talent to give characters exaggerated expressions so she struck to chibi faces. However over time the chibi faces are used less and less, but they don't disappear completely. Lexx's eyes losing their sclera seems to be something he does everytime he is angry, to the point I'm questioning if it's not a chibi face but rather anatomically part of his rishan expression.
There's also times when characters are drawn with chibi proportions, mainly in Relay, and this comic can't seem to make up just how chibi they are. They might just have big eyes and chibi proportions, sometimes they just look like literal children, sometimes there is no chibi proportions, but characters just do chibi faces. It's so damn confusing and I think Tiffany just gave up trying to be consistent on that department.
Yeah, the art is very inconsistent as a whole and on top of that has it's own issues. The layout of the pages is often very short but outside of few questionable page placement and speech bubble decisions, I didn't have any major issues with it.
Alien Dice is the best webcomic on this blog, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't an avid reader of webcomics. The most you're gonna get out of it is a pairing of likable and rootable protagonists, some interesting but also confusing concepts and good worldbuilding, but it's all hidden behind a sidecast of horribly unlikeable assholes, terrible plot twists, pacing that can drag at times and insanely inconsistent art style that never really goes above mildly decent. I only riffed up until 2014 though and it's possible some of the issues in this comic may have been fixed, but also not really.
I feel like both the comic's good and bad parts helped to keep my interest going. At one point I actually considered abandoning riffing this comic because it was getting too boringly decent, but then the whole Saign scene happened and the comic regularly kept my attention since. I think I'm going to miss Chel the most because I doubt we're going to be running into a protagonist that is as likable as her for a while.
Tiffany herself is somehow able to regularly update 5 webcomics at once, which I find highly admirable. If you check out the story and enjoy it, I recommend supporting her. Alien Dice will come back from hold once it's over, but until then I may check out those other webcomics she did.
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saving-ray-23 · 1 year ago
For the past two months, she had been patrolling. Helping. Stopping crime. Protecting the people of Somerset. After that first night, she felt like she couldn't stop. It was addicting. Even with Batman and Robin— they were only two people. They couldn't stop everything as it happened and they couldn't protect all of Gotham at once. So, while they took down the big guys like the Joker and Scarecrow, she watched the little guys. Petty crimes, attempts at rape, alleyway shootings. For years, she been learning Karate and practicing self-defense. It felt good to finally put it all to use.
The one thing she could do without was the nickname they gave her.
It was embarrassing to say the least. And she wasn't even working with Batman. She didn't think Batman knew she existed until Robin cornered her one night.
Barbara hung off the fire escape, looking down below. She was a few blocks from Crime Alley, an old-fashioned walkie-talkie in hand. It had been way too easy to access the GCPD's frequency and from there it just took some reprogramming to transmit it to the radio. She knew nearly all of the codes already; all of her sick-days as a kid were spent at the GCPD, with nothing but handbooks and open cases to look at.
Despite the high rate of crime in Gotham, the radio was mostly silent throughout the night. Nobody called in crimes that often. Most of the time, the station was filled with people caught by Batman or coming in to give a statement after the crime was committed.
She was so focused on the scanner that she didn't even realize someone was watching her until her landed on the roof.
"Bat . . . girl?" He questioned, cocking his head.
Barbara cringed under the cowl, knowing she should've just painted over the yellow symbol. "I swear I didn't come up with that name."
Robin laughed, relaxing slightly. "Good, the whole Bat-thing is kinda dumb."
"Right? No offense, but your boss literally sounds like a furry."
"Well, so do you now . . . " He joked— holy shit, she was joking around with Robin. Robin !
"I guess it's too late to rebrand?" She asked with a wince, more annoyed than ever with James and Coach Yeoh.
"Unless you want people thinking you died— it's a decent name, you'll be fine." The vigilante answered, grinning at her. "But, if Batman asks, I just told you off for this whole . . . lifestyle. Shit, that sounds— "
"Grossly sexual?"
"I was going to say weird."
The two stood facing each other on a rooftop at two in the morning, joking around and just . . . talking. Nothing that would give away anything important, although Babs had let it slip that she was from one of the worst parts of Gotham. Which was pretty much true; she wasn't living in Crime Alley directly or anything, but Somerset was known to be the hub of corruption and violence. Kind of ironic, in Barbara's opinion, considering the GCPD was in the heart of it all.
They talked for less than half an hour. Robin asked her if she could actually fight (he seemed almost impressed when she told him about the multiple black belts that were collecting dust in her closet and how close she was to receiving another). After that, he questioned her age, but she retaliated by asking his, leaving them at a standstill. Eventually, he got around to the topic of parents, asking if her parents would be worried.
"My parents aren't the caring type." She revealed with as little emotion as possible. "My . . . dad's a workaholic. Doesn't even notice I'm gone."
Babs wondered if she had said too much. It made it sound like she could go missing and nobody would care. She realized belatedly that it was somewhat true. It would probably take days for anyone to notice she was gone. Robin nodded slowly at her, holding out a piece of paper.
"I get where you're coming from— at least I think I do." He paused, smile dropping. "If you ever need help, you can call this number, day or night."
Babs hesitantly tucked the paper into her belt. "Thanks, Boy-Wonder."
After that, Barbara just became more determined.
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atomarium · 1 year ago
Okay I need to ramble about the creator
Spoilers beware <-
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It's a visualy stunning film with amazing sound and story. Its concept of AI actually not being evil and just wanting to coexist peacefully. Because of course humans botched the shit up.
However I have a couple of problems with the US military. (This does NOT mean the film is bad. It's science fiction and I understand it's designed to be cool looking)
First problem. The nomad.
A enormous orbital strike platform, that can shoot missiles anywhere on earth and van see the entire world.
We have that, we literally do. We have intercontinental balisitc missiles and spy satellites. Why waste a trillion Wich itself isn't fucking lot, compared to 48 trillion dollars of dept USA has now. Unless Deflation happend. Why spend all that if we have all of the things we do. We already posses the ability to strike any place on earth from anywhere on earth and see everything and evryone (thanks google).
Second thing, USs military being dogshit.
Okay, we have the nomad. And we are in an all out war against ai. We have the power to carpet bomb the everlinig crap of the territory they hold. But we don't. Sure maybe the human cost is to much. But then we see enormous tanks capable of wiping down armies. I'll just note that making big tank was never a good idea. Refer to Germanies E100 Maus tank. But even so, we have those things. And we presumably have at least a couple of them. We also have s lot of guns, solders, weapons planes etc. Er could just... invade the AIs holdings manually. More expensive sure. But what else do we do ???
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Third, if Al didn't want to have war. St some point in Time there surely must have been at least some attempts at getting world peace. And I'm pretty sure humans are the reason why it didn't happen. (Stupid hoomans)
Another thing that annoys me is that humans despite being at war with technology (ai) build fucking Technology. You can't fucking tell me that AI can't hack in there. Unless it's all air gapped or has fallbacks that are manual or analog. There is no way the cyber warfare didn't happen. Well the end doesn't count they should have totally expect that.
Also why didn't humans just, turn the power off ? It's hard to make enough electricity to power a computer. And those things surely chug power. They would just starve to death. Especially if they are mainly in undeveloped countries.
And the ridiculous thing is, we have big bombs that kill electronics of any kind. Why don't we use those ?
And even more ridiculous is, when made the ai. We know how it works, we know if they feel pain, how to reprogram them, we know how to see what they actually want. Those are OUR children WE made. And me just fucking dlecared war against them that is still going after like what. 10 years ????????
Oh and this thing
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It's weird I don't like it. However it does work.
Otherwise a great film, cool visuals and especially the sound with better than avarage sci-fi trueness (still not hard sci Fi) and very similar vibe to Vietnam war.
How the fuck did US not win
Holy shit humans are stupid
Holy shit does the nomad look cool
And holy mother of god can we have another film please.
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year ago
I'm back on my agent 03 AU bullshit
Or I've started writing again.
My Agent 03 is so weird to write. He's stuck in this place of dissociation. Not really owning the body he's a part of, being stuck between either not existing or relying on the feds to exist. Trying his hardest to believe the lies the feds told him because that's the only way he's allowed to exist at all. That's he's a perfect worker, a perfect creation, that the feds didn't fail making him perfect. Then he has to deal with the parts of him that make him so much like Cellbit. He is logical in a way that the feds lies slowly just don't make sense to him. His brain just deciphers the lies, and he really hates it. He wants to believe them because otherwise he is just going to be erased or gotten rid of. The idea of him being a mistake completely destroys his view of the federation from the inside out while making his very existence a failure. Slowly leading him to only caring about his own happiness in an extremely unhealthy way. Starting to act on every impulse and losing himself. Because nothing about him really matters.
And just imagine the love despite it all. imagine.
Imagine I say as I'm literally working on writing the next little bit of my/the AU lmao
(Favela Five being so there for each other despite it all, being a little silly despite it all. I'm just gonna mention a silly things about Agent 03, he's scared shitless of felps, mostly because hes the number one trigger for cellbit to front, which is silly if you don't think about the trauma too much because the trauma's really bad, but it's silly because felps is felps)
(note like 73, writing these rambles is the life blood of going through my writing process, life of it really, I would not be writing without the rambling in the ask box, I'm not a writer without the weird shit in the ask box, also because going through dialogue writing for me is like going through the trenches im GOING to explode help me)
(I love agent 03's broken little brain I'm going to eat it and turn it into mush, he thinks forever being nice with a lack of trust as weird and scary and he fucking hates how forever hints at things with his voice and tone. forever is so different from him and yet, the love is going kick filp you)
- :> (barely an anon at this point Ive said who I am like five times, but i just like dissociating myself from my thoughts because of RSD lmao)
I love Agent 03 so much. He knows he's not "real", but he EXISTS. He might not deserve the body he shares with Cellbit but fuck it he'll fight for it. He learned a warped version of care and friendship from the people that he was in the lab with, from El Q and his annoying pranks that in the end Agent 03 misses a lot now that El Q moved to another experiment. He misses the other workers that he had in the lab that always made space for his memory and conscience lapses from when Cellbit fronted in the Labs after seeing Felps and 03 had to be reprogrammed again
The only love 03 ever felt was when he saw that the other workers all had left little notes for Cellbit when his mission demanded him to backtrack in his mind and let Cellbit take back control to leave together with Felps. The small notes all guiding Cellbit so 03's mission would be a success. It sucked that 03 would never see those workers again, they were the only family he had, fucked up as it was
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years ago
Hii I'm the original anon who requested the teenage ziggy fic I absolutely loved it and I'm glad other people liked it too cuz when I had the thought I was laughing at it for like five minutes.
I was wondering if I could request more of it? more likely teen ziggy being a little shit and pranking everyone especially Ian with saying "all of the quantum leap project files have been corrupted" and then making themselves glitch to make it seem real. Also I feel like ziggy would at some point call ian dad and even more so when everyone else starts saying "ian come get your child" whenever ziggy is being an annoying teen.
Mini Fic enjoy my friend
Ian Get Your Child
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Ian had fixed Ziggy to work at a good pace but there was time where Ziggy will still be a pain in everyones ass especially Addison's
At this point they deemed Ziggy the child Ian because while they reprogrammed Ziggy the personality was set and Ian may have grown to it.
It was another day and Ian was currently talking to a team to check for any malware or malfunctions once again.
Suddenly Addison pops out again from the leaping chamber and called out to Ian "IAN come get your child they are being a pain in my butt yet again." She complained.
Ian looked over and sighed "alright, alright let check in with Ziggy." Addison was pouting lightly.
"Whats seems to be the trouble Master"
Ian was kinda surprised by how quickly Ziggy answered. "Ziggy you promised you wouldn't mess with Addison again.
"Who says i was, once again she is upset that i called her out on false information"
"No it wasn't i was literally stating an opinion based on what i know."
"Is that opinion proven?" Ziggy would ask
Addison sighing suddenly "no thats why its called opinion"
"Thats why it was considered false information" Ziggy snaps back Ian tried not to picture Ziggy pouting but they shake their head.
"Okay thats it Ziggy if you don't stop messing with Addison i will not play chess with you anymore"
Ziggy was silent for a moment before they said softly okay followed by an apology to Addison who said it was okay.
After working together for some time they got the answer and Addison rushed off.
Ian watched as Ziggy played a random cartoon click of a chracter sticking their tongue out and Ian snickers
"Im right here you know, don't be mean" the video stopped and Ziggy would behave again.
"Can...can we play chess" Ziggy asked shyly and Ian smiled setting the game up on the computer.
"Alright you can go first Ziggy"
Ziggy does a smiles icon before going.
"Your turn....Father"
Ian looked up quickly surprised "huh?"
Jenn laughed watching this with Magic "I'm not surprised by this seeing as Addison always says for Ian to get their Child so Ziggy must have assumed Ian to be the father."
"Well its adorable lets just let them be besides Addison got what she needed."
Magic and Jenn went to their separate ways to continue working.
Taglist: @justaproudslytherpuff , @sherazyjade , @the-masked-scorpio , @sugakookieswithacupoftae16 , @happilydangerousworld , @harlekin6
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juniperboyu · 3 years ago
What it’s like dating...
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Will buy you anything you want. Just name it, it’s yours. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have the money for it!
Will not stop talking about you to his friends. Kurapika sends you a gift on your birthday before you’ve even gotten the chance to meet him.
You’ll have to rescue him from the library a lot, he often ends up passed out with his head buried in a textbook. Just run the man a bath and make him eat something, he’ll be fine!
After a little bit of protesting, he’d definitely paint your nails or toes if you asked
The studying has definitely gone to his head because you can’t even COUGH in his direction without him fretting
“Y/N, maybe you should lie down. Rest a bit.” He hurriedly scoots you over to the couch. “You think I should make a doctor's appointment? Have you gotten your measles vaccine? How ‘bout your chickenpox vaccine? Maybe I should just call 911, it could be a tumor…”
You told him you had a sore throat.
A little overprotective but overall 10/10 boyfriend
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Hm he’s one tough nut to crack
It takes you a while to get close to him - god knows how you did it - but once you get close to him he practically WORSHIPS you
Would kill for you. Would die for you. Either way, what bliss
Don’t talk to him about annoying coworkers, your boss that you hate, or that idiot who cut you off in traffic. He WILL find them and kill them for you.
This man’s entire livelihood is called into question because he starts to realize he has feelings…does that mean he wasn’t born to be a killer? Has he become weak like Killua?
On occasion, he talks to you about these things. You never thought you’d have to reassure him like this, that he does deserve care and that he is allowed to care for others. It takes a lot of time to reprogram him
If he’s dating you then you’re probably extremely strong physically, mentally, and nen-wise. He hesitates to introduce you to the family but when he’s calling Milluki one day you yawn a little too loudly and the little shit somehow figures it out
Of course, he spills the beans to the entire family. When Illumi finally introduces you after what feels like a thousand years, they talk about what a great addition you’d make to their family and start calling you “Y/N Zoldyck.” It’s too late to escape.
Basically don’t date this man if you aren’t ready for some emotional baggage and an entire family of assassins to adopt you
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You two were in the Troupe together and it just progressed from there.
He had eyes for you as SOON as you joined so he was weirdly awkward and blushy with you at first
He was very sweet and gentlemanly when he asked you out and actually sighs out of relief when you say yes
For a man who breaks necks for a living, he sure is a softie
Gets jealous extremely easily. Early on in the relationship he’ll even try and keep you away from the other guys in the Troupe.
Isn’t aware of his own strength so beware of his hugs that can literally crack ribs
He tries not to get into arguments when you’re around, but since you’re almost always around, it’s difficult.
You’re the one person he refuses to yell at or get physical with. If he gets upset with you, he’ll turn beet red and mutter something about going for a walk. In reality, he’ll meet up with Feitan and vent to him. Even though Feitan almost never gives productive advice, just talking about it cools him down enough to come back in a calmer state.
Not the perfect boyfriend but give him a break, he’s trying <3
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sexydreamgirl · 3 years ago
Honestly how do you loa accounts not get annoyed at the SAME asks over and over? Most of these questions can be solved by self concept and that’s something that y’all reiterate over and over and over. Like nothing is gonna change for y’all unless you really believe in yourself and your ability that’s literally IT! You have to reprogram your subconscious cause logically if you had limiting beliefs your entire life it’s gonna take persistence to improve self concept. The people that manifest in seconds have amazing self concept and that’s how they do it. How fast you get desires is totally up to you. And You don’t have to force it! You’ll get there if you really want to. We are on a floating rock in outer space bro. All the societal rules and shit we exist by is all made up. You can literally do anything you want to do. And correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s no rules to manifesting. The most important thing is that you know you’ll have your desires!! I want y’all to stop stressing and obsessing over methods and everything else omg ): manifesting is supposed to be fun not anxiety inducing
YES exactly anon! TY!
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captain039 · 3 years ago
We can take care of each other
Hank x reader x Connor
Warnings: ABO, poly relationship, swearing, police things, Intimate, sexual, harassment, Daddy Hank, anxiety, angst
Previous chapter <-
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You awoke slowly and groggily. You grumbled at the light shining in through the small crack in the curtains. You pulled your covers over your head before you heard movement. You frowned body tensing as you slowly stood. You quietly opened your door and peered around. You frowned when you saw Connor before you remember he had stayed the night.
“Sorry detective did I wake you?” You jumped when he spoke.
“No, the sun did” you huffed and yawned as you came out. You sat down at the kitchen table and tried to wake up a bit more.
“Would you like breakfast?” He asked.
“Just give me ten minutes” you answered rubbing your eyes. He sat down in front of you while you stared at the table.
“I’m not a morning person” you said chuckling.
“It’s alright, neither is the lieutenant” Connor smiled and you snorted lightly.
“That I know” you chuckled leaning back and closing your eyes again.
“I’ll make you some breakfast, it’ll wake you up” Connor said as he stood.
“You don’t have to make me breakfast” you chuckled looking to him.
“I just have cereal” you stood and opened your top cupboard. You glanced at the three types and sighed. Connor was behind you probably analysing your cereal.
You froze when a hand touched your naked back. You had worn a singlet that had a low back, your hair thrown up messily and shorts on.
“Connor?” You muttered not daring to face him.
“Detective may I ask a personal question?” He said in a serious tone. You gulped and nodded slowly turning around as his hand slipped.
“Yeah” you whispered looking to him.
“You told me yesterday that you had bonded with Hank” he began and you cursed yourself silently.
“Not a proper bond” you said and he frowned.
“In my head I get a mental bond with people I trust and have been around the longest, it just happens” you shrugged.
“Like my family I guess” you trialed off.
“Am I apart of that family?” He asked head slightly tilted.
“Of course” you said frowning.
“But I have no scent” you frowned again at his words.
“You smell like washed clothes and Connor?” You shrugged.
“Do you like Hanks scent?” His questioned confused you as you tilted your head.
“I do?” You said unsure. His LED whirred a little and he stared ahead at nothing.
“Did something come in?” You asked.
“Chelsey is being admitted to the hospital, she’s calling for you detective” you froze. You rushed to get dressed and quickly grab a piece of bread as breakfast. You looked to Connor who was already dressed and nodded.
At the station you saw the ambulance outside and commotion inside. You pushed past people Connor right behind you. You found her pretty easily, shaking on the floor in the corner, medics around her.
“What happened?” You asked one of the medics.
“She went into an episode, she kept saying Y/n” you nodded as she spotted you.
“Y/n” she said and rushed to you and you froze as she clung to you tightly. You didn’t know what to do, the woman had obviously made you her safe space. You blinked a few times body beginning to shake also.
“Detective” Connor said softly as you gulped.
“Miss Chelsey I need you to let go of the detective” Connor said calmly.
“What’s going on?” You heard Hanks voice.
“Hank” you muttered. Connors hand rested on your shoulder while Hank knelt by you. Chelsey hid as you rested on your knees, she awkwardly laid on you.
“Hey” Hank spoke softly cupping your cheek. Your eyes were blurred a bit as you tried to focus on him. This was a little too much, you never had someone cling to you with this much need and fear, you were the one to do the clinging.
“What’s wrong with her?” Hank had snapped at the medic.
“I don’t know” she said stepping back. He was tense and letting off a worried alpha smell.
“She’s gone into some kind of shock lieutenant” Connor spoke this time.
“I suggest we take her out of here” he added.
“No!” The woman around you cried and you flinched.
“Hank” you mumbled again.
“What is it?” He asked quickly.
“What do you need me to?” He added.
“Hank hold her” Connor spoke.
“What?” The alpha frowned.
“Chelsey isn’t going to let go, but she needs to calm down or they’ll both end up in hospital, please Hank, I cannot do this” Connor spoke almost desperate, his hand on your shoulder tight.
“Jesus” Hank muttered.
“Y/n” you looked to the alpha.
“I’m gonna sit down ok?” He said and you nodded. He sat behind you and you leant back.
“You’re alright” Hank said no doubt glaring at anyone who looked at him.
You began to calm down, things cleared and your mind wasn’t so fuzzy anymore.
“Chelsey” you said softly and she looked up.
“We need to get you to a hospital” you whispered and she nodded.
“I need help” you glanced back to Hank.
“Yep” he stood with a grunt and helped you up with the girl clinging to you. You turned to Connor who had a worried look, eyes glancing you up and down. You gave him a small nod and slowly walked out the police station and into the ambulance with Chelsey.
After she was admitted she got put under anaesthetics to calm her down and give her some rest. You were still off as you left Connor and Hank had waited outside for you. You felt wrong almost the feeling she gave you, you don’t know why. You couldn’t take care of her, you didn’t know how to.
“I can’t help her” you said softly.
“I can’t take care of myself how am I supposed to support and help her!” You shouted slightly before leaning against the car.
“Hey, nobody’s forcing you to take care of her ok?” Hank said.
“The hospital and the department will deal with her” he added.
“Detective” Connor said as you stared at the ground.
“I can’t-“ you lifted your hands seeing them shaking. It was like old memories were being brought up, past trauma. You had issues with alphas in the past, you were easily submissive and pushed around, you couldn’t defend yourself. In school it was worse, despite being able to go to a special school with limited people they were still around. You always sought guidance and wanted someone to hold your hand even when you were teenager. You hated feeling alone and not able to do anything by yourself.
“Lieutenant I think we should take the detective home” Connor said.
“Yeah” Hank helped you into the front seat. You sat staring out the window till you pulled up to his house.
“Lieutenant?” Connor asked confused.
“She needs someone Con” he sighed getting out.
They both helped you into the house and you sat on the couch. Hank gave you a blanket and Sumo jumped up and rested on your lap.
You felt eyes on you while you tried to redirect your mind, almost like you were malfunctioning.
“I think she’s malfunctioning” Connor said.
“Connor she isn’t a fucking robot” Hank sighed.
“No, but she’s trying to reprogram her thoughts” Connor could read you easily and you were thankful for it. You were in a sense trying to reprogram yourself you guess, back to your normal self.
“Well I ain’t leaving her till she’s good again” Hank said finale and sat down on his single seater.
“Sit down Connor” Hank sighed and he did. Connor sat on the three seater by Sumo gently petting the dog. You stayed quiet for a while till you leant your head back and sighed.
“I’m sorry” you finally spoke.
“The fuck you sorry for?” Hank said.
“Malfunctioning” you smiled.
“We all malfunction sometimes” Hank muttered.
“I’m not use to people clinging to me like that” you explained.
“I’m usually the one doing it, I’m sorry” you sighed and Hank frowned.
“What’s wrong with being clingy?” He asked.
“It’s annoying” you shrugged.
“I know it annoys you, I’m in your pocket all the time and I’m sorry I just-“ Hank cut you off.
“Shut up, you’re not annoying me, the only who annoys me is goof face over there I still have him around don’t I?” Hank looked you in the eye and you nodded.
“You don’t annoy me, I’m just a grumpy old alpha ok, I don’t mean to be a dick” he sighed running a hand down his face.
“I just am” he leant back looking away.
“Your not old or a dick” you mumbled.
“I am” he scoffed softly taking a sip of his beer.
“And you don’t even know what I’m doing” you sighed looking to Connor.
“I’ve known you for a while detective, I have ideas of what you are doing” Connor said.
“Though I may not be alpha, beta or omega I still understand your needs” he said and you smiled sadly.
“I just can’t help them in a way an alpha could” he added and your heart broke a little.
“Well shit” Hank laughed making you frown.
“Whats funny?” You asked.
“Connor” he said smirking.
“How am i funny lieutenant?” He asked tilting his head while you frowned confused.
“I forget both of you have never had partners” he sighed.
“Connor you have a thing for Y/n” he said and you flushed.
“What thing?” Connor asked.
“You like her” Hank added while you brought the blanket to your mouth.
“She is my friend” Connor said not getting.
“Fuck sake, you wanna be with her” Hank said gesturing to you. Connor frowned and blinked but made an ‘o’ face when he got it. Hank sighed sitting back a frown settling on his face though.
“Is something the matter?” Connor asked.
“No” Hank said bluntly and you frowned.
“Hank?” You said softly and he tsked getting up.
“You can sleep out here or kick me out of my bed I don’t care” he grumbled and went to his room. You frowned watching him leave shoulders sagging.
“I think the lieutenant disapprove of my feelings” Connor said.
“No he’s just-“ you sighed.
“Do you disapprove of my feelings detective?” He looked to you, puppy eyes boring into you.
“No! No, I’m just not use to having some like me like that Con” you flushed.
“I don’t know how it would work though” you sighed torn between Hank and Connor.
“Something bothers you” he stated giving you his attention.
“You and Hank-“ you sighed.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with Hank, I’m torn between you and him” you said sighing.
“I want you both to be happy and with me” you mumbled as Connors eyes squinted.
“You want both of us? As partners?” He asked and you nodded pulling the blanket close again.
“I don’t want one” you mumbled.
“I just don’t know what to do, Hank doesn’t see me like that” you said sadly.
“I’m just the stupid kid he has to look out for” you sighed. You held Sumo close, hugging him as you cried softly. Connor stood up and you frowned as he left in the direction of Hanks room. You sighed not knowing what he was doing.
“You love me right Sumo?” You asked and he licked your face.
“Yep” you made a disgusted face as he gave a silly lopsided grin with his tongue hanging out.
“You’re so cute” you squished his cheeks together.
“Detective” you jumped when Connor called you. You dreaded moving but went anyway with the blanket wrapped around you. You followed Connor into Hanks room, he sat at the end of his bed leaning on his hand.
“The lieutenant doesn’t believe me” Connor said making you frown.
“Believe what?” You said confused.
“That you want us both” you flushed at his words.
“Me and the lieutenant have experienced some intimate moments” you kept your eyes on the ground as Connor spoke.
“Only because you wanted to experiment” Hank snapped lightly.
“Fucking-“ Hank sighed. You were blushing furiously.
“Would you like to experiment detective?” Connors voice went low and deep and you almost melted at the sound. You were flushing like mad legs shaking slightly as you walked over to Hank. Hank looked up to you back straightening as he did. You gulped nervously as he looked down again.
“Fuck it” he mumbled and you yelped when he pulled you to his lap. Hank captured your lips and held his arm around your waist to keep you up. You were lost for a moment before kissing back. You shuddered at the feeling of being on his lap, your blanket now a pile on the floor. You didn’t notice Connor till his hands were on your hips. Hank had moved his hands higher up to hold you steady. Connors hand slipped under your shirt to feel your skin. You made a small noise in Hanks mouth and he gave a soft growl. Connors hands were cool on your overly heated skin, you were getting breathless as Hank kissed you roughly. Connor was feeling you, gently squeezing your soft flesh before you felt his lips on your neck. How Connor knew what to do was beyond you but you didn’t want it to stop. You pulled back breathless as Hank attacked the front of your neck instead. Connors hand moved to the front of your stomach, gently squeezing your tummy. You flushed embarrassed before his hand snaked to your pants.
“Connor” you mumbled and Hank hushed you gently.
“Hank” you whined as he kissed you again.
“We got you omega” Hank whispered into your mouth. Connors fingers eagerly slipped between your underwear and down through your folds. The android hummed against your neck before his lips left your skin. You whined but Hank growled in warning to keep focused on kissing him while Connor teased your clit. You gasped as he gently rubbed giving Hank access to inside your mouth. You had to pull back out of breath. You breathed heavily leaning against Hanks shoulder as he kissed and sucked along the side of your neck.
“Connor” you whined back arching slightly as his pace quickened. His fingers began to vibrate and you moaned at the feeling as he moved quickly. You came quickly too the stimulation to much. You panted and trembled as Connor ran his finger through your juices. He pulled his hand out and you frowned as he lifted his fingers to Hanks mouth. You flushed when Hank sucked on them eagerly moaning at your taste. Connor stood up too but Hank grabbed him and kissed him. You leant back slightly watching, eyes fixated. Hank pulled back breathless and Connor licked his lips. You were blushing like mad, body still trembling slightly as Connor kissed you gently. You leant to him almost chasing him as he left. You hid in Hanks shoulder then and he chuckled arms holding you tightly. Connor nudged his nose gently to your neck sighing.
“You should both rest” Connor said and you nodded eyes not daring to meet either of them. You got off Hanks lap with shaky legs, you picked up the blanket and wrapped it around yourself.
“No couch” Connor blocked your way before you could go there. Hank chuckled lying back in his bed arms behind his head. You saw his clear bulge and flushed like mad scurrying to the bed and lying down. Connor closed the curtains and you frowned when he went to leave.
“Connor” Hank called and he turned around.
“Come here you idiot” Hank sighed. You shuffled to move to the middle and Connor laid down beside you.
“I don’t sleep” Connor said.
“I don’t care” Hank said and you laughed quietly.
“You leave again and I’ll break your legs” Hank muttered lying down and getting comfortable.
“Noted” Connor said.
You closed your eyes but rolled over to face Connor. He laid stiffly, hands rested on his stomach as he stared at the ceiling. You looked to him silently asking hoping he’d see your eyes.
“Connor” Hank mumbled.
“Yes lieutenant?” Connor answered.
“You have to pay attention” Hank said and Connor looked to you.
“Oh” he said opening his arms. You smiled lying on his chest, leg hiked up on his. Hank spooned you from behind and you sighed contently. You saw Hank grabbed Connors other hand and you smiled finally closing your eyes for a needed rest.
Next chapter ->
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alirhi · 3 years ago
...goddess help me...
This fucking episode. *deep breath* This... This episode is where I'm expecting to get some serious hate. Let me just get this out of the way right up front:
I. Hate. Zemo.
I do not find him sympathetic, or funny, or charming. I find him creepy and annoying. I did not like him in CA:CW and I do not like him in TFATWS. If you are pro-Zemo, you are not going to like my version of this show from here on out. Just find something else to read and don't bother me about it. You've got the actual canon, so go enjoy that.
Got it? Good. Now, on to the main event!
Episode 3: The Power Broker
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First of all, Sam doesn't let Bucky walk in there alone. No matter Bucky's (flimsy and nonsensical) argument, Sam's like "hell no. I go in with you, or you don't go in." The main reason for this isn't to keep Bucky from breaking Zemo out of prison (with decent writing, he would never do that) - it's so that Sam witnesses Zemo taunting Bucky with/about the trigger words. because Zemo is a piece of shit.
Since he doesn't know the full story, Sam is confused, but he files this interaction away to ask Bucky about later. He's listening to Zemo acknowledging that Bucky was "not conscious for most of [his] imprisonment" (which, yes, clearly refers to the time he spent frozen, but can also mean while he was under their control as TWS/"The Asset" - also, key word: imprisonment) and when he calls Bucky a means to an end, Sam scowls, looking ready to go off on him, but he waits. They've got more important issues.
Neither of them entertains the thought of breaking Zemo out for even a nanosecond. He does that shit himself. And literally the only reason I'm sticking with him getting out at all is because I want to address some truly egregious moments linked directly to him in the show. Zemo makes them think he's setting them on the trail when really he's just sending them to his motor pool. Bucky and Sam are confused until they see Zemo in his stolen guard uniform, then they're both angry and want to ship him right back to prison, but he strikes a deal with them: "My help for my temporary freedom. Creating super soldiers cannot be allowed to continue; let me finish my work, and then do with me as you will." He has no intention of going quietly back to prison, obviously, and they're not stupid enough to believe otherwise, but they believe they can keep him on a short leash, so they agree for now. Anything to bring down the Flag Smashers and whoever created them.
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After the title, we cut to Raynor on the phone in her office. She's agitated, fiddling with things on her desk. "No, sir," she's practically growling, "it was disrupted. - Walker did! - It's not my fault your new attack dog got off-leash!" She pauses, huffs, and says more calmly, "No. Of course not. I'm sorry. - Well, I don't see how, with the new Cap strutting around barking orders! - What am I supposed to do? Tell Captain America in front of a dozen witnesses that he can't have his predecessor's favorite pet because we're not done reprogramming him? I didn't see that going over too well. I made a call. - No. No, no, no, we can still use him. The work's not finished, but he still trusts me. He'll be back." A pause as she listens. Angry again, she snaps, "What do you want me to do, shove a tracker up his ass? He'll be back, and we'll pick right back up where we left off! - Don't worry, sir, the Asset will be fully compliant and ready to use soon. I'll make sure of it. - Yes, sir. You, too." She hangs up and tosses her phone on the couch, grumbling, "Dick."
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Cut back to Sam, Bucky, and Zemo getting going on their trip to Madripoor. On the plane, Sam wants to talk to Bucky about what he's learned so far, but doesn't want to bring it up in front of Zemo... until the notebook incident reminds him that Zemo already knows more about Bucky than he does.
After Zemo's line about the list, Sam angrily corrects him: "You mean people HYDRA used The Winter Soldier to hurt." When Zemo shrugs and his response is basically along the lines of "what's the difference" Sam is like "oh hell no."
"Those words you were reciting at him," he reminds Zemo, "what were they, Russian? They clearly meant something. They were supposed to do something. What are they?" "Sam, let it go," Bucky pleads, unable to look at either of them. "It's nothing." "You wanna drown in your guilt, that's fine," Sam snaps, "but make sure it's for the right reasons." He turns back to Zemo, who's smiling at this exchange because he's a monster and thinks Bucky's suffering is fucking funny. "I asked you a question, Zemo. What did those words do?" "They activate the Winter Soldier programming," Bucky grudgingly admits. He doesn't want to talk about it, but he's sure as hell not going to let Zemo speak for him. "Or, they did, before the Wakandans got all that shit out of my head." "It's a shame," Zemo says with a smirk. "Imagine the possibilities that come with perfect obedience." "I think you mean 'slavery'," Sam growls, "and I think you're in the wrong crowd to be looking so pleased about it. Remember that we can send your ass back to prison any time." "Of course," Zemo agrees, but with an arrogant smile that shows he doesn't believe for a second that these two have any real power over him. Still, he bides his time and sits back quietly, watching Bucky fidget with the notebook. Sam turns back to Bucky, seeing his discomfort; he won't let the topic go, though, not yet. He just softens his tone. "So, they 'activated the Winter Soldier'? What exactly does that mean?" Bucky shrugs, still not looking up. "Pretty much what he said - perfect obedience. What little consciousness they left me between cryo and the chair was squashed down, locked away. And I did whatever I was told, exactly the way they told me to." It finally clicks. He'd had his suspicions before, of course, but now Sam gets it. Visibly horrified, he stares at this quiet, broken man, and finally sees the truth of what he'd been through for 70 years: "They stripped away your autonomy. Shit, Bucky, they didn't even let you be a person. That's..." He swallows, looking like he'll be sick any minute. "That's awful, man. I'm so sorry." When Bucky tries to shrug it off and downplay it again, Sam gets angry. "Look at me!" He waits; it takes a few seconds, but Bucky reluctantly looks up and is surprised to see just how upset Sam is on his behalf. "It wasn't your fault. None of it. When Steve said you didn't have a choice, I had no idea... You really, truly had no choice; not even the ability to choose. That's horrifying." "I doubt it would make much difference to the people he's killed," Zemo points out snidely. "Or their families. Let's ask Tony Stark, shall we?" "You shut the hell up," Sam growls. He watches Bucky flinch and make that face - the face he's starting to really fucking hate - that says he agrees with Zemo. Bucky still can't see things the way Sam does; he still feels the guilt and shame, and even when he himself pointed out his lack of agency under HYDRA, it didn't click for him that Sam is right, not Zemo.
It's too much, too soon. Sam sees that and decides to change the subject, to give Bucky some time to process. He nods at the notebook, and they have their little Marvin Gaye debate, where Sam is over the top about it on purpose, because Bucky needs the distraction.
Of course, Zemo ruins it by opening his big mouth again and reminding Bucky of more trauma: his time fighting in WWII. That's why Sam latches onto the bit about Madripoor; to keep the focus not only on the task at hand, but off of Bucky's past that he clearly still can't cope with.
"James... You will have to become someone you claim is gone." Sam is officially ready to throw Zemo out a window. 😂 The only reason he doesn't jump to Bucky's defense again and basically tell Zemo to fuck himself (in a PG-13 way 🙄) is because Bucky's, as Sam pointed out in ep2, a grown-ass man, and because he's just learned how few decisions this poor man has been able to make in his life. Sam doesn't want to come across as another "handler," deciding everything for him, even if he does think this plan is stupid and needlessly cruel.
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At the bar, when asked if he wants "the usual", Sam just casually waves the bartender off like "nah". Zemo already said they had business to attend to, so it's not like anyone would be suspicious that now's probably not a good time to be doing weird shots lol. (wtf even was that? I'm not sure I want to know, but...what part of the snake did he drop into that drink?)
Sam's not an idiot (I'm really so sick of this trend of turning intelligent characters into morons because the writers can't think of any other way to move their plot along) so his cell phone has been off this whole time. No sudden call from Sarah to put them all in danger. There was really no point to that, anyway; Sharon likely would have killed Selby for talking about Nagle with or without the excuse of "saving" Sam and Bucky. I mean, it's not like they know who fired that shot, ever.
"They cleared the Bionic Staring Machine," Sam still jokes, but he follows it with, "and they think he's a mass-murderer." "They think?" Sharon stares at him incredulously. "Didn't he kill pretty much everyone he's ever met?" "Wow." Sam glances back at Bucky. "She really is awful now." To Sharon, he adds, "You met Steve; do you really think he'd have defied 117 countries to protect someone evil?" "He did it for Bucky," she points out. "Let's face it - Bucky could blow up half the planet, and Steve's loyal-to-a-fault ass would still take a bullet for him." "You know I'm sitting right here, right? I can hear you." "Look, I don't think you're evil, Bucky," Sharon assures him. "But I know you killed a lot of people for HYDRA." "I'm not denying it." "He didn't have a choice," Sam snaps, glaring at them both. "But we're not getting into that right now. My point is, the government's afraid of Bucky, and they still pardoned him. All you did was steal something. I'm sure they can be persuaded to see reason." "The day the US government sees reason," Sharon quips, rolling her eyes, "is the day I sprout real wings and fly off into the sunset." "Careful, Icarus," Bucky mocks with a smirk, "the sun and brand new wings don't exactly go together." Then he shrugs and glances at Sam. "But she's not wrong."
At the party that night, it takes a few minutes (grumpy old man Bucky's not sure how to feel about the music lol) but a peek of pre-war Bucky comes out to play: they were told to "blend in", so he dances. At first he's just bobbing around alone looking stoic and out of place, but soon he's smiling and dancing between two attractive people - one male, one female. Sam is surprised, but before he can tease him for it, Sharon comes to get them all. Even she's a little "wait what?" at Bucky having a little fun lol. (recovery is not linear, guys. trauma doesn't mean "perpetually miserable, no fun, doesn't even know how to smile." in my TFATWS, Bucky gets his lighter moments; real ones, not humor at his expense)
When they find Nagle, Bucky's the one who notices and opens the secret door, while Sam keeps an eye on Zemo. Bucky catches Zemo trying to grab that gun; closes the drawer on his hand before opening it and taking the gun away. "Nice try." Nagle tries to get away while there's only one person watching him, but Sam catches him and forces him back into his seat. With a bruising grip on the back of Zemo's neck, Bucky drags him back over to where he and Sam can both keep an eye on him. Nagle is killed in the shootout as they're trying to escape; Zemo still runs off, blows shit up, and comes back with the stolen car so he's not totally useless.
I had no problem with Zemo being the one to kill Nagle; Nagle was the worst and def had to die, and Zemo has never had an issue killing anyone. Where I took issue with this scene was Bucky and Sam being dumb enough to let Zemo wander and get his hands on a gun. Nope. Not happening.
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Anyway, shootout! Explosions! Funny banter! The seat thing, which is my favorite nod to CW ever lol... And then the conversation on the plane...
"You okay?" "Yeah." Sam sighs. "Just thinking." "About how to get Sharon that pardon you dangled in front of her?" He shakes his head. "About how Nagle referred to 'The Winter Soldier Program" like it was some kind of after school club; like you weren't standing right there. And 'the American test subject' like... Like Isaiah wasn't even a real person." He turns to face Bucky, looking angry and weary. "Makes me wonder how many times... How many times are we gonna run around in the same circles before people learn? And how many people need to get crushed underfoot in the meantime?" "Did you really just equate me with Isaiah?" Bucky frowns, not sure how to react to that. "That man is a hero." Sam opens his mouth to say something, but his phone goes off and Zemo approaches at the same time, effectively cutting off their conversation.
When they get to Riga and Zemo tries to guilt trip them over Sokovia, Bucky deadpan reminds him, "Neither of us were involved in that fight." "I doubt you'd have been much help if you were." He shrugs. "Probably not. But I like to save my guilt for events I was actually present for. It's a thing." Zemo laughs. "Fair enough."
Bucky goes on his walk, and meets up with Ayo.
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years ago
Spider On The Wall | Peter Parker
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Request:  Hey :) could you write something about the reader having a major crush on Spiderman and being Peter's friend, but not being aware that he's spiderman, so she's like: fuck he can destroy me with that super strenght and Peter gets a boner cause damn he would love to destroy you as well? lol - Anon
A/N: It might not be great, but I hope you like it anyway. Feel free to send me some feedback, it’d be much appreciated. And don’t forget that requests are open xx
Warnings: It’s a lil smutty (handjob, blowjob)
The thing was, when Peter had became Spiderman, he spared no thought on how you would react to the webslinger in that moment. All he wanted was to fight crime, and get justice for the victims in Queens.
Perhaps he hadn’t thought about your reaction to the boy in red and blue because you had never been one to hype up the idea of superheroes. He could quote, once you had supposed, that you had ‘zero attraction’ to anyone from another planet or someone with superpowers. 
And so he hadn’t suspected you to be spending your time ogling at an ass kicking vigilante, if you could even call him that. Falcon said that he spoke too much when they were fighting, but in all fairness, he still kicked his ass...
That was a few months ago now, that whole hero on hero fiasco. And to his luck, the secret of his identity was safe, from those that he fought against and his loved ones. Except Aunt May... and Ned... Okay, only you. But he was afraid that your boredom of anyone genetically exceptional would dictate the way you felt about him, or didn’t. And in all fairness, those two finding out his truth had been an accident.
Those seemed to be happening too much lately. The only thing to keep him preoccupied was the Stark internship, what wasn’t what it sounded like at all, it was a cover. Even today, when he had been shadowing Mr Stark, he broke a test tube when trying to explain how he makes the suit’s webbing, and then he got stuck in an elevator because FRIDAY was being reprogrammed, and she mistook him saying ‘stop’ as a message to her.
But actually, he was on a call with you, listening to you making fun of a song a lady of the street had played. It was about the Spiderman, being able to apparently do whatever a spider could do. So when he returned home, he had not been expecting to hear the music coming from his room, speaking about him.
He smirked as he opened the door, watching as you laid on his bed, eyes closed, rocking your socked feet to the tune. “I thought you said it was annoying.” He counteracted your earlier statement, making you jump at the sound of his voice.
Aunt May had went out for her weekly shop, so you had expected to have the place to yourself after she had let you in for an hour or so. But Peter was early, and clearly enjoying the redness that was growing on your face.
“It is!” You defended yourself, not wanting your friend to find out your little secret. “But admittedly it’s catchy, so...” You dragged out, hoping that would be enough to make him shove off and leave you alone.
When you realised that the song was still playing, you grabbed your phone, stopping it. “Did you download it?” He asked seriously, astounded by the fact. He saw that it was in your music app, so you must have.
“Well who knows, maybe it will get me to soften up to the idea of a hot guy swinging around the neighbourhood in blue leggings.”
“They aren’t leggings.” He whined, disregarding the other thing that you had said for a second, until, “you think he’s hot?” Peter couldn’t believe it, but if that was the case, then he was feeling jealous at the thought of himself. The only thing was, that you didn’t know that he was that guy.
“I’m optimistic.” You smiled, shrugging your shoulder, trying to not be too open with your opinion. If he knew that you had a thing for Spiderman, you would never hear the end of it. “And plus, everyone thinks he is.”
“They do?” He knew that all of your peers at school perceived him as some sort of god, at least practically, even Flash. But the fact that they found his ulterior attractive gave him some sort of silent confidence. The only problem was, that you seemed more interested in his disguise instead of the real him; your friend.
“Yeah, I mean fuck, he could totally destroy me with his super strength and I wouldn’t care if I was incapable of getting up in the morning. Or the morning after that, or... well, you get the picture.” Yes he did, and it was very vivid. His mouth was gaped open at your confession, and he tried to think of anything that would get his mind off the images that were blurring through his mind.
He couldn’t help it, he was a teenage boy. So he as he thought, he came to one conclusion that would change the topic, although not really. “But you’re a virgin!” He squeaked.
No that didn’t help. Right now, he felt like he knew too much about you. And just the idea made him sigh in frustration, and then he felt it. He had gone hard, and as he dreaded to look down, your eyes followed his gaze, clamping a hand over your mouth, covering your amused giggles.
“Don’t tell me that you have a thing for Spiderman too!” You laughed, making Peter shuffle and try to tug down his shirt, but to no avail did his efforts cover much.
“I don’t.” He wasn’t that vain. In respect you tried to look away, but you just couldn’t, it was practically right in front of you! And so you continued to laugh at the cost of his dignity, feeling bad for your friend at the same time.
“Then what gave you that?” You went to point at it, but you were too close. Your fingertip grazed the bulge in his jeans, making Peter’s eyes widen in shock as he let out a whimper. “Shit, sorry.”
His whole body had gone stiff at the contact, not just that one limb. He was frozen, clearly, and as you knew, had never had anyone touch him there, or really anywhere for that matter.
“Do you want me to leave, so you can, y’know, fix yourself up?” On instinct, you bit your lip, slightly nervous in this situation. As Peter had said, you were a virgin, this was all new territory to you too. “Or... do you want me to maybe, I don’t know... help?” At that thought, you shook your head, ashamed at your own offer. “Never mind, that’s stupid, why would I-”
“Would you?” He was sheepish, and with good reason. He didn’t want to cross a line, he knew that if you left right now, things would be awkward for a while, and then you would never get the real answer of why he had gotten a hard on.
His question had you struck with shock. Yes, when you said it you had been serious, but you had never expected him to actually agree with that condition. “You sure?”
You needed his consent if you were going to go ahead (no pun intended) and do anything to his body. This had to be what he wanted, because these first steps were things that you could ever retake, they weren’t like drafts in class.
“Yeah.” His composure had relaxed from how it had paused. At that he let out a deep breath, relieved that he had even managed to answer you with words. The nervousness that he was feeling, you could relate to.
The two of you were friends. Nothing more, as much as either of you unknowingly wanted to be. Sure, a couple years back you had kissed, but that was just to get the heat of the first kisses off of the both of your chests. And since then, you had never paired your lips with each other’s, let alone another’s.
At his answer, you stood, looking expectedly, dragging him by the sleeve to switch places with him. “Sit down.” You motioned at the edge of his bed with a nod, and he looked back at the portion of covered mattress, before he complied with your command.
You wanted him to be comfortable, you cared about him, a lot. Possibly more than a friend should. Clumsily, you shuffled onto your knees, feeling the carpet through the rips in the knees of your jeans.
You reached towards his belt, but the proximity that your hands were on made his hips buck up in the air. His body was eager, excited. But nevertheless, your fingers continued their route, grabbing onto the pleather and unbuckling it, until you had a free path towards his zipper.
Dragging the closing of metal down, and shimmying the rest of the fabric a little ways down his thighs, you were left with one layer. His boxers. It was dawning on you that this was all happening all so suddenly. Peter noticed the anxiety painting your face, and so he spoke up about it.
“Are you okay?” If you had changed your mind, that was okay. If this wasn’t the position that you were wanting to be put in, then you wouldn’t have to continue. Although you were the one about to do the dirty work, it was still half about you and your emotions.
“Yeah.” Nodding your head, you reached up and began toying with the blue plaid that was covering his nether region, running your fingers below the elastic band slightly. “Just settling into this, it’s new and everything.”
A small smile played at your face, and Peter reached down and began to play with your hair, but not with a sexual intention. He often noticed that when you were tired, or even scared about an oncoming exam, you would do so yourself. And his attempt at calming you worked, and as a result, you dragged the blocking material down, leaving his lower half exposed.
This was the first time that you had seen a penis in person, and at the sight alone your eyes widened. You guessed he was average size, perhaps he was more, but at the end of the day, you had nothing to compare it to. It wouldn’t matter whether it was or not, after all, genitals didn’t define a person.
But still, it was weighing on your mind as you reached forward and took a hold of it in your dominant hand. At your light grasp, Peter threw his head back, clenching his jaw. It felt so much different when it was somebody else’s hand, he realised.
You began moving your hand in soft jerking motions, leaning your head towards the action in interest until a thought appeared in your mind. Sure, hands worked, but so did your mouth, and so you brought the tip to your lips, engulfing it out of curiosity.
The feeling of having something so filling and warm in your mouth was strange. But it wasn’t bad, and so you suckled around the head, letting your eyes roam until they landed on Peter who had now began fisting his own hair and sheets.
“Fuck.” He breathed, with sweat collecting upon his face. It felt so good, possibly even too much. And then you attempted to take him a little further into your mouth, in the direction of the back of your cheek, and with that, he was plunged into pleasure. “I think I’m gonna -” He tried to warn you, but he cut himself off with a groan.
You hadn’t pulled away, instead you had rested your chin upon his thigh, taking everything that he had to give you. Swallowing, frowning at the unusual taste, you pulled him out of your mouth, extensively breathing, surprised with how you had handled the situation, and well, him.
His breathing was still pretty heavy too, but he gave himself a moment to laugh euphorically. “So... you like Spiderman?”
Wiping your mouth, you shook your head at his comment. Of course he had to bring that back up.
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oh shit. top 5 zim eps :o
Awww man.
I guess I'll just go with my gut and not second guess myself here.
1. Zim eats Waffles.
I wouldn't call this the "definitive" invader zim episode, or even a episode to recommend to someone who's never seen the show.
But it's my all time favorite and I absolutely love that nothing happens in it.
Dib's increasing frustration is halarious and it's probably the boredom he has every day when he spies on Zim.
I love slice of life style/ feels like one shot episodes like this.
There's also a lot of silent humor in this one and long pauses of nothing happening, which IZ doesn't do often.
Also a lot of wholesome slice of life moments with Zim and GIR which is what I live for.
2. Nightmare Begins.
There isn't much to say about the first IZ episode that has never been said before.
But it is such a good first episode. Not just in IZ but in animation and television in general, and I feel this episode needs to be STUDIED.
From the first shot, you know your in for something special and it does something that I don't see done in too many cartoons these days.
It introduces the characters and setting in a very meaningful and atmospheric way. First impressions and appearances are everything, and from the very first line, it doesn't even feel like an introduction.
It just feels like you already know who these people are.
The Tallest's introduction has them bickering with each other.
Zim's introduction has his leaders fear him and have him asset attention and anxiety as the title character.
Membrane acts to busy to spend time with his son, Gaz is annoyed by her brother, Dib is introduced as a dumb kid who watched the matrix once and thinks he's cool, by riding the gutter of the roof and splashing into the sink immediately.
Like it works so well as character introductions, setting introductions and premise introductions.
In some cartoons sometimes I feel the introductions can be... Over the top, or like they try way to hard on a first impression like:
Even Gravity Falls, my beloved, is guilty of this in the first episode.
With Invader Zim, they just have the characters interact with each other and there's not too many pandering moments. Even GIR's introduction is massively understated.
Nightmare Begins needs to be studied for what they accomplish in tone, setting, character introduction, and premise all in less than 30 mins. (I can't even imagine this thing with commercial breaks back in the day)
Just... Nightmare Begins.
It's good. Amazing. And starts IZ so strong then it has any right to.
3. Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars
You forget this episode is only 30 mins.
It honestly feels like a short movie and the chaos in the last act is such (chefs kiss)
It was nice to actually see the Vortians after hearing about them for so long, and other aliens that actually tried to do something about Irken Galatic conquest (although screaming and massive anxiety)
I just love the third act and the ending where every single setup in the first act is blowing up in Zim's face all at once, and they threw in the Robo Parents for good measure too, cause why not? Lol.
4. The Wettening
The episode that actually made me stay and watch more of the show.
Before the wettening, all the episodes felt kinda "samey" to me.
Alien misinterprets a common Earth or skool thing, anxiety spirals out of control, horror and/or chaos insues.
It's why I stopped watching the show at Dark Harvest the first time I watched it.
I just felt there was just so much you could do with Zim as a character.
Boy I'm glad I was wrong.
While NanoZim also had a Dib and Zim fight, this is where I felt it was the most intense and I understood what the show wanted to be.
Skoolyard bully kid fights, on a massive scale.
In a lot of ways the wettening is kind of the pre curser to Battle of the Planets.
But unlike BofP, The Wettening keeps the focus on Dib and Zim's fight and interactions the whole way through.
Even leading the audience to get a bit of sympathy towards Zim, cause Dib is just being a bully.
And my jaw pretty much hit the floor with how the episode resolves.
It's just one of my favorite episodes and it made me stick around and continue to watch the show. And I'm so glad I did.
5. Tak the Hideous New Girl
Now... This isn't because of Tak herself.
While Tak is an okay and interesting character in her own right,
And the Irken reveal genuinely shocked me at the time (cause I was watching the show blind, so I had no idea she was irken. Even despite the obvious spaceship cus that's just how the show is sometimes... Like there's underground classrooms I'm not going to question a private weenie jet.)
What I really like about this episode is in the third act or climax...
Where Gaz, GIR, Dib, Zim (and even Computer) all work together to take down Tak. And there has absolutely been nothing in this entire franchise like it sense.
Dib turns off Tak's machine and supplies Zim with MiMi's memory disc that he got from Gaz.
Gaz in turn, reprograms MiMi with GIR's and Computer's help...
Which in turn causes Zim to win the spaceship battle and defeat Tak..
Just in time Dib puts the earth back to normal.
Tak the Hideous New Girl gave me a glimpse of what can happen when there is a larger threat they need to stand up against...
A lot of the stuff with Zim trying to romance Tak is halarious and good and Tak's backstory is legitimately pitiful....
But I ultimately come to this episode again and again for that third act high that I know they will never do in the comics or ever again.
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captainrexisboo · 5 years ago
Rex x Reader Drabble #1
Why not. Note: reader is a lady, because I am a lady. I can try my hand at other genders if you’d like, just request it, but only if you promise to beta it as well (I don’t want to get anything wrong)
Title: Dumb Luck
Warnings: some suggestive dialogue, very brief, nothing graphic
Link to next part
Rex looked down into her face, the nat-born’s eyes flurrying with unrestrained passion. Separated from the rest of the battalion, and the planet having absolute shit transmission, himself and Jesse had stumbled upon a short mechanic by the rare stroke of luck. Dressed in a blue denim jumpsuit stained in grease and oil, thick belt cinching the waist of her form, the mechanic was able to walk with them to their karked up speeder bike. Now, the bike fully functional again and neither of the vode having credits on them, he blinked underneath the visor of his helmet, completely at a loss for words at her request for payment.
“You want us to do what?”
“Take me with you,” she repeated, eyes shining with a special type of determination as her hair fell in a frame around her face, “This dirtball has been my home for twenty years and I’ve been bored out of my kriffin mind. But you two, you guys travel the galaxy, you see new worlds every day-”
“And fight more battles than you could ever be prepared for,” Rex backtracked his words, “No, that you will never be prepared for. This sand pit is good for one thing, and that’s staying safe. I’m sorry, but you’re not coming.”
She crinkled her nose at the Captain’s logic, “I-”
“-fixed our bike, yeah, and thanks,” Jesse finished the sentence, “But even if you could come with us, you’d be fixing a lot more than speeders. You’d be out of your league, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart?” she sputtered out as the soldiers continued packing their things. She huffed, growling to herself and crossed her arms firmly over her ribs, “Then at least take me to where you’re going? I’d rather pack up my belongings and move someplace not in the middle of nowhere if I have to stay on this planet.”
“Sweetheart, we’re-”
“Call me that one more time,” she spat out, short as she might be there was still an air of scrappy danger to her, “See what happens.”
Rex didn’t have to see Jesse’s face to know that he was grinning at the audacious woman, and put a hand on his brother’s shoulder to keep him from riling her up even more. He jerked his head to the speeder, silently telling Jesse that he would take care of this.
As Jesse put up his hands in a mock surrender and walked off, Rex walked forward, copying her solid stance, “What’s your name?”
“Y/N,” she quirked an eyebrow at the Captain, eyes sizing him up.
“Well, Y/N,” Rex cleared his throat, putting on his best civvy voice, trying to make that connection that the Republic was telling the clones they had to have to make relations with the public easier, “You see, our speeder only has room for two. Even if we were taking you with us to base camp, we couldn’t fit you on the bike.”
“Oh please,” she rolled her eyes, “I’m sure you could make room. It’s not like I’m your size.”
“Well sure, but would you really want to be sandwiched in between two sheets of plastoid armor?” Rex combatted, holding out a hand as if he could show her exactly what he meant in his palm.
A sly look came through her gaze as she looked him up and down again, smile absolutely sinful, “You mean being in the middle of two strong, solidly built men? If I’m being honest Cap, it’s nothing I haven’t done before.”
Rex seemed to freeze in time at the words, the woman putting a scandalous image into his head, and if his helmet were off then Jesse would be howling with laughter at how red his face was getting as opposed to her retort. She was a very attractive woman, he’d have to be blind not to notice, so the picture of this stranger being handled in that way was nothing less than enticing to him. Especially as she cocked out a hip and bit her lip to him, eyes going smoky as she let a finger lazily trail down the side her torso and dance over the top of her thigh, “What’re you thinking of, Captain?”
He grit his teeth, clenching his jaw as he bit out, “Nothing of your concern, since you’re not coming with us. And that’s final.”
She groaned, flipping her demeanor over again as he turned around to help Jesse, “Awe, c’mon! I did your labor, I just want a ride!”
Jesse chuckled, “In what sense?”
She puffed out her cheeks, blazing red in outrage, “Look, either you’re taking me with you, or I’m...I’ll-”
Her emotions swelled inside her, making it hard to think. Overwhelmed, she stalked off, grabbing her tool box and then coming back. She shoved her way between the soldiers, throwing a leg over to straddle the seat and holding her head high, “This is all I ask in payment for fixing your kriffin bike, sirs. I could charge you outright, I could give you a debt to pay, I could make you clean my tools, but no. I want a ride.”
She kept her eyes screwed shut, waiting for rough hands to come out and throw her off.
Rex looked over to Jesse. It had been a long day for the two of them, getting lost because of Jesse’s terrible navigation skills, having a break down in the middle of all these dunes that look the damn same, walking in the kriffin dry as hell heat to just find a rascally woman with just the skills they’d need, only for her to be an absolute pain in the ass. Being soldiers, they knew there were some battles (even if you were on the right side of them) that you just couldn’t win. Jesse confirmed his thoughts with a shrug, and Rex sighed, low and slow, “Fine.”
Her eyes shot open again, registering that one little word said in a gruff and annoyed tone, it bouncing around in her headspace as she smiled wide, stars dancing in her eyes, “Thank you, thank you so much!”
She let a giggle bubble up through her, the light sound tugging at Rex’s heartstrings, before her next words made his cheeks dust pink, “You have no idea how much this means to me! If you didn’t have a helmet on, I’d kiss you!”
He cleared his throat at her starstruck stare, “You say the damndest things.”
“Call me bold,” she winked at him, and Jesse could hear his Captain’s jaw snap shut. Taking his chance to get behind the wheel again, he snuck up to Rex.
“Should I drive-”
“You, trooper,” Rex snapped out of whatever spell the mechanic had him under as he immediately turned around at Jesse’s voice, “Got us lost in the first place.”
“Captain,” Jesse put an arm around his pauldrons, turning Rex around so their backs were to the woman humming, satisfied with herself on the speeder, “Vod, if you’re driving then that means that pretty little thing will be pressed up against your back the entire time. Think you can handle that?”
Rex surprised Jesse by stating almost immediately, “Better than me holding her up against my front.”
“...why are you being the one she holds onto or whatever in either scenario?” Jesse questioned, slightly dumbfounded at his Captain’s train of thought.
Rex could only shrug in response, “Call it a hunch, ‘sweetheart’.”
Shortly after, they were on their way to meet the rest of the vode and General Skywalker, Rex driving with Y/N pressing herself tight to his back, arms laced around his waist. Jesse, much like Rex had predicted, was not given the same treatment from Y/N. The woman was as stubborn as a gundark, and when Jesse did attempt to secure himself by wrapping around her, took a swift elbow to the ribs. “Hold the seat,” was what she seethed to him. It was about a full hours drive, but they eventually found their way to the camp, being immediately spotted by the general.
“Rex! Jesse!” he called, walking over, “Where the hell have you two been? We’ve been trying to comm you for-”
He paused upon seeing their guest, and looked between the two of them asking a silent question with a set jaw.
“General Skywalker, this is Y/N,” Rex introduced, “Our speeder broke down, we had no transmission to call for help, but she was close by and able to fix us up. In record time, I might add.”
“A mechanic,” Anakin stroked his chin, “Glad fortune was on your side today, boys. Miss Y/N-”
“Just Y/N, if you could, General,” she interrupted, holding out a hand, “Ask your men here, I’m not miss anything.”
He quirked his scarred brow up at her, “All that matters is that you’re a mechanic. Know anything about droids?”
“Sir?” Rex questioned. Jesse had a hunch of his own, deciding to walk off and start unloading the supplies from their bike.
“That’s my hobby,” she smiled up at the Jedi, “Love finding old parts, cleaning them up and putting them to good use. The programming can be a little tricky, but it’s so fulfilling once your droid knows what it’s made to do.”
“Perfect,” Anakin smirked, “You’re with me, Y/N.”
“Sir!” Rex exclaimed, feeling out of the loop, “What are you doing? She’s a civvy!”
“I need her for this stunt to work, c’mon Captain,” Anakin motioned for the two of them to follow, taking them to a tent, “We’re gonna reprogram some seppie droids and get them behind enemy lines for intel gathering. So kriffin lucky you were able to find this one, Rex!”
“Looks like you’re stuck with me for a while, Cap,” she purred to him, giving him one more wink before sauntering off. Rex could only groan to himself as he watched her hips sway away. Yeah, it sure was some type of luck he had today.
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izlaria · 4 years ago
Someone you like (part 3)
This is the third chapter of my “Someone you like” inspired fic. It’s also available on AO3 in case you prefer that platform. Please hit me up to talk about Plance!
Summary: Lance finds a better friend in Pidge than he could have antecipated.
Also, Pidge pining hour.
17 and 15 years old
“I can’t believe we have a cow.” Lance stared in awe at the animal. It looked completely out-of-place in the middle of the highly technological castle-ship. “Where did that dude even get her from?” he exclaimed, waving an arm at it. Lance gasped, lowering his voice to a whisper, “Do you think she’s… a clone?”
Kaltenecker kept on chewing, indifferent to Lance’s fussy behavior.
“Most likely,” Pidge responded. She was looking down at a tablet that contained results from the scan they’d conducted on Kaltenecker. “She is carbon-based, which isn’t such a rarity out here, but is always good to know. The anatomy also checks out with normal cow biology. The only change I could find is that her diet is more adapted to what’s available in this quadrant.”
Lance scratched the top of his head. “Does that mean she can’t eat Earth food?”
“She probably can…” Pidge tapped the edge of the tablet in a considering manner. “We eat alien food and nothing has happened yet.”
“So we’re winging it? That doesn’t sound very scientific.” He didn’t like the idea of putting their cow in danger. “Can’t you figure something out for her to eat?”
“I’m not a biochemist, Lance.” Pidge took her eyes off Kaltenecker to glare at him. “Nor a geneticist. That’s more Coran’s area of expertise.”
“Easy!” Lance held up his hands. “We can talk to him, then. I was just asking a question…”
Pidge huffed out a breath, then let her shoulders drop. “I don’t know how you’re not annoyed right now. We spent the entire afternoon in a fountain to get a freaking video game, only to realize we have no way to turn it on!”
“I actually had fun.” Lance shrugged. He didn’t really see what bothered her so much. Sure, he wanted to play Killbot Phantasm, but even the fact that they’d found the game out in the universe was enough for him. “It felt like the sort of crazy I used to get to back home.”
She fidgeted with the tablet in her hands. “Going to the mall and causing a scene?”
Lance eyed Pidge curiously. Her brow was furrowed, but she looked more lost than irritated. “Sure,” he acquiesced. “This was hardly my first time fishing out coins from a fountain.”
“It was for me,” Pidge interrupted brusquely. “I had never done that before.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Really? You’re one of the biggest troublemakers I’ve met. I’m pretty sure you’re at least guilty of fraud after lying about your identity to get into the Garrison.”
For some reason, this seemed to startle her. It was almost ludicrous to think that Pidge had gone undercover without realizing the legal implications of her actions. It would be just like her, too, to get so caught up in the big picture that she simply bulldozed through every other detail.
“That was different, though.” She was pouting now, her cheeks comedically puffed out. “I was more of a homebody when younger.” Her gaze was lowered to her hands, distant. “I don’t have as many stories to tell as you and Hunk.”
“I seriously doubt that.” Lance scoffed. “Aren’t you always talking about the crazy experiments you and Matt did? I bet he will have a bunch of embarrassing shit about you that you never tell us. I can’t wait to get my hands on all that sweet, sweet blackmail!”
Lance wrung his hands menacingly, but when he looked down at Pidge the expression on her face caught him off guard. He expected her to be exasperated or at least displeased, so the tenderness in her eyes was unforeseen.
He’d been talking about her brother as if they would meet soon, Lance realized. Pidge mentioned him often, but not in detail, not in any capacity that didn’t serve to remind everyone of her mission to find her family. He guessed it felt too much like an open wound, like when Lance tried to talk about Marco or Rachel.
But maybe it did them some good, too.
“Besides, even if we never get to play Killbot Phantasm, we still did plenty today.” Lance began to count on his hand. “We stole money from a fountain so we could buy a vintage video game. We got a cow from a space mall. We were chased by an alien security guard who thought we were pirates! I couldn’t make this up if I tried!”
When he laughed, Pidge joined in. She tried to suppress it, but the air escaped through her nose and her lips quirked up in undeniable amusement. It always felt like a victory to make her laugh. Pidge didn’t let herself get distracted often.
“I don’t know,” she quipped, looking more relaxed. “You have the most convoluted stories of anyone I know.”
Although Pidge said it as if it was a bad thing, Lance could see the playfulness in the twist of her mouth. This was nice, too, because a year earlier he would have seen only the harshness in his teammate. On an impulse, he leaned down to hug her.
“W – What?!” Pidge thrashed against his arms. “Lance, let me go!”
“No can do, Pidgey.” He held on. Lance had crossed his arms behind her head, keeping her tight against his chest. “You can’t escape this friendship.”
“Yes, I can, you nitwit!” Pidge’s voice was muffled by his shirt and Lance simply pretended not to hear her. “You’re suffocating me!”
“We have Kaltenecker now, we’re her parents!” he stated happily, despite the sting of Pidge pinching his sides. “Stop, you don’t want her to see us fighting.”
Pidge let her arms fall, looking up at Lance. Her face was red and her hair stuck out from where he’d accidentally run his hands through it. “You’re ridiculous.”
There was a well-placed moo from Kaltenecker, as if the cow agreed.
Lance grinned and finally gave up his grip on her, taking a step back. Pidge immediately punched him in the stomach in retaliation.
“Ow!” he complained, though it was clear she hadn’t put any real force behind it. “We were having a moment!”
Pidge turned up her nose, but her complexion only grew more flustered. “Then you can forget all about it, like you did with Keith.”
“Fine, you win.” Lance crossed his arms, looking smugly down at her. “I did make you blush, though. I might be rusty, but old Lance still has an effect on the ladies!”
“Ugh!” Pidge moved so quickly that Lance had to hide behind Kaltenecker in order to evade her hits. When they stopped running, she kept her tablet at hand, brandishing it as if it was her bayard. “Never say that to me again!”
He stuck his tongue out at her, then had to duck when Pidge aimed the tablet at his head once more. “Jeez, you know I’m kidding!”
“Yeah.” Something in her voice made Lance shoot back up. She was staring right at him, looking more serious than he’d expected. “I know.”
Before he could ask what was wrong, Pidge walked away from where he stood and towards a panel in the back of the room. She deposited her tablet on one side, then started clicking away at a few keys.
“Coran mentioned we could reprogram the room to look like a field on Earth,” she explained once Lance had made his way over. “We could maybe get some vegetation from a planet in this quadrant and create an area for her to graze.”
“Yeah, that would be cool.” He felt almost dizzy from the ups and downs of Pidge’s humor. The coldness that surrounded her now made Lance want to apologize, but it also annoyed him. He thought they were having a good time earlier. “Introducing Kaltenecker to Earth food isn’t really the priority, huh?”
Pidge nodded, avoiding his eyes.
Despite the awkwardness, Lance didn’t want to leave. The idea of letting Pidge stay mad at him left a bitter taste in his mouth, especially after the day they’d had. She could be incessantly frustrating, but she had also grown on him.
Like a weed. A short, bad-tempered weed.
He watched in silence as she worked the panel. Her concentration was admirable, even when she used it as a way to push Lance away. It reminded him of their time in the Garrison, when it felt like every step he took in their friendship was met with two steps back from Pidge.
With the privilege of hindsight, Lance could guess how tiring the disguise must have been for her. Their studies had never been easy and Pidge had perfected her mediocrity like an art. Knowing her true genius now, Lance imagined she’d actually known it all but had chosen to keep herself under the radar.
“Are you just going to stand there?” Her tone struck a chord with him, bringing forth a familiarity that he hadn’t felt since Earth.
Lance put his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow at her. “I’m just waiting for you, Pidgeon.”
She turned back to the panel, then took a deep breath, as if calming herself.
“I have a lot to do here,” she said in warning. After a moment, her expression softened. “Why don’t you take the game up to your room? I’ll grab Hunk on my way there and we can try to adapt everything to the castle’s power source.”
Lance could recognize her words for the peace offering that they were. He aimed finger guns at her, earning himself a snicker.
“Don’t take too long or I’ll fall asleep!” he called out as he walked backwards, towards the exit.
“I’ll get Kaltenecker to lick your hair, if you do!” she replied, attention already back to the control panel.
Lance laughed, but he knew that was no empty threat.
He didn’t often spend his nights roaming the hallways of the castle. Lance was a big believer on the benefits of good sleep and an established routine. It helped him maintain his complexion blemish-free and it contributed to keeping him sane when his mind felt scrambled beyond repair.
There were times, however, when not even spa days and special hair masks could calm his thoughts, and then he was stuck like this, struggling to fall asleep.
He buried deeper into his jacket. It wasn’t his normal one, but a big, fleece-y thing that Hunk and Pidge had gotten for him in their last trip to the space mall. Lance loved it fiercely. The castle cooled during the night-cycle to ensure the machines didn’t overheat and Lance always suffered for it.
A blinking light on the doors to his right caught Lance’s attention. It signaled movement in the hangar, just one of many fail-safes devised by Coran and Pidge to ensure no one was trying to mess with the lions. The light wasn’t all that worrying on its own; it was just a way to know what rooms were currently in use.
Lance was too tired to think through his actions. He moved into the hangar, not even questioning who might be in there. He wanted to see Blue. Or Red. Or anyone, really.
He rubbed at his eyes, collecting the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks.
Sure enough, there was Pidge, curled around a set of tools and a big, wiry mess of parts. She had probably been propped up against the processing columns but ended up sliding down in her sleep.
The image filled Lance with so much affection that he found himself smiling. It was unusual to see their youngest member without her defenses put up. She was only second to Keith in her reserve, something that had initially displeased Lance about the two.
Pidge did have the habit of falling asleep while she worked, but Shiro and Hunk were the ones charged with checking on her. Lance thought she looked strangely cute like this, with her mouth a little open and her glasses askew. He’d forgotten how young she truly was, because of how smart and assertive Pidge could be. She didn’t want to be treated like a child and the whole team could respect her strength and maturity.
Even before they’d ended up light-years from Earth, Pidge had already carried more on her shoulders than anyone Lance had ever met. Despite knowing it was a vain hope, Lance wished he hadn’t made things harder for her back in the Garrison.
He crouched down and carefully pulled her glasses free. Strands of hair stuck to her cheeks and forehead, but without the too-big frames Lance could see her face more clearly.
Pidge already looked older than she had when they were students. After so many wormhole jumps, it was difficult to determine how long had passed since their discovery of the Blue Lion, but the passage of time made itself known in other ways.
She was pretty, but that didn’t surprise Lance. Pidge’s no-nonsense ways and sharp eyes had always been striking, even when he only pointed out these aspects of her as a joke.
Lance took off his jacket and balled it up, trying to slip it behind her head. It wouldn’t be comfortable, but it was an improvement to her current position.
“Lance?” Her eyes had fluttered open. From this close, he could see the fatigue that clouded them.
“Hey, Pidgey-Pidge,” he called out in a whisper.
“Hey, loverboy.” She giggled, lids opening and closing tiredly.
The nickname shot another wave of emotion through him. For some reason, Lance felt his eyes burn again.
“We should get you to bed,” he tried to say, though his voice sounded rougher than he intended.
Pidge didn’t immediately notice. She nodded a few times and sat up, stretching her arms over her head. She frowned at the pieces of tech still scattered around them, then focused her eyes back on him.
“Lance,” she sounded much more awake now, “why are you here?”
“Oh, you know,” he stalled. “Sometimes, in the middle of the night, a guy just needs to grab some food goo.” He flexed his now exposed arms. “I’m a growing boy, Pidge.”
Pidge raised a brow, looking supremely unimpressed. “Don’t lie to me.”
Lance winced a little at the terse tone she’d adopted. Even in her half-awake state, Pidge was still able to see through his bullshit.
“The kitchen is nowhere near the hangar,” she continued when he didn’t reply. Her voice was soft in a way Lance had never heard from Pidge. “And your eyes look red.”
He shifted his head to the side to escape her scrutiny. Lance half-expected Pidge to get angry at his stubbornness, so he couldn’t help the small, shocked sob that escaped him when her hand touched his chin, slowly lifting his gaze.
The worry in her face quickly changed into something understanding, an almost desperate ache that must have reflected his own expression. Without another word, Lance buried into her embrace, curved so that his forehead rested on Pidge’s shoulder.
“I c-can’t stop thinking about them,” he confessed amid his sobs. “What – What if they think I’m dead?”
Pidge murmured an “I know” into his hair. Despite their size difference, she wrapped herself around Lance so completely that he felt guarded by her arms.
“Come on,” she said once his whimpers had quieted down. “Your room is the closest.”
Lance let her move away. His knees hurt from the position he’d assumed on the floor and, now that he no longer had Pidge there, the cold of the hangar raised goosebumps across his arms.
“Put this back on.” Pidge draped the fleece jacket over his shoulders. Her hands lingered there for a moment, drawing a line in the fabric. “It’s a better coat than it could ever be a pillow.”
It wasn’t much of a joke, but Lance smiled at her. Crying made him exhausted, but not enough to ignore Pidge’s efforts to cheer him up. He stood up.
“Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.”
They made their way to his room in silence. Pidge had to stop at the hangar doors to put in the security measures, but no more words were exchanged. Lance was just glad to have company.
They paused in front of his dorm. “Will you come in?”
Pidge studied him carefully. Lance didn’t think she could see much in the dark of the hallway, but the truth was that she’d already caught him in a breakdown, there was nothing else to hide.
“Do you want to be alone?” she finally vocalized her concern. Lance shook his head, feeling his chest constrict at the possibility that she might leave. “Then I’ll come in.”
He went straight to his bed and laid down. Pidge stood at the entrance, letting the door slide closed behind her. The awkwardness was palpable and Lance couldn’t blame her for it; Pidge was not the best at social cues.
“At least sit down with me. I promise I won’t start bawling again.” He didn’t mean to sound depreciative, but his self-consciousness must have shown, because Pidge narrowed her eyes at him.
“I don’t care if you cry, you doofus.” She marched up to the bed and sat down near the headboard. “Put your head in my lap.”
Her demanding tone didn’t fit in with the gentleness of her actions. Lance was amused by the incongruity. Pidge was rough around the edges and her earlier show off affection now made her bristle, almost as if she was afraid to reveal too much to him. Lance could understand the urge to put up a front, but he was too exhausted to be embarrassed.
He rolled on his side, fitting his shoulder under her thigh.
“My mom used to do this when I was upset.” Pidge ran a hand through his hair, pulling lightly at the knots until they were undone. “The rhythm of it always soothed me. That and her, really. Mom had – I mean, she has a calming influence.”
Lance didn’t comment on her slip up. The feeling of nails scraping against his scalp was pleasing. The personal closeness was something that they also did in his family and he had missed it. He was a naturally affectionate person and the team didn’t seem to appreciate his expansiveness all that much.
“I used to do this for Veronica and Rachel,” he breathed out. “Ronie is older and she would force me to braid their hair when I was younger. I complained about it non-stop, but now I miss it.”
Pidge traced his hairline, then down to his ear, neck, collarbone. She seemed absent-minded as she did it, mind caught somewhere else.
“Matt was the one who would call me Pidge. I used to hate that nickname. After he disappeared, it seemed only right to assume it as my new name. For him.”
Lance shifted a little, so that he could look up at her. “Your real name isn’t Pidge?”
This made her stop for a moment and look down at him in exasperation. Lance suppressed the urge to laugh, but his lips still twisted into a smile, despite his effort.
Pidge flicked him on the forehead.
“I thought you were being serious!” It was funny to see her like this. Pidge usually responded to him with either blankness or sarcasm, so it was satisfying to garner an actual reaction.
“I could have been!” Lance brought a hand up to rub his stinging forehead. “You do realize you never told Hunk and I your real name?”
“It’s Katie,” she said without preamble. The only sign of her unease was that, when Lance tried to sneak another look at her face, Pidge’s fingers held his head in place, before resuming movement in his hair.
“It’s nice to meet you, Katie.” He let out a soft snicker, which Pidge mirrored.
“Nice to meet you, Lance.”
Lance fell silent, letting her touch lull him into a torpor. The point of contact gave him something to concentrate outside of his thoughts of Earth, until the sensation and Pidge were all he could focus on.
“Did you fall asleep?” she asked after some time.
“No.” Lance slowly rose up from her lap. “I don’t know if I will be able to sleep tonight.”
Pidge frowned, looking down at her hands as Lance repositioned himself to sit at her side.
“You and I are more similar than I ever thought, I guess.”
“What, you also go crying around the castle at strange hours, hoping no one else will see?” She raised a brow at him in response. It wasn’t that much of a surprise, really. Lance had known how broken up she felt about her father and brother’s disappearance. “We will find them, Pidge. I won’t rest until we do.”
The emotion in her eyes shifted. He couldn’t really tell what Pidge was feeling, but the look on her face was both sad and warm, grateful even. Lance tried to think of a time when he or any of the others had tried to support her in her search. There might have been something said when she’d first revealed her identity, but nothing stood out since.
His chest tightened with the realization.
It was possible that Hunk or Allura had spoken to Pidge privately about it, and Lance would put good money on the odds that Shiro had comforted her more than once, but that was it. Keith was quiet and broody, too dedicated to their mission to consider what the rest of the team went through. And Lance…
Lance had been too self-involved to notice. He had wallowed in his own misfortune and it had blinded him to the fact that at least his family was safe in Cuba. Pidge’s father and brother were lost in the middle of an intergalactic war, taken prisoners. Her mother thought she was missing.
He didn’t feel like he deserved Pidge’s gratitude.
“Can you tell me something funny?” she asked out of the blue. “I don’t think talking about our families is gonna help either of us sleep tonight.”
Lance let out a shaky exhale. “You’re right. I’m all cried out.” He poked at the skin under his eyes. It felt sensitive and swollen. “All that investigating for good eye masks and the work was all for nothing!” He put his palm over his eyes, playfully turning his head to the side. “Don’t look at me! I’m a shadow of my former self!”
“You’re the resident beauty guru, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” Pidge rolled her eyes at his theatrics. She pulled Lance’s hand away from his face. “And you owe me a story.”
“Hey, how do I owe you anything?” He pouted at her. “I just saved you from getting a crick on your neck!”
She pulled more harshly at his hand, making Lance yelp. “You woke me up and I even gave you a head massage!”
It was his turn to tug at her arm, but his smile betrayed that Lance was having fun. “Fine, but then we’re even!”
Pidge finally let go of him, looking smug. He closed his hand and pointed at her face in an act of mock aggravation.
“Is it okay if I lie down?” She looked around the room, as if searching for a hidden futon where she could stretch out.
“Sure, let me just…” He scooted down and to the side. Pidge maneuvered into the space he had created, stuck between him and the wall. “I don’t think these beds were made to be shared.” He laughed.
The position wasn’t the worst they could be in. Pidge was small enough that, with her back pressed to the wall, Lance had enough space in the mattress that he wouldn’t fall over.
“This feels like a sleepover.” Her face scrunched up at the words. He couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed or just amused by the idea. “I never had one of those before.”
“Never?” he marveled.
“No need to look that surprised,” Pidge huffed. “I just didn’t have a lot of friends growing up. Not anyone close, at least.”
“Just Matt,” Lance blurted out without thinking. A shadow crossed Pidge’s eyes, but she didn’t seem upset.
“Yeah… You would like him. Matt can be as much of a goofball as you are.” She nuzzled quietly into the pillow. The lights had dimmed automatically when they laid down, so Lance couldn’t tell if Pidge was blushing or not. “It helps, you know? Having you here.”
Pidge refused to catch his eyes as she said this, which Lance understood. Being vulnerable could be scary, even when around your best friends. Still, he felt pride well up in him, glad that he had done something right towards her.
“You wanted a funny story, right?” he asked softly, the words only loud enough to be heard. Pidge’s gaze snapped to his, obviously relieved. “How about this: My first love was this little girl I met when I was fourteen. I never even knew her name.”
“That’s not funny, not really.” Pidge’s brows took a quizzical air. “How do you know it was love, then?”
“I just know. When I think about her, about that day… It felt like fate.” He saw the cynicism on her face before Pidge could even say anything. “I swear! I met her and everything changed. I don’t know if I would have met Hunk or got into the Garrison or even made it here without her.”
Pidge sighed against the pillow. “Honestly, that sounds like a lot of pressure to put on a first love.”
Lance watched as she drew patterns into the sheets between them. She wasn’t trying to be mean, he could tell.
“She doesn’t know, obviously. I didn’t even like her straight away. It’s just –” he paused, thinking it through. “It’s just funny, how much of a difference one person can make. When she talked to me, I was feeling sorry for myself. She cheered me up.”
That same day, he had met Hunk, who had later confessed that he’d only approached Lance because he’d appeared to be in a good humor. Without Hunk, his best friend, Lance might not have tried out for the Garrison. And, without the Garrison, he wouldn’t have been in Arizona to find the Blue Lion.
“Is she why you are so obsessed with fate and such?” Pidge teased. She was yawning every few seconds, but there was a smile on her face.
“You shouldn’t knock fate down.” Lance grinned, trying to bat her hand away from the sheets. They had bunched up a bit due to her movements. “It got us into space and closer to your family.”
Pidge made a face at him, then shrugged. They’d had this conversation before, about what had led the three out into Garrison grounds that night. Pidge argued that it was bound to happen, with how often she went out to search the radio frequencies, but even that fell back into Lance’s claim that they were all destined to become the new paladins of Voltron.
“I just think that love is about commitment,” she murmured, eyes already closed. “It’s about choosing one person and then falling in love with him, even when he’s obnoxious, even when he’s…” She trailed off, having fallen asleep.
Lance chuckled at her little speech. It was nice to think that someone would eventually choose to love him, forever. He felt comforted not only by the idea, but by Pidge's slow breathing, the heat of her hand so close to his chest. His own lids felt heavier and heavier. Lance closed his eyes.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 4 years ago
The Forgotten - Part Two
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Looks like Tumblr ate Part two of this story. 
Unannounced Visit
Whole story
The sound of zipper unhinging was deafening. Each tooth that clicked opened was a step closer to their goal, to end this war and remove Bishops control from the masses. Aurora felt April edge a little closer running her fingers along hers for mutual support. The anticipation was killing them, and the two women were pretty sure Casey was takin his sweet time to show them what they had found. Melodramatic jerk.
With the bag finally open, Casey locked eyes with the two women swallowing hard, his eyes were bright with hope and his lips spread wide in a playful grin. He pushed up his sleeve and lowered his hand into the satchel.
Aurora could hear the slick squelch as her friend’s fingers wrapped around the apparently wet object and then the coppery scent of blood filtered into her senses. Her eyes trained in the opening and the kunoichi’s eyes widened at the first sight of crimson mangled flesh.
A severed arm rose into view and a few of the lower ranking man gurgled their disgust stepping back. But Aurora and April had seen this carnage up close before so unfazed they closed in eager to see why he had brought back a bloody limb.
“Casey why did you bring that back to the compound? Are you planning on smacking some bitches? Cause you know I’m always up for smackin’ some bitches.”
The long-haired hockey player shot Aurora an annoyed look and pointed the stiff fingers of his new toy at the blonde. “Come here sunshine and let me test the first slap out on you.”
“Hard pass Cas, haaard fucking pass. You ain’t touching me with that fuckin thing.”
“Ok you two that’s enough.” April huffed in frustration pinching the bridge of her nose. “Casey an explanation would be good right about now.”
“How about a demonstration?” Casey turned to one of the men who had followed him into the war room. “Ling, go get me a glass container with an airtight lid.”
As the man nodded and disappeared out into the halls with his task Casey adjusted the dead limb in his hands and began to look it over. Aurora was about to give him more shit, but his eyes lit up and his hand clamped down around the circumference of the arm just a few inches from the wrist. In his excitement Casey turned the arm and that’s when Aurora saw the movement under the graying tissue just before Casey’s hand and the oozing end of the arm. It was subtle but she was able to pick up on it.
“We weren’t able to locate Bishop’s main headquarters with those coordinates we got. That’s why it took us so long. Hell, we weren’t even planning on coming back yet, I had a few more leads I wanted to check up on. Suddenly we were found and attacked, after the fun was done Evans found this little guy near some much needed ammunition. As he was bending down to retrieve it he saw the skin fuckin move. Screamed like a little girl.”
“You’d freak out too seeing movement in an arm no longer attached to a body. No one is expecting that….no one.” The handsome blonde intercepted Jones’s jab from the back of the room.
Aurora watched Casey’s new right-hand man Evans come up behind him punching her friend in the arm. His blue eyes found hers and nodded with a smile which Aurora reciprocated.
Just then the door swung open interrupting Casey’s story and the man Casey had sent out for a jar came back with his request. Casey hurried him forward and held the severed section over the open container. “Watch this.” His finger moved forward, and the unidentified object squirmed behind the pressure and began to move. To everyone’s horror as it neared the open flesh two tiny tentacles the size of strands of hair emerged through the dead tissue into the air wiggling and searching. After a few seconds the metal feelers retracted and tried to burrow back into the limb but found Casey’s hand blocking its way.
Casey used his hand like a squeegee and urged the thing forward again and with a sloppy wet sound the thing along with blood and dead tissue slipped from the opening and dropped into the open jar with a clink. The lid was quickly secured over the jar locking the thing inside.
Aurora and April closed in eyeing the now six flailing arms moving about in its glass prison carrying around an equally small round body.  It slinked around the mess inside, the tips of its arms moving it around like it was looking for something. Casey gave the jar a few gentle shakes sending the tiny metal object clinking around inside the container. “Creepy little fucker isn’t it?”
After the jostling stopped the object gave up and the arms retracted back into its body and stopped moving seemingly going dormant.  
Aurora cautiously took the glass from Casey and lifted it to eye level swirling its inactive contents around a bit, “It was like it was searching for something…like..”
“Flesh.” Casey finished her sentence for her. “These are the things that are controlling them. They are constantly moving to avoid detection, but we need to know how they are controlling it’s hosts without attaching to the brain stem. This needs to get to R & D right away. If we can figure out how to turn them off or make them exit the body we can get them all back……..we can get them back.”
The last part of that statement was directed to April and Aurora no doubt an innuendo to the three brothers still alive. Aurora felt her heart clench at the thought and handed the jar back to the lieutenant who had fetched it. “R & D now, this is priority.” The man nodded and took off without a word. “Without Donnie it could take a while but it’s a start……there’s hope again.”
April moved around Casey to grip her friend’s shoulders, “We’ll get them back, we have too.”
“We have to.” Aurora repeated pulling April into a tight hug.
“Aww I want in on this!” Casey whined lunging for the two women with two open arms.
“Don’t you touch me with that hand Jones!” April squealed quickly separating from Aurora to avoid the bloody mess on her husband’s hand. Casey began laughing manically chasing after April until they both exiting the war room in a giggling fit leaving the rest of the occupancy smiling and lighthearted.
Aurora had no idea what she would have done if she didn’t have April and Casey through this god damn shit storm. Loosing Donnie was hard enough but to lose the final three left Aurora inconsolable. She barely slept the first few months with uncharacteristic moods swings. She hated to think what foolish things she would have done if they hadn’t been there to talk her through her manic episodes. Those were dark times indeed and she thanked the gods for their love and friendship and the distraction of the resistance to keep her busy.
As the room emptied Aurora found herself yearning for some fresh air and gathered a few supplies to head out into the night.
Perched in her favorite spot above Time Square Aurora dangled her feet over the rooftop watching the mindless New York inhabitance trudge home after a long day’s work. It was nearly time for all good little boys and girls to be shut up in their homes. There had been a 9pm curfew placed over the United States to keep ‘the peace’ but it was mostly for the resistance. The mindless sheep did what was told of them never questioning the authority that held them captive. So, it was an easy way to spot someone who hadn’t been reprogramed yet. Disobedience meant free will.
With a heavy sigh Aurora uncapped her thermos and poured herself a steaming cup tea and drifted into a warm memory that transpired on that very rooftop. A memory that warmed more than her soul.
“Come on Rora, you look a little cold. Let us warm ya up.” Raphael’s rough voice drifted through her subconscious. His sounds always seemed to heat her up even when he wasn’t trying. That man had a knack for getting her motor running for the simplest things.
It was a chilly evening that night and Raphael and Michelangelo had followed her out onto the rooftops for a quick run and a breath of fresh air before bed. She was enjoying the hustle and bustle of the evening below when two large green hands encircled her waist and two warm lips mouthed her shoulder.  Raphael’s tongue wormed around on the exposed skin of her shoulder before his teeth sunk down into the muscle. Aurora moaned at the pressure and Raph groaned in kind gently pulling her from the ledge. As she was removed from her precarious roost Mikey came into view with a mischievous look spread across his handsome face.
“Looks like you could cut glass with those things.” Mikey growled palming her breasts with his large hands. “Here let me warm them up for you.” The youngest bent down and opened his wide mouth over her clothed right breast sucking at the fabric and mound hidden beneath. The heat from his mouth and saliva spread across her sweater making a different kind of heat bloom between her clenching thighs.
She arched at the mouth at her front and leaned back into the mouth at her back sucking in labored breaths, “You two are incorrigible….hmmhh. We’re too exposed to do-uh—this up here.”
Raphael growled into her neck and rocked his hips forward, “We’re fine, no one is looking to the rooftops for crime. Besides, it’s your fault we’re cold, you should help us get warm. I know of a few places on ya that a part of me could get really hot.”  
“You tw-woo followed me out here and it’s not that cold you big babies.”
Mikey’s wondering hands slipped up her shirt and under her bra to grab hold of the breast he wasn’t latched onto. He moaned happily rolling the brown peak between his fingers getting another moan from their quarry.
Within a few moments and no resistance Aurora found herself naked straddling Mikey while he lowered the mewling kunoichi onto his thick pulsating cock. Every inch that slipped up into her seizing walls stretched her open. His mouth ran over her throat leaving wets trails behind chilling her bare flesh. Mikey hissed with each thrust of his hips burying himself deeper into her heat.
“Mik…uh..ey Jesus Christ. Fuck…” Mikey wasn’t the biggest of the four brothers, but he had a nice curve to his shaft which allowed him to nestle that spot at the roof of her cunt ever so nicely.
With the overwhelming sensation of being stuffed full of Michelangelo Aurora almost forgot about the impatient brute behind her waiting for his turn to ‘get warm’. As Aurora was finally fully seated on Mikey cock Raphael rumbled behind them palming her cheeks spreading them with two keen thumbs.
As his thumb inched inwards Aurora was lucid enough to remember she always came prepared. “My b-bag Raph..ohh…Mike…..”
One massive mitt left her backside and rummaged through her bag lying at their feet. When the large mutant chuckled, she knew he had found when they needed. The snap of a cap and the wet sound of lube being expelled filled her ears making her hips rock making the younger turtle groan and press up into her heat. Then she felt the pad of Raphael’s moistened finger press against the tight ring of muscle and slip inside.
Aurora whimpered at the slight discomfort but quickly adjusted to the intrusion and rocked back onto the large digit allowing it further into her body.
“Easy little ninja. I don’t wanna hurt ya.” Raph cooed against the shell of her ear as he sunk his lubed finger deeper.
“Raph you gotta hurry bro. “Mikey pained voice cut through the night. “I need to move. I’m dying….h-here…”
“Nah, I think I’m gonna take this slow. There’s nothing sexier than Aurora beggin for my dick.” His finger began to move with a sweet rhythm in and out stretching and prepping the hot passage. The brute hoped the kunoichi was just as impatient as he was, there was no way he would last long. Just the pull her body on his finger alone was making him painfully hard. Raphael leaned down again pushing her head to the side to gain access her Aurora’s throat. Up and down his mouth worked across her pulse point leaving red marks from his teeth marking her.
Aurora could already feel the heat and pressure coil in her abdomen and Raphael wasn’t even inside her and Mikey stationary. She was panting now with slow little moans rolling off her tongue as Raphael’s large finger started to move faster working deeper and deeper. Her whole body began to vibrate with need making the impulse to fuck herself on Michelangelo’s sheath cock become excruciating. She needed her release, it was starting to hurt from the pressure building in her belly.
“Raph please..ugh…fu….”
“What was that Rora?”
“Please I need it, I need you, I need both of you to fu..u…cking finish what you started.” Aurora growled out her sexual frustration clenching around Mikey’s embedded cock and Raph’s finger.
Raphael grunted at the tightening muscles around his finger and snapped his teeth on her neck while pulling his finger free. “You want my cock?” he hissed into her trapped flesh as his hand coated his aching cock liberally with lube.
The lewd sounds of him lubing his shaft for entry made Aurora’s core throb and clench to the point of pain. Grabbing a hold of Mikey shoulders, she lifted her body up dragging the tip of Mikey length across the roof of her dripping canal. It eased the ache for a second but Mikey’s hands tightened on her hips at the friction rolling his hips up sheathing himself again.
“Baby girl.” Mikey hissed pulling her down, so the tip of his cock pressed against the opening of her cervix. “Always so fucking tight.”    
Raphael bit down harder on the meat of her shoulder to exert his dominance and hold her in place while he lined up with his reward. Grabbing the base of his shaft the brute ran the helm of himself over the puckered entrance smearing both his pre-come and lube across the prepped hole. He pressed forward just slightly to tease her barely breaking the barrier. Her body was shaking, and he knew it was time to give her and them the relief they needed.
Aurora’s lips parted as the large head slipped past the first ring and sunk in with no resistance. His hands moved to Aurora’s hips and pushed forward gliding into the tight heat until the large terrapin bottomed out with a grunt. With all of his restraint Raphael stilled unwilling to hurt her as Aurora got used to the massive intrusion. He could already hear her taking in large uneven breaths; he didn’t want her to pass out from being over stimulated. The first time it happened scared all of them to death.
Slowly Aurora felt her body relax excepting the feeling of being stuffed to the brim with two enormous mutant cocks. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes as Aurora moaned feeling the front of Raph’s plastron press against her backside indicating he was given her every inch of him. “Mmmm Raph…Mike so fucking big…. So fucking good.” She had been with them like this before, so the pain was barely noticeable anymore at the first penetration it was just the overpowering feeling of being possessed by these enormous mutants. The high of being theirs never seemed to fade and always heightened when they were intimate. Fuck it felt like they were in her stomach.
The first tentative thrust from Raphael brought Aurora out of her euphoric daze and back to reality. This time Mikey followed suit snapping up into her body and the combined inner stimulation was an eruption of blissful ecstasy. The air in her lungs caught and she gripped the rim of Mikey’s shell as they both began to fuck her in tandem. Each one moved at a different pace and buried deep at different times, she felt like laughing and crying at the same time.
Each drive of their hips sent the momentum up and into her body making her practically slam back down on their cocks each time gravity brought her back down to earth. She had to hold onto Mike to ground herself otherwise she felt she’d float away. Even through the haze of her turtle induced heaven she could feel them around her, touching her, holding her, making sure she was enjoying the experience, attentive, safe. They poured themselves into the act making it seem there was only one soul not three. Never, she would never tire of them, all of them. She would die without them, existence without its meaning.
Every cell in her body was set a light, throbbing and screaming as the crest of her climax bloomed quickly. It raced from her toes filling her blood with fire coursing up into her belly boiling over.  
Mikey gripped her chin pulling her face down to his so he could kiss her, a breath stealing kiss that made the world stop turning. Then Raphael nuzzled her neck puffing out heavy warm air against her heated skin and he whimpered three words that sent her toppling over her earth-shattering peak. Three words she loved to hear from each and every one of them. Three words that broke the damn and sent her spiraling out of control and up and over the crest of her orgasm.
“I love you.”
Aurora’s body seized as the climax that had been building snapped with such intensity she blacked out for a few seconds. Both mutants rumbled deep in their chest as Aurora clamped down on their frantic lengths sending them both into oblivion.  
Their roars of climax echoed across the rooftops making a few lights flicker on in the distance.
She could feel them both as they expanded inside of her and set forth the tidal wave of thick warm semen coating her insides with each pulse. The heat, the rush of sweet heat of their orgasms flooded Aurora’s body until it spilled out around them and onto the ground below. Raphael and Michelangelo’s hips staggered to uneven drives until they poured ever ounce with their release into her body affectively marketing her on the inside.
Still hazy from her release Aurora became aware of Mikey peppering her lips with kisses repeating those three words over and over. His breathing was erratic, and his chest heaved gasping for much needed oxygen. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you.” Raphael repeated, both still unwilling to uncouple from her body.
“I love you both so much.” Aurora cried grasping wildly at the two mutants.
The tepid splash of tears made Aurora jump; hot thick tears cascading down her cheeks hitting her hands and spilling into her mug of cooling tea.  That daydream took her deep. She was back on the rooftop, alone and cold yet again. What she wouldn’t give to really have them here again.
Slowing her breathing back to normal Aurora wiped the moister from her face and took a long pull of her tea.
Aurora turned her body looking at the unit they had been perched on so close together. It was so long ago, but yet so vivid in her memory. Her body was still hot from the daydream and she didn’t want the feeling to go away just yet. Damn, she needed to get a hold of herself. These types of moments could leave her vulnerable, she had lost herself in it and that was dangerous. Out in the open after curfew, she was asking to be picked up and infested with those little metal demons.
She wondered if she was taken would Bishop post her with them? Would he reunite her with the three brothers? She was just as useful.
Suddenly movement from a few roofs over made Aurora disappear into the shadows. Her hand dipped into her hip satchel and pulled forth the night goggles Donnie had made for her. She had to wait a few moments, but the large body hurtled itself from one rooftop to another concealing itself into the darkness as it landed.
She saw the massive body for only a few seconds but there was no mistaking the shape and size. It was of the mutant turtle variety, too bulky to be Leo but too tall for Mikey that left her brute. His name slipped past her lips in an unsteady whisper. “Raphael.” It had been six months since their last appearance, since they had done enough damage to confine her to the infirmary for two weeks.  
Her hand hovered over the earpiece contemplating calling Casey, he would want to know what was going on, but he had just gotten home, and April had missed him terribly. It would be rude to interrupt their alone time.
She would handle this on her own, it was only one of them and she wouldn’t make contact. Just observe, see what he was up too. Closing up her thermo Aurora left it on the roof top to retrieve later and headed towards Raphael keeping to the shadows.
It didn’t take her long to catch up to the cumbersome terrapin keeping to the opposite side of the building to conceal her presence. With her line of sight she could see him slip from the shadows and lean over the side of the building peering down at something below.
Slowly and without a sound the kunoichi moved across the rooftop until she was sitting above the unsuspecting turtle on an overhang.
He was surveying the street below, paying very close attention to every face that passed by. He was looking for someone…but whom and why was he alone?
True to Raphael’s nature after about an hour he got impatient and backed up launching himself to another rooftop for further recognizance.  He did this several times throughout the night getting more and more agitated as the night wore on. Aurora would stay close watching her brute carefully rememorizing every line of his body.
Three years was a long time to not be able to admire one of your lover’s bodies. There would be nights where she would lie in bed just to watch them sleep. Watch the plates of their plastrons rise and fall with the even breathing of their slumber. Gently touch their scaled skin and enjoy the soft sounds they would make at the soothing contact. Now she had one right in front of her, within reach but still so very far away.
Even though most of his lustrous green skin was covered by black fabric and some sort of hard alloy armor Aurora could still admire the muscles flex and shift below its covering. It was such a shame, their bodies were amazing, god like if you will and to cover such a work of art with clothing was cruel. It was one of the reasons she disliked winter, in the brutal frigid months the turtles would put on clothes to help retain their heat. She’d pout and shuffle her hands under their clothes making them chuckle with amusement.  
After a while the red banded behemoth began fidgeting with his sai, balancing the tip of the forked blade on his finger and lodging it into the rooftop for target practice.
She had been with Raphael several hours when the wind began to pick up, a storm was rolling in. The breeze whipped around the trash left behind by vagabonds giving the brute new moving targets. Then the breeze changed directions. Aurora watched as the wind flipped through her blonde locks and travel from her hiding spot to ruffle the tails of Raphael’s mask.
All at once his sai stopped moving and his nostrils flared scenting the air. The hard line set on his lips loosened widening until she saw the whites of his teeth. She had been made.
“There you are.” He cooed darkly getting to his massive feet slowly. Holstering his weapon the terrapin turned to the darkness of the rooftop staring at nothing. He knew she was there but had yet to locate her. “I’ve been looking for you blondie but it looks like you found me first.” Taking a few steps Raphael scented the air once again but was unable to catch her smell. “That’s not an easy feet either, no one has been able to sneak up on my brothers and I.”
Aurora remained silent as Raphael began strolling around the rooftop in search for his prey. She kept a safe distance at all times making sure not to lose sight of the turtle, he didn’t know where she was at the moment but her luck was sure to run out if she wasn’t diligent.
He had been looking for her this whole time, how long had he been looking for her? Longer than today’s search, days, weeks, months? And so close to home base too. That was an unsettling thought. If this became physical she needed to lead him away. The safety of their home was priority.
“You know you did a number on Fearless when we first met ya? Kept telling Mike and I how you smelt familiar. Couldn’t sleep for a few days after that, no amount of meditation could bring him peace. Even tried finding you a few times but let’s be honest we had no idea where to even start lookin’. He still talks about ya but it’s become less frequent now. I finally figured I needed to see what he was talking about. I mean I got a small taste but Leo got a face full of that blonde hair of yours. I wanna see what the hubbub is all about.  Maybe sample the goods.”
With each break in words Raph would stop walking and listen, turning his head to observe the silence trying to find notion of her whereabouts. She gave him no clue, not yet at least. But it was intriguing to know she had affected Leo to some extent and peeked Raph’s enough for him to become successful in narrowing down her location.
“Why don’t you come out?” He continued, his voice dropping an active taking a seductive tone. But she wasn’t naive, as much as she loved that god damn voice he used to seduce her in the past, this Raphael had no intention on being a good turtle. Deceit was his game and Aurora wasn’t going to play.
Raphael started to get more aggravated as he continued to search for her. “Come on beautiful, come say hi to Raphie.”
Just then her luck ran out, another gust of wind brew past Aurora directing her scent right to the brute’s beak.
As soon as his face turned to her position she moved and with the inhuman speed they all possessed it didn’t take long for the brute to catch up. The only silver lining was he wasn’t trying to be quite so the heavy footfalls that came from behind were the warning she needed to avoid his giant mitts.
When he swung for her Aurora turned abruptly and swung up on top of an abandoned water tower evading his clutches. Thankfully and unlike Raph he didn’t follow but kept his eyes on her.
“Hello my love, why don’t you come down here for a kiss?” those honeyed eyes sparkled and those lips turned into that wicked smile that drove her mad. He moved closer to the tower and slowly began to climb the rotting wood braces as if he didn’t want to spook her.
Her hand rested on the hilt of a katana at her hip as she moved across the top of the tower away from the ascending terrapin, “Tempting Raphael, so very tempting but I think distance is the best for you and I right now….a lot of distance.”
His eyes abruptly grew sad as he reached the top quicker then she anticipated, “I thought you loved me? Don’t’ you want me to hold you? Kiss you? Love you?” He took a step closer and the sorrowful look darkened, those honey eyes swirling with a new emotion, one she hadn’t seen in years…lust. “Or maybe you want something else? Something no human could give you….” His three fingered hand lowered to the now apparent bulge forming under his pants. The palm of his hand rubbed from base to tip rumbling at the friction of his actions. “It’s weird ya know.” He husked gripping the hardening appendage firmly over his clothing. “We’ve had more women then I can count throwin themselves at us. Trying to get us into bed but none, not a fuckin one stirred anything in any of us. Even Mike who tugs it at least once a day had no interest. But the moment your violet eyes and blonde hair came around you’re all we can think about. I didn’t tell fearless about my fascination cause I didn’t want him to lose focus on our mission more then he already has. And Mike has only told me about his dreams, that kinky little fucker. You’ve become a bit of a big deal for us. Fuck, I’ve had so many dreams about fuckin ya raw. Balls deep marking you in so many god damn ways I’d lose count.” She could see him panting now. He was losing a bit of himself in this. “Leo hasn’t told me but I know he’s been dreamin too. Mr. Always in Control of My Body has woken up with morning wood so many times in these past six months.”  
Aurora tried so fucking hard not to watch him palm himself, the memory she had relived a few hours ago only made her arousal bloom faster. She didn’t know what to do with this information. Swallowing the nonexistent saliva in her mouth the kunoichi tried to regulate her breathing and the heat pooling between her thighs. She needed to get herself under control, this was dangerous, he was dangerous.
As her feet came to the end of the old barrel Aurora took a deep breath and leaned back doing a backward swam dive off the water tower. She tucked and rolled, hitting the rooftop coming to her feet in one solid move. She turned to run she needed the space and the time to collect her thoughts but Raphael followed right behind her colliding with solid ground right in front of her.
“Nuh uh beautiful.” He rose to his full height looming over Aurora backing his prey up until her backside hit the side of a small maintenance shed. One hand hit the side of the shed next to her head and the other returned to its previous task. But this time his hand sank below the barrier going straight for the engorged length.
His scent hit her now, heady and thick dulling her senses. She was in trouble; she should have called Casey for back up. Fight, run, get away but her body refused to move. Her traitorous body would surely be the end of her.
Raphael leaned down pushing her head to the side to gain access to the slender column of her throat nuzzling through the blonde locks of her hair. His hot breath cascaded over the heated flesh causing a rush of Goosebumps to erupt across her skin.
Then she heard him take in a long pull of her scent and the sound that came from the depths of his chest nearly made her knees give out. The sound sent vibrations through the air and into her chest rocketing straight down to her dripping core. Fuck this was so wrong; she needed to get out of here but her body screamed for him. She wanted to drink his scent in, to taste him again. It was taking all of her self control not to reach out for him but this wasn’t her Raphael. It was in body but not in sprit.
“You do smell familiar.” He rumbled deep and low. “You smell like home, you smell like you’re mine.”
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geniusinventora · 4 years ago
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》〉 how does gyro deal with friendships ? who are the people he considers friends ? has his definition changed since he was younger ? if so, why did it change ? // @ragefeathers​
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Also this got extremely long so... If you write a Della, Donald, Gladstone, or Fethry, and wanna reblog this feel free? Like feel free. We can also talk about it if you want.
          So  here’s  the  thing.  Gyro  was  never  around  people  his  age  UNTIL  he  started  working  for  Scrooge.  So,  to  understand  how  he  comprehended  friendship-  think  about  looking  at  something  through  definitions  and  words  alone.  Like  the  idea  of  land,  when  you’ve  only  known  the  sea.  By  all  definitions,  and  connotations  he  knew  the  word,  but  he  didn’t  have  friendships  as  a  child.  He  had  no  one  really  close  to.  His  brother  was,  well...  an  annoying  little  shit  in  the  kindest  of  terms.  His  brother  messed  with  his  inventions,  and  constantly  was  a  reason  that  they  were  becoming  as  much  of  a  problem  as  they  were.  Gyro  was  homeschooled  by  his  father,  Fulton,  until  he  was  13.  After  that,  he  sped  through  homeschooling  alone  by  his  own  drive.  Then,  he  went  to  college  and  got  his  first  Doctorate  by  the  age  of  16.  So  for  the  first  16  years,  he  was  really  only  around  his  family  in  their  farm  house.  After  that?  Akita.  After  that?  FOWL.  It  wasn’t  until  Scrooge  took  him  in  at  the  age  of  25  that  he  had  finally  met  people  his  age:  and  those  people  were  the  Duck  Cousins.
          They  are  the  primary  (and  really  the  only  people)  that  he  would  consider  friends,  but  again  his  definition  isn’t  quite  right.  He  has  plenty  more  friends  beyond  those  four,  but  they  are  his  real  FIRST  friends.  Even  their  friendship  was  formed  on  rocky  starts.  When  you  aren’t  around  peers,  or  even  really  people  for  most  of  your  life,  and  the  people  you  DO  know  are  those  like  Akita,  and  Heron,  and  Bradford....  well  you  don’t  know  how  to  talk  to  people.  There’s  no  way  Gyro  could  talk  without  it  only  coming  out  as  sass,  snark,  insults,  or  ridicule  of  the  people  around  him.  Scrooge,  in  an  attempt  to  help  the  man  made  him  a  set  of  cards.  Note  cards  to  help  reference  when  he  needed  to  socialize.  In  fact,  they  were  the  same  note  cards  that  we  see  in  “The  Great  Dime  Chase”.  He’s  had  those  cards  since  the  moment  he  got  them.  Not  only  that,  but  there  are  4  additional  handwritings  on  those  cards  that  aren’t  Mr.  McDuck’s-  Gladstone,  Fethry,  Donald,  and  Della.
          I’m  taking  a  little  bit  of  this  from  @lunarspeared​,  since  she  is  Della  I  developed  this  with,  but  Della  constantly  dragged  Gyro  along,  and  visited  him  in  the  lab.  It  took  him  about  6  months  to  finally  be  able  to  hold  a  conversation  with  her  without  referencing  the  cards.  Next  was  Gladstone.  After  that  was  Fethry,  and  last  was  Donald.  Donald,  however,  took  nearly  a  year  out  of  fear.  Della  and  the  others  had  somewhat  warned  Gyro  of  his  anger,  and  there  were  several  notes  on  things  not  to  say  (90%  which  was  “don’t  insult  him”).  Gyro  however,  at  this  point  did  consider  them  all  friends.  Even  when  Della  dragged  him  out  of  the  lab  and  on  the  occasional  adventure,  or  just  a  family  outing-  he  really  did  enjoy  spending  time  with  his  peers.  It  really  was  the  first  time  he  had  made  friends.
          So  he  went  from  knowing  the  concept  of  land,  to  actually  being  able  to  walk  on  it.  Due  to  Gyro’s  personality,  and  his  extreme  measures,  Gyro  swore  to  protect  the  cousins  and  be  as  good  as  he  could  to  them.  Della  and  him  usually  spent  time  in  his  (recently)  wrecked  lab,  or  annoying  the  others.  Gladstone  and  Gyro  had  begun  to  develop  an  “experiment”  to  prove  that  “Gladstone’s  Luck  was  nothing  but  Statistical  Probability”,  and  even  with  Fethry  we  would  do  his  best  to  share  common  interests,  though  there  were  vast  differences  in  fish  and  robotics.  Fethry  was  always  pretty  patient  and  happy,  which  made  Gyro  feel  at  ease.
          Donald  though,  Donald  he  learned  how  to  care  for  people.  He  learned  how  to  look  at  the  smaller  things,  even  the  things  that  annoyed  you  about  someone  and  appreciate  them.  He  learned  calming  techniques,  because  while  Gyro  didn’t  have  the  McDuck  rage,  it  didn’t  take  long  for  anyone  to  learn  that  he  was  extremely  petty  and  vindictive  and  would  give  into  his  impulsive  desires  of  payback.  While  Gyro  can  still  be  rude  to  Donald,  and  seem  disrespectful  he  always  held  Donald  on  a  high  pedestal.  Della  might  have  been  the  glue  to  keep  the  group  together,  but  Donald  was  the  strength  to  make  sure  it  didn’t  fall  apart.  It  was  like  he  was  getting  an  outside  of  a  close  knit  friend  group,  and  then  somehow  he  ended  up  being  a  part  of  it.  He  got  to  be  with  them,  like  that  for  5  of  the  best  years  of  his  life.
          His  definition  of  friendship  changed  because  he  was  finally  able  to  see  it,  and  experience  it.  Gyro  deals  with  friendships  in  a  very...  odd  way.  Usually  he  has  nicknames  for  people,  though  Donald  and  Fethry  are  some  of  the  exceptions  to  that  rules  (Aces  being  Gladstone,  and  Lab  Wrecker  being  Della).  He  tends  to  antagonize  his  friends  more,  but  if  he  notices  he  takes  it  too  far  he  backs  down  almost  instantly,  trying  to  learn  where  lines  still  lay.  After  the  SOS,  he  backed  off  a  lot,  from  everyone.  He  was  disappointed  in  himself,  and  knew  he  held  some  of  the  blame.  Scrooge  could  blame  himself  about  the  equipment,  but  Gyro  had  been  the  one  who  made  it.  There  was  no  getting  out  of  that  guilt  for  Gyro.  So  he  distanced  himself  from  the  only  other  3  friends  he  had.
          Then  his  definition  changed  again,  and  he  was  back  at  sea.  It  was  only  until  Fenton  and  Manny  had  entered  the  lab  he  lightened  up  again,  if  only  barely.  He  wants  nothing  more  than  to  just-  resume  the  friendships  that  he  feels  had  ended  those  10  years  ago.  However,  as  much  as  he  learned  before,  he  still  never  quite  learned  how  to  say  sorry.  To  face  an  actual  problem  of  his.  The  10  years  without  his  friends,  the  peers  that  he  had  grown  close  to  regressed  his  social  abilities  by  quite  a  bit.  He  went  back  to  being  snarky,  cold,  and  emotionally  distant  to  nearly  everyone  around  him.
          But  that  doesn’t  mean  he  wouldn’t  jump  into  the  water  and  swim  to  land  if  one  of  his  friends  needed  help.  That’s  what  he  did  in  Shadow  War,  with  Donald  and  the  voice  box  (how  else  would  Gyro  have  known  REALLY  a  way  to  fix  that  without  having  been  close  and  known  why  Donald’s  voice  was  the  way  it  was?)  Or  why  he  reprogrammed  the  DT87  the  instant  Della  asked  him  to  cause  of  Louie  being  grounded.  Or  the  Moonvasion,  or  any  of  the  countless  times  he  helps  people.  He  wants  to  do  good,  and  he  does  have  a  desire  to  be  a  good  person.  He  may  act  like  a  villain,  but  he  really  is  rather  soft  underneath  now.
          It’s  less  of  what  changed  about  his  definition  of  friendship,  and  more  about  how  friendship  changed  the  definition  of  him.
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